f I -. '

JUNE 1903.
-. 'TH B
NE)R 1\L ·
Prllltod tly s. HUTT£11f, Ooaoral Book a11d Jot! Prl11tor, 8teve11s Polllt, Wis.
Let other · Normals boast
Of viC'tories galore,
Our '11e'1 ar~ ··all .victorious,
Of lau eis never lost,
Of triumphs b~ t~e score ;
Are winning great re'10W'1·
Jho' we're proud ~f all Wiscons('1,
Let t ~e111 tell · ~ou of their ·prowess,
Of warmors strong· and bold
But their
.T~ru ever~ State . around;
Our at~letes a11d debaters
W_hos~ fame's i11 stor~ told,
ever lower
To "The Purple and the Gold."
Ou·r heart's wit~ Stevens Point · Normal,
And "The Purple and th& 1 Gold."
To the banks of ·,Old Wiscon si ~,''
~ears\ are
past and gone,_
When -as school mat~s we have ·parted,
· And our lessons. al~ arG done,
We'll retur11 and s~bw our ccmrades
We're as lo~al as of old,
them 011 to
' ~eat~ "T~e · Purpl~ and t~e Gold."
Karo ! Ki(o! Kero ! Kee !
Ra~! Ra~! : Ra~ ~ f9r S. Pt.!
Allegaroo ! .Garo ! Garoi11t !
Norm.al ~ 'Normal ! Stevens Point !
. '·
f ..
sw;e;;:cza a:ps:;crs:aw;
) .
ll),o ·Lxth Stat Xtm.Mi .' dwul ":1. ·. lut•ah!d :1t Stye s
Point t.y a··t·of th 13om·d of H.L''l'CIIt ,July 22, 1 93.
November 3, of the~nme yenr, tim c·ontr:H"t ft~\''the bui l~ing ":
let. Tho <'on truetion progre ~ed mpidly w1d rhe <'hool ":
opened on the day n.d vet·ti ed '· <'ptem be1· 17, 1 94. The d
ctober .18, :mel the regul:u: work of a
dic•:ation took plu
. ~or 111 at Sc·hool h: be n •J.rricd on ince wilh n f111l corp f ·
't a<'her:s and tcndily growing att. •ndunce.
One ·of the e:~rly si,O'nS of ('hoollife in tho Noi·mal \Vin ·
1 orgnniz~\ti_on of the ~t
A ociation. !fbi:o~ occurred in
tho full of 1 . 96, the first.i - ue ofthc• r<'!!lllnr publi~1tion con.inO' .out in December of thut yonr, Tho ormal hu alw y
)lcen trict~y u pupor of_the t~dent body: ltd r guiat· pul)li·
1~tioh and t.Je:adily improviug quulity huvc . ll along 11ro·
laimed its su\'e proO're- , wl1i\o its in rea iug ·ir · ulution11a
howu the teem in which it h:1 l)een held.
' . 'i'ho fh-st g•11duati1;0' ·cln of ~he ·chool made its :q)p~n­
mnco in tho ..)rinO' of-1 96. Th •·e wcre ~n\ly three nH~mh rs
'Of thi hi torieally momornbl rl'roup, liut all thr e hOI'e the
.' t:tm p of w01·kers fo1· ·the_0' nem t O'ood.: ,
. ,
One of tho b ·t of the outside influence on t.h e lh·e of
'the tudent ha been .the
rie of Lecture ours .
i)lan -~vn put into operntion during· the win_ter ~ '9i- ~
ha been eoutim.Jed ...er ince.
It hns heel• a;; ,-atu.ihl :1s :tnyt.hin.O' in helping to kf'ep
th . chqol In tou<'h with th wOJ·Id of .e\· uts. lt ·}G! bee n
tho m~nll of b\·inO'ing be_foro the tudeut oody some of the
foremo t tpinker of our timc to give it. the bei1efi ·of th •ir
years of tudy. Be. id the regular 1 <;tun R, tho mu ical nnd .
drarnuti~: line have bPeu i 1wlude~ . . The committee hilS at :~11
tilllc · <th•en t·o the patr••n of the Cour e ~h<' best tluit cou.ld
he offered, the plan being to n1ak the rec~ip~ ju t ~qual the
exp •n CA. The fi1. t · com e . o~'ered , con. i ted of lectqre by
J>rof ot
'Shea, cott and 'om tock of Mudi on, Prof.
F•·en<'h of 'hiearl'O and a concert by the Li. te~:nann Quartette.
lu the ucc·et-dinO' lcoursCl
the Comittec secured- the
rvic of ·u hemin
nt inen und womCI·l a Jacob Rii ,GeorO'
Kennon, .lane Adnm~, E . . B njiunin i\ndrew , ~ol. Parker, .
D1·. Burrow and many oth r equully ~tron~ anq in piring
. peukers.
· ·
In chronoloO'icul ord r th next
\'ent of · the
dwol wu the or•l'anization of the . rutoricul A o iatio_n, and ·
the joinincr of thi~ . hool with tb_. lnter-:Xormal L~JO'ue. The
.fi1. t tc•p · were t:~kc1t · eal'ly in the fall of 1896. A fl'L' nt
deul ~f intc1 ' twa. taken in the wol'k by the· chool gehet·ully,
und thet:e V.·er eiO'bt participnn in the lo ul conte t. 'fhe
winner, :M~. Larkin, r pr elited the choo.l in the Inter-Kor~
mul Con t held.nt 0 ~1ko b, March 19, l 97. Hm: 'we won
-occond place. -
The f nler- ~ or111:o l ('on 1<•:-t fo1· tlu• y<':l r I ~m1 wa,; lu·ld :1 t
Stcn:us Point. Lar:,re dclcJ.!:tlion · <':1111<' from ( l:-hku,;h and
)lilwauk c•P, und StcYcus Point wa:o: r<'tn·cse·nt<'d c 11 llla:-<Sl'.
:\l r. (; c...:cll. rcpr<':'Cnting thi:-: :'C'IH11d, was awardl'd lit~l pl :t<·t~.
The l ute•r-Statc ~orm:t l ( 'ont<•:-l wa:-: held at ( '<•dar Fall.:, 1:1 .
l it-re ag-aiu ,lr, ( i<'"<'ll n•c·ein·cl fir:-:1 plac·<.', winning g-r<•:ll
falll<' fur \\'i,.;ro 11sin and, parti<•ul:trly. Stt•\'c•ns Poi 1tl. ~<·<·d­
lc·ss tn :-~:~,r the c'\'(•tlt wa,; propc•rly <·<'l e•hr:lll'd hy I hl' :-t·hued ~
with tor('h-li!rltl prm·c •:-:.:-:iun~ and ntu<·h d wt>ring- and :-:lwuti ng-.
:\ s t hf; :<I'! tool g-row i 11 size
I It c.• T ra i 11 iII;.! Dc•pnrl 111C'Ill
forn• al:-o in<"rCa:-ed ()wing
1o the c•ouscqllt'll t dcma nd
fur i'l:t~:•<•s to t cac·lt, :t r r:t tt;::!'<'ttH•nb wc·n· m:ldl' with I he
:'t·hool Board t)ftlwt·ity. hy
which st ucl<·nts mig-ht taiH·
c·h:tt'g"(' of c·la,.;,.;c~ in thP Tltircl
W ard :'c-lwo l. .\ <Til i<' tcaHle·r wa:-: :tl;o:o ll<'<'dc•d tn takP
c·lt:ll'f!<' of lht,.; hrntw h of tit< '
tle·p.lrl11H' lll. and ~ l i"'"' Fit z
( i •·raid w:t' :-<•lei' I c•d to fi II
I hal pl:t<'<'. The · plan h:ts
lu•c•t• itt opt•ration for four
.' t·:tr,.; :1ml lt:t.: pril\ t·d to ht•
\t•n· :tcl\:tlllag-c•••ll:- for :all
l'l llle ·c• riu·d .
The• rapid ;..•Tow! It \If tltt•
,,·ltoul ' '"'ll l'l'P:tlc •d I he· ll('t'd
f111' JllOI'I' ruolll, :till( ill 1111'
f:dl of I X!I!I tlu• Board 11 f
Hc-gl'ut /g-a n· it:- ('nn--<'111 to
Theron B
tlw cn(....,·lrtwtitm ••f :t naddiF ran!. K. !"echri"l
linn tn tlw l11til diug. TIH' lit'\\' wing. :rd d <' I to liH· wc·,t t•ud
of tltt• ori1!iu:tl bui lding- w:t,.; rc:tdy fo r n<·c·up:ttiou :<oon :tftt•t'
!Ito opcniltg" of ,.;c·hool fo,. thP :<ca:<Otl of UJOI-'02. l u th e rclltTang-<'lllC'III of tlw 1111ilcliug- lht• fir~t tloo1· wn,; gi\'t~ll o\'1'1' to
I IH• Training I )ppart IIH'ttt. with t ht• <'XC'<'('t iotl 11f one t·onm,
that wbi('lt w:•s ' rc;o;t•n·••d for th e• d<•pari llt<'nt of DnllH',.;tic•
:-it·i•·tw••. Tlw Non11:d Dt•p:tl'tntcn t prnp••r fill :-> tltc· ::c•e·c11td
floor: tltc· l'i_!!ltt l:tltnl':tlnrit•:< :tltd :<t·,·cr:d n•c·it:tli ou retll lll:- Ill'"
t'llf'.' ing till' third tlonr. Ou thi" lloor :d:-<ct :tl'(' t lt l' ' lit t~ra ry
:ICH'iety I'OOlll;'l :tlld II l:tl'_!!'('
hall c·:tllcd th e :\rt . \un t·x~
whidt is u,.;(.'d r.. ,. t lw cxhihj ..
t iou- of work frout tltt• .\ 1'1
Dep;trlnu•ut and f.,r l:tl'g"l'
lll<.'<' t i ~~~~.
T he \':triou:; cwg-: tuiz:ttiou ~
in the athh-tit·. litc•r:try 1111d
11111:-:it•al lin<.':" play :111 illl(llll'-'
ant part in I h<' :-dtnol life·.
Tlw,r tc•nd 1o l11•lp :tnd uuif.\':tll adinu in tltt•ir lint·~ .
Th e .\ t h It•! ic· .\:-.., twi:tt ion
lake:-; dt :ll'_!!l' n'r :dnw~t :d(
fnnn,.; of :<jw rt ,.;.
St • ·V • ·n~
Point lut"' ul \\':ty:< Iwid ht•t'
:tlltlet ie·:- up to :t hi;.dt :-<l:tllcl:trd :111d tlti:: h:t ~ :--hown it :<
n•:-ult in th1• iul<'1'-,.;t·hool
1•out1•:-t'. l uI hC' fall of UIO I
I h<' fir:-1 ,Y<':t l' o f t h<' ,.;c·hool,
I he first footh:tll I C'H tn w:ts·
m·g:tuizNI, :111d tho not n~r.r
!!nOd i I IIH'l t h<.' J.n \\' rC'lH'C'
Prfty , Pre,..
~ ..... ~ary o . Brlldfont
f II
.'1\1" " A, Cllrollr.e •.dmftnd
l<•:tm I 1:1! :I ·
ll I'!(' fall
ut 1895 a hotter ~bu·t Wtt ':l n):tdo and th c tc:tlll .und•·•· th o ::;killfu l coat·bin;! of Hu_)loroft,ft•ori't ( ' hi cago,won three of the lout·
gunw:; it pluycu. A:J th~ p •ut'::l wont on t here w11 alway~:~
11 bt•tl et· Lciun ready to bold up t he honor of the ::;c·hool. Tlto
tea m of 1 8~ 7 Wit:! prohahly tho li,!!htl'~t and quic·kt'St that
t ho l(dtool ha,; <'\'O l' put fc•rth, whflo the team foll owing in
tho ~·oa ~~ · ~s. ·~w uud
'00 wt•t·c mu<'lt lht' heavies t t l1:1 t ha \ ' 0 0 \ ' 0 1'
OC"'C n got tu:rcthoa·.
lla::skt-t· Da ll was
g un hero in tb<' wintt·r
uf '9 7- '98. Fuut· teams
\\'Oro ut·ga nh:cd 11nd n ·
lou rn11ntent
:-\t e•\'omi Poi nt \orm al hns ulw:_1ys h<>ld a g ood place in
t m ck wol'l<.
'in co t ho Rpri II;! of 1895 t luwu bfts b'{wn n toum
t I'll i ned and r••ady to meet other s<·hcioh;. GettcJ'Hll,\' t h ero
ha\'O het>n mc•et:i held. Exc<'pt in a fow o,·cn t~:~ .the sd toul
<'nrtl is qnit o hi;!h unci it i,;; thot t hat the poor rer m-Qt! cull be
rn i s~d hy the mn~erilll nnw in the s- · lu ~t~l.
Durin:r tlw tit~--t ~"1':n·
of tho s<'houl I he fir11t
literaa·y ~rc iety wnij
organ ized. lt wu culloo
the Are na, and nd lll ittcd to lll<'mhors!lip hoth
gent l<'men nnd lad ies.
Tho· Fos·um , a soci<'ty
exclush·cly fo r the 111cn,
was organir.ed in t he
third ye:u· of tho school.
ln tho fourth and tifth
years th e Goo:,rrnphy
L ycun m did fl<)lll<' \'<'I'Y
ext·ellcnt work with a
w h it·h W:t!:l very succe.ssTnl l. On F ch ruat·y 22,
1898 t h e fir:~t gu me was
pluycd with uit ou~ldo
Bot h ill this
:tnd i 11 t ltc ret Ul'll game
l:li'A'C mcuth<'t'tlhip. In
thu L u\\'I'ClH'O pluyet'tl
o~\')) out. ) 11 I he S('IISon
tho fo urt h .' cnr nl"o,lh<'
At bC II IIC UIII r.. r youn~
'98 .99 tho <'hool team
men wns ur7!ani r.t'd ,a nd
)>l:ty<'d li 'e gum..-s with
in I ho tifth yr;, r I h<'
-outsidt• tcmns uud W• n
A rena w:ts J'('stl'if•ted tu
't h'rco oT t h e m. lt. was
l udi l·~ and the ('!ionian · '
very populnr A'nme
.,,.,.. w. l.l vl• r loa
MljOs Jan,.tl e klt
Mfllll Bllubetk F. Sl•p!Mia
t )l:tt yeal'lllld the tm·un- JliMJo"Cpkl acFiu Ocral4 Oco,..o A; Talbe r t M il's Claa rlottc B .Oc rrlsla M ~s Naut\lc R.Oray (,)1' lad it'S ~p r:111~ i Ill()
)t)nent al:m "'''· ' 'et·y p rotltnhlP.
The t('nms of the followiw,.
cx i ~:tt-n<'c. F or tho past four .)'<':I I'S tlwsc f<>ur s_oci•·ti-es. hnYC
~:t~n:-~ h:H·e been hotter 11nd mn ny gmnes ha,·e been played,
met I'<';!Ulul'ly nnd u cco mpli:-~hed n g rMt deal. T he work
~~ri11 <'4l-oot \\'ll\n\"g mo~t <•f them,
h n.~ .u lwuys been plcnsunt ~md htis h elped, pct'lutp ,more· th~w
I i 1• . r:ll ·'
\1 " I ,, "r :; I II' .·, ,, " "I
l1i!.!h '1:111tlard it !.:1:<
inary Or:tl nrirnl Conf('jo;f, there m·c tlttfncl'lhl:o~ c.Jchut c!' thrlf' "' 1ho· .\• ·:or. J-:q:r since thc spring of '98 the ~nniortc:un ol
1hc <>,ltk ..,lt a:td. l c \' C il~ Point s<·hool$hnYC mc•t in dehntc.
The li r,1 Fnrllm ·.\.thcoll:l<'lll dchntc wa~ hc·hl in the ~prin.., o(
'!1!1 . and tlois is ono o f the lung bcrald<·d eYeuts. The
aunu:tl cJ ,., lanwtcory ,·ontc:>t nl:;" nt·ou P.S llluc·h intct-cst
e:wlt ' t':l · •n. T he intet:-schoo1 debate with " 'hitcwa1er :\ ormhl i ~ ll lltllhc•J' of (hi:; ~cries of 1itornry
trial:' wh i..Jt g iyc•s all nwml tCJ'S of tho towhoolnmplo O)l-'
\ rtun ity t o enhu·gc their present nhiliti~~.
Tho ~r.hool has n1w;'Y" hud excep~ionn.
tnlent and :renera lly :in almmlnncc uf mutc.-ia I fur the .dcp:u·tmcn t nf ni u ~i <'. There
ha,·o hccn many different org-anization:o:sinco
th e b egi nning of th e school. M1d c quart~ttc.-; und ladie:;! quartette:> ha\'O nr,!!tLnized
:tlmos~ O\'ery y-cnr.
yor t ho p :1 t fom· year;;
the me n's G lee C luh has h<ic n m:tin ta inecl
:md hns been \·ery successful; nnd dnri n~
t.he pas t. three years t he T•·chl<' <'lcf C luh ,
•:omposcd o f young ladi<>.s of th e !<chool , hns
m11do nn cnviuhle record. This cluh h:~ :-~ giv•m si x concerts and nil hnvc h<>cn hi;rh c la.ss
:tnd V<'ry c njnyahlc. The last of 1he scrie$
was gi,·en by both tbe T •·oble C le f and G leo
C lub:; nnd wns n decided succ();)S.
· And
~ I 1 ~ CellA ~ . Uura:c rt
Ml5!\ Edith fl. Snyd e r
Alb : rt K. SnuforJ
11'11~."' M. f'rattce!l 0Aittu
..tu.,cvh .1/, Colli n,.
.lo\1~"' lttft)' Sc:crc:ltt
0Arry t'. Culver
\\' il h t lw n•rrular
wmk of t lw :-m·i(•tic" comt•.-:; .t h~ ,· ul'iou ~
••'x<-n ·i"t•:-: of the :-~t· h ool. 'l'Ju~sc occur all thru tht!l year und
~~~·<' ,·cry ln1·gly nttended hy th<' ;whuul. Bc.,id c" lb_<' prdim·
not the least of tho ntt rnctions of'
1ho Nnrmnl are (the· gay recept ions nnd
flJH'Cild il held duri/11._!! the SCl' OOJ .)'CHI'.
'f il es"'
hy the Fuculty, hy tho school as n whole, hy tho
literary :;oci eti c~ or by tho n 1rious clusscs. Tho rcasou for
th<'il· muin~e nnnre ir. found in the nccCS><ity of rest nndro1nxn-·
are gi \'en
-· lion fro u~ sehoul work: abo, tlw dcrclopntcul of tho :-m·ial side of tho pros pcc tiro ttllu·hor:~. . Added to this wo
h:n·e tho ' dwul picnic. Tho tirst .nffair of tlli " kind w:t::
at \rnupn<·n b~es in tho s pring of :02. T his
sprin~ :mot her ono wus held itnd the rustnm _.· l•ems well ~t:ut­
ed . Tho plan is a :rood one. t\lld t ho l'\'ent i::> r cry nllu·h
enjoyed hy ull who tnko pnrt..
