WISCONSIN K‐12 ENERGY EDUCATION PROGRAM MINI‐GRANT FINAL REPORT FORM Please refer to your original energy action plan and mini‐grant application as you prepare this final grant report. 1. Did you achieve the purpose and goals of your course required energy action plan? Please include both your successes and challenges. (500 word limit) 2. Provide numbers of individuals impacted (directly and indirectly) by your energy action plan. Number of students: Number of teachers/staff: Grade level(s): 3. Now provide numbers of individuals impacted directly through use of the resource(s) funded by the KEEP Mini‐Grant. Number of students: Number of classes: Number of teachers/staff: Grade level(s): Subject area(s): 4. How likely are you to continue using your mini‐grant funded resource(s)? 5. How has the professional development and funding from KEEP helped you leverage specific educational and/or energy efficiency outcomes? Please provide supporting qualitative and quantitative information. (500 word limit) 6. Please share a success story and quote from a student or yourself along with a quote or story from a facilities staff or an administrator that was involved with the overall project. 7. Please share a photo(s) depicting your project and/or students and staff benefiting from the funding provided. PREVIEW ONLY – DO NOT SUBMIT