---, r·---·-i 1904-5 i j J1\NU1\RY. -r .CON~NTS. l ! I' Lito"'"' ......... .. ............ • ·'l Censor .......•.......•.... , ..... 60 j 1 · Alumni ....... ..... ... . ......... 61 l Editorial ........................ 62 j ....f Art D11partment . • .-:-:": •......•... 63f j Locale ......................... : ·6~ l Jolly Columna ................... i 56 1 l1 Exohangee .\• ..... . .............. 58 .! l Ij Vol. X. I ~ I No.4 j L -..·---··-·------.........._...J * J=l:T * FRENCH CAMPBELL & CO. YOU WI LL F l l'I D Books, Maga:zlnes and Newspapers, J ewelry, Beads and Novelties, H o me•Made ea n die s , J\11 School Supplies, Box eonfec:tions, Pine Stationery, Pictures and Pictnre Framing a Specialty. 4 49 Main St. Tel. 1073. ARENBE~G . E. A. Schmitt and Knope, Clothietfs, Tailo1:1s and Fu1:1nishe1:1s, BETWEEN TWO BANKS. The Leading Jeweler Fine Watch ~cpa Iring '147 Mall) a Specially. t .. cppoalte P . 0 . W IS~ONSI N . STEVENS POINT. ANDRAE & SHAFFER CO., Tt)e wide awal{e retailers DEALERS IN Dry Goods, e:arpets, etoth ing, Hats and Fine Shoes. E. L. RESSLER. PIIOTOGRAPHER. STUDIO: 1\II.Al N ST. Scribner & Vaughn SUCCESSO ~ S TO E. I. T0ZI6R & CO. 476 ELLIS ST~EET. WE RRE HERDQURRTERS P'OR ASl"TliiSO I~ TUK LIS& 01' DR..UGrS or ••Tor tt•• •••Y k l•b or &oo48 U1a1 Dr• u~l8 c arry ~ ~"V:I!I TlEICBJ JEIE&T. In 1•~rtpllonf'ompoundlog we u~ Ibe utut~>Jtt fftl'e.· P~BASB Groceries, Stationery and Confectionery. GIYB US A eALL . Two Stores: :~:'s~.!:!~~~!: Tel. ~~:~.4:·~~:~/J. Two Blocks south anet west of the Normal, TRYLf>R 8Rf>S., Druggists. Please give us a call. ((Palace of Swee:ts. )) W e are pleased to try and please ilze Public. f>. 8. GEf>RGE, Proprietor 1\. 8 . THURMAN, Manager ~~~~ ,, Dirty Shirts Dirty Collars Dirty Und~rwear ARE Best Cle_aned A~ l Our wagon makes l l l dally calls at l the Normal. l l f l l l l l l There's a basket f f in the basement l for your f l WISCONSIN'S BEST LAUNDRY. 515 Church St. L~~ Phone 281 Red. f 1 • bundles. .. HADCOCK & R OOD, \.__ - 1\. G. S pa lding & Bros. Largest Ma ufact u r e ra In the W o rld of e fflcla l IUb lellc S upplies. Dent ist s, Base ball, Basket ball, Golf, Boxing glove.s, Striking bags, Gymnasium goods. STEVENS POINT DYE WORKS. S teven s Point, Wis . OFPICS 1 <43 8 Mala St. CLE ANI NG, DYI NG and ~ EPA IIHNG. Pressi ng done on short notice. Special atteatloa aacl lowest prlecl! t o s tudcuts. 12 1 s. Thi r d St. KRI ENKE & ee. MRS· 'A:D'A: C R'A: V LEADING MILLINER 110 Stroa11s Avo. P hoao ll<d 17 1 ~TUD t·:xTs TR.\OE sor.wrn:o. s.-w r or\ }'lall-.delp•ta HoJ!alo Hoecon MIIU'"poll.~ Cbl«-aa:o Ku t'raMtMO O,.n,·.-r UallltrHi f"' 3.Jontrf'al, Can. Lond(ln, KnvlantJ. Ac. l.oul~t KaiUUl'hy Wuhlnttoa I,IU11burc ~)'NI4:11M' ( . TWS IS THE MUCH TALKED OF If you want fine Stationery,. Perfumes, etc. Shoe Store. Tho ptoc;:o to aot your P rcK<:rlptlonK ti tled, eur shoes attract and t)ur prices sell Dr. D. S. RH2E, Ph"tsician and Surgeon. K U HL'S B LOCK "? F. L.. DILLE, We make the s election of s hoes a pleasure. IN~~R~N~L R~~l f~l~lL lO~N~. Stevens Point Shoe Co. ~ooms 4 and 5, Atwe ll Bloc k . cA. J. CUNNEEN & CO., MEN'S FURNISH ERS 7=\ND H:A:TTERS. ATHLETIC SWEA.TE~S l..oulf, Otlll. l'tHidftttt. K , J . Plft'ner. VI~ t•~tcl,.nc. K . A. Kn>nlblll, Hoot kHIM't• ~ETON B~OS. 0. &. l.h·UIII, ('hbl ..r, H. H. JotulfloOft. ANI'l t'ublt"t, T. 1.. ~. l'or1. )J...._.,.ru:rr. & CO., JEWELERS and EH?TH21RNS. <l!ap ltal $ 100 ,000.00. State Depository. Cowity lleposilOI'J. CIIJ Deposi!Of'J. Normal Sdiool Depository. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. Oiru:CTOns. C. A . Hamnckor. ~·••J. Plilfocr . H. A. Cook . l.ouis Brill . N. A . \Yeck. John,\ , ~lunu. G. t:. ~lc D III. W. W. ~litch•ll. Geo. F.. Whiti~ S tevens P oint, 455 MAIN ST. A. SPECIALTY Wis . R. OBERLA TZ. Eyes Exami ned . Spectacles F itted. . RING N B SS, The Shoe Man DeoluJf) HIGH GR1\DB FeeT WB1\R. fiNE 112 Soutb Third Street. ~EPf'II~ING • · SttVtl)t Point, Wl s,. Grand 'Central Hotel, M . C-'SSIDY 6t B~OS. Jllerchant Tail·or~ 757 Strongs ave. Cor. Pari st. Stevens Point, Wis. .\II 10. ""' :\I (Kit·t·n At•(•(•nlliwdatiun. J'o·i<·t'ri Ht·-u~tahll·. ToO."' ••O "•" "' STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, STEVENS POIN T, W IS . NEW BUILDL~O: 'l'IIOROUGH LY E QU IPPED. ALL MODERN AIDS: -APPARATUS: LIBRARY: COMPLETE GYMNAS~UM. ~ETTER PREPARATION FO~ TEACHiNG. A Largo A largo Corps of Experieflced Teachers full!l abreast of the limos. atlefldaflCe of ElatfleS', advaflCed Studonts who are Actual Teachers. The new wing now COITJpl;:;ted, adds one-half to tho capacity of t~o building.. T k,... Adva •ced CoMr M&. two years for fll <nl · SCHOOL CRADUATI!'S aod OTU~ competent atud· "ffts. POST lr"'duate atudle• In Sc!en~, Lanr;· ua~, CIYICll and ~agogy. Dlp lo•a equlnlenl to LIFE STAT It CE>tTII'ICATE. lelo•••tary C·o u r&e. two your~a, for th o~e hold· lng oonlfte&te8 or passing entranoo <-~xaminntionf4, El- • • tar y C.rtltiC<Ote, equl~al ent for the ye.rs. to LD<· l'TED STAT& CDlTtYICATF..., Co• • o• SCh ool Covr&e, on4" )4"Ar, beneft&. uf tho.o who mulit teach 800n." for iJJtelal Properetor y CoMNJO. tt'n w.._'<'k• only, Jrh•lna.r tlreparatlon tn al11he common hra•whe.!t. 'l'hl'lil' olasAeS a re tauscht by rescular Norm• I teaeh~r.!i, ur under their dlreet o~e"'I!Cbl. • ScJec:tlo" or Studle& ponnllled to teacllen und~r fat'orabte clft:u~a~s. rtcw Cla.s.scJt formed four times each ytar In nearly every t'uhject to lh<' cour~ o f -.tudy, eJCcept. Latin, German, and some ad•anc~d science ttu· dies. n ... QUII rlor. begin ~·.b. I . April I I. Boor d t2.r.o '" •~ per .,.,..k. on · •choo l e har11e• ~i:ut:'i~~ ~i~= 1!