Summary minutes Cross-Listing Task Force April 29, 2013 Present: Nancy Hinman, Diana Lurie, Tobin Miller Shearer, Tully Thibeau Our discussion focused on the core principles needed to develop a rational cross-listing process. We began by clarifying the cross-listing pilot that is being tested this coming fall. Under this pilot, a “parent course” will receive the Common Course Numbering (CCN) number and rubric and the cross-listed “sibling course” will receive the pre-OCHE commoncourse numbering rubric. On student transcripts, the cross-listed sibling course will be listed as "equivalent to" the CCN numbered parent course. The course names will be the same. The pilot is being tested with a limited number of classes and will be an essential part of the task force’s data collection. We then considered the following points: - currently we have about 700 courses involved in cross-listing; - how can cross listing serve our students as seamlessly as possible?; - a cross-listing standard should be clear, rational, and represent the interdisciplinary work being done so well at UM; - currently cross listing is being used to both give credit to students who take courses outside their departments and to recognize courses that are truly interdisciplinary. In short, it becomes a way for small departments to have a major; - do we need to put a guideline in place that, if a cross-listed course has had zero enrollment for three consecutive offerings, it should be discontinued as a cross listing? - departments have the right to determine their involvement in any cross-listing proposal; - would it make sense to initiate a two-stage process where we first implement the basic cross-listing mechanism for all existing cross-listed courses and then undertake a long process of reviewing those cross-listed courses to give more attention to cross-listing and interdisciplinarity. We also set our meetings for fall 2013. We plan on moving forward with a proposal to Faculty Senate and ASCRC in late Fall 2013 or early Spring 2014 once we have data available from the pilot project in cross-listing described above. In the fall the task force will continue work on refining principles to guide rubric development and the crosslisting process. Respectfully submitted, Tobin Miller Shearer