THE NORMAL POINTER Volume IV. STEVENS POINT, WIS., MAY AND JUNE, 18<}q. After wciglny and iie rlo u ;~ fl cli Ucration o f son1c lengllt, we. The l'oiute r St:afT. ~:-a m c to t he modest d ecision th:tt yon would like to know what an int · posinj:l' group we rcnlly olo make ; !~ml Sol we h:we gi\·en you the prh•ilegc of ntlmiring o ur <...'O unt c· nancc<~ which appear o n turniug this psge . The Jlitllurc w:1.11 sna.pJ)C( I during that periucl when we we re in th e depth >~ o f th e ;;nu ,·c nir ii!Silc : an• I do not th e refo re. e xpect us to appear tou "hnxom. !Jlitheand .tcbonnir." H oii'CI'Cr, we Umkc no fur thcrapologies cnnct>rning our good looks. Sint·c this _i!< the las t opportunity nf s pcnking to yon in our nccus tnmed way. wo feel like gh·ing ex pression to fn reweil sentiments in our own OOhslf and in yuul'!l. As fur w; we arc concerned . our ':o nscier ce is clenr. In our p:t.triotis m for S. P. N. we h:H'e tried to do our Juty by The Puinte r. It fs for you to judge ho "' well we h:n·c done it. \Ve .ha\'C \Ve ht_oe n punct ual with el'ery regula r nuinher. lmn _. plcn.~et:l th e editor-in-chief and printers by ou r promptnel\S in s upplying copy and cnrrecting proof. Ou r pain su1.kinp; nuuJnger b:l.-"1 ,-cry successfully lmndled our firm nd11.l intcreilts nud hM brought his work h• a ··nuunr_ondablo close. !k.'<'Uring thr largegt ach·ertising our p:1.pc r h:IS e \·cr e njn.)'et:l. We h:t.\'C, moreove r. inerea§C11 the size of the regul:u Pointe r. and r:reat(..'tl :1. ne w de partme nt in its columns. "Tiw Censnr." We hanl published t wo !1011\'Cni r i!sne!l, Clt<.'C(.•oJing i n size ami <"ircnlntion any t ha t h:n-e gnne hcfnru. Thi s much we h:we rlone. But there are some things we h:l.\·e not d one. W e ha\'C not, for ins tance. alw11.ys 11luUJbered with IICil<'eful dn.>ams. We hftl'C deh·e.J hard and dt.-u p for cop.)' which it seemed In ,·ain to deh·e for. We ho.l'C m:lde blunders, and caused talk. and eudun.. l c:ritir.i.\1 111 . Our \'CniUre of Number 8. ch:..nging thll ottylc of The l~oi nte r' 11 eovtlr brought the bitter and public condemn.Mion of rutlstic judgIIICnt upon some of ou r heads. Uu t then, be It so. " l\lay we rest in peace" i1 a\.,ea to which we ne,·cr gtwe utte rance. For an rnlito r that plea is vain on t his earth. He muSL it alone for anorbcr world . ADllso we aresatlstled, although we have now anti then experlenctll:l a fe w 7Alllhyrs o f pene<:u- \ tion. We ha,·e ~t.lway!l thrived on the philosophical faith that we were respiug a plentiful han·cs~ of the. choicest quality of experience without paying for It nne iota. We want to thank you for that experiWe also wilda to express our graUttide for the word !I There have been some. Perhaps you madfl one or. two kind remarb,and per· haps you didn't. We wish to thank the cl&MeA and organizations that aided in furnishing material for the souvenir. and say that we appreciate heartily the• o.Mistaoco from Miss Tanner giTeD in the preparation of the ~n*winga for the engravings. of e ncouragement receil'ed·. But a lmo!lt above all we mus t mentlou Mr. L . D. J.isher, foreml\n Qfthe Stevens Point Dally JOurnal. who hru s hown a si ncere intere."t in the highes t welfare of The Pointer. Thtl t!dltor-in-ehlef hh worked with him fo r' hours and a lways found the best o~ co-operation . All farM typographical excelle ncy is concerned, we certainly need not feel Rllhamed of our paper: anti for this Mr. J.' isber hall the right to a large as8ignment of credit. .. The Pointer now pa.ues into a period or summer hi bernation, ao to s peak. In two months It must be res urrected. ~iay it rise In glory ami Into a loftier 11phere than uer before. The staff of '88-'99 are ready to fling so~ga of good will and best wishes. With theae words we make our bow, hopi ng you will judge kindly of what you will see and read further oo. TilE NOKi\I AI. I'OINTER. Au~. lH . OJ><!nin}r nf tlw ;ith .rt':ll· u f :-.. 1'. :\. l'h:Hllt'lt•ri7.ctl hy h:aml·slmlduJ,:" :u ul humL•sh·ktH'-""· Sept.. :!. Will y uu u•ll nm wlwrl' I t":l.U linol 1\uom !!1 ! M:ay I when: we :l.t"(' lO ~:ct u m· hnuks ~ Sept.. 8. Seating nf ~tntlents at whi.. h ti mP thf' elMS nf ·no were gh•,.u the sc:1U• uf ho nnr •war the P residt•nt.'s door : tho ,Junior$ happy in tlu: St'lllS \"a rnu:d by the '{Ill's: the Elcmcnt:lrics :uul !'t•t·nnds pla~J next in order : the Firsu lol"aletl (IU tlw ~o:vergreen Shor e . ~JJt. Hi Org:llli7.ntinn of the Forum anti Arcn:1. Sept.. 23. Large gi'OIIJJS amnnd the hullctin hn:m l to seo who were the fr.vuret.l (~) one,; to appt':lr o n the first rhe to ricniJJrogr:un of tile ye:1.r. P. S. -Rouald Lalfmnt is one of the f:wun•ol :u10l makes biB tlebut. :1.5 a public s peaker. Sept. 30. Organizatio n of the Athcm:nm. Oct. 1. Oshkosh learnL'fl from S. 1'. ~ - th:11. they could not Jllny foot h:11\. Oct. l'i. FiNit meeting uf the Sen inr t·I!Uil'l. Oct. 8. T ho tiny when S. 1'. N . Fir~t. EIC\"1"111 trio•• I to s ho w Appleto n and th e Secomls trietl to s ho w Grand Hapids ho w to a<.'Ctlpt a defeat gr:1cdully :uul lkt. !II. All IH'rson.~ who s t' l n :d t'!lfrcsh mcnt~ Satm·rlay cn•ning please llli'IJL in l'ruf. Swift's room :11 rcccs». ltnllt•all !'- how !I all pr.c!Klnt. Stmnge! ~"\". ~. Essays may he>tl from tho rac k in Hno111 1«1. Xu\'. -&. Defeat nf Oneida lnclinns Uy Normal First fnllnwc.J by a re<.-eptio n in t h e e\·on ing. Nm·. !l. :-;. B.- S pelli ng 1:11ips nro i n tho !miL !'lease make rc wrnl:lato nce. No1·. 21 First. number of the E. Ucnj. Andrews o n ICetu~ couMJO by "' Ui ~mnrck ." No1·. 2!.l . Crnwdetl husse~ ;whnol yell!! at tho de l-"''· t he n all nho:ml fur ho me. :\'ow. 2-1. ache. !Jet•. 2'"J. Home, turkey. Jlhun pudtling. hctul· Sdmnl agai u : long fnco>~. sleepy eyes. I>L'(·. :t l'o litil"nl Economy essnys s h ould he in nno· wt>ck fro m tatlny un lcSJ~ specially oxeusccl. Ike. -&. Oq;nnizntiou of Geography l.yL-eum. DL'C. ;i . Meeting o f Ornto rical Al:ISOCiation n.L 1:10 t cM iay in room ao. Oct. 21. societies. First joint meeting of tin.' thn't' liter.u·y l >t.'4!. l!'i. Second lecture of tho course gi\·en by l'ol. Franc is L'nrkcr o n "Th!l ltleal Sch ool.". llt.'e. :.!0. Wanted i n ltoom 23. A. K Dawes. De,:. :.!1. Theor y class atte mJlt tu ~x plain psyt·lwltogic:d re!l.llnn why no one feel~ li ke studying. Uet·. 2:!. Xm:u\·acalion. Oct. ~. 'Hie&ocond Elen•nt ry tntcnl'll Wan p:wa Jnn. 3. Holitlay season O\'er and O\'ery bofly tread· ing the lurrnw :1gai n . bravely. Oct. 18. Meeti ng of canditlntes for Urntnrica\ contest fo r li rst. drill. {Will it he ea rlier next fall ! ) what. they t.anght Grnnd Hapitl:i. Oct. 25. Buy your til'kets for theJ,:"n>atrst fr>Otha\1 of tboseason. Oct. 29. l-lallowt.>en. Jan. li. the Jan . I:J. ,Jan '.!II. ~:11 in Huw of J an uary graduates o n tho nnxious hall. Exn.minntinn by regen ts. Ahhie <.:arringt o n concert. Fuunh numlJCr v f k-cturo 00111'"!10 by Dr. THE NORMAL POINTER:. J ohn Hen r y Barrows. s ubj e<!t., "A World's Pilgrim· age anrl Glimpses of Greater Ame rica." Jan . 21 . Trial of Wi ll. Ho tc hkigs Uy the Fo rum and Athenc uw for the murder o f Honald La mon t. Jan . 23. Senior Sprend . (Mirabile diolU . ) ,Jan . 2-1 . Comment·cmrnt eserciscs of J :umary <'lass. Jnto . 27. Male (Jll:lrtet ho uor the pt•OJlltl uf Am· hf'ri!t hy assisting nt a t•n Ju-crt. Fob. 3. Organization of Viking t:lulr. \\'hct"C is it nnw ~ Fe ll. 10. 48 hc \nw ze ro. J.rwal ora tn rit·:~l r•nnt~t. at whicl1 Mt·. Gc.'lc\1 wins THE r.I(Al:E OGIIES'. Jt:ltQ~It: PO INT ER IOJ Dawes carries otT the largest plio of books; . Viunio Acl am~. a i'lmallcr numbe r ; Martin Nelson, two or t hree. March 25. Tho greatest e\·ent o f the year- an C\'ent whit-h bring:; ne w lifo a nd hope to every Senior hcn rt- the Juuio l'll organize. l'llnrc h 27, 28, 2D. Thu ln rgcst and bcs Ldisplay of "chool te ache rs. the largest numbe r of book agents, :uul the \)l.!st :u·t c.'l: hibit. C\'Cr witucs.,.etl in Ste\'Cns Pnint in :wynne week . Apr. 14 Mr. Hanzlik comes out in 11. ne w s pring sni t. April\5. The I!L~t 1\lltl hest num ber of the lecture S TAFF OF '98-'99. l'. A. ltOC KWE I. I,. J . II . HA Kt:ll. ~: DSA S AXTOS . \\" , 0. UOTC U KI$5. liAICTIS' s~:U!O S' . W . W. C VI.