Badzinski bodmouthed getting to Tlleunl yiuue Nmalnlrleiii...,.ODee thet..keilcomp&ettd. lha¥e~ , 1111 rance (f'OIR 1M Olanedlor and lbe founctatlunlhal aay plat~~ ruriM 1aU wUI lncl11de St11dtnl Govtrnmtat'l actlvt ::"~t':t' :!i!~:::W~ areas wi!l be or bmellt and eQjoymtnt rur ;oU the ttl,ldenll It UWSP. BNJI.IIohl•ltl Studtnl Govn'Nntnl Prealdml Alverez ta lks too Polat• PIJe 2 the pointer What' s right, is "right? International Students' Note f•~P.uoter, llhillk,_-tomk-=tioa.--.wltrl tberelloftbep~pn-isloo"-tlve". 11'1 eonHI'VItivt bfta111e 110W the USA neediUberalpeopktobelpfllbttbe Communilb'.-d"doY•''. Amee~atlve,butnowlibn'al, · T..,u,..,, T• ' " P ...t« AI lnlrnlltioNI Clvb &FOWl In liu, morea!ldmorepeopl.eseemtobe .akiftcwb.ltil'laUabout. Tbep.rpo~e :n~~~!~:::::t:'~,': know-•llllther.~t.bewe)'ll · UW-Polaski ........ aflltbetCOUI:'Ilria,aadtbtrtby,beeome Wedtvotemuthtrltl'l)'toorie!Utiq andwtlcorniqour-romcn~ On A\llual 17, nlnety-alll"udmts left lbe U.S.A. lor a -~iff a~. Forty«vm student~~ will lludJ In ~~=~~ :~~~~~~: Jotln Bfmd to PoUnd. lin. Sl.ll&ll ud loin. Kremplewlll- .. Aablaoat ~~s:=~~~ pi'IICftdin&'f'Ubin&ea,l German Unlvenlly IOWD. and on to Mllllldl. SatdlurJ,Um&, ~.Rome, and Paril bdore Kttliq In ........ c - a. The MmiSlft"J La ~1111)' and PolaDd weatfnt to Kola aDd Berlii:I.Tb!ft, aD p~~rtldpatedinutducationalintrodl.ktlon to We.t ko"litl pnrvlded by tbe Bonn Go•emmeat and lnfornutio.uu:atrum ' Berlin. After the Sft'Un Study Pro&ram. the u well U \II!Jtblc lnd prowl.sJI& IMiniqfvl tqltrien:e. for all mem· btl'l. &v.f)' yqr we pil.n .even.! tn· joy1blt oulinp whidl illdudt eampiq, ho.....-.riclina.plmlcs,lli~.-=.not to mention our 1nnUil lnternetlonal Dlnntt' whta tbe ltudtab tbemlttva pl'tpan:lbtirf•vorltelllltiolllllclah,llld tnterlilin the ptJU In tbtir ni'M!llt uUvedteu. 'Tbisym r wehopetogttiiWI)'I!loOn people involved In our clvb, from IW<Itllll to' , letia!ld to Hq Kong, Viet to AmG'k1. We feel thatevU)'onecouldb.IYeiOmtlhlngto olfft', lnd lhlt It II; necsury to ~ If doWn the banitn. to btlp l!ld COlD· m\11\iaoteto-atiOlhtrbtfonpace and vndenlllldll!l a11 be 1ttallled for thefvhire. . Por fvr1he r lnformllioll pluu eonllct I.C.'a new olrlce, louted l n 11"011\ the WiKorllin Room In the UnlvenltyCtnttr. EUen c-rtwy UWSP I.C. S«reUII"J' lf'OIIPwlllptoSaWIIIrJ.l.iem.8~aa . and Mitteawl.ld. A fat\ll"e of the pi'OIJ'IIrl lbisye.r lu c:vur1o1: In ()periJ andOraloriol . Mwtich lSI city of m1.11k and a n . tn• New yor. lhe 5emelter 11'1 Poland, lslffi.ILiotfdwithJa&Sellonll.nUnlvtn.ltyiD In history, -..nO, polltkal, eom· Wilson's Bicentf1nnial Reply Cracow. CowMs wlect.. are puttive llter•ture. humanltltl, 111d ~tloa. Moltoftbec:ouna~willbe inltrutted by ule<:ted Jqlellonlan UnlVftSity prof__.. We would lite to atLI'IOUilCt that the omce of latematloul Procr•ms. ~ Ill, Main Bui.lciU!& !Tri. '*'lm), is ac:· ~na•ppUcatlonfllllw forSemetterllln Britaia and 1M Fir EN! and Semetttr I. 1r..n Ia BriuiD, Ga1larl1 or Pobnd. Stlldnu are invited to rill! tbe offlce and receivehotlpin.elertiqlbeP"JI.I'&fllmc.l IU:itecl to tMit llllfftStt. Stlldaa In all mljo:nandmiaonarewdcomt: to J*l'tidpatt. ).:,= ~; ! •.n~~edld\~- ~ mlutd the billlt. Sdenllnc ldlievm.ent 1trma frocn warf1~·· dtfett. '~'ha-t Ire peoplttv~withou!wort, tbt wont belrt.a lhlt ! ' - PfOPle 1re In the citlts. And )'ou 1in't got notlllq but troublt.caw.elhtrtlln"tllllth!qforlhmt PfOPitto"dobvl:mlktll'oublt. Then tbtre •re !bolt with wortF:mtlnlnt;ltiOI!eJ. Andtbtydon 'tJivei-'UI wlut'a &olrt.l on. Tbe whitelltlll eontrol lheblac:b.everllncetbe '-...iloul:" of tbe . Repvblic:l,. to Ult Dtmott1ta bKk in tm. ODtyearleuandwe-tbt -pliradoQcllrtltbrltkw>oftbtblttllofl natlorlllld the dull! ot 1 peopk. The ra.o ill Lake Pepin 1re '-4, -~ / tbt~ppiiJonitawly,wltlltheGulf letter from home Mnkoo l nd P1~1!k de• behind. The Eutera Staboani illl&arf:lqe dump, The RhbwRivft'il,lccordlnt;toltllllpJr"O'rtrln the Neth«lancb , beyond !Tpair. The batlhltun bedonel11 ce.liq af· ot tbtrftm•ae. hc.aniiOibe~ . -.:) Series 9, Vol. 18, No . 3 Rlltlil•lldthtU.S. bneu.ali. U . . go, we 10 bi&. Yet we try. Put uc:rifiCI Pv• WI)' to fut..-. bope. Ptlllpledtllnoll-a)Vft'edbirdt. Baykouta aillhtiplitlleoldllidla~lhe '•tnet. Polltld~~~atry. btlltvt It or DOl. Dtlmtt ttlllk .-we, but I ])rtfft' It c.ooer ...... · ' P tbter' II 1 a iHee t uppwtef pdollc1tlH fN" lilt UIIYtrtlly ef Wlaceul• ~ P U I C..•.-ly. nil)' We b.lvefavlta, no doubt •bout it. But wtllt thehftl. We'relltret.c~~etbtr,llld Lllletllt!" we mlllt work. I lppbud man 'a T•tlle Pilat«, Thill little box with the ak:hy alop11,J! JOOntoaf'l"iftiiAilm,Dtbotl!ldtbt ~ ~tr. are dni.ped to .......... mMeitNsltrforyouto-)'<vr tffOI'Utolnn'ffthelnawer~ . We m1111 keoepU")'ID.&. Amtrica , atmmo,...not IWttl llld toUr, I with you 1 hippy bir· ll'lday. MI)'IheMllt200ynnbl•bellot• lotbtttft'. i)eQill 'A-u.- U.eit i11g(IOd tute! p.u&ft"sglf Pagel Pnlntu While you were gone- Durinc July a number of aidewaiU wtn: put down in the n1tba' than in lhe ones campus ar· areu slulknts walk, c hltecta thougllltheylhould. Stevens Point's Non-existent Problem A report was prepared tnd since the c:ommlttee had executed Ill i.nitialreipODiibi.Utyitwureeesaed m~~n~~~~;·.=i predictmentstartedsprudin&, lhe called eaeh ol the c:ommltteemembut for reactions. M Olt of them , Including f.cult y reyrnentatlvn, hid not done thei r homework. We had 1 hard time findin& anyone wtlo hid read the reportluued u.rtier. A number of landlordaontbec:ommitteereiiJMd to be lntervM:wed·and the chairman • of the committee told us. " We are not recommendina the establish· ment ol aoy new q;mey. 11le Wstina aaercln are sufndent and effective for handlin.a: protHema arisiqlnltudent bousing.Stadut ReJrnhtatln Sped.• One membt"r of the commi ttee "''bowua~ totalkwithus wu s tude nt rep r esen tative Pall y Mather. She told us the cemmlttee Sleven• Point Mayor netebon. wbo opft"llted J im houllfll ~itshlmselfforteYeralyeatt,uld that the bouain& shortage Ia "acut.e". ·~isliUlethecitycando ~ tnCC~~.~rage the growth of apartment dwdlinp by~ re"'IO''iq areu near umpus "..ceonlinc to the Mayor . " The shorttae of houlinJ IVaiitble to ltudeoll b further aurav.ted by the exlstmre of tou&h city housing IIWI which have lort:'ed aome landlordl out of the mtrket. Many olde- dwellinp, prnently h.OI.IIitil at\Jiknll, will be ,used out 11 they become ~k:altomaintainll!lda­ IOUgher ret \Ill tiona comloaln, • he Slid. " Mt ybe there 11 some discrimination," said the Mliyor In mponse to 1 question about land· lords who refu1e houaln& to SIU!knta. The Mayor explained that man y ' nallvn' oftftl reject the kSu of havln& studt'all livin.a: lD their nriahbortlood due to nobe, tratnc. p~rtln and the overall ' 'free 1pirll" of student renten. He saki that thinp will probably get worse before they get better tn d IUJ&ea ted thtt student• ahould make dty offlciaiJ aware of their pliJhl. I...U.J AthtlHty C..liiiUee With the merjft" of tbe Univenity o1 WiJconlln 1nd the former Stat. Unlveuity c1mpuau ctme legislation requirinJ specific action on houlin& and olbt'r upecta ol w.ivenlty life. One of the results of merser lmplement.IUOII loeally wu lhe Houlin& Advisor)' Qlmmittee. Thecommitteewueatlblilhedln June and recnRd in July. lt wu to comm~or~ iclte poaibie IOiutklrw to hou1int problems to ll!•yor ~~edndoe01:r=lorm~: They rep-tMnted landlordl, lhe d ty . the w.iV't'rlity adminiltuUon, faculty and studenta. ~ I "Leases are hard to obtain and sometimelllandlords end up geltiiiJ exeeuive amour~ta for dama&et at lhe end or the Ktne.ter," added M.illhft'. "'The housin& orr- is not ~~ =~ti: ~~ ~!:io:.~~ ., Kara also qut:ttloned the atladftlt claim thlt landlords were chargina higher" rml to studtnts. He tll.lintalned that Stevena Point Ia leu expensive than many tollete IO'Iml !~f p~.....:.nddet':n~ Auisllnt Director of Houslna. Mel Karg , told us that studenta. lhouldlklte'OITlplalnol landlordiDol. by the market forces or supply and demand which lhe students will have to abide by ," aaid Kara. " We !lave not tlll"'ned studenti Point hu a hl&h reputation In the state because of Its housing and bulldin& codts. '"They tstudeftts ) simply have to telephone the In5p«lor a nd he don a fine job," dormitory sp~~ce," be added. '"The scale will not ·~ Into the picture and if ther-e is any real lhortage then the atudtnts m~t find another camplllwheresucllaahorta&edoa =~H:':nt!t~tlat ~ 1 !tl~1 !C:c~-:~~~~~~::r!:,e~ ~~Ka,_~-·-------------~-·-·-··_·"------~ The Housing Situation Two Cases in Point The &iris cot tGCdh.-r ad U.l~ It O\"fr aad u111e l.o liM!, Katlly, &le aDd Gntcllea were ludr;y. They Ud a place• Collr&e A\·eaue. T'ller4o011ot:aked ri&btabovt the JU stan, and In the bathroom, bat tile laJullord aaJd he'd l.lke conduJ.Iontluittbi5J!:IIYobviOidly''dld111U.kel.-a~et" fora ,. ;:'i~7..~~~~d::!~!,~:.•..~~o.~:.:c~.'!i careoltluit. hi JIIBt lllty meveclla aad ltarled payLDc 1St a m•llt-- May cl«kled to siJn 1 lui mln11te conlncl 1111111; Ule WJ . . llliii~M$ . T11e laadlord WU I former lhMitnlaDd IH-Ined like 1 preuyalc:r a:uy. lle~au~aiJ.oeedrentiq: totbemla lb t fall but dlda"tliJIIUI)'ItuebecaiiMbe"d.lda'tUkeh•un". Ule In they 1-' the wwd tMttlle fow bftrooa11 tbey llvt'CI Ia apal.lln • ·ue ru&cd ocat for taU bat tbe " I was a lludeaiOMt"la.dlanlofferedUiemacleal theycMidn't nf111e. lie waa 1ola1 to Muk:o ud would real them tbe two ~~ dowutaln . or-a ol tlwm e..W ataylborre 1Dd t • ·OilJd.llneiGdOIIWe• lrithU!ecSrta ~ln . '!1terut ma6e a Jump v.p to !.lie ... t.l71a m•tb NDJt (ena for do.bllas vp)and -eou w'MW lll'l'elapay for aad pal U.eaLI.IItles In Ult:lr IUime. Tile repaln .am weru't mNe even alta- 1 / . :~~·::~~t ::::~ :0 ~~~~~~~::. ~·tJ:':: ~c~ ~:.~:: •ith 1 frltnd trmporarilyand Palty and Kathy are lla}iaJ 111ilh Kathy '• partots • ·t..lh·c Ia 10"''~~· lr•iully !'ally It a member of tbe 11-1111 AdvlMry {'ommltt«. Earlier In the tll mm er 1he told the co~nmlltee ­ about tilt lllorlaJe of dHir1ble. affordable bou1.laJ. PaUy ,...n told tluit an)·DIM' ..-a. dldn1 baYe bHNnt UUalate lathe IM'asonwu tooluyortoolrrnpot~J.Iblf tolook eullu . huy bot., and ht'r tlfll'litUtponSible ,..mmat.ea. ocUve 'Jovcrnm ent. • ·tre Jnlcflll for the frltodly words of adYice io Jtntroui!y pnvlded by scrdn-mladc4 rommlltee memMn. llumberofr~. Lnt week Utey rlla 18to IJI;e aew 11rta wba bad ..ude the •l"taln lD May. n.e tudlord dldll 'l . &rn~IIJtlllt"lll fw .\ ~~!·:!:--.~; ~~~~~·=~:· ~::.·.::~ IW was c-ph:u-ly •11.-ataba.t !be di11Jff9U 1nkt' Ink .. B..rll BarwJddt .... .unll~l• abon tM llovf , bit,.. tc:at •-' teMel Vii"J~~~-~~·~:~~::e.:a~l~~c:-;':ie!.w:~~ day.lle joiMCI tbe c:ro•cl ouWde " THE " university store •• --~--n-., ... ,h-r--~- • ct~.~:..J ............-_,,...,__ ~s ••• RECORD AI.Bl.MS: top25 4.99 ..... Specials 1.99 we have rock • jazz,dassical... Ia bii•II"J tile 'Silntlll , . . t J_.oal, .t'tke tnliclpaJionoftheurlyeditiOflbotoffthe&:"HIH· Dlnppointmeat.waJ to 1m1c:k him ..-eUy In tile flee apbl todaylfltr a1mHO!d ulb. BUT WAIT!! ' lcltai"-IJt& fw oae lluckntlltar llllivtrllty. Sl:iot a ltmHltr. Clll bthreH I -~~:~=i~:S::~:;~~~!!:~;!'~\~ ~:.·:to I ftW '-nat Dla't. Thtrt they Jot drift of a picnic at Bllkolt pull fcalllriDIC rbkktll. blkt4 potato, eW111 • tbt cob aH kecrelmltobarJilaprkt. TIOJood topu1up. Buell and frlud hnck4 for lktkolt ,aly to fllld • lolmW.r ?..~r::.~.:.t~t!7o:'::a:·c:~~: .7::. =~·=t:~: t~~d llorkti 'IJIIIillnartllofthOic:eVtrilrHUI(U:t:c-plwliltD y011 need theml p"-lloollat. ' lit rcmbtred that one on the t'flllart and approadltd It •• -ofthtl..ord'lh0111HIU.rle4ehlmi.aJIIliMili. Tobll dilm•r tht lloolh wa~ oc:nple411y an old wtao that probaWy li•;~li~~~clheone h1 fr•t of tbc pfloM co•puy4t caa't M out o1 order." 8urk ..-uln luc:k__.L of. Ue pa1bt411i1way Ia onlyta dltcovtrlllatbcdlda'tb..·eadlmt. Hetk. wiMI a,crialbt4111 lhf fwtyyanl da1b 11 W.. W.J'• lliJb.