Volume V.
1 ),
Number 8.
t·:.:;: ·: : :~;~:.:.: :·:·: :·: : ;.: ;: ~: :~·:.: . :~:.:,:~: :·
lircly lij!ht hc:1t1,; that Wt' tit• this
plt·:t:<ant cx pcricru·cs a~ tl1e IIIUt.ths
hat·c gone h,l' : \\:,.han· lca niO'd many Ill'\\' thi11;rs in
mean th:ltthust• til·.~ will I~ Urukcn an•lthosc cXJM!t·
lem·cs foq!"ttcn !
By 11n mean s.
Wo.!. who lm1·o
·· trod the wincpn•ss ... f<ocl that thi"' p:art o f our
schuuiing- fur it s nrp:ts.~c-~ mcrul>ook-lc:trning- will
han• it" lastinllcffct·t;; upon o ur lin·s. ttot only in
tlw ~··huul runm but also in tim pt~tcth·nl r~.tfain of
Samtwl Lund . F ~ Bar row .~. F B. ]'.,JJ)·. .J II \\'IJt:clrwk. 1:r:wc Ta llw1·t. lo: II . CHicgrovu,
1-:. :>.1 tiillu.'I'L
Flo• l'a \\',,.,f.
A lfn·ol llo •r·rio·k.
C.: \\' • •hmkin s.
Har riett Jl nlrn~.
\ 'ilb l'•Jw t.·... C..:h:l-"' F Wo• rnl'r.
our c<litori:l l wurk : wo· ha1·c furnwd many rH'II'
fri cud s l1ip;; "'irw•• wc lir;;r ent••n'l] liJI"Il uur
ti1·c .Juries.
onr work
For thi s ll'u fl•<•l 1·ury g"r:ltc fu l. Unt nllll'
tlu:-s•• lines lras I.;Cast.'tl.
IXH!s thi :t
•'l'cry day life.
many .
uf s uch a ccu rrsc arc
\\'o • ar·•·g"inm :111 OJIJIOrllluity to C:\"prC.."5 our
thouglus in a pleasi ng au<l forcilJie ll'ay .
We are
gin!n the · ch:w cc uf c uhh·ating" o nr irulh·i,Junllty .
Some of us mingle wilh the Uusinc;;s people ~1
..) learn thei r ways. We get out of our bwJl./l ittlc
sphere. as it were. a nd see some o f the things th:at
lie beyond . with which, some day. we will h:we to
contend . \V o learn to \'ic w the questions and the
problems of the day not only from our own egotistical point of vie w but tllso M prncticnl people \'icw
them. To J>S);chulogiso it, we umd to become bro:t.d·
Hut there is :anothe r si~ l c to this !ltory. We 'June
had our ··downs" us well n.s our ..gains." We lun·e
trh!d to do our best to rnisc the standanl of the paper . We hu.\'0 t riL'<I to satisfy niL W e know we bn,·e
not nlwRyssuceecderl. There are thosc whnm we
were· unable to Mtisfy, do what we might . In a
rou ~<i-o.bou t-wn.y w~ hne ht!lU'tl fault found and endured it without. a murmur. Would tlmt e,·eryone
might feel that ·the Norwt~.l Pointer Wl\!lll iiChoul paper andnota"staffllaper." lhll wouldtnkchohl a nd
pu11h, if C\'eryo nc felt that it WILli hi!! or her du ty to
help the paper to the beat of his ahilit.y. there Is no
question but that we could publish the bt.'S t school
l>aper In the state. But when fault Is f••unrl without
a remedy suggested. whe n imlin.·ctcritidsm!! t!t, me tu
us. when some of oursub!K·riben~ will penist in upe nl y
dlsclnsing t heirdi!!plen.!lurewi thout say ing R wnNI
to us. we feel that our fondest hol>e.!l nrc being
crU_shed just at tho momtm t of t heir re;,li1.ation. We,
whQ hM·~ the respon AiUility. feelt hi11 Ill! no o ne else
does. We sincerely wish thatitmight-btlotherwisc.
If you ha,·e :t.ny critic~sms to ~akc, •:ake them. If
you have a ny suggest ions to gtve, g tvo _them, but
J[il'e them directly to those who nro responsible for
the paper. · Then these criticisms and suggestions
will bo hel pful and a lways gladly received.
Ho wel·er, it iS only a sm all minor ity that. hiLl! shown 11.
lack of interest in their paper and It is to be hoped
t hat in t ho futu re these also will le nd all their Influence in making the NormRI Pointer 9 greater success than ever before. Jn unity there Is strength.
Besides this, we believe t hat the better the school
pRpcr is the better will the school be thought of.
Tho influence that such a paper h1111 upon outRiders
in forming their Olllnlon of what.tho ~<cboolrea lly Ia,
cannot be overestimated. Therefore It behooves all
to see that tho best, tho ''cry best, and nothing but
the bc~t work possible is a llo wed to get Into t ho pa·
With this issue tho sto.IT make their bows and,
with lightened heart!!, lay aside their editoria l work.
The fu ture welfare of tbe l~ol nter will ever be in
thei r minds.
The incoming staf! ha.ve their best
wishes. May every success be theirs. T o those who
h:l\'6 stood by us a nd given us words of encourage·
mc nt we wish to expreS!I our sincere than ks. And
now, gentle reader, "Fare thee well." We hope
that in look ing over t hese pages you will not be too
critical but rather, when you have Hnished, thAt you
will htu-e a better estimatio n of us than ever before.
J . H. W.
l..et other Normals boast
Of ,·ictories galore,
Oflau rels nel'erlost.
01 trhnnJ> hs by the score,
Let them tell yo u of their prowCSI\,
Of warriors strong and bold.
But their col on~ e\·er lower,
To the purJlle nnd the golrl.
Our men are all \' ictorious.
'Illn1 Cl'ery !!tate aro und.
Our a thletC8 an,d deba.tent.
Are winning great renown,
T ho we're proud o f all Wi!ICOnei n.
Whose fa me's in story told,
Our hean'il wi •h Stevens l'oint No rma l
And the pur~l e and the gold .
To the banks of •·OJd Wisconsin,"
When these years are pB.!:It and gone,
When 3.!1 school mates we have parted,
And our les!IOnsall are done,
We'll ret urn nnclsho"' our comrades,
We' re n.sloyal a.s of old,
And cheer them on to victory
'Neath the "Purple and the Gold."
'l'une:- The Orange :uulthe IJ!ack.
A. (; _ Brnwn- llutduuan·s
A Coto )l grO\'e- Miss Ol·s·n.
A :O.Ius t:whe Growcr - Sw·t:r.-r.
Mc in Hart - K·rn·pp.
A ltosc IJerry - Mi;;:; \\"-lb·r .
A K ing;; bury --_W·rn· r .
:OO<ltn(" o n e en lau,~th nt m ,\' Bulh•ti u Bo·oani- Mi$.-t .
w . . ,J.
A :'-llH!I:u·hct:urlcr- Thns 11-ury .
llreo'dJt'.~ .
J oe Uakc r-- ll:tl'lll'lur's Butto ns.
~l :irt.'C:m - Fn;~;glm·c
Jt>sic l Juinn- Oraugc hlos.~nms
Li:r.:r.io• Urc mtuo:r - Wilol Thy mo.
{it•:U'ttolc Hnugh ton-- 11itte r s weet.
1'. :\. Huc k well- IJanol<'liun .
o·utwc r nco l .)
Som e nm• tn I .<J\"C l\1('- J . -"· ,~t·r
,\llair("ut- 11-m -lt·n.
J'a,,.in,~t ~t:uu l itl,lt- i\li_~_.,
A ~··\\' ~tn•·y - E .
II· ·J!·n
~w - rt
A Pet H:lt - Finoie•· nh•:t..:•· n•tnrn :U ••thT
isn11wh wurri('ol , li y .,_
lliJ,!n ity - Ur " " \'ahw t" an,\· ""'-' hut tht•
:0.1 _\'
K irrolly n•turn a nd t'l'<'o•in• •·••ward
O ur
~crn•- 1-Ja,; n<~t
l ' h:dlc u!!•'
lw c 11 ••·•·11
.~ itwo·
1-:1." · 11
tim ,Juu iur
ju>'h c•l""
F. t i . B·rt
~~~ -"" ' ''111111_\·. -
Tlw T:'l.lo· of 1111 ( 'nfurt un:uo
··I am
I iu lolo•tt
:t ~ •·•·ll~taut
:\I \' 11-y···.
as tlto·
~ .. r·tlwruSt:o r
· - .J-nk· n,;.
K· r n·p]l
Tlw s iln·rt••LIJ,!ltf"l'•••·a t••r ••f t h•· :-.;,,,.,ua l IJ·W·S·
Hlu~.~um ~ulti li ty .
:\ltl. E ,1.\nn:z l.l!oll'rs t s•:.
··[ nc\"t•rolan•·•· with alll t,\'·· - :\l i.• ' Y - · 11).!.
A• 'T 1- Till' Hil' l! t' - Ncar the ()],J i\ll11 -Bc aU1ihtl s tut.\'d -- li:Jim _\' air- '1'111• 1
cn•nin~ ;;t noll - t: n·:tt l.,tt· Wnlk iua- 1
"' 'cue- Tlw fat a l ;;li p E .J /Pt~:z
].l<iiiTS I Sil· l•• tilt' I'C.~t·uc-- A 11:1ir
uf slippcn<--Thrillin}C til'llll<'lll
Till' rc_,;o·uc - · \\'a;~ rho• wat••r
\\'o·ll n uw ·-~w - ft
• ' • • • ' ~ " - K -rn· pp
11:! : !Ia ' !Ia'
• •
~ ~
" iuhjt·o·r""
\\' -rn·r
" K itul ly s tep int" my .. t]i<-o;""
""Yn ur dra wi uJ[
]u.,k ~
T It I'
well - in t ho:
d:'l.rk " -- :O.Ii.~"
1\1 -n.·
" I oliol n••t ku"w I w as "u tlw ]'l"u).t: t'am lmt " -:\1 ~-
~a,~to·r- J ao·k it1 tilt' l' u lpit
10, 20 and JO cts. ,
C hildn•n and Fa o:nl ty l1alf prkc
i -------- --1
' Ctl
:\1 -~~ ·1 111· !1 .
:O.I i!l-• Valca Hndifka
Br:tin and Brawn ·,\ lway;; ···•mpau i• nt~
" ilt'no·o·
Po\lfl' T lt:\liEDY
··I j)u:;it il·cl,\" rdnso• ru
\\''IJ:." :;~·,.-~:oSc-~1
:\luA~.:.;.1I~ci~:.~~~~~.';;~ II.I.
will d clin!r hi" f:tmuu.~
" '1').,. l(t•warol of Ural'c ry.
:tdd n::oi.~ 1111
.•ern· :1 ~leola!"
it IJe·
A s ix-sided 1.'0ral a)tartment. -Uox.
WhaL must be done IJ.cfo rc you gctone.- Ketch:uu.
Not \'Cry much. -l.iulc.
Put o n an old g:umcnt. -P:atch.
A kingly cctuctcry. -Kiugs bury.
His ilhall not go hungry.-Hakcr·s.
One who ClliHIOt votc.- Mincr.
l-ord High Admiral of the Sc:tS. -Nt:li!o n.
Not in Stonms Point. -H•wkwell(s ).
A now kjml of wcii.- Can t wull.
Beyond whic h no lmiWNI are rwcdt.>ti.--Junlnn.
Not a wo ma.u's QIJit:t!.-M:u~hal l.
E xprc.'li<lcnt.s. - J cfTcr.-rm.
T yler.
lf:1 rri!j.o u,
MO.'Jt cflicien t in time of w:&r - G:wnon.
Ne \'t:r
S~ ofL -­
E\'(•I'ha nl.
COIIIJI!l.I':Hil·c of SO!l.IJ,-Snp<•r.
A n~ri.J and n Jlrepos itinn. -Uought un.
A s helf s uppo rtc r. -llrnc kctt.
Wh:1~ some Scniol'8 wish they had. -Holmcs.
A nice pl:11:0 in s umme r .-Colo gro\'0.
W hat he ought todo. -Prny.
lmmortr~l yout h.-;-Ymrug.
Nr·ither lo ng nor llhhrt.·-Nc w ton.
One who car·ts. - C:&rtc r.
Wh:1t. a fout·ball capt:&in rwe<ls. -1-f(c)art.
O:ul the gr•vt:rnor.- & hoficld.
A girl who is n't a gii'I. -Ca to
The t•ump:• r:llhu pr~cn t in!IUith•oof kiii, -K III·
:-.lot to bo nscrl in the nnrth. -Southwlek.
u,.cful when ti~hing.-Uatr•s.