\'1-:It. )IATI~: ll . ~lut}'. AICSUI.II 1•. Ut'.!S t:LI.. I.UIIA IIUI!C~:. ALTA I'F.RRY. WIJ~:t: I .OC K . Feb. 17 . Ueginning o f t he s triped f'nllar mani :~ anmug the yo ung men . 1\lani:Lc!l rmmo!rous. F., b. ~ . Arie l Quart CUt! Cnmp:ur y. oof l'lo,.to n. cour.;e by (icn. KmnHuJ nn "Ad\·ent.U N!!I in Arctic Siberia" April Ill. Lost- nne black mustache, not very l:lncoJ bnt hithc rtu highl y prized_. Loss WILS fe lt by thc nwtmr. hut wc lcomlt< l hy every other member of !4 bow us ""'li:tt guod ili nging. K' "'>4 1 n:o:iting :uul g ood curnet au<l \'i<llin pl:tying i~ . Man·h 1. l'lc:\..'40 keep t he duo~ •·ln.~ol. Mard1 13 Mark yn nr <n'cr.!ho:ws :1.11rl umbrella.~. Ma n·h 17. lnte r·uurmal o·nnU.."St :~t whic h Mr. liesell'!l fame a...~ an urawr i:J es tc ndeol througho ut the state. March 111. JJec l:~.matory comiCid ztt whic h 1-:.lua tho• Mc huo\. April 20. T!w great 20th Century Trial by mcm· bel'!'! o r the Arena in whieh the girlM proved that wome n. if gi\·en a c hance, can carry ou a trial a.s we ll!~.$ me n . April 20. Shirt waists. May 5. fn U!M4late oratori1·al •~ont.est at which Mr. licscll e xte nd;~ his fam e o\'Cr ti\·e states. fzune among hi-'1 fe llow s t.tul unlil. THE NOR ~I AL POINT ER. f04 Mayo. A conglomcrntion of ho rns, b:mncrs. cutbusiiiSm, wheels. and p~opl e singing \'nrious :1pprn· priate songs :u )(\ yelling appropriate )'ell s. tbrougb the leading strt.>cts of Stevens !'oint in ech,. bration of our victory . May 11. Receptiou in gymnnsium and at dcput lo r the abo\·e-mcntioncd \' ictor. . May 19. A little di sc u s~ iou lx:tWC(!n thr't'IJ nf our boya and three W hitewater delegates o\·cr the pt•rmane nt control of the Philippitws :1rul snwc other Islands, in which aforesaid discussion s:1id dcleg:u cs come within one of fully cOU\'iudng the jmlgcs th:u said control is hardly the proper thing. May29. Ju nior Frolic. consisting of mnsie, s tump speeches. gRmcs, strawberries nnd crt'ruu . Ju ne 7. UegouLS slww us what iiHlnctinn mc:w;;.. ATH ENAEUM Early in the school )'Car a nu mbo r o f the yo un g men of the schr>Ol. rt!cogn iziug: t he benefi ts to bo 11t·1·ivc•l from frC(]1LCnt. carcfulliCUa ti ng and SJ•eak· in~!". urgani7.<'tl thcm sc h·e;,~ intu a dcb:ui ng club. )\r. Fred Olson. whose c\·c r c heerful cou uten:lnctl w;• rq;rct t•• s:1y dnes nut ap pcnr iu thesu col· Unde r his 1111,11s wa,; ch• l~ t·n the lirst prc.~idcnt.. :dole lcadPt·~hip the uew I!OI"icty tun\'lt~ l steadily ror- want to :1 pnnni nent pl:11.:c a mn ng the litel1\ry nrgani1.:1tiu ns nf the schnul. PRESIDENT!:;. by examini ng o few members or ench cb~ c;~;p~X·t· log to complete a cou rse, aud from that reaching the geneBlizatloo that all are capable Ju ne 10. l nter-clas!l Field day; St•niors make 6:! polnt.a. Juniors make 40, Seconds :J2. and Fil'l!ts Hl N·gularity of m L'I~tings. goo<l attentln nee. prompt. and ca reful prct>araliun arc indication;~ o r toto. bitity :~.nd pr.. ~rt'$S , the ,\ tlwnacum liM !l glorious outlook . Evening. J uniors pay ju!lt honor.~ to the ~c ninr~ by giving them o. very delightf ul rc•·cptiun iu the T he heany cn·"P<''mtio n uf all htl.'l e nnbled the so•·i•·ty tu maiutain a high s tantl:l rd of litemry exccl- gymnasium ~ lo.·m·•·. the 1·rowning. :ldtien!ment or whi ch will .,,.,·ur ll'ht•n nn ,Jun t' l!lth it s tlcba ting lCRl!l meets that of tlu- .. ,;,i,L:Itty Fut'UIIt " in public debate. June 12. Senior IUHI J unio r baseball game olors win. of cou rse. Score. 14 to IG. Ju ne June June June 19. 21. 22. 28. Forum- Athe neum Uebate Senior Class D-J.y. Commenceme nt . Good:bye. l,acking nf tliplnma,. ~c­ The namc;i of abo.nll forty yo ung me n arc now fnnud •on tlte Ath~ rme um 's roll. an d if e nthus ias m. "'"'in t 'bimiug unity lie~ st rength. some s ke ptics lt:n·,. donl•t••• l the adl'ilmhility of organizing the ,\ tlu~n:tcllln E;~;jlc ricnt·c lms pro\•cd their' doubts unf•>llluh··l :'>lay 11'1' lh·e nu. 105 The Ari•tm t h i~ year has hcc n a J.('irls' sol'ict)" Our lirs t Presi<lcnl was }-; bie Kiul-":. fol!.. wt·tl b)· lh·l~t.·•·•·a Nuzum. Flor:.t 1::. \\'o<~tl :1ml Alta l'.t·rr v. \\" t· wt·rc NlpNli!cnte..l in thcdl•cl:uuatory •·ont<"'i<t. tilt" l't·c llmin· But tim work whkh we feel proudest of i;~ the ··Twentie th Ceutury taws uit" which we g:n•c Apt·. 20th. Eadt oflidal c h:<i r was tilled by an ,\t'l'lm girl. Miss King, in mp ami gown, prt'sidt•d :as judge : Et hel Uunlap. s he riff ; Minnie B. Wood, dcrk. :\l:~.ud Wilbur. s tc nugraph· e r : Flora E . Wood. Di~t· Atty. fur the defe nse: EJiz. zu~th McDou:lld. pianist: Anna Kjorst:ul. c:rnce Og· den. Sec. of T !w F"rnm •IHI·inJ: the p:t:!l. yo•:.r has hccn made up uf a hout t hi1·ty mc m Ucrs. Althnu).!h the :ath:ntl:utt·t• at tinw« may not ha r •• t ~-ecn a.• brgc a.~ w:~ •h·~i n·cl . t•:wh an•l c \·cry mcl!ling Willi 11 s uccess. I Tho" tim prugr:.u~ inl'imled song;.. readings ami n.'"<!il!t.· tion!!. tlwchicf intcrl',;t hn...~ l:!.iu in the tal ks on Parliame ntary lhtle!l nnd the tie· batt's. In ~he latter many mnmt:ntuo us questinn~ thut fo r .some unkno wn reason nrc s till troubling thu s tates men o f the country• were !W!ttiL-41 beyond tho JJOSsihility o r a doubt. During tho s pring •Juur· te r as Athletic a nd other interests ma•le the allendnnce small, >Kl\'eml joint meetings w ure held with the Arena. These provet.l \"Cry he lpful W both socie· tics. At o ne meeting tho Aretm treated the Foru m to a \'Cry pleWiing program nnd an cnjoytt.bles)Jre:ul. St..'ltC, Gertrude Bo ughto n. wiwcsse!l fo r the prosecutio n : Anna Killorin. Mis" Nuz um. nnd Florence Gardiuer, wi t ness· cs for the defense. ..LOitA •;. W OUIJ . ~: t.!III(KISU. ,\ I.T4 I'F.Iti!Y. The joint meeting of the ln; u•:CCA S UZtHI. Fo rum and Arena this s pring hal·e been ,·cry profitable. And here we All t he speaker;~ of tho local o r.Ho ry con1est wore wish to bow o ur thnnks to the Fo rum boys fo r the Forumitcs. :t.nd it was o ne of these who won t he "spread " which we e njoyed .so muc h. houor11 in tho State and Intc r-sulle contCllts. Jn The year from 'DS to '09 has probably been the most thot.lebating contc!t held to c hoose debaters to repre· prosperous The Are na has e ve r enjoyed. Some male sent o ur school in tho ann utt.l debate ngainst Whitcoonservath•es have e:c:p rel!Sl.'(l d o ubu whethe r nn water, thn.-e mc m ben o r 1he Fo rum s tood ttl the c xclu&i \·ely girls'literary soci.:ty could lil'C. Wo ha\'O heaJ of the list. These won cred it fo r the mse lves, pro\·ed this ycnr thM we could not nlonc Jh·e, but lhe Forum nnd the school, e1'1!ll if the d ill not win a flo uris h. F. E. W . the deiY.I.le. l o6 THE NO R~ I AL PO INT ER . t heir untinl language. ami g:Lt'O C hin t_'Stl nrticl e~. :UJ cx hibiti u n of ~!i ss 1-.Ain:L Dawc.~ was awan iCil li rst pri1.c i n tho I nte r-cl ub Declnrnatory Contest; Rlhl Mr. Halph H o und o~. :llso a Lyce um me mber. wna one of tho olcbatcrs in the Whi tewate r- Stevens Po int De bate . The society lms hcen nble to meet all iLS lin social tx."'l uiremcnt~. and to prese nt tht\ school with cL h:wdwmc picture of the Uni tPd States c npito l building. The Geogr.lphy r.yceum, thtl uuly ;~;ucicty :ulmitse x ~. was npe neo l fo r the year o n~ ~~~-. 7. 1898. On :H!I'Ount. o l the unus ua lly large nwrnl)('rll hip. the work :& t·com pli~l u.-d b.t' tlw .~ ..,·io·t.v has l ~t."t' ll of a bl!ller nnol mure suh~tnutbl ··ha rat"ll'r th:111 ting both A DREA M . One night n.'l I lny o n my pillm.I had Rn :nvful dream . My run m was lilllt.'t l with guhlins, Oh ! Ho rrible di1lthcy Sloem . C. it. ltOUSUS. during prct·ious yeaN. 1-::u·h o•t·eninJ(~ pro•l('r:un hn.s beeu carritld out by me nns nf 1·nrdn lly prc pareo l debates. PlliK!'1'. ete. nnd h:l.!l hcrn e nlit'l'lll'ol Uy recitations, I!Oogs n.nd stories J~rla iniuK to tlu.: :mUjt.-ct OOiog co nsidere..l. We were ufum ftu·on'fl wit h music ami tnlka gi t•en by outside U!.lcut The social phM-e was no t wanting, the n 1 cetinj.(~ always being genial . Joint mecti iiJ(!I wit h the llifferent societie!l were partic ub.r ly intcrestin Je. Op1m mootfngs were held, o ne of which is de~ n· in g of special mcolion. it being th o (.; hris tm:LS Jlrogro.m 011 o n the s ubject o f PRlestine. In o u r Chinese prognun. W ing! t. l lt l another Chinese reside nt. nMi!l te<l hy talk in~( ami ;o.i uJ( in.!f 1 t 'I hcr1J 11':1.'1 oue I noticed pnrtic ularly : ll i11 name WIL.!I " 'l'esi.S," I be lie ve, •\nd next tn him IIRt ano ther With " ithe toricals" on hb s iCC I'O. " Written ltcci tatio n" wn.s pliLying On nn "Overdue" violin ; Whi le·· Exc n!Ml"and "Report" weredan c ing. They made a terrible din . ·· l:klhu1ue nt" 8!\t o n my pillo w ; Whi le ··I-!ssay"'pulled tLt m,v hair, Bu t "That S ketc•h, " with hiM awful me nace, Wn.s more than I could bear. " My Excui!C," I loudly shouwd"Don 't you clare let another peep. What 's the mutter with you 4oyhow ! Cnn "t ynu let n man Alecp_! " - U. M. 1.. TH E NORMAL POI NTER. THE WATCHMAN 'S CRY. J·,·e been looking from a tuountaiu. l'n: been watchiug o'er the pla in, I ha\·e felt the j:tr o f ll:~.ttle. And when Freed o m '" wu rk i.~ tlonc. Wnr l.)t'g\Ht, the hattlo c lout! lle:lfd my comltry's c:tll ag:tin. W ill not he liftt•tl till rite sun Looks upnn a wo r l<l nf fn.•emen . ~hines upo n :t lit•lol th:U':J wo n . ~~~ Fu r a he r _legior.s dis:tpj>C:t r ing battle'~ s m oky \"ale, lat"g<'l' lifu ha.~ UJtt' m•ol, Down the \\'nrring o'I'(.'N' " ha•·c h:td their s w ay. Seen the m go. triumph assuring, Felt the tyr:mt"s jJoOtt"Cr fail. Xc w hlutH I thrtth" in I lu\\"c seen tlwm hotue returni ng Fn..'Cdom's s tars upr:tis ing high. llc:ard oppt·c~sion 's tlc:tt h hymn e hantcol. ~·t•n •lc:tr FrL'i.'< lum tlraw ittg uigh T u tilt'·c. su luug :t ,;t ~a ugl'r To tl11• ll ~:ht site lo llj;t'~ Itt hrinc:. l'ri.'!t!ll holts .~!ip t lll'ir d a r k .~o,..kct>~. llu nj.l:Cttn d<Hll'-'1 witlc o pcu s wing. llut I think 'tis hut the Of tlw m:u·c h. tha t nnw Atul thlf somul of battle Ou my ca~. n !!kirmi~h t·nng unnl h:l-1 Jl:t;l."Col. jarring hl:tSt ; ,\ uti t he thunder.~ A111l will h:~..~ t>('!l." l' ttf thdr 1·aunull h m III!.C: IIn. when High t pulses. liml'e h:uu ls hea t· hc t' ,;h ii•lol afar, And !lw narrowln..: n ig-hl of olbcorJ ht• :iglu col by her .'lt:tr . ~ltnll tl 111111' r iug.'l the •·:til. yc fro•c mc n ! ll:wo• ,\"c ~ ttn·o l,l' lll'art .~. :tnol s t rou].! ! Ha\'l.l ye sli p po•d tho• dinginl( ~h:tt·kles T lmt hat·c ho·lol ynu fm•t "'' ]ftllj;t' ~ ll:aa·u Je c:IIILrht tltc hall -sun ·~ ~.tlcamin~ Lighting in t lw ri~i nl( •hay ~ l':uttlletl h_1' 1ht: n•d we~t. hrll'l.l p! T oll•••l the kutJII .,r yc.;terd:ty ~ "Jll'll ]wart." :tnd fair minols, l/IICI:IIII)Jetl. Ultlmmmc]e,], Unt\ i;w•:ISCI J ! a ri~e :\lillion lf'giuns. awl thei r u p••ning gun;o :-::ty till' tight X :ttiou~· hc:trts ].!I'CCI tho o·ttnting ol:ty. Br.we heart,; pk.. lg-c T rut.h their :1lh•.c;i:utce, llaa·e yc Fu r I so.-c far in tht· •li-;tan(·c. :\lultilmlitlf•U>!, ~ e 11· h:e~ t r iutnphL'<I. tilt; Trutlt ~ :111d arc yc l.:l••ar. frout prcjudh-o• rclea"t.~ l · I.AWe ,\'(! l:<~me, !ltcn ! til<' lralth· o·:lll~ yuu. true men. C•mtt:: ne'••r waited br ig luo•r •-rnwn. IJy yuur !!lrt'lljtth t lw l'ijtltt s hall I'OII<]IUll'. B.v )'IIIII' lh ···"· tlw t rntl1 lw knult' n. f' (( Hut ' S!IS . THE NORMAL POINTER. w8 TI{E NORMAL POINTER.. MAY AND JUNE, 1899· A moo\biJ periodical. re p rc~cntat!Ye o l th o ~llllh Sr a t<l Surmal School, Stu e o• l'u lBI, Wl acotulo, pabllohed by the Tcrmaofoaboc.rlptlon -~ ""lilt pt! f JU r In adnnce. 7~ cc llll lfnotpald be rore Ja o.i,'W, AaiOLDL. O znu. Wll.l.W. Cuuan . ,. ~~~~~~~!<} . . .. Lou \ ... At h le tic P. A .ltocKWn.l. . .. OJUea Ooou .. .. . [ E<"hiDI:" . ...... )l<>de l Sc hoo l . . ,.,. lluelnu• LJrna NaUON .•. ~TA .~~HIUU ~ l nl ~e r , . ,, AU LIIIDiihu l nfl~ )hii i~CII } ·• J. u. a...... ... .llurnRS&LMIIO .. •.•.• .. jtJ<OaiWna• v-c ll . .. 'Eiaitotial. Th e money •JUClltion ill signitkant nut alo>uu i n :t l tti~e u re.~ JlTO mincntl y. Curin:<tam·o·. In this i!l!lue of The No rmal l'nintcr. The bt<• .. r the souvenir uumi.Jer nlways rlncs hang upun rlu: alwithty dollar. Uy combining th;~ l'o•Je n b r l'llay campaign ill8ue. nnd June JlUbli c~~o,tion s. nml by oht nininJe w·•·unbry L'll!is tance from chu !l Rnd othe r nrgaui1.ati"11~. we have been ~~ohle t.o 111:lke thiil i ;~s u e s. •mcw h:u u~eon· e laborate t hnn u ~ u:~.J . Hut fn r l:•o• k of fuTH is t ilt' food ideals thnt we h:1<l miSt.~\ ha \'c nut hcom r·o•nl · ized. W e •w kn o w \ed~e th:t.t this .~u U \'e ni r numlot•r is incomplc tu snd impc rfo•ct tu a hiJ.C h do'l!'l'' ' ' '· Inn when you co mplain the reof, will )'on ki •utly jwl!,!o• us not alone by 11. lite mry iltanol :t.n l. hur al.;ou 1,_,. " financial s taudzt.l'<l ! It was found impossible, umong othe r thinA"s. ' " publish !IC\'C raltl c!!imblc ll.rti cl e>~ . not:t.hly "Our E :~:­ cbanges," anol " Our Alnmui," writte n hy tir:wc Ogden. and a s hort thril li ng nu n·l of .~ utu c IU.OOO words by 1\11\tie Uarry. - a n:1rmti\·c hri.,;tling wit h li vely description il o f nun1 y nf th ose intc r o•s ting c haraclt'l'!l zt.Jul llmile-JJrn•·ok.inl{ ,.ituati• •ns that wt~ have kn o wn 11t o ur nurm:1l fur !he p:1s t year. \\' c regret that p>n ;•annnt e njoy lim fru it nf thl'.""! Hto·r· ary e ltnrts . T he L~litor- in-c hi d de~Sires to 11tn.te that he hwt by 1w means been s upre me dictn.tor in dec iding wh11.t s houltl ami what s ho uld not a p pear withi,n these t·ul umns. S o me nmttc r nJJpears contmry to his will, ami if it SL'tl m tn be egoti-'i tically c hosen, h u hopc8 due alluwam•c will be made. T he ~h:lt' k l t:s o f tradition are ti iWIIYS weighty, and the , 1ues ti< HI. ··Sha11 we udhere to the c ustom of publishi ng an unn1111l sou••c nir issue~" will therefore he ret:ein~•l with misgil'ings. The practice, Wu admit. h:~s ihl me rit;; : but it docs lllso have its de· Luct'it•.;. In the ti rs t phii'C, the iiOUvc nir is by no me:1u s a neL"CSsity ei the r by contract or by duty . !On ly a few J »~: r i otlicnls publi <Jh s uc h 1111 issue. ) In li m Sct•ro nol plut'tl, it means lUI u.dded weip-ht to tn the cxhaing burde n o f t lu• stall. Thirdly, ~he cxt"/Jcrluc r is alwn}' ll .!rained to i'ts \'c ry dreg&, and the rt~J.Cnl: L rnumbers of'I'he Pointer s uiTe r o n its at.:connt. lint till' arj!ntncnt nho\'e nil i!1, tlu1t we can SOT J•U ltli.~ h a s.< •u\'entr thnt is renlly cred itable and ''"'"JIIctc nn tlc r circumstnnt'CS t hat now e xist. :-oupposc we dmngc the l'irc ums tances. We arc uut prntJusing tn ul »~J ii s h the i<0\1\'C nir absolute ly. Wo• wi~h me rely tu 1mggt:~t ;.j()tuething better as a .~ nh-titnW . Wh y not puhli'lh n regu lar colle(tll :111nual ~ 'J'Iw l'latt cvillc 11111 1 Milwaukee Norma.l1 ,J,._ Is n' t S. 1'. N. strn• g c nuugh ! , Why not e lect :tl t ho: l~t•~:"inning n f t he yenr n IKmrd of edltol'!l and m:m :tJ,:•·r.i entirely !<e pnrntc from The Point'er staff, t" pn l<li ~ h at the cl"sc nf thu ye11.r in ho und or book· l••t f.,rm . au :m nu"l. t·mnp lete anJ comprehe ns ive! :-;,.,·cml hundrc•l t·n pi e;~ of s uc h a n annual <:ould be •·a~i l.1· o l i o~ pu~<luf ,J.,ll:u· ,\' < •ar ·~ W ith :l at a price of from Iitty cents to 11. guntl linancial backing, and a full timt: fur pnqmrntion. it wo uld indeed be a. •·aln:thlc snn\'tm ir.- artis ti c. rich in engmvinJ(11 and half-tu nc~ . spil·y with wit, dignilied wilh careful ami oldibcrntc lite rary composit ion!l. An<l a11 thi!> wou l<.l mc nn a relief to The Pointe r. Hut it wnuJ,J nwtln il<> me thing more. [\'Ve nrc nut •·omplaining n f our lmrdens.J It would mean that c l'cry nuruhc r .-of The Pointer were regu hu and on a hiJ,:hc r ~tanolard . And it would mean. also, a n an n ual far cd ipsi ng the humble, lnt:omple tc excuse of a .~ u u 1·cnir s udo us this i!l. Q. K D. and En••:K.I: W ill yn11 JlliSh the project Oext year ! "l' will ,1'" 11 nf>! ~ THE NORMAL POINTER. SCHOOL MEMORIES. The great ro und sun si nks dow n to his rest In a glory of purple and gold, And 1 busy my!Wif with the memoricil Which these colors bright unfo!d. I stand again in A.iSembl y Hall In the mhiMt of :l happy lhrong And, ilingiug of Wi S< Iom's happy ways, \\' e joi n in our mon.Lng song. Out in the hall I watH.h .l r. Where the l'r"fs dmt in lin~ l y greeti ng. While through echoing hallways and clllS!I room>! The morning !'ho rus co mc.'l beati t•g. Now the h:'ll\!1 are tilled with a hurry ing thro ng And tww again t hey :lro !ili\1. Hut t.ho't.<o of the busy l'l:l.