CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting November 17, 2010 10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010
10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon
1. Master Planning for CMS
Members Present
Dr. Baden opened the meeting explaining the Master Plan exercise and
informed the committee of meetings held with CMS Administrators and
CMS Faculty and Staff. The IAC needs to review the elements gathered
from these meetings and determine importance.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010
10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Dr. Baden referred to the aerial photo of the CMS property and noted it
has been surveyed recently and the wetlands have been identified. Dr.
Baden presented the elements that came from these meetings and their
priorities, adding the elements came from issues of growth based on
Sea going classroom vessel – Need a new research vessel
Housing – need some capacity to house visiting students and faculty.
Need high efficiency, green housing with enough space for 24 to 40 beds.
Central Heating and Cooling/parking –Place near Ross property.
Ideally this will be geothermal, however it may not be possible--need to
find right pocket of water. Alternatively could use ICWW.
Running Seawater building – Individual rooms, heated & cooled
seawater, anticipate 20,000 sq. ft. building with 500 sq. ft spaces. Lab
space only, no office or meeting spaces.
Mariculture – Wade is involved in educational work up and down
North Carolina’s coast. 5 year plan is to move entire facility off Harbor
Island. Wrightsville Beach homeowners complain about this facility and
want it moved.
Dock Expansion & Small Boat Launch – Current dock is made of
wood and is in ill repair. Need to update dock to concrete which would
also allow trucks to bring equipment to and from R/V. Dock needs
running T lines to support small boats and be permanent berth for
Seahawk which would save $20,000 per year by moving it off
Wrightsville Beach. Small boat launch off Holt Road would not take
Footprint for …”technology” – Good for Ocean Engineering program.
Additional classrooms would integrate into academic mission of
University. Offering more classrooms will affect transportation, food
service and block scheduling.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010
10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon
Network tower for microwave to UNCW – Would provide feedback to
campus and allow cellular use in buildings and off shore. Could
communicate with Lynn Leonard’s moorings. Dr. Morrison added that
it would make WiFi available off shore too.
Shuttle Service – Allow more classes to be taught at CMS. Issue of CMS
Parking Pass is not resolved. Dr. Pawlik asked why new parking lots are
not being referenced with these new buildings. Dr. Baden explained that
parking lots are included with new buildings by design and added that
we are looking to model UNC-Greensboro’s Power Plant/Parking
Garage. UNC-Greensboro’s parking garage has a Power Plant on the
ground level and several floors of parking decks above it. Dr. Pawlik said
he is one of the few faculty that continually has classes at CMS. Recently
he asked his students if we had shuttle service to and from main campus,
how many would use it. 2 out of the 20 students said they would use it.
The majority of the students said they like the freedom of having their
own cars because they can do other things when leaving CMS instead of
going back to main campus. Dr. Pawlik mentioned having a separate
CMS parking permit for Undergraduates that is free. Dr. Baden said
that the Master Plan consultants could look at a separate, free CMS
parking pass for Undergrads. If they feel it is a good idea, they will tell
the university. Dr. Willey asked where the Undergrads would park. Dr.
Leonard said that this would be a good way to start because once we run
out of parking spaces, the shuttle could be introduced.
Dr. Baden showed the committee the Priority Rankings from both
Faculty/Staff meetings. He added that a new Research Vessel was just
turned down by GA and that the cost for a new one is $4.5 to $5
million. Dr. Baden asked the group to decide which of these elements
should be in a High Priority group and Low Priority group. Dr. Baden’s
first meeting with the Master Plan group is this afternoon, then he
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010
10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon
envisions they will begin having individual meetings with faculty at
different departments. Dr. Baden added that this Planning document is
the funding request by the university to use at the legislature or with
private entities.
Referring to the Priority Ranking list, Dr. Grindlay asked if we should
indicate new classrooms or renovated classrooms. If we do not indicate
renovated, might we not get the funding to renovate classrooms such as
when the new Running Seawater building is built.
Dr. Posey ranked the 2 lists based on averages and found these to be the
higher priority elements:
Sea going classroom vessel
Central Heating and Cooling/parking
Dock Expansion & Small Boat Launch
Running Seawater building
Dr. Laws pointed out that all of this hinges on our growth and number
of students. He said that Chancellor DePaolo has said there will be no
growth in Arts and Sciences. However, with her resignation, will this
change? Dr. Baden answered by saying that the new Chancellor will have
their own priorities and the current plan will stay in place until it is
vetoed. The current 2010 plan is to grow Graduate students. So, do we
need to focus on Graduate students?
Discussion began asking if we really need a classroom building. Dr.
Reeves said we need classrooms with technology which would solve the
parking and transportation issue. Blended classes meet 1 time per week
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
November 17, 2010
10:30a.m. – 12:00 Noon
and then online twice a week. Dr. Pawlik said the classroom building
should link to the Running Seawater Building via an atrium or walkway.
Dr. Morrision said in order to have a high tech classroom, we must be
part of the university’s computer backbone or build a tower.
Discussion followed about classroom size, block scheduling or how to
schedule and what groups may be willing to move to CMS. The
alternative to not increasing classrooms is to increase the class schedule
to begin at 7:30a.m. to 10:30p.m. It was decided these new classrooms
would be used for upper classmen (Juniors and Seniors) which would
introduce them to Graduate students and increase the flow of
undergrads to the graduate program. Also with upperclassmen,
transportation would not be as much of an issue. Dr. Morrison said
increasing classrooms makes sense, otherwise conference rooms would
not be available. The new classroom building would need to have three
30 to 60 students sized classroom with teaching labs.
Dr. Baden revised the priority list to show the priority elements in red
and the important elements in black. Dr. Morrison pointed out that the
black elements are the infrastructure for the red elements.