L:tstly, hut m o:~t importnnt, Onr Faculty. President Pray
wus elected to his position ut tho o rg: 111i~atio .• oJ this :who.. )
in 1 94, aud uudca· his ·toady hand and careful <'YO the
Mw taa H Fcaw,h.:k
Ida M
Mb!t Katllarlac It l'ray
Mrs Allee C Clcmcf
t-raak 1'1 Spla41cr
:-w houl lws :tltaincd a well da •:-:t•n
<'U n ·putlnt inn. ll is 1-!rcut n.im ha s
h <'<' •l lll •l· sol ely till' makin;r of te:H·hc r::, hut tho mnldng of -;\f en :u:d
W omen . Jn Jti,; <'ffotls to lead tl:e
:wholut'li under hi · dwr;rc to th ··t
hig her !!oal, ho ha ~ stl'iren wit h
uutiring zcul. To him, nud to t becxccllcu t con) •. ;,f tc:lt'h crs \\'hom b c
hus <'h o:,en to ns.-;;ist him, i,; due all
credi t of tho high ruuk .of our
t:d10"l. Tho we tuny forget, in tle
emwd o f other event::> in yen rz;; to ·
como, :•omc c.f th o many ucqu:\in- ·
lances- we
haYO m:tde at tho
~ b~ Allc:Ja De~cln~ c. r.
we 1-1 hall always remomhct· our teach er;;. Thoy
. ha"e r<Jimo and gone n the yc~u.. h :LVO gone hy unl i I
only six of tho;;o who .were with the sehoul in it:; o [1 o ni n~
your still! remain. , 'omc hu,·cgone f<{r the purpo:~c of holler
propari11g thcms'oh·es for their chosen lifo's work. Othot·:;
have gmte to accept po:;itious higher 011 life's ladder. Only o ne
of all our tcachet·:; has been tuken . ft·om us hy d ch th. Mi ·s
A li ei:~ 'De Ricme1· d icd A pri I 8th, 1903. II,.,. presence and
work nnwn:;r us we can 110\'er forget, and the intlue twc of lu•t'
hcuu liful life wns felt by all "ho k11cw her . . ' itl('e lt <•t·
d eath tit " fuc·uh y and : > tudenl,; have frec• ly given a largo sutu
to he ex pended this summer fot· :;ome appropriate ~irl to
r<>mniu in th o sc·hool in memory of Mi:s De Hieutcr. 'l'b<' memorial hn~ not yet hecn ch o en. (
In c l osi n~ thi · bl'ief rcdcw of our sdtool lt•t us extend
to om· fttcu lty the betit wish.cs o f the tudcnt....,, in npprcciation
of t heir cu rnC:lt nnd faithful efforts,thruout the yca r,:m d who c
freely o ffored advice and kindly cri.tichn wil l c ,·crbe u g uiding factor in our li\·c::> to come.
••Ou.t of the Sh•cltered Harbor lato
Me lody- '" I
Opea Sea."
WA S S EE I NG N:t: r.t.JJ.) H OME . .,·
E'RE a jolly crO\\"U o~ Senio t·s,
W e are wise a s wii!e cnn be,
In o ut· studies we have ftu· exce llt>tl,
'vVe ur-e S enio t·s, 100:.1.
Yo u will miss us, well 1 we know it,
In the c lass room, hall and gym·
But. we're well and happy, you ~ay be s ul'e,
lt, or· we' re alwt,ys in the swim. I'
We at"t' S eniors, 11103 !
W e are Renio t·s, l OO:J!
A nd its in this Normal we• ,·c won
W e a r e S cniot·s, 1110:1!
W e ha ve rn isetl the schoo l's hi ~h st:uuiar·tl .
\Vc hnve wo n far it !.Ome fume,
Amf whe r·e c ' t·e we tnt ve l in yeat·s to come,
· W e expect to do t he s ame.
CHOn us...:.
Oh ! our hetw ts are with the Normal !
With the teache t·s, c las s-mates, too :
And o n Ji.fe's long jour·ney, fur and wide,
W<' will ·s ing this song for you.
( ' HORUS -
W. A.
Y Jo;LL.
Who are we ' ttns :
Nlnetoon three 'uJls l
)l\A~NiE Si><'>dNm- Seemlngly calm~
but. determined
Course: High School English. Essay: "History Work h\
the Grades. 11
Wlt.WA Gtcsxw..--1 believe ln developing the social side of my ntlture.
H\gh School ~rm1u1. "Growth of tbeEducatl"onal Ideal. "
B~ A. O'CONNo~_.A tnodest. tnald ·with a winsome emlle.
H. s. E. "The Ch\nese l>lplomat. 11
BBhhlt r... N'EW$0~Nothlng lacking t.o make a Senior~ exeept the
necess&ry oonoelt. High School Latin. "Elizabeth as
EPPA F. OAVJs- Valu&ble goods &l'e done up ln small packages.
H. S. E. Sc\ent.itlc. "The Rise of the Cuban Republlc. 11
\Vrt.UAM lh':ALV- Hls hand on the throttle and his eye on the track.
H. s, K S. "The Future of MllltarisiTh 11
~ Doi\A DROWATAKY- A source of 9ver ready Information.
tl. S. L. ""Lyrics o( Heine."
.AIAl.E.QT B~.NSTA.l>-A man of lll1\nY and varied Interests.
HELEN w, Busos- Tbe champion of her sex.
H. S. ~ S. "The Ratting Industry of Wisconsin. n
.ANNA E. CYB.ISTWAN- Lots of work; lltt.le noiseB. S. E. s. "The Recessional."
Patlence and persevera~ are hls weapons.
"The Scattered Nation. n
S. S.' O,
HAtfNAB L. CONWAY- Not a lone jolly, butt. }ollie!\
H. s. E. S . "Napoleon Booapa~"
AN IA CLAY- A sprln.g y step,ao airy gatq Mr onward march ls 11u"'
as tate.
C LAJUt L. OoLLJ~S-A gleetu1 1 glggHng cherub.
H. S. E. S. "Th~ lrlsh :Amorican-. 11
-MAUKA "M. TE!mEY- AUtborlt,y
Y0+ce •nd step.
& S. "'i'olsto\..ll
B£Ssir; ERIOKSON~ "Thls may be explained thus a'\d
to htlve her Will,
s;o. 11
H. S. E. S. "Robert Bruce. "
TlroMAS O.SVER- A mao of unbounded conversational abilities.'
FLORENCE V. HARGRAVE- A lofty mind lo a lofty body.
H. S. E. "Browning's The Ring and the Book."
MATTIIIEW F, W ADL'BlGH- A precocious, prepossessing youth.
H. S. E.
Edlt.or-IN·C.H:mF of THE POJ'NTER.
JUDITII W ADt.lUGB- A stlll tongue in a wise bead. .
W AurER MURAT-Thls youthful lad is happy out. of school.
CLARA MOES~BLER-Not only makes things go, but goeil.
ALBKRT ZOER»- From his lips ftow words of wisdom.
H ~ S. E.
"WilHam Lloyd Garrison. "
ELSIE ORO~Nc,JER-A quiet little thing until you .hear her sing.
H. S. E. "The Hlgller Edueatlon o f Women."
~lltBLI.A. E. PoPs- She can sew and ~eav~ and bt.ild and draw and
cook and plan.
Lat.ln. "The New Education. "
DAIS\' E. W AKRf'IEU>-Fresh as the morning dew; rudiunt a s the /
moroing sun.
B. S. E. "History of the S lave Trade. n
Wn.LJ.UI 0. SANStnl- A. very thou~htful man ; but where are Ills
thoughts Y
B. S. E. "The A111erican Mercbaftt Warlne."
MARIE B. K, BERG- A sby and modest rna~.
H. S. E. "BlRmark."
AUOE HANOBETT-A.lways. ready with a
H. S. L. <~Mic:}..Summer Night's Dream. "
JENNIJS: M, BRAOK&'\"''-So dar and fll1'lO.V·
H. S. E. S. "James 'Weitcomb mley's Poems."
EsTELLA O)BRIEN-Scbool is not tbe.only :attraction lo Stevens Point.
H. S E. :•Russ\an E:x~~sion.. "'
O>NA P~urm-«Igh School Oe~ "'The Cross .aad the Crescent."
1\nnn F.. Chri"~~~ t«U\11
Uc lc n
u~ ...... j~ Fri ... t.. o.4U 1t , , • • p
\o\' .
Bu "4.,_ h , ~c....
l)ni ... , \\a~ c f ic 1.t
J)tl\ i"~~~
F."~~~tCIIn O "Urh: n
\\., •• ,,.a ll t:h.t h . P n.·....
Anuln Cln~·
A. ll c ll c O"Cutlth-.r
A • .J. 1.ocrh
f: f,f c firtl\.'7iitttCf"
\ u·efin. F. I"Hf''-'
u ,lrn llrn~t\111--\
l'l o ro n.:o V. ll a f'ltra ve
Al kc Hanc h e tt
J. H. Chrl , t c u ,c a
.' t\ortbo .\\, Te na ey
C lare Colt
Wilma A, G e!l<' ll
'1\' , D. San .. um . T n : ::a ...
William Il ea l)
J enalc Brac k e tt ll a auah Con"">
Oh! thE' yea1· 1001 was a ·g rand one! That. was t.he year tha.t brought
't. believe lt.. No~ y else could h ave done lt. The poorJuniorR
the Stevens Point ·Normal School away up among other sChools. ju,at tood around and trembled wlt.h fear and wonder.
Why? Because those 1~ Juniors came in tba' year. Those ,Juniors.An tben, <you know, nobody bad ev~ dared to eqtertaln the facult.y
! telJ you, they were the quickest, brightest lot of young follks you'd .be ore. Every body was sort of afraid of them, they were ao superior
see In a long time. They org&niJd tbelr class tbe second day of like and digUifted. But tho.e Seniors weren't afraid. They did It
school, and from the ftrst min~ may be they didn't lead \be Seniors right up brown. They dld feel pre\\y proud of It for a spell; bu\ then
a race! Try what they would, the Seniors oouldn 't get aheadi of lhem. &bey bad a right \() ~·
They tried It by having ~nquets; and they tried it by giving other
And atudy! why, they never ~ought apylhlng of studying all night.
people rl<les ; and they tried It by playing basket ~all; but it didn't They'd sit up night ~r night and study P sychology, and Agrleullure,
matter wh~t.t they tried the JunlQrs came out ahead. Wh:y, all the and Political Economy, and Trigonometry, till you'd think, by &he way
news the Stevens ~oint papers printed that. year was about those they talked In clau, that they' d had all of them aH their Jives. You
Juniors, and mighty Interesting reading it. was too. When t'he end of never saw such a puzale<l lot of people as the Regents were .when they
the year came, every body thought they had done everything that a came to examine . tha~ cla'ls along In the spring. They just couldn't
· class could do; but that year wasn' t to be compared with the ne~t one. get que.stlons hard enough tor those Seniors. As soon a 11 they'd ask
one, there would be half a dozen on their feet all at once try ing to
Th~y came In with a ruf\h when school opened .agai? ln1 the fall.
answer lt. They just ·had to give It up and tell tho Prc11ldent t.o grad·
Hallowe'en came, they Invite~ the Junlor11 to a 1'dol?gs" In ·the uate them .all without examination.
They made things right lively all that Spring; but they hRd to go
gymnasium. Well, when they got them there, they -just sca1red them ·
pretty near stiff. Some of them didn't get over It fo r a J..oolc:. You'd like the rest. The School tried to keep them, by utrerlng th'em post
eave really thought you had got Into the lower re~lons i ~ you had got graduate courses, but. they wouldn't stay. They had to find broader
ftelds for their talents.
in there. Then, to end up t.he affair, they did something nobody eve.r
been mlgMy good; bu~
11upposed could be done. You know, there bad been ,a buri"l out on
that class of 1003
the campus the year before: The School Spirit had die~. ,Nhat. dld
tholle Seniors do butt dig it up· and bring it. to life agal~. P1eople just
TlteJ're al.l rtpt f
fteJ're all rlpU
TllleJ .. tlalqs ap
Oat .r slptt
Kip. Kah I, Rip .Rail I Rip Bah Reorl 8te1reas P.tat Jaat.n t 190! t
WO years ago, the members of the ·class of
lOOl we~ Freshinen; tiut even at that
e"t;t~, stage.. we· showed signs of future
gre~~~~ss. For we were the fl~t Fresh·
·· man Class · in the history of this school
·~ f
to o~l{a~t.r. ~nd take a _prominent part
in .tbe s~~l affairs. As Elemen~,
still ~~in~iS,ted our ~arly prestige; .ur-·
nishlng hal'i\.<?f the society debaters
This year ~~ are proud ?f our
as a JuniorOl~ss. .Many of our orig nal
. members,ar:_e ~~~~; but from the several
High Schools have come some of their brig~te~\.graduates to lUI our
nt.nks, ~ntil we are pre-eminently the stro~~'~ class : in school.
P.artly on acoount of tbis fact, We have no aOOQUR\Ofattacks 'on us to
report; for, with classes ·as with nations, might i,"<?fte~ the best pro~ction. Abho the Seniors have chafed· under th~ -~~ralnt, they have
• 1 no•· to molest so formid bl
• •~
Ea r 1y iri
tb ought . i • w se
a e .a n an.a~· st.
the year · we ~nt.· a challeng~ to the Juniors. of Os~koslt,.~ mee~ us fo
. $
debate.. Upon their acceptance, we chose three of our brightesduniors
to meet; them. The question for debat~ was: ..
RESOLVED, That 't he United States Government should establish a
system of Postal Savi.ngs Banks.
Our debaters supported the negative, a:nd mad~ . a thorough prepa. ration. On the 2"ah of Febru!lry a pat:ty of thirteen enthusiastic
Junlorts accompanied the debatel'tl to.Oshl.msh to cheer them on to
victory. The e':ening came, and before- It closed owr Junior colors
waved '•over the drooping color8 of Oshkosh. Their team did well; but
they oo•uld ..not withstand the eloquence and logic of our team.
. · Looking back over the ye.a r, we see nothing to regret. We look back
with pl•easure to the jolly social t~es we have enjoyed, .those we have
gh•en 1and those the Seniors ha,ve treated uli to. We point with pride
to our record ·on the rostrum; for out of the twelve debaters on the
four tenms i.n school the Junior class bas furnished eleven. We have
always endeavored to do our share in
that. helps to make school
life ple1uant and profitable. And now, in closing, we bequeath to the
Elements an.' example which they shO\~ld str,ive to realize·, or·, If possl·
ble, ex•cel ;~ knowing that if they succeed in doing either they will
deserv.e• great. hoJ;lor.
an '
' 'J
Thcr'C was a jolly Junior·
Wc}){down int'O the G~·m,
To as k the gr·nC<'ful teacher
If 8hl' could l:itraighten him!
Conrad Olson ,
Josslo Hetzel, Treu.
Iva Broa110a, Sec.
Bessie t ooth, V,Prc!l.
She gave hi m exor·ciscs
o r many dlfTer·cnt kinds,
To hel p him t.o deve lop
AJong more Graceful lines.
And now the task Is fi nished;
And now t he work Is done;
The Junior has develol)cd
To a. mighty Powerful o ne.
He ta kes tho lo.r·gest dumb-bells
· And swings them o'et· his hea d.
Oh l what can not a Junlo•· Do
H he is Rightl y led!
Ja111cs Olul! poolo
. .
B. S . Wldtncr
Wlllla111 Browe
all U;!l't't'• IH' al'l' tlw ll(•,t:
\\'t• Ul't.' th4:' plain and mudf.'-<L ml'lllh••a·,;
t)f tlw Nua·m•ll .Tunioa· ,1·eu1·:
If Wt' ht•llt>\'1' all that Is whl n~.
\Yt• .. tuntl without u J'iX' I'•
.Tu h•t thut 'icut nn1·
. . ic{•1 ' ' wo huvr
'l'ou much sound sens!J, you see,
Otu· laur-els ha1·e ken Cuil'ly WQn1
Our motto is - •·& '.orricre iamaNt·''
\\'ht•lv'l'l' lhl' Junltws t'11anC(' \h ~~'~
'l'ht> udmit·in:.c F•>t•,hnwn sta nd
·An•l I(U"-<' " :ith lvn){ing, fund and tl'll!'-,
At th e an~n~l10•·s ut th e J unioa· hand·.
"'Tht\1' UI'E' the only hcucon ligbts o n s hCII'C
Oua· "·antlef'i nl{ "teps to guide:
ns in thl.' jolly .J uniol~ thu~ \\'(\ "l'e
'0UI' tl"lll'
itl4:':t):< I'X:tmpJiflNl.. ·~
" llop·l·ay ~ Co1· \lw jo~'l)U~> J111\loa-,; ~·'
'l'ht> ~ophomoN's shou t nl\d ~·ell,
"Th(l~' 'l't.' the ])('ill \n tlw CCHII)I I'~' I'OUI\cl,
'L'ht>h· prulses lc>utl Wl''ll ·tt>IH
"l'he,1· l'u't' the tlowf.'l' ot nil om· ~><'hool.
h ' " the~· we mo:'t ndmh~.
\YhJ>n their pln'CE' W(' tuke In t1111l'
)ike them ~·t>'ll a~lrt'. ''
·:=-;~..=:: --
'l'hl' S!'nlcll's, Ms th<'~· "tt-oll a hout,
~u.t· , with hNuls tn~Nhca· t'los1• 1
"Its the Junj o a· cluss that hoitls thl' palm,"
(To the m it niust br a bitt~r· dose.)
Howevea•, the.'' most (.'Ou a·teouslr admit,
And a1-e among thrmselves confessing,
"'l'ht- wb;e und noble Junio1·s are
Thto must.ar·d •lf thl' .. nJad cll-ess inj! !''
la,t, hut '!llll'f'l,(' not lh<' ll'u"l...
Tht> kind unci l<>umell Faculty sa.1· :"· \\'e'l't' nel'<'a· Sl.'<'n · such mua·dpr·ous ta ll'nt
As the gifted J unim·,; do displu,l·;
\\'e holle theil· inftucnce will spread
To Nor·th and J~aiit und South and W e. t:
all ngaw, among our·seh·es,
The wort II,.\. Junioa·s ar-e the best."
£ LEMEN1'Ait\'
' liOO In PlttovUio, IV
Ml" llerto
lnlorinod mo that
Ca ':es has succeeded Mrs. Bratlford in the Practice Department: and
that Alina Clark has taken ·the place of Miss Burgert.
' ""
Among the names of the noted lawjers In Amerlca 1 I notice those ot
June 16' lO.w.
-- Yl!ll'Jsuccess~
Datdel Hughes and Mable ld ann 1ng, who ha'tr eaeh '-own
NCE more Ule twlllgb\ hour clraws near, and ful. Daniel has taken for a sllen~ partner, swool .Norkh Morgan, who
the voices o f &he night birds calling sleep-Jhas doubtless been a grelt help add lnsplraUon to him. Thtm1too, in
ily from their nests in Ule clustering ivy the great Art Studio In Paris, I notice paintings by the oolebrated
soothe one into peace i and, quietedk bT artists Mable Ennor and Marla Dur.kee. Thet hue made much o(
' their plaintive call, the mind goes bac to the setenleen ,ears whleh have . lnt.eTve~d alnte theJ flttfshed th~
the happy days In the home land, 'and. th
oourse .whh the elass In '03,
unforgotten faces of old frlenda smile back
h is not surprising that Miss Eggert married the Senior-I forget
...t h th e o ld \ 1me grace an d .A
...,n d erness.
• ld fr 1e nd s In
his name, but be was a c<m•nols•~~eur of. choice pholORraphll which he
· •~
I t seems s.range "" mee. o
distributed amonr a ,few favorecl friends, but any way 1 .
