AP US History Chapter 7 Reading Guide Part A Using the text, answer the following on a separate sheet of paper. Be detailed in your responses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Part B What caused the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton? What was the result? Explain the events that led to Marbury v. Madison. What was the result? What was Jefferson’s vision for Native Americans? What policies did he implement to make that vision a reality? What domestic challenges did Jefferson face during his second term? How did he respond? What was peaceable coercion? How did it attempt and fail to prevent war? What reasons did the United States give for going to war with Britain in 1812? Describe the key military actions of the War of 1812. Why was James Monroe’s presidency described as an “Era of Good Feelings”? Describe the case of McCulloch v. Maryland. How did it impact the political atmosphere of the United States? What was the Missouri Crisis? How was it resolved? Provide a brief definition of each of the following key terms and people. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Part C John Marshall Louisiana Purchase James Madison War Hawks Hartford Convention James Monroe Monroe Doctrine Panic of 1819 Provide a detailed example from the chapter for each of the 7 APUSH Learning Objectives on a separate sheet of paper. 19. P (Politics and Power) 20. A (America in the World) 21. S (Social and Cultural 22. T (Technology, Work, and Exchange) 23. I (Identity) 24. M (Migration and Settlement) 25. E (Environment and Geography)