S ly lmt caughL- Fo.~: .
.·Tho e t:clesins tic
hcnd.- Popc.
Wln1t. S e nioril
n~I .-CD.( t )nc.
to 00.- Manley.
Needs n guardin n.- Wa.rcl.
tho old line.
- E:1rlo and Stu-
Whnt wo look
Onthc Wi~t.Ccn· .
trul H. lt. - l'hil·
up to.-Hill.
A formidable
cognomen. - Ignat iu:t Osterbrink.
A ljniet. giri. -Stillmn.n.
One o f the c;cr·
man hmthcn~.-Grimm.
Pretty but cold.
- Frost.
A meri10ri o us
All C:(<'Jn.matiun.
- Gt.oe!
foOt! eaten I.Jy tho
Chlncl!le. -Jticc.
A line bird who
Some thing you
E. M. Gu.llt:trr.
,J. H. A.\tt:s.
E. H. Cou~mton:.
cnn pnmp.- · Wolls .'
What we tu·o tt.lltryin" '" l kl.- \V iJ~e.
J)l•:&d lire.- l.ia•ingstono.
Sometime!!. looktl<l r..r iu ,\ pril.- - 1\l :ay tlm\'t:r.
One whn du1•s not ruu. -Walkcr.
&>en on !IJ)C)O]!I nf cnttun thre:ul· -t:larku
Gun.! Jilling fur 11 wood box. -Wood .
A lady who trnl·cls. -Bowh:r
sin~. -l~ollcy.
Tho Hcpu blicu.n politicali.Ktl!.ll - Hanna.
Qulllltinn D.!lkt.-d by "'011111-bo tcnntt L~.-IIo w Jcr ~
Goes on fonn·er.-Umuk!l.
Not tl;o school colors.-Gray, Urown anti White
~ obody'a IIIR\'0.-
A wheel maker.-Wright.
Ne ,·er mi xet.l with cottnn. -Wnol Cl'Cr.
Wh:u follo ws t he ro!e.-ltn~ lx!rry.
The brt.ppy nuur.- Millcr.
Tlwrc is a Normal in this state,
With :a great big swimming tank,
\\'he re thu student! paddle with their feet.
T hei r heads upon the hnnk.
We wish t huy'd turn thc mseln:s nrou ml,
And S<'a k their heads a bit,
'1'11 bring the m down to Normal s ize,
~n that
their hats might lit.
. ... M. \' . Uoyl~'
!king- :111 a et·uu nt nf thc i>a ll' o·unthu-t ur two
l'ilut . .
~urma l ,Jun iors thr·ough tht•
lls hk u~h.
s tn..: t:> llf
An t::oco·cllunt hi st<"ork: ll wur·k :mol um: or
-~ Jwd:d
\' :lhttl !IS tn·ati ng or an impurt:urt •[llt!St iu rr . The
d colit·!l.tiurr of
lmuk · Tu tim Juniors ·· is in ·
olt·L.. I :IJI)II"OJII"iatc.
. .. . .. .. . . F. t i . Bt•rtto
I' !Tori.~ of
Omtiunsuf l\l ittc ..
Wnrthy to IJotJ nutkL~ I with tlot! n tlll'r
).(t::ntlcruau .
Tire Aoll"cnlll rt.',O uf A May Flu\\"t•r ..
··All stand . ·- J . \\" . l.
i" for·
E ....:p:urdt!<l fruru tin: original.
E i" lor· Ea r"l o•. whu lo·ft Fn·•l irr tlw o•ul d .
fu r Fu"t•·r. "" r ath ldo• hu lol
i .~
fur li••rtruoh•. wlroo].,n"t li kt· :t hoy.
II i" f.,r II an·•·.•· who
l :wki ~do .
i .~
11:\.~ III S 011 l'ar.ul l.'- l\l i s.~
uno• j.!:irl'" ju_l"
of l.aso•hall lam••.
fur· .John :O::t).( er. tlh'
).(ir l~
].,..,. lr i" nanu•
I' i• for
P n·~.l' .
si n).(.~
:dwa~· s
is jull.l".
lor :-"wilt. wh u fo· ll in tht·lo r irrt•.
T . Th .. ma.~
ll< · n r~·.
mu ~ t:u-lw oloc~
v·~:· ;',~:~~~:~~~~-" ·
lltl mc - Mi .~s
Tlw l ':tt l'ame B:lt"k -
B i" fur Hno·kwo· ll. lw ·~ Eolu:t" s ""'" Parley .
)'> j,.
A l\l:lll ·, a)l:tn fura"tlmt- tiartht :uw.
H ome :O:wct:l
ru hi).(h l"
:11111 tiro• wholt• f:u·nlty
tJ is ln r lJuinn. wlru
ll net. -
tiraoluati•m :O:ungo- 'l"ltc Scltioor>!.
:\1 is fur· :\bn·•·:u1 . .~lw kll"'''~ Arthur· Fux.
:-.;is fu r· ~·· l s.,n. lw"s u~o·o l tu hanl kn,.,.k;;
is foor ()swalol. wlu•
l'oo]ifktl .
Tlll'rc',; Mtt.~kin Lire Air- 1o;orrnm l l.:aol ic>4' lluarto• l
!'<tar~ nf tlw :-;urtJtucr ~i)(ht - T . It l'my .
" is r.. r K:trll"l'l'· till' illlt'IT••).(at .. r
l. i" f.,r l.:ur).(<'. whu m:rk••s •trritt· a \l~tirwr
~uhjt•t·t .
T wit· o: Told Tal c:4 .. .... ... . ... . .... .. . . E .•J Swift
authur w o• ll \"l'fSo•tl iu hi >4
0 -·,. dt· liJ£111.
s t :o·ak .~ ""' .,f
1· i" fur l'ni"r. who ll•lt
lluinn .
:\kC..::t.~ kil l.
O ld !'>wt•tJI Sung. :1 lhto•t.
i .~
lor \'ar·rwy. a lady
W is fur \\'t•rncr. with
Mi!is W .'.~ :llh lutitl lm lletin.
The ncn·e IJ I th.:! .lnn iuu.
mark cn: ry ti nr e .
Y to urrj:.
llw t·rro l. it
K :~rnopp·s • ll U::S ti o n ~.
Jt•nkin >4" goirk
wull"tolatwt•witlra IM>)"
~j~ .~~~j.~; .
Only tiii C Ciirl i rr ! h i! Wurl•l fur Mo•- 1.. A . Allf' oo .
:\l .. rning.
ta.~te .
l\lcl iinty
~.!~~~~ ~·~/:, 't'l~ll·,~.~::lle'~~,,.,. i '""'';< ! ~ii~~ ~:~;~~ta
IJown W cnt
\\' 11 Wun "t ti er H ome Till \
.,f al l hum:tll
pn•j.('t'''"" ··
wit·~.;~.::i_:.'::,:~ ,e ~;~;ic~~~:~';:';,;~ . ,·\'(;;~ ·;,;:,'~c~t ,';,r~· \
A is loll" Alh·n. a s mal l m:ln .,f nut ...
B i~ fnr l!t· r tu. the 111:111 whu •·an qnnt<'
t " is f,.r· t"., ]o•).(t"nl'e, :\lis"
A wt:ll wrillt•n \\"ut·k for :toh·:anccol
thi~ _ llr.r.nl"irnf so· i u ttt't'
E. .1. :0:
Tlw C..: horu ,; at ··ll:ty ltre:1k . ""
l\lo• rnillj.(' e ~t·ro·iote,< .
l'l r•• · ·Eit• n w tt \,.. ··
"My! a in 't iL hot !" "It's awfu l dusty :"
··J wfsh this wind wzL;m'trluito so gusty."
"Now do n' t tho.!ll.l a thletes all look lusty."
" I'll bet that they arc cool."
So My tho girls w ho quickly hustle
Along t ho ~nt& with softest rustle,
Milking mnuy hearts to t ust lo.
And boys to feel the fool.
•·Como on: 'fhe Hundred YnrdP.r.t re;uly!"
You hear the11tnrter, " Now be stcnd.v!"
Just lnok ut J e nki ns. not hing d reads he.
Now! On yo ur mn•·k, :uul (iu :
"0h look, my J a.'41Mlr. he is win ni11,1f
Oh holtl me gi rls, my lu•:uJ i.'4 >~ WinHHing.
ll e'M won ! Oh giris. just ;;cc him grin ning.
Thore now, I told }'H II ;<u."
One fa(.'tl looked gl um. unc \'nice
WIL!J huslu.>tl,
One mp.n whn really looked quito l:rtl!dwd,
Ji ml throug h hill li psliOmo soh worl:ls ~ u shed.
Wh h- h surely nocd rc]teating.
" Why did I not g o o ut :mll tnt.in !
I surely (.'OU id all prizes gain,
And break each ret:ord ; di<l I deign
To titlnk them wortl• the beating. "
"'J'ho Ha mmer Throwers como thi ~ way."
We all equid hear McCask ill Sll y.
And 'cross tho lield the crowd did sway
'fu see the hammer thrown.
Scholieltl did then come out a head,
And from the crowd a proud \'Oice sa itl,
" I know my Harnf d thro w the load
Farther t han anyone. "
AR&iD we hcanl that young man say.
Whero'er we went, the Jl\·olonK d~ty ,
It seemed to 00 his only lny,
'J'hls man who wns COIIIIWtinK.
" \Vh y did not I get o ut and train ,
An( then all the Jlrb.cs gain.
Aod break each reco rd. did I deign
T o think t.lu~ m worth the hrcakinR::"
The kindcstma u,
The !Jest cond itioned and unwearied spirit
In doi.og courtesies.--l'res. Pray.
This lntly doth protest too much metbloks. - A.
Allen .'
So wise, so young, they say. do ne'er live long.-;TheElementnrit!s.
H e is not as o ld he yet mny learu .- Cnte.
Whst·s in a
n a.l l t! ~-A.
G. Uruwn .
A mighty man with m mwl~ o f irun and
face of
Oh thun a rt mi ld , tuu milt!. I Jmly tiK-u
!IWI!Ilr. -
1-Juw liken ri ;·~ r .- 1 •. Allen.
Wm1lt l that I
men .-
ll'e re
nut n kid,
hu ~ Wl'n.J
llS utber
Jo:ighty puuntltl u l sweetnl!lii. -Mi:i-'4 Mm~.
He i11!10 s mout h nud :~lee k and 11li11J,
'Tis (Illite u. treat tu louk nt him :--Pruf. t.: ul vcr.
A little think ing oft' would muke hi m d lzzy.&yce.
My heart's in the highlands, my hea rt Is n o~ here.
- G. Boughton .
The success of the lecture euurse this year makes
us want tu re(•ord a few of tho facta which make up
il!l histo ry. The commi ttee was made up of live
ll ludcnts and fh•c members o f the faculty. The oum·
bc111 given were by the Boston Lad les' Symphony
O rc h c:~ tra , Hamlin Garland, the London Glee Sloge111. Miss Ida Benfey, George Kennan nod Graham
'f1ly lor. Amou ot of money expended this year,
!842. 72: amount on hand, 1153.01. At the laat meol·
inp; o l the old committee it was \'Oted that the sum
of One Hulllln'() Oollan:~ (1108) 00 devoted to aid lu
the erection of a public library building under the
following condi tions : That by May 1, 1901, aumclent
money shalt ha\'e been pledged by private or oHlclal
action to insure tbe erection of a suitable bul\dinp;.