ScotIan d ; yet, 1ast even i ng, a. e gr
was my s urprise to see the most of the old Ste•en11 Point Glee club he ~nd she have been dlstrelll!fngly happ7 e•er since, This remintls me
slngin~ to an audience which was enthusiastic in fts praises and thllt onl7 last week 1 read of the Frost---Olson wedding. I wonder w~y
I W d th
llfderit of our old class was Its con· the! waited so long? Perhaps he wfshed to 6rst !lecure a seat m
appIause. 0 r n oo , e pre
cluctor, and .Fred. Walker sang the leading vart. He was ably aHslsted Congress At any rate, 8 e w11 1 grace the set which comprises "theby Ori'\ Patch and Henry. Halverson; and the i r vo fce11 b rough t b ack , ftr11t ladles of the Nation. "
in a Rood of memories, the scenes of forme r acquaintance when these
men ~ere only starting upon thelc journey, antl the Glee CIJ.Ib was only
. :~.prophecy of future•fame and gl9ry. Nor was the Treble Clef Club
unrepresented: for Alice Legler, who bas been called the 'Jenn' Lind
of 'Arncrlca, sang a beautiful contralto !!Oio, which was highly pr~lsed
by all the new11papers tills morning.
r""ast week, when vis iting the University hert', I met my old friend
Grace Ber·to, who is a teacher of English In this fn11thutlon. She told
me thnt Celia Bucks has become a _leader of fashions In Parl11. This
wall not surprising; ~or her face and manner were alway11 stunning,
a nd her eolltumes were faultl~s. Ada Bucks Is soon to take a seat In
a woman's oolli.-ge In Virginia, where sbe will teach Physics and Trl·
i'onometry~ Mfss Berto's·sfster, Bertha, might have been !'!I 11uecesllful
as Mi1111 Grace, perhaps, in either English or .Mathematics i but the
..tudy of Well!! proYed . too lnteres,ing, and u a con&equrnt'f', Mht> ,;et·
I was not surprised to learn recently that Grace Hanna had become'
as11lstant postal clerk i and, also, that Grace Hazen Is a successful
music: teacher. It was Edhh Bill 11•ho attained popularht a nd fame'
In a ~mlque way, as she lias become proprietor of a cand7 store, an·cf
has amalll!ed great wealth selllng home made fudge11.
Among the others W'ho have pro'en Aucce~~Afn) .are Mrs. Kendall,
who fs a contented house·keej,er ; Mrs. Sylvia McWhh7 1 preeeptre!i~
of a Ladies' Seminary In St. LoG'Is ; and Gimet'a Bocltlon a successtu1
pianist. And not least, by any· means, Is Mf1111 Bell Horr, who~ b'g
attained notoriety as a circus rider. She has dlvergttd some what
from her earlier profession. Katheryn Johnson married the oratorical
JlgM of the N~rmal, and Is now l\Jr11. Prell Iden\ ~f the &nate; and
Genevl~ve Miller has publl11hed a book ealled Wh aad Humor, whlcl1
Is very po.pular and sound a just like t he merry Gene'ffeve of old days f
while 'heir friend, Alyda Mom, 111 a sueftnful prlmar7 teacher i and
~lutll 1 iu ~irwl !'\'
. mut·t·l!'ll\ tlu• ( 'hl nJ",.!' Allll.:ts,.adot· whom sh1• nwl in \\'Pnlth.\' wi1low, Utili s mok!'s the best Un \'Utmns on th(' lllnt·kl't.
\Vushinglon some NC \'<'11 Ill' r ig-IJt' ,\'!'nt·s u:.ro.
llcn•·s to:ichct•t has become justly famous fot: fut·ni shin~: cut·icuuu·cs
A peculiar tbing happened to my .fl'iend, Helen Mosl>. She went to fot· comic valentines; and they are said to be so true to lifo thut it is
Boston to study Gymnastic~\ and in' \'aulting O\'e r a wooden hot·se, ~\'ith di tllcu lt~· thu.t. they can be told from the original. But what has
suddenly be::amc pett·ifted, and has r a nained upon the hot·se ':ve t· s ince.
~ lll·pt·ised most of us, was the marriege of Miss Costin ro Mt·
R et· parents were s hocked; but
Hill. He bas eve r sinoo ken
lin ally con:-;rnted to ht>t' lx•ing put
fishing' for pearls in the Wiscon·
into a Museum in J.Alinbut·g,
sin river; and bas fo~ncl many
whet-e 1 often go and ~uze upon
fine specimens.
he t· with confllctint.r ('mOtions.
John Mortell has been named
Mamie My N's is deaconess in
to the bishopric of tbe late
the Methodist Church in Sioux
Patrick Muldoon of Chica go.
City, Iowa. And Matilda Nate·
Mamie Huff has become 'a well
wick is composlto t· inTheScnti~el
kn own Red Cross nurse; and
oftlce In Milwaukee. In a recent
Hazel Rice a s weet fa(l('d S ist<' t'
article ft·oin thet'C, I notice that
of Charit,\', Minnie Schofield,
];;dwnrd !\lathe is n f.!t'<'ut h~· p:1< •
J ulia Thompson, and He t·mi no
List. ,It was suf,!gcstcd h y 'Some one
Veers, assisted by M issl.'s Oentl,\·,
h at pel'haps he ucquit'Cd tho at•t
Bet-ens and C:a1·lcy, ai'C t<'achet·
talking Marie Anib1•ose to slee;>
in an ot·phan tL!if~·lum in Long
back In schoo l clnys.
Island . .
A new city, Kimilu1· to t he Zio n
city of o ld, has been built near
the subt~~•bs of Plove1·. Its chief
'Oiticial anti s plt·itual advise:· is
Minnie Stt•omstud came to
u ·a gic end : Khe
death by putting lu.•t· hundkcrchit•
'Otto Vect· . Among his folio ~·e1 s
into bet· mouth to smoothet· hl't'
a re Fredel'ick Somet·s nntl tl c
laughte r, one nig ht, in a chapel
Misses Niven, Not•ton, and PfifT.
car meeting. The celebrated \'0·
ner; while Francis and Th?reso
calist, Nelli~ Slchler·, ;,ang het·
Ryan a re Deacons In his ch:~rch .
-dirge, aooompanied b~· a s tr·ing
Among the fas hion notes, in a li:::::!:::!::\:!!:::::::===!~!!!!!!!::!:~==!!d:::!......:......:::::....::~=;;.=:::=.::;:;::""------..:.:::..;::;~ orchestra; and her pt·nctice pupils
New York paper, 1 notic~
,.1! H•,. NN ,.• ,
WOOD; p r es1..
OI! NEVI I!VE Mil l B~t.
paid her high tr·ibvte In SC\'I'I'a
0 ,..
.. oat.
name of John \V ~·l'lockl, WOO lead,; HBNilY HALVEitSO:o(.
AL'lA CAVt!~.
FJtEU t:'-l CK S OMEitS. floral pieces.
he fas hions in the latest c ut of trousers and the s welles t ·colot·s In · .Just lx>fot'e co~ ing- to ~cotland, I attended a t-e-union o.f th.e C'r"eole
'<:raYats . . And in anothet• column, I notice the name of Ear nest Frost.
Bell <.:lub, a uniq ue affait·, gh·en at the home o r Mu t•y 0 Bt·ten, and
who has become the gr'Catest living authority o n C:ate r·pillars. And \nts. ull~>ntlrd h~· all .\ t ~<JnPm\x>J•s. Antu~ Ranson, t he celPbruted s nake
·ft'Om a l'('C('nt home lt>tte t·, I lPnt·n tJtnt J ohn ~for;;;e_ ho ~< mn tori~•l 11
OJatu•m <•r, cntor•tnJncll
with rnony won<.l<•r· ful r.-.nttc;
nnd iho
jumped .•·ope" made or fried cnkeR nn<l
bolognn suusugcs. Leslie Bennett ha.s g<?no to tho South Sen Tslnncl!•;
])C col'lld not O\'Crcomc his a ,·crsion to snakes. And the club Is still 1\
club of mu iden ladie"·
Scotland is a bonnie cou ntry; but some day I s hall 1-etm·n to America
nn<1 J\riss 0' Bt"'e n
to vlRlt. tho Jile.-•nt"l"' of tho "'o hOf'l'l.)' MC.h oo\ ''u.Y"·
'V""" \
fot· which we
may not. come to cnch ;. nll out·
All th~
nc\'et· . bc rcnliz~>d: ~· ct we mn~· nll tru >'l on hotwfully
und confident, and each may be weallh~· in his own, ,.inc~ • ·)l l!nun·~· i:.
possess ion."
.:,co. tuu. y
"" l:xmutl{ul nnd ldylllo " I' m<'mot·y '"'" plctl\t'c<\ lt.
tlll~'(),t\l'l'ived ut the No l'llJUI Aug us t twenty.:_:._
tilth, Nineteen Two . 'Ve we t'\l us numet•ous
t~nd pt·o:ui~ing u h otly o f young men and --;-
the Not·mul
u s somethin~
iiwt·<' thau hu mun. 'Ve cume hack two
week s lutet· happy, heut·t~·, and with
unlimited capacity fot· wo •·k. Out·. tlxed
JlUt'JlOSe to gain knowl edge has be('n
nOticed e ven by o ut· in .. tt·uctm·s; a nd
they hu1·u rewat·d ed a•s with hig h s tnndinJ,!s. " 'e have finis hed ou t· lu ~t qunt·tcr o f
out· fh·st year's wo rk ; a nd we 11,1'0 sa tis .
fled that we hn vc worked luu·d in th o
class ···oom. If we UI'P beg inning
to bold o ut· hcuds •·uthe•· high,
p!ease remembe•· that we s halt
be S o pho mores when next you
see us, and you will unde r
wo men us hus OI'UI' <'IHCI't•d this N01·mul. ~
· lllllllfi==Aftl'l' the few duy ~ JWc!'s,;ut·y to become ii;ii~;=­
ucquuinted with the 1~uy:-~ o f tho Normalitcs, ~
we tl\'cldcd to fo rm a class organizntion. !:~
At our llrst meeting w<' ('lccted o mcer..,: ~­
und wo ulso became bette t· ulquaintnl
wi th tho !\izc o f out· c luss. \Ve begun
to heat· t•nmors of 1~ceptions qn
Cl'e t·y .sille. \V e caught th e ins pit·ation, and voted t o have
o ne. W e wo t·ked hard to make
it~ ll liCCCSS . and ~ ~ Wll 'i 8 UCOOiS·
ful, ns all who were pr<'senl are
JlOl'fectly willing to admit. When
tl!e tll·st examinations cum~, we we1'0
II lied with trepidation ; but we cr ammed
and came through with flsio~ colors. Since
then wo h a 1·e pa sed throug h th ree more
examinntions : but they ho ld no te rrors
fo r· us now.
T ho Christmas vucutlon ca nie,
stand. The time has now com
fot· us to purt; and •we wis h to te ll
you before we do so , that we have tt"ied
to do ou•· bes t in all the phases of
mal life, whether in th e class ro o m , in social life, o r on the athletic field.
we s ucceeded , we
by which you can judge.
nnd we
leu ve our r-ecot·d
W!th th e wis h
wc t'O glad of n chn'nco to g o hom& for we ll
that we may meet a g ain next S eptember·,
earned rest.
we now bid
The :.to l'ies we told ou1·
~· ou aditu,
D. H. H.
F·r~sl~;nen, '~ll~
~nterecl ~cll0.·
Knew not that. ' e were <Tre ··n ·'
We thot we wer~ · e smartest crO\vd
That Stevens· Point had seen.
The time is no\v fas.t citaw·lng nigh,
When vie sha11. leave behind
We thot we several things had learned
That we could state exact,
But lo! we found we did not know
A single Normal fact.
The studies of which we are tired,
And this awful daily g-rind.
Each me mbe r of
Thot he would
\· That his averag~
· A lways above
But yet there is a sadness that
· Steal~ o 'e r us unawaresWe love this dear' old Normal school
· ~ ith all •its \vork and care • .
the Freshmen class.
so contrive
should oc r~a By gootl,
Hut after Aun.king a f.ew tim e.s-,
(Tho ~ve worked with a wi.JI),
\V e rea li zed the.r yet wa s- space
In 1 -: resh~en h e~cls to fill.
Th · n, Farewell ! bclo\·cd teae h c r~ ;.
To stud e nt fri e nd s,/1-:arew~ll !
Wheth~r we shall meet again,
No stud nt here can tell.
J\ltho not brilliant 'in . hi s class·,
Th e Freshman proves \h " b ·st
Y\ he n on the A thl etic g rounds
\Vherc 5<~ fll·iors ca.n't S·t!a nd ~h · ti"!Yn,
Bu ~ ·the freshman still is hop ing--,
1\s· he ~as hoped · b. fo1:e,
T o return and wo'rk her· n xt year,
· A leading Sophomore.
M. N . \V,
1t _
·:h ~l ot tl• •
!~-._ ~!_­-{
-. .
I .
-~ \
. . ..
Prcsiuc nt . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . ... ..
-- V.lLMA GE.'EL.L.
\ ice Pl·e ·ill nt. . .. .. .... ...... ... - HELEN Bu sca
[{ cm·din~ S ec1· •ta.•·y . . •... . .. . . - BESSll~ ERICKSON. ·.
Treasut-e•· .. ..... .. . ............. - DonA Duow A'l'ZI<Y.
'hait·man of Litltl.'!ll'j' t'o mmiltee·-GHACE CASSEL · .
'hail·mun of Musicul Comm ittee- EblJH Hu.L.
P 1·esiuent . .·.. ... .. . . ... . ... . : .·.. . Vice P • sident . . . .. . ...... . . : .. . .. Reco•·ding Seet-eta ry . ... .. . . . .. . ·o •·•-espo ndlng See~·etu. ry ... . .... -
T•·eaSUI"el' ... . .. . ... . .....•.... . . - MABEL POLLEY·.
Mars hal. ... ..... , . . . .. ... : ...... - WILMA GESEr~r••
'huil·mun 9f Lit ' I'IU'j' Committe - MAY' HUUB ARD.
'huinnan of Musicu l 'ommittc
1 t't'side_nt .. .. . ..... .'.... ......... - v\'U..l\1.\ G ESELI..
V ice P1-es ide nt. . ..... .. . ... .. . . . - Nh'TTA SBOL'l'S;
I eCOl'<iing Cl tO. I'~: . . . •. ... •· .. . •- C LARE ' L.LlN '.
Co t·t-espondi,lg' S e "l'e hu·y . . . . . . . .
T1.-eus u•·er ............ . .. .... .. . --DonA Dnow ATL;KY.
t'huinnan of Lite •·n• Tt' ormuittt.~-HELE;J;ol BuscH .
'hui•·mtm of :'llu s icul 'ommitte - Lon; BANCO K.
)ltu·slllll. . .. : .. ....... . .... . . . ... - FLOrtEN 'E WAnD.
I l'esident . ................ ..• .. . . - DOnA DROWAT.I:l<Y.
Vice President. .. . .. .... . ... .... . - GRA E ASSEI~ .
RecoJ•ding eCI .l at·y ... . .. .....,. - ?lfAHI~L MANNING .
oh-es ponding Secrelu.r·y ... . . .. - VIOL_A Wooo.
T •-easu rer .. . . . . . :. . ....... . ...... . - CLARE 'OLLINS.
Mar·s hul . . . ..... .... .. ..... . ..... - LoiS HANCOCK.
Chairman of Lit r a r y ommittee- ELLIDA MOEN.
··hairiJlan of
ical Committee-BELLE NEwsoME.
1" """'""I"" ·"' iho
,.. ...·,.... "" '"•
::.~.. N.~~n.
wh loh " '"'"'' ""' w ""
withC\ut its f:wmer· pr-esident , Miss .Jennings : but . Pr-eliminary Or·atol'ical Contest, ~he
the \"ice pre!!ilent. Miss Gese ll, pr·omptly callE' a
for·mer· winning second place.
meeting of the old membe r•s who WE't-e s till at school,
That a g r·eu te r· feeling or congenin11ty
r-r.lght exist between th e fout· societie·s , the
in o rde r· to r e-organi:t.e the s ociety and to Jlrep:wc
tor· th e wor·k of this YE'ar. Tho !lucces!l or the / .r-ena, o n ~.!.arch se\·('nth, Invited. thE'
A r·cml in pr-ece~ in g yeat·s and th e t eputation it has gained ow in:£ to
<.."!ionian. the Forum, and th e At h E'nneu!n
th e many adv an tages whi ch nr·e ot:ercd to it s m(>tnbcrs mnde it poss ible
to join he r· in the gymnasium. Among trle most inte•·csting features of
tb enr·oll a l:u·ge numbpt· of new rncmbc•·s Itt
th e e\'enlng was n farce g iven by sonw o f
th e mo r·e tul entt.>d membct'll or tlw Ar·<'na.
its lirs t mcE't in~. The lm <ly of o tli c<••·s Plt>cted
)11'0\"1'!1 thE'ir· l'llici<'IH',\" inC \"el·,V lin<' o f wor·k.
This fnr·ct• was ~o gr•<!ntl~· .npJ)N'Cintcd n~ to
Dlll·lng- theil· li•·st quart('r· the · Jil'O)!l'!llllS
be r'CJlNl.tetl, hy t'E'q uest , at l'lu~tol'i cn Is hC' Iu
con!!isted of the s tudy o f th!' livN• und .works
·in th e a sst>mbly room.
A Imost the la~t excr·cisc or impcwtnnc<' in
o f American author!'. H ull cull wa s I t th e litc r·u.r·y line, thi;: ~·!' a r·, w11s th<' Inter ...
~;ponued to b y quointions fr·om ·th<' ~uth.ors.
Soc:ict)· Oeclnmator·:r c ontel't. Two mt>mh<'l'!l
~tuilied . Thru 11 ccmm itt u:• o n Music tir e
fr·om each ;:oci<'tY W('l'<' chosen at p t-elimin•
A r<.'ntl wa!< fn\·or·t>d by mnny and various .
n.r·y cont es ts to l'l'pr'C~<'nt th oh· r'C:':J)('Cti \'I.J ·
ch oice musi cn I selecti ~ ns. On S<.'l·er al occa~oci<.' t i<'s at tlw lltutl cimtest whi ch wus.lwld
s ions \\"<.' also had the ~ICUt pl t>II I: Ure Of
~ In \th<' as~Pmbl~· r·oom. Ue r't', too,
li st<.'nir.:.r lo P r·o(essn rs flucon and St>chl'ist..
cnm<.' out with ll_ying cuJ.r•·s : rm·
Orw su d <'Vent occuned this yecu· to cast
its two t'<'lll'l'S<.'IItntln..;s, Miss Annu H nnsnn
n )!loom O\'f'r• th<' . Ar·E>nn. Miss ~holtz, n
nnd l\liss Vloln Wood, t ic•cl rm· llr·st pluc<'.
willin:.r unit .active m~mbN· of our· sociN ~·,
Mr·. Fr-cdcr·kk Romer·.· cunil'd niT tlrir·d plnco
was tnkt>n from o ur· micht hy th E' re lentlN;s
tor· t.IIC FOI'IIIII: und thus lwlpNl to kl'<'Jl tht' it•
hand o f D<:'11th. ThE> memm·~· of her· lives
wit h us still as an ins pirurion tOII"nr·d hi g her· .
·lt\u"t•cls g-r-een . nlso.
thi n){~ thnn those or E'IH"th.
Judl!ing the futur'l.' fr·om 'hl' pns t, thnsc
'l'h.> c ,l.:tt.ut hc·twt>cn tl:e
who In yenr•s to cOilll' se lect Stcn'ns Point.
Ar·E'na n n d ('!ionian
ns thoir· sclr<~ol hom(', will find tht> hnnrwr· o f
whi<:h no w p r omise;: to lc
th<" At'<'nn !'!till pr·n•ull)" lloutiliJ.r.
Dora D rowat zky
Aqf!NA YELl,
Om•, two. thN'c•, fotll' 1 lin', six . S<'\'t•n,
A II goo cl <" hlldr·l'!1 go to hNr\"('n :
\Vhen tlwy )!<'t thl'I'C tht' y'll nil ,\'PII:
'·Nor·mul Art•nn! thc•y' ll clo w,•JI ~ ..
•.· . ..
