.THE NORMAL POINTER Volume VI. STEVENS POINT, WIS., MARCH 1 ), 1<)01. TO THE FLUNKERS. II\' It, )I. I S~~~~i;:Ln~~~:~~~~r~~:1·0:::~~~~;nw~ to you· On m:1ny a card: "Profs" g:~.lore hn'fe ;mug their Jlr'.lise. And they ru:..y scorn the humhlc Jays o r any bard. I tunc my lyre to the llunker'il henri., And call him frum the re.Bt apnrt To re:td my rhyme. I know he must be sick IUitJ sore ,· From hen ring those high marks rend o ·er J."'rom time to time. On him no "Prof" hath cn·cr smiled, His biuer hours are not beguile• I When Grinders "Wur ketl" tho ltyum.n strHo, I 81\w you grlnoiog over ·•LIFE" ! Nrtw don't you he. Y.o u struck a magazine at. ulnc. For the librnry shelf you h it ll linp . -Stn.ight a:~"ll die." Yon say youiO\'C.to U"ClUl thoJU\ntl Which lines the boach of..roman'oo "!arid; · • • · And watch the tOS!Jirlg bark1. Ah ! tlretunCr. I agree with you; · •It i1 R'IJC!III o"ntran!)inj; \'iew, :. · But'"tu.lglity hard On markJo.'. Ue to the dreg!' mll!!l drinA hiil gall, Jf he below _that.. mark doth l :11l On testing days. They tell me down in l'sychlc ci!1S6, That If you Jet th086 11hn.dow11 p1w Beyond the gn.tes of will; Your mind will he a hoodluru show. Where misty figur~ come and go. Which are not o n the bill. Ore:. mer. those mnrk.s ru·e not for you, 'flu)Se helong 10 the brilli:lnl few. .SO come awlly. When Grinders bucked so h:m.l lttlJ IU'Ong In hllppy tlre:uus you strolled !!.long Through~ut tho d:1y. Hut shed no 1~1'!1 o'e r what is p:l.~t. Lifo will gin~ 10 ~oh nt hun Hi1due . An• I in tiro heat o f that llercc r.tC(', There will 00 found a shady 'Pll\ce Foryun. By any pmise. THE NORMAL POINTER. Out In tha t larger. bro:We•· school. The o ne whom here we think a fool orr times rnnks high. They never cnll for fact. or dale When ttumming up their estimate Of you and I . OLD MAN GAGE. lt wa.~ time to-go to supper. ao I picked up my hnt nnd went slowly across the lawn and around tbu corner of tbe house. Instead of crouing the road and walking on the sidowtl.lk- n thiug I could do iu tho winter-I walk~MI thnl the gt"!IS!I which bord ered the romd on both !!ides. J nst beyond the sun wiUI · setting nod for a moment I was 111\l..'OII!ICiou s of l\11 maguate of tho peace, and I think his step would hM'e ~n lighter bad it not been for tho shuffiin~ shOCll. As tho veterans retur ned from the cemetery, " Old Man Gage" stoope<J a nd picked up a atlck. At the hall be dropped from t ho ranks, Jurcht'd himself down tho bill and disappeared In the hack door o f "The Fa rmers' Home." E. MACDONALD. OUR RETURN TRIBUTE. Hail to our hardy Normal boys! Those bm,·e sons of the soil. Who como to us with ruddy cbeeka, Hands hnrd wHh honest toll. Not for us line perfumed fop!~, !ll\\'C the mnrn!lous bcnuty of my surroundi ngs. Whose eourt is butdeceH. Just then I heard a sound 1\.'l of falling tin aucllook· Gi\·e us our honest truthful lads, lng quickly llrouud I beheld o ne of the strongest Hrcd UJ> among the wheat. sPecimens of humanily I hnve ever ~n . Hettcr thu rude unpollsht..-d phrase A man of ab:ty yen.rs, perhaps. short a nd thick· Which from Normal lads we hear, set.. clad in overalls nod rough Oannel shirt partly Than t he Jinest 11pecch, the c ultured phrase, open at the neck, and a battElrefl white straw anllor More gallant. less sincere. bat on his head. stood before me. As soon as he BOB TO THE FORUMITES. eouhl froo a hand he stooped slowly. ln.boriously Forumltes, .n omnns nnd Omto rsl 1 come not here down to pick up the tin pan. As he did so I wa'!l nmused at. the collection under his arm. from which to mlk. neither to declaim. Ye know too well the the pan had fallen. 'fhero were two pieces of wood, reason of my coming. I come to take my place :..n old boot. a broken umbrella, some pieces of paper u pon th~t progmmmc wh ~ch yo have posted In yon· and a r.~.gged t:oat. Where he ~ot the!C thilig! 110 der hall. and which now methiok.s lies upon the one could imagine. Hi! IO!'Uit as he stnrted off Wl\8 1\ ,·enern.ble pre!lident'!l desk. I ho.vu no harrowing tale !Mlrie8 of shuffies :\nd hitches, for hiiJ sh()(!;J were of a to tell you, no mighty wrong to be redreued. I am no size to lit. J tLCob, tho hig blacksmith down town. master o f 11pcech, ns those w ho have precooded me, Just :lfl he started I turned in nt my IJOnrding Jlla~c I am a simple fnrmcr lad who!Ml life has been spent around the wood pil~ a nd cornlields o f my fnthcr's :uul lost sight. o f him. 1 ne ver learned his full name hut knew him only farm. Them " far from tho maddening crowd's ig · IL'I "0\d Ma n Gage." I saw him o.lmost daily thrugh· noble strife I walked the even tenor of my way." 011 uho year. Hcal1vays hrul the curionst:o llection o f Only one great wrong have I suffered. I loved a. odds and ends uudllr o ne nrm. or in a whoolb:r.rrow, nmillen onL-e whose smile was like the first Ouah o f and he alw11.ys refro!hcd hinlile lf after his day's Ia· dawn whe n it tints tho cast. her voice like the r ip· bors at ··The Farmers•· I lome.·· piing of the brook that Oows through fll.ther 'll f11.rm . I said thRt he a lways had hiiJ curiosity shop with I iol'etl her. Oh. how I loved her . No m11.o loved as bim. 1 was wrong. for there Willi om..