Watch the first 6 or 7 short episodes of these mini documentaries: The Remarkable Ones Stop after each one & discuss the following questions as a class: 1. What makes each of these people remarkable? 2. Do you find them inspiring/ which one is the most inspirational to you & why? 3. What helps the documentary maker convey their stories and the inspiration? (Eg, footage of their environment, them doing what they’re passionate about mixed in with interviews, & music) 4. How are their stories linked to their environment, community, personal goals? After about 40 mins of watching and discussing each mini doco give the students pens & the following. Please print the following out as a word document with space for students to answer the questions. Thanks) Task 1: Choose one remarkable person to consider in detail & write your answers to these questions. Beginning: what do you learn about this person at the beginning of the mini doc? What sort of questions do you think they were asked in the interview? Middle: what kind of footage is the viewer shown in the middle of the doco and how does it relate to their story? How is their story woven together? What is the music like throughout and how does this help to tell the story? End: what do we learn, feel & think about them or their story by the end of the mini doc? Task 2: Write down as long a list of min 20 specific goals for yourself if you had 10 years to live. Narrow this list down by half if you had 5 years to live… And again if you had 1 year to live And finally, what would be your goal if you had only 6 months to live? How would you want to make an impression on the world & what would you want people to say about you after you were gone? (Students’ responses will form the basis of their own mini doc about their own life, inspiration and goals. They need to turn these goals into statements for their own interview about themselves. Working backwards they will need to come up with questions that fit the responses. They can just practice reading and sharing their ideas with each other and the class)