THE NORMAL POINTER Volume VI. T STEVENS POIN T, WiS., J UNE 1), 190 1. HJo: Semors aru n class. tr.uiitions of which will undoubtedly be handed down h-om one geu· eration of classes to the no:tt: to be greeted always with thll remark. "there were gi:lnt.s in thoie d:lys. ·• The president hold! hii! J}(lllilion by virtue uf pro· gressivenCII'I ann executh·e ability no Jess t han size :a.nd stature. Like Bauquo's ghost. bo will not dowu, and co ndut·~ clas.-t meetings with belittinggr.wity. ewm when perambulrniog on crutches. The \'ice· president surpasses him in size and stature. and adds irnpres.~h·ene!llllo nll class meetings. He has e nforced throughout the year his prerogati \'O or "speaking second" with unfailing dignity and com·' posure. Our seeretary makes up in quality what s he lacks in quantity, nnd her ent hushutic vigor has made her ll power in the cllllJiJ. The meetings of the '01-ers have bt:en rhnracterJzed b~ me ri10riow unanimity of opinion with one notable exception . When class colors were cho3Cn the cardinal had a strong opponent in lave nder and white, and it was only by super ior political engineering that the cardinal WM ahle to win tht> day. Sin<..-e then cardinal bas been loylllly worn by e\'cry Senior. the 13.test manifestation being •:ardinal shoe strings. We have rtlmarkable musical ability, we excel In Number 9· Rthlctics. we hrn'fl nr:t.torical Jmwor anol pnlillcal J>oWN. :t.nll we arc pruudcu of all of our success as ii<Jci:t.llights. It iii not ncccs:i:&ry tu re m:u·k th&t we also h:wo irl tellcc·t.-t worthy of th~ u:uuc, anti have at times use o f them . Wuhan~ !ICrvcd in va rious capacities foom tho most rueninl to tho most cx:~ h cd, as the n~il of tho !H'hO<II required, and we hn,•c generously given other cl:u!M..'8 the benefit of the crumb3. W e havu not cho!ICn to didting ui&h onrsel,·es by any o ne hurst of 11porndic gen ius, bot rather to s how what a uniform power steadily applit.'d cn n accomplis h. Our most noble traits ·arc tn.Ct And di ]Jiomaey. This ii e\·iden('.ed i n our mn.nng.:mcutofthu Juo lors. ~bieh hiL'I been NO s killful thn.t it h!U! nc\·e r dis· turbed the compi:Leen t serenity of '02-ers, and they ~rc el·on disposed to doubt the of thei.r having been manl\get"l aL all.-a significant t ribute to our ability. / .. When we came om or the public school. !:io fresh, so fr e&h, And cam e into the Normal ~~e hoo l , So green, '10 green. 'fhu g irl :~ they lnughecl. tim hf1y! tliey jL-ered, But our mental prowess they always f<mred, And they 'll all feel sad when we h:t\·e&Aid farewell. THE NORMAL POINTER. " We wen t into o n ~ clnsseil new. Somcek.somuek, A k n owled~eo of m usic nml hygiene too To seek. to seek. 'Ve did not know how we nHJSt grow Jo:re we got into the Senior row, And you'll all feel snd when we hnnlsnid fsrcwull. " In Sophmore year we played our pnrts So well. so well: Became prolicient in the orts, They tell, t hey tell. In l'lano gcom and meth od>~ ton, We learned how much we couldn 't do. Uut you 'll all feel 811.d when we have S.'lid farewel l. ·:In Junior year we grew so smart And bright, and bright. We learned our Algobm b,\' heart At night, nt night. We uevcr cnlled on ladies then, We ne,·er looked upon the men, Bu t we'll nil feel sad when we have said farew ell. As Seniors we h!l\'e reached the go:~. I, So high, so high. The fortun e we hn\'e sought so long Is nigh, is nigh. Our minds are filled with know lege rare, So of our fu turo have no care. And you'llall feel snd when we have snid farewell. JUNIORS. " Here we nrc. here we arc, here we nrc. Uig J -u·n-i·o-r ! Allegarroo. garoo, p;Mroi ut. J unio rs, Juniors, Sto\·ens Poin t!" This is the rythmical, inspi ring nnd altogether approprinte yell of t he Jun ior class o f 1001. J !lay "appropriate." I mean it.. for if it Isn't approriato for tho Juu iors to sing oul. " Hero we are, here we are!" then there Is no suc.h thing as appropriate· ness. r·or the Juniors Atu-: " hero" nod htw e 1.-een throughout tho year. Wh:t.t tl\sk lms IJecnso great, or what undertadi ng so hazardous !lS to da mpen the ardour of these Juniors! When have they fa iled to display their loynlty ~ At what time, when nny 8ChOOI oul.Crpri!IC needed sup port and called for aid have the Ju niors not 11nswercd " Here!" W hen an athletic victory was lobe won the Ju n· iors helped to win it. When the cold a nd cheer less dl\ys of mid winter had chilled our souls and made us wan and s~d. what did those Juniors do ! Why. they got Into " A Hogulnr Fix " nod made us laugh and forget our sad news nnd the -40 degrees weather until they were out ngnin. And li nnlly, when the time wni'ripe they ero!l!K!