just a shot~ _getting to TlleiCet'rl.JC-•"'Poy'"'-IJ'O.~ the pointerT·~·-~ _.... bte OQ~~~.~.~r=.~ -mil - - Mve been cantncllculry aDd oa.ly ·,__ p~.~.-~: red is beaAifvl W'-dNllncwilhtt)'lt.tnllikelbit, TDdwPtll-. lnl~:c::: :t.:s; :euL: :~~a~ lrnpa rtant nellt. Nut Monday, 1'11-a.y, andWednc.d.ly,~ber IS.i1, 1ht RedCroaBioodmobllewiU be ~am:.~ ~111and,:: bD~ lltmalft'. Thll yur the lima will be II :OOam.S:DOpmonMoad.lly,D.DdiO:OO Dl!l-t:OO pm on '1"'..eeddoy and WMnnday, 'lt'rf&hllAun&ewi Ubelhe/-oom fotallt'- dap.. 81:=-mobls::u~~~ ~~t!en~~nw:~~~~=:w'·.::: «<lllftllon.Appointmtl'llaCIInbemade bJ slanfDa Vp" lbe Red the lnl'ormallon er- "" -oe ~ a spedal • ~(l#lheUWSPttudentaiDihaton Wedllnday, Stplembn' 17, llwy donate "--·· 11piela(l#8poaili¥tbklod. ..... .t. P.O. ateN• -lftlalrealiu:tbatpriariU.n:lst: ltudenttvs.ftnllt)'andataff.lftcti.,~ l Ullivft'Sltiel YS. cmtrsledmlaiatntlon, etc' .•ttc'. lntpriorityayatnn-bu lh~.IM!ow«tdlelonwWinV~~riablybe the moat rreq~t vblm ol •dminlltrath~ errw. nu rNI)' npllin why l.:ulty andal&ff lfl Jl'ldoa time while IWdmt pa)TOUI Ill 011 ~Min :::':!:~:::a~~~~ raUUitbatth.W:Imt.i.,..II'IPPOI«<tobe ,.w. Student time e.rdl ·~ _, 10 M..dt-lontlmtbut.nthertbanbflnc praeftled.lheyaa t intbuldtpot~o~nUJ payda.y. Wtl"ffOtitel.luotvlllblei"UUINN IwJI')' drlliyt alai : camputer mall~ lateruUiqoftiJMciU'dl,ete.1'tien• ~~~~lhe~= the tact lhlrot atudtol. lileeU wert nat ... -.tOI.IIorthllth!)t~-.,~ ~ .w~eculrafto Q:len Channel reply -• St\IGnlta at t'OIIntina 011 UU Univenity - . cheek~. Tbey wwe nt«<edforrrnl., lulllon,Uvln&npenltl, u-e and-taa~:aoodtimebll,~ift~~.~mmer JIYtWI)'loLhe1Lir1offChOol.n.e Bob BlodJ:illllli mada Uaecue 'ln lui wed's PDWer for lht rtpt (!# the ttudmltoallft(thewft.-.ltyiOMrYe bb educ:atlan u we!l u r.c-.ry. I ....nttopoilltiO-Yft')'lm.pona.ni. -.iiJ'. One writer once Jald : ' "'Jbe only In- ~~~YH~~~ ::e:::: ~ the Alnft'kan ~•Ut~e l)'llfm, but bla tta~ makes. ~lel r that aol eoo·trytllb.c....,.rtlai.IIJhl-aworutwhileiNmir.:a~ rar-.Jvn. 8utlhen-wbatyoulln!dfar ajab•' t llftftNrilyU.ftlher. Tbedafl&rrlaiO('ONidrr~nc worthwhile leanalne b«auae your dad • )'CIU" best friend elMs .o, b«awe it IK\IJWIWd .. paldjob,becJiu;ae\lialhe l l.¥t DI'IIJ'Iitkl youk.-anclarenolafrald(l# -. thft'tlumyriad(l#reuon~lhat .wdtnltl cid not deem II unltir dwlt the. univft'Sity ......llded prom~ and Pf'OI!I~IJidpusctwlityoltbrir ~pkl)'en.. 1$ It lbea unftlrthrot u.-· atudmual.k thetamellllheir .-r-t'! StudMu IIIUit melC fllllllllifl l ~ albilltln 1nd II It 10 tbeir ldVII nlqe 10 doaowllh a pa)'dledl: rather Ulan IJI n- Hmapa aome day the Acmunlinc Dept. tllheVatian(liJ ollbe U.W. •f'l~wUinnd.inateadoltpa,cbeck, \oOIIJ."' Pnilapll tbe7 wiU lll'ldenUad the: atm. lhl$ puu on indivkkaalt. hrhiiJ111th'1wUievm LikethetltMto r~~pl.lln lhedN)' Ia quatiorl. I hope to. I aiM hope I~ will ~~btriO mafl lt. C-nHSt.tnt IIOihi~Wtodowitlla..nelvn,DWIO.Ia andpurpc~Hinlife. .......... Tbe ~ b ; Don the l l i¥trail)' The ampw Ia 1 very Important lidd (l#aperimftltatlon.SUadellu~ hive lbt poulbilit)' to aperimce a variety of ways ollhlnklnc and way• tN.-canbeclorle. Haklaapeedlin f~l(l#alarJeavwclpranMteaniD- =· ~:-:-n~~l)'~=r: poem . find out What ~,. .. about. lhlnll ~n~rm.t for a week. ap.pruch a per-. willlaut a cletrly a · plicable: reuon. crab • ramp newap~per,loiJIIIOtomeOod)' Of CCCI• vl nce him(!# then«fllityola land rtform In Nfpill. ..:.u:.n-:..~~~U:UTI!!~ bellraWolloiAnc•friendar~ 1111 instrudar. wltboulbtilllaMed far q.aalif!atianl. , NowyGU.a!IMI.UIIhtlllli'rtnity .,........ nceD.nl opportUnltift far Ill lhil. 0.1( . But how- .tudlnb Maw " tolltUeactiwltybalcSel~tllec*l tnd.s' How tome In \he ,.."""ent cia• I !oak 1M athet' ,,... 1 apentlhe cl.luroan\ lloun -'.Ill • my aoCeOcdt w\U! drdn: l'llm!W W1lnHUI anddol~andaftft'dleflul not"'" ..... ll'l'ft' the lnall\lctor ewld lftlifJ'tbal lt.d pttenDI'I!1blni*IID . lliii!Mrt outolthltdaM~ Lellll . il- mub.aal~betWMJI\he . ~~nlv'""'ty olferi~~~J t lndlbelrq.aallty) andlhell""'"l'ldilllll«..a. Le!UIIIopforlli'IOintllllnO&rdally lum. looc*•t-worldlfld atCillf'at-.DM ior wbatii....U,.Ialpx1alll and~usret'llp!iZIIIhltthrnWIIOI reapDft- only• rla)lt 10 lrJ' but aiM 1 .;bililyl8 do ... lle,.Uf'ti A.W £.,..,._" UWSP LoFol'- replies Tbe~lathatwedad't~ proride:lbeattint:lor•~ -m ror~~ ' aarto.~olt ii'I'JWI'Iia&mu ..ylnf ''Sorry, p~)'t91.1 cbects.will 1101: be ben UN-: ~ ndt-Yoroii .. ......... 1eU..-w.. ~I81 ' P...kr' H.ll•illoJ•Iy ll, lmlaM.I I UrWoi:yclol I«Ye.._ .. wDIYIIII 1 , ...... c .. ,~.,. tn., UWSP ~ ~1. .... ••aesc.'- • Mw lH UllfAQ iJtuU.. fM' wllktl w rKtiiJ' Wlr;~ • wpwa,. -.w.,ewetteloKal. lllole ... IMft'll""ldlo'-. T• .. lotMr. t.al',eelk '-lk..,y,.rtr .. ra,-... T1tHPII11ft', I !"Nd )'(IW" 1rtidl pn'UiJU( 10 U. lac'k(l#adeqwllltali'I)'ConMderltlanl few bicydhu on Hilfrway • In Plfo lk'ula r, and au hJ&hways In ltnenl. What un I dcltolwlp' Wen~lniiT'tflllylmnnber(l#tbe ~- . lewld~tbla conttn~witha ppropriate ~Uoii.AI )'OG lf'IWIU aware, I am la~no IIO'ilbl IOdalhltuSecraary(I#St.att.l fell lhet 1 prna reiNM on my plrt would ... be l..r!ICtiw-1 INal ID\Idl leu elfedl .. lllaar-OW!Ieditorial. lllaft lonl Men an.sdv«ate ol tnnapart.stlon alln'lllllh'U 10 lbe autom.obtle, and ~Uy.bicydet~o~fetyillma)ar Series 9, Vol. 18, No. -4 ·r••tn · 1a a ,....,•• , ••p.-tc4 •••lluU• •• ttle U•her11l7 ., "'lae. . . . . . _ ..... , <=-•..Wy. ('(lft(ffQ.I amabo~llyconc:lf'tll'd lbou t t'-,......,IUr.• yourfriend Martilt Thom~. wbo are ilarTaaMd, injurtod,w ll lllldu a rfiWt(l#lbdf' (!# -·pDUIIli !W ~ • l~wilh)'Oireditarl.lll.lldwltb d!oice )'CIU"rlqUell. l -'mJ117donotkMwwhll t candalntbedif'edlonlolc broQI!nc pvtt'IIIMI'IIIttltudeiiDw.,.tptaclJJI _ , . on bkyde paU. nlher U..n inter11atn. lt you c:an.ugftl anythlnc tllat l u.ndoilltbiaa!"N , I "~ )'CIU"Idelll. llaokf-•rd&oy-reply will! theM '*-t. O.IUP'IUI'Ik !Wrria>y .. S..W ~~=-·-·-·-. c- "'--"-• "'- ;=::a::;""E'; ,E ::~-=::s~=-..:.==:=-7.:== __ . . _Dial 911 for all emergencies , \Nhen 911 comes lo Stevens Point on September 15. lhe r.Jmbef 'Nill .....ooc on oil campus phones. Just dial or "8" first. like you would on onv local call. ·v· Then dial 911. Beainnin& ne:~~:t Mollidaj dislrelled e.aUen ril have to remember;. ooly tu to coatKt the police, lire, or ambul.lnee services for hdp. Tbll centrallud emercency nUmber il no different than a ll.aDdan:t tdephooe ~ - The opn"IIOI' or.dill)l.tdleim.aMiftg lbe lySlim limply Jakel the lncominS ftnuamcy calls and tbell infonns the al)pNipriate arvtce by radio or "'-- Cu rrently, are'a pollee are =:;~,~~.::=-·~ do 10. Accordln& to Por'lqe County ~~~o=~~i~'::-= ~1~ 1 allowtlheMn'knlo~ mueb faller. ''11M! radio l)'ltem worts hand in twld with the ""' «:n· ttaliud emqeney l)'ltem ," the 5berlff added. 111e coR of INa new let"W:e II nx.Oy bonle by the local lovt'l'n· mmt and the telephone eompaz~y . Poinle' h&e 4 Sepk•lller JJ , lt71 911 will put you In touch ¥lith emergency help fosl from police, fire depoltment sheriff or ambulance serlice. For non-emergency cOils. dial ru'1"lbers lisled on lhe i0$1de front C0'.'9f of lhe Stevens Point phone book. ~c : dlol 911 troln any phone with a 341. 344 or 911. Help 'Will be there when you need il. @WISConsin lelephone The local aovernment utilizeS the revenue to rent the extra lines needed , w1\lle the td~hone e«n· C'r!.~tamC:~t c!:t'•~n= syll.em ll thlt olthe ditpatd~rwho receivtslhecallt . • Stver~~ l towns, larae and • mall , 1\ave rnorted to i ll. Howevn-: the Jyllem M1 had lea •uc:c:ns in latin' cltln, such u Milwaukf.e, becauseofovn-lapplniJuriJdic!lon and alto becauae localpernmentJ are.r-:efn-~~ametropolls admlniJtution. 11UJ could be one lftton wily the SMrlff and Police OPpa.rtment are confident that tht new system will bt JUCctaful ln tht Slevtn~Pointarea . Tht centralized nwnber hu a ~Uf!l~ of advanlqn over the old , IndiVIdual emer1ency num biTJ o poliu . fi r e , a nd a mbulance dtpartmentJ. The important edp ls that the number 11 euy tt.l r~embtrllldwillsoonbenation· . ... There's al~ays Nol.tr rqwWr JW Uoveru,at "'"' • •, ., lu& ....... taD:Iq LO t'*ala 1tt..i U.. ........ ...-.. • room for one.· more. t 5'e rep•rts flalll•l 1l1t of • Jt_,e•lJ c-mllllq r r - .urll>y UHI, Muy of &I.e• .... oaUdpltft n.u., .._.,_., ..Unvt.ru&t .-.u klcaUy. olto c••• acrou wlrlo Mcrti!M droftr lh'tll& HMIU...u''leMlllu....,..llllle'' bot ouu11ry Mc1ue of Ole c.-rut 11-UC ~· u• JW Onl.-lllaJNI ~ wU.b tiM: 11-lq ,..w.t•. M itlY~ fw ••~ ·.· apartanl llle kttJ.ccototleutfOIU'r~ udlaftft-1- IIden P41otl.er 1M f-..1 I re~~U., ,.rt)'. Aa o,.ole' • Jltl'1 . n.Hap ',.... dMw-..e • \WI ,.,• . by Jill Uaun~l The lituation m the dorms wu utoundlnJ. In the buemeat Pray..Snu, Ro.eb, Neale and Knutua; beds wt:r'e set ~ in Army barne:kl atyle for Uudy~ources of acudeauwaiii.B«f«~- Chris Zenk, 1 freshmaa ia forestry , went ttJroucb quite an ordeal bdore 1tttinaa room. When he arTived at Pray-sima he was told hedidnothavea room. Fora wbile, he lived half out of bit caT - hall out of lhe asaistant diTector's room, while hulept in the buement. He complaintd that he could not lock upbls bdoniiD.P and that he had no priney. He mond IC)Slain to a lou'!.gebutthatwasevtawone. For awhile he lived with aome friends from his bome town. 01ri1 talked lo the director of WoliOn and tlnally rot a room. AI\IY whoa.l&nf'd for a lin&Je room in Wat.on went iAto the Army and his room was anllable. Quia was &lad to ad aituated, btca~~~e homeworll wu beginning to accumulate. Kirk, a freahmu In Forealry, wa1 one of the students placed in a low!&e in Pray wlille wallin& for a room. He lived wtth lluft other III)'S in wry crowded t'Oftditionlfora wblle.. Mille wu Mille As el dlt: Marl .f duNS Utk weft tMf-e _.. a . . . ll..eall Uvlq Ia ....." .. '--"'ta eleaa,..~ llaU.. Bobble Boedet", aa RA in NuJe, uld her dorm had appro.tmatdy flt'Lem lifls livU..: In the buement, but they were soon rdocated. She uld that 1tudenll are ~eat to any dorm on campua that has aa opentni. Oleryl Saml*fl, a Se!Jor In MthropoiOS)'&eioiOCY. wu llvlna In the buement o1 Roldl. It wu DOt totally ~or~expected. h lra.naferred from annther Kboollste and could not ODdolf<.ampuahoullna: that abe could affnrd. She rtalltemllate for a dorm room and moved Into the buement ol Roach to waiL Apparently many atudent1 who rflllteredlateknewthehualelhey wtre In for. - Wt: ..ert: loW Ulat ,Z stod"'tl wwe ~ Ia ' - 1 " at nell el a.Jdwla. lwrMPI. Ha-. K.._, Nt:UI, RMc•, Sc:•aftkW. SaiUI aN wa-.. Kalk. 'fte 41rlden el Hyer tt.au. re,.-t .. stMee~tl .. '-1ft ......." ' are••· A spoknaaa r.- KnU"' HaD U.t Ult:t'e~et-.- tllree,..,ae•o.Mt!tt:t'ela Aalll.-ldtJ at Pray~• H.aU t.old a U.t sU ~ ....W M•. .vM . .teltlleNMaeaott.Wtwedl. 'ney ... 141tU.tU.. a••MrelttMeella .............." . 'nlepktun,.._... ~- Wfft: tate. INt Wftu.li. Rnl. .t it.all tt.M:atl pa)' Sat per Manter fw a ,.__ N:c.-diq I• Ult: 11-lq c:satraet tlae aabenlty wW pH'VIM •IIIII ...,.. •• -.eribell Ia ltl ..-..c:ll.-n aN ,.Wkstkrat." 'I'Mie paltlkaU.. ,... 