-e wheu I saw I, but I wi11 not pour that great sorrow Into your him without. it. It was Memorial Day. He was a n patient ear. I come to speak o ( battles yet. to win, old soldier and \'"Cry proud of the fa1:t that " ho ha.J and not of the past. fit. fOr the old Uag. '' Thi11 lin.y he, luW laid nsiliu the I ha,·e nc1·or seen the wa\·e washed beach of Car· O\'oralls amlllannel 11hin and lmd armye<l himself th11ge; I have never watched the ttroug armed Spar · \n army blue. His ahouldurs seemed to stmighton ticns llprinkle the dust of the Arena w ith the blood lUI bo marchOO n.t tho Hid e of the ,·illnge doctor. the of his fellow barbarians; I ne,·er cheered CaC!Iar NOR ~'IAL THE wi.Jcu hu returned from foreign eo•HJUl'SU, th erefo re I cnnnotl.le c alled ambitions. I have heard t hl\t o ne man withstood 3 wh ole nrmy :ll the M"ate.; of that im· J>t'rinl city but I ncw•r loeli•·n•rl it . TI.Jo• historian~ "llY th:H it is tnu~. :lu<i t houg h the hi~tori an s arc hono rai.J le m eu I so uUlt ilnes fc~l that th('_\' :1re liars. with~tan•l If you ,; how me one man th:tl 1·a u a whole arm y I will sho w yn u an :u·my th:u 1·ann nl withst:uul :1 man and I wou ld wdol your ,; pe:lr~ yo m·la~t .\"o•:tr" .; .~nt·k~ and th a t i~ ~n why m in).! led t hei r Fonlln itl·~: othl'l' rh· a l~ ~ay to th:u :\rtll y . .It" hunw. darniu ~o: in!<• no't..'<ll"s. :mol •brn B111 thOl'l' wo·r•• lwroit- da y-<, many of th•1--e o lu ~ t ~-t:n•:u with t hat ,.f t heir 11 1<'11 h:n·c fnrd:uh er~ I would tn n ig ht that I might tako • our b:~t·k in this ··untc.;t ti d d uf W a te r lov a.; the sctt in).! 1:\;;t ray" a ] hn~ t•·mlin~ anni•·" · tlw h nrn i~l!o•d .with 1111" to th:l! is 1111 11 lhruwin~ it-. h:l)'Orlf't .'i ,.f tlw \:IJII· ! would pl:v·•· th em in the m id~t of t he old lm peri:!l guard . ~n•l then l1a 1' e the t•m · tu•rur ~h·e the •·um m :mol to l" lmr::e. !ltl<l w;u·l• thc·m .;wet•p :H'r<>:i" t hf' \':l ilt•.\· I•' tlwir ~rand glorinu~ do•· srrw•tion "I'I H·n in tlw ~-t::Uheri ••~-t: twilij! llt I ll'ouh l hnttunttp my t·uat and ret urn tu ~·f•ll with t he new ~. <'!\II set• in my min.t ·~ f>)"l' the Forum olazzling i n I t·au ,,•(• m.v hu"t~ o n a hundN•d pe• l c~t a l.; ~et! Ill.\' pit·tun·" ..\h. I hr•n M"h t h.\" I o·:tu neJ!Ii~cut !inc~ :lJorninc: :111 y .. u r wa11s. :wd IJaskiu~ i n t lw " llll ~hine .,f m y j!fo•a t r•·mnt•n I o·:1n !war m y 11:1111e t.•duoi nl! dol\"11 thro ul!h F•t rum fau... arc mad•· ·· ti 1•utlem c•n' O ur Hut of ··such .• tulf tlrl•l\1 11" til·al~ t lwy h •·eatho•. the.\" lh·•·. mu1·•·. and .. n •n n .. w. lllc t h in ks. I l':W lw:1r tllf"ir llttrt•ll~ \o>i•·••" riujlilll! nu u i tc~ · t lwy ar•' i n th e Surma ! ~~·n:uo· sl:l \'('~. an· "r.ttor-< an•l oll•o·lainu•f>! buro•l wn•:tth ~ Furum. turn yun r mu~t nut Ill'" lin. dt•t·lam:Ui••n~ pl 11 w tlw h:lltltlt••'- untlo·r I \\' o• Sh:lll tlu•.1· wear the •hr~t Sh!lll th•• .\" ll"!lin p lc iu t lw F"nun pride ' I "a .\· it Fu . ~la \' t• <. l'l'rh:ll s h .. ut inc; .~ ... so n~ tl11· uf tlu• ill I" pluw.,haro·., :unl ~we:lr l._v tlw W:lll~ t hat ll:tt h f>t.•h"'"' tltt· t r;•ad nf · · J ~ i l.!! .-\ ltl l' ~ ·· :unl "'l.itll t• ..\11w~ .·· tlw F••ntnl .J,all wi n Rl.!!:l iu' THE OLD HOME. A t.. r... ly 1\':\• t••"f wintr:; hu•l. A l:irm·h<~ll ~ •· h le:tl.. anol d r o•:ll". 1\ uo l .\''"' h:H"e ~<"PIW o'll"ll\.!!11. Ill.\" frio• ud. T u<':lli«'"'" lllt" f'.l"•·a t•·a•· POINTER. •73 A ill':trt like yu u rs o nce IH•! H. out there. W ith nllth eJ<).\' of !if,·, Th:u joy wh il- h lu n~ =:~i n \:e hath been c ru s hed lu manh uool's hitlt·•·::~trife . :~~~~~·~·:1t~l1~ r1::~~~:~.~t~-~;:;:·~\~~; ~~~~am. \\'ith hc:n-y hc:u·t and t• •:trful c _\· c. Ttl hi~ d c•t:rtl'<l hmm· T hos•• wind.; whio·h .si:.:h thruu;..:h n:lked tree:!. 'J'., hi m will wh hi jtt '!")ttl\". T llll t•t:hu uf lhu,;u S IIIIJII!Cf day,; Fru111 t)lll the ln ng a~ u .\ h . .;;\tl t'II UII).!:h it !took~ tt>t.l:\y n cnea th t lmtnlolelm tree. And Y<':tf:l :~;.:o its raft er:! rani-( W ith ~·outhfnl me lody . huts Aud :Ill t he :tnol l:1 ~>1ic.~ ~p~·. For 111 :111 ,\' mile ~ armtnd. Cltllt\' , ·,·r t he ,; nuw with jinjiii ii!I bells. Amllwrc :t wcleume found .\ l:ln y a lan l{h and j est 11' !1~ pa~~co l . A ,o the \'\::1111<' tw••:tn•l twu. l.:tn l!h.ing lad~ a nd hlu~hing IH:Iid". \ \'ith wilw: r ";; ro,.y l11w. An tl tllt'll the \'iulin IJ<· ~:\11 Ahn\"C the din and mal'. ,\ml suon the ~"mul of hurr yi nJC ft•et At· r o"i tlw pi ncwuo ol t\r)ot·. " :\ II j nin hnnd~.·· :ln tl !I W:IJ we go T o rollickinJC musi•·swecl Al 1. rt>_I!Ut'. yuu .~wing to!l lt>ltl{. I thi n k. Th :t t m :lidt•n pri m and ne:\1 Su:tll n ijl h t thrmt:,:h t he hazy whirl T he•·uupJ c.; o·n m l.!:lll<i JC<'· l ' nti l tin· 111'"'11 thr"ul\".; it., l: l ~l lw:llll ~ Bu t t lw d:u lt"er' J., n ~ l.:t\'o• l.ik f•li~o: nrcs in a drt· ;tlll . Ami the fect whi o· h ,\ ro· wt•ary llttl\". I Wt•t•n l"a n i~lwol trit'!"''l tllal nu·a~urc jpy T ht·y" •·e ~··aU••r• ·<l Wt ll' liko•a111111 11 11 lo::t\"e.; Ui! f•>l·e tl•e wi nt •·r· .. b•·cath. :-;.,1111' tu unknnl\"11 la~1d ..; h:n ··· i-:"111:. .-\n o!"'" " "' awn.r witll do •at lo T ltt· winll•r wiwl ~ic:h~ mo urn fu lly .-\ l"ltlllltJ tlw \": LI ':I IH p!:tt•t• . A ~ if i t yo•t ll"•·n· ~ • · arddn:,: Ft~r "'w fami liar l:10·e H. ~I ~:t:::;-: .: i:·~::i::~;~: ;·.:.~!~~!:~ ~ :l:~:i:'·~:::·:.:~:~~~· :!:::;:~~~. :~:!~· ·: :t:;:~ f ·,·,: 1m: r it an· •ll""l'!'in ~ int" t!w ,J, .• k .,r tlw eo lit!t r fr""' 1in1<· tu 1in i" l'ullr .... IHn l·c ,f tlw "il .,f i u ~ p ir:a · tion. I11H ~•·•· that it , ..,lilt"· fr"ttl ll Y•llll" uwu m iwl :u11J ~~:;~:·: ·,;: '~!i:;:•;\~.~-~·t•;,•;,~·:;•;:: .•:;•: ;;:. '~,:i,:~~ :." •·ri "lot./ t}.