Volume V.
Number 6.
STEVENS PO INT, W is .. MAR CH 1). 1900.
Ir~~:~~~s:~~;~·:, ;:·~·,11:~~ ::~::1 :: 1::~~-:~:.r ~!::·:,~~~ui1:;·:::::.:·.~1
on it-" dai ly •· ur of a hunolro•o l rl .. m~:uul fo·o·t .,f
:\'orrhcrn \\' iscun .si n pirw .
F u u •m:ut Hill .s tuud in·
wah·hing e:u·h buar·d :u ul p buk
t ent]~·
:toi i~
frnm the triuuu c n :tud wo·ut o•omr.;in g nn till'
~hin ­
i nJ!' mcwl r vllcr.; lowanltht• o·h:tiu.:!l on th e tra mwa y .
T here ;wemc<ltn lit' no hurr)'
a nywll!' r~·
E•·c r·y ma n
placo· tlid hi,. work Ul< '<'h:\tti•·:tll,l' ano l with
:-;,. ~a,riirjl. tluo j.ti:lnt t'X H' n•h•o l Ius ,;i rwwy ar·m,~ anol
<"lirwlwd hi !O lmlld!l.
Hilll.k·t·a u lC \'cry nuu:h imprl'!'<~ ·ol with hi" umn i·
fr•;;.t ;;.trt'nJ,fth :•u•lluont•s r lll;ok . ll mt'C t'cr. lw ltln.,;t.
• · n~l.
"0h. I knuw what yu u :\urweJ.:illlll' aN. Ynu
arc not hinj.( hut :t lo t o f hlun oleri nK Jt:l'ct:nl u ll' ns If
I 'd .~l'l ,l'un tu work. )'tllt'o l rnu ,l'nur· ha nd inh> a .~ aw
in sio leo' half an h"nr.anolthc o•omp:lll,\' wo uld lt :tt'tJ
a lot, ., • o bmaJ.(t' ~ rtnd hill,; to p a _\' . \\' Ira! t'llll _\'O il
prt'd.'l ion .
Forema n ni l] w:ts :u kino ll w:u ·t••ol a;;; thf· :no•taj!••
man . but h e w :t ,o of
loH!< I to dis pl:ty his
tc rrnptal hy ... Say
a hlu ,; to:rinj.(
~lu s re r.
:o'n wlll'n he w:t.S in ·
yon Jtlll ,\·alolo for mo• ' "
~orwcJ(i tut '~
fat·•• hard c!wol fnr a rnomo•ul.
hrrt he :ur,;wo·n·ol. " A}' tell nu lio•.
:~nth uril\'
A ) ' llt'<'ll
Ay nn work in
in olo•t kuntri twu munt.
Tou mrwh nwn
A)' II" loft' !
Auw r ika is uu AJil"l'ik a .
he turned anound with hi !O a n ·usto nrcol "'llllJ•PY ]oKol;,
Ay t:mk ay lt:tf
bul was !Oomcwh3t ral.:o•rr ab:u-1.: when lw ~·held :11
h ii! side a shn\.Jhy !Oil it of ho mt·spun hangin~t lun,;cly
th•• W<ll u:w arr s h iid rt:u frol m tlrcul' kuntri. "
:d)(}Ul tlu: fo rm o f thr mos t
" A ,\ '
Xul' WeJ.:ian ho•
wa nt y:thb" " You t:tnk yorr gol .~onw • "
all lilletl up." " iiUructl away two•lt't• nwn
th is m o r ni n g . "
..0 .
M c.~ ter :
A,l" i"
~trnnJe .
Ay o·:w work
ha~d . "
to :ttt•au nu
the hi)( fellow l ll'~t:ur to o·huk c .
'J'Iri :~
lll <ltll'.\ '
~e• • t
ll o·n·
"'"" m un• tl1an
Uill •·on ld ~lan d arrd lro• s a id. " \\' ell. ''"""' alon,:
~or:•k . we will so•c."
,\ nol "" ' Bill lt•ol him rrp ! In,
~lrth denttor 1hat le- I to Ill<' ltunwr an d ;mid to him.
" Pic k u ut t< lr1I1S tnd :1y. T akt• " u t t ho} "Ill'S tlr:u.
wiiiiJrin ~ot l:llh like t h i~. :u to l m in d d"n'l. sli p and
hn:ak your '"'t'k ,"
·· Ya h. ay olu th:tt .
Ay lak ~bh!<." and Kn ut. th:1t
hill name, wen t llillightetlly lo work, and so
ear neiJt was he that the tire in the big buruer went
our OOfnre night for want of h:cl.
Hill decillcJ that Knut. W:l.S worth two ordinary
the letter and timetable they ought to hn.l'"C nrrh·ed
Uy this time. His friends tried to <:onsolc him, but
faill.'(l , He would do nothing but brood in the
C \"CI~i n g llnd in the dtlY time lm would be nt the
men. so he g&.l'C him a job inside of the mill the next
olay, harder but wilh more 11ay·
And so Knnt wurkcd Ou. happy nml conten ted,
a nd although his ful\ow workme n 1\t his boarding
place poket.l fun a t his wild and greenish ways, he
took it n\1 good nnturedly fur w:~S n'L he ut least
earning money to get hi >~ tlenr Guuhitd nod Hjalm:&r
IJ'Ver tho water to him . They 111 lirst tried to get
him to go "'ith them lll'.o the snluons nnl_l t'l\ronse
with the~ Saturday nip;bts lmt the bright \"ision of
" tiresitle with hi .~ dear ones grnUP,t-'(1 arvmul it
help4.'<l to withstamlall !Inch temptations. ln li]Jite
o f thillthey liked him. They lik ~l hi!! brogue. especially when he :onid !lmnct hing funny. and ti1eu he
was so strung and learnt."-! sn quickly.
He liked to tell his room ma tell abo ut the r1ualities
of his wife and child. a nd they liked to listen to him
and !!ym pathl?.ed with him in his strugghl to sl\\'6
every pmulible penn y to buy tho th-k ~!t. which would
bring them to hi!S !!ide.
At !1\llt. after weeks ot toi l. ntm S.o.tnn lay night he
exultAntly held up tho bag l'ontaining the requirt.'< l
siltty dollaffi lllld Cltclaimed to hi>~ frhmd s, •·Now ay
tank Gunhild, ma good woman . and Hjnlmar ma
~ good boy ctul kruu. Ay will se'nd the tickt!t. Ay
will re nt a t:ooking untl a sleepi ng room and
Amerika will he Amerika a rter nil.
Then full o wed three weekll of imvatie 1u·e before
he ret.'C h·cd a from Gunhild telling of her start
from distant Norway. He re ntt.'<l tlu"CC room~ nnd
his fri oud1:1 liktl him :oo wdl tha t they helped him
furni sh them: Tho lit Ue t:ook l!tol·c. the
the rocking chair all were presents from his fri ends.
Jo:n:n Bill helped him to pay for the cnp boanl.
At length the day arrivetl when his ~lenr ones
were to be OXj)O(! t~l. The "bo!B1' gtu-e him a day
o ft' to 1f0 and meet them at tho depot. He W illi them
two h on~ before train time. so he would 00 sure
not to miu her. So ho tramped patiently up nnd
d ow:n thf! platform until the_big train pulled in.
Car after ear emptied its passengers. but no trace
of Gunblld and Hjalmar could he lind. What could
it ruOiln! The train pulled out and Knut was forced
to go home . He stopped working and for a whole
week he haunted the depot. Surely ac.:eording to
One noon his room-w nte..~ 811W him hurriedly enter,
go to his corner a mi produce a long looking lette r
whil:h he tore upc n, a nd us ~1c read 11 terrible clu\ngo
en me O\:cr hi:s feaiures. Wilh a couvulsi\'C grMp ho
cruslwd tho lcucr and with an Rgnnlzlng cry to
hc:n·eu he fell h:tckward to the 11oor , unconscious.
Hi s companions rushad to assist him. ·. They
placed him ou his bt:d nnd while one went for o.
11hysici:tn, the others l!Ought to resuscitate him .
They re1ul the ca\1!10 o f it a ll. The letter was from
the emigrant nt . New York. telling o f the
deat h of hi ~ wi fe a~nl child o n tho ocell)l from
chulcrn and stutiU@.' that th n steamer was quaran·
tined. hence the delay o f tho news.
At length they sncCCCtled in resto ring him and he
said as he opent.'<l his eyes, "Boys. tbc Lof.d is good.
Uc would not let G unhild a ud l-ljal mar kom to me,
but he tnko me to them. Ay t1mk ny see her 0\'Cr
there." a ml 11o he died .
