Volume VI.
o. c.
NE~::~!;~~ ~::~~~t ~~~:.~;\~:g:::~~~s\:~~~h;::;
and still I hear the blast of the whistleaud the
impatient churning of the engine a.s the natty little
steame"r leaves Stockholm. Sweden's metropolis, io
the d istance. Mothe r nod J are on deck, s training
to get n last look through our misty eyes at the f!lllt
reeeding home which we :\re lea\"ing. perhnps fore'"er. l , being a boy.,soon dry my eyes. and turn
my atte ntion to other things-involuotarily- for
many impressions c rowd theruselvcs upon me. It is
different with mother. She baa formed many more
associations than I ba\'C, and 110 she SIRnds there a
long time looking toward ho me, although she 84WI
it no longer. At las t she also turns and goes below
and I 1101 permiltecl to roam a bout a~ will.
First the bOat occupies my :ttteutiou. t pec'r up at
the pleasant looking capta in, who smih·s nt me with
approval. Boldly then I peer Into the beautiful,
well-furnished ulon. where som~ welJ.tlreS!Ied
ladies are chatting gaily. I then go down a flight
of steps and the ry thmical, pumping, churning engines. with their shiniug brass decora tions, attract
my notice for ll while.
Finishing my sun·oy of the boat I notice that we
have left t he littlo artillcinl ri\·cr with ita stony
banks and arc swiftly coun1ing upon tho beaulifu l
lak~ Malarn. Another little steamer Is at our side,
but only for a. momcut. for it is a race, and our
smaller rival forge~ ahead.
It is a bright May morning and tho ripple!! o f tho
becalmed lake dance merrily in the golden sunlight.
F.vcrytblng seerus jnyn us and happy with the birth
of spring. T he birds twitte r in their glndness as
tlu:y fly about tho groo:Hinged islands. A smile is
u pon nature everywhere. Filled with enthusiasm I
call my mother. She comes. She too Is thrilled
with the peaceful, joyou1:1 scenery, and we wonder
it AmericD. the •·promised land" of our dclltinntioo,
is 3JII beautiful uthis.
Two hount of steaming and tho lake is left behind.
We enter tho ca1ml again. Now comes the most
pleasant and interesting part of the juurney. All
along our way, nu matter whid1 way we turn, we
see green mPadows. dotted hero :1nd thuro witb tbe
daz7.1ing white collages o r the peasantB, partly en·
\·eloped in a cluster o f shndo uud fruit trees.
The whistle sound!, I look ahead, a bridge ob-
stru•·t ~ our way, and a
wQmnn i!l cucrgctit-ally
turnin~ot: a winch which pulL':! the bri(\gc on s hore.
A h er we h :ll'U paSSCtl s ht• chose~ it. :1ml wayin;! llil
:1dicn with her IJOnuct. sl1e •:ntcrs her white c" tta).(e
un the ban k.
\\'(' m••ct m:uty hrhlgcs anti they gctout uf the
Ymy bcfuro: u;;. They arc nut large imJHJSiug s trnc·
turc!!. Lut they arc built to harmnni'I.C with the tret.'$
who;;c topmor.t Lr:uu:hes S<Uuctimcs interming le.
fnrming a leafy roof m ·t·t· u nr watery path.
We ctue'1[e from this syh·an tunnel. :m•l In:
what's !his! It hooks to me :1.~ if the t·an:ll has cume
to an c •ull see nut hiug but large wale•· tanks pih.'ll
up in a series of SICJ1S up the hillside. I learn that
they :ue lucks :1s 11·~~ rise from uno to the olhcr until
we h:we litemlly climbuol the entire hillsirlc wit h our
sumnltlr. It i;; a slow llrOt·ess. :mol whihl we go
UJ> many cnriou,o; J>COJllc s urronntlus and tnlli: with
us, throwing llowcn; at uo::. while W tl throw JK!nuics
Anuther hour's rhlc :lilt! we are UJ>On another
Jnkc. the reuowncol Ve nnern, which rin1IS Malaf'lt
in .'l(:c nic bcnuty. This bke i!l much l:1rge r than
l\lnlar••· lt.s s hores are more irregnlar, hence
mure attractil'C.
I hntl the pleas ure of Stleiug the sun StJl 011 this
lake ami it is my full dete rmination to witne!!.i this
scene o~,:t:ain. to watch the sun as it tliJ)S its matchless
rnys among the green islets in tlw tli.~taut..-e. its
grJ.udenr cnh:\U{'etl by the s parkli ng water;~ in the
As tlarkF<"amc wc o:utcrcd :1nother J)Ortion nf
tl1e canal and morn in~ ,;aw W I at tl1e hi~torie city o f
Mother anti I were IIHHlly here. No J)I'Oillc that
we knew. no l ricnds to gin~ advice. Still the rccol·
lections o f our pleasant canal journy. and the an·
tidp:uions of furthe r journeys to f'Ome we re a comfortto us.
They were snfely aiKlard :LUd the train started .
Thoma.s. do try to keel) from making a fool
of yourself tnolay,'" rcmarketl l1is wife. "~brtlm.
tlid I eve r make a fool of myself ~" rcmoMtratCtl the
little man looking up nt his OOuer :1ntl Lig~o:er h:11f.
" Fool of yourself: '" s uiiTetl she. " You're forcl'cr
metltlling in other folk's husiucs~ ami getting
laughed a~ for it. H 1w e you forgotten the time we
we1-o tlow n at Bright-on Beach and you jumped ofT a
duck to s:1vc that o utlandis h thing in IL bathing suit.
:md uc:u·ly drowned your;;u]( nnd her too, and then
fou nd nut th:1t shu was the I.K!st swimmer a t Urigh·
ton and was only lloating in!ltead of drowning!
lf:t.,·c you forgotten it Tho mll:l!" Thomas Wall si·
lent.. !lis gaze was lix&l O}l a fant astically can·cd
]Jilr:lsol·h:uullc stickii~UL of 11 r.Lck just alxwe a
s ty lish young Ially.
"It probably belongs to her."
he IUIIM'tl. ··I \\'(Hiller who s he Is, nnywny ! "
"Fremont!" s houted the COI)dnctor. The stylishly
olres!!etl lady lcfl her seat and s tnrtctl towanl the
front of tllll car. lc:wi ng her parasol lJehind. "There!
she's furgu~ her p:ml!lul" exclaimt.."£1 the little man,
:uul before hi~ wife conltl inte rfere. he had seizetl it
and JKlkcd it thru tho open windo w. "Hey. the re!"
he called excitedly to u. bys tander, •'Gil·e this to a
young lady in pink who's juu getting ofT; its her's:
s he forgot it."'
T he trniu started nnd t he yo~mg lady in pink. who
had been chatting with t1. friend nenrthe door of the
•·There. Tho ma!!. you'\'e
t•ar rct nrnetl to he r seat.
gone nud done it again!" moaned hili wife.
- - - - Mt:nr.M. Am:s.
[The following is a contriblllion.labclled "For the
l'ointer.'" which was recently received. lt is anon·
ymous which wo wish it were not, but by a c:~.reful
critical ami literary ann lysis we have reached these
conclusions: l'he writer is ~ Junior, loyal to tho
black nnd gold, who is s till so new to tho school :u
to be somewhat troubled by the brilliancy of tho
eardinni- Rnd its wearer;;. l'his Junior may bu
found struggling in the ••Slough of Despond,'' other·
wise known as Professionnl Aritbmclic, and at otht'r
timC!I wande ring through tho intricate mazes of
Theory and Music. Tho title Is appropriate In adou·
blcscn§C.- fo:u .J
Who ish it dot duz look so schy?