<I bnts with tho hitherto uneonqucmhlo Seniors, nnd, amid the Hriunting o f black·and·gnld and tho toot· ings of ma ny horns at the rosy months of JoyRI Junior gi rls, won a gre:1t victory. Great because of tho greatness of the vnnquishod . The duties of a Junior clnll!l many. Their JIO· sitlon in this school is like the pt>llitio u of the center in au a rm y. Tho Seniors form the rigM wlug, tho ElE!mentnrics tho left. (The Fres hmen are the raw rt.'cruits or the mule train. I can't tell which from hero.) The Ju nio rs must hold t heir poeitlon, no matter what happens t ') the wings. On them rest!! great responsibility. How we ll the Junlon o f thi!l year have borne their burden ueods no comment. They have shown the world what a Junior clllS.!J can do. They have the way for future Ju nio r classes to follow. Tho mark they leave behind will long be called "h i,~rh-wa te r mark ." Their fam e Is •A . ELEMENT ARIES. J.isten to t he gleeful nco In the El c men t.a.rl~ ' tunc: We raro uot fof exams. in the middle of June. Tbu regents bn\'tl gone, And our e!lllays are done. So we,ro happp n.slarks, We of Ninotcon·One. 'n ut 11!1 tho eventide drnws nearer We think with a sigh Of tho t wo happy years Lhnt just have slipped by. And wherever we'll be ll!l the year:" some and go, We' ll remember the Normal with Its purple and gold . Osz OF Us. THE PRI!SHMEN. To unbiased minds it is to see That lacking tho Freshmen, Ute Normal would be A tlull, pulscleu thing. su\1 o f darkness ami gloom, i ll' few tenants awed by tho surplu.s of room. 'fbo tho Normal half seen grand e vents, all were led By the social eveut of the seaso n, our spread. Royal purple and whit.C was the color scheme, THE NORMAL PO I NT ER. ~hi mllh!rcd \\' hile t he liglus down with :l vi.,lct gleam. T hc .Junio r,; may ''Cl""wltlll' L(r:t n• =-'c ni..r.." ,ay. But t he t"Oh" ,f t h•· Fir~! Yt•:tr .-Ia.~~ •·arri··~ t l1e oby It is th us ful ly pr,.ud yuu l":t tl pri~.c u~ •>11 11~ nest .~ than to df>et n that uu 1··~,; tlw :'\ .. nu:t l· ~ ~~~~······"'" I 1' I{ itf'!<~ rC lowe~! jJ:t"'s p la in. the lll"lllltain h.-i)o("ht of h-arnintr. Thesumn1it whidt )""ll soon wi ll ).(:lin. For t ho" no w h ut hum hle Fru-.hmo•n. Yet tho•r<•'ll .o~ometimu w<~u l d "' m ile if l lwy saw tlw a h<~l"l.' <]1\Htalinu iu t'" ll· lll.'o·ti••n lt"ith a n••ti•··· f(•r olel!a t<'r1. ••r ('ulltl'llt:l nts fur a u ora t<H·i,·al .. r any nthl•t" •·on te.~ t. That we ,j., n"t lao·k pru ]lel" ,;.-!tun] s pirit i.'l shown <]U:U"h•r:O 1" :1\ ll'nd T h,· o u r feet an· •>Tt ly plantl.'d Un the n•ry fort h~· :\ th lctit- :t.• ~•u·btion. o r a JrUutl atte nd:t m•e at " [,;l:Wh:tll "r fuut Uall jr:tllte. h11t dw.,..• sa m e huys l•y tl11• IIH1U bcrs of ;.:irl~ that ;.:in• tlwir <linh!:o! nnd thu \"ariuii,! >!Chllol c u tert..' lillllll"lll:' that lite h<~.\":< p rod,J.•. louL uptuthis time th i.:~ i"' the ""1.•· way th;tt ~(']u\(11 spi rit hall h••••n ,.h.,wn hy tho c:irl ~. Lo•t n~ hupc that Ill''>:! .n•:tr wo• will take a m"rc :n·ti•··~ v:t rt iu thil! :<dtHul li r.~. i nau;.:nrat'' uo•w 1"< \llloJ~I .~. f"r in,.t :ln\'P :t oleh.'lt<' hl•\Wl'l'tl till' A ren a :_::irl• and t ~t· Furum huy~ : t:d.;e part in t lu•O~hkll!ih · :->tc\"<'11~ ['.,int .l un iur dulo:U.o•. :tnd in till' ur:ttorit·al o·un t··~t. and thu..: he lp '" r•·~t:aiu till' hi~t:h t•n~iti"n o f ltmmr th111: ,whoul h:l>lnlre:ld)' won. nut u n ly hy thll llaunting thi! l~lllu r.~ rllnng the ~i·il! l in<'~. hu t hy gnncl hard 1\"o!"k . ,\ .ll.:stull Ciuu.. THE FRESHMEN AGAIN. !'l1·orn us nn1. nh hau).(ll\y =-'l.'n io t·.-<. T ho" wo·"rl.' but the Frc~h111an 1·la~s. 11"h,· t lu- ltuhif•"n :• wai t~ us. Th:u yuu a ll l.:n·e had t" o:\·cry g id tu do h<"r olllt)··· who•n tlw_y ne('oiCII huuls ,.,,mt• a day Whe n we"'l hoJ,I a proud duu•itli"u o·cr the rc:l.llll that yvu no w away. A VIOLP:T. W e sb:J.II ht.' the augus t b..dy l)nwn O"c r tbe lesser light.'! to ru le A lltl th.,· now unknown. amoug Ill! :1 T here gre w a 1l:dnty t"tolct. unmc • swaying w ith timicl gnii'C W hit-h will ouu •lay gi ld the Normal W ith the g litter of iL'I fame . Up tn the bright hlue s ky aiJoO\'C Lifting her s miling fat•e. TO THE GIRLS. Have yon ever stoppe<l tocon~i<h•r N c1 IHhcr tlnwer grew n e:tr wh:u p:t.rt yo u we re pla~·inJl i n thill :-;urmal ~dwol o f ou rs ~ llnve you s topped to think o f how m uny o pJMirtuuitiell you are ~ven losi ng ·~ From the OJ)Cniug nf thi>~ !whnol years ago unti l the present time not more thau s ix girl!! han~ tho hea r t o f a furl!.'c'L l>c(')J i n :t d rtrk dalllJl Jrlade. .Ju1t WIJt:t-e the rui.Jin twitte rcol, Uudc r the p ine trce">~sh:u lu. In t he coming yea n. luug :lftcr Yo u ha\"C \':utis hcd frum the >~Chnul. The re may be. JICrhaps . i~1 ever eotercJ the contests which the Qoys have so often held and wou w ith othe r I .'I t hi.'l IJt:cau;jC girls are less COIIlJ)CLcn t ~ her. Nu frill ncl ,.a,·e hrt•t•zc or hi re!. A lone, unknown, un:~ot:cn From her uo plaint On ly a anol yet W a:S heard . ~implc l'iolet. mcs!l:tge there: T o lh·e am.J lo,·e and look a h(H'e Tcal'ltin~:a l'hrough tri:t ls. Jlain· a n•l care. schools ~ Is il be(':t.llse w eare uot w illi ng to take p:trt in s uc h Uur 1Chool i11 es pecially o·ha rac ter ir.c•l this year hy _ contests, o r ill it IJCt·:u\:~e we ha1·c bccu too busy! The ans we r to thi~ is t hat we should nnt he too busy the litcmry talent it pos~e~~e~. anti the wicle di!lt r i· hut ion ,,r taleut a mo ng its me rn her!l. T he Pointer to take part in those thiujlS whic h b roaclen our m i nds and gh·e U " a measure of o u r own ahility. a s St:l.IT ill tHH l nekin~~: i n ' luanlity o r quality o f this ):ill (.'nu.Qiderin~o: thi-< ··An im·h a n•I :t hnlf 11hun; Why the n bt it ! The re:~.sou I lac k o f apprecia tion of o ur opportun it ies. A'''t c• •PY •Jni,·k :·· t":III"C~ ~uq,risin l( c·.. nst,·nuttinn. Ther e is wi ld determit~rltion in t lw way tlw pcn•·il i~ no thing else can. think i!l :1. A lready too long ha\'e t ht• boy>~ le..l thi11 o f T oo long have the boy;J ··e::.;pect{'<l school life . gmsJIC• l i n the·h f•1r nn iclo•a. nn itwh and a half' ~ - U. - 11'1 t lli.!! THE NOR~ IAL . TI{E NORMAL POINTER JUNE 15, 1901._ - - - A mo o tb lr ~rlndlnl, rt:LI<I>MHlh'lve of th e Sh:tb Still! !