CONTBNTS. Literary ........................ 96 Annual Debate ............... . .. H Editorial .. .. ............ .. ....... . C.JUOr .•.•.••....•••••.•....•••• I I 1 99 1 Locaa ...•...........•......... too " Jolly ColUDUla ................. 101 Al11Dilli ... : .. ................. I ,1()2 1 h ohaqN ... . .................. lOf Prl •t~• a,. - l·Vol.- -X.· - - -No.8 I L - - ..J J , WO. ZALLA•I' I'ON&. . . etr!l ..... . . . ~ P ri• U,..8tn•• -" hl•t 1 W6• . * ,:tT * .. , FRENCH CAMPBELL & CO. YOU WILL F l l'ID Books, Magazines and Newspapers, Jewelry, Beads and Novelties, Ho me• Made ea ndles, All Scllool Supplies, Box eoufe~tlous, Flue Stationery, Pictures ud Pictlll'e PramiJJg a Specialty. 449 Mala St. Tel. 1073. , E. A. ARENBERG. The Leading Jeweler Flae Watclt ~epalrlac a Specialty. 447 Mall) St .• cppatltc P. 0. STEVE:NS POINT. WISCONSIN . ANDRAE&: SHAFFER CO., Tl)e wide awa~e DE:ALE~S retailers IN Dry Goods, earpets, (!loth log, Hats and Fine Shoes. Schmitt and Knope, E. L. R Clothietts, Tailotts and Futtnishetts, BETWEEN TWO BANKS. ESSLER. PHOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO: MAIN ST. Scribner & Vaughn SUCCI!SSOIIS TO e. I. T0ZI6R & CO. 4:Z6 I!LLIS STIII!I!T. WE RRE HE1lDQU1lRTERS FOR A'SYTUINO I!( TUK LIN.K Ott or ••7of til• •••Y Groceries, Ilia~ Of &OOCh Uaat D,..utsb c:•rry 'QVl1D :lELA."V:IIII "X'::EEm ~T. laPI'e8trlptloaCompoaDdlag wo U!611le a l -l tare. Stationery ud Confectionery. I>I.BitSB G IYB IJS It eltLL. Two Stons: :m,~..':~~~!: Tel. s!f:~~..:..a""?.~l.i. TRYLf'R BRe., Druggists. s. , Two Blocu - t i t and west of tbo !'format. ' \ Ple a se give us a call. ((Palace ·of $weets..)) We are pleased to tl'f and please tile Public. e. 8 , GERf'GE, Proprietor Jl, 8. THURMRN, Manager Dirty Shirts Dirty Collars Dirty Underwea:r ARE Best Cleaned AT l Our wagon mates l i datly calls at Il the Hormal. i '? l !I WISCONSIN'S BEST I! f LAUNDRY. l l 515 Church St. Phone 281 Red. t 1D the basement fo r your buncUes. ••••st. SPALDING'S emctal CLEANING, DY.ING aad ~I! PAI~I NG. Presslac doae oa s hort nottc:o. st. KRIENKE & Por 19011 Edi ted bv J, IE. SULLIVAN ( o f O.perttntllt o f Pll:rt1ta1 (:u1tut'4"'. t..o.W&aa ... ~ lbpcwldtt.. ), 8....... ,..,. ..,~,., .. k~.. ,-,.....,.., ... &Jt~, ...-........ um~ ... -',.... pec:la 1 attoetiOtt ••4 lowest p-rl~ to atudoe t~ Tlllnl 1\THLETie 1\LM1\N1\e Stevens Point; Wis. STEV}:NS POINT DYE WORKS. ,,, s. ... i Co•plete B.eyclopedia of .&mateur Sport Deutists, o rf'tCih •Je ·- !here's a bastet ... HADCOCK Q ~OOD, r . . . .1. ~.... u!'.=a.~ ~~~a'ti:! •:zso!":'~~t:_-:,r.!r;:: ee •,-• ........,.• •"n-la •lllklll~~ ...,.thMIT MIIt....U•l#, I• ,.,.,_, .. U ,_.f'lll~l.t ..~b' U.U • M4 ,.,. • .._.,... ~:!ell~ ht.~~~ ~~~;.,'fo::.!:;;"o~ft!;.:.::: •1-;.ti:,~~~:,.:r:=.uc .....,. ·p ..ltii•JM.d (Oe·taJ.. of pmmlntnt .. hl~tf'f 1ftd MRS · ~D~ CR~V !~:':.~..:'· T.:,,Oihllluttr.tloaJ Plti OI: 10 CI:NTS t'or ~1 all atw-Ad...ltN and LEADING MILLINER G. A . S VALDING & BR(!)S. Nit Mala S treet Phooo ~od 171 STUOE;>;TS TRA O•: SO LICIT ED. N~w Yor't Phlla4elpld.a llul akt ==..... ''"""" Ci~>lft«< &• t'rt.Ddeto ~~'"' ::::~~ c.a. !'IC'twOriN.M ttl Lo•l• Ku-.. 4.' 111 W.a•llf•rcoa :1:.-:-.:. ....u.lo<k~t..w.r.. ••·· t- ~,.,....,oc~,.w~oc· ........... If you want fine THIS IS !BE IIUCH T!LIED OF Stationery, Perfumes, etc. OOTo MEYER DRUG ef). ~.:!:.. Shoe Store. The plnc:e t o ••• yo ... rPr•cu-.c::rlptlon• tlllod. eur shoes attract Or. 0. S. RieE, and Ph}!sician ancJ Surgeon. KUHL'S eur prices sell BLOCK F. L. DILLE, We make the selection of shoes a pleasure. IN~~R~NC(, Rf~l f~l~U, lO~N~. aad s, Atwell Block. Stevens Point Shoe Co ~oom.s 4 1 cA. J. CUNNEEN & CO., . MEN'S FURNISHERS J=tND HJ=tTTERS. 4M MAIN ST. ATHLETIC SWEATERS A SPECIALTY ,_., MU, P - . ::!: a:-r::t.. ';:::r.::.r~· 0 , &, .lleDUI, C..W..C ••••tat tJoo,ooo.oo. SUit DlpGRiorJ. rAIIIJ ~. atJ llnal SeMI ~. ~. DIRIIOTORS. c. A. Oa~ker. F. J. Pftll'ner. R. A. Coole. Lou!• Brill. N. A. Week. Jobo A. Mural. 0. E. McOIII. W. W. Mhcbell. Oeo. f;, Whiling. Stevens Point, Wis. Q. OBEQLATZ, :~~trfttckan.t ~ CO., JEWELERS and f)PTieiANS. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. .Jr RETON BROS. ;: ~ ~~~~~· ..Tailor, ""f"J-J • :J ,_ Spec:teclea Fl"ed . RINO NESS, The Shoe Man Otofer to HIGH GRAf>B p~e,T WBAR. fiNE Ill toutt) Third Street~ ~EPIII~INO • • SteYel)t POIM. Wit. Grand Central Hotel, 1!11 . CASSIDY All ~lcxlen1 a BltOS. A~mmodation. Prices Ue.oonable • rUII 767;~.~~~(i;~ st. Stmu hilt, lis. . E1•• Eu•Jaed. ,0 .,. •••. Tel. 163 Conoer Flret ••4 Cl•r" S t .. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, · STEVENS POINT, WIS. NEW B UILDING: THOROUGITf,~l E Q UIPPED. ALL MODERN AIDS : APPARATUS: LIBRARY : COMPLETE GYMNASIUM. ~ETTER -PREPARATION FOW. TEACHING. A large Cocps of Experiel'jced Teachers fully abreast of the times. A Large attol'jdal'jce of earl'jest, adval'jced Students who are Actual T eaehers. The new wing now COf"lploted, adds ono-half to tho capacity of t~o building. TllrM A4.... c:ed eo...... IWO JRN for IIJoH· Solectlo• of Stoo41oo permitted lO ~aeherl 8cUOOL ORADOATES and 01'81!11 -~~ llud· under fa•orabte clrcum,.tances. ""~· I'Owr gradu- 1\udl.. lo Se,._, Laorua..