Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table 1 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information For Continuing Faculty Academic Rank Lowest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Lecturer $59,535 $53,155 $46,405 . $32,500 1st Quartile $73,382 $58,859 $50,775 . $35,601 Median $81,448 $61,961 $54,360 . $39,777 3rd Highest Quartile $92,471 $134,226 $70,333 $116,762 $61,422 $105,634 . . $47,530 $59,644 Mean No. $84,620 $68,336 $60,570 . $42,380 105 96 115 0 52 Note: 1. Excludes Academic Advising Stipends and faculty with 12 month administrative responsibilities (For example: Dept. chairs, Assistant/Associate Deans, and Athletic Department staff) 2. All salaries equated to 9 month basis 3. Excludes faculty changing academic rank * Insufficient number of cases for calculation of this statistic Statistics are displayed using the following guidelines: 1 or 2 in rank - no statistics 3 or 4 in rank - medians and means only 5 or 6 in rank - medians, means, highest and lowest statistics 7 or more - all statistics Page 1 of 8 Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table II* 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information For New and Continuing Faculty Academic Rank Lowest Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Lecturer $59,535 $53,155 $43,000 . $31,000 1st Quartile $73,382 $58,859 $49,900 . $35,000 Median $81,514 $61,961 $53,314 . $39,315 3rd Highest Quartile $96,018 $134,226 $70,333 $116,762 $58,675 $105,634 . . $46,551 $82,500 Mean No. $84,792 $68,336 $58,187 . $41,993 106 96 150 0 72 Mean No. *See note on Table I Table III* 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information For Continuing Faculty - Within College or School College/School Lowest Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $59,535 $96,018 $77,126 . Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $53,155 $60,270 $59,692 * Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $46,405 $57,704 $51,715 * Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $32,500 * $43,703 * 1st 3rd Median Quartile Quartile Professor $72,034 $78,903 $89,600 $99,249 $106,621 $132,063 * $84,229 * . . . Associate Professor $57,807 $60,000 $63,178 $81,091 $93,552 $95,438 $61,211 $64,605 $67,837 * * * Assistant Professor $50,510 $52,925 $55,732 $91,818 $94,340 $96,448 $54,816 $58,900 $65,981 * $65,100 * Lecturer $35,000 $38,216 $44,517 * * * $44,680 $49,880 $58,585 * $54,280 * *See note on Table I Page 2 of 8 Highest $113,210 $81,470 $134,226 $111,994 $96,232 $85,724 . . 89 10 6 0 $92,987 $116,762 $68,704 * $61,554 $90,433 $64,460 * 64 21 9 2 $82,098 $105,634 $87,740 * $54,346 $89,987 $61,472 $64,833 84 17 11 3 $55,315 * $59,644 * $39,799 * $51,253 $54,028 40 1 7 4 Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table IV* 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information Dollar Raise Information For Continuing Faculty - Within College or School College/School Lowest Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $0 $6,280 $5,138 . Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $0 $4,205 $6,142 * Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $1,200 $1,681 $5,835 * Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing $660 * $2,642 * 1st 3rd Median Quartile Quartile Professor $6,545 $7,496 $8,550 $6,602 $9,470 $11,608 * $9,288 * . . . Associate Professor $5,015 $6,065 $7,229 $5,381 $7,291 $9,449 $7,159 $8,280 $8,425 * * * Assistant Professor $4,392 $5,009 $5,970 $4,950 $5,340 $6,045 $6,876 $7,680 $8,601 * $4,560 * Lecturer $3,106 $3,960 $4,847 * * * $2,680 $3,083 $4,767 * $3,015 * *See note on Table I Page 3 of 8 Highest Mean No. $26,605 $39,068 $9,999 . $7,648 $13,797 $8,193 . 