Committee Nomination Procedure at University of Montana

Committee Nomination and Appointments
Procedure Number:
Date Adopted:
Last Revision:
Approved by:
Article III, Section 4(2), Bylaw III, A.2.b, UFA CBA
Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate
ECOS makes nominations to most committees requiring faculty representation. In most cases, the
President appoints faculty to committees. In accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement
between the University and the University Faculty Association, the Faculty Senate (ECOS) appoints
faculty members to the following committees.
Committee on Service – one (CBA 18.400)
Unit Standards Committee – ten (CBA 10.120 &10.250)
University Appeals Committee- three (CBA 10.280)
The administrative associate sends a request for committee volunteers via email to faculty the second
week in April, allowing two weeks for faculty to respond. Faculty members are directed to a site where
they can indicate and rank their committee preference (1-4). The committee list is linked to the
committee charge and current membership.
The administrative associate creates a list of committee needs with corresponding volunteers. ECOS
makes nominations at the last meeting of the academic year and continues until all vacancies are filled.
ECOS attempts to balance committee membership across disciplines when appropriate.
If there are vacancies for which there are no volunteers, ECOS may send a request to academic chairs
and or elected senators to assist in nominations. Members of ECOS may contact faculty directly to
recruit them for committee service.
A comprehensive list of committee nominations is sent to the President’s Office. The administrative
associate sends nomination letters copied to the appropriate administrator and the committee chair, if
known. The President’s assistant sends appointment letters.