/ '(_ )., , - c~.__­ v ~or mal Pointer • Stevens Point" Wis. 1897. C<>N"TEN"TS. L t TEI\AKT. Long Ago EDITOICIAL . . P:~. ge 145 Progress in Connict.. '" The lmmigratiun Hill I n the World of Thought. . Tbe Old Ruins .. " . . ... . Page t.t8 LOC AL. Gcncrnl. . Personal "" ATlii.ETICS . . 147 EXCIIAS<a :s .. Hi Mo DEl, Scu o01•.. .. " 149 .. , "' 1."12 103 'THE NORMAL. POINT-ER. Volume II. STEVENS POINT, Wis., APRIL, 1897· Number 8. pa~~··•l a w:ly. LONO AOO. I o nce kne w :Ill t he loird1 th:11 came And nc.~tlecl in our •ort·hard t r<.'C,., For e \'ery !lo we r I had :L n:uue. My friends we re 1\'nutldllll'k~. tu;uls an•l bees. I kuc w where thril·eol iu y umlc r j.(lc n \\'ha t plants woultl ,;;not he a s tnnl' bruised tcK'. Oh. I was \'c ry \c:trncd the n. Hut t hat was very \nng :IJI:O . I kne w t heSJ>OL upon the hill Where c hl.'Cke rbcrrie;; t•nuld l.~e f!lund . I kne w the ru-~hes nuar t hu mi\1 Whure picke rel hit! t hat weighc<l a 1~untl . I k ne w t he wood. thC" \'ery t ree, Whe re lh·cd the pn:H·hing. saui'Y c row. And all the \\'OI1ds and rrows knuw me, Bill thlll was \'cry long a go. And, pining fo r the jny.!! c,f youth. I tread the o ld famiti:1r "J){It Only to learn this solemn t ruthI h:t\'e forgn u e n. am fnrgot. Ycr here'.!! this poun g.~tcr a t. my knee Kno w.!! all the things I lli:l>'il to know. Tu thi nk I o nce was wise as he: But that was very long ago. I know it's folly to complain Of wba tso'er the fates d ccrer. Ye t were not \•ishes a\1 in \'ain. I tell yo u what my wis h s hould bel 'd wish tO be a OOy aguin, Back with the friend s I use tiJ know, Fo r I was. oh. so ha ppy the nBut that w~ \'ery lo ng a~~:o. - Euge ne Joieltl. PROGRESS IN CONF LICT. The horo loge of t ime is poinri ng with it.~ w:\ rning hand to the e:o:piratio n of anothe r •·e nwry- :L l"e ntury which, if meMun-..1 by t he !!lre ng th of huma n institutio ns. tw the increase in wealth. know ledge nrulli rll.lral ;;entime.nt, may be <:llll!IU.'.,I the mos t J. rngrcs!lh 'c era the wor l(l has e \·er 5e('n. Standi ng IIJXHI the e mint•nce we h:L\'c nuainl.'C I. let llil -:a.st a g h•nl.oe bsek O\'f•r t he wide cxpnnSt.J of the wurltl's histo ry . With t he imagin:uinn n f the scientis t we may pass beyn nd the St:cnes li Nt rct·ord<'C I by the JM!n uf th<:: historian, back th rough an i nlinite l'ycle of ages. whe re. in the mitlst of c.'OnOic tinl( d c mc nt.ll, by mighty cnnl·uls io ns anti terrible uphca nlls. the earth ancl he r ~i11tc r I l.idJg o1-ganis m!J o f the lo wt•s t order nt la:H :IJ' JW:U't-'tl. These p::lnl rise to highe r forms throug:h " lim cmllcss tiles nf ccnlllrieo~."' Unahlo to w ithst:wd t he su ·ngJ:le for e xis1e ucc t h ey tlietl away to 1~~:• foltnwcol hy s till highe r fo rms. :\!an, the <•rownlng w u ,·k o f fi nd 's t·re:•tion. ne xt nppc nrcd. My tho logy s ings uf his cnul\i{:b. His tory rc<:o r tls his II' RI"l5 ntul his pT"IlJ.:n':os I rum llarliu.'!l t imes t o yt•s tcrday. The IJistnry of the ni(Cil lm!! l)t.'t!ll a histo ry of conllic t, :1 t·u nstant s trujtgll.l of men ll'ith t he ir Cu\'ironmcnts, with f'rro r arul .~UJrct"l>tition , whh tho t vmnny nnd dClJ· po tism uf n\1 time. To thosu who h:w e rognrdcd it I :.