. 'I
How dent· to my heat·t 1u·e the scenes or my school-day
\\rhen fond recollection.· of old times do s p nk ; .
The cqntest , debates, and the many 't-eceptions,
And ea h Friday evening->-best t ime of the week.
One ev ning we iuet and held a g:t-eat banquet
With om• th·st qua.t·ter's pt-esid ot who cared for us well ·
And once on a sleigh-ride, our ·l uughtet· t-esouncled
Tlu·o the tt·eets of th city, o'et· wo'o d, hill and cla.Ie.
W lov~ th !ionian ! the jolly '!ionian! .
:J.'ht·n the long futut·e yeu t·s, we' ll t· meatbot· it well,
One day in a contest we met th e Arenp.
With bet· ot•atOJ·, s pe aker, bet· authot· a.s weH,
b won thi.s first victory and ctu·ried oii the hon01·s,
·nut who'll win the second 'I ·The future will tel l. ·.
Tho m>l g!'eat in numbet"S, we'.!'e mighty in S(lirit.
"Excelsiot· !" our motto ~ our wat<:h-w01·d is " Try· "
.And man y th e evenings w ' ve SJ;ent h re tog ther
W e will think of again when the · days have gone by.
.,.. .,. . .,...... . . . .
W e(nlov'e the OJ ionian 1 the jolly
w·r~ ~"·· ··~··
lioniab ! ·
M. F. ·
Aaaa Shc" lla
Snuaa Orn"c" BCll!!lc Booth Matilda M.,thlllo a Maude Prn 7.ic r
Do roth y Pac kard
Ro!le HaU: ·
Ca!!l~taadra Thra~th e r
He rtha Bcrto
Ne llie Si c kle r
J o,;ie Rath
Hermine Veer,;
Te aney All ee Olxoa , P earl Dre w
Flo r e nco Harg;ra"o
Hermi e Mnrtla
Rmma Kramcn~
. Julia Th o m p!!O il
F-:'--~~.._... .\RLY in the fall of 1002, some of. us who we•-e .int •·est~d in the study of tbe German language began
to discuss thedifiet-ent methods of persulng its tudy.
U was suggested, tl~at tho ou•· German course is
good it ·is lu;;posslble to maste1· a language by meet~ ing on)~· once a day for five day's In the week to
translate fl'Otn a te.kt.
Aftet· some deliberation, we di cove1ed . that we had lea•·•wd the
English · by constant hearing the lanpuage spoker> and attempting it
ourse~ves. We concluded 'hat thi ~would be a good thing to apply in
. the study of Get·ma.n.
According ly signatut-es were solieit~d to a paptor on which was thefollowing agreement! ."We, the uuderslgned, ~n order to acquire
}>l'Oficiency in ·the use of Get:!Dan, o.nd realizing that this can be done
only by much practice In German conversation, agree to take an active
part in, and further the ~nterests of a Get·man Club if organized."
Twenty-six natnes we~ thus secwoed, and these people met and appoint- ·
ed a committee of fl ve, including Miss Gray our teacher .of German, to
tlraft !\ constitution l and thi!l was read at the ne:ct meeting.
On the foHowlngThursday evening, a pres ident, secretary, treasurer,
'Serv;eant.-at•lll·ms 1 and program commlttee ~·ere elected. The constltu~
tion as framed was 1-ead and llPJli'O'ed; and the German 'luh st;uted
un its careel\
Our meetings in gene•·al ~ave been well anen.ded. The program
made out · wlth the aim ui giving all m inbers an occasion to con• .
verse in G et·m~ri, At eaeil nieeting a l'6(.'eSS of ten ;ninutes i. tak n
to afford eve•·y one &1\ OpJlOI-tunlt,.v to tr.y .h is J)()Wers of Get·inan con- .
versation, Already ~ deeided hnprovemertt is !lPllarent i~ the Gerlm'
eonversattan.of the regula~ att~ndants ·. antl we may toea onab~y ex
\bat the faclli~· thus acquired will t-esult in increased power for fu
\her acqulsltion, l'h'is is very unpo~nt lio. us, '8S W6 at-e '8W'&l'6 th t
\n out• state· there ls. '& large Getman population. · '.rhe tea.Cilet' going
· \nto a Gernltt.n eo~unity wlll have r:nad~ a long strlqe t~ward success
tn his lle.l d '9f labor if he can mllke ~se of his German \l'alnirrg in con\~t'S itlg with 't~1e people. Ooe who 1~-a spent dme ill th_e st)l(l~· oi.' .a .·
lll_l\gun~(' nl school"s hould SUI' ly !.' llcle:~vO J'lO Sll't'ngthen his knowledg<'
by a use of it in conve•·sation- the best autl .p•·obably the only m thod
of making the langu1\ge wholly his own.
·w e have existed a . a society since the ·econd qua1·te•· of . the ):ear.
The success of ~he club, and the &rOQd which the membe1· have obtaiL\ed from working In it, has largely been due to the earnest WOJ•k
of Miss G1·ay. ~he has given much helj>, and ha been 1-eady n:ith
suggestions at all tim s.
In closing, we ma'y say that th Ge•·man 'lub look.· back with pl e,ns Ul-e ovet· what 'it ha.· accomplished s ince · it started.
As the 'time comes for parting, w sadly iurn the fir t pag ' in our
history. And . yet we should not. be .sad, f01· there comes to us the
promise of a glad re-union next year, in the good old Ge1•man words:
C\ara Moe&clller.
~IIIIa•. Auer.
Albert Zoerb.
Es ist 9 Uhr o.bencls' u'fld .Eugenia sitzt arl Clem ge<ill'neten Fenster
durch welches schallt der Larm einer Groszstndt herein,
Drunten auf der Strasse 1st eip bestnndiges Kommen und Gehen tlnd
Kein Wunder?! Wir sind ja h1 de'r Rie~enstndt
Chicago dem groszen AmeJ•Ican~schen 'Einndelsplntze.
"Was '1\•lllst du mir sagen ?" fragte sie und sah ihnm V~ter troiz{g
an. ' "Nichts weiter, ~ein K~nd, a.ls dass du so gleicb auf dein Zimmer
i(ehst und dieh umkleidest. Ich kan nicht gleich g{iltig dabt>i sein ~
f.>edenk~ da'ss du not!lt l<eine Dome· blst sondren nur ehi Kind mit
deinen fiirtfzehn .Jo.ltrert urtd duhei' mttS!lt dlt dich a.,uch ein fach anzleherl
Wie friedsnm !st. es hingegen . in dem Zimmer wo E~genla I st. Malj w~o es ~fnc1~ ~ind gut ansteht." , "l\!t'S in' lllt(lt' F1: urid r ~tft·r Scha.IYer;,
findet da kostba.ren Moblen doch ist alles 90 sirtnig artgeordnat und ~u·d vtelletch t d~ln Kh!ldung meht acHten Ubet was solf den det·
Junge Schaller von dlr denken! er wird dieh uu§lachen ltnd ,·er-'
60 a.nheiml'ich wle in elncr deutschen Wohrtstube.
Spotten li
Obglelch Eugenia mit vielen schoncn Sachen umgebed "'at·, wtLt· s
"Der dlfnmrc l\(ensch! fulfr' Eugerlili flu(. <1b der ubet· rrtich lncht
nicht gHicklich.
<>der s·pottet ist mir ganz gleich giiltig• . Ich ldche auch uber· lhn ! Er.lin-e Mutter hatte !fie ttie g'ekllrtnt, den dfeseibe ilfar· fd{f, ieitl~ thut Ills oU er eln Herr waof'E! und geht doch noclt fn tlle' S<!hule. ·•
So \\'lh' e!l- _·-·niemilrtd kottnte F.ug~ io. Vorilchr·ifte.macltel1 1 nlemand
lht· Vatet· hntte ~elne Vet·wandten und stand a.flein da In der gt·dssen dul'fte thre' dumme Strelche hind ren.
Stadt mit seinem Kind. Er hat lrr America sein Oliick gefundett, uncl
I n dE111 folgertdEII1 paltr'Tagett snh .Euge.t'iln nicht ~lei vod dem jungerl
t.·at· t-eich geworden.
S'chatYer rcber mit selnt!m v'atet· wurdo sle gut bekannt. rlieser gute'
Eugenia. sclbst hatte kefne Freuudfnnen vefl sfe s<J !ltoiz wl:ft• duss ttlte Mun be'me'l·i(te Eugenia's urt.mfriedenen B llc1< ft'i lltf'<!ri (t·nurigen'
ihr-e Schulkamnradinnen nichts mit ihr ~u tuhn ha~n wollten,
braunen Augen und cleSsen kummer·te er slch.
Die gute al te Haulfhaelterln haUe schon lange ausgefutlden dass es
E!t• m-zahlte . ih1· viel'ell d&s ste interessirto be'sondel'~ ci-le fo1gende'
nnn.HtzHch war Eugenia Rat ?.u gebert un'd Jetzt ale Eugenta. fiin(zehn 1\lte Fabel:,
J aht• a lt \Var achte~ sle auf ntemarrds Rat. .
"ln deltl' Stttn1ttr eirtes wfldertl· Apfe1blufrns !teiis s(ch oin s ·chwnrnr
Heute Abend crwartete Eugedla dass «let• Vater efnerf ..fl.fgen'cHN!urrd g ienen nieder. Sle fu flfe\l 11m mtt den Sciinf?.en· iht-es lfonfg~ und
nnd seinen Sohn mit heim bringen viirde. g{e war de'Sbal6 a.ttfs t'le'r. Baullf W'ctrde so !\t<5tz di{I'I!Uf dosA e'l' ana arldt'd B'aume gegen sich'
aeuset·ste aufgeputzt, ·Eugenia wus!Jte dass lbr V"ater nleflts auf tn-nchtz f'erachtete. ·
"ollen .Kletdren hlelt doch ste achtete" sefn11 W'uasche- nfch&, Na.clident
Do. r tef fh111' efrt Tan'lretfbltrt"ni i.tt. if::loride\' Stolt au( gelieherte Sussig·
der Vater mit se1nen Gaslen ttaeb Hause knm urrd Ihnen fhr beQuemes f<cf(en. 1st dehle F1·uoh\ darum weniger herbo? In ctfesc treib den
Zimmer zelgte karpm er ;ru Eugeni~ unu sagte"'trr freun'dlfcbem TOne~ Rorttg· M)·~tu f w'enrr dlf e;: ,tprn:rngst lltfd &!t damr wiru d·er Met1sch'
"Liebe Eugenia, lch tnoehte dfr etwas sngeq/' "Wtllst d~ mil' auf dich segnen. ''
/ .
einem Au!J(ln bllek ·in meln Zimmer fotgen ?ff
AJ's E'ugcn'iO: ubar dies<! Worte nach dachte sagte s ie zu sich selbst
Sehr rulrtg aber !<lhr bestimmt wurden die W'orfe g'esp'rochen' untf "!ch bin der stolze Apfolbaum--Stol7. uber geliehne Schaelze."
Von nun .an wurd<!Eugenin ein g)(icklichet-es l.{ind und !liS sie nelter·
Rugenia fiihlte dasz ein Widersta.nd dagegen v~;·gebHch seln wurde.
Ungern unU. gezwunge';'· folgte sie- dcm Vate.l' f.n das· &nst~Si!Cnde· wm·fle gewann· sie cliu fiet·1.en a11er thwch die Frermdlichk'c it In iln-cn'
UmgnAg unt~ Gespr•ache.- ·
ROS~<~ HA'I''~t
IT is certain we all wish
the two or fou r years o r
our stay nt the Normal
to register a he althy
g r·owth in every phase o f
life. We consider· four·
y'cnrs gt·owth in Wis dom
and Vit·tue more impot·t·
ant than standin,::s nnd
diplomas; but, too often,
pcrhap~;, we fot·get this,
and lo!>o tho calmness and wideness of lifo in the duil~· struggle
for thi ng · neat· M hand.
. W e ut'O not allowed to nE>gleet ou r me nta! de\·elopment; and to some
l'Xtcnt, out· phy!>icul welfare is a mutter or ctLre to othet•s; but, ulmost
who II~·, Is out· s piritual gt·owth left to our· own plea s ut-e, disct'Ctlon or
ne~lcct. h may bo thn_t no n9 r-call y believe the spiritual lire l{'ss im·
po t·tont than the physical o r· mental ; but, day by day, we s pend so gr·cot
a s hut·o of o ur time with ·school wot·k that often the Book of Books, witb
n:ore of ll·uth between its co\'ers than is found in whole libraries of
others, receives little attention, and its gt-eat significance fades out o f
out· lin~s. The ull·absorbing school life leav~s little room for calm
rcOl-cti(ln; and often the continual . trlving for our own advnncement
tendt~ towat-d a selfish forgetfulness o f others.
Healb:lng these things, the ~·oung women of tbeSte\"ensPolnt. Normal
have , with the aid or Miss Moxee~·, the State secretary, o rganized for
theft· spil'itual p~gress a society o f the Young Women's 1ris tlan
Assoclutlon. This is a J>rominont orgnniunion in many schools, and
Charter Members Youug Woltlaa's Chrlstlaa Assoclatlou.
ACTIVE l\IE.Wn:as :
Lila Allen.
Alma Ll b1..kken.
Florence Derb~·.
~~rtha Tenney.
Cassandra Thra sher.
Do ra Brownell.
Mamie E u lf.
Lena Powers.
Laura Tall.ot.
Vilah McLain.
Hermie Martin.
Bertha Be rto.
aims to draw Into closer Chr·lst ian fellowship the student bodies o f our
land. The young womans' branch was organized at a little pr·ayer
meeting o f a few horne-sick girls a" the Normal Uni~·e •·slty of lllino i s
nearly a hundr-ed yeat· ago. 'l'o-da.~· there ar-c thit·ty-eigbt thous and
young women enr o lled a s its membet·s in twenty-one s tates of the
U nion and !n Canada. In }"'is'cons in, the t-e Ut'C stt·on~r organizations
at the \Vhitewator No~·runl , tho University of Wiscons in, Wayland
Academy, B eloit <.:ollcgc, Lnwt-ence Univer·sity, l\lilwuukee Downer·
<.:ollege, Ripo n <.:ollegc, and Rive t· Falls Not·mnl.
In many o f these schoo lt; the Young \\'omen's <.:h t·i~;tiun Asso~iution
has become one 'o f the pct·maneot and most useful societies o r the
schoo l. Its helpfulness Is not alone in the s pir·itual uplift o f weekh·
meetings; but also in num berless kindl y influences which bring oM
s tudents nearer togethe t·, and make new s tuden ts at homo among them.
Committees or old s tudents often meet the new students at the station.
welcome them to their city ~nd school; and, if dcsir-cd, he lp them i~ .
llnding pleasant boarding places.
'l'l~o our society is not yet large in numbct·s its rncmbct·ship is from
m.ost. ent·nest stud~nts o f the sc~ol ; nn,d in the coming )'ear we
tr1,1s t tts mftuonce will mcrense and tts value become bctte t·appreciated.
Its weekly meetings at 1:00 p. m. on W ednesdays a re open to every
young woman o f tho school. Those who nttend them find in these
half-hours o f quiet reflection, discussion, song and prayer, a welcome
rt-lease from petty worrle , a truer judgment of the relath·e worth of
the tasks before them, and a clearer brain to pursue them.
. Christian student-s, let us lay a side our work for this one half-hour
of each week and make these meetings a blessing to out·sel ves and
our school. "Not by might, nqr· by power, but by my s pil'it, saith the
Lord of Hos ts. "_
M. l\1. T.
Sadie Dorney.
Mary Bradbur~·. Florence Cary.
Doroth\' Packard.
Alicia beReime r.
A. Caroline Edmund.
Associate .,.Members.
Anna Hastings . 1.\
Minerva Barrington.
Kate Baker.
:O.latil<!a Morley.
Emma Cranis .
Emil~· Clark.
Vinu Durkee.
J ennie Brackim.
Emma Eggert.
Huth Wndleigb.
A'RLY in the fall of H!9t', certain conditions e xis ting in ~res ident l r ay entered. lie saw the situation at a glance. Let It sufthe stu den~ body seemed to · wa•·r.ant t he organization floe to say . that what h~ said there to us will never 'be forgotten by
of a new men' s Society. The Forum had l aunched its those .who eard him. A brighter future s hone before us. The Athenliterary bark two yea rs before. The Arena- then a · aeum was saved!
Prominent among members who,
mixed society-had ~?ee.n
then, unselfishly devoted m·u ch of their.
. onnectedwithourin Rti189-J. The number of
time creating a. pro-Athenaeum s pirit
earnest student workers v.•as rather
and who fought for its future existence•
. small to justify a third societ y: bttt
were: Pete r Geimer, ;t"red. Olson,
quality and not quantity was the cri·
Ar t h ur F.. Dawes, and Rollie Harrison
terion. Then the belief prevailed t~at
(now superlntenden\ of schools of
public expression,- a matte r of vital
Juneau C'~unty.)
impo r-tance to th~:~ student,- could be
The following three years of our
facilitated hy means of a rgumentative
society life were marked by a proand orat"()rica.l work, and that better
gressive 'spirit. Our membership haR
results could be obt:1ined by a sepa- .
increased nearly ~wo-fold since ltR
ration of sexes; and as a 1-esuif; of this
organization. We realize more fu lly
conv·iction, the Athenaeum began its
the respon'!ibiliUes or each member .
litera•·~· car-eer.
Never before has more ·loyalty a nd
Its histp•·y dlll'ing the two s ucceeding
enthusiasm manifested lt:selr. Hone~<t
year·s f)f existence has been one of
individual e iTort <:ombined with a
continual stJ·ugglc for· self-preservacomm(ln inte1-est ha\·e determined its
1tion. The s ociety spirit or earnestn~ss
pl-e!!ent degree of stability; and thero
and co-ope ration which charactel'ized
is not a member who Is not now ready
its bej.!inning was r·apidl y on the deto s a y with pl'ide " J am an A then- .
din\~. A dangerous faction nr·ose that
h is with a great cl~al of satl s f~tction
ttu-eatene<l to seve•· the J.ITt:rtARY co1·d
that we look ove r the work accom-·
at one s tJ·oke. The cris is came one
,~,fished dtk·ing this school year. Tho
F'1·iday evening when ·the i)l'opos itiqn
attendance hall been, o n the "'hole,
of disbanding was ad.v anced. A hot
quite regu lar. Music has not been
debate ensued. The. discussion con·
neglected. Debating a nd declaiming
tl.nued for several hours, . and its outhave received a it\rge Rhare of nn r
come was extreme!~· doubtful. At this
·while prepa~d talks, Inter.'
critical moment the doo•· opened an..l
w. Browa.
. J. S•ltla.
w,. Plveraetr:.
. !' •
I .
s pea·sed with ·· thinkin~; on vua· feet, ., hl\ve foa·meu a prominent
ptu·t of
our proga·ams .
T here is, however, one unfurtunate condhlon which exist's and threatens ~to seriously affect, not only tM ' elfare of Athenaeum, but all
the societies; and we feel thll.t it I high time the other societies would
juin the Athenaeum and rise up In solemn prou•st against the C\'l'nts
which take place Fa·iday evenings, and which res ult in .a les11ening o f
attendanc:e and society Interest. Especially has tbis been true during
the last quarter of each school year.
As this goes to press, the Athenaeum warriors a a-e putting on their
war paint, and sharpening their tomahawks in a nticipation o f the
annual sta·ug~;le with the 1-' oa um.
· Wcaul Plvcraott
,. -J he Forum.
Hor·t·urn Rot··t·tun
For the ~'or··r·um
\Vt:'m ; 8URJ.:LY (;OINO TO !:>HOW·ItuM
IJo\v ·ro
~O itMAL 1.-'0H·H UM!