\'" THE NORMAL POINTER. '74 TI-lE NORMAL POINTER MARCH 15, t got. them . A monthly periodical, r~~p re.eau.atl ~e o! tbe IH:~tb State Sorm&l Sebool. StUCIIf Point, Wl .c:ooaiP, p11bllahed by the XDteredUloca!Pott..olllco a.tec:oodcl ... matt.er. Ttorm• or tllbRliptloD-&1 ce111t per year In adn.ou. 75 I(DotpaldbeforeJan,l,\901. cep~ BI'I'Ha• L nau:n.,"tl1 .. . JUJ.JU 0. B•x• Ca..uoJ~,'Ol ... S~t.oTTOI-U, . . .. .....•.....•. Litera ry •.• . .•.. TbeCeoAOr '01 ro~~\~~-u~~ RUDOLI'U I ACIU.eH ~ .... .. • . ••• Loci! .. Athletic '02. .•• . .. E:r~tU. II!~;I! )1Ma 8. Axu,'Q;I.,, ,. P'U)R I. B.o.u.a.'OI. ••• .:\todelSc:boo l Cu.a11e W. Jsllltl!l o. 'OI .. . ••. ....•.• Ruol11c.. 3lanarc r ~~~~-.~~. ':J-:!,~~~K~~~t~ .. ~~~~::~·;~ntllu5lnm llao~l!rl J. WAIUU:If STH<IOif, '01 ,,, . .... . • Pueldellt CuRJt aW.JIIII'Illlf>, '01 .. ll.toR!f.ol L. COt<WAT, £1 .• '01. . • .••. . ~retary .4.dd ru••llb lll lneulelltrttOtbeCPtlneu ."IIIP J;er . ArUclnt<Jllclteltrromrormer 'ttadePtll&adteacbere. lleaderfi&Ddiii1Morlben arernpect£allr reqoelledto pat · ront.eoarad•erUHn. · that they most ::appreci:t.t c thei r frie nds and fri endly sen· ices. W~ ci:UI show our grntitude for our own health and freedo m by being t houghtful o f a nd for · Tho sudden infnrm::ation th:t.t one of our sturienLi quabntinetl with the s m:tii· J>OX I:': IUSt.>tl :1. liule thrill to run through the schuol. Groups gathered in \'Srious p:1rt!l of thelmilding. anol other group>~ were ~~~ hurrie..lly m:t.kiug their way LOW:Irtl liH! ue:t.rest doctor. There i>~ alwa~·s something to be lellf;IC(I from :t.n e\·ent like this. We lit_ul people so opposeo.l to gh·ing up :1 pet pn:jutlicc that they refu!le to be \':t.ccin:nctl. prcff!rring tn run the risk o f h:\\·ing the disc:l!l4!. cxpo!!ing ot her ]K.'Ople. ano l su e ndangering other lin!S. ( If it were only tllt'irown we could forgil'e their ul~tin:n·y .) Then we lin•l w:~.;~ others equally 1« unreason:lble nt the other cureme. They belie,·e the faint C!It rumors. the most impos· !!ible tal~. :uul nmkc the .;mbjl't·t of their own safety a ouisauL'f' to other JX:u ple. They furget that a little t·om mon !LCIISC i~ tim lle:<t nf Jln!t_-::lutions. Meanw hile we arc gl:ul thnt our1111:t.rantiucd frierul s are t..-omfort:.blc. if not :u comfor·t:t.ble as J>OSSiblc. \Ve oup;ht not to forget th:t.t it is in tinH..'!I likt• thii The music!!. I orgaoizations ~ru among tho noteworth}' ff!l.t ures of school this year. Tne Treble Clef Club is ~he ooly new organizution. It balances the others. and gives us au opportuni ty to hear fin e music and :t.t the same time see somet hing attrac~ h ·e. The Malo Qusrtette ha.'l do ne more•work tha n an}' of the other o rganizations and is ready for any emergenc}' . It sh:t.res hs popularity with the Glee Cl ub, which has gone to work in cu rn m~ l. We are told th:t.t some of the young men forget the date for Jlractice scmi-OC('asiormlly. and nrc asked to remind them th:t.t T nesday e\·cni ng :t.ml Saturday morn in!}' nrc to he kept i'acred tu pmctil'C. We were not nskctl to tell the young l:t.clies to d!scoumgo ab!'ence from prnctil'C, but t hink that, :t.l!W, might 00 :uh·isahlc. The Mandolin Club has not made mnny puhlic appearances as yet, bu t has been Jlreatly appreciated whcn e\·er it ht~..s fa\·ored Ui:l. He· sides these close organizations we hl\\·e many com· binatlons and variations to suit the circumstances. It is· rumored that there are several concert! in store for us in the near future, to be give n by ou r talent. and we hope the rumors arc t rue. Mr. Wilson uf the weather b u rc:~.u at MilwaukL'1.l ga\·e us an eilhlstmtcd lceturo o n the essen tial fe:\l· urcs of o llidnl weather mnking, l.lcsides descri bing tho methfkb o f primtc ind ivhluais like }'oster nnd Hicks. Mr. \\ il!!on gave a \'Cry clea r an<.! in teresting a•·count or cydonic lltortns, and the instruments and methods u ~ l in taking observruion!l a nd mak· ing rcportil for weather mans. He was \'Cry much :1ppreciat (l(l. nml like Oih·or Twl i:lt wo sny "mlre. '' When this number of the Pointer i." issuC(I we wi:l Uc waiting for news from our orator, nntl we hrn·e e\'cr)"reason to e:cpect a message that will cause a \·isible k-cling of exultation. We now rnnk Sf.-<:OrHI :uuong tim Normals in oratory as decided by the Statet'untesL~. :uul we know thntourreprC'Wlntatil'e t his yc:t.r will atld lustre to our reput:~otion . So wf! will bid him a confident gootl·h,\'e and hiOk forwanl tn n triurn ph:urt home coming. THE NORt\IAL POINTER. .----;;~._--- ---------,The 1 i5 Geometry of LUe. (;comctryof Lire tre:WI of people who arc not con· fiut.'d to :1 si ngle p hwc A .~ium I. The tcl:nions of JIL'OJ)le to othe rs nnJ to Xatm·c arc c•h:ang('d when they mo1·e hl a hiflhCI' T lu•on•m I. One's pl:u1c i.s .s:lid to be dNCI'Uii i!L"<.l wheu he think.; he ha,; :•tt:tincd his idc:1ls . .-\ltlm you may at som,• time h:~.1·c dttiSC II tho· "'ll~lijo!ht line p:1.th. that nul' liu<' ,1,,.-..; nnt ,),•tc rmim· tl11·planc of y o u rlifl•. Thcor\•n• I I. j 'I'Jwo rt•lll Ill . At ,:onlu pnint in ,l'our p lnnc yon :u·c t l1c t>ll ly pl'rson who can t·m any ligm-e in tim ( 'or. I . The tig-m·e that y uu c1it dcr~enJ Thenr(' m I\' Spring. F"m· wt•t·k"' :tn: "''" lo·ft lh fur till' l~eo~t work of tl.