{ Pointer. ~ortnal J

~ortnal Pointer.•
Stevens Point, Wis.
l.tTf:RA itY .
October Leaves .
. .. . ... . .... . . . . . l'ngc 1
My Trip F--Mt.
··T here WR.!! a n Old Wo man Who
a Shoo ..
Gencrnl .. ·.
Personal and Impe rllo nal. . .
. .. ....... . .. Pago 5
l.!lwre ncc is Outplayed ..
M o ut: L ScHOOL.
The Legend Beautiful
" 8
" 8
Volume I l l.
STEVENS PO INT , Wi s., OCT OBER, 18<)7.
A JKK'm you say !
Then let us away
T o the tieltl;; ami the hill. to i. hc \"alleys and <!:ales
W he re the d ear c)],] Wisconsi n runs. steadily on
As to b.thcr re turns the lonJr w:1nclcring snn.
Come with me to the meadows, the woodl:\ri<l and S'!'Oales.
And a poe m I'll show yo u to-day .
October is here:
Su nset. month of the ye:1r:
T he fr uits hnxc bee n gathe rf!<l and lr:ln·csts well s tored :
All are gone !:l:t l'C t he lca,·cs. They are faithful :J. nd true
To the cru·cful l:lSk they were gh·e n to do.
G o ne uow is the fruit so we ll ke pt 'neath t.he gu:rr.J
Of the foliage now so sen:.
0 green of th e pine,
Oak lca ,·cs rc,] as new wine !
And the wondc rful lc:J.\'Cll of orang•• and gold
That sbie l<k'1.1 the fruit Lluough the r.1in and the s un
\Vc lonl you no w for the good you h:l\'c douc
And bccau.1c yon will clin!{ to the brnnc hcs old
Uutil scattc rc<l by ~ O \'c mbcn4 wind.
Ohnnsclfish ln.'Cii
A.~ you s way in tlu: hrt'C7.C
I n your warm hues of life in ils ahc rnoon glo w
Jo; vcry br:Lnch a homJIICt of lilic~ and roi!CS.
F'.ach lea f n truth that tells us :md s hows us
T he s unrise, the !lowers. the s torm a ud the r.1inhow
Yo u'\'C seen. o ld moss·CO\'Crctl trees.
Uh the colors n f fall
Arc dcarc!St o f all
ForciltJuonnre hs then wait !J.cforc Nature thei r Nurse
And in holiday ~:nrm c nti of yellow and white,
!'ink. green. auhurn. c rimson, and all dressed bright,
Eve ry tree is tl.l~< >e m, each h~tlf is n \'C r!Kl
With ljud'il lo \·e s hining thro ugh :lll.
Afte r considcr.lblc preparation and a num ber of <lis·
aproi ntmc n t.S. a fri e nd ami the write r le ft the ir homes
at :O.Iedford. Wis., June 28 on the W bcousi u Centr:ll
and at l'renticc;boanlcd a "Soo" pa.ssc nger for Buffalo.
N. Y.
Ou r route l:~.y thro ugh the no rthe r n jte ninsul:l of
Michigan. whi1·h we tho ught wuuld be interesting. but
contrnry tu eX JICCtations W:LS ijllite the o ppos ite. Orte n
for ho u rs no thin(!.' could he :M.>en from the cars but tam·
:lr.lc k s wamps: and in some cases th(• tire h:lli passc.od
th rouJ.!h h•a\·i n).!: en:!ry thing hl:·wk aJH I tln•:Lry . A lOll.((
the s hore of l.:lke Mic higa n the >~oil ill q uite s:uH ly :uHI
\·cgetation >!c:m ty. but after le:n ·i n).!: Eiienmlbn the
•·on ntry Ju nked m on.• invitiug.
\\'e t he n p:lSscd n
do :~.en or tnm·e small lum bering towns and reac hed
~:'Hilt Ste Marie ai ~< Hll nvon . The city is s ittl!ltt!( i o n
the ~t. :'> lary 's rinlr and W:l.>! formc rlJ !lthrh·ing town
of fifteen thonsan.l inlmhit.:utts: lmt like :\11 the other
northern !:Ike cities it has fe lt t ho h:1nl times 1!6\'Cn.Jiy
andnO\\... IIn:cil n nt ha\'c mm-e tha u half that number o f
J)Co]>le. T he items of most intcre!tt lw ro arc t ho canal
:uHi Fort Brady. whid t •weu pics a ··omm:ut tlin g posi·
tio n nellr the ri\·er.
By t his timo we we re won<iNin~: what kind of com·
p:lll)' we had in t he th·c or s ix coa ches that mndc up
o ur train ami so bega n in\·cstigating. We fo mHI all to
he s tranltcr;~ to us, lm t the stnokc rcontni ncd a Ycry in·
tcrcsting ~·o mp:1.n y indcc<i . I t St.>emcd that all the ex:·
tn•mcs o f hunmnity were 1'-'JlrescnUlli there. A Ycry
fat nmn weighing on•r three hundt-e<l pound!! OCCUJlied
:1::.::~~: 111ti~j:",:~~ ·~~~:~ ·~~::: :1\~~:,tl1~~::~~~~1~~~~t~1:c:~~::
in).!:ly nncd'tnfo n:liJl e. In t he next se:lt sat it. ,9ic k m:m
who sccmeti much int c rc>~tcd in the tlcshy. ro bus t
gcntlem:111 . a!S he was continu:1.1ly ' JIICStinni ng him.
T he n then' we r'C a slim si x·footcr. an l mlian. a hunch
bac k tlrtd t \\'(o or three who had c\·ideutly indul ged too
fn::cl)' in the t·up that c hL'1!r.t for till~)' finally <jll:trreh.'i l
au ti tho res ult was two h:~t ll y lJrlllSC<I f:wcs, 11 broke n
pauc of gla...~ in the car <lvor anti tht• arrest :1t ~ o rth
!Jay of 'o ne of t he me n.
Tho J Uls!«m~cr that a t ·
traeteti the mos t attention wai f-A! ward Zicrs. a F11J ne h
C:1.nadian of Mo utrc al who •·l:dm~ to ho .the S!I'OngCil t •
man in America .
\\'e round e< l (;corgian Ua y :uHI the n urrued south·
wan! on the Gt-an<l T nmk. p:l,.,~i ng intu a mud1 liner
country til:m any yet st.>en. The wild f~>rcs t~:mdtl:\ lly
gave way to li11e farm s and urdJarol.~ . Afte r rit iing
thirty· four ho u rs we rc:wh\~ 1 tho hc a uti fu l c ity of
Toronto. It was the day a ftct· Ju hilce Day nn.t C\'ery·
thing had a tleci dct lly Bri tish air. Urit ls h flags :~.nd
Lllf' (jlll'C U's picture we re e \·c rywhcre tu he seen . One
peculiar c ustom notlecd was that nearly 1•\·cry other
man wore sid c Lnrn"
T he ci ty h:I!O miles ant! mil•· ~ of
IJ:l.VC< i i:l!l'cCL'I. bot h m:watlam an<i :as phalt , aU<I also
many ]JOints o f inte rest and hc ant y among whi<'h tlw
parliame nt builolitrgs :utd grounds r.1uk first.
The writt· r was not a little s urpri... C< I afte r t•ating
di1fne r a t a rest:ur mnt whe n tiJc wait e r n.: fu sc•l a good
Amcrie an bill with L'rwle Sa m 's name nn it. preferri ng
:1. Ca nad ian one ins te:ld . 1-e:l.\'i ng hi ..; fri1·n•l a..; a lwlit·
:1ge he h:1.<i the extreme pl c n.~ure .,f tindinl! :1 bank and
gett ing thec h:w~:• · .
After ri tling round t.he dt,r umil uur •·yo·luuJdo•r"
n!gistcred twenty-one milt-s. w~: tol<ok tlw 1rain fur·
lluiTalo, N.
JmS.iinJ,: :1ruunol thl' Wl·•to·n• o•uol oof
~..ake Ontario.
lien• it bt.''t:a•uc nt"'"'"'"ar~: r.. r tllC
writer to chnn"e his JfetoJ:rnphio•:•l f'UIWt'J'l .. r tlw •·oountry, g:1ined nt st·hnul. frotu a !;'andy. lmrn•u l"t•J.:io•n '"a
veritable "(i$nlen of Etlen" with lin ... farm ". t~n·h:lnl~
ami nui'S(!ries. Soon ah•·r lt:a\"ill).( ll:uuiltun a littlt•
news agent p~l thruugh Lilt' train -t'llin~ot .l nloilt.•••
~lgeswithmplcturel'lfthcrtuL'CII .
llo•ulfe T't-'olu-unt•
nnd WD !I \'Cry muc h IIUrjlri~col wht•n Wt· juklng-ly :l"'k~:•l
hjm- proOObly re Ju cml.~eri n~ot the t'"';pcrh•rwe :II the ro•.;.
tauran tr-• ·\V hu she w:l!J !'' tllul " \\'111'.-e 1-:n~tl:uul W:l!t ~ "
He shook his hc~~<.l and with :1 tli"J;tll't•'ll ]tHok , l...rt ns
sayk:ag. " A mi tlidn't you ht.wcr "car nf Qnt-.•n \' it·t.,ri:\,
f j UCCII o r Englnllll!"