1a U.. avsll.IIIWIJ el ilotod)' are•• fw •,- b1l r..w.ta. 00--c:a•p• ......U1 c..u..n &8 • 1M .,.fk:talt \8 fiN. However. tae P.-taae C:O..ty ParU O«ke reperla tll.at tlley 41 aot at UWI tlat: bvt: . .,. ~ llaat4l1Uy kleaUftaWe u lt.dottila ta•Jilal la c:_,, parb. "' ~ w-.lll lutyear m . .y aluodeala were caaplec at Jlr4a• Puk eut If Skn:al Poh1t Ia aatk lpadoe of ftadllnJ permaaeat houiiiiJ. .., n-,... '* • tile..._"''· ·-w-- tile ...... h&e, ' NDter :!~~~n="tr~ ~= Office v.flen a room wu available. He olfeftd to look for a room himself but was told to jult wait tin hewunot.ified. Heuldhelliedto make it dovm to the bouaina of_nee twice a day to see how t}uJIII looked- Fortunately Mille met OVil Zfonk aad if ~ worD out tbe)t will be roomft\lltes. He aid that if rooms are oot found for students in lounJ:el, be apecls that they will remain thtre all semestn-. Mille Strep . the Aasiltant Director at Pray.sima told ua the dorm had eight people in the buemeat and all ol the lounges nlk<l. That C'Onlel to a loll.! ovn-Oow olSZ. J..utf"ridd,ywhftll talked to Mille. the basement had been emptied and about 20 people were left In lounaes. Mille mentioned that thtre was no place for stUI:knta to store thrir valuables siocetheloun&ndoootloclr... Therefore. an empty room in the buefMnt wu pro¥ided for this ........ 5rpleaMr II. II'IS Comparative shopping by Joh n Roody Early autumn iJ tradiUoaally a time when students replenilh tMir apparel. With dothln& prices ever <WI theincreue, theco.t ia undoubtab ly .taxing to the ' -·ring financl al ly ln~tatudent . ln comparilon to three yeara past, the pric-e of clothes semlS Mlmehow' oulfageous. nwe upeaH hu Dearly doubled on many Items. There are ways, howeY«, ol lidesteppln& the ecooomlc crunch, such u; patclll"' aDd aewini .mtil your fingers become raw, coaftrt tonudism,wear ''hADJfc~..downs " 1 :os~t: iat~:~-:=,· J; most nectaary . but Rood barjtaln ~ huntina: takes a liiUe time and elfort. 1be Plllala'd.id some ~h •I various clothiD& stores aro..md town to see where the belt values w~ ­ The prices queted wue taken from ltemsof lheaamegeneralquality. ·we cboH some bule articles of clothing that the averalf' male student would need. Beginqingwiththe caeUiestlt.em , apairofdenimjeanson-saleatJ.C. l'eMeyscoat $10.00, SLUOat'nle Golden HaDeer , SI UO for .lhe same brand at Ma in· Street Mens Wear, $1.f1at K-Mart , and S9.911at Poin t SW'pla.. When buyina jeans, lt'a easy to see that for good quality you m111t pay dea rly. CLOTHING SALE THE KIDS ARE BACK IN SCHOOL..:.. menswear 0 Sl~~i~~=;.x,~! ~~~ ~1 ~ Han&er (WGw!l,3 forSU0al Milln SlrMt,JforSl.&4at K-Jotart,and 3 for 11.9511 Point &Jtplus. Penneys is ob,·low.ly the arrordable place to score your hosiery. Men's briefs (underwear) sell 3 for$3.69atPf:nney~ ,3 for$6.00at The Halliar Cthey specialize in pattems.see·lhruanda"otchlessl,3 for $3.~at Ma inStreet ,3for$U7 for th e ume brand name at K· Mart, and 3 for $3.99 for the same brand at Poi nt Surplus. Cott.onT-t.hirts...,·ent3 for$3.69at Pf:nneys, The Hanger i~ apparently tooswankvtocarrvwhlte T-&hirtll, '· IT' S YOUR TURN DADi ENTIRE STOCK OF REGULAR PRICE SUITS AND SPORT COATS REDUCBJ FOR &REA T SA VIMSS IICl.UOitG All NEW FAU & WlfTBI lOll I WOOL Bl.ENO Stm:AMO SPOilT COATS • SUITS 11(111JLML"f1-IIO•n• IIZUU-IIEQ. A UIMO • SPORT COATS llt:OUI.AIIlYs.tl .. IU . llllU- ..O. A LOMII NOW SJ400)-6800 . 3DAYSONLY IIUii·llll.·lAI. liPT. II·Il·ll . DON ' T SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST' . LUCKY'S . HAS THE FIN~T SOUND SYSTEM IN CENTRAL WIS ALONG WITH ONE OF TftE FIIEST LIGHTED DANCE FLOORS .AROUND' -OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE- ·!:: ~~~.~,::;..!3-~:~y~· C.IIhout~. to 5. ) Good ptKe rnMt ptoCipM. • 8.) a.m.. room open dalfy _.. 3 p .m. 7. ) Nice cozy ber downlta.n e.u.d ... ~.·· · 8.) c.M ~heed Inc! e1ll lbout·~ pertin fOf 3.) Ne..ranyeoorerc harge 4,) O•nttng .,...., night. . ' grouPI of 5 Of more. • Main Street ldJs them 3 for $3.18, at K·Ma r t they w~t 3 for $3.11 and lhe heavY-duty :;:»o:;!1ssu:'/!':s.S::. F1annel lhirts COlt anywhere from four to ten dollars. The ""i:e';.:~! :f.:~:,~~~;.: 1 ~~s:!~~~ ::ei~ = between alx and RVen dollan, K· Mart charRed sev ~ dollars, and Point Sw"J)ltis wanted between nine and ten p-eenbaclla for their hun· tinlf. nannela. So lhere~ havelt,asOOd wa v :~s:~:: ~e. caah without runnh\g lbentil~olharpincreaseintbe number ol frt:lhmen signing this u ROTC cacletl ,, the Univenlly of Wi1tonsin-Steven1 Poiat . U . Col . Arthur Harris u(d lbout tU new freshmen have signed up for the procram whith will be tbelatJest ori«''nd tartnt tontirctnt to join ROTC at any Y.'lsconslncam-p..- this fall . r.u Add tbe pbone book to )'OW' Ult ol r«<OM''mded ruclin& this faD . Referrln& to tbe" telephone directorymayhelp~eltuckntl redu.:e tbe .:01t1 of diredory auistant:e lef'vlte, KCOrdina: to the W\KCNin Tdephone Company. Studenll who have l q distaoce servke 011 room ~can expect DIAL EYE.l'~T ; Information Oil ''what is hlppenin& oo c1mpus" can be obtained b)' diallna XlOOO. All students organitltions are wekome to have their cot:unicular :-ee.:~=:=:=~t\!! Stud.tnt Acli•ltla omce at leut 1 day prior to tbe eveot. News Notes Districts Stale Patrol lleadquarten in Tomah. tn abou t t!M, what was then known 11 the State S..eau of Qvll ~ftnsedtveloped ita first ~ alternate slle ollllte govn-rvnent 1nd deslp.lttd it spedfkally ln U. basementofthetbtnnewUtwaryol the~t~tec«~eaeinStev-Polnt. The windowleu lower level had 1 "pr.otection factor " against radisU011 and the eam p..-JIIelf Wll remo•ed from • ''probable taratt area" foranuclearattaek. ~wu~i!'the ~~~~ tbeleacarceeoptawilhmoreeare and try 1o uilli&e the ones uallable In the Leamin& ae.oun:a or tbe University Ceaters for casual rderence. - IC~~:'c:!:~~·= The Pal.ilb setUement In Porta1e County will be int.hded thil fall In a ~erm~:e~'i.!:~~:: loth tall each mooth and 2D cents for eadt tall aftl!f" the first ten. at the Unlvualty of Wlsconaln-steveos Point. "HIJtOC")' of Polish lmmlgratlon to the United States" will be taught from 1:30 to I p.m. on Moncl.ay1, ~IMina Seot. I. b)' ProltSIOI' W~daw W. Sorob : Olarges apply on all ealb within the home area code. Operaton will give out two listinppereall , soineffect,wb.:ribert tan obtain 10 difrl!ftnt numben e1eh month without char&e. To lid in fincUnc the number, the correct 1pelling, •ddrn~H and titles for a liltinj: , should be lpedfied. Directory IUI.slance calb In tabulated b7 .utomalic ion¥ distuce bllliDJ equipment . Students who do not sublttibe to Jon& distloce on NJOm pboneJ will be Wllbk to reach the opeutor. Howe•er, calls to director y auistlnee ean be niade ffOITI coin telephones 11 no eha111e. eu:=·~tol ~n =i~y ~~e~~~ tnnallon has taken Its toll 011 the traditiaa.al toUeae eatslot. Fewer eopid: ol tbe I4DUal .:at.aloc w-ere five u1ll a mootb to dir«tor7 usistaoce In the 715 ana. The Wlsc:onsin TelephOCie Compaa)' bqan eharaln& for director)' service in J~me to place the eo~t bun:leo oo thoae wbo tse it moll frequeally. ""'· ~vi=!=d~::C:~.~ COPS, ut 4400. Re&lstration deadline it Friday, Octobn- 3t. The eum will be administered qaln In the spring aDd once durlnc the summer. "The Uni11enity of WllconllnSteven s P oin t will lose its designation Sept. tS u the alt.ernlla site 61" 1tala IOVentment In the event a natural or man-made diluter hit or serlowly threatened plans for ~tMU.~~orpl'!! :;!ce:n Students who m\1111: place a taD to direc:to.-yaalltaneecandial ''t-1m " oa any telephone with 1on& lhtaoce ca~bility for numbers in the 7 U area code . Dialln& pr01:eduru for long di1tanee directory assistance will not ehan&e . Dial "t-t -S5S-I:Zt2" for numben outside the home area The Muter of the Sc:tenc-e of Teaching Corps will be gl.en at UW.SP on Slrturday, November I . "The JW'inl husle(or hustle lhas ..newhat dlml.ll.llbed on eampu~ ov-er the summer, &ivinl people with bulinea at the IDliven.ity a ~nee 1o park on campw rhking a $5.00 ticket from Clmpua Security. So far p1rkirc met.en have been inslallcd in parking lots a djacent to the Unl•eraity Center, Old Mala, the NatLral Resow-ca BWidlnJ, and behind the fieldhouse. To date 64 metm have been installed In without vari0Uilotsand36willbe~ ln kit R once aewer constn.:t1011 has been completed In that ana near the Fine Arta BuildiniAlJo to lrnp-ove tbe parldna slluatloa , aearly all campus :~;:..~c:r7~~- !!t.n,.: lll'ftli:tnda. Genet-ally the lots U:• eepted from this. policy are the ones adjacent to residence hall areas. Big Mm n Saloon ON THE SQUARE PIIOIR Of BLOOOY MARY S4.00-SUNOAY AfTIRI«XJHS fb\1\iiNG EASY BAR!Bil!RS 1'101 Fa! 11!5!RVATQS Dr. So rob has prepared • tOW"R and • list of selected reading materials. Portage Cculty will be prominent In the discuulons Ia meetircs during October when the tlua (ot\llf:l 011 the "lntegraUon of - lmmhrranta from Poland In a Historkal Penpeetl.e." Polonla, about eilbt miles nor theast of Ste~~ens Point, wu the center for one of the first three mauln settlements In rural artu of the tow~try . The others were In PIMI Maria, TeUI and ParilviUe, Mich. detailed outline ol the Dr. SoroU Is a speelallst 011 Central and Eut Europe.an Hlltory dir-ects a procnm undrer that title for the history department. He is a nati•e of Poland and hal been ~c:Uve In Central W"~~eon~ln with OI'Jiniz.a_tlonl eonterned with advantlnl awareneu of Polt1h heritage. ~nd Madison Avenue comes to·Point The 1wards were timUar lhil year ByP~Ut&otnkl except U!at only the lop entry won a s!:f ~S::~~~~~ oro'r! Shennan or tome other noted (aml- cdebrity'! Why do they come'! =t Well ill the past two aummen :;-.=:~;fd~&OO~: tdlin&J'I'h1 they choH this campu;a. fant It really aounds like .omethinj ri&bt off t.be blclr: ala bubb&elwn • card or a box of Cr un c h let' Muaehle11 cereal : ...Pieasewriteln500worcllor leu ··wey 1 Would Uke to Attmd the Univtnity of Wlkonlin-Stevens Point." At But.•.tbereitadiff~.avut differenre bet•-eeo thlt contest, b)( the Alumni AYod.ation. and some j\.Qale deal. Thit iRI'l., actvertlll.n& almmlck or promotion, rather It It a way ol cond...:tiaa JOme rdaUvely lnex· pensive rae&reh into the ru.ont ,.fly people chooae to enroll at UWSP rather tbaa 11tendlq anotha' 1ehool •ilb similar atttactionl brinJ undenrrittea tom' full year waiver ,.flllethe four ruMen-up ..~e each swarded one semester 1Cholarthlp1. The ineomina freshman who won this year's top pri~e Is Sue Quell a of Milwaukee. Rt!ceivll18 U!e runner up money v.we Ann Schumacher or er~ Bay. Kim Bebee of Green Bay, Clndy Cook from Waukesha and Mite Kntpitein a Point nltive. Dennis Tierny, Dlr~tor of Pl1cement and P tyc:holoay profeaor,wat theadmlnliCratoro! the c:onte.t and chairman of the J!Jdgil18 Committee. OCher mtQls., bert of the committee were OUie Andrews or the Chemlttry Department, Mrs. Andrew~ , John ~ of the University News ~vice. ~ Kuether from the Alurnn.i otnce and Irene Cr1y from the Alumni Aatodatlon. Ttl determine the weak and tbe ltr'Onj potnts of the appeal or this 11:bool to potentiaJ new ICudents nerny took. an inventOf)' ol the n!uon• that the eotunts a•~ in their essays a~U!en rated the n!