~:',',;:,·.~, ~;~~:::!:•;i::•i~~~~::·~11~t1Jr~~::rl~~~~~~~~~::: t:o~,!~: 'I who n•g:1rd hi~tory . not :tS d etachec\ fragme nts but as o ne mag-nith·c nt whole. it has e \·er been the source of true prug rel!s, the law by which world;:~ were formed, , the I:Jw al\owin,~t us t.o formula to t ho d octrine o f the s ur\·h·:i\ uf the titll•st. the \nw by whit•h man hill! ril!()n from a nima\i;uu. ;mn•gc ry and barbarism to the bright no untby ,;'f thi>l nine teenth t•ftntnry Ci\' ilization. Cnn~ dcr lirs t the inllue nce o f eOnllict o n tho material proJtrc:l>i or the •·nee. Under the s unny tropictl whe re the wan t!! of man ha\'C been ;:~uppli<!tl hy nn n\1 fur{'secing nature. where lw ha.s no t engngl.'C in tho we ll known struggle for Ollbltc nce. he h:LS C\'er re· mainctl a ciphe r in the hi;:~tory o f his m co: but whore he iii ubliged tu protffl.!t his body fro m the colt!, himself :md family fro m s tnnntio n, he ha.s t'OII>!truc t<!tl c itie.!!, bluHI(.'(ithc continents wit h bnl"!l of Stl."CI, tunne led tho mountains. s natched t ho lightning from t he clouds nod sent its pn\s ings into t! Ve ry !We nuo of huma n life. It . wa.s the hardy T c uton of thu Nor th that in tho moment of he r grea test. glory struc k terror to the heart of Homo. The S partan mnthe rs rct.'Ogni7.cd t he importnnce of this , s truggle whe n they train~ ! their yout h for s tatehood . by CXJKiliUrc in the mo un m in ilnOWll. China, with her j wall of sc•·ln~ion o n the no rth, shutting her o ut f rom · the hostile wi nds and iiii\'UJI:C tril.~es, with he r commo.nd, ··Depart no t fro1n the tro.lclen way.·· ill UH.Iay atill halting hJ the s:unc milcstu nc of human Jlrog ress t ho.t s he h:ld rc nclwd whe n his tory l.~egau . The J e ws, thoUJth pcrsc~: ut ed ami scatum.'ll to t he e ruh1 o f tho earth. h:w e c \'Cr rcnr:Jined :1 ~trong nntl unit1.-d pt..-'Ople. Thei r un1ne ha.<t l.~ecomc the synony m fo r thrift. They establi~hc•l the mte of exchange in the marts of a ncient • \ 'cuice. !u .. t to·da\' nu greate r fHlllhl thnn Huthschild he:uls the li.o;t of Eng:\i;oh linnncicrs. Ucholrl that little l'ilg rim hand ' Hurn in an hour of c·o nllict, to~ t•hnut nn nnk nnwn and nnJtry \\' tlUlrs, tlwy land one hlcnk :'\m·c·mhc r rl:1y un t he s hn rc.i nf n ne w world whe re• IJct wl.'cn tlu1 1\'Hr t·ry o f the sa n 1ge and tbe ty· rannic:tl OJIIIrt•~.~ iun o f c nwt king!l. they plant 11 c h·ili:r.- I ~:;,ertsd~7t~11~p::'~~1tf~·;1md~:l•:~~bul;~~~~:~~~: ll~~~;~ j ~\~~;~·d.whit·h now t·omumnol;:~ the lll.lmirntio n of tbe 146 THE NORMAL POI N TER. WhatiJJ true of the rn L-c i" true uf the imlidalual, for " lllnn kind i" but thu 1:\rgcr ma n."' l~ru,~.trcs" i n t he intl!dthm! has m·cr bctJn tlc pc ndc nt un ~:vn lli c L Cohuuhu.<J. thnt o nce di!iuuarS drc:unc t". wnl! tlS n foutsore pilgrim through Stmin, sdtootcd in :all the di ~ l!ot H':li(C· lll l!lll.S ntt cntlant on n pcriluu" \'O)' :iJtC tu a new worltl , Fit:ltl with his ntin prnjt..