~ ~~:>·ex~:~~~~~ teach. Tuhton 6.) cents per w~k or l>&ratory les~ In 1)1'.,. srrat1~4. Write for {'ll"('u)aN, Or nETTKU RTtLI:.,. a11k df'ft· nlte qut>.!'tlon• about any part. o f the school work, anrl :.!Pl 80 hunWi11lUf•fWn.Onal r'Cf)ly. .\dl"\..1'0" the t·~~idcnt. TIU:HON U. PHA V. Steven~ Point, \VIs. .lr: THE N0RMAL 1?01iER. Vol. X. Stevens Point, Wis., January IS, 19011. No. II:· THE PASSI!(IJ YEAJlS. Old E••·th 1"<111• • ••lilly •• the Heeling years ~·Iutter nod 11ap ~go Inn tbu unNI of Tlmo Like btrcljl! '~rdnst Jlght·housc pane, When brlghl within the golde n llgh~ oppcor8 ~rv lx"\lkon them h'Om Ocetm's stormy cUmc, •·rom icy bln.s.L nml rrdn. M Y C HOICE. Ch·e me the fri end with the l'lohnplu hcartt F~-- from ,.'"OcTet~· ':c ticJd{ to•rve from thtt trL.:k-s of thi.' fhauerer's nrt, -·afs, \Vhfch mnny !lone en.s tav~s. F:nch year bealS oul hs lire ond shortens ounJ, \Vhile we 'miclpDin an\1 pluaJuro stoop and11trlve. .\ golden go• I to ~:aln: Nor count the passing yean as JH"t.ociouJ.& dowen Until ~~tcrnl~y shntl u• dcprh·c .\nd IJf~ be void anti vain. Ro ~-;'fty~tl;;,.£. ,.a:;!,.!:..ea~th cYr 1,~, llls namt m.,y be cauiw unkno"' ll, ll4rd 1\nd t\~h hi~ tOil--·orn hnnd, ,\ott he may be to crudenel's )JrQOt!; But " 1o~·nl ht~ hiab within bls oreu\t, By ~imJ)Ic ftlith 3Dd truo;t 'tl~t furlt.>d, \VJ,Ich ,......!)>(• ..,iuu i ... far mont bl~~l Than wt>uhh io lhi~ lorw•ly world. 1"hf.. 1.. the one on whom ru th•Jlt•nc.l • • \Yho~t~ frh·ntl'ihlp you 1 11 n••,·er nw: 11llit il'l tl•e on•· I'IJ cl10o~ tor ms f1·lcml, 1-'dr li'e i" the Ont: •·ho'll JJI'()\'c tr\i"e: - \'-r•;a.:rv J. I:IOWAitD BROWNt!. NEW YEAR !! AT THE •" 'AJO!l'S . It was Ne"• Yeor's evo, and tho Major's mansion "u brilliantly lhtbted, About tho- large nrcplace in one of the roomy ohJ parlort "·ere gath- ered the fnmtly :uu:t u few sruesL-.. AU was.!:.unnth and lt81'v1ncS'i. '\...., DutlD(£ the t•arly vart. or the e\"eninr a thrilling In whlth oil had boon d eeply lntere~t... l. Then n.ll Cell into & pleasant con vor· ""'"1 h11d be<'n reud l'illliun about. wha&. huct been accompli ~ hed durinurho tmst yet1r, und soma • •onderctl w-hat lho pre."· ent y("nr hud in Mtoro. 48 TIIJ:o: l\O IDI AI, POI~TEH. on.. houno ""regrowing toward mldol~ht when Jamlo broko In on tho conversation, asking II It wat no\ time to ro and pul on hl§ new stockings? Tbla surprl~ aome of the gue1u, lor they had (1111• Dible story was wrlllen for """ In lhe fourth and ftllh grades.) THI! WIS DOM Of' KII'CO SOLOMOI'C. never heard of thls New \ rear·s custom, and a8ked was oa,•ld. A Jon~r tlme ago th;;;-;;.8 a king whose name Bo ••au a \'Cry "'ood king~ buL he be· came old, and 11 was lime lor him to die. So he for an e.xplaoatton. "You see, h. Ia like thl.J,u an.twered t_hc mother, called hie &on, Solomon, •ho was to be king, lO "For man:r :r~aMI It bas been Ihe cuotom of tblo him and oold: ••t am very old, and mu~l dl<.•. U you do every boul<l lor ovory one to put on now otockloi!A and go up •taiMI, and It hu alwa:r• been my..,U who thing that h right, all will ~o ..-ell whh you. tie ga<re ~ch peMIOo the new pair of stocking•_ on strong nnd sl(ilw yourself a on on." Then I he old king dll•d and Wat burled. New YeariJ. '' So, on the lnoltallon of the hem, each gu~l put One night, alter Solomon became klnlf, be bad • dream. lle thought hosa-· Jehovah, and Jehovah on new stockings, u did llkewloe the family. This being done, &II ~umed their"""" about told him 10 ask lor anything aod he would 11lvo the n..,.place and wat<:hed lhe clock on the mantel. lito him. Solomon said, "You -·ere good 10 my Tbe large mirror above reft~ the llghta of the lather, and be wu a good king. Now I am king c6andeller and the ha ppy laces before lt. In hi• place. Out I am not -·l~~e. I am like a Tho hando of the clock were nearing tho hour of child, and you have made me king of your people. twelve. Alter a lew momenu of breath leu waiting, Tbey are 10 many that they cannot be counted. It began to chlrD6 the Old Year out and the New So gl ..• rne wl•dnm that 1 can tell what lo good Year tn. On &he Drs~ Klt"'(\ke evcryheac.l was bowed lor tbes<~ people and wbat Is bad lor them." and during the twelve long ttrokea each offered a J ehovah wu pl~ued wltb this aMwer, and said little, silent prayer. to Solomon, '"BecautO )'OU have asked to be"'wt~, Whon tho clock h•d cca•ed, tho mother ran lo and did not aJlc: for riches, nor to live long, nor the outalde door and wltb a radiant lace and to hue your eoemlu killed, I will do •~ rou a>k. ~appy voice ..claimed as she held it opon wide: You shall be will<'. And I will give you wba~ you '•.:.,l)e\ the Happy New Year ln !" did ooL uk for-rlche• and honor. You will bo After tble, every one wished each other a very tho greateSt king that e•·er lived. And If you are bappy a od prosperouo New Year wltb a ftrm clup a good king, you wllllhe a long time." o r hands. Then Solomon O'Okc Ill> und found that II was When tho j!roellnga were over all repaired IQ a dream. the dlolog room where oov~MJ were laid and all But Solomon did becoiM very wlte, and when partook of the bounteous supper. his people were In trouble they camo 10 him with Alter out>t>Cr wao over tho hooL led tho way lnlo 11, and he told them whaL to do. the spaclou• ball where each look orr hlo sh~, One dar two women eame