(• year Tit~· weather i~ tTi•p :mol iul'ig-· uratin~. our wiud,., an· fr·;•,· from ll' UI't)' tiOW th:\1 weh:t.l'(•ltet·u 1':\t't·iuate•I-:Ul•l a ll <'OIItliti.,n,;ftt i'Or· ahh• fot· h:u'l '''•wk. ;\lake thf' tlln•t .. r Y"llr t imf' '"""· :UI•I when in :1 ft·W 11'\·ek <~ wcawakt·n ..om•• morni ng. :and " \\' lwlltCt' Wt• lunk. " ~' wlwthcr we li~u·u. \\'t• h~·ar li (t• nHll'm\11· "I' "'l'C it ~li.;t~·~~ E•···r_\' ,.].,,] fh· ls :1 ~ti r .. r utilo(ht. A n in~tinl'l withiu it tlt:tl n·:wlll':> :uultowe l"' Awl. ~r"pinjo! !,lhully alou\'t• it fur liJ:ht. g"l~tss anol l]t>Wt•l'"'· ·· l 'll miJ.; 10 a S(IU] 'ntiol Wt• llt"<.'ol fo•t•! II<I I W i ll i.:"<'-~ uf t•un•••it•llt't' f.,,. tiw laolll'S '>i Jit!nt i n r:1.mhli nK iltr<IIIJ.{h the tl'uoo: l ~. "'t':u·•·hinK fur arhntll"'. \'i..lt'l,.. a ll t he J].,,,-,.rs ...,. ].,,.,. t•·:lt'llt•r~. ""I' til<' lot••! --T o him whu in tlw ]i•l' t' o f ~a!ut'l• !tnl•l ~ ( '•Jllllllllllion witll ht•r l'i-ilolo· r...... ,_ .;lw s pt•ak.; .\ rari.,u~ Jangu:~gt- .. Hool.."' an• not till' (oll l_l' (;\, f•ll'th undo·r tl"' ''1"'11 ~ky :mol Ji,t ]o X:uun··s .-\ w:1y f r 1o111 do·,k anol I' ll II{• "" idle :1~ du~t· awa~·· tho· ai1· ISo•u e:HII tllt.'I.>JA'II ,ky ahn.o:lol. 1\n•nu ~ the pl:tut' :lit• I breatlliug t!J i ll~· ­ '1'11\' -<in I··~.:. J"-':wcful w•nk.s uf t:<),J. I'll .;Jt:Jr.· the l":dm th•· "''"""II hriul!• uutalwa ys Two Jigun·.: aro• "'II)'J.IO"'•:d to be Foymmctrka l. :1) Whenth••y s u tilc h J \\' hent)l\•_1' liJI"'' Crt•·h ot he1·. e:IU tll'l'll)l\' t he S:tUIC >II'UI Wii]IO\ll app art:ut trouhlo> I' J \\'hen : he il· ht':Lrt -. t·uim•itll'. Tlu.• orcm V. Thevolunw o f yourlifl' i>:ll'(!II!Litn the prOthtl'l "f the area of y~mr plnne multivlicd L)' the olist:ant·c from tlu~ phuw to you t· illeR! H....\'e JWr-fc•·t iu th•~ (lcumc try o f Lifl'. J ..;o·o•ut a fL·agT:IItl'<: in the air. T ill' {'OIIIing o f tilt' S]JriiiK. u~ hove ajlaiu. When lift! will )(in• A t~tl lol'e forcl'crythiug- ,\ml nrulcl'toue of tllelo•ly \\' ill(·omc fro m ...,.,_,,._,· whet·••. Tht• m:tytluwerand 1hc l'iull't \\'i ll !orinJ( tlwir fr:~gr:ttH'e ran· I n itial CharacteristicS. EncLxcti•· Littl•· ll u."'tl•·r ··,\w:J_I·· I <I ill n ot lie. t<Hiay. Tl1e "nly "'ial·,,.,ftoil:lll'lt·aro·. ,Joe.~ npo n what you think the size of ,1·our p ln ut• l(ig-ltt (;,.,.1 Fri••11d .\ludt.loy llriu~-. Hnar."' En·r i\ltwlt J ,l..,·• ( '.,uti uually r; ....~ .\ l"nK Tmtu 1uill_\· .l u-.r llurriiJI,I' :\ IIli:thlo• .-\lwa~-~ L :iiJ"r• Jhnl A l w:~~·· E ruuinl{ J)ulla~ THE NORMAl. POINTER. :II the Opcrrt llcmsc on 1-\•h. :!U. Thtl lecture was well :utcmlell by su!llcn t.<~ l'mf. Cnh·er llcli\·e~l a lecture :\t Almond n n Feb. J:i. Three num bers of t he Almond Lecture l'OUI"'e were furuishe<l by Norm:\1 t.'llent thi!!. year. -.::...:_.:;.:.::,i:;~'£::=::..::::':::~~ At the Fonun preliminary clcclo.m!Llory t,: ontes t lll'ld Friday uig:lu, March ~. Hobert Muh•ihill noel Julius C:arlson were <'hoscn to reprosunt the IIO<:icty. Tnt! ,\ thcn:wum has elcdctlthe follo wing m en to repre,;cnt tho 'IOCiety in tho !ll,m ual Fo r um-Athenaeum dc b:uc: Allen Urown. Potur Geim er and Scott Waite. Don't fnrget ahont thl.l X:antilu". Be.'!!lliC ltu.wsun ,.i,.itc•l hl'l'iwnlt' at We!ltlid•l F... b. J ohn :\lorse w<!nt home to 8jlt!ntlthc " W ashington's Bir tlulay" \':tc:ttion ami was there set7.ed u pon hy that ">~well" alTair. the tmHnpii, sons not to he able to return to school. o f tllWII, Walter :llm·tu early inMtt n ·h. w:u; kept fl·om ,..d ulul hy !iicktwss Dr. &-ott speut :a week itt tor part of Fehrunry. l'hica~o:u .Juri ug t he !:at- Hele n Hein. one of our Jnnn:u~· Jt"tndnate!ll. \'isiu.•d the Normal on Mnt~•h 8. lhuoltl Cuh·m· W:\.'1 a bllcnt fron: sdwol .Juring d w first week in M:ar.-\1 on :u·cumll or -.h-k nc~.'l. " \\'hat did The Forum i:t pre paring to hold a preliminary dcbatiug contest for the purpose of selecting a team. Se\'Ct?i Formuitcs will contest for tho pla•:cs of honur. ,J -;~ iiJ ~t•ak in I he •let'lam:ltoa·y \•nn- test !" "Dunuo: ·The l'rof. J.i\·ingston reappeared in hiii old plnec ou the rostrum on lhe mor ning o f March a and w:as g rectL'1.1 with cheer:~. We are glad to welcome him back after his long absence. J.ney Cantwell. who re·ente re•l school in J anuary. !mit been obliged to withdraw o n ncconnt ·of ill heahh. She expects to enter school ngain at the 1'()11111\Cn<:enum t uf the 1o1priug fJUartor. In tilt' preliminary clcclamnto ry eon test held i n the A rcn:1 on Ma rrl1 I E1lith Hf)tll and 1'olayme 1-lonna ( 'ha.l!h,·n~rl ~:1utilus.' I :<npposc!" l..e:lllu El·cru. '00, \'i:oitc.. l till' Normal )\mulay. f'ub. Ia . lie W:a.!l :1 mr>mUca· nf that yt•nr'>~ f0o1bal\ Wm. '1'111:\ny. :1 former memllt't' nf tl1c ;;dan(IJ. tlied o f .o~n:nii· J)(lX Feb. l!f. lie w:L" ll'ae hing ne:1r M:adii!On. ll:arry ~Iiiier. who linillhwlthc l'ienwntary t~o" rst• l:uL J:tllU:\ry . .'IJICIII :fft'w da~·.~ a.t. thc ~urnml t·ari_\' ln Man _.h. Mr. Cary wa.o~ alo:;.•nt from ..;.du'\1>1 -"t·I·Cral wccki4 on ru•count of the •lt•ath <)f :a hrothcr. lie h:a~ tww rt•turne<l to his wnrk. wen: <'hoscra to I'CJlro!ICnt the society in tho annual ch:t'lanmtot·y t·onteilt to be ht:l•l some time ne:nquar· ICI'. l,res. l'rny !!pent a few days in Madison tlnd Chi· during the l:atter Jl :ln of February. His \'bit :II Mallii!On had some t'Onncction wiLh ou'r uneom· ph•tc•l west wiu$t. He hnd :l pleasant little story to tell us when ln;l a·eturned . 