ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD INFORMATION SYSTEM TECHNICAL NOTES DATA Feld REPORTS 0 CURRENT RETRIEVAL TEXTS AWARENESS Notes Volume 4 Numbers 7 and 8 July-August 1972 Whos Who In Washington Office Division The of Engineering Compiled by Fran Owsley News Uýs Items FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FftINEERING FIELD NO S j This is publication The a monthly among Forest ideas is publication material Service not intended publication in the newsletter published exchange to Engineering information and However because type personnel. be exclusive to all for and engineers engineers. technicians engineering of the of read each monthly should issue. The publication Center to like number the issues It all provide would distributed from the Area Laboratory who wish a personal copies of that the copy. If or Office directly you are not now the Regional your from the Washington to Information being submitted Each copy Region to the has Washington Office format and allowable our an Information Coordinator R-4 Information contained to The whom field The the use of reader. R-9 Clifford Hill Fleet Stanton R-10 Gerald Coghlan Buerger Paletti in this report has this - WO been developed Forest Service for the Bean guidance contractors and of its employees of the cooperating assumes no responsibility Agriculture by other than its own employees. Department information its Stan Bakke of for trade firm or corporation names is for the information and convenience of Such use does not constitute an official evaluation conclusion recommendation endorsement be submit both should Dan Roper Chuck of personnel are Coordinators Ernest Quinn R-5 or use typewritten Kjell S. the interpretation instructions several to R-6 Department of Agriculture Federal and State agencies. The U. mandatory R-8 Alfred R-3 increase space. R-1 R-2 to Copies of back purpose. and can be ordered on form 7100-60. or edited before neatly written or printed is acceptable The Washington Office will edit and prepare the Office. and material for publication. questions Coordinator printed copy and Notes be primarily written and used by Forest material from other publications may be used. however accommodate to a personal the Field in Material need not be typed camera Regional are for this or policy. pages. Forest copies receiving Note material should always be informative and cannot contain The length of an article may vary from several sentences Field all Adequate Offices. Use form 7100-60 office. material Engineers Field Washington and Research Manager sent to also available are Service ask your Office one intended is is Station suitable. or approval of any product or service to the exclusion of others which may F I L D E WHOS WHO N THE IN O T E WASHINGTON S OFFICE OF ENGINEERING DIVISION FOREWORD --try Many of the requests from many Regions Field Notes. To those of and you who phone members from the sound of a voice of Forests inspired this issue our and try to visualize staff first few organizational need assistance in calling an for And to those who are pages you. technician a a or on cartographer specific subject engineer the listing of names with subject matter and phone numbers. a face If information the and you would like -- the in this issue of the it revised Field Notes year each helpful to please write us. is you Fran Owsley Editor NOTE. are Jeff Personnel changes made Sirmon WO promoted Stan Bean WO promoted John Daly WO reassigned too late to to Regional to include in this publication Engineer Chief Operations to R-l. Engineer Highway Engineer Region WO. 8. Richard G. Deleisseques reassigned from Forest Engineer San Bernardino N. F. R-5 to Staff Engineer WO Vice Daly. Dave Trask WO Bernard Hostrop promoted to Assistant R-4 promoted to i to the Chief Chiefs Cadastral Engineer WO. Office. WO DIVISION OF ENGINEERING ORGANIZATION MYLES HOWLETT R. DIRECTOR Alt r r area ýýý HAROLD L. Assistant STRICKLAND Director Operations CHARLES R. Assistant fie WELLER Director and Standards Consultations ii HEYWARD T. Assistant Technological TAYLOR JR. Director Improvements OPERATIONS HAROLD STRICKLAND L. Assistant Director AN JEFF Chief STANLEY BEAN 0. Technical Engineer M. SIRMON Operations JOHN JR. Data Systems FRANK Engineer LEWIS G. and GLOVER Atlas Recruitment J. HAMMOND Management A. L. COLLEY Management JOHN Chief Engineer Engineer RICHARD 0. Geometronics R. Geometronics ROTTY Engineer RAY Geometronics