89 10 6 0 $9,900 $11,264 $8,929 * $6,075 $7,420 $7,847 * 64 21 9 2 $8,667 $9,434 $14,456 * $5,128 $5,624 $8,024 $4,500 84 17 11 3 $6,038 * $5,344 * $3,825 * $3,645 $3,028 40 1 7 4 Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table V* 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information Percentage Increase in Salary For Continuing Faculty - Within College or School College/School Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing Arts & Sciences Cameron Sch. of Business Watson Sch. of Education School of Nursing 1st 3rd Median Quartile Quartile Professor 0.00% 8.45% 10.17% 12.55% 6.25% 7.13% 9.93% 11.90% 6.00% * 11.80% * . . . . Associate Professor 0.00% 9.31% 10.95% 13.28% 5.02% 6.47% 8.92% 11.45% 10.43% 13.60% 14.90% 15.00% * * * * Assistant Professor 2.28% 8.92% 10.23% 12.17% 3.00% 5.50% 6.00% 7.00% 11.06% 12.72% 14.99% 14.99% * * 8.00% * Lecturer 2.01% 8.03% 11.06% 13.85% * * * * 6.13% 6.38% 7.16% 8.86% * * 6.00% * Lowest *See note on Table I Page 4 of 8 Highest Mean No. 35.11% 41.66% 14.90% . 10.61% 14.12% 10.83% . 89 10 6 0 17.28% 13.14% 15.00% * 11.01% 9.06% 13.88% * 64 21 9 2 20.11% 10.76% 27.79% * 10.55% 6.64% 15.16% 7.50% 84 17 11 3 17.46% * 9.84% * 10.83% * 7.53% 6.00% 40 1 7 4 Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table VI* 2006-07 UNCW Salary Information For Continuing Faculty By Time In Rank Years in Rank Lowest 1-3 Years 4-6 Years 7+ Years $59,535 $67,405 $65,768 1-3 Years 4-6 Years 7+ Years $53,920 $56,140 $53,155 1-3 Years 4-6 Years 7+ Years $46,405 $48,170 $49,182 1-3 Years 4-6 Years 7+ Years $32,500 $34,350 $32,500 1st 3rd Median Quartile Quartile Professor $69,451 $71,887 $75,254 $76,800 $86,776 $102,374 $77,000 $82,842 $92,000 Associate Professor $58,664 $64,567 $89,082 $57,337 $62,706 $70,192 $59,500 $61,551 $68,010 Assistant Professor $50,609 $53,559 $64,174 $52,193 $54,700 $57,434 * $59,563 * Lecturer $35,000 $41,198 $49,880 $40,054 $46,967 $52,380 $35,100 $37,925 $45,965 *See note on Table I Page 5 of 8 Highest Mean No. $111,711 $113,210 $134,226 $75,363 $89,591 $86,158 21 19 65 $109,722 $104,825 $116,762 $72,088 $67,672 $65,793 34 16 46 $105,634 $91,818 $71,752 $61,582 $57,270 $60,152 84 25 6 $58,585 $59,644 $56,141 $42,860 $45,971 $40,667 14 11 27 Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table VII DEPARTMENT COMPARISONS OF MEDIAN SALARY WITH LOWEST DEPARTMENT MEDIAN FOR ALL CONTINUING NON-PROMOTED FACULTY (Excludes Stipends & Faculty with Administrative Responsibilities) PROFESSOR College/School College of Arts & Sciences Anthropology Art & Theatre Biological Sciences Chemistry & Biochemistry Communication Studies Computer Science Creative Writing Earth Sciences English Environmental Studies Film Studies Foreign Languages & Literatures Health & Applied Human Sciences History Mathematics & Statistics Music Philosophy & Religion Physics & Physical Oceanography Political Science Psychology Sociology & Criminal Justice Social Work Theatre Cameron School of Business Accountancy & Business Law Economics & Finance Information Systems & Operations Management Management & Marketing Watson