! Academics THOMPSON TRIBUNE Important Dates to

Eli Pinney Elementary, Room 120
April 4 - April 8, 2016
Important Dates to
Remember for
Next Week
*Bus Driver
Appreciation Day is
on Thursday, April
*Pinney Spirit Day is
on Friday, April 15th
Reading Workshop- My Father’s Dragon, Steve Jenkins author
study (my favorite non-fiction author), Actual Size, Bones,
Prehistoric Actual Size, What Do You Do With A Tail Like This?,
Biggest, Strongest, Fastest, noticing similarities and differences
between books by the same author, sharing a response about
something that surprised us while we were reading, what are
some non-fiction features?
Writing Workshop – Whose Egg?, question and answer books,
brainstorming Q & A ideas, researching information for Q & A
books, Whose Nest?, Who’s Looking At You?, Apples and Oranges:
Going Bananas About Pairs, Friday Letter to mom and dad
Word Study - “short i vs. long i”, “If I can spell…”picture sort,
partner practice, assessment was today, Friday, April 8th
Math - creating a plan to collect data, creating a pictograph or
bar graph to present the data we collected, presented our graphs,
what can we tell by looking at the graph (most, least, all together,
how many more ___ than ___, etc.), Rich Problem: Sum of 3
Related Arts Schedule
(4 Day Rotation)
A - Day: – P.E. (Ms. Hathaway) B - Day: – Art (Mr. Blair)
C – Day – Library (Mrs. Riley)
D - Day - Music (Mrs. Casto)
Science- Recycle, sorting materials, problems vs. solutions, how
can we reuse items, making a “promise” on how we can help our
Earth, Brain Pop, Jr. clips, Michael Recycle
Featuring Room 120……………………”presenting life science topics”