P. ALLISON Cartographer 111 JAMES Geometronics MAHAN Engineer F. SWINNERTON Geometronics Development DIRCK Chief DALY H. Technical Engineer and Status Chief DIXON Cartographer Engineer OLLIE Equipment A. BROADWAY Management Engineer AND STANDARDS CONSULTATIONS CHARLES WELLER U. Assistant Director lý DAVID Chief B. Transportation TRASK WILLIAM Analysis Engineer Chief KINWORTHT R Water Resource Engineer CHARLES Chief Engineer F. DWYER Cableways Denver - yry LAWRENCE D. BRUESCH Structures Highway Engineer STERLING Chief WILCOX J. Construction and THERAL Maintenance Chief Highway R. NIELSEN Design JERRY Engineer Structures M. HYDE Engineer DICK Solid Waste Engineer ý are ý Chief L HAHN Management yý t \4 EDMUND Highway C. Safety NEUMANN Engineer RONALD Landscape Architect RHOADS W. - Roadside HARRY Control COORSH Electrical iV Engineer DANIEL Cadastral M. MCVAY EAgieeer Engineer IMPROVEMENTS TECHNOLOGICAL HEYWARD T. Assistant BOONE Equipment Chief Y. TAYLOR JR. Director RICHARDSON Development ADRIAN Engineer Chief PELZNER Materials Engineer i DONALD Mechanical OLIN Systems J. L. LARRY SIROIS Mechanical Engineer BOCKES Development Geometronics E. JAMES Systems D. HOGAN Development MATSON DAVID Engineer Materials THEODORE Chief Engineer Computers A. LUPIEN Engineering Design Support Group V L. JONES Engineer ROMAINE Engineering F. Design THOMPSON Support Group WO OF ENGINEERING DIVISION Area Code 703 MYLES A. Jaeger ext. Extension HOWLETT R. Ivonne -- Dial 55 plus 71811 Director Secretary OPERATIONS Harold Assistant Strickland L. Gloria J. Wenzlaff Stanley O. Bean Administrative 71827 Director Secretary Chief Engineer Jr. 70575 -- Data Management super-vision Devel-opment Retrieval and and guidance Information Provides Training. to System and Status the Technical Training and and to general Drafting and unique operational problems. Richard G. Deleisseques Engineer -- 70456 Data System. Plans and organizes operates systems for technical information storage and retrieval. Coordinates activities for Technical Aware-ness Engineering Directives Technical Reports and Field Notes Current Programs. Frances Owsley G. Technical Editor -- Information 79410 System. Edits and publishes Engineering Field Notes and Technical Reports publications. Barbara J. Sam Assistant Technical Library --Implements Information Specialist the Program literature and Current Awareness conducts Engineering on request. the in-Service and searches out-Service Maintains distribution of the Engineering technical publications. Maintains the Technical Information Center holdings. 1 70558 Engineer 70456 -- Technical Recruitment Development and Training. Provides technical direction in recruit-ment man-power career development utilization and training Service-wide of the aspects Engineering program. assists in Analyzes manpower needs formu-lates recruiting technical experts and programs Lewis G. to Glover needed provide training. and Atlas -- Status Chief. 70427 Provides leadership to the Drafting and Section and gives guidance on drafting illustration needs to all Washington Atlas and Office divisions. Edward Marshall F. Status and Atlas Series maps received Maintains Offices. -- Assistant Edits Chief. 70427 Forest from the the Regional National Forest boundary records. Robert P. Driskell -- Geographic Provides Names Coordinator. liaison on geographic names activity Regions and the Board on for all 70427 Geographic Names. Frank Hammond Chief Engineer -- ManageControls reviews or responds to Congressional mail. Coordinates Forest road J. 71821 ment. Engine-ering and trail pollution abatement and other reports. Programs budget inputs and field Provides statistical information on allocations. RT system. A. L. WO and Colley -pollution Management abatement generalist. 2 Engineer. coordin ator 71821 Jr. Broadway Chief Engineer Provides Equipment Management. and technical expertise in all phases Ollie A. leader-ship - 71835 re-source of fleet equipment management to divisions in the field. with other agencies this activity other Government all Coordinates in the USDA. Departments and Bureaus and private industry. Swinnerton Chief Engineer -Geometronics. Provides Service-wide John R. technical 79050 leadership in geometronics. Richard O. Mahan Engineer -Provides technical Geometronics. development in the 79050 area of photo-grammetry geometronics. for Dirck Rotty Engineer -- Geometronics. Coordinates schedules and plans work for the