THE NE>RM1\L E) INTER 1903-ZJ. PBB~UARY. CONTBNTS, m.. ..,. Becriet . . .................. 63 A Pioneer'• Story ...... •.. . ....•.... 64 . I• The Flunlter'1 Connntion •......•... 66 Training Department ....... . . . .•.. . . 58 .Athleti01 ............•......•.. . ..... 67 Editorial ... .. .•............ . ......... 58 Cen10r ............. . .•...... . ... .. .. 59 .Alumni •••••...•••...•.•..••••••••.• eo Looall . ....... . ...... . ..... . .....• 81-82 1ol17 ColUJillll . •.••••••••• . ••••• . •••• 83 Exchange• . •......................... 84 ' ) .....-- J 'I ~. Vol. IX. No.5. + + ,:tT + + FRENCH CAMPBELL & CO. YOV l.nliLL FIND All School Supplies , Fine Stationery, Books, Magazines & Newspapers, J ewelry, B eads and Novelties, Home•made eandies, Box e .o nfeetlons. Pictures and Picture Framing a Specialty. ========= -_---Tei. J073. ,, 449 Mala. l~-~.1' J. Sc}zmitt ,, ITailor & Clofhie"l l l I I. l l THE LEADING JEWELER J.i'ne lValch NtPQiring a 11 - f ~ ANDRAE l SHAFFER CO.,I • - The wide awake retailers, ' UEALERS t:o.• Orq ~ads, Carpets, I!W CLOTHh'TG, I ~ Hats and Fine Shoes. F>:M:e:>Te:>o I MY Wf>B.C !DB.E.A.SE Te.>cr. WE ftRE HEftDQUftRT&RS ANVTHL~O S~cialty. -4 H Mala St .. OJ)'pO!tl&c P . O. ST8\ 'SNS POINT. WIS. l1.JJ o,.ru House YJ/cck, U.foin St, I -=~I St<Wn._Poi~t, Wi1•. FOR E. cA. cAR EN"BERG, ••• lN TUE LCN& 0 ... DR.UGrB or ••yot tko . , .,. ld11.4!t o f c oocb that Orucal!tt.. ca t'ry "'DV'E JElt-&."V'JID TJE1CI!J BEJ&T. T RY ME. S tu•llo: i\Inlu S t root. E . I.T0ZIER&CO. 422- 4 E LLIS 'STI!EET. Ia Pmcrlptloo Compounding we use tbe utmost care. Groceries, P1oa-.o 51-.:ro 'U..e a oal.L TWOSTORES: m~m~':!•:.:~· TBUJ>ao~~:...;.~~ ..::-... Taylor Bros., ~p.- Citizens' Tonsorial Parlors, :to(. BE'l{E:l'(S, <f>top. Stationery and Qonfectionery. -- \\' e cnrry :1 Full Line of the BATH ROOMS IN CONNECTION. Uod" C:lins Nati4o&l ~STIVISS P01l11, WIS. IF YE)U W11T Te SEE THe 8£ST AN'D LA ItO eST ASSOilTMBM1 OP PERFUMES' 0 ' to JIEYER DRUG CO. ~=~0,..., PrOMC:rlptlon• F ill ed n t olf hour•. Two Bloc:ks south and west of the Normal. Q.~ 'C'& .A O.AX.X&. - - euRR11N . neusE, II. tl J. O. CURRAN, 'Pmp._ Leading llo!All In the C ity. Rate• $2.00 per day. swnm Rea ted. Electric Ll hto. U p·t.o·da!Al. J. L . JENSEN, rucr u• suple GROCERIES. AOt!NT D ie J o Plour. Obaae & S•nboro Teat and J~:V • " d 43<1 .V uiM /tt f'ffl, T rl, 44 , ~TY.VE..."'l8 PoiNT. \\1JSCOSSLS. The Badger Drug Co. eorr•c• Grand Central Hotel, M . CASS IDY & BROS. .\II :llodcrp Prescription Druggists. 'Ph.OD.O N"o. Q.. Xli:>.~o ..,.,..,0:>. IISOOIU'ORATI!O.J .\coomrnod1ttions. Re:tSOnablo. '18. later-State Accldeat and Relief Aasoclatloa. P ri<'Cll NIW ULM , MINN . OEO. H. S PIEL.'IAN, Stuo Aleat . c;or. Mat• ••4 S &ro•p • "•· S Tf!YRHS POIJCT. WIS. R o llnb t o Aao n t • c an dO w o lf with ._..,.. Tol. 163. £_orwer Firs t . .d Cl;-rk Str. 3 . X'VEEU!JON, JOHN E. FABER. \\'bote..qJ• alMl Retail"r Ia Ool4 aacl Sliver Watches. Clocks. Jewelry. S li ver ••4 Platc4 \!\'are. PJaa os. Oraaas. Sowl•a Machlaes ••4 aU klacss of MNslc al Morchaadlse. Fln1t Clau Wat~h Repair· laaa Specialty. .fl8 Malo S&feel, S~veat Polo\, WI". •••• I•I((>Jl'IUE."TTR Oli" •••• Stovonll!l Point 8tco"' O y o W orke. Cl• ••• ,.. • • d D>•~ of olt lll•d.- o f'-'•orl•a A.,prar•l• Preuia1 ..,., ea Burt llotleo. C o r -n o r C tnrk 8t. a n d 8 t ro na- a venue • ~lirl• 11 marle of Buckingham & Enghezr.p Bu yon Iy lh• ..... or "hoi... ' 1ume mJIIterlall. I\ 90I!.1C>IT Y011A. BENNETTS bread lo,.machlou-mlxed and lo , ,...., FIRE INSURANCE. •. tromuootamlna&lon B REA D. lnrolxlur . .d band· H4 ~hco•d St. T•l. 62.41. "'"' _....,. ling. ..,. u ••, ,., ......." . CORNP.H CLARK ST. and STRONOS AVE. .~,. r T lllf 1!104 EDITION NOW MEADY SPALDING'S I M•1· 1H::I. UNION CEN TRAL LIFE OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC SULLI VAN, Scc-Trca•. A. A. U. r.J(Sl?I{A:A(CE COMPA:A(Y. Af.': g::,::i!"A~~~::c:~r.ocs~:~·::~~~u::·~='· . G us tav W . H e in, 11:-_~·::. J obAHa'• DuJldiDM. ------ Publ lo8qu.•re. leUy a Uoderttllog Cr. Dealer Ia Undertaking andEmbelmlno P•r•lt11rell - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ol. li8-:!. 100 to IN Slrooro A•e. _\"\ HADCOCK & ROOD~ Dentis ts, OFF1C:&1 ...,.,.._•• a•• S t.evens Point, Wis. f:dlted by J. t~. The publlralwn Ito •he eou>olry roatolnlnr ""'1 all • ulllutl<> atbltll<> ret"Ord<. OoJtTIJi:l'!!l Ue:•t-o•re-eord al o•er7 d •••oM Ia fUOohl• . .. at<C••~r. •••••toca., e•ef7 bn.o.•b or a1'-1eUo11pon: A•• 'Cvr Al~Uo Uolo:JO reoo"'-• lD all e~e.Ul: lolrroot...ct-le A. A. A . A. ro -ord.• rro• lA; l"tercolleii'IAU retY~ A. A . r-•~lele.ftloelltoluU~ reeordr. eoJJ~a1edu~-....-. ~1\.e.reotJe.riale Ud lot.e.rwlllola.-lk) . . .u .. ltcl: 8...,. lo 15e01"-al reeof"4h:; ar. c... a"Mt e._......_P ,..aa_,,..., .ar.,_.. 1r1• aa•d.. N '-"'f'CL..o •oee•·• allalello rceo•: ,..-,re.c •I "N:Dao~ r.eeorca.._ eomplelelb;t or r.fe1........_.ptoo. !::'.~'8:~ :1!~=-:s os~.b ~;~~!!';.:,o~:~1!~ ••••r1 pn•nmme: '-•le• o r MUo•o ur 1""'- ooot• l•l•l • or all tmponatu a.lkteH., ~Ye OUf durtoc Ull Jear;OYertoO .,_. I-' or aUaleUo oo. l lhannHe4 " llb D"'-Dltrow. por , ,.l\8 o r loH IDII' atblel e• a.Dd •UtleUo te•ms . .,,......o ...... A. 0 . S PALDINO & BROS . New Yolk. Cb'uco. Pt.lla4elpbta. Deuer. lklrt•'o.•.. 0:-.hiiiM>,., 8 oo r,..oeboo 8L. 1..oou1-. K . . . . CllJ. . _,.,. auoaeopot... Moa1.1JrUJ. Ca•- r...o.4oo. I'Atud ~ .,~~':;:--~~· lit.~---- ( ., Go?~~ PALACE BAKE~Y ror a nlee line or MISS M. KITOWSKI, L:A:DI ES' T:A:l LOR. Fresh Chocolates and Bakery Goods. F. L. DILLE, IN~ijR~NCL R[~l [~l ~lt lO~N~. ~ooms 4 41 2 1 Main Stre<>t, Ups tairs. ~OIOI A I.. E. A. JULI ER. TRA DE SOLICITED. ---******** ·------ .- ...: (/) a nd 5 , Atwell Block. ... A. J. Cunneen a Co., ,..... M EI'f'S F URI'fiSH ER ") Al'fD HATTE RS. = ""'g: ~ s· Cl) JOHN NORTON, :-. 111 N. 3d S l . , GENERAL l~EPAIRING . 13it·yclcs and G uns 11 Specialty. J . S. PIPS. COR. ELLIS and CHURCH. CITY LIVERY AND TRANSFER LINE. Dr. F. A. WALTERS. R. OBERLATZ, Jllerchant Tailor, 767 Strongs m. Cor. Part st Stenns Point, Wis. H ACK Al'fD BAGGAGE. Cor. Normal ave. and N. Third st. Tel. 58. STEVENS I'Ol NT, WIS. ~ETON B~OS. & CO., Jewelers and f)ptidans. Eyos Examlaed. Spoctaelea Fitted . .A.ll :Ltd%a.- 0~ ~..~ 1m~ 1~ m[ •~~~ l~l~m ~f :T~N225~~·i~~ Shoe Store• . tSh c evens Olll oe 0. P St I ottorlaa Pulltaaa S~pers. Fn"e qe- ~Uat a a Ckatr Cars,. Mode na Coach es a 11d Dlalaa a a d C:·a f e Servlc»• botwoea Chicago, nnwaukee, Manitowoc, St. Paul, Mi·~~-=~lls, Ashland 'apd Duluth _ C. 0. D. STORE.- - -all tenninal Connections are rnade' with diverging line• •t polnts. Meals.served a Ia carte.. 41ways Reliable. No Trust, ONE p~JCE TO ALL. Cutct':S t o the Normal Students' Wnnts. P. R0THM:J:tN. For tickeu, •leepln~ car rell<lr vaUon• ami ~';."~~~r 1rn!:'r~atlon, app y to agento of this com· 0 JAS. C. POND, Gea'l Pass. Act., Mllwa111<ee, Wis. STATE NORMAL SCHOO~ STEVENS POIN T, W I S. NEW 'l' llOROUOliLY EQUI PPED . ALL M O DERN AIDS: APPAR A T US : LIBRAR Y: CO M PLE T E? GYM N AS IUM. ~E'TTER PREPARATIO:t( FO~ BE TTER T .