District Planning and Accreditation Committee March 28, 2014 District Office [Board Room]

District Planning and Accreditation Committee
March 28, 2014
District Office [Board Room]
Present: Mary-Jo Apigo (West), Wendy Bass (Pierce), Kristi Blackburn (Harbor), Phillip Briggs
(Southwest), Patricia Chow (Mission), Ryan Cornner (East), Barbara Dunsheath (East), John
Freitas (City), Don Gauthier (District), Bobbi Kimble (District), Renee Martinez (City), Ed Pai
(City), Maury Pearl (District), Laura Ramirez (East), Luis Rosas (Harbor), Robert Sprague
(West), Jim Stanberry (Harbor), Rebecca Tillberg (West)
The minutes of the January 24th meeting were reviewed and approved.
Update from DPAC Task Force:
The DPAC Task Force for met on March 18th and was attended by Kristi Blackburn, Don
Gauthier, Wendy Bass Keer, Bobbi Kimble, and Maury Pearl. The discussion centered on
District Technology Plan (DTP). The committee examined technology plans from other
colleges/districts and suggested changes in plan format to include plan goals, objectives, and
outcome measures, which are currently in a separate document. Wendy reported that this would
be done as part of the technology plan mid-term review, which would also examine alignment of
the DSP and DTP. A DTP task force was formed to undertake this work.
Debriefing on Accreditation Institute and ACCJC Training:
The committee reported on their impressions of the ACCJC training on March 12th. Most felt that
the training provided was similar to that received as visiting team training and thought that there
was not sufficient focus on differences between the new and old accreditation standards. There
was positive feedback on the Accreditation Institute workshops, especially those focusing on
multi-college districts. Bobbi also announced that a district listserv consisting of ALOs and
Accreditation co-chairs was set up by her request.
IE Committee Report:
Bobbi and Maury discussed the certificate report presented at the March Institutional
Effectiveness Committee. The report highlighted a number of issues associated with certificate
programs including: tracking of student eligibility for certificates, student-initiated certificate
application process, similar programs and/or too many certificate options resulting in dilution of
awards. Suggestions for future reporting including grouping certificates by topcode, the use of
the Salary Surfer to identify CTE programs associated with high wage employment, and regular
certificate reporting as part of the biennial review of CTE programs.
Distance Education Authorizations:
Maury presented a report on current distance education authorizations. The District has
obtained 23 state authorizations to date. State authorizations requiring a fee were not obtained.
The report will be posted on the District intranet with a link from the district accreditation page.
Next Meeting:
Friday, April 25, 2014, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
District Office, Board Room