Who ,.as it dot dem 7.eniors guy?
Who l':lS it nil d er scorns devy !
Who ish it gumc vrom ncar undt var.
Hash l1itched dere vngon to von schtar
Hesolfcd to cider make o r mar!
Oc Elements.
Whoishitdothafaimcd.~o high
On streugth and courngc ,Jo rely.
ltesoh·ed to dare, to do and die'!
Who ish it dink dey know it :\II
Vro•u Music tlo wu to P:~.-~ k o:t l':dl~
Ach : dot der htiolc miJ;th t haf von \":\11:
Der Zcnior-s.
\\' ho ish it g~ps ,-on kornc r ;whtanolt
Schclls diug:s on \"O il s\•h:\lc nw:~t ~
I..<'>WC$t bricca on •lc r laud :
\Vh•J ish it :t~·orns dc r hrotwun him ~
llakes mndt blc:asurc o u •lo t gym
l:ml answers '"brcsent "" mit a >im ~
Mish Kouway
\\' ho mung d e m maiol<'n» ,lake» de k:\ke
L:ml Jinks l:iikulojly \"IHl \":lkc
l:ml •lakes muc h \':1.1\cy l\1 \'OU Drake~
Who is h it makes us sound o ur tnes
Unci m:\ke11 us rise and :r.i ng ·~.n!oes
L"ud M·ht rh·ei! to add undto our voc;~?
\\' hat \':I s it madt us 11crateh o ur hcad t;o~,
Madt us \'llt!l a.s dull M \c,lt.
t;udt now rejoice tlot it been dcadt ~
it gh·es suc h ovful tests .
Answ ers all qu ..Miions on
l inJt no \"air \Ve nus eer
molests ~
Who\'~ it olot ve had so low
Vo n SatuNay not long ago,
Dot made us!ltretcb o ur nt.'Cks and kro"·!
Who ish it goes long o nde r s trecdt
S e,·er tuind!i not \"011 •Icy m~>dl.
But whistles " Yust One Girl" so s weedt?
Hamilton, Vidme r. Waite. Ynkish and
lto~ perr)' .
Vo t ish it deUs us all tier ne ws.
to Jrh•e away d c r pines.
Und makes us laugh down 111 our shoe!! ~
IJer l•oioter.
He\ 1)~ u~
'"Little <..:ha.rlio had to be li••tl to the ~wing ma"hinc l':m~e he run' tl :IW:t.y.·· an• I the little buy g:u:t.'<l
up imo hill fathC'r"s fa•·e while great unshetl tca~
,;;toot! iu his eyes aud his little reol li ps trcmhlt•tl hut
he tilt! uot t-ry.
Final\}' he lookeol down at the littlt~ pit!(.'C u f COrti
whkh w:1s tict'l aro nml the f:H t-hui.Jby lei{ :..ntl t hen
b:u-k :~l hi.i father and he s:..i1l ,·ery 11lowly, '"But
little C..:h:1rlie will ne\'ct· r11u away ag:\iu.'"
After hill fat11e r hatlt:nt the cord which heltl him
•·apti\'e. tim wee run:IW:\)" sat oluw n on the rug. with
lt L~ dng lk•fMe the lil·o.
Quickly the littlo shoo was
nntlt....l :uul taken o ff anti the n he Jmlled aut! tugge•l
a t the stue king until it W:t.ll off. '"I hate that !ltot•k·
ing ami I 'll nC\"Cr wc:1r it again t-ause t hat 111\..'lty
string W3S tied rouno l it.·· he saitl :u hu threw it into
Then the little hare foot was held up to the lire
and the child murmurt.'<.l again ami again. "It':~ an
awful t hing fur a man to 00 ti._'<i to n sewing maC'hi m~." and tinally two big tear~~ rolle.l down the
llusht.'ll ,.[,._'Ck.i 11.1111 s plashci.l o u the little h:ml leg
ami the curly lw:1d rested o n two c huhby hand !I.
l.owc r and lowe r ~ank the !iltle head until it
rc~te.l 011 the dog's back a.nJ tho eyolid:o; began to
olroop o \·e r tbe big gray eye!< and a slcnpy boy whill·
JJOI"C(I. "1'\lntn·or run aWl\}' until I go fo r good ami
the n I guess I'll be a milkman." Then he sle pt z1ml
tlu, dog lcrull.'d o\'er 110d lic ked the li ttle bz1re leg
and the lire burnell 011.
l\1.\rru; Wut:t:LoCK.
c;rammar- Mul,·ihill
l'enmao~hip- ll 3nson .
Attentinn- Li\•ingsum.
Jnattcntiun - C..:arlson.
Sugar-c un.otl Ham- E:t.rle
J ukcs- StinS<'III.
lfirls - C..:ulliu.i
S ))Clling- '1'. B. Pray .
··V•:rily'"- l'ollcy.
Marriagc- o · :o-:cill.
Ar m·m<>\"t!mCnli- flnm ilton- .
15, .:.
' 9_oo_,_ __
A monlbly ~rlodlul, repre"otatho o! the llb!b S•&UL ~or­
mal School. Stuen • Point, Wi t(OIIIhL, pobll1bed by the
.Eoteredtt\oc.alPoet.omceu •econd elan maner .
Term• ofaobKolptloa -~ee tua p.:r rnr hL adYanee. Th r era11
lfDotpa\d beforeJ&II, I,I'lll.
.... Edhor- 111-Ch\ef
••"'" t.. u .... ~'Ot . .•.
. ....•...••... . Lit erary
. . ... Tb eCnwr
C.&IIUOII,'OJ •.•••
ro~111'1"~ ·u".~!~-..~
~ - ··
....... Lout
RIIPOU'IC \ .o<::K i r<:ll'flt • . •• •
n. Axu.'(tl ...
. ....... . £1rban~~:e
. .:\fode\School
rt.;ltu. &.ai\La,'llt . •.•
Cu.ll.:aW . .I&to Jnll o,'OI...
. . . .• . ..•. . Bat\Dua )(onaau
R~~..0.'~&1~~~~~~'!'.L~ -~~~.:~::•~nt H1111out lhn~era
J.W a nKUSTl•.OW,'OL .
· ·· ... PI't't\ckot
Cu111n W. .l'&llllll"'· "01 ....
UAIIIIA• L. COIIW'AT: K\., '01... .
. ..... Tru111 rer
. ... . .!lec~tary
.4. ddrena11bcullleu1 etcueto tb eBu\Deu lllall &ge r .
Artlclee10l1c!ted from roune r•ladeaii iDdleacb en.
Meade"' 111deabnrlben an re.po,!CtrDIIJ req Del!~d to pal·
rooi KIOD ra•hercleen.
The agit11tion o,·er lthetoril':\ls iii prt~~lm·ing some
lnterestiug rrnmltil. The studr.ntil htn-e Ueen elpn.!S!l·
inJit thei r o piuiou!l frcc•ly :uul if the fJ Ut·~tion uf ··to
be or not to be" wero Jllll to :t \"ote of the sdwol we
do not hesi tate to say that there wo ultll ~e a 11racti·
cally unanimOUII JifOIC!t ngainst abolishing thccxcr·
ci&e. The ne w methods to be ~'mplnyctl excitIng a great deal of interest and L-ommcnt, ant! the
work, if continued by the school in the same SJlirit
all bcgun .. cn n hardly fail to succetd . A joint committee of students ond f:~ cuhy hs,·e t·hn rJ:te of the
work. 'J'he stmlent l'OIIImittee is composetl nf one
member from each of the four l'lasses, and a member from tho &ehool ntlnrgo. We hope they m11 y
succeed In their nttem)Jts to mnke rlwtoricals some·
thing we sha11 listen to ancl pnrticiJJ:ttc in with
pleasure and ni !IO much pwlit. us :til he ready
to help.