&ACHING. A Large Corps of Experienced T each<!rs fully abreast of t~e t irTJeS. A large lltefldaf'ICO of elrflest, advaflced Students who are Actual Teachers. The new wing now completed, adds one-half to the capacity bf the building. Th roo 4d vaadced Courses. two year~ for DtOII· !'\('11001. 0RAOUAT&'I and OTH &It cumJK!tent. ~tud­ l'lll!C. Po.c~ur~tdunte .!iitudles tn C.'h•ltlt DOd l'"'Cdllg(lgy. Sciences, Luna,ruage•, DlpiOIIII N(UI\' UitnttOIJPt: STATE Ct".JtTJf1CATr.. Ete•o•tary Co wr80, two y'e ars. for tho~ hohJ· lnsc ~ttlftcat.e--t or llll"~lng eritranc:e eoxam~tlun ... Eleeeo•tary . Cen-lt tcate., equh•atent to r..ucf..tT£0 STA"'rV. CI'..R'rllti'ICA"''~ for-ti~f' yean:. Co••o • School Cour&e, one yta.-. for "'JX"('Ial IM>odl o f tho.., whu mu•t Leach ooon. Preperator)' Costrao, teo w-eekta ooh·• .-h·fnJC •l"'fl'•ra11on In all the common brancl.t"-. nu"~ &!il.!!lfiC are tauuht by rer-alar Nonnal tf'M<'htrc or under thelrdlrt"CC O\•M"SiJ:ht. ' l Setocrloa o f S t udies pennlued to teacher•, under f avorable ci rcumstance8. Now Cla~JMC S formed rour t imea cuch )'NLI" In nearly every ~u hject In tho cou rse or ~ t udy, cxoopt Latln,Oerman,andsome advanced science ~ UHt lct~. The quarler•IM>gln ~·eb. 1, April 11 . Board t2 r.o to 8.1 per week, all •chool ch•l'll"' about fl 2ii per quarter (10 weeko). No tutltlon f(ot~e In Normal classes for tho11o expeetlntc to teeth. Tuition 66 eent8 per week or le"'s In I'~ 'paratory grades. Wrlto for elrculartJ. or BI."TTER STU..L. a~dc detl· nhf: que~tlon!t about ao1 part o f the K:hool work, and .:et an lmm<'dlate penoooal repl1. .r\drPii~ th~ Prt".aldtnt.TBERON B. PRA \', Steven• Point, WI•. THE N0RMAL 1?0INTER. Vol. IX. Stevens Point, Wis., February 15, 19011. No. 5. MISS J\lAY SECREST. ~ ~:VERAL weeks ago the school was very much surprised, and a tso grie,·ed, to lind thu~ it was to lose one of the mos~ es.· teemed members of it~ fnc· uhy. \Vhen Mt~~ St:CnY.ST resigned her 1.10~1tlon he~ as instructor of Domestic Science, in order to take n higher posit" on 'or the kintl at. Columbla,Ohto,we all ft>lt that we •·ere su,;ou•inlng a se,·ere Jos.s which was to 00 the gain of Columbia. Beio~ thoroughly imbued •dth IO\'e for the •·ork and seeing the necessity for such a cour~e In the schools ul our country, she could not help givln~r some or her spirit. to thode u.ndea· her . One of Miss Se<:re11it.'R greatest aims in her work was to ~:h·e to tbose with whom ~he came in contact a ~aliz.ation of the need of such a eours.eof tf'alnin"' in order- that some homes might be che brighter and ha))pier for it. \Vhen Miss Secres t came to us a ~· e ar and a ha1r ago, the idea of Domestic Science was n:ry new;and under- her able directions a Course of ~ludy has be(>n built. up and equipment secured until at present. the Ste,•ens Point. Normal ~tnnds a;~ one of the foremo~t schools In this line of ..·or-k a.." well •~ In all other br-anche-s. A brief glimpse of what. the Domdlic ScienL-e equhnnent really is "ould probably be of intere•t to many. A very bright and ehoory Se"lng Room hao been pro\'ided for •·or-k al_9ng thll'O line. At pi"'C.Sent • ·e ha,•e in the room cases for material , drafting , tables, sewing table..!i, and chairs, a.nd •th•e ~win~ m~bioet. The praetlcabllity of such wor-k ha!t Leen demon!'ltrated th•u the Exhlbit.lii hut qua11er or articles made by students. A Kitchen Laboratory hu boon .... u equipped. Bere we find tables arran.:cd in the fomt or a hollo.,.· squa~, each indh·idual part being fUJ-. nlshed •·ith "':Mas burner. drawers, etc. t\ gl\s raoge 1 sinks, (nd a refrigerator go to make UJl the Other aC00-8SOrir.s of thl ~ t'OOm. Ott ot one end o r the kllchen we find a pantry lined with case:~ which contain the utensils needed for the wor·k. Al the other end of the. kitchen i,.; the dioin~ room. This is not fuiJy furnished Bl'l yet, for the attempt has been to look for quality rathe r than quantity. 1\ Laundry Is being put> In the basement, to be completed before the next qu&•"ler, In order that tt. may be uS<'d b,\' the Senlo•·s who e xpeet. to flnbch thi:i year. It is eXJ>ected that 11M thf.' time goes by we may h!i'\'e murc 1.Uldt.*d to thls equipment. unttl it. be· come:J complete. The be.Jtt wishe.!t or Miss Secrest's many frleml:t go with her Into her ne •· field ot work: and ahho it Is hard. lO part whh the old friend, we mo"l heartily •·elcome the ne•·. and hope. that she ma~· enjoy her ""tay with us. Mt~s J;;Jtzabeth D. Palmer, for the pa~t. two yearl't Director In the De)>Brt.n'l.C-n"of Domestic Scieoct In the Hackley ManuaiTralnlngSehoot at Muskegon. ~tichigan, has been engaged t;o take charge of tlw Domestic Science Department of our Nonnal. • uoeooding )tiu Secrest. )!Iss Palmer Is a grad· uate of the State Nonnal School at Framingham. the only Norm~ In ~ta!t~nchu~etts maintainln~ 11 Teacher-s' Training Department in Domes&ie St·l· ence. She ul!iiO took a· year·~ study alOng thlo~: line io Nc•• York City; and later was emJ)lOYt>•l in certain br&nches o C the •·ork al Bt·istol, Connecticut, und al Cle,•cland, Ohio. '• TilE 51 :\OR~I.\ L 1'01 :\TE£C. h ••a,.: I t:ucs~ you wouhl hunt a long time befolf~ you found one tha& wa~ mort' rtal !" "TI1a1 gun? Why. my lath(..- boug!11 that In •:oaclantl long yea~ ago. antl h haJ seen a lot ur aghtiog, lhat old gun ha•. •·\Vhy, that reminds trw" of one Spring out in that gun !!>BVtd my ltre fronr wolve"". The,. •·ere hun.-ry and wGnted to get at the meat. But l gue~;t r'JI tell you tha\. atory. r \\'IB~ton,fn. when A PI OI'fi!Eq •s STO RY. Jock Carleton was an old mnn, probobly eighty or mo~. Out he wa~ h)' no mean11 a crit'Pit>, for he t-oultl walk lor hour8 at a time with a s tride that many a College boy • ·ould envy. But probablr •bat attracted youn~e ~n and bo,-s to him o·hl<fty wa• hi• ability and wllllngne~ to tell •tori.. or hi· plo-r lilt. rlt wa' a nath·e of , ..trmont. aod had gone we.. t, u .. hatl many of hls trlendoc, when but a youn5r man. ~\nU thus h happened h<- had Ppent nearly fnrtr ) ('Brs on the border line of elvllbatlon. He hod huntetl and trapped. and fOUI{ht with the Indian", tllllt -m• almost lmJJO••Ibl• lor hlm to talk lon11 without ~!erring to hi• early da>•· One •••nlng.l .... calling at bl• home and talk· low over the last election or bl• lod~ee. wl"'n hi• 11ul~ J{nlndoe,oo. about ftve )~ar" old, t>ntt-red ttw room carrying an old munle-loaollnsr plstol. It wu !CO heavy that the Iilii~ fellow could ha~ly \'Urry h: but wtth trur Carleton Jtrh he bon- It on hi"' ,choulder. hi;. two chulthy hanc.J" gra;tpfng h IIKhtly. "'Grantl·pa. i~ thl, a t't•ally sruly "'"" y•· lie a .. kNI uld ('arleton. ••\Vtll. 'Kt>JI !'' .. aid J,rtaod•p::, •·wtteft' dlt.l YOU ttt•l that'! A truly {Cun'! \\~toll. 1 should·~.,. ,....n, hart quite 10'1\'otten it, but the old gun bring• it to my mind again. II i• rtue<>r, 18n'l II, ho..