Roll Call New Business Guest Speakers

RHAC Meeting Minutes: September 25th, 2014
Roll Call
President Mitch Kenny called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. One of Reuter Hall
reps has resigned.
New Business
Election: fill out an application for Glacurh.
Jake Deviley from Wentz and Jake Schimmel from Eagle Grey won the
Congratulations to them!
Guest Speakers
Molly Davies:
Train track crossing railroad
What is no more tracks in Lax
RHAC passed a resolution last year opposing the railroad addition for a
number of reasons:
o 4 residence halls are in the blast zone
o Additional noise
o Isn’t environmentally friendly
o Blocks bluff access
o Disruption of marsh
Like us on Facebook
Tweet #NoMoreTrackInLAX
Visit our booth at the Farmer’s Market
Mondays from 11am-3pm to take a picture!
Talk to your halls about RHAC’s continued support with this effort!
Executive Reports
President (Mitch Kennedy)
 Newspaper delivery wed 1st at Sam
 Cardinal scholars email will be sent out
 Cold weather programming email coming soon
 C7 parking lot turf field is a no go because it will cost $10million, 2.5 times
the original price
Vice President of Administration and Operations (Jenna
 No reports
Vice President of University Affairs (Bridget Fish)
 Fill out your committee survey
 Come to dining services with me on the 26th
o 2-3 simply to go
 Doc report
o ChickenQue
 Oct 15th
If you help, you can get a free shirt
Secretary (Annabel)
 No reports
Treasurer (Lauren)
 Introduce herself and her position
 Grub tub season is starting. Get excited to help with mailings and be on
the lookout for a sign up sheet.
 "It's on us" event with Senate and Greek life. Entails a t-shirt sale and flag
football game, the profits will go to a battered women's shelter in town. It's
in the very early stages; so if you would like to help with planning this
event, let me know!
National Communications Coordinator (Megan)
 GLACURH Applications due this Friday
 GLACURH nominations
Senators (Alex McNeil and Jacob Sparks)
 Field house
o Link from the REC with into you can give for reports
o Price Change: $10 → $20 → $30 → $66
(16-17) (17-18)
Voter ID
o Senate in addressing a resolution in response to the voter ID law
now being in effect
 This resolution includes 3 provisions for offering ID’s and ID
materials, and a 4th provision expression disapproval for the
law, which is under debate
o if you need to register to vote, come to see Alex or Sparks!
o Broadcast this to your halls
Academic Affairs
o Revising grading policy
Public Relations Coordinator (Andy Emond)
 Fill out the blurbs for reps on the website
 Photo Day now!
NRHH/RHAC Liason (Luke Hams)
 Introduce himself and his position
o Otm coordinator: Anna Nachreiner
o Otm.NRHH.ORG due at 3rd at 11:59
o Recognition for cool things/people/events on campus
Advisor Reports
Chris Dziekan
 I can't wait until Camp Pepin. It is a great time to get to know one another
and bond! It should be a lot of fun!
Nicole Bushway
 Introduce herself and her position
Kaylz Lenta
 Introduce herself and her position
Hall Reports
Angell (Garrett Kostrova and Adria Braley )
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Coate (Jillian Medugne and Patrick Brever)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Drake (Emma Herms and Erica Borde)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Eagle Gray (Jacob Schimmel and Chase Lambert)
Introduce themselves and their positions
Haunted house volunteers are needed!
Eagle Maroon (Madison Wescott and Mariah Wussow)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
 There will be a core leader meeting on Monday, September 22nd
Hutch (Emily Clement and Sarah Rademacher)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
 Alcohol Awareness at 8pm in Wednesday
Laux (Yevette Garcia and Nouchee Lor)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Reuter (Kate Mish)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Sanford (Hallee Hess and Nick Kuznicki)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
Wentz (Alex Robinson and Jake Deviley)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
White (Kaitlin Bronk and Jamie Litaker)
 Introduce themselves and their positions
 Planning Bonfire for early October
 Planning to instate a running log for residences
Committee Reports
Activities and Relations Committee (ARC)
 Co-chairs and secretary are decided
 planning for Fall Program and Winter Formal
Camp Pepin ARC Dinner this coming Saturday night
Specific Issues (SI)
 Safety walk on October 8th
Paper Shapes (Shout Outs)
Mitch Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.