Before thi9 copy of the Pointer is beforn its readers
the school will be fairly started upon the work of
the second IJunrter, and there will be smooth se:us
:uul frworing hrcczeg. But at tho time of this writ·
ing it is struggling through rough and tro uhled
waters. T he exnminations of the lirst quarter nre
the cause of the billows, and occasionally of some·
thing eiJM: not less dtuup. For in spite of tho wise
nml philosophic views of ina.tion s w hich our
faculty t ry to inculcatu In us, examinations continue
to be the JICriodie temJICSts In our otherwise ealmly
ordered progrC!!!S. Even tho Methods ciiUIIC!I lun·e
j:ti,·en up their own piRns In disappointment :mtl
despair. Pt•rhaps the ruillenium will bring with IL
the abolitinn of uaminations, and until then students will probnbly conti nue tn "C:mm" the Jut week
of each qunrter and the "wall,. of woe" will still be
The football 84!3500 Is Ol'er, and t he two teams
stand rt:ady to ~lvu the laurels for their well·
cnrned suceess. In spite of runny dlscoumJCCillents
they tinished tho SCilliOu w ith only one defent rcronl ·
ed against them. 'l'o a superllcial oh~n·cr it migh~
seem that athletics nre now aL a stnndstill, hut this
is fal" from being the case. H:LSketlu\1\ is :1\reatly
being ngitntl!d and lUI this Is a game in whirh a
much lnrger proportion of tho students take part
than footfnll, we may say that the velocity of 11th·
Jetics is uecelernted and not retarded. We had but
one opportunity of t boWing ou r Interest in :~ml
lo)·alty to footbnll, but the enthusitlBm then was all
that could be desi red . Wo hope to btu·e more tlmu
one chance of cheering our btu~ketbn\1 teams on to
The th·st n umber o f our lecture course hns !Jcen
gi\·en, am\ e,·eryone Is happy. The tirkct holdeN
smile to think of the rave more numbers for which
the tirst hns set so high a sto.nclard. The committee
feel elated over the succCSI of the coun!C ns n busi·
nes!l ,·enture. Without can ,·asslng every ~tvai\!l!Jie
scat hnd been sold for the first number. and liuan·
ci:\lly the course is already a. s ucees~. This shows
tho line results attending co·operath·e efforts.
Everyone (that is everyone who bas a ticket) is to
be congratuhued .
will t:ll.:c it ag:lin.
Mc ~l -1.~<>- s.
AT STEV~:s~ l'otST. Wt:5.
Open ten motuhs during the y~:lr.
completely fnmigato."<l :tnd :uttiscpti·
U'ershado wed IJy the pinc-con •n••l l'lo\·er hills
T en :te res of wel~ -kC]Jt hwus. Clmrming walks aut!
A l:U'ft'C four-:noried a•lllition has jus t IX>e n a• hied
to :u·(·o nuuf)ol:tte t he e normous i n1·rt~:t~e of p:tt icnt.~.
'J'hc c lllirc lmi\ding is ,;.tt•am heat<-..:1. and ligl•tt•d by
b<oth ~:lS and eiLoctri•·it y. l':u],Jc•l •·ells for he:trtMammoth IZYtull:l.Sium.
14 x ~:~; .
Elevators and , Jumlo waiters. Fc:uhcr I.Jc,Js
dry bags grntis.
One irregular c hie( phys ici:111.
Twen ty unt ra.i ne..l nu ~s.
patit•u t.~.
Skilled oper:llor:t for applicatio n of mathcma~ w:al
lini ments. ~~old poultices of dead languages. hut
pouhio:es of modern.
Consultntion free .
'fi-~TIMON IAI..S.
Until my eyes were tested by the oc uli~\ of t he i n·
s titution, I did not know that o ne eye w:l!l uearly
blind. I ('lUI s:t.fely tes t ify that Prof. Sw- ft unde r ·
H . C - SW- 1".
s uintls his busineils.
I :t.m s ure that no one can attend the S:anitarium
:ln•l not be impres!Cd with the noble :t.nd lofty a ims
( Ames) which c haracterize t he iostitutio n.
- J. L- S J - VY - II.S.
We cannot fu lly express o ur gmtitude to the Sani·
ta.rium for h:at'ing IJCCo the means o f unitiog the
happy fami ly.
Uncle Dennis.
Aunt Heny.
Cuzin Hudy.
Mus hy.
We want more of t hat obsernuiou. Think "'C
(i ii- YV- S .
I t•ujuy l"is iting with the bfly p:uie u u . W- - TI thiuk the s purt her•~ is rcry line. H-s - 11- tmv.
"Tis a good pl:we to meet old fricncl>~ :tu.J i n \"itc
t he m to (•:ti l.
C- n- 11- }t- t.T- s.
T he dra wing i.,; what :Utr:wts me. M- L\' -11- LI•.
A;; :1. spcd a l attrac tion to those patient.!~ whose
t reatme nts dn not confine t h,•m \"Cry closely within
dnuN there is offered this year optional work in
lo\"<>ln~:y .
\'ari•>ll~ courses areotlert.'(l.
Bc:hl the te.'lti mo uials from un reli:d.>lc !IQUN:Cll.
Takc· ~·nnr
I t uok :t· h·antnKc of tlw s pec ial course nfTcred in
kis to ry n f co lilil·atiou allll found it both eojoy:tblc
anti dC\":tting-.
G. 11-lt- t.T- s.
H . A. N·h- f- - lei writcll us that he has fo uml t he
l'OrTCS)Kmdcnt.i' couN~C to cout:\in t he '"cry Qulntcs·
renee of pleasure.
Last ftn:trtcr I wa.i grnduated from t he course in
Flirtis m :tnol Mn.s hc r ticklc· pnrlor•·o nway. and now
N>nsioler IUJ.'ICif thoroughly e flic ieut i n that line.
E. 1>. N- t.s- s .
I ha\'e gaineJ much in T eary n.n•l Me thods o r Ue·
J•• J.~. 0"1,- - RY .
S ince Inking the Spcllmcri>~m course ! .have even
tna.~tcred the intricacies of my own name.
Et.-Z- It· TH M- m:- -11- T- -s - n- t.L- Mc ll-s- LU.
I l."an •.estiry t hat t his ins titution nfTords t ho hest
W. 11- s s-s .
I belic,·e in doing things systemntically. and I
prefe r t" s tick to one course.
ST- Ss- s .
The tboroul'hncS!I of thi!i course Is koo wn to all.
I am tak in@.' the full cuur!IC ami nlre:uJy ha\'O a line
f)()!jition in ,·iew:
J . II. -lf-~.
W e are~(' w ell ple:ased with t his cou rse thnt we
h:t,·e •lel·iJeJ lO come b:wk for post·gntduate work.
h -er . (Keir.)
Jl. -:oi- W- IITII.
ha\'"f> take n the 1'0\lr!C in lo•·ology from my
youth up. anti can telltify•to it.~ thoroughncsa.
W . M-~t-T.
Chas. Mc Lees wM a bsent froru achool sc,·ernl 1bys
early in October o n a ccount. o ( s ickness.
Quartcrlmck " Mushy" was not o ut (or
Sf'I'Cral CI'Cningil o n account o ( sickness.
Miss Lulu Hitchcock o ( S hiCk!ton spent a week
about the Normal :18 the guest of MiS3 Lottie Ucyoe.