•t.rukedcnotrtolhe A&W andblckon lytoJtl• b•y ll&na l. lit rould ll11dly lltor IIIYtr Uit 1011Dd otllbe jodt· hammtr oullkk. • \\1\hln mirrCHtcondl lit ••• back to the p..,_e Ga tbe ~qllrctouic: tthe"'1. . ifbehadto. No•ttd. UwuvacaM!. . 111·erf 811cll.'1 hopCI of I ll aptrtmut. Tht pbone raa& J•t IOIIJ UO\IIb to build hililoptiiiJI hl&b taOVflh ll&at lata' be wouWA't ujoy 11.11 cWcku dlaatr. flvt ml11111ft l•t.e and It's no illome for S.menldt day , 1111in . · ; DORM ROOM Dli.L? carry pidures, paints:~ pots,plants,posters;·plaques, U\j wall ~ngings, candles, lamps, . contact paper, etc, etc. For you we :t 7'~15&: B ...."/QE ..ut<tJJt-fktw--1- .u ~ ... '- - <l(ld 'fd4lt fPr/«4 . ...... UNIVERSIT:v STORE - .._ 'houn # - wl4:e. - UNIVERSITY CENTER 1715)348-JQI IIX Welcome and Best Wishes to UW-SP STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF. Keepsake" R.ttiM~ Diamond JU,. GRUBBA JEWELERS YOUR DIAMOND & GIFT CENTER " Diamonds Our Specialty" · KEEPSAKE, COLUMBIA & ORANGE BLOSSOM DIAMOND RINGS CHECK OUR PRICES MAIN & THIRD ST. Pointer ... , . , If you have a TV, make sure you're watching it this Friday at 8:30 p.m. v.·hea CBS presents, ''The Guns of Autumn." It's a altkal look at huntina highlighted bJ. good dcR ol bloodand..uts and frank interview~ from . both sides ol the hunting laue. If you're OQe ollhil counlrles' 20 million hunten, wateb it. U you're not, watch it anyway. 11 concems )'tiU,Ioo. William B. Vick..erstaff, e:ucutive seaetary to the chancdlor Jert his c:ampua po&t Aus. t$ to enter!Wivate busineu. Vicbrstaff retlrDitd to the Investment business in wbicll be wu en&a&ecl !Wklr to his appointment to the admlnislrative staff at the ~mivenity in September ol 19&&nlne ye.ars I&O- The Law School Admission Tell wUI be given at UWSP on Saturday, October 11. tm. Individuals interested in taldng the LSAT ahould contact the Counselina Center-, Ot4 NdJon HaD, Ext. 3S53, for application materials. Registration postmark closing date is September 11. This il the only Ume•lhe LSAT will be gi\·en at UWSP d~ring the tm-71 xa<kmk y' The Public Services Department of the ~mine Relolrces Center IL.R.C.J asks you: Please do NOT leave your p unu or ot her valuables unalteDded wbile JOU are in the stacks oc- other areas OG L.R .C, business. Ple..,e keep lhem ' on your penon at aU times. . The Learning Re:eoun:a: Centerwould like to remind students that t hey are r esponsible for all materials checked out on their I.D. of the The dlsclptinary gl.ideline C<lde ls the !WO«Gure oy v.1ucn 11uaents are punished. for Infractions or the law. United Cound1 would have aU civil orcridlinaloffenscs referred immedialely to the dty or state authorities instead ol having the University handle them rtnt . 1be University would discl"pline ooly academic offenses. =j~ I;>~~r!r;os'o.; Main Circ ul a tion Desk of the L.R.C., Extension 346-2540. News Notes Aspects of life durin& the American RevolutiOG er-a that often 1 Seven faculty members who retired last year were recently awardtd e:meritua status by the Board of Regenta. The ~nen recipients are Leon E . Bell, asaistant chancdlor emeritus, In the Colleae of Natural Resowces for 10 yean; Dr. T. K. Olq, pr ofes sor emer itus, g eography· geology department f« 19 years; Dr: William Cements, professor emeritus, secondary educatiOG and Institutional researcher, 20 years; Albert Harris, UIOdate profeuor emeritus, psychology for 34 years; Dr . Ma r y Ellubeth Smith , jWOfessor emeritus, In the Dlglish department 25ye.ars; and Dr. Edith Tteuenfels, pro(esaor emeritUI, in the mathematicl department.. II. years. :-!nt~n O::e 'C ~~ counes are featl.lred In a spedal class this faJJ. Thirteftl professon and a rtpf"'eHDD.atlve-of thestaffoftheW'lSUinlinAmerica.n ' Revolution Bi• Ct.ntennlal Com· mission will present talkl in L«ture Forum which meets at II a .m . on Tuesdays and Thwadays throughout the. semes te r . The course can still be added. Olancdlor Dreyfus was elected :~aQ,~\':i~!cd1':s.uw SALAD Onler a salad and Olancdlor Lee S. Dreyfus, In announdn&, Vkk.entafrs departure fromStevensPolntsald , " It will be many years before the immensity of t he c ontributions of Mr. Vickerllaff to thlsuniverllty aod to The Uni versity of Wisconsin Board of Regents has agreed to ~~~t~~e:ven~ He will assume omce in 1976 The ~·s primary function is to provide input to the system's central adminis tration and the recents coneeminJ policies and_ goveman« of the UW campuses. ~~\ cu~~~e'du:~~ a;~ :e:iat!~ . l. ~~~~~=~~!~~ 1 1 11 Campus lake project. Six fac ulty m embers were elevated to the r allk of profeuor by ~!e~~:r:::=. a t their Elevated from aiiOdate to full fWOfe510n were Colleen M. Garvey , of the art department ; Haul M. Koskmllnna, English; Jwnus F. Paul, history; H. Howard Tboyre, m at h ematics: R ober t J . Engelhard, natural resowce:s: and Mar)x"le J . SprinJ: aDd Donald J . Hoff, both of health, physical education, recreation and alhletict. Advanced fr om assistant to recent ~-;:;;;~:~~~s~rcs: ~f~c. tPete) Kelley, communication : Richard- M. Boutelle, Instructional media ; James Canfield, pol:itk:al science ; Cora lie Diet r ich , p s yc h o l ogy; Ma r c u s Fan&, ps yc ho logy ; Geor ge .'Kung , . Hay, ma thematics; Don A. biolOgy; Michael Kocurek , paper scien~ and technology; William Farlow, Instructional resources; Peter Kasson , hea lth, physical education, recreation aod athletics; a nd De nnil 8 . NaJ h , com· municatlve dlsorclers. Promoted from lnllructors to assistant profeuors were: Donald J . Hildebrandt, music; and 8nEe Stnl, mathematics. help yourself! Dig r~ in to oor cold crisp salad mailings. • Add ·your choice of dressing: Creamy ltatlan , French or Thousand Island. ~· c:J' d'~ I -~""- q."'fltsrs IN H\~f'~" • .Advent • B.I.C. -• Harman r\ardon • • • • • Garrard Micro Acoustics Sennheiser Soundcraftsmen Teac • Avid • Audiovox • Epicure " EPI" • Citation • JBL (High Fidelity ·Prod. & Loudspeaker Comp. • Koss • Maxell • Philips • Pioneer • Shure • Sony • Stanton • Superex • Thorens We' re Downtown At: 1404 Strongs Ave., In The Hotel Whiti ng Building WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOU Point's Newest Bar · Nuthjn' Fancy Open 10:30 A .M. Sat. PRE-GAME FIRE UP FOR EVERY HOME GAME 40e HEINEKEN TAPS -PLUS - . SPECIAL OF THE WEEK CORNER OF CLARK & WATER ST. r { O.nlltl Denim . . . Cordu roy FOR MEN & WOMEN Denim Denim · Boot _Leg..:..super Bells-Aares Denim Corduroy· Corduroy Corduroy ·corduroy Denim Denim Corduroy .corduroy Denim Denim Denim Corduroy Cordu~oy · Cord._uroy ERZINGER'S TOM KAT and PANTREE DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT Budget beefed into leaner cuts loy~LY&k 'Tbere il one area tboup that has The University of Wiaeonsln shown a n increase. Contracts and ~~~~et;~~-:!.m:! ~t;:! ·;~!Jhi; ~ ~~-:rn Si&rDWid. grants rrom aovemment agtDcles and IX'ival.e sources are expected to be up S350,000. They are importAnt in fi.Kiding &raduate p-ocrams in natural re 1o ur ces . home economics, dieteitcs and the Indian aaiatant clww:dlor for =~~~~ and analysis at Steven~ = Teacher~. The I)'Sttm..wlde budad for lhe lf15.6flscalyurtotaiiMI .Imllllon dollan, 41.! miUkla or 6.1 per Cftlt What does tbe budget mun f<K UWSPstudenta ~ !;peciflcally no one can really say yet. ~::~e.Q.O.:.,::''!L lkffl submitted It for reaent approval they desttibed It at " an =~~~fe ':':'~~~ :._~.not equal to the tuk required of The ~tt call• for an Increase of 17 million In tultJon and rea atl'dent.s will 1\ave to pay. ThiJ mean. that raldmt atudentl will pay from $1 2 to SIOO a year more If they a r e enrolled 11 un · derJraduattt and nonrttldent =':""adUiteswiiiJ)Iy1291toS357 The bud&tt alto rdUiel f~na for 3,400newst~t.s. wbkh muna thai the cost of tGJcalif11 thtm ril hav-e to be ablorb«l by the vtrioul campu~a they an mroiJed at. UWSf's ~han in the bud&et will be a reCwd 25.1 million dollan , an increase ol650,000 dolbrs O¥'tr" last , year. The rlain& eo~t otaoods and ser,.l«s, however , p\ua .. lary lrll:reasesb.avemorethanwlpedout the added fundrua . Sl&mund pointed out tb. t the u.lary and fr inge benefit hikes alone are more than lhe lncruse, and lbus funds for instnx:tioMI tupplln, library materlall and other tcademic aupportJ will in rulity be \na. thil year. ( Bob Badr.insk.f. Student Govern· ment Prtsideat. has pointed out one areawhtrethepinc.hlsbtl ngfdt. " We are going to have over 210 freshman wbo coukSn't get in to Freshman English because no money was there f<K hiriiiJ ad· dHional faculty ." Badzinlki says short run effects f<K the cull may not be noticab&e. ''You may :JOt be able to«~mpere second .emester Last year to nnt semester this year and see a dif· · terence, but eventually thinp are &oing to s;a tcll up. Equipment wean out and has to be replaced, and ....ntn it has to be rqllactd with no additional money what happe.-? Eilher you ao without or you rob 1 system haa gone from ·-. qu.ality tduutlon to a little blt above avenge, and in the DU.I two yun that aboYe average is loin& to medhxraty." ''Six hundred m.Illioa doUart il a lot of dou,gh to put In to receive a mediocre tducaUon" at'C<II"dinc to BadzinU.I. Tbe taxpayer hu \cholct~ ol tllher havina a unlvenity ornothlvi!'llaunivenity . u they have a university then they should expect to provide it at a level that lt'a goil'll to be a bentflt .. Jtdoeln't make ~tt.e to build somethin& so that you can provide hi.U a job." :neni~~Y =·e ~ot'!;y to'~~~; blasted tuition ill · creases saying "You haYe 4,200 students more than you had lut year in the I)'SI.em but you are not getting any .tditional money to ~Y f<K them . That means they are spreading out that total dollar amonrwore people. You're paylna · more and getting less--you're getting a double saew." Badzinski abo stated that in the lasttwoyearstduc:aUoalnthe~ ~71/XfJdzttt'&U~dtt.. r11• f!!utl(f"' ~wm1 ,-h;-,11,/Jrtd'.''kr" Reminisce By Orange Blossom The pallern of this ring da\es to the Middle Ages where it was known as " the ceremonial ring ." The symbols used then are as appropriate today as lhey were in the year 1320. (]';)Joined Hearts: two mortal souls tn love. ~C lasped Hands: togetherness for a t•letime. ~~~~~~~~\he ages lor guidance. ~ Horn of Plenty: lullitlment and happiness. l11Z Orange Blossoms: symbols of the dream you share. Remtnisce. A ring as eternal ;s lime. As young as your dream. ~~ ~n;u(a (J))~mu• Otterlee's Tips for shoppers-SCHOOL SUPPLIES lly s...,. sana: The Pol• tt:r v isited fCM.r major lastwl!'f:k and complied businH~eS Back to s.chool lime Is a hectic period for both students a nd local storuwhocaterto theneedsof the .chool'loingconsumers. The needs of the stll:lents are cliverseandpricesprovldeevidence of heavy upenses for the academic: )<ear, Even though most school AJpplies an manufactured by larae concffns , reaping the benefits of mau manul1ctun, the rdail prices vary «<nnidersbly atatons In the campus ana . Watch out for that funny speckled card loy I'd~ a pri~.Jist Dl thinas you miaht nHd this ~oemestt:r . 1bt pricl!l quoted ~llyrf:Prt:Sentarticll!loftbt same quality. Some pricl!l q uoted are sale i\ems which may or may notsll ll beinstock. For the most part It was found that the diiCOUDt Stotl!l Y,"Cte tbe placatofindyCM.rbestbuyonbasic ne-cessities. When It coml!l to specialty items the! UniVft'Sity Stor-e can save you a few «nll over the costofli m iliaritf'msatEmmon 's. A blue cloth.ocxmd. tbrl!'f: rina binder 1-C!Us for S:UO at Emmons, Sl.tO a t th~ University Store, $1.t!l Em mons. $1.30 • t the Utuversity Store. U9 at Tempo and US at K· !>!a rt . A200hundrtdpage not!1booksells · ror S!.70 at Emmons, S!.tOattht Univn- slty Store and 1.97 at K·Mart . We y,'ffe ..,able to locatcMbat item onthe sbeln s a t Te mpo. One hundred 11-ftll of heavy -...-eightbypircpaper~~oiUrunyou$3 at Emmons. The same brand name ite m attht University Store loti for Sl.IO. Tempo w lls \OO shtds ofa similiar t)·ping p:tper for $.79. K· M.arthasa liahtn- ....