- on•' thing brln~ts back anoth~r thai I• lorgouenY \Vhy1 do you know, the otht>r dar, 1 taw an old ho~...h~ In 1he road. and It ~mlndt"d me ~., much of one I ft&ve ao Indian onee, that I foraot all about dinner and ••" nearlr an hour lalf' .. You !lt!'e, the Indian bad never llt"en one, and didn't know how to uw lt. Tried to wear h. hlmselr, anti then uot IUlJlry • ·ith me and thrcmtencd my lift•. Uut that Ia another story. Dut It 8h0"'8 ho•· on•• thtnu- han"'s on anotbe.r. Oue-er, aln"\. It'/" . ."Vtry. 11 J an"'•"t"red; And lhtn added to remlntl him, •·but that uld gun th~l"f'~·· "I'm <»mlo~t to that;• he .ald. ''l..f't me M'e. It wu '••1 bao•k In '28 when I dr-,1. <'ame into tb~ northern part of Minnewta. At lhat tin~, all around the end ol Lake l:luperlur thf're were thom•and:s o f timber woh·es, and not " ft•'f txoar. But the •·oh'~s w(+rc the mo8t bothPr•ome. \Vc luul haY a Jong, hurd \VInter, and the woh't•-r were almo~t ~tar,.ercJ. I hacl had a very auc.'ael~ful ~•~n, and had hund~~ cii"t)fltJ ~ttOrtd up In my tahln. TIH: NOJDIA L l'Ol:>;TJ.:Il. '"'F.arly lo AJ>rll. I ~tout to rtturo to the ch·il· lLed pan of the country with a large bundle of 1~1t<ij, Along whh an~· other pro,·l~lon" 1 I>Ut Into my J>&ck quite a supply of m~t. ··t had gone but a fe•• rod-e Into the •·oods when I not I~ the tracks of trOif'es all about me on the .. now. J knew tMre mu .. t be fttl.y or roore or the animate. Thl-c woniOO mt ~nw-.-hat; f~r f feared lhey would break inlo my cabin and d••lroy all <or lhe J>ella I had leh. I decided I would CUI ShOtl Ill)' vl•ll al lh~ lon. and burry bnck IO III'Oiect my that attt'mooo. and J c:ould not g-o \'try fa5t: so ~un~N found 111e still in the woodl5 and nearl~· eiQ"ht mile~ from my destination. Jlut I rt"~oh·t>tl to kf."Cr on. though the 111"0in~s •·ere esJK"elaJty daring and d~w nearer and nearer. At la~t. after t•o hour~!~ t1~. spent In alternat~ly wallc:ln~: and shoollno:, I nurod 11~ O<lge or lhe clearing around ~~ron. .. A• I did •o, one laf'!!e wolr da<hed al n>e lull 1111. I dodl\'ed a•llle, and su~ed In hlllln~r hltn so hanl •'hh my phlol that he fell aner going a te•· .)'Arti-e. llut t~s seemed to stir the others up to ~realer tlttrlng, and half a doun jumped 0\. nw at o nct'. And aoon tbe •·holo )lack: waa tlcrccly unmolested. Bu&. at Ja.l!ot, late In the aftemuon of leaplnl( and barklnl( at me. I used Ihe bull or my old pi!IOI, bu1 lbe brutes ga1herod around me 100 the &«oud day l heard omlnouc ho•lt~. anti t clo~ for comfort, and trusting to luck. I ~an to ft•ai"NN the w-ol,.e~ ..-en- on my trail. .. ~A.rly 1\f'Xt day they caught Ul) •hh me. and run ror the tort. •• A.... 1 nt>art'd h, 1 s.bouttd whh all my 3trf'ngth. ull day long they follow-ed. .\ .. nl.cht carw on~ they and lh( .... with th8 hoarse barking of the woh·e~. a:l"t'w bolder, and c:ame so elo...e that l Mulcl see their s:aunt foMntc outlined a.:aln~tt the • hlte snow. auractffi the attention of the men whhln. Two or 'The sky wa<4 clear and the wtnd cold, ;co to keel) three ot them MJshed out with riftfa anti met me a "'Arm I bull" n smalll chit-. fir('. llut In the C\'Cnlng few ynrcls from the cloo•·· Utterly exhnu8tetl frou1 tho wuh•es en me too close to me fo•· comrort 1 and the 1\ti'\'C·•·racktog contest. and my hartl run, 1 reiJ do•·n, llnd they carried me Inside and put me I built a lar.:t!r 01"(>. This wa<4 ttuftlclent for a 10 bed. lime, and I 1hou"hL lhoy had lorl n>e lor lfO<)d. ·• And thl!i~, rrand-son, is the same fCUD Ihat I might ha,•e koown better, thoua.;h, for In about hacllhat day. Don't you think It he real~'' an hour thf'1 rtluroed in rull to~, and ~med to Rut tl.~ boy was fast asleep. llt" It-~~ afNid or my ftre than beforf'• J)tOJlCt·'Y· •·f-;o I went on rapidly throu~h the silent Unrk wood~. J\11 that day and tlll htt~ the •wxt, 1 was .. Ou1 I bad •1111 ano1her plan 10 lr). I hulll ft•·• TH I! f'LUIIKE A'S CO!IVEIITIO!I. tires In a circle, with room f'nough to lie down • •lthln lt. 1'hlM was quite satl~fuctor~·, ancl r "'a~ utile to Jll88 the nl~ht in COmJ)Brnlhc c:omfol't. .. In the morning 1 rose early, antl l'laanned to Unl ...h the remaining si..xty mlles by nhthtrall. A~ 1l('ftU"t!, the mominR" Jight kept the •olve~ from me. •nd l walkf'd on In an f'IJY ...tatf' of mlncl. ·• At noon, I ..topped for halt an hour and cooked ··orne meat o,·er a little Hre. Th~ OOor ~med to attract them. antJ tbey eame ru,tbln..: at me, barkloJ.! ~nd snapplnsr \"lctously. Drawln.: my J)lstol, T ~hot. one lar~t •·olt! and this iiCilrtd the otheN away i anti I at(' my meal In JJoel<.-t • ..!;I then p~led on my way, ~till h<fpln~e to o't'aeh lhe ton by dark. A• I ..en1 alon~r. lhe wuht-s ta~ bE-bind me again: and I hf1,ran to wonder w~n thtoy would In \"f ow. TM "now •a.;; ,.rwa1 t'hortly after the Second Quarter, \VIIen IL wo~ rumored that t~'C artrr Dand lOU"Cther In a convention, And oon ...ole ourseh·~ In solemn "'h"'lon. n ... 'O(:hen>e wa• halloct"orfth greal dellghl, And whhoul shoring a bll or rrlghl. Stnlora, Juniors, Freehmen. and Jo:ltrMnt-c Suddenlr ~a~ close conftdanl•. In •·two.ftft("'('n1 , . the crowd did rneet1 A mlghly "'i" of r....... did he If""''• \\·hen ur> ro~e Che"Champlon oflheJo'lunktr-c;' 1\nd thtu• did attempt to cure dltit<'mrtoers. "FlunkeN, con1oJe yourseh·e5t this long !!IJ)CJI [orcoltl ""' rrouo '"" lacuhy brave and bold: (C.t-..J-~tll . ) Til~ KOH~I A I. PO l KT~Il. TRHII"I ING DEPHRTMENT. SOI'IOS AI'IO OA," 'I!S 11'1 THI! KJI'I !>I!IWARTI!I'I. Tho tea che r must always ha,·c an uhn In vi c~· in ttachln.: chl1drtn OaRles and Songs as well o!'& in the hand work or girt work. It l~t the be~t plan tu h~·e the ga~' oorrel.,e with the other work ol the day. In tho Fall. the •-hole work relat.ed to tbe Fall producu in Nature and the preparation ror \VInter indoo1"41. S uawrou~ games were taught to tbe<!hlhl· rtn, and var·l ous )lo lher Goose lthy ~.s were dramatized. During tht harve ..t st>ason the c:::hlldren teamt'd the '"Little Oardener•s Song,'' • 'hlch was playttl b~· ''ery rt>al umake belle,·e" Jrardener8. Tho Llttlo 6ardoaer's Soaa. I. ·• am a little gordener. Whh many thln11• to sell; And lt you 'II !)lease to buy from me, I'll trr to ..... you well. \Ve ~ your baflket is quit(\ full, And you have Juicy lrult, And • • •hould like to buy !rom you . II you'll make prl""• suh. 3. l'"e apple• ~~"'«'n. tomatoes red: I •ye yellow lemon.1 too. And plum' and grapes and oranRt•1 Whloh 1 ..111 ... 11 to you. To play thl• little ll&me, one child Is eho-~n to ,.tand ln thee cent~r of the cin:le . ror the J;:'ardener, • ·lth 11 hallkct con1nlnlng theditrerent rru it~ narnttl In the song. 1'he little gardener ~lug-e the Hr·~t ver•e alont. rn the second verse the children IN.."(•v huo tho t..asket; and in the las t \'erse the ~:anltner hold!C up eaeh fruit as it '"' mentlor1f'tl In the sonu. Then.he eallll out ~>\Vho'lt buy?" 'af'\tl the ltull 18 sold. A hldloJr 1ra""' .._. played in the lollo.. lnll manner: On a dar that 1he childr'f'n had betn out dool'l lookln11 at the heaulllul lea•·e•, a prtlly yf'llow lear wa• chosen by the teacher and plat-ed In the hand• ol a eh1ld. Thl• ehlld .,hl•1,.rtd to another to blind the eyes •·hlle the ·yellow tell wu~ hidde n. \ Vhcn It wus out o f MIU"hl, tho chi ld c:amc back to her chair and snid, 11 \Vukou 11t and ftnd the yellow leal." The children elap1!"d their hands a 11 the time the hunting wcu aol nJe on; cra,)ping .ollly when the lillie su..,her .... 