\ormal ScbQol, Stucu Point, W ttCODIID, pnbll$bed by the Tume ofnbacdp tlnn-t.Oo:en•• ""'' yvar to •dvancc. ;:; ccnll lfootpaldbcfo rc J.n.l,l901. S ITII KR l- U s t UI..'OI ... .... Edhor-tn.Chtcf • •.. UI ~r&ry J ULitll 0. C AIILIIO.'f , 'OI. .• • • .•. £JI•A SKionOI.P,'OI fo~t':.L ~~ · . i"R~!!: ·~ Th~ Cc n ~or ~ ••· ftUDOLI'II IACIUICII 'fl:!. .. }UU: U . A•l<.l. 'It!...... l'unu R• m.a, '01 .. . CLAIIK& W. J&liKI!<o, '01 .. .. .... Local .. ~:I~h&nl{ll . . . .. .. T r ~lnlnt llcp .. •me nt • .... •. •Uo~!J!eu ~~~n&!1er ~~~~&•o• lt..".:~i~k~:·~d~~ m~,::::;•rit lluatn~n J .WAKIIO:NilTI •ION,'Il-1 ., .. Ct.ARK& W.J &IIII. IN•, ' 01 .. •. IIA MRAit L. C011lii'A1', Kl., '01. .. lh na,•ert .. .!<t"<: r "t&rJ ... ddrenall buhle" Idl er~ Ill tb e B111h1UI Manage r . Artldu •oHclled !rOm rormer e~a•leatl and te.-u:bert. Kea<leno andaobtortbc!n are retpuo::tictll)' teqne•tedto pat· rOnh.eou r~verll.ert. POINTER. h:we gained much, even while they breathe a dee p sigh of relief. for it h:1s been work, and hard work, a mi they lc:we the most he!lrtfc lt good wishes to their!IUI'CC!O.':IOI"!:I. The Lectu re t•ommittec h!UI arrn~gcd tho lectu re course for 1901-2 and cngngcd the talent for the season. The course will pro b!lbly 00 opened IJy Brookes with his wo nderful Chicago Mnrine Dnncl O rchcstm. T IJO llund consists o f twcnty·linl instrumoots and gives a program of tho best music In tho world, intersJ)Orscd by popular htunbera, unde r tho leadership o f Urooke, next to Sousa the most succcssfnl band director in this country. Tho second n; nsical number will be tho we \1-knowu bas.010: Ern· est Gamble, supported by l\li$9 Grace Jenkins, violinist. and Mr. l-'rcdcriok 8 . l\lorloy, pianist . Mr. Ga111hlo is t he most artistic of •soloists, aud ca.nnot fail to please tho mnst fastidioua. Tho lceturca will be •given by Hun. Charles A . To wne, ox-senator from Minnesota, whoso subject will be "Loroo:r.n, tho Magnitioont," and' by Mrs. Maude Ualllngton· Bnot h, who will lecture un tho subject nearest her heart, "Sunshin e nod Sh'ado ws of Prison Lifo. " Mrs. llooth is tho most gifted woman o n the American platform, ami magnetizes her audie nces by her great personality. · The fi fth number needs no ·~ords of nurs to recomme nd it to your notioo. Le land 'J'. l~owe rll charmed 1111 all this year by bls 1m persOna· tio n o f characters aud no ne of us would miM an op· portunity of hearing him ag11in. With this num bE-r of tho Pointe r tho etlitorial duties o f the present sta fT eX ]lirc. They have gh•en you nino iS!Iues of the Poin ter. and hal'e do no their best to please you . Many of them lenve tho lK"hool this year for other liolds of work. nod t hey will lt.lIt is iu tcrestlug to glance back at tho history o~ wnys remember with gratitude tho opllOrtunitio!l the lecture course. The year of its initiation saw afTordcd them by their experiences and d uties upon tho Poi nter stafT. They have not al- it-104 expended on talent. • 'l'ho second year tho com· ways fu lfilled yOur expt.'CLlltions, a ucl they hal'O not mitlco felt safe in expending 1541 in talent. The resul ts were so promising that tho next year 16S7 always met with tho sy mp1Hhy and assistalu:e they W llS \'oted for talent, and tho comwittoo had a largo needed. but they have do ne the best they could ami have l>een n.s choorful rut ]){);l!Jiblo. Others of them surplus to ha ndle nt the end of tho year. T o avoid wlll retu rn , and may hM'e furth er o pportun ities for . such cmbarrBJt!>ment occurring ap;nln, 1700 wn.s put ed itorial work. If not, they, at least, will be rco.d y in to talent. to help wi th sy mpathy and cncourngomcnt the peoThe committee has planned for tho coming year ple u pon whoso shoulders the mantle of I'CSJ)()nsibil- the best course C\•e r given, and hn.s vot.ed to expo~d ity w11\ frL\1 next year. and they h:u·o before them $92;i for talent. Can enough be realized . to CO\'er the duty of ed ucati ng th6 public (t tias is, the school) the invcstment ! It cau, H tho course receives tho to au apJlrccin.tion of torialattempts. So as th is sup porl it hM In previous yeftrs, nod tho ticket staff ste Jl!l down aud off the .!!l.' they feel that they holders !I(,'CUro all the proti ts. THE NORMAL POINTER. A. Y.- It is wi~est for you to go straiglu home aftcr dloirpr:wticc. t::d. :'11. G. -Uon't WASte your moncy nt rummngo G. c:. K.- Don't b.! :;o eMily inllucnceo.l hy the Little attmetio ns n f life. J . K. -GCI a little cxpcrieueo nnd then sing " A Sweet Thot of You.·· J . G. C.- Yo mun get up carliur in tho morning if yon willtulk from points. G. A. T .