Otherwi:ie the Ouo Hundred Dollars shall re\'ert to
the committee of the Normal Lecture Cou rse. 'fhtl
new com111 ittoo luu been organized and Is alre.dy at
work .
it ~
iE Or:llnrkal .-\ ssndatiun
w:1 ~
rc -or!,l::lllir.ed
at !110 h£·g:in .n ing o f t!w .\"ca r with Mr. ·"'•·h••tiel.! as ]IN'SIII•·111. Jt h:h l :l !"I']Jillatinn tn
maint:Lin. fur bst .1·ea1· was ;t l1anner ~· ··a1·
history. hut it
s tart ~·.!
o nt lu·an•l.1·
The tirst cn::nt un.lct· t lw t·ontrn l ,.f tht· : 1~-" • ·•·btion
was tin: ltwal ttl":lt"ri<"al ,·.,ntt:.~t T hi" """" lwltl Fo·Urua ry tl. in tl1c
l"oln ~ is t i n~.t:
t •f
~ .. rn:a l
ass,•mbty t·uom . tlw J•l·og-ram
"i·" ,,rati•>II S
"'"\ ."t·n:ra l tilt<" lllll sio·a l
l1ut as th e Juu inr t·lass hare pato•ntetl and
o·••py r iJ,:"hteo l th:ll oh: hatc. and o·laim th e ext:lusin·
nla n:l j.("l'lliUnl. eontr·ul. upcr:ll io n :wd hHII"L'l'l uf tlw
:':IIIII". it tines not t:<lf ll (" withi u tlw re11m nf th o asso·
o·i :u i"n
Tlw s:m w m:1y ht•
uf 1hc Dt..'Cl:unator.\'
c .. ntt·~t. w h h-h w a.~ hc l• l hy the fmtt" litcrar.l" s•wio·
tio·:'. :11111 was a s trit:tly int e r·StH"i t:t.y alTair
c 1· ~·nt
:t s~ ••~: iatinn
whkl1 h:ul uft·upied tilt' :11\t'll tion nf the
nuorc <I t"
l cs.~
ol111"i 11J,t th e ll"hulc se houl
jud )!'""
award t•d tirs t plao·t• to,),·-
y .. ar· took phwc May
ro•nu: \\"hcc lut·k. and
team mc:\surcol up with
tht·cc yuun..: 1111:11 fro111 Sn·
whe n the sdmol tlelmt ing
.~t·o·o u"l
!'l:tt•c \" ,)oltu :':t)!"t"l". :mol
~t:uiors We l"t: c 'l;ultant
:\lr. \\"heclowk ·~ urat iou.
1h ~:
'" ~U<"<"(· ~;;
Thruu j.dl
re nt .~
t·ul t ics. ·· was a mastt·rl.\·..r
fnn aut! tin· a ~~ "<"iat i on fo· lt
t" Otdiolcnt ,f hal"itlj.t: irs
to rhad
s..tmol h:ul it " t• uri osity :uul
the 111:111 whu was to re p
W he n
Fnr week ~
clm p1encc
t:dking at the same timo
111 t hc sauw 1"<>(1111 . Tho
r e p<l!ation IIJ,Ir••l ol. wlli l•·
th u .- •·hoo l was pr.,ud of
r.-.~c nt
<lcst•t.mdco l f1·o m th e third
tl t>1l r. and t he tlcbaWN
were cnm :wcused o f all
inte res t a ll arnu~cd. :UI•I
when flu~ dclmtufjl !IJI ·
it at :\li l w:wkt•••
:\lat·•·h lf1th t·ame
:'e nt away
Jll.la rct l till')' wu rc greeteo l
hy du: s.-hool yell ~ from
with n>u sing- s .. nJ.tS and
y ells. :1nd though In~ did
a fu ll ruum . Tiro d e h:ue
w: 1.~ :l t hnr .. n~o~:hly ]li"C)J:Iret l
n u l ll"in li1·~t. pl:let•. he wa."
alo njt way f1·u m the otthur
IItle. !llld .~ hUII"et li{ I"U at Jn ~i·
o·a l ahility iu the !ll)(:ak ut'l!
e nd .
T he
of hot. h s i•lc~ . The argu ·
mcnt.s were clo< JilU nt., powe rfu l an•l t;on\·i •wiug. lmt
\\' lrceloek
int c rc ~t
whit·h t he
sdwol feels in oratory was
s ho wn when th e o ue hundrc•l tifty·til·c ~untnllitl',. .
with tho>ir purplt• a nd ~o~:u l •l trim m in_~.::'. weut otnwn
to Oslrko~h
to lwlp Win tirst pl a ec for \\" is.. .,n~i : in
the ~ npc rior ahilit.y o f nur me n a >! 11r.Uurs wa.~
l"••t·y ru>ti•·e al ole. T he •tncstiun w:1s ··Ht:snl\'etl .
tli:H pany alh:J,ti:uwc
is prdcrahlc to i ndc penol-
the In te r-State t• untest.
If th ey did •·on1·i n•·•· 0~ 11 ·
kush thnt they wo•r•· :1 jul l~· <.:r"'nl and ,-.,u ld ~inJ,t
ent :wtiu n in
rt :tliuual
1-"•liti c ~:·
and the
.lc iJ::.ters frnm Sutwrirr r t•o nl·in•·ed o n ly twu o f the
and yell. tlwy w .. rc in turn c·on1·iun·• l tln1t our sis tt·r
Xo nnnl is a ruy a l h oste:s>~
jn• l_~.:es tl1at ~tll" h was t he case.
The sdt ool w:u
c w·n l)" ro·presc nt t•d IJy ~:l:t~:§CS in th i>~ tlebate. the
T he ti e hate nf the Junior~ ll"itll th,. .J un i• •r.~ ,,f o~h ·
kns h wa~ th e ,;.ct·un.t c \"etll t•f the .n·a 1· :dung: ...·:tlor
· ·l an•in_~.: :\lr. \\" c rn ur. th•: Juni nr.~. Mr.
S..tm·.,·do•r. an d t hu Elcu>encaries. Mr. He r rick .
Allogcther the Association feel.~ jns tilicd in :l little
honest pride, and turns its rccon.ls o\·er to the Asso·
ciation of '01 with hearty wishes for its !IIII..'«SS. and
yet with t ho reminder t hat. "Success is n:wght.
T o Milwnukco Wheelock's going,
. We'll set all ou r horns n'blowing,
To help him o n.
l-Ie is going to win us fam e
t\ nd lO nm ko himself a name,
Help him on, help him on,
Hel p hi m 0 11, on. on.
The time is fleeting fast along.
You just wait, you will sec.
And soon our spea ker will be gone,
Y ou just wnit and St.'O.
He mea ns to b:m le with them hnnl,
And from tlcfcatour st:\ nflnrtl ,~~:uanl.
Wo will sing our songs of cheer
T o hel p him on,
He will win, so ncn·cr fearlitH he! ]) him 011.
~a: u. W .
C IL\ S. t' , \n: ll XI-:tt .
Chorus; Yon just. wait and you willS(.~.
You jus t wait. you will see.
You just wait anti you will see
l-l fl's thum:~.n to win .
,\U' Ut: IJ llt: mnCK.
Our colors he'll uphold.
The •hmr ptwplc and the gnld,
Hel p him on . help him o n.
Hel p him on. on, on .
Our w lors now are floating high.
You just wait. you will see.
An•l the re to keep them he wi ll try.
You just wait aud 8t.'e.
\\'c send away n Seuior man.
And he will beat them if he cnn .
T here is a team in our school.
An(ll/tcy kuow how to tnlk;
AtHI do it to<J right manfully,
With logic true :llld e nds in vie w
Anti \'ktury UL the close.
H urrah for I he boys we t' hose,
Fo r We rne r n nd Schroeder
And Hcrri1:k too.
.J II.\\' .
JfiOO- - :\••rnt:t l ~o·ni••r~.
In "nr miol~l ltl'llill~ lind:< it.~ honw.
\r,. wcro~ <IIH'C lmt l'< >llttn••nJt tni• •r~.
T " what heig-ht ..; uf kuowlo·ol~oru w,• lt:l\"0.! <"<Jill<'.
.·\ lw:t,no work i n~. uo·•·o·r -hirkin!!':
In "nr prnj!n·:<s th" f:wulty delights.
Xuthin~t i · [<>U loi~th r.. r thi• ··1:1-~ It> try.
lu tin• futnn· wo· ,.hall :tl! lw )!rt•:o! TiJ,!ht-..
:-;., "''~•·n·c with •·art.' our man m: r:< rarl'.
A n d o•.unlai<' <>Ill" IJI('Iltal prowo·,;.~.
Fur '"··n· ilu· moo!t•l d:t,;s and bound tu
\\",. til" I o·r f:dl '" tlll'l'l with .. w·•·•·:<~.
B oo\\'' Willi ' \1"<<11 '
t ' hinJ.!·:t·l:u-k:t' t 'h in):·:t-l:wka'
l 'ho<l\'' t 'h,w' C how '
Buom·a·l:wka' l ' hin):·:t· b•·ka '
\\h" !Ll't'\1'<' '
,.;;i r -o·o·'
Walt' Walt ' Wa h' ·uu~ ,\ h'
Zip ' t;:tnl!' ' ll'"'m•·t·.., n~ ·
lbh' lbh ' l{ah '
··'l'ltt•irme tWII'.\'
~hall ;1-~ a p:llt<'l'll vr a 111~a.~11n• lil't•"
l' E U --\'illi:uo :uullt., 1"· 111 " 11.1' mi lo·~ ''"""'I•·•· ..
( ;, K. ··~he i,; p•·ctty t u wa lk with.
An• I wiuy tu talk witlt.
.-\ tul p lca~aut. t ..u. to think "" ·
,J _ I':-'. -- He,;\ ofl'"lllfort anolt.'H'I"II'l'h·um t•tu II>'"
· · l,lll<•lhi-"t'hi•t:rt·<liol;o.t•Cmt•"''""l' ''''ll'-'""''·· ·
' Tw:t:< kin',.· kin~-:dum come Ito ltollk
On "<'<'h a hlo,.sed " ''l'tllr"
J .. ,\ .-\
--T iw po..-ko·l ,.1 Jiti<~n nf a 1 -la~~it· r:ulw r
titan the fulio '"""'"
•The J.(entleman i,o lc:1r11t'd :1nol
rar••SJR'akcr. "
:\1 ~ I' " The dre am ul a wakinJ.( 111:111 ·•
U. :0:: ··l-It.• ll't.•ars the ro~c
Of south IIJIOII hilu ..
:\1. .J . --Tu lu1·e her wa.~ :1 lil~t•r:llt·•hu-:ttiuu ··
l' F. \\'
" II wou!d t:ll k
Lord : how it talko•ol"
.1 II. n "A uutlwr lluo.l uf wur.l< :t ,-~ ry turrent "
U t-: I' "A lric nd to t'l"t•l'J huoly "
,J. E ~ " l.ct music snuud w hih• ho· duth nmkt• hi.~
;, E;.~ _K .. ~;~~:.~~~-r~ ~~~~~~.-ltil • •~tt:,.=~
1 ~a1 1 1:~j:~:~·:;~ :,~,~,';'~'- ''
--Fi~tm'u o f truth. ul f:•ith. uf luyalty. "
--That whidt bt•lon~_.. tu anut ho••·"
,J ll. --'J',•thiiS(' whu knuw dw•· nut n o won!" c:111
Anol thnsc who knoow tlwe all w••nl,: a n · !:tint ·
:\1. ~ M. --:--olu:'l l iut.•:wh .-nujutu-l n n ·
Bo•ar hur.~t·lf hmn•ly"
E I) M
" I am nut h inj.(i fnut o·ri! io·al'
T . A . II . " I lu1·e .'< llllclinw.~ lu tluultt a~ Wo•ll
know. "
.-\. ~- A. --I.iko• angel'" d.~i t >' >'hurt a1111 111-i,l{h !."
I' A . B . -- JI:I p p,\' 11111 1: !rum 1':11"1' I ' m frt.'t.''
\\'hy are'ut th1•y allt·•ortlenlcd lik1• 1111· ~"
E. S . --T hl• d:tinti'-'!'1 l:t;~t 111 nmkt• the end mo~t
~ weet '
T ltt• :--ocniur l'la,;.~ hcg:w il.'l t·an•er Iau• iu tht.• fa ll.
E A :-.;
F. ~ B
T here was 1111 <!»)le•·i:t l n!il-"trll for tor~anh:atiun util i I
the Juniont tlt.:•:idcd tu h:~1·e a " JII1':tol.
Uf o·u11r,;c
this would IH.l a t·umplt•le failure withtrut help col
>'0111\l kino I from llw
thero·fon• tlwy or_l{aniz·
e•l. :tilt! a t " '"''-':IJIJIUintcd a •·ummittec to ,;(••· thal
the .Juniuril were properly as"i,•to•o l
Thi,; •·ummittee, ttft'-'r l'unsullill!( l'ruf. ~wilt lt ~ ' "
the \' lt htes ul l':t.r iou,; f1H1<I~ as m e n wl do•l'd~>per,;,
purdt:tst·ol a li ne l arg•~ •·•"-'•HI Illlt. wr:tpp'-'<1 it in tis~w·
p<I])CI'. e ndo:;t·ol a P''"IICI' :mol titt i111-:
d mgrin. tho Seniors m.:ceptcol
:uul named the c·o nolit io ns :\ud the poor Juniors
harcri't yet cmuo to the sct":l tdt. Oh, how bitte r the
metlkinc was! 'l'ho huwl th atrii"OSC from the Junior
mnks wo uld ht~\'C put to ~ hamo tho most fnm o uscnt
l'O nccrt. of whi1·h Egypt c r\lr boasted .