So runs the battle cry or the Forum. With it ringing from n score
and ten or lusty lungs we have entca-ed into combat with the honored
heroc!! or other societies again and ngain, and it ha's never failecl us.
~P Forum came lnt.o exlstancc ln 1807. The Arona was the only
society bcftli'C thut timl'. but tlw ~·oun~ nwn n r tlw >'Ch111 I <lccidNl tllll\.
there was t•oom for and f'C\'d of a men's debuting l'Ocict~· . lt was nut,
however, an easy task to uccomplish their aim. But, with that qual·
ity which has e,·er ~ince characterized the Forumites, the promoters
set out to gathet• members. Only firm detet•mination and persistance
finally enlis ted a. sufficient number to warrant forming a society.
Altho it st:1rted with only twt>nty members, b~· the close o r the year
the names or fort~· members were e,nrolled upon the boo~s.
The Forum hus .alwnys been a deba ting society 1\nd the members
have made the mos t o r thcit· o ppo;;tunity. Sinccl'ity is the s tull' o r
which dcbating s.ocieties a•c made, al11l s incerit~· hus always been
characteristic o r the Forum. The founders o r the society had no mean
purpose when they rt·amed their constitution. To thc chut·tt>t• membet•s
the cons titution wti ' " u!l sacred to one joining the soci ct~· as is tho
constitution or tho Unitt'u l::itates. to one of het• citizcns," nnd that has
been tho feet hi~ or every member since.
The 1.-'ot·um has always b2cn a d cbatin~ Nociet~· -not a j!ood·timc
meeting. The res ult hus b::lcn encout·aging, fo r, from lt.; first victory
in debutc wltlt the Arena In '»7, the Forum has hl'ld it!! own with nll
combatnnh;. lL has furnlt;hcd a11 th? school orators nnd twenty-seven ·
or the School and Junior debuturs out o f~ total or thit·ty·three, and
they have mudc an enviable record ror the school and the society.
This year, us in the past, detertoinntlon has been the •·watchward, "
and, notwithsluncling the many Fdday evening uttrnctlom;, the Forum
has ke pt pt·ogTessing with increased cnthul4insm and u lengthened t•oll:
The new socicly room ha!l also been an Inspiration tu the work, and
the . nclcty thi year be~:nn the furni shing or the 1'00lll b~· pttt'Chaslng
u picture fut· its walls. The lntcr-l::iocict~· dl'l>ute tt•oph~· · which has
uddtned the walls for tlic pu!lt year, we nre hnppy to !luy, is dcsthleu
to t•cmnin with us fm· nnothct· ~·cur. Tho dcbutot·s ltn ve met tho wortly
jttggl<'t's of the Athenaeum nmlluHo held nlort ~nee rnot'C tho laurels
or tho l<'orum. The question for debate waq: Resolved; that govern·
ment ownet·:dtip and OJlCt'ation o r the rallronds or tho U. S. is prefer·
able to ownet·shlp and contt·ol by prlvntc corporations. The judges
were unanimous in awahllng to tho l<'ot•um tlebntot·s flt•st place.
lrl the ca t·i_v lin,r of Autumn, heiot· the !t·o. t was on the p~mpkin,
bt• the todd r in .the mow-, th Gre ni s a ssembled ft·om th' rout• coNie rs
of Badg t·dom. Imp lied b.y the in satiat thit· t 1 1' learning, a.ntl
'~'uid d on\mr·tl bY tire hea'con itgbts of hi story til y ll'Ock\'d to
Wi scolls\n ' .· \>rbtttl e\iu htibhul ~n't\n\
The" ~->reseh e'd ·a n inVIn •ible op)J t.u·ance 'n.s th~." nssembl d UJ)On·
RESOLV ED, That member s of the fah· e~ . lta1l be eligibl to nll the·
privileges and duties of member hip in the Sbakespet·ian 'lub of
Or·atory and Deha~
. ·The debate was opened by the fait· champion or ( mtninity. Pi t'(:ely
be itrode the floor, while h e di rec ted his brilliant powers of in; ctiv
ogu n. t the opposition und mercile .;s ly beluborro them with hi s pon·
derous cud~el 'o f log iC', ThP uudienee sa:t spell-bound: th e uppo ·itlon
'th Nm·mnl t!a'inpus, the it· eyes gi en.ming with the tires of youth , Ul'd w!'re dazed. 'l'he s peak t' closed and too~ hi.· en't n.mid profound
·th h·ha\r bri 'tl'ing 'i n d fiance
s ~lence, to be brokt:>n a. moment
pf the c\mb. ·
later by an outbar·st of applau::;e ...,
Being lk'o to\mu studet,ts or
that sh\1ok tit old Normal to its
lti tory , Yh y \v re strongl y
very foundations.
l m]>re sed. by ihe tat:t that the
Th e leader of ' \he n e~ath·e
'mo. t ·bi·~l~tant s'tatesm n o f
arOSCj h e Wll S llu stered !'l.t fj I'St .
' 'h·ristendom )!lunched for1h
Slowly h found hi-s tongut',
upon then• 'car l- bf greatness .
argued eloquentl:v ngul.o st lhe
'amid th humb) s m·t·oundings
admi ssion of 'the f~ir r sei ;
'of a debating ·lub. Obedient
. when the pompotrS l ~ udel' of the
·.to the l iblical ~~junction
ai'Jl.rma.the arose and r buked
".Go thou m\d do likewise, "
him roundly for pres nting a
'th y skalghiway organized
new argument. 'The -awe-: wuck
'The shakesp(wlan · 'lub of
~resident .itar'ted to b'i s fe'et, his
'Or·atot·~· abd ·n hal .
kne s 'treiubled and hl.s lt a.i r t'Ose
The titn for t),e t'ir i meet-'
up in JH' Ote!:>'t, perhaps~ ot· pos \ ·ing came. '.''l'he cl bu'tors took
ibly they were n'tti'U ted. by
'their· piau
at iub)es ))Ja •ed
some wander!ng lotle-S\at·. His
' I ''
at oppost~
.·w es 'Qf •t) te ooom.
agitidio11 w:a.s no\ due to f at"
''l'h judge wet du)y appointh~ wa~ si mp!~· ovet·come with
• d; with 'so'!emil · si. )> ·and
the sense of responsibilit~· . In
' I
sober me.tQ th y 'took ·th ir
that mo!'l n'totrS half minut~
'judgment a ts. ".r),en u)>t·oso
thot. of d feat n.nd 11. ruined
\ he (fig.nlii d ))t Ideo\, and
future urged "thru 'the bewild·in loucl t~O: s pun~tua'ted by
ered rui nl! of the rir ,'ident; but
'ominous nau es
acl tb ~
he soon regain d Hi : cornposur ,
'Q·ut:>s t!Qn fQ deootc:
and . killfully . hiftNl 'the hul'<l n
U.]IOn tbe judg S.
· A.. P. Blf()NSTAO. .
'.rhc llebnte pro ceeded.
'rhl:' d c fen<ler o f tlte fnlt· sex leaned hen vlly
upon the table while conveying a momentous thot to his colleague.
The table collapsed under the weight of that. fnt.ellect bearing ft. down
t~ the ftoor, while a p~ir of legs per!ormed rare gymnastic feats in
mid-air. The applau~ of the Greenlee was loud and long; but thei r
enthusiasm was, checked by the stent~rian tones of the prds'ldent, fol•
lowed by a howl of mingled p~in and rage as the uplift.ed gavel came
down with a resounding whack upon the president' s other unoiTendlng.
The seconds having concluded their maiden .errorts, retired to moP
4o"• S. Clarll.
the!&· benmlnl{ am\ peri'Jllt·in~.coun lemulct•-<. O ut· clmmplon ~'~ u ln IIH' ~
the ftoor, and pleaded eloquentJy of man ' >~ duty to the weaker b ut fairel'
sex. The Greenies were S't\'ayed powerfully, and suddenly recalling the
ness of ·the hour and the demands of chivalry, they· rushed from
room in a body.
s thev walked home In the calm or the e\'t'ttlt\g, dlt~turbed only by
gentiy soughing bl'ef'ze, and the. soft· laughter o f happ~· maidens,
. ange emotionss filled their soul!l, and each said in hi!! heas·t,
1'The affirmative has won.
God speed the grt'at cause 1' 1
Ktll.. 1M
I • • a De•ocrat.
Oratory and Debate is a phase of school lire
which attrnctR wide-spl'('ad attention. Besides the
num{'rou!l debatin~t societie~;, the school ns a whole
int('rests itself in an Orator ical r\ sRoclation of
which evet·y s tudent of the school h1 a member.
At the be~rlnnin).! of eac!• ~·ear the students elect
o!Ucers of the a ssociation fro~ its own body to
conrluct the business or the ·association.
The organization exists for the purpose of furtht!ring wut·k in Oratot·y and Debate betw.-en this
and other schools. The ~wo oventR which have for
the pas t six years o'ccupied tlto attention of ' the
students nre the annual debates with the Whitewater Normal, and tho contest with the -otbet·
Not•rnul Schools of .tho l ntcr-Norma l O•·nt••r ica l
The school has sho•·n much more inlere. t. in
Oratory this yE>ar than heretofore, there being
thirteen contestll.l\ts In the pt-eliminar·~· cont<st.
Of tlwse, :six were chost'n to entet· n final contest
lbl ,..W b••
held February 20. The contestants on this ocea-
.IOIIfC s. Ct.A•K.
PRsl4oat lator-tco,..at Oratonc.l t.eaa••·
slon wet-e Wenzel Pivernetz, Martha Tenny,
Wilma Gesell , John .S. Clark, Estella O' Brien,
and Walter Murat. In the final contest, first
place was won by Waltet•Mur·at; and second place
by Wilma Gesell. The title of Mt·. :\1urnt's oration
was •'Alexander Hamilton."
The pet·son who wins the honor o f "School Orator" has the opportunity of wi'nnlng still higher
honors. Each Normal School in the s tate sends
its orator to.,,m Int~r-Normal <Jontest. This contest. took place this year· nftko"s h, .March 20th.
Altho our or·at{)r had an e • llent 6rntion and u.
\'cry pleasing delivery, he dl not succeed in winning llt·!lt phice. ln this we at-o not discouraged,.
howe vet·, as all cannot ha,·e llr!lt pl"ce ; and as we
have already bad that honor· in both the Inter•
Normal and .in the Inter-State contests.
Our s tudents. at. present, are taking s uch a deep
interest In Orator~· tha~ y,·e look fot"'·ard with much
contldenl!e' to .tlle .p.r-ospects of the near future.
Dt;O ,\TE~ S.
cu stcn n.
th<· •d.c ol. r:m!c•r· thr nu, picN• of th e
Orat o t·ic nl .h sc:ciu ti o n , ch o~en tlebntinf! · t eam to me{'t the Whltc wntot·
Norw nl te nm in annual contest. The
A ccurdin:: t o tim E' hono r·c' tl
d etnte took plnce ut Ste'·~ns P o int.
Thr rind teams . JH'Csc•nt cd th cil· argume nt!; in th(' Normal
ll >~>emhl y
r oom o n
tltr l' n mi n,: or May
Li th. Tl.l' St C \'C n ~
I 'o int t!('llll tc r s '''l't'C
<.:. P . O lson , J. H.
('hti "t l·n~e n
srn ith.
was rr pt·<Rl't tc .l h y
\V. N.
...,..,,_...---., II .
w. <·.
W hi tc·.,· .lt{'t'
P. It o
I' Ill
s t I '· '
t\lh.•tl with
enunh•ntnt·~· ' '''"' ' ''''
~ht• \ U I' t\
t \ "• "' 'J.!U1\u,•nt
Cr•o m clebnt c u po n th<' qn(• .. ti<lll tu n 'lnlhhlln).!' ,.r 1\w Cl'"'"lion.
d ut the decis io n o f thejud !!<'S. yN n o w ill tlw lif.!hl .. r ••:dm1• tiPdioto
look buck with pri d~ at the ,.killful mann g~:nwnt o f the th:hate u,· ·
ou1· representative~ . The at•j:tumt'nts JWest'nt l'd w('t'C ~o <'le ur nnd
forcefu l, the enthus ias m dl ~ plu~·cd b~· b oth t(•nm H wns so t'l'-assurinj!,
that the result o f the debate remnint'tl do u b tful tu th e ,·e~·y l n ~t. \Y c
ll'arn from the exp<'ricnce o f the pn-.t ; .the t'Csult ~ nlt:t'n d y attained
inFpirc " "' to lo ok to the futu n• "ith h~IJX'fulnnt i<'ipat io n . B y foste l'ing
thl' SJ>iril Of de bate in OUI' )it t'· r========
rnr~· s o c iPti('s . b y mukin:;r tl
mU!'> l or .our Op)IOI' tUnities. \
will b(' enabled t o meet o .
s i!Hl'r· Normul a y ear h£>nl
with fu \' Ot'Uble pro!l pt•cts
s ucces:..
The (Jn('s-
i 011 r 0 I' dc•ltt:!;QJ, \'1-:0
wo u I d h e t o
\' llntU ~C
\Vhitn :· ~· .a 'l:l
\ . hlh.• \\'(:
un l (' WI\ ~ :
Th l.l t it
t h e t\.dthctJnltccl
t•c c ipr·ocund 'un-
StateR to cstublillh cnmplew
ity' bctwct•il th e U nited Sta tes
Thc Aillt·ada .
P o in t;
mu t i ve wn., upht-ld by Ste ,·cns
and the NegMh •c by \\"hit:.>·
"'n t c r.
The ncgu t ivc cont ;!nded that.
c o m pi N<'
roccipt'Ocity met1nt ft't'e t n Hll'.
A mujo r lty of the judgc•s a cce pted thl
In tc r pretnti o n o f the negn tivl' : thus g i\· ing the decision to Wllltowutot·.
Miss A n n a Hu thmun a nd IIowarJ W e lty ru ,·otocd tho nudle noo with
!llu~;ic nt the o pe ning a ncl clo.!!,pg o f the cxc t·cises.
Afte r the c.lebate
un Info rmal r ecep t ion w n s h~ in the libt·ury.
' Vc!
Ve Vi!
V <')
V I.
Vc Vi!
Ru t trap! ·Cut trap!
Quicke 1· than u s teel trap!
Cnnnibu l! C annihal!
Bis h !
B oom ! Bah !
Nonnal ! Nor·mal !
Or ator
Musical Organizations.
r.::====;:=~rl Tnt·ted, May 1900, under Pt·of. Scchl'ist.
'l000·'01mnde student leudet·sbip. 1\ludc fot•mtd or··
ganlzation, full 1901, with l\IJ·s . A. C. Clement as
tlirector. Three regular rehcat•sttls each week.
Rt>petoh'C, thi rty unuccorrpunied f<Jut· pnr·t,..songs, all
mcmot·ized. Beside numerous appearances on r·eg·
u la t· and special pr·ogt·ums ntthe Nor·mul, the club has
furnished music ut Plainfield (1002) and Almond (1003) commencements,
lntet··Normal contest 1\t Oshkosh, MtH'Ch 1903, ahd has g-i\'en one con·
· cert, Mar . 18, 1003, with Miss Waldo of Green Bay as soloist. Olflcet·s
. for current year: Ot-en WooQ.rPrcs. , Edward l\11\the, Sec'y tu1d Tt-eas.
Rganlzed by Mrs. Clement, Oct., 1000, w.ith. eighteen
members. First concert, May, 1~1; " The Lady of
• Shnlott" with Miss Daggett of Oshkosh soloist·
Membership in fall 1901 limited t.o twenty.four lady
tudents of the Normal. Second annual concet·t,
Ma~·, 1902, Mrs. Kkwan Rood, soloist.
Fall 1002
increased membership to twenty·eight. Concert,
·Oct. , 100~, miscel.lancous selections apd cantata "The Daughter of
Jalrus" with Miss Grace DeRiemer of Washingt.on D. C. · soloist.
Ft"'U\ the beginning, Mrs. Alice C. Clement has been director and•
until her· tlcnth in Apl'il 100:~, 1\'li:;s Alicia DeRiemer· was accompanist.
R ohent·snl s held each week. Club's t-epet·toit·e includes three cantatas
and t hh·ty o f best tlm~e nod fout· part songs wt·itten fot· ladie!l .voices.
Has ful'lli shed music fot· exet·cises of Commencement week, Rhetoricals
n,nd most othet· s pecial occa sions in the school. Qftlcet•s fot• yea1:
1902·'03: Edith Hill, Pt·es., Nellie Philips, Sec!y, Edna Schofield,
'!'t-ens., and Alta Cn ves, Libml'ian.
I n Mat•ch, 1901 nnd Jun., 1903, th~ clubs united In giving concet;ts
fot· th~ benefit .respectively of the Oratorical and Athletic Associations.
The most 1\tubitlous entertninment, however, attempted by either Ot'
both clubs occm·red .Mny 22, 1003, when tl1ey gave t}le annual s pring
concet·t assisted by three soloists: Mrs. F. W. Kickbusch of Wau s~u,
l\It·. E. A. Spenr of Chicago and Miss Mat-eth Furro of S.tevens Point.
Numbers by each club, solos and mixed ch01•uses comprised the first
part of the progt·am and the second part was devoted t.o the cantata.
"The Curfew B~?ll'" by F. Lynes. All the music was very difficult and
required niceties of shading and phrasing and it wl\s the general optn.
ion that the club llandled it in a manner worthy of an older established
chorus. Both artistically and financially ti}e concert was a pro·
nounced success.
Be!lides the above clubs, there is a mixed chorus in the model school,
the Euterpean club; also a Violin quintet of Normal Students wh ich
h as !lone good . work under the leadership of Miss Helen Heln for tout·
ye~~:rs: and for lesser periods of existance tbe~e have been ladies and
male q~artets and a Mandoli~ club.
A CltftVi\S", (~KI!'ri tfurfrig· t ile first week or tt1e school year, Hhowe'd nn
Oous uo.ll y s mall number or ll)en avo.i~abl e for foot-ball mate rl!'l.
:Ne arly a11 of the old pla.y'.Jt'S hnd leftj few new onell · hod Emte red. 'fo
form a te am, littch ·as the school fb'lltntaloed In tho pas t, when men eon•
stftutild a nruch larger J1art c1f the mern'be1'ehip of the !lchoo t, was out
'ot fhe questforc. Still as thf!re Is rto sport that allord!l a better !'til
at·ound d'ev-efoJ11t1errt, liirtce foot•hall players a re not mad<.! b~ a ff!W
t\'et>ks of J1ractice but by )'f!f£r~ (1( trltining'; since- •heTe- ls rro game thut
solicits s o much publiC' lrtt..et-est,enthns htsm and ~enutne schoo l s ph·it(
and s ince parfJalltt'l'llngemEmts· hatt helm made wtth s«!tool~ \ he' year
f>efore fo t· g'tunes, it was th<tugh£ t'l'lucl1 th6be((~t· plarr to pia' the g «mt',
Tlie te an1'S did g'Cfod work wlfen plating with me n o-f equal wetght antl
ex)>erie nce but the 11eltson was !IO.o n bt•ot~M to & tlf)\le by the-. ull'eq.ua.lly ma.tehetl· game- with Lww~,
.It is ,ifttt, s lng · ~ n'o'te t ha t tho ~lhrisabillty of p'ittying foot-bni{ ls
Ue'il1g di~CUSSe'd dtrring this the sprin g quartlet•; that e llo rts tU'e being n1auCI to gail1 rtcw playe rs fortlYe coming year w'h'\oh ol'e' resulting
fn J1t'OSJ:ieots d(gettlrtg f4mt1e good mttteHal.
You ,,•111 sacnt fncc tlto que'sti drl u ga.in ~ "Fdot-bnlt or rld (d6t-ball?"
