District Planning Committee December 17th, 2010 District Office [Board Room] Present: Adrianna Barrera (District), David Beaulieu (District), Karen Daar (East), Ran Gust (East), Deborah Harrington (Trade-Tech), Alma Johnson-Hawkins (Mission), Deborah Kaye (District), Darryl Kinney (District), Maury Pearl (District), Jim Stanberry (Harbor), Hanh Tran (Mission) 1. No action on Oct. 22, 2010 and Nov. 19, 2010 meeting minutes was taken. 2. Accreditation Update: Deborah Kaye discussed her meeting with the accreditation teams from the City-side colleges at WLAC on 11/29/10. To maintain momentum she is planning quarterly follow-up meetings with the Seaside Colleges, with the next one scheduled for Feb.-March 2011. These meetings will provide opportunities for colleges to ask questions, share practices and information, and request District assistance. She also discussed becoming aware of ACCJC’s expectations (via a letter from Jack Pond), using websites for displaying accreditation documentation and evidence, and maintaining currency with SLO information by subscribing to the SLO listserv. 3. IES Update: Maury provided an update of the IES system. In several meetings in November, Phase II (Planning) was reviewed in detail in by an IES work group and system programmers. The review examined the functionality of system features (such as setting up planning objects and conducting system setup). Through this process software bugs were identified and placed on a list of fixes for the programmers to address. An updated interface is being developed and there will also be additional testing after this is in place. A review of Phase I (Program Review) was also done, with additional fixes identified by the review team, and it is now available for user testing. A Phase I training session for college IES system administrators was scheduled for Jan. 27th, 2011. 4. SLO Update: Daryl Kinney presented a preliminary report on the work of SLO programs toward meeting the ACCJC 2012 deadline of identifying and assessing learning outcomes in all courses and programs (academic, student services, and administrative services). She reported that colleges are at varying degrees of completion, although quantitative information on completion status was not available. More colleges have identified and assessed the SLOs in academic areas compared to other college areas, but work on defining and assessing SAOs in these areas is getting underway. 5. College Effectiveness Report: Maury discussed the current College Effectiveness Report and suggested streamlining it in a way that would display fewer and different indicators. He presented a draft Core Measures Report which had graphical representations of some current indicators and also included indicators for milestones of student achievement. Following discussion, the consensus of the committee was that the current Core Measures format should be maintained as it was important to demonstrate that the District was adhering to its planning efforts and reporting consistently on existing core indicators within the current planning cycle. Next Meeting: Friday, January 28, 2011, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. District Office, Board Room