Document 11912835

July 6, 2013-August 5~ 2013
PDCCC News Media Coverage
Table of Contents
Scholarship Column (News-Herald Online) .........................................................4, S
College Ooarcl Members Named (News-Herald Onllne).................................................................6
New roundation Web Site (News-Her.ild Online) ..................,............................,........................... 7
Twitter Feed Launch (News-Herald OnHne).............................................................................. 8
/\Ian Scott's CMeer Exploration Column (News-Herald Onllne) .........................................~ .9, 10
Dual enrollment House Bill Signing; Mobile Apps (Srnlthfield Times) .......................................11
r>omlnloll Mol>lle Career Cer1ter Vlsl~ (News-Herald Onllne)................................................:12
Dual Enrollr11 ent Graduate E.dltorlal (The Sun).... ...................................................................13.
Cilmper CLS Award (Tidewater New$) ......................,..........................................................14
Pharmacy Technician Program Accepting Application~ (Tldewaler News)...........................15
Marine coating$ Program (Tidewatcr News)............................................................................16
Ph.irmacyTechnlci;in Program Accepting Appllcation.s (News-Herald) ...................................17
CDC Worl<shops (Tidewater News) .................................................................................................18
Pharmacy Technician Program Editorial (News·Herald Online).................................................19
Dr. Conco's Stratt-gic Planning Column (News-Herald Onlln~) ............................................20, 21
HRCF $90,000 Grant (Tldew11ler News)................................................................................22, 23
Marine Coatings Program; Phannacy Tech (Smithfield Tlmes)..............................................24
I tRCF $90,000 G~ant (Smtthfltrld
r1mos} uuuu.111h.UHUlll.............
u111tO l
IUHllf...........1............... 1110 ..
Stul!e11t AmbAS~adors R~le<1s~ (The Sun)............................................,......................... ................2G
CLS Scholar (News·Herald) ......................................................................................................27
Naw Reach Truck Funded by oonarlon (News·~ferald) ...........................................................28
New Reach Truck Fundf!d by Donation (Tidewater News)...................................................29
Dog Obedience Cla!.S (Smithfield Tlmesj .....................................................................................30
DoB Obedience Column (News·Hetald) ...................................................................................31
Job Fair for Teaching Jobs (Dally Press Onllne) ...................................................................32
Job F<Jir for Teaching Jobs {Tidewater News)..............................................................................33
Kathy camper CLS Award (The Sun)............................................................................................311
PDCCC ''Mentions"
VFH G(;)nt (Online Newsleuer) ................................_.".....,.........................................,........36·3S
1·or1ncr Student Eat ns Award at Chowan ................................................................................39
Pranklln R·otary Club Report ........................................................................................ ,,,,..... AO
IW Chamber Soard (Dally Press Online) ................................ .......... ................................ .41
IW ChambC?r Board (News·Hernkl Onllne)...............................................................................42
Suffolk Public Schools E'.dltorlal (News-Herald Onllnc)...........................................................43
Power Restored to Kenyon Road Area (WlKR Onllne)...........................................................44
Sus Routes In Suffolk (Mass Transit Magcizme Online,, 11&
We!.tern Tldcwar~r FYI {Tidewater News)..............................................................................47
Distribution Center In Suffolk (News-Herald Online) .......................................................48, 49
Or. Boyce's Support Group (Tidewater News)..................................................................50, 51
Supporr Group Editorial (Tldewt1ter NQcws)..............................................................................52
Dr. Boye~·~ Support Group (News·Herald Onllne) ............................................................53, 54
Fall PDCCC scholarships available
Published 9:27pm Monday, June 24, 2013
I he cost of on cducntion should not stop anyone froin reaching her educational goats. Tilat's why
Paul D. Cump CommunHy Colll!gc has estnblished u number ofopporllmiti1:s for prospcc1iw and
cum:nl students to gel Llteir educ1:1tiort paid lor through schol11rships.
We've giv<.lCI awny thousunds nnd tho\lsunds ortlollars over the history of tl1c PatJ I I). Camp
Comnrnnity College Foundlltion's cxistcnci;.:, und wi.:'cl like: 10 help even more;: 1m~<lcnl8 fulfill
their dreams of quolity cducalioit.
What's tn1ly tunaz.lng 1.8 that i11c.: scholnr9bij)S t:nnn~ged hy the collcii1e hove been 111ndc: nvnllnble
primarily through tbe generosity of a nwnbcr of individuals just Like you. Thc11Q omn1j11g
individL1u ls hnvc in rnnny t:<.IScs sacriliced, saved n11d contributed in order lt'J holp oLhcrs nohievc
The types orseholorships at l'aul I>. C~mp Community College vary greatly. 11 's fair to say that
1.hcre's just nboul something nvailable for ev<.1ryonc,
We have liChol.1rships for gruduruing high school seniors entering the college for the fil'st time.
l11cn: arc scholurships for first-generation college or thoso who urc linanciully in need
ofsupport. We also huve n plethora of scholarship opportunities for continuing 1>ludcots at tile
Anti the r ounc.lutiou ,iusl eJldowcd a scholarship fund tnrgctcd lo "non-tmditionnl" studcn~;
essentially, it's tor those Htudents who've waited to attend co!Jcgc und perhaps have jobs or arc
roisina foinilil!S.
111c opportunities ore gri;nt, and we encourage students to
OflJ)Qtt11nl1ic.'I nvuilablc ll> lhclll.
IWI nd vuntagc of tho scholorship
The fo ll owin~ nre just a few of the schohu:ships avui Iable to students fot the foll 20 13 semester:
440/7 Sopiety Scholt1rship; This scholarship is avail!lble to non·lrndltionol students who huvc u
d~;t1ions11·atcd linuncial ncc:d and are in good academic standi hg with college.
4Amcncan /\~ociation of University Womon, Suffolk Brn11cb: rhis scholnrsrup is uwordcd loo
student i:nrol lc.: d in u degree program ofter being out of school or coJlcgo for at least three years.
4Sutrolk Ruritan Nursing Scholarship: This scholarship is for 1:1 nursing student ncccptc:<l Into lhc
RN program nl r>DC'CC wno pl:ll'ls to work in the service area afier graduation.
40can Nancy Sandberg Scholarship: This scholarship is in honor of one of the college's long·
term dc~ms. It is available to those who are 25 ycrus or older. Applicants must have a high school
diploma or GED, and they must be enrolled in a certificate or degree program at the college.
4Cross Really Career Grant: This scholarship is available to Suffolk residents who arc interested
in careers or job preparation and arc enrolled in a degree or certificate program.
41Gwunis Club of Suffolk Scholarship: This scholarship is available to a resident of Suffolk who
is a prospective, cun·cnt or fonncr PDCCC student It is to be used for tuition.
Other fall 2013 scholarships offered at the college include the Wal-Mart Community
Involvement Scholarship, the Bertella C. Westbrook Mcmurial Scholarship for Nursing Students,
the Shirley N. Barnes Scholarship, lhc Donald C. Boyce Education Scholnrship, the Or, Alvin C.
Rogers P.ndowc<l Scholarship, the PDCCC Classified Personnel Ai;sociation Scholarship, the Dr.
Douglus W. and Grace Boyce Scholarsh ip, the Lawrence M. (Marvin) Farmer Memorial
Scholarship and the Smithliold-Lutcr Foundation Scholarship.
For more information, contacl the 011icc of Inslitutionc.I Advancement at 569-6790 or visit
Felicia Blow is vice president/or instilutlona/ udvunccme111 and executive dlrecior ofthe Paul D.
Camp Community College Foundation. Iler email
College board niembers named
Published 7.0lpm Saturdav. Junl! 29, 2013
f.!:Ua!l £s;immenls
Paul O. Cump ('(immunity College has announced its new officcrl! for the Local College BuarJ
for20 1J·l4.
RicJ1arJ 13rooks of Suffolk will serve as the m:w chau, 3nd
serve us chnir-o lct~t. l>111ricin Sowell is th0 outgoing chai r
Lynn Joni;.~ ot Isle or Wight will
"We ~we fortu1mtc tn have such knowledgeable individt1ul1> who s~rv~ ~~ Hu gruciously and
such o QCt111 l11c in!crci:ll ih educution mid ~he conunwtiLy," PDCCC Prusidcnt Paul Cenco suid
Other continuing mumoors of U1e Local College Board are: A. Mct·cdith Felts Jr., Kisha W11lford
and Syrcthtt Wright of Southrunplon Coumy~ June Fleming and Asn Johnson of Prnnklin; .lames
Samuel Glasscock and Kcnnit Hobbs uf SuITolk< Curoline 1lwt and l'illricin Sowell uf Lslc of
Wight; and Dorco~ tfolfnot-Browning of Virginia Beach, th.: liaison li'om lhc Virginio State.:
Doarcl of Community Colleges.
In addition. two new uppo1111merm; to Lhc board were made during the June 17 mceling. Philip
!'age Jr.• ex1.'Cutivc direclor of the Fmnkliu Redevelopment and llousing Authority, and Donald
Mill~ owner, president and gcm:rnl nuu1a1;:er of Mills Mttrinc & Ship Rupui r. wi11 lill 1he seru.c; of
J, Patrick Newman of l·rnnklin and Jcrui Copeland ofSuITolk, respectively.
Newmon 1md Copdund's 1erms expired June 30.
Al~o, June
Flcmi11s wus appuinted liu.iso11 of the 20I3-2014 PDCCC Loca1 College Board, n
posillon that wus hold by outgoing board member J. Patrick Newman. ·11,e lini ~on serves as a
contact hotwcc11 tho Local College Board and U1e PDCCC foundat ion Botttd.
Paul D. Ca1np touodation starts new website
1 OOpm Saturday, June 29, 2013
In ordc:r lo proviJc u more conch;c mc:uns for donvr:s, alumni and ot1lers to obtain information
abo1.11 how lhc)' mny provide !1\lpporl 10 hc;lp slUdl:tlts, faculty nnd the college, the Puul D. Cnmp
Community C'ollegc 1'01111dntion has launched a new wchsilc.
"The new site is liko a. ·one-stop shop' where donors cun see their gi ft s 01 work and learn about
upcoming lo11nJuti1>11 l!vcnts and nativities,'' srrid Vice President for Lnsti1utio11nl Advunccmcnt
a11d F1,undotion ~ci.:ur lvc Director P~l ici n 'Blow. ''In nddilion, pledges or gills muy now be rnadc
(ll tlu~ click (1f n 111011sc."
l'he r\ew poses also <lescribc numerous options, such as endowed scholarnhips, the unm1ul
fund, in-kiml donations und retirement plan ossets.
Cotlc.:g1: Foundation Prcsidcnl John Alexnnder Mann Hf said, "The r oundation Board fe lt the
need to slrcnmlinc and focus outreach in tho cocrummity. This uew ~ice is an excellent tool to do
just that.''
Former sludcnL'i cnn visit the site lo UlJdnlc their cootacl information with I.he Alumni Society,
view profile!! of pa.'l classmates. till ouL lhc alumni survey and keep 11p wilb happenings 01 1hc
college lhcy cun ttlso sign up to receive the college's electroaic newsleller.
Current st udent~ 1111<.l potentinl
.lppl iet1tions on line.
stud~nts also Cilll
search for scholarship information and Iii I oul
"At PPCCC. we rcnlitu the in1porwncc of:financiol aid nud want all students to hove the
opportunity lo succeed," Blow said. "The new site provides a rno1c streamlined process for
currcnt lUld potcntiul students tis well ! '
Viliit lh~i new site ill hllp:/lptlcccJb
PDCCC launches Tlvitter feed
Publlsht"d 6.SOpm S<1wrdoy, Ju11•' 29, 2013
l'uul l). Cump Conununity Coll ~gc has launched a Twiner feed.
"We know that co1111minicauons through social mt:dia are only going to inc1 eosi;, pn1t.iculnf'ly
antt)11g our younger slu(lc11ts," said collcg<: Prcsld1,inl Paul Conco snid, " We arc plcu.iicd 1'1 i;ccute
Ihis l1ddilioual plntfonn."
Social mediu plut lbnns, i11cl uding Twitter, have provided uses for rnorc than just connt:cting with
"We are li11ding social mcdiu htts critioolly impottam strategic communicutions uses." sr1id
Fclidu Blow, vice presidcn1 for institutional advancement. "For example, during,
such ~s storms 01· other crises. social media has been found to be n critical means to uffectivcly
tel the word out ;1bou1 key steps."
The new I willer feed @PD('CC will be used to update sludents about nctivilie.<1, news nnJ other
information nnd will complement tile colleKe's other platforms ond intcmctive onlin() tools,
including f'lickr. Faccbook and the website 11L ww,v.pdc.cdu.
to F'accbo()k, Flicker nnd now Twi tter. we an.: working
10 cxpnod and c1uumcc otll' means 10 cow1cct with students. ah111mi and our surrounding
oom1mmllics.'' Blow said.
"F'rom our rccenl launch
ill" mohile
Jake Brncishaw has been uumi:d the college's "lead social media nm.h:~tdor," ttccording to u
college press release. Tle can be reached
http://www.~u(fQlkn1.1w~tu•rnld .co1n
New career? PDCCC center can help
P11bllshcd 7·4Spm Monday, Julv a. 2013
'Wh<•n I grow up... "
Rcmc:lmhcr lhosc words from elcmi.:ntary ~'r middfo school?
Increasingly thcs~ words are uttered by individ1.1als who visit lhu Car·cc~ Dt.wclopmont Ce11lcr nt
Patil D. Cutnp Communily College. Wilb lntcruational .-.upcr's closing u fow ycu1-s ugo, muny of
u~ wi;rc forccu ll~ find u 11cw ct\1'1.:er 11nthwoy. Unfortuiintely, some! of us were not prepared for
such a ~round · change.
Qu1tu ol\c11 lhcsc doys. people m•c contemplating, n career chnnge in their 30s, 40s or even older.
We cong111lulutc those who dol Who wants to stay in a dead-end job or u job tha1 we dn:ad going
l•1 for ci~ht or I0 hours a duy, where lhey're underpaid and unnppl'ecinted?
Ask the shifl \.VOtker who ls tlred of working strange hours or lh1.: siugle roolher or two who ill
working ror minimum wage. Many of us nave been in njob for I 0 to 20 years. lf given a choice,
wt: would lcuvc and ncvc.:r look. bock. l lowevt:r, tht:re ore mortgagl.!S, car payments and more to
worry about
1berc is n way lo get that dream job - actually, not a job but u career. I here is a world of
difference between the two. Millions of us have jobs. but very tcw have careers that we.: enjoy.
I low can we ubwin u con:cf'/
first, we must do some exploring. It is impossibk to quickly choose a c.arcer thnt i5 right for lb
without thorough rl?scarch, self.reflection and serious though!. All options nnd choices have LO oo
explored. Tins is importanh whoihcr we u1·e choosing a career for the very first time, or whether
iii~ one of many cnrcci· changes.
CFU'ccr ox.plorolion is not the ~amu as j C>h searching. Job searching is a sJ1orl-tenn pursuit ofa
posilion Lhal mnLchcs linnncial and career goals. Carce1· explor111iotl is u Jonj!, pro~n:ssivc process
ofchoosing C<lucntion, training and careers that tit our Jutorcslli ~m <l skills. Career cxp l ~m1tkm is
1me ol mony sl\:ptl ll> tukc on o succi;;ssful cnreiar pathway.
PuuJ D. Camp Community CoUcgc's Cawer Dcvclopmcn1 Center cun offer g11i<.luncc in this area.
We administer sl.llf-ass~ssme1m; through Lhc Virginia f!tlucatioa Wizard, a free tool loc1111id ttl The wizurd is u wondc1ful 1001 U1ut helps individuals explore spccillc careen;
ond get real-time detail!> about lhc dcm:tnd rutd :u1larics for ~hose careers. I1 helps pe<>plc:l tind oul
a great dcnl about themselves and abl)ul the career bcsL suits them.
The Career Center nlso ide11ti lies the type oftraining or education needed to pursue a career.
More importunlly, people will find that the Career Center will provide much needed support and
Once someone has begun a career exploration and is prepared for a dream career, PDCCC's
Career Development Center can assist with resumes, cover letters, internships, and the job
interview process. Visit to leam more.
Start planning your future today, A little research and career preparation goes a long way on the
pa1h lO success.
Alan Seo/I/!;· an Adult Carel!r Coach for PDCCC's Career Development Center. Email him al
Page l•l -The Smithfield nm es - Wed., July 10, 2013
PDCCC dual enrollment
till• or Wluht t:ouuty 11lltdlc1; ccrUfita-t" from 11. Sm llhnPhl, J'""rn Ah1 I, llll•
Slhnnw .1nd 1>:iul D Cnmp r.ummunlty college whil<' l!l~t 11lt 8U ll('J'lllt011UC'llt IOI
Community College re­ simullaneoualy Qat·mng C'111 rl c11 ltun I I n~h·urt Ion
c:entl)' po1111NI .111 11irn•e lhPlr high <ichool 1ltplmn:1 ,1n1l \d111l111 Nh il'IUll llf l't"
munt 11tnt glvr.s hls:h 11cl1ool
Itile or WIRh1 rountr
11tudN\lG lho ci1m1<lo to Gl'l Si:hools St111trl11tU111loul
11 de1trro whllt· stlll h1 ht~h l<111rlR1• t>croru 11ncl l'UCCC
rru:Jldcnt l.>r. Puul Wm
IJou~o Ulll U8-t, ~lmwd t' unr.11 nwl l ~ 5111 11 lh••
b~ C;ov. Boti Mcll11n110ll In l• t:l'OO!nu.tlt
A l3o 011 hllfltl fol· ll11;.
