ASCRC Minutes 4/16/13 GBB 202, 2:10 p.m. Members Present: B. Borrie, C. Chandler, G. Coon, N. Greymorning, D. Stolle, T. Thibeau, N. Vonessen Members Absent/ Excused: J. Deboer, L. Gillison, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, M. Hopkins, E. Johnson Ex-Officio Present: N. Hinman, B. Holzworth, S. O’Hare, J. Zink The minutes from 3/18/13 were revised and approved. Communication Items: Chair Borrie presented the motion regarding Technical Course Credits and the Academic Policies and Procedures in the Catalog to the Faculty Senate. ASCRC members were invited to the meeting with John Thunstrom regarding technical challenges associated with Banner and course descriptions. Registrar Johnson demonstrated Banner Course Descriptions at the Faculty Senate meeting. There were questions / concerns such as why the link from the department’s catalog section could not go directly to courses in the department. The Registrar could not address the technical limitations and set up a meeting with John Thunstrom to address them. The meeting is on April 22 at 10:30 a.m. in IT Conference Room, SS127. Camie demonstrated e-Curr. It is still being tested. One recommendation was to add instructions to the other affected programs section. It is possible to add additional departments, but this is available in the approval section. Only the subcommittee chair will be able to approve the forms reviewed by the subcommittee, so correspondence with subcommittee members will be the same as it is now. Subcommittee members will be able to view the forms through the report function. All of the approvers can send the form back for revision. This will require the requester to make the change and resubmit, which will initiate the approval sequence from the beginning. If minor editorial changes are requested by the subcommittee and don’t require review by the chair, dean, and other affected programs Camie is able to make these. The subcommittee chair can put the changes in the approval comment section and notify Camie of the needed edits. For changes to existing courses, the banner catalog information will populate the form. It is also possible to clone forms in cases were the same explanation is used for multiple forms. The plan is to open it to a few faculty members /departments (beta testers) April 24th and then open it for all faculty May 1st. The forms entered after April 24th will be in the new system, not a test environment. This will allow for additional input prior to campus-wide implementation. It was noted that most faculty will be too busy or not ready to enter course forms in April. There will likely not be much activity after the curriculum deadline memo is set on the first of May. Most curriculum forms are initiated and completed early fall semester. ASCRC briefly discussed the curriculum deadline date. The College of Arts and Sciences has again requested that it be pushed back two weeks. The committee agreed that this would not allow enough time for review prior to the November Faculty Senate meeting. It compromised with extending the deadline for a week – November 27th. The draft deadline memo will be sent to next year’s chair and the Provost’s Office for additional revision and approval. Assistant Vice President O’hare gave a status update on the Early Alert and study skills/transition course workgroups. Efforts regarding improvements to the Early Alert system are on hold until the results from the Gates Foundation grant application are received. The study skills /transition course workgroup refined its charge. Originally, the group was to assess whether a common rubric should be implemented across campus for these types of courses. It may also consider whether there should be guidelines for these courses to assure appropriate academic rigor. It should consider whether there are learning outcomes missing from the current offerings as well. The work group will reconvene to work on these issues. Good and Welfare The accreditation visit for Curriculum and Instruction was a success. The report was very positive. Professor Stolle thanked everyone who contributed. The meeting was adjourned at 3.17 PM.