1 'eold ;"' louder when be got uwarm :" and ver1 loudly when the lea l ...,. dlsco•e..W. The plano at.o ald• In this game. A~ che Seasons change, che character of thot For instance. at Thank~R"h>ln~ time the Idea o r the old fashioned TIIa nk•glvlng ..a. brot out, and the stories, gamel', anti soou-s rela· ted to that time. At Christmas tlmo, the thot cen· tercd about gift mnking ror othcrJ', Santn Claus ond the roclndeer. All the songs nnd gomc8 thu • ·ere taught then rela ted to C hrl~ttmas. al~ chan~ef(. The \VInter season suggest-S the subject or fuel , h• sourocf>, h.s u ses to us, etc. In thl,8 connection the chlldrtn ropresenl all or 1he people engal!od In preparing fuel for u.s. Jo:ver so many motion ~na,r-c and g·ames were ptayf'd. When a child has a blrlhdar he lJ ''leader," and 1he games a nd songs ror that day. And thu ~ the whole year round the work lo tbe Klnderga r1en Is related, as nearlr a s b l)r&t11ca.l, to the child'• home tile, and. the 1hln11s tha~ come • •lthln Ill• experience. F.DtTII M. 1111.1.. The Btudents o r the Grammar School hA.\'C t1rc• under the direction or Min Densrnorc, • unique anti . Interesting I!Chool poper called JHU"\,~1, TUY. GRAMXAR SCUOOL ADVANCY.. It contalnJ &be best. selec&fon» rrom & h~lr own work durln~r the past term In BlrtorJ, Arithmetl~. l~ltlra\ure, Composhion, lfu~lc, etc. ~- Ol the Storle5 arolllustral<'d whb drawlnl!• by the .tudento, and othe,.,. whh appropriate pic· ture•. The COl"er wa s aiS<7"'desiU"ntd hy tht ~tudenu. TilE KOIUI.\ I. POI~TEH. 57 THL,ETJCS On January 1.1th, the Normal ~on U Team l'layed a game or Basket Ball against the Plainfield lligh School. The game wus J>luyed in a smail hall' with the SJ>eclato rs on tOO floor. Our boy" <·ould get in no team work, and lost the game on fouls. ThcNon:nals held them down to t•·oba~keu. hu t Plainfield succeedetl in making21 f n..""e thl'Ows. The score was 19 to 25 in fa,•or o f Plainfiel d. On Janua r y 22. two games were played at the ~onnal gymnasium, StevecsPointNormal against )tar"hfie ld; and Heln"s team o fth e No rmal against the Stevens Point High School team. The. game wu" snappy from the flrs t , and ~larlilh· field did sorue good "'ork, but failed to 1>ut tht> ball in tho basket as often as ou r bo~·s. The team work o f lhe visitors was good, but ~·a s broken up hy ou r guards. and the ball was given to Ha.h-e r:rooo who tossed it into the basket. During the ,:amc be made ten field throws . The ftnal score was 14 to 38. The line up was a s follo ..·s: STEV&SS PoU~ro'T. MARS UP'It:lJ). H a 1VC I"f'O n , Capta ln. F"orwa rd .. Leah" Bennc.n. ••• , , . . .... lo~orward .• Eich~ Culver . ........... Center .... Witt .\ lurat, .•••... . . ... . Guard, .• . ConnO\'f'r \Valker ... . . . . . ... . Ouard .... Thom3s Rer• .....,_Pulllng. Umpire-Patch. The g ame bet w..n Hein"s team and the Hiflh School was a ftght !rom start to Ooisb. Both - - team.s d id fast w<)rk ~ and tbe game was Interesting, as the s<·ore • ·a s elo~. •:,•e•·y t>Oi nt was wo n by hard wo rk. The OnaJ S(."()f't' wa!i 13 to ll in lavor ol the High School. The attendance. nt the game was Iorge. und nil St'Cmcd well l)lea scd with the outeome. On January 29'if., our te o.m went to \\Tausau to play the return gnmo of Bosket Ball. The team was weakened by tho abacnce of Hnherson. \Valker took his t>laoo at forward, and played a good game; but cou1c.l not AOO the ba•ket a.s often as 0 N'orsky" generally does. The te am work wal' fa irly good oooslderlog the ~mall floor. \Vausau played a good game, and had a good eye for baskets. The score at the end or first half was 11 to 14 in ra,~o r or \Vausau. The sceond hall looked lair for our boys whe n they forged 11hcad; but c..-ould not keep the lJoH long' enough to win. The flnnl score was 21 to 27. Our lineup was : Forwards, Bennett and \Valker: center , Cuh·er Rnd \\'idme r; guards, Mura\ and ~Iil es . The boys report a good lime, and the Waus au boys· a jolly good bunch that knows how to J>lay basket boll. The Annual Tournament between the 8e\'Crrd teams of the schoo l, baring those men on the !ilquad, has just. been completed after a series or intere.•llog gam..... Thore...werc eight teams to be· gin with. The captains or the se,•erat teams were: R ein. Strader. Sbime k. Baker. ~larlan. Miller. Livingston. Strader. •;aeh team was allo•ed lo play fh·e games in a preliminary set of garth!S in order to det.ennin(' which should en~ che finals. Any team that woo three games out of "''e had a chance for a place. The teams that entered the finals ..·ere B cln , Marlatt, Livlng·ijton, and Miller. The final outcome pro,·ed that Hcln was entitled to first plat(", ~Iille r """ond , and Lh·i ng.con third. T il F. ~OIDfA L Tbe N8RMAL POINTER FEBRUAilY lr.. 1 00~. at local po .. to~ &4 third rla.!.s maUf'r. T t n:n...• of ~u~ripd'&n .50 ctntoe ptr , tar ln ad· •·anl"t'. io ceots II not IJaid btlore Jan. 1. 1001. !-;inll'le ropy 10 <eot•. 2 w. F.DITOIUAI.. STAI'"t". ~:uo&N& SmTu, the ('au•c and the F.lfect. Tlte) giv~ th~ F.llr<t onh. and fXIK"Ct us to Interpret the C."au'f' ln lnr~ren(.>e. ,.hererore, it bec..'(lme~ n(.'(..~~~•rJ ~~ temch the chlld to hucrpret l-~fft."Ci i1 1 and to dt'\·~1 01, hi~ J)Ol\' (lr ,, monthll' lltrlodlcal, rfJlrt"!'ttUatl''(' of the Sixth !'\laW NCJnrial sciJool, .Ste,•en"' Point. \\'i""-.'Onsin. 1>ubll<lled by the stud~nt•. f.:t.~rtd 1'0 1~TEn. or lnf~r<'D\."e." T o show tho lin~ o r ~·ork to be lollo•·ed in ordor co aecomt'lt-.h chi§ end the magAZine devote'! a Jl•age and 1 halt to material taken frOm '"Lotf\,nn .. in t:ngll.h." by W.H.Sklnner and C~ll all . Uu,... g-.1'1. )II•< 0uf1!el'l hu charge ol tiM' Primary ~.,artment o r this school, and we !eel proud in hovln11 the worth o r he r work ,...cognlled by th" leadins: ~ducatlonal journal• o r the day. '<» ...•...•..• . (,;(lito,·Chi~l 1 tC::~~~'i.v<'~t;:..:., ·~:::::::t':diio~':i:.'\l~rto"(. ~~~ ~~~~:~~ t~:7~~;~.:.:··oo }...... Lo<al f~u.oro f:Wii>:Tr H. )IJLY.S, ·oc. ••••••.• ••.•Athletic t:ditor t't.OHA Wooo. ·oc, . . . .... . .. . . ........ . .. C~n5<>r f't.OHr.J<C& S. WARD, '(» ••••• •• P.scha ng-. Editor ANNA OLSON. '(» .. . ... .....1'l'llinlnll ~J>Or1JOOOI IIOW'ARD \'j.' s\f'. 'WELT\', '4» ••• • Art 0tJl&t1mtnt )1. t '. \\' ADLEJOU. '03..... ••. ••.• Aiuomi FAilor \\.ft.'"'ZKI. PIVEKXE'I""L '0.. •.••• Ru•lne"'J llan:sger \\'IUAM Z&.,"TSER. '05 } IIAROLllCUL\'1:11. '05 • i\UOUST J. MILLJ:R, 'OU A .. oc t. Dulllness ~tgrs •o.. (H~st:YI KV& Mn.LER, PRESS ASSOCIATIOS . t:ow ArlO D. l\Y.I.SON, President \\'~S"I.Y.t. PIV&R~ET.t. '04 ••• •• •••••• • .