Differences in Temperature Dependence of Respiration Distinguish Subspecies and Hybrid Populations of Big Sagebrush: Nature Versus Nurture Bruce N. Smith Susan Eldredge David L. Moulton Thomas A. Monaco Angela R. Jones Lee D. Hansen E. Durant McArthur D. Carl Freeman Abstract—Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana grows at slightly higher, cooler, and drier sites than does A.t. ssp. tridentata. Natural hybrids between the two subspecies are found in Salt Creek Canyon near Nephi, Utah where the parent populations are separated by 85 m in elevation and 1.1 km along the transect. In 1993, three gardens were established with seedlings from five populations along the transect planted in each garden. From 1995 to 1998, physiological measurements were made using carbon isotope ratios, chlorophyll a fluorescence and microcalorimetry. Significant differences were observed among the gardens whatever the source of origin and among the plant sources in whichever garden they were grown. Both nature and nurture have an influence. Microcalorimetry has the power to predict optimal growth for a given population even within this narrow range of environments as the temperature dependence of heat rate and carbon dioxide evolution differed for each population. Sagebrush grows slowly at cool temperatures. The plants are stressed and growth ceases at temperatures much above 30°C. Artemisia tridentata Nutt. or big sagebrush is one of the most widespread and economically important shrubs in western North America. The species ranges from western Nebraska to eastern California and from British Columbia to northern New Mexico (USDA 1937, 1988). Big sagebrush and its subspecies have been prominent since the late Tertiary or early Quaternary (Axelrod 1950). The present distribution of the subspecies and contact zones between In: McArthur, E. Durant; Ostler, W. Kent; Wambolt, Carl L., comps. 1999. Proceedings: shrubland ecotones; 1998 August 12–14; Ephraim, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-11. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Bruce N. Smith is a Professor; Susan Eldredge and David L. Moulton are undergraduate students; Thomas A. Monaco and Angela R. Jones are graduate students in the Department of Botany and Range Science; Lee D. Hansen is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602. E. Durant McArthur is a Project Leader and Research Geneticist at the Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 735 North 500 East, Provo, UT 84606. D. Carl Freeman is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 them were probably established at the end of the last glaciation (Freeman and others 1991). Basin big sagebrush grows at lower elevations than mountain big sagebrush. Differences in volatile compounds between the subspecies have also been noted (Weber and others 1994). Natural hybrids between the subspecies often occur when parent populations are in close proximity. Hybrids may also be produced by controlled pollination (Graham and others 1995). Success of parental subspecies and hybrids between them in the face of environmental stresses is often assessed by growth measurements and changes in morphology. A more sensitive assessment could be made using physiological parameters. Stem water potential and gas-exchange respiration have been measured in parental and hybrid big sagebrush grown in common gardens (McArthur and others 1998). Significant differences were found among habitats and source populations. Carbon isotopic fractionation associated with degree of stomatal closure in some circumstances has been correlated with productivity (Condon and others 1987). Chlorophyll fluorescence has proven to be a sensitive indicator of plant stress (Guidi and others 1997, Loik and Harte 1996). Calorimetric measurements of the respiratory heat rates of plant tissues, made simultaneously with measurements of gas exchange rates, allow calculation of plant growth rates as a function of temperature (Hansen and others 1998, Criddle and others 1997). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, using these techniques, adaptation of parental and hybrid plants to environmental stresses in common gardens on a single hillside. Materials and Methods ___________ Mountain sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana grows at slightly higher, cooler and drier sites than does valley sagebrush (A. tridentata ssp. tridentata). Natural hybrids between the two subspecies are often found in locations such as Salt Creek Canyon, located 10 km east of Nephi, Utah where the parent populations are separated 25 85 meters in elevation and 1.1 km in distance on the eastfacing slope of the canyon. Previous studies (Freeman and others 1991, Graham and others 1995, McArthur and others 1998) have shown that much of the hillside