Amazing-Animals-Year.. - Coldfall Primary School

Coldfall Avenue
London N10 1HS
Tel: 020 8883 0608
Fax: 020 8442 2189
Head Teacher: Mrs E. B. Davies
10 September 2015
Dear Year 1 Parents and Carers
To support our new autumn topic, ‘Amazing Animals’ we have arranged for an animal
handler to bring some animals into school on Thursday 24th September 2015.
This will be an excellent opportunity for the children to have first hand experience with real
animals whom would originally live in Africa. Some of the animals would include a baby
crocodile, a meercat and parrot. Each class will spend an hour with a specialist animal
handler who will be able to answer the children’s questions. The children will all have the
opportunity to hold or stroke the animals and have their photographs taken.
We would greatly appreciate a voluntary contribution of £5.20 to help cover the cost of this
resource. Please make payment online via the school’s website and follow the ‘pay online’
link, by Friday 18th September. If you do not have your child’s link code or you are having
difficulty with online payment, please contact the school office. Please note that in most cases this
is non-refundable.
Thank you very much for your support.
Year 1 Team
Miss Mavlappas, Ms Pippet, Miss Robertson