to lbe king. l:';ach o r &hen moualed the winding olal,..., In hlo them had a tiny baby !n her arm•: but one of tho otocklng fool. Tho llatuo In hor marble nilcho bablelf was dead , and one wa11 alive. hall way up lba.saln calmly raz.ed •~ the joyous On.. of the •omen .. td 10 the klrtl(, "We llvt In prooeuloo u I\ pas~ on IU ••1 to tht towfr tbe saliM' hou~ •nd our bnbiu a re almo~t the room far above. }.'or many yeart il- had been a ume age. MIM I• thr...., days oilier lb&o hers. euotom-ln the old bou•e to go up totlll• room In One nl11h1 tbl• other woman's child died, and •he the aoutb-weat tower 10 that all who tried II might aroR In the night and e~changed mine for her•." ooollou& to j[O higher thruoul Ihe year. '·Xo,·· the otfl('r woman !JRid. 11 thc tlvln~t ono W hb wl1hoo that lhl• might 1>rove true all •aid I• my son. and the dead one h• yourH." .. Z'o, •• 'aid the tl"'t woman. ""'The dead l.ll7our "A Happ1 New Year!" and retired. ~IO<lOR. .On, and the Jiving ooe Is tnloe~" 'I'IIE ~OiniAL .POI~TEH. Then the klnfl' sold, •· Brln11 rno 1> awo rd. •• And & • word was brou~:ht. uNow tlh•ldc the lhing child and give half to ono and half to tl~othe r. " But the real mother of the child ~-eel him no' ~. Sbe oald, .. :s'o. do not kill m) child. Let the other woman ha""e him. u But the other woman 11ld, ··Ye., dhlde the child, and rive half to me and half to her. The king oaid, "Do not kill the child, but give him to ber who wantet) him to llvc, tor she Is his mo&hc r. ' ' ~:veryb<XIy In the kingdom h~••'tl h ow wisely the klns: bad acled, and !o&ld, 11Surely, J ehovah hat made him 1'try wise.'" THE F AI R. weeU before December It, tl'e date qt tor the Nonnal Fair, everyone ...-a~ bu~y making something for that e>«aslon. ~:vcryono talkffi about It, everyone was plannlnsr tor h, everyone expected a fCIOriouo lime a' the t' alr. M la.t the g reat day came; the Fair OJ)CDcd at. two o'clock and eontinuNI until a late hour in the evelllng. The gymnulum preoeo~ a very f••ll•e ap)><'a,.. aooe., beloK decorates' with bunt lor and auractive booth• arranged around the four tides. First caone the portrait g allery where one could hue his picture made, IUe tbe a\. one •lu loJt. Nex\ wao the ft•h pond where each tried hlo luck, and wu alway• rewarded to hi• u tl8faction Then eame the OomeJtle Science booth where all kinds of good things ~eat could be bou"ht. Then we fo~or mofed o n and ••• the t)eonan&. booth where could be bought all sizes or 1•urple ami gold banners. We otrolled on a little farther and came to the Cerman VIIIage where a typica l Du~h lunch could be obtained, Hned by the b<'Jl natured o f natives. llelumlog our way _..e. camo &.0 t.ho lrl8h Village, where we were permitted to ki .. the Blarney a~oe and ••ere 3er\•ed l() b uUA.!r•mtlk by J)rt!U.)' rrllf 1 maidens. Aft.er lhis we came to the Jaranese room where tea was oer ved by the little Ja)>l. ' The Art booth where man) nne pk:tureJ and mot-. could be purchased for a trine, was attra.ctlve. The )fanual Tralnlnl( booth wu excel· ltol ; bere bunnwood aod leal.l~r, pl"'t.bed lealhE.r, 49 framea ruul fUrniture, baskets, eto., coultl be bought. Tbe uptk~" ••• a grand s ueeett. Uere we aaw the r ypsles telling forcu-, ~beeca at the well, '"Crea\lon.'· u a erutter,·' aod Parta, qre all very good. The candy booth lo the center of the room was attractive and did a ll<ely butloeu. Prom the noise made by tho dllrerent criers, from tho crowd of good·natured people, from tho free h1 whlo.h,~lt I pent tholr money, one could easily lmajl'lno h(msclf at the Pan·Amcrlcant or the St. Loula Fairs. Tblo undertaking was not only a perfect auoceaJ artlot leally, but a 8oaoclal ID_.S aa welt; for the eomnolttee realised about one hundred eighty dolla,.. ~ be woed for lbe Ora~rlcal Coa~fl In ~Ia reb. ••Y LIST OF I'U!W BOOKS ADDED TO THB OS I'I ER.AL LIBRARY. Wade -Our r,lule Cousin Serl01: Cerrnan. lrlah. J ewloh. Turklth. Bammel-Pa)><'r Folding. ltat Wea•lar and Slat Wenla~r. Dopp-t:Orly Ca•e Men. Lonlf-f•onowlor the Deer. Little Brother ~ the Bear. ~lcMurray- Speclal Method• In Primary Read· lng, In Ceography, New odlllon. ln History •• u Adam•-Somo Famous American Schoola. Elartland-Selence of Fairy Talea. Wllllamo-Studlco In Fvlk Song and Popular Poetry. Cho pln-Wonder1·alea from Warner. Story or the R!!!.t><'&'old. Clarke -Mneu. u•r•-· Holbrook-Book of Nature Mythl. Cornman-Spelllng In the Elementhr7 Schoolt. Holbrook-Wawatha Primer. Wllll..-.. l'a, ,.' ;. Ceorge Waahlorton tuch " ~rribla liar t" Stun10n- ul.Jar! why, my bot, what do you mean?"' Willi..-" Well, If be wuo't, wbrwuaueh a fuu made wbeo be ~ld the lnlth?" - EL 'nn: 50 XUit~IAI, J'O I ~TEI!. <2ENS0R Tho ohl year I• d ead; but v.·o ho1w that none or our reader8 -.·auk.