1':\,lo;fl l'rud01we t:ochmnc was c:alle<l ho me ,;u<ldc.nly o n ~!:arch r. by the serious illness of he r mother. the snd Miss nf'w!l of w~ose •lc.'lth lms Jtiut•c reached WI. ('f)t:hl':\llC has the >~y mpnthy of the whole sdu>OI in this. her gre:u sorrow. Uhetnril•a)S o n M:arch 8 were the bes t we hn\'C hnd fna· sn me WC£>kil. The S<"Cne from "Chri:-~lnU\'I Cnrols" TilE NOR~IA I. Wa!l 1·ery fuuu y. T l1c " prnces:<ion uf lonuks" litea·· :1lly "kevt 11:1- guessing." The Jiternl')' :u111 musil-:d parr o f the progr:un w:u of n hiJ,:h ~tancl:t nl l{hmorknl;; on Fl'id:t.~·. Mar~·l1 1. wet'C ~hun Inn PO INTER. ! ji t e uoled Loy s lude1:1J1a.nd uthl!r'>. Su~:h pmctit·:ll, ._,.}. n c:llinnallec·lu res a;; 1 hi~ no stmiPaH can :1fTore! to mis.... In thl' bsr i~~ll<' of thtl l'nint••r \\'t' U{'J!It•t·lt••l tu tm t(' rt:t.il 1 in~. At the (•\o~ :\II'. (irillin. :111 old frhJmi o f th., Sl'bool. e n tertained us wjth his \'Julin. Lilt(' I' I C~H·hinJ.t: ..urp..; n f the scluoul. on. in the gym. he :tj:t'ai n ~hco wt·tl 11~ tlnu lw i~ \t'o•ll traiuiuj.t iu ah~· t'< IIHIII" n $t·hnnls uf t.iu••rusey •·on nt~· . dis pose< I con·ards the ,chuul :lntl ·· hllt]wrlmp:~ that·~ Ulai<>. a••• I J.t:r'a•lnatt••l fr••• n tlu_• ;.i•w; lwru luoli:an:l ~<1r111111 "<'houl in l~tl. I I•• lu•ld lin• l "'~i tiuu of Alfr....'<l Ht•rrick h:l$ l>cen •·onlin{'tl l•• hi" ..,,,.111 for Sf!\'Cr:t.l wctJks on account of sm:t.II· !)•H A tmml ll• r o f nt ht·N were !jUa r:wtine~l at tlws:uuetinwbnt th•·.•· ha•·{' been rclea..~<l•L Mr. llerr it-k's t':l~t wa.. a 1·rry mild one and he will be had; in lois p i:I L't! at ~~·h""l in :t. few ola~·s. lll'ltre is Ol'{'r. ~lr. Bailey Presbyte riltn ~ ormul It is to bt• h~>pcd t hat tht• .;m:lll·p"" prhwip:t.l ••f 11n hlio· st· h• ,. •l.~ i nl ll inni~.turinj.! tho•ncx t twn Y••a r~. Ill' was 110'1:1 In~t itu t o · t 'utuhwto r :uul 1u·i ndp:tl <>f tilt' \\' ulsey aut! Ue~ m~·l. S . U .. Jl11blit• ,..·hunts. Ht~"i.\1:1 Fur tlw ne .'l:t tl\'u y••:H'l-' lw 11':1.~ n ~ tud{'U t a t til<' l..:uin•rsily of Mi1• hit.tau auol aftcrW:\I'dS i n,.ll'U\'Iul' in tht• ( 'hi1-:agu l.ln~i rw-.s , ..,). ~lll'l'c~,.in•l.l· lo•j.tt' ami l' l'iu..\ t•a l ulth•· ti ran l .,r Uol"l"ll A rt St·hooll,•t·t•n·c·l in 11,.. t· hnrt~h Fo·IJI·wu·y :!0 Ill' l'isillltl the white hen• a nd m:1tle a few wluu lw l'a iled "bad" dr:twi ngs for u s. lie ~.,1,1 u~ to c"m e tu his \ectnn· all(! lind oul why t lttl)' were had. Uf ··uurse we we n t and found unt. Han·cy ~... ho iicltl ami Alfrctl H:t.\1·erson. ti\'O o f our basketball men. svent a week in Chll'ago playin~ with the Stc•·en s l'nila Atl1elerk~ a~ai n ~t S<lme o f the best teams in thc country in the lm.skctball tourn:mwnt heltl there. Ttw.l' t·a m{' honw ll'ith a good shar·e nf the honors. l>r. :-'t·ott atlolrf!ssed the SC'huol o ne morning atnl in :1 •·ery interestinf( and i ns trlll'lil't• talk tn lol us alx•ut !'OUIC of the things he ha<l >«•en in the C hic ago schools during his ret:cnt visit there. H e numtinnetl pal'tic· u larly the school fo r the d('nf u.uJ told ~~~ of t he wurk being doue there. He cnd .......l his tnlk hy eulogizi nl{ tlw tca<'hing prof('S.iion ru1~l was gin•u r ou;tilll{ :1.p- plau!le :at the c lose. :\!iss De l{('inwr :lddressetltlw :<chon) <>II{' on the \Ycathcr Bur('au ~·ailed lllt'IHion r rof. Sl::unlf>n. who ha..~ rt•·enfnn:t·d tin.' Itt• n •t-.•n·t•d his r>arly ~ r\'i1•e muru in~ arlll its work. She to o ur n.ue ntio n t he g reat impor t:utl'e uf the p ut.lit• ~··l,..ol~. • lie t :l t'<'l'ci n•d tho• ,\ t'ltit•:Jj.(O s uburb t B ti<')~Tt'l' ft·um t 'hio·:t).t" C uil'o•J·~h.l' in llllltl :m d 11':1" a j.!!r:l>ht:Uo• Stu · olcutthef't•llf•furo•·omiuj.ttu n"in .J:t. nu:u',l'. It will he sceu that hl' i.~ dtornu~hly eljuippo..'<l. hotlt in ,whuln,:~tio· t n t.i ning a nd in e.'l: pc ricm:o.: a nd we IHJIX' his s t:t.y with 11~ will l<e :1 lung 111w. • Thu " \\'a ~h iugt<>n '' p:u·t,\' held in tlw 11:)'111 1111 tlw n ight o f Fe h. 2~ w:t'l llltC nf the ple:l.~antcst. c 1·e ning~ we h:n·e hatl this ,l'l'llr A goo.t " han• uf the ,;tu,lcnt ~ :utd fac n lt,l' c·:amc in co.~lllmcs dmr:wtt•ristk uf \\'tl.~h in~tnn·~ ti111e and 111any ..r the m ttlw , ..,,.. tllltlt'it) 11'1'1'(' s triki n J,: atull.~<•a u tifu l lmmeu~•·w ig.•, white st" l· kiuJ,:s. p leuf.l' v f 1:11.'(.1 :111<1 sih•o·r buo·k le~ tl•c Hle ll int u ~tai•l ,John Aol:mt"<:l:. Ii bert.\' · t·h~n$!Ctl ]u,·i n~o: :llhl l.nf:tyt'ttt·s. uua.... uminJ.t: ~turoly •l rc.<~<~cd · ll"ujamin Tltom:a~ J l•ITel·s.,u ~ Fr:ua klin~. Thi! l:a.!i•·~ ll't•r•• hut tht•t'o•'..; nu " "''in ratt••lltptittj.( t• •olo·~•-ri l ~<• :\11)'11'!1)'. frt>UI t llf• l~;ll llll'k~ thai tho~ l'oStU1110'll. hn,·e ~itacc been l11~anl fr~tlll t ho• ,I'UIIII\.l: umH ''"U•·••rn · iu j.t the llj.t l inc"~ of wu m:an·,. ~t.l'l•• u f o l r·o·s~ to~l:t.\' , I\' I ' cllitok till' ,.,.J.,u i:d umiol.1 at tlw W:t~l• in~-:tun p:u·ay Cllllltl nut lt:tn· lwo•n ·••••ry •li~pl<•:a:~ins,: A pro~o:ra m ,-.. u~i.~tinJ,: uf mu~i·· :1nd :a n u m!u·r .. r Sl>l't.•dws un ditTcn·nt ]JII:t~ei uf ~h oi'! ~t ....., \\' a>~hiuJ,:t on·~ lilt• WI\.'> re noiCr<!<l e:.t.l'l.l' in the t'\·eni n)!. Hdr~·shuw111 ~ were s... rl'ed in ;.;, , IU. Aftt:l· tl •i ~ t ill' <bn<'iuJ,: IM· weather to men i n nearly all walksi n lifc an<l showed U§ of what gre:lt \'al ue the Hurcau i>1 in furecast.sng weather conditions. Her ta lk was mea nt to IX' a ga n :uul .lu h u A•l:llll" forerunner o f the \ct·t urc j.