-- Haise a run:!lt:LCho: i t will add to your dig nity (; , C. H. -Continc your atlcntions to one young Indy. l>ou't St•attcr your a!Tuctions hro:nlc~t. l\1. ,J. H.-Sln)I IIHiking goo-goo eye!!. 1..~:.:.--~...1.....:.:;..._ _~-...1....-J yo~:·rJ.~~!!e;J~~~!Itl~.ial: don't coniine youi'!!Clf to From heights inuue!l!lurable there came tloating down to us a little package. and upon OJK'nin it we found it contained som<J lc!l.\'C~ from the Sybiliue books upon which were written bits of a.dvice for tho depn.rting Seniors. We trust you will treMure them ..arefully and prolit by them. F. 8 . P. -lu you r eager haste don't let that crown slip oft. K. L. M. P.- Stutly theecccntridtics ond \'agarics of \Vorucn"s cl ub~. for -your ~U('(.'e!Jl next year de pend8 largely on your ability to approach them gracefully and with tact. W . K H .-lt might be wise to announce to you r predecesson any change of heart which tho year may have wrought. H . A. S.-Doo't be SO submi&~i vo in e\·ery little srgurueot. Stand up for your rlght.s. L. McC.-Tell your mamma everything; that's a good girl. E. E. - Remember you must est to live. There is still a chance for you to grow. E. L. H .-Can"t give you any advice. You got your '"pointer ·• .rrom the J oniora. c. E. H. - Don"t let the Normalites sbsorb all o f your attention: there are others. R. E. :'11. -0on"t be s uc b a lady's man, or you will neve r get a positio n. A. U. -Beucr not worry so tl bout what goes o n in school: life hi too :!lhort to :\.S!!Utll\1 unnecessary responsibilities. A. K.- Kcop on being sweet 1\ntl gentle, but tlo let people get acrJtuli ntc•l wi t h you . E. M. -Oon't \"3.lllC :w much time d reaming. Life, especially tho life of aschoololp.'ruu. isn te rrible reality. E. H. S. -Nevcr mind the harmony: tions yon should look for. it' ~ Colllbion- E. M. I. McO.- Kce]l your eye open for chnpcr· ons and liCe how they act. V. C. -Don·~ llirt so much: it will detract from your dignity. B. C.- You're a. brick, or rather you w ight be. J . G.-Get a perpetual alarm-clock and carry It with you. H . C., C. J . and J . C. G.-Observe schedule tlrue and a,·oid collisions. E. M. S. -Oou"t be too fastidious. Single bleS80dness is a doubtful good. A. G. B. - If you are determined to be sporty, it \11 well !1.!1 you ~ay, to be a '"dead fl&roo sport. " M. S.- Too tickle by fa r : but you are young and uuSO]lhinicntOO, 110 there are hope'! s till. 1::. 1~. P.- 'J'brow oiT that lean snd hungry look : You think too much, you may he danJ[Orous. ~ HIE N OR M .~L POINTER. e~en:i!!Cl:l has btleu g iven to the Orsto rlcai!ISSOCia- tio n. Pror. Scott (t:llking Ol'Cr "There! I hear i\lr. Grimcr has W)pcum..><l out at UIC lnsl m inute." (Aims in Drawing .)-'Miss Grlmn- " To dmw.'· Miss Sch:mt7.-'''J'o dmw Fino." Miss Lc gler- " 'l'o · J . W. Stinson'FI f1\lhllr visited him llll JunP 8. Ho present nt Junion~' rectiptiou to the Soniol'8 Mr. J ohn ll:lrry visited his sister, Mntie, o n Ju no 1 H e wns prcsant uL tno Junior l'tlception o n Sat· , u rdny evenin2. 8. Fred Oleson was home. on Mny 18. Clark J enkins spent Saturday, May 1 • at Apple· P rell. l~my made n shon visit :lt Madison week. Arehio Hoseberry called on his friends here on Junu 8. Prof. Sngo nf Cbhkosh visited tho Normal o n May 24. Ca-ef-"There· are three stops between a man anll a machine." Scott Waite spent Saturtln.y and Sunday. May 18 a nd 19, at his home. Miss Bessie Ha wi!On'!l mother \'isitcd her during Mr. 0. J . Lon, :1. forme r student a nd at .,resent supcriuteudcnt of schools in Wood county. called at tho Normal recently Martin Nelson. '00, visited his many friends buro curly in Junr.. Mr. Nelson W:lll n. player on our famous t"SOO football team. T ho gl.'Ology cltW. accompnnil.'tl by Prof. Culver and Miss De Reimer. made n. two days· trip to Wa u· , san and Mosinee May 17 a nd 18. l\lr. J acob Wojak. remembered by us all for Ills splendid work on our footb:r.ll teams of tho l:lllt two SCMOns, spent o. day nt tho No,rmnl not loug ago. On Wednesday afternoon, J une 5, tho last rhetorical e:teroises of the scll!lon wero held. T ho program was short and not quito up to ~he usual standard. t~e Iau er p~rt o f May. f Mr. Dell, superintendent of J ackson county, visIted tbu school May 81. Tho first Elementary e&.iays weru read at morning c:torcises June 3. Two 1)Criods of Fri(lay afternoon, June 7, were al:ro given up to Elementary e:tcrc,IIJCs. Gordon Killinger spent 11. few days in Minneapolis about tbe middle of May. Prof. Syh·cs~r is spending a pan of his vacation in town and is n. frCIJUCnt visitor at tho Normal. One morning he addressed tho school in his usua l plca!!ing way. The Rev. A. S. Badger o r tho Presbyterian church called at the school oo J une 5. Prof. McCaskill was at Seymour, l\lay 24 to a1•t ns judge at a declamatory contest. Mr. Arthur Curtis o r New Lisbon has lx.