My brother f1111nd l l llf'llt for me and stopped to
chat a minut e before the train pulled out. "\\'hy.
Mar~·." he said a fter glancing round. "I'm afraid
we're on the wrong train . "'fhey'\'e got the St.
Pa ul chimes on board."
" \\' hat :" I exclaimed , hut in a JHOlliOI'!t I snw
tho.~e babif's; we counted SO\'Cnll'tln. A little black·
eyctl wretch in the next !Cat began OJ>frnlions with
a whoop like an Indian o n the war path. "It will
be ·lUng o~1t wild be' l!!. before we reach the June·
tion," was my comment. "but I guess I can boar up
nuder it if the rest can.· · Howl\rd looked nnxiou!l
and w hen another baby began to wail he jumped
up. "Oh. don 't be in a hurry. " I protested. •·the
train won't pull out for some time.
"Yes, I know, but there's a man on the platform
that I wanterl to sec. Good bye. Sis. take care of
younoelf and hark to the chime$."
I was forced to do the latte r. but when the train
started there W illi a lull in tho music as one after
another 11ettlcd down for a nap. I watched the
swinging lamp!! and listened to the St(>ady clank,
clank of tho wheels until the light grew dim and
the o· lnnk lN••·aml'
f:olo ;';' ::,
IIHIII<)! Utlt'.
l:l ;.'';1:·:~.~-~~; :.:;.··~.::·:•~ :::~ ;·:~:~:~;
I :::;•
the IJ:I!'k uf the um• in frun t of tuo·. StntJ!~Ii~:~or tu
my foot 1\nuko.-.1 ruunol. Tht• o·hinw,; ll' t•rc riugin.~ot
sc.>l'('lllt't! ll
ditTcre nt kt•ys .
,.l l' I'JI
,\pp:tn·ntly :til till!
Tho• pai no~ l 1\'o•ar,\·]uuk in tilt' litt lo• muthe r·,. fao•t•
1'< >11-<t•oltllt'wr:tt h ufa j ..ll,t• lu.. kin;: 111:111 :&f'r-. ISS tht:
aislo• :&no I Ill' ~uddcnly i nrno•d tu uno• ;rrumhlo•r. " \".ut
Jol:tSio•oJ f,.uJ. ~-<11\ IWI't-'1' Wt•ro•
JoaiJ~' Wt'r" :t'llll ~
m('ll :tbu:u·ol Wt•rcrnnning up :uu l oluwn tlu- ai~ h! o•x·
ltidn't o·ry who•n ,1'"11 Wo•ro• :1 l.:iol did you ~
J•l:tiuing. St:ololin;.:. "" e arinJ.(.
:tlll(o•l a~ yon a i n ' t lit tr> tr:ln•l with ''"1111111111 fulk!l.
A tr:tn: liuj: 111:111 w:ts
r.n·ing 10 :Uicl fru, •· S.}UJ(! nu~ n think I h:n ·c a pnol·
olin'. · lw s hutilt_'< l ...hut t his i ~ thl' third wt·o•t•k I"•·o!
l~t.'CII in this munth. :uul I 1t•1l ~· uu what. ir f ,:o•t
thru ugh thi:o~ yo•:tr :!lin~. I'll •tllit ami ~"IIi'' uthc r
man t':ln lmn• my puoldin'. llc rc wo• a r•• itt the
mitiJit! of this
u i ~h t.
:mol wo•' ll :<o.•t lwrc a ll
Th:l t'!'l wh:u we· II olu :tml 1'\'o•,:ut .~i\t o ·o•n '""' "~ '"
workt his wt_..·k:. ll uwinthunolo•r am l j!uin,: t uo lu
it wlth
tr.wk ~
Jus ttdlnw th:tt wi ll ~- .. u • :uul lw,: l:u ·o·d a t
hl:lnu·ol U':tin I IMoard j uuqoiuc: till'
:ts H we h:uiiM!Cn h"o!< ltu•~ :uul Ill' uttr l' it·t i m .
Sm•h :111
lf:t·un knc \\' wh:tt aliuo• artio-ltt_run wo•r•• whyolioln't
,l'••n o·h:ll'to·r :1 ··ar ~
\'oou ' ro•
l'lllolio· nu i><:lllt'o'. tlmt'"
what yon""'' and )'<~Ill' o:t·o:rh»tinJ,r whim! j,. wu r.;.e
th:tu a o·ar full .,f hahh·.~ "
T lu• pa~-<o•n~.:••t.,. •~•aro•ol with la•tldno•ra!IOI :IJIJtl:uttl·
t•o l tlll'julty man until tho• J,rrmul•lo•r n•tl't.·;ltcolt;tlhc
~muk inJ,r t·ar.
A tall.thirt wumaninalimphl:t~·kolr-.•"""':llttlt•f'L'I I
Up :lltol oluwn s:oppingo•\"o•r,l' lh'o'lllillttll•-<tnn!!ok 1111!
if I ro•:&lly th"u~lll it ll':ts safo• '" st:\,1' iu tlw o•nr.
I' :tin I :ts .. un·ol lwr :ttttl r•·=•-"~llro•ol lwr tt•lli nK her tluu
A lillleolmnpliiiJC ,fa man wa,. tro•ttin,: UJt aml
o l:on~t••r ~i) lmol ht.'l!ll :<o.•t and wo• W+JC'C l..'l!r t:tinly
oJ,wn. mnppiu,: hi,o l't<tllld ro•ol f:to·o• fnriuu,ol,t· :mol
s afe: .-<till ~he w:tnolt•n•ol ami ro•turtwo l with tht~ Mnm
scoldinJ;- till tlu: air
hltte .
"Th i.~ i~ ,;.·:u11hl uu~.
olutt' l o·a re whu· .. killt'< l if unl_\' rlwir p•,.ko•t.; arc
tillo~ l .
I' d li ko• tu knu\1'
1111'<111 ~--
.-<h~tUit'o lt u
tim lor:tko•111:111 who W:t ~ Bt:tkinc: h i" wa~·
t iw o·ar. --\\'h:ll ·,1 ,,.,.,, J.!t't 11~ intu thi ~ li\
, ].1 •ttlt'r_\' nn!il I n os.: in Ill_\' wrllfh:lllol tnlol hc r,.]w' ol
ho•r •lrt·~~-
Slu: suh.~iolt'tl anti tr••uhll..•d llltJ nn mu ru.
The ni~tht huhlole tl :tluuJC, whctlwr nn lt•aol••n ft't'l
~~.:·:;:.:.:·::::::·::.:::;::,1:·:;,',,0·~~:;::·::~::::·, ·.:':;!·;;"~, ~::::,·:::;
o•n:!illl' o·anw -"11"rlirtJ,r alunll. o·u11plo•ol 1111 tn nnrtr:1i11
· ·Swe:tr if~-,,., want 1••. ·· gro>W io•ol 11,. lor:1ko•man.
..· tai n t " " pio·ni.- fur u~ _l' ull IM•t .•·.,ur lifo•'
II _I' •HI
olun't want thi,; o•:tr ~ma.~ho•ol tu r..ind li n ' "'' '"" J:••t
Tlw 111:1.11 stunol :t" iole :Uiol tho· hr:tko·man r:ut " "
:111ol I "lll olu\1'11
w :t..-< p:1,.t.
lillh• ol:t:t.t'< l. 11111 hu1wfu l th:t l a ll
Tlw o·unohwtur o·anu• in J•r•·so• ntl,t•
hrirtjling Woorol I hat t ho• omjlirw w:ts t' ltl it'o•ly ootT tlw
tr..ll'k :mol we s hun].\ Jtrulo:tloly han• tu
niJ,rht tlwrt•.
Tlw 1r:till I!It'll 1\'1'1'1' "'' o·roo.;-"
that Wo• ol:a rt••lll"l -")M':Ik '" tho·rn :lllol 1\'o• 1\'1' 111 ~·
fast th:~t 1\'o• l'lllllol haroll.t• lort•:~tho•
\\"o• IHo l't• unr
"'' "'~ :t~ " ' '"' ,,.,, •··lltlol. l1111 I. :11 lo•:t ~t . wa .. hc:trt ily
<HI! ,f m:t' way.
