CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting September 21, 2011 10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
September 21, 2011
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
1. President Ross Inauguration (Baden)
2. EAC Update (Baden)
3. Research Lab Update (Baden)
4. Strategic Planning (Baden)
5. UNCW SACS Assessment (Baden)
6. Other Items
Meeting Minutes
Members Present:
Dr. Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
Dr. Chris Finelli (Bio/Non-Resident 2009-2011)
Dr. Nancy Grindlay (GLY Resident Faculty)
Dr. Jack Hall (EVS/Chair)
Dr. Russell Herman (PHY/Chair)
Dr. Richard Laws (GLY/Resident Faculty 2010-2012)
Dr. Lynn Leonard (GLY/Chair)
Dr. John Morrison (PHY/Resident Faculty)
Dr. Joe Pawlik (BIO/Resident Faculty 2009-2011)
Dr. James Reeves (CHM/Chair)
Dr. Fred Scharf (Bio/Non-Resident 2011-2013)
Dr. Steve Skrabal (CHM/Non-Resident, 2010-2012)
Dr. Rob Whitehead (Non-tenure Research Faculty 2011-2013)
Dr. Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
September 21, 2011
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
W. David Webster (Associate Dean CAS)
Dr. Steve McFarland (Provost designee)
Introductions and Welcome New Members
President Ross Inauguration
Inauguration – Marine Science featured at Ross inauguration. Presentation will feature all
Under Graduate and Research programs and referred to the attachments.
EAC Update
When the university began its most recent campaign its goal was to raise $1.25 million for CMS
graduate fellowships. Advancement has had trouble raising these funds. The EAC determined
CMS needs an additional person in addition to advancement to raise funds for CMS. We have
found someone, but they are not contracted yet. Will be here by December 2011.
Research Lab Update
Nancy Grindlay told the committee all the offices on the second floor have been assigned to
PhD students and there is 1 available office on the first floor. Dr. Sizemore’s lab space is
currently being used by 3 faculty and postdocs. Looking ahead to January 2013 when lab space
will open due to MARBIONC completion, the plan is to bring the opening labs back to their near
original state and develop groups or working clusters to make more efficient or may require a
reorganization of labs.
Hurricane Irene caused mold and fungi problems from a leak in the air handling system which
leaked into workspaces below which contain cultures in the Culture Room. This was found
quickly, so cost to remediate is less costly.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
September 21, 2011
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
Strategic Planning
Spring semester 5 year Strategic Plan discussion needs to be reviewed. Need volunteers to revisit. Want to link Strategic Plan to fund raising activities.
In addition to SACS, non academic Research and Development, Dr. Posey and Dr. Baden set out
6 long term goals. Chris Finelli suggested adding a few short-term goals. Steve McFarland
added that reducing energy costs would be a good one to include.
UNCW SACS Assessment
Master seven year reviewers interested in and support a M.S. seminar series. It has also been
suggested that MS students invite Planet Ocean speakers to give a more technical seminar
earlier in the day. Dr. Willey asked that MS students be added to This Week at CMS newsletter.
Other Items
Talking with EAC and new advancement person about pursuing a $10 million gift.