-, Cl•leo all4 ~•1017· Plow Cl . _ formod four llmH ~•~b 1~or lo nearlr e•orrau~t In O>e COilroe ofaludr, ucepl Olploaa oqul•al.,l ~ un Wl'AT& CJ!aT171CATL lAtin, Oem:aaa, and some ad•anced ~c:teoee atu· lll••••taryeooo,.... two JeAN, for those bold· dlot. n,. quorlers bogf_n Feb. 1, April 11. lor cenlfteates o.r paaalnr entrance examfna&lont. Boord 12.60 ~ t3 per week, all •chool ehai'Jel about tl.:!.> per qua~r (10 weeki). No tulllon l!lo•oatary eortlffct~to, ectulvalenl ~ uv. teeo In Nonnal clauea lor thnoo oapecllnll 10 JTIW 8TATK OKRTlrtOATP., for flvc yean. te.aclt. Tuhlon 116 oonto per wef'k or Jo.. In ,,,..,. Co••o• k kool CoNrM, one', for tpeclal t>arolory gradea. bend~ uf tbooe who muot ~aeb aoon. Write lor clreuloro, or IIJ!TTER 8TILL, aok deft· Preparetory eo•reo, IU w~ka only, lrl•lng oiiA!quMIIooo abouun7 pao1. of tbo oebool worlc, preparotloo lo all O>e <OIDIDOD broDclles. n.e.e and 116 an lmmedloiA! peraonol replJ. AdrN< the ..,..l~nt.. e:l&UM IN &aught b1 regt~lar Nonnal &.e:ae.bers, or THERON B. PRAY, uo4er O>elr dlr- n•wslcbt. Ste•ena Polot, Wla. THE NE)RMAL J?E)INTER. Vol. X. Stevens Point, Wis., May 15, 1905. No.8. Be wa.s somewhat. token aback, bu&. calmly said, 11 ECCEI'ITIUCITY. ElreUN£ V. KNOTir&. I~ .-as a sultry July afternoon when MluJamlma Clarissa Welton, dressed In a sUft' blue gingham JiiOwn; a large black ha~ wltb red poppleo and purple vloleUI, and earrylng a small blue parasol, plodded do•·n tbe dirty road 10 lhc village pon oiHoo lor tho third ~ione tba~ day. As she entered, tbe poslmaeter looked up somo- \Vttal, I s't>0-80 I hatn'&. as hnndaomo- ns scHno ol them city cha1•• thul likes 10 wrlle nice ftowery letters and make laughing ~toeks ol our laooleo, but.''Jamlma was fairly burning with Indignation. and ~nij#d ? bac k, "I baln'l bere 10 be Insulted by an igoornn~ fool ot a postmastor, and it yo don'&. hund ovor my letter this mlnul I'll have the law on yc." The postmaster knew thot MissJamhna's threats .,.,. lbreal$, so be handed her the letter, and Ml01 Jamlma Clarissa Welton with heod hl11h, ftuobed cheeks and curls and JIOppieo bobbing In unison, swel>lmajestloally ou~ or the room, while the pos~ master whh stBrlng eyes and oa>en mouth watched her disappear,- and the n lurued and aaid1 whal surprised, lrom bis. task of reading postal cards and the a<ldresses on Jeuent and sunolslntt as to tbe contents o ltbem, bu~ be veeted ber wltb hls usual "Bow d"ye do, ~tlaa Jamlma ?' ' ''\ Vaal,!'' "And how d'ye s'pose," sh~ aoapped baek, u has my lcucr eo me?" '·Ob J so yer lookln fer a letter, are ye ?" ~lr. Peacock strode UJ> and down on lhe railing She shook her bead wbieb set her curls bobbing, an<! wilting blm wltb one glance, she replied, "And do ye s'pose for a. mtnut. I'd oome doW'D io tbls beat three times a <lay to oee 1'<"'7" How H is Prldo F ell. ETHEL 0>:£. olthc porch, then •topped boloro tho largo, clear plate glaos window and calmly spreading out bls tall, ourveyed himself. ' "Well I think I "am lookin~t unusually well &his morolng. My leathers ore brll!'hter than ever. J belie\'O r sba11 make lliu Swan a eaH. 96 Ti lE NORMAL POI~TER. Sbe can't help being lmpreuecl by my good Surely If that hom.-lr duck could glide along so looks," 8Ahl ~tr. Peacock, •~ he turned this way w~ll, he could. llo•· ~l n. Duck chuck led when and that. Then after otruuln~r back and forth In •he uw he wu willing 10 do a• she propooed. ·• All you .-1 to do Ia lo lillbl gracefully on &be wann 11un a little 1on6(fr, never ratline &ho' to look at hlm~lf u he pa•~ the window, he the water and the reol will be ptrfectly easy," hopped otT tho rallin~r an1l otarted for the pond. 1>leasantly ventured Mn. Duck. Sn Mr. Peocook balanoc.-d h lmselr o n tho edge "There I• ~ln. Duck nntl her family, bot I ol_.thc bridge, wllh "Glu spread and head up. don't. acu Mit• S•·ao, ,. &hougbt Mr. Pea«H:k at Then he ftew down. Out poor Mr. Pea"""k did he strutted on tbe lillie brld!CO. "Wbr jCOOd morning Mr. P,acock." sa!d ~Irs. not trllde along. Dlo heavy tall drar!red him down under the water, whh lilt fee~, 0 1 lhose P~~~:k, •• •ht ~-II!! w••rd lht brldl{l!. "Fino rooming for a aall. You really can't l1orrld feet, right uvlu the air. Imagine what 700 arc mlulng and what pleasure . Mnt. Duck nearly died l aughing, as ahe told It lo. I ouppo..., :rou are looking for )JI.. S wan? Min Swan afterword, to """ the looliab f•llow. Uow be beJlged ~lrt. Ouek to help him and how She ju•t .rtnt down to the other end of tht pond for a lin I• ride. I know the will regr<t that abe he splashed the wawr t ryi ng 10 gel u p. Bul what wo11111 thlnJ( could havo h ap pened at lhls dfd nolft~ you." " Well that I• i.ndeed too bad," replied Mr. minute, than that Mi .. Swan herself should Pu..,.,k. appear around tb<l bend In the pond, anti 1u hfar •· After all my pluming and fas•lug to malce an her horrid lau11h wo...., than all. lmpreoslon, and then to ftnd her gone. Out now ~'inally taking pity on tho foolish peacock, really Mrfl, Ouck, don't. you th ink I a_m looklnsr they did what t hey could to hol1> him to IIH> edge ftne to·day. Do you think ~1111 S wan admireo of lhe pond, where he atoocl o lmoll all tlat drJ· me?" ln11 out his feathers and mlldl7 blink ing al wbat H Yu.. Indeed, you art looking a~. &bfre ,. DOl pal~ on about him, and auurtnr blmaelf orer a bird on the plaoe that ean ClOmpare with you Ia and over