:tnol 1\'hi ~ki•olll" :\1\':t~· -
\\' o•
m:~olo• uur~t·it·e~ a~
:tt11l t ill' lo:thio•,. _,;ul,;ido•ol :tfto·r a whilo•. that
i,; ntos t of t hl•ut d id . h11 r thro•o• wailo•o l ""·
muther trit.,J in •·aitt '" •!llit•l ti11•m :uul
,.,,,., a
th in
ll'l':l:t.o•n•..l 111:111 iu thf' st•at l~t•hinol 1110' ho•ll:ln ''' ~trlllll·
j:l:toiWIII'Il ll't• r.·:ll'lwol 111,1' Sl:1tiun :utol I htoJH' tu "''C
llo· ":II in till' lo:w k o••trlll'f 11f t ilt' huto•l. hi~ o·hair
t: ho•ol h:lt'k.
··riolollin. ''
flo· h:tol
wo· wo·n•
!:11' aw:t_l' I" """" h i,. fat•t•, :1111 Jiw w:t ..
l~t•C:ill niuJ:
liololli n ' ,oint•t•
ro•n1ark ..
.,f mort! ,,. ],._,.,. JM'r"urml nat tt l'\' !mol ""
wa,o :& n•Kul:tr lo:U"k wo .... r,. -- riold lo•r. "
Fim•ll.t· tlw
ttllio·o· 111>,1' wo•ut
~ jtt•ko·
'" him.
lfi,. o·hnir
o·:unc olull' ll with a. I~an):. :11111 ht• s:aid. " \\'h:ll's
that ~
" 4'an )'t•ll pl:ty tho• :\luo.:kinll Uird wit h \':tratinn ,;~"
hit•. --Full.;,.-< Hllllht tu kn .. w o' IIIIIIJ:h to !c:&n• tlwir
1\'f' hc:tr the ll< t,l'
~I rin g. ~· r-.:wt•ol
at lwme : or ~t:t)' t hcro• wi th tlwm till tho·.\·· ro·
tu fo·o·l tir.•ol.
Tlw " liolollt•r" l\\':tl!tlt" l :a
IIJt hi ~ htow, ami t l ppinK his o·hn ir
old e nuugh tu t r .11·cl withv ut "'fll:t.11iug :t il nillht."'k t" tho! .,I,J l"',;itiun ,.:tiol. " \\'.,)\. I ohon) knuw
hu )ot:f11Wlt...l. -- It·,; l•:ul CIIVttKh tu s it in this olito·h a ll
:&bout tiw :\1•..-kin' IIi rd. hut I c:tntrl:ty the l':tr:lliun.~ "
The contes ta nt must 00 :t s tude nt of this
~-l~R~~~~--- an~; :~r~~=.:~g !:~:~~::~si~~-~t~f ~~~:::~::~~~:;! ~~:.:~
m:l m:Cn~!:f. ~;~~~.'\.:~~:.""'~~t:!::~~~";u~~:::e!''1:/~:: which Inlier ruay 00 either originnl or Slllectcd from
. (!.~i!lting
Termt\ptloo-!10 ~1111 pur
lfnotp•ldbefo re Ju. l.l!iOO.
In ad vane~. OSceola
. .• Kdhur-l n-CMef
.... ...• ... ••... . . !.lter&ry
1\ '&IIJ<III, '00 ••
1'. >1. UAIII<OW't,'OO , •.
1'. K. Wonu. K\.,'00
U:~: tl~L';.·.-:.;.'~L '00 ~
• ....... TbeCen oU>r
P. U. Pou..... "Ill •.
JC. U .COLI:IIIIOV&, '01. .
0. T .. wuurr. Kl .. 'lkl . •.
JaiU)•a ll. Wwn:I.OCK,1KI . •
~~~-I:J".~~::;.'~J. } . .
.. Athh:tle
. F.~~blll l(<l
.• •.. . . !oiO<!eiSc:bool
. . . Datlne .. )l•oejter
, Anlfttnllltul neu
K1., '00 ,, .
. .
, , , !' te r~lltJ
.'\ddreuetlbn olnntl\:lle,.to tbe Ballncu)lena~ter.
A~t\elu itUlldted from former ~tadelllt and le" ; berl.
Helder~ tlldtabtcrtben lte f CIJ><.'C\111117 rtqtlt!ltt!d tO pal·
COill ]WSiti{)n;!,
:1. The judge"" to tlt.>cide this OODtest s hnll be t ho
fo llo wing persons: MiSll Linton. musical director:
tho lm sinC'IS nutnngcr n:Jd editor-in-c hie f of the Nor111:~1
Any one person may s ubmit one song or more
than one.
;}. Eaeh song is to IJtl e ncloS<lil in a scaled e n1·c l·
ope, which sh:lll lol~o contain a sli p on ,which will be
an aSillllned name chosen by the ntn hor. Accompanying t his cn1·elopo there simi! 00 anoJt her, also
se:tlcd, wlth-h shnll,•ontni n a .slip on which is writteu
the assumed na me of t he author and opposiw to it
hi!< real nanlC.
0. All song.i s h:tll be i n t ho hands of the editor·
in·{'hid o n or before June I, 1000.
7. The l'ommittce r <.>Se n 'CS the right to reject
:mJ :dl compositions.
W ith each s uccccdiug nmnbcr o f our lecture
couf'8C the cou 1·ictiun l)f its ,-alue growl! .'ltronger.
Wnntt..<ti:- A good rotr:~ing sdwol song. A schoo
as lnrge as ours s ure ly ongttt not Ue without thnt
familiar song whic h is dmnwl• ris tie of c1·ery prop;ressil·e !!Chool aud college in the lnutl. We regard
uurseln~s 3.\1 the C!{jtlal of till' Ucst hut in our lac k o f
thM stimulating Jueans o f eXJJrc;~ging ,.,.)wol s pirit,
namely, the school s o n g. we :tre far IJtlhind the
time.i. No one rt!nlizi.'tl this mort• cleady l imn our,;eh'C§ when durin)C the statu orntnrieal contest of
ln.n spring. other norm:tl~. :111tl notably O.:~hknsh.
cnli'l"ened 1he oc..'t:nsion with the ir l!Chnol songs.
while we hcing u nable to rt~turn the compliment in
like coin wcru con li ned to the reJli!tition of our normnl)'ells.
Donbtles.<~ our minds ha1·e hee n on·upied wit h
other dutie!t o r we would long ago hrn•e hnd a song
worthy o f o u r school and of o u rsch·es. and in order
to call yonr attention 11.nd enlist you r effort.s in this
direction, the l~oin t er s taff has liecldt.>d t.o otTer a
prize or' one dollar for the b<>!lt school song s ubmit·
ted before June I, 11)00, hy any 11tmle nt of this
school. the contes t to be go,·ernetl by the following
'l"nlc.iJ :
of us wl)l) listened to t he recit:tl nf i\li;:s Benfey must hn\·c come awa)' with 11 feeling of llntis fnc·
lion, with a llceper feeling and t'Cn.lrcnco for t he
noble chanwte r o f Vic tor Hugo's hero, J ean Val
J ean. ll is by tho idralization and po rtraJal of
dutrnl·ters s uc h as hill that man is encournged to
harbor IJ(!uc r ru ttl higher scntimm•ts. to seck nnd
perform nobler tas k.i; R111l how much mo re im]Jress i ve and las ti ng n rc t he l!Ce ncs of s uc h Jives whe n
told by n m:t~tc rful nnrrnto r whose gesti1rcs nud
tones gi\'e mm·h whic h n careful rca1ling o f the text.
would fail to re1·eal.
O f t he ability ami c hR rm of Mr. Ke n nan's lec l ure
we c nnnoL SIH!nk 1110 highly. A!! an c iOf]IICnt and in
in:U ructi i'C lecturer Mr. Ke nnan certainly has few
Ct]U:\IiJ. We nwaiL with muc h interest and pleM nre
his coming lecture o n C uba, which will eonslitute
the ~~econd of onr extr:t numl!cn.
We have the plc:\<;jtt i'C o f printing In the Alumni
column of this i ~suc an excellent artic le by E. F.
Priest, an ahmmus of t he schOt•l and well know n
to mo.~t of the old 11tudcn ts.
them . Tlwy arc largo:. neat :uu l at·eurnt o.
one .'ihnultl go in 10
St. Patri(:k's Day.
;;ccr.~ t
the m . They will ilt'IJI tu
stn. nolarol otf what other t•ht'!lotc:-1
J ~Cd•:• l to
Patrick'~~J lhy i~ coming-lu fal'l it iii almost heN!
With its y:u·ds o f bright ~rec n culur
Whkhthc Iri sh hc:irt..l willchccr.
{_i()Oll S t.
Uu t t he
VIsiting Oaya .- Art• not !he t·ondi!iou!l here ri.~tht
for try ing the C:<w;ptlri mcn t whit•h ot her NnruH\1
"dumls llll\'ll tri t.~ l and with s ut'1."t'~~ It ill t hi!!.
