CENTRE WELLINGTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL MEETING Monday, April 25, 2016 Present: Bobbi Turner, Jenn T., Shelley Sparks Phillipps, Debbie Crane, Chad Warren ­ Principal
Action: Call to Order Presentation: no special presentation this meeting ▪
Falconstock music fest after school May 12 in the cafeteria June 3 ­ Gr 12 prom is coming up too in a golf course in Guelph area Approval of March 2016 meeting minutes Treasurer’s Report: motioned by Bobbi & seconded by Jenn ▪
pro grant application for next year's $1000 – proposal is due May 29 ­Bobbi will apply for this grant ▪
Balance of account $1,548.43 we will use funds to host a "Welcome to High School Parent Council" meeting May 30 for parents involved in junior schools parent councils who are now going to have students @ CWDHS pro grant is $1000 but we need a project ideas to apply for that before end of May some brainstorming ­ Shelley suggested social media safety and a positive online footprint presentation to be held in Oct when parent teacher interviews are ­ Debbie Seconded it possibly invite police officer and maybe a family affected by real cyber bullying Bobbi and Shelley to submit application; council members to brainstorm ideas on how to use grant money. See grant guidelines at
elines.html Bobbi to contact Guidance Dept for suggestions Principal’s Report: ▪
clarifying the May 30 meeting we want to invite parents of Gr 8 transitioning students CWDHS will send out automated calls to these gr 8 registered students in the first week of May and again the week before the May 30 meeting discussion of the incident last week involving the police –non credible student story – police investigation determined that it was a fabricated story school improvement plan – strategic planning meetings almost done – planning for school direction for next 3­5 years – this will be available for parents/staff/ students to see the outline in the fall on our cwdhs website midterms go home April 26 CW Idol is upcoming staffing – no surplus this coming year – pretty realistic guess on our student numbers and teacher numbers – (projected up 30 students approx) projected approx 1207 students Couling brothers are our new student council leaders mobile refresh for technology – we rec'd $40,000 to purchase technology – get as many devices as we can ­ so the departments have spent their $ and the school matched it with these new funds The school purchased $ 80,000 worth of chromebooks (50% paid for by the departments and 50% paid for by the mobile refresh technology Parent Involvement Committee meeting – it was a long presentation–good message–it seemed to be focused on very rural com­ munities and some elementary communities we still need to do more emergency drills and lockdown procedures we used to tell them ahead of time – we will let you know in the next few weeks we will have a lockdown drill and pretend it is real – to make sure they know what to do also will try one during lunch or break when the students are scattered ­ the CD that was being played on the PA system didn't make people take it seriously good fire drill done last week – a few more to go this year and also will do a tornado drill ▪
Bobbi did a shout out for teacher Nicole DeBeyer – she spends approx 40 hours a week of her own time doing daily lunch and wake up Wednesdays breakfast – how lucky are we to have such a committed teacher in our school some of us have been in her class for a presentation and she is a great leader for this program Bobbi will contact chairs of the feeder schools parent councils and send out tweets, radio to promote it ▪
May 30 is our last council meeting for this school year parents of gr 8 students are invited ­ Theme is transitioning into high school – have a speaker that is a draw to the meeting and then involve the new parents we will set a date for helping with report card distribution in June Parent council helps save CWDHS a huge amount of money by assisting in the distribution and pick up of year end report cards. This saves the school so much in postage (more than we’ve made in fundraising) Next meeting date : Monday, May 30th, 2016 @ 7 pm ▪
We should mention in gr 8 parents information nights what foods are offered in our cafeteria and in our Toonie Lunches Café la Ruche is Chris Jess and not subsidized and is prepared by students Wake Up Wellington is also prepared by students 400­500 students fed Wed am approx 70­100 lunch daily breakfast is always available in Nicole’s class room for hungry students 