~s roo m s My minol with m•h ocs till. I know Prof l:uh·er i>~ Jllc;uling That Wil nw:l!lllrc :l.nll we igh wilh care, That we draw no ra!lh conclm1inus But make our judgment.! fair. The :lrt toat•hcr thllrc by the molding \\' here the futuru .'ICUI]Jtor;; ~ll,nd Ami >~trive after lurm ~ o f loenuly With nn nc t"n s killful lmnd. With:' \'nit'tl m ust carne-"t :1.11ol ft:cli ug lmp resS~:•ii ll] l<Hl our 111inol That the intlucrwe nf t he he:uniful Wilt regc ncratl! :1.11 mankinol . In ro<' m 2".! :u the e nd nf t he hall I g:uhe retl R 8tutlinus barul That di sc u ~s wit h l'rofessur·ingilton School wnrk <•nrcfnll y pl:um ed . One e nn see frnm their ea rn Cllt fa("t:s Th:~.t wh:,te\·er el!!t! i ~ JW Thty feel in their inmn'>t lx:ing, "They :'re bl(.'l'!§et lthat ma l.:e things go ." Cal m. sz:e ntlc. kind Misil Whitmnn. Ca ring for Engli ~ h meanwhile, Pleads with Milne rnis teriug. c areless bnyll 1-"or pure. c ha~ te. tho'! anol •il,\' lo•. And jn,;t 1wros.~ tim hallway. Where l.ntin hol.ts it.'l ground, We S(!:t.rch thro' Caesar a111l Virgil Fo r pleD.Sing tlw't anti JWnnd; W c:'learchfnr l! trikin,~tlignre." 10<) Uut IJe s ure we may not forget That the mornl trntha we may gather from these Are morc import:l. nt yct. l'rof Collins grimlsout m:uhcmll.ticll n~~tljOkcs, We like hiw in spite of hill calling, Antlthe.fnet t hat afte r the algdJrn tmlt The tear;; of the Seniors aro f1~11ing. l~rof Sa nfon.l guides o ur ~HJ arch for truth 'l'hro' the intricate )1/\lhM o f the PD.St; Unde r Mr;;. Elliot's ''lgilant c harge, Wtl trR\'CI o'er conti1Jent11 VD.St. In No. 10 in tho ba§ement, Where tho winds of winter burn, \Vc !Careh thro' o ur licit! of co u seiousoes.~ And "Wir spn."Che u Deutsch 11chr gern,'' lu the co1.y little room in the tOWi\r With Jlietureaand flowers bright \Ve meet with authors o ld anti ne w With lhe keenest of d elight. W e carefully ~tndy their pages With tho'ts of be:t.uty rife. And we gathe r from their •Hternn cc~ Thei r "phllo!IOphy of life ." We study bug11 with the football coach And jo\'ialp:ood nature all well; Anti MN. Mustard make/\ ljllite Kuru W o all shall learn to spell. Prof <..:roswell i~ training :~.youth fnr Frio lay~ So we leave him with 'lulct treat! And vl11it dear Mrs. Hrndford That s he in her w\!wlom may s how Just how wo s hould tt:ach that Jlrac tice rlas.• What they certain ly ought to knov.:. A h. m e ~ What a11 oeeJLn nf lt:~trninr{! Hut l~resident l'ray hall tolol From the occRn nf op(,.,rtunity ../', Along whose heaeh we !!( I'll}' We c·arry with us when we leave Only what tho littleellfl Of our faculties will hold. AN EPIQRAM. some ink, IL Kheet of Jlapc r. Some c halk, 110me slate, some thinklngiRter. A walk. a room, a io n asketl. Oh ye~. I gu011!1 that ynu h:u·c pa.~!M.'II. A JICII, - lt. M. J•. THE :-.IORMt\1. I' OINTER. OUR PR ESID E NT . O UR S PREAD . I L is with n g rc:1t olcul uf t n:pid a tiun that I :l]•· protu:h the awe i n~pi ring ~n bjct·t of the l' r•·~iolo •nt .,f tho C lass of ·oo It is ,.,.,·ta in ly a .~ u hjo•t·t wv r tl1 l J nit._. :1 whilt• a,~o:o. ol' at an,r rn te OOfore thc J a uua l')' f.,JI;s left us, the class hn.d a ilJH'('atl. Just w hy m e ntioning. ho wc\'Cr : fu r tho loy natm'C ''""'''•! :u u l retiri ng, he tu ll'<'ni majcst k a lly :t.l">l'c tl u• .~111:h fmwtio ns :ire ~:allt:~ l SJH'Catls i!i unLimmet.lintcly :1ppa rc n t I t 1\l:t\' 1.11· locc:HISC the ~~·c ml commi ttt:cil a rc t'X JK.:~:It•d t u SIJI't':ld t.ho·m sch ·cs i n co ncr.ct iug :m crowd, anti the " head u f t he :o;c uiur o·bs,;'' ··an a l· a ppru pl'i:u c me nu. or prc Jmri ng a !<uitabh: progmm, ways 00 illeutilieol, mul·h to thc juy uf till' .funinr". "r in oh•l'isinj! snmu s..:hc n w hy wh ich a ll chance of fo r it is darkly hintml t hat olu nyinl{ any o ne tho o ppo r thc " n nughty nuugh t.'l" tn nit.vuf mt..'t•ting his nssessnc tua lly r o lled him in thu me n t is n molc i Ul]}tlSSiblc. g mss, t ho a cco nling to rllOr. :lj.!'ai ll, it may lie because po rt. it took t he whu ie <'Ia,;... tlu- o rator. . :tud o rn.tresscs to d o wn his lofty form . a n~ tl.'tpt~t·t cd to s prcntl tht: nll'ICII·cs i n r~pomliug Hc isalways good ·nntnretl nnd- pnticm t o the last deto t he ir to :l-'St.'i ; o r it may g ree, I Willi a bout 10 s:1ysig nify s imply t hat the tnbut I re m"cmber a t ime whe n hie i."c~ ' " 00 ~~~read with n u his wrnt h deSt.-endt.."tl u po n ahuwb nce of ·~n kc. st&hul. it·c ••ream. !lo we rs and· p:l o ur guilty heads. n ud tim!< ltO•SPRke; " T he mcc t iiiJ[ JH' l' nap ki n."c~; or, it m ay re· yo" ill lie a d journt..'<l unt il fe r tu tim nef·cssity fo r the some o ne can lind some· young me n,- s uc h scnrt·c thing to aay, " which imme:trticles- to pro porly- ahdia te ly cured our; unSt.·emly e xert the mseit•es in prol' idllehll\' io r . But g e nerally he i ug- !m il a ble :&C<'om pnniis t he best of prcsiolt•ut•. me nt for the y o ung Jru lics; e vidently t.'\ k i nJt as his st:l n, l· o r it may lmggt..'St t h:1t t he w w ot l.t' t:u. a n i tho motto .,f the l' m fame o f t he feast and the t · ln:,.t llt: " T • ·1..1• ~ nt· fcssio nal He1·ie w t:lu.s~sJ[IICSIS is to s pread abroa tl : " Blessed a re the,\' who make t hi n~" ~" .. ,.,. :u" l "" " " :->v far as that goes, had t his par t kIt is saitl he is C.'<t:t:l'tling ly }C"""" llt':ll·to·ol. :w d ubr ~ p•·••ao l lH•o·n ,.,. t·nllcd for a ny o r u 11 o f these no n e of 11.!1 w~uld deny this Wt•ro• wo· no t r:1tlwr ro·a~.,n~. tllf' tit I•• w .. u ltl 1\tll h:ti'C 1Jce 11 11 m isno me r . sk e ]Jt ica l of the f:1c t o f his ha l'i nj.C ~11..!1 a n :u ·tit·lo· From tho· ti mt• whe n t he lir>~t t rio a ppe a red- for Fo r It is also da r kly hintcol that tl1e .Juu iut· o·l:h~ ,.f tlu- ..J a~• o·a uw tll<>stly hy trio;i and CJna r te ts- u ntil last ye ar kno ws of its whct·cal" '" t ~ tho· l:t•l I'•••·~·· oof tlw clas" song wa~ liUIIg, t here Wllll The Seniors ha1·e won i n o•r:li•Jn'. d t'h:tr.•. tidol ,Ja,·. ""' :o no" "" 'llt'~ J•:UI>~~: in the e njoyment. Pnrt o f haSf'ball; now t hey Wt>C]J for 111"1'•,' 1\'orl•l ~ ' " ,..,tnpt•;r !lu· l im•· it ll':t" "' "''ic~ : t wnn ld :llter tm!e w it h TilE :1 special sort. of clog CXI..'CIIh.'d iu :~ NOR~I:\1. w:L)' tu ~·xcitt• PO INTER. ~lt:dl jealousy in the hear t o f :~ Mahnr:L M instrel. The n there were n lew son,~:s, sc,·cml things to c:lt. ami :t.!l, Our Boys. Um· :ichuol. Our <.:Ia;;;;. Our Girls. Our Facuhy, Our Athlet it-s, :uul with s n•·l• themes as these, it is no wuru lc r tilt' t•u!ngicl!i l:t-~t•·d t·:L rclc.~sly p:u·tit·nl:tr lito•tary O N P L A NT I NG OUR Jt. P"'''''~li lay in his wnndcrfully bicyc le nntl :ul,·cniscm unt JliLt"....~itLJ,l'. During re,.:ut·t-e~~Sfnl I VY. sn:L p F rail spmy. sc:Lrt:t: utT the p:u·cnt s te m. W hy tlazzlc t hcu with fn•,;lrrucnttimc A.Ge~~ell tricol h:artl t o pro,·c t hnt ''t•nn,;umption s upply.·· un:nailing rit e~ W hy s tartle th1..'C with If :my nne wi,;ltes to t•t•remnuy Fit tu •·rown knuw :1 kiu~ot ~ Thy lirt• shall ho· br· fo•atun·~ fro·s hcn thct•, tli•W_II " ' ' lr:arrd" JICrfnrm;uwcs. • . :mol Mr. S:a]lt•r'l'! nnu,.W.II And wh:Lt ,,,·a il \'aiu trll lltl "~ t- up wur·,J,.; To iusun.' tlwo• hanli· r·:u c nfhi!!olrcsscrlh:mrl. Mr. l'rny's la~t spade. l':tttin]l the carl h thy jl<'lltle K n"l\'" il :d~out i n,~: the The C\'en· w:tl!i 111:1.ole enjo~·r~hle \,y j:ettiiiJC :LCIJIIII\UtC<J with •·,•oon]llnnrcrntcollit- at thy grnn·. w::~.~ hnl trut lcn!!l- uf uur l(:alhcrin]ls . 1M~ I. muo· k~ e ntertai n· meuL wcr•: tire "slci]lhl- wing. ~riemlly uf tht: "Collins- Mrt:u,;kill" w ith l ' ruf. th:LL Jll'r.<otn nsk Mr. Hnun<l.~ nhnut hi;~ " tlnn · kt•y." T hu o•rowni ng "t•l'l' kiu•ll,1' n ight {"an has te \." st•" p a nti l'uu]in,~: whet he r Mt'l..::al!ki\1 like!! to teach rratur:ll hi>~lury. just let Sure 'tis a funlish whim. T ill' n. OUR BE I NG ENTER TAINED. Tlw ~.-uiur·.~ han· a t difTerc n L times throughout till' ,\'• ":11' ht·o•n 1' ..y:Llly o•ntcrtaineol. Anti the re nrc ,\ t :'<lr :"':our..... r.~. \\' ill Br:ulfurtl ,.:hnwetl th:J.t. his far intn the night. tlrnupc•l retu ming uyc. - c. nmny other things to say :~fter the c:~tiug w:~s U\"er These after dinner talks were o n s m·h SUJ:~I·,;tin­ s u bjcets thrill thu That o·atehing tlr.1· fro.