that he w-ould never venture out of hit more wayo than one. Of cou11111 Mlu Swan nd· own sphere again. mirs you," replied Mrt. Duck. " Out I know of a plan If you • ..., really anx· AI'CI'CUAL D f! BAT£. louo to ..., lllas Swan. We ean juot aall down On Prtdayer<nlnr, Mayo, the lonr antlelpatrd and meet her. I know she will be llfrfeeiiJ de. debate .. ltb Milwaukee was hold u the Normal. lighted to aee you. The result wao a aplendld •lctory fo r our team, " Bul mr dear Mrt. Duck, I couldn'l aall to a11aln empba•lzlng the familiar lac:\ t bat the save msllte," lo~erru~ llr. ~oor.k. Polnter11 can debete. "0 y•• you could If 70u tried,'' wickedly reThe cream city people arrl ved on the p~lnf{ p lie<! Mro. Ouek. Thunttlay, and woro acoompanled by Prof. Mlll•r u An(l aa for a mirror, wha\. could be more of the )llhraukee Norrnat_ f""ulty. As our oehool llerf<'cl lhon the pond this moroinll'. You can bad nererbeforelried conclusion• with Milwaukee adml•e youraelr all tbe wa1 down there. You debatero, much Interest was takon In the ou..,.,_ can k.. p JOUr feolhers oprud oul to balalb of thlo Initial event. roursclf." The program bel(an shortly a fter clghl. PMf. Mr. Peacock did oomc hnrd thinking for a few Miller o f th~MIIwoukee Normal prultllnlf al t he minute'•, lmajllnlng what a beautiful olghl '11 meeting. The jud11u were: flon. Tlmoth7 Ryan would he and how lmprellln, to aall down tbe of Waukesha, SuJK. R. S. Youker o f Grand Rappond with hla tall all apre•d. And the dellgbt- Ids, and Supt. M. N. llchcr o f Eau Claire. fUI rldt• he could hue with lllu S wan I Bow The Sterono Point dobukl"" were L. 0. S parks,, did II happen be had oo•er thought o f Ihat before. E. II. ~!Ilea, and 0. A. Geoell. Milwaukee was waa 97 THE NORMAL POINTER. represented by D. Corcoran, El. A. Fruncls, and E. Randall. Tho music or tho evening wa• 11h•en by tho C. E. Octetto and tho Treble Clef Club. The quest-ion for debate was : R~Lvw, ThSL tho g<>neral elfect or labor uolons for the past. '•·ent.y ye1us has been cletrl~ mental to tho best. interests or tho nation. Tbo aftlrmath•u was upheld by ~lllwaukeo; tho negath·e by Stevens Point. Mr. o'rancis opened tho debate !or Milwaukee. The greater part or Ills time ..,..,. given to tho con· slderatlon of typical strikes, ••loleooo, dlsreSJlOOt for law. soeialistJc tendencies, and the bad ioDu· encc or the walking delegate. Tbe negative was opened by Mr. Sparks. II!s main arguments were upon the twlls cilitlng to the non-union swcnt. shops nod mines, . and upon tbe gt"eat advantages gained by the unions In wages and boura. Hb rebuttal on the detrlmeotal o lfcct ol the walk log delegate was clfeetlvc. Mr. Corcoran, tho second speaker for the aftlrm- atlve, gave much olhla time to a discussion or the closed shop, limiting output, and llmhlng apprentices. Mr. Corcoran's excellent. voice and delivery •·ere very pleasing to tho audience. His argumeol upon tbeclosedshop was particularly won framed, :\Jr. Miles very cleverly answered the argumen&. upoo limiting the number or apprentloos and limIting output. Bo then took up tbe following polnto regarding st.lkes. That monotrlkes are lorjustiOablo eods, thai losses In strikes are more apparent than real. Mr....Miles also showed tbu. most. laws regarding labor are seeured lbru unions. Mr. Edw. Randall, the third speaker lor tbo aftlrmatlve, revlewrd the argument& on their side. He epoke on violence, closed shop, altitude toward machinery, and checking or education. Tbo socialistic tendencies of organl:ced labor were again ORiphaslzed and pointed ou~ as pending dangers. ll.r. Gesell closed the debate lor tho negative, He firal attacked tho attirmatlvo's closed shop argument, and then proeccded to weaken other al!lrmatlve proposition•. Be dwelt upon the decrease to violence t.bru unionism, and empba· sl:ced the la<:l that tbe union• are th(' greaten Americanizing forces for tho lgnorl\nt foreigner. :llr. Oe11011 summed up tbo points fur tho negative by reviewing allthecbarta presented by tbelrshle. Tho aftlrmatlve was closed by Mr. Randall, who gave askllllulrebunal. Tho decision or tho judges was unanimous In fa,•or of Skweus Potnl. After tho program a.n iofonut\1 ~J>lion was tendered the Milwaukee people and visitors In tho Nonnal gymnaslum.-E. 0. 1:.. THE AIUl!IA IIEC E PTI OI'I. One of the pleasant. eventt of tho "'"" tho reccpt.lon given the Porum and Atheneum societies by lbe A"'"" on Saturday ovenlnj!, May 6. t\a tho gentlemen arrived they '*·oro Immediately oegt"egated In tbo kindergarten room, !rum which tboy were escorted to the lo•·er regions. Alter passing the reception committee utthedoor olthe "gym" they were seized upon and blind-folded, and, after passing thru an ln,rleato noc.."'·ork ot they knew nol what., they wore led up to a •brine where they were mado to swear eternal teah.y to tho Arenaltet. They were then atulled with ambrosial saw-dua\ and ¥iven a ride upon a headleu creation thU answered lor a goat. Tho vietim was then conducted tbru tho nether '1\'0rld, a.nd finally brought up u a place where the marble · bearl and the ley mitt were osteoded to him by a pan master a\ the ar\. Just. as the victim wall beginning to envy tho IUo or a socially Inclined saw-duBL doll tho bandage wao removed and he was 1>ennltted to join tho "gladsome throng." Alter all had been Initiated ancl tho net-work had been solved, thoorches,ra ailruck up a Lwo-steJ' aod danelnr..m.ade tbe 1111!4Lp.JOJLall too qulekly. The ladies oerved lc:e cream and wafers which proved more sallolactory (to tho boyo at least) lban the ambroBial deeootlon. While enjoyrnenl was still rile. lhc lights winked and tho party was ended. Foronoo tho F'orumites ond Athcneumltos ag.