Tho J uniors hare bee n n g t~n t source o f amuseme n! tu the St!uinrs llnl'ing 1hu ]laSt year. The ways
in wh ic h they h:an~ ]JUt thc msuh·es o nt. in their tl n·
llc:I\'Ors to annny nnd irrilute the 'OOs. are innume r·
lluw cxns ptmtting iL nu1st have I.J.cen to see
the nohlc ~cniors 111!>\'ll s t c:~di ly n nwnnl- with se r ·
o.mc cunntcltHil<'tl :uul m·er Jl!"t•.w nt good nn.tnrtl-
k ot it to the Juniomo o n tho night of their s pread .
The Junior President is a w ily customer- you l'a n
sec it by his looks- so what do..:s he do lmt nc\'cr
allow his cl!U!Snmtes C\'Cn a sight of tlmt nut . l ie
simply takes it to Appleton with him ano l then Jl!IJS
tho express compan y lifty cents to ca• ry it h:w k to
Stevens Point. Brilliant ! Ot l:ourse it wn.~! But
the worthy Pres ident wns' t :ICIJU!li ntcd with his class.
Two Ju nio r girls jus t h:1d to brag of wh:H their
Presid e nt W a8 going to do nnd so the Jill! tl idn't get
bac k to the Seniors. Cocoanut is nuw :m uhsnlcte
wo rd lu 11 J unior \'OCabulu.ry.
When t he Senio r clu."" held tbc ir most t!cli~thtfnl
W their· s nrpri w and
.. ·' >t~:fi1"·~
. ~·~·~~i'-'1
:!"'•·. '·.
•• ..
' ., - .' ~"'....•.
• · ....
..· ,
·"'~t·-.- . C
. ·-.~
h.t' It'
,.: ...
back on the Seniors nnd challeni{C(l t he m to a "mortal combat in baseball. fi eld spo rts or lloth.'' :\l ur h
. •:,t \' r~
spread Jut January the Jun iors were hibernating
apparently. The s pread consefjlle ntly was dcpri \·ed
of the added zest that nd\'enture nlwaJs g h·es. This,
ho we ve r, did not pre,·en t a good ti me from heing
bad and1.be ga mes, grand march. Jnncing, lla.'l h
lights and la&t, baiL not lcll!lt by nuy means, the s np·
per and toa.sta: ho w plcunnt tltcy were ami huw.
long will they be remembered ~
Late r in tbo year, these same Juniors. some e ighty
all told. tho' t t hey saw an o pportunity to get a joke
,,. .
ne\·er JllilW!d by the "sli ng~ and arrows of enraged
Junio rs!"
But the time :lpproachcs when the Seniors must
lcn\'t: the ~«:c ne of conllict and they lea\'C it ll.!l viC'·
tors. lkt tney bc nr no umllct.l toward t hei r friends.
the Junio rs. The enjoyn1cnt of the ~t rite they trus t
has been mu tual ant! t he 'OO:J rest o n their laurelswon huno rnh ly- not by s tre ngt h of num bers but by
int ellec t. So fnrc we ll lo t he Juniors!
l\fay the ir
l'nreer lli:l Seniors be fmu g ht wilh WI little care!!,
tilled with :l.'l nmny ho no rs n nd interspersed wil h tu
much pleasure :18 tlm t o f the chP.Ss o f 1000.
C llvm·:o~ :
For we an: a mcny. nwrr.)' t'l:l>!S,
Fur tl"c an: :1 nwrry. metT,\" c lt~.is,
Fnr wc arc a merry. murry clns!!,
\\', ~ ·N nlwnys hril{hl ami clc \·ur.
The Jnni111"d le:u l in m·cry class,
\\"h iclw\"t~ r w:1y you 1·iew it.
Atl'llc tit· l'ictorics :&rc won,
uc.·u u ~c tho ,Juniot">! dn it.
C n Utii)S: For 11'1' arc 11 merry. m e r ry t"l l\.ii<, t•tt• .,
Whi chel·cr ll'tly you t•iow it.
We Juniors he lp tu make thingll go,
In fac~ II'C k('Cp them mOI' illj{ .
\Ve h:n-e the$eninrelnss in tvw.
T heir troublt!d s pirits !IO<Jthl ng.
t: u o ttt '!l: Fnr we are n merry. merry cla.~s. c t•· ..
\\' c nlways kt-cp t hi ng il IIIOI"ing .
111' 11 (;O! .U it.
,,.: 11 . \ T t: l ~
Jtol~ert :\l nl1·ihil l.
Han·c1· A S•·l";!it·l<l .
Fu,;ter U. l'nlh·y . ·
. ... l'r•·Sitlcn"t
.\'il•t• l'resiclcnt
. ... St•t·rct.ary
Tn•:t-"Urc r
Fo~ter B. Polley .
U:1n·ey ,\ . S<:hotield ... .
~k:lli"Old ....
Buhy Farrell ..
l Bah : L H:1h ' L ltah : l'"
Set·ond to. :ft!t"On d to. §Cl'nnd '" whu ~
Second'"· set·n nol!o. ~ t·nnolto nu m• "
Sun·cn~ !'oint Juniur,;.
;\inc t•••• n Unci
Ul " tt
0 we" n! thc t"lau o f
na u~o:ht :111•! " ' ~~'·
\V c'n• busy, bri~o:ht and t'h!t"t•r
\Ve make our w<"lrk St'tJill ahuo~l pby.
UCt':t.II!IC w e" rC jolly CI" Cr
-~'f r
o•n•nt ,,f 1lu• n•a r- ••nt'tlt•lxttl' with the Junior claS!
\\'hcnc\'Cr theN' is work W du,
Depend upon the J nnit•r,;,
And when you ,;c•• :l. h:t.mlsomc c•·.. w•l
Be sure it's :\urmal J uniors.
C llulmS: For we a re 11 nu~ rry. merry d:1-"· · c t•·.
W e :ue. the N o rm:d Juniorl!
.,f O·hku•h . . O ur thrc•• olchatcrs were t horough ly
at••tmlint•••l wi th the question. anol p ro \'etl beyond
t h(' t>U~~ihility nf douht th:tt :t c:lU:tl is :1 ncccs..<'~ity,
th:ll ft ,.huuld t..._. at :\'icar:t,~ru:t. :tnd that it s houhl 00
·ons tnu·to•ll. "'''•w•l and operated IJy t h u U nit ed
T lu.'ll ;\It·. :'lluldhill :t~ai n tuok tho lloor,
::;tat •·~
ont ;n;l.n :s.
We took the initiati\'C las t ~eptcmhet· :mol hdd
tlte lirst. c lass mecling of thl' year. ~" h n •:1kin)! a ll
rccoro.ls.. fo r :LII pn!ccding ,Jtmio r da~~...;; haH' wait·
ed until nftcr the ~eniurs o r:,t:tnizcd . l!t•i n)l: It·~~ iluh··
pendent and. m o r e •ldc•·c ut ial tlmn tlu: o·l:•' ~ .,f 'U! .
At this tirst mC<lling we clct•tctl uur utlit-..·t ~ fur
the year. :md e ac h s no•ct-cding mct•l in;: ha"' hut
sen ·ed 10 imprcs.i us :mew with tlw n npamllt·llt•d
anol in
tua::;nilic:mt IJlll'~ l .,f t!lottllt:ncc s we p t a s hlu
1111' :ll'j.!111111'1ll.~ o f
0111 1' Il l\' II
In hi,o
<1111' u p,lollellt~ :ulll
1111 ill Ji \'t: min ut eS. Of \'tlllr5t: thOth."'~i!liO il
of tlw jn. t:::•"'
un:mimou" i n o ur fa,·or.
i nan~tur:tl :ttltl r··"~ uur pre:o~itlent s t ntctl th:tt
tlu:oluty ,f t lu ··l:ts" wa~ '" mak e li fe intc r c:ning tn
till' !"eniur~
O tu· atl cmpl~ ha•·c been nnt':tr)·ingly
• 11,.,...~~fu l.
:md tlw
:t~·thi t .l'
:n u l
whic h t ho
wisdom o f o ur c hoke.
Linder tho' wi,ot· •lit·•·•·tion
~t; II (H' I I': t. P .
!"•·ni.. r~ h:11·o· s h.. w n a 1·c la rJ.(o•l.t· •h11• to our wisely tli·
and e llicient mnnngc mcnt o f onr )Jre~i• lcnt un r •·.l:t:.:oi
meetings h:wo IJctm c htlntctc r izctl hy prumpt at·
rt:l'lt·ol t•ITun~
iu.:.:- t lu•nt 11f thei r
Uwi n~::
tenda ncc. quic k r esponse to suggc!ltioJtul, lh'c !Ju,o:.
"JII't·tahlo· quorum at their d:ts§ nwct inJr:!.
to o ur pcrsbtllnco in r e mind·
tlu:y ha\'e u s unlly bad :1 rc·
th llit·.~.
At ti mes
t h:tt ~<pirit uf
tlwy hal'•• tnis ta kcu uur uwti\·cs. T hey turned t heir
b r o t herly IOI'c and conside rntion in whiclt w,• ll:t tc
set su~b a s hini ng c :ocample tn u ur frit•nd~. tlte
o•l a h"•~nt• ha tH]Ht:\ in tu :L u~a p:t:·ty hcca u se they snw
T he n w h o is SO uhlc to SUj}Jlllrt the t·h:,i r
ll'IIJ.!<·d tlu·rn to a fr it•rr•lty nllllt'"~l in spl'i11Jt nthlotic:o~.
in bis dutie11 and fC8JK111Sibilitics :IS our wnnhy dec
president! Anti in cl:ul!IS)Jirit a nti lnyahy. :l.:oi wo•ll
tlu•y "''''UJ•i•••lthr·•·e d :t)':oi in solemn olc libc mtio n a n d
tlwrr trio•ol ' " t• t':tth• tlrt• iss ue hy " IJi nlli nJ.(."
ncu ·like a c tio n . nml best of nil.
as In tact null gOOtl j utlgmcnL u ur M't·n·t:ll'y ha:o
tw, .Juni• •r~iutltc iJa~t· rncnt..
Anti whc u wochal·
,,·,·n · ~ .. unl"'''l';-a rcd fot' the for_~rivi ng uo nsid orntion
pro1·ed herself a 1·cry paragon.
thi~ a 11••tnpt rct·ci n•d tha t they m:ulc a most humili·
Our liriit 1\tleUI)JI, 1\!l :ut or~ani 'l.at iotr. 11':1~ ' " m:tkt•
o u r s p read a IJrillin n t. !luci:ll :u 11l ~:t.~trurrur u it·:o l ;~f.
atiu.t: ro·trca t. !"u, :d t lum;.t:h we ctJuld n ot p ro1·o that
w.• •·•m id •·an•]lli:<h 1lwu1. they h:\\·c git·e n us t he op·
Our rrt•:oc t w:t,. tlot• ~n::tt
tmt'tJLuit.l' uf u:Hu in;.t the :-icnior chs.~ C(llor yellow.
fair . atul we I>UCl'CCtlt:tl.
THE NORio-1.-\1. l'fi!NTER
J UNE •·ome~ a).:ain with her ~"'"e ...
A~:~:::',';:~ t: .~:::·~:~~~:~·::: :=~~~~~,.;~·~:~;:~:~:i.i•:;
..'.':~· '~t•;;:·a~··;:r :~':,~: i~.' ;• ;1~,1 '~ i~1t~11'i't~!o:.
l'onHHt'II<'Cil\Cilt. i;; SUO II tn IH• With II ...
A d:ly nf al l olays in tir e year.
Wh e n th e budithat our "'"rk ha" hcen fu,.t'rirl],('.
." h:dllmrst info tJluotn f"r<llll'dwt•r·
I lay aher day ll'<''~'e l~n
di mhin).:.
Anol hi;.::her arrd lri~tlrl'r
we"•·~· o·r'l'pl.
Ti ll nn tir e \lip n•Und nf the
Of s•·hunl work wo• suon
"hall ha•·•· .. h•pt
Ea,.Jr ••tlwr
wo• ' 1· o·
''Coo me nfto•n to set• me. 1\'on't you ~ ·· .. ,.Ill "' ll'r,l' . lmttlrt•rt. ntl•"••r mitul."