•sh g recu. laces agnin tlll'l-(ual . '\I'll u' t:" rn: u Ctl.twa: To "1111 Un t usagt• tit f''I:<'IISt' nfTunl~ Wh:tt thuugh t hy tendril &tmi)!'htt•n. thy l•·a f f:ul·· · T hy rnuL ne't•r furl'C tiL<" r·!uol, h1• 11t'\'o•r fo•d. \\'o•'ll urart yr thCt.'. and <"tht.nm ~a1··· No t "" · olt•ar plan t: thy lift•',; unr •lt•rw Fmil thun m:ty!i'L look- thy ht·HI'I i.~ ,.rnroi~· c mr~· JM""""""·" anrl hy th•· :tlln...•tmrJ.tth'"·' "'ll•" lt " Tn tlu· " '"''··· in.~ talh rocrll .~ uf hu, pitality we 111:1.)' :ul•l that whkh o·a•m: f•·•••tt ··th•ti!c ,Jnninrs,·· anti ll'a~ o·njn_\·o·d '" Ill" lri;.(\LI'St pi tch. Tlw pl'iut••r• f!otli li•·•' ~~~ thar tht• la~l n f t h i~ ~11 1t: ,..,Jnmu \\••11ld J.,. lol:tnk rtrt lt•li>l we prnvi.\1'<1 mnrr Thy stro·ngth shall JCfUII' : thy ,.:hi n in)!' to·11dl'i l ~ o·umpu•it i.. u. Ah··r ruudo oleliiM.'rtltinn we olecioll'tl 1l1:1.t :t~ "'•·ni .. r·~ ,,., . ..;lt"rt ld d u nu murc hrag]li11]l. \\·,. knu\\' "Ill" l'"~t•·ri 1 _1· will o•x:alt 11.>1 Cllflllj{h. \{f•rtc h hnmc tn uur ,.:oul." Autl hirrd nur Sc\·er:~.l lilt·:< hr uuo· ; ,\nol tlrt·:nn mc111't1'ie!'. :tn•l h i)!'l1t'r h"]" "· ,..;,. 1hal itu·lt ""''' 1"111> hl:111k tm l•·~>~ it".~ :ll rc1uly lill··•l !.\' thi~ 1inw THE NO RMAl. I'OINTI.:.R. This far fnm~ l cl:l.~ w~ orgnni1.ell du ring the latter part of tl1e nwnt h of Mnn·h. Hl\ID. an ti the followinlt' o llicer>~ wen: t:lt:~.'h,"ll : l~r..:~ido•nt - ~ t i..s Frnnk l-l:trt. Vke l'rc;;ident- .Jcrnme \\'hccl.,t·k . St:crctnry nnd TreMurer- l'. A. Hook wcll y ,u wi ll notit1C their face;; :unong uthCr'll in th i" p:ap•·r. \\'hat htl\'e we done, tlo ynu Mk, to mnke ~nl1!'cln:s the pride a nd wonder of th i!~ school! There are not word>~ enoujlh in the En.~eli s h Jan· g unge to tell you uf our g reate r glo r ies. I.Jnt perh:tps :1 fe w of the lesser honors will satidy yottnQ\1'. First., when it W!l! l~:arnl..'tl thnt Stevens !~o int ~orm:al hmd wo n :at. t he lrucr·Sta tc · orntorie!\1 conte!!t we wen: among the foremost to lw:gin and kCCJI up the celt•brntious. In o rder to ~ h o w how \·cry Jli'OUd we were o f our orator we nnaoimo usly \'Oted Arnold •·• n:~ ll•t:ST 1... Gesell an ho no rn ry mll mber of o nr class. This wM our firs t s te11 un our up1vnrd cou rse. Ne xt, during a school reception we l1ad the plea.~ · ure of pus hiog (actually Jlll.~ h ing ) t he enti re Senior class out of the nm Eic room. whithe r we had withdrawn Ro'i' intc iii..'C!IIIal JmfJIO!K!S: a!ltl l're.;ident l'rny WIUI o n their sitle too. t hough I a m not sure that he was·hc lping them. A L ano the r rece pt io n we were t he only pe uplc who had anything to say whatcvur. and try. :1s we mia.tllt. we cou ld not get the fa intest cry fro m t ht• Se nior.~. thonJ!h :1 bir nuru Uc r of thcrn were pre!ient. Our la"t at· hh•\'c ruent. which exci tt:~.l t ho gre1tt. ht••rt•s t wa~ " The Junior Frol it·." o n May the twcnty·ninth If yn u nro stilt :•n x inu ~ to learn IW•n· 11h"ut it lnuk elsewhere i•~ th is paper. How h:wc we tukc n a ll these honoril ~ Inn very modest. m:u mc r of cum·ie. It is not o ur wu y to boas t. zllthough wo nru us hi lly awnro lUI tho Scuinr clns11 nu• l o thers, t lmt wo rtrc tlJC mo~ l ncti\'C, tho mnst notcol. tho most glo rio us clas;; thnt e\'C rha~ lx:e n o r ever will Le Ul'ij'!!llizt:d in this No rmal ~dmnl of S~e •·c n s l'oint. JUNIOR C LASS SO NC . Tunc :-"The Campbell• a rc Co•oin1 ." Oh we a re the Jltlllplc, the OO's T ho' uur 1mme sounds ~o JliUI.I(ht y the OO's As pride o f t he Normal, will go.dow n.i n h i~ tory. Ve ry bright peo ple. the OO's! C J.A ~ tot' 'Otl. We've s mas hed nil the ' records f ·d aSs..o;; befo ro.n;; ~ The fac ulty te nde rly love and adore us, Ami we arc the e nvy o f c 1·en tho Seniors, Who ]U()k d o wn in !lt.'Or n on the oo·s. I n ~~ •tlr. ll rawing. 4th Algebra too, We 'stonishctl the n at l\· e~ the way we got through. And when 1ve a re !Klnirll's we'll no t nt.oe<l to dig, Li ke :til fHrmc r Seni1•rs. on Psycho ! and Trig. Oh (lear little Frc... lune n, !IO you ng u.ud 50 s ll y, T ake ht•:art - yuu'll be Juninl'!j ~ome d:1y by nnd hy. ,\ nd if yo u d e~ire to hc hnve 3!1 you ought, .Ju,;t take a>~ you r •nrHICIH the 00'!4. THE l\OR ~I :\L YELLS O F THE JUNIOR CLASS. \\' ah. w:1~1 . oo·s wah. ah Zip. b:1ng : Boome rang: IL'\h 1 ltah: [{nh' ! Ha. rc. ri, ro. Hi ug. rung. mng. 190 0 Zip. boom. hauJ: : : Whoop l:1 rah : Whovp Ia re: We are the people o f S . 1'. t . Walk up : Chalk up : UJJidee! HJ.o:o Y es, Sirrcc: Halla Ba lin! Kaou e k ! Kanu ck ! Pride of the Schnol : Kachuck! 1900 S ki, 11 mah: I'O INT ER. "' comin]l t hei r e lde r friend ~ with that tlccp look o l cou<·eru :1ml irrepressible :uti uu le whic h is ow c har· :1cteristie of t his Jl!a r's Junion~ . Af1 cr hand·shakings nud nHitnnl n oll ;,~ o f I'Ct:o ~tni· lion t he followiug program w:~..s gi\'Cn : Piano Uuct ......... Misses Ouubp Juul McDon:t.hl . ... Mi:iSei! Atl :uns an• I B:t.rry Hllt'it:ttion.. Mu,;ic .. . . ... Misses A lie u :uul West anti Mr. Allen Violin Solo ............................ Mi!j,'l l-lei n \'rn·al Sulu.. . .. Mr. Uo:chkis.'l l'i:1no Sulu . . . . . . . . . . . ............... Miss Flower .. Mulc Qmtrtette NHIJl . . Bcfrc~ hm c nls St' r\'Ct l. of it-c c ream !Uill c nke were then :tftcr whic h Seniors ~md ,JunioN joined in the pleasant whir\ o f tWO·SWp nut! w:litll. That ulght man y :1 Senior as he laid his weary head u pon his pillow \'owe<.\ (to him~ lf ) that the ()()';~ were not so b:t.tll\8 hc lmd imnginell. indi~~rimiuatcly T H E JU N I OR C LA SS S P IIU T . We hn\·e been highly comp· limc nted upon ourci!U15 SJiririt, nud we zu·e ready to bow our 190 0 thanks therefo r . The Seniors • IW.h r R:l11 : ltnh: have no doubt thought nL times Uoom-a-lacka! Uoom-a-Jack1l : thntwcwercrnthergo.y. Well, How. wow. wow . pe rlmp!O we we re, hut them is Cling·a·laeka : Cling-a-l:lck:l! nOtJUCStion but t h:t.twe he\pt.'(l Chow. c how. chow. to make things boom. We 1' . A. ltQCKWt: LI,. Hoom·a·lacka: Cli ng·a·lnck a ! s •:C' Y CI.,\ SS Ot' '()(). o uNelves shall ttot look back Who are we ! upon o ur history with regret. We're the c lass of OO's. And in s ucc<.•t:ding ages the S. P. N. fac ulty, too, From S. P. L. will r.cfc r to u;,~ with pleasure. The c iWI-8 s pi rit manifested CSJICCinlly nmong :t.nd betwoon the JU NI O R RE CEPTION IN HO N OR OF T HE SEN I O R S. wonhy St!niors aud those Jun iors has boro e good The sccood a.nnu:t.l rece ptio n tendered the Senior fru it. I t has hel ped to bring on n. college atmoselMs by the Juniors, Saturday e\·ening WllS he ld iu phe re. whic h s ho uld be duly e ncourage<.!. Le t that the gymna.siu.u. which 1\':lS tastefully d ecor.ncd class s pirit be un fettered Boll rise o n high e\'Cn if with s.-:hool colors. it has a tnint of egotism. At 8:30 the bright and S111iling Juniors (!) minglell Although we realized that comparsions are often with the wreathed \'isnges of the faculty :t.nd the odious. it w:t.s in good fnith that w e claimed our· more grM'C and thoug htful countennn ces of the sc lv~ to be "the best" and "the only." Hut to app:t.rently overworked Seniors. Altho ugh nt timcs gh·e rlue reg:uxl to tho OO's we nmy <.-e rt:l.inly aca. half scornful. half sati rical whispe r was oi'Crhen rd knowl edge the m tho bes t of Seniors- at fo r tho c urrent year. exce pting SP.XT yc nr, of courHC. by n happy-go-luc ky 00. the Juniors cont inued wei· TH E " 4 NO R~It\ L The Ele mentary CII\S!I o f '1)9 i~ tl1c larges t in the history o f t ho I!Chool. I t ha.~ t h irty·si ~ mt·mht!t'"· E.arly in the spring ttuartcr we met ami nrJ::IIIi7.t'd. electi ng t he followi ng oflicers : l'rc.~idl'llt Jprumo· Whoolock. Vice I'T\!:!ithmt- Hona lol l.:utto•nt So·•·· retnry - io:thel l)unlap. Tren.~n n•r l l'uuio· ISnwk· POINT ER. . . .. ........ Ethel Dunhlp j . . .... l·lo wtuxi' Cato · · · 1 J.udo\'ic C he rov&ky Stati>'tio·>J., ,., ... 111 . .... . ... . ..... Ho nnltl L:uno ut. ( 'Ia~~ l'rul'ltt••·.r It wo uld take too long to go intu oll'lail ah.. ut tho· mc rit.sol cach imlh· nf the elMS. Let it s uflicc to I!"II ( 'all . j . M in nie W ood ···· 1 An nie Killorin . .. .......... l" rc~idcnL Wheelock The fulluwi u ~tisourcla.~ !IUIII( ! A)' that tht> Juniori'o. ret~og· Let e ,·cry Elo•mt.m tnry no w nizing o ur wort h. clCl'U:ol their PrCJJitl61 nl :mol Vic.'ll l'n.!1lillCot f romonr nnmho•r. fo r whi<'h hnnnr WI' a rc tluly gnt.teful. 