General Education Committee Minutes, 2/15/12 Members present: Ex-Officio Members Present:

General Education Committee Minutes, 2/15/12
Members present: E. Adams, S. Caro, J. DeBoer, J. Luckowski, J. Rabinovitch, A. Sillars, D.
Sloan, E. Uchimoto, N. White
Ex-Officio Members Present: E. Johnson
Members absent: D. Klapmeier, D. Simpson
Guest: S. Bradford
The minutes from 2/1/12 were approved.
Action on the General Education Framework revision was postponed again because the
meeting ran late.
Business Items:
The following Global Leadership Courses were approved for one-time-only general
education designations. PSCI 191 was not approved for the Ethics designation and the
service learning designation for HHP 191 is being reviewed by a separate committee.
HHP 191 S
GPHY 191 X
Sociology /
Social Work
Media Arts /
Film Studies
Exercise is Medicine
Green cities for the
21st Century
Who Am I? Identity
and Our Social World
Social Media and
JOUR 191 Y
Global Change
MAR 191 A/
Making the Philosophic
ENFM 191 A
Political Regimes and
PSCI 191 S
Social Science
Indigenous and Global
Social Science
American & European
Expressive Arts
Social Science
It was recommended that the GLI Committee have a copy of the General Education Criteria
and Learning Outcomes when they approving courses. Many of the courses would require
additional follow-up to have permanent general education status. It’s not that the courses
aren’t interesting and innovative, but sometimes applying the general education designations
is a stretch. The Committee’s annual report will include its concerns regarding the process.
The committee discussed the test out data. It appears that this would only affect
approximately 5% of the freshmen class. The question of who would pay for the additional
courses is still a concern. The resource issue should not be a deciding factor, although one
can argue curriculum choices require consideration of the practical reality. It was suggested
that the framework of general education be streamlined. It may be possible to combine
some of the groups. Deciding on the symbolic systems issue will be the extent of what the
committee can accomplish this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.