Ch:1s. 1-lluscworth II':Lil called away from school
·. a~====~
c:u·ly in O•:toiJcr by tho s udde n death o f his mothrr.
cou rse in 18{17. died at her home in thi$
:'olildrcd Jordan hM withdrawn from .!iehool llml
rC>Illrocd to he r ho me in Vir'Oquu on ll~I.'OUnt of thu
illness of her mother.
M ~.
&:ott ii
l )r. Colin A .
Alber t !'hind;.
oltl stu,Jent. has re-enterCll the
L!!.ura O"Le:t.ry \"isitt>tl her home at E:m Claire o u
The Clionan cl~:lcfl thesu o Oiccrs fo r the new
<1uarter: Pn!!i.-Esthc r Hctzc.l; Vice Prcs .- Edith Mar·
shall: Scl·.-I:.Ottie Deyoe.
Prof. Sechrist, Ho ward Cate a!UI J . H. Ames were
nt the gridi ro n s ide at Apple to n and S!I.W our boys
d eff'a t La wrence o o Oc t. G.
mal. Oct. 2"2.
A frie nd (ufLCr the receptilln gil·en the O.:~hkush
boys): " Let's go and get some more ice crc!l.m."
Miss ·K. J ··n··n : •·Oh, its alll\fu~hy by this time."
ClArke J enkins S]>ent Sunday. :Sm·. -1. at his home
In Gmntl Rnpids.
Somebody: Why d ocs Miu
watch so often ~
O.:t. -1-G.
Will RoS(!bcrry. !l.n oiJ i t utlcn t.' ,·isitc..l the No r-
r,i r'§. Carley llf PittSI'ille \"isitcd her d:mghtcr at
the No mn&l Oct. !I
J . W !!.rrcn Stinson ,·isitcd
d lP. of the quarter.
home about the miJ·
Mrs. Farrell of Green lhy l"isited her d a ughte r,
Hnby, fo r a few tl!!.ys.
The Arena begins tho second IJU:\rtc r of the year
umlcr M i.~s Ba rry 1\!1 Presidtmt, Miss J effers ms Vice
President, Mis! Bnlch tL!J Secre tary n nd Mi.u Skl\t·
\"old:!.! treasurer.
At one of the meetings of th_o c ity council this 1:!.11
a1:t was passed to c Uange the tuunc of Urown
s treet to Normnl nvcoue. We take tht! action of the
Miss Ellen Jeffen SJ>Cn t n few •bys at hume dnri 11 ~t
the latter part of Ot·tober.
l'rof. Ht:tSS of the S u1>erior Normnl school looketl
oi"Cr t he work here On. 2-'l.
council u.s n high complime nt.
Ed. Gilbert w:&S not in hi.'! pl:&ec one f!IL~11oo11 35 a
resu lt o l n g ridiron c:u:utro phe.
Mr. \\"!lite spent sc\·crnl dayi! :11 home o n act-ount
of the 80\"Cre illne.u of his mother.
Mrs. lleidgeo vis itl'(] her dau~::hter Cbra •luring
t he latter p!!.rl of the lirstljll:lrtcr.
Mrs. Moerke. one o f las t yc:u":ot grnduatt·~ frUJu t1 1c
full L'OUn>e. ,·isited the school Oct. J.j,
H- t··y look nt her
SomebodyelS(!: Oh. the re's a m an in the case I
s uppose!
The mcmben of t he Elementary elnss met Oct.
17 :md orgauizell under thesl! nble oflicers: Pres.:'ol:lttk Wheelock: Vice Pres.- Archie Uoscberry;
:sec - J ohn lJollins: Tren.s.-:'oln.rgnret Southwick.
At the Forum Friday night, Oct. 2{1, these ollic:cl"il
were clt-cted for this quarte r : P res.-llnrvey !;cho·
licld : Vice l'rcs.-Hnrold Cuh·er: Sec.-John Col·
lius: Treas.-J ohn Grirurn: Sergt.·nL·Arm.-1-Ed.
l'\.liss W --t-·n (in Hhetorie cbs.ij: " lu "·h:tt p:trt of
};,· ange line d oc:> Lo ngfellow likeu the skie:> to
Miss Y···g: Oh. it wa.. t he time El'angeliuc awl
the priest were o ut together.··
S-ch--st: ··\Vh:u. i:> meant h~· an•mg-l' ~ ..
··!,rep.": ··Its wh:tt the he n l:iy;; ,.., ··
l'rnf. S·ch··st: ··Ho w olo _rou m:lkt•thatnnt ~ "
" !'rep." { j~Jint ing to his l>otuk 1: " ll~·rc ' ti": the
hen lay on an :w cr:t:.t:t>- nf twu. l o:.~e n ''J.t!.('" :1 sca..on. "
Prof. Sanfnrol :Utc ntiCtl the oletl it::uion of the \V i:>·
cnn;;in lli.itorh-:11 J.lhr:try hnilolinJ.:al ~l:uli;;on, Od.
lfl. \\'hc t: be rct urnetl he 1(:1\'(' tlec p,Jiti•·al E'•on nmy •·las~ some intcrc.11in~: l:wt ~ :1hnnt the builtlinl(
and the :>plcndid lilorary it •·• uttains.
!' res. P ra.y. l,rnf. l.i d u ~st<HI. ~IN. Ur:ulfonl aeul
s('\'Cr.J l st ude n ts a tten•ll.,] tlee hi-.: t<•:tdwrs' meeti ng
\\':1U.'!au. Oc t 13. After the st!ssinn t hey we ntl<l
the football J!:une :u ul "rnute•l" our secmHJ clc\'en
on to \'\<-tory o ve r t he Wau~au Highs
{In the GCOJ'raphy class.) Mi ~s !). He~ ·me r : Who i:>
it t hat is a t. the hc:ttl of :1 ~l unarc hy ·•
l ~t !•re p. : A king.
Mi:>s D· Uc·nwr: And wie r• i~ it :1t. t he head of a
dcmo<:"r:1~·y ~
2~1l're p.:
Brynn :
As the secon•I •J":lrtr>r .,f
o pe us we notice
m:wy •:hange3 i n t he st·hool. '%
mtx-r of ;n udc nts
come to us for tlw lirst ti me whi le :;cn•r:•l of !a.~t
yca:r 'il stude nt's :1re again with 11!1. Amnng thc;;e
are J essie \\'Ufi<L (ilen Tyle r. Bessie J e tTers. :\gth!~
Me rrill a nd Frud Bcrto.
Elson Whitney. J-: ieme utary 'Oil. start e!<l fo r t he
Philippine l::ilands on Oct. 2:!. L:tst !lpring ho to<~k
the C h·il Serv ice e~:uni n:llion and ~touo l sel'ond
highest in t he l.'uited Stau!s ami later got his ap·
l~intn1ent asgun Jrnment dcr k ii1 ··Uur :>-lew Posse:>·
l'in ns." \\'eexvet·t intercstingrmw:> frumhuu so<JII .
Prof. Syh·estcr c:tmc up to so..-c (we think ! the two
fouLball gam~ tha t we re playc.l hBrc Uct. ~u. He
g:n ·c SO\'eral re:l,;ous fo r r·om ing. but wt: who know
8omething of his te ndc ncie.'l in t he pa~t ;.:ues;ocd at
o nce that it w::~..~ footb:11l he w:1:o; :tftcr.
He ~:1iol
"good mo r ni ng" tu u,; from the rostrum l.eforu he
J o hn Gri mm, Harvey !Who tid d . J .