&IOilJ lecordlng to the . per· :.'!f~~lntsnts who men· Allolhft' di.IUnc\iOn between this contest aod its butJb&elum eoun· terptrt.lls the value ollts prius. =y ~~:!bi!S!~h~ eduealioo Is i.nc:aku.Lable; but wbea youaettolhechec:lrpoinl'tbl.t value it readily pointed out to you ill eud dol.lan and ee~~ts wbkb bl where the C'OI'IIesl comes in. • In its fii'St year the contest offered the waiver ol tbe c:oata for boob:, tuition and fees for one year to the th.reepeoplewitblhebeat'"whyyc". by CGVERGR '''"" CHARCOAL GRILL oCA~MOOTH RICHARD A. OTTERLEE • NAVY SMOOTH • SANO SUEDE • OLIVE SUEDE 'UI7 DIVISIO N STU ll SII.INS P04Hf, WISCONSIN SUII Torrey's Organic Restaurant WIDE SlZES TO " Shi_ppy Shoes. Main At Water, Downtown has a variety of heahh foods and vHamins. Our food is baked, broiled and steamed, but never fried. We serve meats, chicken, fish, vegetables and also have a !Jakery. Restaurant Hour1 Are fnlm 5·9 Store Hour1 10·9 (Tues. thru Sunday) SO COME ON DOWN AND TRY OUR ORGAIIC FOODS AND VITAMINS AND Point's Newest Bar . Nuthin' Fancy Open 10:30 A.M. Sat. PRE-GAME FIRE UP FOR EVERY HOME GAME 40e HEINEKEN TAPS -PLUS- SPECIAl OF THE WEEK · CORNER OF CLARK & WA,TER ST. [~ You Can Bear Our Vest and Sweater ~. . '·i'•i'~A ~w $698 . . and up! ALL FAMOUS BRAND NAMES FIRST QUALITY TOPS and PANTS Flannel Shirts Oshkosh Dungaree's · VtMe Painter Jeans * For all ille things that QUY! & Qirls like to wear. sl1op at Texas lnstiUfrients electronic cdculators MAIN I STREET STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES . MEN' S WEAR 111111 St. Sttwt..s ,.., 9~• All c;~itiel,l componentSdes>gned anG·manufKtured by Te..as Jn$ln.lmlti'IISwithqtJI!II!Iyc;pn!rolled10IKIICtlllOfUat lnsllumerlll;ll.lndardseverysl~dtheway •Fall-cha•gebattetiescll'ltlelullyre.toredononlytour~ • Calculators can be QPetaled wi'Mie chargrng · E~c.lculator is testedbyacomp~,~terwhichchel;ksall funcllons~keyopefalions. ~ • EYI1)'ealeiJI~orii1UbJKfediO}IIIIflglll'lj)aC!IestSIO auure lhet nonn~t bumps ~ VJbfatiOI'Is do 1101 cause errors •Higtloltfqll'l,lnjeetion-moldedplastiecuesaredes<gned and !esuld 10 Wtthstand f\lgQed UM. •Gold-ptatedltWileheonlectiii'ICI$la.nleulleelk.eyachv;ators pt~Mdelonglite,positiveactiol'l. • • All itrlp(lftanl WUC!UraiiSsembhesilrll'leld by machone Ktewt-nolglueorplaJiic"'wotding~-IOfSiurctyconsuuction • Double injection mo6ding ~tOe· dul'lble key symbols- evenunder)letvyuse ·=lioiiiKTileleedbKkkeybollr.~nsuresjry 49 95 ' DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER ·~e:~~l(eyboa-rdptOI8CISCOinPOnen1SIQilllSt • All eomponerq atlaChed fffl'l'11y to single IPO>ty core uri bollrd.providingiOiidity, sUengtl\. Twin llfJMf deldous Plfdes eacbt.,.,ed wHh at,..yslli:e of cheese. UNIV.ERSITY .BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY CENTER · c .,. SHARE THE RIDE WITH US THIS WEEKEND ,, . .If!!! much P~!~~!! ..... , . , AND GET ON TO AGOOD THING. another $7,000 ~d be IWded to fina nce a pu t·ll me dental technician These ~ would have to be fwxled by a depletion in other" student xtlvities 1uch u sports, l! you'renewtolhe Stevens Point community and develop difficulties with yvur tet'lh don1 tounl on havina lhem taken~ of bet-e. Sl~ hint is expel'imcina an ~ ute shortage ol dentists and ~~~ ~h·:,~ot:!~~ Us means Greyhound. and a lot o f your fellow stucltnts who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you lika. Travel comforllbly. Amvaralreshed and on hme. You'll save money. too. over tha in<:reased air fa.res. SharetherldeW!th us on weekends. Holida.,... Anytime. Go Greyhound. ~!:e':!~r=snuo:!:.:d=! ~ expect a hard time doina so. Th lt reporter cal led each ol the ~&hteen dentists lilt ed in the local questioa whether such ~~-~~ .,vuld be ""'Orth free denta l benefits &upplled by the Universi ty. '"The answer lies with you and whether you're willln& to finance these directory and requested emergency trea tmeat for an uposed nerVI. Only ooe dentist wu able to GREYHOUND SERVICE benefits," he aald. . Perhaps the neu futUTe may partial lftl'll'ft' to our problem . l>t' . J 1mes BurqUett president ol the Portage Count.Y Dtnta\ Society <PCDS I, aaid that the PCDS hu just re«ntly coo· ar ra nge an appointment the followincday. Twelvesaidthatthey • ·en · H booked-up that they co u l dn ' t handle a n y more ha'ti! a ftl'lef'lenciesandtbt: remainincfive P\'e no ddinite commitment. U you look closer to home and tty to f'ftdve clen~l suvice at the tmivft"si ty He~th Center . IUHC>, your efCort would be .fruitless . No den~l treatment is availlable. When asked if - there are any futureplanafordenta l serv ice, Dr. William HeUler of the UHC, said that there il ooJy kfle conversation of the poaibillty of a dental technician o frer ing service for lludtntaon campus. Cost is a m ajor p-oblem, he did. A dtn~l chair and liJhl alone would cost a p- TO ONI! · IIOUNO _' YOU CAN WAY Tlt iP' lU.VIE Gr....Gav 15.80 110ot(l sun 110$! 4-00IUil. • . 1011111 ••SliM saoo 11uo •ooo .... 17~ ...._, sldered an '' E:mer&ency Call System", whn'~ dtntisll would be available for' dally emeraeney calls on a ro~tin1 basis. Theref«e, this type of system would be con venient for both dent111s a nd palienll. ln the meantime, we m111t arlt our tefth and put up with the local ~~I overnow problem. When asked if a dentist wuavaUable for ~ YOU AltltJVf 8 "0011111 a .JD11• 11011111 17704.0011M5otQIIIII Alkyour~ttbourtcklirionllcllpanuretlnd"turnulpt. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MINISTRY The cooperative Jl'llnistrY at UW· SP brings together an .cumenlc.l staff and the rich heritages of thrH ... major Christian ministries. Full p.storal services to the campus academic comm unity are provided by the U Croue Diocese - Rom an Catholic Church, The lutheran C am pua MJnlstry (on behalf of ALC , LCA , lC· MS) and the United Mlnlstriu In Higher Education (rapres~!ntlng the Presbyterian •. Eplecopll, United Methodist , AmerIcan Baptist and United Church of Christ . Olsclplae oLChrfst). STAFF SERVING UW-SP. Leo J. Krynskl - . Newman Pastor · Steve Edington United Ministry In Higher Education Patrick G. Kelley- Newmen Pastor -Jerry Wagoner Lutheran C1mpua Mln'-ter Betty Kurtzwall S.Cratary Office- 2108 4th Avenue (Newman Campus Ministry Center) CAMPUS WORSHIP SCHEDULE lutheran campus Community Sunday 9:30 A.M. Paaca Campua Centll' • Lutheran Matla Dma 1rtd Vfncant Slraet(lehlnd T..npol Un~ed Ministry in Higher Education UMHE Fellowehlp Informal Sharlng/Diacuaslon Sunday ..,enlngs - 7:00 p.m. Newman UnlveBity Parish c:oo & e:oo p.m. - Nnrm~an eN-pel 10:00 a .m . - Newman Chapel 12:00 noon- Ck»>atw Chapel 1 :00 p.m. - Clolatw Ctlapel Newman Chapel - BIMmWII at St . Stan's Church (131 Fr..nont St. ) Clolatw Chapel - St. JoMph ' a Comefll (1300 tuN Drtfa) S.tunlliy: Sunday: Nawm•" campus Mlnlatry C«ttw (Baglnnlttt s.pt..nblf 21) ---c-OME & CELEBRATE WITH US ~----------------------------------------L . - ~expert 8'1 Rolilut s..tt Ray Palmer lives in AmMnt, wbue he own.~ and operates Tomarrow Rivet' Publlshen. Bani ln~lnlnt910,hesoldhls rlf'lt 1101'}' In tmtoa ICieiU lktion magazine. Eleven yean lattt ,, he became editor of Amad111 StwlH, and publlJhed buc Alimov's tint rnorts. But whll!'n a tonnlct arGile bll!'tWftfl him and hll rm piO)'II!'rl over editorial practka, Palmer retwnll!'d to Wisconsin, to set up hi.J ~:'e':~t or the old, redbrkkhlghscboolln ;.mbll!'nt. ln addition to outside prtntina . he publishes rour mquines or his owa :n,lllc Sll11ttr, F ..... Space Werid, and Seardl. All or lhll!'m espowe fll,y 's p.rtkular ..-.y of lookina a t lhe world, mbina psychk phenomena with Oyin& ~~:;~,';::ttl=~= Kennedy Ass.assiDations 1 and m . ~~ol~~~~~::y ./ But to fll,y Palmi!'!", they're his life. 'l'he PM• ~et- Mgan by taltina aboUt one ol Ray's favorite In· terests : O)'in& saueen. v .. 'ya --. lakt UFOa ,.. qa11e · iLl'I'H't y•! - . thu - I've been In Oyin& u~ st uff ~~~~~~~~~= m<naboutthem tban anybody. But Dobocb'evft"abdmetowritea book, ewr appear on 1 talk abow, e-vta appea r lD a national maguine . They don't w1nt ~=! •~th.:~::r~==-~~~~~ I dlODie H_ • ....., HW!kt! WeD , f<r instance, the Army 11 always aaylrw lhere'a oo evideDc-e ~~~~~!~~ cu- aatioDal secuity. Tbat's the twopoiDtatbeyal'Ways~ , thlrc-) UD aay oo I'Yideolee lhlt tbere are e)epbanll lD your back yard and do ant eanatitute a t!reat to natioDal aecvity . 'Jben It's Just u ridicuklul. Of cwne., there's no ~ tbat Dytnc aaucen CIXDe tram ou.&er spate, beealllt !bey dciD'L Arid tbey are DOC 1 Urat to our Mtlonal searity bea~~~e our natioMJ.aarity people hlvenl the sli&bt~ idM what tbC')' ..... . I can do tbe same lben._ llwr ....,.. •• n,t.& M.-en c-~ rr-. w... rr- ..Rrlpeft! WeU,Ifyou put the whole tiling together ,yougetthisO\'traUpic· !\Ire. Which II what ! am concerned with. And the v.·trall p icture tw to dowit hthi.scenturits-lorcdforton some a,tenry's put to set up a Y.Widsocialistgcn-ernmtnl.lt 'snot thesarneolddeal asGhengis Khan v.11nting to rule tlw ~~o·orld , or AlexanderthC'Grratwantingto rule the world. You slill have these madmen around Vo'ho wtnl to rule tMv.-orld. &Jttodaytheydo !tina I!Mt. more IOf)histicated way. Tney don't s.et out .,.,ith an ar my and a bunch of spears and try to kill eve rybod y . They'\·e got more .ophisticatf'd instrumenta today .~ You ean talk about milld t"Dnlrol and the dnc experimen ts or the CIA and the Anny. You ·CliO t.1lk about e lectronic Ins trum e nts ·'imbedded in tht brain. You nn go allthtwaydownthfline, thty 'reall ~~u~on ol the same principl e. U.IM:ft'l are asH by Lb lt ~eeretorsanhatlon tben ,U.Isu bal Fl)illl ofpHplewbowa nl to set 11p a world 1-0dalbiiO"'erall!eDI! No, not really. 1be Oylnc uucers ')lste:~~ilt . Thty're a matttt o1 ra~::t lh~re ·s nothing w~ can do aboui them. We'vt failedtoidentifythem so far. 'l'ou can take Sha\·er "s th~ifyouwantthattbey're machines of a dtttnll!'fate race livinalnside · the earth. Or they're the m.chlnes of a race ol people ~·holive i nouter s pate. Oryouu n takethepsychic'sviey,·pointand saythey'relhespiritaollhedead. Allyouhavetodo lstncl!Jde them lllin the pitture. E.achontin IIHU couldbetrvt. 1 ~e::J::::r;~ev;(:hl~=~~ =ta~ula~~=t a~~~ l'ffJ thatltwuave:rylarae01111!'2 was brUiiant, enn In the d~rtimt ~~~~ !,!1 :!:n:-:!:"~ 0 agaltl . So I knew it "'&Ill 1 meteorite. Now this is an~ tifled Oyina objfrtt. Also. ,..hen 1 bou&hl lhla fann out ~t. 1 q 1 si tting In lheold fannt.Gustiootifta out the window one rvtnina. aDd acroathecrftt lbll!'re"sahillwilll aome trees and thtre's a rti'II'JIIth tha t went down toward the cw pasture. And I saw an or-an11t l1ld flourn«nt blue li&ht. 1 sbrlfd tounU na Jef:Ondllbll!' minutt 1 u• lt,andao I was able lofigureout later it was traveling aroullllhrtt hundred m iles an hour. It ll'f!U toward the west and cMn tbr pasture, and out ofsiJht . 