(h"CI1 th:ll e \·e n ing by J' rof \Vi lson o f the \\'en.thcr Uureau. H ii lel'!llrt: 1\':t'l J <lfkl""oll fii i'K'"I tllf' IJl'l'i:LratiiiU ,.f l wh!jltllldo·m·c. :tnol ,.,.,.11 Ho•n 1-'r:auk li u h i~ lij.tlttninJ! I'•J•I. a n• l 1'\"••ry- \'ery ir:tercst.ing l\nd ill!ltruNire :tnJ wa~ ll't•ll :u · un•· w:t..; lmppy ft~a'J,:ut KinJ,: (;,..,r:.::~ ·. Thotu:a~ THE NORMAL POINTER. numerous :u to cast a gl oom O\'Cf b~it. blt.ljketball circles. Out uf the ~lght gnmes played by our team only th ree were lost. Our boys have {'\early demonstratedtbattheyl'D.n play basket· and we are proud of the record they ha ve made. The follmlring I ~ thn gnmcs. J>lnyed ami IIIC re!tlllts: Stc\·cnsPoint . 12 .. ............... Nuw J.ondun, .... Wausnu, Stevens Point, 41 .. ......... Waus:lU, Steqcns Poilu , 20 .. S t even~ Point , 10 . . . . . . O~h kos h . Steven~ Point, 17.. . ........ Wnupaca, Steven& Point. 28 .................. ,();!hkpsh, Stevens Point, 10 .. WeyauWega, Jli lU ID 24 Iii 18 12 .. Wtlyauwega, Ji Stevens Point. 26 .• The total number of poiotJI made by Stevena Point is 182: the number of points made by the opposi ng te&Dlll, 146. Althoul(h the sen.son Is over the basketball spirit is still far from being dead . Practice goes ou with unabated vigo r and every C\'Cning fin ds iJ.C\"eral tenms n.w:~.ltl ng their turn to play. Some time ago several now teams wu-e fo rmed . One o f these aggregations, composed of ex-football players and known M the "Raw ltecruiL'I," for their lll'9t game, played the ··Regulars," the reg ular tenm. Tbls ldndneM was dono probably. to let the new tea m run up apinst. t he real thing and gi ve them n oon{'eption of what good ball WIL8 like. The game begft.n . The ball W IL8 thrown up in the nlidclle of the tloor a nd wu caught by the Heguln"'' I:CUtcr. His opponent immediately tackled him, low and hard . It was a beautiful tackle but the referee called It a foul. The ball W IL8 again put in Jllay and we nt o ut(){ bounds where the t.aekle fell on it. Soon the ha lf back obtained possession of the ball, and tucklnfr it seen rely under hiiJ arm started fo~l\ touch- •low n. llo wouh.l proiJably hn1·c sm.-cooded hn.d ho uo t re membered that he was playing b~ke tball instead of footbal l. Next .the fullback tried for ti goal from tho center of tho lield nod tho tackle to go arou nd end but both attempttl .fail ed nod tho ball went to their o ppone nts. 'fbey, in the meantime, had not been Idle bui had been bnsily eo gaged malting ba.sk,~:ts. The "Recrui ts" made a ba&keL lo tbe early part of tho game, but this surprised 'them so that they seemed unable t.o do It any more. Event ually time was called and thf':y left to count up thei r bruises. which were far In excess of th ~ score. Basketball may have its advantages: it may req uire coolnel!l, agility :~. nd tmining, but as a game c:\n it C\'Cr I..'< ]Ual football ! Ask them. Am we to have a trnck team and a lield day ! The re seems to be no reason why w'e should n't. We h:wo a s urplus of about t.wPnty d~llan in the trrosury of the Athletic association, something unusual for this time of the year. Besides having the tina ncial backing for !\ ~rack team there St:ems material eoough in the !SChool from which to develop a, suceeS! ful one. · The time is draw in~t near when we must beitn to think about these matters and those that have aspirations for a position on the team should be ~raining. i\lany of the yO ung me n fail to finrl their way to the gymnasium, not because they are averse to the e:"=ercise but because they do not lind there the exerclso they desire. Swinging light wooden dumbbells and playing M)ldicr with a wand for a gun seems_luud ly t ho ucrciltl to give a young man who h~ apent the early part. of the year on t he gridiron . While such exercise may hav-e Its advil.ntagea and may be a ben· clit to all who taka it, it does not seem to moot the physh:al rc<tnlrements of th u strong. healthy and robu11t. There a re those who wish to trai n for spring athletics o.nd who, if gh·en tho chantl6 to do so, would take it. Uan no prm·lslon be ronde for the m-! March 8 a nd 0 our team tried conclusions with the Weyauwega team. The first game was lust by our boys. Score 10 to 12. The ne:c.t night the tables wo re turned . Stevens Point more than redeemed herself hy winning by n. score o f 29 to.G. T H E NORMAL POINTER. {T he "SerihbiCN'' heft l<'l\\'f' tu•lctli<'atetlw fnll .. w· ing to the Alumni.! Where :\N> the :O.In ry~. t he Ann~ ami Eliza,;. T •>Ul. l j') the grnuml :tnd wail. "'Two IJl:tll~ o•ulutun.~ mu,;t (!\'CI" :d tt!r ~n·•·t our ''"••l'piu;: o •y•·~ .. It i.~ l'<'ry II~JJ(i•· th!lt t heil· <leu• is•• ~ h••u ld ha n • tJt•t•tu'f•••l ~n t•ar ly in tho Dick and H:ury. tUl<lth~ good 1-!czckbh,;' thnt l'o,;c tu l'oiu tc r .r••:u· t he dignity of seniors in o ur school last yc:u· anti tiiC to six years :uul . wcrc amiablt', J.:•'TH'rou,o. litcr:tt",\'. Wf'ahhy :.nd lo_\·al : Jtr:l\"t•, ga~·. ~howk· lu>:tolo•o l. lo:ll,l· head•••!. lolad.:·hairt•d :Ill< I au bui-n : tall aud thin. l.il- yenrbefore a nd theye:1r bcf••n• that. T hf',\' wJ.I us tl1:1t thl'y were going o ut into the great world but 1\'o• The Alumni r.UIJ(< kl in :1gu frou1 o uo li ptni:m and <'Ol'JIUit•ut '" 1111inru the In~~ of ~· • 1111Ud1 lih•rary a hility. Til<! priu1·ival ul•lltl"ll<'r i~ tht· di ~rr:..-t••d Editn•··iu·C...:I•ic f. cto- whose tui nd will •·••rtuinl_\' ht't·<uuc det·an~eJ unle,.;s ,.;mm· A luu mi m:Uo•t·bl :t rrin·~ t,.·fon· r\prill. green p!llh frequently •lUeoce of their pen!J. with t he ilowc ry Fur :twhiltJ uur Puinll•r was all aglow wi t h cheery wo nls from the A ltuun i. they :teem tn ha,·e .! r ifted away. Alas' UIH Tloc Alumni. W:UlU.'