••. Treasurt'r ta!"JUJARD A. GESELL. Sec:l"'t-tary Our F:x~hor In looking over t he I'&Jlero rrom our 'l"ter !iehools. this las t month, found scvtral <!ritlet .. m... on Tug Por~"T&R, :and ha• eopled t hem In twor de-partnlt'nt tor thls •~~ue. W e •~ glad 10 know whe,... wen~ to sl,...n(llb· f>n our paptr: and we are glad to lcoow thll Wf' ha,•e been ~ending out some material o f lote~~t co otheN. \\'e &J>J)n>ela te these frank • tateme nb, an<l 11'<'1 that tho ..,hool, Alumni , and Pointer wiii i>r<>llt thereby. '00.......... .... ·o.·,•.•... .••. ••.• Acld~"' all bu""l~<it letlt'N to~ bu<itlllf'..~ IUD· as:er. Article§ soli~itf'd from formtr ~tudents and tt atberc. 'I{BADBRS ood SUBSCRIBBRS ""' re5J>e<.~­ fu11) reque<~~lf<l co patronize our ad\"er11~N. In the ~,.chruarJ; numlwr o f PIU.MAICY ~:ouCATros, we Ond tho lollowin~ : " The mo81 Important pal'l or Heading Is th• ~,..,uin~r or the au!hor's thought and reeling. T~ do thiJ It I§ necenary to .atud7 what are eatlf'd •· ~rl'f<:'t.J. •• TM bf-..t W"rlterc do not gh·e u, both We ,..~,... all J>lea.OO with Ourno and his Com· pany. and though&. him well n amed, '"TI.e ~~,.,. Lf'rlou~. •• Some qne•UonO'<I the advisability olhoving •u<h a numbtr on the Nonnal Leetur"e'Course, and tt\'tn alter we had heard and seeo hi• Joke• and Irick• or thought we hatl-~omc wondered It lt wa"' of any education•l value, or II h hod been ~rh·en simJ>Iy for entertainment. Lookln.-c at Ito ff'IOm a certain point o r view ll io one o r the moot practical edu· caiiOnol lactoro o lftred in t he Cou-. In the ftl"!t place, It removed doubt •; and lo the -..nd place, It created doubts, both o r which " "' ol PMictkol value. By "'moving doubts we mean that In the lulu"' when •Iori~• o r mystery aod moglo ore told tbooe who •aw Durno wil l no t doubt their ve roclty. On the othe r han<l, whe n tbingo &Nl •hown thtm claiming tu IJ<J o l oupcmatural origin they will be very doubtrul and look upon it •• on llluoion. Applying the kno wledg-., tt..t things a re not alw&Ti~; what tht7 setm, to everr dat O«U~ may be or ftrtat 'f'alue to somf'. T il E XOIOIAL POIXTI-:H. 59 CENSOR. VOCADULAR,~. - \Vhy not ho.,·e a separate not~­ book In v.·hfch to co11ect the nc•· •·ords you meet? H you ba,·e them where you can quickly and frerc\'ic•· them, they will become the ~oone•· fastened. quent)~· STAf.T.- Clonoo O\'er the list. nnd know in "'hich tle t>arunent each Editor belon,;:s. Let us gi,·o crectit ( and ne•rs) to wbom it is due. LllJRARt.\S.- \Vhile it i-. her business as for as possible lO make the library o r us.e to us, wt~ ~hould not. ft>el lht\t this fact reliev~s u~ from 3 courteouM nnd kind •·thunk ~· ou'' whenc,·er ~t· hll\'C boon wuited UJX>O. 'rhe silence maiutoint"(l in the librury ma~· be in vart re.!'ponstblc for out· neglect of this Hut~ court~~Y: but there oro tlmt~ -.· hen we shall b2 1)8rdoned for speaking; and at. other times -.· e may u~c a natl and a smlle to AIU!.SA- FORUM.- May \\'Coil come to the S(telllng match? onswer rhe purr><>_..,_·_ _ __ PttooR1\liS.- H the program that lJ<O in force in t•ttch or the ~Jodel 0<-partm- nts could be hung ju~t ouhth1e tho door of the cltfHlrtmrnt to which it belontts, i~ would aid tho ,·ish(W in locatio~ tho work he wishes to ~ee and encourage obser,·ation BooT-U~ACK.-\Vhere ls there a huo;;tler of a boy in the grades who has plenty of mu.icle and "'· ants a job? \Ve need a boot-hlal"k. H there is an~· boy who koo•·s how to give n good shine, 1\nd can liO it fot· a nfckle,he had beuer make arrangcmcnt:-1 to set up n shop. throu~hout the s<:honl. ---- \Vt::L.OOM&.- Lel us all get acquainted •·lth our nc•• teacher and make her feel at home amonr u~. HHETORJCA L. Co:.ount~f:s. - \Ve ha,·e sonm nne \'Oices in each :>f the fou1· parts among the mcm· bers o f our faculty. \Vhy not let us have the ben· eflt of this talent'! ;\nc.l why not encourage them h\ tho good y,• ork they are constantly doing behind tho ~Cilne" for Hhetoricals by invhinJt them to avr>ear before the foot-lights . \\'o bespeak for them an appN."Ciath·e audienc<"! snc.l hove we "hall nut. long have to &\\'&It their appearance. TRimLE CL>:J-• AND G!.E>:(.;r.uo.- Jn beh•H or the ~choo l , our t•·o ~·fu s lcal Sor1etle..~ and their director a re most heartily thanked for the music they gh·e u8 from time to time. \Ve always look forward to their place tm the 1>ro"'ram. \Ve arc J)roud to ha,·e in our school two such s trong ,.oeietles stamlln~ for culture and entertainment. CALENDAR.- \Vho will bring a l"alendar in large d~res and ftnd a conspicuous and apJ>r'Opriate , place fo r the same in the assembly room? • UusTS.--As you come up the stairs, the bust to your i" ri~ht \Veb~ter. is Horace ).tann ; the one tp ~· our left Pt:moos.- \Vhy do so many grown peOple In the :{onnal Department, fool at. liberty to omit theh· J.H!I'iods nfte1· o.brevintlon;c antl sentences '! It surel~· i;c not right. Can you aiTot·U to Jet thi ~ habit. grow? Now.- U you are a professional at sharpening skateil, thl~ h~ t..he t ime for you to hang out. you1· ushingle. '' Du:siness Is waiLing fo1· you. ALUMSt.- \Vhile we arc nl•·ays glad to hea1· from you, and son1e of your h o me~lck classmatt.oj are ahno~t dying for the prh·ilege, I put. the mat· ter of keeping up your tJepllrlmf'nt before you a~ a buslncsJC J>I"Opositlon. 1'ell Uf( what you are doing. what you are thinkin-sr, and sig-n your name to the same. 1f you ha ,.e something good to re· port, every rt-ader wilJ hell> to &J&SS it on. In this "'·ay people • ·1 11 come to know you, and you need not be sur1;1·ised when becau,;~ of thls you ar-: called to a be ter position. CI_.APPtxo.-\Vithhearty clapJ)inr •·e may oCt~n Jet our speaker know how much we appreciate what he ha.s gh~en. Bowe,·er. •·hen he brings a 1\0t.e of personal sorrow, we con sho•· our sympa· in no better •·ay than by offe-ring a tribute of silence. thY 60 Tl!l:: XOR~lA L POI!\TBR. HLVMNI. Among tho m11ny problems "·ith whh:h n teacher run - simply the places preparing stude nt ~ furmay profitably grnJ>J>le. non~ are so interesting education in the "rorld nbout. them? Sutlsfltction o r in(:xhaustible a s 1hau. a s the relation of the In the resuhs or the methods followed by •chooJ, teacher to pupil. This subject may be exponded must lie In tho fact tha\ tho schools are "'t·Jl J)rf'into one intlnitely broad and comprehen~th·e, and J>aring scholat·s fo r the "adventure Into the • ·orld'' may mea•\ all th:.uis lm,,lied in the worOs " What. or, into this eoors:etie tle mocratle soclflt)' or our>. is Education'!' ' But limiting it to am~ more If ther are woll prepared for actiYO work o~ memdeOnhe and particular field of <.'Onslder:rlion, h· bers or thi~ soc.let)', they mu!'lt. neces~mrll)' han·t> relates to the teacher's position as one who is been well trained ln an tho four ··equlrernenb auemptlnsr to train the scholar for the life of a which ~Jr. Lorimer gin~s, In order that. they mar useful nnd reHable cltlten o r our city, state, and be C'flablcd to win SU<.'CeSI'l,- uod suoccss, ormuion. That pos ition uh·es arise to the question a('hievemeut, or wha\twcr you may call h 1 lit tlw of what kind of training 18 needed to make of the aim or tho Nation and or C\'Cry indh•hlual whu scholar tbut son or chixen. In an ~werlng thi~ goes to make up the nation, who is wor\hy of lht· question use may be made of some sugveslion~ name or chiMm. This state of atralrs-thls net.