-<1 any time seeing him dlt'. Strlcl economy may ha,·e been observed, anti n great oa•lnr or both lime and conventionality · boon elfooted by dnlng other things oh6ultan<· Oul17-• lthout being oboerved. Those who ...... time In tbl• way ~an doubtleu ftnd am1>le OI'JIOrtunhy to use the same to good ad'"aot;1ge tlurlng the NewY•ar. Weleo1111o. llall to our youtblul 1900! Parew~tl to feminine rule ! Men are or tho masculine ""hool, And huo re!ICU\'<1 Cu1>id alive. Ring ont tho reign ol the olgh t1nd the tear! l'Ung ln tho not.u ral order or thln,:s! Rlngout tho l~n. pY tlnr with la\tJ,th and )toodehoor, Welcomu the New- returning the ring•. Me • orles. Uapplly lor u• (&ometlmes unf1appll1 J th~ "dear dead days" arc not beyond l"feall, but. hauol UJ In n>emory; altho the Old Year" lap><>< ~th<!New. __ _ Time I• an e><Kl a«o~~otant. Swdrlng not d one or eYtto thought or, rhetorical number-8 UDJlreJ,ared, and orations uowrlttc.n In 101» aro oure 10 be down In tho wrong column ol the 1900 led~eer. Tho days are s:rowlng longer, so th:.t tfw boyct who were bfeomlng studlou"~ on R'YmnaJlum ni~ht.t need not fear a. alnglo scat. ontl: a 11 ftuling llthl." \Vhother to l"fsolve or to revoh·e i.s a que~tion which oonft()nt' 10\lD¥ men, now U1at. Leap Year la over. '1:llMe wbo lorgol 10 do their work hut rear 'lrlll DOl IOfttel lhalll ~an"l be made up Ibis Tear. W e ha•e heard or .. r1ouo otber ·thi61C", sueh a• excu..lf'J being "made up;" but. l'atherTi~D~P DeTtr acoepu an ucute, be II ever so plausible. llo tlmpl7 "That Is left with your wae.her to .atle at examination time." ••r•, Tho•~ ••ho had dtnlculty In "cuing ho mu lor WN"Q •loubtlc~s consol ed by tho thought. that they arc roceiving1 absolut'l)ly ft'\."'0 of chftrJ:C, tultiOI\ In tho 1 'makn·thina:s·ro·and·gct.-thuro•' coul't\. Ont' thing •·e koo"·: all of U411 w('nt: but whether ..-e all goltbere witboul looking at a rail· rootl m•1• ~a que.tlon. Why no1 gel " 30 x 36 Inch ma1• ond a tart right orr'! h t.s a (llea"etnt dh·e"lon to travel In H,.ourcounty''-and to your lmaJ:Inallon. Out, alas:~ mo.u of uJ never ge&. there. \Ve always take the wrong road, orr:hango at the wronsr place-, or 'A'ha\ iJ still more unfortu· Dtllt' are In ...o much of ll hurry tho.L have to walk. vtumtlon •·o A.strottotny. hnvc fa•lth to believe and h OJlC that. durlna:. thl.te ycnr, which ho~Oeguo so au "'(llclouMiy, nunc or our •·orthy scient IHe lrlends will oo so unlucky •• t o - -... r.- belore they !all. There ore occ•· slon" • •hen ~tuch experiences can ooL be avoltl«!'d; but ··~ are unalterably oppo.oed to nn1 •1•tem or t-ourtlnJ: dang-tor by seeking to spy out. tho a.~n·t WI.) ... of Jupiter anti Vt"nu~. n.e 8ldc--walk~t are olton •111'1"'"1 and otherwl;;e not whaltll<'T•huuld be. lk·ldc...... lear that • study or 1110 orbs or nls:ht loc wo apt. to be conducive to the fonnatlon of no<'lumal hahlls, which are alway~ tle8tructlve ot habit" of .uul)•. \Vt~ The llnotthlng ol ltntlOrtnnce to !all during tiols )t•nr wn" Port Arthur:-Ou1· hopt•s, our ldenlsJ and ou r prltlo toll o r were lo•·('~tl many 11nws, no doubt, during tho pa~t year; but each of U'C has. been .-.lnttated In hi• cltldcl lor day• more. It our only rneano or delenoe llek..ln making .....,lullon•. our lort=• I• doomed 10 fall. 3""• Th~ ...rage youth think• Time I• alow; lor )Oa,... alont' •Ill bring him fame: th<!mlddle-agrd man ("an'&. help feeling that. F3thtr Time II In '-Otne•haL of a hurry, for fame ha.t hurrtctl 1)11~ him: tht' hoary ~•re is .sure that. Tlrno haa wlnsr•· Anllthat. U\·ery pa~tlog year allU.s to &t1~lr number. '!' li E NORMAL l>OJ};TF:Il. SOME THOUGHTS PROM THE AS$0CU.TION. STATE Tho Ofly·second annual meellng or the Wlscon· sin Teoohers' Association Is a lhlng of the pa.s t, and lives only In history, and in tho lives olthose who were fortunate enough 10 be present u thl• greateSt of educational treats given to the teach· ers of .our state. The program was pr.• oounced tho best> C\' er gl ''en by tho Assoe1atlon. lc, contained some features which "-ere Introduced at. this meeting for the ftr!!IL time. One of these that will interest Norrnal grad· ua.tes ~·loS tbe setting aside of one evening for a re-unton of the Alumni of the Normal Schools. A JlB.rJor was assigned to each school , ami here iwmnanht and colo~ "'ere dlgpJayed to such an oxwnt as to make It Impossible for ony ono to ge.t. Into the wrong room. In t.h e parlor a l!oted to Ste,·en• Point were_ refreshments presided O\'Cr by ~llss to,_lnk; ami here during the evening about thlrtyNormalltos, loyal follo•·ers of t-h e "Purple and Gold," mes. and re· n,wed lhelr allegiance to their Alma Mater. These meetings should be made to stood for something and beeome a re!Jular featuro of the Association. They toad to keep up the lnteNSI or tbe Alumnl for the school, and furnish an oppor. tunla.y for new graduates to become acquainted with the old. Several oo\ed s~akers were pruent. at the mee~ logs and gave us a spiritual and moral UJ>Iih. w carry away with us an<t-strenl!'then our lagglog spirit& for the. rema inder of the year. Tbe key note Wa.i "impro,·emenll.u \Ve see tmpro~eme.nlln ain'anes, and llli\tmes demand a better type o! sch.o ols than •• now have. As to ho•· 'his •·as to be brought about there we~ many dllrerent opioioos. Some thougM the course sbould be added to, others that It should be cut down, bu&. all were unanlmou.s In thinking tl)at the te.a<:her t~bould receive a larger aol•ry. 61 A larger salary can not be dtma.ni!od by the lei\Cbers tor personal reasons, but. only on the claim or value received. Tho question always asked is, ·'tr we pay more for our teacher will we ge'- better scrvic.;s~ Thi~ h• n Vf'OJ)er question for all school ho~ros to ask; and a proper demand that. when they try the experlmenL it will be an.swered tn the amrmath•o by tho '~~'Ork ot the 1·he rural schools camo In tor a large share ot tho discussion, anti a resolution was JHlssed to haven. Joglshulve commlttl-e aJ)J)Qioted to th01'0ly luvestlgate the question. Let. us Ju.n-.e that It may not. be in vain, and that the time will soon como when th·lCOuntrychlld will have equal cducR&lonnl rights and privileges with his more rortunate city cuusln. Addlt!oaat Excltaa~tes. 1-'lrst Fa nner-"[ soo by tho par~r that.sornoof tho students do••n nL Madison painted tho town red the other night.'' Second f;"armer-" rJetus: all what. some or them boys cloes to earn money." - Jo;x. Flr$t.Small Boy- " Did your father t a ke a seven Inch strap to you?'' Second Sma!! Boy- "Oh, no! He took the Ooard or Education." -0RANOE ASO BLACK. Gentlemen, (to walter)- "&d"'you SCr\'0 lobsters here'!" Watter-uYe.s,slr, wo serve anybody-.S.it.da'-hL down." -Ro\'".AL PORPl_._~ Silently, one by one, In the Infinite no~A>-booko o f the teaehe\.s, £llossom lho neat !IItle yeros, the rorget-me-nots of 'he Seniors. - Ex. Teoeher- "Whut anlllUII supplies you wlthfood, and leather for your shoes?" S'ude.n~o-''Ji'ath er." - NonMAf_.. E:XVONEN'T. T il E ~0101.