< I: In •·ain T ht•_\' ha\·e a hu~t run·cr dreamed tlmt t hey m caut tu lean• thl• ;:u<,.J nld school ;~phere entirely. And it ~c•·me<lt hat thf'.\' did not eit he,- for they JH'OIIIiM'll tu so-cw n ur t•fo·r· ala~ ' wt·li~t of fricntls :u·,. uu m•or·c for tlwi•· \'oief'. The name!l of th e J!:tiltnres in whit·h tl•esc :--trn,\' Jambs are IJrowsinl(. t int· 11<'1"\'es t•• a t h in tht·e:ul at"t· wun•. I l ui\" :t lim• w•mld out· ~:1d lw:u·t" rt'jukc JOINED THE SILENT MAJORITY. Wo• lv\·ed t he m m ust de:1r l_\· :uultnw. Fnt· tl11•ir word~ of instnwtiun a nd juy. \\'o· waite,! the w!uole month thru, Whilc to)r tu r in,:fc:u -soliolatllln_\' It W:l.'l with the bitterest woe that we were :1t h1,.;t con\·i nced that ou r bel•n·cd Aln111ni h:td met thch· doom o n the Sea of Life . L'ntil Februar y ln"t we hi\J reeeh·eJ tiding.~ cad1 month T hen no won] ,·am e and we fcnr f'J the W(lr.it. Hut before la cemt· ing the ]o,·ing he:lrt.s o fthc irml!llY fricnols we wisht•d to make oloubly sun' t ha t nur f<':lr.< 1\'Cre well- It i~ with a dt•ep fcclinl-(' of n•lio•f that we :trt! :tlolt• to say tlmt not a ll .. r the r\ huuu i h~n·o· ~-:uno• tJTII IC r Elte ··rul'l ware,; thw ~ur\'i\'ur th<' ,;urbo·r• :1111 1 ~tf!t•r a lnnJ.! hanl o ur brethren of a l:l.rgt•r cxpcr icnt·<'. were tillcol hy lnnd. tho timorous pe n of :111 unolc rgmtluatc. Hm a."! F,·h· ruary p ass<!d and th(' wind ~ of :O.I an·h roared down our e himn{')'S:lnd t.estedt hestrength ufhat·pi ns:t nd u:mpers. and still we ht!n.rd no won!. ~rrim ("Ortl"it·· ""urd..; •·a u not (•'l:prc<>J< "'"' )('r:llilnolo• \\' o• r·,•jnio·•• tl1:rt uno· who ll:vl )('<Hit'~" fa r iutu tlw ~haduw ~. wa.~ JK'I'm itt•·•lt•• l'o •turn t1• 11.'1 It )('in·~ u ~ o·un r:t~•· t" hoJ)C tiJ:tt ••tlll'f~ !WI,\' h:t n : J,..,.n f••rlt11111l<· f'U••IIJ-('111 " tion. with his i ron hnnd. sei1.etl p:dc. tremhlin~t 1-IOJ)C and straugletl hct· fccUie h ff'. W e o·uu !d no l<>llg'<'f •·:u't•o ! fnt·loy tlw uati1o·~ :11,.1 n•tnn...•ll" " 11r law I i n doubt that the Alumn i h:t.d l)(!('Jl ~hi pwrer ko••l on the Sea of l.ifc. Unll ~·onsolation still rema i n.~ :11111 per· ti m: l im e \\'c fo•••l llist.eotly haunt" U>~-that a few or tiU' many may h a\"C been rescued nnd that :11 let~! 1re m:ty lu!.I' C :1 olitiou tn n ·l:ltc hi.~ o•'l.p•·ri•·u•·c•. h,. w ill )('i••· 11~ tim fru·ts ,..,11•·•·•·uinj.! : hi~ oln·:toHnl •·:tta~lr<•plw ,\ 1 pre~ · j,;;~ut• Wl1en •!IIT'~•·l \'o'~ J>r" " '' "" fe w t:!!.hleJtr:liiH to print in um· nt•>:t t h:\1 t•nmf,rt f:1il~. II '(' will thr•lll' ~wi tu . has conw tu fo unded o.nol the columns r cscn ·ed for thf' lr•ttr>r.« uf n •:t(·lwol tlw n•:wl1 "" Ill<' fri •· •~tll.•· • lt<>l'l'. wlwr•· t lwy will I"· ki uol l.~· ••ntJ,.. i· ~t ii'C I hal wlwu tht· ""'' r•·~tiu)(' uutilllw rw'I.T 'llli.-tl_\' awl i•~tw ("/ ) 11111~1 ~:n·o•d i ~ ""l 1..- iu a ""II· di~ l ud..-.1 I THE NORMAL POI NTER. So Three students bold With j oy enrolled Their names last fall : But now their looks Suggest. of book~ Bucked uot at :t.li.-Sphlnx. Uather n largo portion of The Tocsin i!l devoted to 1\ternryclepartment.. I~lttlo item!! of schoot in torc!lt makes the 111'hool pa1Mlr Interesting, Yo u hlt.\'C i o p:ty ~omc peoplu tu he gouol. hut the FNShnwn :~m goo<l fur nuthinJt.~Ex. Why !!hon ltl!HI nnm .~ tnn·t• i n the tlescr t!l of Al11· bitt.! Because of the ~anli which is there: How came tho s:uulwiches there! The tribe of Ha m was bretl m11l mustered there. - Jo:x. In the l.itcrnry tl<lJlartmcnt of tho Hynn Clarion ill a skNch o f the IUe nml work.i of Eben E. Rex· ford, ono of W i!ICOnllln's J>Oet.8. W e commend tho w riter u pon hi& 1•hok-u nf subject. Mr. Uoxfon.l is' " writer of merit, nnd it j;~ \\'tllllO l'all attCIUion to him and his works. Tim Stud e n t from MnrhHltlf>. Wis .. Jlrcsent!i nn t~ttr-twti \'0 !\)lpellmm.'<•. We learn t!ml Tho Mcilsengcr of the eiTort.'l of the W h·hlta J-ligh ~~ehool to tlht:li n :\ gymna..~i um. T ho nect.oss.'\ry means i11 bf>inl( oblairu.'t) b.)' popular sub· IK.'riptlon. We wish suN:ess HI t he worthy entcr- pr\!10. The Carroll Ec ho t•ontnins n strong article dis· cusslug the 1\lh·antnges a nd henelicinl ciTects of basketball Man excn:isc for womiln. It will pa:y you to rend it Little J ack Hornllr Sat in at.-orner W riting a hiiltnry t'XIUU . " A pony I hoill )1, my right hand so bold . Oh whnt 11. strong boy lam. " -J-; x. "Now usc ~·ou r n11.pkl n, Fra nkie." --1 mm, I've got tho dog tied to the table log with it.-E:c. A case of mu mp~ i!l l\ sweii i\ITal r. There ill a gene ral tendency on tbo part of school papers to nmkc. t.htl 0 J'9t page their edi torial one. In doing 80 thoy greatly Injure tho looks of the sheet. l'cople cru-e little who is in charge o f the pa· per. and, sad to My. caro less nbout. reading tho edl· torinls. Think tho mutter O\"er_fellow eo:lltors.-High i:.chool Courier. · - -- It i!l nnmslng to notice how much consolation 111 dcrh·cd. by nthlctil: l ('fl.m S, from 1\efent. Snys thu nthh!tic editor of u, t.-ertaln school paper, " 1:1- s played 11. very strong gmmo but the lJC'Ore o f 28 to 2 in our oppone ntA' favor l!i due to the fmct t ha t we were o pposeclto n \'cry .nrong team." "Does ht.oat expand ~" the teacher RSked; --If so exmmple cite." ··The days are long in summer," Said the student who WR!I bright. Tho short 11tor ies of The Owl nru p:uticularly pleasing. The wr iting of short stories seems to be ati interesting field of litm-:~. ry work. How much · more readable are proriuctious of this kind than euay• upon ·-Genius sod Character." "Cour:1ge o f CooYictlon'' :tnd "Truth.