By nil n1enrfs p'ln~•. reg':\rdle':t:i o f wttnt game:'> you m~y ex'iiect to win.
Cot1fl11e yourself td schools o f :om• own c lass when sched~lfng o\ ttsidc
$(tune~. As Otuch a'ei~l fllc as m·c, l towevorr car( be' derl\fp({ from' int<>t·-
gu·mes as In
arly othE.'I·
Kc'l>1Ya s mnn'y' merllrf touch with
the' tta'me a8 posAiblc s o fhnt the sehoo l mn.y alwllys h'n Vt' ns good u
telim us J>'l•netlne' ~(In make' nrld so thnt men ( orl tenvinlf thcr school , will
kn·ow' erlo,ugh abefut fhfl( r!tttio'rutl game ~ be o( usr ii.l the nntionur1
/ oo(-bBill s pta;ii thet wrll' ·rrt\?l!t i'n' the1't• work 6t· pleit sm-c:•
M•bol Polloy
Mlllorv• B•rrl lll(tOtt
Miss Ch•riOtto Oorrhth""Mar.
Rd to•So h oflo ldM• ude S.•rle8
llst o ll• O'Brl • ll
Do r • Drow•Uky
Allee Loalc r
8e8AI• 13r1Ck8oa·
W. D. ·s,·
Football Team, Se~sou 1902.
To• O'Coaa"ll
o. ltcl4
/t, J , Mi ller
Ouy Mallor y
Ott o \'ccn~
W. D. Swa a!t111•
Daa Huahctl
Al bert Uwara1<
Jotl s Clark
A. J, Zoe r b
Wta. Aucr
Mc lvla BrOwn ··Joio~ Mortell
Lore a Spaf'lnt
P . Mea" Qlc....,r
l!pr- Dav1>'
A « u«unl u goocl bnskN hull tl'nlll wn,. cu·gonlr.eu thl!>
following schedule of games was ,played:
Dec. 18
Jan. 16
.Jan. 30
Feb. 13
Feb. H
Mar. 0
St.e,·ens Point
Stev·ens Point
Pt. 40 w·ausau Y. M. c. A.
11 \ \1 t>yauwega
24 Wausau Y. M. C. A.
36 Oshkosh Normal
Y. ?vi. C. A. 2.3
()nl.' ~tlmP with \\'!'~' OII\1'1'1-!'11 wa ..
cnn<•f'l\,.,\ on uN't\IH\1 ut li11• \a, ..,.,.....
o r theieason. Altho we lo.. tthrt'l' out or tl"• -<be ,)!an•e .. pa l ~ ··• l .. t \11
we made 15.'J points to our opponents 127. ~owe wnn nn tlw n,·,·ta l(···
The !adleR, abo, llhowed an unusual intet'E'st In ba11kt-t lutll. A{
first theN' wer>e six team11 1 but due to l'iokne~s and vatlou!l othl'r ex~
cellent causes
. only th ree !lurvh·ed
. thru•out the sea,.oo. t\o out.«itle
games were contt>:.ted but many o f the quick, hot :11\m~ pla.v~l in the
gym be\wef'n the home tt>ams. The T '11 d rser\·e ll{l('dnl menllori fo r'
their excellent team w01•k.
In the fall an outdoor R ecreation Club wa!l orgt\nized under the
a ble s upervis ion o f Prof. Culver. This was a ne w organization het'C
and was hailed .with delight .bY all IO\'I'r!l or fr-esh air. Various hll'ms
of recreatl~n were indulged in, tho perhaps the mo8t prominent W('t'f'
the bicyc!e r·idcs which were taken th~ or four times a week while the
weather permitted.
When the cold weather> set in, it. was sul(gcsted t hat the campus back
of the Not•mal building be flooded , and when f~07.en, be used as a s kating pond; but no action was take n upon this suggt:stion.
f..et us hone
tha.t next year we may prove mo re ene r)letic and caa·ry . out this
P X·
cellent suggestion and by the health nnd vigor · oiJtaint!t.l tu na it, pro·
long our days into the century mark.
A branch or- the Recreatio n Cluh, known a!'l thP Walkln.r 'luh ha!4
noul'ished wt>ll under Its cnpable lt>ud('r, Miss Edmund. Lo ng "·nlk!'l
we~ taken to the man~· plaCI'S of lntt'rel't in al'ld about S tt' \'t'ns Point.
This not onl~· bl>nefited the member11 phys lcall~· but al:co pr·n,·ed o f
educational valu t'. And who !!hall 11ay that It wall not o f I'Oclal value
nlt~oi' \Vho that" has e"er accompanied the club on o ne of I~ juuntlf
did not ~turn with feellnAS of geneallt~· ':-nd kindllnes11 towat·d evr ry~
one and a wis h that all of his nel~hbors might ha,•e been wi11e cnou~h
to join in thi Rdelisrht fu 1 form o f N'CN'I\t ion.
J?ring t~e que ·tion at'O ~
ha ll we have l;llt ·e ball, Ot' t..r·aok an.d ti eld wot·k fot· out·
JH'ir\g athl tics~ The majority Javor d the track and fi ld· wot·k.
\¥: \¥. Bt·own wa. le ·ted. Mana.g r, and at· one bad his men at work. Tht·ough his effort , a
me t was lll't·a.ng d with the Oshko -h Not·mal , to tak place· May 23, at 0 hko h. On accou nt of ill
health, Mt·. l;lrown wa · comp II d to r ign , and G. W. Mallot·y was cbo ·en as hi , s ucces 01·.
Owing to a, previou · engag mont Osbko ·h cancelled the ~neet. Thi. l was a great di appointment
to all for the boy ~ had been working hurd , and wet·e in hop s of e tablfshiog ·some new rec01·ds
for ou1· Not·mal.
A \'e t·~· pi u ing und s atisfactory feuture of the u.Uil tics this pl'ing 1 was the demo n, tt· a.tion of
what S. P. N. could do alonrr this line.
W e ent John Hughes to the Int I' tate No1·mul meet at D Ku.ll, Ill. · He u cce ded in brea kin g
th J~'te1· State NOI·mal record by clea l'ing the bat· at 5 ft. , i in. We had. everal othet· m n that
were ·apable o.f doing excell nt work in th it· lines and it is to be t-egretted that we cou_ld not . se nd
mot'e m n to win honot· fot· this school.
-... -.
~ -J_
Early in the sea on the enior clas , b ea ri~t·umors of intet·-cla s meet , fore tailed event · by
challenging. the othe1· tl~ree classe to a join tl'~k meet. Altho dimct{lt to find a date, and tho
men we t· about at tb limit of their training, lineally a da. · Yi·a et on June 6. Nothing thi
luts been more int resting in the athl tic line han the four-cla contest. Everybody was out o
th e campus to en<:our11ge their cia ··men. Pr bably the mo t interesting pectacle, and quite a
m·prise wa the ~ole vaulting by a lHte n y at· ol~ ,preparat{)t'Y youth, Sam W_~dl eig~clea:ring th~
bar, in perfect form, at ft., 4 in. Fo ur old r ord were broken and a new one et.' 1'he result
" .
w 1-e plea ing to .a ll, and it is not to ~e doubteq·l;mt that · ~· lass Field daY. " - ~·ru : be an . annual :
athletic feature her after.
. --- ----•,
u. c nl iull' rt•M untl t!&:-iu ... m hu ... lx•1:n l•vincl'tl the past
amo ng Ol('mbers or our sc)ipol. in the skillful art o r •J.fenciog" .
U pon request, the Director hn.s ' been pleased to otTer her services,
• ~ ..... ~: 1: '
and a class in Cenc in~t has been formed to m<'Ct three times weekly
during the remainder or the .year!
F e ncing Corms an important and intc rt•sting portion of the athletir work hoth for the men at Barvu•·tl Unh·e•·s itv . nod fm· the
wome n nt D1·. Sn•·gent's Normal School,
'umbric.ll!<', Mass. As
an e xercise it i,; highly ,·aluuble f•·om tlw <>ducutio nal, h~· gi eui c
and l'CCI'(':ttio n a <: p:.'~'t
. Of ph~·s ical trni ni n ~. and i,; dC>-ti~ed lO be·
come us ~cicntiflcu ll~· C\·eloped in our cnuntl')' a s it is among the
F rench and Ita linn . I t is the s ince re desire ofthc Directo r thut this
Olt'Un s
o f u·aining our roung men in the n•·t or st>lt-deft>11C<'. but that they
gain incidt>ntullr, agility, co ncentr·ntitm of thou~-rht . and action nod
above all an e t-ect, ·well de n)lopcd and g•·aceful ph~·!' iqul'.
The rcvh·nl or Te nnis which IX'gan to be apparent about two years
ago, seems to ha ve take n •·oot In the Ste"ens Po int Normal this
s pl'ing. T he Tennis A s~<oc inti on hns do uble t~ e membership that it
has e ve r had before, und mOI'C studt>nts are playing te nnis than an~·
other gnmo of.the sea son.
1t I ~ thot and ear·nesqy hoped that It has not become un llbso•·hin~
fad but a source of enjoyment nnd a means to bette r the phys ical conditio ns. Those who ca re Cor tho fres h air, and a mos t healthful form
of outdoor exe rcise, will be lu1'Cd to tennis courts. Tho capacity
or the co urts is limited but there nro good prospects or doubling the
capacity ro r the coming yea•·· "
"ve-ry · · sad; · For Moth-er · Nat-ure bade hirrt go And take . a- way the ice
sleep-ing "flow'rs; The pus-sy wil-lows all are out, Which makes t~e chil-dre11 laugh
all be seen Build-ing their 11ests in tree tops ~igh To rock t~,ei r babes wit~ <:\
o'er the ·town ; Mother Nat· ure's wint-er work is do11e, And her work for Su.m-mer just
The f\bo\:0 so• g. we>r<lll not! lll nsl rutlon " ere C' ODtrtbutC'd lQ the Pohner b y
third and rou ..lh ~er (Jes pr Mil!s F.t~ Oe·a:a·,. dep•mment In the Tb rd Wllrd praC'l e
~~<'boot T b" voew W:I.S wrltren by the lhlrl grnde du~ ng the lan~ua.:e class period.
Eneheltl d otrered" rhyme or his own. Tbe line~ onosldo:red best by the class were
put togttber. thus complctlog the i>oew Tbe music 1ras composed · by th..e two
and S'10W.
and shout.
lui - 1~-bH.
be - gun.
jointly• .. Iadh·ld.1a:s volunteered 'ongtna: melodies Carts of the poem;
l>clllg written d?wn In the rorm or ~everolsOngs. Oae was selec~ed ~ythe class. crill·
elzed -and somewhat altered and correc tly represented upon the atatr. AU or tbe
thinS &T&ode. volunteered-to illustrate t.he wo·rds. and rrem the manJ pictures drawn,
the one best repre'!entlng the thot or thj) poem, was chosen.
Conbtruc:tion work a!l wc now know it ill no outgrowth of the child's
ucti\'ltil'" in hil' hom<' lire before he is four ~·ears o ld, the ngc at which
lw mn.y c:omt• toth<'kin<ler·g-ar ten. We cnllthcmmu<lpiesathome- Ciny
modt•lin~r in the kindcr·gurten. Cutting out piclur-es at home -pnpcr
cutting in th e kind~r·gar·ten. A~ home tho littl<' child strings buttons, with
us hi' strin~rs IH>ntls, pnrquetr·y nnd str·aws. ncor·ns etc.
I-'m· th<' Or·st four· years o r his lir<' he is daily gcttiog n ew impt'CRI!ions
nnd onf• or th<' must important ft•ntm·es or n kind<'rgat't('n's work is to
)!in• tlw t:hild' IIIIIIC'J'in I with which to I'X)II'CSS his own id('I~S or the
impt'f':-&~'ions rt•t·oivl!d. .Just to tt•ach childt·l·n to mnko thing:-~ is not
t•thrc:ati.l•t·, t ht• ohj<•ct rund<' mu~t ho tlw uu~· gr·owth or n though t ulrendy
11 Jmr·tor lht• chiltl. 1'hl• constr·uctive wot·k in tlw kindt•t•gnt·tcn is nl·
\1' 11,1' "1 It I'('>Hill or )11'('\'iO,IIS )ll'<' JHLI'lltion, ('ilht•t•111f' ch!Jd live's lJII'I)UI{h
\111 t•X p<•r·if·ttCl' wltith is i llustn~l<'tl urt1·rwn r·•l .hy som<' ohj1•ct ;lw mnkl•s;
1'1' 1!1' guins II knowlt•dgc• Of till' thought hy IIICIIIIS or StOI'Jt•S lllltl
Ohjt•t·t-< nnt-<t he mudt• simph• (•tumglt Ml that tft<'~· lll't' Slllltl llnis l;l'd,
lh tlw dliltl';. ruitul is l'Vt' n ltltll'<' ut•Livc thun hi'! hocl,\' nntl Itt• tlt•rl1ands
111'11' intt•r·<•... t;..
I lis ·wor·k, tuo. rnust lx• n d·owth, the simph•t· wor·k com·
ing tlrsl. At fii rst he is satisfied with a. siinple bnsket mncle or a sheet
or paper fo lded once and a handle put on it: but the ncxt stot·~· of a
basket brings a much more folded om•,. then come~ ~<'a vier· paper,
card board modt>lin_g and Hnull~· rnma. and wit'('. It is !;0 with wea ,.•
ing nntl all the ,.;o called occupations o r the. klndergnr·tl'n. some of
which are h£r·e given:
St'wing on card boar·d:-lar·~<' wor·stl'd, largl.' n~dlcs, simple objects.
'\Vc!~vin~:-la.t·ge mats and slut,., )lt1JIC1'1 doth, wnt·p, ynrn nnd
r·rdTiu winding, lwuidinj.! un•l wcnvinj.!.
Pnpt•r· rotdinj.!;- simplc sequcn cl' ur fonn s, followed hy more difli·
cult form s. Combin ed e fTcwt o r the chilclt·en mudc into one usefu l
object ns illustr·utecl In th<• h undkcrchil•f box be low. <:n r cl hourd
modeling is rm out·K•'owth or pRp<'r' foltling.
Pu) >CJ' cuttinj.!; ~ rr-cc hnnll r1nd outlin<', sim ple form s an(! stOJ'il·S.
P aintinA': - ski' und lnml, fi ctwN-s. t r'C('s Nc.
Dmt~• ing: IL ~hill! slt;llt)tl ft'<'l tltllt Itt' Cl\ll CX)lt'('SS 1\ll,Ylhlng ho
chooses with !l )K'Ilcil. A ( rl'(' USll o r !<d'ISOI'!C, pcnt:ilil, JlUIWI' and
)IUS!{• is lllliSL IICCCSSUI'Y in U ki.nd('J'j.!8l'll•n,
t-:o'tTII E. SNYOEJt. .
Cons truction Work.
111 connectiOr\.Wit h th e woo k or lhe Om win~ Dt> p't. conslt'lll'lil'<•
work h as been cat·t·it•d on lht·<•u;:hout the ,l't•ot· in ull .till' ::-•·a1h•.. of
the Model >-chool.
Dt~~·l ng the SJll'iog quurtE't' an. intet't',tit1g ft>ulut't' of the wor·k wn.;
thu building of an eight t-oom doll hou,t>. This furoi>.ht-d a means
fot• t he correlation of th e work in constr uction, . dr·awin~ and ,.ew·
ing througholl t the gt·adl's, untl a fut·th l't'&nce of t•ommunit.l' spit·it,
us each class contrlbutE'd its s hat-e towunl the makin;: or th1· t.·rmt·
pleto \\'Ot·k. Jn the fttt•nishing or thE' hOLtS\,\ thll Domestic Sl'it•nct•
Dep't. assis ted,
'l 'he house itself wus mtHlc ·b ,· W i llis Bnston untl l..UII't'('ncl· Hill
oflhc eighth g r ad(.'. The gt-e~tei· part of tl~ rurnitut"(• wu.; tlw
prodiX!t of a cou!'lle in whittling gi.,.en t o the ~of'l't•nth and ei)!hth
grade bo~·s by t he Druwinl! Supet·,·isor·at tht> JWt·iod wht·n ttu> j!it·J,..
or thu:-t• ~t·allt>s w,.,,. occupi<'d with cookinl{. It con,..l .. tt>cl o f mlnia'
.t ut-.• hut vomplt'h• 11\•tl'-t·oon" dinlo:.,"'l"OQm. parlor, anti hull pit'CE'S..
Othct· ful'llitllt>t: mntlt> of t·ntllul was contributt>d · hy th e l'out·th ~n·nde
htt,I'S undt•t· \h(' t('n('hing- vf ~I iss ::'lfinnlt> ~tt'Omstad, trs Wl't • the hamlllllt'~ on til\• pm-ch und In th(' attic pia~ t'O\)nh nugs hw ull \1 ~ rooms
w,.,.,. cho,.;{'n h-om tlf\" ll'tll'k or (ht> sN·ond and th\nl ~raclt> elasst•s 'In hand·
Juum 1\'\' n,·inJ.."- Th. ""'' dus:<t>:; wt>re in e harg(• of Miss Gr·ucc Vuuglm nnf
::'l t i.. s ~J.ntlt> l'\eilmlll~tnd ttwy also fu rnishro p<X'tleres mude or t•&ttiu an
tmuty l'll . hinn,-. Tht• dock o o the :stair ,. was made h~· u ~htld in the \hir
~··nth' In ~!t-. Welt~· ·,. tlr·uwing- dass. Wall pat~r tor two t>f tht> t'OOm
"''" de!t\~netl &f\ll painted b~· thE' tit'th gt·nde \h·awin~ duss- Lac
c11t·t n ins hw thE' wlnlltJII's .a nll bedd1n., •·onsistina:r of matll't'Ss<"S, shN•t!<,
blunkets, 'Comfortuht ~. spt'('uds, pillo\\:s ntl d"Jl'illo ·ca ses Wl't'(' malle br
th.• thir·d, fout·th und tlfth J.!t'tule clas"cs in St:' \\) io~ w'rth Miss . Wsatt a nd
Miss \' uu~:lm as tt>a<'ll\"r"'- J;:uch t'C>Om wos fur•n ished with l'('tt>rt'Ut't' to .a
~1lor schemE'. rugs. paper. ·cushion" anti other ·furn4shin.l(s ''~~ ,.,.,,•in~ out
thi11 hnmon~· of color.