H:uniho u. W. Finley. Geo. ~l au l·~ n ntl Mr. Gwin
wc ru :11 ( : rand lhpids Saturtla y. Noll'. :1. tn i!oCU till'
g:unc bt!twcen tilt' ~orm:d Sl'cond elcn.m :uul tho
l:r:uul lb.piob High Sdt<)o l tC:tm. They d idn' t, !ll!<.l
whnt tlwy expt•t·te.:l, huwo\'Ct'. The Athletit- •·ohtmn
will tell you why.
The r.:.~c ptinn g i \'<'11 t he O,;hku.:h fnotU:1ll tl':llll
after th~·i r hard game with our huys o n Ot·t. :!0 was a
]Jlcnsant alTair. A i hort litt•r:try an•lums k a l prognuu
was enjoyed and light rcfre.~ hmcn t s we re scn ·cd in
Nn . 10. These " f<"I! Lall rcC'Hj)tiu ns" tlo muc h tow·
a ni k('1.1 ping up :1 frie eully fer•li ug a mo ng the boy!t
whn han le f(tl' s upremacy on t he grioliron :u hl be·
twcen the ~chool:> themsch·es.
Ae·tinJ,: o n t he :~oh·i•·e of l'rof. I.h·ingstou. t he
moruin~ clt:c tcd J{uht.. Muh ·ihill a.'! rcprc·
i<.'lltatin•-al·l:ir:.t:c from the sdroul on the jnint Uhc·
tur·i,·al •·ummill t.~. Sim•e t hc u each l']ass h:t..-• c lccteol
it.:> rept'O...e utntit'Cil o n this l·ummittce 11.>1 follows:
S.:n io~. ~latie Barry; Juni••r~. Clm.... . lln u><t!wu r t h;
Elceucutarics, Jo:,·a lhlch; Fi l'llt Years, (:co. Mrutle.
h is e:t jll'<'tetl that th i~ committee will nmkt: rhetor ·
it•al:> unu uf t he must e njoyahlc and u;;cful fcnture~
of t he year.
,..,· hrH>I n ne
E x·:>'tatc Supcrinten•lc nt of 'id1<1ols ,J. Q. Emery.
no w 1'11:lirm:ul of the committee on gr:1duating
c lasses. \'isitcd us Ucc. UH7.
He addre;os1..'1.l the
~·hO<Jl o ne morniug in hill u.<~mtl earne.i t manne r,
an•I Sj~<Jke o l t.he necessity of fnrming corret•t haLits
of life du ring yonth. Thc;;.c wlks by our \'is it()rll are
a pprel'i:llt.'tl l•r us aud ~en·c n!! :>timnli to do o ur
hcst. We hope o ur presiolent will c•mtinuc in hiil
dcttJ rmin:III<HI to let not :1 \'i:>itur C.'iCUJIO witho ut at
least making :1 bu w to us.
Fa~·ult,\' rhctori<"al:> wt:re introduced a t O)JoCni nf( e x·
crdscs o ne morning by J•rof. <;uh·er. Hi~ suhjcct,
" T he !illlrm tlm.t c:lnscJ t he C:alveston disnstcr, '' WM
unc in whh-h 1\'t• llllli l all feel :1 tlt.'t!p interest. Uy
mc;ms of •·hart.'l he ~huweo.l u.~ t he pat h of tht: s t urm
:u u l gan• reasuu ~ for its windini( •·nu NC :wros:> the
g ull. He alsn ~ 110kc of the te rri hie d c:>ul:ation an•l
ruin left in the wa ke of tim !>torm. T he ~tudcnL'I,
:11 Jeai\. ~mjuy l:wull y rlwtnri<-alil and arc patie ntly
wa itingfurthc nextnmu lll'r.
T he ,Juniur cia~~ ha~ a•·cc pted the c ha lle nge fro m
the Usko~h Jnuiurs f.,r :1 joint d e bate to be hel•l in
Out ~tl1letic¢.
·c; ~
-~- .•:~~
The second victory o f ti1e ~ason
was won from Oshkosh Oct. W by 1\
score of 11 to 0. A large and cnthu·
siastic crowd gnthered to witness the
first gnme on the home grounds.
Oshkos h kicks off to Stel""e ns Point
and Murat adnnces the ball fifteen
yards. The ball here changes bauds
twice. Schotidd and Karoopp make
good gains around end. Scbotield
punts fifty-five yards to La.wrence, who Is downed
in his tracks. Oshkosh loses ba!l on a fumble. Han·
1100 makes &i:'lt yards through left tackle. Grimm
goes th rough right tackle for seven yartl!. Polley
makes a gain o f tu n yards for the tirst touchdown.
· f.
Schofield kicks goal.
O.~ hk o~ h kicks off to Ha nson who :ulvances the
ball twenty ya rds. Scholield makes a run of thirty
yards, but Oshkosh secure!! the ball on a fumbl e.
Clark makes a run of lifty yards but Oshkosh imme·
diately loses the ball on downs. No more scori11g
The first second team game of the IK'MO n was
played at Wausau, resulting In a score of 11 to u
in favor of Stevens Point. The second game witli
the Wausau Highs waa played at Stevens Po i~o t .
Tho visitors put up a plucky game in tho lint half,
but they could not stand the pace set by the home
team and our boys ran up a score of 84 to 0.
The third game was with .the W!upaca Highs at
Waupaca . The game Wl\!1 played In a drizzl inl{
rain. Our boys simply had a walk-away, the score
being 80 to. 0.
In the last game with the Grand Rapids HiJehsour
boys were dofeateed . Both teams put up some
strong defense and good Interference, but tho ig·
norance of rules by the visitors gave Grand Hapids their last . touchdown and the game. &'Oro 10
to 6.
For the visiting team Ames, Gilbert, Miles and
Klillloger did the best work. For the home team
Bandeline, Lipke and Love, who plays on the Var·
sitity Freshman team and who was home for the
oceulon, were the stars. Without Lol·e Grand
Rapids 'would undoubtedly have lost.
iu the lint baH.
Schofield kicks oft but Oshkosh, after several good
Football is o\'er. Both teams have received excelKains, loses th9 ball again on downs. Scholield
puot.ol forty-fiv e yards. After &e\'eral minutes of lent support from the student.'~. Unfortuontely a
play Clark secures the ball a nd bebitod good inter- ('(JilCh could not be secured, bu~. despite thi ~:~, both
ference runs eighty yardi! for a touchduwn. Stov· teams have left a record that they may well be proud
ens Point now obtains tho ball and by a series of of. Only one game bas bf:en lost this season; that
end runs and line smll!lhes advances the ball to O:~h· to Grand Rapids. The schedule bas been short-. on·
k osh's thirty yard line. ' Here Scholiel<l se1:ures it ly seven games bemg played by both teams. Tho
on a fumbl e and runs for a touchdo wn, but fai l~ score for tho games Is as follows:
goal. The game ends with the ball in possenion. of
StAn·ens Point near the middle of the lie\d.
Oshkosh, 0: Stevens Point, 0.
The line-up for the game is as follows:
Lawrence, 10: Stevens Point, 12.
S TEVEN S Pol!'iT.
Oshkosh, U; Stevens Point, 11.
Polley (Capt.) .. .... ... R. E .............. Carma n
Hanson .......... .. . . R. T .......... .. .. Hunooe
8ECO~'D TEAll.
Hamilton ............. n. G ........ ..... , .. Teske
Wauaau. :S; Stevens Point, 11 .
.. ........ .C ................... Dille
Wausau, 0: Stevens Poi nt, 84.
Wojak .
.. .. L. G ... .......... .. Midler
Waupaca. 0; Stevens Point, 80.
Brady . .
. .... L. T ... . ........ Rosenthal
Grand Rapid!!. 10; Stevens Point, 6.
Grimm . . . .
. .1 •. F. ..... ......... Stewart
Schobeld.. ...