-e .. reeently made by a well known Ame rican editor, •lty- is occasioned by the pecullur existing con· commenting on tho report or the Eugll~h in\'CStl- tllllons or ou•• social structm"O - pcrvaded as it i.;; ,:ators of our ~chool s . George B. Lorimer, in by the spirit o f clemocrntlc flldcpcndencc. It THR SATURDAY EVK."'JISO PosT, referring to fre· allows to e \•ery iudi,.idunl a license, or ••inalien· quent. use of the "'or<ls " ln~tituti on;&of Learning•· ~ble'' truth gl\'eD right, to foliO\\' out the acc..-om· in the rep<wt of the investigator;., fiuys, " Ho~· pll~hmcnt or his own ambltionM and schemeJ"O. many or our Colleges and Unh• e r~hle.s are tnstitu· The use of this licen se hruc res uhed In the remark· tions or teaming pure and simple- that is, places &ble competitive strife whlth so thl .. where men trained to u~ knowled~:e and ea~~r for Nation nod ha.s led lt to tho foremo:tt rank arnon;.r It can n<.'<luire It ?" u Instead, " he ~ay~ . " the y commercial nut ions. ln order thtlt thhc rank, and ..thould \x> primarily tralnin)t" ·school!\ where right a wholesome state or pOllticnl and conullCI'('ial ambhlon and abilit.y nrc acquired in J>l"eJ)aratioo prosJ)oerhy may be maintained, this c:om1>ethiv(* for the adventure Into the world, th11t \'&st Store·· condition of societ) must be not only 00 eontinut_)(t. hou:te or know Jed~ \'aste r than aH seats of learn· but must bo guided and guarded by a careful lng and their libraries <.·omhined. ·• This was training and de velopment. or young na.en, whirh at~o in t'Cference to the ilitatement o r the Engli sh-- alms to cnKble them to be competitively sucoo.H.d ul. men that, altho our ~~tern CollegNs were bette•· Suc<:ess sim 1>Jy means attainment. of an end \)r prepared and equipped, our \Veste mSchools--e.l'- good in ''lew ; but without ambition-th~ eag~r pecially the Unh·erslty uf \Vist."'nsln- produced desire for JN)••er, supcrlorlty, or pos~slon, su,·tht' best results. That. he, that IL I~ not equipment ,:css C&I\OOt be possible. And the qualhy of tlw ttnd pure learning that I:& net.-eesary for the be~\. :o~u<."Cess cJe pcnc.hl upon the quat ity of the ambition. resul ts, but training to a~ure ri~ht urnt\it~on and To be lasting, to be of servtc~ to M>Cie \y as •·ell ability. Aud, he adds, " Charader-democralic a s to the indh•ldual, and to be worthy of aJ'J)rovaJ indtopenc.lens:e and self-respect are the very found a-. · and Imitation, the ambition must be .. right'"-J.,~. . tions o r education.·· l-"rom these comment~ mlly prompted by praise worthy motl\•es. The seconel it not be <..-oncluded that Mr. Lorimer regbrds the~· qualit.y that ~~demanded iA nbilit.y- the JtO•·er of wPstern tocbool!l &8 approaehinJ;: an Ideal o f the faculties to cJo with~ Knd dispatcl• . 'Omt Twentieth C..·ntury &luCation. and lhnt the idtal power is most important, anti its de velopment dC'· lo( that tltt• '"Chool l" not th.: ed:.:c3tOr In th~ Ions: J)('nds upon the•e •· more tiH\O Anything t"l~t·. T il E ~O IUI.\L POI~TEit Com)>etitl on demands at-cion. Thill Is a world or actiou much as it. ne\•er ha~ heen. Stagnant. knu•·Jcdgo Is not (>ructieal. T o be or ' 'ul ue it must. be usable, and must. be u~ed. Ono tllll SL know ho w 61 Thus, it St'-'cmtc, that training for the acquiring of a. ri~ht lltnhition, abiHty, inder-endenc..-e ontl seHI"C-SJJCet should be the bni4i~ upon which to d e t<'l'• mine the relation of teacher to pupil. to U$e it. and use h. •·ith a<h•antage. In e,·.. rythiog t&uJ:ht thai. principle is all iml><>ttant.. 'W hether the 1hiog taught can be made o r pr3ctlcal use o r not -.-.-111 largely determine whether Jt Is worth \.eaching at. all. This does not. imply that e,·crythlng tau~ht must earn a dollar. Jt should, ho•·· ever, lead even tho indirectly, to the acquisition of some praiseworthy goal. Thirdly, it •·e would take mo~t advantag-e of the liberties allowed us, we.must be independent-must be exemJ)l from re- liance ur<>n others-be self reliant, befitting a democracy in which we pride ourseh·es upon a trieU and rellnb1o selt-J;overnment. And last, but not least. to be worthy of J)Owcr, vf posh ion, of posse~sions, or of superiority, we must h&\'e the respect o f fe11o•· citizens. ·•Thlf.> abo\'0 all: to thine o•·n self be true, And it must follow as the night the day, Thou cans't not. then be fal se to any man.'' SECOl'fD QUA ~TE~. To• t ll Week . , ALUNSUS. (CMIU.woi/R'!'Ift P¥ SS.} \V'hh Spring's returning warmer clime, They'll nu~1t. to your desires and mine. "Fiunkors, COP30ie your!Hlh·es, the good ond [great, In C\'ery school, ht\\'e dunked in somethln,ll. (<oon or late: And how can you expect to escape the fattWhleh upou the good and mighly both iu [ judgmonl sate~ '? "Fiunkers, eonMole yourselves!" Then from C\'e•·y s ide of the room arose [&PI'Iaus*'· And up rose the crowd whh loud ''hurrahfl:'' And •·ith one \'oloo they shouted bold:''\Ve are, •·e are, •·e are consoled." WM. A. AU&It. IJjslmer C. Ha~son. o f ScAndlna,·lo, •l•lt<'l 0. K. E\•cnson at the Nonnal, Monday. The school wa:;; entertained thruout mo.!'it of thi' )lii18 E:h•ie )J. Rulchin!i'htul relurne-d to sclloul week with that long looked fot• pR8timt~ ti nal utte r an absen'-e o f three dayA on account t~f l'X:aminationJt. Jo~lcknestt. Miss Belen n ... in \'ioi(led Achool, Tue~aay Ul0l1l• ~Jiss Elizabeth Ba•·rJngton, of \Vaupaca, vl~lt···l ng. · her "ils-ter, )Jint~-r\·a , und frJend• at th(! ~onn11l. 62 TilE NOH~IAL POLST ER. La~l friday, Cll) Suporlntendenl, Karl ~lalhl~. and \V. \\'. Albe~, of \Yau.n u, '·isittod the N'ormat lor the jlUrj)OSC Of seleellnj( leaehero lor lhC \\' au~au ..,booIs. Mrs. Thra•her. who ftnl•hu the Full Couroe thl• quarter, wu entra~:ed lor the rest. of the year. On ~ruesday, Robert Morris, the l.'ounly Superlntendenl o r Wood County, Yhhed the Normal lor the-same purpose, and engaged ~llss Inc• llenlley 10 te•ch a groded school neor Orand Rapid•. lor 1h~ rut or the yur.'?)llu Beoller b an Elemenlar.r graduate. Saturday e•enlnl(, the t:lemenlar)' and Senior t'lasse• held a joint Rece!>llon In honor o l tho•c who tlnbh 1belr couroes lhb quaner. Oo a"""unl nl the oudde;, ehantre In the weather, the anend· a nee wall nolo •"' lat1(e as they wished It would bo, hul nearly one hundred anended. Progreul•e ••pil-" and "ftint-b"' we,. the t-hld amuqmentJ of the evening. Frederle.k \Valker, of the Element1, won the ftnl prlte lor winning lhehl11he•1 number of garnet o f "ftltKh, '' and )1r. Jaa~tf11, also of the Ele:mentarr Cllll41 1 won the ftrst )Jrlte In "pit. •• l~fre.shments, coo.&l!itlng of chocolate and wafeM', were ser•ed by lh~ boys and glrb ol lhe Elghlh a.:rade. The faculty gave a four oourse dinner, Friday t•\'"t-nlnr, In honor of Mlu Secresl, our ln.strudor In Doroestle Seien.oP, who ba1 accet)ted a 1lmllar !