ASCRC Minutes 9/18/12

ASCRC Minutes 9/18/12
GBB 225, 2:10 p.m.
Members Present: B. Borrie, G. Coon, W. Davies, J. Deboer, N. Greymorning, C. Henderson, B.
Simpson, D. Stolle, T. Thibeau, N. Vonessen
Members Absent/ Excused: M. Grimes
Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, S. O’Hare, E. Johnson, J. Zink
Chair Borrie called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 5/2/12 and 9/11/12 were approved.
Communication items:
New student member Brandon Simpson was welcomed.
ASCRC discussed whether the financial Aid committee is the appropriate committee to
review retroactive withdrawals. The committee primarily reviews financial hardship
withdrawals. Most of the retroactive withdrawals deal with students who have simply
walked away, but are not eligible for academic forgiveness. It is important to have an
advising representative at the meetings to assure that students are not using the withdrawal as
a means of GPA cleansing and that the withdrawal is in the students’ best interest. There is a
limit to financial aid and students that retake courses may exceed the limit.
Changes to Pell grants and required satisfactory progress for financial aid have imposed more
rigid formulas for eligibility. This likely will decrease the work traditionally handled by the
Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee. Registrar Johnson or VP O’hare will investigate
the appropriate committee structure. The sense of the committee was that faculty and
students do not need to be involved in the financial based decisions.
Subcommittee chairs were reminded to contact last year’s members to see whether they are
willing to continue service and to find additional members if necessary in accordance with
the Subcommittee Responsibilities Procedure ( 201.30). Camie sent a communication with
last year’s membership.
Business Items
Last year the add date was changed for spring and fall semesters. The Committee considered
whether the dates should also change for winter and summer session. The committee agreed
that the dates for winter and summer should be proportionally equivalent to spring and fall.
The catalog language already indicates that the timelines are shorter and advises students to
view the actual dates, so the language does not require revision. ASCRC should inform
faculty, students, and the College of Extended and Lifelong Learning of the guideline.
ASCRC considered whether the current policy of allowing students to choose different
catalogs for major, minor, and general education requirements should be changed. After
discussion regarding the necessity of a policy change to implement degree audit the
following motion was approved unanimously.
Starting in academic year 2013-2014 students must choose a single catalog to
fulfill major and general education requirements.
Registrar Johnson will draft the revised catalog language for review at the next meeting.
The Registrar’s Office ran the dormant course report and will be sending it with a memo to
departments giving them a month to respond with requests and justifications for retaining
courses that have not been taught in three years. ASCRC will review this information latter
this fall.
The experimental course report has also been created. Camie is processing it, but would like
to wait until next spring to send the correspondence to departments because some forms may
be in route to establish permanent courses and there are only a few days remaining until the
curriculum deadline. The formatted report should be cross checked against approved new
courses and departments should be given enough time to process new course forms. The
committee agreed.
The wording on ASCRC’s Majors policy is inconsistent with Board of Regents Policy in
terms of credit limits in the major. It indicates that the College of Arts and Sciences majors
are limited to 45 credits, but Board of Regents policy303.1 defines majors as ranging from 30
to 48 semester credits. Professor Vonesson is researching the history. Members were sent
the archival documents and requested time to review the material prior to recommending a
change. Draft revised policy language would be appreciated.
Associate Provost Walker-Andrews requested ASCRC to consider whether it would be
beneficial to implement a common rubric for study/life skills courses. The Common Course
Numbering Liaisons voted not to incorporate these courses. A suggestion was to utilize a
reserved course (bag) number. Bag number courses transfer but are not viewed as
equivalent. Programs must review the course to determine whether it may be substituted for
a requirement. Although the 90s numbers are all taken X99 would likely not be used at the
one hundred level. Only two credits of study skills are allowed towards a baccalaureate
degree. Academic Affairs is interested in creating a High School to College Transition
Course for students at risk.
This issue requires further study in terms of best practices. VP O’hare, and Professors
DeBoeer and Thibeau volunteered to serve on the workgroup. Faculty that teach the current
study skills courses should also be recruited.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00.