Geometronics group and coordinates mapping activities 79050 with other Federal agencies. Ray Allison Cartographer Geometronics. Provides P. -- 79050 admini-strative direction for the Photo-grammetri.c Section including photo-grammetric systems stereoplotting orthophotography plate preparation scanning ditizing and non-conventional imagery. James F. Dixon Geometronics. Service aerial Forest Service Cartographer Specialist photography for -- Forest activities. representative on Departmental and Inter-departmental committees on aerial photography and admini-strative WO sales. photographic direction to Provides cartography section including photographic and cartographic ortho-photographic re-productions. 3 79050 Area Code Photographic Laboratory Ralph F. Fortune -- Chief Photographer Provides Service WO Photographic Forest Lab. Support Services Nate -- Administrative A. In-Service Authorization Officer. B. McVay for -- Statistics. Road and Trail Inventories FRT Construction Tentative Progress Final Reports Accomplishment Reports. 4 70532 6500-46. Expenditures Aileene 447-4685 D. C. leadership to the Office Roger Washington 202 and 70475 CONSULTATIONS AND STANDARDS Charles Weller R. Ruth G. Assistant Director Kenestrick Secretary Chief Engineer Transportation 70553 Analysis. 70374 -- Provides leadership in transportation analysis and operation of the transportation system. William R. Kinworthy Chief Engineer Water Resources. Consultation 71522 -- leader-ship and on Federal guidance Power proj-ects Commission projects. contact for USDA Forest Service in coordination Guidance on engineering resource Charles of Power Commission. with the Federal aspects of water projects. Area Code Dwyer Chief Engineer -Provides Denver. F. leader-ship Cableways and guidance 303 234-4405 in the field of aerial passenger tramways ski lifts and tows. Forest Service representative to Tram-ways American National Standards Institute Committee on Aerial Passenger B77 Organization for and Association International Transport by Ropeway of Recreational Lawrence Tramway Bruesch D. Authorities. Chief Engineer Provides -- leader-ship Highway Structures. in the for the Sterling field of highway structures transportation system. J. Wilcox Construction Chief Engineer -- and Maintenance. Provides mainte-nance leadership in construction and of roads and trails in the National Forest 70419 Transportation System. 5 70418 Theral Nielsen R. Chief Engineer -Consults with Engineers 71479 Highway Design. Foresters and others about survey and design of Forest Service roads. Prepares material for Engineering Handbooks and Manuals on the implementation of standards and policy. Hyde Jerry M. Structures and assistance leadership in 70490 Engineer. technical Provides Service-wide the to field construction and maintenance design of the buildings by reviews with other divisions and coordination agencies material for Forest preparing Manuals and Handbooks and Service on policy and standards. Dick Hahn L. in Solid Waste Provides Engineer. programs Coordinates Management 71522 technical leadership on solid waste activities. health and pollution public control activities with other Federal agencies. McVay M. leader-ship Daniel Provides Cadastral Engineer. direction and Service-wide Edmund C. Engineer. highway 70474 technical and professional coordination of the cadastral engineering Neumann Highway Provides safety Safety leadership program in program. to a complying with the Highway Safety Act of 1966. Cooperates with National Highway Safety Administration with accidents on projects that are concerned and highway safety on National Forest Development Road System. 6 70436 Ronald W. Rhoads Landscape Architect Roadside Control. Provides leadership roadside landscape control and development in applying engineers 70436 in traffic Coordinates signing. -- with advanced techniques highways and roads to the environment in an esthetically acceptable and safe functional manner. of adapting Harry Coorsh Electrical Engineer. Provides design assistance of electrical to field facilities. offices 70490 in Reviews the compatibility of utilization equipment with the electric supply system. 