•tm visitlog the boys here from that town. Mr. J . H. linker. one of lrun year's ~mJuates. h:lll been visiting his friends hero recently. ~r. Morrison. prineipnl of .tho Dunn County Training school, wNJ a Normal caller recently_ The surplus money rnised for the Mcmorinl •l:~.y (In Gcology)- 11- us- wor-"1 neve r look at your ouUiue, l,rofcssor. bnt what I lind n.n o utcrop I hadn't seen before ... P rof.Cu- vcr- •·Tbat's a No rmal fault you know." Mr. Wnllngcr o r Milwaukee, a member of tho vis boanl. spent May 23 at the No rmal. Of courso he didn' t get away without making a few remarks to the school at morning exercises. i~i ng Miss Thompson of New Lisbou, who with Misa Avis ~tiuson visited the Normal on Mo nday, May \. TI-lE NORM AL POINTER. :!\1, saog OOforc the ,;clwvl d u riug tuundll).( o•xcn·i,;c,;. The song;; were ,-e ry p\(':~,~iug ~uul :dl eujuy<'d them very much. The muc h -olrcad<..'il of <'X:uninl'r~ ami gone and tlw ~rr:ulu:uc.~ ha~ t·umc lort·athr- ea,.icr. The hoanl <."'>llsisted o f :'> l r J l~ Enwr·y. :'>lr L"nl ,f \{ivo•r Falls. :'>lr .Jenki n.'. .,f l'l:ttt\·illo•. 'l:tr,. Snpt 1.. U. l bn·cy. :'>lr. Mdlill uf wo"d tid~ ~ormalitcs \\ huat'tl uuw wo t·kiug in tltc l liJ!:h schools of tltt• .~t:ll•'- .·\ mong tltl'.~e wen• ) Jr. i\1. 0 . !Iii I. '!17. ami :'>l r .Jero me \ \' hec!owk. ·uo. O n th•• ,Jay l.K>fnt·e :'> Jo-m,rial olay rhetol"it·als \'till· ~i~u'<l of cxrrci:w:< c•omnu-mur:ll i\"C of ..Sololit•rs" \)ay ·· T lw ·wh"<'l h:ul J•n·,·iont~ly i~~ucol ~··ncr:al in,-it:uiun:<lt> tltt• li A J{ :11L•i1o tho• Wumen·~ Ht•lil'f .-ity :tn.! :'>It·. 1\oH"k · (.'urp,o h• ht• pro'"C'tll. :utd t lu• mt•mhe r s of bnth otT· i!:trtiJ::IIi<~n~ 1\"o•n• t lwr•• iu furo·c T lwy wc•r •• ~ti,·o•n One da) a ll the hoy~ 11o·n• ,,.,.11 o·:1n ·y i rt \.! "' '""' nty•tct i••n~ wiro· arr:tiii!<'IW·nt~ whi.-lt !lwy ,1; 0 \n"t "'• ·:at~ uf ho•u••r. :utd :ts tht•y man·ht•ol in too t:tkt•lhc t\1 want any iH"Iy '" "''~' wa~ r:lll)!t' IIICIIt • :-'ino·•• t ho• t tlu· tl'••ll~•·r~ 11f :til :t ~tirrinJ.!. \H•li-rc nd o•n•d n ttl' :11"1 :<hoiWt••l much \\"l'Tl' ' Ou F'riJa y n i ~h!. :\b_,. :n . ,,..,·urn·d till" <l•·h:th' lw- tll"t:<'ll till' \\'t·n·o·lwt·n-ol ho•art ily l>y tho• ~tudcut~. T lw Jll"t>~ram r.·pr.•,.•·ntat t n·~ m:tl and rJw,.,. .,f thi~ uf till" \\'lt it•· Wat•·r =" ••r· , '"I Tlw •·r.. woltltat t uruo••l o ut 1ft ht·:ar tlu: dt•ltaw wa• di~:IJlJ~•intill):"t,l" •111:111 The i u tluc tlf"C uur !...-.~-,had u tt t ho· thrc•· juoiJ!c~ w:ts :tlso .Jisappinling-ly •tnall Thc l-:lc11l('llt:lrit•S ).:a \·,. tlwnt•('\\"c:t" :!"• ~!time "II Frid:ty t•\"cuing. S utw ~ Tlt i ~ yo·a r· ~ .-Ia~~ j, a lar).(c and pr.,~r{·-!.'il·,. "II''· a m\ i t~ u"'"''"-'~"" h.:li•·,··· in d•·· ,.t!),.ping t he ,u-o·ial -i, lc uf tlwir natun~~. w t hat whcu they nwt iu thc J!Yill were tln:rc fur ;t "II Friday ttiJ.!hl tit••,\' jtOHol t inw an d vf ,·.. ur~•· h;ul it. On :\lay 1t1 l'rof Swift ta lked lo th•• sdwol on "'T he Crnwd.. fail·· th:tl Ita,. lw,•n )!h"o•n :11 tho· X<~rma : T he •lc•·"r:ui .. u~ .~u rp:h"o•d anythi n~-; that ha,.; l>t.'cn ,;ecu fur :1 l••n).( ti mt• T he g y mn:t,.;iunt wa.~ :IJ k"l"ftwt hirylantl, frum whit-h l{au•ly-winJ.!I'•I lmrt••rtli•·~ r~··urt<'<l the tl: lit'·t~. hy t "rtn<~ns runto•ll t" tlw <lai n!}' tahh·~ ••·at· tt·n··l al~•ut i11 l'l<:t.}" uu"k.~ 0 11 tlw tir.~r tJ.,ur. wlwn• rcft•t•:ohtnclll-" were ~en·c• l . l .:tter it t the ,.,.,,nin l{ a wo•lt-onllill\.! aoldn··~ W:t• lll:tolt• loy :'> l i~~ 0".\"o•i ll 1"•"'"1''-'11...,_'~ loy ~I t•. l'oollt•y ••n lto•lta lf ,,f tlu· S.·ni·•r.~ A her a wdi t'l'rt•lcrcol ~,]., hy l'mf. Sechrist the 1110\'<·1 parl 10t tho· pT<~I{r:ml uct"111Tc•l A ~k th<l Scu ior~ aiH>lll it. T he whull' :aff:air ,;)wwed runc h c:trcfu l worlo: ttll<i prc par:uiun uu the \l:tfl o f the .J uttiur.~ a n• I and l' ruf :\l •·l"a,;kill 1111 lmha lf v f tho• F :tt"u lty He told us •1f t he •·h:tr:ao·tt•ri,.til'>l o f tt. (: rowtl . e,opcdtt.lly :t..'f regards it..i likl'ncss tv au inl ie showed u" th:tt :1.~ :1 member uf a c r owd a ))C~Ht Jo-.·s his ow n iwlid,\u:d ity anol i,o ohc n ac tuated n n ly h.'' the u~oh s pi r it. II i~ t:Lik was ly extctul the s u Uscript ion li~t nf tlw p:tJK'r . lmt will hijthly inlCrcilt i ng Itt• :In Prof. Sechri:n s::w c the schonl a \'Cry iutt:res tinJ.! tal k o ne mo rniug l ie eX JII:i int·tl )tO I\' the olilfcrent inlluc nrc« a no l fnro-e~. c~pct·i:tll~· l•f a . literary dJar- their Alma :\!:.Ite r . Su f:t.r t he wnrking ont of thu plan h:1.3 heen hintlen·d. :t..-+ the L'<litnr su~-:ge:H(.'<-i, hy the lac k uh!ome tlclinitc and rcspunsihle >'OIIrce a ctcr . from :all p:aru uf Eu rope. had \:CUte r ..... I. at :til from whil-h time,; in E nghtno l. In t hi~ way he cxplaine<l the gre atnC."-!1 and wo r id-widc importance of Eu~lish best be arranged. c:t11 he tle<:i,/cd l:atur, but as a me:tll:t uf e11lli11g uul o t her it!c:lS. we utTer the;~u dh·ldual. ~.-!tool <l<:t·l:tmatory t'O ntrst brou~ht many entlm~ia..-;;til' dt'lc~ation.~ nf H igh :.hhn<>l ,.tud enlil to the Xurwa l \' Cry harge cruwol. T he <'< tritest \ "Villi heard hy :1 The s po:akinl-! Suc·h a page. well m :ut:II{Ctl. will not o n - ~\tlitiun:tl 1\':ti o f a n : ry hil{h sl:lntlard anol :~.11 pr<·Sc nt c ujoye-1 :a 1·cry into·n·-.ting ci"Cnin).( T hl' · ·ontc~t al ~u IJT< IIIIZht ~c l"l·ral ul•l-ti HII' IIIC:tl\!4 o f himiiiiJ,! the to .. otair.l .~uggc~tiortll: literatu re and 1:-tn).(uage. !'he H igh !Ctntfhuud /r~ m ;Ap ~~~ py one. fur t h(• welfare uf Uuth the l'u inte r :nul the Alumni Fir~t. "enpy .. ).