-cl W:&$ laughed tn scorn : but dllf)·ing o ppos ition. he sank hh1 mighty cables fo r the third time a nd t he thoug hts nf the E.:l!lt :an.! the West we re o ne. ( inrihaldi , hca rtst rickt:n a t his country's wronjlS. tH rugglctl 1111 from :a life of Jturo• rt y ng:tins t tyrnnny and o pprcN~i nn tUtti cntlcd his life i n one grand tri umtth of l'ictory. Turn now to the mom\ wn rltl. \\'e IM..'C the sn mc Jnw pe rforming its p:lrt i n thi!f liell.l uf huum u prnJ::rO:s.J. Goethe, in his i mm o t"tlll Faus t., rccugni~~'(l the great truth whe n he C!llli:!Cd the Lord to ~ay tu Muphis wplw· le~ ; " \! an·~ "c ti•~ aa l tHI! na~o::: l a $!. nt'kiiOO.,I<I " t he le •·el. Unqaallfted repote llfll~&rlll It~ crave: W"ll ence will1D&tbelpi r ltblra l ane, W bo ..-orkf. ue lte•, and muAt c • ~ •l e •~ de• II " Paul, n nimntcll' wit h the tlh·i ne lon•u u f unc GOO, O\'ert urncd the idols of p:tgnnis rn in tlw c b ssil' corl"i· doN of the Acropolis. Aye. h:ts uut the pritwipll·t hc 111\nc t io n of gotlheat l! llid not Chri st him--elf rct iru int o n lonely wiltl c rnt~!ls to struJ,!glc with te mpl:ltion tlu\t he migh t be matlc s trong ! How h!IJJ it lx>en with intt:IIL'(•tual progt-eM! The unmes o( Socmt~ and Galih..'O s uggest the ~ply. The body of tntth!l which gui.t e..~ the nction s uf ma n to·t lay bceam& fi rml y esmhlisheil only nft e r centuries o f p:ltle nt aUtlnc\·cr cea~i u g s truggle wit h error. Bu t we cnn not Huger here. Great lms been the effect of t:onfllct in phylllt·td, mum!, ntul i ntclh:clUal e \·o· • lmio n. But gnmte r (nr h!IJJ bt>en its inllucuce in th o politiCill and l!C.K1inl progrcM of tho r.t.cc. It is tho \'e r· diet of his tory th:tt institmions long establisht:d nnd unmovt:cl by tho s pirit of t.'O nllict uni\•N s ally d ecline and te nd towanls d es jJOtiiltn. It ha.-1 en:r bee n the mis· sion of conflict to O\'erthro w institut\omt llnd nd mi nistratiOo!l eiTew with ugc. untl to cstabllllh in t.hcir stead ne wer ami more prol{rcssil·e f~1 rm s. In tim throes of mighty n;wolu tionslmll been born the !lpirit o f liberty. The s hackles of M! rftiom fe ll a t the feet of conllict. Special instanct.'S ni!Ci-1 not be gi\·cn : l\l ose.>~ s tretchi ng out bls rot! O\'Cr the lo ud of thtJ l~lmrnhs; Cit-ero pleadIng th e cause of the com mon people he (ore the Homan acnato: Gladstonu li fting up his \"lllco in defcniiO of poor down trodde n lrelaml. are but th e I!Cntral figures around which nntions lm\·e r:tll it.'l.l to th row ofT th e yoke of unrele nting tymnn y. Pa trick He nry hut voiced tho sentiment o f the ag~s In those memo rable words, "Gi-ro me liberty o r J(i l'e m e de nt h." The Cubans and the Ni hilist.i II I'C hu t lighting the same inox· orablc battles that 1111 na tions hi\\"C fought on the rond from despotis m to liberty . But WM progN!M no t l)()il..qiiJie witho ut cn u lli c t ~ H Socrutell htWI refu,o;cd tu drin k thM f_a tul tll".lllgbt and de nied the tnllh nf his immortal tcal'lti ngs: if the Uur· ons at Runn ymede bad, not w ru ng fro m the despotic hand of King J ohn the fnmoull doc ume nt of political liberty; if millio nll of human beings had not sncrificeJ t.helr lives o n tho alta r o f truth and rig hteo us ness: If the Son of Mnn had prefe rrt."t.. to ren ounce Iris hea\·enl y hirtllright before the king or the J ews rathe