" \\'o• all thou1d11 ,l'uu n•nth•red it grarully
" 01r. ,\'"Ill'" is tlw lwst nru• nf all"-we want to t•xt c nd you" "\\'hat a j.!:ranol time w e !mol :ll thtl 1\all ·
" l'"IIJ{t~rrnlatiurr s
•·May we re<-• •mrmlml )'''''
tuthem ~
I'm sun· that you •·annul
f:lii" " Luok w\mt :1 bt•:urtif n t .. a.~t
t llt'rc" " W hy w lrat nraka·~ ,1'' "'
Junk .'ill pall! ~ "
" It' ~~"
jolly to hal'<' a n•·
uninn :
I wi sh wco·fllrl•l trll nu•t·l
in rlw o·yo·.
,\ nol ].,,k,. of olo· .. p:dr and
det·p tmulolo•.
That m inglo•d at thrw ..
'l'l w
, ,f
rll){l!< '• lr•r
,.,,.lh !han
1\'t:' r·o·fourrul :
T h,. way h:l,.lot·t·n l"n;.::au•l
Amlumn)' :ltlr.,ru
•·:r n~t·d
on•·cnr••rc·· "\\':rs n't
tlwlr.~ ·run• J.:l~w•L
tlrlllrgh ~
1\utl hcar·d him "nn· IM··
fure . "
"( '111111' 'l ll ickJ~· .
J' n•
thin){ tu tt•ll you ;
I knuw yoll will tltink it
i~ nit•(•,
All t lu.:~<c are tl,ll"<•rs II' ••
h:rl't~ ,1{1\IIL<•rcd
And tluoy ne 'er •·an lw
huujtlll wi1h :r prit•t•"
Bnt 111rn frnm thi" .~ ido· nf
Olr tlr··~•· ar·e tire nwttLor·i ••"
Er•"' ·'"'' i\1 <irr.IIEIIT. l 'rc.~.
liu' pi•·trrrc.
,\ ntl look :ll the tlnwer,.. loy t he 1\':ly.
Anti •·allnt' a).::tin and :ljl'ain
\\'h l' U nt H irr th e worltl w•• an• s tril' itLt.::
W lrkh were nuddin;.:: and " uri li n].! aud l.linkiu~
Tn make u,. a pbt·<• arn"IIJ.l: m••n
And §a~·i rrj{ tako• t•oonraj!•• lo>tla.r·
Orwfumul :rol••li<-:llt·tlnwcr A timl'i.\' :urd lw:u·tft•lt • ·an·,. ~ .
An ntho•r:l hrij.!:hto]WII lw:lnt,\· " i·l ul\' pn, tr,\' .\'Oil ]onk iu that oln·,.,. "
y,.,, tnr l.1· tlwn• ''"""'"a s a<IU<'~i
Wlwn WI' think nfrh t• partiiiJ.(' ""ni.r:h.
,.\rul'twill lw wit'! a lr•·:trt un·rtlowiroJ,t:.
Th:rr wt•'IJ ~:1,\' at till' h~t our J,t:•;.:.~,',';,~\:. \\' .,.,,.
00 a source of Jlleus'im' uud s a tisfactio n miug] (.'t.J
with the regret th:tt these u.rc now thingg of tho pu.it.
_ _ __ __:_J;:_
U_NE 15. •goo.
rneml>ers o f th o school. to o ur Alumni
and fo.H·mer st ntie u t.s. who lun-e from time to time
A monlblr perlodle.l.rep re.cnta ti1'Qofthe SbnbStah•~or­
mal Scbool, Steweot l'oh11. Wl-a tlo, pobllabed by lb e
re;;:JJOndetl so geucrous ly to our t:nll for contriUuti oin;;. to tho various clfl!Jscil nml o r·gzuti:>.ntions who
Klltel'1!d at local Po.t ..o:tlec u tecond d••• maHer
Term• or lllbKtlptlun - ~ alllt•
ltootpaldbtro,.,Jao , I,IIIOO.
11<'; ;;,, In advao~~-;;;;T';
,,,, Bditur-ln-C htcf
'00 ,,
F . ill, U,uucowt ,'OO . .
V. 8 . Woou. Kl., '00
wi;;:h tn
in the pre p:tr:llillll Of t his iSSUe, WI!
our tlmnkll.
T o tho tlin.• dur of our urt clepnrtmcnt mmn ho
...... Literarr
gh·cu n h1rgo s hare or tho ureol it fur whntot·er im-
. ••. •• Loc:.tl
sneo o f 011r pnper. T n hur kindly uid :mtl s ug,:~:m~·
ti ons tt nd to the tn.limt s he hfl!J d c,·elopt.'i.l in I'Urionll
prol·ome n t we hat·e been nhlo to mnko in t he llpJmnr-
~: ~: u~~::r.·~·~.. "00~ ..
. ..... . . . . . ,. Atble\lc
. .. Eif'b&PIIIC
P'. II. I'O LLU\111. ..
U. Tat..IIKT, IU., '&: ,,
Ja110•all. Wuuux:I( ,'OO ..
~~~-"j1 ~~;":;.~J1 }
hti\'U :tided US
. . .... Model Schoo l
• ••..... liUIDe .. lllnave r
. . ... Afflll&nl llatlllell
lilua~ e ,.
A . III KIIICK, '00 .• •
... . . rrr •ldtnt
... ... Treuarer
..... Secretary
WII~ILOCI{, '00 ,,
V. CowL&t, ltl., '00 .•• ..
nf th1• school
.tne th o now
the 1'0\'Cr n f thiS i§!JIII! RIHithe IHIIIICrOUiJctehlngiJ in
othertlep:trtme ntsof the p:tJ>CI' .
Tn Mr. Fis her. tho foreman of tlti!Journul. wenwc
lite almost totalubscnco uf ormrH in tht> StJttjng up
o f o ur pngcs.
1\l:t.ny R timu liat·u wu cditunt ht•(•n
mate rin11y n!lll:stcJ Uy his well mount critit·isms and
snge atll'ice.
Sunwtimo ago lim
m :um~er
•l f lht! PohHer
Mny his inwrest i n tho
l~oi nt e r
T o thc facnhy, to the stutlcn tjl, to o u r KniJSt·riOO rs:
o1Te rL~ I
We Uc-
:1 pl"izc of unc llollnr for the be;;t sdtool snnJ.[ l'iHil·
We h:wc tricd our IJciit to du you r
pose<l by :1 mo mi.M·r of lht> S<·hool . This pri7.e wru~
1\Wnf\IL>;Itu Mr. Kenneth 1•. l~r:ay . whose {'(IIII!)()Si·
t:tined . The linnn(.'CS o f the P ress Assucis.ti on are in
RIIOI IH::r jiRge.
In :all .. ur t·n n tcsu. Mhlctk :uul liu•rnry. we tun· o
liUII RpjK!!U'll till
ft"ll tht• nee. I of
gOOtl . rousi ng .-elwo] song. oue
whit·h would ins piN un r rep r-.•"'t'lll:llin•,.. tn tlo !hei r
\'cry lJeS t. 'l'h:u 1\' Rill iii nnw ~ lltJ I>lit•d . Mr. l~rny's
\'Cn!t'!l, ;mng tn till' tnu e of !he " Untngc nnd tho
Blac k," nrc mlmirnUiy s uit (.'i.llnr:tllt•u nt c~IS iu which
nur i!Chuul m:ty be intcrei!H'tl
l.t•t cl'cry liHHilbt:r
of 1Im tw hoollcurn the word;; :uul mn;;it· uf unr new
th:lt wlwn I he opportunity rte.U t'tii\ICi! we
mny s ing if with the ~rlmc ,._ piril :ttul energy wi1 h
whit-h we jl:h·c onr school yc1\;o.
\\' ilh this. th llatmnal sunt·cnir number. !he l'oinLe r Stuff t·ompletcjl it;; JaboN.
Its trinl:< hnl'e 111.-en
its struggiL-s hnrtl :11111 its triumphs Lrit•f, ye t
~~cl ose unr work o ur fL-eli ngii nrc not unmi xed
wit h gurro w. Our
frnm rt'Sj)l>ngiiJilit_\' 111:1kcs
u;; Urenthe a ;~i jlh of relief. litH we fL>cl at th e s.:tm e
time :t. tin gt• of il-'l.~ lul'i!i!. The memo r,\' of the plt•ns1ult 1\MfWilllinn!- we h:l\"1! fnrm~l.
p:ttht•tit'I'O-UJX'r:t lhiU wo• h:\\'t'
~ pirit
o f l!lYHI·
will lonlf
lie t·e t he stnndtlrtl o f yom· pO.J>er hru! bt!en main·
tlourishiug cotulition .
The uxcelleneics. t he im ·
prot·emen ts we h:u·e made we du not me ntio n: we
lcn\'IJ you to jndgo of them nil you will.
rct·urd your n:rdfet.
Antl tp>W
Le t his tory
we bid farcwelltu the tlt..'lk in whh·h
we lutt·e been ''" lung engagrd nml w ho;;o
!l t icc·cS~~ful
uecompli:lhmcnt lms Ocen uur m ost crlrn est wish.
o ur nnly hope is thnt tu our wnrk will I~ attributed
the forging o r lllllllink in th ll t•huin o r
the Nnruml l~oint.er.
p rog rc~
It is to be regretted th11t the htst unntbcr uf the
l'ointer jloe." to press OOforc t ho exercises of com nHHn.-cmcnt hn1·e taken plat·o.
An IIC<'ftllnt of these
in !ICJIIIC j){'rlll:tllellt form, !ltu:h
WI !\
I'O py u f
the schoolp:tJ>Cr, i~ o ft e n uf ,:~:rcat interest in sftcr
) ' l':ll'l:l. :uul Urings U:t.c:k to menwry nmny plc as nnt
:t.'l!!fWh11ions. lt. is fur
thi .~
re:tll<r n thnt we regret our
in:t.bility 10 Jlrint tlw cluing~ ~J f the lnst week o f
:<dto>e>l. auol it is to bt• fcn·cnt ly huj ){..'( lthutthe fut u re
annunl of uur !!<.•honl will ho bt.·ttcr 11ble thnn we
:t.t'l'Hmplb!ih thi:< mn•·h In l.>f•
olc~s ir'Ci l
AlPi [lN~
[;l ~O~JH~N
VI"::'·:::::,~:,.,.::::~:::::,:::,;::·:.~; : : ~: ~·: : :~: : :.:
11\LI I Iht·r.~
:11111 ).!"o""l
iUJ,:S halt' ho•o·n.
wo•rk .
T lu•
u wd·
11..-t'll lwlol, :It whil-h illt<'l'o•.•tinJ.! pru.I!'I":IUJS 1\:l'I"C l'l'll·
ol•·rt•ol . T lw
intc •·e~linJ.:
~"<Hit' lhw ,,f wur·k ha~ IH't'll
li:tllll' lll:ll".l" drill.
!he intc t'••,tiuc-
p11r~n•·•l. hut Ill<'
mn~i.-. ,.,,.n·i~o ·~
olo·hal • ·~. lt·•·i t :llion~ :Ill• I
,f tho·
T hi~ ha~
ltlt"l\i lot•t•, a <dolo• ti••lol f.,r p t·:wti•·o• and
'" oliso·on•r :lilt I olo•\"o•l"l' parti•·ulat'
oiTt•r :1
W«l'o l .~ 11(
Solt'i t·t,\' 11f th e
tn ••n· itw\lot'l'it·rwo·tl
W ht•ll tlw F"I'Um
~· ·n•l~
:itll'it•t• 10 tJw
"'"'it·tio·.~ .
a.,; a cu tnmitt t.'tl
uf ""''to uur ""''io.:l.l'. tlu•y sluould al~u take !he pn•·
in p:u··
j):l lll'r>'
;tllpr•• llt> llll<'<'d tht•
i~ l o~·tw•• ,\" o •:lr~ :ho•oololt·~t
>'•·h,.,J. an d"''' f, .,.J tktl an "l' l"•nunit_l' wn u lo l toe
with<HI1 <"\o"t•pti.,n. rq.:ular.
the allt'll<blwo• J.!'''"l. an• I 1lw ]>l"<<_l!:l";llll~ loriJ.!IIt anol
JlfOJ.!I'am, l1a1"t·
Tht• An·tt;t
•·autiun tu
:t o'lllltlllit!t•t• with h im to
tluu ht •
a o·hann•
wlwn hi~ o·tT:tnd is""' "'
Tl u· pn :~ ;,],•ut .,f !lw l.lionian .~ .. h,ulo l ..;.co· that
uu unc nf lot•r ~~~.-i.- ! _1' S ltot ll-().l'lt·~ l'"l'''"fl' " ' " !-(IIIII info
ta l o ·nt~
t.t ·•·•
F11r in .~tan•·c . :'I I i~~ l lam iltu n 11:1~ ~hown ro•mark·
al.olc puwc rs nf :U'J.!ll m i•111 in the impn•111pl11 olt·IJ:ue.
th~· ol11111lo <jll:lrtcttl' ha•·•· dcn·l••twot IIIIISio·a l
I >ur .:o,.·it·t_l' !>apt· I" has kt•pt 11~ p• •~lt·ol ' ' " a ll
im ·
in tile work
ll ha' hecn tho•
lll't::inni n~
111:111)' ph·:t•:llll f r icnol~hip~ ;uul tlw nw:111>0 <of Iorin~:·
inJ.! a ll its uwmlH·r;o int" ,.J.,_,,.,. 1•111.-ll wich o•:wh
~1wh tl•in).l' .~
olet r:wt frum tl w pc·u pt• l'
.-\ . E. l)a lt'c""' the Arhcu c11 111 shn u l• l
nnt si n~:
hi~h .