A11rll 2012, ro<1L1h•<111
Vl1'1lh1 Ill'~ con1111u11ll.y r.ol· slgo lng worn BUrb1u·,1
loQ(ll; 111111 lhb &~"1(101 Slntilt, c<>ordlnRfor of Ca·
ay11tom11 lllc•y 11111•v11 tti d1.1 n:111~ and 'l\lahnlcal l))(tuc~
l.11wro1m.•. l!ducutlunnt
prujtJ<'tll cti0rdl1111tor M
PDCCC; and nr. l\lrm H<i1
rll1, lnt!!rlm Vil'•• J)l"C'~lduul
tlf ltLSU"\1Cllo11 1111(1 ilhltl(·nl
tlovn).!,)p111nnl 111 l'JH :ct
J•'!l1 n111ru l11t111•m11t Ion
11tto111 tho du11l 1ll11'Ulhnoril
11r11,:111111 HI f'~ul t> C111n11
V6lO~l tl~l'VllllVIJltR 11111)Wfn1J ttqn, 'Fh10Att11011cl !i'Qdcr~J ~OUll)l\1)111y Ot>liUijlf, \lflll
hl~h suhool 8htd()nta lo pl'(lQruuis al htll' oi Whtht l1rn1 A11d1 l'Y J'1nwra11ce,
0011111h•t1 110 111ll!Orl11t1111• 1l1•­ 'Jl!t111111!l: l>t t~J Swcut, r-11­ II hlWl'lllllliH11irl\11l 1:,t\d1i 01'
qt•111 CH' 01\0•VOllt l'OllOl'llJ ardlnutor of Pil1GCC: 111 mm s1·10.
PDCCC iPhone app
I), Camp Conilllu·
wm1 u;u:}J 11f 1!11 :!!1 ro1nru11
111 ty 4'ollege role Me cl an nlty coll<'llC8 across tho
Ap11lt• IPhutll' a11lllll'.nllnn 4l ttf Ulhlll Hlnckbo.1nl
th·•• h1 dor.lmwd ro wtimotl• Inc: Mobil" pli\lform 1md
thocoUoi:c's 1najo1•Wali en­ l!crvlccs to dt!wlop IJ1U 11p.
11111 •ti l'l'tiOW"r.e:. to an In plicatlmh..
tt<•a~lnic populnlion of eur­
AcceBS pollllA 111chu10
n•lll nnd put1111Unl 11cudenlll
t'OUNI<'~. l'V(lfltS,
ui;tni: tnohlle lnt ..rnul d11· 1ww1, vht<'O!i, 11acohook,
1i111cr1.rcncy In l'o1· n111 t Ion
/\ lll'OW 1111& 11\llllhur uf lh1• Ulirill.y .1n1l 1-U.uckhnarcl
»tudcml~, rac1Uty nnd trtatf M<tbU11 Le>um which el
Ul>~ U11: JPhollll, JP<.111 'fuUt:h, low~ ~1udto.11lll t(i kuop up
1Pad and qthor mohlh• de­ wl tlt ~O\lr~l''l hy nllnwlng
vtc1111 t.o f1ci;1'.!ls lnfo1•.n11.1Uo11 :1r.cm1s wl 1enovcr 11uct whor
111111 '11rvlce1- 1m 1111• .,."", 11ti1c:l1h111uv Moll1l1·
t..cum mnkoR It l'lltlli.\t tm·
't'llo l11)CGC ltlObUu .UlJ you to lll'IJ\I •JP with your
11lfo11.t1rm tiln ht.! Phi.Id tu lo COUh:iflll by Jo1ll111t y<111 a1.1
1mf(1 !Ho t1'tw1ldl11 1;a111pu11, cer,1,1 thHlll Wbl,'UflVt!I uuil
li1t!li,)lk 1.;1111111ua, Smithfield whOt'(IV\!t· you wunl
ttltu 1'1111 Woi•1tf0r1:e Devel
An. J\n11nJ1il 111>11 18 In
orm1on1 Co11to1; vll'w uvWJ. cl1:-volornur.n~ 1rnd wlll hf1
llhlil 1111111'11~11. kl'l'll tl)• With ln111wlwd rMU Thill wtll ht1
th0111tOst lleW8., llOCI UOt llC thllowod wltb o 111ollll<1 Web
c"~M tu ov1•111s h1111vmiliu: 1111 aile .11 www.11uc.c1!t1 u!Tur
cum ptt~. 'l'he Vlr11lnlu C'Alm· Ing almllur teaturus lo \UI
munlly OoHeire System !!"r9 tJ( othermubUL• dtwkae.
Dominion career center to visit PDCCC
Publlshed 7:23pm Tliursd.:iy, July 11, 2013
Domh1ion Power will bring its Mobile Career Center. u 30-foot recrcutionCll vchi<:le, to PuuJ D.
Camp Commw1ity Collcgc·s FrankJjn Campus parking lot July 18, from I 0 to 11 :30 a.m. un<.I
12:30 to 2 p.m.
"This is a wonderful opportunity of parlncrshlp that will provido vuluabll! information to job
st:ckers,'' Sflid Angch1l ~1 wh(lme, POCCC coordiJiator of the Career L>evolopmcnt Center and job
rhc Mobile Career Center will be stnffed with employees from tlie Dominion 1Juman Rcsoutccs
Ocpo.1t1nu1ll, who will be on h~ll\d to di~l.)uss Oort1inh1n's current job opcniogs, hiring riroce!lscs,
urn.I comrnitmcnl to recruiting und hiring militury vctcrw1s.
The Mobile Cnrc:.:r Cuntu1 WQR lnunehecl in May and will be traveling 10 vu1iou-; cnl'cer functions
11nLl I Oct. 3 L.
"The: mobile center provides unotbcr mcuns for Dominion lo l\:ach out lo ~hu cocnmunihc:; ~c:
scrv~ and shurc information about Dominion and the Troops lO Encrg} Jobs Initiative," said
Kaihy Payne, hunuu1 h:sourct:s specinlisr with Oorn.inio11 Power.
ror more infomwtion. contact Luwhomc aL569-6785 or ulttwhome@pdc.csh1.
open book
li1tlt•. Ur,M1,Cl..'t1lt,Jtt1nlllu ~ttt11 l2.2~1 -5!Jl'J~'1
8<>fore he could (Jrl\dUaLo 1rom hfg11
~chool last month, R11~kwell Sllil'trls
had anothrr t·v~nt 111.sttcnd his t.ol·
Ir~ !ll'<l<IUullon cerl'n1011y.
Y®. yo111aad th3l rlohl.
1his yt111t, Shiehla wu ori() or two
Suffolkptihllc: ~ohool students tone\
an M!l-Ocioto dcgrca wcol<s l•flforl) 1111­
l$hln11 hf&ih :u:hool. Stllll'll other Sul·
folk ~tudont• hl\11u nU1n11ocd thru lc.11
Tllc school dlvtr,fon·s p3rincr'llilP
witt\ Paul P. Cnmp Community Conaue
CIUOWli '>tutil'Ots mostly J11nfor5 a11d
s1111I01s-to g11t RJump r.rntl 011 collego
eQll~OWllf1c ••,.,
m••nt ~
k1111w11 \If. "<1wtl Cl'lrOll
''It ulvus st11!lents an 011por1 unity
tn wcpcrfeneo" collC!Jll sotl111g whllo
lhc:v'rc hi high ~ch0<>l,11 Pt1ylli~ 'illlllJJI!,
llK:ll ll\G dlVl$lon·~ r.onr<tlrurtor ol high
sc.hool lnf!tructintt, ·M id ''"' 1no11t11.
Tultlo11 ls lull prict• $13;! 11t1 c:n:d
ll l'lour, )U!.l likt• wiy othr1 v.1111 o. Cami)
stude1Tt woulrl PAY though the suf1olk
1?duc;itlo11 i:oun1111tlon oiler~ flnnncl111
•t:.\t11fi thll reuulftr lltltlon rate ts Im
le'.~ ll111n lhll rour·Yl!ltl lnstfluatlonr,, Sll
they're QCtllng a s.wlngs.~ Sharl)!' salct
r:om" ro11rses itre orterod lit tho l1lgh
•.c:llools, but tt105u ru ~ l11d by wmconP.
11u.illlled to tuach 11t thO 1.ommuolly
C:Olll'ge IQVal. SMrpc $11 Id. OthOf COlltS•
c!l nre ll\k<!n 011llM or at 0110 l>I Pnul D.
Climt)'G Clli'OllU$1!$,
r-ll1 tl)osl? studnnts \,lOlng Tho ••xlrn
111111" the 011-0s wllo Wt111t .1111 .i!>~t><;latc
d~r~ 1101 lu~ta Jew credits night
lnt1 summr~I rlassc:s clr1111~1lllllv nl'C·
RocltweU "Rock)"'
Shlalds nn
n•tocllto o..nt
ur.:tduatfrtd rroin
IJ1keh111d lfJ!Jh SC'flool.
pandlhp the du11J <'nrollment progJam
to attr11ct cvl'n more students.
''II ~N'tll$ 1111111' to be the on~ lhat'i.
tho most bnng for yau1 buck." he $!lid
w~t w.un't discussed were tho
"To get tho dcgreo Is re.-illy a vary
probh•m!. Ill<! 1>roorom has encoun
hl11 commllmo11tfor 'tu1Je11h," ~hc1rtw lcrt'<l ln Lhr 11n5t. P11rrnts ha111• com
plnlned 11bout m1-.111formo.tlo111111d
Sh!eld~.11. said lieWuli 1ookl11u ror a conftJ.-~loo. I've been told tho vrut1r11m
chl\llungc when he !111111ed u11 for l.lunl
11\eks 3 SllP?tH t system,
r.1 edit clo.~ses whlle I\ <:tr1dunt atlnk~
IMd High SCll()()I. HI! dccid1>c1tnrly011
lo 11111111 Ille degl'i:e.
"I ho11re If you're 11lr oil y lh11r••
V!Ju might AS wcP {lu !ht! full lcnnth."
Shlulrls sitltl. ''I hlltc doh1(1 stufl hnlt­
Wllh mMQ l,hllM IJO cl'lllcllO <:rl>dlh,
5hlehlr. oxpoct.s t10111 bo c111sslfl~~ llli nn
11pp<ircl3sSTncn whon lie hr,~<lr. tu Old
ll1)mlnlon Unlw·~lcy 1111~ lnll. llr plillls
to •1tu!ly nrrospace<?noineerln11.
11111ing the Sth1>ol l)Qiud's Mr11ml re·
trclll lWflCI tlll\ month, OtjJUI~ SUll'oo·
l11h·n1l11nt J~11k10 Ctmvl!'> ~Jld she e~·
!)('ti~ 111mlhor thrCI.! i;t ud1111t:; Wiii !!Mil
dSsoci,1t~ dcgree~ ric.kl ~cholll YNlf.
But Shririw Siild 'iCh<iOI olfl~111ls
have m11dl"ch1111oes. rm cltumple, this
yc!il1's dual (!llrollmen\ stu1k!nts cRn
.i\tl!nd an orlontat11111 whwo lht'Y c•n
i'S~ QUflsllons 11nlt l~n1 about Ille un•
11111: mmi.19en1onl systffi! the colleqr
u~~r.1onio;th11.1 nslgn1m:nt:..
Al llu,1 retre<1t, Ch11vl~ nio11\io11lod
otttl'rcl1ansills bolnp con!;ldoretl. In
clL1cll11u a tuition n•durtlon 11111111 pllot
p1ogr ani ltMt woul1I pruvtdo more 011
purtunltlo~ 101 :;brdl'nts to li!ke climr.~ tt l~UI 0. Cnmp Cilmpus.
Thi! l.llvl'ilo11al~o1>l11n-, toeonlln
uc worklno with Tldcw.:itcr C:ommunl·
ty College, Cluwls nll.I, ro1 tho>c 1h1
d~nts In the nottht'ln <.:ml •1f lhil cltv
c1111lrmc10 Mlk~ bdn .u~kl t~td rellow 11nd In ca'iCS whom ~our-soi. aran't
1Jon1d 1111\rnbMshc's hitore!ltt1d In ex·
61111111\btll tllro111ih Paulo. Comp.
I fJlJNOAV. 07.14.1:1 I SUN I It II VINOINll\N 1'11- ll
The Tldew:1ter News, Sunday, July 14, 2013 Page A6
l°' l(•yd first reci1>ie11t of legacy scl1olarshi11
I llANKl ,fN
WhlilL l)!m.
I l11y1I •r1111ll1·d 1111'11111 U
C:R1 1111 <.1>11111111 11lty Coll\'g<'.
,J11· h111l 111u l11><•n In tic.hool
1111" 1'17S flue 1h.1t rlld11't
hl11d11 her clf.'Rh1 to ro11lln
ill h I <l11i:.1!l1111
'I I ollsetf 1t1ythllo,lt1,'I\ 11)'
my111•1lt ~;111 1 1111: m111lwr ril
llll'L'til'Y 11.!
IWI>. "i\11!11 111y I hlllht!ll J{\11
thl•ir rll•RJ•'U~, ll 111.1~ UH tr• 1\ 11
mr In Ml'rl n hw"
lhod Imm
l'l ll CC, ,111
'lht f'4i·)'••UI uld CQt1Ulm1d
11,,111.-111 It: P1111I n <!.imp
Co1111111111llv • ·oil• s;i•·'a llr..1
t1•dp11•111 ol llw Vit11lnl11
lit11111 ! .1111111 1111 !'11m111w11ty
f l'lll• 31 1;ifunulo11', J;111hy
! '11111rw1 l ~111111101lw1 alt!•
l<'ijil~yS.CJtolill~IJJp II()
I l()ll(IJ f:lifj!))IJ~hlltf h I llll!!llC)
t~' 111 u Jn1111111111• 11111plnye1l IH
d11l l11hm1111tl1111 lc"<lmoloJ!Y
S1•n•l('1·~ (1n:i tkpm 1{ou111
,,, tlat· Vll~h1l.1 t '0111111111111>•
r.11llt1Kf' Sy•,11•111 fl.1' C:1111111er
wo~ ve1yOl'llw111 )'I'/\ and
lowd d1lld111t1 1111.. "dml;11
ship in 1111' .1111011111 pf$:.!, '•(lO
I& f\Wo1t<kll 111111ui11l~ to a ~tu
1lt lll p111,1111111 11 1 a•"~'' ht ill
fn11nr11 lon h1rh11111oi;y 111
t hlldhoalrf 11d11rutlo11
l.lnvtl w·1k 11ir1wtl to,,.,,,,
\'lhrn she t'11u11d 1)111 Ihm !l)lll
w11.~ uw,11·1k1l llh·11rholur
~hit1 "I 111ii1I, 1 1~ thlr. 1l'ul'l '
-1'111 H••:t1li1'd. ~ l11111y l11·a1I, I
11.lw11y.1w1\111t·J111)' ,J,•wc1r"
1hh Wiii 11111ll ·•r<IP1 l\m'
lhOl •h•' tll~COYL 11-J qhc rm
lunge 1111olln1•1I fu1 1111111111.11
1hl Fini lnrmN odv!Wr and
1ni1nu mr M.11ll1J ~<'llu. who
ht•1 lO ll17ply
ror ~Ollll.l
ah!p.., 111111
\\'ffl\(' 'illll\I
d111Jou le1­
ten. fu r U11n11n
• nc,1111111~ 01w
vr 1h1· moat
l-'IJ11"-<lc•1tlh111~ ~11111111 ih! J
l1tWl: t1Vl'r 11tul'tllt,• :m11I 1<11110.
"Sh!1 ho(! It np lt1111c11to<l lhe
k1111wlcds11111111 ~Iii: h 11i.
·1 (1111 w l111pµy lo1 hilr
l<toltt-rwt, 1.1111 11.1ppy "111!ll
lh<Kl! l'W• l't lllll1• t hlhl11•11
whtl!C(; llW'1 wilt ht• t•11rldw1 I
IJ) hm11lK ht•f ,lS .t t:ilff'(llVl't'
I .loyd ~l't!•V up In 11 fmn1ly
ol ~ix <.:hfldl'<"ll lil Oltln. l\s u
li:111mgru, thl• h11nt1t S1L1d•m1
l>ilhym111n11111 111111.1~ 111 lllr
li11111u ror ~~ Y\!IHK,
.. 1111~ WI\~
IVl1Y I collhl
trmph olilldn:n °'l llV1°N." !!he
Hrtld She h.n~ IMlll W01 kl111:
full IIm!! RI 0111rhlldn111'11
tcmci aud rnrl'yl1111 u 11111
load al the c.nllcS(C! a~ wPll
She Wllrkl'J her 1vuy fr111n
t""ch•'' to lt•nd
leather JJI Porly Ik.1d Stort
•t hwt• rhUdl'l•n:• qhc anl!I.