~ghtpaprron special - 200 :oheets forU8. Aspec•.11ty itemhkelttllpadsis aYS ilableonly a t Emmonsandlbt h~:=r~·::,~~!·r.; :~ booltstroe. f11ty sh~&ofor$.10at that binder demands $1.59 at Books tote . Emmons, $.39 at tht Unh·ersity Utl.enki If you find a s mall c.ard amona your checkpoint matmats t!Yt looks.somt'WI\atllke the resul t ola computer gone berserk-keep 11 . We 're not sure, but it 'a prob&Wy not loo 1\annful to fold , Jpiodle « mut ilate this little ca rd but If you P'antovoteforatudftlta~ent or purchase a ny ticlte.ta to uni v,.rsitv activities don't throw that speckled card away. ························· : ~ :: ~~ ; ~ !: ~: : ~~ ; ~::; ~~ ~: ~:: : !~ : : ~~ = u to • ~ .. H V ~~ ~ ; 'f : )) : : ~~ : Ti"ST (J ll ~ ) o, r, • ')t- • c. r-)•· ~-: f':J • t" "' (' \ Tlt llr.S i t H,. •."L f : 2 ~: Cll "'l At: 1 S l t1 L f•· l •••o At: ll \1 11'1' t l t, ! L t • 18 • f Ull' 11- l' loq '"'• o••• !lSSlU k tM •· I:, : ~! : • I I•• • 1 :- • 1 £t• lt •'·l l • ll • I:, T St * J U• • L!" • ~ ~ ~ :. • )I o ....... • I •• •I " • •1• • • 17• 0. 0 0 ••••• : ~! : ~~;~! ; ~! : !~: ~ ~ : ~ ·;: ~ ~ : ttl! the advent of the coatinUOU5 st udent ID. whkb is supposed to last fDW' years cor more ), the new activities pus had to be designed to ~a« tbe year 's worth of num· bert which we-e designed into tbe format ol the original lD.Th ls new lull tenure ID should eventually return quite a savings because the COlt of procra mm lng a com putet" to do up a ll thOle li ttle stan and numbers is considerable leu thin taltingeveryone 'a picture each year and packirc it in cdhalokl. This drpendJ on how duuble the to 's prove to be ovtf' the 1onJ str~ . New plastic casings can De obtained at nO cost. If you pl an to attend any of the lludent actiYities this year and want to get In at student rates, you =~~':"~~:-:r~vt~:,r: that c:orTaponds to the event. 11l1a limits uch student to only one lludent ~ked admissi«J. U your pus n u llready gone the rout.eofthe truhcu, or if youloat It or )lit plaiD oeve"sawlt,tbe place to ao Is the SWdmt Activities Off!«. U you nnoer fouod yOW" pa.s . you ml&ht also try the t.ex1 rentaJ peopletoaeelfitllstill iAtbebrOW!I envelope you llrned in there. Poiater ,..,.,, with a 5100 deposil to any studenl checking account . :~dt~~:~c~e~es: floating decimal, square root ccnstant and reve rse entry operations. omes com plete with battery and carrying -..nS NATIO~::p·:::~d•p•o• STEVENS POINT . WISCONSIN . SJ.95) Lee's leftovers lack .lechery by Man- \ ' DIInth. bumw H . Y'hm the editor handed me the story assignmerll sheet , I did a double-take. I was supposed to sih It wasn1 an easy assigNnen'i.. First of all, a auy who isn't can't create garbage. arQ\a\d through the chancellor's garbage, and write an article about it, ··ala !he Nationa l Eaqllirer." I v.·as appalled. Now, 1 don 't make it a practice to si ft lhr"ough FOW" days later, thoulh, a red Ra1obler slid into the Chancdl«'s parkins stall, bringina LSD to camJMB. My ma in COI'ICffD was that my own garbage, much less someone ebt's: I don1 nen like to carry out the trash, and haven't been in a Dempster Dumpster article. A History instructor, kDowing of the last tim e my wrte tnrew away :~~ir:! . my PeatiiOUit Stanekwantedme toaet lhetrash from the ~yfus house. I loki him there was noway he could get me to tote a Hefty truh bag home with me. That's how cholera epidemics star t. Besides, I assurtd him that since Or;ey,rus waspreparina fOt"his Olina tr ip. all we'd rind in his garbage would be the remains of Eli F'oo Yung and Olung King TV dinner boxes. I alsosugtsttdthat he drop the entirr: kh~•. saying that if you sta rt out witb garbage, that 's • .,.'hat you11 wind up wilh . Slanek remained adamant in his demands. Wernet half-way, though, and agreed to sift' through the ''cirrular file " refuse from his officeinsl.ead. =~~~~en~ =an~~ my assignment, comf« me. " Don 't .,,,.orry ," he said . "When Dreyfus ishere,thes"e'salwaysalot of garbaj:e comi ng out of his of. fiCfl ." My original plan to g:ab the trash , was to wait inside the dumpster until the janitor would em pty lhe rduse' intoit . Jgaveup lhatM:Ieaforth:reereasons : the smell . the thought that the dumpster truck might empe y it, and !.he p!)SJibllity of finding the rema ins of Jitjlmy lloffa . I tried to bribe the janitor. 1 of. fered him a " fin'.' for Dreyf111's garbage. Howt'>·er, when he found out that the trash had ma rket value, he decided totakeithome himself. l ""Y"ked out lOme very devious schemes before fmally deciding to just grab the tr4Sh from the janitor and r~ . M.Y Ruess was lhat no one THE POINT PEDALER BIKE SHOP Welcomes you all back to the Salt Mine. would chase a thi e f who was fieelng wHh garbage. Fortunate ly, I was ri&ht. ~tl foundwassome real trash. There wns an empty can of Jolly Good soda with a sick joke printed on .the bottom . 111ere were ei&ht peach pits, douns of memos, and aliSOC"Ill of boring con-espondmce. Most of the printed matter was 10 Urins tha t it would be suilllble material for a Lecture Forum 5peaker. There were also a few used IOeenex,• some btrnt matches, a few "doodles", theWTapper from a Payday candy tw-, a nd the rem&nts of a ham and cheae on rye. In short,thn-e wasn 't anythu.t; In the tr ash' can that would nrunt the pun:hase of a paper sbn!dder. Apparently, you<re s~ to "learn something" about an In· di¥idual from what's in their garbage. I'm not 10 stre that I buy !hat idea . ~e KEEP wbat they like . They THROW AWAY the things that tw-n them off. U you "buy" the idea that wbat's in a man's &arbaie tdls you about the mu lli.nudf, tbeD go out and aet 10me rich man's trash. Maybe you c an lind some money In it. Does a pervert throw out lh: books? Of course not. He keeps the m and ma ybe pitches Wakb · To we r , chu r c h ci r cula r s, bulletins, and stuff llke lhat . But just ~aU~e he towea out tbose thinss, does that make him a reli&iOUJ fanatic ? My theory is !hat you11 lind out what a penon is really like by what ht DOESN'T throw a way. What I DIDN'T lind in tht Chanc-ellor's waste basket was mDit shockina. and conspicuous by its abHnee. 1'here wasn't a single dirtybook or picture, nor were tbere any kwe leltersfrom. .-mistresa . l di~'tfind ' any ·~ ... nr "empty beer or bDcte bottles. either. The truth ol the matter ls, the Olancetlor ol this universi ty MAY BE HOARDING ntAT srtJFF! Ask yourld f : " When wu the last time J tvll5" PW Dreyfua throw a smutly picture away?" Thoee who belon& to the "old school ", aod who belie¥e that a ma n 's garbage reflect s the character of its creator have nothing: lo worry about, however. Jud&ina: rrom the trash I fowwt , ::~~~~~\'!~.~ peach . For New Bikes, Used Bikes, Parts and Accessories or Professional Servicewe inwite you to stop in and compare! BIKES BY: SEKINE . TAKARA MOSSBERG URAGO c§O with th la coupon Offer Ends Sept. 30th COLO TONGUE ~~KET DAIRY ON · SQUARE FALL SPECIALS No. 89 Soubitez Generator • • . ·..•• • •. $4.99 Wonder Headlghts.•..•• .. .••.. .•• $4.19 6 FL Vinyl Coated Security table •• . • .. $2.99 Day Packs ..... ... .... .. .. . ..... $7.99 Pant Clps ...... .... . .......... 49' pr. STUI:ENT SURVIVAL? we all nead some helpeTRY THE PAPERBACI< R()get 's ThesauruS WINTER BICYCLE STORAGE Fall Hours: Mon.· Thurs . 9·5 Fri. 9·8 Sat. 9·1 800 Clark St. (r.Jext to Wis . Rlwer), 341 · 6152 ITiill!J Webster's Dictionary UNIVERSITY sTORE • _ ,,.. .... teohtrod UNIVERSITY CENTER (715)34&-3431 "-J Stevens Point Looked like a washout for a whilt,butantiquecar frukl of ~~':'O,~~=~~:~~nrn:u":~~P~ r~~~;~~ko( 0 skies m!Jht have kq)t a few ~Mop an at borne, but DO one wtlosbcrll'edupcould havtbetndisappol;nted with the 10or 10 carsthat1ppeared. The entries were divuse, ruMlnglhe aamut from a bizarre :J.wheell934 Morgan to tuMd ram ·not motored '55 (],nys . Theubiquit- M~ ' A' could be found In a number of body styles. or Rust Tbe cars were lntrrestin&. but they ~. after all, only vintage tin, so the mO&t rl"Wan:ling part bt the allemoon wu obsftving tbe people interaclina with the auto.: • ... a crandfathftiy lookinagentl~an with • lillie boy in . towatopstoklokOV't$'"1 rwnbluu.ttq\ipped Model ' A'coupe • · "'That'awMreyotrfather used to sit." ••• jw:Uor hiib kids wOIMSa" bow wide a tire lhey could lit undn'lbeclapptd-out Adol ph's Genera! Store " dog atcher"; II'Vft'lhen by tbe Oland Itt' wilh tbecntked window . ... theawa rdin&the hard lucktrophytotheRolbdlt man who had an enormous tr"te limb fall oa hill '40 Old$ the morriina of the mMt. Jle made it to the park . . . . the dude from Murill who balanced a nickel on the radiator of his n cyli nder llncoln Continental to pr01o·e ita; smooth idle to doubters • . . . hungry eyes I"'Omina the swap meet lookin& for lhat duslve piece of iron that will take the ear back home a step oearer completion. . , . . . "Whad'ya mun they ran out ot Point!' ' he A )':I walking pastthepolb band. They are not without It for lq . . . • the aida a;rowdoudy 1pin : IJ&htnio& act011 the river . car,•to leave . . . • .. Hey, kdit lha t ~~ okt car"lhe-kld uys-ll'aa mint 'S1 Ow:Yy Nom.ld. SUddt-nly I fed old. 1ext oo:J p/IOio<s by Ron llxrns who are we, and what a~e we doing h• Brlaa Macek wW be . .,..una lbe new po1id0fl of Earu-.analilt Editor this )'UT. Brian is from· Northern Wlsconlln. He hal worked lbe put few summers In (l)equame,on National Forest . Bria n b an Ea&Ush Major ud worked for tbe Polal« lut yor. He Is pictured In lbe new 'fouryear W wbicboot.Oilly will u.e student~ mooey but wiD reduce uie amount of Mtural rf::IOUf'CN ex- ... ~.~:· Joho M""""M din.ating reports of IC ' vily In lhe NU and ~~utala.a . John orJinalts in the I. He gravltatedhertafterattlntinthe US Marine ec.q:. and other n:iore stimubtiqttctivitles. =~n!ldtbe~~lyplaltlc John , a Comm . maior with En&IIJh and Drama minors, hu ....Tiuen at least one pl1y performed locally. He abo wrllel some damn good poetry . ;.. ......'" ' ·~ .:r~ ·- .... No-M dotsn't d~ his hair . JM/'1 tw made ittlv-oughbeUer lhan a :ZU:u~ac~J;'.:f m~ may not be responalble for his premature arey hair. Grq Man' will be doiiJ8'1n dtpth features aDd reviews this year. His ~ JeaKII is the eoonlnlltor :'n.t~~~tor~U:::am~ _Student Norm. JeDHa b.u rtdeved uUc:ul f'eCCIIPlltloa for a publkatkiD of bil featurin& Nonn. He hu dooe ar t ~t :na~ ~c::!· aJq; was awarded a .:bolanblp toatt~da cartooniDBtchoOill'l New York. ..Jensen ~:an often be found drlnklnJt coffee and amoklna Marlbc:lrc.intbeGridwberem.any ~:!~for billtripsuppllMdly hpl4 amtitloa in life is to outdo Hunter 'ThOm~ : ni~~~ :·::,.h:P:t!~~·ta: point aveuae eacll year despite ntn~urrlcular activities that would destroy the number of brain ~=~=~·=a~:d doun pait-tlme jobl. here? the last ever Pointer primer on the -Pointer This rt~~ue 'a gall~y may at rarst strike you u the ultimate in self·lndulgent ego.(rlpplng. ln a way it Is. More than thAt it serves a plrJI05e. This newspaper is entirely tupported by the It\dents or this univerai ty. Wilhout you It lacU a purpo~e. ~~ you see gathered before you are some of the people th1t are waiUng for you to put them to wort. Allot usarest~ts aDd au of us~ uslly accessible for sugestions on wl\at you want to SHIn your paper lNs year. Don't be afraid to grab any of us and make us sit down and listen to your sugntioru; or ttltidsms. We're trying to make it usy for you togtt lhe mot I out ofyour~pu . .we don't e:lalm to be clairvoyants. Without your belp we (:an't put out anything bul24 pages of Muskrat Grmt every ...... For a relatively small and ot:.cure liberal artscoUese out lo the boonies, thls umpus hu an incredible l'llltory of jour· =~~;!!:~;:~~~~~~~==~~~:!~'-doni In the r ecent past fVietn&m era to the preaentl thrre have always been ,_ and onm more, campus publlntions each ytar. Aiqwith Polaterlhn'ewasC..kt',..l, 'nleu.mpu RaJ, DfuppeU!tu, ne C.mpus ......... and olhtn. n - . publkations gentrally lined ~ on oppolite sides of the ..,. :!