(I':III U:tlC.~ lit ,f u>lt hOw t hill l1ad the p iau tue utiuuc d in t he i'"3Uc-gh·in~r one c·l n.~s cla~ll up the ~ pac:e eac h munth l<t som e tn U!>C :ls it ~·~.i lit ~e•·,.nol. let each d nH t!>ll from i~ nuruher "nc u r mur<: clttllll re 1K.trt e !'-", w lw ilh a 11 ~-:ather 11 p a ntl ~cu• I 1" a 1-t"'~n­ era \ Alu mu i •·•litor a ll :t\':ti lal,\~· tnatt<•r r·clat iuJ,: 10 w w l ' t ' l,l't-:11 214 THE NORMAL POINTER. Athletic conte!ltafor tho year nre m·ers.nol records show that we have dctrnctcd nothing from the prtll'· iOUIJ athletic &t.'lmling of the schooL Un for wnato clroumstances rende red ou r football schedule short. Only threo gnmes were played, two o r these res ulting In a victory. the other being n tic. The team was put under a decided dismln1.ntag6 as they were unable to obtain a coach, but. taking thingN into their own hands they formed a team which, consid· crlog everything, 1\CI..'Om plishcd ve ry pleasing results. This they would hnvo been unable to do, had It not been for the euthu&i!l.Stic snp])()tt given them them by tho students o f thu school. Nothing will help a team more or cheer them on to greater efT on than to foolthn.t the school is with thew ami they are expectod not only to uphold tho r~:o rtl of tho school, hut substantiate tho trust put in them hy their fellow studeu t8. Our baakctball team 1\S usual en. me in for its share o f honOrs. Several games wore played with other Normal.!! and Uigh schools, nnd n fair share of them won. Although wo did not callLUre the Normal championship. tho b:u~kotball team set n fnir stan· da.rd for uoxt year's team to lh·e up to. Tho Tennis RI&OCiatio n h1U1 UC\'Or bt'tl n in a bettor condition, both lUI to nwmbcrship nnd liu:mce, i:lm n this year. E\·cr si nce tho court.s wuro in lit cond itio!) tboybavebeen iu.const:mt u;;e. \\ o expect l!OIUC interesting matches before the tourn ament closes. A ~ tho opening of tho season tho man agement made several attempt.ll to arra nge n. liel•l moot wit h neighboring schools, but was unnblo to do !10. Still we are not to be deprived of the pleasure of wit· n es.~ing a field meet. The Seniors hn.vo challe nged tho Juniors, annd :a.s n strong r i\·nlry c:dsts between the two classes nlong this \I no. wo expect to see a meet worthy o f our best attention. Tho b:tSelmll spil'it h!UI n m high this spri ng. Do· sides tho regular school tenm encb class hnslts team. So f:1r only one match game hns been played by tho cl~ teams. This was between tho Senior nnJ Jun ior teams, the Juniors winning by a &core of 20 to 15. Cl:l.S5 h.oeli ng rnn high and the wn!l uuboumlcd . Tho crowd. though small, wn.s plainly in evide nce, nnd O\'Cry good play brought forth its liLting re ward. Probably tho most prominent foa~­ urcs of t ho gnmo were the errors, but they wore dis· tributetl quito t:lvenly o n both sides, nnd tho lnrgo score W:lll duo to those more than to tho balling. Tho reJeular school tcn.m h:l.!l pla;ed one game up to the Jlrcsont writing. This with l..awrcnci! Un i" \'Crsity. Considering that our boys had prncticcd as a team o.~ nl y one week hofore the gnmo came o fT, they played \'tlry well. lint the superior trnlningof the IAawrmu:e hoys brought tho usual result. Wo were l ~eatt:l n by tho score o f 14 to 0. Ncgotin.tions aro bei ng cnrrit.'< l on for a rcLUrn gnmo ami wo hope to sec the tables turned. · Coni'!C rvatii'l m h:lll been the motto that ha.s guided the Athletic 11880<:i ntion for mollt o f tho past year. Hu t at the end of the year we entered upon some ob· ligations a~o:ain st the willhe! of tho olde r and wiser mcml)(lrs of the nssocintion. and ns a. result tho ~re:lS nry ill empty a nd we hB\'O a debt on our hands. So all we can bectncat h to our .'IUCCC!!SOr'i!l Is a high athletic stand:ml. our best wishes and n. d eliclt In tho trcll.:jury. NOR~IA L THE POINTER. \JlL!uiM~N~I The plans which tlw o''l;et·tnil·o· •·nmmi!l•·o• h:l\·o· IX'•'Il makinJ;t" r.. r t lw .l u tlt' n•· un i••n ,,, tho· :\ lumu i ,oilS oluwn tn tho• bauopwt ( with the t><H•,;ihle cxeC!I· tiun .. r n·~··nt,O :111<1 e'l; •fCJ::'('ti(,O ) ht• <'X jllll'lt•ol \0 p:ly ar,. nnw pr:wti•·:l ll,\' ''"llll'l••tt·. :uod. iu 1111' l :.u~:na!!t' fur hi-. "~~'II plan•. uf t he ··h ·t·u, l)('"'''r. tlw alTair i .. t11 " l•i)t:.:•·t·. llo.'llt·r and gnmdc·r than c,···r IH•f.,n·.. It j, ' " lw h"t"'d that tlw mcmh•·r.. .,f the a-.,;o,.·i:tt i"ll will ~huw tho·ir apprcci:uiun t•f tlw ••tTo~t·t, ••f tJ,.. ,.,,,,,uitto·e in tlteit· tlw ''"11'''111 of the a~~ol'iatiun, tlu•y h:t\'e ma. le a virtu.· ,f nct·t•,osity, :md han• •:au;setl it tu I)C unde r· bch:\lf. loy a t t•·nd inJJ: tlw rm·..t irr;.:- i n fu ll f.,n.,. :md ·he l ping to m:tkt•thil·:.:.. ).(" Thctimt-'h·t fnr tilt' hu-.iu ... . nw<.'l iu:,:- j, T hur'>! day. a:3U p. 111. tlu· p l:u·o· tlw ,\ .-.•mhly room o r(le r t hat tilt' a~sl)('i:ttiun prompt ami .o;: uiM:It·tn ry tlis )ll,..itiun ,.f :ubiNI. the t·onun iuee member.<~ In may Ire :drl•• to mako· a wi~h it~ lmsillc'~ t" h:\\'C t!w a th: ntion u f called tu a few of tlw •tuc.~tion, non-a.iSes~able :::hall they be t'on~i•lenal honnr:1rr. mernbers. 