'1'/wy t!i.~tn u ·t 11thcr IIWctinjl~ .
T ilt' Forum :u ul Ath o:llt·lt m ,.]t,.u ld 1"-' mu rc parti·
t•ular :dH <It t do,.in:.: their
t<l" o•nt~
T he su.-ial ~i• h· of the ~<H·io•ty h:1~ lot•t•ll "" .~mall
IIH~clinJ.! S .
.ti~o:nity of tlw lll l'ct injl.
"sulus" ""
a hilit.l' hitherto nllt h'l'amt·tl of
]14>ft:l11t ,,·hoool
.. r tlw
un time.
Ma ny
yrHIIIJ.C lad io•..: fruu1 bu1l1 tim u tlwr ""t'ic ti••s
<:au ,;t•rl~o:ro·:tl
an 'Cio•t_l' by rh••
huy~· n c~otlo ·o·t
thi .~
n·.-.: p•••·t
Wt· du " "' think a J.!o•nt·ro•n~ " Jiirit i" .~ huwn by tilt'
Fttfl llll :I ll< I t 'li<<llifll< .•• ,·io•ci•·~ who•11 tho•,\' •·arr)• away
a ll
tllel<•"•k .~
iu :t rl o·damat"r.•· o·ottt t!,;t
Pr.,~i·l~ut~ -: : · · ·
. . . H01n: 1cT M UIXIIIII. L, J u nio r Debate r .
......·_ ·_·_·_·_··.·.·_·_·_: } l'n::·i:~-~nts l :. .
. .... ..... ... . ·. '.~ ·~ ~\·~,.~~.~~; ~~~~~:
t:~.·~~:.·. ~.s\~·~'\V:.·:::;.· ~i"~-·1:~ 1~~~~\~~~-~
t~~i:':~"J.1 K~~~!~:~~~-......
::::::: :
. : . . SAliUEt. Lu s-o.
FORUM MEMBERS OF 1899- 1900.
J mw ph II. U:1ke r.
:;.:._,.._ I :-;:, o 1.
Mart i n N llhum,
Alrrctl HetTick,
School Debater.
Han ·cy A. Scholield,
Junio r Uehnter.
Harry Porttlr.
Foswr U. l'olley.
J unillr IJcha tc r.
J o lut S:&gcr.
Alt.c: na tutn Mitwaukt•c.
Me rton V. Boyce.
Sch~o lur,
St:hooi iJciJatc r.
W illin rn II . 1-lan;ouu .
Julius G. Car lson.
t:ia r ke W. JP.nkins.
J ohn II. t.:airns.
Hnro lcl K C nl rcr.
1.. 1-1. J.atton.
G. V. H ruu iltn n.
lg ruuius Osterbrink.
GnrthW. Cato.
t:lras. A. Lango.
Glenn A . T y tm·.
<.;. E. Brooks.
Tho mRll A. He nry.
Arlhur J . Fox.
l .oru n V:Ln t:orolcn.
Archie Roseberry.
ChRrl~ K Holo.i .
Mer! Ames.
Harry Miller.
t: IIM I . t'
IIOUt: UT )Uil .\'11111.1.,
Fred . G. BerlO.
\n:us r.tc.
Edwin M. Gii!Jcrt.
Eol w:m l H. l:nlf,!ro\' t•.
J esst• U. Ames.
Clrnrles E. MeLec8.
John Kornopp.
,Joseph Berdan.
M . G. Berge.
Til t·.
IE Ath c n:I CIIIII •·a uw fonh amid mm·h "P"
pnsitiun .
l u f:wt th e "tuig-ht.l' F.. rnnt"
lo<~k \.-t l
dul\'11 iu <'11 11 1\' lll pt at till' 1w\\'
t~ o ru
But t••· oyc ar~ hal"•· p:I._ .. ,.,J. tht• Ath·
ell:\ CIIIlt -.ti iJI\\·cs :1 !1< 1 i.~ JII"OUoJ of h i.~ l"e<""t"d
,\ t hi s
~··a l p~
h:tnj.! t ,,., ,
t:tk••n in j"iut dt·loau·
d,· ll:ll •·
··~··it<n ll\"111
tirmath·,. won
r·an h i)-:1 1 nn looth
T he af
the ""'·i<-ty so•nt it s best
Tlll'n~ upu n
J,.,,kiu :.t tll c m l"• r {:ll r . J·lani ~ ·ul ) tu ].:"i•·•· th e in•·ita·
t i" u
The I :\l. "li <1110:1\"l'r. e •·eu :n thi s ol ate. is un
Jt ill ].:"ii"C II :tS l"l'J'"I"!Pd :
] 1,-:u· .-\ t lwnaeum :
we n :•·••ntl.•• ••I"J.:anh.<"•l Hill" I.
~ lr uh: p•• tulo: u t uf
:\le nt ,., .
~--------------------, • · i•·t.\'
it w .. u ]d l:e im·ons i,;tcnL
to :tt"l't•pt yunr "ITo•r al this
T l1:111kin].:" yu ulwart ily
furyuurkinolat!t•lllinu. we:th!.
Ynurs in tlw tlt'l\1" flllllh!. l't't•;;
,,ft hc l.:\l . 's
We al'e lil' ill].:" iu h" JW" "'
l.>t"t!c rt ltt.l""· Tluml.fh \\'t' hal't•
had reprcse nt:lli•·es in u co.rly
c•·ery p reliminary nnd l oe~1 1
CUIHt"Slll'e )H\I"C Wlltl tlO !(I"C:It
h o : n•• ~-
Wc iH"lie i'C. hnll'l:l'et·.
th:lt it mi)lht ha•·e Ueen ditfcr·
c ut inth u tl et·l t\ UUitoryi'totttcst
But we did get e xpc ri e ut·e. tl nd
as we a t·e you ng we'll alJiduunr
Mc:wtituc we s lril'(( tu
f tiltill nur mi;osio n. to).anotl ~tl 1\
grc:llt! r interes t in the literary
work of Ollf li<"ho., J.
A -E..Il.
T h e one ll"h ic h he J>u in l.~ '" with
tuu ~ t priolc was tak e n in hall lt•
f(oy:d wh en the " m ig hty Forum"
s uct· ttmht•tlto his lugio- :and
<~r:t ·
t o ry
Dur in·~
tht• pas t yt•:lr the ~piril.~
uf C i<"cru anol l>ctntJ.~t h c u .-s ha n·
,!nne mtwh f11rth e fall c nlwru :wol
he is again out fu r gore .
th e At hen ae um
bra•·es ha,·t' a
t o mahawk to grin d , a Si':t lp with
a "reputotiou"
lO .~a•·e .
Our grea t d eLat e of tl w .n•ar was
Ol"tlrthe<ttles ti< m . Hesooln•oi . ·-That
th e Atlwnacurn inl'ite t ho• !:toli..,,.
I. )l. "s !Ciiun ian ) to u nite with th e
Athe nae um
one ..
Du rin~:
HS soeiet~· ! Uned out br.~l'l'ly at th(> begi nning of the ye:u with :a me miK'r.ship of ,i:\.
It was a nell' \'"CtUu re and :u the origin!ltors wlsbOO h tO SU<"t-et'tl the~- limitt...l t h(·
me mbership to t"·eh·e. thi nkio~t th:u th{' wnrk " 'o u ltl
not be so intUTtlptal as if it lll't:rt! undcnakcn l1y a
large number. At the lin.t n -gnlar m.-ct iu~t tlu:: rv~i ter W&!llilled aud the aue utlatH-e hai-l IX"\: II nnifunn
throughout the year. for the I.."'IHinuanl"tl l•f one li nt•
of ttudy hall proved S4"• interMtin~ th:u unum· c:•r<'<l
to miss an e,·eninJt:.
\\' t: were !K.Ime time selectin~ :a n:uue. Ju,·it:a
Minen"a Wall s uggl!!!ted ami
W:JS o n the point of hei u~
ado pte.l on the ;;;tr..np:lh .,f
iU< beautiful rydun wlwn
~me wo rthy La1in ~tmll·nt
tbt: mennillj?.
Then the merit.;t .,f t.:liur.:an
were thornughly oli!;t·u~··l
and. a.s it wu !'IJIUijjoJic uf
the work. was ao ln]Jh. . l.
Uuring the first •Jnartcr
we took up n11ture :otu•ly
- and ln,·E!!Itiga.ted And re]JOrted on such 11ubjectsa.s. " How
T rees Shuffle off lhiii ~l ortal
Coil," ··\\' bat Bet.."'me!l o f
thc Wo rms," "The Fall
Gowns of Some Animal~>'•
and o ther related to]ti<·s.
This took tln1e and courage
but it was profitable so ll'l
o ne hesitatltd todohcrpart.
Someof tbe re~~ult.sde!k• rnd
oubllcation. During the remai nde r of the year the
studies have been popul:ar
Ht!lh :'llcEnery. Thoma3 S elson l~u.ge. M:uy K
W ilkin ~. J ames J.ane Alle n nnd Seton Thomp!tOu.
tngmher with the artists. Frost. Stevens, t:hurch
anll :'ruc,IJcy. wcro taken up iu sucl:cssion, their
lh·c, tliM:usSt.·d. familiar <iUOtntion.s gh·en. c r iticisms
m a•lc :111.! the •nt-etings gent• rally ended by luwing a
tHJe ,;to ry read. In f:tct that wns the only part of
the prugnun rc:u.l. :Ill the rest Ut•ing gh·en with the
:aid of a few rwtcs. Nnr is thiii all: we han! had
p:•rli:uucnt:•ry pr:ac tice, :&l.!conliug to Robcr hl, 1111d
uur s p:u·c muurcnt.i were o hen spent in s howing the
.o\thencmu w,uu ~o~:uocl mnllk is. \Ve have been
known to han! info rmal
meetings when we ate pop·
•·nnt :nul took turns :at
ro·atliug alnnd !IOOIU inte rl'i-lling !lt<ll'_\'. 0.:.-casionnlly
tlwn•lra1'c llf't•n gene naldis<'U~!Iinu;c held in the dllrk
ht•t·:t n~;c
!IJWakt:rf'l might be embar·
r;•:;st••l hy the t·urious out·
s iolcr. ]nuking to see if hia
sister was present to be taken home. He was always
good e no ugh to wait for
lll'r •n·en when thus hampe N'd. Thc twn spreads,
lu~ld :at member's homes,
nms t nut he forgouCn.
That the Clionians ha\'0
tnlent ill ~hown In the intersocie ty t•ontest, where- we
took !!ei..'OIId and third
places. Of course e\·ery
one expected thla.
At the end of the fi~r
r1uarter the preside nt was
unanimously re-e leeted,thls
ri mc f••r the remainder oft he yea r, for she had p rO\·ed
hr·r.ot'lf 1·c ry t'aJJahle.
Under her management the
"'ocict,\· ha.~ been kept up to a high standard. which,
we hh]JI.'. will llC\'er lm In were~! i n the history of the
Esnu: u 1-IY.Tu: r.. l'rc!l.
shortstnry writers a nd with
these were taken up the artis til who han! illus trated
their books. Kipling wu s tudied for six '''tek:ofirst his prose. then the poetry :uul the Ja.u uf till'
aerie. saw a Jh·ely discus:oion of his !Jhilos.,ph~· :uul
dlft'erentiJtyles o f writi ng. Aft r•r thnt Ot·t!I\'C Than·
o tlic·c•-s. although ll<lllt' o f them. excepti ng the trc:un rc r. hu1·i.: been o\"e r Uu rdencd with wor k .
Our work du ring the cohl weathe r consis ted of
ske tc hes I r um lire, . We h:we !mol some e:tcL>e~ linglJ
interes ting l"'sc, and we are gr:atcful to t hosl! pupils
from the mowlel sehoul who kindly c:une "I' to strike
an :Htitude for us. Whe n our ]Jlan ~ fo r poses failed.
o ur wor thy Jlresiole ntnel'c r re fused lO posu for us
and his d:assical fc:uures c·ea·tninly hMJlired us to do
our Uc~t wo t·k.