~i'~~~~~~yspr~hr:'~do, 1 ~~~ el.e . We doa't think that we can affont that luxury anymore . tomf!Ofle .Ukrj..Sblldt bu been involved with news gatberina for over ei&bt ye.ars ~ He swted,~tina in 1167 and hu worked profesaloaaUy in media olf and on Iince tbat time. Stanek claims to have bten 1etao' frorn morejobltlwlanyother human being his age. He hu done · everything from prunina peach llftl annd harvestina eranbenies to selling adve:rtilinland ddiverifW millt. There a r e l.bole that majntain he toolr. control ol P••tet to auarantee himself proteclhl'n apinst clilmlssal. ~=~:~::u::.:~~.:~~~~tbe~~:= mterestl'! 'nme is I'UIUl1nc out for this Earth. Let' 1rwe can't do ::;.e~~~ t lutead ofwutin&·cu time mutwot...tlna: So much for the ldullatic rambllap. J uat rembe:r that tlie human bdop you IH hen! .are just :S:S.~or~ ~!!h.c; :.r~~: aolw: t~e:i:y'!: 1 pme that ~a aenae, and We oeed yoar help. MueVolln~lhllattemptlnctoaet an endurance record for continuous Umespentuacollegestudent. Vollrath, who sta rted atteDdlnc u the paper's . . a-ilk: , colurnn1at and ltaft • cvnk. Bob already has one decrM in foreign ~tCUI&e and is i{l search · of another In Engliab. He does book Bob BorUJ RtVes UWSPin 1!187, 11)'1 lh1t herememben dime been, anU-war mare:bes. winninJ' baJitet ~l teams and an old boule where the LRC now ....... re views fo r a Minne1polla newspaper and had published quite a few short stories in national tcience fiction publications. Borllti will som«iay write tbe Wedon'tknowfortureifhelsto . be believed . MarcwWbeourh•moredltor. He brlnp tolhejobabtol uteJyoothlna· -ocept three cans or '"Toay's arutame:rkan novel . ~:C::r':.t:!a Z!c~.: Hit ~test dfort is an awe• illlpirina novel entitied "Qiariot ol the Dueitt ", ror whidllhe PDllllft" is neaotJatirc on nrst rij:htl. Braves, a pa1T ol dirty sox and crotch rot. Marc:alonetimewutbeeditorof ' lrls'·lheyearbooltherethatdauled . lht lOX off of many· a bla-name ('(l[lege. There a r e • reportedly som e facultymemberlwt.oarejeaiOUiof Marc becau.e they're m&r tbe s-ay Narq bas beeD a fam.War ~J.e~~mC~U:!tmbd: mataten lm.Pfft.llon that he has tenure. the only penGft oa· tampus .no wears a turban <rumor has It however th at the Chancellor recently pleked one ~1 . ln ac· tualily Sw!ny II cooceaJ1n& 'tljppie-lenglh' halrundet"hisnative , llorb. ' Stmny andu.Md from bigb ICbool in lncb at lbe ap ol II. He has attended uninnlties in Great Britalo and lDd1a wbefoe. he worked for var~ putiiCIUons. SUnny also 1pent several monthl partidpatina In a BBC media worltshop. He will be halldlliW the duties ol l'lo'ews Editor tbll. yur and plans to atl.tnd aradulte Kbool in Jcu-· nalism ~ aradultkln oe:xt May. ,... u (}~· [ l • • . •7 "The world looks as if it has been left in the custody ___ CSfJJ _f;y_~_ ~ _ . -~ -·___,· of a pock of trolls." -Father Robert F. Capon The Day of the Caterpillars byKidtCI~I The idea of a l11kt on campus goes backtolheearly l96)'s when Dean Paul Yambert propoaed a one to two acre lake as a holding pond for a cre-ek In the north campw, area. The conatrucllon wu to be done by studenll: with whtdbarrows and shovels . Now. otarly rmen~ year1 later. bulldottn and utt'f'PIIItn have cleared the way for exe1vat1on of MlO,OOO cubk yuds of fill. Yr'hlt ~ainswillbewhatwasorillna\l y rrltrred to a ' Dreyf~.a Lake' . Oaon:ll•'•prOI"Ifal 0\anedlor la Sbennan Dreyfus Introduced hil concept of a campus \Ue \loilen he first arrived here In the late 60's. Tbe oriJinal idea wu tobuildaskihW Crom the nu needed to create a. lake. Tbe propoaal was njected by tbe state buikfinl ~mlul on HVffal yean in a row. The C'Oit estim1te wu ~:~t yurs, whtft Sfttry lnsurance offered to di& the hole In returnforthedirt, theprojectwu temporarily&helved. na~C:r ,::::centi!~!t.~'\~ Sl:evensPoint. It Ia buikiinl a multi-million dolla r International headquarters nurlheaiteof thepropoiedlake and 1\as agrHd to the 'hole for dirt' arran&tment . Qlancellor Dreyfus aen •es on the Board o1 Oire(tors of Sentry's br oa dc as ting s ubsidiar y, the owners of WSPT . He also luis ngWarsociai CQfltacts withSentry executives. The lake project hu always been discussed in conju.ncllon with the Michigan Avenue exte-:aalon . Michigan Avenue is bdng ext~ through the wooded area north of campus as a direct roule to Sentry's new complex. Eavlroamenl.allmP"d ". In Oec:ernber of 1174 aD En• vironrneotallmpact Aueumeot ol the lake was n!lesltd. Lyle Updike, :~· ~u~e"!e£t:r:,mUt! Environmental Awartned Council atthetime, dtcidedthattherepoi't was inadequate. He wanted 101ne additional questions anJwe rtd , iPt'('irtcaUy about water quaUty . The lake was to be constructed on land owned by the Utdvtnity ftoundalion, a private corporation, and studtats Ym"e told that t.bert; was little they could do. 'lbe project ~~J'e~ only a county ~- aPortqe ~~~:::7:~ofuianct"i: County. Ita affaln wtnt handled by Chan«J..or IlreyfUI'I aJJistant William Vlckenta f[. Vickentaff annou nc'd his n!tln!ment !rom Dublic service the (!ay a fter City CoundJ apJirOVII for the Michigan .(Venue proiect was lake's watft' wbuid be of 'n!latlvely good quaHty '. H\1 concluJion "as good a prediction u I Ci!Uld make." rinaliud.l Stlldtntsa•te'vf:r' Updike contacted the Department of Natu ral ReiO\u'ca about the lake project and was told tl\at they had • l)l'~d~nts ~e~~Jn°~f~~~~~ Shaw's opinion July 22. AI tMt time Badlinaki decided to wi thhold the petitlon . "Killil!lthelakeproiect is notthelntentbythemajorltyofthe _petition stgners," heuld. tEd . NOie: 811ddn11tl replies to • crillcl5m of his decWoa In lhe lellen cohlmn.l ~~!,o~~:ns:%n~a!;a~e~~Nt~ gather more lnformaH\'n", ac- c~n~~rt~~ke~tudent )t~Jon callina for 'cla11 One' action bi the DNR. Wi~e«~.~ln Statutes call for a public hearil'll and a full Environmental Impact Staleraeat under Oall One' guidelines. Nearly 1000 UWSP s tudents signed lh:lt petition at registration last sprinJ. Construction on the lake project began July 21. 111e Stevena Point Common Council adopted a resolution annuln1 the -til acret to thecityonJuly21 . The land is t.Oned conservancy which prevents development or commercial, lndUitJ'IaJ or housing units. PeUtioaDln 'lbe petition was nevt!' Knt in. Student leaden Wft'e Informed that if the ON R a bead~ and' full EnYironmental Imp act Statement the project would die. Sentry Insurance reportedly needed theiiOO,OOOcubicyardsoffillaiiOOCl as possible altd wou ld fin d somewhere else to get It, If they 1\adto. An dfort was made to gather the Uaa~t:eiiiHirtki"'IIIDed ;~:: t~ ~~~ormb~,:n::~w' Impact Statement process. "As long as they are making an attempt to pther lnformaUoa and • make an uaesament, we ..,..., call for a cla11one," Updike said earllt!' In the summer, · SlaawcaUedl• Byron Shaw . an associate proleaor orson and walet'. wu uked to do a water quaJily ' predictloa, Shaw predicted that the ·- The lake project wiU be completed sometime next aprtna or aummer , acco rdln& to ad mlnistratlonaources. ltwlllbe 30to 40acrealn size and for now laJiill on land owned by the University Foundation. The Foundation is reportedly trylna to trade that property for state~ed land. " lt' lookl llke we're ilolnJ to have a lake north or campus," uld BadlinJIO. '"The question is wl\at are we golna to do with it ." a.dzW.Itl has been ' told~ that students and !acuity will have repn:wntatlon on a committee charged wllti dec idi ng wh a t rftrtational use the new Jake shouldprov\de. No name hu been mentioned for thelakeat~lallme . l Please don't talk ~bout me when I'm gone obituary ..,.AISC.-.k · I'd been by there many timt'l before. Of frustrating nights when the eyt'l wouldn't retain the words or on sunny Sllurdaya *hen Dylan the dot would out run me and my Schaul!, it wa1 always the aame--peac:dul. 1 still remember the time the yearling'a topped In Ita tnclt:a and marveled at me joulng by. "What a nice plact to have near a college campus," I thought. Now a good chW\ItoHt is gone-to be replaced by a poatcml . ~~m~:~~::ika~~~~;~~t':l~~ed-:1:~ . any thing to say anyway . •n,e listeners luld jaded eara It seemed. ' • Ful'lt'f'als and wakes &en~e a OIJI"''K*: you know. lt'allke an aut.ornatic mec:hanlam-rq:urgitate If you have to, but get It ' all out ot your l)'st.em. There's gol n& to be a lake Uw:re next summer and .oon aftu , a major roadway. Let'• hope the water stays c~n and the deer find an equally conlortable new home. Sentry Insun.nce can han their monument-It ·bull a smelt iron foundry . Moat of the student. five years from now won't even atop to Ulat that ana wu once untouched .tlderoeu. I think lt'1 belt that they don't .know. By Robert BorUI ··Ephemeralilation" Is Buell.· minster Fuller's word for doiq more with leu. One ol the ways this is Mine accocnplisbed at UWSP is carpool.ina. Car ~in& on an orpniled basis lirst beJan hue in 19'11. OrialnaUy, 11 was set up to help nduce tran- · sportatkln ~ts for UWSP employees ..,.bo mi&ht be trawling out· ol-t0111-n on the, u -u as for student teachers commuting to assignments. Alter some suttn.S and expreaed Interest from the faculty and Envin~nmental Council the prosram was latft" expanded to indude studc!nU a.od anyone dse who ml&ht be eomm utin& to campus Gel a &lily basis. Instrumental In setting cp this program was Jolwl Sundstrom, Universi ty Systems Analyst. In tallr.inlt with Mr. Swdslrom. be ICir.nowler)lt!dcar pooUna has tome a long way since 1m. Whereas match• were lnltl&lly made manuauy, oow they are done by ~~':bor~.J:i~~= ~ also IJ"O'It"" by about Uree hurured ~t. witb somewhere around hu.~ people in the program at arry one time. Asked about the adYantages ol two to tlne: car pool\na: Sundstrom cited · economical rea10n1. '"'lbrft people, ~:amd!~· ~':r:~e ~J ~~': alone on &uoline," he said. " And that"sbuedGC~theprice ofps at 50 ~~-hlte.P.IIon, ~<un"ent· tlll~~=r w:v::::U~c~n~/v"ed' ear both envlrorunentaland soclal. pooling. be stated, In volves the conservationetbic : lesaps ls .-ed on sn overall basis. taSiDC the strain on our enerJ.)' reserves. It also reduces tnUic , pollulin& hydrocarbons , and parlr.in1 problema. "But Ina obtioua," Sundstrom added, "'are tbe real aocial benefits, everyt!Ung fn::.n buildin& new friendships to rdaxinl on your w a r e instud ol Car-pooling li&bting tramc ." OJ rrently, the University Center isincbat"Keoftbecar poolina program . The computer match-up service it proYidn Is free . and an)'OI"It intensted in talr.ln& advantage of the procram abould report to the Information Desir. In theOenterltself as..JOOilaspoa:alble. There, a form will be Riven to you to - ~II ou t , lnvol.vina addreu of origin, time schedule , and other pertinent data . The computer then provldea )"111.1 with a personallud printout o1 . potenlialcar~eralnyour area . You are~ no obliJaUon to contact these people, but do so o1 your own free wilL A later comP'{ter ruo-thrqb may alao update ~~tb~.-!~ The etncleacy o1 U. prop-am, bo\11-ever, does depend on the OHrall number ol pa.rUclp.anta. lntet-eated co mmu ters , the re fore. are en· il VIrtually hassle-free, and has enjoyed large IUCCUI to date. Stan KoWalczylr. , for exam ple, who worksasAulstan t Managerinthe Student Bookstore, bas been talr.ina ad vantage of the prosram si nce ita betinnlna. He travels 31 miles one way every day with three people and is extremely happy with the arranaement . In aummlna It up , " lufaras l'm C'Ont'ft"ned " heaald '"Thefoe's no other way tOtravel i~ this day and age." Hopefully, otha'a wiU 1001t learn the same thin&. Contact the University Center Information Desk personnel lOt" ~aged to aiJnup. Theprogram -~- It's more _than just saving gas Alternatives The Bus Plan Plgel7 Point« Biology 379 ·is a real trip ableto have a for tuilous filhfry . t:vcry frying pan waS going full blast tryins to fry up over eighty trout and twenty-fiOfne suckers to r~ us hungry savaaes. Yes, by this tirtle we Wt:rl!' btiinning to loot and act like savages. Next was an overnizht st.oP"'-t bea ut iful Brooklyn Lake nnted in the Snowy Range. There were large pa tcnes ol snow and II was " mount ain s pr ingtime" so the hardy veget.atiOn was afire with ""ildOowen. Robert Pinig IZr:n and ,lhe ArlofMotorcyc teMatntenaKel di':Kribes a similar settina. getlinj: at the force of the nowen. " ... we are bet10."et"n banks or old anow , the way ~now IIXI!ul after a thaw. UIUe st reams of water run everywhere Int o mossy mud, and then below th is Into wffk old grasa and then Qu1te a few anima ls of the order Rod rntla 10.