\1. 1'01 :\TEH. Altrt• nil It """'ned good to ICN bnck to work hKHIIl, nu, Board of He-gi'nli ··as with U8 \\'ednesday, Jon. II , or which thne about twenly·Ovo ltudenu took th~ examination, with a \'lew to gradual log at the end of the quarw-. JANUARY 15, 1110.;. l'ublished month!) by the•tu<k>nu of the sil<th State l'iormal Sebool, Stnen<l>olnt, WIJICOosln. Th~ •plrit which eontrlbuted to the soc...eu of the NonnQI t'alr moveo us tn predict that the same 8plrh aml the samo auooes• will attend the •;n\ered al the post o~ at Stcven"..Poiot as mail matter. ~nd ~las~ AtrOI't~t or'l?u~ Toror8 of Subscrlptloa - l..ocnl dcli\'Cry Woonts annum, payable In ad'''"<.'-'· Post Oftlce de· I very 75 cent! per annum. Slnrle t."O()Ie41 10 I)Cr t~ITORI~t. STAW. J. t:oWtN f'Ut.TS, 'Ofl.. .•.•••••••• t:diiO.-Io-CI•Iel held to ~tlft!t an orator to ~P~3ent th~ Stevens 1:.011\\ Nonuat al the "reater conte"t In Man:b. JULJA U. ANDERSON, '(\"',, •• •:tlhor Joll1 Column~ t.!:~~",F/..~:~~·??:::: :::t:;eha~·~~i~~~ Therewlll be <everal eonleitants, and there are mont conjO<:tures as to who ~·Ill win first booors. \VhOC\'CI' wlntt may bo n&iHI'Cd of ouch atudenta &UJli)OM. unll eucouragemcnt In the later contest, F:otTH )1. lhl.£, '06,. · I lAc 1 tA!lt '001 f ·• ''' ' ' '' ' •· a 01"1 N.:1.1.n: llni!:NN'AN, '05 .••. : rrulnlng OcJ>artment IIAI(()L.O (.!ULVt:R-1 'or, ......... Art Dcporln.lCnt J~u~~~~.;;~T·~.:~:·:.: :·.:ii~.~~~~a~;~~~ o ...JUJAftl) G&St::Lr.., Ouv \V. MALLORY, Jous J. Wvsoetu, \ 1 '00, ~ '00, As"t"'tant '(711 PREss / '-.j=st·?M~~~:;OO'~· ·:::::::::::::::.T~;~::; J l!.l!Stl( ~'. Hl:rzi!L, •oc; ................. Secretary ( 'ontrlbutlons solicited from alumni and atudeuts. Adtlretts all literary materlnl to tho JoAJ.itor-in· Chlet, and all buslneu lluolne.. Mana~r. which ~·Ill WI\' IOJ: banner&1 and school yeiJs. 11uJioe5• llaoa~.,.rs / ASSocl~TIOS". ~-onununlcotlons to the t:Xamt will oooo he In order. The third quarter boglno Jan. i!ll. ' ~ho luwr-No•·rnal On t'ebruary oiotb the I!H'al <Onte.t b to be ~~~.Alta~~:·:::::. ·:·:.~~i:~~ ~::~ AllrA M. ~t.I&'R.MA N, school to rnllko Oratorical Cootest, which I• to be held here )la"'h li, an event long to be rt'mombcred with )11 f'I~Urt 1Jy tho })Drtlclpaot.§. ceo~. be manifested by HBJhlng colo,.., - - - -- - . SOM E PE!lTI I'IEl'IT OUESTI OI'IS. StuMnts, do you realize the fact I hal eaeb of you l~ a member of the Press A.t•oclaUon, and rhu a• •ueh you Jhould be vllallylntereated lo Its produol, THK ~IST£R? Do you thlok lbal your ubllgR~Ion to promotehs suct.-eslt ceatu•d when you tendo red your sub><!riplloo? nave you ever con· trlbuted anything In the natureolllteraryroaterlal to brlflhl<!n It• pages, or haa your forte beeo thal of a ear1Jing critic? Have there nol OO.o 11w._ you rould h.-;;-e ontrlbuted a Jok~, a •horl potm, or a shol"l story, that would have made glad the heart of some member.>IIhe otatr, wh•oiou did oot do so beeall3e..lt would oll Ionb •Jittl•- extra effort on your J)ar&. '? h 11 no~ the I)UrJ)()&& of ou ..chOQ~ journol to exploit tho literary mer Ito of any JU~rtlcular student, 'ho we arc pleased to ""able to •tote thJt there arc a lew 31udcols 10 whorn an &Jmcal for copy Ia never made In •ain. II you f~l that 70u have oelft1hly shlrkod tour re•pon.lbllltr a• well a• nl'fiiKted ue...,l•log yourllterart talents, you will nnd Tlllt ~ISTKR mall box In It• ...~al place. 53 Ti l E :\OIO IA J, 1'011\TEII . ........,..,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,."'"""HtttoHtflf'HffftttttHttttlttttttt"""''''''"''tttu RT DEPARTMENT HMIIfMH...t tN.............CHHHtf+ffttHt .............tHC .........fHHHHHffllllflllll POSTER ART. Poster Art has rcceh·ed muc h t\ttention in this school. Whene\·er "" ('ntertl~hunent1 fair, play, or sale is to be gh·en, our toea I artlst• arise nobly to tbe occasion and furnish attractive and striking principles. ·rho design,~ve nll. mu s~ be R1mpJe aud of large 1'nd swooping lines, tr posstblo: there mus1. be no ~un311, Bntcky, detailed work. t-;8J}O· I'OOially Is thio t ruo or the poster dooorntetlwlth a conve.nttonallle:dgn. The colors must be brlghs. aod attractive. but. harntonious and fiulog to tho design. Tho design moO\ be •l'propriatc and ftt.tlng to the J)Urpo~o in band . Thus, lf the poster is to ad,·erl se a football game, a young athlete in football suit would be more sugge~;th•e than a eon,•enttonal design of wild rosM. The design mus~ be untquo and orlgin&.l in a i uftlclent. degree to eMch tho eye nnd I"Ctutn the attention of all who l ook at h long enough to enable t.'lu 1>urposo lobe p9re91ved. Tho laws of comi'Osltlon Dl'ply as w-ell to posters • s to uny other art. work. The design must be neatly e xecuted ; for the best d~ slgos may bo spoiled by ca,...les• and untidy wo ,.k. Posters t>lay an imi'Ortaot part In school life. They are ou~ mOS&. lluceessful ad,•ertlsers. \ V1th· out them many of our undertakings •·ould not be as successful as they are; because many would not. bear of them, othcr'lll·ise. Posters, al so. be· stdes having a practical uso a" advertisers, are often vory dCCQr-ath·e and do rnuch to brlghtco tho hall s. poste•·s to remind us ot tho coming event. By mean.s of posters, we ndvertlso nil events by hang· tog these Interesting reminders ln the mon fre· quenW>d halls and rooms; they are also !'laced dOW"\ towo in the store windo•·s just before some evenl. which wUI be o r interest to thoso outside the school. Jusl before a ba.sket ball game, we s trlklnr designs of athletes In all position•, and of an sizes wilb the appropriate wording, banging in the halls. Before a treble clef concert., many birds, 1alr prima donnas. and songster~ of all kinds look down upon us from the sttrnctl\'C poster s. Bcforo our J"CC('Ot ratr, wo hu.tl nn unu ~ ually fine colle<:Uon or artistic posters. Thcro were posters -v -v - 0 - -lo--ttdvertil'f&'the fa ir in f{e.nural, and. r.olU.Or.i to- - - . all attention t.o each 8eJ'H trate fca&u~. Thu~. we '~ ·~ l~tlt> F~~'v Au~ go to l!lehool each day, - •·e c herry biO.$SOms to hou-!i6; gyp.:~y •dverti~ the Japane~ tea a.eots and c.lu"ky for&.une tellers tO the ~yp.iycamp; and Indian brav~s, blrf!h bark c:noe.'i: and war clubs to remind us of ba.sketry ~ and so on. A ()()~ t e r, to be artis tic, mut&t. conform t.o SC\'erJll sug~~\ M carr/bog;ev~;tir books, - - - - v we - arn"t .,., very """ say. J,Jut 11ii'rt' thcy v day, Some A~d then w~ -wiiJ be -Senlonc, .0 rmi'Ch wt~'t'll .c;;;, -..,;- v That. wher\ we travel homeward No books with us will go. I Tm: 54 ~otntA t. SECOIIO O U A~TE~ . f'loNnee Canl~r. F;lt-mentary ·w. ~ptnt a few day• with u• before tl,., bolld•r•· Sbe ha• ..-nt· ly obtained a •·ery de•lrable position In llllnol•. ~!llrlon Voshurg (Lilli~ p,...,•·eet) wa• on the •Irk 1111 shunly befo re ••cation. ...,n The followio~r olcl "'udento were about the city during the holiday•: llno. Berdine Hamilton Hhemeld, M'ltalc \Vh~1:lock, Dorothy Parklu'(l, :-.t argaretSouthwlclc:, ~rank ("alkln•, \Vm. i'~ntner, HarveySchoHeld, Clara Moe,cbler, MablcSu,tlno. Mls~ Nina Co,re wa.rc vl41hlng llt MarshHelel durlnJI the holiday•. Ouy Mallory a~n~ hl.rc vae-atloo at )tanawa, hlo former t•orxn:u. ll,.., Uradrord wa$ eletl.ed lint VIce President or the Wl<ronoln Teacheno' A•.oc:lallon, held In llilwaukt'tf, ~mbtr !i-10. The rollowln~r old students • ·ere with us at the Iva Bron•on, Slld le Lf..tre, Eillda Moen, Grace Hannah, Melvina Rll(g•, ll><nha Mallek, Frederick Somcno, Ruth Porter, Ina Fenwick, VIola Wood, Edna Scholleld, J es.le \\·ood, Oe~-.te ltawsoo. opening- of AChool: Sldnet Torkelson hu been on tho olek lin ..,•• era! tlonet or late. He may have an operation. )!lu Nona Udell has wltbdrO\wn !'r om w hool, and will l<!ach at Kendall, Monroe County, On the lao& TuHclar before the holldar ..-.., we ll•"'nccl with great plea•ure to the entenaln· Jeanoe Kirwin ba~ retu~ from Oanl..•llle, meat ~l•en by the Dunbar Quar\elte. The QuarIndian Ttrritory, wb{'re she ip~nl Chrl.Jima• whh telle wu e•peclally well balan~, and t.be voice. her •l•l<!r, Mno. It 0. Rood. blended ftnuly. Tho sel(l(:tlon• lor the prOJiram llownrd Welty I"(!Lurnotl, ~rucsday, from R1•artn 1 were cxoollent. Rnd-llto rendition waaa11 tha~coultl be de•l red. Tho work with the bello was new to wht:>ro he spent lhe holltlaya willa frlcntl" Mlu Lillian MeDirmld, W"bo tnm11lt~ her .Ome and p)e..lng to all. The bells wore •err course thl~ qua.ner, h .. .......,ptod a po•ltlon In the nioely hand loci ancl were ol e><oelleuttone qualltr. Thi•. tiM- <o>rond number or lhe L'oclure Course. No..,..alk l!Chool•. •a.J well ~h·td. F.ndna lJ eNou. Jlto.,•le Olcllleld, and •:dltb The lloa"'! 01 Vl•ltono was with ua juol before LaRue havf' bt...~n unable to re~ume thrlr --tudlf''l ''&eatlon. NuL-wrl nt.eodeotMorrlt o f\VoodCouo.&.J, on account of tlln<'tc. --ana-Mr.P,•I n.cltJ, Prt"cipal of tho Appleton zichool", Kennelh Pray. '01, hal'! I"()Cov•·~t from ,. 11 OJitr· wert~ l,l't',tm\-. On ·rue:o~day mornlnU" Mr. Pr1n~le atlon for appeodlchls, and retruned to hl., nftlc. J:ll''" an lnt.!rt"tlng talk on the true t~lgnlHcance hi ' of <oChoul life a• regards Its relation to our life In C cago. out of ...,hool. h.-. 1'11 E !\OIIMA L 1'01 !\TEll. Younc Lad7 (to Old Dnlll'l!ht)-"Eiave you any onton 'kin tabteuo ?'' DruU"Iri~t, lookintro\·er bl" !!he:lve" _uNo, Jsrut'"!t 1 ha•·en''· 1 hue Lithia Tablet• and Caocaret•. tho.'' A 11reat many people do not like the chimney b',ilt I JrUts.~ h . SOOTS him. I'WN!p'l> bu•lneu; Profe, or Hyer, in school manaKtment, dl-.eus;clog ln~ntl•e..-'·\Vhat would prompt me to buy a ben"tl or apples?, J·nnooe J-h·•-n- ··Bec!au.se you wanl them." )lr. li +r-"~llgbt tbere be anr other rea.on~" J-onwt J-b-~n-""Beeause they &l"f cheap."' ltlu Jo•.. n-, ln music, to Mi111 S-u·h·O·th- "You held Hay(re) too long. Try again, and be more careful." Pretlden\ Pr-ay, in' momlnfC excrei~-"W'hen you ftnd two heads together, take yours away." •"Row do you feel ah.er the fair?•• UJ teet fair. •· "Mr. Spindler ha~ cub. ·• "Mr. Gesell ba.s bills." "Piea86 get toge01er." Mr. T·l-ert, In bacterlology- " Whu 18 the<•ppo· alte o f acid?" lHu lll••ll·rp-r.ln dome"~ ..,len..