They h:at·c S1ll Hs itlc t."C rl:lin tlays o r parts of day11
which we trcallurc
Uocs not scent o f Irish lure
And it 's full (If fun tun! fruli c
fur some uf their classeil to
ont t•is iting in the
d!y schvobt. Why not let tht• tUCi huol
try iL!
Hut I olarc not tell yo u moro.
Nnw we
( ~ness
a way
Thump! Thumpii- We are :all sn tlclijt:h!Cfl 10
tbink wcure to h:n·c murc room th:n we h:n·o: t•ou-
to whn).
Look forward w it h juy tu th:lt dat e
\' irwetl onrschcl'l lung
And lm.•l yo u hut taken the plcolgt•
Plctures. - The lm.skcth:dl J.H>stcr" frum tlw dmwing dnss were \'cry muc h :uhuin:•l IJy o•t'Cry un c .
And they s urely lu:lpetl to "reah: an i nte rest in the
ganltl. Mil)' ;meh an artful s pirit uf hc lpfulncs>~ o•ontinu ll in nur m it lst
- More hvnk!!i utlu! laolio•s't"!ot:lk rowom .
- Some apprcdath·e ,:Jrl:-1. ,\ :--ieni,.r.
li ~t
o f new
fur tina!
t .S~'\Y"'·
" u•·•·cs~
nf o ur fnnth:lll games twxt
makin~: s m:h
h:~ .~
thJ!I C us gow.,J : a t h·a,;t. itt .'l hnw-
ing usth:ll we c:u1 so.:•J mtwh .. r •·:line in thcman•l
r cal!y 1\'0ulo l nnt like to l'lt'C them taken frum the
Mapa. - The ncw nncl'l that a rc hnn.~tin~ in !lw
gcogmphy r"um do great l'rt•tlit to thn~•· wlw •Ire \\·
!ICll.'!ll l\
a lua _n•_. - - -
Now - 1 ~ the time to m:ako n:a1ly. for tho llt..,·lunua1•<1-y t·uutt•"t. It i'll nnt Inn,: hcfnre it w ill he lll're
wuc uutn him w ho lc:l\·cs his JlrCJI:t.rnliun until
th e o•let·cn th hnnr. Anol nmmmller 101) tllllt on :oull'h
'"-'t':l.-<itJUl'IJnnr Sllt'I'CS'!Inr failure helJ!l'l tn r11i"u nr
luwt•r -llm s lnnol:!.rd nf the st•hom l he fonl tltt: Jmhlh- .
l uwt~
tn lt• tu.l t heir rnnm .~ th e~ •la)'"·Jlre S to !llllt'h :tiiii<J_\'t.'tl
by unl'm,....,J work. the l:ensnr fl't+;j it he r ohH y Itt
to all t·i,.ilinj.( te:u·hcrll- l{llilty ur nnt
jtllilty ~
A Secret. --The ynunj.( la ~Jic!l tntJk it \' lll")' mtwh
tu ho:art l:as t )'l.'ftr when th e hoyl'l ~ta i tl al a yo•llinl{
n:hcanml. --The girls arc nut he lping nuwh. " and
Rhetorlcala.--W c :1n: ~-e l:tol l h•·.•· arc h:H·k .
we re lone:<u n1e ll'it hotH them. Yet tlll'r•• is uo tlnnht
program .
feel sun! th e llitlt! lines coultltuake th e m StJh·cs muc h
mort: helpful. \\' ho will htl ,.o i:CIHlrOullll.!l tn iusnre
" :t)'
- M_\' ha t. :--i:t,:t:r.
Tn be the r· haperon fnr the IIC'\1 s!o•i,:h ri •lc
but wh:\l th e relit
hat·e th•• use nnw uf a few phonugn1phll with r cabsorb :Il l t he IIOi!IC :IIIll 11:1.\'C it,
full nolume. fur th e fnotltall scn.'!!O n n e:~;t y ear. we
Erase. - IJt•t·:t.nse snmc nf th e tcat•lwl'il. whn
.~trnduatcil .
parry .
th n.t we tlo no t mint! !he
l't-h'CNWhidJ t.'ulllol
Wanted. - 1\y Prof. Et·:m il daso~. An antomati•·.self n:g ul :~ tin::. c lcctrka l mao· hin o· that •·:111 olu raoli·
eals at tlu: t':l t c u f lift ee n a minntt•. Tlu~_\' 11111.~ 1 '""me
frv m the mao·hin e in the "wm•r' s ,.hirnl-(raph~- twat ·
Jy arranu L~ I nn fnu lst·;ap p!IJ)Cf n·ad _\' '" l~t.: ol:alt"<l.
The <'las.~ wisht'!< 111 huy nn the m t~lll piau .
- Some ruh he r t':l. ps f.,r tlw ··hai rs iu the Eu,:l is h
u"i s~: .
Yet we ~·nn not help lmt fed that a lt~t o f
j.(und noise is f(Oinl( lot was te. If we t!uU\d only
You H>o miJrhl it.'< plc:lSuro • IIUI\' wait
~·car tho•y nw:ln ' " ll\'niol the rC)Je titinn ttf .'l tll'h :1
o•ritit·is m. .Ju,;l w h:a t thtJy are rww phuming Ill do
is not knnwu hut it sumew lmt Ct'itle ul .that th l')'
mean to s tart Mr. Wlwc tt wk nn hi:-1 W!l)' rejt1it-lng.
All will join in wishing tlmt tlmy IIIli)' dnc\'1!11 more,
,\no I while \"ictnr_v i!l our WtU•·hwor.l
M:ty we all du thai we t;u n. it with our l'tJiccnr s11irit.
Tu mtfn l•l a worth)' pluu .
Pr~. t•my svent a fe w days in a tri 1> through Ne·
hmskra. partly on business and partly o n pleasure.
While :abs<.nt he \'isited the Unh·crsity o f Nebnuka
at Lincoln. He ret urned Feb. 20.
T he first of this quarter wn.s great ly broken I!Jl by
the absence o f man y of the teachers, but no w that
we nre settled down to work C\'Crything ru ns <Jnite
smoothly: although we miss the familiar fa ces uf
•.;::;,:j:;;;;g:::::=::::~~ the absent. o nes.
Thorn is a rnmor that the Sketch C lub, of which
nothing h :~•1m he:ml thi~ yenr. is soon to 00 rcor·
gnnizl!tl. Under the lc1ulcrship of MiiiS Morse anti
Miss Clement ,; tho Club ought to prosper and tlo
much good work.
with his son. Emmell .
W. IJ. Fuller of C:r.lntl Hapi4 1;;; spent Sattm h•y.
March 3, \'isiting nt the Nnrm:1l.
l\liy Emma 8 :1ker. who h!l..'! been
e1uarteri11 \' isiti ng nt the Normal.
a b~ n t
for n
The Mi !ISCS J e!'Siu Stillnuan und Ellen J etlers IUI\'C
been aiJsent for 1
' fe w days o n accoun t ui sicknl!sS.
Mls:4 Harriet Hol me.1 hns been obli):ed to bcabstJnt
fro m school duti ~ on I\C4'0UnL of the ~ic kn es.i ul her
MiS!! l\l srt hn 'l'cnnfly uf the Ell'ment:uy clas..i of
'08, 11pen \. a few days ta t the end of last mon th l'isit·
ing the old !W.'e nes at th u Normtll.
Chris. l .. Anderson o f Springwatcr. a last year·.~
st'udent. is lxac'k in .;<'hool for the J,:,lant:e of this
f]UKrter, he ha\'ing lit-e n calletlawp,,\' from schuol at
this time. huH )'ear.
MiS!I Minnie Schnlleld of llnnco<'k is :ll present
visiting with her .~ i~te r. Misll Schuticltl attcnoled
the Normal lnst year. and ha.'l Ut!cn te:n·hin.a: nc:lr
her home this wint er.
Prof. Sanford w~ cnlk-d awny frnm .;<·hool Fri·
day, Feb. 16, recei\·i oga message telli ng o fth c~tultl e n
death of a brother ut White wa ter . l'rof. !'an forti
returned the followi hJC Monday.
Arthur J . Latto n, clas'J '118, !l.ntl H. 1~. G:lr<lner,
('] '07, superin te ndents of TR}'!or and ' 'ernou
counties rcspecth·ely, !ilpenta few dny11 at the Xor·
mal the latter part of IMt month.
The Mi;;!olt!JI Amelia Wiesner and Alma Holtz!uUJ>I·
a nti Will Smith. las t year's graduates. viJ~ it et l
hem during thei r J~ h o rt \'acntiou . They :u e
lucky enouJeh to li nrl themseh·es in the same school
building at Niel;n•ille.
fri e ml ~
Miss Ida KarnopJ> and her brothe r, John. are still
on the otick list but are slowly imprewing. John was
st1 wul\ that he came to school lorn couple of days
but was again tak~ n sick. Their mother is staying
with them :at present.
A Iorge d oub!c buok has been atlded to tim
alre:nly cruwdL'(I liiJrnry and hll.'l necell8itatcd a
change in the urmngement of tho l>ooks. The bound
\'ol umc,; of the lll!ljlazines being brought more nearly
intu one :!(lriesof shci\'CS.
Walter Hughes and Meh ·i n Utter lia\'6 withdrawn
from S<:hool. Mr. l:lnghes to teach and Mr. Utter to
!l.ttemlthe Uu s in es~ college in this city. Mr. Uuer
was captai n a nd o ne o f the best me n on .our bu11ket·
hall wnm. tlu:rcfore we ore sorry to lose him.
Prof. l~i\'ingston Is slo wly improving but is .ui ll
very wenk n..nd will not do any work during thi.1
r1uarter. We nrc plctuied to no te that Will Urndford
i ~ also gening IM•tter and will !!10011 be able to ta ke
up the work whic h he was just beginn ing whe n tnk·
cu sick.
A number of picturCll wern lately added to the
constantly increasing numOOr which ad orn onr ·
room11 and halls. Some of those received lately
ha,·c ~n put up in the recitation room9 mnk ing
the m
much m orf' pleasan t t h:an they ot he rwise
The h•w who wt•rc in thetwrm:tl lmil•li ng S:atnr-
woultl be.
tlay •norn inj.!' :\bn·h 10. hatl a litth! tire s.·ure . Sun il!
Friday. March~. we liste netl to the ti r;il· o f the
rhetor ical exercises since the Chri!<t mas \'ac:ation.
It m ay btl that bct•:m se we haxc t\IIL ltatl the cxer-
me n were :n work with tllll gas tix•nres wlw n it w M
nntio·L~ lth:u the r e waS a lt•ak sonwwhcn• !lt'ar the
library ami o ne u f the m e n in lighting :1 malt·h
cises for a time b ut thll,\ ' seem to 00 the bes t of the
s t:arteol a lire .
year. Muy t her;tJ lx•
t hose o f t he future.
great au
~ome uf
t he Ito."<! in t he mam h:1ll
was run nut :u11l t lul w:U••r lltrtu~.l on. hut it was ntU
11t'l'Cit.~l. a il t he wnrk nmn h:11lthc ti re put o u t OOfur o
.-.r Chi·
the w:Ut'r re:tdtetl t he libmry. The 11<Mll'l! in the two
e:tgu fill ;~ the pl:l.L"e left l':t.(':lnt for th i ~ •tnarto•r by the
hall.~ were p:artly tln,.,d ed l(il'inl{ the jan itor.; s.mne
t•rof. N. W illiams of t he L'nin~ l'lli!<y
Fair, Pl'<lf. W illi:uns lwltl a re!<pu nsihlt• JM>l'itiun in
work : u tlmrwise no) d:unnge Wll !l t':\U:'l.~l.
J•ruf. t.:nh·cr. by a !<eric~ o f cx pe rimcnHI. s hnwecl
t lw Btlucational d epartment :1t t ltc Fa,ir.
to hig l·lasse,o in
illnt.'>ll! o f t•rof.'iiiJ!:Ston.
tha t he w ill re main with
u lty.
n ;;
J>nriug tht! Wnrhl's
W e hope
a!< a me tn hc r o f the fac·
J esse Super o f Hit•e whn tin ish cd the Full
Cnn rse in January. s tn ]IJW• I rn·cr for
shurt s tay
while o n h is w:1y IC> A pplt•trm. whe t'{' he has :1\'L"e ptcd
a pn:>it inu a..o;a.~;;;istant in n ne uf tlw hcst hig h ~t·hools
in that d ty.
Etlwin 1•. O'llrill n of t he Class n f 'tl8.
snnu! nf the wo mlcrs o f
li<JU iol air.
U>'eil liotu itl
nn:lltlc tn j.tCt the litJUitl air he
whit•h thonl(h no t ns
puwe r fn l as li•tnid air. still showed
11.'1 !WIIlt~
n f the
By :11lowing it to sudthllll.\'
Wt>mlcrs o f the l:1.tter
e sp:uul a m i 1'11ange Ill :1 gas part of it was •·hangetl
tu •~:arlooon -•l iux ide
~now :It
a ICillJlt!r.Uurn o f a ho u t
dcgrL>cs Cenli ~trndu and by •neans o f :ultled ethe r
W ith
who has held the positiou fnr tim last twn y e:af!!,
:1 te mper:atu rc of - 00 degrees was
res igut.'ll tu ta ke up s tudies at the Unil'cr.;it y.
thi.'l snow he now frm:c me r c u ry :m ol we e njop•tl
!ii.>cin).t sm111' boili ng in f rce:d nS: w:oter.
undt•r the s u pen·J.<ion of
h:a!4 ht.ocn urg:111i1.Col
~li:>s l,;l omtcuL~.
This wo rk
eer t:1inly is a gnntl thing fn r t h01l\e w ho t~X JXWI t o
teach. I~JJCd ally as t he bla~ kboarcl is ,;o i mtlllrtant
iu school wn rk.
Muny who l':lll du go.MI work in
Mr. llc r - d;.
lln yon wish a
M iso~ Uc ufcy .
M r. M - hi\1 in t elephfHw closet talking· iu ln!!tl
No. 17, ph•nsc"
the dra w ing clas:J lind that drawing u pon the ltuanl
tone; " liin:
is e ntirely :m othe r thi njl
be rel{nlarly ennti u ned.
W e hnpc thi:t l'lass will
Mr. 1'. n p peart'<l nt the oiiHif :uttl ex pla ined tu M .
that it wuuld I~ :uh ·isahle tu talk t hrm tgh the tcle
P r o f. Cuh·cr. who is g oi ng tn lca<l :1. pnrty of young
g reat northwest during the s umme r \'a c:uiu n. tul•l
ph •ne if he wis ht•ll the JM'up h• :II th•l t.:cu t ral tle iHIL
to hear him.
A .<~hurt line i~ th1:
us abou t o n e uf h is mqx~riences in m nuntal rt l'li m h·
!<lrttightc St di:<t:llll'C IJ.e t Wl'ell 11\'u JIOilll>l.
g en logis l.i thro ugh the llt•,st intc res tiug
ing .
of the
our tall l'rof. upon
a motmtain burro. and 1lo not see how the re coulol
he any ol:t.nger for the l~rn f_ , C\'C /1 tlwugh the :lllim:t l
s ho u ld
~li p
le:~der!>hi p
In c:cn. His .
t.:ltri ~tia11i t y was
of unr Etlito r -i n·C hicf.
made :a sally into the <"OIIIItry fo r tht~ s:tkc o f ;•n tert:tining the unsophis ticated rus tics. 'J'h~i r d estin:t·
It is
saitl that the n ! was a ~trent tlis Jilay o f liternry and
mn,.ic al talent. bttl from late re port!! t hey ha\'e not
N:(;e in.'(\ any further e ngnge me nl.i. Hut tho•ir al'<lo r
is m)l ol:uupe netl in the le:Lst .
tinn was a c h un·h a few mile!< IJC]ow
intruoluc:1.>c l
into Eng la nd lwfore t lu: Un m :tn CtiiiiJI!e:Jt loy IJl'll.'!Q.r
i n MIJ. C.
lltr. Sti- son o'ol!olnc tinl( t·l:a.-'IS w hich
and f:lll.
A c rnwd t."OIIIJIOSCt] of about t we nt y :o;ornml s tu-
d e nts. unde r the
~• •W ii~ten
M r. 1.- d
re pro\'i n~ot
li11•k to
a llttlo:
o•l :l."'.~ :uul
to ··Tho: ln•lian.··
61N. H istury ;
"the ~nake lllo\'es liku
the worm m~on a s m:Lll•·r ..wale.·· t\ \'Oiee up in
frnnt says: " I t hn ug h t t he ~ n:akc had larger ,;c nles
t h an a wnrm. "
t,;i\·. tin\' t. " \\' h:tt d o t hey •·:all
ing •·oin ~ "
O~w -cl . " llullctin ."
>~ih·c r
useol i n nmk·
The lirst game of btiSket lu\11 played iu the home
gymua.-.i~m this sc~ n was played with the Os hkosh
Normal team on Feb. 16th. The game WM a Hlry
. good ex hibition of ideal bMket ball. Our team
11 1ayed exceptionally good ball and were in tho IJc~ t
of condition. The visitors showed t.ho. t they under·
stOOl! the gllll\C a nd some extraordinarily good work
was doue b.)' Hogcrs. Tho score, which wus !omcth ing Of t1 Surprise, Wt\S as to 20 i n favor Of the IJOUlll
team. The line-up o f the two lt·ams W!\S tlll fo llows: l'otsT.
OS I!K u.~ ll .
(irimm . .
. ... H. Forward ........... Hunnuc
llah·erson . ....... 1•. r:orwnrd ........... . Bugc rs
. .. Stcwnn
Schotieltl . . .. . . .. . . Center..
Utter . . ..
. ...... 1•. Guard..
. ..•. l:ioughtuu
. .. . R. Guard .... . ..... Schwct ll!
While lock . .
Heferee, McC1askiil: Umpires, Blake ami Hoge •~.
Scq rc. as to 20.
T he Athletic association nt :1. recent well attemletl
meetinl(. afte r a very animat ed discuMsiou. deci• l.ed
that for this s pring we would con iine our e ncrg1es
along one line It wM deemed unwisu tu dissipate
our tt.tblctic fofl"t!!l hy lryi nJ~: tuat:\:omplish too n1:tn ~·
things. It Wlk~ ' 'otetl that we a:untine oJu-..cll"cs_ to
track Rthlctit:l! or lidtl s port!l. Now that the dao1 l"1!,
which 81!eiUS wi;re, h :~ Ucen made the preliminary
work will 1Je Jxogu!l at once. We ha\·e plenty of
good mat¥- rh\1 and ex p<:ct to h:wu son11: li\·cly lieltl
meet!!. We 'arc now ready tn n:ct•he challcnJ::e!l
from our siswr norm:alif. Tu m:aku this line uf
1\thllltil'JI what it ought to he it will bt• ncce;;s:1ry fnr
all to work in one tli rection with one Jltll pose. If
ench d~!l his duty we will mnintain our pa;ot
reconl. Bttt let us not. l!h!Jl wilh thi!l but set a high ·
or mark lor future llllllllation.
At. tho semi·!UJ tHml lllL'Cting nf the Uoarti uf HeI{CIItll at Madiwn this witHe r ~ nne important mat·
teril were discussed . Tho presi•lt.mts o f the ~e,·e r:ll
normal school t~, act in!( as a committee rc\'icwcd thu
position of athletics in the ·nornml schools, the objcct being to arrh·c at IKI~te dclinitc and gcneml
rules to gO\'ern all athletic contesti:l betwt..ocn normal
teams. This is a step in the ri~ht direction and is a
wclcor;e reformation. Any one taking part in auy
athlet\..: contest in the futu re will be, oiJiiged to btl
up in his stm\1~ Rnd must be u. Uonn title mil mOOr
of the &ehool. This will do n. wny with the unpleasant and unfair method of l!trenKthcniug a team by
piRyers whose on ly qualitkatinns are :ot re n~o: th ami
Mklll. When this rnle ill adhered to the re willlJI' no
ground for the Jlt"CUsat ion that s. fllaycr atte nd ~
the school &olllly heeanse of his :1\hlo.!tio: aiJili t ic~.
It will do much to elemto athletl t.""f and to put a Jlre·
mhnu on those who are stronl( both in miuol anti
bolly. Defeat will he w ltcned by th J fact that the
,·ictory was fairly won nnd the coutest ettn:t.l. Wll
earnestly hope that this ro ntem ?hated St·h..,mc of an
inter nonnal cod e of rul e>~ go\·ern iug athletics will
et\rly be in force.
On March 2d the Normal and Flip:h School basket
ballttmm!J played n gamo at the Normal gymnMinm.
A f:\irly g001\ crowd wll!! in aLtemlll.nce and witncssctl :l cle:ut game. 't:lm game WDtl free from the vlljectionahlc features that usutt.lly characterh;c at hietic or professional ba.<~ket ball. Some excellent in dh·idunl work WI\S done by both teams. Schotield,
Hali'Crson and l:rimm fo r the Normals.amiTardiiT,
Parke r and McPhail for the High School, tle!!Cn •e
11pecio.l mt.mtion for indh·idual work. The line·nJI
was as followsNOiutAI.l!l.
HtOII Scuoor..
Schotield ........... ce nter .............. Tanliff
Hock well
.... r . g ............. Da\·idsnn
Whelllock ..... .. ..... . I. g
....... ·.. Parker
Hnlvcno n ... . ......... r. f. . . . . . . . . . . . . Stuart
Grimm ........ . ..... • I. f ..
. .. McPhail
Heferee, ill ; UmpireJJ, Blake and Collin~.
Sf."flre 32 to eo in favor of tho Normals.
Prccetling the Normal and High School game
there wasng1u1 .e between Mi s;~'if JOung ladies
team and the '"Boys"' team. Tho game WIUI very
clo;;e and there wu ve ry little scoring. The :flUng
ladies pro,•ed themsclf'es to be Willi up in the
of the game. \V:hen time WM called the score stOOtl
7 to~ in f:t.\'Or of the ladieiJ.
hl:tn krwss uf a ]if,: w h idr 1\'HUlol nw:tn ~im plc c :\:isICn~"t!.
A little white cottage &.-.:tnc•l a s lt.oep a mung the
IJi o~!~omi ng a pple tn:"CS. This was tlw home o f
Philip Annerslcy. t he poe t . lie .~at i u hi~ ~twly
wit h a hca]J of nmnnSt·ript bdnre him.
wc:t.ry head o n his h:tnds.
luoking OtH o f the
rh• om· wou ld trnuUle hirn in s uc h
life. an,J
he wnnld dnsc lll"art anol m in d t n :til his dn!:uns
wind ow. The Still h:t<llr:rste ned In his W\'Ste rn
home. the umun had ri.scn in siln·~ rad i:uwc, :uul
t he s taN glistened with pale li]!ht. Ill' nut iced
th:t t the no~-·c ntll' inc• l g-ate:> u f the !ami of s•mj{ wore
C\"(•r aj:trfurh im.
:rw:ty lhn o iTensin• ru:ur uSt•ript :tnol turn l!<l
tu ol h~r work w~rh a 1\"ea:y l'lil-!h.
Oue •l:ty l'hili~J r••:ul wi th a :-~tart nf s nrpri!le. :1
lr•ttcr :ul•lrcs~·l tn him inn stran~t•• h:uulwriling.
Tlw letrcr containe•l rhc"o word~ wri tten in in rt
la dy 's han•l : --1 hdie1·e y 11n aN :1 JHICI. ,\ failu re
nothiug o f t hi:~.
H e w:t.-! :t true poel. h ut tod:t~· he •·ou lol not tllt l! r
i." hut a milt• .!<lone 0 11 th e w:t)' t·• l"it•fory. Ucjo)io•t•
that a 11othcr purtiom of thu w~·:rry r •>:t.l is }J:\St , 1\lltl
what he:t\'ell h:ul brearh,·•l irrt•r h i" soul. lie felt the
hi.!art c ho rds s we p t hy t he unsee n rua~tc r h:u11l. lorn
s ta rt i n :u,mirr afresh an<l with :ttltletltle termirmtiorr
In win. If there i:1 an_l' thing in yuu wnrrhy o f l"it:-
w hon he trietl tu s ing the note,;. the mea,;urc~ •·:uuc
forth tremllli ngly faltero:d a not failed ln:f.,r·•J the
tur_r yun will I.IC s ln:>ngcr :~her eac h tlefent . T he
mo~t u u ifn rru thing in life i.-! if~ irn•gul:trity. A -"UC:·
nmny who could not app•-cd:u c. anol the notes uf
bc:uny m e t :ttln:rse t·rilicism •m l_,.. and •lic•l away i n
'''"-".-! l"•>ttlol nut be a suct·c:~s wilhnut it:~ e u,·inmment
Long he re m:tineol :tt hi!! tlcl!k wuml.·ri u~.: if lm
o f df•ft•:rt.~ •·appe<l a t h ."'l hy rhc COilt}Ue ring blow.