-1-ln vollng It an enjoyable oceaslon. - lKKY. A question lor the Review Geography Cla11 to think about.-"Explaln why the •lreets o l Steveos Polnurc laid ouua tbey are". THE NORMAL POI-NTER. 98 Published mon1Wy by the s tudents ol the slxlh StoiO Nonnal School. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. \VIlh tbis Issue, tho lust or lho sohool ycor, Tut' PotNTI'!tt starr concludes Its o l!oo·ts to please the many readers or the Pointer and rei Ires from tbe field or journalism, bequeathing lhc best of good •·Ill to lu suooessors. Wo have Jrled to make Tm; POIN'F&II In !net what I~ Is in lhcory, a journal published by ll•e Entered at the post oOI<:e M Stevens Point a sccoml class mall matter. '"students for tho students. Its columns ho vo not been used to furthor ~ cause of nny fuel ion or MAY 15, 1003. Tor•& of Subscrlptloa- Loeal delivery 50cenls Jer annurn, payable In $d,·anee. Post. OCtke de-- Ihery 75oents Per annum. Single oopies lO eents. EDITORIAl. STA~·o•. J. •:own< t'ULTS, '00 .............. •;.mor-ln·Chler \Vl-LUAW A. AUt-:R, '00 .. .... . .... Literary Editor E>lxwr H. ~liLitS, '06 .. .. ... . . ... Aihlclic Editor JOLlA 8. ANOf!RSON, '0.) . .. Editor Jolly Columns J. HOWARD BHOWNE, '06 ... . ... ...... . ... . Censor GmROK J. BAKF.R, '06 . ........ Exchange Editor EotTU M. lllu.., ' 00, .. I Loeal •;.lit BAROLU CoLvm, ·o:;, f ·· · · · · · · · · · · ore NHLUK Ba&.~NAN, '~ ..•• •Training Department A rnA )J. $B£RMAS, '(.\·• ..... . . .. Art Department. W. EUOE.'<I'! S.!ltTU. '04 .• •. .• ....• Alumni Editor JOHN •·· MORSE, ·oo........ ... . Business Manager Gf!RUARD GE.~I!LL, '06,} GUY \V. MALLOil\', '05, Assistant. JOHN J. \VYSOOlU, '01, Business llaoagers PltP..s.S ASSOCIATlOS. LoRON D. SI•ARKS, 'Oi"• •••••••••••••••.•• Preslden\ JOHN f". MOH.St:, '06 .. . ... ...... .... .. Treasurer JESSI£ ... EIE'r/.>:1., 'OiL •.••••••••.••••. Secrelary Address all lll<lrary material to lhc Editor-In· Chler, and all business (."()mrnunlcntions to the Buslne88 Manft~er. Inell vidual, but they hive been administered whh· out fear or favor. If "'0 havothought.thnt. n thinS{ wao right we have unhesitatingly given Crt.'<llt: and II we have thought IbM It was wrong, wo have as unhesitatingly made kno"·n our po•ltlon. In !ihort we htuo s1orl\•en perslst.ontly to make. tho Pointer entertaining Careful managem(.'DI b,.. enabled TaP. Poi:<Tr.R to mako a May appearance this year. Tal< SUMMUM, which 1s now being 11repared lor publication by tho Senior Class, promises to eclipse all our previous school annuals. nowAy; to make gesUons, or othorwlso rendered asslst:,noo, •·o acknowledge our ftPI>redatlon. We are often told wha\ an advantage h h1 to attend a nonoal school lbat Is located In a larger clly. But is IL oo 1 Theoretically, yes; Jrructlc· ally, no. Wbat's I he point~ Just thls- shrdcnts do not as a body take advantage or Urolr oppor· lunilles. They ~rebound up In tiro interests tlu•t tho normal hos to ol!er and they do not taku advantage or what tho largo or small city has 10 ol!er, be It much or lln!e. It la..nol ncoossary to go to Milwaukee or Oshkosh to vlsll pl•ce• or interest. TORIAL ~~nd Volume X. record tho do logs and onlt"ror lho lllo of Uoe acbool. Whether we h~'·e sucoeeded or no1 Is lor you to judge. To 1ho3e students and members ol tho lucuily who have contrllu!..ted rMterlal, r:h•en kindly sug· We h&Ye tn St<wens Point. many man· ulacturlng plants that would proOt many or us to vl81t. Some of us have novor seen •uolteu troo,logs aawed Into lumber, lumber made Into boxe• and furniture, rags and 'wl'od made Into J>OI><'r, or Ibe 41 brewed; yeiOPJ>OrLunl~y Is at hsnd. Som<l or tho place. that mlghl 00 visited "'"" proftt are lbe Iron loundrlea. paper mills, saw milia, lurnhure factory, box factory. wall paper factory, brewery 0 llrlntlng onlces, eloolrlo llghl and t>O•·~r plaot, oon,ral teJephono stMlon, grAphiiO plant, automatic cradle lactoo·y, etc. Why not fonn vis iting clubs or go oo u JlCrHon· ally conducted tours" and thus exerelse our po...... or observallon? 9!1 THE .NOR:II AL J>OTNTER. It Is Indeed with a curious commingling of emotion.s that. the ~osor es5ays for the las' time to eommuno with his critical nature. Such com· muoioo ba.s ever been conduehe to tho develop- meal of the i>Owers of unbiased criticising-In seasoo or out of season. To ~ In sn•on Is 10 be In style, but be the criticisms In season or out, tho censor hopes there will atleaet be some. thing In them and that you can get something out. There once was a jolly young censor Who attempted to be a dlsp<lnscr or humor and wit That ocexslons would ftl ; But he found that bls wit was soon spent, sir. Ho inquired of his frlcods whal to clo, sir; And they said, " Well it we were like you, sir, We would not lend our wit But -.