-... -
"ltnu;o;l'hol<l Economics
l'amphe ll:
or th e individutd ami till' ::;ocial l•!conomlc:>s or
th e StiLle:
U pon· the ·onuition or HouseJ.IOld
Economic. d e penu s the he alth and hnppin
the individual. "
'l'h nutt·iti v ndues of eli lfe rcnt foods and thc it· Jli'Op r pre pnt·at ion
'fot· th u,; '· of man i s a s ul.lj t>ct tlf vital int.et·es t; Cot· huH th . s tt·uggl e
Qf llf is th e s i.t·ug-gle fot· food . 1t is timE> that pt>opl ·,. .cngnl~ed that
man. to be of wm·t t t9 s o •i ty ni ust ht' JH'opel'!y nout·ishe>d ' nnd · tJutt
'th amount of no~r i shm nt containod in
roo!l i s not m asut·ell by the
'nm'ltint of money ·exp nded. The \'tLit~ or th knowl l'dge of nutt·ition
'a s a.ppliecl to th ·ane of h11mau _beings is g t:u duully t·ecei ving m~t·
.and n1ore ·t-ecognit.ion.
chools ar off l'ing course in Dom 'stic
Science. ' The tea<:l.lCt'S ·Of thi uhject cndea \' 01' not onl..r to t each' th
Jlt'P)HII 'itt ion or' fo(•l a ·crmlin:J to lws t
s •i e ntific m thods, . but al :o
teach t?<.:onon·.v in p~:u.' ·ha s of food s of nu~t· ith·e ntlue : th planningof <.lit•t:u·i es in whicl) th e r·e is just.th r·ig-ht JU'OJlOrtioti of th foods r·c-
quir~d b~· th body fot· its ]WOP t' noUt·i s hment ; ·and economy in the u: e
of fooil and fu el. Not only is all thi · taught, hut 1 . son .· iri marketing,
in tabl e decot·ntiun , an_d 'in u r·rect and attrac.t ive meti10ds of
toou· at'e ~iven. \:Yo me n tu·e taught how. to car fot· <:hlna, ta bl linen,
kitch en and kitch l"n ·ute nsil s . Lectur· s upon Di ete tic ~,
Hygi ne, Uousehol.ri 'I'A:o nomx, ~unitwtlon, ~ome Nur·~ lo g, • ccounts,
'ot~ . ll'U •tion nntl Pltuuhing- at· gi\'en. Added to thi s . u.r e pr·uctical
)PS. ons in T.t!lUndt•,\' 't'ot•k, 'l'hi s <il"It31'llllent ul. 'o Jli'O \' itl e . COUI'SeS in
silv t', tLnd th
'thos .ht·un ·lw
which r· lu.t to th · health.ful and appt'OJH'iate clothing
of the body~ and to household deco t·ation.
o th ~ whol e, tir e w01·k is
·such a · is adapted lo the needs of woman , and will e nabl e h t' to m
inte llig nt~· and wisel_\· th ,·atir.d cl tna..nds of ~· r:y-day life.
.. .
T.B.Dovc r
Wc on:cl P lvo rnc u.
Oa llly Wakofl c l4
Wll• a A. Oe!ICII
He nry Cu rran
Po t c r M . Oc l•c r
B o lio A• O'Connor
F re4 . c. So me "' A. J. Zoerb
B4ltb M . Hil l
M. F. Wa41e la:b
P. A. Br un!Ota4
A. 0 . S him e k
A11t0ll a Po po
c. P. Oh•o n
... ,\
pull nntl n
pull has
th<' PolntCI· stnlf to tlw
~:"On I
at last. It i-l m•c•,11l•ss.to sa~· thnt eve •·~· lll<'lllbl."'' of tlw stuff h ns,
mueh few which tO' thnnk t h t• p,,..;~ s Al'so. · Onl,:t 11 f<'W' o f t hE' mnn~·
l'tmlt•nts can nbtnln tht• Wl'nlth of e~ )l('l'i!'nce ~uim•ll hy ~onsrlt>ntious
pl'lvllt•~t· few ~·hich we nil
be mnr'(• ent·twll tly MHt~ht by stu-
wm·k a" n nwmllt' l' or tlw .- tLtiT. uncl it ts n
nr·l~ J.!'l'ith•fut.
and om•
wht~h ~ohould
Notwi'h"llllltlin..: till' ("I'()Wtll'll pt'Oj:!'I'Omlil. tht• th•n•·th
or ttlt•ns,
II'ITII thl'
1'11\'ll)!t'S t•f tlw · ·~·tlltcu·ln t shti•t·;;," till' Polnlt•t' hns Slll'<'N•tiNI in ~i\·­
in~ In tl~· :+~t l~t·•·llw•·s
no h'lls thnn Pi~o.rl•tY·<•i)!ht wl·ittt•n Jlllgt•s. nut!,
ft'(IUI t h f" whuls th nt h low om· wn,\' , we til'<' t'CII\\'IIH't•tl t hnt om· wo•·k
lm,. Ut'l'll sui be ft\CIOI')I 'ttvt hl' lll{'l\111<'1',.. of tht• I "\'('lfl' J\ l'lst,dt}l ion.
Ou•· nlm h 11s ht'l't• •n nmkt:'
Polntl'l' lwthw (I f t hnt couftt oo
clmw). With tl111 t•xpco•·h•uf'l' of l'a~h ><11\ff cctiii\'S t\ ltll'~<' r Held hw t'('•
\' il•w nntl t'('flt•l'lltm, nncl Wt> llt•lit•Vt> tjwt'f' t>tlll nut lw n limit· to tht•
t'XI..'i'll('nt'l' uf tit{' JIUJI<'r. nntl thut, ~l"(' fOt'l', th 'l'l' Is nlwu~· -l u goal uhl•tul of ('Vl't'Y 111 111' tott·u l.;l' tht> quullty O® nlll<'h hf~ther.
ln b~~ulng thl11 :;ouvl•111t·, It ha!l ~n thtt t'lltlt>n vcw t~r ~hl' ~~~1111' tn-
I'('JJI'('!'lent nil phu.-t>!'i o r st:hool li r,•. H w.-• hu \'1' nes.rlectetl to m:>ntlo n
!<OIIIl' ptu·tlcuh~r~ you Ut't' ln tl'l'<'i<lt>d In, ,1' 0\1 mk~· he l'Ut'<' it wns he•
en use ur luck or t:;;l<' (Llncl nolle~,> ft·om .rou ). Do not '
h:! oi1'E>mletl h<'CaU:<f' ynu nt'i' not ml.'ntioned in ln r j!t>
"cap);," ur bl'<'IIIIS(' ~ nu ure mentiont>d. En·r~· wcwd
i ;·written in u ll !-lnct•t•lt y \'('r);t>S nnd 'all.
The RtnfT etlltor.; hn\'1' c·nlll.'d on rnnn." of tlw i<lnd •nt:o; o f th<' s C'Itoul fo•· murh or fht> muH•I'Inl In tlw.;t>
c >lumni<. n l:m skt•t<"l~t'"• 11:< \\'{' fw•Ht>\'t• tht' Jlll JIC'I' Is
~~~lll'd hJ• tht> stutl!'nH, nntl Wl' thnnk thl'm (ortlwlt·nill.
BefOI"('\\'(' !111,1' J(OatHISt>Wt' mu!ll cClllJ!l'll t ulntl' .vou on
t he utlvuncementm11tl!' lu tlw Pt'('!ls uff u it·s t h i~t,;pl'inl!'.
T ht• J•:tlltm will now hn,·c tlw long tlf"RIN'd opportunity o f WOI'klnl{
IIJI plan.; f011 IIIC' next fu ll and time tO ftlCik 11\'1'1' tho OII IIICI'OU~ CUildJ.I"
llt~H•s ftll' Jllls ltlons . TltM't' is no t'\•nson fm· not expt>Ctin~ n bNtor
1'"1"''' II!'JCI )'l'llr.· nnd we 81'(' con\'lnt'i'd $•ou will hn\·e it.
With man~· J.!UOcl wl~hPs fo l' a )COOd Jon~: t'C!I~ an(t a hap)>~· vacation,·
M. M . AMBS. .
Atu • n llld.
Wl' :tl"'(
\'(llll'~ ll'tot.~t'i'l)',
School Calendar, 1902-'03.
All;.!tht :!i. S.::•o••l
£111 ncl-,hu kIn~. and honl\~-,ickm•,.,,
2.-l. LinE> up: ,.,tucJ~· Ji,.,ts . ;\(u>· I usk wh~;> n J "un !_tel my
houl<" '! P lt•ns<>. wh <•t t• I,; t•nnm :?:!I'!
Aug-ust :.! I. Ftut'l'~lh to t· tht• Jo'1. t• !
S ~• plt·mh<'t' l~t. Politica I l~conom.1· . ltiE>as hl':rin to ~hoot. I 'oinlt' t'
~tntr h:1s Its llt·st llli'Ctin:r.
St• ~l<·mhl' l ' :?ntl. ·S<'niot•s tii'J!U n i;,r :. ~~ a tl lri:rh. Pt>t•sidl•nt.
S t• Jllc>mlw•· :t Juniors OI'J.!\Ini;,e: OJ:..on. l '''('"itl{'nl.
. S t• pt<•r.•IICI' -1. l-~lcments tli'!!Rilil'.l': \Yond, Pt'(':.id<>nt.
S l•pt<>mlx>t• li. · 1-" rrst YE>at·s <w~n"'li;,e. Re id. Pr-eside nt.
Sl'plt•mlx>r H. Rhctol"icul <.:omrnitu.'(' chooses tlt(' fu \'Oroed ('!) f<•11' to
uppen•· nt•xL 1-" 'riday.
::>avt('mbl.>r 10. WldmN· nntl Clltn)lnny OJlt'll hushti'SS ..
Rcpthmlwt· 11. l<'ncalt~· untl tllh<• t· old m<' mbt>t•s .. r tlw ,;cht• o l t'('Cl•il·<'
Oct. -1. S eniOJ'S hu \'1' 1\ h usk in~ b<'e. \\"hal run!
Oct. i. You c1~n hn vt• ull the baskt>ts ~· ou wunt ir y ou will
St•pu•rnh~r l io.
School th•hutt>t·s dtll!l<' n. Cnotl chni\14.•.
St•pll'tn lw r• 1\i. Fa-culty !IJlt'ntl dny at Yl.'llow Rank s .
Hl' ptl.'rn ht•t• I";. ('lio ninn r <'l<Urt·l'et('(l. \\'vlcom<' buck!
St•ptt• mh<•t• 1!1. l\1 ustuc h\' ( ' luh tlt 'J.!U11 i~t'tl. Just enoujtlt otllct•, ln g-o
:'1101'\' tn<'ml.wrs wnntPtl.
Si'pll•mlw•· 2:?. Profl.'ssot• ( 'u h ·l.'t'• l,•ulls th<' · ' whedin~ c lub."
s,•p\<'mlwr :!"..!., Profi!SSOI' llJlfOt'tl te lls the ladies hnll' und wh en
\ (1 \' 11\(>,
s,•pt. :!+.
S t> pt . :!j..
S 1·pt. :!\1.
s 1•pt.
:'IINlfOt't\ \'S S. l't- () J(i,
"Cruntlpn's' ' tit~t UJIJl<'lii'Unc\7'.
Com\? ag'aln.
mukc them.
Oct. 8. Beneliti't or <'O-educntiou e mphus izetl.
Oct. 11. "OshkO!!h, h~· ~osh !" T J•t>bk clt>f COilCC I't.
1 :~.
You'n• }rOt n il JlPiling sli p. · •
Y. W. (·.A. m·~ani;,rtl.
Oct. 11!. Lawt·t•nc\' I'S S Pt. t~i- 0 .
Oct. 2-1. 'l'\'acht'J''" .h,.,oc iution. i\Jenomi n ('C.
Oct~ 2.i. i\l edfo•·d &. Sreond T eam. O:..IH.
OCt. 28. Pr·of Sl·chrlst tl'lls us about l<'nchN·s' con,·entio n.
Oct. 3 1. Scnio •-s und Junlo•·s meet. School s pil'it bt·ot to lij.!hl.
Junim·s s ciu oed . Tlmit) gll'ls .hnn i on s tnlwut·e bo~·s' u •·ms.'
Nov. 7 . . 1-'0I'Uill htts II fi ction contest.
NO \", 10. Dutchm<'n cH·gn nl;,c. \Vi £' ~Phts , Zcll' l'h :'
Nov. 11. Onndu lto!lsn ''tCt'l'i liciil!limu,; .."
No,·. I '' . S <'tllot· tit•!! nil tlu~ j.!O.
No I'. t:l. Rl~t 'ntlon ··luh I'<'Ct'<'att>s.
~<H'. J;i,
l·:lr nu•uts hn I'<' a bi:r limP. (lhl'.l' -<a~·. )
No,·. 2:!. .Jnlly .Junln t ~ follo w s uit.
No,·. 2.>. S <>notot· Onlli\'('t'. N'o admis:.ion l )(•l WI't'll act.._,
NO\'. 26. Hom('. Than};s. T lll'k£',\' , plum putl11inJ.!, and h£'atl-achE>S.
Scnio•·s cnjo.v tlw h<~s pitulit~· o r the LidnJ.'!.ton's.
No\'. 2.. fi<>c<' ptlon In g-ym. B<'sL boolo; llt•uwn.
DE'C. J:.;t. Schooln:ruln. Long- fact's . sle<> p~· <'.''''"·
D£'e. 5th. Fr·t>shmon ha'' <' a hanqu £'t . Facu lt,,· uth•isl•s t}wm tc• II';! it
~t least two wet'k!l nftN· Thnnlo;~idng:.
D£'c. th. ~I i"s :'ll uxct>~· dsits \'. \\' . ('. J\.
Dec. !lith. \\:t",.ll'.'' un :\lull• Quar·u~t: (•njoyt'tl.
DI'C. t:l.. Xmns ,.ul<' M hoskNs. hummocks. 1'1<:. Cheap:! .\h! no.
D l>c. i . S. Pt. :>hows \\·nusnu how to pia~· llask('t Boll.
.Tun. ti..
Oct, IIi.
O t·und Huuhls ,.s s. Pt, t.) - o·.
:'lloonlil-!ht pic nk." All Sllt'\'h'<' to It'll tlw tul ~
s,•pt. :m. P•·or. Splndh.ot· sl'ntls u s t'uch 11 tC' IC';:r:un.
l~l . 1. Stl<'llin:t sli J\'S :.,"llliH'l'. 'l'lw •·v(C'i•ut•i·)' ' 1'<':! hun:r .. IWn\',1' ,
Oct. :l . .\II .Tuni ot·~ 11·~· fot· o pllll'(', but room f1w on I~· tlw thJ'('C
hl'"'· \\'m ll•-own; Glo .. ~o(l(oll'
\\'i1hnN' cho.-<<'n {(l tlnwn tht'
\)shkosh Juniot·s.
. ran. !1. \\',p ur~· ~tlull lu ~t·t• Gn1ntlmu.
Jan. !1. D t>hull' on l' tH'ir·unmcnt und lw r'C'd ity. untl<'l' tlw rw,;pieci' ur
Pr·or. Tulber·t. 11co~ult •·A mun's wmun f01 · a' that.''
J an. 10. SJK'Ciul l'OOkin;.:- class or·;tunizNI. C lnss n.eets en••·~·
Thur,;. e \'enin):r in cooking- r nom. Hun~r·." bo~· s as u s ide line.
Jan. I I. S e niors ('n t~r tuin and en•r,,·o nl' hus to wi~~-rle.
Dusky coo n s pr·e fonn.
Bnskc tr·y class llo\rris hin g .
Fch. 20.
Wullc r· Mul'llt cnl'ries
ofT the honor·s.
1-\·b. :!d. Pr't'pamtion fo r· n g'l'antl 1'('\' i\'UI or ''yl' uldl'n tlu~·s ...
H (•o~ul t o; of pr'<'paraLion.
Fe b.':!:!.
l'uwd t•r· a mi paint.
Fe h. :!-1. Twrnt~·-twu hoy-;
Lot>~ of prl•tty mui1ls und ~·ouths.
st'h('ming-, 1'. S.
:\l ounli;,rht stroll-. on l'lll'll\'1' u r lli\'i;.i .. n St:" I :111<1
\Vl• ~~~~~."May io~ h :or· •. t!1 ~ w, u·ld r·,•jui1· ' '· ·•
S eniors enjo~· the e\'t•:tin,t at Pres. P.·ay':o~ h >n •. .\ too l
Snow sto r·m.
S. P •. N.
1>. ('.
May !l- li1. Bur·sts o f or·nto r·~· fr·om th e A r·t Ann<'x.
;\l ny l.i. D~b:tte with \V : rit('wat~r·. !3oth Sirles p:rt up a goo .I t ' l \ ' ll
und \\' hit<•\\'UI<'t' scot-cd lh·st plucr .
J.i. li u~hs jumps
Pr·or. Tnlhcr·t ;.:-ocs to Os hk osh , un<l plnns n s iii'Jll'ise pur·ty
fur· a clu,.,s dur·ln~ his. uh~cncl'.
F e b. :!i. I•:Vl'l',\'l){ldy JWOlHl or tli c Junior· tlt• hlll l'.
:1. Pt'llf. Collin >~
us with him tu the ll•adinK Un h ·<'r·,.,itil•s
u IH•uad.
:\lar·. li. \Vc hcut (),..hkosh n~;uin .
:'-lar·. -;, .t\r'('m\ h\dies di.,t insruish thc:n'lclvc-. lwfua'<' othl'r socic•ti t•-<.
:\lur·. t:l. C'onC" I't b~· Mlso; B t> len Wnlclo fr~un Gt'<'<'ll Ru~· .
:\lar·. :!'1. Bound fm· ()~hkosh . llilnl'i ou:o~ thm•. Pr'l!tt~· hnnrwr·~.
Thr'I:'C' dw.:·r·s for tl w GIN.' duh.
;\lur·. :!1. A ll who cx p~ct t o ll:m k, kt·.•p lmppy.
Yt• s hall nut he
tl is a p p:• i '11t•ll.
. \ pr·. 111. .\r·lmtus t•utin• many lo\'l·r·-. (u r rwl lll'l') o ut tow;\ I'll Pl u\',•r·
Hi lis.
A.pr. J:i. Mi"K J{•ltlr r· (.~ i nr« :\lr·. Dacu u 'o; hi·~d unll t::H!o; lt.
.\pr·. t:•.
'1\·rllli,., lil'lllh 11 1\)rkl·ll.
lin• s tnkrs, atl>t• Kulh.
1\l:ly li.
t-; ,·t·r·~· butl y ~-·tlin)1 th inu\' ,•r· <'S"II:O"-'~ ·
1\J u~· ~.!.
lnt<'l' sucit•t~· C(I11I<'SI . A I'('I1U f~ Js j!a,\'.
"Lord Go1l of Ho,.,ts. ht• with \1" ,\'Ct.
nil W<' ('\'l'r krww.
S eniors! El <'mt•nt,.,!
oq:a niz<>d. 'l'wl'nty-twu ru,·or·NI )!il'ls clcj!ihlr.
Feh. :!H. l\L Ch r·istc nsC' I\ attends Y. :\1. ('. A. com ·enti un ut ;\lal'irwttc.
Fl•h. :!i.
=""'II :II
heud n el'tll'd 1(1 pill:.'' tl w ~unws.
l\ln~· l'. lli~r:, Schoo l Det·lt,m :uor:~. ··ontr"t.
Dusk~· Indian maids n ot in
Local or·utorical contest in whist.
'' 11''"' jiutihw .
Bo y "lOJI" joll~· ln ~ . tlw~· ~~~~· .
1\luy I.
l\l ny :..
Prof. T nlbcr t a sks pu rdnn or a s kell•to n.
Ja n. l .i.
A :11·, :!0.
,\pt·. :2:1.
.\pt·. :!11.
A\'t•nu e.·
M 11 y :!11.
l\lu~· :1!).
,J nne :..
Tr:.•h ),• l'h•f conct•.r·t.
Tl·ip tt) \V ol li Jl!l Cl\. No IIIIH(JIIillll'" ·
I ntN'·t·lu:-~:o~ 1-'i<'ld tln~· · l•:l,•nwats lir·st.
1nnttr•· with th(~ Senior·:-;"!
llut. wltut~ th l'
S l•niors vutc till' .Junilll':< Jll'st clnss, t':<J k'cinll~
June n.
lltl• l>um .
S ci. f,fil'ls.
.Tunc 8-111. Fint~ll•si<n.'''~l'''•'r·y mo r·ninl:'. l{"ttti'nin~ or text huuk>~.
P nylllJ1 of hill >~. ~Ltkinl:' IIJI I (' 'II>~. Jll o~t. or 1·!-1. O:J t ri:l.•... <: t=nm:uinj.!
(' X alii'
J urw
,J tllll'
.J u1w
.J uaw
( ' )('uninJ: or th•,..k-.. nnd l·'in:al -<.
