CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting May 20, 2009 Agenda

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
May 20, 2009
 Cooperative Institute (NOAA)
 Budget (NC)
 Pilot Projects (lack thereof going forward)
Core Resources Facilities (reduced support)
Ships (reduced capacity)
 Oyster Hatchery (on line, moving forward)
 Digital Measures (CMS access and build out)
Meeting Minutes
Members Present:
Dr. Dan Baden (CMS/Director)
Dr. Jack Hall (EVS/Chair)
Dr. Steve Kinsey (BIO/Non-Resident, 2007-2009)
Dr. Lynn Leonard (GLY/Chair)
Dr. Curt Moyer (PHY/Chair)
Dr. Martin Posey (BIO/Chair)
Dr. Sonya Pyott (Marine Science Research Faculty, 2008-2010)
Dr. James Reeves (CHM/Chair)
Dr. Ronald Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director)
Dr. John Taggart (EVS/Non-Resident 2008-2010)
Dr. Ami Wilbur (BIO / Resident, 2008-2009)
Dr. Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Ex-Officio Members Present:
Members Absent:
Dr. Craig Tobias (GLY/Resident 2008-2010)
Cooperative Institute (NOAA)
Dr. Baden updated on Cooperative Institute grant. It will be funded by $22.5 million, over five years (2.5
first year, then 5 million each year for 4 years). This program is in cooperation w/ NOAA, Florida
Atlantic University (FAU), UNCW & NOAA. FAU will be the prime contract for this. Funding is split
50/50. UNCW will manage aspects of the program. Shirley Pomponi will be the lead from FAU.
Additional details are pending, as info comes from NOAA.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
May 20, 2009
NURC is in it’s terminal year, and will terminate on 12/31/09. Aquarius in Florida, is under a separate
award, and will continue.
Dr. Baden discussed details of the budget. Reduced budgets are expected next year of some amount. No
funds will be left in the red, these will roll over to next year.
RIFs are in place for some of NURC employees. Diving programs are still in place; 70% covered by
Aquarius. Aquarius will continue with UNCW management. Divers work part-time.
Contemplating a university closed day, vs. individuals picking their day. General Assembly still needs to
approve the salary cuts (.5%) for this to happen. Affected employees will be all SPA, EPA (9, 12,
11months); hourly non-student temps; includes time limited EPA, employees on FMLA family leave;
part-time phased retirement, F1 visas, summer school or part time faculty.
Not included will be: work study, student temps, grad assistants, summer school stipends for permanent
Summer grants will not be affected. Pilot projects that were funded will be paid. Individual Core
Facilities will get funded; oceanographic equipment, also allocated as well as to ensure that it keeps
running. Isotope lab will not be funded. BK Song has agreed to pay for a technician to run it.
Chuck Ruch has been RIFd. We no longer have a 100% time ship captain centered around F & A that
has been funded.
There were 231 active research accounts – last year; and 83 today. F & A generated accounts – will have
140 next year (July).
Xerox copy cards have been taken away. There needs to be a 10-20% reduction in copying costs next
year. Copying allowed for exams only, everything else should be PDFs, electronic files.
Dr. Baden also stated that one administrative position will be lost also this year due to RIFs.
Oyster Hatcher Update (Amy Wilbur)
Oyster Hatchery is going forward with final design. Will go out to bid by July. Ground breaking is
expected on August 14, with eight months in construction. To date there is funding for construction, but
no funding to run it. Dr. Baden stated that there has been 600-900K allocation for operating costs. Dr.
Wilbur will run the program. This will be a research hatchery for economic development. Needs to be
funded as a line item in the General Assembly.
Digital Measures
Dr. Baden asking them if they can develop a short algorithm to be able to pull all faculty that are Marine
Science. Try to develop our build-out.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
May 20, 2009
Other Announcements
Dr. Sizemore discussed the Southampton program. We are doing some advertising. Stipends have been
increased to $5,000. This should make it revenue-neutral for students to participate. Dr. Sizemore asked
members to help get the word out about the program.
The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm. The next IAC meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2009.