Chapter 8 The Enduring Vision

Chapter 8
A New President
 March 4, 1801
 “pomp and circumstance”
 Race mixing
 Accusations
 Educated small farmers
 Jefferson’s Revolution
 Dealing with Hamilton’s
economic plan
 The Alien and Sedition Acts
 Reducing Taxes and the
national debt
Fighting the Judicial System
 The Judiciary Act of 1801
 Federalist Judges
 Marbury V Madison
 John Marshall
 Judicial Review
 Napoleon Bonaparte
 The Louisiana Territory
 James Monroe and Robert
 Napoleon’s offer
 The “backbone of the
The Election of 1804
 Thomas Jefferson
 Aaron Burr
 George Clinton
 Charles Pinckney
 Reasons for Republican Victory
Exploring New Land
 Lewis and Clark
 The Louisiana Purchase
 Results
A Second Term
 The Napoleonic Wars
 Aaron Burr
 Quids
 John Randolph
 The Yazoo Land Scandal
Economic woes
 Seizing US ships
 Impressment
 HMS Leonard
 USS Chesapeake
 Jefferson’s Reaction
Economic Woes
 The Embargo Act of 1807
 Impact of the Embargo
 James Madison
 The Non Intercourse Act
 War Hawks
Foreign policy
 Canada
 The role of Native Americans
 Tecumseh and the Prophet
 William Henry Harrison
 Tippecanoe
The War of 1812
 Madison goes to
 June 1, 1812
 Reasons for
declaring war on
The War of 1812
 Americans try to take Canada
 Detroit
 Oliver Perry
 William Henry Harrison
 The Battle of the Thames
The War of 1812
 The British Offensive
 Burning Washington
 Baltimore
 The British break off the
The War of 1812
 The Treaty of Ghent
 December 1814
 The Battle of New Orleans
 Andrew Jackson
The Era of Good Feelings
 The Hartford Convention
 James Monroe
 The Federalist Party
 The Era of Good Feelings
The Supreme Court
 John Marshall
 Dartmouth College
V Woodward
 McCulloch V
 Interpretations
 National Harmony
 Missouri
 Balancing the Senate
 The Missouri Compromise
 Results of the compromise
Monroe’s Foreign Policy
 Rush-Bagot Treaty
 British American Convention
 Florida
 The Adams-Onis Treaty
 The role of Andrew Jackson
Monroe’s Foreign Policy
 1823
 The Monroe Doctrine
 European Affairs
 The Western Hemisphere
 “unfriendly acts”