·e would censor it. And make our jokes good but qut~ few, alr. Spring Is the time when all natural growths beglo to bud- love and genius and IMplratlon. Young Jo•e's swoe&. dream ha.s transported a number of our mo51 staid !rleods. We had thought them lOO Ormly grounded In the art o l dreaming to be thus atrecled by eomnambullsm. ' Tis sweet to dream but some•hal fatiguing If one persiJ!ls In walklog while dolog It I Pockets: Some one (tho namo Is lorgotlen) hao been quoted as saying thai a young man sllould never thrust his bands loiO bls paekel8 unless he Is cold or philanthropic. All the members of our faculty are not old, and surely they are not c<>ld when lbey addreso the !lchool. We therefore In· fer thai they are very phllao~hroplc. "Now whether I~ be Philanthropy, o r frigid Ongers, or thinking loo precisely what IO ny," In sooth we can not tell. We might pro,•e whlcl• lslho motive but ~·Ill le~ tho speculative decide. Tho mao who studies with his eyes Ia naturally subjcciiO mind wanderlng-<>SI>eclally In May! To go forward relative to the things about uo we must progress faster than they ; to go back· ward In the same relation we need but stand still . There are varlou• ..·ays of lolling a siOry. The method wltb wblch we must all ex1>eet 10 becomo acquainted I• the method oltolllng II "over t~.nd O\'er." Seniors: Farewell ! Remember lbat ours Is an ago olin· dlvlduallsm In thought aod action. Therefore, younjt mon, be no~ solicitous 10 bear lbo burden ol two Individualities. Some are light and others havo much weight In their social spheres. Girls, do not. be too anxious to allow your roapooslblllly lbru your lndlvlduallly 10 be as· sumed by another. To think deeply we muslfee1 deeply. Hence, think first and tool afterward. Allow your lrleod and meniOr to exhort you thai you give thinking precedence. To feel deeply leads 10 deeds, consequence profound. Sucoe&a 18 a personal mattctr. A mao 'a aucocsa becomes a part ol his nature, an element of hit character. That which luis the greale&l and mool lmporlaot el!ecl upon the lndlvlc!ual'a mind llu In his own power to deleMOinc. The struggle measure3 what we have achieved Aa Is the etrort, so the victory. Hopo. When deopeal gloom enshrouds thy bark In mlatyllgbl And faintly, far away ftlckers ~ur guiding. light, When Tempest's surging seas around thy haven roar, . While wloged Rope fea rs not bul speeds before. T IIB NOHMAL POINTER. 100 •'**-"• L+0+e+1\+L. +S FOURT H OUARTt;R . Flr81 Week. Henry Huh-erson who is Wlu:bhl)C uL Milhulol'(", waa a visitor on Thursday. Pro!. SAnford went to Orand Rapids on i•rtdoy~ Lo ""' •• judge In a debate thbL evening. A quartette composed or A. J. Miller, Fred. Walker, Morton Edwards and n enry Hah'er•on favored tbe school with th...,., woll rendered num· bora on· Tbursday morning. The game ol basket ball played In tho gymna· slum Friday evening between tho S. P. N. · and tho Athlet1011 resulted In a cleelded •·ictory lor the Iauer. IL hao been some time since anything has been given at tho school which was so thoroughly e!lioyed and generally apprec:laled as wu the recital given by Edward Ba>tter Perry. All who beard him are congratulating thotnsolves on being present, and all who did not are sorry they did ooL come to hear hltn. Fred. Walker has returned to complete his course In Juno. Socoa4 Wook . Mlu Bolen Beln was a vltiLor Thursday morn· In g. A lew or tho boys are out this week alter school lor Irick work. Proo. Pray gave the school a very interesting talk Thursclay morning on tho "History or tho Postal Service in the U.S." Oto ·wednesday morning Pro!. Bacon gave tho studont.a a talk on his tl'lp acrol! the continent !rom Seallle, Washl~gtOn, to tho eastorn coast or Maine. Rio d&serlptlono were very vivid and pleasing. The studcnto appre<>lated tbla talk thoroughly. A glorious •ICLory lorthe S. P. N. Junior deba· Loro. A unanimous decision or the judges · in favor ol tho S. P. N. J~nloro lll06. Third Wook . TbeTeonls association meL this week and eleeled the following om~ri: Preoldent, Pro!. Culver; Secretary and · Treuuror, C. ~lorloo t:dwardo; ~ ·~· Executive commltlee, Pro!. Olson, Harold Culver nnd t.:dith M. IIIII. About. twcu&.y·O\•e sood beds have bt.oen ltl&de and planted on lho back campus to be used by tho class In agrlcullure. :.Jr.ny studenlO are,Wiercsted In tho number and nrioty o r tho birds fbls season. Some ha•o the pleasure or being able to recognize as many as sow!-n&.y-Hve classes. Tho Choral Club gave a recoplloo lor Mlos Fink ~·rtday o•·onlng. Tho musical numbers by the Treble Clef Club, Boys' Octette and C. E. Octctte were very pleasing. Miss Fink was p...,senled wllh a band86me signet ring from tho Choral Club In appreelallon or her et!orts lor them. PoMrtll Weok. A number or studento are out or school on aeeounl of mumps. __ Harold Culver Is out or school on accounl or an Mtack ol typhoid lever. John Or11Hth 1 the actor, gave tho students a short talk on the plays or Shakespeare and some ol the great actors ol them, Monday, He played In ~lacbeth that evening. Tbe Seniors are go log Lo glvetbo play "Belween the Acto" lor their cla14 play. The members or tho cast have been assigned parts by Howard Welly. · Pro!. R. W. Pringle ol tho Appleton public schools wu al the school on l:lleaday and gave a shorl talk Lo tho oludeOis at morning enrclseo. Mr. Pringle Is one ol the board ol omclal visitors Lo Normal schools. A number of new t-rees and sbrub.s havo been se~ out oo Lbocampua, aod vl068 have been planted nearthebulldin&'1 all df-.,whleh will help Lo beau· Illy tho building and grounds In a lew more yean. Tbe large beds or purple and &"Old crocua arc doing ni<M!ly this year. Edward 0. Lange delivered hit flnal oration !