We prid e o ursch·cs on hcin(( a clu U of wo rkers,
tho ug h the resu lts o f our cfTorts may nol he glittcrin.t:lY apparcn t. While o the r mmu bcl'!l:t.f the school
were keopin~t time to the mugic in t he gymn!I.Sinm
o n Fritlay :afternoons. !l.nol s till nthcrs were gossping in groups o r t wo in t ho !ilUtly room the memhc rs
of t bc Skc tc h club mig ht be fom"l in room :!I. b us ily
:11 wnr k.
Uul how hcl plftSS we would h:ave i.IL'<lll :and how
\":ti n o ur attempt ~ wit h.. ut the _L:IIill:ance o f M i.~~
Thrllllj.:h he r in lluc ncc we o rgtt nizt.'fl.
throu~o:h her c!Torts 1\'t: prns r»ereol :and b)' hcr ju11t
l·ritki:.~lll!l anol !<U_L:gcs tiuns we itnprOI't'fl. Wc:llljr1in
in tlmnkiu.t: her for he r kindly in te rest and he lp
:mtl we :dl h"l.._. tu see l1c r he re :~g:lin nc.(t ycur.
L:I.•II!K~: \\' .
J~: s..-:tss.
P res.
("B :o'ketl"h cl uh or!-!':mizeol the tirst part nf
the l:as t •[U:•rtcr and prnspcred frow the
!irs!. The n1cmbo•rs IH' n• musll_\' t ho~e whu
had taken ,.,. wo·rc !akin.t: third opmncr
,]r!l.win_L:. but we we t·e ""' ~lrit·t ly c'l:.-l ns il'" a•ul
wclc·unu..><l to our ,..,._.j,.t_l' any utlwrs who>m ~l i,os
~l or,c Woould ret·Otl1111Cnol.
Uur !Jrt'"idf>n t w:1" c :ark \\". ,/,, nkin ... our ""'·re t:try ~l irrth Uan . a t~<l •mr trcat<uro•r c .. r:a ll:tllitlay
T hey ha1·e a ll prnn•d '" u~ our wi.,Jom in dJun..iu.t:
) I \"II.\ I I AUT. :o'L'f' \",
" l\IA N L>Ol. I N C LUU," cun.~isting uf 1\li ~!JC.!~
Grncc Ki nij'!illllry, Em Hay mond . Lily
Hi,·cr.~, M cs>~ rs. Ernc:.t Mine r. Fn•d Hnrrnws, li rst nnll secotul tu:urdolim•. Mt~.
Vnn Vr1 Jkc n burg. Mi,;.'llWI'Iha Bnll:•nl. g niwr;c, wa"
o i'J(an i;o;ed 1\l the bcginnir.g uf th i>1 schnol yt•ar :wd
has kept up its practice during tho e n: ire ~·c. tr. At
lirst it WIUI unde r the leade rs hip n f Mr. l brrnw~
and later unde r t h:1t of Ml'>l. Van ValkenhnrJl
Se\e..:tio n ~ fro m · ·h unmnn , Ned n. Me ntlcl.ssuhn and
Thn "Nunual Ladit•il Qnat'tt•t," cons i!lti ng or
Misses E:u·Jc. :O::rxtuu. Young and Alhm, under t ho
lcade r.~ l 1ip uf :\ !iss J.in!<otl. wa~ ot·l{n ni?.L'< Ithc lnst
(ltmrtt·r. \\ ith tim au! ur ,\ li s;~ Fluwc r. ucco mpani ~ t.
they g:wc :1 musica l pru,~tr.lm :11 the Pl:lintie hl Com·
mc nt•cm1'nt •:xt• rciscs .. Ju ne I. :u HI h:n•e tnkcn tl:lr t
in thtl Hheturk:l l" :uul uthc r c ntct·tainuru nUI gi1•cn
a t t he Normal .
other-s have been g il'eu Uoth at the No•mnl t•ntcr·t:lin-
!:iume of t he ~nnual U. ·~· ~. prooh:liJly i nc iu..U by tho
from tire
o r Vnn Woller, Thoma!! tltld Hos·
~; i n i .
Fred S. Burruw;~, Lende r. ~; r nc s t Miner.
Gmce Kin Ks hury. Mrs VtuJ Vnl k~·r!hc rj.t' l,illian Hin!rs.
J.: vn Haym•md . Fred Moon•
Bertha Ballard .
m e n~ and In the c ity a nd hll\'e been e njoytlfl by nl! .
The " Me ndelssohn Quintet" bas take n :t.n nctin,
part In our programs during the past year. I t i<~
oompo5Cd of Margn re t South wick . .\lnrlon Vus
Burgh . Ge neva Hodsdon. An ton Oeste rle. Alfretl
Hal verso n. ancl is under tim leadf'rship tJ r Ma rie
Hc in . Me mber-s of tho "Quin: m" h:u·e nt .Ji tTcrt•nt
times favo red us with l'ioli n SQios. the !!clectit>ns
o f the cl ub being from M c nd cl~~-.~ h n. Unn i?.l'lli and
s uccess Qf the l\lin ncsinger11 o f Cedar Falls, ln., a nd
the Owl (;l u b o r S parta, W ts .. h:t.\'1! fo rmed n ··(i}ee
Cl uh:Jt. hut n;~ idu rro m the s u·a nge n oi se~ t hatl·o me
fro111 the musi c roo m at.aiJout une o'clock. the 111ud·
cnt ;~ han! neithe r seen Utlr heard a ny thi ng o f thi8
cluh. ilflw(:·,·cr. they 1cll us. and wu t•an not d o ulu
tlte ir wcml. t h:nl\l r. Barrows is the ir lerule r, that
they art: W<Jrki tH( hard, aro making fast Jl rog resB
anti will f:11·or Ill! wi rh se\'Crnl stle t·rio ns soon .
1-lc!cn llcin, IJirC\'IOr .
A11111n Oesterle.
) latinn Vushu r·~-:h . (iCIH!\'11 ll uc l;;clon.
Alfrctl llahcr.~•Jn.
:'ll:ll'jj::lrt:l Sou th w ick.
greatest e nt husiasm is football .
It hilS grow n to bo
the ])C) ]JUi a r SJ)Qft o f the !!Chool nud nlrc:uly SJ>ec uln·
l'i ntiu n during tlw past y••a r. AltlmnJ:h. more cunt~e~ts might hzn ·e been 10dwolu l••d. it \\·:l;; ol ~· m cd pru·
tle nt to limit the met•ts s" ns ' " keep the IJ!lhllll"C on
t he right sitle of the n.t·o·Hu nt. lt. h:r.s lwcn the cun·
~ l :lllt ai m of t hll n~ "owi:ttiun t" h1aint ai n the hig h
s t:&n tlarol of the llrhoul ;;, that the purple anti the
gold will be rt.'COJtnizt.~ l :1>1 tht• sy mbol o f tll hletit•
nhility. Cont r:ary to fnrmur c,; perieut·cs the t•lnse
n f tim yc11r wit ne;;;;cs the olcpa nme nt nut o f tlt•htaml
no tLS!W8s mcnl.il. T o o ur illll:Ct'!lSOr8 we 0\,tneath a
high :tthlt•tic iltn nd:tnl to n phultl, :1 trc:lilury with 11
ncl!t·cgg ami o u r~ ~ wis hes.
The featu re o. f :~th lmit-!'1 :&hun t which d ni!tCnt the
tio n is rifu concerning the prospective tea m for next
year. We poi nt with huncst pride to the record o f
last fnlr s football tcn m. T his tca.m mntle the IJCst
n.'f'ord 111 the his to ry o f the S<·hool. The team won
four out of lh·e games plnyL>tl, making 55 poi nts in
all and keepi ng the opposi ng scores clo wn to a tolt1l
o r 11 points. The record makes ou r team the chamnorm:ll tcnm in tim st at e.
We hrwc taken a ne w
nntl iuh-isshlo ll lll ]l th i!l ycnr_by electing ~~ manager
nnd arranging a schc(lulc of games for next fn\1 .
The addition lO thu norm:ll will i ncrca!!C the fncilitics fo r t raini ng in :1ll t he d e]mrtme nts of athle tics.
The tle pnrtmc ut of lawn te nnis has its fJUOta o f
e nthusias tic tle,•otees. S im:e t he n.d\·e nt of s pring
the t•ourt is in t:ons tant use nnd a series of matc h
games were vl nyed :mwng ~ LIIII e nt s an J fa c ulty.
There i!> o ne fen tu re t h nt hn.s marked an_impr0\"6·
me nti n t heathletil:spiritof t he school a nd this is
t he i u terc~ t manifCl'ltcd by the girl ~ in athle tic S]Kl rls.
During the football season ' muc h of o ur SLJCCess wns
Til E
NOR~I.-\ L
T ht:il·iuy:ahy w:a:::~ :ag:dn ~huwn in the .-:prin~ '>]JIIrt"'
hy oifcr in): many :ntd dainty tid-hit- :L~ an iun·n t in•
tu :1thlctic Clult::n·nr. It i.s lh't'clk~."' tu "ay that ,..,111c
of the l_,.,~·s pu~ furth llcl't'Liican cllun~ tu ~··t the
,.,.,·e tc<! prizes. O ne uf 1'111" ••twr~t·ti•· j!irl"' has 1 1:1ih·
poStt.>tlthe t·urrcnt t:\t'lll• •m an a tltl••th· hu11t·ti;1
T he kulio•s hat! St:\'t:t~d tea ms ami pbyt.>tl :oiOIIlt: fa,;t
~priu~ athlt•ti•·~ u p•· nt•d w it h p rom ise of
• lar~ and g n •at i n tt: l't:St.
O w in): to :1 l:wk o f :&thletit·
••nthnsi:l"'tu nn the part u f the s<'110ols p rmnisi nJ,t us
•n•·cts. all tit•lol tlnyl' ll'l'rt• dcl·l:tn•d ntf. Th i;~ result-
s..·lu11ol t·untt:s t wus n ho uw tieltl d ay.
of athlt:tk• wa,_o uf an ind""r u:unrt•. ' " dlt' o•n•·r~-tic"'
uf tlte "duool fou n(l \'t:nl in loa-k o•t l•:lll
T ill' :'\.. r -
iu th•· fr.,ut rank ttru to I~ fm u ul t he l'o intcrs.
T ltn:c ~t:huul•·c•·urd" ll't•rt: hrukt•n. the pule \'!llllt
m:l] team pb~···•l -•·•·t:r:tl
:111•! ""''
··Jet the g uud wnrk II""" "
l>urinJ,t t he wintt•r .,.,.,,.n thf' Hill_\' :n·ai l:tlolo• f.,rm
and ll i ~th
with "tlwr Xurm:tl-"
ll inn iuc: a f:o ir -han· .,f llu-m
pro•·cn t hat the wnrld
AI th is ••un·
mo ••e;~
on and thnt
mil•· bit-yt•!•· !Jy Alh•n. nnd t he " tflntlinjl
lor":•d jmup IJ~· ~l'ltoli••I• L
o f the Sixt h year
of the Normal,
nnd the introduc tio n
o f m:1ny new studc nLS
to Normal life.
Sept. 9. FiNt meeting
of the lite rary sot'ie·
tics. Where were the
Sept. 12. N_umeron11 I.
M .'s make their np·
pcnnuu:o in ,·nrio us
pzu'UI nf the Normal.
Sept. 10.
Uczwh of
:d.xwc: Orjlnnizatio n of
<..:lloninn and nme ting
of Are na .
Sept~ 23.
Senior class
plnn the year's cam·
Sept. 20. Junio r clllSS orga nize!! and at 01u..'C become
OcL 2. Tho coH.ch tak~ the foollmll boy~ in hand.
Oct. 3. Larson downs~ the llU:kling bag.
Oct. 4. First monthly instnllmc nt of spelling !ilips.
Oct. 5. Call for mlnnt~'tll'!l for ~JKlll ing cl as.~. "lloh"
Oct. 6. The Scnio•· cocoanut cau~s glonm at the
Junior spread.
Oct. 7. Our boys realize
that two weeks' train·
ihg Wll.s not eno~•gh as
the mini~ters won fl-O.
Ocl. 14. Hannerd JUid
ytlilsg:t.loro. Sag!lr hits
O!lhkollh line rnr tirl't
touchdown of 1Im yenr
n.nd gnme is o urs. G-0.