W e .110011 rt::ll'iiCtl tlu.- Sli"Jit"n•inn
bridge O\'Cr the Ninr:am r i\'H :uul wcro tlwn indt•••l tu
open ou r !1.'\tchela and ut hc r bdonJ.:in,~: ... f.,r ln~p·t·ti .. n.
As tbe gentlcmnn (n. emlto•n ollkt•r) makiu;:: tlw '"'-'•t•w·t
IH!e!lled to lun ·e the " l.nw and the l'm1"1'r" uu hi .~ :oi•lc
we cht>crfu l\y complil..'ll.
The next d/\y after \' Iewing a niiLUI Il·r uf till' -i;::ht~
o f DniTn.lo w e whe.!led lu the F:t.llll wllt're tin- ~:n::ut•r
pnrt o f th o «liLY was IIJKlnt admiring thi"' wun•l••r of na·
tore. Amo ng the thin,l(ot «~f intcn•,t arr l:o:lt I :~Ja wl
between the Amc~i ca n a.ml the Can:ulian f:lll~. the
cave, SU.SJKlOlliOn b r idge. museum nuo l the ll]d l'lihun
H ouse on the (;anrulinn .side. The latter.,."~ tlw heao lquarter& o f n number o f con fedcr.Hcil •lurin,~t the war.
TowRrds e1·ening we !llJlrtctl for L•wkpurt. fl' eliu~: tli:•t
we bad never :tpent 1\ more prulitnhle :LLIII en juy:\l.lc
day. But tho ro.'\tlll were ro ullh n.nol ~:nn.q~Jm'ntly W•'
did not reach th nt jJrctty lit.tlc city until latt.• in tlw
Our nex t. objccth·e point w:1>1 l h.tt·l~t•,i!o•r,
tho city of u u l'§(l ri C!I. 110 we lll'll:illc• l m·cr what is
known IU thO "n\dgo iloftd" thruu,l(h R !:mol of IK•:LIII i·
W t• :Lrrin.-•1 lwro•
ful l' lllages. fnrms and on:hanl'l.
about t~e\'en o'clock aflcr ritling sh:ty·ci;::lu mil,·~ -thr•
la.ngc11 t run made in o ne tlay until we Jo:OI 111 :O.Iio·hiK•n . A fellow w ht.oelma n ll'ho ;JL>emeol to Ill' wt•ll :tl'·
qnalnted with tho place s howecl n~ tim Fall." of tlw
Gennesee which do not h:l\'f' tho \'olumc tluu ='i:IJ:ar.t
ha.a but the wtuer fall s n greater •li11tnm·c. ncarl_v tw"
hundred feet.
The next dny, the &I o f July. wru~ so \·cry warm that
we did not leave the l'ity but witnt"S."K.'l l a ball Jt:LIIII'. :1
Y. 1'11. C. A. athletic f'OIIte!il and a bkycle r.wt• :IIHI in
t he evening WOk th o New York l't•r•tml tmin fur :o;ymcu.se. This mllrolld ill wit ho ut douht tho;
in tilt'
country. It 1uu four well balla<;tN I tr:u·k". JCh'''" tlw
best accommodation!l an ~ ! does :ur inunen<c lur~im··~
u It c harges but two cent!~ n mile.
O n the morning of Jul y lith wt• tnu k tlu• Eril' •·:tnal
tow path and fo r about twenty mile~ it wa,; lint• wh.·o·llng but soon became I'OUji:h. AOOut f'\'t•r_\' th·e minute..
we wo uld overtake or meet n. pai r uf t·:Lnal hvnt~ tlr:&wn
by mules or ho r&es. Tht_'§e ••anal homt "~ aih•~ " :u-e
p;reatjokers for they often troublt.-.1 them~],. ,.,. t••tt·ll
us. "Bey, there. you r whetJI ill turn ing. ••tc. " We
'J'fiii.Cbed Rome about noon anol :1hcr •linu~:r ~turh .. l fur
Herkimer. D u ring the hent o f the olny we !l:tt 111ult."r :1
tree and listened to a f"rnlf'r lt'IJ the !ltur_\' o f h"w I ;en·
eral H e rkimer WI&.! sent hy f: t·ner:&l ~-hnyiN in "'" '"
eipel the Britlll b from W!'!ltf'MI :\e"' Yurk and lmw It••
IU~Ied, though it COIL him hii!lifc
"!'hi~ kiwi ulo l
t .,
f:u·n 11 •r. :th•·r· tn·atin~,t u~ tn :1 ~·•H•l l"cf~ll hiug: tlrink, tli ro·•·tt~l u• tu !111• 1•:1111•· tiel•! and t•J till' ;~ pot whcfO !lor·
J,imt•r .. m,.kl~l t.i .. piJM' ami oro len·• l hi11 troop:~ nftcr
r•·•·•·il· in~ot hi~ •lt·ath 11uuml.
Thi~ .!!pot i,; markc1l hy
()l!r t·nul'l'e nuw by thruu;::h thc ·bc:llltifnl Muh:lwk
\':1l11•y, thruu,ll'h l.il!l•• F:.Jls, Furul ,\ ms tcrol:uu 111111
~-lwut•~:t:l!ly, alllluuri·hinJ,: m:umfa••turin;::t·itit·s . In
till' la'lt nam•••l dt\' art• I•H·ntctl th e J;trt!:ll J.~IIMJn fne·
t"rie,; :m•l nbu th·... t-rn•at loocomnth'O \\'Orks.
II !!~
11e fnuuol C'l;t'l'll£'11 1 ro:10l •. ,~: c zwraJly ~ h :L<ICt l by trct'!l,
and t:l'cry liule way s rwi n!!~ of t-rnnd. eM] water
whit-h i;;; nlw:~;y;~ ,.,.,.,. a•·•·cptablc to the hit•yt:lisL.
At Alh:ury. the t"it_\' n f the hill<~. we \'isited ' many
plac('S uf lnt•·n:·st. indudiug the tl\'f•n ty-tl\'c milli o n
,],.liar Capit;•J lmiJ.Iin,~: tlmt h:L-'IIK•t•n mnlcr JII"<X'Ci>S
uf o·onstrlll·tiun for tift,\' year:~ ami ~till is nut t.'Omplt•tt-.1. (_'r." ... i":! tlw Jl u,]:;,ln we ll' ht-dl'l i dow n the
ru:1d tl1a1 llnl)t",\'m ·'l! tnmp• man·hl"t l n ftcrhill!lllrr'C n,]~·•·.hnt Wt· foonnd it,,., hilly for wh.·eling. so took the
n h::l1t l.llont at lluol ~un l'ity fnr NtJ\1' Y(trk :uul lmd the
piL'ainn· .. r :-:...·inJ: tht· l':u·kill<~ hy •oU(mlighl . , W e
awoke in tho• morning jn ... t iu time to set." r:ene ral
(;r.lnt'.r tumlo nt•ar the l'i ty liu rit!l.
A h er \' i!ilting n
1mnd~;·r· or thtJ t· it y's sij:lll s we cros.setl tlw Urookl.)'n
lori•lw• :m•l in the aftt•rnno n tuuk a hoat rid t• to H•ll"knway !)l':Leh :uu l had :1 3\!a U:uh whh.:h we cnjoyt'l.l
l' t•ry IIHII'h. The ri•le g:u'tJ us just " t:1111e o r the
•tt·ez1n . Tho n!lllnl trip w:u II HJrtJ unjoy11hlt: ~ till. for
tlw lmat cnh:n·•l :-; ... ,,. Y•ll'k !lay ju:~t Ill tlu"k :uul 00·
furo• it l:uul!'r l til!' h:1y W:I!C Iii UJI hy the thnu.!lantl!l
.. r li,~:hb of (_t_rt•:•ll•r ~ew Ynrk :uul J ei'S('y l'ity. by
tilt" li:!ltt lluU~t· ~. c:IO'h ll'ith •lilfercnt cnlon~. by hun ·
•ln·d~ "' \"t-..,~t·t~ 11 1111 rcrry lmnt.:-1 III OI'i lll( in nit dil·ec·
tiHII• :mol _l•y tim :-;tattle ul Liberty till U~llue~ l ~huul.
Tl1e li~ht~ ""tho twcnty-f'ight s tory Olttlll• :111d World
l,uil•liu,~:~ \\' l •rc al;;o prurninenl.
They were uh.'Ctric
lit-rht~. 11111' :Lrrangt•ol in th e form nf :r. glnbt• nrul th e
\ Ve Jl:L.~d two
otill"r ,;pt·llinjl tim wun l " World."
furH :111ol al•o :t ~nnkc11 nos~/ of which only the lO p or
tlw ilmukt·l!t:ll'k t•o n ld he ~ ~~- 1111d l:uu lt.'tl :r.t the b::at·
tt·ry abo1111 nim• u't·lut·k nn•l lonk n ft:!rry to J c rHuy
l 'ity. T ho• ri,lt· :1no~~ Nt•w Jer.wy WltS• Iulig ht ful be·
••:11 r:W uf the lin~ r·u;uls foun d there. Pretty il!enC!Iand
T ho lart•·r. tlw l1um • of t' X· I~re!<ldcnt Clol·clnnd, W3'1
th" tm·ui~·•t •·it,\· ,.(•t·n A line nm ...atlam r():ul conncet.!f
it with T!'t'tttun ll•·n• 1\'t• cro«cjt,-.1 the Dtll~ wuro bnt
·11·1 uutt•ncuuuter till' •liflit-uhie.s thaLitilli:Lilitl Wns h ·
in,~:tuu. ditl wht•n_ he •·:.ptn.re• l the He ians. Somel>01ly
1111~ <•l'l•il·mly luult a hl'idJ,Ce .!lifwe th e n.