:O:tri n• to thi nk w he n me n IICCill ltJ r l'ju ice n t your
h si..~ uro•d lwrd.
w he n ho had plnnncd paths n f n.. dn hH·~:~. to li uol
olcft•at. rh:ll it. is simply het!:tUse ··t hey knuw . n ot
wlr:tl t lwy oln," lgn nr:rnct• nftc u rn:tkcs m c n 11cmn
had •·hosen his t·m·ation wisely.
tlrt:St: :tt'Cnllc!l closet! Ucfo rc his t•:l]!t"l" ad•·:uu-e
o•SJ>el'i :r 11~-
this work had been U!Hie rtakt:n
fnt' rlw
M:uter. 1\'it h heart full of ln1·e to H im. yet hi ~ p:1th
wa,; :!-0 obstrti<"IC<Itlmt further vrugrc.~" secnw•l wo• ll
nigh impos!lible. H e ditl nut fnr~.rct t hat t ;o,J lra•l
p laced these !'eelllingly
i n ~ urnmuut:ahlo:
nhst :u-h·.~
about him. and he nm,ot nut allow tht:rn l.n r:m hill••r
and d i,;cour:lge hi m
Carlyle a ud Disracli lmlh
stumbh.'<.l and fell and :tro,;e
n ew tlwir struggle>~.
und:ulll t••d to r•--
\\' lw n n ne u f the ulo l wurl•l',;
was lmrneol oluwn. :r s in]!le ,.,,Inurn
alo ne rl•nm i ned ;~tanding upo n w h ich wn~ o·h i:-!<•leol
the word " lte:tUr}::tlll ... Snnre cururt•·•l it ;t!l "lre rrgtht:>ning to
e wlu r••.
tlwughr he l"OHiol tltl t h:n IJr:t~·ely. !.Jut nvt alune . lie
v.·a-1 only a ilt ruggli ng a,:rviranL and tlm"C he h:u[
lo.okeo.l upon as hein~t Iris friends. withht:ld ~, ,.,. ..
kind word.-! :urd looked " " w ith "'"'"rwt•rn : ot he r<
ij{lhlred him e ntirely aut! g loated nn•r h is d bnrm·
~till he fch his n:uure rkh in :t!lp irariun.
that he wa.H iestinc d for IJett•!r th ings . fo r the r e was
of fai lures.
What is :t
wur,.,• than rimy aru.
III'S.-< ' "
tlri ~ cli,oo·:t~e.
of triumph hu t :r recital
Apply n great dc:tl of fnrgivcand :lho\'e all. nn nr:utcr how
•lark 1he dvud l! :tloon~ )"""may ~r.-.:m . ue ,·e r gi\·e ,up
t ho• h:tlllt·.··
W hat hlcs.~•·•l word11 n f in-4p ir:t.tion : He t·urr lol
h:tt·e worllh lpiiC•I !he w riter fn r t htl.'IC timely word".
ll uw t he glnrin11:1 snnliJ,t"ht of apprco·iatin: ki ml m:~" ·
h:1ol hr., ke n rhrou~:Ch. anti l>ri~hteiH!tl hi.~ drc:1ry w:ty.
.·\ J::Iill he ll:ll
hurn lu
lli n.~t
:mJ the !IUIIJ{S ht! wa"
Wt•m s wclliua- in rlw oleo•p s•:arido: wilh
co·hoo s wt•.-tcr and grande r th:ur C\'cr ol r c:rmt.'t l uf
h.-fure .
1-lo• .-;hnddo•n •ol tn th ink th:lt he wn u ltl
tu 1-:" nn h i!! way :dono! if St.l parate<l frum
hi:~ 1111 ~'1!11
fri£·ntl whv had hel•l uut :t h cl pinl-( h:uul. He h:1d
n::t11~- l.w~un tn lu\'C the itrml tha t hr•!:ltht.'< l thru ugh
the ki n• I lclleN of ~)' lll}l:1 t hy h~~ had con ti nued' "
rm·t·il'<'. 11rging h im lo lt-er:icn:r l!. It W :l i ct:r t:ti n
the J{a tcs of :1 fair s wt.--etl:and n f 1-; d••u harl he cn OJit'll
fur him. :mol thn p:l!jt few mont hs had hecn like
s unSt:t glowi ng
;;crcnt: and
hc a nr ifn l. s hoiVinl-(
a lungi ng that wo u ld no t l~e ~ti11cd . His whult• soul
ro>lt,! up in passionate ycarn i n.~r :1" he sa! thcn- :mol
:~1-(amst h is •la r k olay.
houkt!\1 o ut u von his
:all that w:u i~ h is hcarl :~~."'~cn rhr )Cr.IY tw! l~l~
0 \\' 11
gluomy future .
he wou ld J:it•e it all UJl and l""''"' olnwn I•• tlw
lie rcsoln:d . in this lonely huur.
( Cuti••"' '"' '"t~611.J
write tn lu1r
We fail to cntch the mcnnlng of the exch:tlll{•'
c·olumn in the Fcbrtmry !Jigh School Chnt. Thi~.
_ _ _ _ _:___:__:_::___ _ _ _ _ · we hope, ill no fcml t o f thu C hat, but due to our o1n1
··Wedding bell:~" hlli'C not yet bt.-en henrtl in 111
Pointer this year. but nrc oflcn beard in our ex·
changes. This month the Milwn.ukee Koclak is ring·
lng them.
In looking O\'er our exchangl!il it Is interesting to
noth..-e the number of oratorical, decl:uu:unry nnd
cle be.tlng contCAtil which aru lllking pllu:e, We hnn!
a good number nunwh·cs Rnd we !I(!UIII to he no
exC"'ptlon tothu t·ule.
The College Days brings us the stul news nf the
tleath of Owen C. Howland. who WM a mcrnher nf
the cla55 or 1001. Mr. ltow\antl<~ was nn~ or the
most respected mom hers of hi~ t•I!!.U a nd his tlc:\lh
cut!l a sadntm~ ot•ur the whole t!OIIegl!.
In the Gramophom! we take pleasure in rt"11.cling
· ··Is an &lucatlon worth the Jo:lfort to it."'
which Is an o ration. 'l'hls oration,. we notice. W l\!1
written by the exchangu editor ami gtM!!!o to s how
that the I~ t•apable of better thing~ than simply
handlinl{ the e:otchllnge t.'ditoN' sdS!!Ors.
The Ryan Clarion anti E.1.u Clttire Kndak !!et'm to
be laboring under the liCiusiun th!l.l l:t.tlie,o shoulcl
not play basketball. We aru not infornn...l :lS to
their re:uuns. but. Wtl mus t take the lil)erf,\' uf clis&lfreelng with the m . The Jrftme when pltt)'l:d, as
our girl~ play it, at'Nlrtllng to the rules for huiles'
colleges. it t~rtainly a \1\die~~' gsme. To he nc·
qul\lntetl with ladles' hMketb:\11 bt to be a frientl u f
inability to llppreciate wit. Sometime! thinJ.:~
which a re or great ]flCal lntet"eiit.. whe n rend by one
who does not know the c•ln:nmstances which cau§t...]
it to be writte n. will fail to be appreciated.
The L:tke Breeze from S heboygan euntnins a t•ery
interesting ar ticle in the form of "A Letter." The
letter is writte n by n StUthmt of the Central High
of St. l'aul, Minn. He te lls something o f tho Kehool
a nd just e nough pouonal mcpe rie nco to m11ko i~
pleasnnt. Something of. this kind adds l'arioty to a
paper ami ..,.:Lriety" is the spicu of life.
Tho bl:uul City S tude nt Is tho o nly one of our e,;wJ.ich is being r_un without ll<i i'Crtisonu~n t.l.
The subscription priL-o has heen put \'Cry low, :md
we nre WlUching with Inte rest fo r the outt.'Ome. If
school nnd co11ego papt:rs could he run without ad·
\'e rtiscmen t..~. they could cer tai nly be made more at·
trl\ctit·u thnn they no w are.
A l'ery ltbh~ ar ticle nppears in tho Jantuuy Ad\'llnco ai.Hll'e the .slgnatnro of Prof. Mitc hel]. the
Iitle of the article is " T eaching a Rational Get)Kr.l·
Jlhy." The article wa.s presented before the St:tte
Teadu:r· ~ a;s:;uc i:l.tio n 1\nd fa,·ornbly received.
The L'llitnrial page o f View Point is gil·en to :'1
l'riticism of literature tl.i taught in higl• schu11l~ to·
olay. We hope it \;~ nnL the Uar-.1lwW> high which
nue•lsthillcritids m . hu t somu!lphool o l'e r in we~tcrn
Canadtt or uther far dis tant state.
the ~eame.
