Level II Regential Form Revised 7/08 Attach to full proposal for level II changes. I Summary of Proposed Changes Establish graduate program in Systems Ecology, offering both MS Department/program and PhD degrees Summary Proposed are both an MS and a PhD in Systems Ecology to be offered at The University of Montana-Missoula. These degree offerings are designed to provide pathways for graduate students interested in integrative ecological science to earn degrees that will prepare them to work in a wide variety of settings including state and federal land management agencies, environmental restoration companies, non-governmental organizations dealing with land and environmental resource management issues, and universities and other science organizations. Both the master’s and doctoral program include a core set of courses and a wide variety of elective courses from which students might select to meet their academic and career goals. II Preliminary Approval Requestor: Phone Department/Program Chair: Type/Print Name Signature Ric Hauer (406) 982-3301 Charles Janson, Division of Biological Sciences Other affected programs: Ronald Wakimoto, Dept of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences Sarah Halvorson, Dept of Geography Donald Potts, Dept of Forest Management Len Broberg, Environmental Studies Program Dean Christopher Comer, College of Arts and Sciences James Burchfield, College of Forestry and Conservation Dean of the Library Bonnie Allen Library impact statement: Are the resources included in the proposal sufficient to adequately support the new programs library needs? Initial Review in Provost’s Office Date Revised 7/08 III Type of Program Change (check X appropriate description) Create new degree; add new major to existing degree Create minor or certificate where major does not exist Change name of degree X IV Proposal (See instructions at http://www.umt.edu/provost/curriculum.htm) Attach the following: Full Proposal BOR Level II Program Change Request Item Template Cover/Signature Page V Copies and Electronic Submission Submit the complete Level II proposal to the Provost’s Office for preliminary approval. After all signatures have been obtained submit original, one copy, and an electronic file to the Faculty Senate Office, UH 221, camie.foos@mso.umt,.edu