General Education Committee Minutes, 9/18/13 Members present: S. Bradford, L. Frey, L. Calderon, S. Caro, A. Dresselhaus, K. Huthaily, J. Randall, K. Reiser, F. Rosensweig, T. Squires, N. White Members Absent: H. Ausland, J. Hickman Ex-officio Members present: N. Hinman, B. Holzworth Guest: S. Bradford Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed. Approval of the minutes was postponed. Communication Item: Chair White asked members to consider the chair elect position. The main responsibilities of the committee are the review of new general education courses and the rolling review of existing courses. During this process the Committee assesses the appropriateness of criteria and learning goals of the groups as well as the general education framework. Does the program still meet the needs of today’s students? The deadline for submission of the general education forms to add courses to the general education groups and any one-time-only general education courses including Global Leadership Initiative seminars. The work will be distributed at the next meeting. Last year the committee had issues with the definitions of the Global and Indigenous and American and European groups. The committee will need to decide whether the groups are serving the students or are too cumbersome. The committee should also consider how UM’s General Education program aligns with the MUS core. One option is to eliminate both the X and Y perspective and adopt a Cultural Diversity group. UM’s current structure is discipline based and does not foster interdisciplinary work. The Committee could consider simplifying the framework and focus on skills rather than disciplines which seems to be entrenched with the notion of turf. One idea is to create stronger outcomes in fewer hours. Many students lack reading, writing and communication skills, but there seems to be a reluctance to require more writing or essay exams in large course sections in some disciplines. Another topic for discussion will be how to assess the overarching goals of general education. Chair White has a meeting with Associate Walker Andrews in October to discuss what is needed for accreditation. Chair White asked whether anyone had any other items they would like the committee to address. Professor Bradford would like the general education program to prepare students to be engaged citizens through experience in discourse. There is currently no information on how many courses involve students participating in discussions of conflicting issues. Chair White is surprised by how some majors offer many of the general education courses taken by their students rather than encouraging students to take courses outside of their major. There has long been tension between the professional programs and the liberal arts. One possibility would be to differentiate that students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree are expected to take general education courses outside of their major, but students pursuing a professional degree may satisfy several general education courses within their major. This is another area where data would help to determine whether this is a pervasive issue. It should be possible to get data from the Registrar’s Office as long as the committee is very specific about what is needed. The Committee could also consider conducting a survey. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.