~, l'iOlll10 Yilu.kc 'I poslllw
dHFetcr 11:c· l11 tht·I( liver.."
hl1l!k cor11rlr1lhlK Nl)I t1Hh•I
cl1Jll$CS.fl)1· 1Jor aH11c1<>l11tu'11
tl(!gt'!.:U, i.hc JllRllS W 0110111f
()Id b(nnlnlun I h1tvtwr.Jtv 10
n1t11111 h1•1 hat lu:lor's d1,14rce
1111!;irly thllcll11iotl •11·wl11p
mt:nl. Llu)1d ptoiiM·d tlw ~up
port Mic hos rect•lw<l f111111
her in!ltn•ctm<o nl !'DC'< .<.,
pl111iculnrJy l\cllo .uuf llmf
J(lh11~11, ·11111 ChUdrcn·~
(C~lll'r .1,1Ht l11•1 l111Nbt1nd,
' "'.Jstnnt
11tllRhl1u1·hooll ttJ 11~~hl with
She Wiii at1!'01l lh<' f l'S
MIJ)j'ICtl 11111; lfll• rumJly\VhlJ(I
al,~o llolpl11~ to tals11 he1•6lh·
C'hi•r lofttM/11111, whun• tthC'!
wUI n\i:Ct fillllidl•l'li "' t1111
1111~ Sh11 ltlll'I vulklllll'fil'l'il
lo wvtk wl!h •1:1Cdnl 11r~dl>
i:J1l1cl11'11 \Vhlll• Ill hlr,h
1,d11111I Mori· actt•llll)' h1•lwr•
ltlOVh1$1 Id C:0111 tli1111t, Siii'
opc1a1!1rl Bclnv c..,,. 1111111 hr•1
'~hnl ~t11htp ••ml lulk <tlXlul
what Uw 111\~1111 tnr.111~ Ul
h1:1. SItel 11lso wUI lw tl't'flM·
tlized duri11i; 11 lu11rlll'm1
honoring VC<;.s r.t•hohir~ 011
No\• 19 Lu RJchmoucJ
The Tidewater New:,, Sunday, July 14, 2013 Page A6
JolnlhU at11ct•11ts who completed tho t1h,1rm1Ky T"chnlcum Proqram In Mny nr•: Instructor El11lne Be1d11, h•ft, 11nd
POCCC Pm1ldtnl Plul Wm, Co11<0, Ph.D. Studenu front left, at*: Sh11yna Brown Qf Fr1nktin, Af\9eh1 Whlt11h1t11d of
rre11kUn, Wuanlcla R•ynold• QI Fr.:inklln ..,,d Tanisha Freeman of Cou1lland. 111 b.Jck.l LaurA D11vi• of "11 n\llll•. Al
ant• Blllupr of Suffolk 11nd Chlqult11 "'"'"' ot r rMklln. Not pictured 11ro: Mary Copes and Mlch•llv Jqnklns.
J>f)CCC Pl1ar111acy Tecl111ician Progran1
slill acce11ti11g applicants 1or fall 2013
f n.'\NKJ.IN· 111 M.1v.
1•.111111 c nmp t:o11rn1111111y
<;olhtl' g111ti\J1l1cd hs 111,1
d11~~ ol Ph•u 11111ry Tc"hni
r l;11111. Appl1~01ie>11s uru
tll>W b1•J1111 OCCt!fllCd Ill lhu
rnlh•11<"~ ntil(lonul Work·
rorrr ()1•v1il o111nii111 comer
loi lhr r.ull 201'.I iQu11:~11·1,
'1lw1111111111111..-y 'rt1ch11l
rnu lrdd I\ 11mwing rlu~ IO
rlw Im 11•1)M11>; l.'ltlctl)' pop11111111111 111111 lht• \11•11 OI
1cd11ud1111~ 111 1ir1101111
dot phctl l!lCl(:)I ~1111111!~ •
ft&l1I Elllin<' B1·alc Hl'h.,
Pb.11 m11l·y 'lt·1 hnh'lnn l'tn­
gru111 l.l1rrt"lt11/I11s11 ucmr,
1111' prn1.uo111 h1ducl11'
mu11y dull(!R 1ho1 Wero llfl)•
Vh)ll~iy llntlh•tl lh 11 l\URil.·
1111011 r1111r111od~1
1mid 11 1u·1111111r1·~Hln1111t~
''11i 11111 1r1K W(•ll
'l\~d11thili1 1tli ot\ll C:Ojp;ltl.
mul 11sffl&1 11hnrm11rlst~ Ill
IHlHpllttl, n111••lllH
hOllll' llf1j1ly 1111111111111111
hu~l1 rl11~ ~r~, ~11~h 11~
l\ngll~h, lmhlic
~tit'nkl1 11,11111d
CPH 1•i>nll1n6 ~p,,cl0r
plrnm10cy rl1rnttl'l1< 1111<1
cllnlcuJ 01q1erlo11co.
•11 i•· n 15 crcdlr houJ,
it-montl1 eomprr•htJ11•l\'I
prugmm, so nudc11111 Ill' l'l·
lglhlr rnr llnnndnl 11td; 'nld
Ber1fe~ "Alto1 'ornplctlun
thi: prngram1 ~111J1•11lt1 wlll
he prnpnrcd l<l 11tk11tht>1111•
1!111111( l\ncJ lltU\\' \lXlllfllOll·
clqn~ fn1 <'c!r1tnc11tlu11:
11nr 111011i 1nror111prtu11,
t;o ~o c>t
tJt111t111:1 U1•.1li1 .If 1•lw11lt•fn
The Tidowater News, Sunday, Ju ly 14, 2013 Page AG
Mari11e co£1tings trainee progra.m
offerecl at Paul D. Ca1111J
~1:11 C\J •d r,u1;i:essf11lly (Om·
plctt 11 Joli u111)llctlllon.
1ll/INKUN N~'WJ><>n
Nt·\\3 Shlphull<llnjl. II 1 ll\'l
sltm 01I t11nt h1}11nn l11g11t1~ tn
•h 1~1111·,, ltu~ p11t lt1ilrl'd Wiii\
r•.111111, r:111111> ( :11111m1111Uv
('91i~w 1 11~ IWll \IY h1lll't
~rllllc~~ wit! 1111 Vhi:lnh1'1;
<..01111nlit1!ty Lolk·11··~ lu 1Jrt1J1
fl IWO·W<.:1•ldvl nalnt•Cl111ll11B~
'l'r.1lnur 1'1111~mr11 'lht· p11~
1,1i.1•01 U11· prc1w11111h11 1111e
•ufl' wo1 lwn f1 11 1111ro1h111111 y
t\11tl 11111 pi1h111>r pnt;1.
l111rnh No.uq11•rh•1111•
<'~~Ill')'· t\pplknnr 11111~1IIll111
l1•.1111 1By1~.1r'<old .. t(J.I; C:lll·
Apply onllrtl!forthfl pm­
jU'lllll ot: 111ww hunu11gtu11J11
1;all11.1·1)mI CllltHin!/ n 11t11.l 1I
/\pplil'<1doJ1 frw fiill cl\1si«!~
L~11lh iCWll ill dlr l',111J f:),
t <I Itip <.:<11 11 !llllllltyCilll~
nq;lonL)l World'ml'c Uavcl­
''l'"lUlll CClltlll' In Fmnkl1J1ji,
opun m11JI luly 19. S.:lncwd
l'tl11tlklul1:1, will c,;0111yk:to
W11rlrli'oy~ ;\"tilil'~m11r111t m1tl
1111 l111..,r11ww wllll !Wwp<m
New.c Shl.pliullllini;. Thoso
~k>l'll'll must ptwi a clrntc
.c-rotninit. p'1VJ,l<:1tl qx:1mln11
11011, .11111 l>.11'1<.g1m11ut rh('(·k
Afh•t IJ\t lllNIJI 11l UVllh11tllt11t
h111 lw1:11 "'l~'t'1·.-h1lly n1111
JllCCC<l. (l(IJ>hrn11111w1ll1111y I
i.'..?l".0 tulllon fl~' ill tlw HI'
14fC11WI Wort..roH'o Do~11lop
lllftt1l c;c111<rt
lho l wu ·~ck prugral11 wlll
mlo.o pluc 11 Moud11>1 lhl1mijli
11r1d1.1y n·o1\) 7;001111\, :J;JO
11.111 f111ll rho.•1c.·~ nrn ~··lll'll
t•lOO (It 1lw l\P.Btcmol Wo1 k
ro1t<? Oov•1 i1,1prhct1I Cc•nlot
':t!tltt•111bl•1u W, nnd t>1i11
rombc.11 23- Octob1·1 •I
Anrr ~11w·,r,l\1I cv11111tr
tl•m 11t1h1• pmi;1111n 1'1'<111 111·
111Mll., Al&duu11·~ wlll s1n11
wml wltlt Nowporl Ncw11
Shlphuihlln~ ,,~ .1 r1111 tin11
M111111r P11hitcr lhr$:>!'.O 111
llhlll foe wtll Utt!l 1be rolm
blll'\Ccl by N<."WJ1'lll NMY~
ShJpb11lltlf11111111<1c1 1111' Ship
wnl"· 11111111111t·1111h111t1·111••nt
ptU!lli11 II
l'i1t l lcl1~11tlnft l:OllllllllOll}'
collq;C!J ofll·rlng lh1•M11rln1•
rouChJ!ll< l'wtncl: l'rogrum
tnl'ludu Ha~tclll Shore, 'llck
w.111-r, .111d 1>:11111) l::111111
ron1rmmlry (;111f1•gc..
l~rn101 c l11lo1nu1tlo11
;1tm11t thi~ 111'0flro111, rn11t~rt
tho R1Jg11;)nuJ WorU1>r<'I' ne
\11.\li)llll\Ulll r::l'tllL\J IJI 7fl"/
SUffolk News-Her ald JuJy 14. 2013 Page SA
PbarlllCIC)' t.edntiaos:
-~Ft ~~II.ho
~ II)<! Ptlilll'l'\ilcy
Ted'lr«:ian ~at P--cd
D Carr.l'I Comtrw.mcy' Co~
in ere !11.st111C!tlr EJair\i"
Beale. ~I. end PDCtC
~Pall Coooo­
SWdenls ~ {!ronl. tr/II,
rrooi \ea, S'lallla &o\r,l"l d
~'in.~ ~a:I oE
~ f1r.okl!r1 ~ T<llliSl'la
FreEfl"all o; Com.iaf;d; ~
IV''i, from left.) Uua
Oa\'1s of~. Al<ita
Bilhq:is Sufiolk ;nj
Cllqut"ta E°l'aflS Of ffanllfln.
M:/l ~ CR M'Mj COOE!S
<n.1 t.fttnef.le Jen'f.illS.
Paul D. Camp graduates pharmacy studenIB
lll the oolfege's R~omll
Worktbroe Devclt1p-ment
Center for the fall seme~ti:f.
TM pharmacy techructan
In May, Paul D. Camp
Commu:nlty Coif~ graidu­ lield i~ gJOWmg, due t<> tbe
med..& first class of pbarm.a­ increasing elckrly popu4tt;y Cecllllicians. Applications lion and llM use l.}f tubare now being accepted nicians to. peifonn many
dlllie6 I.hat were pNvi~sly macy settmgs." saia £18me as V.'C!l as ~fie plw.rmacy
Jimtted ro ;i ~Sla~d pbar­ &"'SJ~. R.Ph.• pllannacy tech­ cbisses :md cl1rut'al cicpen­
nician program di:red.o:r and ence.
~Technicians are oonsid- msJ:ructor.
"'l1 ts a 25-crt:dit-hour,
tilt!~. :m.1dcm1S willbe
prq:i.1red IQ take th~ national
and St.ale e>..-amin,atipns for
The program inciudes e~ht-mor.uh (;(lmpreltrnsiw
for more fofonnation,
assist phmn:acists in l'etail basic classes. such as tresh­ prognan. so .stud~ts ~re eli­ vi~I www.pdc.a!u or CQIJ­
hospital. nursing home­ lll211 public spe3fc­ gible fur finauctal sud,- s.1ld tJICl 13ca1e at ~bcale@pdc.
~) and mail-order phar- L:ng and CPR cenificat~1,1, 'B~c. "'Aft~r compktlo11 of t:du
~ ~feS.'>iooalS
The Tidewater News, Sund ay, July 14, 2013, Page A4
Thi.: Pilul 0. Camp Commu·
r11ty College
Career Devel
opm\.'nl Ci>rtcr w11! ot1er a
:r~,, rl)~llr1'e ~ml job ;ear ch
\'\Ork~hop tro 11
4 to 7 n.m
111 JOI at 11lt.! Smllb­
tit>ld C,m1pus, 25~ J\\n'leS
Thi:! P,1ul D. Camp Com·
1n u11lt) College Career·
-1,·v~l1Jprnem Centet will
· tfe• 1 Iroe workshop from
1o a.m to2p.m atlCiON.
Coll<.!qe Drive• In t:mnHn.
1here will he o hiring ~vent
In th!! 1 1h~ll1 pMk.lng lot of
th~ Power Mol>tlfl Career
The Paul D. Camp Commu­
nity College Career DE>vcl·
oprnent Center wrll offer a
tree 1e$umc and job search
workshop from 4 l o 1 p.m.
In Room 207 at the srn1th·
held Carnpus, 253 Jaml?s
The? P<1 ul D. Camp Comrr1LI·
nlty Colle\:JP CareE:ir Devel­
oprner1t Center· will offer a
fte(' resuml•and job s~arch
workshop from 4 to 7
In Room 207 t.1 \ lhe Smith·
flcld Campus, 1.53 James
Ct-it> r>aul U. ump (ommu
nlty College Cdrf:'Pr Oevel­
opmenl Center will offer a
free workshop from 9 t0 11
Ruth <:..c1mp Camp·
belI I.I "c1ry 280 N. Colleqe
l)rlVl'!. I hl WOI ks hop wlll
.;ov1::1 thto t1<1n~l\lon l.'f ex­
olfencler s Into the wo1 k·
c1.1Y1. iJ'
Th" P<,UI D. (;rnip Commu­
nity College Coreer D~v~l­
op1-non1 Centt'l1 Will offer :\
free work-;hop from 1 to 3
p.m. ,n ~h e Suffolk Rr.d1 •
vcloprnent Center, 157
N. Main St. 111 Sutfollt l'he
workshop wlll cover the
tran!iltlon of ex-offend@rs
Into the workforce
The Paul D CClmp Commu·
nity College Caree1 Devel·
opment Cente1 wlll offer a
free workshop from I 0 a.m.
to noon dl 100 N. College
Drive In Franklin. l he work­
shop wll l review cover let·
ter'l and e rnail ~llqwette .
The Suffolk News-Herald
Suffolk's news and infornaation source
Highly 111arketabJe skills
Publbhcd 9:59prn Monda.II Jul)'
-r-..1 {~
I~. loll
Sign Up to Ste whal your ln~nds likl!.
As in mo~l other b111>i11csscs nlld iouus1nc$ nround die 11111ion, ihe la:.1 decade or so hllS ~cc11 significant chnnges
lo tho wny tlmt local pharmacies opornto. OnQ big diff'cnm~ is 1hul m1111y oflhc <.h1tic:; thnt 011uo w~rv ptirfcWnicd
onl y by 1•cgistcred pl111r11mci~1s have bccll taken over by ph11rmncy lcchnici11n'i.
Phnrmncy techs nrc considered pnrnprofC$~io11ul$ these dnys, 11nd lhey llSSist phamlAcists In retail, hospital,
nursins home-supply 1111d m11il-ordcr phnrm11C) :.ctling..., uc~ottlln~ to El11i110 &uh; the phnrmncy technician
prosram COl>rdi11111or lit 1'(1111 .D Qunr C'ommunity College_A 41owing population of senior citizens in lho
Uni(cd Stntcs mcnns •hose plmrmacy oppurturiilics will continue to grow.
J>nul D. Camp now ollurs o co111prehe11s1vc progrnm for those hopln~ to cnl1tr the 11oltl, nod the co1nm1111ity
college gmduorcd its lirst class orpharmooy tcdm1cians m Moy. Another cJw;s is sclu.:dulcd to ~iurt ul thu
college's Rcuional Woritforc@ Development Cc:111er in Franklin 111 thc fall.
The c1ght-1non1h, 2S-crcdil·hour prognim iucludcs bo.sic clnsscs. :;uch os fresbmnn Bnglish, public i;peaking and
CPR i:ertilicotion, n~ well ns speci fie phnm111cy 1.1lasscs and clinicnl expcriC11cc, und its students nrc eligible for
li111mclnl ;lid t11 help1hc111 complete 1heir slttdics, Whei1 they linish the pro1:1rum. lhe students nto ready 10 take
lhc exams they need for nntic)ti11l 11.11d slatc ccrtifloations.
fhc new ph1mn11cy rechnic.ian progmm is cxnclly lhc sort of1hlng envisioned for the Western fidcwutcr
comn1unity when officials launched U1c Workforce Dcvelopmcnl Ccmcr, which was dcsignc..-d usu place " 11cro
employers ;md omployccs could find training and educational opportunities beyond lhl." typic11I community
imllege oITefings, cltc..~ses that wc1,ild !min sLUoont~ (or n..:w nnd better high·dcmand;,
I hu coll,cgc':; phummoy h:chnician prosrum mttkt:i: Paul D. Comp 1111 oven ~rcat-:r ~1sso1 to Wc::1lcrn l'idl!Wn1e1·,
tmd it (lrovi.:~ thnl ,1dmi11L~trarors tl1oril and 1'.11 thc Workforce Dcvdopntcnt CMter 1110 paying close aHcnLion to
the needs of the: community they :)CJ"'O.
to the first c'1tss ofgrndwUc..'S. They cnn !.'I: rroud their acoomplishmcnl and OfUle faa IMI
1hcy have marketable skill ~ ihn1 will put them in high demand. n:pordlcss of the 1111t1on's economic sm1arion.
The Suffolk News-Herald
Suffolk's nc\vs and information sou1·ce
PDCCC got great feedback
Published IO:Olpm M1111tfoy, July 13, 20\3
\{P] I 1
s1pn up to sao WllQl Y<iUr frl1·~d5 llko.
Rccc11ily, Paul D. Cnmp (.'011111\w1ity Collc~e held n series of sttategic plannins meetings throughout our sorvicc
tcgion (FrankH11, Suffo lk, nnd Southan1111on nnd Isle ot' Wight COUllties) to s<1lhor lnsighl Oil the l\ituru vision for
rhe college. 0Lir g(lal wns lo crc111" 11 vision 1haLwould carty us for ihe noxl three to live yours.
Initi:illy, we bcld ~essio us with our faculty, stnlf and students. After guthering their input, focdback sessions were
held with the Local l.'.ollogc IJ<inrcl :imi the Paul D. Carnp Commw1i1y College Foundation Bon rd ofDirectors.
:,css1011s were then held at tlw TTobbs Suffolk Campus, the Fronklin Campus and the Smithfield C1:nter with
oth1:r blukcholdu!"ll frum uur commwuties. Participaius wc:re osked whol they need ond expect from the college.
Finttll}. Lhcy were invited l<' pr(wide their pcrspecliv~ on ouL !iUc:ngU1s, nren~ for imp1\)Voment, opponunitic:~
lllld LhrcatS.
The panicipntian and fccdbnck were tromenduus.
Whnl we tcun aed
It WM. foh thnl a ~u ong 1rnd e~punded ffi(l?kcting program would enable the coll1;1gc lo n11rao1more Sllld1::11~ and
better serve our comnmnitie:.. We have h1Jgu11 build in~ ru\ usgrcs:.lve ca111p11il9110 i111provc our tnnrkctin~ .ind
rcciuilmcnt elfortc;,
We rccoivt:d communlcntinn ri:gurtling ~Xplllldih& opportunities for \tudcnls to bc~omc employed through
~rtificote-bascd pro~rnmming. Tiulrt: ul~o was consensus lha1 more VOCfitiunol prugr11ms 1111d n '"renter emphasis
011 :-kilkd tmdu:; should be stressed. We have bct.'f! placing more resources 111 1hi~ criticnlly 11nportaat orco.
tcfcrcnccll wos tho fooling or pride t1Jnt U1e commu1tity has for the college Most constituents we
tulk~ w1~h 1111dcr~umd thu impor1nn1 role 1hat we have in providing educmional opportunirics 1hrough1hc
wc:.. tcrn Hu1111>to11 Roads region
'mo college is l;ciln 11.s wdo.;(.1111 i11g, family· oi1c11tcd, ulfordablc, flcxibh: u1nl ublu lo t1uiokly mci:t n vuricry of
constituent!;' 11~-ds. In nddition, thci collugc is J1ce11MW• org11nlz11tion ~hut Mrivc.s to uligr1 itS currlcuh1111 whh 1h.:
11ecds oftht- community. I ho dcdicntod foc11lty, s1;1Ffand leadcrnhi1J Lcu1n wuro viewed as !iignificant s-tronii:ths
for the collot.i.e.
There were ruru1y rositi 11e 00t11111ems about rcccm successes in funJroising ru1d 1tc<1uiri11s grouts. Tlloso fu11ds
will oronrc mm1y opporLltllitlcs to improve th~ collegu's service 10th~ cun1mt111ily. moot employers' need~
ittol'Cfll{C thoir profossionul stuflins.
ltcccnl grants end do1111tio11s hnvc h1crcascd our scholarships tC> lltudcms, allowed hn)'Xll'tttnt renovutious to our
lbdlitil!S, i:stubllshcd (lllr new C11recr Development Center uncJ 1ill1Jwcd us to incrca!ie progrnm'>.
You c1111 i;cc dct(tils of our recent pl11ns nod s1rotegic planning results on 011r website nt
/pl'Cliidcnts·officc. I cncourogo you to \1isinbo ~itc and let us know \\hnt you 1hi11!..
I will soon be meeting with the lc.idcrship learn~ of the coJl¢ge, 11s well as lhc (.1umccllor of the Virginio
Community C¢11cgc System to rcviow ond tl$~SS tho lindjng:-. We \viii prioriti:-e key items and work to develop
cohesive uction plnns to nchii:vo gucccss in the nr<:as idcmified.
I would lik~ to thank oll tho~c who CQntribukd their leedback lo I.his import1111L procc!.R. We ere i.o grateful for
1hc input uuu cxtcni:ivc guitL1m:c shM¢d through the stn\tc;gic pl111ini 1 1~ ~css io11 ~. 11is thmugh your 11<.:tivc
engu~cment thnt we 1;1.mtinuc 10 improvo and deliver our mission - lo providu divcr!le le:imirig oppmiunitics to
e11h111icc 1hc quelity 1il' lifu for slu~ont s 1111cl !l10 coinnwnily, Thank you !lgliin for yo1ir ~11ppor1 of your c:omniunity
n1: !'mil 11111/iam Ccmco Is pNsldcm qf fa11J D. Cump Con11111111l1y ColleJ!,t~. E111all /il111 m ~w11n~·<>(<,P1x.Ji:.cd1.1,
The Tidewater N~ws, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, Page Al
I~"IM/JlClll Jtl:li'/llJll~IWI
C1nl111t111 l>ofr)'1 ur~r coach llhd ltntruttar, talkJ wltJ11111oup oft(lttntlr dual,..11roll·
m•nt stude"ts,
J>DCCC awarded $90,()00
for career coach program
Students will be advised by professional
(AIH IM(IOlH/lll~HAli!Wfo cnnoM
yj!l111tddtn"1•b•~ -~·
flMNKI JN lhe Poul I>,
f\unp C:o11111111111cy College
curt'el' rnnch 11ro(f111m 1<·
r.cnrly rn1•olvtrl 111111pgm!fo.
lhi- l ln111ptu11 Rond~
Ing Fraullln H411J Sch011I.
1'1 ltu.l!>Hl Tmis rdtt, :;.1\d
t -.ln'l' I ( :1)1).t:h 01 lvill C.:1l)W•
lt!y tlb~k 11 gft':'ll job,
hrui or.s:iinl1.ed career
Call'S, ltulprui1<111J:l.m1tt; Willi
mllcgr anti l>Ch•ihirshlp up
f)lil'.fldOllS {U•<I iS .I JlHIM(ll f
C111nr111111Hy 1~111111111111011
hel\V1·1~11Utunklln 1 llnh
flW~ 1 d1:d tho rolltll!I.'
SQhool m1t1 1'11111 t 1 1...u111 p
Wiii uar over u1h1w-y.,1u·
JlllJl<HI IO hire 11 r1.1fl·lll'IW
t'unch. Prc>vlou~ly, 1Ul 1)rth1'
coUr.lfoa ~11 11r11 p11tl 11111~1,
u11d 1t lhnll1•1l 1hl'lr ,,ffrc
1rvo11r.~s, 6"lcl C1111tilrc Ar·
llw. the ht·~<'hc.>ol ynullt
nld. •s1tuilll!!l Brtinl!:~ I() "1J
f1 fur Uhgll~h nm 11u.vo111
111c1H r-lni:,1•s ab1111( r11l'\hJI
1111\lrittk .md '11.'llJ" HIucl11111a
olcvrlop a 1>hin to meal tliPlr
$9<1,qoo. whkh 11w r1:11f(1ga
progmm coordlntuor.
''Suuforlls m.1y 11()1Ill'
11kll• tn <·011w by nnr 011
one 1hnln11 yow hoOt q,• M
''' 1H1h1 •vuu 1110 uhu 1101
11blo tu bt!comc a11 ln11:11n1t
cd 111 tlw q'flool anti all of
It• l'Vnn1~·
/\11.-uvrn 11uhlir hiitl•
~d1oobd11 11n•11l111'I'11111\fl·
rhrw r:uecr C(111~ h. h1cl11tl
C.01ml1llllfly t-:Oll~(&e:' Ftclts
L'iltCCI {lllUJj,.
"She· worb l.J 1C(1U11'1'1111
tlofl WWI (l11r gui(lu111T lk
f\ilrllf\t:lll; t'ot.'\W ng ''~l>c
r.l11Uy (}II our 'iettlOr• lb.thty
tmnsltjon lrom hlgh lic:bool
to oollogo. the rnllltury en
the work forrl';· h •cnntln
l~r11 /ltld11• Bmtly, via!
pr~ltfom of 11c.Hll'mk 11n1I
student developmenJ, 1>11ld
~1udlc.~ tr.ivo ~hmm 111111
llll' IH~XI dccJdc. b.l1~h
numhtl ol fobK wlll require
llf>O!ll f1e•i:1111d1uy d•'ftt<'t'
e1111101 cn:11ltl"•1·1111 lll'lp
studcntAon 1hu1 pnu1
'"IJ1u prt11tram provl(lcs
thu gro11ndwnrk lnr 11 ~1t'­
c:r..t0~f1 tl tr11 11s1t1trn 10 the•ll 111urkrti11•(• 1111d 1hh
g1·m 1n'((ll 11 ll11w 11~ to ~01 Vil
tht1siutle•11I~11101•0 (lfllclen1·
lyf 91t(d Atll,htA dlmJy
1cli<'ln Uluw, vl1·u 1~1 ~s1
d11111 (01 1111:1ihu1U111ol Ad
Vlllll'fllll\H\l 01111 HXl'Clllfll•'
Dlrl'l'IOI nfth<: 11111 11 0 ,
Cnmp C:or11mu11lly Collef!ti
Pc111nrlu(lp11, lftdtl lhu mun·
b1•r unn 11111)01 fo1s11uh•111s
cou1lnp, hHo <i1llc1111 t~. "I
dn1t'I l..tlU\\',• r"ttl!IJI ('tlfIDI
haw QCC!1$1i IO flfOlllflm:i
th.II c tn hdp ll ~tud<ml Ilg·
un Nlll wh111 rhuy mt11h1
llku to de> with tht'lr llvt'~
lhc1u nw four fM t I tftrtc
<>rw 'l(h<ihl, yl-'t to
st:c PD(((, p AS
PDCCC: ~t1t(/enls will beadvised by11rofessional
f•n1111lhlln11 M-f-h 111t11c:otu
u~I! s111tlu11~ 10 1rn1h1·
,,,. i.1..111m,..1hn ~1 1111
11•··~1. l\'IU gut 11 lull 111111·
~nm1 101111
tlo11, c•illll'I o l'lt•grP(• or t•cr
1lflr.1'lo. Hc~1 1Lt1 II hus .:Ill!;
W'llll)tl th111 '""'''' 1:01 111~c1J ·
n1r tnro1J1 l oudwi; pto
yl ,111 ~tt1il11nb. wlrh 111r11r11111
1111111)11 111110111)' llllf'lllllllll
11aiil U. <:u111p l •1111n1uu11y
c nllug11, h111111..o mhur "dll
catioual wum:11 und up11011R
C'.m1d11"' woO.. wltl11l11.1 I •·11
mllt'!'d 11I111te1114 •I• Wt'll
I etstt n:wtft, 11.1111111011
1111111111Co1111111111ltv 111111111111
ll<J11dlrcrtur•11f pri1u111111'
m\11 dmior ~°'vu t·~. ~11lc t Ilia
ul p11~1 hl.:11
~l"ht1<1I ).\I .11l111111n11 L·d11rn .
eora cnn IH·lp, f,1101111!1' focior
llw gmltl 1~ loo~lop; to do la
lr1 Ut·~)ht lollH.Jr·11Jt. le i gr<1J1f.
uro on rh111•, nucl 1'Cllc1ufh
hP~ ~hown
tl1.1l 1•moll
munt uho11 h<!I ti '
·11111111,. !11111 Ahlflh s<:h<lOI
LlA.:t;l1•1• I~ lllll •I' hlllpfuJ Will
llKi'fl ffl hni Dr1vl11 p11irf, "Wu
wo11l 10 ··111·• l.td1icoi11
11111 out o f hll(l• lil:ltuol lu
hnw ,, phm, ,1nn p11rl nfth.11
plau I~ 111 (111 tl1111 1111·11 rd11
c:<llhlll, hi II ioJll't.UlC fiE'hJ, (q
ohtuln 11 h1gh1:1 w11gu lob"
ll u.i grn 111 will bo 111111t!H'<I
l•y up t(I 5.'10,0IJO l 1y Uw Vii
gh1lu 1' 111111111111 h y r:oll1tjl(!
Synl<'111 1h11mgh Lhr 'f<111nl
lllow i:olcl 20 I 11crumt of
p<•optr hi the nun huvu ll
l i..1rh 1•h11".111•t;1111·111 hcllrr,
1:t1111pnr..t1111 J.f.4 p<:l'C'l'tll n...
1h1· Vftw11ln AV(!rugc. ihn
"l\c\lll .wNtlJlt rm n til11h
111d1()pl (11•f(rn<.' or butltlt 1~
wl11l1· Ill
I' ,'Ii 111~1· r111
"lhc lmtlohvu IB lu1·111>A·ol
011 Jmprn,·h1$! w111lo.lm11
fiklll~ .tnrl lnn••11 .11111 rhu
C<t11 llJIK por1•11ll11I 111 rhr·M
)ut·ullth•n,': ~It• .au.Joi. 'U11sJ
n11~~l'N wn11'1 ro1nu 111 H
lherr 1&11'1 11tl:ill1•d wm k
lc11c1• i11 l'Lw.,•
1h1 l\VI ho~ idn1Hfl•'ll rla
(1(1,(; fH!1(1•111,
l111u~lh1 tlull
txf)ftll4in11 uf rlir high
•., ltool t .1l'l'••f ~()m:h p111­
~uma lL" .1 pmvcn ~·11111101 1
11; nddn•s, lhc.~r i~m11· 0 Ill,.
1m11rhlogJ!l""11.1111t 1 11111· h1
1111·11: 111 I I
Th~ Smithfield
Times Wednesday. July 17, 2013 Page 17
New programs
available at PDCCC
Marine painting with the shipyard
Newrort Nows ShlJ>
IJUll1t111a. n dlv 111\011 ul lrllr'°
tln.:lnn ln~Ulls tn1hwu-i11s,
tuu 1111r~hored wtt11.P11111 b.
<'.nn1t1 Commun1ly r.t1U11gl'
wi•ll ne nlhnr •clloole
wlih Iti VlrL1tnla'11 1~ommu111t~· 1~cill(lac1i. tu C>fC<iu jw1:>­
wouk Mal'lrw Cotill111(11
Tn•hl!!I! Pl'l>u1·a111. ~'h•· im1
ri<>&o llf llltl p1-01mlm L~ lo
Pl'CJIUl't• wnrktir~ for
1l11ct11ry hrush n111I roll
1>.'llntor t>Mltiom. Noeitpe
rln11c4• I• n1l¢1•sHflry. Appll­
C(lll! must be at letJ11t ll1
yonrq old, n U.S
llntl liUCl:l'S~l\•llv 1~m11ltilt'
a toh Q))r.>llcatloll
l!aul D C.'flllP CP111111un lty Ce1\hlt :>opt. I) 211, 1111d
Rrglcm11l S!1pl. 2ll (}Cl, .j
WorJ{forca: tl11volop1no11t
Al\1•1· •11c<'C?5t1rut comnl11­
c1mtc1•m l·"'runklh11.s opou llon Qf lbe 1,1t·oi:1·01h 1•0
llllllJ JU!}' 11>. Stth•cttltl cilll qult«•mn1\t11, uro<llrnt~s \11111
didlltea wU1 t:ompl0lu start wo\·k wllh Now)'WJ:!l
Wo1·1<r<ey11 Asstliltln\(ln.tll Nuws Shl11uulltlln11 1t11 u
11n1I an fnterv111w with t\111 ,thnu Mllrlno Pllll1t~m
Newtit>i'f NewA $hlf)lmlld 1'1\e S2110 tuition ft!o wtll
lnJ:. 'J'hl)q11 ~i:h,1utcd u1u111 tlwn hd i \•lmburaacl I>~·
llQttA r1 ch uc sc11Qi1nlni:. N(l\V\)t>rt New11 Shlphulld
pllyslcol uxn1J')Jnr1tlr111, At1d Ing 1mrto1 Ihe Shh•Yard's
bnckltl'ciuud <'heck t\Oor 111 ltlnn rrlll\hlll'llOlllll\I
the medlcuJ ov1t11w1to11 has 11rugra111
lwen ~u<:cJ}asfuJly com
1>:trllc lpr1Unii coutn111
pll'tlKI, a111,1Ucunts wlll 1my nlty l"ollt1ll'S 11N11rh11C lht•
a S?.SO tultio~ lee ill tho Rt.:· M11rl11<' Cu11tlnR8 'J'ralnull
gi111111l Worl\forcl' Develop· Prc>gr1111l Include ~ut11111
Shorl• Tld1•wutel', nnd Paul
'1'110 t\\o.weok program
f.'qr morCt lnformauon
at. wlll take pl~ce Monday
W\WLh11ntiJli(brlin1;allo.cn111/ lI1l'tlUlo(h Filday 1'1·0111 711 111. about U1ls pl"Ol:rnrn, con­
- a:ao pm. 1''all cl1111St'\ nrt1 t11c.t Ihe Ruirlo nal
Applicntton for fall schedlllsd at the ttoglonal Workl'orco Oev~looment
clnllllt!lt ccmducte1l ot Lb« Work!<>rco D<'volu11111ent C<llllN' 111 767·61i!Hl0f.0
A11ply onlluc tiir th• ,,,,._
Pharmacy technician
Plllll J), Cll111p r.0111111~1·
OvUoi11· n 1c·o11fly
11r11tl11a1,,,1 1111 llt'fll clM~ cir
Ph11nnllCY Tt•chn lcl11n11.
