G C M 2/11/15

GBB 202, 12:10-1:00 p.m.
Members Present: M. Alwell, B. Bach, K. Briknarova, A. Kinch, J. Hodgins, J. Johnson, D.
Spencer, C. Stanick, K. Swift, S. Williams
Members Absent/Excused: G. Bryan, I. Crummy, R. Delaloye, M. Kia, S. Ross
Ex Officio Members Present: R. Arouca, M. Berthelson, N. Lindsay
The 2/4/15 minutes were amended and approved.
Student member Sharon Bywater-Reyes had to resign from the committee so she could
work on her dissertation.
Policy 201.3.3 Editorial Catalog Changes was updated by ASRC to allow programs to
revise the list of electives without going through the curriculum committees. This came
about due to a number of crosslisting proposals that were not approved. Programs will
need to revise their electives to accept the courses with the rubrics of the parent program.
Most of the program review materials have been posted. The Science Subcommittee has
two reviews and is short a member. Camie will send a message to Science Department
Chairs requesting volunteers.
Both Chair Swift and Camie are unavailable for the March 18th meeting. It is hoped the
Bertha Morton applications will be available to review then, so the meeting will be
canceled to allow subcommittees to work on reviewing applications.
The Council discussed the Health and Human Performance Program Review document.
Several suggestions were made for more specificity. The Science Subcommittee will
make revisions for consideration next week.
Several additional organizations were suggested to include on the Graduate Education
Merit Award Program Institution list.
American Psychological Society
Beinecke Scholarship Program
Truman Capote Literary Trust
American Council for Learning Societies
In addition the council agreed that language should be added that identified the criteria
for the institutions to avoid having to continually update the list. The criteria may include
institutions with national reputations, open application process, and independent review.
The list of organizations will be identified, but students with awards from institutions not
on the list will be considered as long as the institution meets the criteria. Any
consideration of financial qualifications will be left to the Provost. Chair Swift will draft
the language to be reviewed next week.
The Council briefly discussed the Research Strategic Plan. Professor Kinch was on the
Taskforce that developed an earlier version of the Research Strategic plan. He
appreciated seeing the foundation in the newer version. There are some good ideas in the
plan, but it will be interesting to see how they might be implemented. The Council
questioned how the document will be disseminated and discussed. There should be
efforts to create cross-disciplinary groups to encourage collaboration and move away
from the silo structure that exists on campus. Chair Swift will provide the Council’s
input to the Chair of the Taskforce, Professor Sprang. The draft was introduced at the
Faculty Senate in December. Senators were encouraged to submit feedback.
On Friday, February 13th students from Salish Kootenai College interested in graduate
programs in the STEM disciplines will visit campus.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:57 PM.