W e h&\'e IICCII wa iChing. with grr:tt ilucre~l. the
way In which tbt! l.a wrenL-c Athlmie ~·i :uion
handles their deticlt on the L-ash accoun1. The l.awrenoo boy!l found them11eh·es be hin•l when the f ull!·
t.ll aeaaon Willi m ·er. and hnw to mise money to
t.laooo accounts WM the a\1 important •ltll'Stion. A
dance wu imposibh:, an opera out nf the •tnestinn.
a drama prohibited. The ladies. howe1·er. c:une to
the rcecu~. The prh·llege of &L'COlllpan~·inK ~::u·h
ladJ toa c.!rtalo entertainment WM !I.Uetinnetl off"'
hlghett bidder . It Is needles~ to MY th:tt the fair
maidens of Lawrem·e brought a priw whi•·h fas t
lllled the roffef'!ll o f the Athletic MSOo.'il\lio n .
The Sonthwesr, from t.he NAw Mexico Unil·eNit.r.
is a gOOtl substantial paper. The subjert.s
throughout, ones which cont.-ern the Normn.liteil.
,Modei ~Cl\ool.
- - - --
.Jame!l H o i"IOn h :l$ l x't!n aUscn t fl'O IU sdwul this
fJU:Irlcr on account of sickness. but ha;; kept up
with part of h is work :m d ha,; t·arrictl on c" rrcsp<>!u le nt·e with his classm ates.
is to u nc o f his class:
T l1c following lclle r
"~\' hi_le he !'Jm ke. a hr:•~· i nll as.~
IJul Stng l no•s~ lo oml awlt·lcar.''
That nmolc tim hon;.c )(:ttlup u tT wi1h :lll his might as
hu had d n11t: hc fun!. .-\ way wt•n t l iilpin :md away
\\'CUI (;ii)Jin's hat :u u l wig. lie lus t the m suurw r
t hau l~t.•fu~. llll•l w lty ~
Uccau,.;: tlu:y wt•rt• t•Hl IJi)(.
Tlw n h i" wife s:tid tu unc o f t lu• lmyil, •·This s h:1ll
Sn:n:xs PutsT, W1:1.. Jau. :?0. WOO.
Well. P:ual, how goe.~ it ~ I an1 ""rry that
II) yuu be fore t hi:.~ huL I c·u u ld nul.
W o u ld y u u liku to h :lrt! :t Sh>I'Y t o ld tv yuu~
Juhn Gilpin w:I.S :1 t•iti;:c n uf l.olulun·IIJII' n: To-
he pours whe n yon h ri ng my hns h:uul lmc k s afe :uul
well.·· The Uoy ll'o•nt al'! f:l.~t as lui I'Onlol p;u and soun
met Gil pin cominj.C back.
He trit.'11 to o•:ah•h him but.
I dill not writo
ho\ l"<mld nul.
nwr row was his Wf'tlding tl:ty a nd the,\' ••·onlol olino•
a hi~oehw:\)" 111:111 . "' a nd su G iltJiu rude a r.wc. H e :t.llol
the IM>)' we n• gni nJ! to luwn amlliil pingnt theru llr.<t.
I ha•·•· writto~n yun the lunge.~! letter he\"!1.11~1 ynu
at I-Aimo n tor1 .
H is w ifc ano l his o•hi ldre n w ..u t.l j.CII
in t hc ..-haise a nd he wnu ]tl ride on horsc-h:wk.
II i~
wife saitl t hey would take their o wn wine
T he m o r uing c:uuc; the stout'S rattled under t he
wheclil :l.1 thouph they we re glad. They furj.Cnt t he
It w:u in two stone
11 in1•.
E:1d1 bu tt lc h:ul
a n c:1r anti .Jo h n liil p iu hung one un o·ach
be lt.
T hen Ol'('r all he put h is
u f his
bc~a u
r ioli ug t he h"n le...
hruke. l>o w n ran t he w in ll i n t he r":1d .
By :u ul hy ti il p in gut to t he hoou;w. I-I i ~ wifco·am•~
liilpi n, ··su am f :··
The hor:o!-1! was p;oinp;tollis<>ll' n•
:Sow at
h:11·•· wri u c n me t he Jo nr:est lette r . !'lease wriw
t.ack tn me, J:um~s F. Hurtun, that ynn IISL'tl tu pl:ly
·c~"''""''i /~~... /Ar, 11: .
haol oleeJ»ene•l i n to n iu:ht the lcttm·
W !l il
li n i:dlt.'tl.
:IW:ty out there in the gray ll'itlami ng n f twilill'h t :u ul
uut a nti c r ied "~loti. ~to p. J ohn lfilp in. he re's tlu:
bo use. The tlinnc r wai LS aud we are ti re•l " !":1id
e r tc u mile!J o fT.
:-;i " mm1 111)<111 tlu:
tu trol. tlwn tu
horse did not s top b u t we nt fa s te r an~ I f:l." lcr. A w:ty
went Gilpi n. H is h:U a ud wi~ot we nt. utf a.~ fa.~t :Iii
W he n h e
h i~ heel.~.
ruad St.'1•i ng(i iiJ1in lly. •·rietl. "'!" id ! S WJI.thicl :
Wu ultl thc ans wc r make hi,.Jifc !(O UUiinto•·hecrlo!"'"'
niJthl, :1s t he Jlnld :u u l ,,;,riJie h:Uid!J !mol t rcouhle.l
gallup. W hen he hega n to gallup tiilpin .• t""i"''l
olnwn be..-au..e he cnultl not r ido• 1·ery p;t>O<I. Iiiii t ill'
t hey cou ld g o .
Away 11'1\111 t he I.H•)" 111
red o·oa t an• I
s tartctl.
Hy :uul h)--Gilpi n ':J hor.te
A w:l.l' wen t t he hoi"Sl! wit h tl ll pin .
friend. the
~·ale ndar's.
the hur.<e stuod ~till . The cale u dnr p u t olu wu hil'l
pi pe and ran to t he ll':lt e c ryi ng. --\\' h:u new.. ·• w hat
new!l~ T e ll m e y ou n• ns t andY"" s h:tll.
yon com e at all"~"
W hy dul
M.l' ha t
T lwy arc un t he roa d ."
a nti w ig will soon 00 h ero
So the calendar w(:n t back to hi"ho u;re but :!urmt·:l mt:
hack with a hat and a wig. " My he ad j.; twio-e a» l,ig
as youril, t herefore mus t ueetb lit."" T he n tlilpin
said to the cahmd:lr. "'This is my waltlill~oC day SIJ I
OJII!Jt< g o back. " The n he said to his ho r-se. --If it wa~
" I came bec:IIISC my hors(: wunld cum e .
isy :uul by t hcro carne :1 lette r. She h:ul writll•n
a ;inc. W hy ~hnn lo l t hat ha•·e hrunll'ht l'hilip
un ]~-
Annc rshy tn he h•unc!
Un t. it did
T ht! wnru:111 he
met w:t» •1nio•t loolodnll'- 1111. hca u t ifu l. lmt s he h:ul a
kinolly f:!.,.c and wa.; loll"ahle T here w:1.; 11 wiole·
:l"':tke l t!IUlc r si rw e rity in lu:r t:outu to:n:un.-e tlo:ll
pleas.~) him.
In ~hurt ~he was a wu ru:w ly wum:uo
r aolia1.t wit l1 the lul't• lip;htc•l in ho:r h:a pp)' f:wt: a ..
s h•: hcl1l otttt Jwr lmtu t .. t•• we lt:nme hin1.
--I h:I\'C cnmc" lu: -"ll id . ·•tho yun k11n W w h:u my
o·u1ui n~t
hriug.;;'" " li:lpJiino:.~s :uul f:lllll'" s lu: n :·
plieol, ··'fe!!.'' s:~itl l'hilp. "'iM·ca u>:~e yuu ha•·e hei)M••i
me win su••cc~s. If the fricru lshi l' n f unc w hn ha.;
s1»en t so•nrt: of tlw hc.;;t ,l"o::l f:ol vf h is ynJIIh ~>eking fnr
the •tualitio:;; i n wuman wh i~·h you r lcttcr.J re l"t':ll uf
your life, 1::111 h1: o f ;In)' m u uumt tu )'Oil it is m tt;;t
re\'ercntly :uul hu mhly lllfcn'<l.
:Sow. w he n t lwy Ink•• t wilill'hl walks IOII'ethe r. nml
t:lik and dre:u n u f the futu re. l'hili!J says t hought·
fulls " :\ly •lefcat w:1s l"ict o ry in the :~om hrc guj.o<(' nf
E. F. !•tru'--<T.