>OSition a~ the Stale Unlvcrolly, Columbus, Ohln. Those present besides lhe lacuhy • ·ere llr. and Mrs. )JeDIII and daughler Oene<leve, )llu Slew· on olthc High Sehool, and ~Irs. Ingham a friend ul )1110 Den•more. The dinner wa• prepared under the dlrec:llon ol llro. Kellar, and serYed by the MIIH:t Pannenter, Signor, \Vyatt, Heu::.ct, Vaughn and Packard,ollheOonle.UcSeleneeglrl•. The n><>m In whleh the dlnMr wa• ..ned. the one DelillO Mro. Bradford's olllee, had been taslely decorated by )II•• Rehler. The lableo •ere ••~ In the shape ol a hollow square and decorateil with pink ro-. .mllu and eandleo, with pink shad~. After thedln~r, Min Sec~11t, In a few weJI chosen wordo, Lhanked the lacuhr lor their erron1 In maldog II pleaunl lor her wblle •he was here: and vcpreued l)er iOrrow In lenlng 10 congenial • plaee. ProleooorSechrlsl wa• ealled 10 hit old home In PenuJI•anla,ooThut"Aday, of lheserlou" !line" o l hi• DlOibor, a telegram IO lhls elr~l belnj! reeeived by him. Pre<hlenl Pr11y wenl IO Chicago, Sunday alternoon. and wa411 abseot motU of the week. Tbe prln· elpal reason lor his goln11 was lo ohlaln a teacher to Rll lhe ••aeancy leiL by lhe reslj!;lallon ol )ll<c Secfoe•l. While he wa• gone the sebool wu In ehafi:C o l Prole..or Livingston. T HII~D OUAqTE q . FlnotW"I<. The !'ew Quar1er began promptly al ele>·en o'clock ~londi•Y morntnw. Se,•cral new atudtnt:;t ha ''" entered school, •-' well a a " lew of the old on~tl. who have entered the Normal Drpart"""'' a re Mi .. Jessie Smhh, Grand Ra pids; ~li s< Dolin Miller, Orand Haplds; )II"" Mafl:llrel Ru~"-tll. St~1'en~ Point; Mlu Myrtle Parker, f>t.,. kln"town; Bc.~sle ~t ool"(, and E'•a Koehl, Ste,·en.i4 Point. Tho'" ol I he old studenl• who are back are: Guy Pleree, Plover: •·rederlek Walker, Steven. Polnl: John Uughe•, Nclll5\'llle; I .oren Sporks, Steven'4Point; Mae Olson, Independence, f~lemen­ tary '09: IJ.e..u te ~lan c.hester, Sttw('nsPolnt; and )laud Klement, Ulllsboro. Pre•ldenl Prar wenl lo ~lad !Jon, Tuuday after· noon. lO attend I he mid· Winter Board Meeliog held there lhls oreek. ~!I ss Mary Ucrens, who Rnlboed her ~:le ruentary Coun~e last quarter, l"f:&d her ftnal es.sa1, whi<'-b bad been poSii><>ned from lUI week. Her oubjeet waM "The Ca1·neg-1e of Ocnnany." Mr. A. P. Brunolad. who graduated from lbe full Coune al the end o llhe quarter, ul'f<'U lo ~.. u• this week. ' Alii he old sLudenlo regre11u hav• hltn go, lor he will be misted among lhelr number. Gfol\'<! A. no..,nberrr visited hit sbler, Anna, at thu Nonnal, laHt. week, and attended tho Ele· ruenlary- Senlor lleclepllon, Sa1ur~a1 evening. }lht Della )JIIIer, ol Orand Rapid•, •l•lted the Monday mornlnJr. Min MeCamley, ol Orand Rapid•, viJited wllh Mlu Nellie Rannlfto, h~r eousln, lall Monday. Prole..or Sj>l ndler, who haa been oul o f sehool lor the lasL three weeks on ac:counL o l the Injury lo hi• leiL e7e. ha• returned. We are glad tbal he I• again able 10 take charge ol hi• eluoes. ~onna l, Mr. 0- o-n- 11 At ••htch green house in town ,you geL the be8t t\rnc rlcan beanttes'!"' )Jr. G·a·•-o-1- " Al the one across from til<! XonnaL" If lhtre'll ever a flood and you eaonoL fty, Come 10 Jllei<!Orolollr: you'll ftnd 11 dry. ~oncs.- 11 any man wbbe~ to •'"ail him$otlr of more scl•otlllc t ralnln~r he ..-!11 do well 10 "Proft~•or Dean-.." He t.rc a square man, a4 ~ -.Quai"H u1' to every one. You will be plea:-.~d In Dornestle Seleoco Class, the teacher 18 I J)Cak log or the olmplleity or Conner times- " In tho"'• good old days 1~ peoj>le went 10 bed •1111 lht• chicken•. n Do-•tlc Science Girl-.. ~~·! h must ha•·e ~><>en awfuHy UnJanhary.n II ns lhe ftral lime thai Dorothy had - n a hone wllh a fty- on: "Coodnta\!" sh• exclaimed, "that hot"'e 1.. •·urlnfC hot .. t ied together with siring•." wtth his ln.struetion.s. One of our young- ladteg, studying about •·court"''-~'(), my: thls would be much morolnwr••.. tlng It there •·ere an °lng'' attached to lt." Profes!lor Dacon, ln ltlstory of Education-" It Isn't In the world, where ln the world b He'!" (Wo<J M:lu O.n·m--,..., qulckly-'"l:ighteen from elevtn how many!'' Mlu P·a· , dellberately- ' ·T-renly·oine. •• t;ould 11 be thai any of the facuhy are troubled h,y that mos:t popular •ubjed. "Arithmetic.·· ~aTts )lro. Or-d-o-d, 10 Third Grade boy In ~wing­ " Well, I think 11 take• you a lonlfllme to mend that hole: you have worked on It two or three daye, haven'&. you'f" Third Grade Ooy "Ye•; bu\ I didn't know be· lore it took 10 IoniC to Rll a hole with darn.,. \\·, Z·n·n•r· - t•Sar, John, can l know • ·hat don't. lcnow'!" J, M·,...O· - 0 ~o." W. 7.·n·n·r· - "There I• one thing I don't knu•·· and I know lt.. Then don., I know what I don 'I knowY" J. ~1-r+- _ a.r don't know• ., )lr. Murpby-" Begobo! Mre'o a pl..,. In 11,.. paper thai a 70ung Ieddy glt. l'ree hundred dol· Ia..,. lor palnllng wan microbe.Mr. Flnoegan-"Phwy the dl•ll don't SM paint a 111!pha nt, an' quit lhe chase rer mooeyY'' One brilliant lludenl suget. thai the de•llna· tlon o f tha •oul after death might be dloeovercd by nothing the t>alh which Is take• on the sc~n wh('n the new X rays are used. Old Lady "Does this parrot uoe any bad lan· ltl~&t ft.l·l·r, In ~ood quarter drawlng- "Lel me oee your pl<ture of t he 8talno, Mr. N-1-o-... L-r-. N·l-<>- - ·'(). IM1 are no good. you'll walk al~o•er ~ .. ) lr. Paldo-"Lo•~ I• like a pbotograpbi<plalf ... 1\. P·D· _ .,Why?'' ltr. P·~h-.. 8fon.u..t> h takt.!» a dark room 10 ~¥<tloplt..'' srua Ke?" Bird Dealer.- "No'm: but be's a ruung bird and ~..11augh1. --~--- !ibe au.ended tbe eoneert, and, u aht bt1leve!l, She was dru<ed to appropriate lute: An a.ccordlan skin and tong piped •lf't\'f~, And a bra~• band around htr w-at''· TilE 64 NOR~!AL J'O l~TER. EX~HAHGE~. T .-uSay, Fred, lend me your sha'flng mug, to thave?" f"kzo. -•'()b~ .:hawaJ antlah&va your own a:nc !'' -EJ<. Til It NOIUIAL Pol;rt"l!ll Is very good. - CumbtrlllndrllahSchool ISLA!<D CI'rvSTUDZ:\"1': IJy•IUdJing lho heading In Trr>JJt.:<US we learn lhU ll I• a u..e of EJ<dtange. U:ap Year, you k now. ·roo kcy·nore o f llood breeding I• B natural. - P.x. Ho We~ Jlolll q,.clo. can't underMtand why a 11hlJ> l1 called .he,., •aid Mro. Gabblcton. uJ\nU l8upJJOIC you Ho awake nhthHI wonde-ring • ·hy a folding- bed IMI\'t called ·~nc. • don't you'?" <1ucrled Mr. Gabblcton who wa• lryln~r to read hi~ )JAiler bclwoon lnlorrupt!nn•• .. No, l don' t think h ever dl8hu·betl Ill)' ~lum· l"'r•," repllttl M,.,.. U. "Uul why (,n'l • fuldln(l hed eallttl ••he?' '' '*Oecau~ h shulll up 0\~&!4(onal1y. my dear:· :uuw~red Gabbleton whh a .:houfl<jjh rrln. •j( - ('UICAOO N•;"·~. TEACU-&R-Johrmie, repeat. mo, •• M osf\-. was an auHtere man, and •»ado Btooetncnt for tl»· odns of his people.. " JOHN"Nrz-..:Uoses 11ras an oy~tcr man, anll mad•· olntmenl for ll~<: ol1lns of hi• I!OOtJio." - t:x. " T'm. " b7 Elvira, In the Occentbcr number ur Tut:C ARUL'lAL, Corinn, Calitornl~t, is par•lcularl,\ good, as Is all tho literary mano r lo thl• lnWreOI · lng magazine . t:xclled lAdy M telephone-••[ wont m7hu•ban.t. (llease, at once."" Yulee frum J.