Oct. 17.
cl:lS!ICsorgnni :t.eundcrsn J~rvlsion
o f Miss Sim!'lson.
Oct. 18. 'fzalk o n Dewuy I!Cbool, qu\:r., and Mr.t- Mus·
lard forget!! that she has a U:M class.
:-.lo''· 2. Prof. Swift undcruakcs teaching the Indies'
footlm ll tczun wluu j)()!lition to Wl!lume in line.
No ,·. 4. \Vhitewnt.er Normal c laiming the Alate
championship lli<reO\'CI'!I that there nrc others who
may cl:alm that ho nor.
Nov. 11. Our boys nnd gir ls t;:On\'incc OshkOsh that
we can play football.
Nm·. 14. Facult.y give n new seat.ll upon tho rostrum.
NO\', 18. LnwNnco team meets Its Wate rloo and
our boys feel that they are Invincible.
Nov. 20. Three ,fun iurstlre elected to debate with
Oshkosh tCJlm.
Nov. 30. Turkey ! Turkey ! Turkey!
Dec. 2. Fnculty gh•c us n. receptio n for which wo
a rc duly tlmnkful.
Dec. 4. Hcd Hood Bureau organized.
ters. nnywherc. e\·eryw hcre.
Dec. 8. Arena nnd Clionh1n girl11 Cnlcrtain tho boys.
The OOsttimuout.
l>ec. 2l. " lJnmble dum deary, dumblc du.:O dee. "
llcc. 22. We nJ\ go home.
J un. D. Brooks tnkes a bath.
J an. 20. Senior class h:n·u a lipread.
Jan. 22. (.;. Calc attend.!l n. wt.'<lding a nd it is said
ho .!llll:t.shcd crookery.
Jan. 28. January com·
were thuSeoior colors'
J an. 2/i. A mem OOr of
t ho J unior class Is
tl'ied and found guilty
of thA heinous c time o f
Football Vame. Stevens !'oint \ "S. Oshkosh.
hll\'ing badly frighten·
ed l!Oille members o f
the" defunct Senior
class :1l their last tucctinlt·
Jnn. ~-
Uc rto \"Undesccnds to t-cad tlw tirs t o r :1
:>cri~ofcssays uu ··J.o,·c.''
,.e ·~:
~ eb
" lr
Arc n 1
the mgrau
tmlc or 1\ 0
Uime- :'llus t:whe.
:-.lo Oinu: -
:1 n 1l
So :'ll us t:tdte.
•IUCut ly
lose ba.:•kct ball gamc to S ew l.undun
F~IJ ll.
Jerome Whee lock wiru in the local o ra·
tn rit·:t l t•unte:<t
~o nw
Feb. 2:1.
May 25. The lmys from tho .shuress uf the ctitcltl..'C
tiu m cc cnn1·ince two of the t h ree judges tlmt.
par!y allegiance i.s pre fcntblc to i ntlepcnden t
:u•tiun in all coucch·a hlc ea.w~: buL u u r d ebaters
f:tilto see the same.
May :!t.i.
Uomc Fielrl U:ty.
:\lay 2-'J
a res ult Wln.'Clock geu
l.lec"tiiC a regular fen-
:u u l Scnioi'!J s how regent:!
huw little they_know.
Ju ne-!.
n f the peo-
..r m orn ing e xcrci!!t'S.
.June 2
The !<ehool eon -
Jer:ltulntcs Mr . l'rny.
ple who Wt•rc :at Plnver J.:"
louldng f,.,. otlu-r••ug:tJ,:Cl\l:l.f. 14.
Th ree school records
an: broken. :'lh wh e n t h u~iasut, Mo re c:uuly.
) lay 27. Sager tell:; wlmt he s aw the t!e,•ils ,Jo in
l'amlimo ni u m .
J une U. Athlmes tnke a
ri•l" on the etu"'!l.
Ju ne U.
( 'lnh or·
J-: l c mcn Lrl ry
M ar. lti.
Clnr "r:uor
,Juue 15. J tt ni••rrcccp tion
!!d .~
to Scn inr>1.
thin! p ia•·•· :t l tht• st:ttt•
r·ouu•>!t :11 Mi lwaukct·.
A i'JIItmdid
tiiUCCX JH!t'tC<J.
l\lar. t<. Tlw Fur u m aud
Atlu-n:tt'\1111 cllll'ft:till t ilt'
m"m l>t•r.~ u f the utlu-t·lit·
,Ju ne 17.
U:u:c:l ln u reaiC
Ser mon hy
i{t: \·.
Tlwy gut the Gum. but u f Q,Jhkosh.
e rary so wietil-s
M:u :11 :o;pring \":tl'atiun
Juue 18. Fn r mn r\thene tll n Debate. •· Jt usOh•t.'ll.
A pril IG. Lang•· and Am,.,; t·au:'l-c truulo!o• amonj.C
That the City nf Stcrmu l,11int >~hnttld uwrt nnfl
IC:lllJS IIU .JurtbiL no•ttl
,\ p r il 211 Our tlchatcr~ cn n dtwc the
oper:llc iL.'I own
and the 1\'orlol in j!ellt·ral th:tt the l' nito•d
i-'tates n nJ,:h t immc<li:ucly •li.l( a tlitt·h (rum t lu- At·
J:wtic tHtlw l'nei tit·
April;!!). W e rner gne;;. into the i•·e lm:~i ncs~.
:\l ay 1 ~ume buy.; atttl girl'! gn M a~· bas kt•tinJ.: :Ill• I
•·ume hn me•li.;nt>puirll '-'< 1
May -1 . W e a ll g o to Oshkos h and heh• yell for
"Chick. "
May 10. i\1. Ames demonstrates proJJO!Iitions hy
th'C abs urd nu:tho•l
M n.y \6- 18. Warm discus~iuns among mcmhcrs
of ,\ t h letit- :ts sociatiun.
May. 18. Ke nneth !'ray carrie~ ,fT the large~! :trmfnl u f bonk.'!. The res t take to the \VOfllls.
~l:iy 20. l.n;<I-·A t•ertain .~ tri JJ(.-.; 1 c ap. hlat·k anol
water w .. rkl'l :uul
plau1s ..
June Ill
.Ju ne
.-I:L";Iil exer·
,\ 11 iu vilt•cl.
.June 2 1
Com mencemen t
.I nne 2t
E1•c rybot.ly(?) goo.'!
.Juno 23.
~l uther
rce uporn·
Jwr:IIIIIU:l] ltlii>lliUII.
Hamihon .;ces Ve nus.
loizget.l to a ln10 hour, nnd when lin ally tho weary
Juniora slowly wcndl:d their way homoward they
·fe lt :•s if t hey had do ne ample justice to the ()(:en·
sion .
Just hefore the .JIUtuary grndu·
Illes took their de parture the Senior
clnss held its annual s pread .
On t:1bles prettily det:orntcd with cut flowers n11d
s milux, lUI elabonatc banquet of four courses wns
were inl'itc(l 10 n Jon~ feast nud jo llilicntio n meeting
sen ed by four yo ung Indict. of the second yeur
at tho rooms of l~rof. Syln!s tcr. Here a most e n class.
joyable e ve ning \l' tlS s pe nt , a Kpeci:ll feature of the
Twc nt y·slx Seniors lint ut the tnbles and e njoyed
on•niug bei ng nn olortucnt toast dclh·c rcd hy Prof.
tho re past. After th6 refres hments were Ot'er toasts
Swirt o n "Tho.foys o f Mnrried Life.' ' To t.lm lOns t
were in o rder nnd T ous tm ns tcr t;opc r called upon
o f " 'fhc I'Jcns urcs o f lluchclorhood " l"rof. Enms
Mr. Wern er to toast tho " l..adles o f tho Senior
rc>' po ndcd in his us ual lmppy manne r, frctJUCntl y
Clas11." This Mr. W c rn e r ~lid iu n s hortnnd olo·
appealing to his hos t for the \'eritkatio n of his state·
qneut tnlk . Then Miss Allen rcspondet:l to "The
Gentlcme 11 of tho Senior Cl:tss;" Mr. Wht•olock to
Somewhe re in the wee s mall hours of the mo rn·
" 'fhc Senio r Clu.ss." and Mr. Hnker, to "Our
ing a h!IJ>JlY c rowd o f yo ung men might hzt,·e lx..>cu Frie nds the Junion~ ."
seen lining up nt the Jlrofes"ur's gzu c ns for u scrim·
The t.onsUI o t•cr. the whole clnss, led by tho prelli·
age, but tlmt this wns not their )Jtl rj}USC was t)Uickly de nt , joined in n g nuul mnrdz to the musio room
SLocn , for at a gh·cn signal thn.>e rou;~ing chccrs and ' anll t.' ol·ridm"jj of the lint !lour. where dancing nod
a tijll'r , meant fu r their hos)li tn ble host, were git'CII g:unes wcro in order.
with such :t hearty JlOOd will u.s unly twe uty·fit•u
Thu fun lastetl until Int o in the e \'cning. nnll tho
e nthnsins ti u football mt> n coult! muste r.
class t'Otctl that :1 Jt:OOtltime w:1s lmd and that the
The annual rctoe ptivn 10 the Se niors o f 1000 we re T ill! N :OI'U:.
Though differing from tho other HOCi nl fun ctions
~cniors at the homt.• of l~resi·
o f the schonl. t.hc lectures whh·h we bad the OJlpOr·
de nt l~rny was :111 enming of great pleasure. Many
tuni ty of a u e nding this JCar. we re very in structh·e
It Scninr wu s somewhat s urprised wlu:m. aft er h:n··
nml lmlpcd to lessen tho monotony o f ,school life,
ing innocen tly com!c nt t.'(l to illn!!trat c with JlCnci l :uul at the sa me time te nded to hring ns into contact
with tho o utSillo wo rlol .
K M.G.
and pape r :t p:tSS:•go o f liter:u urc. he found the t·e·
s nits of his work pinned upo n a scn.oe n where the
ligh t of zt lnr11 c lamp l'OUill fall full upon it. lie TO THE N. E. A. MEETP'~G, CHARLESTON.
T cnchCrs nntl nthers desiring to go to ChnrleHton,
WM p~trtl y consoled. howet·er, whe n he found that
e\·cn the preside nt could not guess what some of the S.C .. with 11 sck'CL party of Wisconsin puo ple, trnv·
dntwh•,llS were s upJ)()SCd to re present. l ..'lst, hut not cl ins.:- in a s pcdal sleeping nnd huiTct cur, thus making a Jllen<Jant nud cmufortnblo jo urney. cnu ohtnin
least, dainty rcfrl'shme nts we re sert·et:l, altt•r which
the noble Seniors tlc partL'i.l, endz or1e feelin,ll. :111 he complete infommtion 1\!1 to date o f d e partu re, r.ltes
balle his host nnd hostess good night. thnt he had etc., fro m J . i\1. T v tcSY.II. S peci:ll Excursion Age nt ,
Wisconsin Ce ntrnl Hy., Hnrii!zgto n. Wis.
spent a tliOIIt e njoyable e\·e ning.
A ut: l. tfl ii"U'U J. Yt: u .owSTosv. PAttK TIUI'. A parTHE JUNIOR
l'e rlmps we hat·e crrctl in writing
ty o f select Wisconsin J}(!Oplc will make a trip to
about the ahc)t'C rt.><:e ption!l first. for
Yellows to ne Pztrk in July or August. in f' hnrgo o f
acco nling to the Juniors "The !IO<'inl Aell8011 of the
G. E. Cuh·e r. Profes.wr of Geology, Stot·e ri s Point
year opened with the Junio r s pread . This mnch· Normal SchooL lrn\·cling in a special sleeping nod
talket:l of (by tl;e Juniors) spread took plat.-e in
buffet car. Those de.~ iring to join, can o btain com·
the tUuslu room nml. jtulging from the repor ts o f pletc informati on ll8 to to rntcs, time of leav ing,
those who were there, WM a "grnnd SIK"Cess." He· etc .. from ,J. M. T utcst:u, Special Excursion Age nt,
frcshmcn tli were scn ·c,l :uul the festivities pro·
W isconsin Central Hy., Burlington, Wis.
S IDE from the rclo(ulnr cxcrcises o f tho school
this yenr has a!Tonh.>tl us :tbnndan t o pjWr·
!unities to tmjoy o urseh ·cs sodally. lk·
Jtinning w ith the gmnd recC jltion gil•cu hy
the f:1 cnl ty at tho OJK! ning of tho scho1•l yenr we
htt\'C had :1 nuic ty of plellilant socinl events.
At the close of the foot-ball seaPARTY.
son the membe rs of both elenm;~