. .... R. H ............... Clark
At a recent meeting . of the Athletic association
Karno'pp .
.. .... L. H ..... Lawrence (CRpt.) Gordon Killinger wae elected manager of the basket
. ........ Q ............. La Claire ball team. We are now ready to arrang'e gnmeii
..F. 8 .............. n euthor with other college teams.
Iacklach .
NOR ~I.-\ L
d:\Si> dust.:ly un it e d iu ,;piritand t·nthu· i:ll u thruu;.dt
ou t th a t·ourstl.
T hey fdt t h:u alth..,ngh i n thr futttn• 11wy
t·.. u lo\
nCV('r again Ue to g ctlll'r as s tudl' nts ,f tlw d,·a t' "ld
t h~·y
won ltl s t ill lind in their
i ngs tl1:1t whkh wuu ld
iut cr;o~t
nt·W ~~~n~• unol·
cl:l~.~-u ta ~•·
and :w ·
t•cplctl t hc ir Jut wilh l!'""dJ.!"I'a,·•·. f,.,.Ji n:.! rirat " \\" ho•u
t ; 10d sorts u ut the tl't•:ttho•r aud wuol~ t~ti n. "h.\'
min's m ,\' choit·c ··
ThoJci:L-~Ictto.:•-,; Wt'rt.':l,'ll'"''".•'att•lman_
l '•l"!;::ht·
fn lti mcs t•:lch un" lt:t•l r •·adi u:.:: w!,at "''' ' " n:ot nr a l
and L'h:u :u:tcri.'t k ,,f the "' ri to· r~ .Ju. l:,:iul!·fn•L:Lth••
cX JJreSl!iull!l ~:\int.'<l
thrutl;.(h till'"'-"
a n <"l··:.t:rnt t l'i h tHo• to tim 1-('irl~ \'ndinJ,: w ith :\ wish
The class of ·ro ro:suh·ctl. hd.. n· t!wy p:irto••l " n
t heir bright CQIUUIC Ut"(llllt:UI ob_t', [H h:t\'<' :1 •·Ia~~ ''"r·
N:SJKm<illll('C. whic h St>em col a lilliuJ.: ad•···utur~· f,.r :t
..:-;ixt h "
W ith :t lwah h to tho.~c d :L,\'"· " It 1\':\,.: hri,.::ht. lmt it
i' pa.-t. · · t h1• ~~~···r~ r••t n rn•••l to"o t lw Jll''''!f'tl t .
l u ohtt• u rolo•1' up n•~·· t lw 1-('a lla nt lw~·s o)f 'tl!l w ith
th:tt th,•y nli,.:h1 a lwa_l'" 1'ctain t h u ~amt: 1-(':1_1' .'pirit ,·, f
T lw :.tir l,.:. 1P <1 to be u nt dortc. l:m olt'llthc r:111k.-.
ln •m whkl• t ho• fu tut·t· w ill u• •t 1,.:• olisappuiu tc<l in
i t ~ o·h~oi•·•• u l n~1·ful an• I nohlt• mt• n . Thuugh "our
.1·uu1h whom 1:11•· tt"io·oltn ···n1wc:1ll.oy n:unin~ h im - "
will hou.. r tlmll"o>rld inot herli twst h:aua,; :t nation:\ I
hnnu wr ito·r
· l!,·aliziu;.: i11at t hu tirttC fu r thei r appcar.mct:
tlw f:Lo·ttlty
l'1.'t'<' ] 'li"11 wa~
uear a t hand the d:tss
ha•t•·t••·d ' " tlla k•• a ,.,., .,Jttt inu tha t \W(> y ('ar,.: ht:lll"e
a~oe:tin :I t
:tt •·•otunwnn·m t·nt t iluc tlu•Y wuulol IIIL'I'I
at:••tlw r r•·••ni•>tl.
:-..;., ltl r:w,.: wit lltho•;lir,f " l>i >;i<•"astlwfcsti l'i·
J j,., <':11111' 1" a,.,,.,. w ith the ul•l familia r· o·la:<~ soug
:u1<l :b• i'<' ll11i"tt ,.f 1\1410 wa..; num l.H•rcol a-. :1 h:tppy
it :!et:n wo) lu
.h:s s tE :\1. Uo tn :sos. '\l\1.
I ll' t he ~:cncral wbh of t he "!l!h:rs to ha1·o· ~"me kind
of reunio n :u (.'Ommcnc m e nt t i •ue 1!/IJll.
ILL ••nk r
o·arr.)' omt lili:-~ wh;h l're,;id•·•H L"u ln:l" :IJIJ"•i n to·d a
, ..,mmilt('{l t O t:t kl• d •:ar ;,;c u f t!w ma tter. T he re~ult
\I'll "
:t h:UHJLICl
J)J:tll llt•d
\\\ ;o JtwsoJ:o)'
;•l' c n ing Juuo :!U. tu t:tke pla t·•· I~ lure tlw u ~ua l Fa•··
ulty reception.
O •ltkuih o·a r ly i n )lan·h.
pusit iun~
·~1111:' " ' I••
t·:uuc !locki ng at t he t·:dl of Alma )lat•·r·. ~:n• u tlw
:ut rac tio n;; of the L". \\' . ,.,.,uJolnnt olo•t:. in them .
T he heart o f o ne who (•ould nut <:lai1n
pl:w(' in
the court o f "!I'J wo u ld h:tl'e rejoiced '" •eo· t hat mer·
ry company gathcn><l tugct hcr in the 1-(':l iet~· :wol re1··
clry o f the ir lirtlt re uniu u w ilh i t.~ "~u u ~o:,;. Spc•·•·lu:ll
antlto:lSiil aruu m l thc fc:st alllloan l.·'
For" brie f t ime re1uini§t•cn~.~ prc\·a il•·d. Th('y
rel·icWL><I the •lnyil w he n they we re timid Ju nivr.:§
with a class color o f green aud o f w lwu• t ill' ~cniur"
~:sid ·: Uh-s!ied are they who t'li: J"IC<'I not hi ng. f(orthcy
»hall n ot be tlb appnin :ctl. ' " T h e IJright Seu ioor •h.\'5
pa,:_.., •.J :\11<1. ah. hnw r :1p i(lly :l)l]lrt>:u-h•·•l th!lt la.~t
Wl'+'k when in•·iden t to t he last f:tr••ll' t•\1 th•• ··rs
prCJlnrt'<..l for t lw In:>\ fn nu:d cc n·nJu uk s ' Clad in
g r.l•·cful white t og:IS they tll:trl·heol to the o·atupu,.:.
and at t he my~tic ho ur nf miolniglll pl:IIJ H'•I the ir
dakt' h·y- :l m e mnri:li nf the olol d:ty~.
T IJC pi pe .,f
pe::tce w:u lo ,· ingly p:lSSt:d to tlw ,Juniur•.
cnd~.-...1 ou r c a reer a~ stu,lcnu.
Jordi min:~. ry
L"OntC!It for
un t lw h"me d d1atinp: te:uu h:lll
t a k•• Jtl:w e
~o1· . ~a.
tluJ namt:l'l
,.( II•••"'~' w hu han• •• nto·r<Jtl the lilltli: Arthu r Uawcll.
.l o·~-~c
The Won~ were ,;o.·attc r etl ore!' th(• •tall•. Y''' al ...y
•1:\y :llld gr:Ld u::ttio n
• C~•Il"~~.l /r~"' /'·V:~ 1·.")
)!i:<ll 0 ":-lcill. C ha s. lln uso wt>rt h .
,\ 1111'." · Alfn•ol ll<·rri<'k. l.:lll r:t He ntlel'!l<'•ll an•l
,J Warr ell ~timum . A 1-('l:uwc a t. thc"e n :u ne" tell.~
II " t h:t l tlu• ~~HI!I•st will be :t gooo.l n ne :lnd t hnt n
~11'"111-l' 11•:un will bt· o•luosen w r~>pre..~ent t he o:hus
The llallm l'H' n p:arty
the JnuinN hy the
was an m waony hut c njuy:1hle :11Tai r . Spcc -
t ralti:,:nr·cs lt."<lthc sl1rinking
into the gym.
whc l"l: 1-('i:lriug j:u·k·ll'·bllte r n.'! :uul "kkl.)' lighlil :ill•I·
eoltu t he " host li n e~~ uf t he ~ce ne. Fortune teller;~
n :al !!hu~h. :u11l 111!c:t r tl dy sunn•l" a iKJUIIIIt.'l.l. Tho
.Juniu n . huwc n•r. sltonk ofT the ir awe 111111 bl•l(:\11
st ·an){lin:t t hu1n:<-cl\"l.'" tryinl( tu g-1!1 hultl o f the :lp·
p lt•ll tluati u;.t: in hu,.::•· tn l.~. Faili u,Le i n t hi;~they went
iu •fill.',.! ,.f ut he ~ :uh·un tu re.'l whk h were nut har<l
t" lind. ~11:11'1l ,J.,~t~ nut a ll11w rttl l" t e ll to<Jrc o f the
W,11lfrnU~ t hi ll ]t.~ ~C('II !111<1 hC:lrti. 11f>r Of the :Uh"CII·
tun•,. tll:tl IM·fo·ll t],.. olarit1" m W!I nf th+! .Junio r clll.~il
a t lh:ll lbll"wc'e tL ]':t rty Till' party e nd(... / w it h
.. \'i rl-('inia ll•·o·l." au· I llw 1:y p.~ey Fnrtune te lle r . the
IM•olrac::!lt·ol ,J n ni••r~. 1lw s t:li< l('l ~e niurs. a rid eve n
,111r f,,,thall•r. who h:L.~ a ··g:unc '' k nee.
juitwd i n tl<•· d :uwc
hittcrly~cd nt the session
Sy nod
We aru .o;orry to learn that tho Normal lbd:;c r of
Rh·cr Fa1114 will not be JlUblis htHI th is )'Car. We :uo
not toll! why, but suppose that it h a~ nut rcccin:J
tho !l ii]J]>O ft that it certainly merits.
Tho Normnl Advam.-e rrom Oshkosh
ti\'0 s h1:ct.
i.~ :111
We comJJiiment the ctlitur:s 11])()11 tho or·
of the Presbyterian
Waukeshn.. The students were accuseJ of
drunkenness and disreputabl e conduct. and the in ~t itution was·b~- as an ungodl y oce, unlit to he
the cd ucationnl home of clergymen's sons or the
soDs and daughters of good church m emloers."
Jmlge Emstmau of Marinette declared lt. was high
time some co llt>~o s honhl be able to c.:ompcto with
tho Stare Unh·crsi ty. which he d eclared was au ob-
ganiz,,tion of their p:aJXIr.
jct• tionable ins titut_lo:C
o c-.-,----,
The COn\'ir t Wl\.!1 expt..'(' tin g a rcpriC\'e.
" Any
news!" hu asked. "I ha\'e no noose for you," ~a:i
tbo jailer's reply.
In the No rmnl Ued Letter I!! a d escription of a rho·
toril.':1l program. We refer lt to our Committee on
The Normal l)ennant fro m S:m J ose, Cal.. i ~ an
excccdiugly interesti ng JlUblicntion.
The cO\'cr
design is particulurly !l.Ur.u:tive.
which occu pies nearly one h:.U the e ntire pa]>er.
True Hlue eomes to us in a \'Cry neat co,·er. We
think an etching or two at t he heads of departments
would greatl,r impro\'e the :lpJ>eamuce of the JlaJ>er
Altho not n. pretentious paJ>er, .,..c lind the I ~ land
Ci ty StUt.lcnt a pruiscwnrthy sheet. \\ c like the
spirit of the Exchange Ed itor .
Hnnter- l'my do not kill me. I ' h:wc a wife anti
live childre n ltl !!np port.
Bear-So ha n~ I.
The Pythian contni ns :1 ])l'letu e ntitle.! "The Man
with the ~·ootball. " Football me n will lind th is
poem interes ting. Tho etchin1es :11 the h ea~ls of tho
de partments of this pa]>er are uni rp1c and s ul{ge~ti\·c.
Some papers h:n·e "joke column'<." We arc 1111 •
to !leC the "funuy" in many of these. Th is is
no doubt due to our lack of :tpprc4·inti•Ht uf wit. fur
surely no paper would publish tl\'o eolum ns of jokes
unless they were funny.
:~.hi e
The Sphinx publi, he.~ the followi ng, take u from
~he Ret::onl: "'Ihe Slll.te Unh·ersity of Wisconsin was
High School Sent.iment 18 the name of a neat lillie
paper publisht d at Parsons, 'Kan sas. The torial
p:.gcs are particularl y well writtCn. '
Th ~ llyan Clarion eomea to ua from Appleton,
Wis. We admire the editors' selection of material.
It is strictly a school paper. When we re:.d a
school publicat.ion we expect to learn something .
about the Kchool that putlllt forth . So maoy I!C hool
papers h:t.\'C everythin'g or anything In them but
ne ws of their owo school.
When we rend a papc·r like The Spartan we feel
an interest in the aehool that publishes it . The pa·
]>C r i11 full of school lifo. Wo think the OOnuty of
the CO\'er is marred by such .consplclous nd\·ertiscmcnts.
The Poi nter wis hes to acknowledge the rcC1lipt of
th t! foll o wing exchanf(es: Tho Sphinx. Mntlison.
Wis.; Tho Pythian. Kalamazoo. Mich .: Our Tillie!!,
Dcl:wan. Wis.; Tho hiland Ci ty Student, Cumber·
land, Wis. : Cogwell Petit Couri er, San Fran ci~co.
Cal.: Ryan Clarion. Appleton , Wla.: The S partnn ,
Sparta. Wis.; Tho Normal Pe nnant, San J ose. Cal.:
The l~ak o Brec1.e, Sheboyl{an, Wla. : High SchOfol
Ch:u. Ypsilanti , Mkh .: Tbe Normal Advance. Ojhkosh, Wis.: T he No rmal Rod l.ettcr. Morelm:\d.
Mi nn. : H1gh School Sentiment, Parsons, Kll!: True
Ulue, Hudson, Wis.; The Breeze, Los Danos, Cal.
Ou tlu- other hanoi
p l l':L ~c· l. l ot·o·au ~t·
On Fritlay. t he 2Uth
0.-tobcr. th1• pl:ty that :1
~:nmp h:Ltl hcen wt1rkin:.:- •• n a~ thl'it· ''I'Li•m:Ll woork.
C.:e u t ."'
The roo m was t·t• ry )'L't'ttil)'
d,., .,,.at•~l
w it!1
pirm h(mgh ~. autumn lean•s . t·in•·"· pio · nu···~ a nd
t\ .. wel.,. . The •·as t uf do:Lrao·tf:r;; wa,; wrilt•·u "" ,.,,.
tJf t lw b••:Lrtls and W:lll as f,JI,,w ~ :
Thc .Un ~ <'
-" pritt• , .
, . .. rh Ito:<~
. ... .... . :-.; .. rma-"tuart
LitT ie JutJ. .. . .. . . ...... . .. . •. . . . . . t; in .,.n ,\ tkin ~
l!t•t•s \\'ings . . .