·ere romping about, •neloding pnirie dogs, pcrrupine and bl'a\·tf>. as ~-ell as chipmunU. marmots and .squirnls. And ol C'OUI'$!'. U)l!rl' ~-en 50me snakes ... Thisul allto.saythat,.·eobserv~a ~C. J . Pllfftr Anunl.l!lualdau ..·asoff~ this summtf', Entit}ed f<'ield Zoology tBioTo"tl ~ l'ftl' appropriate tiUe ~IK't' •t,.,·as miiC'h hke a toO, the sf udents bring animals. Imagine haulinJ a douo chim· panzeu. rlve swmgseta, right~ pounds of banaoas and twenty· se,•en instamatics ac ross the ~~r~: ~~~~~t~~~t:. might Ac-tually. proCnaon fftd Copes and~ Post took t~·enty-eight shmulatrd students. six seta of ~nes. balst'Opes. hach kits and other biological equipment. tents. stO\'H , urps. books, boots, beans and~ on a three-~·ffk camping ell.cursion to Wyoming ln an infamous lbrit green school bus knolonaslhePoint Pickle. The studtnts really did aret dowD to a more animalistk: lewi,-UVING outside. rising with the s un . I'OIIIming and ~vint. "''Mn! was a lot of intl!'nse observi ng; sixt y eyeballs ~led for crea tures. We saw a lot ol prqhorn antl!'lope and mule deer alone the roads through~! Wyomlrc. Oc· casiono~ Uy someone would shout, " Coyote on tM ll!'n " and we'd LUNGE for thl!' windows. Dk Wl!'r'l! sren only in Yellowstone and bighorn sheep ~'ffe sometimes spot trd. Moose wtf'e In two oC our c3mps,OC' nther, ll.'ewerelntheirs. The birds were especially outsto.nding. A list of 120 di fferent Spi!'Cies ....-.s compiled a n er two wet-ks. Amon& those seen were Canadianzffle,thirteent~of ducks. and many sh<nbirds. Some of the more =a«ustomed blrds ~'ffe the great bl~~e Mnln and black..crO<O-ned ni ght hl!'ron, snowy egret, kingfisher , great grey owl, five kinds of hawks, a n osprey, golden eagle, and a rare perezrlne falcon. 11-id~ l'llri~t y of ""'ikllife. We b~came familiar with Wyomi ng wi ldl ife by being im· m~rsm ln it. It was lhet'tfore an •dl'alltaming si tuation. All of the 1tudentanatura ll y taught each olhl'r a lot . main!)' ~rtinrn t , praclic:al stuff. Wt were divided into. work teams and a lternated the tasks so thai evetyonl': bad a chance to wort In rach arl':l with spednc equi pment, a lOti ol m111lcal chai rs :;n~d~:u:: · ~: tiih~kc:: ~rra n&ement. We were allo arrancl':d in various le'ntl, aat two by two on the bus a nd, well, from the momeot we boarded that bus It .....s u though we were poured Into a huge mixing bowl and 101m' \ omnllcil':nt forcera nlheb~at various speeds. jostlil'll w Bndonlly. But the dasa wu well plaMf'd 10 that we wou&d inlenct, cooperate as a group a nd yet, -' considef'ation was given to the individual -with a ll!llet'OUI allotm~nt of free lime. Overall, the clasa Is to be lauded as a SUC«S~In the rea lm of experimental eclucatkln. A!terfourdays"ofrovina, ainaln camp was set up for a week in the Medicine Bow National Forest . We worked out ol t.hert daily, t:aklng jaunll to various prair ie, tundra and wooded mounta in areas. A rese r voi r and man y 1tream s provldrd for excellent rl t hlng, cONiderlncthatitwulati!'July. By the end ofourstayt~we ~ ..--- whic:h ll!'l!m to pop ou~­ brilllant, from black s ha . l:.""vet')'where It's like· lbia! Ute pin• of colored lf&ht shoot forlh from I background Of somber dark gree11 and black." Wethtntravelledaloogthi!'Wi¢ IU ver , fas t-mov ing and ful l of aqua ice water , until we reached Shoshone Na tiona! Forest . "''Mn!, the rlrst of August was spent In !rOll, a cold but rdreshln& 24 degree mornina. Our route went by tM Grand Tetons to Ydlowstwht-re we were able to cam p In a restricted area . AltbouJh Yellowstone 11 a park, II hal a lot to oller. We arrived the openina day of fishil'll and It was exceptional here also. A lot ol bfJ cutthroat trout were cauaht, bouted. and roasted. But, thl!'re 11 ''such a difference from the high country all around. It teemed an enormOI.IJ museum wit h uhlbtta carefW iy manicured to aJve the illusion of r eJI Iit y , but nicely chai ned off so that chiklren would not Injure them." Yes, It was the and Wyomi ng would go no more. So, all thirty of us were holed up In Buffalo, camping In the city park. The noise, the traffic, the aa r bage· was a vlvkt contrail to the serene Kffll!l we'd just been part ol. But ~.::r~p:r!'~r!end~~eru:~ bus waa ad}usted· we had a teat. So, we studied our lpi!'CIH, invesllzated the clty'a wildlife, aDd generally walled tlll we 'd 1ee our'beloved bus aaain. Yup. after four days were act ually &lad to get back on that · bla.strd school bm to make a mad dash foe- Wisconsin. It was a wild ,.e ~!r~t;'~'':;·~:UT~,·:: described as wild, in every sense of the word. ~r~ !ndhu[!:!, c:'htdfk!":S~': who think wileD Ire wu made foe- our entertainment and 1ubject to our whlma. Perhaps we were punished for en}oying ilso much becaUH aur bus btgan to break down .. ~lowly ... but surely. The prepoatetOUJ Point Pic: made ) t u far as nortbult kif LEADERSHIP NECESSARY & VERY· OBTAINABLE STUDENT ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd. College College College Colll!ge of of of of Letters & Science-S open seats Natural Resources-3 open seats Professional Studies-3 open seats Fine Arts-2 open seats TAKE AN ACTIVE ROLE IN YOUR UNIVERSITY Petitions Available at the Student Government Office UC or Stud ent Managers Office DeBot & Allen Center Take advantage! by Jolla MtcOonald Wel~me , or welcome back, whichever ls more 11)p-opn•te. Hope you've enjoyed your paper this fir . Whllt thls c-olumn l.s 111 •bout todllv Is to let you know ·wh•t you 've stePP:ed into In ~e w11y of the art.s by being on this c.ampus. It l l my fedin& that the Stevens Point camp~a Is the cultural _c tater as well as the enlet'llinment cenlet' of centTal WisconSin . Anote here · when l sptakoftheart.s I'm notju:st consider-it~~~; ~e more traditional forms, such as the sllge or ~~: ~~~':'~~ ~~ films and rock music. Oirftttnt ~~~i~;!r~;o:;~c~~nlli.;! ~n~_ "J:~~~ :mae! =~:t i~~Wl~~~u:; ~==·.:t~~~:c =~r: ~~he ~~~dr~'!J~~H!n~':,~=~i~ ::,"';~ Arts and Lectures Schedule announc;ed Acalt'ndat'olfour~eventshas bttn ~ehedultdror tbe 197$-71 "Art$ and Lectures" SUIOO. The season b'inp many 111iddy acclaimed auractions to the UWSP umpus · euh year. providing ltud~ts and rnidents of the area ...,i th an opportunity to attend cultural event.~ wbkh r10nnall y bypua; towns ol this site. 1'he events are divided into t.wo r:atNOries : a F'inJ! Arts Series ~~tilichincl!Jdetdghtconcfftsciven m the Fine Arts ~ter Theatre, and a Conca1 Sedes of sb: events held In the Quandt Cymnash.m ~~ldhoule which opens with tht award wiMIDg m~k::al celebratiOP of America 's bkenltnnial " 1776" . Season licketsfcic'theh•·owrin w\11 be on ule from Sept 1 to Oct. I at the Arts and L«tures Boll Office 1n the Fine Arts Centtf', Single tic kets go on sale two ..-ks pre«<ting each evml. Ticket informalion is available • ' the box office. f'riday , Aprii9 · Six singers called theWestemV.ind . ContrrtSI'rl ~: f'riday. Oct. 31 • 1be musical ""1771'". WC!dnnday Nov. 11 · Tht' Chinese Acrobats of Ta iwan , Tues day , March 1 Mum mensc hanl, Swiss m ime-mask theatre. nunday, ~l arch 4 • The Royal Ta hillanDanceCornpanv . Thursday , March :zs • Roger Wagner Qlorale. Su.nday, April :ZS • Utah Symphony Orchestra , Maur ice Abraunel , conducting. light and amusing " Most Happy Fellow". The American Colltae TheltTe Festival Regional Ftnals, to be held here ~';y~en';n-: ~':~~~t111n opportunity for fw-ther Ah l And thal's not all we illlve to look forward to The =~:~~~:ttrt;'~:'roru:s!'!:: ~~k:th:len~~ Uni~ersity Activity Board !UA8) will bring u:s 11 rine sdection off•lnuofmorere-eent vinllge. The Arts and Lectures series for 1175-76 JWtltnll • fine seriesf« us this year. Here 1galn a wide range of Interest Is met, and we are the winners. We will have an opportWllty to ::=~:. a~d~::=:~:.=tsthec=~: ~~~ opportunity for a break at the ticket window or on advance ticketaales. Otecklnto it. You1lbepleu.d : I'm sure. The Univt;rsity Writers will ag.ain be bri"'ln£ you visiting poets whowdlnot only read, but will U!iually be available for disaasion period& afte( the readinp. That ls, you can suck suds with these people in !he grid or downtown. Finally ....,~ come to what Is the heart of the arll in the ~h·enit~ • you and me. Thrqhout the yrar there are p-esentations by students Involved in creation and perroc-man('t_of a ll of the art forms mentioned. Watch the events calendarlnthis paperandthebulleUnboardlaroundcampus so you'll know what Is happeni"' . 11 ! 1nth~~!t:n:O~~~!: ;:!':see or hear, drop 1 TOGO'S THE HOME OF THE SUBMARINE SANDWICHES Performances rance from the Amerkan Clamber Ballet to the Om~eH Acrobats of Tlliwan and inc lude s uch well known groups 11 the Rocer Wa~ Olorale and the 249 DIVISION (NEXT TO PAPA JOE ' S) 341-1111 JuJJlardSlri~QJ.artet . HeTe i1 a full ldtin& of the coo· certs s.c:htduJf'd roc- the coming UNDERSTANDS acadrmic year : Fl-.: Area Sec'ln ; Mond.ty,Oct. » The American Brau Quintet F'riUy , Oct U - Nation.! Theatre ol lheDe.r Wednftc!41y, Nov. S · The Americln OlamberBallet. Monday, New. :M · Pianists Anthony andJol.tph Paratore. f'riday. Ja . 30 - Plndlas and ~enla Zucktm~an , 011 vioi.ID and ,,~ 9.1nday , Feb. I • JI&Ulard String Quartet . ~- 27 ·Soprano Shi&emi TtiiMI1T. Top• EVERYONE AT TOGO 'S IS A STUDENT AND WE ARE All FAMILIAR WITH HOW DREARY LIFE CAN BE WHEN YOU ARE CAUGHT IN THE SAGGY FOOD & BURGER SYNDROME. WE KNOW WHAT IT MEANS TO NEED A BREAK. TAKE ONE WITH US, YO'J WON 'T BE DISAPPOINTED! SO STOP IN & TRY A REAL SUB. WE HAVE OVER 30 TO CHOOSE FROM INCLUDING AMERICAN & ITALIAN, TUNA & EGG SALAD, VEGETARIAN, TURKEY & GRILLED STEAK! ... ,~II Pointer '----~-~~-~~"""'--,/ } Sports Shorts _____ Softball ??? Witmurwamina. the plat'! umpire confronted Roundy , pointing &iii8Wi~liii~ .~ towards the Lampoon's star third sacker, Raul Reyes, a ''rirller" lly Ma""\'eltnoU. from the Muic:an leaaue ,.-bose ~tract had been purchased from a .shtriUin J uarez. ''He's v.-.!aring shorts", the umpire said, after his eagle eye noticed that R.ul'1 pants todt<l above the knee. Rowx:ly infonned the umpire that, he had noticed that fact too, and added that effort , andd~cationtoexcellence. "Raul knows that he has good· Ask Jim Woods that same lookina. muscular legs, and jtat likes lO show them off." r'!~ho~fi'!!t':~~~n~~ The umpire agreed that Raul derstood. Woods , who stands six " had nl~ legs", but said that a feet tiJht, and has the physique of a tournament Nle prohibited anyone rope, plays sohball for Duffy's from playing in shorts. "He can't Lampoon. He has played both the play with them orr. either!" he infield and outfield with equal quickly added. consistency. havlns never stopped Only moments remained ~,mtil . orcaudlt a ball at anvoosition. But game time. The Lampoa Mentor, ltt~U; speakoflhtsacrificeof speaking to his Mnican star Woods , and not the sacrifices his · through an Interpreter, learned the TEAM has made by him bad news: Raurs only pair or long on the field. pants Wft't back at the Donkey Den Perhaps the greatest sact"ifi1.-e Cub in Juarez. eo.·ermade by a sill£1eindividual to Jim Woods had been srttlna off to sport occured a t the unlikely :!