1 w. whk:htretsitpused in frontof,llld which It puaed behind , 10 1 tnrr how far away it wa1 from mt,llld l . was able to prttty 10011 the she ollt, the speed and so•. Now thb, apin, Is an unldenaJied Oytnc object, eakulate ,uj pardu.lar reu 01 , ... IWl\ UlltOH . . IillaDJIIJirOIIIIIIttttnl Wisc..... !Or•• r be ..,..rllll&'t onU.era1ill oflocal slsbllllplllt ' sprta&! WdJ , ll'a the same old tJq. Sl&htinp are authtntk, bulidr.tification lalmpoaible. That 'J beN ~e paltml n-er sin« 1947. Vt'bld; ouaht to WI somebody ao~tJllrC. That the only reason 11·e cul klentify them fs becaiJSe 11·e c-»l putthem.lnthe properc-alttJ;Cif)'. St ..e have to look e~.sevt·htre. AM unlike the Arm y,l'm not g0111111ocl way out In to s~ « . It's my oplnloll thatiflhelhln&il setninthrtu· thly environment, in the 1t· moaphtre, constaiiUy, few u 111111 tbota.andsofyean, il isaMniltll .. raculty of our owo atm011phm llld ~~~·~\f:~nS:,~~pl; >.:~~ S.ty""" 'tillueaayp•~ upa...U. a...,.t tiM •IPII•P ~ l1f'OI; t. 'MicMsll and wily llltf .. belltref cusSes UFO' s ~~·'s::~~!. Tr:,"·;: .r~:~ way. lt caD be literally true, it c.an be a tol&l fabricatlon . Hit's a tol&l fsbrication, thrn you wonder why. Andiflt'adooe by tbeCIA, thrn you have to include all thoH other ~;tbedrulh:Ptr-iments,tbe wiretappl,., the openina ~mail, - themurdtrolpt'Hidentlanclhe.adt ol countries, all tbe way down the line,lnciOOID&theNixontbi.G&. It"s suchacompltcatedplcturethatyou canonlye<~meupwithtbeumeold thing . That there 's • worldwide plot which hu been 1oln1 on for tbolaands of yean. headed by whom? Contemporary IDdlvlduals or somebody who Ia sort of ti meleu "wba~e object ta a very atupid one ; he wantl lo rule the world. ADd nobody with a brsin iD hla bead -.J.Id want to rule the world. Wllat aJt..t tilt r.llli'e u.ea ! Do r•UUJtlt'lt rnoiYeUiem)t&rrles . bebiDd l1FOit WeU, jult uk youndl this question. Fifteen percent of thlf =)'tl.:.r~y :::t2.ct r,:'~~ twenty to thirty million si&htinp we stW doa't know what they are, why assume that twenty to thirty million lllOf'e are &OM& tell 111 what they ue'! See, the evidera is welahted he:nilylntbefactthat wedo!l't know. So you ask me- about the future and 111 tell you the same "lhirt& , we1l nevtr know. In el o.IIIJ: lben, Ray, how do yOu utessyo.''ralloe d 'eere".you.r r otet. dl escllemeol tlllllp! Wdl , wbat'MIUld.webeintuested we «<nducted a towUt trip to in 11 Man'! U we stopped in a certain locality on Man, tbt people !here· woWd uy, why are lhey lntt:rested in her-e! The anawel' is, maybe DOUi.rJC, maybe it jw;t bappms that they're la te r ested to d ay in Wis~onsla and to m or row in Nevada. Or that tour ba~ to be In Wilcoftl!n this time. Or maybe thepilotuid, well, Jet'• take a ri&ht lura taday Instead ola left. 1 doD't think they have any specit'k purpole bere , outalde of maybe curloslt)', research ... maybe aomebody'a wriliDC a booll.. Wbo knows! I don't . Vt,..,..... , ladllell.liketllep•tra yH 11 Tlle lal.e rr Dpl.ed .Jevae)', wllere ..,.Hiy s tOIIIp&e ..... bee~! ..,,.....~eaW:I.bty'd 1 MDC:trPII &.btl ..... ~~~~~ -bled It)' •""•" What happened to them wu they sulftmt a blackout. For several llcMm they didn't know anytNna. And when they came to. they mntmbered nothing. And under hypnoail late. they recalled it. Ok.ay, let 's U)' the CIA &otto tble couple . And hypnotl:r.ed them ; they'd stopped at a mlll uran t. Tbe CJA picked out just any couple lhrot eame along, hypnotl.ted lhem, and putall lllisaluffln their miDd. And tht11lateronhired1hypnotistwho hypnotited~aplntobrlncllall =c::~:;.~,.~~~~~: thtt'alegltimat.e, you tee , Birney Hill and his wife were actu.Uy =.:=.:,;~:s::=~ bolhrr about it. And thi.np Uk.e puttinl Mf'dles in btr atomKh to nnd out it sbe'a prqnant aod 10 on, whlch1ltum olf aD the WDIJll;n In tbtworld. And you've &ot the same thi~ . So whit II Barney trol and h1l Oby, Ray, lb .. k you sDd 1 0011 "''· !Wp ~mber 11. II"'S PaJe 13 Pointer Pointer Primer.· Michigan Avenue by Rick Cl&el One of UWSP' a most COft· troversial issues ended this summer whftl construction bHan on the extension of Mlchiaan Avmue north olc:ampus. The idea of txttndina Michigan Avenue was conceived :zo ye"ars aao when the Ci ty of Stevens Point =:r•,:'~'ay~a ~m:~: ~:;'!i dormant in City HaU until receoUy when Jl local ins~ranee nrm began construction on a $30 million businS eomplex. The MW complex, deslped by Sentry Insurance 11 their in- ==~~~~~~~iV:I~ estimat ed that a total ol over 5000 private vehicles wiU travel in the complex area dally. With potential development in the a rea, a recent Environmental Lmpact Statement claimed U..t it would be ruaonable to au~ne lhilt aJ man y as 10,000 nhldes may travel that area daily by 1995. Theonl y currentdir~trouteto the Seotry cile It Rft«ve Street, which bisects the UWSP campus. University lt'.aden have mdaned ~ =n ~V:ue ::;,e':'~ · volved with llli"l Raerve Street U a routet.othecel!":'plex·_, te~~ 'f: ~~~f:e{~~~ere:~ Strtet wW be dOMd off betweea Maria Drive and North PoUlt Drhoe, i short stretdl DOrth o1 eam5U. That ro.dway ~y wW bead aside for use u a bike and bikini b'ail. seven •H• r oatiua to the Mlchl&a n Avenue rout• .w"" considered. They included altet'nate routes lhrou&h wd\-ersity land , a route utiliting nearby Minnesota Avenue, numerous va riationaof the Mk:higan A\'eftue route and the utillutioa of existin& roadways withtheaidofmasslrans:oortatlon. ~verals Ofjltniutiona and in· dividuala from the campus and comm wdty apoke.out on the project durinJ hearlnas earlier thil Y.efi. 1be UWSP Environmental c®ncil propo&ed a route ut1Udo1 exis tin& roal'h~ea'!!':.h t:! new ,road through =:·of 1 university ~:h!f~~~!!~tell. ~~~ Dreyfus called a public hurlna on January %3ofthisyear l.oletlnput. The hearin& wu attended by approximately 150 lndlvld~alp. k · cordlnc to former st udent senator Tom Wojdetbowski the crowd was '"pi'Cif»bly 70-30 in fa YOr of the E v nlronmenta l Counci l' s orooosal". Dreyfua then called for lnput from an a d hoc committee of dty ~=~~ trator s, faculty a nd Drey f•lkddn Alter a three hour meet!n1 with the mayor,' dty pWu~a; CNR atalfen and ltudent leaders, ~~U:., ~~e:x:JI:~. ~~ hill tlr.t cbolce would be to doee ofr ~te.t::, ~~~ ':J !!it::~=~cr:u: lesaer of h~v evila . '"''ba-e ll DO aood dedlkla I can eoma \CI wl.tb ," Dreyfua aaid. He a1ao lndka t.ed his Intention l.o u k for an a lt.et'ltion of the ~te in Order to avoid a mature stand of \1.-'hlt e Pine trees located lOUth of North Point Drive. The Stevena Point Common Council met Feb. 17 to vote on the exten.sion . Followln.l a heated public debate w\th overflow crowds. ~!r.~~~t~:!e::re~U:. White PI"" relied One of the major complaints of environmental gr oups waa the de:ltrucUon of that t mall atand of White Pine previously mentioned for prnervaUon . Environmental Council member Bob Wlza, In a letter to Polat.er fJ~• 215), a lleged that studenC:. from the of Amerku Foresters f~led the trees on orders from the ajtmlnistratlon. Am~ sequent investl1at1on failed to Society ~~~ w::r~'==~ many of them IIHO year. o&d. C.mpuaplaMer- RaySpec.ht . ~ho alsoaerveauartacoordJnatorof th e Wlscon ain Environmenta l Policy Act uid he wun't even awareofthefactthlltthetreahld W~IU questioned about it. lron.iully , an admi nis tration spokesman uld that It was not Dreyfua' Intention 1.o route around ~= =~~f'·.but to " invesH1ate beet! cut C~stncu.n bellns Construc:Uon oa the road began lut mon th with preliminary &radllll completed oa a portion of the road~av . Seatrv 'a facility manlier' Gerry Good aald that the prO.)fCI II OCl ICnedule 1M Will be by next fall . The total coat 'of the atred project, lncludlna allineeri nl and conatrucUon, wtU be about ll\50,000 completed accordlna to Good. 1110.000 more than the orf&jnal estimate. OUtside ot.erven of the project maintain thattbetotaleo~tof tbeprojettmay 10 u hllh u Sl mllllan beeaUM o1 exceq molature ln· the area. Wild Kin_gdom to feature UWSP study ~lrtqMadl A UWSP wUdllfe study w'l1.l be featured on '"Tbt Retum of the Pine Marten ", a hal f hour sepnent of CBS TelevWon's 'Wlld Kircdom'. 1be show wW be aired today on moll CBS networ.c staUons iacl ud l n& WSAU · TV Wausau . 5bowtima Is t ;30 pm. The pn:cram wW U.O be available k)ea]Jy • cabJe OWlDel 5 out of Green Bay ,.,...,_ 1be pine marten. a aleocSer· bodied carnivoroua mammal taraer w~ . once inhabited Wlai:oaa l n . LOIIIDI and lfllricultural expanlloa destroyed the marten'• borne aDd eveatua.Uy tbe marten ltsall. than the UWSP, in coajwx:Uon with alate and federal aamcia, bas betun a ltudy on the re-introduction on the pine marten In Wi~n . The study la t.atinl place on a ~.ooo aocre portion of the Pme River furbe.arirc area of the Nicolet Natlona! Forest.. The lite I( located =~~~y - land trapp lnl Is 1be pine marten study Is a cooperative venture between the US Forest Service and the WIICOI'III n Department of Natura l Resol.rces. It ll aipervised. klcally by Dr. ;'J~~ Anderson a wildlife ''The DNR Is provldln& the tt~=rare :I~.:::J ~aae . here before Th ey originated In Ontario, canada . The and study enta!IJ the ma r tin& releulna of about too martens followed by clote oblervatloa of the mammals, thei r movanents and their ph)'lical conditions. Some of the martena htlve been monitored ttu-OUCh the use of tiny nldo tranam ittefa attached to the animals. With this method the marterw can be acarately located. On« this Is doae, trad:in& and oblervaUoa by foot caJ~ be accomplished. Sorar27ol the total too martens have bfen re&eaaed.. Radio aur· vdllance 1.o date lndk.atea that at lealt two martena are atiU loc:aled In the Nicolet Jl'oreatreleue area , attOrdlna to AodersoD. Human Beings to walk for Eagle ~'""'•Mull · Ea&le Valley ~vironmmtalisU , Inc . t EVE) hu announced a members " Walk for an Eqle" in F.IJ,Ie ValJey, on S.t~y • .sep. temb«IS,II7S. ~walll \ brrrleodsandmemberl of EVE, will stretch over a 20 kilometertabout12.5mUes ) portion o1 Eagle Valley Nattn fl'rtoserve, a 1,-tOOacreBaldEqlef'OOitinllile klc:ated alq tbe Mluissippi River ~tween CU.VWe and Glen Haven in the Sout hw ut corner of Wisconl!n . This valley II owned and managed by Eve. The walk is aimed at raisinJ money to purchue pri'llte laDd ad)amd to Ea&)e Valley roc- the J)UfpCIR ol creatiq a buffer zone a round the a lready existin& Internal ~lit Sm.·ice and the St.1te of W'IICONin. The organiution·, aid tnaram . will befouryearsold ln Decoembft" andboasts400membersin:SO s tates Kf'1l&S the nation. Fo far , EVE has raised upwards of $140,000 toward the~hueoflandin¥.1seonsi n . RecelUy , EVE began pl.ftN!se of a newresrrve lnWliCOrl.Sin-al30 acn roc.tina valley near Sault Oty alq the WISCOnSin Ri ver. Thepreser,.e, Jocatedlna'nlltural area called Ferry Bluff,attl'lllcta 15 10 :ZO bald eqles eacll winter. 1be eagles usetheareauaprotectlve roc.t against 1\arsh wiDltr" weather :'!~ natural proteoction against EVE. accordln& to Executive In the past , EVE has spon.sond .. Walk fot" an Eagle" In .many Wi aco ns in communities . Many Oi rector~N . lnJram, isa IChool$ and conHtVation (p'GUpl """"'· worldwide ora.nlulion that ~·olved from the Southwes~ ¥1-liC'Oillin Audubon Cub tSWACI was formed by ... few ~tei nltn . It individ~ls who piece wanted to uve a of wildemell for the bald eqle and man." ,:~~~- wasan~':!t ut.a! been decl~ tax~xempt by the ::. ~.