“New Nation” Study Guide Test Format: -multiple choice

“New Nation” Study Guide
(Founding Father Presidents Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe)
Test Format: -multiple choice
Review History Alive! Chapters 11 “Political Developments in the Early Republic” & 12 “Foreign Affairs in the
Young Nation.” Review “Mr. President” Chapter 11 and “Farewell” Chapter 12. Review “New Nation” Study
Guide. Review “New Nation” Quizlet. Review Ohio’s Social Studies Learning Standards “New Nation.”
Mr. Berner’s webpage- http://www.dublinschools.net/MatthewBerner.aspx
Washington’s PresidencyWhat is the leader of the Executive Branch called? What 4 words did George Washington add to the oath of
office? Give an example of a precedent set by George Washington. What does the Cabinet do, who was in
the 1st Cabinet & what was each Cabinet member’s position & responsibility? What was the Federal
Judiciary Act of 1789? What was Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan? What did the Treaty of Greenville
do? What effect did the Whiskey Rebellion have on the new nation? What did the Proclamation of Neutrality
do? What did the Jay Treaty do? What did Pinckney’s Treaty do? What did President Washington warn
America about in his “Farewell Address?”
Adams’s PresidencyWhat were the beliefs of Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Party & Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican
Party? What happened in the Presidential Election of 1796? What were the Alien & Sedition Acts? Define
States’ Rights. Define the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions? What was the XYZ Affair? What was the
Convention of 1800?
Jefferson PresidencyWhat happened in the Presidential Election of 1800? What happens if no candidate receives a majority of
electoral votes? What is the purpose of the 12 Amendment? Why did William Marbury sue James Madison?
What power did the Supreme Court claim from the Marbury v. Madison case? How did President Jefferson
double the size of the United States? Who did President Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana Territory &
what instructions did he give them? What role did Sacagawea play in the Lewis & Clark Expedition? Why did
the US go to war with the Barbary Pirates? What problems did the US have with Britain and France in the
early 1800s? Define impressment. What happened to the Chesapeake? What did the Embargo Act of 1807
James Madison’s PresidencyWhat deal did President Madison offer Britain & France to replace Jefferson’s embargo? Why did President
Madison & the War Hawks urge Congress to declare war on Britain in 1812? What was the setting of the
War of 1812? What were some key events from the War of 1812? (Star Spangled Banner, Tecumseh, Battle
of Lake Erie, Thames & Toronto, Washington DC, Fort McHenry, Lake Champlain, Treaty of Ghent, Battle of
New Orleans) What was the outcome of the War of 1812?
James Monroe’s PresidencyWhy did President Monroe issue the Monroe Doctrine & what effect did it have?