1:!. ~ - P . N. D . <• """"' thl• J.!l !'Is n ;!U:HI ti:nl•.
1:!. Sl'lwul p ins llrtslt.
1-4 . ~ · ·a·mon hy It•\' . 1,1. II . ,Jnt·oho~.
l.i. Jo'or·:nn un.l :\tlt··:a •.rill l' Xc: wnj.!,' wurd:-~ .
.J mw IU.
":;'anclton tht· (. 'a•icl<t•t.' ~
.J .rm· li .
Cla ..;s Da.'·.
.i 1111~·
h il·t\:':.r!:ll' l part
Fnc ·ah r r•t•<··•pt inn.
l'u<kill:! or Diplmau.,,
"lluw c :w I l.l'a\'l~ T h~'\!."
· .,.
t·osu o ('al'ly other mot·ning
It was only
'h nvied th m.
' Will thos wh o hn y ' pra·tic b fore fJ:I'O plea · shmu . (A little
. ix and n of tho· warm 1 rainy da~ s ~ha t make
bu s t! .) 'Pl~.>as tak
ut to the ft· nt. " A nd sh had to mut·c h up
•hildre n r estl e · . · Th ni g ht'!. slee p had b n dis.
until !l:10. My what tl'ial s! L\nd deat'
turb d by trouble om clt·eam. . Even now sh could
ur· ly, s he will vi ·it m y cla.s
see littl
lves jumping .ov r d k , pulling at h e r
'!>kirt, hiding b hind the door m.aking faces at. be t•
At last th time' came, .and s he t l'ied to loo k pi a ·ant, a ·h hm·t: ied
ft·om unde t• the tab! , pilling ink, and a ll th e wlli!EJ
da.n<:ing a nd yelling.
down s tairs. H I' ·las.' :wa . in it •·oom waiting for th e n' w teach I'.
She was only a .Tuniot· g-it·l you · know ; and s h
With h t• head he ld hig h , but with a . mile upon he t·liJ{s . h e ntet d
th class- •·oom.
wondered how he r Se niot· room-mat
ve t· lived
tht·ougb fol'ty week of pra ctic • w01·k."
"G ood mot·ning , c hildr· n! We ar going to hu. v a goou time to])e had oft n h ' u.rd that · ' p t• onal app anJ.u,·e of at achet· ' bad a
~ether for t n long w ek s (ah ! how loo a th ey w r e!) and th'is mo!·ng~~t influe nce ov r the child; so this mot·uing s he donned h t• mos t
ing we wan t to . e if we can ' t ha v unsbine 'in t his t•oom ven if it it
b comin g shirt-wais t, ·and at h r throat fa ·te ned a mnt·t littl bin ·k dark out of doors . . Ho w many think w ca n ! ·
ti (which ~ h thot g a,\·e h.. •· an nit· of authority.)'
Th r e w~ . a \' Olley of y s rna ams no ma :ams, huh ! lm . .! t ·.
She was nil dre ·s d und p ou l'ing ov r a. b tTow d plan-book and
' That's what e v 1')1 t uclle t· a lways . tty. wh n it t•uins ! and I don t
th cours of ·. tud~· fot• 'P t·~mnry Form R ead ing," when h r . roomeo how t.h s un can hin ins id when it don ' t s hine ut ·ide! ' s tdd
one littl l;Joy.
mate s tilT d 11.nd in h t." u s u a.l pl easant way g t· et d h r · with "And
But slte quie tEd het· class , and : oon''ul y wet• int
t d in the n w
bow is my lilt! g irl this mornil)g'!' If ' .1' s he hated to be calf: II.
les ·on. .J u t how he did it no o.n know , (P. l'illlps th littl bla ·k U
!itt.! g irl it was now: but s h answered "Ail t• t•.,.~t!" and mum lied
to h r If · om thin"' about "the ability to obtain know! dg"e fron th ·
h elped); h , h ···s If, c nn t t~ll· but if you could ha.Ye s u het· run
up to llEit· 1 · o m-mate at 1· cess and heat· h r ay '·It s a ll O\'et· ! It wi I I
nrinted pu.g '
and b r wi ft'i nd said no more.
'l'he call ~or bt·eakfast cam ; but he c uld no t r li h ' the hot wat t• n v 1: be th e fil'st time ttga in! and really it wa love!) ! ' yo u wo uld
and toa t. 'W ith a "Plea e excuse me_; J bav ·ome wor·k this mot·nha~e known that s h wns happy. ·· A nd if \' O u could have llc<u·d the
ing " . s b le ft th table and· was bound fo1· . cbool.
' little boy tell ~lis real teach t• . that th e s un <lid(l"most s hine . that 1lay,
How could sh e \•er liv thro that o ' clock .re ·itation in Gerinan '!
yo u ~,· o uld hav known that he too , was happ(. A nd that 1\li s - Sh lo t th . plac . 1'h s nte nce$ s med but I mus!n't tell , her name : fot• s h s .only a little Juni I ' g-i r.l , you
hard t' than v r b fo1· . Her I' citation wa a fa.i lm· .
know·, nn<l n xt y IH' ,\·h ·n s he s a , ni o 1· girl she will laug h and
cam . "'_Thy did t h y ing "It s a B au t iful per!J ap. tell you about it !J t· elf.
wh n s b was o mi ·e ruhl ? W by did ev t•y on
MORAl .. - } f yo u worry s ulllci ntl y o · r yout· tit· t pt•a tic clas , and
l ook so guy and httpp~· '? Th prncti · t ach •t·s tl'ipped out b~· on · w u.1· a little black t i o n tb lit·st mot•ning o f your· cxper i nee, you
and two s._ Thl;'y . Jookcu :o p euc ful
unconcerned, and yet .·o
will t1 \'Clop into a ca pable teacher.
• V\' . \. G .
fiE n
out ot 'tho Prlm n r y · PhychoiOilY·
A Nortttftl Alphobcf , .
·A is fot· Auct· who talks ft·ee
This is a pic tu•-c of a t·o,(c,
Witb a tiny th01·n that on it grows 1
a new idea with it goes.
This shows how in yout· little
The scattered ideas of
Theit· distant second cousin finds.
Q{~n?st. 'vondedul complex man!
r!__w_hat a wonde rful creation can
Be located within yot~r bt·ain,
Wlten'et· an emotion you ente t·taio.
This is ho\\· nn Idea will gro'"
F t·om the or·dintu•y dog-s wt• kn0\\'1
'Till it t-eaches ·t1u? s hown ideal .
\Vho!IC tr·uenel;s to life you cot·tainly reel.
This one witho ut rni~take
. I s a pictm-e of my dog Jake,
It is the i dN~ and no mo re,
,'\ll that ' s necessu t•y 1 a s s aid be foN".
Look fit ~his ' till you've hnd :rour' fill ,
F'or rt s how!! o. s h-enm that. flows uphill,
Which s hows that you "'ill hardl y find
{\ s h·ange t· thin~ \.han th<: human minll.
trud(' ,
And who should get a mus tache read~· made .
is for B aker who has known no joy
Since last s he s aw he r own dear boy.
is for Collins with jokes and laugh;
Who t-ecently invented those te~rible gt·aphs.
is for Dever who works down .town,
And gathers the ne ws and loite rs a round.
·Eis for .'Eicl.ert who laug h!! so much ,.Y
J.<~il·;,t its in English and then its in Dutch.
F is fot• Ft·a~iet• .who must walk with care
. To keep all bows and bl.ossoms in he t· hait·.
is fo r Ge tTish, s o fine and dandy
At,eating home·mnde chocolate (?) cand~··
· H is fot•'Bas tings and het· P ierce(ing) alTair,
To jo)ly Pierce up is he t· on!~· care.
is fot· the wl'iter, who wt·ote these lines,
Who likes fudges and o. jolly good time.
is fo r Jacobs who has s uch fun
o.t plnyi~g with ,J. \V .. L's st>cond son.
is for Kt·amct·s so fair and s wC('t,
·who kn o ws how to mnke ::rood thin~s w !'a t.
is for Leincnkugcl, 'of note w01·tlty fam ~
W hOii_e no.me is o.s long as hN· somewhat len~thy ft•nm<'•
lt.l' is fot· Miss Moeschler·, who makes futl~ candy
l U. And when you cat it, think s he',.; tlund.'··
:is for Ne wsome, the dtu·k-('yecl belle, ..
\Vho he r· beau is no one can tell.
is fo r Ol!!on, tha~ letu·ned ~-oung ninn
\VIw e vet· endeavors to tell all he cnn.
is for Pope whom Nature made ,;o
i\ t•tisticully perfect ft·om head to toe.
is fot• Quinn witb' a \'ery stt·aight I.Juck,
The t·e's nothiQg in C!\t'riage tha t she doth luck.
fo r Heitler·, the sweetest e vet' R isvVho,
on oc<'ns ion, s nys " Did you e ver!"
Don't wish you '''et·c homt•
To plow up·t he loam
But Remembet·: ." lt might hn \' C been wor·sc."
i:- fot• Sdhuld. that fuil•- h ui~·tl lu""
\\"ho 11\•l\w;..rs llt·:-t to this und t hen to that
·1'H" for· Tulbt•t•t who likes to bnr'1'0''
And incidentnlly 1·ush i\Iiss 1-, ur·J·ow.
u is 101' you, and this is to re mind
You thnt ~·o m· tm·o will come some othe r· time.
v is fo r Voot'S' who goes to the dllnces some .
}o'it•st with this g il·! and then with another one.
w is for Wadleigh, who's so fond o f Gesell.
What he ~nds so intere ting, we can' t tell.
is f{lr X-ams which come in the s pring,
. Oh how we wish thet-e wet-e no s uch thing.
y is fot· Ya;..rh~, an<l folks• do tell
Tha.t he likes tht.> g i_l'ls full well.
z is fo r ~oet·b and Zentner beside
Who in clus10, hea ,·eowurd l'ide
Upon the soaring' wings of Ol'lllor·yAnd this is the em~ of my little s tor·y.
ir the j!r·idir?n 's to~
· And you' t•e not the right s tuff,
And you nearly have need or a hearse,
Don't cr~· o'er yom· pains
'But remembet· the "gains"
And thmk tha t; "It might hu ve been wo rse. "
'When ut your fit·st dnnce
By some stt·unge mischance,
You cannot oit-ect your right cout·se;
Birt get ull the blame ·
For tearing u train,
Just think thnt: "1L nlight. hn ve been '''ot·so."
When each mor ning still
You j!ct your till
'or lectUI-e:> new- nod the t·e,·er·se,
Dq n 't fidget und squit·m.
And 'cuss' nnd gr·unt 'dul'll'
But t-emctn ber: "It mi~ht h:t\'C been wor·sc. ' 1
\ Vhcn autumn is come
A nil hn!'r.ting is done.
And the "old mun" s po r·ts u fulJliii'SC:
. \\'hen to school you ·a r·c sent
On l~tu·d study intent
Hc nwmbe r·: "lL might hu ,.e hcpn wv l'sc."
· After bucking a wa r,
· Bout a month and a <ln.~·,
And a1-e ncck,deep in Thcot·y imme r·scd:
\Vhen a place you' ,·e g-oL
l3ut the kids u tough lot,
Aml the school board beg-ins to cut·sc:
Don't think ~·ou' t;e u,;ed mean
Just t r·y and 'twill seem
..:.__ Thnt it might, "It might hu'~ heen wot·sc."
A(iricuiTurai ~nci-. 1'~ 1
Sonw h••n-. will ln.' '~'''''''
Yl'll l'!> without :<ctting witho ut ><it:
tln!f. ·
\n ln-.ll·i~tm•nt to pia.'· uo.
You puchllt• 1111 It unci tl w n it plu~·,..
Orljlhtal ·· Vrlmary
Hond- The
1~1\:t. r .r:l:
out in the
Path · fL.; Ilk<' a silf<'walk ortl~· lt:4
j u!>L n nuu·k u n till' g-round.
)l n~·m.....•A
mun thut own" u'if'
l!noslPr· - A chlckl'n thnt ca·ows-.
n oot Whc!t ·' 'nu kick tlo~ts wfttr.
Prt T ---1'-Do cowS·clrew tlieir'
t:ud'l w)lil t- ilelntt dmt n! Ill' whil<l
~: ltting't
· cit~· .
. 'J' - Jt No)V llll'l't' Is Cll}t·ium anrf
fH1lnsl<iun1! lhf'5' tu-e tw(n cousins.
Hush- \Vhal th(• mun scr·ntch C'~f
L o C: - IRl' sto(Jlt nt Appomatox
<:ourt H ou!le1 arid wotchl'!l hi!\ eorpse
his C'~'C' out anti in ort . .
A Huck- You huck up barns whh
J A <:ol:!~- Swittc ea l n ~trt•rtter· \'a:
ricty ' or foods than olh<'r ·~ttlt-.
Ob beg f"u r pnolloo l
fnnrch h,.
•·rom tbe peo or our rumoull nrtl"t.
Gus - \Yhut th <'Y hlnw
~trnplt'' "
I1C'ads t) IT wi\h.
T E'ache1·- " \Vhy w(• l'f yuu flu~ of
Jtchool , P•·il:illtt'!''
l'u pi 1- ' ·Om· t:lnttk wr•~< ~<m·e a n1l
' '<' could n 't ~\U ~lw ~llll4>."'
rour Jh•m•
~m ~ Po ta'#l bul!!l ha 'O'E> l)('('n
thi11 t'llltnh'1 f01• lhir·t,\' ,9E'U I'~'
:11 1 1'1~
n f)-
~h, ll {l
\~AN T ·~ADS ."
ln f• tn u l i ' n
"hi lt · t ,
II< W j•· , ·o•t n •IV. Hilt!
;.t , o a.. t:
IIIIII' U;:'\' d
1 lo,.t tH \\'u upactt t...akt's vn .i>l•co• a lion
I) ) ' ·
Thul M·t"e·l :shouiU
Wht•tller· il.t•ntm•r· Is n•ttll~ m:trr ird or
n ):.
\\"h) .\. J.%
lUll r·n~h ~all
cu: r.~.
mw to match p:>nnlt•s with
~nml' Olll' \11. \x'
1\1~\. nl~-:"ht.
A. 0 --'-<Y- A.
one to comh me. - !<~. S-u-u-0 -T·.
lly oum<'
,h,~t 1\rrh• c:-~ :
SO you'll
100 uo
\Vh~' ~111\th jlii\"C llll lh t' l-:\"('1'-hUI"t)
o. K
ht• l\'ll1-.h:'k
4;QtJ It"/
\lplln \Ill' 1'1 \'('"
A h r·nl...,•n c lns pip<'
.l•'. N.
\\\ hat ~.wmu\ ::hi Mu~·rcl ,;u\. \\·\\11- 'l'c\\~n'
,.,_,;,\(' tm\\ r a ::J• lh ll\ .
.t\ IW\\' 1-}Wllt •t• \hUt Jlllt>-!o J!"'Utl,\",
I f:Ol-'. TA l .llr.l!'r .
.\ m:u'.
Bu'ts~ i\~tl('l-!
A Cuclou,.
\\'hnt c~ll't'tl \\'nr. Ht•tiWl\ wh('l\
,.\n:."' ·
A Hcm·cl \lf tn.' tt>o o \~~ fo•·
\ou;r.. ~~!
,\t'::ll<' ll l ."r\JIU~ t't~\ !-;!'1.
\\' :.~.
AIH' H :::
1'. D.\\' r>-1:- .
TH ( ., ,, i> h'(lK'tl: LN
t h<' du;:~
A r~:•1n ~~r d\·-.~r• t fumi litu· \o o
, \. :! \1\ tl' l\ 1\hl('tl mu~\:\Ch\' Jt\'m\'l'\".
~rof. 't:l-t. Doe.~ 3
,. 0 ,..
E - 1- K - 0
J\ SUI'(' CUI'(' f OI' ::tO~Sippln~,- .J, TT·(l-J-:-.
\\'hy \\'t•lty tl.'n h\.; cn'!'tlr ((';~.,..M•ls) und
hoi\' m uch \Villrm'l' hi t! on lht• :-tllnl.'.
-Aod fUoL't< to my ~<t"'tcm •nlorot
~flu: lh:wr• rw 1'~.
lluL my
~ ~ H.
,·iclim in "cos~· cm·rwa·. ~'
-.·m only a ptcoo or ornyoo.
'l'hi\L Chuhc "Noo·prolnn •,''
1:. <'. 0-...-n.
\\'. Z
WM ..\!'1:11.
\VIwth t>l' h t- cn n •'holu his nutllrnt'\'
he hll'l.' :1:00 n. m.
M. S H- 1-, - J.:- o.
Stunr onr tt1 k ('('p Tillil• otT my fl'(' \.
\hr .Tnn•
f <'W
\lfth<' S t nfT-
A htrge corp!' o f E:- pericncc: dTt·.t<'l l·.
e rs fu lly abreast o~ th e tim ·s. A l ar~e
atte ndance of e arnest. adva n ~e J
S tudents "ho arc Actu~l T eachers.
T he new wi ng. now co mplcrcd . adds
On e Half t o . th c capact t y o f t h e
bu_i ldi ng.
cAllModern A ids:
Library, Complete Gymnasiumj
Three Ad vonceci C o urses. T wo Ycn t·s fo t•
H igh School G t·n<luntes a. n d o ther compe ten t
Students. Pos t-gr•n<luate S tudies in Sciences,
Langungcl', ('ides. ~tnd PedngoA"~·.
D lplo m11 equintlent to life Stnte C<.>rtili<:at{•.
E le mentary C o urse. Two Yenrs for thoso
holdin~ Certillcatcs. o r· passing entr•ant.-e cxami' natiOII!<.
Eleme nta r y Certltlc:ot e equ in tlent to Limited
State (\•t·tificntl'. fot· F h·c Yenr,;.
Commo n Sc hoo l Cou rse. One Ycat· fm· sp: cinl
l!{'netit o f thosl' who must tl'ach soon.
P r e paratory C o u r s e . T en wc•cks only. :.ridn~
prl' pnt·ution in nllthc Common Brnnc·h<':-o. Th('lll'
c ln ssl's lit"{' tun:.rht hy t·e:.rulo t· Not'llHII h•nche•·:-:
Ot' undl't' the ir· tlit·cct .on•t·si:.rht. ·
Solect lo n o( Stud ie s pr t'mittl•tl IV '1\•ndw•·~
und('t' fu \'l)I"Uhll• t"it"CIIIll!II Unl'C!'<
Ne w Clos s~~ fo t·metl four t ime:< rudt .'"<'o r in
nenl"ly t'\"l't'Y suhj<'('t in th<' <:ours<' nf Study:
c•xct-pt Latin. G<' t·mun. and :-om!' ntl,·ont•ccl Sd!'ncc
:<tudies. Tit!' QmlJ·tcr·,; lx·~i n Non•mllet' :1: .:nnuar,\· 2:!: A twil II.
Boo r d $:!..ill to $:1 prt· wt-ek. .\11 ,;elmo ) d•n.•·~e"
uhou t $ 1.:1"• pr t· Qntut<·t·. T!'n \\'eek:<. N'o tnttton
fl't':< in No t•mnl d :\"""" fo r· tho:<!' l' XJ H'tti n~ to
t cuch. Tuition ••• c·c•nl:< pet· wcck <H' }(',;~ in P t'e·
pnt·ut ot·j· Gmcll"'·
k clcll. Wr ite fot· ("i rcn lat•:<: or. better· :<till ,
nitl' qur~<tion-< about uu.'· p1u·t or the• ,;clmol work,
I u nd Kt't • n immrdin t<' J}{'t·sonul r•e tl l~·.
Address the Pt'<'sid!'nt.
T H o•:P.ON B. PRAY 1
,. Point,' \ Vi coos in.
a:. .