In l'luln•h•l phia the Lihcrty Hall. l-:x 1}()silion hulld·
in~ of 11-L;U :nul uthcr m:tgnitit·e n t l..ouiltlinga were vi:~it.­
•~1 . Wihni"J:.tnu. l.>t•law:Lre. wu o ur next objecti \•e
lien- 11 ,...em('t lth:tt all o f a lltulflen wo hat! e n·
t•·•·••• l thl' s.,nt hlau tl. Ncii-rl y "'·cry 111he r pCr11on m e t
''"ll!l :1 ncjlrtl. 'l'ht• fl\rlll :il werc gencmlly s m all with o.
,o•nnlll'r hntiSI' surr•lllllllt'il by nu orebn.rtl o f peach
lrf'1>". lmt now am i th en a nmn.siutl. the home o( sorn e
W~"J.lchy farmer wru Jl:l ~~t·d.
:O.IJ\0 _\' uf the hnu:Ws
~~~"' 1't••l Jl~I.':U :1;ce. bot h hy their arehitecturu ami doott.y,
.,.li nt• hai'II IK lire pl:u·«·~ :11ul a chi mney 111 clWh end ,
One oi:•Y while riolinJa: alnng a line J)Uth we mn Into
~"1111' )lnddy lwcll(tJ f'iltJJ)iiiJ{J tha t h:ul llt:Cn ca reiCilsly
NOR~ l AI.
thrown into the rn:tll. Uur tin·s wen• pllnt·tu:-t•d in a
dozen pla...oes o r more. This lleby"ll us tw" t~l" tlu···u
hou rs- but happe uing to remember that \"arit:ty is tlus ph:e of life we said uuthing.
Un the l'!th of Jul)". having readw.! llw he:td of
C he,;;:tpcakc lhy. :1 r:1in storm on:rtcmk n,; anti Wt'
.suu n clecillt:d l•l take thu train for Ual!.lmorc. :'l i d . T lw
nc.'l:t morni ng we whech:tl to \V M hin ~ton. whkh wa~
the most interesting: c-ity we l"i"itetl. One lllll ... tS<:"eit fot·
himself in order to :lJlpt"Cciatu it . Do7.1'11" of pa~-:•·~
wnuld i>tl t·equit-e<.l to dc;;t·ribu its parks, hnulc1·artl~.
public buildings and mn .~eu m ;~: and iOIIU'. hH'lU<Jin~
the IWW lihr:uy building. wuulol ahnost defy .Jc~erip·
ti un .
Con~ress was still in session so we ,·isit.ctl!he Scn:tll'
ami listened to SJX.'"Cehes h,\' Scn:tttJr.l Ch:uJtl lcr. T ill·
man :Uid .-\ lien. and the n tim C'apiltll. Whitt> !lou,;,•,
~~:~~~~~~~~~? :t b;;:;::.::~7,f :::::~ ~\; ;~~1 1J~;;~1t.un :~,. u::~:~~~~::l,Cl:~~ :~~~:
base of the monume nt :w<l looknd :11 tlw :qw x tin•
hnmlrt!d feet aiJO\·e us ant! then :l<'t'u.~s the J',.t•IIU:tl' Itt
tlw Yil"J.;inia shore toward~ her man.\' ha111•• tiuld~.
History. that dr_\', lifeless ;;.ul.oje•·t that we w,•n• n.:·
<"]ui red to learn hy )!('art in the h:wk Wtlocb .. r \Vi.owun·
si n. 1·ame 111 o ur mind,; in aJ.I iL~ reality.
c:o ntinuing our jonrne,\· westwar•l :all JI'C nt well until
within :1 few mile!! of Columbiana. 0 .. when' :1 rain
storm eanght n >~ so. we tonk the train for ClC\·cb nd .
There we took :\ run tlown E1wli•l :n·crHIC to the park
and in the e\'Cning tot> k tlul boat fnr Det roit. a clean.
ttniet city that ~reatly resembles P hiladel phia . There
we CX JM."CWcl to lind fri cmls. but failing in th is rf'~an l.
startt.-tl for Gr:uul ll :n·cu ria Lansing- a l't'r.\" tl rtlinar.\·
place- and GranLI ltapids. the furuiturc l'ity. T hi!!
part of thr st ate is al.~o \"cry sandy hut 1n•ll a<l:\pl1'< 1
for the r:li;~ing of pe:~.chcs anti other fruit~ . Some d ii·
trictsare \'cry thinly !'Ntled.
At Grand l·law• n we took :1 Goud ric h stcamc t· fnr
Milwaukee where :1. half tl:J.y w:a':!l spent. lnnkint:: 01"e 1·
sigh ts ;~CCII hcfure, then turning northw:~.rd wt: risitt•d
rt!l:ttires and fri e nds at Sh chny~a n Falls. l'lymnnth.
Stercus !~oint and :\l:ir.~hficl•l. arrh·il l~homi',Jul ,r :!.'lth
The trip Cfl\'Crcd a distan\.oc o f thirty-two hunolrc•l
miles. of whi(·h thirteen hnndred WCI"C made nn ou r
t\HT II Utt L .\TTO~.
I N A S H OE."
In t.hc llonrishing c ity of --T u!llble• lnw n·· tlll'r(' Iii···~
nn old wo m:1n . She h:u~ so m:.ny t·hil•lrcn s he •loc~n·t
k now wh:~.t to d o . A q s he l':wnot ~l't a l11111 .~e l:ir~c
enough to holt ! all of them. !'he lii'C!i in an nl•l .~ h ue
h\' the road.-itlc. This s hnc W:l.S made hy a (·ohhler for
u~ old m:J.u who was 11011.."< 1 all m·cr the coun t ry fo r the
size of his feet. The ])()Or shoc mnke r work1•rl :11l his
life o n thi:'! one shoe. fo r he died hefnre the other on9
was fini J<het l
Well. as I sai1l be fore. an old woman lh·es hcr·e . ~he
has ;;e 1·entcen child re n. Poor woman. he r life i .~ nne
terrible round of answeri ng •1uestions an•l watthin~;
tht!SC c hildre n do their work. W hen she was ynun)!.
she was cruiw a ~ood size. but con stant worry ha,; rl'·
du"-''-'d her w a mere skeleton.
He r o ldes t ;~on had been he r ~·hicf WDrry un til une
day he left tlu: good old shoe by the ruadsi<le and Wf'nt
otf tu I tal_\' . ]] ,. n:tnnwd. llol\"tJH'l". :1 \"t•ry mnd1 im·
prtt l'e•l yunnJ.: 111:111. hnr nnw h•• ha,; left ho me :1g:dn .
and i! ;,. ruuJ.,rl·d that lw lm,; ~:nne to Yuukc rs.
]], •1' nt•Xt S•m i,; •JIIite a lit!lt• f1•llow. li e l\lll off the
W]l ,.f tim ,;lulc one day who•n ynuuj.:. and this st.'CJned
to ~ 111nt hi:> g:r.. wth . I ll· is •urly ;!_lii"C n and :1 h:11f f<wt
hij.:h .
Fttllnwin!{ thi;~ litt.lt• hny i~ :1 p:lit· nf twin!<. They
h:11·e •·:•u~··.! their pof•r nu•th t• J· mo t-.: than o ne st rc:tk o f
J.:l"a_l' hair. T ht' hoy is a thiu. palt•. UnJ.:ainly dtild, al ·
most four f••t•t hit..( I! and not noh•d fm· his s wiftn cs~.
lie ,lnes nf•t know the Englis h language. :wd ;~ peak s
onlr in German . The little 1--(il"l will sit. fo r hou rs ztt :1
tin;,. o n the buckle of til(' sh<w. playing she is s:tili ng
around the T ht~uiianol bl:uHls or o1·er t ho Ningurn
Fa 11s.
T hP next Jiult• hoy is the terror of his mo1her's hcnrt.
II•• i .~ always ~··!lin g n!T jokes and playin~ pr:tnk ;~ o n
Jll'O]>!t•, a11tl will li St' more ~l ang in one <lay than hi s
loruthcrs .!)\"Ql" nseol in tlwir lift•. His duty is to kee p
tlw W<lfkl ho~ fu ll. and h(' is alwa_\'il to i.IC seen ""piling
nn s l:ths." !It· a]~,. fm·ni~hes an cxt:••11c nt mol':tl exam·
p]t) for tim youngcr Ult'mbers o f the fnmil.v. l.lct• tlliSC he
:llways ""Stif·kst<J the text."
T lw ~to r1· nf !he ne...:t twn driltlren is :1 ve ry satl one.
The little. hoy was :t n•ry lmndsmm.J fellow, wit h dark
.,,·cs :u1tl a h:uJti!Wmc molt.~ t:U"he . His littlo s is ter h nd
,:cry hl:u·k c•nrly hair. and he r gr:un umr was beyond
re pn•ach. H .... r lan~uag:e was very e legan t. nnd in a ll
her· history !!ho w:ts ne ver known to say "lmd we nt·• or
··we ,June it.. ·· One day they we nt o ut by t he s hoo to
play. and the! were nC\'Cr st~e n a~ai n . It W!l..'l s up·
posc<lthat ,. hey w:uull·•-c•l aw:J.y an•l were carried ofT
lty the 1-:fJISics. or we n eate n up by he:trs.
This poo r woman. with all hct· tr·ial s and tribuht·
tions. has, at lca~t. three S<llir<"I'S of com fort. fo r 11ho
ha.st hrce ch il< lrcu who c an keep ~till. One is a f]ll ict
li!tlt• ~irl who will ~; it hy the lwur aut! d i':IW pictnrt.~
of he r little hruthers nu•l si~ter;~
,\notlwr is a litt.lu hoy who i;~ \"erJ font! of rcaflin)(.
Yon t•an ).(l'nerall,r sec that these t.wo quiet ones- the
liuh:o hoy. pc rdJCil nnder the heul 1lf the s hoe readiug
--:'llyeri-1" 1-:n~li sh ll istory:·· or his s i ;~tc r ~i lling ne:J.r. •
drawinj.( a ""n·ry a1·tistic" s ketch o f the beuutiful r uins
or their old horne.
The re aro two tiny ch ildren play in~ mn<l pies in t he
s haflow r.f the s hnc. One of the m is making a cake
tb.,·ore•l wit h ··~rammar esseucc.·· ,t ml tlw other i ;~
makin~ ··or:tl n::1di11!{ cookies.··
T hen' a 1-c al~n two newly a•lnpretlt·hil•lrcn who ha,·e
IJCt' n hc rl' (>nl~· allfout a wet•k . T he smallc.~ t o ne cume
alo uj.(OIIe hitlcr·hnt •lay. au d . hadul{ no place to lay
hi ;o lW:1•I. the motlu.H' took pity on him ant i took him in.
The other lin I•· l:ul so re.~'·mhlcd thiil losL hhtek-hea•led
littl•· 11:\low that ht!. tun. was n• lmittcd . He has ,·cry
kel'n p-nwcr~••f ··ohscrl'!ltion.··
The youn~ est little ~irl is playin~e solflicr with t hem,
and you t·an he:tr he r stern commtuul of ""Head np:
chest fo r w:l r<l."" and the sweet Yoice of another liule
girl.11inginl-(. •• Hence. uow away to the battle field . "'
l'cn•hcd on a .~tont> not fa r away. sits the other •tuiet
ch ild nf the f:lmily . Thi!ol littl•• ~irl i':!l \"cry stwlious,
a11<l whil••l1e r brothers an• lea rninl{ thei r A U C""s, s he
i~ re:1diug- ··('iccro·· awl ··Hor:t~·e. ··
cO~u~ uto o ~
hGt r ou o
OCTOBER. •897·
~~tnb LJdaron:zthc~chooll u r u ru:n on uo tbo h~ t he
atadCDIA or the Sta t e !'/orm ~l Sch nol. S t c•·~n ol'olnt , W I•
K11tered att~e l'ot tuffite :ot ::ltu'l~ n ~ l'oout, Wt~ • • • o~conol -'•• •
lllall tr.
T crw; of SubscriJlt io n- 00 ~cnt." per yo·ar iu :~t ~
SlltTM •. .
ti . ftollll ne • . • .
L I'D t.o W tUI~I: . • • • .
Jon M L x • • ..
.. .. .
N I U.II K. NEUO!I . . ..
u .o . lol .. n ..... . .. . . .
::~~ fi~~~~:o ... ~
E doto r -hH•.:htef
U•~•~•r t:tlhor
f.:.:doau ~: c ~:dl h>r
A•IIO LOL. Uie•"'- .•.
• • , , ... ... ,
. Loxal t:d hu r
•. . .. Aitol~tlc to:dl!or
.. ;\l <><lel S~ to oo l Krluor
. .... .. ... .. lluo lo••••
.. Au tau u8u tiDTo•
___ _
, ,
~b u agt• r
-""a •~:~ • •
E lf"' t!fO'lluti M
II 0 .
M .o:•~
... f.:m r ulh """"'·''
Moe ••
pap•''"' :md nl:t)l::l zinl•i! I n tht>se times w he n me n mus t
·ll~tin ,,.,.,.,.,. n••rnl to t·a tc h pu blic allc utio n and gain
!lw p:llrom :;.u:eu f tlw people. the art o f :Hh'ertising has
:l~•nlllt'oill t:'ll' :wd l1itheno u ntl renmco l of ]lnssibllitics.
Tltc life of m:my Jl:I ]Jt'fli :ttul mng:tzincs dll J>e nds. no t
., 11 thci r ..;ulJscri ptinn list. lmt ""the ir nd1·c r tis ing list.
T he ~us t ur :td\·e r ti:ti ng is ij: l'Cill-. flllll fi r ms will nut
cuntiuue pl:lt'ill).: thcir :ulrc r ti.semcnt.'l w here no re turn
is mad~· by :m inc re:ISl.'il patro nage.
! 11 gcttinJ.,: nd\·cni:;en; hH' 'l'hll l'oi ute r, g t·eat care
wa il taken I!J !lu: businei.1 IIUUI:IgCI'!I to I.H..'t'e)lt o nly
those who ~ rc li:• hilit,1· was assured, and whO.iC in tegri ty
miJ.,:ht !Jc n•licd UJ IOll . We cau tl!:!Su rc pur readers
with ntmu,.t ennli•lclu-t· tlmt cad1 tu ul e1•cry u nc o r
uur :uln• rli~o· r.~ is wo rthy of the ir ]Jatronagc, a nti that
they will cn<k:II"Or to scn ·e the m to the best o f t heir
ability .
Wh:11 :lrt' wr J.,:toin,~t tu :HT~IIUJtlish in oratorical li nes
~~:: ~ ~~:~"z:f•t ~;~',~'s t·;·;;a~"-' 1,;·;r It';:;~ ;~;~ :~cellcn t
contes t.
The ynunJ.: men :1 re 't•nthus bstie n1·cr foot U:tll. the
II"Unhl\1 on:r has kcr hall. why uot let each s tutlent t·a r ry t h i~ e n th u ~ i:un intn litcmry work 111111 llo
<mt: of the (·o ntcs t:a ut~ thi s year ! Be gi n early. Cboose
yo ur su hjet-1. :tml ,~tct ,\·our mate rial clas.silied .
Yvn think that yon ltanm't time. Do n't yo u kn ow
th:tt tiltct•n minutes a tby SJIC!IIt in well·d ii'CCted. sys lt'lll:\tic n ·:uliuJ!" will ''" wuu• lenJ ~ You have n 't n ny
1:\),•ut ! J)j•mn~thCIICS IJ\'C rCHIIIC lUI illi]1Cli1 UH! IIt Of
"JII.'<.."t· h l.y l•uldln).: a ]tt:l• blc in his mout h whe n tnlk ing .
,\re yun r hiutll'!lnt-c~ a; ,~rreat ns his !
)'O IIt tg-
T he old c ry of ' 'Gi\'e mo a ~ uhjcct for :t p:u·ag-r:tph. "
Ia atil l hcnnl ecbt)ing through t.heiJnilding. This ln•ar.o~
c1·iJent.-e to th ll fact that th o good work is still
goi ng o n .
W ith bcnting heart and tre mbli ng
lin,~r, · r~
we htmh·lt
&.be T hird Vol ume of T ut: Nmnl.\1. l'on:n: Jt
Ho ping much, tr n!:lti ng more. wo wai t p:ltic ntly for
the outt.-omc. \Vc hope th tt t our p:tpt•r m:a.1· maintain
t he high st nodanl ~~et for it In its pre1·ion!l i ..suc:> : that
ou r c iTorta m ay lll'ail to guitlt: our little t•pt ft ,;afcly
amid tho cnlms a nd s torms uf the Ctlitori:tltil't! p : :tnd
that these ~,, tTort.8 may meet with suceC!lil
W E N t:t:o \'OU i t 11 ¥.1. 1' .
h:w ll IICt•n with
w~~~· ~~~~~i::~•.c rc~
U8 i n pa.stycnnJ, know thCl briary path trtHI• Ic u h)' t he
edito rial s taff. and will s ure ly np pred:tll' our c !T.. rt;~
a nd a id us i u o uru ndcrt:t king. T lw bu.sim::>'! mana,~t' 'N
a nd OO.itors ca n not wnke this p:tJX! r a !lllt't'e"" with .. u t
the co-opemtion of every teacher anti s tutlc nt in tlw
f5.cep in tourh wit h the !!ehuol hy re:t<ling yn ur own
" Poin ter ." AiJ us with yo u r :'l u l ~ri ptiun ; a!i!ii~t n,.
by putting in o ur wa.y the ite m ~ of int e re,.t tu all.
" Blessed are t hose who hel p tu nmkl' tl1in.u: ~ J.(".' "
Out'" petition for )tOIIE IIUO) I lm~ hcen l.ltu part ia lly
grantet.l. It is with hont."!!t pri•le, th:ll .\1r. l'uh·cr \"i o ·w·~
his eolll.rgetl. well-llghtt•d nnd IJt•tlc r \'elllilrttcd \\'urk·
rooms. Hut l'ltill wo cry for, )tOitE . :-.l ~·arl)· el·ef)' ,J, · ~k
i n the l\5!1Cilll.lly room h a~ a "boa!'tlc r." :tnd H votu~ :!I
and 211 n rc lillctl with prepamtury snult•nts. The
teachers to whom no regul:lr d:tllll roum11 l1a\·c l ~t••n
a88ig nec.l, wande r up 11nd oluwn the cnrridors. ,Jrh·cn
from pilla r to post i n their l'ain t•mle:t\'ll rll tu titnl :1
spo t where thc.lr intcn·iuwtt with s tudcn t>f w:ty he •·nr·
ried ou without,interntptio u.
It hns been !laid by a nmn prmniiHl lll in tht• tcat'\tcr' !i
profCS!IIOn, that t he ch:t r:wtol r uf :1 jH·oplc !Ill\)' ho:
learned by reading the ad n:rti.se mc1~ l.s in their vo pulnr
~::~·::e·~~~~ ~~~:;~;~~· i,c~::~ c~~i~
.. :: ;;;::.:.
r .. ur c iTort~ will no t ha1·e been m:ulc in vni n. Yo u
-·an u,e yo ur manu.-<eri pt lor a rhetn ricnl exercise. o r
ha tul it in a~ :t ·· par:t~l":LJJ h . " The t rnini ng willllo o r
\":tliw. :-; .,t lt in,~t IS ll \'er h1:>t.
Out nf Tltrcc hundn..'1 1 StUtle u L~ let 11 .'1 h ll\'C a e lliS!! o f
twcuty·til"<' .\"" 11 11~ llll!ll and wu mc n. Will yu u be o tiC 1
C O~ H ~ U<(I
fltiOD , Ala ,
Tl~t• ,~·ounJ(o•.•t sou, a thiu. s ickly looki ng Ind. iL i1:1 to
111' fear.-< I II' ill ue1·t'r be n•r)' str• mg nr ha\'e muc h moro
a ,·.. inluJ"'i~
li P nc \·cr lul.i had m uc h eXCI'Ci!IC nn tl
w ! t il•·lti~ loruth•·r~ ll"<'f1l pbyiug foot·ball, he Wtlll gc u•• m lly <~tT ''·'' hiuN•lf. puki ng O\'cr a !l ower o r kill i ng
lou;.:~ :uu l ho·etl•·"
lit~';::··~~-,i,: 1.t;1n~y~•.~··~~ 1 _'1 'r 11~::'1 ~ '::":~~e~·~:,!:~n:~!kca~1:~:
llllt nut lea.o~t 11.-r o.:hicf d elight is to get these othe rs
up hdtor•• lwr. :uul with the handle uf a feather d uster,
heat tiuu· tn their mthcr II U!IIIllodio ug m C:l.!l ut'C8.
.Jt t~t nn w th•· tirc,lmother h:lll come out o n t he shoo
'" ··~lltlw ..... o·hi ltlren in We wo nde r how they can a ll
..:•·t 111. but half an lmur lau:r a nd "all is silunt. a ll ill
·till" in that !iJII.'I'iit l tJU:trt c r of t he c ity o f Tum ble·
•1011 \1 ,
l..:n•·r. thro' the laci ngs uf thc alwe. •ve hear s weet
\"uil-1'.~ like an a ngel dtoir- si ngi ug i n t wo· fou r ti me:
.·:t.~u~f:~·ii.r~·;~ ~:,&,~~Jng.
'I1\\;~~:~t:!.:.~~:~~lt~:~~r~~~ :;.~~ff:r'\?o::~~~·:n·;~;;
,\ n• l Tl':td t )'u ur fun tl h ear~ to forK i ve and forget. "
l .. v.os.o~. W u:TJSO.
[::: :~:::~?.§~~:. :::::::::!
The Normal hM begnn. ami is now rnnnin~; at fnll
blMt with a total enrollment o f 3 18. which l.s a gain of
25 per cent. o\·cr las t year·~ numbe r {lll:l)' this be d ue
to $ 1.00 wheat!). We have no SJmCe to s pare. ami
there is a s pecial need for more recitntion room. The
adv:lnccd Latin cl:lss is for<:ctl to hold it9 ret·itat.ions on
o ne of the st:t.ir-c:~.se 1!\ntlings. Howe \·cr. ntfain~ are
ninning ns smoothly n.s can 00 (';t;pt."<'lt.'{l; the new s tudent9 nrc well plea$1-. J. and the olrl ones certainly do
no t regret that they :~rc b:1ck ngain.
Tho fnculty this year I'Onsists of twe nty wcll-flncrl
~eachers. se\·er:al u f whom are ne w to the .sd1ool. Prof.
J . W. Livin~ston nf the ~partn high sC11oul. where ho
has taught for eight years. has bccu cnp:ngL'tl to till
P rof. Syh·cster's position as institute cnndur.tor. He
also has charge of thn professional rcdcws and school
economy classes. Mr. Lh·ings ton hns :t.lways been
prominent throughout the s tate in educational lines.
We are pleased to have hi~)! with ns.
Mr. GL'Orgo L . Teeple. who was thi~ spring grnntcJ
the degree of BaL·hclor of Arts at Han·ard Unh·cl'jjity,
cumcs well preJJRrctl to teach lite rature and rhetoric.
Mr. Teeple is alw a graduate from the Mechanical En·
gineering course at Cornell. As a teacher. he hM had
six yean~ of e:oc:perie ncc in the New Ham ps hi re College
of Agriculture and Med1anic Arts.
Mrs. Mnry V. Mus tard. s tude nt from Chit·ngo Uni\'ersity. teaches prep:t.r:ttory branches. M n~. Mus tard
grmlnated from the Tcrr:1 Haute. lnd., ·Normal, and in
18Dl rece h·ed tho degree of A. U. at the In,diana State
Uni\·orsit.y. She has bad e:oc:pcrie nce in Normal work.
ha\·ing taught fur some time in tho Normal at May\"ille, N . D.
Miss J e nnie M. Whitman. who taught here tho last
yen.r. has charge olf Englis h grammn.r and composition.
Miss Whitman earned the degree of A. B. at V:usur
college :uul h:lS done s pucial work at Chiuago Uuiver ~ity. Before coming to us ~he t:u1ght for eight yeaN
i n the Spart:~ high S<·hw l under P rof. J.h•ing:tton.
Miss Elizabeth Simpson. as chief libr:u·ir1n, is the
successor of :\!iss Irene Warren who fills a similar po·
sitio n at the Cook County Normal. Chicago. Miss
Simpson is a gr:u.luate of the Armour Library School.
and bas been for se\·eral years a..ssist.ant in the public
library 111 Grand llapids. Mich.
Miti Louise Montgome ry who resigned will attend
the Chicago Unh·crsity. The old s tudent9 were sorry
to learn this fllct when they returnc.J. but it Is hoped
that some time s he will be with us again.
W he re :\lr. Spaulding is at Jlrcscnt located. we hn\·e
been unable to lea rn.
The work of e nlarging the suience dcpart111Cnt which
hM alway.!! been crowded is about complcte..l. T he geology and and :l(l\'anecd physic;~ classes now ha1·e a
good recitation :wd lecture room in which the s te n :opticon can be used to ad \'antagc. Besides this la rge.
well-lighted room l, rof. {.;uh·cr lm; two otht>r room~
for s pecial wnrk in the ~Hh·an<'ed scie nces. This improveme nt necessitated tho rr1ising of the roo_f. allll
tho tOII' CI'!I :1.1 t ho m:tin entrance. but tho appearance o f
the building has no~ s nfTen!il the refrom.
Sen:r.tl othe r marked imprO\"emcuts can 00 noticed
abou t tho Normal. A shelf h:u Ucen putupiu tho !mil. to
relic\·e the 1\at-lumdcd pos ts- good idea. Tho lockers
ha\·\: Ucen made non-get-in-able wiihout a key. nml are
now worth twico their pl'icc- another good idea. lmpro\·cmenLS in tho \'Cntilating system are Ucing mado.
The paiutcrs nre treati ng the tower (the one withou t
the 8 o·d oek 0011) to a fresh coat of paint.
Some of tho cl3sses arc unusually large this year.
The rheto ric clasl! consists of two largo sections; one of
the dmw111g classes has o\·er eighty membe rs; Miss
Linton's lirst (JUarter tuU!iic ··lass s ums up to one hun( h "t.>il nnd lifty .
The number of 3 o·clouk clMscs is tunnll this year to
accommod:ue a gymnM inm class which titcets at that
time. The 8 o·docks, howc\·er. s till keep up their
st~~~~~r;~~ i\\ethodist
a nd Pres byte rian churches gave
receptions in their church Jmrlors to Normnl students
Sept. 3rd. An e njoyable time was hnd at ench. At
the latter Mr. Collins spoko of his trip to Colorado.
Mrs. £11iott also ga\'e 11.11 interes ting talk, s peaking of
Yellow Stone Park and it-i wonde rs; she showed nu·
merous Ucautiful photogmphs taken in those regions.
By the way. sociability seems to be growing among
the s tudent9; we hear that some of the Norm11lites e \·cn
1ttent so far ns to atte nd both of the rcception9.
Tho reception tende red Saturday, Sept. 11th. by the
o ld s tude nts to~ the new ones wns well attended. and a
9uecess in o..·~r)' respect. Tho hand shaking i.ook plncO
in the gym nasium which wns bcautilied by the usual
When en:ryono felt that he wa11 no
more a stranger in 11 strange land. Prof. McCaskill B8
master of thnt part of the e ntertainment, nnnou ncL'<i a
Rpeech by Pres. Pray who gave all a hearty welcome.
Professors Collins. Livingston a nd Swift were then in·
troduced. Tbs_.sa.ri!Hrs_ gLJ.h_csc ge ntlemen were so
full of wit nnd humor thllt the reporter, on nccount of
incontrollable laughter . wns unable to reeon1 thoro;
and ;;o It happens. we are sorry to say, tl1at they do
not appear in tho columns of the Po inte r. A grand
march followed, after which all fell to tho sherbet and
cake served in the musi<' room. Then with heart and
stom:1ch filled, all dispersed to their respective abodes.
A s a climax, let us say thnt much Cn!ilit is due to the
different committees. although the one for collecting
did not get quite all thr~t it wanted.
T he usual organization and reorganization of socie ties has taken plzice. The Forum hM begun with an
increased meml-.en~hip. There is no lack of enthus iasm. nml good work is being done. The following ofticcrs we re elected : Aug. Grimm. president ; G. W .
Gates. vice president: l{oy Ueaeh, secretary; Wm. Har·
rison. trcnsurer; A. G. Holt. sergeant; Aug. Grimm. A.
J. l..ntto n and P. Koller cons titute the C;t;ccuth ·e com·
The Arena has nl110 been N·orgnnized, and it is hoped
will do ove n better work than last year. The following office r~~ ha\'e been elected: J ennie !Joregon. pn.:sidc nt; Nellie Nelson. \'ice preside nt; Howard C11tc, secretary: K. Pray, treasurer ; J e nnie Boreson. G. MclJill
and Mahle Hoge rs form the e;t;ecuth·c committee.
The loc-al urnt.o ricnl nllliodation w:1.11 llrllmptl,\' or"Kan-
ized at th~ beginning uf the yc!l.r. The u 11i l'('~""< are:
K:ue1. Smith, pr"e;~ident: ~lau•l ISr~\V~ttcr. lM.'t'ret:uy: J .
S. IJanl, tn!!l§Un!r. T wuh'll m eml...-•n~ h:.t.vu alr...:hly
banded in thei r mune!l 1\l! intmuliug collh!~tl:uli.:J in the
local ecntest.
The Norml\l skeu·h cl ub rt..'Org:~ ni1.et l the l:l!tt part o f
13.St year with the follo wing ofliccn~ for this h:rm:
Maud Brewster, Jl~~idcnt: Gl•ne,·it·,-e Webster, St.'<'n:l:lry : Arnol1 l C:escl\. tl't!MUrer.
Among the new IOt'icties we lim! the "liJJ·to- U:ue"
cl ub. an orgnniz.atimt for the lllUIIy of 1'\l rrtmt e\·cnt;;.
Informal meetings 4fi min uu_
-,. in lcugtb, are held e n~ ry
week in room 80, and im portnn t e,·entll di§I.:II!IK.'tl. So
f11r the club haij workt..>tlun;ler the guncral 11irectiuu o f
Prof. Sanfonl. nml it lmilnot yet l~n fvtu ul ne<.<t'SS:u)'
to elect a ny nffil'CMJ.
A body of t"Xcnty·fi 1•e yt111ng men. fullnw ing tht• pl:u1
of older in ~ tiuui o n ~. hrn•u o rg:uti1.e•l n new society,
nnnwly a bonrtling club. At n meeting hel d for the
llUrJI'Ollt', n tles of onlc r :uul a comilitution were dr.tw n
up. tu:t.:onl\ng to 8t ricL hoanllug-clull prim•i ples. Jo:\·i·
deutly the members Jh·o up to lhcm: the club h3..S been
running fiOVe nLI WL-eh. a: nd iu IIJiite o f the high pril'e8
and the fact thnt thi.11 is the finll nttmupt in this t!i l'(.'t:tlon, It hM proved a sue~·NS. The follo win g i:~ali.11t o f
t.be oftlcers: E. W. F. Loctber, pl'e§itlent: Hoy Ben~·h,
stewanJ: F. W. Spri nger. H. 0 . Ma n1., A. I..J . Urown ,
auditing committee: Mrs. A. Frost, :1.11 elCpericm:ecJ
cook, prepares the food .
Football an1Ltest.s n:!mlntl us thn. t :~.utumn ill her!'.
Mrs. Elliott made a 11yiug trip to Mi nncii J)('lli!!t he
l ith .
Here is one o f the bright tjuestions bmught IIJJ in t hc
1\t.eratare clB.M: " Was Priscilla :1. .new woman ~"
Did l...ongfollow brn·e a poct'll licemto when he ust-"'1.1
the word " a le" in his t:,·angcli ne! Somebody said he
did .
J . H. Hamilto n, one of the old stutlcnt.s, SloJI))t..'i l
over while on bill wny to Superior, w pny the ~~e hool a
abort visit.
Geo. 8 . Nelson, a cousi n o r Mi.M Nellie Ncl110n, nnd
a senior nt the Stnw Unlvc1'11ity. 11pc nt tl few 1lays with
11.11 in visiti ng classes.
Some of the WAC.hcrs In the facult y are \'Cry mtll'll
f.._slgbt.ed . Before they tell a ;;tury they ask H IIJC
clau bas beard it before
Who are tho Sen\ofl!l! ll:a\·e we :any! When were
they buried ! Don ' t uk me. Uy the w:t.y. cl~ orpn izations take Jll&l.'e, when!
The profeuor: " \\'ell, hnw Wtl..ll it tlmt ~l iltun eoul1 l
write about tbe borront of he ll !" The prtl f~'t. l : " lie
must of had a hot time on the c:t. rth ."
Was the professor eorl"\l('t in hi~ ~U Jt])(lsition when
be aaid before hegln nlng hls rt."1.·1tutiuu : " 1 t.n.J.w it for
granted that you are all hot to·day. ··
Mr. H arry J eaucuu of Wnrl't!n!4llurg, ~ 1 .... ~l r. ~l c­
Culdll'• old home, w:ut the gncllt of Mr nnd :O.I n~ .
McCaskill lor a few tl:1y11 la..>~t wet:k
The •lifT,•rcm·e hctl\'t..'t.m thu wo nls " lie" a.ml "repose• '
h:l.S been 1•ointc1 l out' to u.:t: One is iltmight lorwnrd,
terse r\n glo-~:a xon, the other nothi ng but long·wintk>tl
I.:ttin .
The adnmct.-.l licrman class hn,•o I.Jeei1 nt 1\ 105.1 to
k now how 10 gh·e :1 correct trnnslation for the word
:\I AI' t, ~lu g has ll1.!en suggcstetl as being t he most
Leslie E n~rUI. '00. atopJ....'tl uvc r nt tho Point to ,•isit
uld fri ends nt the No rmal. lie WM on his way to tho
Unh·en~it y where he intend;; to en ter the cil·ic-historle
:-.:r. Kelly n1nl Albert ha\'6 IIU'I"et..>tlcd in keeping tho
appea nut(·c of the lnwn up to the old stnndu.rtl. Are
we goin}.t w help thin g:~ a ny by n"lng t h o:~e llower bed.:t
fnr a pllrJ)O§C!
' Mr. J . S. IJ:ar~l . the trt::t~urc r of the local orn torlcnl
ns.r01·iat iun, hits rt.ot"t·h·c~l ten dullars. uur share o f the
pt'occc•lll from the lntcr·Stnt o nssncint ion. " 'J'bnnks.
Small f:l\'01'11 :u-e kiudly rt.'t.·ch·cd.
T he l'resbyterinn t·hurc h t·hnir ill m n n O JJ~, Ji zcd by
mwlit•nlt:llc nt fro m the Nor111nl. wi th Miss Kuhi as dirct•tor. )li!I!Jd Stewnrt and Skinner M IWI]Jranll!l, Miss
Hnrr lU nito nntllllr. l~cnsc rl.ll hll.'l!l
'l'bc lil'llt ci!'lll.ll in po!lt--gmdunte ]thyitil·s has been organized with ) f CS~I'II. O' Urien, l.et"s nnd Urndford M
m c m bcn~ . The physiclst.s are at flre!ICIIt studyi ng electricily. We shnii JJorohnbly hear mo re o f them late r.
l'he time for ehorw1 Jlntctlce bu not ch:t.nJlcd, so
"ynu h.-ar thei r J:CIItle Toil~" ut the ame time as
usual. Thl! chorus is m:t.klng good progress, but lllss
J.iluon still hru~ trouble in hct~ring the linn word.
M b.~ L. E. Stca.rn!l, for me rly chief librarian n.t the
Milwn ukl't• puiJIIl' library. no w of tho State l.ilirary
l"O mmi~iun. n•ntl one l\lo n1lu.y, at mo rn ing cxerdllt!!l an
inst ructi ,-e fl."l!"''r on books fur children, telling MWcrnl
.~ l.nrk'!l about chil1 lren '11 rending which we re \'Cry Inte resti ng.
Tile ~ mil i 11g f:t ces fJf l\t (!Jin fl. Ur nn nnd Cnte \I'Cre
seen n.t the Normall.N·fortl the gentlemen left for 1\lnd illtln to attend the Univ en~ ity . Mr. lle11n left 86\'eral
w~ks earlier tn lake t1d\'ilnt11ge o f tho training opportun ities. lfo UJtec!A to 00 on the gridiron this year.