~s:nsfp."::::!YO:~~:~id! location of Thom Fleld in Wausa u, Wisconsin while the Lampoon leaves much to be desired). ,Since squad competed in the Wausau slow Woods had a semester of spanish pitchtournament. · back In .seventh grade, he deduced V."hile the squad was warming up the team would need some hdp. prior to the start of ooeof Ole many Gubbinl his glove. he trolled up to Roundy a nd said, " I hear that we're C!t~!:i~~ ~:.ds~~s ti~~:.n~~~ caught SHORT. Ha Ha. Get it? Get " Roundy" Kltutt, the Lampoon lt?" team "s manager, hrned In the Wood's appearance, aJoaa with starting lineup. Jim Woods was to his quiet wit , set the s taae for 1 1 1 perhaps the gr-eatest managerial move in the hiltory of organized qainst the far wall. .sporU. Roundy lm.mediately asked Most evervooe has heard of the ''!acrlrtces" that a thletes make. Ask any "'jock" about what sacrirtcethehad to make for HIS sport and the mull is a litany of cliciiHthat areinterdlangablewith almostANY SPJil"t : hard work, e::itra :~e ~h~~~ \: ~!~=~= HETZER'S SALES and SERVICE • SINCE 1916 • SCHWINN" o o SPECiAL CLOSEOUT PRICEffN • BOmCCHIA • MOTOBECANE • ARAYA • SUPERIA BICYCLES 154 CHURCH ST. 344·5145 Athletic Director Rober J<rutatr said the university hu received a n unusual gin of service from former Pointer football s tar, Da le Schallert. who is now a physical education teacher. Sc:!hallert 11 donatin& his lime to u51st head football coach Monte Olarles and will be In charge of the special teams. ••• Special student aulstanta are former Pointer squad members t.; ~~t!~ :::ego:~~~ Rotherhan; who recently Iran· lftn"ed to . UWSP to do gradual.e study. David Hendenon of the ROTC stall and Norbert Miller of Pacem hlg.h school will also be retUTnlngto~~:·•tarr. Wanted: Male cheet-leadet-. No Roullnd FieldOOu:se. ... e:~~perl~ ntoeesur)'. See Taylor, =-m~e~:~ t~ !1redm;;..ut: \_ hasty confen!nce with Reyes " and Woodl in the mens room. .'-What happened is hlltory. 11te pair emerged from the out houae· . like s tructure, ltd by their manq:er. Raul, who stands a foot shorter than Woods, was wearing the latter's buebaU panta. Beside .him was Jim Woods, carTying his ba&SY underwear in hand. He had to part company with them so he couJd don Raul's shorts wbidl fit so snualy that Woods cou.ld have passed for a gelding. A pregnant woman, who had been sittin& in the ndslands , made a b uty r ture anu seeing Wood's legs, y ng, "The stork is comins, the stork iscomlna!" When the trio ~·ebed the duput, Roundy heard his catcher complain about the trlghtneu of the sun. Momenta later, a halleu Jim Woods sat on the bench, Jql.inUna out a t the1ame. lnltead of being angry, he wu just thanlllul thlt everyone had btoucbt shoes. The Lampoon Learn went on to loee thecontest by asc:oreof 5to 4. Had It not been for the Wlldfiah sacrifice by J im Woods, thoush, it would han been far worse. lt would have meant that he would have slatted at third base. After the dtpresaing lou, a quiet Lampoon squad peered a t the score book , unselfishly counting in· dividual hill, and recalculating battlna avtrl.lts. Someone noticed that the name "Jim Woods" had been added to the line up card , desuite the fact he ba!M't played. " Who wrote Woody'a name on the ac:ore card?" Roundy asked. "He didn't even bat," " I 1.eeve heem a sacrificed nv," said R.ul Reyes in broken ~gliah. Si The RED LANTERN OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. DAILY WATCH FOR YOUR NAME IN FUTURE RED LANTERN ADS! ! This will award you a FREE 10" Cheese & Sausage Piua me John W. Munson, 30, who has spent the lutt-...'o years compleUng work on his doctorate at Ohio State University, is the new head wrestlirc coach at UWSP. He SU«ftda David Stewart. Munson will also t each elementary phy. ed: and mot« development. ... ... ina Dr. Don Hoff is r eturn to coachln& after several year1 u a fuU-time teachet-. He will be In charge of field eventa for track, worlling with head coach Don Amiot. Ron Sldnft" is takir1l over u head beseball coach for James aan: who !,t!=:.'~':!~ :r.!r~ masters de1ree recipient from Indiana University, ls fillln8 In u directorofintramurals whileCarll is away. Juda:Jnc Courae: Open to all adulta: You need not have had gymnutk tralnlna ycu-~tlf but you do nMd to bave a stronJ Interest In the s port. The COU1"'e will teadl you how to judge the beg!M in& and Intermediate compulsory rouUnes. The area hiJh achools NEED Judles. Judce:s earn $ l5 per meet plus transportation. For more in• formation contact Laurie Davidlon 341-402:5 or Ro&alind •Taylor-117C Fieldhoule. Swimmers- All male va rsity swlmmen meet in room of the Fieldhouse Stp~:'~ ~. at 6:00. 11' Women interested In F.all sporta who did not attend the Women's athlelic meeUna , September 2, contact Marilyn Sc:!hwarll· IU Quandt. ... Ten nis--Gir ls interested In 0 ~~' ~ ~~~ ~ m~linn~ contact !Walind Taylor In 117C of the Fieldhouse. The women's teMis team wUI holt Ita f!r1t meet or the season at 1:00, September 20, ~:::. UW· Madison and UW·Eau ... Basketball meeting on Monday, September I, Room lit-Berg Gym. 7:00pm for freshmen and 7:45 for ~perclasamen. Aerial Circus flying high b)' • Prospects look &ood for the Pointen' ..Aerial Circut" this ~ason . Twenty..e:ven lettermen sho\l.~upfc.- practice . The Pointen: were plaped by mistakes typical of rreshmensophnlore dominated lqUiods a year qo,finilhinclhe.eatonwltha H rK«d. Helid COKh Mon.ttOwles II optimislk about the "15 outlook. (barles feels an added year'• TIUiturity. piUI lhe add.itloo ol sevft'al transfer atudtnts and IOmf: highly reprded frelhmta, •ill mUe a big difftrer~C"e this faU . 'Tbe Pointers art working for a more balaDC:ed offensive attack. Insteldolthel6o20formulataopu ttnt paaina and 210 per «nt runninil the raUo will be about u paSHSI030rul'lloulof a n average CHECK US OUT! ! of7Spt..yspergame. PllSiingeoper~tofthetime enabled the Pointers to compile JQme pretty im pressh~ statistic.':~ but it failed to produce a Vtinning team . The Point«s Rt II tehool lndividWII and team rta:~rds , nearly all rdated to the pme. Frethman qua rt erback R~ Gi~na led the lea&!Jt in both pa•1rc and tot.a1 otrmse, while r-.nkinc No. I in tbt ru.llon in total elf~ and No. 2 in pusin1. Receivers Jeff Gou aod Ooua Kruraer ranked among leq;ue and ... ColorfuiiiJdlaSpt..ds ...our coiiH mu.a lrH . . .lncens• and bum.n ... Fish n•t .. - ~rold ·lu aoda lountaln artd tuncheonett• .•. unusual statlonerl•a, not" anclgrHtlngcarda •.. RusMtl Stower Candl•• ... Pennaytwanla Dutch pr•tzels .•. p.nny candy d.,artmenl .•. Vermont Map(• Candy The Pointers opeo AND-HOME · MADE CARAMEL APPLES! a IIJ.Came schedule tomorrow at 1:30. They play Morninlfide in a non conftl~game at Goerke Field. FOR GALS WE HAVE: . FEATURING: ••• S.a1irtg wa11 .•. birdcages ... buutllull'lri•ty olcalenct.ra •.•drl.ct llow.,san"d •••es ... min iatures natioul lucien. FASHION SWEATERS Fall colors Wrap bolls Suede trlrris .•• c.ndleaolalltypes drlpc.ncllu ... hanging pols and han91rs . .. soaps , bubbl• baths GIFT SHOP AND OLD-FASHIONED SODA FOUNTAIN DOWNTOWN, MAIN AT STRONGS . FOR GUYS WE HAVE: FREE COKE PRE-WASHED DENIMS N0.1 SELECTION GAUZE TOPS BIG TOP DRESSES NYLON PRill BLOUSES WITH ANY LEVI'S FEATURING: Bi G BELLS STRAIGHT LEGS CORDS-ALL COLORS/SIZES lEATHER AND SUEDE JACKETS GREAT WESTERN SHIRTS ONE GROUP SLACKS WIN A JENNINGS COMPOUNO BOW EN11R 001 AROIRY CONIESI TOPS and -PANTS 1326 STRONGS AVE. DOWNTOWN.STEVENS POINT MEN ' S AND WOMEN ' S P;~~s $698 SHIRTS .. oR LEss! r All FIRST QUALITY FAMO.US BRAND NAMES Backpac . The Sport Shop is your.Headquarters Sleeping Bags-by Gerry, North Face, Mountain Products an~ R~ead . . Hiking Boots by See Vasque. the North Backpacks-by · Face Superlight Gerry, North Face, . with a 5° rating. Jansport, Universal, _ Total weight 3 lbs. 1 oz. · & Alpine Products. · Goosedown fill, -6.5" to ~ DOwn Jackets North -Face and · )"loft the sport shop r------------------------------------------------------------------1 . sell your bike; find a ·ob-or 1 I I say happy birthday' to Wanda June: ·"0(/; ;:::.' t~~~ ~ FREE STUDENT ~~ · CLASSIFIEDS o• ~ t,...lil . I ... I I I I I I 1 I I I I ------- ---- r-----:-- ! 1 I I I II - - - - ------ t------------~--'~~~~J!!!_J~~J~t-~9-~-~~!~J~J--!~~!~!~~----- Classified Adv~sing LutheranSt!DntCOn>munity SUnlbySt:rvi«st:lOrom.Of)ell llausel to\Opm.Suncbythrao.~ghlb~yat c~nttt·LIIIMnn­ 1M Campus Pear.: tomer c1 Mafia Dtl~ and V ~nt S rea •.-est of Ute Tm~po parltlnc lot. J EWIS II Iii Gil II OLWA Y SERVICES· Benme a ral part of tJ'Iia unl¥'er'lity, ~t lnlo -cl lhe-txtlnstudrnt aovemmenU In tbe5u.lf: of Wlloauln- F'ourm.lles looldnaforan.lptrtmtnl anywlwreln thetity. e~UOS.2Zt9..: lpply for Student Government el«tioM In the Stllllent Government oftl~ jull oulsldedlheGridln>n.. llelpW1nt.H c;ong~atian~lmoei, I47!>Wattr5l. Colle&t"S. Iet~t.ltl ve~ ISM·9!MOI, Art1Avi-Pretidtnt. Fri .. ~ S. Erev ROih tillt/wlas Ca ndle L l&htln&. 1 :08pm ; Evt 11lng R ll brlncl namratereoo:omponml.l to atudtnu .11 lowest priors. High com - ::-~~~~~";~'~pJ-~~ St~. 7 : 10prn. Sat.. Srpl . ... t'if$1. day of Ro&h Uasluu111 : Momlng Stna. t ::..m : MeriiOCNotkfl INC. 2ll PaM.~I<: Ave. l".1lrfleld., New IIJeneycri'OO&. JtfT')'Dlromoncl :201 -227· 6114. Torah ru ding, !0: 45am : Ca ndle U&hlhc. 7 :~ : Evming Sft'vict, All MediCII Trebnolop' Junion aliCI 7 :20pm. O(hef-sintrre~ledln• pplyi~forlbelc" Addrml envelopes at home. SIOO per Sun .• Sep1 . 7· ~nddayofflolh lntn-lllhipt .1aemble In 1"00111 A 101 Sclen«Buildi~ll7pm,Septembert. Oport\llltles. Triple ''S". mo~~lhpaulble.Seeuu.nder8UIIneu HaiNM : Momin& Stnia'. t :Jillm: Torah readin l 10: 4Sa m: Evenial ~~=~aunpuso:ontactMtl Bloom at.m. ~ SHIPPY SHOES MAIN AT WATER [ c Bllolaeoo0P!Mf1DI0n All human beinp willin& to be p.~rt Ill 1M Pointer St.lff-thls b.:iudfs Cocnm . 1%7-277 peopl-meet In the Pointer Com pln. IOUiheUt W~·fittl Ooor(;aell Bid&. Mfttine will be Monda y .11 ..... Adtm~ envelopes at home. SIOO per m011UI poulble. Offn- details. M'IWI $0 cml.l l reftmd.lble l to : Triple ''S", '"" IIU IU&bWI)' 131. Pinion 111111, CA ID71. S and J's PALACE PIZZA • STEAKS • SPAGHETTI • SANDWICHES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Hours: Monday-Saturday 11 :00 A.M.-2:30P.M . Sunday 4:00 P.M:-1 :00-A.M . FREE DELIVERIES 5:00 P.M.·1 :00 A.M. ] .,. In Tum byS.U.n1 NaraJ • Umpteen words are expended dilly by the piUS and the broadcasting mtdia reportin g with unbroken frequtncy and ~:~~~ri'~ r=~ritfnh~~~~~la:11o;;!. Chautauqua '1'8ollllonlr.l Blind from the ageol forty-two, rily Unc:le tUiimanjaro lived in a world given over to darkness . As a kid , to help him pau the time, on« my tduc:ation had ~ ad va n«denough , I used togo over to his house and ac tas"his eyt'S, reading to him . He wu partkuluty fond ol Ernest Hemingway; having choHn in his youth to calling himself Killmanjaro las opposed to John, which he saw u much to rom mon and anonymous ! . One of decidt'd prefen!nces was for Papa's short story, "1be Snows of Kilimanjaro,'' and several ti mes a year, he would have me read it to him . But then one day, aRer eight yea~ or starina Into nothing, my Uncle Kilimanjaro finally gave in and underwent a cornea transplant, regaining his sight. I went to visit him in the IMlspital, expecting to see him 1miling from eu to ear, but found him , to my surprise , somewhat depressed. " It's reality .