·· wrillen by high . school and academy studeoLI: Write upon some concrete subject. with which yon are familimr mncl i n which yon feel an interest and allow the philosophenc to phil050phiU1. Tho fAwf'E'utinu contoint an editorial o n "Would be Spor ts." It says in part that a fe w of these "Would be Sports" may succeed In appeari ng " Iough" buts. "tough" Is not a sport. True aport.t· manship is charcterized by the highest .en.se o f honor and love of fai r play. These silly ambitions of SOUle 1tudeo111 in the lower cla&!lel to appear "tough" usually leave a smirch which can never bo eruetl. Til E 1\'0101:\1. I'OIN T F.R. PRIMARY DEPAR TMEN T. T lw ·B il·ob" :In' • t illo· •okinL'alld lho·_,. ~.·n··· a I undo T lol'rt' i~ :l loiii]M••t•··l un lh•· l 'rim: tr_l' cadi Frid a y . room a :llin_!! wh:t l thirq.!• :tr··· rw•··l·~L au·l lt]w;,.lo•r a pupil o·:t n hl'illl-( an_,. ••I tlw ••itl'o·n·n :trlit·l•··. lo•• w rite~],;,. nauw aftr•r it Tho· t· hi ld n•JI :tn· ., m1wh interc:itcd in thi· ,,.,,,.k that ••Ill' h:t• :!'""' " it Jo,.ut b u tte r fu r loreakf:l•t. ;w .. tlwr w it lou ul •11:,!:11' f• •l' lwr ·' " th:ll tllt' ,l' llli J.!IIt o·olft·e. thci l' .-.h:LI't' too thl' •llpplio••. l~o· ah l·· '" ,.,.,rrilout•· l ltlu·r• •al'o• !Ill• 1"' 11 · ~h•· m:ool •·llwm o•i1lw1· :1 Ii ii i•• :,:i r l ,.,. ''",\' p: t•11'd "II :o llhy h:wd Tlwn "'' :dl \!"1 .. ur·thiui,!• awl 11'<'111 IP•IIw f····LIIL'I'<'I',I' hapJ •.•· · E:u·lo ''"''"'"'I' ••i tin· :-;,.,.,,n,J a11 •l ' l'l oir•l I ; ,~ut.• L" ko·o·pillj! :1 o·:olo-nol:u· f.,rt•ado munlio. ll' ldo·l• lu• u o: tkt•• him•o·lf l 11 tht· d ilkn•nL "lll:OI't'• lw tr:\1<'• loy .lra~l-i ll).! wrilt·~ , ,,. ill ll "· tlw ,-,noliti••n ,f tho• ••••a tlu ·r •t,.nny. <'I•·. :u"l •p•·•·i:d day• ar••'ulal'l..o·d with n·d inJ... :1• \\'a.]Jill).:l"n ·· ]\ ii' IIHI:I.I'. \ ':tfo·nti lll' ' • ]Ia ,\'. lillie .~:te r ilio·o•s •loow ldi •tt illt• ·l'•"l tlw !'ll]•il- tal..•· ill t lw l'uuking :u11l mak•• tl1eir lint.- ·-;...-k ,f ie"" uf ~,!l'l':tt l':tl ue Their b-<t h llll'h le m n n .-.a•wc and <'l':tl'kt•r". :tilt! THE INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. :!''""' ,.. ''"ll~i-'t•~l ••1 they han·: t l•" lu·o·!l ·rr,.. :-- i\th ~··:ul•· ar·· illli'l'•'"l •••l in am·i•·nc 1:oot11a11 loi•t"l'.l', tlw F ift l1 \:'l":tolo• ; II o•:u·ly ,.,.l .. u i:d :tllol t lw Fu1111h ).!l':ldo· i n h i~l"l'.l', Jll'i tnitil'o• hi•llll',\' .-lifT t)\\' o•l lt•t'•:tll•l• •:tl•'•lll'o•ll••l"• :lMI tho~e ,.,.,,., o·:lrcol tu Wt'lllt• :111 :tl't'<~tlttl .,r it T l11· folluwi n jo!: ill :1 ~t .. ry loy""'' ,f tho·Thirdi!I~,,J,. r u t: \ ",\I.E\ rt\ aud aro• ILI" ldi u!! " T he "Chuul l!:tl't• :1 \ 'a lentilll' t•art ,l' <•II Yalc!ltilu· d ay. A ll -..:hoo t .-loiltlr••11 W••t·•· r" t~· Jtl·~·-<o•nt :uul ;~.lso others. T lu•.\' han· 1\t:!do• tho•h· "\I'll''" ""· ralohit~. Fiflt't'll minllh'~ :1 day in)! ,.,,.n·i·o· •I••:.:· :111•1 ••tlw1· ani•na l· :II'<' gin·n I" a l!•'tl <'l':tl•p•·ll· T loi~ i" till' tir•tl im•· rh:ot "·"l"'lli u-.! '' ha• l•l"•·r loaol a p l:u·•• '"' rlo•· 1•1'1•).::1':1111. an•lr•·•!t ll• " E:tdt onl·(lf tlw ,..-],.,l:or• l• r•lll\!ht a fo•\1 .];,., .• .,f Ure :u l a nd t w u t• r tlon·o· a pp lt•• 'l'h•• ··Hint-." ,..,.,J,.,.,j th e rc,O t . T ill' " hth ~-tr:t•lt• drawlni,! o ·l:t~" an· uu\1 int•·t·.: •t•·d i n W:t\ muldi11g t: ,.,, t:n T h<',l' t•lloko•tl it a ll 1'1'1',\' 1\'o•ll '1'1..-.\' uo:t•lo• t wo kinols of •·:mtl}' a nol "lllfTt•d ol:tt•'" arl' pr.. mi--llt).:a• i-. -<h u 1111 i11 \\l'ill•'ll Fi•·•· •of tl~t· lnto·n• ·•li:.1•· l11o_1' • an· " \ \'c lmtl a ].>t.'llll,\' l11o\ "" :\l i-. F:tololi• ,],~,.1.: ,\ ]] ll••rl..in!! up ·· \\' illi:tm '1'••1 1.'' llhio· lo tlll'.\" ••'1.1"'''1 1••)'1'<'• <'111 in tlo•· ll<':tl" fntnr•• th e JX' Il Uies th a t we ).!Ut f•ll't':Jll•l_\' ur ·••IIH'thint,t liJ..,. ""''1. T l,. •y ar•· ,J,iu g IP'al'l_l' a ll .,fit tlw111 ·•· II' <'.•. n·• ·•·i1 ill!! <1111_1' • IIL'L.(<' -' I iull~ fPo111 ••l lot•!'• Tl ~o· "JIIi.,na l 11'11/'l.. lt:t• '-"'I'll l<'lll l "'~'·••·i ly ~ll•]ll'lld th:l t. we wcm ld 1n n; n t lw I_.. ox T ho· '""n•·.•· wa• '" Uu y SU J!:ll' :ua l "tlwr ! loillJ.!" thf' 1\inl-< no·~~t··d to ,.,,.,k t••l "" :t<T<~IUt l ut f:tihll't• '" ulotain :t do: tl')!l' ,.f t iP• llll<'l'llll'di:tto• ~'""ill Tho· r•· an· a l\\:t)'• w ith . '"Ill'' at ll••rt.. in tlu· ,..,.,rtl ''" p la 11• •or· ••tlwr !IIIII\!•. "1-::wh B u-<y Bt•t• and \\".,rk 1·r J,!:llt' o•ado "'"' rlw Uin hi:l l'ah•r11inc '! lot·"· •· a t ~·ntirw• "•·n·n"t m:~olo· whidt mal..•·• it do:tl':,!t' llt'<'''"!LI'.\' ,\ II 1"' \"'tlo:u t!..- I" ,..,.,.J,. hal •· l•·:wlo•·r '" tal..•• :t t•·:Lt"lwr 111 will ],. tak•·11 "I' o f p:q wr. It w:t.." :lll apron •·Tt w Bi rd~ w~rl' IIHII'h p lt• a-.•-1 11 it h 1111'11 < all•l a~ain """" .J n n 1·o•ol ar11mul t!wn· " it h tln•n • "" Jik•·d,w n • "' tal•l•· for· !Ill',..,, •• , o·h·e~ oli·o·ll--•··1 an •l p l'••]o:tr:tti• •ll• ll•·r··· oua•l•· (,.,- " ); ow j, the tinll' o pened. E ado ntlf' thl' \ ' a lo·ntill•' 1....1 i • too],.. )!Ill a \ ':do·ntiw· )Jj •• Faddi• ll":l" -.o j!r>Ool hy t:t:il'in~ ,.,,..], ,.;.;,.,,. :111•1 · •·h ol:!r· a l' l:tn• W•·n· IIIII\! tlw "••r·J.. 1"1' :t '""'''' 1._1' a ll till' 1•111oil · f,,,. :t T J,.. li1o· ], .• r ,.,.,., . •,.],.,.,,.,]. t~· !! in .\ lllt"ll i.!h !lt i• lo:,.lt•• 1,.. •ll•]tl'lldo ·d tiuw. it 1\ i]]l,.·t tl..o•lllljo lllwlllln·"pti"n:tl w .. r·J.. IM•:!ill• :t\!!1111