The nl1 l l!tudcntll who nrc BCfJUn.inted with Mr.
l..:trkin wert! ght•l to llt.'e him when tbny returned .
They fou nd him huijy at the Normal tu.king spccinl
wurk in l:cr:nnn a tul microscopic bot.nny. Mr. Larkin
tca••hd these suhject~J at the Allpleton high school.
W. C.:. ltm ... Jil(cr p:lld St1.wenll t~oi n t a short visit while
o11 hiil_ way to )fadi§On where he en t en~ tho university.
li e Wtll lllke the regular course for Normal &chool
l{nhln:J.tcll, i:ipt,'Cializi nx in science. H is cousi n, Mr.
Wilkin• o f Winona, nt:companicd hltu w the Poiot..
Mrs. l\1 . Trent of the Grand Haplds, Mich., ~hoo l
for kintlerga.rten teachers, ga,·e 1u1 int.erelling- and
helpful talk nt the Nn rmalln.st Tttc!ldar.y. , he believe11
lh_'U une o f the grl!nt ]Jrillei(Jie!l of the coming century
wtll he. "Sharo what you have with others. ·• Mrs.
T rent while in the eity gn1·e n serlca of fre<~lccturcs on
kitulergnrtc n work. Normal 11111dcniA were In attendance at §Ome uf them ,
Ste1·cus l,oiut wo n its third succ(~ssi n~ l'ictory m ·er
the 'Val":'lit)' team from App]('tOn last Sattll'tb y :t rtn
nearly an ho ur's h:1rd scient iii<: playi ng. \\ hen the
tea m'! lined up a t J:ao it II' :.I.S feared hy m:1ny t hat tho.:
Normal :e:tm wo uld go dow n before t he hctl l'ier l.:t w·
renee te:un, and e,·en the must e nthus ia.stil' of the
Niwm:tlitc.'l were lln]lrcparcd fo r the .tecisin:l victo r_\'
whic h t he l•K·a ls won. The teamll lined up as follows :
C~lil . . . , . .. ...... .. Uight 1-:u•l.. .............. Cole
Ma nz . . . ..... .. ..... . . Hi~ht Tac kle . . .... Fr:amhach
~~~~'.' ·.··.·.·.·. ·. · ·. ·.·. ·. ·.·.~~~::~~~·.u_r.tl .......... Hutton
Mathe .. . . .... .. . . . .. Le ft r;uard .'.'.'.'.'.'.' .........~~~~~~::
~~~n~1~11, .... .. : :::: l~R ~;~d~l·e·
Pease .... ... . . . . . . .. Quarte r ....
fro~~~~~~ c~r: t::
. ... . . .•JullifTe
::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~-f · · .·::: :•i~~t!~.
...... .. . ... Full Hack .
. ... Whiw
lkadfo rd
Heferee-P rof. M cC~kil l .
Umpiru- llullock.
Tim<: keeper- Park.
Ste ve ns Point won the toss. a nd chusc the south go al.
Lawrence hnd t he ball. kickctl to the 40 yard line.
M:1.11z caught the ball a mi car rit.>d i t !i yn n.I!J bcfon•
bciug down(:d . Holm:m we nt through the line for 10
y ards, then Lei!S went a round for M yards an•l a
touch down. Holmnn kic ked ~:oal. Score 6 to 0.
J olliffe kicked to Holman whu a•h•nnct...-1 the h~ll
15 yan.l;; befo re lw.ing pulh.'d dow n. S te \'ells Point
soon lost t he ball on downs. Lawrence fnilcd to guin
req1tired th·e yard!J. Ste1•ens [loint mo.de s hort gains
throu~h line. S pringer wen t around t huund for eigh t
yards. Lees fo r ten yanls, Holma n 10 yards, then
C:~.SSCls Wt•nt around the e nJ for 10 yanls and 11 tom·h
d o wn. Holman tried fo r gonl. ful led. Score 10 to 0.
J o lliffe kic ked to Lees. who was t.'lckled by Tun ton
a fte r gaining 5 yards. l l innhan wen t throup:h t he line
fo r th·e p .rds. Afte r sc,·eru.l s hort gains Stc,•ens l'oint
fumbled the Jm.ll and los t i t. HeC"kcr went through the
li ne fo r 5 yards. and nn off·ilidu play by S te\·eml Point
g1n ·e Lawrence 10 ya nls.
T ime was callcc.l fo r t he first hnlf with hall on
Ste1·ens Po int's :ro yard li ne.
Afte r te n minutes ri!St Holma n kicke.-1 w t he 20 y ard
line whcre Tunton was t.'lckled by Cll8sels. By a series
o f end and li ne plays l.awrenct' carried t he ball to
the 5 yard line where t hey lost it o n downs. Stc1·cns
Point was unable to gain, anti l~aw rence •:arried t he
ball o,·er for a to n•·h down. J o lliffe kic ked a diflic utt
H()lmnn kicked to Hccker on t he 45 yard line, who
gained !j yanls. l-le re Ste,·uns !'oi nt took ll St..'ln<l and
held Lawrence fo r fo ur tlo wnll nnd got t he ball, but
lost it. The hall c h::t.ngal hauds !!l.:,·c ral titncs withuut
eithl'r te:uu gaining. un til Ca..'4M!l!1 we nt nrnu nd tl•e e nd
l o r 6 yan.ls, l..ce!!l around the cnd fu r 10 ynrlis, SprinJ{e r
a n.•u u<l tlu• c ud fur ti ya •·•ls, Spri nger \\'t'nt thtll ugh
t:u·kl\' f"l'-; y:u·d;< :tnt! a tOilt'h down. llolmnn kit'ke<l
J.(<J:d. !"I'< II'C Hitll6.
.JollifTc kl.·kctl '" !"prinJ:CI' who gaiuetl 8 Y1Utl i4.
llolman •·arric•l the hall In cente r of lid<!. :tnd then
Lees with s u·onl>[ intcr fcn•m·e we nt till'l.l ltgh t he line
:tnt! m:tdi.: :1 1Jrilli:111t run ful' :1 to uc h down. Holma n
ki\·ked go:ll. maki ng t he scoN 2':! to 6 in fti\'Or of
Sten:·u!l l'o int.
Time wa.~ •·aile d. aud the l.:l\\Tt:n••e boys haste ned
10 t he tl':l iU.
Thus t:lllil'd one o f the mus t hotly contested a nd well ·
p l:1y••tl games c'·••r .~ceu iu Su:nms Point. T he te um of
'Ui hy defe uting the La wren•·•: team, h:l!l fully provt:ln
its right to rank wit h tt:a ms nf the p:1s t two se11sons .
All. except Pea.~· ·· :O.I:tnz. Hulman anti l.ce!J. hav;,: IHH't:r
played a rq:ula r game with the fi rst tt•am hefurc. Rn•l
it i"' g n ·atly to the ct·cdit of t•o:tch Flint thaL wu hnvc
s ul'i1 a gt>•J:d team this year.
Cnwan. ')!:hhe and Trn nS<IIl fo rme.! :1 stone 11':111
t hr•111gh whit-h it wa -; impussible fur the l~a'\'rcm:o
r us he r,.. 1.0 }!.':tin . :'\linahan and Manz playt.'i.l a strong
game :lL t:wkle. C:ls:<el.~ aml l..t.oes put up :u1 exception·
:tlly ~ trong J{:lme :tt end, both disti nguis ht..'t:l themselves
t:lc kling. a nd the fo rme r m:Ltlo o ne touch down, n.nd
t he latter two. Pc:lsc. although almos~ d isa!Jied wi~h
:1 broke n nose ami injured h:tntl. played hi!J usual ruli·
:1ble anti s tc ndy g:uue. Br:ulfo rd pilt up a good game
a t full back . S pringe r diliLi ug uishetl himself In tac k·
ling and run ning with the b:t\1. Ho lman us captain
s howed !ti mself~cupable of h:t mlling the team. He did
some s ph..o nr! id t:tc kli ng and m:ltlo.: gootl gu,ins whel!
he took the ha ll.
Of t he l' is itors. Heckct· :lt h:1U back, J olliffe nt qunr·
tc r. White full hnck. IJafto.:r nt end, and Fmmlmt:h :tl
tac klt!, d esen ·e es pt.:d :ll mention. T he L::t.wrenee team
is 11. st ro ng o ne, and they were nil pe rfec t gentle men.
Dafte r who played e nd fo r Lawrence is nut rl me mlJcr
of sehoul, and he played urulcr a proUl"t from tho fn.c·
ulty and :uhlctil' :u~sot:i:ltion . lie is tl forme r nwmiJer
of t he college, but lm11 noL e ntered school this yc:u·.
The other me m hc rs of tire team Lhre a tcm.'d to tJUit
playing un less Dafter 1\':t s :LIIm\'t.'tl to reuUn his pln.co. •
'fhf! tronhle was ti nally s••ttlt."<.l :aru icubly by Dn.fter
promi~iug to regis ter t he following week.
He will
!:_,~~~ly re m:1iu at Law re nce during the foot b:dl
The Athletic Ass.,ciation held a meeting on the 1s t
of Septum iJcr to elect o lliccrs for the lin~t. hnlf of t he
l'rof. Edgar Swift was e lcctcd prcs idc nt :
Frank Spt·inger l'iCU Jll'l'Si<lcnL : Edgar llunnel st.'('retary: J<Jim l,.ec» tNas urcr: executil·e committee,
Wm. Urad fo n.l clminunn, Will. Holmn n nnd HoyHc a c h :
H. 0 . Manz manage r of football depart me nt.
The associ:u ion t he n adjou r ned tmtill'5cJllem be r l Oth.
whe n a l:trge rnitnlle l' nf ne w memhe r.-; we re \'Otcil i nto
t he J>Ociety. After t he business· was linishe~ l H. 1•.
Gan.l ner enptain of last yeal":'l football team. Fronk
Bean of t he W i:wonsi u Uoh·ersity fuoth:lll tc:uu,
J o hn <.:urr:lll nf the Wi.~consi n Unil'erl!ity. Sllo ke to tho
me m hc:rs of t he as:wf·i:~.tion o n foothnll, putti ng fo rth
!101111! uf t he m:111.r :uh·:uJtlii.('CS o r I<KJthall. and what it
rue:uts w h<:come :1 sw.:ce~fu l football player.
.At :1 meeting of the foot hall tc::uu St.'Jit<•mber 28th,
Will. Hol man of WOO. W:l." cii.'Cil..'<-1 captain <1f the tca111.
There nre n gren~ muny I(U<~t l Jteu ple in tin- worltl.
nod also n grc11l m :m y wk kecl llt!t":t. Uut there is a
clll88 known RS monk s who lin 11 ~n·:u tl(':li uf ~;ood. :r.s
did the o ne whom I a111 Ill td l yuu ahu ur .
One t!ay ho wn.s pmy in~t i n t'on e of tim n'lls uf h i~
COII\'C nt, asking God to fol'}!h·e :111 that he hat ! •lone
that wnsn't right. when a beautiful \'i,ion ap peared l>e·
fore him. It WRS Chris t :u Jle w:u whe n lie walkt.'t1
through the s treets of f:a lllee hc:t.li nll' the In me multhe
blind. and tbo...c who were nlllictt.'l l. Hnt jus t :u he
w~ gazi ng wilh inte nt inttJNlll liJ""' the l'is\on. the
COO\' IHII bells l.lcgnn t.o rln~. :uul he wn ;; much tli ~·
tres~;~l to think that his olnt y w :1 ~ til lt·ai'C thi!! pktnrc
of beauty, 1\nd feeol the pour J>eo plo • of the dll:l)o(e,
but hi s c."Onscie n<·c sce m ~ l tell hi en.
" 1M th y duty th:a i .~ be.o~ t.
Lcal'C uuto thy l.or.l t he rc."t. "
So he slowly bad feo.l out o f the roo m, tryi nJ.: to see if
hlil de pn.rtn re wo uld mnkc it l':tnish. Ahc r he had
done his d ut y he hurrietl lmck i nto his t·d l. tu liuol that
It h"d wnited fo r him nil this tinw. ,\n tl it !!JKikc tn
blm and said,
" l-i:uls t. thou s tnyctl
I must ha\·e llctl ."
f think thi\L ofte ntimes whe n we think th:ll n thin~-:
Ian great anc rilice nnol is \'C t')' h:u·t l to dn. If we .Jo tlw
rigl1t thing it oft e n pl e:t.<~e~ u~ nnwh tuon! a nd makt•!!
us fool nnu: h happie r. as it tli1l the nltl mo nk .
M.uuos Vvs lh11m11. ngl•tl 12.
-- ~ll c tul.lerl7.1 8tn.
O nce 11 very long ti me ngo, in nn old con\'e nt. k11el t
an o ltl monk. Mking fo rgh·mH ·~~ n l hill J'inll.
Whllu ho Wl\ll prayinjt a l'\sion c-ame hc fore his
eyca, and It looked like Cbrl!!t, R!l he w:1lkcd thronjl'h
tho atreeUI of Galilee.
While ho WM looking at thi!l l'ision , the cortn!nt
bella began to ring. fo r at this hour C\'cry tlay l"'"r
people wore fetl .
Tho monk tlliln't know wh rt hcr to go or not. hu·
cauae he thought if he we nt the \' i~io n wonltl f.C"
away. While he Wa!l in thi:! trouhlc hill c.-o n :~e icn (·e
.eemed to say :
"00 thy duty that i.'! I.ICJ'I.
Lean~ unto the I .oro\ the r;·~t "
And ho went and se n ·ec l th e J~.Hl r, :md whe n he Clltue
back. tho \' \ 8\ 0 n WM s tillthcru: nnd the l'illion s nid :
" 1-ht.J thou on nyetl ,
I mus t hal·e tlt.'tl .,
,f,\)u:.~ f\) 11..'! \T II ,
~e pt .
17. 1BD7.
Sn:v t:ss l'ot ST, Wt"., !-4:pt. 21 .
1 bad a real nice time tb ii!l l'aeatiun.
Claire with Mi.u Carpente r tuHI htul
I W(' nt 10 E:\11
retll nil'e time
In 11 fuw t!ay~ I SlllrU.'(I fo r~t-. \':uti. I :arril't.'tJ the re
!:ate i n the nftt•rnoon . While I "'a.! the re I sa••· a b:Lse
hall .::unc bet ll'<'i' n ~t. P:aul nml Columlm .~. Cnlu mbus
won hy :1 st•tJrc nf eltwc n to .!ten-e n .
I tlitl n o ~ s t:•y iu St. Paul lo n'g, but we nt to ouo of
tlw l:tlw!!. I hat I Iolii of fun the re. I went in bathing
:uhl pl:tyetl lmll mr~ t of the time. I etayt.'i"l he re a
month 111111 tltl'III'IIHlf' humo.
I n :dJoO ut tlm.:t• d:ty!l pap:1 anti ltt:uunut stn rl.t.'d fur l..n
l'rotS-.<11'. While I wns i n l.tl Crnssu I IIICt Mr. f'r,lit.
Then when night came he took me to a muslenle.
Bd11rc l l·:une hmue he too k Jutld and mo, nil Ol'e r
the t·i ty . When I came home, I went camping . Ono
tht.y three o f u ~ b11y~ we nt lis hi ng . We caught fflrty·
niuc lish Whe n I came home I was rc:~dy fo r school.
Well. I gueS!I I will close.
Your lo l·ing st'lwlnr,
FuASK B IO Et.ow .
Sn: n:s ~
1\usT, Wts , Sept. 21. 18117.
D t:.\lt ~ h -4..1 :\l n c.: m :t.t.:
I nm ~to ing to u•11 ynu nbuut the lllll!licnl I went to
Thu1'!!1l:ty t•,·ening. I e njuyed it \'C ry much.
'l'hen! ''':IS a J:t, lic!l' quartette thnt nng \'C ry nicely,
al.'KI :1 liHi tl boy of Len yenra wl111 plnyed tho ••ioliu.
The four lndicil we re nil dressed in while nntl nil looked
•·cry nil'tl. The gentlemnn Wll.'5 drt!S!K.'(\ In bltlt'k nnd
the little IHJ)' wu clres..cd in white sntln . He hat \
ll'llit c i~:t tin pan u, white slippe r11 nnt1 !ltockings nnd a
whitu:mtin jncket nml wni~t.
T I1C little boy plnyetl u n the l'iolln, nflor wnnl he,
~:an g a ; wg n:uncd " In Mz1y" zu to l wus encored . Then
he !!poke II)Ji eN~ calico I "The l'ic nic o f ,Jo ne!noille."
'l'hll Je entluumu then rend n. pape r about w hat ho
though t u u~ht to he dono.
In the lnst piece the th ree ladies ami t he gcnd'C~au
pbyL'I I on s tri nged ins trumcnta while the other l:HJy
playt... l 1111 the pi:r.no and the little hny whis tled . Whi le
he WAS w hi!ltlin~ he gapctl et.nd then went on whis tling.
After the em e r1:1inmen t I Rnw tho little hoy myself.
li e wa,; a hoy ju ~ tthe same when he wns ofT tho stage.
I w:1 .~ nn the ~ wgc a whilu with t he little boy anti Lho
Ind ies.
Altngcthcr I h:10\ a ; e ry 1lel ighUnl eveni ng.
!ltJ Jii njl' y11 u e njoyed the oonrcrt I will bltl you good
l•ye fur thi111imu.
Your dearC:ilt acholar,
I n l.:1tiu.- l'rof. "l>o you kno "· whst wo rd In thitt
llt!nll•m•e h:l!l n pceulilu con8truction !"
Stud e n t.--··~uhe t . "
Tho'"'"'"""''~, ,, l>ou
- k-, ,,-,..,-, '''"' tho'"'"''> of
Lawrence Unh·crility dure ug the hut liChoot year was
-tiil \. l)o we excct."ll 1h11t ! ·
A t·olk•gc Jl:I IIC r Ill a grellt inttitntion . Tho editor
)leiS t he bl!\Tnc, the manager the expe rience, the printer
tho mo ney- if there i8 any.-EJt:.
The l>clcl'Rn Ti mC:il has again been placed upon our
t'JCchnnge ll11t It is puhlis bed weekly at tho W l&eonal n
School for tlu~ Deaf, n.ntJ Is, In C\'ery way, a. credit. to