A11gllcutlom1 ai:-~ r1ow bolb>R
•1c·(lo))if.ld 111 lho 11t1llcge'11
Ruylonn l Wurltfli t'Cll Dt•
vjously !imjtcd lo o Rej\111· 11i. woH !lS 111i11clflc pllnr
lf'l'lltl f'harnllwlst, '"l't!Chlil· rnucy cl11111ic~ 1111tl i;-Urtta.11
cltm11 ore com~lrter!!ct p:in1· llxperlt'llC<!. "It 111a2S·awdl1
rirt:1friH$l<1m1ls Qtid nUIRI hum, Ol1Jh1·ntunth cotnµt'I'"
in n~t.:1 11, hos· hu1111lve µrnsrum. 110
J.)l~al, 11ursl11H hoine s111,mJy ~l tmi<I uro olli.;llilq
tnlllJ <ll'dot• i,Jhll l'Jn:\C.Y d11 I 1ht," 1m l<l t3l't1h• "Allor
COlllJ>lt1tlcJ11 or the progn1m,
l!ll udcmtK wll 1l>o 1>t'Ollt11'(ld
tu tultc• Ihct rrntlonul t111tl
&lnt:o etxum Lnuf Jo11s fur ctn·.
tllu 111ittl11gs," :Hald l'!Lnlt\o
Ooaltr, Rl'h,, Pl\111·1111wy
'l'hn t>hnrrrin1·y' •r.:ichnl· 'l\lohnlcllln ProgMlm Uh'1C·
clau llt•l\111111rowh10 llue tn to1·/ rnatructo1:
Tiu: prllgrnm lnnludu•
lho 1J1uru•111h11: ,,J<lot ly
[!opulutlon nnct the Ullf of hash; cl(l~lles, ~11 rh WI tr.lab
ll1Ch11lclnJ111 lo Pt1rform manF.nalbiti. pnl>Uc spca~
m1iny rlntll's tbut wen.! llrr lnl( and CPR 1,,11•tlnc.ithm
~nlA\" fcir
ll'ah N{'lllHlllElr.
u t1~·
ro,. O!iAl'I·
I lfl<:ulJon •·
For m11r11 lnformuthm,
110 to Ww\v,pdc e<tu or email
The $rni~ hfield Time:; Wednesday, July 17, Wl 3 Page 17
High school career coach prog1•am
'rl\c Uninpfon Rmuls u11d motivate Rtud1111 I& to
·r11u crn11t will lit!
IOHlrhod llJ) 10 860,0lltl by
ron1mu11 ily ••nunihtllon gr11d111tt1l 11nd j\llroll
lmt; nwnrdod $90,000 lo 1111! 11ostsecomlary cduc11tlo11 thu VII Kl Ula <~01111nu11Hy
1'1111111 Cno111 Cootmunlty JOd ~r:ll11 1JJ1:.'' 1111 hi Vllu C-OllnKu Svuwm t hru1111h th!!
Cullow1 lt'o11ullaUon 10 ex· f'l~!lllr1onl !)( Acttdumlcn1111 Ruml Vlr~h1fo Intl latlvc.
p1111d ltll 1Il~l1 School r.11. Slmlant Uuvol.op111enl Di.
~·tu nHH'Q 111forml\tlc111
t'!!IJr C'.0111!b pn)gr11m.
'l'llrn Al kl rta· Brady, 1"rt111 11 hou1 lhu Vunl n. Camn
1'ho qran I wIll bo l)l:'C!{frn.m iH'Ovld~s Iho •~ommun l ty Col111go lll11l1
llWElnlull 0\/('I" II lllf't'l")'lllll Rl'Q1ill dwol'lt for ,, HIUlCtl!.18· !>ohr1ol \~11r1!1'r Conch J)ro
p11rlo~ n11d will :1ll"w th11 J'ul tran!lltlol1 to thu :lldllocl IO'Hm,
C1>llc11c to hh'L 0110 ftill wurkl'ol'IW null rhiu 1m11H WW\¥. ~\dt1,11tl\1/flllllr<J·H I II·
Illllt< •'Mi•1))' 1,;11u1:h
wUI aUow 111; 10 lil1rVo tbu rl1.111t11/ht11h school/,
All or tho sevi.<n public SIU(ll)llttr f110l\1 Offtcfo11l1y.''
hl11h ~CllCllJli. lll Chi! Paul 0 ,
'l;h• Oollun1"1> 8i:>rvlct: l't'·
o, lllp C'11mrnunlt) ColJc.:v gl()TI 13 •'OITIPrla!!Q nf Suf
11C1rv lee 11r1111 )lllve o 1111rl folk a1n11 J•'J•11111<llo, untl l1Jh1
llml' cun·l•r co1w11
ot Wight d!UI Southt1mpro11
"Cnreur coaches assist
Thursday, 01.18.13 Sun/The Virginian-Piiot Pase 7
Paul D. Camp names
its student ambassadors
COO!ilBtll-or tt nttmll l{n>Up
or 11tuctents who volwrtcrr
(11 !lerve A-~ rl.l11reRc11tnl Ives
Paul n C11mp CommunI­ of thu colki¥o bcft•h.' 11 v11
f y Colle•w h1111 announr:ed ri0t)' nf impo1·1.m1t consth·
ll11 Prc:!ldoutll'llSt11tle.11t i\m ue11t 1f1'01.J1ls.
By W1:1idy llatl11011
.'41rt1 VIII.I rltt Sim
clu1h: t•w 11cl1•oliun w pu:lli·
lk'llllnl ffittlll!ij!ll, CUllUTICJlCC'•
m1,111t. r111·111t y tn· N<'l"Vli!t!" 1111
the Gtnl'11tl Aatt•mbly 11et·
si!>u '" Richmond
'l'h1• 11rnb11~s11dol·~ nre: An
thQl\y llOli()Wll~ Of ~'rllllk·
lin, Modalyn Klmlkk of
[<'l'miJdin, J111:~b R1•11<thh11w ol
C'nrnivlllu, Zclntlt1n fi;1rdin
(.)f Smil hl'icld, Ashley Gi<>.rHi
of Boykins, Ambor linll11nce
uf 1.Ainl, Hl'tUU,hlly 11 Cl111·y 1il
SecUc:f, CUrliu ('!orll.of 01•0.
wryv Lio, Sum11-011 Strntton
url! lnleresi.ed ln en!u1nc of Suffolk, £1111110!11 Rol4l of
"1t't1 ttuly nn honor to Wille indlv.idu.ulB whl,lt:l\Joy
bo Mtl-Octed 1'111 I hili OUR IJ)eethig t1~w people They
plcu1u1;1 uruup. •r111:11(· ~au ·
l.ltJnt111lho11ltl hu v~y rroud
or thl~ ul~1 loctro11," ~aid Fe·
llclll 1.llow, vlc1,1 J)lilS!<lMl ot
tho 1Jnllogc'li lmitllutlonul
hdv11ncoment office
Th(· w1tllasiw,1or t>\'OitrRrn
I~ doalgnud to 11upp11t"l Ihr
rll"ll8ldrnt nnd h11Jlillttionlll
wg IbtJ aO:IJcgc'i; rt•putntitlll
Sllt'f<llt(, Sy1m1110 l:ile\~Al'I 01'
Rc!l,p/lnsibUitfo11 of am· SutLOlk nnd Anuoliln J}l•11tic
btUIS(tdorR lll'e varlod. Stu
l\1lv1tnCCUltllll Ill I he l>O~i student life to val'iouii &u
tlvo promOll\111 of the col­ ille11CCI!.
lt.!jW 'l'f\e amb(ls1u1dor
or Suffolk
dcnt,i frnm tWu C:.Ol'61t1·nu11
(:Ull 1111' Ol'rh:~· •>r lrullllu
mPy be invited to 11t11md so­ tlOni1I Advnncomrnt a~ S6'l
olal runctlon!I, p11wldo r<mh! ~792.
fOl dl11nlla1•h::;, 11\r.i:I Wllh
lc-w&lntors, mld ~peak Jb<1ut WmdV tiAniffll Is 111-nlllllc
OthU rc11~llllllbilluc.~ 111·
11?1.llhllh s11·~1Jllst tor Paul
D. Cainp Cvm111unlly Collt!OV,
; Coller
wa~ alw11ys
io tht1 pwu for Ll\uron
W.1i.;on~1 ot l ure, N.r
htcep!etl t<i n four y~or
msti111tip11, Pnul I), Cnmp
Cvmrn 1111II y
Col ti;go
bc1;11u11e a m<>it· pri1cti­
4<1l clwlcc 11ftt·1 the bicU1
of lier d1ui¥h1cr, Nntnlie
iktkcnlulblc. oow 18
: "I h11tl 10 1hlnk more
r1:i1 li s1ic11lly •Unur 11," she
~nM "1 c-no co11'11>lt.1lc rn'.Y
11111t1,1clllh: tlU!!I C\' ht IW()
ycilr ~. Then I r.011 WOl'k
11ntl 1tU1kC' 1n1111cv '' hilc I
onmple1c my huchclur's
~ca;rcc:. Since I nm u m·w
11111111 ll11N1s ;i bcuc1 oplion
for rue 1Lnd 111y r1unilv in
the ll.lng run."
W11gpncl' Wtl!l s\llcctcd
Ja Ibt> redpicnt or the 20 13
P11\1I n . Co 111p C<m 11 ll\lll i ly
Collci;i: J Ph1l1r Bni11 Jr.
Schoh1r~hi I,
ner is 11~lcc1c1I frnm i:<ich
lhc 23
111~11 hJtl<ln~
~'ol IL'IJC SY~hllll . Tl1e
811 11!•""1{t 1~1111 0
:1cho lni~hif1,
Philip IJ1J111 J1,
111:1mcd ill each schOlll
titr tht: rc.:ipie111 of lht:!
Ch11nccll(1r' ~ Lc11dtrsl11f.
Ip PWll\nthtopy Aw111 c' Sludcnla of Amcricll), I Asl>OOinllon, 9ccre-tbr)' ur C'll~'Olli !tgc<l lrJC 1111d h, 1111'
tn(l)' be Ulled ~1n 11 ny oum- (QOk roy t1rs1 clo11a In .ar1111- U1e Betu Cluh, uod to<1!. 1•11 ' I 1111'11 her Ill 111' It' 111 1!t I1 I
1Jus wlllitu 1hi.: VC:CS. C)r'n)'. r really liked ii nml
Ihi::. )'1\111 , 11 will providc was intcr.:stcd In physl<;al
P $3,SOO seholRrship for a therapy."
Site volunti:crcc;I 01
1'1111 yeur 111 11111 ion, booki
knd lees.
Sc11t;1ra Obioi Hospi!Al
"Wni:Oflcr, who (c1;.cnt· throu1:1h
ly 15r111J11.•lecl \\Uh hon· Volunteer Program 1111d
urs from Gutc~ C'ount)' w<>rlc:td In lhc physical
I lil(h School, \\Ill begin lh11rt\py, nnd lnbor 11od
hll1 studlcY In nul'sl11g this delivery d~pnrtme,nls. $be
luu, ~Ince! co1\1pletod tho
''I \\'a<;i1'C ~Ul'C Whal I certificlllion for nursitt~
wanti:~I "' do," h.: snld. 11~si11111nl.
In nddition lo llOSA,
"'H111 nlkr hecomins 11
'l1'~uhi:r uf HOSI\ (f'ulur't Wngoncr hM servr;d 115
Urolth ProkRs1011uls, fnr­ senior v1i;c prcs1dcnl of
nuidy I 01 cupuU01N the Student Oovemment
1.,ad rnlc:1In1hct1t1J~prn(lw~· 111h111ilo11
1t1<lo111y hi:~1 in
tionli with 1!1c 11 l ayinnki:1·~ l.'lilll!l\t: Jht ~ ,j,J
Drom1~ Club. She played
As 'II ( mnmo11w1:11lth
rccrc:ntionnl, und jw1lor I .ognc~· ~dmhu WnKOllrt
end vars11y softh111l :11111 will 1n\:11h•1 h11111t: chnl•
volloyb11ll ~he w11s nl~(t nr•1h111 rcdp1t•111s .111d
p8rt of 11 lnlvi:I hull learn p·111 t i11:i1e In 11u1c·wl I~
for three ye!lrs. Shll hnh 1:v1·n1s, 111ch 11th~ '\111110111
~crvi:d u o ctJlltlJjClor l'u1 I 1:1111131 l1tr1 t,:1mltrl'11ct,
4·11 Tlo~sq Camp lor the ~chc1luli!11l 'Iii~ fall
pllNI llvc sunumirs.
Sht .1IMt• wlll Le 1i(ti~
Wagoner is cxci!ed atlou1 111.1.~d ahinR wn h Qtlll't
hcr scholnnhip u11d crcd 1l•hol111 ·, tlt111111•t111ul 1lic
hs he1 f11111lly 11nd fi:mcc .1n1r d11n11p lhe \. tf(ltnf 1
C.:ralg Ilcc:kc11l11ibk will T"l.l11h1hth)l1 fol C'111111n11nily
provld1111.4 much ~upp<'ll'l
t:11I 1 I J111l~lfh•f1 hm~li\ Ill\
"Th1>y huvi; ulw11y~ 1111 Nri ' ) I) ill Rir.h111(11tcl.
- - - - - -;
Surrotk News-Herald Sunday, July 21, 2011 Pase SA
~ PDCCC receives reach truck for training
'.ilU><1nrn l'llOTO
Do1111t1o11: Fook!ln·Soolh!1!1)p!01 Cn<'ll'ltle9 h.1r; ll111hl lhr purciiaw of Aree00(1ith>11ed react1 truck. r1aln111~ on tf'lc nrtN Cq\Jlpmr.nt •Mii be edded to the Pool o.
CM•P Co!T11T11llllly Col~e OM~on ol Worklorco Dtlllllopmc11t's FOlkltt Opora((l( CertiRcAte Ttainl~ !)<Ogram Reach truci<s tlfe commonly u&O<l In w!lfflhouse und
distnblltlon ccntllrs. Plcturuo wl1t1 thlt reach tmci< Ml, Imm Jell, Vice Presldenl of tho Paul 0 Camp Community College Ol~llllon of Wo1kfQl"Cj) DEM!loi;wrien\ RAncti
Betz, Chnlrmao uf Frunl~m Southam~ton Cll.'lntlus l:Jllotl Colj/j and Pnisklenl of Paul D. CYtilJ) Communll)' College Pi;uJ Conco
rh0 Tidewater News Wt!dnesd~y1 July 24, 2013 Pose AS
Franklin-Southampton Charili(i.
Funds New Heach 1ruck for Paul
D. Ca1np CommurutyColJcge
Pl"u111d with thll t'lllth truck att from ~ft: Vlua Pretld11nt of the O. Camp Com·
mvnlty Coll&gP Division c>fWorkfo1ui O.v1loprn11nt RW'ldy b41tA. Chairman of frenll­
1111 SQudu1nipton Charltln Elllott Cobb andPr•sld-rrt qf P,_111 D. Camp Comm unity
01. Poul Wm, C:onco.
l!MNKl.IN I ru11kllll St>tlll1urn11tr111
( :l\111 fllt11h1t~1\111(11!1\ lhll JllllL lhtlot• •~I I
1enomllllc1111·d re11d1 111 irk.
'l'111l11fng 1h11111! MW <i4UIJH1h 111 wlll
hu ndr111~ 111 lhu P1111I U e:11 111111;p11111111
u.tcy ColLCf!C DM&hH1 Wurl ro1ce I l1•
111·tup11111111 ·~ flmWlc CljJP1111w t •111flr1111
Tn1h1i11g p1111tr11111, 1tt•1u·ll lnll'k~ 11·1
compw11ly 11sed in w111•clw1ht· 1md tll,
Ulh1ill1111 'CC!l1h:lt..
Th? Smithfield nrnes Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Page 11
Thursday, Aug. 1
DOG CLASS - Paul D. Camp
Community Coll()ge's dog
obedience class Is rnul'$days, Aug.
1-:?9, 6 7;30 p.m. In the parking
arc<1 at the PDCCC Workforce
Devulopmi.tnt Center, 100 Nortti
College~ Or., Fmnklln. A 6 tt. leash,
lr<Jlnlng C<Jllar t'lnd proor of rabies
shot required. $50. Info: :S69-G050
Suffolk News-Herald, Thursday, July 25, 2013 Page 3
Paul D. Camp Community
College will offer dog obe­
dience classes from 6 to
7:ao p.m. on Thursdays,
Aug. 1 throtlgll Aug. 29t
at the Rcalonal Workforce
Development center, 100
N College Drive In rrankll11,
The cost rs $60. A slx·foot
leash, training collar and
proof of rubles shot are
requlfed. For more lnforma­
rlon, call 539·6050 or visit
developrnent. July 31, 2013
Aug. 1: Job fa ir for potential adjunct teaching faculty
!S:] tj
Twotl 0
• Ln1~111dnl Opponun1t11•~
• Llll~~Q')ll'IHllnl
Paul D. Cemp Con1111Yntt)' COl!egq l1 t1o~h1'1(1 • J<ib lair f100\ 5 P."1. to
t .:io pm Aug 1 tn Suffolk IOI' pti!oril• wtio ..wi1lld h~o p1111otlme
lncam,. t.<y 11111Cl\ln11 CioUr•11~
Cour•t111t1a~ lncJud~ suol11lnql:lll1ty/Q~ 1n111n11v~• f"IJilllh,
lllulogy, 'l1lllh11mgUt1•1nur1lng an~ html111g, •t111ilf}110" ano 1111
1.'<lnd1IU. •1~111 A m•~•r 1 d<1(1Tflf'l I• "")un•tl "' llon~ft' e<>1111<11 end a bltOhelon Or lllSOC.61•'• CIOQflt IQ 1$Quliod
Ill lle<Hl 01 ~•POllO!'IPl c»ui.o•
1;11111\1 yo11r rn1~mo ~"0 unoirie1a1 copNlf OI cog~ lflinll<lOpl.t to the College IJOfll'd Ro<im ti 271 Knnyon ~00<1 In
f'or ll\Ol6 k1founotlon llllOUI tl\111oa1t1on.. •lJil 1!!1p:/lwvffl.pdc.edul!!L"1!IY..ll1lllhuman.,c.to1.1rcoa
The Tidewater News, Wednesday, July 31, 2013 Page U1
PDCCC has job fair ror
teaching jobs today
V1111 l ll c;.1111p Cim1111111111y
CJnUr110 will offer ofPh fair lodny
111 the Workf11.rco l)cvclopment
lhn~e hllv11·~1111l
In Hm(:h·
In~. jli111 lllHOfll \'Ollltl, 1)1 lh(tl<e
UI l ll:C 11111sl t;Uf111l/flll'IOU1.Jh1 the
W11tl, 1'(111 t• l>tl\l<'lnp1r1crnl Cflll·
i11r hwntcd nr I00 N. Collcgu
Urive wlll hllhl 11 jl}ll full lro111 :I
Ill 7:30 p.111.
f\ rv1t1~11:r\ 1>r1w10 IR 1cqulrcd
lor 1;011r~e ~ubjrcl11 lhnt 1rm\5fcr.