>"lore the school, Wednesday morning. Bit aubJf!CL was tho "Rise of Workingmen." Mr. Garrity, or Oshkosh, who was a clanmato Ol Mrs. Bradford while &ILendlng lbe Oshkosh Normal, was a &'ue&l allbe school on Tuesda)·· ) Mr. 0-s·n (in Rev. geograpby)-Wha\ do we study geography lor? Miss P·r- ·r-To Jive more oom1Jietely. Mr.O.s-n - Y-+-o. Is thaL wbM ~Jr. Bigelow •aid? Mlu P·r- ·r-No sir. We learned that In school management. A doctor, auendlng a wit who waa very ill, apologiwd lor belnfllate one day, by saying be ha<l to stop to sro " man thai had fallen down a well. "Old be 'kick ll>e bucket, doetor?" groaned the lnco>·riflible wit. - - - - - Mr. 0-s·n- \Vhat Is mag,n hude ~ Prof. S· ·n·l·r ( In theory)- Attho oge of eight· • 0-o·g· E-1-s·n-Magnitude Is the sll<O of moll on. een or ntoeteen a man either ralls In Jove or clso Senior, In manual training department to slu· gelS deeply interested in religion. dent who hM just6nlobcd de~lgnlng baske.,_" Are Studeot- 1 '\Vba\ happened lo you 4l that. :1ge?11 you a nQlural artist'!"' Pro!. S· -n-1-r-Well--er-r-r-r I'm an exoopE _ lcmentnry- "No, I am no art.Uloial one." tlon. Tom- u l clon'L knO'A' •·hether sheslngs or not." Miss D-r-1>-e- (in pbyslca eta.. ) -The stream Jaek- "Sho doesn't. l heard her." goe• at the rate of three miles an hour. Heard Ia tllo Hall. Mr. 0-s-n-ln what direction Y "Oh eumcrdoan." Miss O-r-b-e-Why, down stream, l think. "\Vacha •·anta me?" Mr. C-11-ns (in second algebra) - What Is a "\Vanta a.skcsumpln. \Varaoo Sunnynlte?" 11 lw8 wrhln le.t.ters." complex fraction? W-11-am T-y-or - A complex fraction Is one "Aw kamorr. tnobeucrn that. fsaayab!' th~t is all mixed up. '' A•·quitcbortoolln.'' Mr.C-11-no-Evidently, then, this claS> Is a com· ''Alntarooltn. I!uu~yunwlllle.'' plex fraction. ''Ooze willie'/" "Auer Wlllte." · H-r-ld 1\f-r-ln (giving an oral composition) "\Varcbaxeeus ?" r:ven at that earl1 age we had girl friends . "Asklango.'' Miu E-m-nd-Sisters. "Td'no watehcrtnkln bout." H-r-ld M-r-ln (continuing bls aiOry)- " - - - - - and we eamed enough mooe710 take ourself and-and-siiters 10 the circus. · Mlu F- -!<-What do we call sclenoo which Is put in books? Mr. St-a-.,....Scrlpture. - -- - Pro!. X.- What would you c:MI a man who pretends 10 know every thing ? Freshman-A professor. "No bird Is aetually on the wing. Wlogs are oo the bird." ''A.ak:mlle.s.·' 1Jezblnllstutrln yuh." "lllllnLblo... tuftldmc. I no waLthna"'wklo bout. 11 'Sawl ovorscbooL" ''\Votsawlto,·erscbool ?" "Oouchooanwllllo." Oreataou. Rightly 10 be great ts no\ to stir wlUJout gn;at argumeot, [lut grcMiy 10 6nd quarrel in a olraw, "'hen honor'• at the ttake.- BAM.LET• TH~ NORMAL POINTE!l. 102 DEAR PoiNT£11 FRIENDS :-1 suppose you aM koow 1 'm lnclloed IO laziness SO l need hardly try 10 excuse myself for merely borrowlog an article when I was asked 10 Olllhe Alumni page. Tbo request was for ao article about my work here ~bleb you will all acknowledge would ha\'C been somewhat dry reading. Instead I have seot you lhlo poem ('/) wrhtan and lllusulraled by members oBhct•·o Cooking Classes and 1 am sure you will all recognize at once tho "OlgoiOed Pedagog." Only ono cui needs any explanallon·-lhat of myself ..and the nood-ancJ'?'m sul"0 Miss ~·Iorence Pray will be happy 10 l;olk on that subject. The stanza which &<:COmpanied II was so " wlg;:ly and polly woggy " - to quota lhe authors-thai It was cui out.- I. H. ~'&NWIOK. Stranger dostthou bear lhem Stranger, doot thou taste II 'I Doslthou hoar their voices Thro' the din and roar? • Stranger OJ>e and enter 1 Sean ihe molley throng ! • Seek each comely malden As sbe trlps along. 'Tlo lemon In lho pie crustr-VIrglnla made II wrong! Of the pie, Oh Slrangor, Speak ln aecentslow, Thro' the closed door,'- Us contents on the O\•en floor Old make a gruesome sho,.-. ~;~~~;rci~~!~~~X'd~ lbem ~~:~·:a~~~~:f.·b~lxlng Mixing strange coocoetlons, Pungent odora rise, Through the very ceiling • E'en un~ the Akles. Sl-ranger, count the damsel&, ~il~~~~b~bo Rather sour and nrong, . Chewing wisps of bayWisps 10 ~n the cookies, Wlopo 10 ~llbe cake, Or any luaelous mOM!OI They may please 10 bake. su·ana-er, cans'' thou bear h. These wild 10enes bolo•· ? ~~~~ ~~e~·l.~h"~~ ~!j3Jf,.,.lh::O ;~~e~ suds- · Till u~~~;:,"d!~~ r:!!~~;... Strangor,dostlho~ smell II? Tho lu$CIOU8 ruddlng burns f.:!~·f!.~:!~ ~~~~~ •. She's Ia ken her some baked heorl Of what !• this thntgo 'I?? 'Tis bul a way of asking, " Bean's de.ares"! wtl\- be mtne •t" Stranger, wouldsllhou think II? 'Tis tad Indeed IO tell Of-many cake• or Bei•le'• Tballn lbe mldalc fell. Razol can make good <l.nes But none can these beh04!, They all~ro ur. toCharlotte,So 1100re1ly lit told. . Stranger, dosllhou leelll? 'Tis o. do.b of dough Brush II oiT thlno e)'ebrow, II In the bread mull go. Eethel need• 10 learn ycl How to knead good bread DodJrO again! Oh Stranger, f:re II smile l•lno head. · TH E XORMAL POINTER. 