ASCRC Minutes 10/1/13 Poetry Corner, Mansfield Library, 2:10 p.m. Members Present:

ASCRC Minutes 10/1/13
Poetry Corner, Mansfield Library, 2:10 p.m.
Members Present: J. Deboer, C. Henderson, L. Gillison, T. Manuel, S. Samson, T. Thibeau, M. Triana
E. Uchimoto, N. Vonessen, G. Weix
Members Absent/ Excused: L. Eagleheart, J. Hickman, J. Laine S. O’Hare
Ex-Officio Present: B. Holzworth, N. Hinman
The minutes from 9/24/13 were approved.
Communication Items:
Chair Henderson provided a brief update from the University Council meeting. The
enrollment head count is close to projections. A Statement of Ethics will be making its way
through the various campus governance groups. The foundation is increasing its general
scholarship fund.
Associate Provost Hinman has received no feedback regarding the crosslisting pilot. She
commented that she would have heard something by now if it was not working.
ASCRC will not meet on October 15th so that subcommittees can use that time to work on
curriculum review.
Next week there will be a demonstration of UM 101.
Course forms are in e-curr and program level forms are posted to the website. One level 1
form to change the name of the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Humanities
and Sciences should be considered by the full committee. ECOS will move this item to the
Faculty Senate considering it is not curriculum, but ASCRC should weigh in. This item will
be considered next week
Camie ran a report of course forms in e-curr that were still pending various approvals. There
were a few issues with email notifications going into Junk email folders and one of the dean
proxy’s was on medical leave. Camie has contacted the proposers and in several cases
forwarded the forms to the appropriate approver. These forms are reflected in the + figure in
the number count. ASCRC may consider whether e-Curr should send an automated
response to the requestor at each approval or just when it has reached the subcommittee.
The subcommittee chairs decided on the following dates to present consent agendas. The
consent agendas for the Writing Committee (meets monthly), General Education Committee
(meets bi-weekly), and Service Learning Committee will be worked in as available. Most
likely these items will go to the Faculty Senate in December.
Business & Journalism
20 +1
Education & Fine Arts
54 +14
Forestry & Biomedical Science
Science & Math
39 +3
Social Science
Review of revised procedure 201.00 Curriculum Review Overview and 203.10 AP/CLEP
Credit was postponed. The drafts will be sent to members for consideration prior to the next
meeting. Chair Henderson will contact the Chairs of the Departments that require a score of
4 on the AP.
The Bitterroot College has requested that an experimental course be offered for a 4th time this
spring. A course form is e-Curr to create a new course. It is a Native American Studies
course and has the approval of the Native American Studies Department. ASCRC raised
questions regarding the administrative structure of the Bitterroot College in particular who
may propose and approve requests for permanent courses at the Bitterroot College. This will
be considered when the course form is reviewed. The request for extension of the NAS
course was approved.
The Registrar’s Office will run the experimental and dormant course reports this fall for
ASCRC to consider. There is not an automated mechanism that flags experimental course to
prevent them from being offered more than three times.
Next week the Language Requirement Workgroup will have an update.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM