r ~ 0 rmal Pointer. • Stevens Point, Wis. 1897. CC>N"'T'E::N"'T'S. I.tn:tuul·. Thank ~gh· ing ThOUI( bts . . . .. . . !'age!) A Pell:tgoguc. ur a Tr.uU)I Old ~l:!.n :O:c hmokcr's Ho nw . ·· 10 ··to The New Lon•lon t::une .. · 10 Lillie Uuy Blue StAH'cll ~ Poiut·~ Cuming l.c•·turc Cvursc .. " II ·· I I The Story of Kn nnkount. · ' 11 Hnntin~ fur Amoeba .. J:oiTUltuL .".. '' 12 Sl'lt:SriFW . l>i phthcri:l . Luc.u .. ticnc ral .. ... . . . . ....... . l'crsc>nal .. A T III ••:TJ<;S. :O:tcn,! ns l~oiut Wun . . Exd1angcs . :\1\JIH: I. S t' II OO J. . ........ l'agc 13 ,.'" 17 •••····· ··· · ····• THE NORMAL POINTERVolume 111. STEVENS PO INT, Wis., NOVEMBER, THANKSGIVING TH OUG HTS. This is one of those happy ycarl! whcu we need no reminder th:at the last T hu!"llllay in No,·cmbcr is :q)· pronching. The re have Uec n time~ whe n we conltl " scarcely r eali:r.c that Thanksgi,·ing day was !in twa t·. ·· when it secuu'(l ha rd to attune o ur hcart.s to a son A' of gratit ude. w he n our prcsidc pt's pn>clamation jarrcol on our feeling!' a s a ,-e r hal makeshih. nkc so unding but sorrow fully untrue. Now that hns c ha nged. A joyful to ne n111s through o ur hum of hnsines.'l- nn n eed to e nume rate the causes of out· J:Of>(l fl:.-eli ngo>. the bount iful harvests. the steadine.q~ of t he markets. the presence of peace-eno ugh tha t tlw l' p irit i ~ he re and that we ha,·e <'augh t it. It dnc.~ not hai'C to be arou.st:d by e:otort:ltions, no r pried out of the J'>l,.ooplc hy t·lerk:d le l·crs. It is here, :tnt.! i;j going to nulke t his a 'l"llanks· gi\·ing day not o nly in <:crc nw ny. bu t iu d cctl and t ruth. You "'' ho a re going to make the most of the tl:ly. will see that you give some o ne else c:u •sc fo r thankfulne&~. Yo u will s hare your goocl t hiug. Ahsorbetl happiness. like absorbed light. neither lightens what it f:tlls on. nor any thing around it. IJitfuscd juy brightens the world. " Donn' yo' !"ink fo' a min it. ·· says lin<·' " H:~,;~tus. "Oat youah tukky a in" gwinc t:lSUl cs goud cf yo' gih away one o b tic drum Mi<"ks. Hecerpro t:ity am t.!o only e'reet )lrinc'IJie oh d e day. An" d e f:u:k dat mos· ers· touis hes dis nigga.h is dst so powahfu" many ric h folks a ir shuah dat gibin s umpin to d e po' "11 s pilc tlere onn tanksgibin. '' A PEDAGOGUE, OR A TRAMP. Are we Ame ricans too distrustful of thl' Strauger ~ And if we arc. is it beC'"ause of the numl>cr of "tramps" which ha,·e infested c,·ery localit.y . impos ing on kintlly and ho nest folk. until now many guo d people ft·ar to tru~t any unknown l iAS under their roof~ ! Yon may judge f ro111 t he following whil·h i>~ told Ly fl Wiscon~in school teac he r. who while a wheel away from ho me. was o1·ertaken by night a111l :1 storn;. He re is his 11tory : The we~t had t.aken on a s torm;. IJI:u:k. Occasional dro ps were falling. Darkncss wa.s coming down like a c lo ud. Twh·e had I been refused l()(l_~eing. '"fhe fi rst t ime the d oor bad been shut in my fa•·e. with the assur.ance that at thC "'next ho use a ha lf mile on" I wo;;Jd bt. accom mod:U(.~I. At the ,"nCll:t h•mse. .. how- 18<)7. C\"cr, t hey were unable lo tnkc me in, hecauso they wo re "'not pri'pare•L" " A mile f:1r1hor o n," the fan11t:r sai•l. 11·as a ··ta\•cr·n where they liked to keep fulk~. .. and lloth he nru.l his dog c arucstly :t.th·lsed we tu try the tan~rn. All arg ume n ts' weru usuless, utuJ. t.hrvugh a mile. nr two o f mud I wntled, drngging n whucl clo~gt..'<l~wil h s:uu l. stmubli:Jg into nnul·holcs iu the d:1rkness. and gettins.r >10:1ked with the drizzling rain. Many a ti me I wi~hcll l might awake ami lind I had l>cen tlre:uning. ~i:lny :1 time I thought of tho warm dry lx.>tl at home, Unt home was many wiles aw:n·. B~lt m.1' t hungh ts were c heered somewhat by a light ahc:HI. It .~ hone from a large hou!le, whic h I thoug ht must, surely be t he "ta\·ern where tlwy liked to keep folks. " With a conlidcut air I wid the o ld lady nt tllo tlou r t h:1t I wantctl to stay over night. "\\'y, we ain"t kt:"epi n " no hotel," sl1e answered. " We used to thirteen years ago, me an' my man. but ln.w. he's dead now." Anti the n fo]]o,~ed an acl'oun t of t he family's history, half an ho ur long. "i "d keep yu, though," she con ti n · nell. " o nly the bs~ tramp w e kc p' skipJlCd with my ,;on's .~hoes aud urercoat. to ~ay uothin" abo ut payin' fu r ]od~ins' , an" we've jnst had to shuLt.lowu on keepin" o f 'em. I reckon they'll keep ye, t hough, nt the next hou~ on tim hi]! yonder.-· I o!Tt•red her money in :l.lh·:u1ee. but she snid it wns only a Wt..'<:k since :1 peddler luld gh·en he r a bogus half tlnll:tr in d1aroge: :lilt.! s he too at11·iscd me to seck rest el.~ew here. Allout th:tt time I began to look around forn. s nit:1ble b:tru. thi n ki ns.r t hat that mightshC<I min Uette r tlmn the " next. house." But. seeing n-. barn, t tried the house. I matle a IH! W p!an o f attac k here. When the rnther chlerly young ]a,ly met me a t the •lour I saitl : "'I am :l st·hool teaPht.Jr ju.~ t returning from an e xami na tion :II Eau t:la itc. l ha\·e 111·e11 c nught in the rain. and a m unable to proceed fttrthc r . Could you :IC(.'OJnlllotlnte me for the night ~· · "What y· sny! .. s he asked. with her ha ml at he r ear. and sjx:aking in t he s hort catarrhal at:ecnt o f a dea f 11erson. " You' re :1 poor creature who had to lca\'e the rnilro:a.tl trJ.in because yo u couldn't pay your fare'"! A nd you wan t 111e to pa}' it fo r yon ! Ynu tlti nk I might : Well. I think not." Jn!lt t he n an Oilier la(ly with grny ha ir an<J glasses, appe:t rC<I. Turning to he r. my fair ente rtainer con ti n· ued. " That." !I the way with lh·ing by a railroad track. Fo urteen hegg:Lrs a •lay. with the s:1me story.· · "!Jut. Mary J ane. he looks so hung ry an(l pitiful. poor man. Let me get hi m a hi te o f hrend." said the olfl lad~·· "' ~ot !l hi t. " ~ni• l the othe r. "Likely he stnpiX.'(I :ll. the last ho use a nd got :itu!Tc(l. Mo,•o o n. THE NORMAL POINTER. ai r," turning to nm, "at. th tl next house o n tho ri~h t. they may kCCJl you ." "0 ~ " said I. " they' ll keep me. will they ! I 'm i!O glad to know they'll keep me. Thank you so mnch, Mary J :u w. Good night." So. for tbtl fourth time, I went out into the night, tL cast·a·wl\y . Utn I rcsoln.'<l that. como what might, I would stay all night at tlw next houAe I atopJK.'i.lat.. I concludCfl that my wcakn e~ had been my ht.ck nf rc110l ution. AcconllnJ(ly. when the door o1tenCtl. I coolly put my whcellrito the s umn1er kitchen, hung my tn.p o n a nuil, clenned my shoe!!. wo.lk ed boldly into the house and ut down. •: It's mthcr damp o ut.sidc," lbhlUdly sugg • te<l. The farmer anJ his wife, hill chihlrcn ami <IOgll, s tared nt me in wotulering silf'nce. Prese ntly I conti :; uetl : "You arc hothcretl a gt)(N.I tleal with tntm)J.'I hel'e, l s uppo!Ml ! Do yo n e,•cr keep them O\'C r night ! " "No,'' stdd the farm e r, mov ing unetLSily. " Well, I' m not a tmmp. And I may M well ~ ny that neither am In burglar. horsejocko•y. cu t-thrn:&t, s howmnn. u r tra,·ellln~ dentis t, much IC5!1 a hook age nt." Noticing t\11.1 fn~m e r crulti ng anxious looks to ward tho W lnchl'tter on the wnll, I nddt."<l : "Nor a lunatic. No. I'm al mJ>ly a commo n man, who hns worked his way up in other line~ o f businCM. Now. four tim e~ to- night I' ve been refused 11 night '& reat. and I lea,•e It to yo u If four rcfullftls-in one nightaren't enough for a ny man ~ " This qne!ltlo n got the nuln to laughing. 11m! that was half the b:lttle. In two mlnutet he Wll!! jJCMin:UiL'i"l tlu1t I was not s uch lt.-b!ld fellow afte r Ill!. In th•e minuws we were all laughing heartily nt the jJCOplo who had turned me from thei r homes; and In leu than hnlf nn hour I had been asslgoed a COllY hedroom lit fnr the chnm ber .of a king. OLD MA N SCHMO K ER'S H OME. It's about a mile from to wn. and oorttlinl y worth tho stroll to go out and aee wheru tim o ld man 11\'CS. 1-fo cbo;oe, for 110me reason or other, to locntu hill homo on & steep aide bill whith alope11 to an old, n.lmndo oCi.i road not far below. 13elng almollt. hldllen by tall oak8 and hiclwrlet.. the pu!ICr-by would hardly not k-e tho ' log hut : but s hould hill attention be ulled he wou ld certainly llto)J to look at lt . It 's a low. IWjUttre n ne· roomed, one-moried box, with a shed roof. Tho pioneers uy It ill the oldest. houil(l in the country. h looka M though they told the t ruth . The logs aru weather-beaten. oltl 1111d cracked. some alrcndy ,1 0 cayec:l: the pl&~terlng between them hru~ 1\lmost all falle n out ; &nd then~ are more old tron~n~ and shirt~~ In the two windows than panes We kuow nothing about the Interior; bnt we find th:t t the ult l 1111111 hall left no mnrks ouulide. There nrc nu s ht:d s or fen eea; be &eem! to ha,•e no IIJSe for them ; nil he nt.'Ctlll Is h18 old bench. On this be p~ :..way his aunny afternoon• amoking hill pipe a ntljJI:lying wil h his pet kitten. H ere he hcnl'll all the while the ltark uf the squirrel and the 80ng of tbc birds, h ~lildinJt tlu•ir n ~t.lf ne&r by, with no one to molt.'!lt him . THENE W LONDONCAME . 1..'\s t f:lll when the foot-hall ll!tlln went to Appleton to vl:l.y with J.awrencc Unh·f'rsity. they were nhliJitCd to wnit about two hou rs at :-;'ow Lo ndo n Junction. It W llS ltrOJKII!etl thut thi~ time be spent in practicing signnls. so they t• rn.~scd the tru tk nml entered :l lleld near by. They hnd Jtf>IHl through 1m vcrnl pl:ay11 nntl were lim:~l "I' for tt.nothcr. The cnptnin bega n to gi\'t! the signal. "SC \'C u . ni ne. twe nl)"-se,·-when II Uthlenly the ceancr. withuut waltiug f11r him to lin ish, pickt."<l UJI tho hnll :11111 m:ulo 1\ rus h fur the lll':lrest. fence. Tho res t of tho u::uu. tlllc h in~~: the al:trm. :tit hough ignornnt o f the ct~usc. s trc:lnJetl nhe r him JWIImoll. Ont.'C safe or{ tlu~ othe r .~ i.le of the fenr.c tlmJ t urned to lintl tho cau!IU uf tht•ir prcci pilous llight. There nt tho ot her e nd of the licld !ltuOt:lll Uig .Jer-s•~)' hul l. with hi s hend tlown. pawing th l:l gruuud a mi bellowing furiou sly. The tl!a m n.>cojCnir.ing the w ea kn~" ~tgmi n st such op1!0!1i· tiu n tl<•dili.'tl not to play the lk'<'ontl hnlf uud lntrren· tlc l'etl the g:tm u lO New J,mulnn. W. It 'F. : ---- LITTLE BOY BLUE. To no two JM..'I'!Wil~. perhaps. 1lo tho 1\•oflls Liulq ~,.}.' Blue..~U~jCCll t exact ly tim same itlen o r picture. , 'J'o I!O ill tJ he is n 1)01111,\' hoy, <>yos of blue. nnd dN!llflcd tlnl ntily In \'eh·et of the S11mu culor, nnd with his frosh t'OilljJiexion 1tntl tlaxen hair, the picture might ac n •e ns an illus tration fo r J.ittle l..onl Fontleroy. UUt the Little Boy Ulue I hll\'O in mh}d would ha\·e p ~c nted no s uch picture: nnd if you l1ad 1\.llked o t· him his name, he would probably hans told you William, 11.!1 he WJ&S christcnt.'< l. o r Willie, ~ his mothe r IO\'• in~ly cnllt.'<l him . Uut the re was nnothc,r name - by whic h he wll.'l often Clllled , ttnd thnt. W!lS Liule Uny Ulue. One e,·eni ng when W illie wu a !Joy of t hree hi :~ fath er came in from t he lie ld.1. t ircc.l witiJ his day's work, null worrit.' tl by other cnrcs, an~ · he •lid_ ~ot gret!t Wi llie i n his us ual jovial WllJ, whCt"Cnpo ri the liltlo fellow In hi11 o wn baby wny demanded tho rczl!!O u. His fa the r ani4weretl carelessly, meanwhile wntehing the ctfcct of lln a ns wer, which he knew t ho llule ha.by wunltl not und c n~tand , " l'uJm is tiretl. pitpa'S got tho hllll'!l." The nnswer ILJJIJa.re ntly had little etrect in aalisfy ing the child, and :alu~ r gn:dng n mo me nt in wonder at his father. Willie turnt.'tl nwny nut! the indih:nt W!Lft: for· gotten- all biH that lzlSl 8t,ltllCIW6. The next (lay, in his ca 1JCI"ll with tho cut, puSI I'Ctrcau.>d mull.'r the s tn \'e, nnd W illie tried In vai n to di s· lodge he r frum her trou"b"r.'t: but he found hl!ililtle nrm tno ~ hort hi reach he r from any !lide. Di8COurngll1 1 :l!HI tlrcl l. the little had IJCgllll tu c ry. and o n be· IniL' asked hy h i.o~mother whnt the mntlcr was. his nn· swer wus. •· J ·~ dot de hi nes. " From thill nn that littlo !M! ntc t;I~O toltl nil blatroubl.cs. wha.te\'Cr they were. If he fell dOWJI or c ut hill linger, h i~ nn!Jwc r wn_ot alwny.1 the s:uite, "l'!IC d ot de blue&. --· After th h1 hlil mothe r cnllt.'tl him mothcr'l little blue buy, then l.h tle Uoy Ulue. Wi llie il ICII nuw, J,m the IIIIWC ! till cllngll to him ; nnt l likc the Little lltly Uluc in the old rhyme. he keeps the llht.'t'.'JI nut uf the l'lover a.nd the CO\of8 from s traying ~:::(~: 1 ~i~'t)::ilri::~~~:~:~::.e ,::;,~~:~~~a:,:;:.::~' ~; ~:r7~ 11 1 T HE NORMA L POI NTER. rlw sh e plwrd dog. anol !OJ:t·the r they scam JM.-1' on•r the iicltls :and tlri\·e tht> i nll'lhler~ out. Unt if you ('()uld st:•• him. a~ hu st:uul ~ in the kitC'hc n tluor o f tha t little farm hnusc, fct.'tliHg hi~ !lock of chil'l.:en ~. tha t. ha n• g:uhet·cd su d•1sdy abou t him. y un would ltardly h:n·t· assowiatcd the titk, Little Uny Blue, wi th what yon saw. T hen.! is only one JK}i n t t h:u would correspoml with your ideal pkturc. the •·.n•s u f hhw lnstc:ul of tlw vch·et s uit you would ha n~ fou nd :l pail· of jean t rous· el'l! :llld a brown. dJcL"ked shin: instt•:ul of tlu- ilaxen •·uris. you wuultl h:n·•· found short "traigh t hair that. just CS(•atJ('(II.Jei HJ: red : the fn.:sh 1·omplexion J'cplacctl b,r one o f tan. ~cncrously " prink led with fJ·et·kll•S. whih• the s mile that lit up his fat·e. a ~ l110 ,J,J i!pecklell he H stole <'aut iuusly U J) and tuuk t lw ko•rnd u f t•n r n that by so t•ln;;c lO the liltli• hrown IN!, ionly scenu,.J tn act·cnt· u:ue the slight. tilt uf the nose. K. FtH: rvs. S TEVEN S POINT' S COM IN G L ECT URE COURSE. I say "!-'tenms Po int's LecturcCulll'liC" aoll"iscclly, he· cause although t he lllO\'I'Incut hcgan at thC' Nnr ma1. it ha s bc<-ome the dt,\''S proj<ct as well. W e lm1·c in \"it· ed all to come a nd share the t~at on e<111:11 terms. AI· t hough no •late ha:> !)(•en •lc tinitcly lh:ctl. prob:dJly th e lil'llt lecture will be giren Decem ber 1st by I'I'Of. M . V . O'~hea of our lini1•e~ity at Madi:>ou . Hi,. to pic will be chosen from tho line of work whic h ha s brought h im his unqali!Tt.'(t sn r.•·ess :uul nationa l re putationChild S tud y. A hout Dccenlber 15 will hu ~he 1wxt date. :1 lecture. " 'l'he Now En\," by P ruf. \\'n1. A. Scou , :llso fro m Madison. Prof. Scott n~e<.ls no int r•KIIIction here. \\'. M. H. French. di rt."Ctor of Art I nstit ute :lL Ch icago. will d eliver t he lin~t lec ture after the holid:lys. It will be in t ho nature o f a "Chalk T alk." inlercsting to e 1·c ry unc. T hen will c omo Geo. C . Cum sttwk, professor of astro nomy in our Unil·ersity. with the d cctJI}' s ugges t· il·e subject. "is The re Life Out.-;idc T his WMld ~" L:~.st witt come a concert- No tlelinite plans are yet an nouucetl, but we cau safety prom ise th:1t it will not be t he least intcre~ting nu m ber of t ho cou rse. You will be ~elad to hear it . W e helil'l'e that there a re fe w thing.~ more 1·aluable. more essen tia l than intcrt·oul'l!c wit h strong mind~: fe w thi ngs more fruitful of p lo•:l'illrc t han nJcctin~ with grc!l.t men. \\' e ar(• here to grow. \ Vc wauL to Uron•l· e n :~.nd e11J h·en u ur lin:s. Fur these r ea so ns ••·c want t o get in tuuch with these men whu h:l t·e new t hinj.f:l for us . prarti•·at t ru t hs to talk OI'Cr with us. new life to i nfuse. They will not come from dus ty !il.ornrics, gil·· i ng U;J dry. abs tra ct idea!!.. lmt frum t he outsitle wo r ld ami L'OUtact wit h witlc awake me n. They wil ' IJC chargl!<.l with the thoughL'IIil'e men a re thinki nl{. THE STORY OF KNOUKOUNT. 01•1 Knoukuunt lil't.'£1 in a little backwood..; l' illagc called Hickrack. He was a goml enough fellow. but he had som e very <tneClr notions . A fe w t>enplc e••cn h inted that he wa-<~n't " just ri~o:ht. " K noukount thought that Hick rac k waS the o uly •lcc ent tuw n in the world, a nd that Hic krnck pt:n plc were the ordy tlet·enL people. Tlu few strangers t hat e1·er cam e to the l'il· !age. he r egarded eit.her with cuutempt or distru~r. al· ways :LI'Oiding an:· intercou rse with them. He knew that h<HI\'.~L people lin•d in Hit·kr:n·k. lie l'HIII•I uot bclicl'll th:\l thci'C wet·~ any <)!hers. Knuuko u n t was cs pc•·ially font! of tho schoolmaster, a grc:u. sttJnl. krwwing ft•lluw o f kintl l't~tl mind. who taught thtl boys :tn•l girls :o p:Ul'<m izc honlll indU>!trics. Another crouy was the Jl"~tUH\.'I!cr. au e•JUally learned 1uau. whu kne w it was the s u u that. went aru u nd, be· cauSe ht: had bee n awak,l rni•luights and found t he eart h right side up. · K nouknu nl. lh·hl on. ne\'CI' hcarin): :tnythiug no w. u or he litn·i ng it if he did hear it. :u~<l gn.Jw m o r e arul more set i u hi.~ id~as. lie got so that he nc,•cr woro auy clot he~ c"l:ccpt tho~ that w,·rc spun hy t.he Hic k· r:u~k wome n, nnr <'I"CI' ate any ft.lOtl unless it grew around ltickr:wk- nc1'er read anything new, uor lc:lrucd a nyt hin~,t. Ouc day l1e wa;~ llt kcn l'cry s kk. :tml the dot•tor. a Mr. l~ilcrams. c ame to sec him. 1\nu u k .. un t wa.'l Sll!f· p il·iuus o f Pi lcr:inLs. whu h:nl. he thought. a littlo too much hnnk learning:. At. tirst he woul<l not take l'il· t·r:uu '!J mcd icinnat all "Uut. '' sui.! l'ilt·l-:.uns, ·•you must take some or you 'll surely die." Fi nally Knou kon nt con~en ted. pr ol'i<lcd that t.ho drugs were home nmtlc, but P ilcrams ans wered h im t hat on!_,. foreign medicine would act on him. '!'hun, lc:wing back an•l .~ighing. he said with !l determi ned air: " f ne1•cr took nny of your miscrnhlu stuff and I n ever will. I 'll di e lir;,rt.." An<l he died. - \--_ __ HUNPNC FOR AN AMOEBA. T he biology cl:li:l!l i! in deep truuiJiu. I.a..'lt Mo mlay the professor announcetl that lahomto ry work fo •· Tuesday would be the t.:li:lk o f ti n,ling an nmocha. On the followi ng UIOI'Ili ng. therefore. w hen the hour for Jabor.llory work arril·ed, the mem bers o f the cla.,.ss were p ro1·idcd with mkrosco 1>1!~. glass stidc!J, a nd amoch·iferous water. a nd the sear ch began. At first the a m oe ba hunt••rs were ln rc<l fro m t h eir sc:lre h by the sight u f s u,·h an !l.bundancc o f life i n the !I.JlJl:lrently lifclc~;; water. T hey saw odtl look ing nnim:~ls 11wimmlng aOOut nmitl patc hes unci i.nuglc;,r of t'ftually Otl•l looking pl:m ts. but tu the naketl eye there wa..'l nothing in the water cxce)Jt a few ti ny SIJCcs of ··,lirt. ·· ~nu. howcl·cr. t i!CY remembered the ol,jct·t o f their "'':lr(•h. anol hcg:m t o scrutinize cure· fully t ho a nima ls t hey tmw. hoping to llntl one whic h w:rs colorless. w hid1 lookctl like j elly. and w hic h mol'etl \'Cry slowly, for the rmmo ba. ther had been tol•l. is s u ch a o ne . A shor t int•·n·al nf 11ih:nco followt.'(.\. E:lch hu J>Cd to be the lirst to li nd an :unoeha. and e 1·ery eye was str ained to tht: utmo>~t. At hrst tho silence was b roken Uy an tlXI'I:uu:ltion nf tlelight fro m uno of t he hnntcl'l!. " lfcrtl'S one." she 11nid. The r ro· fessor ]nuked. sho(lk l1is head a nd sui<I, "~o. that's :1 p:•ramedum." Sn•ln lltJmcoue else a n nmllrCt.'(l a (lis co,·c ry. o n ly to ht• told that he h:l•l been luokinl{ at a n air lmhblc. Anothe r was fuuud . which turned o u t to be ano t her paramecium A nuthe r- " Xo. tlmt's a I'Or· ticclla." Annthc r- "Xo. tha t's rl rotifcr." T h us it we nt ou. The vrufes~or was kept running frum one mil!ro;;cO!)IJ t.<J auothcr. but when the c ncl (}( the hour c ame :lllcl the t ime allowed fnr I he searc h wa.s up. m rly two of the clasil h:ld ><(.'(}11 :u11l rt.>cognb~e- 1 amoeh:rs~ The re.st " 'e nt away u nn!W:~.rded. dl~~~~ ~tctl with the m· sch·es :u ul their ill fortu n e. an•l nurttcrin~ that thu aruoeb:1 is a myth. WJt.l. Ct:1. n : 11. THE NOR MAL POINTER. T!{E NORMAL POINTER NOVEMBER. t&J7Pllbl1ab ed moa tb l~rlaron~:ll,., •<' h f>f)I J· nruftr.ll "'"litho brohe ltadellllo o(rb•!Stat .. :.i nrsaallkii-I.St o:ull• l'uiD t,W I• matt~:.reredalthol '•,.t oJffi •.,at 'lh" cnaro r ut,Wt• , vfct<llul rla•• JoiATII c Erlnur~l n -Chl ef lllltT II , K. nuu ~u· . l.TDt.o WUI~LI11K All .. f> Lo (. tlhU,J, ., ,l<lii "'LII•f . . . . :<!&I.LII E l'IKUOll' II .U. M,.n , .·~:~!~":.~~ v.~:::;: 1..,.,.• \ Kd hur .. . . . ~::~~ fi~;.:,i;~J<. f .\•bi.-U,.krthor •. )l ol<lci Sfbwllitlllur . ll uoln o·•• )l &bl~<' r •: ..... ,. o· n...~ • ''"'' ··· ·• Tre.a, . •. ·~ ~~~.i.f;.l~~~ehnft:~~~~;C:~!de~;:,: ll~o:..?.~:~7=~:~~~=-111JCf , and •ll!werlbc-,. ar11 re•p..-c:t ht Ur oa r adurtl•e••· Our ~onrmllm, the 1111rnu n f locing a sclf-got·crncd ins tiunio n. \\' t• are pn.ouo l n f thi~ fac L llowcrcr, we :111 r..'(_•l that tht!re nuj.:ht to be more t•:ue and thought· fu\nc.~.~ •m the pa rt uf t ho s tndc ntil with rcgnrd w tho ~~:~~~~ orolc r. aut! CSIK."Cinlly t he on.lcr in tf1c a.u e mloly II U.MU<ll . K UITII li AliA CK~ M H~aoler• r·f· ~•' l '\'<!d tlll'ay from tlw othL• r lJ.uo ks. they a re :ICt']llll\lll !tlll'eS. Bcfcn'rrc:'tl hon ks aru always a juy, a nti the ~cw American S u pple me nt to the E twyclopeolirl Uri t:UI· nica lms me t with a wnrm ~eptin n fn•rn :111. l t. hail' a J(ut~l i nolcs in Vol . V. Look it. o1·Cr 11•hen you hat'r• time . Shinn' .:~ "Stnry o f tho l\lln u" iu tl10 "Stot·y of th o \\'e..~ l S.•rit>s" gin•s ~me t':thmhle i ufo rmation f11r :lily who may he planning to •liJC fur gold in tim Kl o rulikc, urany nt ltcr re~-tiu n . and o\••Ji~htfn\ ,,.,1''"'"''"" to IJ&t rnal~e Some onu lm..'4 \'t!ry :1ptly .!aid that the nruonot.of t:\lkiUJC in the :l'l!iC'rubly mom v:triC!I lut·r.rsc ly wil h t ho nmmuot of tr:liniuj.: lint\ eom rn on ill!rtStJ d th oaurdcnUI. 1-::ll'h l! ttlllelll hn:!i n 1)tJrtiun n f t h i.i rt!fiJKHI.iiiJiU ty to IJC:Ir and the amount of C(•Urlcsy nno l thoug hlftriiiC!I!I s luown by t he indh•i•lnal is wh:u will tlctcrmino t he :tt· rn".i ]lhcruofour lK' huo l. Shall we cunduet o u rsch•cs ru1 IIICn t~. nd wo men onintlfu\ tof the rlghtil ami Jlrivi legc! of others. o r lllU.\1~ wu hi· coust:mt ly nolmu n is hL'I I and re minded of tho olnty o we to unr follow .itmlcnt.!l! w.., The following remarks from the JM!Il or our librnrian. Miss Sim p§lm. will 00 nf intc re8t to n.ll : \\'tt 11'\!111 tu en II the atto:n tlun o f ou r road ont to tho "Standing room o nly" I~ fn:qucntly to Uc t'ob!il• n'&l bux fa'lttJIICtl L•• tin~ bulletin hna rol in tho hall . In tho lilJ"'ry th~ day~. hou1.'C l'lo niN arc Ill a pre· Thi ~ IJ,,,. hall l~t-en 111ac1.'1 l hc11:1 for a puqJOSC. ~ ed· mium . itnrs of 1hc ;to.·hotli JilljK! r we nrc 1·cry nnxitm!l t hnt the In answt• r to the (JI!e ry " ))owe elet'Cl'• l that ~ .. in la.s:t no w;; ilcuos pla•·..~ l in o ur col urnn.i s lmll he of Interest month' ~t l'ointcr. we g h •o the fulluwing li~lll't!~ whit·h tto :\11. may help i n tho &oint ion o f tho vrob:em : Total n\1111 · It i .~ im p ~ihle, with the nmou nt of work we lire (]ober of book!! iJSnC(I fo r t he nwnth of ~pte ml-"• r. l .r..•u inJt. thcu we s lrunlt l ku o w (n·crything that is goi ng o n e urn:nt mng:n.ines 200- mnki nJ( n total i.\isuc of 1.7:17. innu r miolst. The most l)()]iular clas§CS, if we ea n judge frmn a ttU · Jlol ll t he coliturs o ut with a jnko: tell them when you nu:rlcal s tu.nd ptJlnt. are lit·tiuu 39!1 \'olumes. J.:COJI'r.aphy lca1·e tow n ur l•a,•e a fri e nd fro m home l'iJiiting you. and hliltory 8':!0 \'olu mes. fo iiOWI.'l i hy !l('if!tlce 200 :111o l EnJry Iiiii•· hel t J~. e1·en t he e ra c kcn~ nrul hitH of glu.ss sociology 2S3. Tho d:lily 11.\'0r:tgo Wll!l 6!) \'ol unl <'.\1, tl\!ca,.lo nall y fo nnol t here- i. o. to !ill up tho lJO:c . Shall we bllve a bt!uor I'Cf'ortl this month ~ \\'c tbink to. Tl.•cnl i~ a ~trun~ (Mll'!ll.lnality wlr U: h i!l lllaking it&:llf Sevcoty·fivo now \'Ohlin(!!! were aololi•tl tluriug the fclt 111 un•ry dc partrrwut of our lk·hooi. 8Jlurring on the month and nlthough a la'lt'o nmu bcr of thmu tt•crc ol u · lag~o: i ng mindi!i nf ;~u rnt>, ••nenurnging :1mi feedi ng tf10 piiCI\tet of tho more populnr bouk<c In his tory, bingo· :uul.oltiuu" ~u ui"J uf otlrcN. urging all to a highe r sense raphy and .ociology. the 11tr:ange rs :uno ug th e m fuuud ufohl!y 11 11ol :llifc nf gro:t.ter n.cefulu c'll!. a wann we!l.-ome. fo r where is thc ])(!~ Ill who ohot.'!l 'l'lJtJ re~ ni Li "~ t his diligt•nt worker are I.Jccomi ng uot enjoy n vcrfce tly now bonk. buuru l i n a u :lttr:u-til'tJ app:1rcnt 111 \'arouu~ ,;ul);jtantlnl lur mll. The lecture ntanne r and printed o n gnod 1m1wr! t•utu'l!e we .-<o rntlt'h •ll.'-1ire iii n n M111rell fact and the A fino lllt.!ltration of the hinder'" an i~ !lhnwn "n a book entltlcc.l " Authors s utl l'rr hlis hers." 3 rrmrrn:ll '"'"' ]lil'trrre;> i n tho :&~•w ruhly mo rn 11how his touc h. fo r begi nners In liten1torc. l.otlk rtt it some t l:ry. if Tlw liu•mry •lt'IJ:u ·t ment uf ou r JI:&(K! r hi to be 00 . o uly to ad mire it8 gttrb. but if .P•U :lrf' ltK>king furwar.J l:&rgc• l. Bo.•j:inni ng whh thi .\1 n ruu lll! r and co ntinuing to a literary li fe. rt.'atl iL Mit C'(lllfaiml no c rul oJ f thing.:~ t hrun~o:huut the )'ca r we s h.1ll tlcl·ote a page to IM'_]c uce . . you o ught to kn ow. Tlw l'Otl!t• rt t.i nl thii! pagf' will be gat hered f rom tho "Brlefa for Deba.te" by Broukings r•n<l l!iull''':th j.: a treuure fo r all t he doll.'ltin~e duiJ~. ai it nnt nnly u ffeN wriut·n wurk dl)nc hy !l lutlen~ in the \'arloms 8(.'ience · ~la,.,c"J :urol will irwlmle 11rticl~ both interes ting and a ubjecu worthy of consiolcnuiun. hut 2h·e1 r.-fcn• rwes •nstnretrl'l.!. for the affirmath'C folloWL'O I hy th•h•' fur thc lll')lalil'o\. The t.wen ty vol um CII of the " l.i hnary .,f till' Wurltl 'll Thcro nrc iie\'er n.l hen uti lul fli cccs o f lltaLUary In the Ben Li terature" are on tho to p ~lwlf,uf th t• rnaga.· lmiltling. !low many are prepared to na me a nd giYe zine CA8C, aud though they look .. nruc what c ~clu.~it·e the myth eonneele<l wit h each? THE ~OR~IAL PO I NTER. 1,) 5.~ ° C i" s ulli t"icn: to kill them. til\')' t·:w nut lie s pores. ll owc,·~r 1lwy will rt•main a li1·e :uul potentially :1et in1 whcu d ried. Hu uo anti \'crsin l>y UX IJerimenting with :1ninm l11 d is· D I P HTHERIA. Uutil l'l'Ccntl.'' nothing SJ>et·ilk has l~c n tliscon· red i n regard to this disc u.s c. lu othe r di se:~s the i nter· mal o rg:111S and the h)tiOt) contain minu te organis m;., but iu diphthe ria 1hese o rganis m s are fo und ouly in the false memhr:~.nes in the throat. frv m whc n..:e it is SllpJMISC<i that the j)rJi8on ls :1bsorhed :m d c:l rrietltu \ 'a· rious parts of the hod,v. t lm:l c·aus ing par..~lysis. hc:lrt failu re am! t he :lceompanying urga nic diflknh ic;... So many mi~I'O·org:lni.;~ ms nre allle to grow in these fabt! m e mbr·an cs that it is \'cr y tlillicult to di ~l'o\·cr the ri g h t mic rubes :uul c ulti n u e them. I n l 87U Kle bs found in t he fal ..;c m e m b ranes t·.1u formil tJf badlti. mre :1 ~mall b:U"I\lu.:! with rmrmlctl en·ls nnd dear sp:H•t•S h e re nnd the re in t he .~u h.~t:uwr•. T hese ba• illi. whit'!! we re nut e:t.'lily s t:lincd. \l'crc found to Jernw l uxurian tly in hrut.h :u ul whe n ino~u ­ hued into a niru:d:;; gaxc l'isc to a pt.>t:u li:u· tlirty. tihrine· n us looking s lough at. t he SCM uf innt·ulatiuu. Thi:;; b:lcill us was sometimes p resent :uul soul+'tinws . when absent. a. micrococcu.~ arr:d1ge•l in masses or s ho r t c hains W:l-:1 in it.~ place. As a r esul t of his obsen •ation he said there were two forms o f diphtheria. "'"'resulting from the pr-esence of o no o.nd the othe r resulti ug fro m the presmwe o f the othe r microbe. l ...ate r e:<J.Crimen til l'ly !.o ilie r s h ow t hat t h ere arc m any organis m s present in the false m e mbt':lnC that :all are n enr t he s urface, with the exceptio n o f the Klcbs bacillus. which. lyi ng d CCJKlr. is most numerous in the oldest 11:1.r~ o f the me mbrane. Spccitic di p hthe ria. bacilli were fnund to be e:1sily s tained : they occur iu grnups as sho rt. s traight tJr c urn!(l rods with ends som etiml'li roun<le<l. StJmeti mc:;; c ur\"ed. T hey a r e no,·cr a i>Sent i n the early s tages of tru e di phthe rin ami sometime~ tho nw mbr.uw consist." of an almost (JUre culti1•ntio n o f the bacillu ~. I n the Inter s inges t he hat'i lh~>~ c h:u 1ges sn th:u it i;~ not read· ily dis ti nguishable . Recent CJ~;pcrime n t.s h:n·c prm·ctlth:l t a c:1se of tliph· the r io. may be follnwt.'<l tlay by <i:ly wit h a mic r nsL·opc nnd that tho fatal o r fa \•ornble issuo u f the c a w m ny be prediNed fro m the numbe r o f bacilli p resent. It has also [)eon found that some o f the m it:ro-organi:;;ms pre.i!· cnt i n the me m brane i n terfere w ith the growth of t he diphtheri:l bacillus. It wns3 long ti m e before a Jm re c ulti,·ation o f tliph· theria b31'illus could 00 obtainctl. o w i1tg to the f:lt't that the putrefnctio n germs would o ut pu.ec them in growt h. It W!lll fi no.ll.v acl.-omplislu.~ l by growi n~ the m in a peculiar preparation. It wn;; then tlisco,·er cd that cliphthl'ria ba.cilli w u ultl gmw ;;o r..1pidly :1..~ lo fo rm i n t weuty-four hour:~ time colouics \'i~ihlc to the naked eye. Experime nters fou n•lthat I he c u lti\'tlle•l h:1.cilli wcro s malle r than the Klcbs ba cilli, prob..'\bly caused hy the interferen ce made by tho g towtir n f p ntr c factil·e a nt i o t he r organis m" . They a lso fo unt! t hat the diJ1hthcri:a bacilli ha.s a te ruleney to lose ilo"' ,·iru lew.:o on cultl\·a· tion. It wa s at firsL ! UJIJ>t)iit!..l that the dt•ar sputs till thi!l bacillus we re SIMJrus but as a moist temperature uf lmt ~;·~.:~~:. ;•,:1i~ ~~~::',~i~:,t,t~~:,~;~d~~:~,t:,'~~~:'~eJ;:.r,:~;~ <~~:~::r':t ctl tha i. a.~ thu bacilli W•<Uld le:l\'c the plat·c t>f i nlK·ulll· t ion and J{O tn other parts o f the butly. Inca \ ,;ymptoms in a •·a-"C nf <liphthe r ia were tluc to lim :wtion of SJ»C· o•ifio- h:u·illus o n a wc:1kcucd mucuus lllemhl'lule or una woum leol s UI·facc: th:1t •Jncl' h:L\' iug g:ri n ctl :1 foothold it gi'·'~" rise to an tlt' UII' i nii:Hmuatnry Jmwess, prob:1· hly l.oy tl.ll direct :~t•tiun u f t im l'u isunous nmtcrinl tll!lt it fttrms in the cdl>~ :md o n t he hlnotl n!ssels in tho im· mc•liate ndgh bol'lrood . T hi!! caustic actinn is so int c n st• tlr:1.t I he epitheli:al cells umlergu d egen e ration the Tihrinous lynrph :111d lc ttt'Ot'}'tes. which u ru cxmiL.J, IJ.c. ~vme murc or less mpi•lly dcgc ncnued, t hus gi\·i ng rise to t h e ,~tmy mcmbmncoull patch es. sn dr:1r:I('ICris · tit· of trlletli l•ht~eria W hen the g rowt h of the o rgauillms, c:;;p-ccially wlw n they :u·e rl eup in the tissue:;;, is mph\ and J)()iSOn is fur·mL'tl more tJUickly than the inflamed urcn.s C llll dis· pu,;e of it, the poi ~111 is :1!Jsor l.r&l, hut not the bacilli, intn the system anti the c harnctc ris tie l.'Qnsti t u tionul symptoms of the disease a re set up. We must, thoro· fon.•, dis tinguish care fully between the l~n·al uction o f t he l>ucilli :wd it.s JlrOtlncl£1 ami tim toxic eunstitutionnl ciTt."t:IS of these Jlroducts. It was pt'O\'et.i t!Jat t hese prod uct>~ were tho a etl\'o a~o:cnt.-. in t he con s titutional syu1pto rns . by :K!par:n ing tin• b:willt1:1 fro m il<~ product ami i ujt.."t:tl ng the prodm:L in animals, wiaich l'liU.SC•I all the symJJIOIIIS o f lliph· the r ia lm~ no gl'llY mc mbr.Jno W:l.:l fu nm.'tl. It ill the <.litfusiou o f t hi!:l product. th rough the sy:;;tcm that causcs dcat h. When the m i~·robc~ are taken into the stumaeh t hei r 1·irule n ce is snme what mudilied by the :1etio n of t ho J~psh1 a mi it hns also IJCt'll found th a t ai r nnd s u n light modify the l' irulcnce o f t he poison , although it w ill ro· gain it.s o ld \'i ru lcn ce w he n closed again in n dark p l:wc or put i n a pre paration f:wurabh.l to growt h. H ea lt hy throats a r c nut ea sily n.fTcc tcd by t his discase but thruut.s snhjc•·t tu tonsili t i>~. s wo11c i1 nn<l in· thunt..'l l tonsi l~ anti u lcrmnion fu nu o. gOOt.l .-wi l. Auti· ~ ptic washes . ple11t,Y v i fresh :&ir and i!Uns hine n nd n ouris h ing foOtl will help to ob1•ia tc the diOit:ulty. It hall been partially pro1·cn that cars n re nc th·e agenL" in c nrry i ng tliphtheri:1; also that co11·'s milk wlu:~n t he an imal is inocu. atL'tl with the poison. be· L'OIIlc~ an attil·c agc ut for carryi ng t he tlisc:l8tl. Ex· pcrimcnt.s arc be ing constantly made to tliscO\'Cr a remt.-..:ly lo r this disea:;o and physicians ho J>e t hat the new di;~er11·ery. :uJ ti-toxi nc. will pro1·e the long lookctl fur .. ure. STUUY.:riT. 1 bl;~:;:s~~i':\:~ ~~?J~~g:lliJll ~::".1,:~t'~i':.~:~:~i~c~n~~~L~I~ r eJt: ubr in .~h'lJ~. while th" oppo>~itc o nCfl nre o f l'ar:ou>~ rough a nd jaggOO form:1ti.,w1. Suu1c scie ntist.s l'lai m that t he n:asun i~ that mt~st o f tho s torms t hc ro cOUJC frnm the we:ol. and su be:rt du wn lmrt.illr o n the ~~~:!.i,~!u~r,~~ ~~~:~·;,~~ ~~~~s~~:~~~~~~~/'~ctl~i;\1:~~~?~ ~::~ :~~~:~ 11~eet~1;:,:::~l~~::~t~:-~;i:l11\~ ~~~~cl'.':~Jltl':-,~1 s:::fl~ 1 ~~~ c~l111~ we~! . o n t he t•:& St tlw "ruteS<jUe, SCr:tl(gly, and peak s. r•~ek.)' knnb11 n. THJ:.: NORMA L POINTER . '4 GENERAL. :J l-lurroh ! The scni nr cJ:.;o,.;; lm~ O l',lt:lni~.c~l ~ Snw, if you cannot tllininguish !V scninr l!y hi" J.:f:t\' t•. anthuritatil•r, ln tellecuml Iouks, y(m may lind nut and han: any donbtit StHistictl by t•nn:ouhin~ the ~crill(> of the urder, n.mltlsk him (o r r::uhcr -her ) '" ,;hott' yu u the t'CC· onls. At the orjtaui zat ion llll.'t!tl n)C. Father ll a ••ri~ n presitlcd, and ditl nobly. It woul•l I~ unju!lt if t wo o f his s:t.)'ings were n<ot h:uult•ol oluwn to l"''"ll'rity, munc· ly : No. t- •·H:u•c all \'Ote<lth:H wi>~h ~ If not • ., I 'll dL-clare the ballot •·lo:.t'l l.' ' So :!- · ·~hall we throw o ut the tie bctwt.oen :\lr. II :'ln•l :\l r. \\'- :mol cl\11 the bu.llot uuanimou:'i in f:wor o ( thu other lady ! ' ' TheN Is another nmtter whit·h s h:lll hcrn h:&n• tu he called :&ltentlon tu- the fal· t llmL tlnm• are :l~t iv~. J.Cr· :-tutfr:IJ.(i! nlcious. politie nl m:u:hine!l in nur ~ dum]. btL\' iiiJI bt.'CII ex tcruletl to th e J.( irl~ nf the t·la~s. tht')' now contro l :&ll eh..'Ctio n>~. bcc:t.u'tl nf thdr large num ber and ])01\'Cr. W e lind only onu n llker n f the nppol8\to sex in the liiit- J o hu Lt>t!!l; aud he will hn\'f.' ncit lwr inllucnce nor right o f won! hct·a u ....·- why ! -IM.'(': UN.' they ha1•e kintlly e lected h im \'k-e- pre,;itlent . 0 ~ t.:u r ruption o f t he ui neU'1!nt h cent ury : T bt• (tther o nh,.rs are: ~l!Uid e Urcwster. pre!!itle nt : Emma l'aq~ tltt'r. &et•retary: ~l!ary Mdl illan. t rt':l.'l tlrt'r. We mulc rsllaud It Is th e warm purp11!1C n f nil nwmhen< uf tht' unlcr tn graduntc thi~t yc:n. May their llSpi rnti nus he renlho:L~ I . A geoJ~rnphy club t•nll L>c l th e l.yt·t• um ha .. l.H•en tlrJ.Cn n lzod under the tli n..'t:tio n u f ~ I rs. 1-:lliot. fur tht' JlllrJlO~ t· of gcncru.l reiKlnrc h iunl ub.!lt'n'ation a lou~: ll''"gmphieal line~~ . The lu llowiug o lllct•rs lnn·e bt.'tltl t:lcl'leoi : }'. J . Thompson, p ~idcnt: 1-Aiwin fYUrien. ,-it-cpresideot: llowt11rd Ca.le, Jlet·ret:lry: IA•mm W iNing. chairman o i !IOCial eommittl'f', 1-:h·inl l.'Owh•s of tlw )Jru· gmm oommluee, and I-:.. lith ~llllf'Ut u f tin> cunn'uittt•e oo eonilthutiou and by-h1ws. The ~luh i>1 in a 1\nur· ls hlng conditio n with a mc mhcNhlp, at pre;f('n t. uf sixty. &lveral tripil ha,·e nlrc:1dy itet• n m:ltil' :1hnut tho city for o rlginn l ol~n·atinn, nnrt a p ic nii· tu Yel low Banks- fo r furth e r in fornmtinn !IIJJlly to ~...-rctary . Geogrftpblcal delmtell, t:1 lk~. p:&JWI'il, MJ IIJ(!I :u10l game... coouiuno the prograrus. wbh-h tlm.:t f:1 r han• ~en boi.h entertaining Rttd instruc t in:. Tho "Up-u)-Dato" t• luU rem:t.inil UJJ tu ilate. ltu<lyanJ Kipling WM thu !!llhjt.'('t nt m1c uf the rec•eut meeting!. Miu E. H tunacker pi\•inll :1 fu ll. l nt crll!!tin~o: talk on bia life and works. A fe:t.tll l'f' uf tho ~tc i ety. wbleb Is very protitaUle to its mcmbel"', i~ the open qaestlonln~ and diiiCU8ilion whio•h fo llnll' all talk!l. :\1tbough the room In whkh th e m••e tlnJ.Ci arc helol is generally crowded, there is m<lln fo r new lllt! ml.t.• r!l. • You'll not be 110rry if you join . Eothuahum aod talent in mn ~it·al olirt•o·tinns :t.iiJM'ar to be u prominent as lMt yea r. Thn-c 1nem llt!N1 o f theM. E. c hurch choi r a.ro ~ orma.l!t._.,., n:tnwh· : H:utb Roberta. Frank Springer aut! ~l r. ~· ·i<OOn . An. a ttempt to organize a Normal octette " ' liS made at tho• beginclog of the year, but prov..>c l Ull'iU\"-~"fnl fu r l:1~k uf a teoo r- that nr.re speci m en of humanity. 'I he ljlll•rtette composed of M ess~- Fru iL Jl utd1ki""', T hom(JJJO n, :uul "'prinj.!l'r i~ wn rkinj.!' h:1rol mul lillthl•n irwithmn .. il'. prumi ~e!' s uou t o T he f:u· ult~··.s timt• fnr rhcturit·:ll" luu cun1u :uul we may CX JIL't't more ,y mp:uhy frtJm the lf•:n-hel'l!l in th:IL \\' c lltulcr"'l:lnd th:u 1\•o :l.N lO tl.t·co·tin n tlm u n~ ual lt:n ·o..• " l l-l'<'o' h c~ frnm thtJ p::ufo rm :It mnrnhJJ.( elw r· o·i.!ol'" tWo o•tll'h ll'l'f'k . A1:111HI)(h tho• f:wulty may lm >~<•l'r)'. th e .-ttuol!•nH ru·e n 't, for thi!! Cl!rtnin ly is :1 hri.t.tht iolea. Thu ~ far we h:n•c had fun r np J)('anuwe!l. l'ruf. !'<:111fnrol di~•·u;;st.od au intcrt!iltinJ.( but lUll wide· ly lwnwu ph:be nf \\' ist·onsiu hi.-tr1ry, namel y: The rt•,nln tii tn" t•••n•·erning \\' hw••nsin'il l.~<onn•l:&ri f!ll tlrnwn 11)1 hy Muses StronJt. nh cr whom ou r :-ttrHIIJ.C!! a1·o•u uc i!! n:tlll(.'ti. l'ruf. McCMkill g:n·e n s h nl't J.ut int en•stinj.C talk on :1 subjl'l'l whit·h probahly 1111111)' krw11• nuthiltg :Jbout-- Who•rc S\ 11111! tl f o ur frit•ltd;s SJII'III I the winter." Ho 1mtt le knuwn the fa ct th:lL 1\icl:l, bcctle.:t, frog'< nrul ~nnke~ ilo n<1t ohc when winter cnml.'!l, lmL Jll':leti.._.nlly ft'o'i'~·'' IIJI lllltl melt to l!fe ng11in wl ulll when .-. prin .t.t C' lltll!' ... :\l a uy u f 111c!IC •·urluu.-. plnn !l uf nature, ht• ,;;:1io l. ntw enu lol C:&iily litul out fur h imse lf if he unly ko.-pt hill cye.t '' J>CII . ~ l r:s. Elliot iiJJOkc o n ono• u l lho• hiiJ)OJrt:lut < JIIC.~ ti n u ~ uf t t>-• 1:\ ~· -( 'hic:li((I'S sew,.,. sy~tf'UI . S he J>Ui ntcd <JUt iuh'I'Clltln_~t f:a ct..i cun•·eru in!-f tin:! olcft 'l'l~ Qf th u JII'Csent 8)'1!lc m , ru1d the <JII l'"'tinn nf their remeo:ly 1.,\' th e t'R iml acro~l! lllluoi;r whkh ii nnw in Jlroii~!S" n f t·lln,. trm·ti o n !lnol rwl f11r fr<tlll I'UIII Jif t' Li nn. ~fi~ ;o (.:r:ll\' fttroJ tii l<C IIii!M!tl the !!llh· jCi't uf :lu thro>J)Iu\Jetrit• nlca :>UI'elllcut.!l, lliu~tnllirJJ( he r T he us ual Jlol n t.-1 hy d•art!l •lmwn un the lmt~ro l SIHd!' nt In phy~hp1e wal! of o·onr,;c mentirllll.'tl. Man y oof the f:ll't!! ~ t:ltl.'ol Wei'U intert'.. lillj.( IIIII I ILCW 'tu Ill!. The IH•:1r•ling duh hnil a " a we ll" nystc r Slljlpcr th e tac l iu huuur u f the nmrrial{o uf their I'Oitk, Ml'!l. 1-'l'<'rit. It gne<~ w ithu uL !lltylnJ.C th:t.llhere was u 'l muc h suu p leh . It :WIJ.I!:&r:< a" thoongh the llltll'h rum o rt:tl lecture :a. reality. Tu prOJMJil(! th e fJII Cll· tion In lhl· ~· huo l. !~ rot. l.h·i ul(~tun. at muruinl( ex c n·l"'l'!l J.(!ll't' :1 rnu~iiiJl talk 1111 -- Wity "hunlo ln'L the Stt'\'f' llll l'oi ut Xuruml IIIII'C 11 IIH'tllrll cu u l'!le ~ " Jl a1'• inlt' wtu·m ·~ l up alTair:~ hy his n:m:1rk ~<. h•• prum i~o· u ­ ously t'llllt•o l un diiTo•rent S ill• le u I->! tn 1-(h'e their OIJlinionil in r~l(nrol t" tht• m:attt•r. All th e !I Jll.'I'Che.~ were in fn· \'01' uf tlw t·nllr<e: tilt'_\' ;rh<nl' l'<-i all til+' iii.'I(Jiratinn an.! 1' ari~t)' loo11111i in II ~\cthoo.Ji~L I':IIIIJl IIICcling. Jtight ht're. llhhou 1fh nuro •lat(.>~ lto th t' topic nmlcr t ii ~~t· uss i uu, it will IN• inll·ro--•ti nl( tn unto• :uul rem:1rk o n th e \'llri· cty lltul e'l: p:au;rihility uf the Eu~tli;rh language. It l'ert:linly w:u renuark:al1le to Sl.'C hnw many tim ~ the s..·uno timiiJ::ht wmld l~t• t•:<prC~!Illol in :1 d flfenmL 1111111ner. Aft er tlw~~ I! J )(_~t·hc~. a slnndinJ.C l'o to: <of nll thow who wt•n• willin!{ tu IUIJ!i)l•rt :1 .Jnll:1r lecture t.~J tlr-MC o f fh·o ur "ill IN• Iure«, 1\'1 1<1 t·:alletl for, auc l !les&rly C\'cry 110a.t 1\':a.\1 emptl!'tl Tho•n. at the !lngge!'tlon ol Mr. l.lvings- _ to n. the wbul~· ~houl tleo:·itlet l lo hohl u mt.~ti ng nml tnk11 innne•liute :&!'linn o n th e me!le r. Mr. O ' Uric n wa.! t' l('(• tt.'tl to Jlr"e!!itle . By motinn the JH'C~hlent o f the meet in!( WD.!J em JlOWcre~ltiJ tlJip<llnt 1\t.-om mittec of th-e t{o :a rranM'e bu~inC!I;, matteMI rolating ttl the course. The L'Ommillee :as appointf~l I'O n si~ts fJf !..corm Wieting. ~l:t.u.l e Ur()W8tc r , lt:tiJJh Kuuntl il. \'lc tor i\linneh ~ Fr:r.nk T !wwpiii.I~I:Dt~-committecrwlll net jii""'C(').bp· L'llllrM~ j,. '" ht•t•t t~u e THE NORi\IAL POI NTER. ernt ion w ith the f:aculty <Commii! Nl nppoin t<!tl hy l'!'t's;. l' •·ny. which t:onsists of :'\lr l.i vin~~wn. :'\li:!o! T anne r. M N. llr:ulro txl. :\lr. :"':mfnrd and :\l r. l'nlli n>~. Altho ug h the new!! ( ~ ) i'< r.1t hcr b tc, t ht: s tmlt!nts will be glad to kno w t lw .. w h:lt .. and ··wlu:rc'' uf l:lSt yc:w' IP-nd u:atcs. :\'car l.)' a ll u f t lw l'l:lil.i of ·o; arc put· ting Sd\liOI man:1g mucnL. method>~ and t hcOJry intn pr:tc tice. M:tl'}tarct As hm u n and ~lame :'\h•.\"f)f S tc:adt in the gmdc>~ n f th·~ E lgi n. lll i nni >~ sdtuols: Lillian Ar· n ott in Wt'SI :"'npcriur: :0.1. 0 . II ill is prillt'ipnl at Ibn· gor. l.a Crosse t•ounty: .Janws l'hll!l ps. Eli:t.:1hcth Stc\·· e ns, Kellie ll:wt and :'> l:1rgarct ·:-iu!lu.> r la rul a lJI)" rcpru· St!Ut u s in t he E:tn Claire ,;dmu ls: Allan l'r:ay is a.#isrant i n t h u high sdmul :u u l pril~t·ipal o f the gnamnmr gr:adc in :'>h·•lfnr•l: ,1. U . Bcr·k is )ll'lnl"ipal :U \\'c.;thy: li uy Ulcncnc a t Hammon•!: II. 1.. lf:u·,Jncr :11 l'lul·cr: ~~~~~,;~·;,i~;:'·!~t','"::~:"Jt~~:~~·~i.t~~·::',.~~ra~;i;1~:::~.~~::: 1 ~1~s'~:~ lidtc>r fo or t he C...:h ir·aw• H~cur.t : \\' . 1.;. ltu.-o l i,~t~r atwnol.~ the !'it:.th: L:••il·cr.;ity: Flurunc~ 1'1":.1)" i" :<lay i n~ at hu tuc . Amo ng t hu with•l ntwa1~ whkh a ru- 11!111:11 :1t t ht: he· ginning of the year we lind t he r.,J1uwing: F. Mc H ugh. tO tt:ll"h a t CH~tcr: l.ill bn EldridJ.!~. tn ll•:wh :11 l'arry· l'i11c; ll:u rie Mc Uu nal•l ami li l":.t~c :'>lnrr:1y. in Enu ;!a!Lck~~;:·:~~·:;rF:~\':1~.~;~1 '1;~~·;,~::::ic''~;~~.~~.','1~1.' c:;:.~~r~~~::,~: p:tca . Where thu lulluwing will lo~::uc we ha\·c ht..•tHt unahlc t.u 1c:arn : t:cnl'\·icn' \\' chst c r. llauic Huntley, \ 'hola Potter. Uclhula Ardal<JIIclle. Uret Spc:tr. !'carl H"st'r anti T . H . '1'1·masou. DABS, DICS, D RIVE S, DUBS. \ "it• k l o)r:J ~ II"1u: re :tl' l ..Aint s he U1l'.~SL~ I P E RSO NAL. )!iss Edit h ~~~g~nt has rctllrtlL'd tu sdaool. Miss Elb B~· rne~ spent tl~ :!:.hi anol 24th u mlcr the parc utal ruuf at C:r:u ul Hapid s . Edith :'>l:tllow who wa.~ ah·..::nt f,w a fe w day:< •)II :tl "· coun t of >licktwS". ha,; returned. The e ntire f:wulty fn>m the ( 't•n tt":.tli:t >ll: hu.lls s pe nt O c tuhc r :W d s iting in Llh' Normal. A siswr o f P rof. Lil"illl("tull will s pe nd the win te r" he r e anti t:tkc !!I]K'ci a l ,;t.ud ic,; in tlw Norma l Ue rm:m Ko ho ru has withd r a wn t.o act·cJlt :t posit ion in the drug storu o f Taylor HroJS. u f thi,; l'ity. \\'alter Perry came u p fr o m Amherst. whe re he tca c hclt, tu sec o ur IJO~"" tlnwn t he J.a wrentians. !'res. P ray :ll mornin~; exercises ga\"e an intcl'csti ng expos it ion o f Ne w York pul itic..;; hefut·~ the clct·tinu. Floren~c l'ray matle :111 cxtr•ndcd \'isit with fricnrls a t W hitewater. She is n ow \·i..;iting- rcla th·cs in Chi· cago. And rew l.nrldn t·amc 11)1 fro m Appleton to look after hi" ,nda1 iuturci!IS here. lie :1pp·e:trs tu he w holly :1.1 hale. hnppy and hearty n.~ c t·er . :'> l r.t. Elliot m ade anuth c r tl"ip to Min neapolis. lc:l.\'· i ng early the 22<1. :'\I iss Wht..-cloek :tn• l Mr. Thumpson t ook c harge o f he r cl!\!l..!!Cs w hile s he w:ts gunc. Mr. Pc:lSC wa" f:l\"<lrctl the lirstJJ!trt o f b."t m o n th Uy :~ \' isit fr o m his m u thc r. w ho !!IUJlii"Cd m·er o n he r w:ty ho w e from Ke nos ha. w here sh e had been \' isiti n~o:. Architect 1~. A. CtHIO\·cr and lt egen tli. E. Me llill h ave v isi tc•l the ~ ormal ant.ll n;;peutcd the \"eutilati ug system whic h doe~ not work satb lacturily nn the t hird Jloor. T he rhetoric and litet"'.&t ure cl:t.'!SC.\!1 will certain· ly be happy if condition >~ a re c hange d . The occasional letter:~ from M r.· ~yh·ci'ltCI', imJniri ng s i tcr the JJchool and \'SIM!Cially fo r h is old pupil.~. make u!l feel that he is still interested in uc. A t p rc.!wn t he is staying with his !lis tur at Yu nk ur,.. :S Y .. and is feel· i ng much be lter than duri ng the illllllmer . T hoSt! uf the :\'orm:tl who we nt to lir:tnd Ha (>ids to see o u r St..-cond c lc,·en tlde att..'l.! a rc: Mi.;scs <luinu. 15 Erk kson. \'an .·\ l~ti nc. l-\•ll"i1. J):mJ.!er>~, Ol(dt·n, llt•fT· ~on . :'>l:u·wns :uul ~hear. i\lessr>~. llul m:an. Hutt·l1ki.~s. Unyi ng ton anti Fruit. ami :'\l r>~. Elliot. MisSI'S {.;ntc. J.am••reu x, l 'ul'r:tn. :'>lt•:<srs. t "a.~sl•l s. Ur:u\fortl. Pl!:tsc, a ntl:'>l r.:tn<l :'olr.ol l\lt-L'a.skill. I huu ~ a"jJelll: h ~ .. ba t ht•)' who wis h to be ctm nte<1 amo ug the bles >k!d . \\"ll l!a\"e a rnm:tu tic you ng man in ~>t·hool who calls ffL'Ckh•ll .. b)t~.§.SIIIWS uf !StllliiiiUf. " M iK~ (;. w-d : · ·)fay I h:tn: your s kclutnn to·day~ .. ~lr. McC-k-1: " - - - - - - - :'>li!ill - . on a o f o ur recent \"is ittJf>l. !S:tys she thinks this :t nit:tl >~eho ..,l he.-:UISll thcru aru su many "cu h hy· holcs.. fo r fun . '"' i.~ It s:lid that ).l1e Stc\"Ct s l'ui ut foot·ball team is 511 ~·~ ~~ ~;i,::~~:~~~~~~~\~\ 1 ::~ ~~-~=r:~~~: ;:~r:~!ltt ,::~:;, !" .. :-ieco111l: ··J hopa it was at t hu :O:orm:d." Fint: "'Wd l. l llon"t. l '\"u gut Ill)' foot-hall s uit up t ht:l'C." Stwlt! nt. (Sceno-,;t ucle nt"s ronm. :'>lirl ui g h t. Lamp goi ng otH. l.cs.iOn nnlinishcol) despa iringly: " I do wi,;h t h:tt. I t:uuld 1-:1.:1 a lung w ith lu,;!!: s lee p. I hal'Cn"t nc aa· t im e tu _~tel :Ill my studyi ng dune. " ({{)f)m· m:ltc (y awn in g ): " Well, I wi.~h~ I cou ld ~o:ct aln11g wit h m ote. I dun"t gl'l n car t.huc to do ullmy ;;lt..>epi ng ." · :'\l:wstluu lo li11sthc:tirFoo t·b:dl comnc-thu~· nrc where! C..:lippcrl ctca.,;c, c ut a;1tl 11hut l, J\ l:t;;! a la.:J: t he i>Oor s horn hc:ul. This •·l:l!lsic w :l!l writtt•n by o ne o f the iltlldents in· s pired by the C\'t.Hit d escribed . h cer tai nly will lh·e. M r. r\ . ( watching_ M r. ll., carrying a illl':ly c anine fro m the room ): .. m,~ssctl he t l1cy whu hel p to m ake t hingi! g n ... T bu h ills o f Dulu t h see m lu hal"e ~truck o u r foo t- hall hoys as bai ng c uormuul! l u lat·t they arc higher th:m the wit.lcly-kn r,wn Clark Street h ill, anc l sow u ft..'C t h igh· e r than the worhl- runowned l'ltH'cr Hllls. llruken J,uo.;e :Lil li ~ n w A ilray - ,\ temper. w hic h o wner wou ld Hkt: to rccO\"I!r . Whe n -Ia~~~ !lOCI! it Willi in COIDJlll.llY with !I ICIIIIill b:tJI \' iule n tly knrJoCkCr l U\'ef the tennis cou rt fun cc. W h:tt'!l tllll rlilfcrunL'I.: bctwer:n a dead dog in the \'en ti l:tt i ng lluu nml R I>Ottle (c'Or k o ut.) o f c hlo r ine in the chcl n ka11al>Or.tt or_v ~ THE NORMAL •6 STEVENS POINT WON. Score 14 to 8 - Stevens Point Oefea.ted Superior Normal by Strong Team Work . Ste\"en.s Poi nt won a h :~.nl fnnjlht hut cleau jl:tme o f foot·ball from the Superior S onnal Ocwbcr IU. There Wl\ll nothing thnt t:o ultl be tcr me1 l "kkking" durinJr the e nt ire g:unt>. '01e Supcriur Sor mal has n right to feei )Jroud of the ll0041 . t•lean fnot·lmll that her tc:uu J)lllys. A mo re gcnthmmnly set of buy8 at·e nnt often met with. The wuuo W ll!l callt..'tl at ·~ :4!; : the tc:am <~lim.•tl up :u fo llow!!: StoYOMI'oiat. S..pctior. ~f::'_s:: .... ·. ·.:: ·:: :it i~~~!r!~k;~.: ·: ~ ·.:::: ~~~~~ 1•1t~::~ 1 T mnson ............ Hil(ht {itmnJ . . . . . .... Mnreland Cowan .•. . ....... (~nt e r •..... , ..... Dnnni:Wn ~~!~hn~;::. ·: ·: ·:·: ::~:i -¥~~J! . Kn owleil, t; halmmn LooA ...... .. ......... r.cft Emt. ::::: ::::~, ~~r~ ~. ·&ri H olman . (;apt ....... l.c ft lla U .......... . l:. Deering King Urndfonl. .. ... lli~th t Half . . ... J . Deering Peru!C... .Quarte r ............ ll :unihnn Fulle r ....... ...... . . . ~·~~~~~:~~.~·.k . :. :: : iia·lt:ICN,~ (ll;t~~~~ nl~f~~!~fd·::_::ki1i. Umplre- Ly nt·h. ~ uperlor won the IOU ami chnse the ao uth JCO:tl f:tc· log the high win1l . Holma n kicke I tu llnmi hon o n the SO.yrml lino without any J(ltin . ,J. Ocering at· templed tO'gO aroun•l right e nd, but C'asselil pullt:... J him do wn with o nly 11. yurd go.ln . Gilli n bucked the ce nte r without gaining. G. Dt.-erl ng went nruuml left end where be was downed by Lees aft e r gaininJ.: two ynrtl!i. tevena l~olnt ~ot tho bttll n1ul IJy zt series o f li ne pl:ty11 earrlOO the ball to tho G·yn nl lin_,, 'l'hl'n Fulh.w wns pus hed through the line for the liM~ttmw h ·down . !-lui · man failed to kick goal. St-o re, 4 to 0. Gillin ldt·kctl to Pease who was down o n the 30-yard lt ne. Agai n !,y a' •seri <'S o f line playa ~le \•e n s l'nl ut carr ied the pig akin to the 8-yanlline. The h:t\1 WM gil't' tl to Manz, but be failed to pin. Mat he wall push~ I t hro ug h the llne forth~ second touch·clow n. Ag:1in Jlolmu.r1 failed a£)coal. Score. 8 to 0. Ginin kld~.t!d w Minnlmn he· fore he wu tackled. 'tll\'en.!l l..ol nr, employin g the MOJO IA(Itictl a.!l before. cnrriet l tho 1t:1ll tu tho 2:'i·y:~rt l line, where Pei\!IC went t hrough the line for th tl third touch-down. Holman kic kt:.>tl goa l. Sl:•ono. 14 to 0. Giffin kicked to l.ees, who gnlnC\1 te n y11rtl.o he foru be wu tackled. Again by lint! play11 ~tc \·e ns !'oint carried the ball to the center of the 11•·1<1 llerc ~te \'­ e oJ Poi nt. changed from line buckiug to eml play.'!. Holman auempltld to go Around right cml. but Dt,-erlnl{ broke tbrougb the in terforem:c nntl uu~ k lt:... J him fiVe yards back Of tbe lihe. The n t!lc pill ~k in W:l!l pa.aaecl to Lees, but be also wa.s unable to l(tlin 11 rul un the nut. play Superior got the ball on d ow n ;~ . At this point Superior took a brace and on a pretty t· ri~·ct'OS.!I PO I NTE~ . Mo ran gnin~ l eight yard.!l. Ginln we nt through tho line for li\·e more, :uul l: . Deering. well gu11rded by J . l>t.oering. nuule n bczuztitul t'lld run of t wenty yards :tnd n tOuch ·dow n. Grace fail ed to kick goal. &:oro 14~4 . . . llnt111an kicked to Hamilton . Gilll n Lut:kt!d tho cente r without nny gnin. Mor:t n. o n 1\ cris·cross. attempt· e.l to J.:U amund loft e nd, hu t l.cea Llown cd him eight ya nl.o brwk o f the line. On the next. play SUH'C118 l'olnt got the ball a nd Wa.!l hurryi ng to wards the goal whe n ti111c Wlr...'4 ~ailed fur the liNit hnlf. Score, 14 to4 . 1\fte r te n min utl'il rest Giflln kicked to Fulle r wb, wn~ tlow rwtl on the 45·yard line. Uy s ure ant.! steady rn.;hes the un&l wn-t carried to tlu.1 S·ynnlllno. On the nc:\t play Ste \·ens Point fumbl ed a. nd the ball rolled O\'cr thll line where Moreland fell o n it, making a tnuch·lmck. f:inln kit•kl."t..l f rom the 25·panl line. Stcvenl Point gnt ten yanls lor :\ foul tackle. s u,Kl rlur got t he b:t\1 on flow ns. Then by 1\ cris·crosa from Deering to l\lornn , g:\illt.'< l thirty Janis l:wfore he. WtP.S tacklOO by Ful ler . Mornn was injured by tho tnckle and Hall took h\:-1 pla~c . G. F.eeri n~: we nt through the line for fifteen )'lll'tlil and then :trn ltntl the e nd for lh ~ more anti a touch·d own . Giflln faiiOO tn kick goal. Score. 14 108. • Hol man ki c.kerl to tho 30·ynrt.l ll no. St~wens l~olut gnt. the lmll on downs an1l cnrrit.'<l it to the G·yartl line. ,\Jt:nin SUn'ens Point fumhl l-'1 1 zuul the ball rolled on! r tho line where Gmce fel l un it.. Giflln kicked from tho 2i,·yz&n.l line. the ball Wl'I!J dow ned at tho center o f tho field. Time Wl\!1 cnlletl with tho bnllln S uperio r's tcr-rit t~ ry . Fina l !K.'Orc, 14 tt18. The l ~a.t u n..'ll o f the game we re the lltrnng tea m work uf the humc eluiJ a nd the ext"CIIent l nd lvidmtl work o f tho fk'C ring \)Oy il and of Mo ran . · The lwst 6 f flocling exiAt8 hr.ti\'CCn the two teams, tuul th~ dwen with whlcb eat·h ballet.! the othe r at the e nd o f the gn mo were gh·en with a will. The StC\'ellll Point foot-ball team never received bettrcutmcnt than that o. t Superior. ·n1e boys cnme away mon 1 thnn 11lea8Ctl and they hope to ret urn the pleB.Sure at 8Q tn e future":'c: ' '-;.:'"-:;·=:c-cc::- .oc;~=l ~~~;~~~"~.:e~~~~u~~~i~,,~ 'S::u~!l~r~'Wo'~!~l::go~ nml ll u cceetl~lln The game wu.-. tlefcat.ing them by the IIOOI'C o f 26 to 0. 1:80. l'he teama lined up as c~&ll cd :&t fo ll o w>~: STI-:\' 1-:S.:J I'O I ST. Al'l'l.Y.TOS. Well• . , ............. rijilh t tmtl ... ... . . A. Ern beck ~:~~~~~~ ···:·::.::::: ~:=~~~~~~~t::: ·· · ·· · ·.·.~:1>.'=; Ssp:cr ............... ceuler .. . . . Madler Digunru .. .. .... left guard .. . . l.arkl n Mimlluw . . left llt.ckle . ......... N. Ma.dler Smith J.connn.l. ............ .. left end. llrcmmer . . .. ··········'1111\rtcr .............. \Valters O'Urien. Cu pt left half . . . . Kogen ~~~::e·,i :::::.:::::::: :~;~:;t,:~~~ <..:~~ ~ ~~. · . N.r~~~ Ur1ttlford. J.ces .. !lltbll Schu.ll, Kelley, f'rnnklln Hcfcn.-c - l'rof. ,Johnsoo. Uruplro-l'rof. l\It:."(;asklll. Uoth te:uus P,layed a clel\11. :mappy pma from begin· ~;:~~~;;,"~l~ey r~i: d7c~ al~e~%; ~~~;e~~;t ~b~tP~~ 1 tloubt won the ga.me for the m. Of the ,·Ia! tors N orriy A. EmiJCt:k and Madle r deserve llpt'eial mention: lk:llc h. ·n ckfer. Mirut.han and l~ nan:l did tbe ~t work fo r the howe t~m . O'Brien and Well.e mad ~ ~~!~~~;~ :·t ,,~:~~';;:11~ 1 ~~l.~~ ~~~~~pg:i ';a:~~he kick-orr. ) THE NORMAL POI NTER . '7 ·· T,• m pu.~ fugit.'' sai•l the H11m:a n~: Yt•s. a):ij, 'ti.; lh:cting 0 11 : E \'Ct' Let t he teacher ij( udy the st.udies hi.'! patient. ~hild as t hu physician The Kodak. ~o:.._u t:lairc. rank;; :unoug the best o f t he schuo\ papcN on o ur ext·han).tt! table. •·o n1ing. E\'Cr g:uing, Liftl is s h urt a nd suon 'tis ).tOUC. Hut :ts I think uf twxt vacation, l'v r iltg <l"CI' thl'SC \c~S(JIIS lnagc, En.!r h:mle r. En~r lo ng e r. Ali i say is, ··Le t he r fugc. ·· - F.x. The follo w ing )Ja)~r.l have been plat·t•d 011 our o:t· Do nut forget that the va lue of you r t.>O m•atiun is m easu red hy what you arc able tu do wit h it. change Jist: The l:rt.-c n Jby Fly. Oll:t l'ud rida. T eachcrs' Opportun it }', Tho J.aut·cutian. The Kodak. T ho , Ir y o u w:Lnt t~ 00 ~rdl _ info rmed. t:tkc :L p_aJ~I"- _ Argosy. the Cn;·roll Ec ho. 'J'hc Arj!usy. T he N o rmal ~<~,·en a paper o f pms Will gu·c yo u some good JWIIILS. Ih.dger. \\'iscunsin T i1ncs. ~dwol Bell }<~hoes, Wil· ---Hamson l.ifc, i\lcn·ury. ColleJ::u Days. Ac t a Dninm, The There are nunu:rous teachers of :arithmetic, a nd geo· L:lkc BrC<.~zc. The ~t'\\' Er:a. anti The St ud unt. T here graJJhy. and gramm ar, and wh:ll not: t he re :aru few :arc many in tcrcsti nj! a m i amu,.ing p:agcs in nil thcsu. w ac h tJ r,. of C llll.mH:~. It will p:1y you ttdOuk them over. Garret A. H nir.lrL recemly said : " A college ethwat ion liu a man for b usiness IJy s howing him how tu his e nergies." ~o:oncentrate ------ The Lauren t ian C'Out:•ins au iutcrcsting a r ticle on --Study of Latin and Greek ns a means to Me nt:d De· Yelnpment" by P rof. Hen ry Lummi ~. M. D. H nrd study is not injuriuns. unlc.~s it ism t11c line of h o w to a\'Oial as m uch wor k as po~si ble. T ov much study :along t h is iinc is extremely hnrtful. -~x. Philosophers say tha t slnn Ung t he cyel! makell the ears more acute. Perhaps t his is the reason that some people closo t heir eyes while list.cuing to a iltlrmoo. W ent to t:o llcge, J oi oe{l thu ele\·cn, Playetl one game. W ent to Hea\'Cn (?) Yankee DuO<Ile wen ~ to class Depending o n Ius pony, T he studeut Lody ro~e amllSStl A nd stOJlped the C'eremo ny.- E x. C hauncy lt. Depew says t!~:lt sixty per cent o f tho position!! o1 high t rust i n this t:e un try nrc filled by college gradua tes, and tht: other forty per cen t arc \'Cry largely controlled by college m en. W ith weary and ach i ng tiugcl'll, W ielding his graphitu mace, At mi~ l nigh t the editor li ngcn~, He is writing agninst s puce. G U,UUJ ASLI TACKLt!:. ---- " THE W INT E R 'S T A L E." <.:ram. Exam .. Flunk. Tru nk. READ AND PROFIT THEHEBY. I. H e w ho know.~ not and knnws not thnt he knows not., he is :l Ft·c,.luu:m . Shu n h im. ~- H e who knows not and knows t h:at be knows not, he is a So11ho morc. Ho n o r him. 5. Ho who knows :and know~ not that he knows, he Iii n Ju n ior. Pity hi m . 4. l-Ie who knows tlnd k nows t hat he k n o ws. he is a Seui01·. Ho\'crence h im. THE A~L-ROUNO MAN . In t ho t:dJ he plnytlil foot-hall, And played the season t h l'ough. I n winter he p layed:\ banjo, And sang in thtl Ult.'e Club too. I n the ~ pring he s wung u racr1uet., Anti has~·h:lll. too, p layed he. In o ne year he graduated, W ith tho Ucgrt•c of "G. B.'' - Ex. " A her Aftef After After Many If we :\1:\uy are ol"Cr, the c r:lm i~ dol!Cl, exam~ ti\Cl Freshman's exit , the Gri nd 's OOgun, :l heart is ach ing. conltl sec thro' shnms , conditions aro gi,·en :l.ftcr oxam8." WHAT I S LIFE. A dainty kiss. a little hug, To t hC pars<ln's t he n skedaddle: For food and ra ime nt t hen to tug. The n o 'e r the Styx to padd le. Foot IJall tea m we nt off to play : Came back later in the day, S ick a nd sore a nd out of joiutOh. h ow s hnrp is Ste\·ens Point ! LA UitESTtAS. WHAT OUR GRANDFATHER'S SAID. ' T is Education forms t he common mind, Ami with a twig we w h ip it in behi nd.' ' THE NORMAl. POI NT ER. •8 'l'ho lbg wnn!-1 1 in the bree1.c nil tim rt.'St. o f tho day zuhl the s unst!l betwccu the m o unt:aln gaps IJid it a w:arm "g<KMI· night." Ceor~re Washington's Picture Talk s to the Sixth Grade. NORTH &. WEST LASO lJ,H ;•: . If George \\'as hlugto n's picture t•uu ld lfeo and talk , I think It would toll n 11tory sumcthlng IH.:o th i:~: I c:1n see O\'OI')' thlug that i.'J done in th i.'l !ehool. I n ~ l tu lumg In frotzt o f tho roo m, but. whcu the dnck t·amo I mO\'etl tu tho bad: wall. from where I luok zlown to eee If the tleiiU zuu in JCOOCI un lor. Some of tho stnries I hnrc ht!an:l t he t eachc~ :ant i .cbolar.J tell zuc jwt beautifu l. I t.·(m),J li.u en a.lltllly to !IUch goud stories. Tho boya ha\'O tri m01ct.l tq> the rrmm with auwmn branc hes, and it looks to me like a little fun.!St. A TO ASHLAND, DULUTH , ST. PAUL dl MINNEAPOLIS . .. . VIA .. . preuy oak branch hnngs O\'C r my piciU rc. Every yea r I luu·e a IJirthday Jlarty ; 1 1k>ce~ tt N spok 80 11J.Cll "ro s ung. and tho room ill Jlrctrily olecorntcd with flags. a nd red, wbit.e a nd hluo. La~t year we had b&nanu. j)OJM..'Orn, applei:!and nn ~ to eM on my birth- WISCONSIN en, CENTRAL such :~ d af;..ould like to s tay in this room alwnys, it is plCMAnt &chool. DtWLA II Nt;LSU~. agt.>tlll y ears. _ _ _ _ _Oetobcr22, 1897. In tho back of our school room hnngs a picture o f Goorgo Wu hington. If the picture could talk I think It could toll us a great man y t hlng~:~ th zn uur clru!!IC~ have boon doinR these .!IC\'Cn Wet.JkM Many thi ng~. may be, thnt we would not bo \'C ry glad W bea r. Uut I s hould hOJKl lhnt there would be a great man y thing!f that. would please both us_and our teacher~. He would like to toll u ~:~ about our htuu\.'1 and nails and If we keep them clean, and no du ubt. would teJius that we beh!U'o ,-cry orde rly most o f t he time. I think that he would tell about tbu boys when Liley bad the pea 1hod't-ers and got the m taken away. Uu t I think we wouldn't like thi!f ,·cry we ll . Do yo n ! He &eems to have ,·cry sbnrp eyes, nml looks ve ry AObcr whun we are bad. He aaya that he enjoys tho holldn.ys. and thu way they are obeervod In ou r roo m, very IIHII!h. _ __ J _. _ ,_ . s _J-'OIISYTIIF., age II. Barbara Frlatchla. Duririg the civil war Gcne r.'ll l.ec u.nd hill a rm y marched through tho to wn o f Frede rick, in t he ~t:lte of Maryland . Jo tbe morn ing forty .llags were wui ng, "but tho IJ.In o f noon looked down and sa w no t bue." for the rebela bad 11bot them all llo wu. But. lUI Stonewall J n.ckaon WILil murching th ro ugh tlltl ar.reeta, be aw 11 fl ag waving out o f a garrnt window. for Barbara Frietchle, bowed with he r " four scoro yeart and ten," bad picked np a lmnner frmn tho JTOUnd and wu waving Jt_ "Halt ~ The dulll·brown rank-'1 !Uood fast. Fire ! Out blazed the rille'a hltut." They ton> the ftag f rom its !HalT, but 1\!f it wn.s fall ing Bart.ra put her head out o f the window ami gruJ)(!(I h., and waved It, to s how that o ne tu:.•tu·c. was loyal to jta oountry yet. \. ' Then 1be cried, " boot If you must, tb \11 old gray )lead, but spare your country 'l llug." And tho captain NJd, " Who touches a hair o f your gray bead dies Jlke a dog. Marc.b on." LINES. FAST T IUINS TO MILWAUKEE , CHICAGO ANO AL.L. P O I NTS SOUTH &. EAST JAS. C . PONO, G . P . A ., M IL.WA U KI!I!. • • •G O TO • • • pto~e ::: :.:.R~.~~N~ ..DRY GOODS, CLOTHING a SHO~S. Mrs. D. E. Bryson, The Leade~ D~y qooda 412 MAIN STREET MANICURE. STEVENS POINT , WISCONSIN. _ _ _ _ _'_":c.:.. • r 1'/n~ /lallo .. l H.... . IT vv I LL P" Y N o rrnal Student• to Se e Rasmus Hanson, lYIERCH.Af'lT T.AII.lOR. 417 CLARK STAlE lET, STI:VCNB POINT, W IS. Model Hand Laundry. ALL HAND WORK . 8 t 6' Division St. J. R . SAWTELL, PROP.