- klt~hen. maki~J: ioe Cn'&.m 16Thtc ~am will not f"-"f&e, )llry: plea.., come and look at it. Mr. - -"Don't you pia,- ba!ket bell thloc rear'f'' llr Hah·· ·40n- •·No, l ba\'"t-n"&. e'en ~n the net wortl!l.'' \Ve wonder why Mime of the facu1ly -..ant u .. to write a !!1m" II hantl. \Ve hope I\. Is no\. becau84:'! they -.·am\. to t'A\'C Ink. Senior. to Jo'~shman-u r can tell you h ow much water run• over Niagara to the quart." Frt~hman-u\v~n. bow much?" &nlo~u\Vht, two pin~, of eourae." QUBHY - "What did Santa tako away from Professor 0--c-n. • Practice Teacher-" Where are the largoot dla· mood Oeldt located '!" Jobnny- 11 U~l at 1he base ball grountl.!l, sir." ~eM-1-ln-uSweet.'' MUs •"'Ink, In muste-"WhaL a &ime we have o f Reard In ninth grade composition ela.u-'"B e wu a 'ft.rt plea.saot mao, aod wMo be ami led be diJipl~ a row o f sblolo!f wbl~ teeth·" Profe~;sor flyer, in scbool management.-''SIIeooe Ia tht! next dlliCuulon. H Cannibal King, to ml .. lonary- " 1 think the ben tblnll that I can do iii to eat you." Mlaslooary, In eames&. pro'"t- 111 do no&. agree wll.h rou, •lr." Cannibal Klng-''Well, I musn't ea' anylhlnr that. d~o·a. agree witb me.'' the llDM!." Frethman, In domtlitle ..,,;,;;:; klteh<n- "1 omell 10methlng llko cabba~re burnlnc." Senlor-"h mu1t be your bead.'' Praelloe'r~achor, to noisy pupii- "H you aro not a good boy, l'll.,!<eep you after achool." Small Boy- 11 f don'treare; [ HYelntheNonnat. ProfH.!IOrC.I·In,_ u A· ·a a .d.~, woultlyou know your jl"r&ndmoth•r If JOU mel her on the atreet1'' A· ·a R od-e-" No, air, l have nevtr AeeD her. • t TilE };O!UJA I. POl~Tl::H. 56 BX~HANGB~ ''Oe.nerally speaklng.. won~n are-'' '·Yos, they are!" '·Are wbat" "OeMrally opeaklog. " ---- The teach~ r atked, uwhat. Is space?" Tbe t~mbll~ Fr\!shmao uld: '? " I caoool lhlok al p!UeDI, Bul I hne II to my head. ••~IS. A Happy New Year 10 all our Exchong~•! Teacher-•' Whu are the 1hree penonal prooouo.sY" PupU-uRe, ~.and Jt." Teacber-"Oh·e an ox ample of their Ute." Pupli- ,.Busbaod, wUe, and baby." - NORJtAL ADYANOJ:. A mao may olleo looe hb heed, And from hu w111 depart; While woman mar wllh equal eaoe, A• olwn lose her heart.. -RoYAL PvltPL&. Tourioi-Can I h ..e a coupl~ oiiOwelo t Laodlady- Areyou going 10 alay all oummer? - Ex. Ria t'a- "Dobby, I merely pun lob you 10 ahow m1 lo•e tor 10u. tt Bobby-"11 I wu ooly blrcer, pa, I' d return 10ur lo•e." - Ex. Juac...Com&-Over- 11 \Vha&.'t this ?•• S&o,.keeper-11 A trunk:." Jua~er- " \Vbat 'a It for?•• SIO,....keeper-"To pulyour elolbee ln. ·• Juol CoiJI6o()ver-"NIII I need lhem." -OltANOE AND BLACK, Spokane, Wuhlngtoo. laqolrer, 10 Parmer'• Soo- "Willie, where b 7~falher?" W lllle-"Down there, In the pig pen. You'll kno w blrn 'cauae he'a frOl& bal oo." - Ex.. Mlu Reiller,IO • .,.,.,nd dra wlnr olaos- We will viJIItbe Arll and Cralu I<Hia7, and It JOU have oOI lhe money whh 70u I wlll paJ for JOU, a od 70u can p&J me. Mr. Rlsk-Suppotlog we cao'l he truaWd Y Mlu Rehlel'-1 will lake lhe r lok. P~noo-"Weii,Jobo,dld you ha ve a pleataol Yae&,lon?'' Cal mea (club promoler)-"Yea, dad killed the Iailed call, and I raloed t~boul pound I." •••eo Proleuor-"Whal lr an Inch ?" Studen~"Pari of a fuot." Proleuor-So lo a 10e." -NOIUU L Ezl'O!<E.'f"l". The "Normal Pointer" ol Swveno Point, 11 one ol our ouy hell exehanceo.-cARJIOLL Eeuo. So•• S..albt• Advlc:. to St•d•• '"· I. " S1ud7 bard while you 11ud7. Pul JOUr whole mind lniO your work, and don'l dally." 2. '"Begin yourtiudJIDf early In l heevenlng." 3. "Take a ll"le reeroealloo, before retlrlor, 10 cl>aoce lhe current o l thou11h1 and 10 reoiJOur head.'' 4. "Be In bed before ten o'oloek. T:he 1leep lhuo obul~ before mldnlrhl Is the _ , which recuperalel 1Se 1111em, rl•log brlgb~nas 10 the _ a ad oolor 10 the cheek." 6. " Take care o l your heal lb. Tbal ls ftral. II JOU need 10 do more tiUdJinr, rlae a1 111 In 1he morn lag." - T n COLLID& STANDAIID. •1• We invite yon to open an acconnt with us. Do acx r,...l u. all bMit.-ard about alk:lna for lntorm.alloa ~min~ Gar m('fbod of ,..._ Badger Drug Co. DR,UGGISTS To DIIDJ' lilt' buJinm or baaltloc 18 .omrtbln., of a Cf1EMISTS. Prescriptiol)s our Speclo!ty. d~~t.t.. o•r nlM tor o~oins: ~vat•, our ma1u'"' of ma.ltlnr 10..11•. our nl~ of tn- C"el•loc t~mt, a. ~UYLE~ ' S CANDY. Dol)' t fo rget to get a l(ey. n1111terr. We ·~ al••t• clad 10 f'SplaJn to our tU81Gm~rt aa,·ta.truc 1a.tor do aot dMrlr •u1df'rtta.nd. First National Bank, -----,.,------- Buck & Barrows Co., NEW GOODS. Stevens Point, Wis. Latest Styles In Fine Millinery. :M:a:ln. street. C. G. MACNISH, At Ye Sign of Ye RED SHOE. Bas a G00D SH0E Reputation. Try Him. SHOES ONLY. G. W . CATE, G. M. DA Hl., 109 Stronas Avenue . GEO. 13. NELSON. GATE, DAHL&: NELSON, 1\ t tor n e y s•a t• L a w • Otflco over Cltlz.eas' rtatloaal Beak . Wisconsin Central Railway H . E. FROST. P HO T0 CR~ PHER . MY PHOTOS :W:ILL Aoechctt tho Prl•clpal polttts Itt PLEi=tSE YOU. W:ISC0NSIN offeri ng PuiiM)On ~leapers. frae ~e· STVDI-9: ' c lll)l ng Chai r Cars, lt\c dern Cc acl)es al)d Oi n l l)g and C ·fe Service . betwee n Chicogo,Milwoul(ee,Monitowoc Zt8 Strongs Ate., SleYeDs Point, Wis. •••• ond •••• St. Paul, M inl)eopolls. Asl)lond Ol)d Duluth Coooectlon• are.,.mndB-wtt.h dh·erging lines at all t.enntnal point~; ~leal8 served a Ia carte. For Llekets. sleep1n" car reser\'&tion~ and lurther ln lormatloo. apply to agent• or this. com· pa,oy, or write JAS Poad, Gen' l Pass. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. Citizens! 