r thou d ie in J.:rentcst :tgony on Mount C:th·ary. w hat would now be the stat e <>f eh·ili1.ation ! It 1\"CI'e \'ain t o us k. No, yo u mta)' ~o un.t tho e ntire l(':uuu t of Jlrogress, lmt its ke \' t!Olt! is C\'Crcontlict. ;r oo often. alas. ha\'O the co nllicts of tho p!lSt ta k en the furm of Jlhysic al stntJ::gles:. of lo n g ami cruel wars that h:tn ! t.'OSt millions o ( Jl rec io u s li i'CS nnd d eluged the ea rth with:\ ~ a of hlootl; but . J\S in tho material wo rltlthe lnwu r nn lct'!l ga\'C w11y to higher nru l mo rc :1(1\':WCCII fu rlll ~ . so lni\'C the lower fo rms nf .co n llit ~ t been s ut~e n·c• h!d hy t he higher. Already wnr has llt.-cn rwi gnlld :1. vtacc amo ng the :trts that arc lost. We SCQ e\·illcnL'CS of the new lilo( ht i n the preiic nt tr<.!aty of a rbi · tr.t.tion Jlllndlnt::: iu l:ong reo. But we mus t no t mist:aku tlw lig ht o f the c:1s ter n st:1.r for the dawn of a new day. St rugl!ll'. in that hro:Hlc r liCII !W. will nover ..!Ca se hy mor.: legi ~ lati\·e tirtl. If t.lm s truggle with t ho s word lm Ia hi :l."'idc. it is fn r tha t .higher conllict tht\t s tirred the heart u f l~irwul n to i L'J utmost d CJllhs when he sigtu..'1.i the famous p:m·hment that loosed the shackles from th ree mill inns uf his fclluwmcn . As tho hi~tor­ iun nf tho pas t \"l\lut'1.l man at:eo nJing to his s truggles on tlw fie ld nf hattie. t he future hi11torian will rnt!a.'ltii'C . him b.\· the prnfo u ud neu of those s truggles which, origi tHttiug in the de pths nf hiss/Jul. tend to the u plift· lug u( the human raeo. It is t he sa me old law- pro~e reo in con tlia:t- IUltl it wi ll uot L'C:&SO to ope rnte till right ~ h:lll take the place o ( wro ng. ti ll truth s hall s upplnut error. till un sellis huess s hall gnin n5Celld ency O\"cr its a nta~o:u n iSL and the sway of P lutocmcy be brok· tm. till the nations s hall be linked by co mm o n ties into n u ni\' crs:al hrotlw rhood and we are one peo ple, obeying o nu law arttl worshiping one Gild . Then s hall t he drcnu1 of tho dis tant Utopia be rcallzeJ, and shaJJ the :\ugcls, de~e n1ling from h e!I\'Cn , again proclaim that gil\~ I meMago- Peaec on ea rth. good will to wards man . TH E I MM I C RATI O N B ILL . The most impllrtant ~o:cnernl bill pnssed by the fifty fourth cungres.11 in its hast MJMion was tho lmmlgrution hill. On May 20, 1806, the house of reJlrcscntatives j):t.'l!ICII a bill to n..strict immlgmtio n by excluding all male foreig n e r~ from th i~ country who can not read or write the English or some other la nguage. Thi8 bill was fixed as the lirst onlcr of busincM in the senaw in Decem ber of 1800, but at the begi nning of the present yetl r &>nat.or l.odgc (Mnss. ) s u h~tltuted n. ne w bill, Hn mct imeH k:10wn 1\8 the Lodge b\ 11 . Tho provisions of the hill were; '"That SC<!tio n l of the act of March 3. 