11.nol thert• is no t·harR:e fo r iMln "ke5. The class M a wh.,Jo• j;4 no ted fo r tim n umber uf • i m port:mt lm>~ino·.~~ mo•t•l· ings he ld (per notit~es t•a>~t bo11.rd). Certftin it i~ the nu•mbers :nc \"ery ! kilrul nl nut m!l.klng mo tio ns anol nut \'olunteering N'IU:lr ks. There ho wtn·er. nnp "r t.wn nota hie mu-eption.~ . O f l.'OUI"!Ie yuu h u.\"e lll':tl"tl or"the busket ball ~amt• ho:· ~ween the Sen in N :uul Ele· tuCnta ric!l 011 t be ~t.ftcrnuun u f M a~· IIi A o·alll iun i~ a pproprhu e he•·c thuu.ll:l• : ll.ou ·t ta lk ha·k•·t hal leu thcSenioof'l!. Tn11 t woml ill wantin~e ioo tlwi t· ,.,,..alou· lary. . . 4;,·a···· ~ ·..,.,... ,.!1, } .. E-••·lla 1r Bri 1•11 • • ••···• f :'llar~taro•l t 'lilf,.nl l"o•\"l'lin .-~< • n~ot. Hu rrah fur 1111r Nnrfual & hom!. Fow S te\'c ll!l Pt~i ut No rmal's t he JJint·e t" llclnng. ll mTal1 fo>l'toiii·Norma l &·hnol. <.;horn;~: St•hollol. Vh ul:t. \ 'i vo1ln. Nurm a l Vi \'C I" :unn ur. Vi n1 l':ununr. Vi ve l:l . N11rnml SdtnHI. Wc'rea-. prmul:l.H th11 ,Jnninl"l4. :wol Wl!' \'tl r1·~· son to be, l l otrr:th f,,,. .,nr Normal St•luoul llun :tlo fu!' ullt' :-lonual Sehoul. -Chnrn:!l lhu r:tll r.... "Il l ' :'-lunual S.·huul. l'lo•·.vd•· ~•· .. m·fnt~u••llrt·h.._.. _ n,w ju .. t tltink tof 1h:ll ll urr:olo f,,,. .,,ll. ;o.;nrma l So·hnnl. TilE NORMAl. I)O IN T ER . The year just 1lr-~.winlo! tu a cln~·· has un<luuhtcdl.l" been the 111n~t ~•wn·~dul otw that the :-;,,.,. ,.n~ I'Hint Noi'Ul:ll Ol":lt••tical A~~~ ><·iati1m lt:L~ 1,,.,.,. ,.,,,.,.._.,! through . pri ~o:s . It ha.'i UIHlc rtako·J• mun· in••uh·in).!" mw·h o· ..:t •·n~ ill' 1:\r:.rl'l" 1"1110:1"· u,.ibi li· tic.-.. anti yet h:UI hrnught them a ll tu a olt~tim·tl.r CI"Cilit.a l>le co Jwlu ~ i n u . Thi" :HH'I'CS"'. mureul"t•l", h:L~ l>een I wnfold. ~'ot only han• its rcpi'<'So•nt:Uil"tJ."' II' VII ho uor fur themscl\·es awl tlu- .-\ .~ "' "'bti.,n. h.•· the exn·llel!l"l" u f their IW•rk. hut th e ollh-<·r~ and com · m ilt o:c~ of th o "r).!":aniz:uinn h:tl"t• rdlc•·tr•d )::r<:at credit upon I he sdwol loy !ho••·:an : and fon~ sig:ltl con test. lu gi1·i u~ hunm·. lht:rd•Jre. IO th<~sc whom ho nor i!l ohw. w e mu.~t nut ful"j.(o•t l' rP'<ith•ut :OOupt·r l u ,\"l'l a~oud1er way has the IJreScnt ye:1r",; work Wen untahl_,. s ucces,.;ful. I t is e •·idcnt to ail whu tnt·<~mu:r n.: 1.1..- o·nntcst_,; of thi~ year with t hoM' of timt•,; p:1"'1. th :lt in the :llll<lllllt nf pain s takin~ ctTnrt put into the work of preparation. !he prese nt year mnrks :~ tli.'!- tin ct :l<il'an•·e. It is ttl be hnpctl that th e large uumher o f :-Joonnal ~ ltJ <IC tll ~ who> ha•· c hccn ~o s tinn•latctl by thi~ year·~ t'tUhn,;iasm ai to lnok furwal"ol 1•1 ··anotoJCf year." wlwn tlwy. to ... can hopt· fut· snc in snmc form nf publi1• iiJ)(l:lkinj.t'. wi ll kee p bcf<~rt· them the tl!:tcnni n atiun to ad1·anee stil 1 fm·!ht•!' the iolcal nf :11tllitllllt'111 of llte :OO! cl'l'll~ J',.int ce~!l Nurnml .. When we tl1ink nf tlw thi.~ ~··l• ou l t)ll!" l~o.·~t rcpt·•·••·nt us. anti aftcrwnnb A•bm ~ .~C t'Utltl. and :\ l r . Martin ~el su n t!Jinl. hut all wl1n took p:1rt d,•sc n ·•· m tu.~ h cr~tl it fnr 1he it· exo·cl· le nt wnrk . \ \" o• Imp•• that the A s.~ociatiun o f 1:1\J!J·OII wi ll be nn l•·s~ "'nc•·c~s ful in ca q·yiuA' ntt this t•nt••rprt~c . T ht•n . tn ... WI' h:l<l a d e bate. IH)l Inn~-: agn, i n whic h three of o ur boy.1 :uul three nthf'l"l! from .~uuthern W isco nsi n. were the inte rested parties . Hut fo r l'arious :111tl s uflki c nt rca>~n n ,.. , we a rc not !'oint :\ormal Oratori1·a l A >-S~ >I'iation. We at U ll ~'C think u f the line of work whic h the AsS< II'iati•ln w:1s urigiua l1.1· 1lesigucd to cncour.1ge- or.n o ry. Uut in addition to hnloliu J!: th e coutcsL~ neecs,;ary tlo tl cte nninc ...·hidt llltlt'h :ti.J.oot11 th e l"CS n lt o)f thifl m cutin).!" . pre- fl'tTing to lt•ai'IJ tim!. for !lw \\'hitt:wat cr J>t:o p le to d" But we du say that then• i~ anotlwr _p•at· cnmiu j.t'. and that althunj.t'h ~ll'l" ••ns Pnint :-Jnrmal d ues nut l'"nsi •ler ""kio·kinj.t' ntt the ttmpir·c's dcci~io n' ' ci th•·1· a lt·g-itiluat e or a prutitahlc hu><i nc~s. we still fe••l]H'<>U•I ••four •lehalo•r,.;. attol cnnti•lc n tofthcirabilit~· a" talkt:rs. It ~ l ci'Sr$. i.~ 1-l nbhard and ltniurlltn:ltc that two o f them. H nun·l~. :u·e not to IIIJ fa1·orc• l with an o !lwr Ollpo rttm ity to try t•nnclu~ion s with the W hitcwat••r rt'] II"C~f'ntatil·e~. hut un d oubtedly ,\I f . W1:nwr wi ll olo all in hi .~ pmn•r tnen:\.'1": the hin l of l"ktnry tn alij.t'ht The mark ~ ~t e •·c n,.; <'11\tl<l ,.; tall•. tilt' O r. lt tol"it·:tl A·~HI'i at io ll uf "!)8-·Htl ha.~ llt' ld a IJo ••·l:lmat• ••y { '<>nl c.• t the tin•l t••·er umlcrt:tk•·n in thi.• ~ duonl. In this l""lltesl ~ l i.~s Edna B:1wo•• wa .. aw:u·,l,•tl th-,;t hollll}l"l!, t\li"' ~ \'innio ~: tying and his faithfu]t'll·workcrs enthusias m and of tlh' t'Htuinj.t' Hurkt• <~ ur \\'t ·h~l •·r~ in allt:ml:utcc at tlll",l" excn·i se1l in d ealing with till' many JH'tthll.l m ~ i111·i · tlent tu thu lwlolinj.t' nf :1 ~ tal e or:atot"it·al or d e hat.tu~ h:n·e au oppot·tunl!y ' '5 on o l) l! tl:t){ ~talf in 1900. l:t."t ~ I unday nf th e pn••c nt ;whuul yca t' tim time of till! joint d ehal•• hctwet:u the Forum an.] t he Alllcncum . T hi ~ •lch:l!c. a!tlu>u~h nut d.-tinitc'y und1·r !h~- t"<>lltrnl o f the Uraturic:l l A;.• Ut..·i:uiuu. stan•l s. hutl'cl·cr. a s o ne tll:luift:,.;tati<J n interc ~ l i n p niJ iit· spe:1kiug. and IICIH'C du· "'-'n·es meuti1>11 hcrt'. T he •JnC~Ii•Hl f ,,. deh:1t1J :- of ""r T HE NORro.IAI. POINT ER. 11 6 lteiiOI\' t.'<l, T hat the facts rc)C:Inling the ~.~ lu i pmcnl. luaintenance a nd tra n!Opm·t:aliou ••f t he United ~tat e;; Army, i n t he wa r wit h S p:Li u. w:arr:a n t cen su re u f the responsible o tllci:lls I.Jy tlw Alllc rican 1~uplt!. ~ is one o f t he li1•e op ws tiuus of t he da;•. ami is well wnrth ('JU"du l oliSt.:UMion. The Athe neum's rcprcscn w tivcs. Me:~.~N. ~wi t ;o:ct·. H a r rison a mi A. Oa we>~. :arc a 11 c.~~; pt: rit·nccol duhatcrs. Nor are t ho Fo rum me n. Messrs. S cbon. t.:atc :u ul Wheel()(•k. u n knn ll' ll '" fanw. Uut these t•ontest.s :lrtl ll ll i cwhle n t:l l'!. m· o ration p:a->SC<.I t he ut-:1\or's li ps. all d o u bt wa>~ gone. T he s il<'llCC w:as JM:r fcct. and C\'Cry face t01ld of t he m ost ahsohttc :atten tion. As ho wo n t o u into lai" o•~uion . •lcn:lotJi ng. s tep by s top, t he thnn1-•'ht whkh he had to gin.o. we wondcrt.'<l tha t the re had cn:r [)(!Cn a •tiU!Stiun a~ to w ho s hould 1m oour l'c[U'CScn tat ii'C. Am i w he n th:l t m:1gnitk-en t cmwl ns iu n c:u11e ringi n g lU o u r c:lrii- " YC s hall kuuw tlce II'Uil c, and the trut h slmll m:lkt• yuu frcc"- thc n : was u nt t JIH' w ho hcnnl it. hut that. knt'''' t hat the ::\taw l 'n nt.cst wnJt lus . ~idc·show!l. so to i![>tla k. to t he ~eric~ u f cnn· whic h o u the C\'cui ng o f May fith t•uhui uate•l in Arnold L. l i e~·ll's t'O mulctc l'ic l n ry ,.,:,.,. t lw \\'h itew:•tcr was ht·r·c. gloryi n!l in t lw prest ige o f ;l§...«em hlcsl urntnr~'i o f livu s tate intcr· no rmal\l'agucs. - -T he swr y of t he t·nnle1!LS i .. fa1 Uili:u · tn c t·cry 1tt•o l'it·turii!S al n •:u ly 1\'1111 . Ushkn:o~h w as here. two h unolro•• l .. trnnJ:. wi th t l1cir ",Just lin n l:irl. " w hu tc~t.~ Anol it 11' :1 ~ But fnr time it lno kcol d ouh t ful . :1 ATHENAEUM DEBATERS. ontl o f us, hut tlwre i :o~ no rt•a lly )(fttM I stury t hat will nn t iJenrrc·\l•llinJ.f. On the e,·cnin,l{ of Ft:h•·ua ry 10t h a n ir.wrc,.\t-.1 nwlience W l\.i g athcrt... t i u t lw ,\ s,o•mhly r•H• m. II• lis te n to the 1!hi ''"niJICiiton! for tht• ltunot' of n;11rc· sontinj:t the ~10\'1!11" Point XunwLI in t he t•om i n~ s tntccun te;it. For many m ••11 1h ~ tin: ]Jn ·pa r:ttiom for th\.'5 day lmoll~t..-..• n guiu)C ""· :u u l 11u w the n·~ntt WM anx io usly awaito•.t t.he fo lltnvii•K v ro ler : The .~ peak•·r-: a p ]JoC:l rcol i11 W ill t:u h •c r. ll uwa ro l t:at('. lbl ph Ho unds. J t•ronw \\']l('t·\fH•k, t:a rl ll'{th•n. and hu!t. Arnoltll •. G c8Cil. li1• lo t he o·ln;;o• o f ! Itt• lift h n rat\on , the tloclsion wRS s till 1lnulu fn l. 11111 fm 111 the tilllt! tlw llr.n i't'n t•·u•·•· .. r t ho• nuw fatuiliat· 1:1\ kt~l for (i m nl Fiua lly. a nd the mnllt fcart.