0 1· members 1111 tlw ..,mte footing a!l gra.!uah~~~ ~ Uoubtless the faculty. as well :1!1 the presentmem bo• r". will ha1·e :<UJ.(gestion~ to offer w hen the time comes Another qne~tion tlm L will ,Je mand the atleutinu o f the meeting i". what to do with t ho twople whu do not pay their ann ual :l!lsc.'lsmeut! T he r:1tc i" IIHI high. yet e n : ry year there are a nmu ber .. r th(osc who do not re~pontl to the sec retary'" call Shall the o llit:ers cominue to se111l annua l rc•tuests. only to hn1·e them ail regu brly ignore<! ! h ha;o lx.>en s ug· gC-!ted r.Jint a t hrt.>e·ycar limit be ti xe.t. an• I that af· tcr s uch a period o f non·pay mcnt il:u gone hy. it he ~umed tha t the dt:limJUCtH w ishes to drop hi:; m embersh ip. The timtrwial side of t he a uu ua l banquet cnntinucs to r<!ltnire consideralrle c aru L'ndcr the pr<!.'l(•nt p l:m the number nf itwite•L nnu· payinl( gut!:'!l:-! i'i uearly (!(tualto tho.'IC 11·hu pay ,;t"'"' th:u thu plan t he,\' have to ~ug,~:''~t a dnJ•It:d :uul will ).(" into ciTed :It this n ui un !lt•ut't' tilt' :nvita ti•H•s i~~UI..'< I thi,. will 00 yt•:lr·~· r e· ~·t•ar' l>C:a r llw ann1111n.:eml'nt th:tt the plate dm~"A:H will 1M~ firty l't·uts each ThtN' e nt itlt•tl tn se:\t.:l :ltthe b!l.n(j\llll. th{'n·f,.n•, ~lunt l d ,OI't'tJr•• frum the sccre t:1ry :111 ndmi,~iun had ~o:•~. .~et a t sout H time !ll'e l' imt.'l tu the hour fnr th•• h:tn•tnc t . e;wh. will 00 o n Tlu~:;c hatlgc;o. cnstinl( ~:1le th rou~o:lwu t OOcen t.~ t•ommcncume nt tl1:u w Ut com e up fortli;~t·nsiinu :tl !lw Ult't-'tin,~: The lir>it rclateil to tht-' 11tat us of tht: nwm! ..•t'' .,f t lw fal'u lty. pa:;L prc.~cnt ami to llll. in rc latiun tu the aS;;cX'i:uiou. Fun he rmon •. pr<!~uminJ;t" IIJl<>n Thi~ mean~ tha t e:u;h "olJ grad" m11.:11 p:l.~" twicc-<oncc ftrr hirn,;etf and once for ~me g nc;tt T he committe<: are .~rnin~: to :uk t h a t thi:'l be ch:III)!:I..'<L ,oo th!it eadt o n e "·hu In :ul diti••t~!f tlw nt:att e r.~ hcf01'e meu tiurre• l t here will no dou lrt!...., nt ht:t' aiTair~ o f im)mrtance to ;·un · sid c r. ""t hat th~.: lm ~hH~Sl! ,;~•s!!inn will be one that nn mt•mht•r can :atTunl ttl m illS. The main interest. huwel'tl r. will of cuurw ceuh;r in t he haut)Uct. which will be ~n·e•l !\l six o'cluek in the liy m nr1sium. ,Judgi n g by the .'lnhjl..'l't.' nn•l 'IK'<'t'hC." a nnu UIII'Ctl. :111 exceptiumll ly iuterc~tiug pr11gram of toa.~\!1 ha:~ hccn pre pared . It is as follow": 1 W ch:v ruc tn the (.;I:H:~ of 1001. Arth ur J . J.a t· ton, '\IS. 2. He;;tponsc. fo r t he <..:In~~ o f t OOl. F. U. Poltuy· a. T he ,\ boriginC!I of ' H4. l~illinn Arnoll, '97. 4. The 20th Century Schootm~tc r, J e n nie UOr<!>IOil. '!1!1. 5. Till' 2Ut h Cenwry Schoolnra·am, C luarlel! F. Werner. ·oo. ij_ T we ntic thCenlllry YounjtAme r icn; the object of our Jt-'\'otcd Jabur~. ,\l:ary V. Mus tarJ. 'tiD. Impro mptu SJX!cchc~. T he editor -in·dticf nm•lc 11 !IU~~ciltiun in tht• last ..r the l'oin ter. thal t he Alum ni :ISl!Oeintion willtlu 11'1•11 to con,;ith·r when it meet~. T im i<lt•:l of i~~uc :In A lumn i pa Re in the ~c huol p:l.JICr which urigi nllt· ed under the la~t m:ln:III(Cmc n t. 11'1\.'1 a disti nctiy hap· { C~t~tlbuuiiU j"l~ :1\:t.} 216 THE NORMAL I'OINTER. The High School Times from }'ort Madison, low ..i comes out in a resplendent cover. This is t he Commencement IS!!ne, and we compliment the editing staff upon t.he degree of aucccss which they have at- . The Spnrto.u from Spa.rtn.\8 always welcome. Tho · number coutA\ua a well-written article en"'J'enoyson'il Music." Tho Claire Kodok has Its usuol degree of ex- cellence. With June there como to us many ·Commeuctl· ment numbers" of our excha nges. Some of these papers present a very attracth·o appearance. An edlt.orlal In tho May number o f t ho Oshkosh Advance voices a good scutlmeot.. The editor di· vide& students Into two cl118Se8: one class that aim· ply attends th~·school never h9comlug members of tho school, and the other class, to which belongs tho enorgf':tio student.. who Is found in every school movement willing to help on ovtlry good cause. Tho editor saya fsrthor, that students of tho t\nt claM never belong to the variou• school societies, never Jearo a achool song, In fact never do a oytblcg for the instilntlon which is ,Joiog 80 much for them. 'fbo editor has doubtless como In contact with n class of student& which I'm sorry to say, Ia too com· moo. He may be found in our own school; that student to whom you oever go if you want anything d one. The IMt issue of tho Sphinx Is 11. "h<'lt" number to say the least. Gradua te at parting (with omotlon)-ProfCMOr, I'nt l.ndebted to you for all I know." Professor-Don't mention such a t rlfle.-Ex. Et.bel- "Whon a man to.lk11 a ll by hlm!M!