~~~·,::: l'llllsing events to n~ise money f« the eqk throu&h EVE. E\>"entu.ally, uid tna:n~m , thrqh therif«tsofEVEandthepeopleof this st.alt, the Bald Eagle will on« again sw. r through the c:Jar skies ol ¥rl.k'On5in and mU:e this its' hoine. The Bald Eagle wu chl»en by the Continental Congrus In 1787 u our national emblem , symboli.dllC the strenph, c:ourage, and freedom of the new nation and ;c It has been estimated that euly In the century r =~:i:s:-.:::?~~e~:: eagles', population wu first noticed about 31 yean ago and has been contributed to with the use of in· aectlci des, encroachment on nesUna areu, and llle&al shootina. ltonically , r~iesofdead bi rds lndkate that more eagles are shot each year thandlefrom any other cause. For thil and many other rusons , the Saki Eagle has been decla r ed a n endan1ered animal in WlJC'OCllin. Another bird end{Jngered Alaska ' s perearine fal c oA populations IN! followin& the same pall tm which led to the ~lapse of peregrine fa.kon populatiOIU in the lov.ff 48 states, according to the U.S. Department of the Interior. The Interior Departml!hl's U.S. F'WI and WlldJUe Service has app)jnted a recovery team of upms IO try to ITI"t'St and tevi!C'Se this decline. Of the three subspecies of pPrqfiDe falconJ that OttUI' in Alaska , only Pule's peregrine of the Aleutian Is la nds an d ~~u tern c:out Is holding its The American ~ine , ,.-hlch occurs in the eonlfer- foruts up to the tree liDe, and the •~tic or twteira pe!«<riM, which OCCW'J on the treeless tu.ndn of northern Alaska , Qlnada, and Greenland, are the ipi!'CiH the ~am wi ll con· ctntrate upon. , The arctic pttegrine is smaller than' the American peregrine and paler'inc:olorv.itha bluilhcut domiNti. the richer browns. In habits, the two are similar, hovo'e\'er. They are renowned f« th~r high -speed aerial attack to ca tchtbeirpreyon tbewing. , lnlbe !950'swben falconslntbe United States, southernC&nada, and Europe went Into an unprecedented population ded iM, lholie in Alaska and northern Qlnada seemed to be J mm~De to theaamedifficultles. By the late GO's however, even these birda bepn to succumb to the effectsofman'sactlviUes. Along the ma in ltfttch of the Colville River In Alaska, for exa mple. 25 pain nested in 1971. ,...,. Only nine nests were occupied th1a Several hundrednesttnc pain of American and arctic perepines are estimated to remath In Aluka . The wealr. li nk In the Al askan ipi!'Ciesoffakons'llllural Hie cycle is tbelr habit of miaraUIIJ aoutb ckwlna the winter. 1be Alaskan birds a r e suspected of " leap· fr ogglng" ove r th ei r southe r n nlatlves In the lower 41 States to Jpend tht'ir winten from the Gulf Coast to South America. Oft lbese Central Amer ican ==~·~~~ Pestk t:!, f!rtkularly DDT and ~~~ · t!~ ~aJC::'Jec~~= cause rep r oductive (.allure . :!{:,!o:,!~,.::.bryol orten die th~~reth~~~=~~~ cuba lion. Eg shells from falc:Gnsln northern Olnada and Alaska are now about 21 percent thinner than theylflla'ebeforewidespreaduseof pestiddes bepn after World Wa r ll. The new recovery team will coontinateitsacUvitleswiththose of the IUJM already established for the eutern and Rocky M~tain populations of l)ft"eerine falctlns in the lower 41. The team will try to pinpoint the AWka birds' wlll(ering &rounds, ';e:m U::u:J:,.~ete':ml:: critical habi tat to protect the remaininl nestlna sites from disturbance. COME DOWN TO EARTH . FOR YOUR GREEN PLANTS, .PLANT HANGERS, AND ACCESSORIES LARGE SELECTION Of EXOTIC PLANTS OPEN 19·5, MON .·SAT., FRI. TILL 9 . 1328 WATER STREET CLOSED TUESDAY (NEXT TO OFFICE PUB) HOURS: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m., Mohday thru ~i~ ~'!,Y · !.:._00 to 12:00. _ _ '=- -= f )l Wievel Wonders About Big Ten Outcome by Randy Wkul The Bil Ten, which for years ruled the college football Kene. is apparently well on the way to regaining its ha•hty po11tion after a GKade or so In the doldrums. Tbtte are a number· ol ~asonJ bthind the revival. The ~erence hu relaud limitation s on scholarsbips a ndredsl'lirts , thft'eby bKomina more competitive in the recruiting rield. Another vital adjultment In policy was the rt«nt decision to allow three tea~ other IMn the Role BcN.irtprtsent.tivetoplay in bowl games . . An ally, and pouibly matt im· ~~~~'h!~!h~c=:~~Sta~ tille - atlut ! Not since Indiana 's Clncluella Kids of 1967 has anyone other than Michigan or Ohio State 1one to the Rose Bowl or claimed a share ol the -· championship pte. For years the Bi& Tm was, in rea lity, lhe Bi& Two and the Eight little Sisters of the But in t974onlyabotchedextrapoint kept Michigan State out ol a trl-championahlp with the Bia Two. Along with the emergence of lhe Spartans. WIICOMin alto proved that they 1re ready to make a f l«'iOlllru~fortheroseslnlm ~ng ol l97S. Oblo State's ckl..ltor.,. Woody Hayes, is lookinc nofarlhn"thall tbe Stpt. ts opener with Mlc.hillft Stale. Woody's be-en piniiiJ for this one since last Novembe!"'s 16-13 Spartan upset cost his Buds their toprankirc and an outri&ht title. Tbe fact that Woody thought his team JCO«d lhe winnirc touchdown as time ran out antl-lhatthe officials and Big Ten Commilaloner WayneD.Iktdidn't, makeitan even touaher lou to foraet . ~ SCol!.ing fuel to the rematch Is the rumor that It wu 01' Woody who blew the whistle on a lt,eaed violations by MSUwhlchmight land I"Hident Plilsadena Crip...if they can e.cape the spartans in the Pro Bowl, otherwise lr.no111T1 as Probation. U you'veanyquestionsjust call Barry Switzer at Oklahoma . Talentwi.w, Woody has some hones. We don't think they're real ones . althouah Nalloaal Lam· poee~ hu claimed that OSU alt.an John Galbreath has ~ully ~~J,~a~t Ji~·b~r~y wJ!~ . Fann . And one Buckeye coach was overheard to say that " our =~ech-i-~e line will average IS or Uallthltturnsout to be BS, US, Ohio State ~II •l•in rdy mainly on the talenta of Archie Griffin, Corny Creme and Brian Buc~aael. Kick~ Tom IOaban Is a lso non-expendable. Bo Schembechler'• Mic higan Wolvtrines have lost only two· games in ttree )'Uti , yet they nevff mD \Ito Pasadena. Dl.rina this period the Wolves' deftDSe has been scored on with about as much frequency u the Sisters of the Dominican Order. n lhoukl be that way aaaln this lime arot.md. UM must replace seven ~ten · ::=~~~':l:"r:!:. Bo'a brutes have to tn.vel to East LaMina to do batUe with MSU but they do han the pleasure o1 dOling at home Novflnbef- 2! against Woody . And everybody knows Mithipn IOHS I I home abou t as often as Schembeclll~ li&htJ'-"ajoint. 1be«'s a tradiUon at Ann Arbor that when the ' Maile • Blue 10 ahead by lhree touchdown~ , the male students pass auorted c:oed5 up the 90 row. ol the &lant atadiwn to the outa- waU . That ldnd ol pass mi&ht even make Bo smile ! Denny Slob; and hll MSU Spar· tans appear lo be the beat bet to cancel the yearly Woody & Bo Colwntx.aliveSeptembe:r 13. Ch.,loy "'•••" lo tho quarterback among the four "'" con· tenders and Levi Jackson and wallr.· on Rich Baesareupl01lve runners. A real plus for Stale Is that they don't meet Wisconsin, the only two tit~ Unata that don't collide. John Jardine's Badgers return vlrtuallyeverybodyfromlut fall's o~~o·esome attack. But they need a qu a rt e rback to compliment lleisman Trophy candidate Billy Marek . · W"ISConain faces a "must" wtn •aainit Michigan since they MUST journey to Columbus lata- In the campai&n to me-et Hayes ' Co. And The Pointer Football team loll Ita first game ol tbe teason to a very tough Morningside, Iowa team a t Goerke F1eld last Saturday . ~ ICOI'e wa1 21-21. P':::: : Elsewhere in the leaaue, Illinois play• the BJc 4 on consecutive· statistics . Quarte r bacr Reed Ciordana completed 35 of 1116 passes ~'g:f~S:Si~ ~ I .. a~":Om~el:'~e ~ ::~~ Sa~~u!~; =..~~for one\_ f'";tS:::e~~edgniUndgameol upRt ~nd plenty ol. l.ll*l _llomadl;' for Boilennallff fans. MIMeaoll I Momln&slde that came a•ay with the ..-in. They lliRed t7S yards ,Gophers shouldn't make It out ol tushlna: with Dave Dupree bU1Un1 10061! for :zmol those yardl ~ (heir hole : Indiana'• wallins for basketball season : Iowa '1 just ~~1a:n'!,~i;::frn So ~bel's aoing cl\amponship? . to win is the ~~and Ohio State willlH! for flnt . Conference achlellc direclon will send the Buc:U to P!isadena by a H vote. Michigan :~e:'~~r1 :;;11 'fi~,;,~~: neet half-back repeatedly rUshed :~~Hey:,:·~:~~~~h. downs . One ol these came on an 10 yard run on the first play after Pol~~ ~~.'f: ~: :Sk co- champ Whitewater at Goerke F1dd this Sahrday. 'Tbe Wartlawb were shut out by Northern Mlchlpn last ~~~~,:;:;:rung only ' "'yards ' Duke'• home. Walland see ! NEXT WEEK : Randy Wievel 'Joe Duffy JH"ftefll their Top Ten_teams. Sports Shorts ~~jn~:t/:n~or~el.~~~t~~ Safety certlficaleorWater S. fety lnstruclor'seertificate m~J~I update lheirtral nlnaby Dec:ember3t , lt76 or iOOM:U~eir '"-crtlf~C~ttion . People holding 1 SRC certificate m~J~t complete the update before !My are attepted into the WSI Trainirc Ptocram . Two retrain ing classes wm be held this setnestl!f'. They will me-et a t 10 am on Tuesday and Thll"'· day . The first session will be held September 2 to Oclober 20, the aecond on Oclobero. 21 to December ... Sign up for P.E . 101·34. Te nn h : The UWSP tenni1 team and coach Jerry Gotham will hol t a dou!Mes tourn11mmt Sept . 14 , allhe UWSP tennis courts. Tea m• will enter in one of three claUH : fi rst yea r, experienced, or ~~~:..'til~~~'!,!,~~ ~ I . Trophies will be presented lor the firslplacelneachclass . The &chedule of events 11 wann up from Sam to tam; men'a doubles from !111m to nooo; women 'a doubles from noon to 3 pm ; mixed doubles from 3 pm to I pm : followed by a bratwunt auppes-. The retlltradon deadline Ia Sept. u Any q~tJons, CDntact JeiTy Gotham at SM-4118. Gy ran u l ln: A tralnln1 a nd judaiJ11 c:llnk In rhythmic: a:yrn· nastks for potaltial lnstruc:ton and judgeslssetforStpt. !Satthe· Slevms Point YMCA. 10 toe~ C:~a!.'~ A~ J::i: teachen, dance lllltructon and interestedayrnnastswith expoll.ltl! ..d lnvolvtmt!!l In this new sport. perTh!:'.~'-=~:. ~~ ta-ested participants lhould contact l..a!A"~ Davki:IGn at.lhe YMCA or at :Mt-1770. Hockey Program Not Pucked Over by RkkOCd u$;;v=~~~ey~~utedea.~ bleak.Coacll Rich Blanche left town :;;~nY:ti~~. ' a non -profil Since thf:n, thfo PCYHA tw very _suddenl_y , and the kf'drome ::,,:,.~;~w=~~~oi~ been unable to keep up with the ::d!!a~e~O:~in~t~ai:~~ to eloise down. Sincethen, aneweoachandantw l«drome OWDeS" have joined the ~CeT~e to provide hockey fans in Portage County another IH!On of hockey. • Blanche: ~c~ the I.e'~ l:Ut )'ellr, leadina: 11 to 1t1 first wmruna: IUIOftasa..varsitysport. with all- build the rink. Facing debts of at5' 'r per ~nt . almost half ther~le' UWSP director, received a~ call from Blanche In AUBUSI announcing PCYHA orficials said tbe county could better afford the building. Krueger he couldn't discUS~~ tMm. As soon u BlaDChe reslj.ned. Knqer aald be started an immediate search tor a replacement hockey coach-physical education teacher. Last week, 'I'beodore Sator, 25, was announced as the coach of tbe would not have opened. unless a newownerwufound,ofnclalssald. The board. met AU(I . 