.tm! 11 H111 bulur'11 ur /\i;gon111r
[)ugrt•(! lti rc1111lm.J
111Tupa1lo11al rn111~c:..
1\I !ht' f,llt, j11\I 8C'l"kl!ra CllD
l!':u1111b1111i prut 1hm1 t1Jach
ln!t 'IJllltUIW1illm1h11111• lnl
lnw hl!I flcld6, -11si.tl1111 l11Jl1 v
grl!rn lrtlliathw1111cl111m l/c~u
ordfl)lll'W ll11gll~h , Hlolt1ftY,
M11lh1)11J"tfcs: N111ff 1llj( 11n<i
Brl1111 n r.:t1un11i nncl 1tnolill'llll
coJllCS or u11tlr1ri:rnil11nh.• und
Kfl;ldllnlf• \V(Jlh. Cl11 lh!!' ~JHil 111
tt•rvh''W'J r:u11hl 1 ~"11111 1
~t111 lin1t111 /\11!!11~1 for
l11 l1 1h~
l'ho fall
Aslmiliu cv<:flf will bu 1111111
'lhunuay, Al1J;11~1 1, ;1111\1) S11f
tqlk' .11111111~ 111<. :11•.1111 :l7 I
l(l'nfon l~o:uJ, from !\ w 7:.lll
p.m lhc cwnl Is 11 1 th~1 ullt·~o
buuol m<1m.
The Sun. Thursday. Aug. l. :Z013 Poge 9
Looking out for kids
Ponl\A Uoyd nf' C.:ourtlnnd works with infants BUcl\ r1f
Wl11J ~011w IJ1i1w1111T Tlw Ch dJ1·1:11'~ Ci:mer 111 1;111oklrn
Lloyd l.s f'nul I/. CIJm]J <.' ommunily C~llc:gu'il CJt!OI
n 1d11l<1ot r1r 1ho Kathy CamL>(lt" Co111nionwea lttL T.egucy
S1•holuruhlp. Q1111 $2,~0tl :whulor~hi1• 111nwunli:d11111mully
hi II MtuCJloil\ purlluiug II CHl't:4.ll' ln ltll'tu'DutLIUI\ l.U(:l111ol111w
01 1 c;lllldliood 1.1ducnl loll
- --,
July 6J 2013-August 5~ 2013
VFH Grants - Make Tbe Ground Talk
Grants I Posted: July 9, 2013
Sound voll1rnes of documents, Amell<\ Co1.1nty Cir~uit court Cli!rk's offlce.,Pholo by Erin Hollawiw
Palm1;1f/Make the Ground Talk.
ln Juno 20 13 the Vr.'1l Board of' Directors awarded l1 grants including $5,000 to support pre­
prod11ctio1\ coMs for a one-hour docwncntary film, J\ifake 111c Oro1111d J'alk.
The documcnt:uy uncovers the histories of African American cou1munitics in Tidewater Virginia
lhat were uprooted in the years following WWI. through the federal government's exercise of
eminent domain.
Afake The Ground n,11c. will show what rcmait1s of places like Uniontown. Acrctown. I lampton's
"Slabtown,•· ond Musruder-eemeteries, eroded foundations of homes, phouls. nnd docnmctlt<;
well us living commumtie!i such as lUghlund Pack, I uck~y. und Grovu where the displaced
n:sctt 11.:d.
'I Ile IYl()SI importunt <Jlcmcnts of Ibis legacy, howev~f, nr~ til e irttnngihle ones: the experiences of
the p<.:oplc who lived in these once thriving communiti<JS, and their memories.
To gather these stories, projccl dircctoni Arian Palmer and wife 11rin Holluwlly Pulrncr u1·c
lrl\vclir1s ac1·oss lhe l'ldewater region conducting interviews and combing. Lhough courl records,
gathering as much h1rorrna1io11 os they caii about these displncecl con\ mun ltics.
VFH is proud lo support (heir cffoTlll as well as lbo::ic of all our grnntccs. Since 1974, wo hove
.1w11rdcd more tJ1a11 3,000 grant.s to mu:scums, public librnrics, locul historical societies, colleges
and uui vcrsitic~. un<l Plher orgnnizarfons in every region of Vir~inia-nnu occasionully beyond.
VFI I grants "xplor1: the hal\lt>ries, traditions, and communities thal nmkc up thc Comml)nWcullh,
:1s well as hook~. films, numy forms of Cllllllral expression, nnd tJie issues and questions thOI rm:
ul the core orthc human cxpcrie11ce.
VFJl Open Ornnls arc awarded in two cycles each yenr-in December und June. Di~cn:tiontir)
Graut proposals urc ucccptetl )'ear·n'Wlcl. Pmspectivc applicants should sec our applicatil)ns
y.uidc;linc(!; the Vl71 I staff ii; also avullablc LO pnwidc ossistnnce nn<l advice.
ln June. 2013 grunt!> wcr" awarded to the following orgarniations:
Amhcr11I G lcbc Arl!I llesponso, [nc. (AGAR) ($5,UOO)
Fi1w1 Person An.:rmnls 1J/Twu11tiet!1 Century Amherst Co1111ry Sch<111l.v
A community orul histoty p1'Ctject focLL<:ing on the experience ol'segrcgnlcd e<;lucatton lu Amherst
Counly 11nd the impnct of dcs(l~rcgat i~~n on 1he livc-s of teachcl'il, st1.1doms and rorents.
Ulnck lllstory Mu11cum
Cultut<nl Center ofVh·ginln ($7,500)
ll!.igli Stref/ A1·111m)1,
Prnd L1ctioh of u truvclh1s cxh.ibil exploring the history ofRichmond's Lcl~h Street Armo1'Y,
described as "<me of (11e most iconic buildings in Vir~nia's African American history'', nnd now
ll1t: homi: of the Oh11:k Ilis1ory Muscurn 1,1nd C.:ultuNI Cenlt!r.
The College of\'.VllJhuu 1utd Mary ($4,700)
Ca111m11ni1y Com1ersmlo11s (I:, Tram'formalfrmal Learning l~perlencl!s
A. scm:s of community convc:nmtions und dialc>gucs cxplorinl! J\fric<in und African t\mcrlcu11
resistance to slnvcr> and Ilic procx.-ss of reconciliation and intcr-rncial hualing.
The Corporution for Jefferson's Popbr Forest ($6,000)
Facmg the Pu:#, F'rcttfng tht• .Fu111ra: Slavery~~ legacy, J./'et>dom '.1 /'roml.11!
A two-day sy111posium 011 the legacy nf racial slavery in Virginia and Lhc United Stoles and how
rnu.i;eums, historic si1cs uml 01hcr public instituiio1i:; ct•fl u~e lhe inlerpretotion ()f :1luvc1y lo
udvanec e public diuloguc lln rncc and racism.
F,suftcrn Shore of Virgloi~ Uli;t<>rlcal Society ($3,000)
T'o Kill A Mockingbird and So111hem Culture
A onc:·d<1y symposium focusil'lg on the novcl 1'1 Kill A Mockingbird nnd the
of the history or r11clfll si:g1·(:gntion on Vtrginiu's Eastern Shore.
mcauing in lighl
Fractured Ath111 ($5 ,000)
Ai/(lke the (il'omul 'ralk: Orl11gl11g 1u J.ffc the Va11l.vhad /Jiac:k Co111111uni1ie.v ofrtdc:watl!r /111·ginia
lfoscm·ch nml script tlcvdt1pmont for a one-hour dr.>curnentnry fiJ111 on the histori1:s of /\li'ic1u1
Am~ric:m communities in Ticfowatcr Virginia lhal wero uprooted i11 tbc yearr; IOll(lwing WWI ,
through tJ1e federo l govcrnmont's cxcroisc of eminent domain.
George Mnson University ($2,SOO)
Fit~)' Year.\· <>/ Resto11 />u.\I ancl r 'u1111·e !lestrm Ed111:ator.r.
and tltc Comm1mlty CominK
Dcvolopmenl or Q web portnl tu foi.:ilitatc USC of an existing community archive history of
Rcston, Virginia
Lonesome l'inc Art~ and Crllfts ($ J,500)
Cluns Reunion
A scri1.:s of puhlic dialogues and related programs exploring the history or the ccntral
A11pal:1chian region in conjunction with tin: SOlh .mnivc:rsnry pcrfontrnnc(.!!I of"Thc Trnil <>f 1hc
Lonesome Pine."
Micldlc!icx Conney Museum n11d Hill•oFicgl Society ($5.0()0)
Clvrk '"' Ojficr: Fducatio11al Component
Rcs1.:arch leading to the development of an cxhibi1 using local court cases 1md other primm·y
documents froni County to explore brooder issues i11 local and Vil'gini~1 history.
Norfolk Stntc U•1ivcnHy ($5,000)
1619. 'l'he Ma~l"JI <?(Amt1rh~u
A two-Jay con1Cro11cc - the ~ee<111<l 111 fin Eulnuol tieri!:S lead·inl) up lo 20 19 - ()Xploring tho
mcntti11g of the <..'V1.n1ts of 1619 a11d '''l11e Makin& uf America."
Puul I). Comp Community
Workf11Kjor Peam11s, Oral Jn111rview.1·
A series of oral history inte1 views wiLh key involved in peanut fal'mlng n11d
marketing in Virginic1's Western Tidewatei: region, leading to the development of a corn111utlily
n1chivc uml documcnt.1ry film on the same su~jccl.
The Tidewater News, Friday, July 12, 2013, Poge A3
N1$ncy Altstatt of Frnnklin, recelvq~ this yc11t's Out•Cam.llmJ Er191l1h
MDJor Award from ChowAn Uhtvurchy Pro1ldt nt( hrls Whit4! 11t th•
on1waf Awards Day.
Altstatt earns English award
M l 11\l'tlH'!:il:IOHO, N.C ·Nancv
Altsltll l 11 :.~nlur Eni;lls.h nwju1
1111111 l·11111lll11, V11., rnci1·fv1•1I thl~
w.11 '1 n 111•IM1tltng l·n11111J1 M~J•1r
Aw111 d nr t huMrn llnl111r~ll v1.1111 •
ihe Tidewater News, Wednesday, July 17, 2013, Pase A7
At Ith l'tl'5t T11tletlr1i; ol the
t~1·w r.111)) year hl'Jd lilly 12,
me Rottlf)' ~lub of Fra11i..H11
lni.tulluJ lti, m·w offtcet1>
ei ill dime mt.~ who sc1vr .u
lht• llxl'CUUVI! RMrd
Al lhf" )Ulltl 28 laiit llll!l'l
tn11 of the 2()12-20 I :1 ynnr,
the Club held a spcctul rtl'
1111nUlm11la)' lu ,,r~s1~1111wo
nnm111l i;chol«!1MJ'I~ 11J
IJr.ulU(ltlng hi8h !'Chool so­
11lu1111111cl dl~1tll:l111c o.:lwrk>I
l(l many oftl,e co1rntl11111Ly
groop~ tupportotl by 1h1:
CJ11h 1hrau11h Hu innJtir
(undf~l$h'S ¢1Ven1 :
tile flaul
ll, Cn1111J eo111n11m lty Cbl
lt11(!l n11d tlf!glonol W1>1'k·
ror<:u flavelupment Cl)Pler/
Rotu,ry Club utlltu11ld ht
llowt·fl· r11on. Wu h ruml•
ml~1:d lost ye'11 fwm till~
.1mmnl cv1mt, thtl Cluli pro·
vlrl1•1l $:i,OllO for 11chdltlr·
~'1lp11 and $ti,2.t;7.77 ln c.l<i
11.ulon~ to vartQ11r- dc~~rv
lnl! tobm'mnlcy otgonl1a
llons Recipients h1clod11
llll' lulflt:~ I • Camp, jr. VM·
CA: 1lle i\r11erlcan Legion
l'o~t #73 for Boys and Girl$
Slllltli l•ranldln High 'll"J1011I
OECA: Colollllll Virgin In
<..ow\ull. HSi\: Nnuo11al ltlm
~nf1•ty l.1111nC'JI; l>t11,il D.
Cump Conun1mity Poun·
Jmlon; Jlr1U1kl1n C<>up"r«
uvu MJJilstry: Rot11ry Inter
nntlomll Fo\mdatlcm; Chfl·
dttll1'1i C1m1cr Litt11 aty l'~ol­
uut; BJ1111'u111i1cl l3pbJl'<lfl4I
Chutch: Jhi; G~mleve Sbcl•
tat: .111<1otlwl' In·
~b1~111g a ~ff Co tl:\1! Rottlry
l11tet·nnllcmal Fouucl11Uon, July 17, 2013
1101 1u
lsle of Wight chamber announces new board
tel• or WIUhl..SnillhOuhl·W111tlsor Ckatnbl!f ol CorntriHto. 111\ tu1W rnomb<lrt ot ltt bolll'd of dlr"'°"'
• Chtlrll11 tlrooow11tl'lr e<t Sunhell &11111"" 01011,,,.
• Rr.iHlu t ~rock Jr ol tfarn<ot lltock, Ccm111oll Ii. HQliMllf\ F'LC
• Cr 1:11 iillll'Hlf• f'!opu o( Family Ma<lfoul Cb,.. Of Sroill\lfald PLC
Tho lollOW!Mg will Mll'IO on lt'ICI IXICllllVll CUlllflllll••:
l11111plotr (I ll1111plun, lllrUlrn 1)
VlllWiSul>mit Comm11 l'llti IOI 1111• 1101'}'
·•· rl
\IV!gllt l••I• cl Wli)l~I. V•rOlfllO/
~ ...
in0tu 10(11;.:il ,
• Chair lorl Lil!> or I lumpton Inn & Su Kut
• vice Cr1111rm11n T~ ~ll!1rn.n1w11tr ot (Jpon• Moe111;1n11 &
Oritioraor110 C&t1M11
• Ti'lilllllfW R.obo11 M Monro, Jr OI Boy~. Sp11<fy It Moor., PLC
• l,.1m•dlolo l"HI Ct..iltmM Roro•w JlOVrtU•t ul ~ve1.,.dl Health Sv~eo1
• I> 11111dR11I Cona111m:• Rhodo• o( ll'le Chamber ot Coinmon:a
Ott,.,r t>Oard in~rnbei. ro1 rile MNI fdeal yn11 1ner.Jdo
• Lu tte Rt'fnet .,f V•rlzon
• S~I Bau" vi $HIC<> Ptn!Juclo.
• JWy UWQlltld nl <.'mmt<1ni1~ Inc
• Vr1co11t CMo!fo or /Inn•'• R1stor•~a
• Piul Conc;o of l'olA 0 c... mp Camm11r1Ay CoU ~
R c;I J J 110llQl'ld .Ir Of r111n1<111 R1tnk
• ~'•w JuliM ot !S•nla10;1 Hoap"l!1
• R Jtlbtr.A Mfl(• If a' lnd1v.J1J1JI Mtmt>otthlp
• H •...,.,, P•11T1•n or 1.y1111 l>o>oi> Arct\llll<;l8
• Mlrthu Ruat1 01 Smltllll"ld roods lne.
• F< >bl>IO Yoo ll'!Ollf n1 Pu nlod Otirun 0•111!<'1•
Establishing ro\ltes throughout Suffolk's sprawling .and rural IJICas isn't thot easy, nnd thcre, too,
ii> where l Url struggled, said L.J. Hru1sc1~ a Pl1blic Works official who oversees public
IIRT wu:i sct up to do urban transit, and Suffo lk doesn't fit thut model, he snid. Contrnctmg with
YR I' not only costs h:ss, bul it nlso allows the city to invest In improvements. Ye:ir·to·yenr
savings wi ll be grcall!r once: those Upgrades are oompletc<l. he said.
Those savi ngs will support a growing transi1 system. The city also hopes to gain additional
money from fodcr~I grants und bus odv\:rlisi1ig.
Still, 1h1: city hus not yet coinmitled to additional routes. Hansen said results of u recent
transportation survey - due Inter this - should shed more light on pnsse11ge1 concern" at1d
route fcnsibllity.
we: ga from horc: wi ll dcpl.'-mJ on ~h~ r~urccs n11cl nccdt>," I lnnscn said.