-:xehonge-uNumber, plea~?"' L&dy- "Oh! I he fourth, you Impudent thlnl( :" Preshm~'"Prore8,or, i3 iL overpoASible to 'ak•· The ~·tober and Nuvember l!I'IUC"' of T uv. NON· .II AI. PI:>ISTI!ll an> mO<Jcl• Of .chool P&lleN. Ewn lllo the I,..P"r I< l&w<'d b) a Nonnol -rhool, it I· lnl#~tinx for every orw. OsHKOl!ll A Kill S<:UOOL I""""· 'tt.e greater from the less?" ,.,.UDt:!<T ( "'adlng Vl'1!11 1 "Th...., 11,_ I .. troYe to 4-"a•l.. my a nn• arnuntl h..r nt"Ck:' That wa-t &oi far ao~~ I oould get. Ptoftt,~r. •· PROP'e.'i&~ .. f"'tov= Tbac wa .. flultt t arenhvs:h. '' THE'SOIDIALPoiSTER, Steven" Polo&, \V l$00Dtln. «>Main• nQ Alumni Department. ThLI dcpartmenl l-4 very ofte.o o f intere!J·&. 1.0 an ouulder ; a nd h '"rtalnly ought ool 1o be laek lnr t o lhl~ paper. - llYA:< CLARIO:<, ,\ppl•ton algh School. II IO U 84'fiMI, I SUY.X. A Lil l ie Farce, ~l·.,.s~ A uulet "'treot: A banana l>t_ooel: : ( 'HAitAt.'T•:u • A hl~e t.A~T .\t'T tat mun ::: Vlr;;rlnla e-....•1!!:: Profe!tWr-'•There i:J a p reur close approach t•• that when !OU takethecoDceit out o f a F reshman.·· - 1-:Jt. Wball$ gnod for a bald head? Ralr. - t:t. \\'e were pi•• - ' lO reoel •·e a l'OUple<'feoplu uf THE !'OR.II t.L PolSTER lhl• month. This is lrul, • Jlaper o f nN-rlt. h Is qul~ xlenslve1 and tho•" lhat it mu ... t lakf' tlme and wm·k In ltspreparatluu. - FLA8tiY.!oC, ~turgeon Day. 11\SK US_QUESTJE)NS ou will alwa.\'l!l ha\•e ""c for bunking knowledge. The l)(o,t •a.Y to gain that learning i~ h~' actual (tXJ)erleoce from praetlcal OIJierator"". \Ve ha,·~ had t'«'tnty (!.0) ~·ear-. ex p~rlt~. ha,•lng bereft ~tabll•bod in I~ We al"t' th~ IICkDOwlrdj!td leade.,. In the banking bu•l~·•· Do your bankinl busint>..~ with U'4. A~k U.J: all theque>llon• you like. and you will g« pro1Up" aml reliable information. \Ve will tell you all abou~ our ru1e~ for OJK'nlnK ae-eount"~~ rt'Ceh•ing dcposlt<i, lonnlng mone)', l ...... utns: drahlii, etc. \Vould like to ho,·e you ...tart an account with u~. Lft u.- lalk l~o,·tr an~ way. Y Th6Most Gomol6t6 Job ·Otf1G6 IN THE. GITY. :-iew ~'t•~t ~lachlnery, New Styles of T ype. flavln~r thf' be'\t and faste"i:t pres~ ·~ can all'ord to print Jobs BETI'Eit and CR~:AI'~:Il than the prlnte.,. w1tb their old .. ,, It <ilow 1Ne print e-.,err&hln~r prlntabl~. Gh·t a trial order. u• WORZALLA BROS., t-• uhlh•herK, Oc•'i'C\-nt Book nn d .Job t•rlu tcn., •10 llala St., lft:TEXS POIII!, 'I'll. Buck, Barrows, & Co., Fits/ gj\[ali.onal <>J3ank, Stevens Point, W1s. E•tublulrcd 18/JJ. U. :>. ~;~o,, ' NEW GOODS, Latest Styles In Fine Mil line ry. 1\« &tree $. C. G. MACNISH, At Ye Sign of Ye RED SHOE. Has a G000 SH0E Reputation. !ry Him. •o9 Strongs A ve n ..e, ~~~~~ F. A. MI~HAt~XI, D. D.~., Dentist, KUHL'~ BLOCK, Steverys Poiryt. IT WILL V1\Y Y0U Te SEND '? 515 C!hurc:h Street. Y0UR Telepho.!'e 100. Mrs. M. E. Phillips-Moore's PRl\"ATE l:ll:HOOLOF O~~CI~G, ~OUU lR~I~I~G, " VHYSie1\ LeULTURE. ; Dancing Is an arl-. Nothing characterizes the ladr or gentle man u.s much as good manners, J>O· liteness and true gracctulne~s. Awkwardness is mos• frequently cau sed by incorrect habits o r po.. ilion and motion. . Jl. i ~ then highly Important to form (."'r roo.t ho.bus o f motion, 38 early a ~ J>OS· Q1 l 0 r Q. QJ :.ible. Nothing is more f.lrro neous thun t o suppose .J chat the sim ple pr-acti<..oe of the variou~ d~nccs ere· QJ ate.s gracefulness. Careful train in~ in the \'&rious tomovements or dancing Is ' 'ery essenlial. Pupils ... bould be tau;.tht what constitutes true graceful- ;:i~.i~;;:!_.:~~~~~,toi:~t~/i!~~~~~n c~fht~•::ch!~~~ ":an bf, s.ti"en by means o f mo tio n. \\'ill rent ruonts for select 1,arties or cl ubs. H. o. MceULLeeH ee., Lt'd. Stationery, Books and School Supplies. omwm~ ~~~~r, Mij~~li~~ oo~r~ ~M ~Miij~m~~ic Goij~. C. KREMBS &BRO. G~~s~~~!~· lAotoa u nn. p,.,tdeL o . &. lleDUI c a...b.ier. ..... J. Pft~·o., r. Vlee l"re.<irik1eot. R. U. l obuo.o. A s..'t. C~e r. Y.. A. Krcm~ ~k keeper. T . L.. s . V"rt. lletlllloeDier. Capit a l $1 00,000.00. State llepostttry. CoooiJ De~JCWIJ. CiiJ DeposllorJ. HormlJ Scbool Depository. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. DIJUWTORS. E. J. Pfttrner. R. A. Cook. Louis Drill. N. A. Week. John A. Murat. G. E. Mc Dill. W. W. )litche ll. ARLINGTON H OUSE, J AS. WELCH, P rop. R J>tTe $1.00 eeR DJ>tV. 1~el<-phone Dr. J. M. Bischoff, De:n.tist. \', A. Ramaeker. Steven s P o i nt, )N'is. AT THE BOS TON FAll~, 3 15 Malu S t. ,Is the cheapest place In t he eity to buy your t.hnner ~t, Canty china ware, lemonade se~, wine ~~. crocke-ry, glas.sware, lampjt: also dry goods, 'hot-s, o.lothing, hats, caps, notions, tinware, ::_ranh.e wnre and tovft. \Ve al!ilo carry a coruol ete I. SHAFTON. lmt o f mUlinery. 3t5 Ma in ,ot. z.&.. 3'25 Strong• A\•cnut>. Stoveas Pol•t . ~Is. Crown a nd B'rldgo Work a Specl a iL7 . Lady to at~ndaooo Cor. Ma!n •"· .t Strong:~ &\'e. G. W. CATl~ G. ~!. DAHl,. CATE 6t DAHL, ·1\ ttor n eys•at•Law. OIDee om Cllluas' RatiODll But CHINESE LAUNDRY Guarantees First-Class Wort AND CHEAP. '? H. WING LEE. Olaoscs Accurately aod Sclcntlftcally Fitted. J. W. BIRO, M. 0., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Offtcc. 4G2 Special Ratco 10 Studcn11. SL. 9tcvca8 Pol at, Wls, ~fain Dr. E. M. Rogers, Sl rongs A 1·e. L. ZBOROWSKI, M. D. EOROPE.AS l""ACtfLTY. INYfNTO~ Of SANITARY AID DRAfT·PROOf WINDOW. Spcel•lbU 1.. d~asei'Of WOC~M:D, OM;.:e &"d re--,1deoee IJOt; . 8lft)OP, &'fe. Te-l. t ! •t . ()mee b 'U'nl: lOS p. m. STEVE~ !! PO I~ T, S0UTHWI(~K, M. 0., Surgeon ~ Ph'}!sician and 6-16 Chureh s t reet. Teltphone 3:!. SttfPM t•olnt, Wls,·on-"1••· C21\RRIE 1\. FR0ST. M . 0., Physician and Surgeon. Ollloo Flours: 8-10 a. m., I-I I'· rn. Of1ll-e aod residene2 00.1 Clark ~t. c-or.Strongs U\' "'· S t ovctt8 Polut, " ' lsc:oasla. W. W,GREGORY, M. D DENTIST. Over Tuylor Bros. Surgeon~ Office Bours: 1- 3 and G-8 p. m. 607 ~loin stN't•t. Telephone IG!J. sn:V'ENS POINT, WIS( lONS IN. F- 1\. Goods called for and delivered. 116 STRONgs AVE. E. H. R()GERS, M. 0 ., Ph'}!sician and WIS . D. N. ALCORN , M . D ., Physician antl Surgeon. Ofltee hours 1 untl i p. m. UJ> stnh11:. Hes. Curran Rou)'ot'. Teleyholl('-Qftlee, 120. StevetUJ Point, Wl 8coa~ ln . 313 Muin ~hwt, C. .,. ~IARTIN & CO., Leading Photograpl1ers, PHOTO STOCK OP. ALL KIRDS. F..111trt fl., ••• f'a r n:a •lal•1" • •'•""' r..r T'-" t', )II. t•f'a-"1•• hru• . t;fHialtl.-: lti.r•~• • •4 OJH'rallu e r t"r Eye, Ear, Nose a11d Throat. ~ ~ill_uldingd ._..tlarmatblm. weoll e1~1< ele. omce overTaJl\tr Urotl. drvlil'•tore. T.,l, Ill. und Fnunc.;. 114 S. Third :;)t. UI&K~ Jfn•uo<l tO order to eorrec1. D. A. AGNEW, Th6 SouthSI06 J6W616f Fine Watch ~eparlnst a Specialty. AUGUST GOERKE, M ERCHAN'.I' T AILOR. Fine Uno o t Stunple1 ol I~Rdlu'd 01"e8• Good<~ Rl· V.' &) I OD h l\nd. 452 Mala Street. Stcvealt Polar . WI~. J1\<!0BS H0USE, S. FR1\NK'S ~: JACOBS, Prop. Lending Fruit'Store. Leading Hotel itt City. Fntlla, Vegetabltl, CoDitctloaery, Oysters, Cigars, !o\aeco, Eto. S t ove au• Pol at, W IKoa s la. ,.~ Mal• St. Tot. t 18. r '