103 ~'"'"".::_:-- ~ ...... Rags and bnnea and bollles Stranger llslln wonder To the deeds of Beth. Under Fennle's guidance She would work till deollh. 0 'Mabel, trim and stareby In her apron ••hll& Lest sbe should be tArdy Coooos with morning's light. 0 ~~i:'! ~~~:~~~~::1 Which DOW is qui lA> tho erazo." Stranger, to the basement.! Sclz.o a bu.ute,.axe, St.range.r, make thine exic. 8 ~1:;~~ d~!~~t•::d fi~ul's Now are waxing high. Lo, uf.'n the tbi-esbold ~'~!o~:b~l6~ha~~~O:.~~~y, Begone!" quolbe be whh vlm. Str•nger, woe belldo thee, Dinner no"· is served, Sit thee attbe table In thy seat reserved. Rest thee on thine elbows, Tho' Miss Fenwick glowers, VIew tho snowy linen And the borrowed t!oworo. Stranger, olp the e<>ektall ~~~~l.~~.-:~.:k:~~"'· Chew wl•h drearl and awe. Gnaoh upOn the French chops Pluek a pars nip brown, Sleze upOn a pickle Reioz.e'- of renown. Stranger, do no~ falter, Clooo thine eyelids llghl, For a dish approaehetb, 'Tis a tempting alibi. Cleave tho plo asunder, Ah ! a~ last It cracks. Grind thy Ieeth to pOwder, Thou eans'l DOl grind tho pie. Conoeal It in thy pocket, Ere the bosl&st apy. Stranger, what is alllng, whl that gba•htly glare ? ~'f~~~~g:.~~~.t~ 1 Wblle yet 'tis 01 a distance, Thou keelestln a •woonDomeotlc Science dinners Have killed thee orr 1<> soon. R. W.-V. D.- E. ~1.-0. C. VATES. -rJlustraled by 0. C. l(ey t• OaleUeN41 .llla41e. I Tllllf I• tal~ ta aMI.ettt. •aDII~ot:rlpu H....,_.. Vlflil~ AtMkl ucl Dao~·• la.ff'rM, S 0~ paf'dtod b7 ~rbfn.. ! ~:tZ:=:,t{ ~~~~~~~~~ JMU Lbe .w.,. or the departed.. : g:~~·;J!adH ~oM!'f~~ wont to prepare tH.ntr "-'rHb· m~nLt for u~h or llltlr tO•Pallloa. ae ftre Mill cnladf11l of Jna.manwanw.. i ~S::~:t~!t14~:'i! ~.!:-.!::-:aruh·etr t.o ••a -~:.-:. o~:c,~~c ·-::,::.r; ~ -::~~~e,.,. ••, be dl«"ernfod lo tbe lowf'r world. 10 Thla IUJ' bf. Pl11t.o. 11 Thlt .un:lllC dNC-rfpdoo or t11e • cow,... le vert 'a.rij;:f'ObMI7 e~olloot!d M a Ilea of • •P'f:,...l•r&lttreo,cl). 104 @eH1\NGES. Olrls born with red hair always have red hair until they dye. - Ex. fllrt,hman- " \Vbere Ja th~ b•4tn)f.n\ f" on the third llonr. '' -Ez. Phy•l•• Teanher-"Wbalanswerdld you gel aa to the wolcr pressure upon the dam~" Pupil- " I b. .e not done lhe dam problem.'' - Ex. ~ohu•-."t:p Student- 41 1 am indebted to ,-ou fur a Ill know. ·• l"ro(t!"-"or- "Oon't ~ntlvo auch a ttifte." • -Ex. 1 ' ( re.r, ' I said the potnR)('C. Stamp on the student's teucr to hl11 father, '"I am notatlcklng to facu." - Ex. Proi.-Wba~ are you dolntr - leanolng anything? Stud~o\.-No, sir, I'm llaknln~ to rou. -Til'& SCUOOI. BKLL EcHOES. 'Twbt optimist and t>ft:tlmltt The dllfereoee Is droll : The optimist the douahnul '"'"• The pesslmln the hole. -Ex. th•n lho American mode o l IJIOliiOff." "Sh&- Yett, Indeed! Take parlour, for Instance; havlnll' " In II makes all the dllfereooe to tbe wrorld .• , -Ex. •·PI~a.te band me Re•lew of rt.•f.ftws " be aaid., The laodlady'a eyea did ftatb, l'or another young boarder lookedabteollyup, And oolemoly paned lhe huh. - - - - - - -Tu r. ADVANCE. a ftea In a ftue were lmprlaoned. Now wbat oould I bey do Y Said tbe a,, "Let ua !l~." .. ~, \ll e,.," said the ftea . So tber a.... lbt'OUJh A Dow to lbe Due. •••1 from the ftre, Tomm1, the ;.ea&IM!r l.!!in•& co1d.l' Tomn,y- ul'm not cold.'' ~rmlng ./ tho •·catl,cr: l·m - 1.-:x. A S)'IIOflle•. A baby I• a crier. A erler Ia a mesaenrer. A mectteoger Is ooe sent. A ~nt I• not w-ortb ttro cent•. A beby It out worth two oentt. Practice Teec hor'a Fnorlro S.•rl•••t. llo-.-'+1 am ra.&ber more in favor or the l-:ngHsh A lly and t•a~her-'·Cel -Ex. llepn -"l lblnk ~u.. De Blank to •ery ?Uile.,.. Jnn•• - "What cau""• you 10 lhlnk lhat? 1 never thot h~r ~o .•, Repn-"1 mel her ou~ for a walk, 1hls at~r­ nooo, and atked II I might her home. Sbe 10ld yeo, I oould - ll lrom the top ot lhe blgb Khool building: aod_that II watn't ..,._...,. to ao any tarl.Mr." -Ex. Lito I• real, Lite Is earoeol, And wo hoi"' lho gravo'• ilo I(Oal, ,..or, It-we have to teach In heaven, Lord luwe mercy on our ~eou1. - RoyAL PUIU'LK. Llula Lucy Loekel She hun•t aoy pockeiNo place to carry ao71hlntr at all ; While Luoy'o brother Benny· llo hac 80 v.-ry many, In whluh to )>ul his marble~, top, or l>all, Tho~ when he'o to a hurry 'Tio aoruellmet q~lte a worry To ftod tbe one be wan1s among I hem all • u. Now •hr should Lucr Loekel No1 have a liltle poclce'A handy llule pocke~~o her drcu? And why ohould brother Benny, Who doo•n't need •o many, • · llo lavored wilh a dozen more o r leu f The reaaon, II 10u leoow It, Be kind enough to sbow ll, f'or really •tla a puzzle, I coolus : -f:a. ( Badger Drug Co. We intite yon to open an account with us. D~UGGISTS Do aot fH-1 &t. all Mtkwatd above. wtl.q- for latorwatloa f'OQC.roiac o•r ~ of ~ fth1Df depotlw. o.r nle. ror ope.aJac MltOUU. CHit MUDf't & C11EMISTS P rescriptiol)s our SpecIalty. I1UYLE~"S of 1Uk1., 1oau. oor n.lf'rf of to.. ._.,.._ To maay tbe bu&lUN ot N.Jktar 11 eomtcblnl or a CANDY. Ooo't forget to get a Key. •JMery. W• a N aJwaJ t Clad to uplala c.o o.r ~" &AJUlac tMor do aot riH.IIy •JKI.trtUad. • Buck & Barrows Co., First :National Bank, NEW OOODS. Stenaa Pelat, YIJ. Latest Styles Itt Fine Millinery. :M:ai.n. &'t:ree't. C. G. IU.CNISB, At Ye Sign of Ye RED SHOE. Bas a GeeD SH0E Reputation. Try Him. SHOES ONLY . 