19 and re jected the purchase of the lcedrome for $404,902;.99. The purchase was a bond iSiue and therefore needed a two-thirds vote to pass. Attn- the votes were l.tllied, 9 ~uecer . •!l!!.t>.ll~ :~~~~~~=~~~~ $450,000, the PCYHA uked the Portage County Boatel of Super visors to approve county purchase of the lcedrome. The PCYHA, having no alter native to bankruptcy, explained that thee<u~tycould borrow money ~~~of~i~:~:I~:Jt'~.'it =·Y.::-u~.~~: iJS:';aJ:: ~esi~~~~~~ivingonlya t4- Di.!ilrict 19 SUpervilor Richard 9lub«twu reporttdintheAua:. 20 Sle\"tGI Polal Dally JCHII'llal IS calling the l«drome " one or the best buys we could make." "'Tbe buildin!l: is DrOieelecl to be a l)rOI!~ble venture for the county, bultf tl loltt25,000a yea~, it would cost each Portage Co. restdent only $.50 annually,' ':'be JoumaJ quoted Slurbertas sayma. There were several ar,~Uments All home hockey games are played in the: lcedrome,located on lhe CGn'lft" of Oeveland Ave. and Rice St. Opened in December 1m. the lcedrome is the: only indoor lee arena In Portqe County. It was CQNtructed by the E.B. Sommers. Inc. construe:Uoa firm under the ownen.hip of the Portage County Youth Hockey Association =~~~!~m~f:~O:tor~~~: Suski said the buil dln& should open around Sept. 21, with r~ ~~~Lti~.•!-'te out there, let them fal l :!!~1her=me'"'s!r~=~~ ~ After county rejection. The PCYHA investigated a fleW other alternatives. Two weeks ago, E.B. Sommers, Inc . was announced as the new owner of lhe lcedrome. The building will be ru!' as it was In the past , with the btggest dUterence the fact that a prom corponUon rather than a non~flt only chanae being the ownera, she said. Sommers plans on ruMin& the Jcedrome for a one-year In tern · period. If youth hockey forms an e.ssociation during that time and wants to buy the building back, Sommers will sell It for the same price. SUski said. corporation owns the bulldtng, Universi ty of W isco n s in • Steve n s Point ~~:ady b:;::uf~~ J:Pf~~ student from Bowling Gt-een Slate Uni\'ft'Sity, Bowling Grf'fti, 'Ottio. ~holds two clegrfts In health and physical education . . He wu graduated maana cum laude and valedictorian rrom- tbe College IJl Health and Pbysk.a.l Education at Bowlillg Grtcn In nm. Sator comes to UWSP with extensive hockey bac~ . He was on the United States tum in the ltn WOI"Id Hockey Games in Lake Placid, N.Y., played in lhe farm systemoflheN.Y.Raiders,aWorld Hockey Leque turn and was a playtr-eoach oC tbe Milwaukee Admirals of tbe U.S. Hockey l..ea~Ue . ~~=t:a~is~e:~~ go is bankropt. 1 don't th.lnk the county sho\.lld absorb this Joss. They { Saturda-y September 13, 1:30p.m. · ~xc lusive ly- o~ Wl85· in stereQ lhatlhecountysbou.JdDOt~R a bulldin1 which Is lna~ble to many distant county re~~clents . Robert Decke r , 13th wa rd , countered that ar1ument by pointing out that 61 per ceot of the county 's residents are within tift minutes of tbe facil!ty, and that 7?lllperc:entof"the CO\rlty tax base IS ...Athln that area . Two yean aao. the PCYHA proposed county ownenhlp of ~ building befOI"e construction even began . At that time, SU~ William Sheehan led oppoe.tt.ion aaainstthelcedrome. Astbereeen t Q nti!SATUL/TIE ... l or all of CBntrsl Wisconsin 103.3 FM 103.3 FM - ,\ · I I ecreatlonal ervlces can provide you with equipment for just about any sporting activity in CENTRAL WISCONSIN Rafts Bade Packs Sailboats l~ea & Gerry Stoves CocHits ' Jon Boats 11' Grumman Canoes Catalytic Healerl Anchors Bicycles filhi1111 Poles & Accessories Car lop Carriers lleepillll 8aQs GoH Clubs Tennis Racquets Volleybalh & Net fTizbies 14~ Man Tents Ice Cllesl Camp Stoves lanterns Indoor, newly covered billiard tables. table tennis. table oames, Fooz· baii_ _ _,__ Complete line ol Scuba Gear (Tanks. Re<Julators Etc.). fins. Masks Climbi1111 Equi~X~~ent Binocular1 Spotti~~ - September 11 .1111 ..age 11 ., -· . -- -~ Milwaukee Symphony Coming .,.Jo.. Mad>••W On the l llh of September we hate OI.U'fi.ratopportunlt1. for let;al mind eJ:pansion .The M1lwaultee Symphony Orchestra will be on campus, thankl w the UAB nne Alta Committee and Arts aod Lectures. Our opportunity will begin at three o'clock when ~ee:tion priftcipals will conduct classes in the Fthe Artl Buildi!'ll- All faculty and students are invited to tate advantq:e of this W~ique opportunlty. The duaes wUI deal 'lrith percunloa . cello, trumpet , French ~~~aDd clarinet . Ftnauy, for those of you who mi&ht enjoy a good m)'ltery, ao to thec:oncet'ttoseelf)"'Ut"favorlte rock musician bonowtd a bar cw two, or a theme, from Btdboven, Slrauu, or Dvorak. Onlp us a line and let us know what you find or what you think of the performanee. _ Flick preview _/ The Univenity F1lm Sodety will prear~t Ken RI&Sdl 's WOMEN IN LOVE oo September II at 7 :00 and Uthat 's notftiOUI,hforyoumusic frub, the prognm for the evminJ concert ought to arab jou : 9: 15p.m. Two liltft'l. sexua.Uy mature and intellectually active , struaale ~:~.·o.=~~~O-~,;~ horn and orc:bettra , and Bee· lhoven'l Symphony No. :J " &oica " - a divrrse and pleasina pro&Tam . ~:n~n:CJ~~~~~~~'!: not much help . Press r eleues from the Milwaukee Symphony de.a'lbe c o ndu c to; John Cove l li I n su~rlalive terms. We are probably in for a treat, e-ven If only half ol wt.atlheyuy is true. acalnst the c.ootinel of a nral Dlglish mininl town and Ita fi&lclly - claued layers or Mdety. ArOWld them D.H. Lawnnc.e weaves one of the best s tudies o f suual ~measineu and doubt. The story explodes with subOe ff'Uiltatlons , warped joys and bitt« pa.uiOI\I. The film stars Glmia Jac.ltlon , Oliver RHd, Alan Bates, and Jennie Uoclen. "Signa and Signals'' will be on view through next 1'\Jesdly with · pllery houri runnirc i'Tom to a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thrqh Satlrday and 7 p.m. to !I p.m. Monday through ThuriCI•Y. evenlnas. ___...The lint art exhibition of the fall tema t«, ' 'SiR til and Signals," ~mrml~m ~!ltlltf7 opened to the p.ibllc. lhl.- week In /Ji!.!M !PillWUJ'J'~ tl ,..,. . . ~l~IIOIQC.l.oC!O.V ..inv c(_ovU" S EPT. 11·12 - 1:00 g:£n. 1:il • PROGRAM BANQUET ROOM A UU F1LM PRESfHTATlON PIU&.er hf:•" yorrwn./ A GEORGE rl0/1«1 FlM ~-&TIN(j . .,...• ._ ll, tm · ihe Edna Cartsten Gallery. The exhibition lnc.ludu ap· proxlniate:ly n hl&hway •lana and markers on loan to the pllery from the Wisconsin Depa r tment of Transportation and the aty of Stevens Point. !Pll~!liJll\'Dl vHl : ~UIIil · ~Mlll !lli ·- - In Tum Chautauqua by RobcrtBankl by Rkll O&d ( remember my ~ttea ~- blab ICbool hodtey dlys • nwnb toes and 0\ri• the pre-ktG"ome dlys, we had to literally frtae our utotS ocr. ODe pnc:tice sesaion wU really f'CIU&h • the tempenture w.. 10 dq:reea below zero and the wJnd blew about 1.5 mph. E'Yery 15 mln\ltes, we~~ iato lhe warmiq boule t4 warm .... E'Yel')' time it snowed, we look OYer- an hoi.- to shovel l.be rink. A.txl theft, ._ could only aet u half done. The COKh hid =disi~&an~a,.~·s!:,=~-· whtn ~ Just think! No m<lft fi"'Otbite or troken backl. Year.rOWKI ume sblin& for cooditiOI:line and t-:am pr.ctke. An idul way to r.ter a top-aotc:h hor:rr.ey tum. Two yean ago, the Portq:e Coi.Wity YouUI Hockey AaodaU011 <PCYHAI proposed the construction of the artna. Youth hocltey has Dourllhtd in lhe lut decade, due iD larte pt.rt to t.be PCYHA. 1be idea of an art'llol was indeed a good ooe. Hc:dey was the futestcrowin& sport in the area. However. the PCYHA wu a noa1)fofit organttation with little fundlna C:lp.bilitiel. Some oulaide financinJ would have ~ extremely helpful. 1bere wu a propoul that Portqe Ctluoty build the arm.. u a county r'Kt'eatlon facility. lbes'e e«tainly wu a put ;:::a;: r~~O::~Yaic::'t~~~ own, county wu fordna: the PC'IHA to pay on thrir even ~ finaDC:Iftl it wou&d t:oat twice II much SiDC'e the t"'U!!ty can bon-ow money at lower inlft'elt rates. WdJ , tbe PCYHA built the rillk. For two years, thousa.l'lds o1 PwUce County residents toot 11Nantaae of the building. Two hi&h K:booll, otJe university, and one profeuional =.::ee:~.:,::.~s::·;r::.·~u: smior le-ape I.Nm. ~~ :oea~,,:d-lhe~1dil1tch~~· ~stac::"l! IIIKIWbanb to watch a pme, or skate with snowmobile suita on or pouibly fOI'Jd about wintft' activity because of the ......... _, Lut month, the PCYHA announced It wu fllinj for blinkl:,uptey. The coat ol running the: bullcli..ni p1LII p11)'ing the lntft"!St wu too much. Would the COUllty be willinl to buy It No WI)', Some IUJ)ft'Yilcn, Jucll U Shetban, ate too busy lbe whole ldta. Come on Bill, canl you admit that the kedrtlme Ia a 1ood thinl;, that Port.qe Co!.llty residents (your toftllituenta, rememb«!) do use it, that the PCYHA should be hl&hly ~for Ita dforta aod that lheCC~Unty woWd be wile to buy it! 11ier-e were some &r~wueots that the county shcddnl let a pr«edent ol bailing out a bull.nell. 11le Scedrome il expected bok1iJ1c a JIUdle a&aiNC =~·::J;ar~~~:;~~~·~~=:: =:~~.:e.:;~~--:z!!~~~yw~ ~ J..beud that 9leelwn aa.ld. "'lbey built a bole out ~a:.=n!~=·~~~~~·~~u... P'ortwW.dy for ~y rsMients, £ .8 . Sommen. Inc. tJouctllthe~ . AtleaJtfornow,thekd'omewiiiNIU al~jood supervtson ruy uy, ''WtU, we mew IOIMCIQe -.lid buy IL Now wedllalbave to pay for the kedrome." 9,n. For DOW, everythinl il fiDe. But what aboiA nat yur ! Is thereanyauat~~ntee It will open aaain,aft« thlsoae I wu only left yurt old when my dog Lucky went lnune. Sbe wu du.tbly afraid ol thundtnlot'llll, and ewry Ume abe sensed rouih wuthe:rtwewina,abe used to run and hide unc:lft' our butment ltepl • a maneuver abe'd learned from my · mother, perhaps, who wa• al10 10 Inclined. But one day, durlna a freak IUinmer storm that Jeemed to come up out ol nowbere, Lucky dlckll mate It bome in Ume. I thou&bi maybe she'd fOW1d ·lbtlter at one ol the hol.aN be· tween our. and wher'eves- &he'd been runl)inc that day, but later, .,en the rain abated, aome nfi&hbotbood lddJ found · bet" ahiveriPgill the mud ola near~ope:n Oeld. They brqht h« to me out.ol ki!Oiea, in a red wacon: at first , I thouJhl lhe'd been bit by a ear . But then, on my huQ!rc bet". she looked up tome with fear in her eys, and I could teeahe bad a bad cue ol yellowbelly,like an animal that had seet1 God and could no loll&« c:wnprehend the universe. I tried toJOOtbe her with what I know otlove. but it wu no uae. Herpua.nola wutotal, &hewualraidolt:Yerythlq : the clea.rini;U;y, the Nl, the IOWid ol h« name. probJ,bly even her heartbeat. And alter lbe re!Uied to do anythJn& but whimper fot a week, we had have Lucky waa a dol. remember: Jbe had 1'10 lmaalnatlon. • Fortunatdy, u bomo upltna, we O!.nelves are blgher up , on tbe evolutiorlary bidder a.ad don't bave to WOITJ' about &Gin& bananu eves-y time the clouda atart to darUn and IJ&htni.DC ll.ltchel the borlt0t1. Evealf we dJdn't have Jcience to explain cunpln: meteorologkal phenomena, I'm willina 16 bet our lmaglnatioftl would be ab&e to C'OI:ICOd an expluation ol aorta. We wwld either blame It on diYlne iDdl&estion or poaibly an indilc:retion on the part of one ol our wstal rirgial. ltllbort. we'd ftnd a ••Y to r elate to It, aomehow. Tbat'J what the hlatory ol our eaoceotric rue il aU about: rwmlo&fromtbeunknoo4nl, cru.Uncorder0utolehaoa., eoatrol aod the WUJ~on ol control. T1ne Yf!r'J lltle.pwauits: it'J j...st that aometimel we let c.an1ed away. Or, to flnally b«adl tbe toptc at hand. thla week I want to talk about Ole Great Hooey. , Eve.