School of Education Education Leadership Early Childhood & Special Education Instructional Technology, Foundations & Secondary Education Elementary, Middle Level & Literacy Education School of Nursing TOTAL Page 6 of 8 No. of Faculty % Above Lowest Median 0 1 11 7 5 3 2 7 7 0 0 2 2 5 6 3 2 3 4 11 5 2 1 N/A 11.2% 23.4% 45.8% 11.1% 50.0% 34.5% 25.7% 12.1% N/A N/A 14.0% 13.1% 7.7% 25.5% 1.6% 14.4% 36.4% 17.9% 10.1% 15.1% 27.0% 0.0% 3 2 2 3 100.0% 55.4% 52.6% 56.5% 1 1 45.8% 37.8% 2 21.8% 2 0 105 26.1% N/A 23.4% Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table VII DEPARTMENT COMPARISONS OF MEDIAN SALARY WITH LOWEST DEPARTMENT MEDIAN FOR ALL CONTINUING NON-PROMOTED FACULTY (Excludes Stipends & Faculty with Administrative Responsibilities) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR College/School College of Arts & Sciences Anthropology Art & Theatre Biological Sciences Chemistry & Biochemistry Communication Studies Computer Science Creative Writing Earth Sciences English Environmental Studies Film Studies Foreign Languages & Literatures Health & Applied Human Sciences History Mathematics & Statistics Music Philosophy & Religion Physics & Physical Oceanography Political Science Psychology Sociology & Criminal Justice Social Work Theatre Cameron School of Business Accountancy & Business Law Economics & Finance Information Systems & Operations Management Management & Marketing Watson School of Education Education Leadership Early Childhood & Special Education Instructional Technology, Foundations & Secondary Education Elementary, Middle Level & Literacy Education School of Nursing Total Page 7 of 8 No. of Faculty % Above Lowest Median 1 0 6 4 3 2 3 7 6 0 0 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 5 1 1 6.8% N/A 16.5% 21.4% 6.3% 71.1% 12.8% 15.7% 11.8% N/A N/A 14.7% 16.1% 8.3% 23.7% 6.6% 17.5% 20.5% 18.1% 0.0% 11.0% 17.8% 12.8% 2 8 3 8 59.4% 50.7% 90.7% 76.9% 1 3 28.7% 21.4% 3 12.4% 2 2 96 25.1% 33.0% 16.5% Academic Affairs Office of Institutional Research Table VII DEPARTMENT COMPARISONS OF MEDIAN SALARY WITH LOWEST DEPARTMENT MEDIAN FOR ALL CONTINUING NON-PROMOTED FACULTY (Excludes Stipends & Faculty with Administrative Responsibilities) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR College/School College of Arts & Sciences Anthropology Art & Theatre Biological Sciences Chemistry & Biochemistry Communication Studies Computer Science Creative Writing Earth Sciences English Environmental Studies Film Studies Foreign Languages & Literatures Health & Applied Human Sciences History Mathematics & Statistics Music Philosophy & Religion Physics & Physical Oceanography Political Science Psychology Sociology & Criminal Justice Social Work Theatre Cameron School of Business Accountancy & Business Law Economics & Finance Information Systems & Operations Management Management & Marketing Watson School of Education Education Leadership Early Childhood & Special Education Instructional Technology, Foundations & Secondary Education Elementary, Middle Level & Literacy Education School of Nursing Total Page 8 of 8 No. of Faculty % Above Lowest Median 2 4 8 2 2 5 3 2 6 1 4 8 5 5 7 4 3 1 1 6 1 1 3 4.6% 8.2% 13.1% 16.7% 0.0% 70.1% 7.1% 12.4% 13.5% 24.4% 14.1% 5.1% 11.3% 13.2% 18.5% 5.0% 8.6% 20.9% 29.3% 18.0% 11.6% 28.0% 5.0% 6 2 3 6 74.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 2 1 60.1% 12.2% 4 34.3% 4 3 115 18.2% 38.1% 15.3%