between the parent populations is occupied by hybrids. Common gardens were established at the mountain and valley locations and about halfway between the two. Seed was collected from the parent locations and from three areas in the hybrid population zone. The seed was germinated and grown in containers in the greenhouse. In the spring of 1993, 60 seedlings were randomly planted in each of the three fenced common gardens, 12 from each of the five populations (mountain, high-elevation hybrid, mid-elevation hybrid, low-elevation hybrid, and valley). Plant tissues were collected on: July 6, 1995 at air temperatures in the shade ranging from 24 to 30°C; August 8, 1995 at 18 to 24.5°C; and on September 28, 1995, at 18 to 24°C. From 1996 through 1998 plant tissues were collected at several times. Samples were kept refrigerated for analysis in a Hart model 7707 microcalorimeter. Metabolic heat rate (q) and respiration rate (RCO2) were measured for each sample at 15 and 25°C (1995 samples). Metabolic measurements in subsequent years were made at nine temperatures: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40°C. Using a mathematical model developed by Hansen and others (1994) metabolic response to temperature was calculated for each individual plant over the entire range of growth temperatures for sagebrush. Knowing the heat rate (q) and the respiration rate (RCO2), the relative specific growth rate (RSG) can be predicted: 15 RSGΔ HB 10 5 0 –5 –10 –15 –20 0 10 20 30 Temperature (°C) (2) where ε is the substrate carbon conversion efficiency. Thus growth rate is directly proportional to both respiration rate and efficiency. Clamps to darken shoot tips and leaves were placed on sagebrush plants in the gardens on August 30, 1996, with an air temperature of 28°C. After equilibration in the dark for 10 minutes, a pulse of 655 nm light was given from the Morgan Scientific CF-1000 Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurement System and the quantum yield of photosytem II was measured as fluorescence at 695 nm and expressed as the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm). A decrease in the quantum yield (lower Fv/Fm ratio) indicates greater environmental stress on the plant. Pooled samples of sagebrush shoot tips collected on each of the three dates in 1995 were dried overnight at 65°C and 26 As shown in figure 1, both relative specific growth rate (A) and efficiency (B) were predicted to be high at low temperatures and inhibited at higher temperatures. Growth rate indicated stress at about 30°C while efficiency was decreased at 25°C. Differences between populations were noted. Calorimetric data for all of the sagebrush plants (fig. 1) indicate that sagebrush grows best at low temperatures and always grows slowly. Plants that grow best at low temperatures generally do poorly at warm temperatures while those plants that grow better at warmer temperatures do less well than others at cooler temperatures. They never seem to have it both ways. Pooled metabolic and isotopic data from all dates, sites, and sources (table 1) indicated a decline in heat rate and respiration rate from early May until late September. An approximation of efficiency is q/RCO2, predicting best growth during June and July and in the basin garden. Transplantation itself may have been a slight problem for vaseyana but differences between source populations were small. Carbon isotopic values showed only small differences but indicated stress in warmer weather and in vaseyana. Plant tissue collected on the warmest date (July 6, 1995) was more negative than that collected in August or September. This confirms that sagebrush grows best in cool weather and is (1) where RSG is the specific growth rate in terms of moles of carbon incorporated per gram of biomass, q is the specific heat rate in μW/mg, RCO2 is the rate of CO2 evolution in the dark at pmol mg–1 sec–1, and Δ HB is the enthalpy change for structural biomass formation (as kJ/mol carbon). If photosynthate is stored as starch or sugars (which have chemical oxidation states of zero), and assuming that ΔHB is constant with temperature and among sagebrush plants, Thornton’s constant (–455 kJ mole–1) may be introduced. Since the method measures energy changes (q) as well as gas exchange rates (RCO2), equation (1) can also be expressed as: RSG = RCO2[ε /(1–ε )] Results ________________________ 0.5 (ε /1-ε )Δ HB RSGΔHB = (455RCO2 – q) analyzed for carbon isotopes at the Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research at the University of Utah. 0.25 0 –0.25 –0.5 0 10 20 30 Temperature (°C) Figure 1—Calorimetric measurements at 15 and 25°C extrapolated through the growth range of temperatures expressed as (A) relative specific growth rates (RSGΔ HB) and (B) efficiency [(ε /1-ε )Δ HB] for each of the three gardens and populations. Please see text for details. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Table 1—Pooled metabolic and isotopic data from all dates, sites, and sources in 1995 and 1996. The values are averages from 36 plants in each case. Date Qave@15°C RCO2@15°C Qave/RCO2 δ 13C 16.14 12.90 13.43 7.77 7.12 322.7 293.2 292.1 302.5 337.0 –29.0 –28.3 –27.9 13.35 10.54 9.55 254.3 347.0 349.5 –28.3 –28.7 –28.1 324.9 323.4 299.9 –28.0 –28.0 –29.2 Data pooled by date: May 10, 1996 June 6, 1996 July 6, 1995 Aug. 8, 1995 Sept. 28, 1995 4.596 4.270 3.554 2.114 2.097 Data pooled by site (garden): Basin Hybrid Mountain 3.646 3.362 2.853 Data pooled by source (origin of plants): Basin Hybrid Mountain 3.596 3.341 3.046 11.61 11.66 10.65 stressed at moderately warm temperatures. Subspecies tridentata seems to withstand stress better than ssp. vaseyana or hybrids between them. Recent measurements of metabolic heat rates and respiration are expressed as predicted growth rate (RSG) plotted against temperature (figure 2). Growth of hybrid plants was slow but not inhibited at cool temperatures in all three gardens but was inhibited at 30°C in the mountain garden, at 35°C in the basin garden, and at 40°C in the hybrid garden. This seems to indicate that hybrid plants are best adapted to warm temperature extremes at their place of origin. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements (table 2) indicated stress as a reduction in quantum yield only for vaseyana plants grown in the basin garden. Pooled carbon isotopic ratios for all plants in each garden became more negative with increased elevation, indicating greater stress at the higher, cooler, drier sites (table 2). If one pools all the plants from a common site of origin, no matter where they were grown, isotopic ratios for A.t. ssp. tridentata were more positive than hybrid plants, while ssp. vaseyana had the most negative values at all sites (table 1). Discussion _____________________ Perhaps our most surprising finding is that sagebrush grows slowly in cold weather but is not stressed by cool temperatures. On the other hand, warmer temperatures produced evidence of stress and reduced growth. Sagebrush is well-adapted to living in the Great Basin which has cold, wet winters and hot dry summers. The winters are not extremely cold and it is rare to find the ground frozen as a blanket of snow usually insulates the ground surface. Nelson USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-11. 1999 Figure 2— Calorimetric measurements made at nine temperatures for each garden and the central hybrid population expressed as relative specific growth rates (RSGΔHB). 27 Table 2—Sagebrush chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) on August 30, 1996 and carbon isotope ratios on September 28, 1995. Garden Basin Hybrid Mountain Basin Hybrid Mountain Basin Hybrid Mountain Basin Hybrid Mountain Basin Hybrid Mountain Population Basin Basin Basin Low elev. hybrid Low elev. hybrid Low elev. hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid High elev. hybrid High elev. hybrid High elev. hybrid Mountain Mountain Mountain and Tiernan (1973) found extensive winter injury to big sagebrush in years with low snow cover and consequent exposure to extreme cold. Sagebrush apparently can become dormant and withstand high summer temperatures, but may have no mechanism for slowing growth during very cold conditions. Since sagebrush retains leaves all year, Pearson (1975) determined hourly and daily photosynthesis rates on six Artemisia tridentata plants grown outside in Rexburg, Idaho. He found the highest rates of photosynthesis to be in December, January, and February, while the lowest rates of photosynthesis occurred in July and August when the soil was very dry. Summer drought and high temperatures coincide in the Great Basin and the relative contribution of both stresses must be addressed. In a controlled greenhouse experiment, Booth and others (1990) concluded that for three subspecies of big sagebrush, even under the most severe conditions employed, water was not sufficiently limited to retard seedling growth. These results were supported by work of Matzner and Richards (1996) who found that sagebrush roots could maintain nutrient capacity even under water stress. More negative carbon isotopic ratios may indicate increased discrimination against the heavy isotope during diffusion through partially closed stomates (Condon and others 1987). Greater water availability, more extensive root systems, and cooler temperatures allow more open stomates and less isotopic fractionation. Data from tables 1 and 2 support that hypothesis. References _____________________ Axelrod, D. I. 1950. The evolution of desert vegetation in western North America. 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