7 I TECHNOLOGICAL Heyward Taylor T. Boone Assistant Jr. Rice Judy K. IMPROVEMENTS Director Secretary Richardson Chief Engineer Development. Plans and Y. Equipment programs the Forest Service Development Program. Donald L. 70508 Sirois -- -- 70883 Equipment Mechanical 70883 Provides Engineer. programing and technical guidance for Service-wide equipment development Larry Matson E. -- technical equipment development in Adrian Pelzner testing. Mechanical Provides Engineer. and 70883 guidance studies. -- Chief Materials Engineer. con-cerning Provides leadership 71805 and direction the application of engineering technology to various construction materials such as soil rock asphalt concrete metal and wood. David L. Jones Provides -- Materials technical guidance Engineer. in 71805 the application of engineering technology to construction materials. Olin D. Bockes Engineer -- System Investigation Geometronics. Develops 71712 new technology in remote and display techniques to apply Forest Service needs. and tests sensing to James D. Hogan Engineer System Computer. Investigates and implements Engineering Development develops computer -- applications and 8 7 systems. 71712 Theodore A. Lupien Chief Engineer -Design Support Group EDSG. Develops 71661 and implements computer programs for use in road design structures water designs systems and transportation systems. Romaine E. Thompson Design Support Group in developing and Engineer EDSG. -- Assists implementing computer programs for use in road design structures water systems and transportation. 9 71661 NEWS ITEMS AN EASY SOLUTION TO SKYLINING By C. D. Swarthout Division of Engineering California Region In this used computer program which can be analyze skyline logging systems and provides the user with a paper to the printout showing live show the discusses the a proposed system or running standing analysis author the final skyline layout The skyline analysis. of a feasibility proposed results skyline or for an area requiring the development system to serve many sales. sale a of this system for one of a log transportation hard-to-reach The program was developed in Region 5. A very large portion Region 5s timber is old growth timber and is located in areas. Harvesting this timber Region system. two past years and a skyline 5 computer time has found it is a very quickly Input used way a powerful on alternate provide profiles. the The Kelsh Plotter the tool instances useful the average for the in analyzing alternate very The program requires it requires program skyline that enables a planner about 30 seconds profile therefore to obtain facts very skyline systems. program data for this to is easy to prepare. One control card is design pramaters for the entire list of cable profile data is usually prepared directly using a photogrammetric measuring instrument equipped Z digitizer and key punch machine. If this instrument not available or if the profiles have been obtained by other methods with a is to analyze many has been using this log transportation systems. of in of X Y data can be key punched manually. along the profiles field is always is used recorded to record in either the The horizontal measurement the The Z or Y field. X elevation of the point. The program is operatable on the Control Data Corporation 3100 1108. Information on the use of the program Computer and Univacs be obtained C. D. Bob Swarthout Forest by contacting may San Service Region 5 Francisco Calif. ...................... 10 THE EFFECTS OF DEICING SALT ON CONIFEROUS TREES By Byron Masters E. Foss per-forming Mr. Foss completed his Thesis The Effects entitled Deicing Salt Spray on Coniferous Trees January obtained the information relayed in his interesting 29 1971. of He by paper project while working toward a Master Is Degree with a Joint Maj or in Botany and Zoology at the University a special study of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. findings salt can injure plants either by accumulation of chloride via root absorption or by foliar spray. Salt spray on the surface of the needles of coniferous plants creates- an unfavorable According to his relationship between the osmotic solution and the internal osmotic concentration of the concentrations surface of the needles. When possible only those species of coniferous trees relatively tolerant to salt spray should be located next to highways. Spruces are generally more tolerant than pines those conifers which appear most susceptible to salt damage are the potted red pine and eastern white pine. Grassy vegetation which is moderately salt be the _ to tolerant should be planted in areas denuded of trees erosion and to beautify the roadside environment. Very little sprays research