General Education Committee Minutes, 10/30/13 Members present: Members Absent: Ex-officio Members present:

General Education Committee Minutes, 10/30/13
Members present: L. Frey, S. Caro, A. Dresselhaus, P. Frissell, J. Randall, K. Reiser, T. Squires,
N. White, H. Ausland
Members Absent: L. Calderon, N. Hinman, K. Huthaily, F. Rosensweig
Ex-officio Members present: B. Holzworth, B. Howard
Guest: S. Bradford, I Crummy
The minutes from 10/16/13 were approved.
Business Items:
The Expressive Arts Courses listed below were approved.
Professor Crummy appealed the committee’s decision not to approve FRCH 350 French
Civilization and Culture as an American & European course and FRCH 311,312, and 313
Survey of French Literature Courses as Literary and Artistic Studies courses. The General
Education Committee upheld its original decision. General Education Courses should
provide a broad field of student outside a student’s major and should be open to the general
student population. An upper division literature course taught in French does not fit this
Appeals to decisions should be made first in writing and then put on the agenda before the
appellant is invited to a committee meeting. Prior notice will provide members with the
opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course(s).
The Social Science Subcommittee is having difficulty with one of the global leadership
courses (Why) submitted. The course is team taught by faculty members from Political
Science and Division of Biological Sciences. It is fairly abstract and doesn’t seem to be
foundational to a particular area. The subcommittee chair does not know how to mentor the
proposer. The course was also submitted to fulfill the natural science category, but does not
address a specific scientific method.
It is clear that there needs to be a broader discussion regarding the fit of GLI courses within
the current General Education Framework. Chair White will contact Jean Loftus.
There is also tension within the Ethics and Human Values Subcommittee with regard to
whether specialized courses can still be introductory and foundational. Chair White has also
received an appeal for one of the proposed ethics courses. However, the subcommittee has
not completed deliberations on the course. Chair White reminder members that difficulties
with the review may indicate that the group/perspective requires revision.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Expressive Arts Consent Agenda
JRNL 191
Dance Performance Lab I
Dance Performance Lab II
From Homer to HeroCams: Adventure narrative through the ages and onto Web
Creative Drama & Dance for k-8