General Education Committee Minutes, 9/24/07 2:10 in GBB 202 Members present: S. Hines, D. MacDonald, D. Morton, D. Potts, D. Sloan, G. Weix, Ex-officio present: A. Walker-Andrews Members absent: K. Hill, G. Johnson, F. Rosenzweig, K. Shanley In the absence of a chair the meeting was called to order at 2:15 by the administrative associate. Communications: Sandra Williams from Curriculum and Instruction recently resigned from the committee so ECSO will need to find another member from the professional schools. Schedules were collected in order to find a meeting time that will allow the other members to attend. Members were provided with handouts that included the draft minutes from the recent Faculty Senate and ASCRC meeting, the General Education Framework, timeline, and letter from Provost Engstrom to the Senate Chair that were discussed at these meetings. There will be an open faculty meeting on general education October 3rd and then a vote at the Faculty Senate October 11th. The General Education Committee is charged with forming subcommittees to develop the criteria and learning outcomes of each of the groups. Camie will send email requests to faculty that served on the Perspective Assessment Committees to see whether they are willing to serve. Business Items: The committee needs to elect a chair. However, no members expressed an interest and therefore the position will remain open until the next meeting and members that could not attend today will be asked to consider the position. The committee discussed how to approach the task of developing criteria for each of the groups and created five subcommittees and assigned members of the General Education Committee to chair the subcommittees. Members not chairing subcommittees were asked to serve on a subcommittee. It was decided that each subcommittee should consist of five or six members. Group II: Mathematics Group III: Modern and Classical Languages or Symbolic Systems Don Morton Debbie Sloan Group IV: Expressive Arts Group V: Literary and Artistic Studies Greg Johnson Group VI: Historical and Cultural Studies Group VIII: Ethics and Human Values G.G. Weix Group VII: Social Sciences Douglas MacDonald Group XI: Natural Sciences Group IX: American and European Perspectives Group X: Indigenous and Global Perspectives Don Potts Samantha Hines Kate Shanley Camie will update the chairs of the progress in finding suitable members. Subcommittee chairs could start the process by reviewing the current criteria and researching how other institutions define similar requirements. The subcommittees should consider the difficulties in determining whether a course meets the criteria or outcomes and how these are affectively assessed by reviewing a syllabus. Alternative methods of ongoing review of general education courses may also be discussed. The Senate Office has syllabi of general education courses reviewed in the past if subcommittee chairs would like to reference these. The committee should meet again after the model has been approved. The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.