. ... .. , . -"pu rr Ho<•tTd
. , . A1111:1 )lason
The Da,L' L>n•am ..
F line r Flut lt'r ..
. . . . . . . . . . Thada
!.itt le
. .. . W i n ifn•d :-;,. ]_~, n
. .... ... :\l i~s Fn••·m:1n
ll"""r. tl!t' L\bid . .
Fairy Hano ld .
Whit P Owl~~ ~
The Fairy Lady .
Tlw:\i)!ht )l oth
Tlte fairi es t·am e
T lw~l' ~ :lluo•
!iUlf' po•ople :u·o• now iu tht• t•:tudy
lon•in•· ~s
1-::lt'h ""'' loring~ l~<•t ~ han·. :111d tllll
' ' '"' tda l "' ouo ol a ;; ~t·:< t•an oly h:1;; 1.,.,, 11 ~ n ~lll'l'l'il~f ul
that th"_\' aro • l!"in:,:-tu try th:lt :1)-(:Liu. amltlwulo•ar·u
h••W I•• m:1k c m a ny ol iiTt•n• u t kin• I ~ .
Till')' :u·c olu-
iuj! :>o w.-] 1 in whatc t·l'r they lltltlt•rt:Li>l' that we may
;;""" lind :1 small m:tnnf:wtory. or a --Pal:ll'e nf
J,..,. uf
in t ho• lnto•r•ru~dia tt: row•m. ins lt':ul o f :anumruw :< of desks. with theil· piles of bonks .
pupi l.~
in t he l'rima.ry olt·partment h:11l a
-- lla ll"w•'••u" part_\· W t~ lno •,;. lay afr ~·rnou n from 2
:1 :4t• Tho·~· tltt'lll"'"'h·t·s pl:L1111l'< l fnr the
,- ,., .,,. ~;ti ll
.:-'purr ll •ooo•ITo· l
. ..... . .. . Earl•· 1\o· llo·y
part_t· ..~ t r i n::rin;:- P"P•~•r n. ]Uitll]'k in ~-.-.1~ anol o·ran1 ...- rri e~. and hrinJ,:inl! autumn lt•at·c~ aw l hr:uH"he.'l.
T he par·ty lw;:ran w itl1 a ht·:-tn h11n1. las ting for a
d :uwin~
. . \' e ra Eaton
in. dn.•sst·ol in thPir
~ h··
W:\~. till Little J• "l ~·a me amonj:t them :
ll t.t hao l los t
way antlunl>uowin~-t had t•unw to f:tiryhu111. 'l'lu:_l'
wi.~ h ed
h)' l'lmrging th e "one n:nt :ulmi:<-
~iun" ft•l'lilf',\' oUtai no•d fund s cnnlljrh fot' till' Jll'I'S •
1'111. w hi d1 t h•· _,. h:d't·lu-e n J .,,l,;in~t: furw:1rd tn hu,r-
. .. . . . .... -... :'>by Warren
"fairy-liktl" <'oS\ um cs. anti ead1 tol•l to ll.i whn
hi .~
th o• liH lc J:l"nup wa,; well
him to lit'C with ttwm nrul he was t·ontc n tt'• l
~it· o •n
lo•UJ.:th uf rinu:. aru l th1• hny that fuuml the
must bi·:ins 11' :1 ." r••ward c•d with a hu~,rc Jllllll]>kin
li llt!d with
~ ma ll
t\' !llt·lu.-.~. ololt ~
anol other
thinJ.:>I. While to thtl j:tlrl who found no beans was
pn•,;,•nlf•tl a larJ.:•' papl'r ~ a.-k til led w ith Jl:tper, hu t
in the butt om was a small sad.: o f ]1\!a nnt!l.
<!oln l~.
and haJ)py tlwrc for a tim e . hut at las t IM.!camt• t ired
orlwr anlltS<:! nlt'ut.s dulls wo·n•
nf f airy h~ nJ anol l" llj,!Cd fu r hi s ho me and Hn nor.
The fairies laugheol :tt hi;n. Out p<)<)r littll' ,Joe he·
au .\ a "fea~t-- of .lm::ttl an•l lmtll•r wa" pn•par'--..1.
Anot ho•r thin).( tha t ~ro•atly intt•reSIL~.I the 1:hildrtm
o·:nuc more and more l1omes io·k till h,l' l'ilanct• Hunur
W:l .~
foun d him anol resc ued him frnm fairylanol.
Miss Quinn h:Ld o· hargc n f the rnnm ti ll aiJ,nt
wa.~ pl:u-eol iu thH fro nt of tlw room with s heet.!! o f
IJ:{K;, th e n Ann:t.
atlllOIIIll';><lthat the play
wo u ld Ocgin at>tlt·:tlletl att c ntiun
:~t·tcN .
w th e ''11-S l of e har·
Fro m that t ime on the ronrn w:a.s t·ntire! _l'
i n gay
that whil-h :\I iss Faol•l is hao l J•r••Jmrctl . An c:ascl
pap1•r m ·l'r it.
Tlw t•loild•en wuuld •·nt c i- fronr tho
cloak room. awl pnt ju sr. :t ~ ma l l part nf th e ir fat!C
]J-C\Wo·eu the
s ho~·t•.
whi le
w" u ld J.:liC!<S who it w:ts .
si ttillll in the rOQ nr
Tlt is. l<~lo(Ctlwr with the
in t he h:~-n d s of the little grun p, who olitl so WI' II in
"uunscu!!e hag.s" that h:ttl hl'l' n preJJ:tretl. prot'C<I to
pn•;;.<J ntinjt:: th e play. lmmcd i:\ te ly after the e ntf'rtainnu: ut n song and tlan1:e Wa-'S jlit'lm by \"o·ra
lw "j.!:rc:tl fnn" fo r tho o•l•ildren
A !itt !., I H•_\' frum t he l'rimary rnom wn.~ a.'lkt'll
fairies. and emling with th e l"lt.~ tom ary wunl o f
t hank ;, from :o;'orma ~tuart.
why a pin wa.~ •·imrw.:ol a .s aolmis.siun fcc to tho
" ll a llutl' l'"en" p:11·ty. i11st c :ul of :t penny. :-tnd h erep licol : "0h . I dnu ' t k n.,w. hut I J.:lll'S.~ it w:l't ])(!(':J.II.SC
we re tli.~ll!i.~S~-: •1
if wo: d•arg•·d a 1"-'llll.\' w o• 'd han· t<'o c ouut them and
Eat11n, tho• Night Mnth. follow eol hy -,;ougs from thll
ThcGramm:ir an•l Primar,\'
r '>< llllil
iu o rd e r that the pupil s mi~t:hl .-~ee the .: nt e rt aiumcnt
a nd t he lmc rm edi ate room wa.~ lillt-..1 wit h pupil ~ .
we dl•I:J•t w:w! '"of., that "
l ntt·r•·~! ha~ l.oc o:u aro u ~t·•l in music :uuong tho girl~
tcachl'rilltlld fri e nd>!.
All were \'c ry mu.-!1 plt'a -<t:d
in thcl;r:tmmar •h•partnwnt hy•h:~t·inJ.: !.hem practice
and a large Cl'e(li\ mar k ou~-~: ht to be jri\·cn to the
grouJI who planned aool. without :-t id . sosuet·o· ~-"fll l ·
songs awl , i n:,t at l!het urlca l-<. The hoys· turn will
(•• ome u e .~t an• I W•· h "]~ · !Ill'}' 11"il! "" a.'t well a!l the
ly carried o ut their piau .
girl-s hat·e tlotw.