General Education Committee Minutes, 9/4/13 Members present: Members Absent: Ex-officio Members present:

General Education Committee Minutes, 9/4/13
Members present: L. Frey, L. Calderon, S. Caro, A. Dresselhaus, J. Randall, K. Reiser, T. Squires,
Members Absent: H. Ausland, K. Huthaily, F. Rosensweig, N. White
Ex-officio Members present: N. Hinman, J. Hickman
Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed.
Approval of the minutes was postponed.
Communication Item:
Members were reminded of the curriculum deadline date of September 27th, a week later than last
year. There will likely be a few forms submitted that missed the rolling review (Historical &
Cultural and Natural Science) last spring. There will also be several Global Leadership Courses.
The interdisciplinary nature of the GLI courses make it difficult for them to fit within the current
structure of general education groups.
Chair White was not in attendance so the Committee briefly discussed the items under business.
The Writing Committee has made a recommendation to ASCRC that Writing Courses have an (w)
in the title. Should the Committee consider something similar for general education course that are
satisfy more than one group? Only one group’s letter appears in the course number. Including
letters in the titles would be difficult to maintain. The Registrar’s Office will look into a
mechanism to search for courses that meet more than one general education group.
Last year the committee postponed discussion of the definitions for American & European and
Indigenous & Global to make final recommendations regarding the language requirement.
Professors Ausland and Frey submitted a definition of American & European for the Committee to
consider. Camie will resend this to committee members.
The Committee was informed that Associate Provost Walker-Andrews will ask the General
Education Committee to think about how to assess the program within the rolling review structure.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.