\f, wh~t is that called!" ltlama-t·Wby that'll a monlogue. •· Et.bei-"Oh, I aoo: when a cat all to him!M!If'll a e&!Alogue, isn't ltl" The Sooth .S ayer is an Interesting little paper. In the May numbor of tho Spectrum 111 a descriptive narrative of a " Prospecting 'frlp. •· l t.oia a very good production and tho aubject matter Is interest· log. The article ia, however, too long. Tho Hell as deserves mention. Many of our exchanges would be lmprovod by more attention being given to tho arrangement of the niaterial. Well defined departments soom to bo a commendable feature in 110hool publlcat(ooa. The High Lchool Record Ia dosorving of a cover. The exchange column of a paper should contain more than almply a Hat of the papers received. Little boy (watching a dog chase hla taii)-"What kind of a dog is Lhat!" Papa-"A watch dog." Llttlo Boy-"Ia be winding hlmsellt " - Ex. The Tacomah Fortnightly oontaina an Interesting article upon "Col,onlal Life in tbe ~utb . " • Tho lover a nd the gas are foes Without an earthly doubt, For every time that one oomos In The othor ono goea out, Tho Messenger from Wichita, Kanaas, Ia one of our best excha ngl;jiJ. It Is a large paper containing a great deal of well-written material. · School Bell Echoes from Merrl.\1, Wla., Ia very res plendent In Ita commencement l.s aue. The achool bas reason to be proud of tbla souvenir number. One of our graduates Is Included in the picture of the faeulty. Marinette High school publishes a neat little paper, ''The Student_ . '_' - - Teacher-"Givo we a aontence containing a conjuoction." Tommy-"See Lhe goat butt the boy. •Bat' Ia a conjunction connecting boy with the goat-- Ex. THE NORMAL POINTER. Trainin~ novartmont ·INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Wi th th<! t'ln~c or tlw sdwot .'·rar tllcll)>tiunl work i11 all hdu~ot cotuplctcd. The work ha~ h:tol Lontl1 ils<·atin nsl :uul moral nlltlt'. a nd i~ ,., u, idc rt"-1 ,·,•ry nnwh uf.n ,;u,·c:-c.~"- pit't·c"" Tl1e dtil.lren llal't• now takl'u in alumt twch·o dollar~. ~el'<·ml olull ar~ ~ pcut •lrcn arc loul;ing furwar.l \u a uni"n :au.! bread aUt! lmttc•· feast hdun· tlu· o·lu.• e o f tim ,;dum! rnr "-"IU1T" for pkturenr a ~ 1. Bcnmnl fur t he l'riuwry rnnm. Tl1e name o f the pi.-wrc i~ " I llca r· a Voice."" --l'i•·nit-..;arc t hconlt·rnf tht•<l:ty."" ruul u n .e:u,;h yenrrt.~ T uo·,<olay The g:1r•hms l1al'c hecn Jluuri,;h ittj.: and tlw ,·hi!· well a,; tu tlw annua l •.-!10"! pi•·ni<• T IH• t·amping and an·J,..ry " u ttit ha\"C lo<•t•n ,-,n •ph:t•·•i and pr.•nnu no't..<tl "ju•t tino .. The sewing group lm.~ been m:1kin~ nine ~,,..,u. ho!Jen; for tl1c eiJ.:htc-cu dm:t!n sii i'Cr Ji.,._,•ms whi.-!1 h:l\"C loec u bought fo r s.-l•nol lli:IC. The ho ltlcno aro pbu~ ~ilk. ar<.J m:ul<' for rlw lin :! I pic ni o•, w h ich wi ll he un T twsda,\', U uc llf tim ]lkni•·~ "r p:lrtics t h:\1 the •·hildn•n han• h(l.o[l:it"IY is the ··Jhndclinn l':•rty.·· an•l t he t·hilo ll't.'ll hal"!• wriucn s tnric!t T lw fullo wiu~o: i~ fl\111 .,f the ~tnri•Jli: ""May 28... a l~<llll it. "<li t I t u.\~Ht; l.t •J~ maJc of f•:artlinal c:1nton tlannel. " fc athcr·stitdtt.<tl wi.!1 t":tnlin:d h:ll't• hccn <"<H>kin~t. :uul tlu.• n :!!t i" t" Ill' taken fora houn•l with cardina l ribbon." "".-\ t rc<'<'i<S thi ~ t",\ 1\TY" 111urniug ll't' had :1 p:!rty. It wa..'4 Uc.:;i<lt•s uvt tlw k irul M party th:it ynu h:l\"e rt•fre.-thmcnts. tbl.! additional skill in sewin,l( gained Uy the ,~Cirb i1i making these. thea has also Wen :1 training in :It"· c ura te mc:ISUremenU. hut a .l:llulclion pa rty. l'n·~itiCUl l'r:1y tnlo l Mi!!!l Fadoli.-t t" tdl us tn t:ach h r ing :1 knife if we wa nlt:d to 1;1.1 We had tu tliJ,t: np danolt•!ion plant.~. Whilo The --W illi:un T el! IJr.unatio· t:11." prCl!CiltP<Ithci r play st ••Xormal H:dl'' at ontJ of the )lay l{hcturio·· :l.l etc.. anol arc um.dc \"Cry nicely :u HI nea tly a !.'!! anol haol splcndiol ~m·cess. It is prohal1ly unc o r the best features o f the optiona l work. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Another 11ale. nut consi~tinK 1\'C)wcrc t here )lr. l-\ellcy sa id to :\lis!~ Faddi~. " l.ook the whirlwin•l 01·er t llllre.·· We loukcol lin< I thnuKht it wnul•ltake the harn IIJI. The hoys •InK .w m any baskets. :'lli~s Quinn's ff)l)lll nnd Mis>1 tirny·s room were out there. Some nf us broke nur kni\·ell or bent them. W u Jm,l a \'cry nice timu. o f c andy. n nfTt:tl •latcs. l!andwiche>~. !:IWt."Ct corn e tc .. wnioi held in the T hl• •·Hit·tJs" must h:u·e lx."Cn \"t:ry The c h ilolrcn in the l'ri m:1ry tlcpartmc nt misll bu;,y gelling ready fo r the sa!tJ. and c:u-h had hi!:l share o f the work. The following is an acc(1Unt or tllllir littlu hird friend . ""lioldic" hall hccn with them for yc:H'>I :u HI ha,; IICt:n :as •lear as n p!u.ym:llc. -"O that they arc now lnnesom c without thl}i r liult\ one o f the pu pil's " Part in the Sale... fricmJ. l~ri mar.)' room . "'The tirst t h i nK f did to hel p the sa le a lnng w:u Exam inations in the (imtnmar and l ntcrmndintc to !Jriog a cu p of ~ugar, the uext thing wa~ t•l I"' I' corn at H ill's. ~l y third part wa!l to help make d ep:truuents come on Thur~tlny and Fr iduy anti thl.! -"Chool yeari!:l to "Wind up" with the usual atutunl the futlge;t and w:1lnut <·reruns. cashie r . My l:ti!t part was I had lot..'! of mnncy t o c hange :111d afte r it got stnrtetl, it c:unc f:1St. At !irs! I tlid nnt h:H'C enough penn ies to d1angc a ten-cent pict·c. hut at pienk on Tuesol:l)'. June IS. The two dcpartmcn L~ will go uu the l irecn Bay to Yt~l!owhanks of the W iSt'(>!l"in. a n.t all :Lr•• !tH>kinK fnrwnrol tn ll \'cr y h:lp]l,~" oby.