-alnoe Yon D&nlke:nOrtt.pr'OftdJOUcou&dmake a lot o1 mooey expkiUn1 tbe publk'a pDJbWty.~ the publilhiJW in· to b«dl!stroyed. !~~..:::~~ :m.~..: :::n~~Funboob,(in othes-wordl: a tluJtlfyou dl~'t tab lhem too ==·'::=e::'. 'ifP'~a:r:o!~I~~- And It iln't bard to see • hy. We live in ha.rrowlnc times. All you bave to do II watdl the eveaJna news Md ebedt out any =~~~:;en:ln!::!'f:·~~~ potential diluter areu. SOU, we have to live with tbtm and lublimateOW"!ears. Sodtherweao to an lnrin Allen diluter Ricka.od~eeaomepeoplewaneolftban-arefichl. il.out in =~~;::::::=~:"~ fi:'~·!nc! Bennudatrianalnorplantawltbarevqemotive. You can't reaUy blame anyooe wbocllooMI to cop out either way; If It aets any worse I may evftl joiD them. But tbeRiJ'IDOtberpolnt I'd Kite to mention beforedoa.in1. A •pooty little ukle abOut the inlr'Uikla o1 the Great Hooey Into rul.lty. In editinc my Interview wtth Ray Palm« uo be found dHwhere in lbla laaue), I dtHbtratdy ~~ out our cJilaasions about the Kmnedy Ulaalinationa. Not becallle hi• kSeu w-tooolfbeat · for tbe rerord , they were no more n:trane than what Dklt <iRpry'J been eJpOUIInc lately, revolvlnc around the ClA · but becau~e I wu afraid people wouldautomatkaUy debl.mll. wbat Ray had toaa.y on aot'OI.mt of hil otber ...-tbodox views. Tba Uiq lt, we now u.;, the :~~qaJ:S .'detailto~co:r~vi:~r: Cutni. So Ray'a ideas about a aecret coniplracy no lona es- yu~= ~;chance like the eow~ty board~~ fl. as tbe ;:'=1~~~~~~::!~~~. mind. Alit tnowlt tbatlftlle kedromeda.el fteXt year. cbt:re wW be a tbouMnd diaudsned Senior Hl&h students, many blmdmlat hcdli, MVet'al thou:und at UWSP, tboulanda of Sittinl arcuxt w:itb the aboJt ola dec IWned Lucky, w:ith any number oiJtormJ on the bqrUon, I can only lhi•« a bit and 1II'Ordtr II m7 lmaJinatJon wi.Uprove to be too much or too little when the aky finalJy breaD. ur:::':ri·~htU~==~r:,~~ ill ~tr:_~n=: ~~4a~ poulbly eYeD oae or two unhappy voters. not me. ~· -..,.. RE LI GION E)'ev Yom Kippur I Eve ol tbe Dly or AtonemtftiJ, Slndly, September t4. Candle U&hllnc nme-t:40pm . KDI Nidral-f:5q)m. ~:d.~~~::~~~-~~~ Set-vi4:e-t :30 am . Torah ReadlnaJ0 :45am. Yl:tkor Memorial ~ee­ ·11 :30 am. 91ofar and Conc:ludlna7: toam . TUESDAY NilE LADIES' NilE NO 1".fir 10' TAPS WEDNESDAY NilE PilCHER NilE 8-10 P.M. $1 PITCHERS • SINCE 1916 • · ,,1-:/~..... SCHWINN SALES AND SERVICE ~' @ - ·WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL· ~ fJ PRESENT YOUR STUDENT 10 CARD FOR A.10% DISr.lJiiNT ON ANYTHING IN OUR STO.RE EXCEPT SCHWIIN BICYCLES, IICLUDES REPAIRS• • OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 1175 ~ Con-Pro Bruce Ndtoa wa ~- The Montana ltudent lobbyist had just spearlleaded a IUC'Cftlfu! Jecis.laUve drive to prantee atudeats In bb state a voice in faeulty colltctive' dosomethlntabout it- not U 1n Individual, but u a JI'OIIP • A bllraaininc. It was the nut lime atudtnts anywhere Md won One unique sit uation at litis university Is that everyone thmlr.s of stud~ta as a c:laa . except s tudents. How many ol you have bHrl denied lw:lusina because landlords don't want to rent to students'! How man; ol you have been vie'lfl·ed tha~if!!;ly the conswnen of education had been left peeltln& thrqh cracklln the Mtotiation room door u labor ube faculty la nd manqement Uhe administration ) deckkd iaues that woWd directly affect tuition , clau Jiu and student trnkft. Students watcbtd lhdr role in campus decisionmakinc. hlrd-woo ~the Lite 60's, lkrwly Meted away, limb by limb, oo the Procruscian bar&ainlrc table. The Montana studtnt bill bad started to revene allthlt by guarar~lfdnl atudmts not only oblerV'tr status, but the ri&ht 10 participate ira UUCURS bdcn, during and after ~otiatklftl. So lrhy wu Nr:lson wOIT)'ina'! He Mel jult found out that a bill likely to pass caner- thil leUkiD would O'l'~e hil lteislalion ·and put faculty c:ollettive baraai.nin& at publ.k universities ~ the control olthe National Labor Rd1tions Board CNLRB I. Vt'bo's afraid of the: NLRB? JUitabout every student acllve in barpiNna. 1be NLRB hu conlistft!Uy ruled that lludenLs • even laborers like aradu.lte teactDna aaistants and uf~ worker~- have IMt plac-e at the table. They should rNd their boob and lhut up , the Board has uid ill effect on ln«t.loccaaionl. Qaly Uw»e Rates with laws weaker" than the federal bill - ' d JO Uftder the NLRB. bl.lt that wiU problbly be mot:! ol them , Iince the ftcl«allaw Is er.:peocted to let public workn"l Jlrilr.e,a rl&bt molt stalelha\·en't gTanted. Un\eu the NLRB .:::.:==~i~~~·~=~::=!r!:='i:U~~ . •::::r::tt~. the Cqrftlional bill IHR ~~introduced by Rep . Fnn.k Thompson (().JNJ ) wasn't mont to shut the b.r&altllnc door on st~ It lntmcb to arant the 14 mWkla U:: ~.'::~"e .:~~ora: ~""C.::~ years. Tbompsonhassaktbenntsto " joc"sLites intoKtion on thftr own publk woRtr l1ws, but apparer~tly no me has told him that his bill sLindl to Jo& studt.'nts out ol Kademlc: fn~n~. ~ew:!~~:J'n~~'y':1~h:v!~~ft . moat IIJSC)iciolaly In ·stores or ha~ had your checks refused bec1use you're a membe-r otlhe c:la• olstudents'! ttu the enforcement ot 10me taws beef~ applied equaJJy or just wlecth·elyqainst students'! Has y041 Instructor vtlllll!d your opn\on or questions as a cooc:ffned person or rebuffed you bec•useyou'reastudentl All throoJIIyour c:ollegecareer you wiU be put In a separate olaa 1nd yet many of you will not rec:Ginitelt · or 'A'OC'Je you11 justac:cept it as the price you ~Y for public: ed~alion . To thole "'ho don't ...·ant to ac:«pt this c:ou I have only one word foryou · wpab.e. Vt-1111 can't be acllieved byonec~n be :~h::~!fm~·rr.':~!~,~~~~':~ t'~ dassel until their demands "'ef'tl met. How long could that department teach em ply c:laues befOf'e they had to deal -'th ld ureal people'! How manylandlonls could survive If atudents. as a &roup, ;.'.u~~~:~=:=l~~':~~mir!': ~most qainst students if alleooovoted In tllec:lty. "z of the · voter populadon ol thit ~mWllty '! In each case c:llanae c:ould come about if studetlts would just join IO(Iether and r c:o:: !cii:~:!:'lly enouah. is preclaly what Is propo6C'd by the people who c:laulfy you. And why'! Bec•use tbeylr.nowlhltstudmtswill newr rec:ocnlr.e !Mirclauand will nevtr join together as a J"IUP· So they aclvoc:ate lhe one course of action that willc.ause chance. bec•use they know It will neva' OC'CW' . TolboMstuden!l who ask me what am l&oin& todo.apiJI, 1 have to say «p.&u. It Is onl)' as a crouP that we will ~=~:e~.:~~w~ydi:C:ati~!~t~ win . dedslon~aldna for yean to C'OIT\e. He bid jult fcx.td out that• bill likely to pa.u Conareu this aeuion would OYernale hit ltt:itlation and ·put faculty lollecdve bll.rJalninc at public univenititsl.lldtr the c:entnll ol the N.ltlonal La bor Relationa Board tNLRBI. tnallfatrne-,the ~reuional bill <HR 71 ) Introduced by Rep. FraU. Thompson (I).NJ) wasn't mean~ to shut the t.ra~dowoaltUdents.llintendstoc;rantthet4miUat ::~em~=:n0: ~ ~.'::e~ .:~~-: years. Thomi*Jn huMid be wants to "jo&" staleS into .ction The Student Norm on their OWD public worlltr laws, but tpparefltlyoo one has told him tha t his bill stands to jo& students out ol .cademlc decision-maldn& for yeart tot:1)ftle. A.c:con:iiDc to obeerwn, wbeft bu.rinp on the bill ~n .l•ttr this fall , other spedallnterftts will unroll ala~ listol items they want uempted from tbe ftdtral bW, lib .Ute ~..e laws, rdirelnent systemt and ao forth. SWdtmt ri&hll are apt to be loat la tbe lbuffte u Yisioal olstrildrc police, ~~~=eco:'=u:=~~ =~=~~~~-~~~~~=~~time Mont&o.a's Bruce Nelson has vowed to 10 to Waahln&ton himaelflf~ry. 10 that bllstudellt ac:admalc ~ doesn't tum out tobepute~yaeadmalc: . " Bftnalnvolved In the flnt atudent bW.I don't want to !ole It," be told me. H not Ndloo. aomeone lbould ao. CoUective barlainin& maybetbenewtancuaaeotbiJhtreduc:aUon.butlt~~ blllhely translated word.t"or-word from the factory. H 11 II, student~ 1.11 the ''iftdt.~~trial" university willaoon be little more than mea spat out tobo&d tocetbtr a falterin& economy. hy r ....... s. _, books ,qd tM Art of Mo&orcyclc Mal ,. uce, by Robtrt M. PiniJ 18 · .am Boob, 40& pqes, a .zn. k1 Revlc•HI ..1 11M ...UI TUditionaUy, the phoenill il I suicid.l bird. Tattn'N with aJe, eo.-ery nve hundred yea rs It bullda a funeral pyre to .elf-immolate itself, dyin& in the names, but a t the ume time belnJ transformed " Into another bird. both YOUJI.Ier and more radiant , rudy for anotbet try at life. We should all be 10 l ~~eky , maybe : but tlnce we're not, and tnerefon lack the empiriul data, I ' ve ofte n won dered : how .:hi zophr~lc would a bird of th!J natu~ be! Would the nre burn nut Its memory of a previous uilterw:e'!' Or as itJ winp llowly llrted it from the wann ashes of ltJ deathbed· cradle, would It remember bow, on an oven:ast n!Jht, lhe douds looted dappled wi lh moonlJ&ht , or how the wind felt acreaming at t~ tbouu.nd feet '!' Personally,! don't know. But maybe Robert Pint& does; for lfhll jDumf!y in ktl and tile Att ef Motorc y cle Malateaaace Ia analogoustoan)'thln&,it lathe very fine Muntin&. schiloid n!Jht of the phoenix. Starling out ln Minnesota wi th hll twelve yur old son, and twp friends. Pirsi1 's odygey COVft'l both time and s pace. Thei r desti nat io n on motorcycles, initially, Ia Bouman, Mootana . Pirtig was a college teacher bete; II was alto hert' be fii'SI. Jtarted to 10 in11ne. And as th ei r ph'yaical joumev continues. the narrath·e is notonlylardt<lwithbroadllr'Ok.Mof color a nd description, but alto with Pirsia's reeollections of Phaedrus, the suicidal ash ol his alter ~o. a man -.·ho exists only in memory. Pirsiaiaqu.itedistinctaboutlhls,in fact; as fiT as be Ia coocemed, Phaedrus Is dud , a vktim of electric lhoc:k therapy and a stay in a mental institution. • Fortunate ly , because of ttte phoenill link, this does not prevent theautbor from drawina on10meof Phaedn•' thou&hta, or compldlng a detailed evolution of his madneu. Thus, we Jearn of Phaed rus ' llvdihood , that ol a teacher ol rhetoric; one day a fellow teacher remarks to him, " I hope you In! wchina Quality to your students," and Phaedru5 is never the same again . He initiates a philosophical q!Jf'Jt to determine th e meanlna of • " Quality" , tallinJ 111 lhroua:h a Kries ol complex, but lucid r a.about Its rational and analytic meanlnp. J111t wby he does this, hcMever, seems clear onl~ on two friend~ , John and Sylvia, to do --... their own repair and malntmance ol thei r cycle . Thls leadshim lnt oa O!autauqua, or actually a aerin ol sprud·<JW;t Chautauqua (PiniJ's .....