'fQnsorial Parlors,~. ~EREN~. ~rop. BA.TH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Uodrr Cli.....,. N~. 8mi!IS PO!!IT, WIS. H1\IR'S H1\LL For Private Parties OFFICE OF 1\TL1\S e1\SU1\LTY eeMV1\NY LRKE MILLS, WIS. JRTilES ltRIR, Dist. R~ent, Corner Clark and Cl\urcll. S ts. For Artl allc P rinting Go T o TR B LARGEST AND lfteiST e"MVCBT B X B. "VXNG & . EI:'O'X..X... "'? PRINTIN G OFFICE :1111 Jfal" ,'ifrwf Dry Goods' I a tho City Cootalnlng all lateststylcs oftype and fast ::f:~:~ .tb~:,:l~!:,t c'!~~~~~~ r.~~~~ ~:.~ ••~~~~~g~:.~:!s'l'~:.~"! ~;rc.~~:;: Estimates fumlshed on applicatio n. Let us figure on your prlntln~t. + + + J . W(!)RZRLLR' S SeNS, P111>llahors aod 6oooral Book aad J ob P rlntOrl! Corner Main and Third Sts. S teven a Point, Wh• c onBin. J. WORZALLA &: ·SONS, W~ CAI\1\Y A lAI\Of STCX::I( OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Sl)oes, t1 ats al)d Caps. GE!ft'S' FURNISHING GOODS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. I• co••.ctkt• • hit o•r Jewctrydcl)er t•o•t we a.ho ,...,..,. Watc:ll••• Cloc••• ••4 Jewelry, ••d . . .,.•• , . . all work to be ttnn~la.·,~. Our Prlc:c8 o a OooclJ a-.4 wor·k . ,.. alway• r ea.!IO•a b1o a ad a ; lo w u u • be toa.s aaywllcr c. r + J. WeRZRLL R & SeNS. ...,. 412 Ma in Street. O•• l'tlte .. , ...,._.. •••r· ,ut (~.• Jl•rt~ •• •••••• ,.,. ,..,. Dr. J . M. BISCHOFF, Den.tist. Lady In attendance. Cor. Malo St. F. R. P}z~sician Telephone 32. Stertn• Polnl, B. s. & SE)UTHWH~K, Sti'Ongs ave. M. D., and Surgeon. 6-16 Church Sreet. Wl-nsln. ELLENWOOQ, Bicycle Rerlalrs and Sundries \Vht>els made to order + + Bicycle Livery + + + H2 STROSO S A vi'!: JWN. FURNIStjiNOS. CLOTtji NO. BOOTS. StjOES. tjATS Ol)d CAPS. STF;V£NS, POINT WIS . W. W. GQEGOJ.U:., M. D. OltlOit CENTRAL LIFE INS. CO. -Fh~sioiCm-and Surgeon. Befof'C taking o polity e "MVAR B, Tbeq take h wh~re you can do lwi't. Tbit is-fair and may sa ve you-money . G. W. H BIN. Ottlce R ou r" 1 and 7 J>. m. 313 Aluln St retot. UJ) ~t"!""· Re~. Curran Boost-. Tf'l~phohe-Otttco 12-i. Stcveas Polat, WIKOOela. • Glasses Accurately and ScicntiRcally Fitted. J . W. BIRD, M . D., Eye, Ear, Nos e and Throat. ()t!loo, 402 Speeial Rates to Students. Stovons Polat, WI&, MainS~. J.Aeess neusE, Kuhl's Block D. N. ALCO~N, M. D., Eli:Pf't1 ''" . . . tar n ••l•l• .. ,.,.... f~~or T•• l\ S.. r.ul• Blrtu. Sptthlllf"'ll Dht hf':l 1M 01'tnlltu f .,. ••• 1'1. JACOBS, Prop. Leading Hotel its City. Eye, Ear, N ose and Throat. WIK01S&Iu. Stovoas Po1at . W. H . WILSeN, D. D . S. GlutH ~~o~~~~~!~ :~:.:~~~mTPi:i~a.~7"' t«. H. o. MceULLeeH'? ee., LT'D. Stationery, Books and School Supplies. orowin~ PO~~r, Mo~nlin~ Bo~m~ ~M ~Mio~ro~m~ Goo~. Dr. F. A. WALTERS. Cor Ellis and Church. Go~ MOLL- ROTHMAN CO. Tbe most complete line or up-to·dato To b e Who's next? U ~ N e lson's Barber Shop 118 S . Tl11ft0 STFtEET. a.<:> TO CHICA.OO CLOTHING STORE. We carry a nice line o! Tailor Made Clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS aad S HOES. \Ve doo'c.earry the lar-gest. stoclc. bu\. we earry the ben stock. 4 10 Mala St. I. S HAFTOI'I," P rop. DRY GOODS to ... nd In the City Dr. 6 . M Houlehan, DENTIST. - Om Postomce. Stems Point, Wis. Embroidery Silks, P illows, P a.tterr.s nd all Mi~rlal lor f~ney Wo rk I'al~rno. J3 rlc~, Lime a.r.d Cemer.t roR SALE AT 147 Mala St, · LANGENBERG'S, • CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Work W . B. PBTT, Fucy and Staple GROCERIES. 08AL eQ I N Fine Fruits o Spec iolty. 1006 Olvl sloa St. AN D CHEAP. -· Goods called for and delivered. 116 STRONGS AVE. H. WI N G LEE. J. X V E RSC>N", Jlr~ltr In 11 s~~!~~~J~b~::!'r!~~1::. ~'::5~:~3"i!:• ~~:~:z: l~f'U. t'hlf' t'bloa aod Cut Ufu.. Guitar.. Mudollat and li WII• c-al HOOds of aU Klncl8. l'larl(lf. Orran,~ and ~lnac Marbln,.. tOld on lo&ta1mf'llll- or rfntf'tl br tht> wf't•lc or mont.b. Flao Watc h llo.,.lrl•a " Specialty. I ..,-It 18 made of 418 Street, S tevens Point, Wis. Buy Only tho be•• of wholesome marerlals. H 8 EN NETT'S fIsbread a machine-mixed ~· S . PIPE. ond is free n EAD ; from •ontaminarron B "' SFER LINE. I in mixing and band- CITY LIVERY AND TRAN ~fain t •••· S .. Secoad St. ~bk T el. 624 t ling. HACK ArlO BAGGAGE • fiONr g~r• /ttr It lfHrl ll•ke HO otJ.u·. Jos. ~rrause, lYIEAT lYIA~~ET. 622 ELLIS ST. . Cor. Nonnal ave. nnd N. Third st.. Tel .58. STt~Vf:NS POINT, WIS. C. S. B O YINGTON&: CO. J:>BAI~HRS Fr•lfs, Ye~etables, Confectloaery, Cigars, Tobacco Etc. CITY ~ESTAU~ANT Miss J . Wieson, Pr~p. ' Meals served at all hours. Racine Underwear Mills Uaderwear utade to or der. Qunlity, " 'orkmnn• hip nnd :Fit Ounmntccd. J. L . JBNSBN, Fu~J u4 Staple ., GROCERIES. AOitNT Big Jo Plo • r , 8ba•• & Saabora Tea • •ad eorreea 4.1V ~,. I,. S'r:EVK.'iS P0t.o'iT1 ln£. B. IN UH•I4.,4 JlolMI;t f"ht. 'rd. 4.4. WISCOSSJN. BVCK I NCH~711t. 458 Ma in St . C. F. MARTIN & 00., Leading Photographers, PHOTO STOCK OF ALL KIJIDS. 114 S. Third St. i\loulding>< nud Frnme«. FRf\NK rODf\GH & SON. f~ESJ-t, SftLT and S MOI(E;£? ::t\I.£E.A.T B . 320 J etfersoa S t. P . W O Z NICKI ot:Au-:n IN · Sc:>r.IOf'l'S Y c:>"tJI'l. High \.G rade Bicycles. F IRE I NSURANCE. General repairing promptly done. Bicycle Livery. Olvo O)e o call • • OORNER CLARK ST. and STRON'O AVE. 122 Pf. Tlllrd St. 8tov•• • Pol•t, WI• ' aUSiftESS EOUC.ATIOft , as t.aught at the' STEVENS Pt'HNT is a sure transport to a good position where you will draw wages !WBLVB •oN!BS each year. eur new catalogue Is just out. 1\sk for a free copy. w. E. ~LLEN, PRIN.