Document 11877205

February 2015
These are exciting times for the Title V Grant as we enter the 5th month of activities toward
meeting our Year 1 Objectives:
1) Develop a Wildland Fire Science AAS/Certificate; and
2) Develop new Online Admissions and Registration systems, to include Online Advisement.
Title V Staff: As we reported in the last Newsletter, we are at 80% for Title V Staff, and we are
currently setting interviews for the Wildland Fire Science Specialist position. When that position
is filled, we will be at 100% for the Title V Grant Staff.
Title V OSS: Juanita Garcia, Online Services Specialist, has led the development of
comprehensive online student services. She has completed a student survey for existing services
and then when the pilot is complete, a post pilot survey will be administered for comparative data.
Many thanks to Amy Betramsen for her assistance with this endeavor. Additionally, Juanita will
coordinate with current Student Services personnel to integrate new online services with existing
campus services. This coordination will culminate in workshops that will begin in February. New
online services, to include online Admissions/Registration and Live Chat, will launch to the
public in March. Thanks to Trish Pascale, Jim Weinman, Amy Betramsen, and all the Student
Services Staff who volunteered their input to create the Online Admission Application.
Title V ID: Sarah Karabelski, Title V Activity Director and Instructional Designer, has
assumed her role as supervisor of Title V Activity Staff to ensure day-to-day implementation of
strategies necessary to accomplish activity objectives. She has coordinated with Kimberly Wills,
Distance Education Coordinator, to begin Quality Matters training to assist the Wildland Fire
Science Specialist (WFS) in designing and developing new online/hybrid courses, which will be
piloted next fall (Year 2 of the grant). In lieu of a WFS Specialist, she has moved forward in
securing the manuals and guidelines that the WFS will need to begin course development in
March. Additionally, Sarah will conduct professional development in “Best Practices” for
online/hybrid instruction and tools in the future, and that workshop will be open to all faculty
(full time and part time) who would like to attend.
A special thanks to Coda Omness, Lisa Maue, Debbie Sanchez, Eric Padilla, Devonna James,
Daniel Waldo, Quentin Hays, and Trish Pascale for their hospitality in allowing us to share their
outreach experience at the Sierra Blanca Wildland Fire Science Academy. Check the Website
soon for some great photos!
It’s been great to hear from so many of you all in response to the Newsletter, and we look forward
to hearing from more of you in the months to come. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kathryn Keen, Title V Project Manager
575-257-2120, EXT 403