-d for a COMdousnesa-f'aisina ra p) a bout the causes of both technophobla a nd technoiOJical ualln us . P\rs l& 's dia&nos ls : " What's wrvn& with technolOCY is that It's not connected In any rul way with matters of the iJPirit and of · the heart." And 10 he propo~e~ a new Way ol loollina at lhlnp, involvl n& an abolishment of the subject~jectduali!m-aframeof n!ference impouible In Zen. Borrowina from the Sans~ phrue Tat tvam ali, mean! '11\ou art lhat," Pinla asserts "~ythlna you think you are and ever ythingyou thi nJt you~ive -are undivided." It is the answer, In other words, to the old question, How do you tell a dancer from the ;;"'! r~cf!cl:1~re y~~':f,.~ Phaedrus' elusive Quality, meaninJ In part ca re and love ol craft· manshlp, seems leu dlrncult to !pore. Pinl& thea WUJb'IIN f!V'tf"ythln& he's b'ied to put aCI'CU wit h a splendid course. on the art of mot9rtycle maintenance llle lf, of!erinJ, In effect; 1 primer applicable to juat a.bout f!V'tf"ythlna one can doln the twentieth century. And one on whkh our ultim ate survival ml)' very well depend. Alona wi th everylhl,. eiH In lhe book {moet of whkh I've barely touc:hed upon or nqlecl.ed com- ~~IJ.M~.u;_to..:p~e ,.:t~ MotorcycleMala~aaacelsoneheU of 1 mulefPece, records ~-~=· ~t:!!Uir ~ 10 reaUy a punuit ollbe answer to the =e:r:::' 't q~ knle'J JIJ aodOiher f'a vorltes by Steve Gooctmaa CAiylllm·l&-IUJI finaUy brines ~a back, more or less, to the IIUe and bow Zen IDd Motorcycle maintenance are "'*""· Vet)' early ln the book, Pin.IJ comments on reluctance hll the dance'!' You don' t ; it's lmpoe~lble . Once you rullze this however-t.e., of Rewle•HI by Gl'q: M•rr: The bil brull. doesn't come oft~. In the music indLD try theJ'e an! thoullnds of talen ted musicians looking for that brea k . Kr la Kristofferson 1111. his when JohMy ~sh recorded " Swlday Momina Co m i ng Down" . ' Until then Krit tofferson was swMPn' noor• In a st udio trylna to pass his songs off on anyone who would listen. Kr ls never foc-&ot how hard It wu 'lind Ms si nce been the bl& bre1k to a number ol people lndudina Dnnnie Fritts, Larry Gatlin, Billy Swan , John Prine and Steve Goodm1n. AI lhe atory aoes. Krls st umbled IC*I Goodman on a bln.ry.,-ed HAVE A COUPLE NUTS FOR. LUNCH UAB COFFEEHOUSE PRESENTS • EDMUNDS & CURLY. TWO OF THE MOST INSANE PEOPLE YOU ' LL EVER MEET TUES., SEPT. 16 ·11 A.M.-1 P.M. in THE UC COFFEEHOUSE FREE . . . . . • ~~~ vilit:;y~~ on IDw'wft::r::;. , NPrinesaysi n the liner nntn to Goodman '• nrsc a lbum ,'' the Lord wo rks i n myster\OUJways." Good man was slgnf!'d to a recordinJ contrac:t with Buddah records wbere he produced two u:ulle nt albums t urroundln& himtelf with the talent of O!arley McCoy, Donnie Fritts , Yauar Clementi, Prine , Krl s toUeuon , David BromberJ, Maria ML&Idaur and Dylan to name a few . With the first album he Itt the trend for hla future muak: .. Hla tonpareUJ ~»ilya dellcatebala~ between humor and teriOUJneu, _leavlnc the listener lhouJhtfully t mlllnJ . '"'''rnpllte Tom"ls a &ood eumpleol. thit. lt 's the atoryofa man RJvl nt~anoldhltchh l lteraride . The old man tell• the dr iver of a blink holdup he committed muy yearto.foreanddecides to&lvethe I"'''Iney. whic h 11 stuhed in the proph actic mac hine of a Tennet~etbar . tothe driver lnret~rn :~=~nd~thethedri~~~:~ note falls out uylna " Yoa'n J•C Nt11 11114 tn a .aaltar)' .,..., b7 1\lraplke T - IM ooUaw wllJI ~ IutHI wasr el ll1aw." Goodman enas wlln"M tller. 7 11 've been takenforarWe-tllerealD'I.OChlaJ but rooa. Jllld here I•We-Oie rtat Joidll iaJW.e •ali · R•e•Mr tllal 1" oal7 fallfw Ute I~ u4 NGrles wben 1• reaiiJwaat 1.1". AlthouJb moat of Goodman 's 10011 are ll&htat lima he sbowl his MriOUS ai de with song.s !lite ' 'The Ballad of Pt:My Evans." Other tonp like " YeUow CGit", ' 'The Dut.chman", and "Would You Ulte to Learn to D~ '!'" an! packed with emotion and senalllvlty. Somehow, after theN first two albums, Goodman lound hlmsetf without a recordi nJ contract. Asylum records' jumped a t the chance tos.lan him, brJrwil'lllll the new " Jesaie 's J iJ aad Other Favorites,' album . The album bealn~ with " Door Number 1111"ee "co-t~ulhored with Jimmy BuJfet , of " Wby Don't We Get Dr~klod Screw" fame . " Nowl ... 'twaatwUIJaJ'IJol on Ole tao~- Uw Mx Xarol Merrill poiatJ loOM Uile n.w·a.t i 'D bUJ· on.)a:Jt.a•t..,aJ i a•allle4aCDI ua 111lock lUI lacky ..... " 11le aong endJ with '"Love Is lltiiHI Ml _ , ........., ........ w._Ues . . W...IbcltiN~a . . krUIIree.·· Pri~e-~ueanUm-=l:~t~MI= Smith'• beautiful ...Spoon River." We alao aee why Prine cbOit Goodman to do moot of Jhe lead ac:«KKSS.kpltarontbeold "Ita a Sin to Tell a Ue." and the UU. aont ;=~tbatlhebiJbreak comn to othen 11 talented as Goodman. The Lord doel Indeed work in myaterioul wa)'l. Marr kaa ._.... .....,., ...... a,., ...C,fl"•••...._ ,. ,.,....u-rtPMrt,. ......... . . . ........ ·P....-. tte .... ,.._,...., piKe .._ dM ~~-- llaMM_..r •-Ia fll JM• &.ea Olaar._. aM R•l tAL\ol SPGnl'"'¥Sewed by Car.. pod . Joln'a voice is more elqan t , austa.ins miX'e vibrl to, and ia more warm .tnd t uglry-throated than """" ::ki~;~~ :~~.=~~~ It it probably orlainality . or the eiC\·ca 1lbum cutt, only four are Joan"t M~np. Htr propensity to II.CI I othtr al1 ilt"l tonp doeln'\ ~:fue~~...~~="'=~~ ~n~n~:~:::: ~ tg;i:~ "Simple Twlat or Fate" which ahe dnU'O)'I and turn• Into • jerky, rude.oondina aouped-up dirac. TMre seem• to be aomtthlna for tvft'ybody on thia 1lbum . Tbtreare ~r:~~::n-:~~.~tl~l!~:.!~ oo.'ftlllayed on tbe l uptr-HXUai·Hil· Parade. Sonp of other artiats' 1ppe1r too, from people like John Prine, Bob Dyl1n, Stevie Wonda-, Jlni1 Jan lnd Jackson Browne. f'ortW~ately , Joan has the 1bilityto Jin&Olberpeople't..._.IPd&ive tMm an W~uauaJ and fesninine television nc G•IIlll ofAuwm• CBS'fileviaion RevlewH by M.,.c v•1nu.. I am atilllhakiq dver The Guu ol Aulunm, a CBS Sped&lalred Lut f'ridly fti&.ht. Anyooe who uw It bad to be ovcrwbdmtd. ~procramwuamiJ:Iurtol liea with tome troth lhtown ln. Unfortunately , only a aportaman C'OUid UDCientaJKI wbere the ruJ rrutblits. AI'IOD-bunttri&W a buDdl ollic:klncbiduals. Heuwalotof '!':!:e~m:fd~-elt~D~ .............. HadCBSpreR~~tedapr<:~~nmon the America.D And, ther e are ao na• witb U'em~ votll prominence auch u " I Dream of Jeanne" and " DIM)' Boy." There 1re even two C\lla containine: a tOIX:h of jau, " Didt" and " Children and All1bat Jtz:r.," wbkh, with the help of Tom Scott and aome L.A. horn playen add 1 new and pleaaant dimenakln to 1 likeable 1lbum. Black Min , aDd ahowed him ttereotyped u aomeone wbo dancet , atrunu l)llnjoea, and ealt w1tennelon, the ~;en1,.~:n,e~~~C8s~ tNt to huatera, thou&b· 11M: publk . . . sufferizl& J&IM lnd " tlw"UI DlleH" . 1bey aaw bklod.U.inty Idiots. Thea they aaw that c«~&l«nenlkla built lDto • am-eotype: Which wu auppoMd to repraent tbe hunttr lo Jeoen.l. U they leamed anythlnc trem tbia atereotype:,itahouldhavebet:ntbat :~:~~ ~~u::! bulllhit. 1'heb'uetpDrtama.nwboUw~ GuN ol A.ulumn hid lObe outuaed for 1 number ol reason~ : He IIW aome ol the same rdioU on lhe procram lh•t he tHS In .the woods •nd marahea. He wat outraaed bec.IUH he knows lhey niat. He wu also ouU'a&ed bec•UM lhlt procram put HIM on their ~eYe! , and to a tportaman, tMft II no lew! ~than them . CBS~h:~:~f':J:.~ dHfereotlatebetween " hunters" and tboM who just JD ~the wUdl to kill pme. 11M: dilf~ ·il utowldin&. and very ru.l. { !::"~olv~·~:terca=~ Maybe they ahould hive, bec.lute the pieoople ahown OG that pnJCram hue mor• In common with lliUJbltr boule WGrUn thM the)' AI a Comm~~oa major, I ::~~:~r!n'be:!.ot 110: endow~ _ wilh 1\moat llm\Ue11 do,:~=:m~byTHEGUNS oF AtrrUNN 1s irftp~Jrable. ~~~ ~~iwn ~inner :.-='.' ~~~~eita=tt!: eaza 10 Into the wooda, but It canDOt obtain Itt eaae~ . even IF' II bad made 1n ttl.em pt to. 1be CBS camtru muat have m1de • deUbe'ate attempt to keep 1way from tbe , atlmplna p-ounda of reasonable hW!ten. ln1tnd , they found placet inhabited by non-.porttmeft with ltlftl· V.bat tbe medium presented, and 111-hll lbe public: uw, ..., DOt representltiYeoftheKtiwitycalled huntl,.. Aaporttmanltmorethan)lltl man who lOCI Into the wooda or ' marsh with 1 JUD. Ke kDCIWI tblt *lueetilll the tziaa-11 not hit OCLI.y p.llliOMforbeinJtbtreanymon than e:ttial• meal ia tbe rusoa for UrinJ. Ttlere'l 10 mud! more to It than that . The cameu can't lbow the drcamtlhWlltrlllkeawithhlminto the woods, or the . memories he brln&• blcll. The cam«• ia only an eye,andl c:old one 11 thlt. ln tht. c.ue it wu •110 at le.ut partially bl~":· lboc:k value, 1be Guna of AuWIM ~ be touch to beat. ~~!"':w,C:,'~ibe: ~to~bunU:~·tbe ol Tbe •lt.hou&l\ ~. Gwm of be reedva tbe &WJt . 11J. real alMen of tt.. t prosram •re ~= ::e~:'f. ~; they walk on their hind lep. Bec.aUMtberf:II)OI'IIib&ehunt« cares,thou.Jh, hewWfeeltbeJUilt CIUICCI by ma-e a•mHd.llen who have no capacity forcariq: . The tin now becoma the factlhlt aome will l'ln"tr know the dltrerenc. between ... __ 1be tbame II. ALL tportlmen must Uwln the that The Gunt or Autuma have udly .,...,.._ iba._ DON'T MISS THE "'~<>~,ISrs IN,.,.#" STANTON GIVEAWAY I I Register for a FREE 1 Gyropoise Turntable Complete IT'S REALLY FUN . : With Stanton 681EEE Cartridge Leave Your Shopping at City News Stand .... Why? • . •• Well ... you 'll like to browse In our store. We think it ' s full of Interesti ng books and things you will really enjoy . . . Like ... we carry over 5000 paperback titles in stock. We have all the best sellers In both hardbound and paper . · · and . . . we get them fast . . . and . .. we 're open until nine every night for your shoppi ng convenience. Try us, you'llllke us. CITY NEWST AND . NEXT TO FOX THEATRE OPEN a A.M. TO 9 P.M. Stptc•bet II , 1171 Pile 2:1 I I 1 1 I J Can black·and blue sceeyetoeyel II) Rochester. New Yo~. it's been happening lor yearS. The youth is a member of TOPs. Teens on Pall'ol. A group ol boys and girls !rom the lhner city who WOfk )With police each summer to help keep City recreation areas sale and orderly. TOPs was conceived by Eastman Kodak Company and Rochester Jobs, lnq. in 1967. It hat brought about a greater underslanding and mulual rupee! between police and young people !rom the surround· ing community. • TOPs dOn't hive the power to make arrests, but they leam about police by working with them. Wear· lng special jackets and T-shirts, they ride In squad cars. Walk the beat Monitor calls at the slatlon. Supervise kids at pools and playgrounds. For wtlk:h they'repaldasalary. . Pollee come into the neighborhood as partiet- pants, not observers. When they get to know the people they're sworn to protect, they learn how their Interests can be bener served. wtYy does Kodak Pfovide financial suppot1 to TOPs? Because helping the people ol Rochester communicate with one another helps build a better community In which the company can operate and grow. In· ahem, it's good business. And we're In busi· nese to make a profit. But It's also good for toelety. · The same society our business depends on. II a company that makes pictures can't help people see more ctearty, who can?