·· he said, ~~o-hm I asked him v.'hyhe looked so glum . " I've forgotten how it doesn't always agree with what you remember ollt.'' And then he proceedtd to tell me about, twlwlookinginlhemlrTor, he hardlyrecosnl.zedhimsell, due ~e~~o~acc!u:::!:ed~Som:;~~e: =~gtih!, Y!:!e ~~jx~: ~er si nce . , But before you begin to think thia Ia the life story of my Uncle Kilimanjaro, let me atop for a while, to both lnlr'oduce mysel f and tell you a 1\tlle about thi$column . First off. my name : It's Borski . I'm twenty.fotr, a student, t.a\1 , thin , inclined to frown a lot, a dlllentante turned Fl:IJI!sh ' major who wants to be a writer. To those of you~ me for the fir st ti me, hello and welcome, I'm pleased to meet you. · This is Olautauqu.a, a column 111 be doinc bHe on a weekly basis . Those or you otherwise familiar with lhia j pace, from 1\avlna read the summer issues of P~. will fmd I've deviated from us ina it 111 forum for ecolotleal Issues. Fad Ia < I've despecla liud ; while the columns ·l did this sum mer wet"e f~om , I decidtd they didn 't accomplisb what I set. out to do. So 1 r«alled my Uncle Kllimanjaro, to belp establW. some new guidelines. It was, a rter all , not too long ago that Rlebard Nixon was ~~!e:x~~~:~=~~~d =~~'J~ l:llit"::J To me, this smacU of blindness; an opacity not ao much of the eyes, but of the intellect . In other words. if we 'd an been wearinl our thinking cap. ,on November 7. 1m, the ascenJ!on of Kina Richard a5d his crulies would never have taken place. n~e same goa for lbe Energy Crunch : it was predictable , we kneW it was coming, it knocked this eountry on Its us. Vt'hy '? Because bllndnesa is fn~or::~:~~:~~i~~J.~~:~:~m.-:~: ~iJ. E'l-r:::~~~~t!t!~4n~~t~e':~~~~o~~ lhe truth and raise your general consciousness. · Sbeddlng li&ht. 10 to speak. All you have to do ls allow up here every seven days. and take a good look in lhe mirTor I build up out of my rellecliont. You mayseeyOUI'Kll,you may see others you kn~N-' , you ma y think Borski'sgone completely bon]len . But I'll alwa ys try to make you thi.nk. A scary promise, I 1fanl you. But lhtn realit y always is. Seeyouhtreneittwtell . · Th~ Student NOrm ~~:;:!~ off = malnu trition and a hoLst of other maladies., In turn, we sit munching tany thing from hamburger to caviar> before our new5pllptr or " medium n!OI" ooting aympalhy for these wretched souls. The white man 's burden. Whil e -..·e lit at home and consume l'lundnds of pounds ol beef a year a nd use, or rather waste, billions ol pllons.of,gas on ambling aimlessly there are millions of people who are sacrir~etd on thi s planet fO!' the want of a few pounds of grain. Many others are blinded, or mentally and_physicaUy re~td rrom malnutrition . Out eomum ption 1\ab•ts are deprec~aling =n~u:·~=~~~~~~:e":de~n~ec!t~~fon~ "· Why-do these people have to die for the want of ao little"!' Why can't they produce their own food u the people In the developed nations ' Why do they seem so lny and lethargic in lhepictureswhlchare pastedonchurchwalls to evoke the pity of good Christians! ~ .. The underdeveloped nations, If we ~into history, are ~~~~e'~t~ J'~~i~ ~~,~~t!~a~• ~ 1 { s truggle . Now lhe question comes; why were these po« impoverished lands colonlud! The answer Is simple. To extract the resou~US and sell industrial goods to produce more cOnsu mer goods. Few history books reveal lheae facts and fewer te.lev islon commentators wish to cause ripples which 'may create awkward situations for them and their viewers. · The masa transfer of wealth, from colonies to n allfll countries, created poverty in lhe former colonial naUona. Consequently the people there could not afford the necesaitlea of life. Mortality rates for all ages climbed and fewer people survivtdthehprshlifeandprlvation . PareniJ eager to have some old-age secwity gave birth to mon: cbilctreil whom they could send out toworlt. ln ahor t , a large family became a sort agai nat llarvatlon. The populat ion inaeased in . geometric progrt$Sion while the producUon of food only in- onnsurance ~=e~~~:~So~~!d"~"":~~ !n~ ~a~'::': _ is still continuing. By 2IXIO A.D. the earth will be Inhabited by approximately HI billlon people, double the number today. ar~ei~ r:ft %~~.Tti:!J~:n:uu:r..:~!'ail~~~ 1 everythlna bas limils, including multipliC:.tion ol lrumaoa and the resources they use. Theriis only one answer to lhe present crisis of ttunc;er a nd = u~!~:i.t~= :n~t;stbe ~~~c;' ~l ':]!f.::!~~~ 1 0 world must descale ilS massive consumption of goocb. Thla de~alation will free resources such •• fertilizer ..(made from petroleum ) to be U5e:d more extenJlvely In the 'I'hlrd World. The increased food producllon will not further agarava te the population problem, as many ao-caUed Joclal scltntistscla im . Onthecontrary, thehig.beor inta.lleofealories will Improve the health of people and famili es will become more concerneCI to better the health of the few. AI the aame time lhe people of lhe poor nations have to be educated that lhey can no longer eke out a IUbsiatence in lsolatlon. 'lhey will have to workl nconcert with thei r brothen In other countries. The answe:r is not as si mple as it is described. It wi.U entail ~!:hi:'~l~e :d'7:::a:r:-~~~e~~!!\~ ~r,:.w~~~';le ~=~i~: n~ !:c;!i~~~ =~lions ~nd ensuing world .r' Con-Pro ll'nlklw, bottrud&eupalq fli&htolstainat theendola lOme knowled&e ol your hcQ;jng law, you ' (or better yet a groupoltenants ) tanwinbackafewrljhtaand s l.n'iveuntll feudalism is nHicla lly dtclared dead. On~ t~t lillie or sy mbolic protest. depending on your negotiating 51ren(lth, is to present your landlord wi th your own lease. Try to let tum sort through the windifti Ianguaa:e and Oy~k prin t . A good pro tenant model lease Ia available free from the Nltional HOUiiftl and Economit Devek>pmtnt Law Project, 231!1 Warring St.. &rktley, CA N7tH. =~~-::=.::,:~~.~~ ~:':t:n~:,b:~t.~ r: Hea,d , feet a nd hand pounding In uni110n, you knoek on whai J!frornlsed younelf will be the last m~gft"'l door or 'IbeoiUddenly, then It is : the Ideal apartment, a veri table $1110-a-mOGtb nirvana to )'OW' wury eyes. Out ~ the =·=,~~~~ ~~~~h::~~~r:3 liuncial potency you'ft loll for the neat twelve monU. But aRft" aU , what are a few r ights in return tOt no ~~hH' ~hapsonlyallttle peace of mind or no heat Wltll Dtttmbe~ or a couple hundred dollars Ot a suprise ~iction If you've survived or avoided lbe black pl~aue o1 msn· daiii!'Y dorms, ready for the trial by ttnancy . With the pou1ble ~hon of students pun::hasiDg an education, no dauolcmsumen~moreoppressec~ thanlenants. ln 25 states tmants must sbll p;~y rent even iflbeir llndkltd doesa't proYide them with a livable apa rtment. In 30 statH a tenant in retaliation for ~ling • housing code Open Channel 'tt .For information about the specific dearth oC rights in your state, tee your local tenant 's union tor start one : write the Nationa l ~enant 'sOrtanization , J346Connecticut A~ .• Room :!0%.. Washmgton , DC 20036 1. In the meantime, here are a few basics for your nex t lease-ci&nillJ ritual. I. Tile baU and thaln luu.Contrary to popul1r btfid you do have the right to tnjoy your apartmtnt. E\·tn witb the cu~t !~ing ih«taae in some cotl~e commWl ities. )'OU ~ stgnmg a ~tal agrcantnt , not a rtlease for invol untuy C«<fiMment. Ne\·ertheless. you 'll probably find ~~~~~~:~~:~!:i~~~~=o~~~:~~: usuallyaSIOda tewitha home. At some point the protection of your landlord's propHty nudges your right to priviiC)' out ot the pictur-e. Aside from. •!BnitJ .away your lift5tyle. you may also be a.s.Ud to unW!ttin&ly &1\'e up~ legal rights. Buried In the fi ne-print legal jargon may be dauses which &i\·e your landlord the rigbt to enter your apartmtnt at any time. to IOtk you out . or to ,eu yqur belq1np and th.-- you out for late paymtnt of rent. Under many br.lve new le.ues you also agree to pay your landlord's all«nty's fees If he sues you or a llow him to appoint an attorney on your behalf to plead luilty . ac~!;.:"'r~~~~!::J.~ r:!!:-~~~a!ere;J~ 1 oblipUon cl the: Tenant to pay rtnt htffunder .. .shall in nowile be atr«ted. lmpaimt or e~ because the Lan· dlord is unable to supply or is delayed in supplying any 5et· ~j!~~n!::.~~~ ':J:~ii:.~ :::~or): d«oratlons .. :· Translation : you must pay ~nt t:Ytn if the la ndlord doesn't provide heat, electricity, repairs or any otm SCf'\'ke be promisfd - quille a switth from the univenal consumer axiom that you don't ~Y for what you don't receive. l~Mcwity prevent ycur aecurity deposit from b«omin& your laodlord'a permanent bank deposit, try tolndude in your le.ase adausealipulating wbeft your money should be returned and requirinl a n itemized ac:-comtlng of all deductions made. 5o you only pay for )'OUT own holes In !he wall after finals, mU.eaureyou and your landlord Inspect the placibefore yw mcwe In and make a lnveniOI')' ol all damaae. U he .,_,,.To refUieltota kethetow' ,lakeaklqadlsin ~wltneu . have )'0 . invent.ory notori.ud and li ve the landlord a t'OS>Y· Althou&h leplly shaky, sud! talks have a " don't tread on me" effect •'bk.b un prove va i~J&ble. For more clout try Ulina 1M model inventor)' thetklist and secu rity depoait contract available free from the SaCramento County Conswner Protection Bureau, llli H. St .. Sacramtnto. CA S41. The model agreement mulled from a IW'Vey of landlords In the S.cramtnlo area· \j,ilich found that of an estimated $1.7 million in Hc::urity deposils , cwer half the money wu beina withhdd il)egally. Confinnirc what many ltudeata know from uperlence. lbe bureau concluded that leCUI'ity cSepo.ita bad become "an incredible ripoff'. tr!'u!eJ:~:=~~=t~~~t:J::~= lign it rather than reJy on l q and expensive lepl action to vind ica te you. INN MANY PLACEZ. LOCAL LAW HASN'T YET CAUGifT UP WITH BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS OR ntE Constitllllon. Remember that any leaae thangea )'OUT ian· dlord aa.rea to, 11 wel.l u remodelinll: or repaln he 's promisfd to make. lboukl be into the ('(lfttract aod Yindieate yau. Iil Nnypl.aca. k>cal lawhaso'tyd tauaflt up ~~ ~Tr:~O:ar~o~:;=:n~~ or repain: he's promlMd to make, should be writt.tnlnto the tontract a nd !Dit!aled b)' both ol you. One factOr in your' ravor : m01tlandlordl don 't write their =~~~rey~~~!:v:d:~:,:~ ~~:; may t - they 're ID'PPhll you. but DOt euctly how. With •..,. . . . Bai!it.ld Myths a~ a very interutina phenomtna. An idea formulates and then is repeated !on& enough until it becomes But the pr«llem with m)1bs is that they ne'Ver are ~ality . ~allty but only the Illusion. Somelhlrc like what should be ratherthanwhat il. Thediffltulty ia for thoseca14ht bet-.·een the fac! and !JcUon. They must wage battle with both sidesstruggling lj,1th reality while combating the myth. A common myth about higher educa tion at a State University is that it lsa privilege for a student to att.tnd. This ~~~>~!nnolbut~~ ;~~~~~~51~r:!:s~~~r-::!1'~!o;; maey studen ts). How this myth deveoped or why it has penisltd for 10 lon1 ia uncertain. What is certain iathat It is a / I m)1h ! lflwueto sayltiaapriviJqeforathlldloalttndapublic gradeschoolorforyou touseapublicpark , oramotorilt to 1.11ea publit road , l'm C1!rtaln the populate would rise up and shout that it il my right. ''They're my riRhts bt<:ause as a t.ixpayer I have paid for tho&e servites and they must be prov10ea tome." wnen me public pays tor thmt , they btc:ome the publit's riahts. 111en I uk ; are not the atate uni versities publitly f~"? Does not this univeniry receive almost 75 ;h~t of its budltt from the public "? U 10, why is ~!Us not a ti::,~tta~!'i.!ep~~ ~o~llend~a=li~ rn~ft~~~:r higher education. lt also means you have the ri&hl to receive a quality education. You have the right lo demand that the servites be provided that are neceuary to your education . It Is your right to point out to tboie who do not pnwlde the service that you have paid for and expett them to correct the omisl.ion. ll means thatyoudonot~ any other rights ~j,flfleyou takeadvantapofthissenice. ltalsomuns youdo- - not usume any additional rights sim ply b«ause you are a ~e::,~~ne~"3!er-:'~ri~e11t:"ai~t r:~~ privileged while you attenc1a publk: wtlverlity. !tis time for everyone to ru..llte thla point beginning with the unlverll.ty. Campus Vett Comer The followiq isa nopen letter to all UWSPveta. ' 'To the C&m pus Veta-Bema-Sc:rtbner Po.t No. e, the American Lfllon, would like to lake lhll opportunity to " Welcome You:r Membenhlp"lnlo Post No. e, tbe Third l..aflesl American Lecion Post in the State or Wlsconain. 