~ l of a ll. wa~ ~ ~ ~·~l ahun . o f ~li l w:wkcc, whuse " A b raham l.iuNtlu" h:td hr.. ught h im a u t•as.y first in t ho ho m o t'lllllt:'~l. It i'l nu t lll"'l'SSary Ill tell hnw it lmppened, fur wt• wc1·e a ll the re . T hu p rclil nin:•ry song s :uul yclt~-ttw progm•n- t hc o lco..i~i•u• - thc .c m .'lh a mi r na r , ,f :l]l p\ au ~~ -t hc l<111g I r:llll]l t ht'!lug h t h o d a tn p .~now -1h1: re•·eptinn. w here no nne ;.ceemcd :ai.Jh! tn t''l:[lrt'".:: '!i m <t•lf i n t im u n li na ry lone 11f ••okc- n \1 thi'St' arc ail l'iviolly p it-tu rcd in uu r m i ntls \Oflay as till')' tl'!'t'e u u rlmt'''·cn t fn l n igl•l. :-;!uw o·a nhl rlw IJIICS.t ion. hnp;• t•) wiu t ho• l nt m·s t:llc wo· h:u l now IN·~ un ~ t:un ld we, d :t.rcil we A r n o.],]'H ll~t inn ( for tn o·all h i m Ar nold. il!!lll'nd o f TilE N OR ~IAJ. tiescll) wns undo ubtedly tlw lit'S! ct·er pro. htw•l IJ\' a Wisconsin Normal s tmlcnt- lmt :tn Intcr·St:lt~ contest !K>emcd a rnthe r l:argc thing. as It' •· thought of it. - March Jlll!!!!ctl into April. an•l with the new Hfo that came to us. we gre w o·uu titlt•nt. .. \\'t• know. amt C\'Cryonc athnits th:u he is Wisl~m~i n 's I"'OINTER. w:t_\'~ a ... we knew. how mndt we :~.pprc•·i:ltetl what he had oluul'. T hen ;·a me !Itt• r..oteptilln in hi.'! h"nur. with .'!J.Cl>chc:s• .SOUftS :tu•l yo.!lls !l'aloru. IL w:~.s :1 timetu Ue rcmembttrc•l. · SONGS. best." we began to think. "W i~··.,nsin · \\' h\'. Tuno : -··Dixie... W iscons iu is not going to play ~et·untl iio ltl lt• '" lliiI wi~h l'ol h1.'1!nl ol:\t hig or.ltitm. uois. or any or any of thoSt! .~t:t tt•.-'1 w:•y nut tt't"'l ... 1\t:-.;:t pic•·e H' wurk in :til •~rcatiou : we argued. --or t'(o\l r:o:c W i.~•·nu ~i u i~ ,:uing t" win .. ( i(•t :t ho·ll : we will yell : furC:c..."Cil : Jl,.·,. the man. The more we t houg ht of it tlw ho•lto·r wo· liko·d it. anti whtln finally the d:ty t•ame who•n lw ,;luonlol In :\ lma town whl'rc he wns Uorn in, lent"C us. to go II> l'(.'<.lar Fall.~ . tht•rp wa. nu ··h:tlwo• Earl,\' on "'It' Uright .June mo rui n' t:ctnixlll; we will fo r mismL(IcrSC H OOL DEBATING TEAM . s t:uuling us wh.~n yt•ll : fnr Ge!Rllt: we yc!lt"tl: l-Ie 's the m:ut. Fil'llt ! First : (.;ho rus: First ! Fi rst ~ I wish dat J W is-con- s in ! had !!Cell him, Gesell ! Gest'll : Hooray! Hooray! Gc&tlll ! Gesell : He's the m:u• tu And fillt hi>~ t•oico win ! zuw~llln''rou nd, Ami from th:lt And hcertl dnt big day we were m:ikomtiou. iug JllRII!I f>lr the Hooray ! Hoomy ! eelcbr.t.tinn ot·er Anti hecnl tlat big thC\'iewry he w:r.s omtion. tu win. It i>~ nil history Wc's ]XJWcrfu l no w. yet when will proud o f dis yeah we who Arnold. there. forget how !-!ai n't none like the nCWil ( '_ 11 Uto! ' Si tS, O' IL\ICI, t:,. t: Wt:U :H :It IliA U . II UII IIAIUI. him i u tli.'l wo rhl. rccei \'00, or how ''Arno ld camu marc hing huttu·.·· • :OO:urcl_\' !'>t;·t·cns Point will uo t sovn witness such :w :trr:ay o f _\' l'llinJ.( llu'sthcnmn. We'll tout ole hunt ~n.l sound his prnises. Indians. s treaming eulor.>. :tnd imJx •si uj.( hau ncrs, or listen 10 musk murc a~·c in:~pirin~-t than tbat d ealt forth iu gf>nc rous ,,,, loy V:m t: .. nlcn ·... Drum Corps : But we tli<l nut c;u··~ then. \\'if his breath our fnmo he raises. Ci1.•t a hell : we will yell : for t_iC!ICil: He':~ the man. Wc un ly knew that we wanted tu yell \Vhcn o ur orator lin:ally •·a me Uao·k tu II•. :tftt:r many day;~ o f watulcriug. we w•:rc :•II tlu~rc \\'c did llOL agaiu try to COIII'i Ul'C tht' go ~Ut i !ICUJI!t' ,.f tlw city that the one thing of im]»<•rl:uu-e tu us was ··Our one 1)1)_\' ··· lmt t.'Ontcnte•l omr..dn~~ with hauling him in :~u upeu b:tronc hc. from the dej)OI to hill home. where we tuld h im. in ~~~ man_l' c 'h.. ru.~ . Tun.- :---\\'he n ,Juh,ny t•omes mnrchin~o: home." Whe n ,\ rnohl enme:~ lll!ltchiug homu :lj:Cltill llurr.ilt ' Hu rr.t.h ' We'll gil'c him a he:1rty welcome the n J-l nrnil•: Hurrah: T lu- m••n will 1•heN. th~ hnys will s hout. :til 118 THE NORMAL PO INTER. T ho lad ies. they will all turn toll\ Ami we"ll ull feel ;,:ay- We'll gathe r from o n Main th" Nornml c ry o f Victory. ~hu uting \Vhcn Arnold comes man·hin,:c lu•mu GQt rently for t he jubi k-e' Hurr-.- h ~ 1-l nrr:lh : our s peake r three ti nw,; tlu····· llurr:1h: llurr:IIJ : Tho Normal lndit and l:tSilies say W i1h rost-'S they will iltro w h i.~ way Ami we"ll :1!1 fl..'i~l gay \ \1 hcn Arnold t•nmcll nmrt·hin;: hnlllt" \\'e"ll ~ot:h•c Y c~. Amoltl form•cr, H urrah, boys, H urmh, IJ<1W11 with all l'olors and u p with our o wn While we rally ·rou nd the bannc t·, Yt•>!. ra il~· o no.:c :again, "ll••lll iu._: the Nnnnal c ry of Vic tory . YELLS. :"-t·lull'll: sdmcll ! ~chnc ll ! Wi r sind s toh: Gesell zu Tune :-··The Cnm]JI.H"IIs nruCuming.·· Oh ! A rnohl lu: wun il. l:lnrrnh ! Hnrn 1h ! Oh : A rnold he WtHJ it. 1-l urnth ! llurmh! Oh ! Arnold he won it. l-Ie j ust up 'anti done i1. Oh ! Arnold he won it. Hnrmh ! l-ln rr:1 h : Fir;;L ~ Fil~t! Fi Nt! Fii-st! W i!!- con- sin ! ( :,•sell ! t;esell! llc 'iol 111c 111an t o win : OUR MUSIC. Sr1n11 aflt•r school opened Oh ! Arnn\d is t•n m inj!. in 1hc fall, 1hc Ladies· t·uns is ti ng o f llaltitl Lo ng. lo.Ainn Saxl n n , Flora \Vellt 111111 1-:olna Hrctl. and the Male Quarlctrc. •~on!li~tiug of Mr•,;s l'!'. l~lll'lt~J'. H otchkiSil. Hurrah! H urnth: Oh ! Arnnh l );tt·nm ing. llnrmh ! 1-l n rm h : Oh ! Arnn\d l!!cnming You bet he is cnmiug Oh ! Arnold i~ t-oming. Hn rrnh : llurrn h ' Qll;t r lt '\lt'. Mi~s Hnu •ul~ nml l'roulx,_ 11tul Tunc :-- ··JustOnc fiirl .'" the Scmi-Quarwtlc. were nrga n b-:ctl undo•· the tli rec· Oh. theHl'.i ju~t one IHl)" : tion o f Mis.i Linton. tim there'll jus t o ne hoy. ,\ USt ol.l o l t:•:,;•: u .. llill ul\mt:l i:~ Arnold, nnol W I S)<. •: u .. ~- l)<."rl: :l ' r 1 r •. ult .l 'f<l !lll".ll. o ·osT•:~T tlin•<'tur · of rnu!llc. The t hati.i o urgn.·ntjny puq}Ollc of these orgttnlzn· There"ll just Ont:liJ4.Jy, tlwrt:'~ ju ~t ""'" troy. ti<•u.~ "a· It o rcl~olct· •nnsic for t he cnltil':&tion anti !5tC\"en!I I'4.Jint Nnrm:ll is hutml·r•tlh,\' ! hi' ...,,. l oo,t· tr:t inin}:' uf 11111-'i<-al!:tlelll pns.!lcs!<etl by t he t.liffcrent llll'ruhc rs. Tllr·y ha\·c been callctl upon fro m timo 1-"ir!lt in jl('hool. lir!lt i u s t:at u: t" timl" lu ~ i n}:' :1\ rlwtvr icnle nnd fur nmny i!IK!cial Now cume h"unr from !he i ntt•r ·,.l:o to·. The re'll just •m e IJny, tl1eru·s j u~1 StOt"Cili! !'oint. :-Jnrnml is hnuo n ••l onl' IHo_l'. loy !hi' uno• IH·.•· oot·t·a~i•on,; T lw :'llal•· m11~it· fur· 'l'tnm :-·•\V e'll (~uartl'!\c rmult•rt.'(l the grnduntinn lilt' l'lai nlicltl Hig h Sdl!ml lhliJ )"l'llr a.,. rnlly 'rulllul!hc fb~t " Yes, we'll mll,l' in the ~lrt·l'l. ''"Y~­ \VJ!'\1 rally IJIICC lllot:llill. Sho uting the Nnr !ll:tl 1'1'~' of \ "i,·r·or·_l" \ Ve will rally frnm tlw ~j,],. ~u-.-..., T lu· pi:wi~1~ ,.f tlw schnol hai"C iii'IJ)(l(l hy rende r· iu~t tlu·i•· :l ~.i~t :uu-c at pla_ \•i ng d nri u~ t he nlflrni ng o·,a•ro·i ~t~" and f•11· !Ill' " fll't·ial m n;J\1•. THE NOR :"II l\1. PU I N TER. FATE . I t W:\lj midnight. T he cold moonlight .~trcamiug: o1;er t he si len t earth below lit up only !iolitu•le. T hl! d :1rk ;lluulows cn..'epi ng wic nlly :1boo t, whis ].~<'n..-.1. ··All gone. it i!hH"er tllllll:· T he grea t fl:trk tr~·t> gently swayed, mo:1ning luw. ··T hey are :d l ~rune. It is e ve r thull. •· The wiml rusher! by, murru uring with :1 sigh. ··G 111e. all gone:·· A t· tlittin~r :\cross the !Kllitary moon St:urrit.'<l along :Ill thuugh fri ghtc nt.'<l by the :1wful s tillni!S-'1. A lome bclllwgan to toll. "Gone. :1.11 ~o ne! (;uue !"" A d CSjl!l.iring Junior ilti'JI]>c•l "nt iutu tlw uight His eyes were blund·;;hot. his hair wa.s tu~~c•l ah.. ut Our 1Ythletics. :\ thlcti.-s ~,.,. l.>ee~a 1~nincnt feature of thi; St.:houl Ct"c r s ilwc illl urgani7.:11ion. Frum t htl time whe n thtl tirst f11<11I.J:lll team played the ""·hool's ti rst gam" away hal'k in "!l·t till no w, tlwn.• has a lway,; been :1. !it·!!ly interest nmnifested llcfcat has hccn tncl wit h a t thue.s. :u ul the 8Chool ha..~ l l'arrw~l how to 1Jt<ar it hu nural.lly. VII-tory hM a ]~., uut l~et!n a .;tr:mgcr in n ur mitls t-. T he )>l\.!lt r.-.