District Planning and Accreditation Committee October 23, 2015 Minutes

District Planning and Accreditation Committee
October 23, 2015 Minutes
District Office, Board Hearing Room
Present: Anna Badalyan (Trade-Tech), Karen Daar (Valley), Barbara Dunsheath (East), Angela
Echeverri (Mission), Erika Endrijonas (Valley), Kelly Enos (Mission), Don Gauthier (ESC), Bobbi Kimble
(ESC), Kenadi Le (Trade-Tech), Maury Pearl (ESC), Margarita Pillado (Pierce), Alice Taylor (West),
Rebecca Tillberg (West), Allison Tom-Miura (ESC),
The minutes of the September 18th meeting were reviewed and approved, with corrections.
IE&SS Committee Update:
Maury and Bobbi reported on the presentations made to the IE&SS Committee on Oct.21st. Maury
provided the PowerPoint which summarized the findings of the Governance and Decision-Making
Survey. Bobbi provided an update on the Functional Maps and Governance and Functions Handbook.
Review of Planning Section of Governance Manual:
The Committee reviewed the planning section of the Governance and Functions Handbook and received
comments to modify graphics and corresponding text. The principal modifications suggested were to
modify the planning cycle graphic; include a graphic for facilities planning; update the technology
planning graphic; revise text to be consistent with the updated graphics.
Self-Evaluation Report: Submission and Revision Options
The Committee discussed ways of conveying updated information (actions taken and changes
implemented) to the accrediting team in advance of the site visit. Alice suggested preparing a bullet point
update that will be sent out with the report. There was also discussion of preparing a second update that
would be sent out approximately two weeks before the site visit. It was suggested that there be a
common format for these updates which will be discussed at the next meeting. Finally, it was
recommended that EPIE be put on the agenda at all colleges’ planned campus forums to present and
review the updated District Governance and Functions Handbook to get everyone on the same page
before the March visit.
Board Rule 6300:
Bobbi reported that BR 6300 had been sent out for consultation and that responses were requested by
Nov. 6th. It had also been shared with the IE&SS Committee.
Accreditation Debrief:
Anna discussed experiences on her recent team visit. She noted the following items that contributed to a
positive impression of the institution: leadership team on the “same page”; institution set standards match
the information submitted on ACCJC annual reports; SLOs are in place and being assessed; links to
evidence in report work and a are highlighted; institution conveys through its evidence and interviews
that it is following its processes, particularly for integrated planning.
Next Meeting:
Friday, November 20, 2015, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Board Hearing Room, ESC