1be Qubboule is loc:ated at 10011 C1&rt Street, one block IOI.IIh otlhe downtown btalnes.s' district. The Oubhouse daily open are from 10 a.m . to I a .m . Monday thr-ou3h S.turday. The Sundayhoun are from noon to I a .m . tn September we resum e our adledule of diMer and other events untH the following June. Post No. I alto pula out a mont hy publication that Is ftnt 1.o all members, lnformlnathem of all Po.t meetinp, f~.nellDill and other acliviUet. u well as slllte and oationalltgislalive artkles of interest lo the veteran and hla family. Mem bers also receive !he state Ameritan Lfllon Bul.letln and National AL magazine. 'lbe.e publk:aliona keep the members informed on all activities on the state and natklnal leveJ pertaining to veterans affain, legislative bilb puaed, pendina , etc. They also lteep you Ill formed of legislators who are for or agai nst the veteran. , I want to further lmpra.s upon your minds thai ther-e are ::::ve:y~~:f.:!:~~~~:~~~~~::::!Y.~ bendlta ur take them away entirely. Knock out the VA. the hospitals, andlhewholeworka. Thlayou'dbeUerbdie\-e. REMEMBER-One thin& is reto&nlzed in Waahington is ~'!1,~c'YcfURs~VEs11ifv~~RJ=A ~~~:::, .&NJ'T MEAN AN ACTIVE MEMBER, Of' VETERANS ORGANIZATION. A BONAFIDE Jerome C. W•mer, Com•uder a.d V~aa• Yet !krns&riltMr A.-ft'kaa ~ PoM 1 C.lalol but this booll makes It more aecesaible and In some usa more ~to date. An attitude demonatnted throughout the book Ia one of a ;:!~~~~~::r·,~JI':~ IOn\e ptnOO or oUice arudout to provide auisl.lnce. A lot of work Ms aone Into ('Ofnpilinc thii Ut~ry piece, It's .books you 've rod it from cover to cover. Actually if )'DU tried that it mJiht cw-louslhlttheauthon,ored.itors, or whatever, h.avta'l taleta direct Cftdit for creal~ this viable · -THE -- - - - - · !:Pel:e~?:r this~lali::; .;:;= ;=~-'"._"_lh_•_a_m_'"'_""' _·., EDUCATtON GAME weak and the eharacten are <JJHe 1 noo~pt, yet the content of thil piece Is sometimes ' ver y lnLeratlnc. Perhaps the thina that will induce people to go ahead and leaf tlu'oulh the book are the araphlc: illustra tions provided by 1ome camp1.11 cartoonists. The face of :;::~~~~um"C:':'~!I~! imt~~inaUon . Consider the Conner. In order to twist of DeMit Jensen'• pen to r~d;;; :r'~tit:J:!k. on Hl75·11178 your soul, ao will one of thc:.e handbuilt compaues you corwtruet 1ft the third rp-ade with an old lboe bolt, • magnetized riHdle, and. piece or strtna. Aecon1lnlto lnCormatioa found on page one, thb cataloc Is iuued quar-terly,andcontalna"a record of academic oUerin11, university policies, faculty ,and ldmlnlltraUon u of January 1, tm." tn other words, if you tooli: the miVft'Sity by ~ t s mlsbe1otten hlndqurten , ldclr.ed It aro'Wid until there wu nothing even hwnua lett 1o it, dumpeatt mto a comptter and shJdied -the brulaes on Its au, what. you would have is oae jim-dandy monument lo lrutlluUonallsm , Or one catalof; .1.1\te your plclr.. To quote the Raven, ''Only thb and nothing more." Th~ problema, of coone, would require a catalog o( their own. But they seem to ca~ter around the old chestnut abolll ldllln1 two birds wit h one stone, a iid lac:lr. of the But don 't lt:d me wrong, cariOOrl$ aren't the only ruson to check out thebookbeforechuctinj: ltout. , For STUDENT HANDBOOK -~----- - ·-iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... ::~,~~~:,=.•w:~ tee for 10me of the many questions or problems you mlaht run aeroe.s this yur. With this ctinc~ you Tile ltlS-11 Slllldtal Uandbooll by UWSP 's student &OYemmmt (62 Pl&et. fred Revie,nd by Pelot Uttenld • It will never make the beslRUert list~ it will probaby never wtn its aulhon a Puliuer prize but the new Sludent Handbook a.hould P'O"e lo be~er~nu'~ ~~udftl~ ~':J:k isn 't one of lho6e intmse books that you rind hard to put down mtil might no longer have to gb to one office jult to ·be RDl to uaotber office where you could just aet luclr.y mcHCb to be sentlo lhe rfcht office to tali:e are ol yaw- altw.Uon. . in Mahch~~~rm:!~~C:: availab le in other untvenlty publlea~ons such u lhe Student 5p«Ult ~~~k:,~~~~ ir~ r---9 Mon1h Sd!soiption To -~ Steuens .lBoint ilaily Journal 'I ONLy $22 ...·:.::~ By Carrier In and Around StMens P~Ot SAVE $1.40 "·, "'""'..:· f' What E¥« Your Taste, The Stevens Point O.lly Joumal Is A ~;·~~~:~;;.t.::~:..·:~·::w::·.:. TlNUS. ALto IIAJI'I' AO¥DIIfllt0 -.;cu,u. F.lftCwpof!AAdM.aWIII'IY_II..,.,Ittane.Otllrino lftTollMS'-•I'olfliO.IIy ..........,, 1200Tl'llrdSirat ...... I'Giftt , WIKon .... ~I ' "-UMlHlU I I I Y - . . . c ; - tOnte:tlTI'Oal I'OWTOI4't.IOIMNAl'Ofl'lii(IMl'Mf,IT411fWG !D.Iom _ _ m .•lltlllrTTAIIIaliC&.OMD. • NAME - - - - - - - ADDRESS l • UW·Stcveas Pol•t tt7S-11 U•ckrrrlduat.t and GtMuate O.talot ' I Boa rd of Rrauts Prcn. U t PaJtes, free to all 11Mealll. - Reviewed by RMerl Bonlt.l When It comes to onenttnJ younelr In lhe unlverR, there are compaues and there are compasses. Some are noble instruments dnlgned to locate your position - wlth respecttotheurth"smagnetic locles ; othiersworli: by extension, In mellphor. A collea:e cats log, for example, is supposed to offer you a choice of d irections. with anduatio n , ostensibly. 11 )'OUT aoal . Whtther you make \l or not pretty m~aeh depends on your commitment and STUDENT-FACULTY SUBSCRIPTION I a better penon . Stuff · students ~te u B.S. 100net or later, ~ - B.. f ; - Cilmpul is true ; unfortunately, when it comes to usin& the UWSP <ata.IOR inJ this reaard, you're woe-kina with alric Uy primitive state of the art . Grants<~ it may 1et you whiere you're I DII'W- But lben aaain, providedp.aUrncedoem't try ~~~~~~~~:~ -."hat I hive in mind when I'm tryina to fiJure out what counes I ~ togradlllte. l'm already here, after all ; there 's no need to Impress me. So maybe 10meone lhould tell lhe Board of Regtnts to stop ben· dina our eanand show us the m01 t expedient way lo earn our credits and leave. My other major artpe concems the catalog's format . It's dull , II lacks h•ter , it 's llrlclly Snoou Oty . What you have Is a &lorlfled outllne,allverymstterof fact , in simple blacli:-and-whlte, with a =:,~~:c=·~:. 0~~~~ puler could dream , this Is whit -.-ould be rumblina thrqh ita memory banks on a bad nl&ht. But then aaain, machlnn don't dream , =~~! ~t'sev~=n ~: lt.Ladents aren't human ; otherwlle, they wouldn't try 1o drpenonallze us" thiswsy . Or would they ••. ! UNIVER lTV DISCOUNT 20% off on all clothing ·Pleasing You .•• Pleases Us! records movies SullvWe SaallvUie-Tbe OriJ.Iaal Soudtraclt ABC Reelnls CABCD-IhJ • ABCEatertll.amnt Direek4 .., RoMrt 6,Uau ReviewM illy AJMt-1 Stnrtk It's an inltarlt bombardment ol dlaracteriutiod nkdy tea.soned v.ith sometimes overly down.(o. eartbmusic. lt'sactl.rwuitshould be doni. It's ~ly new. In style and It's J01 the wrona: title. Nasll..,llle started out a1 a ioosd)' dell1ned documentary on America's Oounll')' M~k C.pttal and ended ~ belna one of the few How can you beat lyrics lilte, He's &otahlpedec:ltlahlstnctor-andhe llstellltolbelocalaews. Yillilellle's plowhl&lllebacltforty~'ssla,a:L.• llllllb-Jova.lcll bloe:'-· Her love sonas CGme across only beca ~&Seofher-orratherb«auaeol the dlaracter she played in the nick . Sheba aenulne treat. , " I'm Euy", a tune wrillen by Kieth Carndine lhould be ffie.ued on a 6-ltalleth.ltbacll. Whylti!l a &ood sona'! carndiM has aot a ~~'!n M~~n ~w~~i::! messqe. I wouldn't doubt it If you11atart hurina thla number on one of the SUper SPT'1 or BJa 96'• · ,... ........... . ~·~ wouldn't be surpriaed any respectable 101.11 station. Despite all lhe c«n, and there il alot-but it 'a enjoyable-the Nub• ville Soudtnclt lw; ~ &ood tunes on it to merit a pJace in any country fan 's tomato cnte. AIMrt kaaft U. -... I.U..Ial lad 11•'"1•1 1e ~-"">' 1111" ,.Mrt,J. " " worke4 II I Cl0alll'7• wakn ilkk )trc:U)' 1 of ••lk •••kt- '"n. LUCKY'S good movi~ofJt75. Uonl ytheyhad called It A Weellelllll Dowa S..tll or One Plue ol Amerlc:a--<~r even Bkeate..lal U.llly ! The movie automatk'ally stuns Revtewed by AlbertSla nell you wj th a biuiTt collection of U you 've ever listened to Bill characters that almost aU remind Anderson , Conway Twilty, Ernelt you ol someone you tDow. It lets Tubb, Dollie Parton or any olthe you work overtime u a peepina tom o!Mr 'top 40-back 40' stan you11 v.ilile you're treated to a collection getaltickoutoftltl•one-letmelell ol m~ic that, no matter bow you ddine It, enterta i ns you . lusedtospeadel&bthoursa 1\iPt Somewhere alon& tbe way you're pla.yiq these biJijes and Jdtifll inevitablyaoifta: to aet almoet antsy calls from OYtr·weiJbt ex -trucltstop and alit for a re.uoo for aU this. waltreuea. l did itao long I almcilt Thatreuon snub up on you just • ltarted enjoyina: it. You cwld u you ICtUe bKk and start enalways rud BIUMant while' these , ;oyinclhis..,~m . ltmllltbe clunlttn were on and walt for the like the fedinl Spiro A&new'• kid chance to slip in Waylon JennifWs ~d when they ubbed him In the or Tom T. Hall • Tbia Cilllection of m usic i• Robert Altman fa not shy about prob.bly ooe ol. tbe most enjoyable the fact that ht imbibes in caMibus I've ever owned. M1nd you. it's not alot. nuprocluctJonolhistwthlt s-.o.-eethudyiCftlt. friends or put oa euly in tbe morNaillvU~ isn't the kind of movie nina. It'• one of those that you that everybody fa&oin& to enjoy, let stumble on in tbebackol tbe tomato ;alone understand. The first p-oblem is with the title. The aecond Is !!:~w~g_r~t~t~~ Altman'• au ump tion t hat Other reviewers have uid the rverybody h.utl't already been thine is absolutely worthless if you dullt:'d by over--tublnc. haven't IHft the movie. I don't Two dote n bea..,y characters know. I do know that there are a thrown tosether In a coUa1e supcouple ol tunes on hert that will posedly about ooe ol America '• few • llnockyourtoxoff. native art fonna , reoconkd with an Wb.atls rea.llyamazi.ngilthatall right IOI.M lyllem that lets these people wrote and performed you be~- fa 111 experience. II'• thetunesjUit forthemovie. People onethatw!Unodoubtb.lmalotof like Henry Gibson aDd Karen BJacll tubiesolf. don 't 1tt1ow soa.ltesbit about comtry I don't r«ommend aoinc to see and it shows In thier tunes. SullvWre. I do recommend loinc to Nevertheless, they are r:pjoyable. see it to.rice and maybe three times. Ranee Blakley Is anotbt'r story. I And ifpultlJtlyo.nellln a different bou&ht lhil album because: ol Mr st.ate ol mlad belp1 you rdu and pn-f~ In tbe film and ListftJ see~ ol a movie I abo toitbecause:ofhertalent. The side tbat fe•turH her ~~!~~~i:~ ' 'Tapedec.ltlnHisTractor"isa DUr -nwe -r.-ty-F_. perfect album side The topper to the album 11 another Carradine tune lbal l'q _~~~· ~rd:.~~'Me·~~:wU: I to hear on WANTS TO WELCOME BACK . All UW-SP STUDENTS ( '·~~~.!~,.~.!~~}.hj,~~ss.!o look for: 2. large Hlectlon of music both upstairs a nd at' our downatalrs Mabel'a Bar. 3. Afternoon birthday partya of 5 or more. 4 . Msllllquor on ts p at Mabel's Bllr down atalrS. ~h~:k:;~!rut low~::~;·~~: 7:00P. M. ) Slow Screw Gin I Tonic Bra ndy I W1ter Vodkl I Ton ic Lime Vodka Sour Gin I Sour Rum I Coke Slow Gin & Sour Brandy & Coke Whiskey & Water Whis key I Seven . . . a nd msny more 6. New lighting on Central Wis. lsrgest lighted dance floor . S. 0 6 to ¥' AS ALWAYS GREAT ATMOSPHERE & DANCING COCKTAIL HOUR EVERYDAY 3·7 P.M. l.AiGf 13»1 ROOM. POO.. FOOSBAU. & PIN BAll NICE Olliff ATMllPI&f OOWNSTAI~ AT MABII.'S BAR NO COVER CHARGE MONDAY liGHT FOOTBALL DDWNSTAIIS AT MABEL'S BAR (PLEASE HAYI! YOUR PfCTURE 1.0 . READY ~T THE DOOR. ) ARDEE'S· WOULD LIKE TO SAY WELCOME BACK STUDENTS STOP IN for a mouth watering meal you'll never forget! ! ..-- . • FINANCIAL ASSISTA.NCE FRESHM•N , FELLOWSHIP SOPHOMOR.S, & V.T.RANS • TRAVEL * ARMY EMPLOYMENT OPPO~TUNiTIES ROTC • .ADVENTURE • lEADERSHIP EX~ERti:NCE HAS SOMETHING FOR YOU! FOR MORE IN FORMATION CALL ART HARRIS, JOHN RE ID OR TED BLASCHE AT ••• 346 . 3821 OR VISIT ROOM 20• , ST UDENT SERVICES BUILDING .