Cherise M. N<:1~·so111e, 757-222-5561; cherfse.nawsome@piloto11/inc.co111
Ct>pytlgltt 20IJ - 1'he Virf(lnian-Pilol
The Suffolk News-flerald
Suffolk's news and information source
lly MDuhC'lV Ward
Don't drop the ball
l'uMl~hcJ 9.2~11111
lW•el!~ o J
T11ul\d1iy. Jul)' Ill. ,2(113
l1k<1 J
Oi'itl J)Cl'$Oll l\ket "111 S!Qn Up to si:c whnl
vnur rr1~nd~ Ilk!!.
Suffolk P11hlio Schools' scc<111d year of offering lhe Ln1omw-iom1l 811coolnure11tc progmm hns rctun1ud SClmO
promising results. hinting Ill a britthl fun1re for it,
As rop<ltle<l Thur~duy, 14of201B stt1dMts received LB diplomns. and lhOSQ thHt dicfo' t only missed it by one
polm, thti school dist1i1.:t reports.
TB nl Klng'APork Iligh School is ono of two magnet progtams for ndvrulccd students tho district olT'crs, the other
one bcinS l'roJCCl Load l'hc Wuy nt Ni.m,,emond River High School.
And SPS appcms sci to i11trod11cc Rm)ther advanced program, r.his t1111c at l,nkcland 1li~h School: n hen Ith nnd
medical sciences ucru:lem}
Meanwhile. bus1dcs nuv1111ccd olacemcul clllSscs. studenlS arc ulso able to lake dual-enrollment with Paul 0 Community College, getfo1g n h01\d start on their pccl'li.
Amid :ill this urbe4111cw.s, so111etJ1iog clso is underway at the school di~ t ricl that in ITIY (!pinion i.. even tr'IOJ'e
laudnblo: /I mostly inlcnu1I committee is examining ahem:nive programs in tho Impel' of redesigning them IQ be
more cftcctive.
As we ull know, 011: district '~ ublliLy to raise the tequire<l fw1ds tt\ operate Its various functions is not unllrnitcd
That means it nee<lll to !lpc11d it~ money wiselyf with a steady focus on fixing whotover p1oblems aro nt hand.
Thal two out of city'II tht cc publ le high schoOl!i aro accredited wjtJ1 Wtlrning bec11usc of pocir m11th l'e~ults is 11
problem fol' lho i:chool disttiot rtnd &11 of it911:11111ers i11 Sutrolk. incfudh1g all cirizen!ii.
Another pt'tlhlc111 is C\nu SPS lms ack1l()wlcd_gcd by ronni11g this aforementioned llo111ntitt1::e- lhat studtmls who
aren 't moki111> it 111 thc truditlur111I cl11!iSrOC.11t1 seuiog, for wholevcr reason, aren' t g<.'ltin& lho besr deal
ST'S ltus <:cvcral nllcm111ivc programs. not just furlinktton Woods School, nnd lhti comniittcu appnruntly ix
lookmg a\ them 1111. A lot or folks nro cngcr to sc;c the results, hopelUI th11t wfu1tcvcr it comes up with i:;n 't
t111~inc:;11M11su:il .
The issue of schools missing 1\111 accrediuuion has more in <:omm<m with allc1T1{1l1vo programs necdjng work
U111n prugmllb serving the best and brightc:~L GeHi11g more studcllls who cxporioncc <hnicultics b.'lck functioning
iu llltlinstrcam clussrooms, nlong with improving foU11datioua1 kt1owledgc by bol~tcring elementary school
1nstruetion. shoulJ be priorities.
It's l!.reat lhnt SPS cnn point to achiovcments like Ute ID program. and Suffolk citizens should be proud. But they
shuuld11'1 be so bedoalcd thol soh1t1011s 10 tht: real 1ss\1es li1dt: from sight.
Ul'l>Al 'll. Pow1:1rcston:u in Suffolk I WTKR.i;Qm
UPDATE: Power restored in Suffolk
Posted on· 7:35 am, July 18. 2013, by Holly Henrv (},
updated on: 09:27em. July 18, 2013
UPOATE: Power has boon restored to aJI customers ae of 8:20 a.m.
Suffolk, Va - There's a power outage in Suffolk.
The outage started at 6.14 a.m. Thursday morning on Holland and Kenyon Road.
According to Dominion Virginia Power's websjte Chttos:JJwww,dom ~om/storm-cente rfdo1njn100-01ectdc­
outage-map.!sp). about 70 customers are still affected, including Lakeland High School and Paul D Camp
Community College.
Power crews are on scene right now trying to figure out what caused Iha outage. &
VA: Some Suffolk Bus Riders Say New Service is
Cherise.: M. Ncwsomtl
Source: I he Virginian-Pilot
CrcaL<.l<l: July 26, 2013
For some 1·csiden1s who rely on public lransportatiou, the change tlocsn't udd up.
Sovcnly·Jiv~ c1:11 1:.
puys li1r Liso Burgos' hus ride to S11rrtara Ollici If~pi1nl, "'her<; she rnnkcs sMdwiche~
p11tro11s thl"\)() days n. week.
lor pnH011t ~ llllJ cufoturiu
Burgc,1s said th<: low 011e-w;.1y fare lbr those 55 and oklcr, as well as Hie new 19-scat charter-stylr.:
bllSCS, !11Ukt: ht;I" commute lUllO()lhc:t 11()W Lha~ LI private contractor hos OpOr~Ltcd the buses for Ii
ycllr W1d LJ half after lhe city l.)Ul
Wilh rum1pOOn Roads Trunsit
'lave money.
Out getting to Wal-Mort to buy groceries in the evenings or to lhe movie theater in booming
northern Suffolk on wt:ekends remains 11 challenge, Burgos snid. D11rins the lnmsilion to Vlrgi11ia
Regional Tnuisit, the cit)' cul service frorn four to two foll-day ro11ttls nnd one pan-dny route.
'rhost: bus lines mainly serve <lownLown and residential 111"1Jas of cuslcrn Suffolk. l3L1Scs typically
run 12 hours dnily uni ii about 6:30 p.m. Monday tlnough Friday. A one-way fare costs $1.50. but
lhcrc urc discounts for ~cniors. There's still no evening or weekend servict.
F\)t some rcsiJcnls who rely on public 1runspotia1ion, the change doesn't add up.
"It's like you're stuck hc:n:," Burgos sniu.
Suffolk's public trun~porLution should include more routes across lhc sµrawlin~ town and operate
lunser hour.;, she suid.
"Who wMts 10 walk home after they've worked cigl1t·wu1 12-hour shifts'?'' she said.
Sovcral ride1·.s 011 lhc dow11town oncl cus(um Suffolk routes echoed similar Hcnli nwnts lltts week.
They p1•11ii;1:d lhc lricndly s~rv icc bl.IL lamented lhe lnck of connections to nolghbor)ng cities
when: they work shop.
Otlu.:n,, like K3-yuar-old bmma Flythe, said the service extends fai enough fo1 basLo errands like
trip!> lo lh<.: phormacy. but g1;Uin~ t( 1 ehurch on SunJnys ifi difficult withotti u cnr or ttLklag u cab
"I've been rid ins the hus since LL was I0 ccnts.'1 Flythe said. "I don't sec n whole lol ofdifference.
I really don't."
Transit ot'liciols t<,ld 1h1,; <.:ity Council Jnst week tb.:it switching t,1 Virginia Regional Transit has
freed up th1,111sunds - in ~he city's fii·s-L foll fiscal yeat aprui from 1-nn - lo invest iJ1 nc:w huses,
si1;1ns and site improvcrncnts.
TI1c city spht from IIR fin 2012 ofter o study showed the low ridership didn'ljustify nsing costs.
including a $274.000 fixed commission tee Suffolk and other cities paid Lo 1lltT. Suffolk city
lci1ders rebuffed the fee in light of the agency's plan to cut service. A spokcsmun w11h HR1' said
no other cities hove cxorcsscd f)UIJls to leave the agency.
Since then, Suffolk has experienced u dip in rider-sh ii>to 15,000 ridcn; pi.;r qu.urtcr. from about
20,000, which cil) slt1ff members aliributed Lo fewer routes. But tJ1c ~iav ings nrl! evident.
In ti sea I year ;2.0 11, SuiTolk contributed $682.000 to the bus service munogcd by 11 RT. J'()l::il
opcratins costll for 1hat year were more tlum $1 mi\Jioo. but stale and fcdcrnl fonding made up
the difference, city lcuders soiu.
By n1:1cnl ycnr 20 12, Suf'folk's coruribu1 io11dropped by about $1201000 lo $562,000 when f ffiT
mid VR' I' hus :;crviccs splil ikc yeiw. Prelltnit1•11'Y r:slih~~(es for the reccnlly ended 201~ fiscal
ycor show the ci1y's contribution nt nbout $599,000 mul includes money spent cm four new huses,
:.hl:ltl.lrs and bus stop signs so that passengers will no longer hav~ to llug a bus pickup. l'hc 20 13
ligurcs nlso rcnccl ~<wings from the dimination of a mule sorving Paul D. Crunp Community
College and surrou11dins areus. llul the city will restore partS of th al route next monU1 nfte1
comploinls l'rom passengers.
City l'ou11cil members said at last week's work sesi>iou thul thi; savings prove Suffolk muuc tht:
righl move, but they cncourngcJ city stalT m1.tmbcrs L<> do more community oulrcm:h lo find out
where service Is most needed.
Establishing routes throuGhout Suffolk's sprawling und rural urcns isn'l that cusy, and there, too,
is where HRf struggled, snid L.J. Ilanscn. a Public Works official who oversees public
l IRT was scr ttp lo do urban transit, and Sultolk doesn't fit that modcJ, he said. Contracting will1
VR I' nol only costs h:ss. but it i1lso ~Hows tl1e city to invest in irnprovemems. Yeur-10-ycat
sav i11~11 wlll h~ grcutot once thos<: upgrades are completed, hi.: said.
n10se savl 11&1s wil I iiopport a gmwing transit sy5tem. The city als<l hopes to gaii1 ndditlonal
money from fcdcm l grnn1s rmd bus advcrtisi11~.
~ti lJ.
lhc city hos no~ yet. co111mittccl 10 additional routes. I Lru1sun suid results of n 1·ecent
1rar1sporlotio11 survey - duo lnte11hi11 year- llhould sh.:d more light on passengljt' concerns n11d
route 1~11sibility.
we ,,;o from her1; will tlcpeud 1>11 the resources and t1eeds, 11 1lansen suJd.
C'hr:n:.u M New.1·ome, 757-222-5563, r.:herise.ncwsome@p1/01011/ine.cum
Copyright 20/3 - 11w Virg/111tm-Pilo1
weste!111 tldt!wJtt.t1
( huw.111 lJniH•r,11)
l11mc) L C..:i1 11tf' Jr. YMCA
\YW VI. ymw...U rl
The rldtrw.1tr1 New'
"ww.t hl··wnlt:rlll'\V1..(0ln
l\ rt'a ( li.uohcr ol
Coin m~rc.-
www.dH>wdn t'\lu
Blildov;itt•rM\1"1' Regional Ubrnry
(.om111011wc;1hh ol Vlri:;lnia
www v1r1m1111 gov
WW\\'. blJ..:.kwJ.tcrlib org
1:dm:111 Ion
11 WW ISJ• h.1111ht•1,co111
Snuthilll\plon (-=<>uni) J>ubli~ W1ool1.
WWW.VII r,lnl~ .~ovh 01\flllrl.Jl l/c1l11i;i'I
Cltf of l•J'anklln
www I 1.mkhnv.1.< on
ww\1. '~ulha.mp1 on.kll.1•11.u~
llun -ill96/t11J t>:d111111
l'm11ldl11 City P11bll~ S cl11.·101s
1.11.h cmtl hMury
'>ll ulbmuplou Count}
1vww.~01 th 1mptonro11nl)' 11r11
WWW lnmkhndty.k 12. V.\.U•
WWW vh11lnh1 !-(llV/t:1\\Sp111t.1IJ/fath nlJ _
l11s101y IOIJ6/111dL'%.ht111I
'io11 tlu11111't1111 h(11dc1111
b.ouomk i}cvclop111cnl l nc.
www fr111\kllt180lllha llll~ll\JM• .man
Pa11I fj, CamJi Commnnll)• Cnll e~
S1>uth11.nt1>lo11 County I ll\1111·k:1l 'lot...lct)•
www.ptlc ~('Ii i
hllp:// \\ ww.r1lO V•ISC hs/
Soulharuprou Mrmorhll Hr11,pl111I
P.inl L'), {:111111.1 Community Coll~
J{llgiMrn l Workfore< l>t!vdop111 c111 Cc11LCI
Wlio W~l Take Care of Your Loved One?
At Courtland Health & Rohilb, we know it's one of the ht1rdest
docislonf you'll ever h<1ve to make. Our goal is to make it an ea$y one:
worry f ree ;md ~tress free for you and your loved one
- We Pride Ourselves on That!
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Clean and Well Maintained Envirorimo nt
Topnotch On·tlto Rohoblllt.otlon Conter
Actlvltlas for Residenti & Thoir l=amily
When it comets to making n choice, come soe us ~t
Co~rtland Health & Rehab, you'll be glad you didl
Wlwro Tro1>rlng clw Pwson is Just DS .is Tttluting th• Symptom~!
Coortland Healt'h & Rebabilitalion Center
23020 Main Street
Courtll'lnd, VA 23837
@r -· =-~
The Suffoll<. News-Herald
Suffolk's nc\VS and information source
C11lifomin Lnrtugc 1'ompm1y ostt1blishecl a nuw ooovcyor systom n year allcr the fadllty
opened 'I hi:. new C!u11veyur syi;tern scan" lhc bllr codes of packngcs nnd moves them
throughout tltc warehouse. II CO!>L the ccmp:iny $13 tnillion to instJ~l Lhe i.-ystom.
Comppuy hmQv11t~ whh co11vcyo1'ys1c111 I 1111> S1tt!Olk Naws-1fQrald
h1tpJ/www.suCli>lk11uwshciruld.corn/21l I1/08/U:?/comprmy-im10vt1h::s·..
Con1pauy iunova(cs ·with conveyor system
l•11bl1:ihctl 'il.SSp111I11day, i\IJ!'ll'li '• 21113
l' m11il
l '\ O
t ' 0111111
10 ~> this. Slgrl up to~ what your
t11r111'. . ~Irr
Dy Willl1ln1 Scott
C'orrc:.pnnrlc nl
The Cnllfo111ia C!111agc C\l111p:my, lm:111cd ~ff k.cnyon Road. recently opened ill> tlovrs to 1:1ivc u cloM:r look at
what makes the b11~i11c~s thrlw.
'I he com1wny i!\ 11 di~11lh111 lo11 center thnt l1pcnctl i11 2011 to co11solid11ti: 'f'hrgc1di:rtnh11I ion lll thr: Hnmptnn
lfonds arcn Sinl!c 1hc11, I ht- company hos mndt: 11 lut'l)C l11vosttnen1 in Ol'dcr to improve the officumcy of ils
The local ion iu Suffoll<was choscu clue Lo 3 mullilu<k oftcl\~Onf>. including less tmffick0<I ronds, inexpensive
warohouscs ;\lid a 1.lo:;c 1m1xi111ity to r>o1·~rnou 1h. Virginia is the c~1:po~t [mr~ on 1hll Ettsr Coru..t1 makln!! ii Ille
ldeal place for lorger ~ hips tu imporl ~nrgo inti> the QOuntry,
"During our lin;t ycnr u11d a half, wu worked entirely with uur Tnrl.\et uccount," Sllid Alison Winn, pmcc:.s
l111pmvtmc111 m:11w~i.:1 al C:11lltbrnia C:arws~ Company. •1·nicy ar!! our n11d butter. J hey're 11 11 UXCQlhml
(!LJ!ilOnu:r Jlld
1111cxodlct1t1J01llplln)I Ill
A l'cr si>. mon1h~ th~ co1111rn11) dc:cidcd to ma~c a $ 13 million lnv~'Slmcnt to help with the worklond aJld t'Cdu~
1ho amount of mu1111nl l11hor nccdecl A stntc-of.thc-art. conveyor :.)'(o;fcnl wns crcntcd and i11stallcd ovet the course
of siK month:.
The new convcyot ~~ .;ti.:111 sc11ns nnd i;o11s l.ioxes 1ha1 are impurtt:d from co1111tries :.uch ns China ond Pakistan.
·rhcse hoxcs nrc moved along lh~ conveyor nt SJk•cds of up to 601) fe-c1 a minute. In a fYpical I O·hour day, around
130.000 ~11 1tum. 81 c 111\IVCd. Eucli wc1:k. shout soo C('ll l1amcr,, nrc unloaded. Ir packasc~ ore IO(\ !>tllall for the
S)''>Wlll lo r;cnn. lh\) h\lll ''ill h~ manually scanned.
Without th" convc)•or sy:.tcm we cstublislu11e111 woulJ nci.:d to employ 11ho111 ISQ percc11l of it:i current w~kfurce
lo incct tllc ~ltll.' 1cs11lls.
Tho foolli ty nor11111llj c111ploys 153 ~U11f itlt!11,b1:rs, which C.'ln 111.0 l'C than double J111i11g 1>cak SCPl)(lilS such !Iii rnll
to mt-Cl Ch ristmo.~ dtimnnd~.