concerning on plants has been done. the direct effects Additional study the relationship of deicing salt spray to visible trees is fully understood Mr. Foss paper may planting be useful of screening anticipated. architects to prevent of deicing is required damage salt before on coniferous developing guidelines for the along roads where salting can be in vegetation be of special interest to our landscape and useful to Forest engineers working with State and Also county highway lands it may departments on roads that traverse National Forest For those who are interested in obtaining copies of this paper write Mr. Byron Foss who is located on the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia. .......................... 11 By A study is CRIB RETAINING TIMBER Adrian Pelzner WALL STUDY Chief Materials underway to evaluate existing Engineer WO design criteria for timber or modify these criteria retaining structures and to develop so that such structures can be fabricated from locally available timber and backfilled with locally available soils. The study is crib by the University of Idaho under the terms of a Although timber cooperative agreement with the Forest Service. few has long been used successfully in retaining structures being conducted have been developed criteria Attention will be focused of the timber members to aid or on the guide designers in this use. for the structural quality criteria connecting devices and the physical and backfill soils. The principal study are Professor Robert L. Schuster the characteristics of the foundation investigators for the Chairman Department of Civil Engineering Idaho and Walter V. Jones Soils Engineer the University of Idaho Department of at Highways. As an important part of this study the investigators are analyzing information on timber retaining structures supplied by the Regions Experiment Stations and other Forest Service havealso visited the sites of timber and other structures as well as The ultimate goal timber crib the Forest Products retaining being used is from the instrument wall. in for completion warranted a and Laboratory. for this type December 31 study will be distributed second monitor and the 1972. may performance of a with the design at structure. be initiated to design timber an actual crib retaining project site and recommendations developed first study. ...................... 12 The Information Service-wide. related study This wall would be constructed accordance retaining study is to produce a design system for walls that is better and more economical target date If type of the than the designs presently developed They units. in the SPECIAL REPORT ON THE FIRST EARTH RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY SATELLITE By On July 23 Ray Allison P. 1972 the first Earth ERTS-1 was launched Air Force Vandenberg into a Base WO Resources Technology circular near polar Satellite earth orbit from California. cover-ing The mission of ERTS-1 is to monitor earth resources from satellite Over 300 scientific investigators from the United States and sensors. The satellite is 37 countries are receiving data form ERTS-l. of the 80 percent The 31 July on all Week Space Technology ERTS-1. The article and systems aboard the satellite and is reading for those interested in the ERTS Program. information on the ERTS Program may be obtained from recommended Additional with 500 photographs. a special report on the information provides States 1972 issue of Aviation features magazine United Olin Bockes of the Washington Office Division of Engineering. ...................... EDITORS Volume has 4 NOTE The news item by Sam Fischer and Ed Numbers 3 and 4 March-April up several controversies. you are reading the Field Notes. stirred Some The phraseology first 40 hours their In actuality the of the week survey Tomm issue of the Field Notes Good Im glad to know crews are scheduled days to that work was misleading. unscheduled first 40-hour are working on an of the crews in the first 4 basis. Gerald Baughman of the WO Personnel Management Pay Section states First 40-hour tours of duty and are non-standard can be established only indefinite tours when working organi-zation hours are determined by irregular and unpredictable needs for service and when functioning of the would otherwise be seriously handicapped or increased 6161. 13b. costs would be substantially Whenever in FSM possible working hours should be scheduled in advance. 13