·urol~ uf thi:< in:<titutimt nmke a guoo.l s ho wing and o·n:Jiol•• ~~~ tol take a ]ol:lt"t.l l UlL :unoug the l!t.'ll o f our in wild confu~i •111 . o~.nd l1 i~ lip• wo•n· tight]_\· o·um· prcs;;etl i utn u ne t hin Ji\·id line. hisr.t\·en locksb:at·k fro m his fe\'eretl brnw :u .d :t NORMAL QUARTE T . heart-rending sigh hrnke fru m hill lll•" lip~. Then as the cca~J,~-~ uumrnfnlrt·fr:t in.··(;.,,.c, !t il gune !"" re:u:hcol h i.~ h., jl:t\"0 a iilart. and e:lrs, t helierccligh tufins:t.nity sprnng to li fe iu h i~ glow· ing eye . llc gnt·c n oh•· mo niacal s h rit!k, ·· Will yc t.:J.unt me t hu s~ ·Go ne. :~.11 g<lnc.· yc say. a.s tho ugh I knc"· it nut r Hus h. o r yo will drl\•c nw! mad !"' Suddenly t he bell CC!LS&I with one !Kll· w. v . IIVTC II KI:!.i ll o\IW\" e mn peal. ··Gone :·· T hu t rct.'S mo:t.ned. ··Gone. nil gone:" :u u i !Klbbed them· seh·es into ;oile nee. The flitti ng cloud :~.nd the .!lha.dow~ .!ltooo.l s till. But thu awful loneli· nCS.!I and quie t proclai n_ICd with word it!§.!!, iiCltnullcss te r ribleue!)ll. " Gone, go ne. gone : Hut it i!! e\·er thus.·· And t he unh:t.ppy Ju nio r s:mk to the ground with a. groan. " Yes. it is trnc. They arc gone. all p;o oc : No t o ne subjt.'Ct for a s ho r t tlwme i ~ left. All gone !" Ami :1. dreary echo :u1s wercll. •·Gone :" Osv. Wll0'8 IIV.V.S TIIV.JU:. ' 'Additio(Normnl addition ) muta bilee.u.··- Vtlrgil The yea r of "!18-"!ID has marked ~~·era! ue w do· parture!J which hn\'U pr·un:~ l :l Slll"l."e>!:l Rtlll II. J.,• ne lit tuthe sdmo l. At t he heginuiuguf the foot· b:tll !ll':uon it wtls ok-cid· t·•l so·r tn Mk .thociti"ens uf the c ity fnr finllnc ial :lid as h:t.fl been thocus · tum hereto fore. T his priudplu wns striNly ad· hert..'<l to, u.ud the mnn· agc rue nt put up sb: good )C!IIllt!S·-fo ur o f which were on home grounrls:mo.l Cltmoout lit tho cnt.l of the S<>Mon with a l>et· ter linsncinl s tamling t hn n hnd hithe r to boon s hown. Goc.~<l footb:tll was plnycd, too ! r o ur out of tho ~i!\: gamCll were wo n hy fair liCOroll. and the two IO!tt were hy o ne nrnl fo u r point.'!. Thll footb::11l prospecl!l fo r ne xt ye:~.r :t.rc Ye ry en· \."Uumging. All the line me n are expected to return next fall, :t.ntl goo. I mntcrinl fo r backs is uot wanting. I'UI1n: 11 T he btlSke ti.J:lll team of "D8-'0U Jll:t.yed five games :t nd won thrt.'C out of the th·e. A tourtl:J.UHmt Wll.!l held in the Nornml gy mnMium hy the variousln.dies· and gc ntlcme ml' team!! of the schuol. Thill tour na· •. THE NORMAL POINTE R. 120 me nt fullillt.•d rt twofold mis:.ic1n uf atTo r..ling e ntertainment a nd incr easing t ho A t hletic nsSnci:Hion's funds. Un:-~ketb:all has always been :1 mo neyma ki ng alTair fo r thll 'A. A. The s..l10nl has hac! t eams o u t only two seasons. a mi ea c h scrtson has sceu the c retlit column c reep s lo wly up :1s the g:a1ncs were played . S hot ]JUt : Mnt hu '00, Carl ·oo. l'nrtcr '01. DislW fL. U in. l'o lc \':Hilt: Alle n '00. Cuh·er ' \)!), S mit h '00. IIeig ht. 8 f l. lllll ce, 220 yd. nm: Cherowski '01. Klnwikowski '02, Mathe ·oo. Time, ::!5 sec. l{unn ing ho p. step and jtHnJ,; Hrndfor.J '99. Allen '00. l'ortcr '01. Distnnce, U7 ft. !Of ln. INTER-C LASS F I ELD DAY. '!:he m"nagcment of the spring :lt hlct\cs was nn· able to urrnnJ(e cuutel!t.s lLi had been anticipntc•l with the no rmals ,,r Os hkosh and S uperior. tJnt S. 1~. N. is too l'OU8cientio us 1<1 allow tho months of May and June to p!IS!I witho ut a llowing hu r :1thll'tt•s Onc:ha lf mile run; Gesell '99, Allen '00, 'll2. Time. 2:29. Hunuing high jump: IJrnrlfo rtl 'DO. Gulver '99. Po rter '01. Uist~mce, 4ft. JOi n. J!!O y d . hurdle; lJmdfo rd ' 011, Por ter'OI, Wheelock ·oo. Time 22 sec. Hammer th row: Mathe '00. Cnrl '00. '99. Dist1Lncc. 7l h . Gin. 440 y d . run; Klawikowski "02. K Lunge "01, Allen '00. to show t heir skill and brawn. And S<l it was tluu the Inter-class ticld day came about. The preparatory training lacked system n.nd pcrseverIUICC, but the showing o n the fair grounds June lOth prol•e<l that we possessed the material 'l'ime 60 s(.'C. which. if occasion had demandStnnding brmul ·jump; C uied. could have been convert<.'<! \"Cr ' 00. Uradfurd '00, C. Lango into a point and Pflint winning '01. Oi~tnueo.n ft. 2 in. tmck-team. The fieldday was ll.1inuing hrond jump: Uradnot a recorJ·breaker by Rny ford '00, C. Lnnge '01. l~orter means; underthecircum.n ances '01. Dis tan(.'C. 17 ft. 2f ln. it naturally would'nt bo. But One-halt milo rulny fii.('C; it w as full of pretty races, and sopho mores, juniors seniors. showed promising ability. T"imc l :M. The crowd that watche<l the And 80 tho ScniONI had a feats. WIUI baahfully small. be· IIOWAitll CATt:,• perfect right to clmnt lUI they cause t he Muiie of Enthusiasm 1•ut:su.a:sT OJo" <n:on. I.YCY.Ul1. mnrt:hed:had not previously been Invokl<'icld! Ol\y r e<\ as ahb sho uld have been. Still the class fecliug Cla&J of '00! between the 99'8 and the OO's ran high. Of t·oursc Field rDay! the prevalent opinion was that thoso JunioN would Thnt is where we shine ! certainly carry off the day. Whnt was there th:H they could'n t do! Whoo,·er dreamt that those staid And furthermore to yell.old Seniors would receive the laurel'a cro wns? Uut 0 Patres Conscripti ! tbey tiiJ after all, and by 11. shzunefully big mnr~-:in l,estnrousseau ! Hydrochloric ! 82 points to tho Juniors' 48, a ll told. Co-tan-gent t The events and places were as follo ws; Menta l Background ! Anapestic! 100 yd. duh: Urad ford '99, Chorowski '00. Time, Rc-a-gent ! 11 sec. Mile ron : Gesell ·oo. Hanzlick '09, Hubh:ml ·oo. ·nme. 6:49. One-half mile bicycle: Uradron.l · Worner '00. '!)!). Allen ·oo. Gmt wie nus ist kelner ei nzig Aeht;o.ohn hunde rt noun und neunzig ! ..l'hi.s halt-tone has a tardy posllion, 10 to spea k; but "better late thu.n never" we argued . Til E NORMAL POINTE R . !lancing vVa11t Colun111· he:~.n to crush. J vc B. An alarm clock for the 8:00a.m. rt:ocit:Hion . XdHc 1.. One more essay to write. Lui .,; E. A room on third floor. He doesn't know what Another c u rl. A hasty vmllling. l\l oru st udy for essay •m Wi ll. A lis h net. J us t o ne boy. T o be:~ Sunior. More hox tickct.s. Scats in front row un rosu·nuL M E. T . A. E. !Jawt',;. l ; . Catc. :\1. :\cl•rm . :\li•l~ c C. I ra l l nhloar.J. :'llinuic W . \\" ill II. :'ll d;innity Faculty Twoft!tl. l.roi,; E . A yc:1r's cxpcricru::c as A ~~n"/:._ orucotl!. ,Juniur~ ~~:~~~~:l crar · tut•ml~t:rs Arena Girls. A Hock well . WANTED. One more "9 ma~ lc r. T he man with a white hat. \'olumc of F\om Wood's Poems. A Chcrr\'. .:\ );Cent.:; for c urling fluid. A boule o f milk. A front tooth. t-;,·crything. T e n girl -If on a ;;tri n:,: W oud . Hu lJOOr Boot'!. Uracu O. Est.ella O'B. Fronk H . THE LECTURE CO URSE OF '98- '99. T he faculty :-and st ud ents of tho Stevens l~oint Kornml ha\'C c,·cry re!lSO u to feel stt.tls lit.'<l with tho Lect u re Course of 18!18-!I!J. The total cost of tbo enterprise t·o ns itlcrn.bly c xct.oeds tha t of the prccc· <lingo year, yet the incrctlSed ticket sale fully ju.!ltified the t·untidence of the ma nugemcut In St.e\'C il ll l~oiut'll capacity to appreciate grn~o.l t:J.!e nt. T he t reasure r's report is J!:h•cn below: El muo·nt arics F:.J. :\l unn.·l. .,f .Juni"r l'l~~:mi~· A Cas h from l:tSt year ..................... .. I 21.48 4.20.00 :\th•:t ncu sale uf tickets. ~nbs.:(]UCnt receipts ................... ... 112.6:1 ...... . .1M3. 0S :o'o•nioors. W ings. A Patc h Some s hortening. Edna S. EdnfL R. School. V. Vaugb n .. W . Fulle r. ,Jttniot"- :')linc r . E . Dunlap . K en neth! ' . w:w . :-:opc r & Hoo·kw cll \\' c .. ta len t . ........ ... ................ : .... 1610.60 P rinting. . .... . ........ tO. GO O t hc t· ex pe nd itures.. 14.60 FHt" Tutal ... l!:t l:lnl'll on hand . . ..... ... ....... 164.1.70 . ......... 11 2.28 •. EXCLUSIVE II BICYCLE STORE £.-~ry ·~qui oite fu r llao~ n~u. Foot U• ll, Golf. T en ni•. At !>lc tic:• , GymnUIU"'· Sp~tldhifl'" 0/ ~tl L efl{}ll e /Jail It thOf!ica.>.l Dall of the ~atinnal t...~;;uc and all the ludin11: col ~~i:;: 8JEEtlf.:O: ~\·~~~ :;M.'~e~'dj ~1~:.,~;'~. tO un•• II. Q, SriiLbiHil &- DROS . L argest Variety of Bicycles and Sundries in W isconsin. Prices t hat Suit. Alllll Block. CHICAGIO . _j