Greymorning,, C. Knight, J. Staub, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl, Members Present:

ASCRC Minutes 9/6/11
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, W. Davies, N.
Greymorning,, C. Knight, J. Staub, D. Stolle, L. Tangedahl,
Members Absent/Excused: M. Grimes C. Henderson, B. Holzworth
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson, S. O’Hare, A. Walker-Andrews
Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 5/3/11 were approved.
Communication Items:
 Members introduced themselves and new members were welcomed. The committee
is one member short in the humanities. Student members should be appointed soon.
Experimental /Special Topics
A communication was sent to department chairs reminding them that experimental
courses may be taught a maximum of three times. The communication included a list
of courses offered 2 or more times. Several programs will be sending course forms as
a result.
Academic Forgiveness Policy / Form
The academic Forgiveness form has been morphed so students can easily determine
whether they qualify. The Registrar’s Office is still testing Banner to find out the
consequences of the policy. A GPA calculation and time span form are still in
developmement. The policy has not been formally announced. There has been one
applicant thus far, who was not eligible.
Moving forward it will be necessary to clearly articulate what consistutes a threeyear span of time. It was suggested that the policy language be revised for
clarification. Camie will revise the draft and circulate prior to the next meeting.
Pre-requisite checking implemenation update (progress report)
Executive Director O’Hare presented the recommendations for the Pre-requisite
checking Work Group. It will be meeting with the Provost next week to finalize
implementation of the pilot project. The Work Group identified courses appropriate
for the pilot (those for which prerequisite catalog language is specific) and
recommends a two-semester assessment of the pilot. There are many courses that
currently require “satisfactory completion” of a prerequisite. Prior to full
implementation, departments will need to evaluate their existing prerequiste language
and send description changes to assure clarity. ASCRC might want to consider a
streamlined approach to review these changes.
Several Policies will need to be determined. A mechanism is needed for students that
do not pass (C- or better) the pre-requisite, but have enrolled in the course the
following semester. An automatic drop could have financial aide implications. A
second gate will be necessary for students who are denied registration but who meet
the requirement (via unarticulated transer course, or readiness proven to instructor).
Gate two will allow the course coordinator to review the qualifications and grant a
waiver. The course coordinators for the pilot courses are members of the work group.
There are several technical/ Banner issues that will require time and consideration.
Grade processing must be more expedient especially between summer sessions and
winter session and spring semester.
A comprehensive communication plan is required for the success of pending
implementation. The College of Technology and Bitterroot College have agreed to
participate and must be included. A web site will be created to update campus
regarding the pilot project progress, and presentations will be give to ECOS, ASCRC,
Faculty Senate, ASUM, and Academic Advisors. An email will eventually be sent to
all students, academic staff, and faculty.
There was a brief discussion of issues associated with co-requisite courses.
Depending on the majors graduation requirements, a student may or may not have to
re-take a failed co-requisite course.
Executive Director O’hare will report after the meeting with the Provost.
Curriculum deadline
The curriculum deadline is September 23rd. Hopefully we will have a count of forms
on the 27th. Freshman seminar proposals associated with the Global Leadership
Initiative may require review by the General Education Committee if courses are
designed to meet a general education requirement.
Associate Provost Walker- Andrews met with ECOS last week and presented the
results from the Cross-listing Committee that met over the summer. The committee
determined that cross-listing is possible in terms of programing. The transcript can
show the enrolled course (cross-listed) and the common course number in
parenthensies. Another issue is what number to use. The course cannot duplicate a
number that is listed on the OCHE’s matrix. One possiblilty may be to use a 900
number. The cost of the solution (time and effort for programming) is still unknown
and will require quarterly upgrades.
Approximately 8-10% of courses are cross-listed, so one must question whether the
continued cost and agrevation is warented given there could be alternatives. A
document that addressed these issues was also discussed with ECOS. A catalog that
has the courses in a master table with appropriate links back to department pages is an
option. ASCRC will be sent the documents to consider. The Provost would like a
recommendation from ECOS.
The intent is for there to be only one common course number for a course. However,
several anomalies occurred during implementation. When departments are converted
to common course rubrics and numbers, crosslising tends to be eliminated.
Business Items:
Academic Court
Professor Dalenberg agreed to serve as an alternative member of Academic Court.
Academic misconduct cases rarely make it to Academic Court.
Subcommittee Chairs
The following faculty agreed to serve as subcommittee chairs:
Business & Journalism
Education & Fine Arts
Forestry & Biomedical Sciences
Humanities & Cultural Studies
Science & Math
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Tim Manual
Darrell Stolle
Bill Borrie
Wade Davies
James Staub
Margaret Beebe-Frankenberger / Doug
Professor Borrie was nominated and elected as Chair-elect
Procedure review
Members should review the draft policies prior to next week’s meeting. Please send
revisions to Camie to include in the drafts for discussion.
Good and Welgare:
CCN is in the fourth year of the three-year implementation. Departments should
assure that they are represented in the FLOCS.
The Registrar would like the catalog to be available by June, so ASCRC will need to
be more deligent in enforceing deadlines.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.