All i11bountl u1ul 1>11th(1lt11tl t111t•ks
about 400 to 50{) each d11y - 11ro clti.!Ckcd for t1cc:.11rily f)11rpo110~,
The l ()u11Ho11lw~111 ~0 bc1.4u11 lo cxprnt mntcri11l1; from Clci1eliu1d, Ohio to 01J1er co11nl rios, lncludi11g 1lta11h101
diuxitlc, n ~ub:;t nm:c i11 i1011\'i ~nch (l:i i1.1otllpastc, paint nod lipstick. The company hopes to fom1
p1u1ntrshlps with t'rnl ~h l lbtw.mlurs nnd third party losislio companies In the neat fu11m:.
Jnrnic h1ll:r. gc11crr1 I mann~cr nl Califomi:t C11rt11gc Comprnry, is teaching tll 11. Paul 0 Ca111p Co1111nuoity College
locutcd ncnr the b11lld1n1t. F11J11. 1s !living students honds.()n l op:istics and di:>tribulion 1roini111,1. ut the facility.
Colifomia Co1wgc C0111pu11y Wi'L'i cslliblihl1cd in 1944. The company oix:ra1c~ hrnnchcs ncn:>s:. N(lrth America.
i'rmH llH..tll )'
l uf8
M5'2013 II 13 AM
The TiiJcw:ifer News Frldny, Aug, 21 20t3 P11ge Al
Building a
sup11ort syslien1
Douglas Boyce wants to help
other people live with Pai ki11~on's
•rmrmll 11.(QWU.~lAIF WMlfll
i'bj(tl<l'""- 11111.. .....
l·R1\NKI IN- , fllt1111·r
(111'1((1,.111 OJ fl1tlll I), (:11111p
<'iimmunlty r~ 1Jh·1v 1, h•~
In~ lhe fi<Ut l 1n f'!ll•1l11l~hl11g
11~••lw111 t11,111111, Jiu P"'~plo
l)ff1'(;11ul by l'ulld11b1in"·
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rhrmrgh ~(Jll!J, tl1r lrrrnunl
wu11 ld 111.1~1 1ht>1111;1•lvl.:l
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"" 111111 ,1l 1111t• lh111• llll'
1hf11kl11g WRR h~ 111lght
)1111·1• hull wlu11'. 1!nll11tl • •,
1.<111fl 1l 111•11111r
1,ll~ \\tOIJ~llt1 ( Wl~W,CK
•l.l 1t~loJl11·1•1or1r.11111) e(1
Dr Douglat Boyce, formt1t
P•ul D. Camp Commun I·
ty toUaa• pN1$id11nl, h
stmti"g o >UJ)PQtl group
for pcoplo with Porkln­
son't. dl\r~i<.
"1'111 l-.I MOJ\'s rtduc1•d m)
.ihllil)• tn do i>lrnplti d11ll)
hllikli lu a llmcly 1111111er
!'m~i111<011'~ ''''"'~ 1fow11
nt11"'J1· ~y~u·111~ 111 the
b1:uJy mul dfffe1rnt 1~oy~.
J.,,, m1• II 111e111111l1t1l 41
work !yplnR nn u co111111lll'I
k1..ryboa.1tl l.ii:ntml ~low1•1
1lll•I d 111t1Nh•1 '
Ilally tu~ks ~lldl M
•!11111hll1K hlwh1ih 1111d
di tJllSlrlJ\ WL•1'l' .1111µ lllOdL'
111111'e dl[fh ult.
"II w11~ dltlnl1r1l11~; he•
~· i 1h1:111lll1111» ' n n•·un ill-11;
Jr11l 1:mu,ll11011ll11ll1'111rsw. 11
rh)1tl1m lc 11uo1l1li1111 ul thn
J11l!l1I~, h1'u1l 1 wikc, l1•u11 111
& 'ltl
1ru11~ 111 ~ ol1011,(}11f•1~c·1I
1l1on J l111cn•lrl.l 10 hu<::ut~~
with 1';,~l 111~utJ'fj ul!l1t.h'
an{I dvstonlu •
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rnmllll1111 Wil' 1111 w1i-1t11,I~
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ll1>y1:1.'\ lJ(<>
"Mv l'ffct'llvr111·'~ W•I
hr111ii lu11rn111·!1; he r;1ld
Hoy1'1! ~•e1~pml clow11111
PLJU;c Lil 20 IU.
I 1ctln:d l."arllt:J
11 l'M~l11>l<111 1~;· ~alrl llttycc.
th• 111l11•d llull h1: 1'.Qllhl
}l.1ve 1lio11 llecomc u bRt·
"M1X1n1t 11 i:uck111il, 11
w111Id b" 1mH11." novt:c
:il::I llAMKIN$011, P, Al
·PARKINSON: Metting ti111es noL yet e,stablisherl
~11111 ~ri1Jl111~. "Y1111'v1• ~11\ l<o
111·.11nw111. llll'n· Wl'lrt>meny
Lllfftlll'lll opllo11i,. So11w­
1111wi.11111· I~ 1•n111lt.11•l1i:rl
lt•lld ll11l •1unh•llt11(I~ fllt'!U
~l)Vll n -•·n&•• or l111111m ''
Al11 •1 I 11ltl11~1111'•• w11K
J.[1111IU1•1L 1111ht•141111 lt1•111
i1knr '111111lwluilml Wtllk
\.131\lllJI 1111\llVl)lnOll( 11!~1/I
11J•1111iv1.h l.1111~h11i-111wtalt1
JUI In 1'111kiJli-H11'~ I fnnthU.f
H1111' Jl11<"W 111cl M11Jllplr
~h 1r1•,1,, ~II 11··1111 lr111knlly
1~u~"1 • .M1lhlom,
;:'I >h. YI'!' L1t1y1" 1, 11d, "1h1·
~·~lllfllil 111,11111,J WM 11l1lu 111
i(lnh•mi)hlll> l(Olll:,PtJI
ll\lf•11111111h1:1, I did h11~ N01111
1 ·n1h111~ Woill 11(1, yo11 d11tllMI!
tlrt Ill lllld VOii huw I:\) lllO\lf
i Ill fll
~Ullll1llih 11: ulftl•~
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1'111 kinYon'f!, :1111 htrlw~
Ii• liHI 11111111111) 1lr1 •I~ 1111'.
~l l1lr• h111pll1• '0J II
• 1111 h·~~· )'011 ' .111 dtl i~
m1111111:• tlw ~v11111111m•
lh111 ~ whnt n 1111>p1" t i;ro11p
t~ n•.ill\· 1U .Jboul llvlui;
w111111; Doyr.o bJtd "I l!kc
hJ '•'l> I h.1w11'11rl..lll':or1\
011111 dol'S11't how 11 m.•
AR (or dt•\1dophll( Lhc lo
1.J) M1tt1f.J01 I1oy~h·m (llw
nvw 1~ In C:h('~H·
)lct\kt\ ho o.tHUJ, tht111"~ nu
11111 1• •1r d•llc ~Iii fc11· 11.
'1111 J\11111[1 tu11hl h1 •1011 t•
C.:nr!!Rl\11°lb IHC 1Ydrn1111· I
w h .1111 \4f•llJIHOllL I
w<'ll:' ~aitl 1lCJvn1.
·n111'.un ll•<i1u ~horn 1h11
1>1opo~l·d ~11 1 111111•1 wrnrp,
l~lllll l\C, I
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!•i1illh11111p1!'i n ,Muhm1 h1I
l1o~p1111t Im~ ull<J111d 11pU<'l•
.u1d 1"h··~hlt\1 n1\ fnr wbu11
rhing.o; gilt ~h11 l<'1I 110 hop~q
1lfL'H1Ui1 flb11y1 111l;t l(1J1
l\j h10lll 1111111' ·•l•1lllt I• I
ld11r.rm'G, v11;1l ~ww,p:11lo11
Mlll ~.l)rfl lH' Ill\ 1\1111 I II II
111.·11µlt wlll leel .:11n1t1111uhlc
1:unt.u--lh1g hJm nurl llllkhlR
11111111. J111111v 11111 1111.irf
Willi Otb 1•1S l111Vl1tj1
Ukt lllllld<'d r<111·rlo-lll'('H
ra.~hlMllh 111 '"''"' "
C:hRlllel Ill WIVW.ill'J
The Tidewater News, Sundl)y, Aug. 4, 2013 Page A2
Our po~IUon Clfl local ll1ill!s
Bring tJeople together
vtn~ nlone wl!h youi
p111blcms can be dlrtll ult
Clll'l'll I~ wmt'lhfnK 1tb111ll
th11 h11nm11 p~yd1!' Ilint 11111111
ftl11d" II~ 10 l)QC()n11(!Y, hhirr,
.m1l t1m•lrap~ 1111>t11t 1lar'lt1t(<id,
ilw mo~\l wa fe11l 11lo11e In tho
wo1lcJ, l'Crh11p5 iJml 19 why ur
lt•1111mcifi when ~~PllU.1>t' dw·
1ho orhu.c"i; tlcarh I• 111>1 ro1 ho
Fur wt1111{·11rtnm~t>11•. h11v11111
llQmconc elf!l!lO lbteJ1 to yorn
piobloms helps- 1"1rhnp~ 11
lu~t mnkt.'>I u1 fool
hkr wn tw
lonu to something.
lhnr':, y. hv h·wlrn; si1ppi111
u11>11p~ hl>l1n. Jl)tl Wt'COITI
1111•11•1)' tu rn111 ul II
l'11·~1·nrl)•, propie ilrl! :ihlt 10
lllf'llll 1Ii lk111ql11~ lklyi.:r,
c0111tul d11 ~~r. 0 111• tlm.lugh
11w1lll:11rlnt1 H11111IH•thu uJll Ill
llH1Jlf<W+,i:s I~ II po~ilil/\! ii 111·
tu1rt', 111111 lrolu1ut1t.,1; y111tl~r
Ion" 111nornrJthl11i;rnn t11111
1nur rn{if1lm1tor1hc P;11il n
r•111111 r.1111111111111ty <'11llq~t11 tm
11rhr1111ith11~ ll1 Hc:r "111J1•ut·I
l!fHI 1p fl 0 l>,11·k(i)~1 lll1ff di liPUJlt
C>ll tilt! j1lOIH1\I.
lllUlll 111
l<'ll I h!V1 1 lllp~ nffrr lhtt llW' Of flfl,
11lltl Ii (> I 1fls<1rth;J Oft11C' bt;lfll
1011).,l WllV CIJ\\1111 d 1'1111 (Jr, 11,S i)I
ll11y1'1> ~ltl 11 IJL'H•·r· "lhru'
wh11111~11pp111r1\ll)llfl t~ nil
ll\'lll~ with ti."
cultv "llh co111clfn111h.111 It I, 11
1llM ·a .u 111which1ht>1I' IH 1m·s
·111ly 110 ~1111wn nuc, uucl 1111·
W• 1·1h1J11r.1gl1 11r1111l1• l1\'hl!l
with 1h1; lli1•·11~c 1111u11111rl1 h ,
lloyt t' >11 !iti?. -'I ~2 In throu~h
1·m11ll ,1I dlmyc l".t•l(4\1:m.1ll,
011ly ln:almu.111 tb.1111·x.lsra l6
1h,1l h' ul, 111 \t"1•111u1.• •lllif Jllll
Fornier POCCC chic!' look Ing lhr 811ppo11 I rhl} Suftolk Nc:ws-l ler11Jcl
lmp:l/www,su1Tolk11owshcrolc1.conl/20 l'.1/08/0~/fo11m·r-pdcc9-duol'-...
(·1oody I 70° f'
Soarch TI10 Suffolk Ne
The Suffolk News-Herald
Suffolk's nc·ws and information source
F ormer PDCCC chief looking for s uppor t
l'UhliKh\'<I I0 llpm 'vlrlll(ha), Au111111t !I, 20 I ~
1\Yt•I { 0 J
Slpn I.Ji> to SW whill \IOIN (r1oodri llkv.
Spcclul lo thu Ncws.IJ'craltl
A fomicr prol-!idc11I \lt' Pnul 0. Cunip Ctlt11111uni1y College: i11 taking the lllud irt csmblishing ll support ~roup for
pcopfe 11ffcctcu by Porklnso11's <liseaso.
DClugln~ Hoyct~.
67, WO$ si>.. yews intu his Lenn wheit tl1c condit ion bcg11n
lo mul<c ilsclf k11nw11.
'"11u: first uwurcncss of 11ympto m~ w11r- in 2007 ,11 my diiughtcr's wedding," Boyce: said. "I was 1wrvou~ and l
know I wos, but I never bod n tremor before.''
He nddcd 1hu11h11 i11g pul>llc -spuak111~ events lhrouAh 2009, 1he tremors would mttlo.c: themselves 1.nown.
"TI1ey would .1ppe:ir untl gel progrcssivdy worse/' hl· snid. "'I wcnl to sco o nc:wologlsl about it "
Fonrrnr PIJCCC chict' look1n1:1 for 11uppo11 j '1'hc Suffolk N1.:w~· Hornld
hltp;//www.sutl'ol 1 n/20 I 3/08/0S/fonnel"-pdccc-chlar-...
" Mimy 111u111hs went hy whh my 111ki11~ tlu-ce ut· tout t.liffetunt medic11lions.'' said Uoycu. I le ndt.lcd thnt 11t one
time th1.1 thinki1111 \\O.~ hv 111ight l111ve hull whal's call\ld ~s~cnliul tremor.
Esi.cnli11l 1n:111or is :111curflh1gicol condilion ll111t cuui.ei. u 1hylh111ic tn:mblins of"lhc lnuu.b, h1:ad, voice, log." or
lnmk, n11d ii Is uOcn c.:unl'u'lcd wilh Pnrkiiisoo·~ disease.
Wh;ihMff the Cllll!>C, th: tondi1io11 Wll't 111crca:iinsly hsvin$ a ncsa.tive dfoct on Boyce·~ lire.
" My clleclivt:llcss Wll$ ~ mg impacted," he said. "l'nrki11son·~ reduced my nhility to do -;imptc w ily tnsk'l in {1
timely 11\altcr Purkin~on 's <;fows de>wrt nnm:te syi.tcnL\ iu Ille bocly nnc1 different ways Ferr •'1C it mc:11nt lh11t 111
work I) pin~ 011 n comp111cr ku) board bcenmu slower nnd c Iumsier."
D11ity tw.kii such ns combi11g hi:; hnir a11d drcs~ing were uJso more dif'licul1
"It was tliqtracti111,t,' hu Silid.
Boyce stcppcd dl.'lwn ut )>DCCC irt 20 I 0.
"Actuutly, I rctm:d cnrlicl'tlwn I inLuntlcd to because of Pu.dti.usou's," said Ooycr:.
I le Joked 1hut he cou l(} htlVO 1hc11 become rr bnrlcn.der.
" Mixlug u eockt~tll, it wt1ultl be gro111,''
011yo~ ~uld.
Sll'liliug . "You've got to hr.wu n sense of l1umor."
ARcr r1ork1n~1-11 1 'ot wns iuunlifrctl, hu lX!~nn lrtahnent. That<l working Witlt o movement disorder
phyNicinn who i<pcc:inlizcs io Parkinson's. Iluntington's arrd 111ultlplc sclero!lis, nll neurolo~ict1I
ccmdit ion ~.
"The spccialL,1 l found wos uble to g11ide mo imo n <:<lll'Se ofcrcatment," Boyco said.· rhen: were many
dilfl:rcnt options. Sometimes one is omphJJsilA!d over unothcr. I did find sornc relruf. But somctiino:. mcdicution~
WCilr 00, )'Clll ohrmgc tlu.:111 ond you h.1\IC. tO lllOVU 011 lO SOlrll!thiog else.''
He's 11wnro lhcn.:'s 0\) curu for Pnrk1115on's and strives lo live a nonnol lifc llS ro~~ iblc in ~Ile or IL
" Ilic bcsl you can <lo is mnnngc the S}mptoms. 111m's whai a support group is really 1111 nboul - living with it,"
Boyce said, .., lrf..L '" .;uy l hnvc r11rki 11s~m\, but il tloc~11·1 h;1\I(; t11u."
As !Or devcl\ip111g thu l~nl :;upport ~y~r mn (lh(: olQSi:st nuw ii; i11 Ch1::.upuak1:, lie i.aid), thtru'i; nu tlmu or date
i.ct for It. I lu h<>plli. pc(1plu will feel oomfort.nblc conlncting him und tulking with 01 h1:rs hnvlng like-minded
" Ilic 1:11011p C'1lll1l l>cco111c whnr, it w1111IK1mllectivcily. Care~ivec~ :we wolco111c 11~ wdl," ~A id B1>ycc
I '
( \1111mcnt,;
3 of II
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Call 757-569·6700, come by any PDCCC sire, \l.isit
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The Sun, Sund(ly, Aug. 4, 2013Page 12
JOlll llS oniJ Rttenrl
Poul 0. Comp
11 '>/f~"/f
A~1111hty 1:1clwrn:llfl in.i11tJtln11 tl(l(i~n 1hA~11 tri ho 11111
nr lt!flr.h I llte POI rec! ltJCIJI, ffllOHlilble 1;hoico It P..s11I D
r."'"" Conrmm111v Col~~lP
• nl!llO lhdlt 30 flfOIJfillllt llf •;lthl~
~ U1.111~l11r e;isilv I" a lour yt!:u sc.hoot
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• l'Ml"(!!d! dllg!f!Q, (lflf.!·VUJr tlf CJIO!ll u.111y re1tjf1r.llt(IS
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C11ll 757·569·67otl, come by any PDCCC slte. or vi~il www.111lr..ut1u
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"Tiii• ff'"l•qt.,l l\1114.d ifY lt!I> \J a. QIJll
Cllltt#I fr1\0~1n Gttn\& Ptu~1~n1
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~ -=--~~