109 Stro na8 Avenue. H . E. FROST. PHOT0CR~PHER . r:~:~:~:. - etnu:..~~~:~ I MY PHOTOS WILL PLE:I=tSE. YOU. STUDIO: II SIS Stroots Ate., Chicago-:" St. Paul, Minneapolis, Asbian~ Superior, • Duluth. ' L. L PBNNBU.. o\pe l Slon. . Polwt. .tAL C. POND. O. P. A· Mllwaak••· - Stems Pollt, lis. .i i Citizens' Tonsorial Parlors, i :J'IC. ~ERENS, ~p. ! : ----'- BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION• o• o;,_. llalico&l 8uk, srnus POUlT, w·JS. • H1\IR'S H1\LL F or Private Parties :r:..t .. OFFICE OF 1\TL1\S e1\SU1\LTY <20MP.l\NY L11KE MII,.LS, WIS. Corner C~rk &nd Cl\urcl\ Sts. l Por Artlatlc V"rlntlng Go T o Z:El.VZNG • • H U L L . TAB LARGEST AND MflST eflMII'LB T B :JIII.V~IN SlrHf-• PRIN TING OFF I C E Dry Goods ' ::'~~~~~~b~os. I a tho Cit)' ·· ' ~~ ~~~~s.;;c~11gf~s. Containing alllateststyiC$ ohypeand last :':1':~,:~-tb~:,:l~!~:.~~~~~~: r.';.'g~~ poster. Printing In all modern laoguaees. Mapzlacs a act Porlo41cala a Spec ialty. Eotlmatcs furnished on application. Let us 6gure on your printing. + + + • J. Wf>RZALLA'S Sf>NS, Pul>llahora aacl Gcaoral Book aacl Job Prlator& Corner Main and Third Sis. 8tovct1 1t Polnt, W Jitcon aln. J. WORZALLA &: SONS, WE CAI\1\Y A LAI!OE STOCI( Of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ou Prlte a M ea.• ...,. tl t:• r ~. Dr. J. M. BISCHOFF, _ Den.tts:t. Crown and Bridge Work a Speci ally . Lady In attendance. Cor. Malo St. • Strongs a.·e. P. 11. SeUTHWU!K, M. 0., P}zpsician and Sur:geon. Telephone 32. Sl)oes, Mots al)d Cops. SU.rtna l'olal, G&M'IS' FURHISHI!lGGOODS, WATCHt:S, CWCKS, JEWELRY. I • coa•ccttoa wlttt oa r J•wotr)' do.-rt•e•t we abo ra.-lr Wate:llt•·· Ctoc.kt, ••4 J owofry, ••4 . .ara•t" all wo rk t o be rl"'t-cla»- Ottr Price• o • CJoocS. • M worll .arc a1w-a)'t r ouo•atlto a•d u • lowuu .• befo••d a-o)"WIIIu•• + + + • l> • ~ All tood•llarht1 I• PJal• 0{6 Cbureh Sroot. W18e01Uln a . s. ELLEN-ll\lOQD, ' Blcyclo Repairs and Suodrtca + Wheels mado to order + ,~-----8~~:~~~-L!very -+;.; '1 · + ~ \u ~ H2 STRONOS Avllfl~~NS, POINT WI~. ,ancwJ•"!JrO~aoQx~·MI~te 1 Phps12i11.1f:f,gtfA0 ~geoJ4, Oflloe Hours 1 and i p. m. • 313 Main Stroot, stairs. - Res. Curran Sousr up · .tnlo•J "'lfll«~ ~' . 8 , J ~--..-..--···-.......-·... t i ·· .. ····-·· SilSY~'III't>cJfat:' ·0 •0 ~0'WJilcdiNtt~. Ola•.e• Aooura~UIY"aod Scienlllltally t'hted. ' J . W. BIRO, M. 0, . Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ollk.'<', -l.i~ Speelal~lU ~ ~lain St. .• J1U.~08S to StudentJJ. • StoVOt18 P ola t , Wis. H0USE, W. H. WILSeN, D. D. S. Kuhl's Block D, N . ~n ,., JACOBS, Prop. ALCO~N , M. D. , tftc ...,. tv u:a.-lllhf .,.._ ,_ ""- ('. 8. ......_ h"'••~ . . .t&ltlttJ ••..,.... ... Optr&ta- fW U.. Leading Hotel iu City. Eye, Ear, Nol!lle and Throat. Stol'e•e Pot•t• H. o. MceULLeeH ee., Lt'D. Stationery, Books and School Supplies. ' omwm~ Po~~r. M~~~li~~ Bo~r~ ~~~ ~M~~~m~mc 110~~. Dr:.F. ·A.·WALTERS. Cor Ellis ·and Church. I 00 to MOLL-ROTHMAN CO. Tho mo81 cornpleto llno or ut>'to·datc DRY GOODS To be f o und In th e City Who's next? U ~ Dr. G. M Houlehan, -~Nelson's Barber Shop 118 • •TJ11R,D STR,EET. DENTIST. Onr Postomce. StaJeJS Poi.DI, lis. a..<:> TO :Embroidery S ilks, P illows, P atter11s CHICA'.OO 'CLOTHIN6 ST9RE. And all Malerlal lor laney Work Pau.,roo. We carry a nice Uno or Tailor Made Clothing. HATS. CAPS. BOOTS aad S HOES. ijrlck, Lime a11d Ceme11t :: .:~·!~'i::' tbe largest stocl<. 4 10 Mala St. but we carry 1. SHAFTO,., Prop. • 147 Mal• St. FOR SALE AT LANGENBERG'S, CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Work PBTT, OBALB. . II'I Pucy ud StaJle GROCERIES. Fine Fruits a Speglalty. AND CHEAP. 1006 Dhlelo• t . Gilds called for a1d dei1Yered. J. :rv:&JR.ol!lr, 116 STRONOS AVE. .-rt lo made ol the bel<' ot whoJ&. materials. H lo a madll-mlxed bread and lo !reo from eootamloatlon In mblnr and band· llnJ. Buy oul y BENNETT' S BREAD . .... &. s.o...... ft'E.R.T .. ~ «'&& Goo6t e( all~ ........_ o.p.e ... Soewtac~ ...... I...C.I...U or 'J t.M wed or ....U.. Fl.. W•tdl li9atri.. a - la lt7. ,..we~ ~18 llaln Streel, Sle.-ens Polnl, Wl1. 10me Tei . U4 ;;.l .rt..-r.,...._..ft-r U ..... ,.........,,. Jos. .,..,.. s!:'~~~==(J~i'..'::i ,... Cidu ... c.t Gte.- G•ttan.......U• . . . . ~ H . W I NG LBB. ~ttause , ff.R.~~ET. 622 El..LIS ST. G. W. CAT&, G. M. 0ABL, Raolne Underwear Mills Uttdenrear •ade 10 order. Qua lily, Worltma~biJI&nd Fit Guaranteed. J. L . JBNSBN , !!!!'- ........ GIOCUIBS. AOJCCT HACK A.. D BAOOAOI!. Cor. Normal ave. and N. Third 11. Tel .68. STEVENS POINT, WIS. C . S. B OYINGTON & CO. DBALBRS IN . 458 Main St . c. F. URTIN & 00., Leading Photographers, Offtoe ...... Cit'--' ...,.._.. a..k. ~-··· - 6 -MniT J. S. P I PB. CITY LIVERY AND TRANSFER LINE. F111ts, Ytzeta•tu, CtlltctiMery, Clpn, TMicu. Etc. 010. D. NXLSO:<. CA!B, DAHL ' IBLSOI, 1\ t torn e y s •a t•L a w. ... w. B. __ .. n_ PHOTO STOCI OP ILL mDS. ) fouldingg and Frames. 114 S. Third St . fltf\NK roDAGtt-i SON. FRESt1 . SfiLT ,, and S M OI(ED 1\tTEAT&.. . 320J~St• 48 . . . . . . . 4:/U • I• Mrwl. T.t.U . 8'Uvus POL.vr, . . Wlll00:<8r.<. P . WOZ N ICKI W:. B . BVCKINCHR:M: (!Sor.u:wrs T OOR FIQE I NSURANCE.OORNER CLARK ST. and STRONG AVf:. DEALER IN. High Grade Bicycles. General repairing prompll7 dooe. Blc7cle Lher7. OITe "'"a call. 0221'1. T1olr4 St. .............. ,, w... (