180 1. relating to immigration, be ame nded by add· lng to that class of aliens, the reby txcl udcd (rom the United States the fl)llowi ng ; All persons physi<.'ally Ca JJable and O\'Cr 16 }'Cilnl of nge who -cannot read or write the Englis h langtui.go or some oJ.her language: bu t a person not so n.hlc to rond nnd write and who Is 0\'Cr flO }'COn of nge, nnd is a parent o r gm n tl paren~ qf 11. quali6ed immigrant over 21 yenrs of ngo and capable of IU pflO rlinsr s uch parent or grandparent, may be scut for _to come nod join the family o f a child or grantlehtld O\' Cr 21 yearB of age similarly quali6cd and capl\ble, and l l wife o r minor child no t ao able to read and write mlly llttomva:nY or be acot for to come llnd join tho hus band or p~rcnt. similarly q ualt~ THE NORMAL lied :uul (·apable." The bill also prol'idc!!: "That it s hall be unlawful h•r any malo alien who has no t in gOOll faith made hill dl."Ciarntion l>efon: the ]Jroper l.'QUrt of hi:~ intentions to become :L t:itizen of the United Stntes. to loc Ctu]JIO)'l.'1.1 on any public works of the United States. nr tn •·ome regul:l.rl.Y or habitually into the Uui t&l States hy !:anti or w:ucr for the purpose of engaging in any lli'-"Chauical tr:ule or mauual labor fo r wai(CS, or salary. n:lllrning fi'Otu time to time to a fol'(!igtr (·ountry." T his bill paSSt.'d the house by :1 ,·nte of ::!lii-30. It p:lSSC<I t ho senaw after a h:u·d lig ht by it.s o pponenu. Mr. Cle\'l!l:w d ,·etol•d the bdl. lie s:1id he could nnt bclie\·e the l'4\ucation test. would prutct"t the t•nuntry f rom degcne1~11i ng. It wuuld ht• be tte•· and safer to admit illitemte. indlbtl'i••US i mmigra111S than :•git:Lton;, who can l'(!:ld :1nd write :1ml ,Jelil{ht in a ro usi ng the illiterate. \\'ith ~ttk"tl finan cial and ~,~:ot'i!n•mt•nml policies there shun lei bo.J enough wor k for :til. lie could sec no reasnn to change the natioual polky b~· Sll('h a rn.dical d e]J:trtnre. If we tlid not perm: t ])CO]Jle n f for· ;:,~nJ~~~t1r~~~~~:s~i;~e1:.~,~;:~:~\.:·:~:n:1~~~~,~::...';;~~i::~ tory lnws !,y those countries tn the injury of thou· sand~ of Ame rican workmen who lind e mployment in foreign t·uuntri.cs. T his bill was returrwd to the ho use with tho :tbo\'OJ objectio n, but w:lll pa."!!-Cd nvcr the prllskle nt's \'tlto by o. la rge majo rity. Tho senate did nnt 111ke a c tion hofore the -lth nf Man·h. so the Immigration hill cn.mo a dead bill. If a ny :\ctiuu is taken on t he s uh· jcct by the presen t cong ress it will be necess:1ry to introdtll.'e o. new bill. 1-IOWA IUJ C.1.n:. \)C· IN THE WORLD OF THOUOHT. Said G~rge Willi:uu Curtis i n his Gcttysb•:rg urnt ion. "Let nll beware how wu recklessly wast.c unr life· blood.·· The in !low of i mmigration. wi th its lack n f k nowledge and sympathy with American ideas. must con viuce the thoughtfu l man that our lile-bloOo.l h:l!i boon · considerably diluted. For !l good. strong time not hing e<mld be better th:m :I tho roug h indoctrin:uinn of the youth of nur \:uuJ i n the histury an< I principle>~ of our gon~rnmeu~. T each o ur boys tuul girlll the growth of liberty: infu3e an appn..ociation of the prit'e· less blood sht~d : make our ~hoolo~ nurseries of patriotis m. and the d angent uf immigrtltion will he ret!Uc(.'(] to the ruiDimuru. The navy of the Uni tt."tl States ha.<~ jus tly earn()(! he r place i11 the \'anguan:l of maritine poweril, not fur l:n ·· ~~r~~'::~e::b~~t~·. g~~g~~~i:,;:~s~~:~:~~~;~,;~r ~~~:: k f r itself. The brillinnt cx:l.m Jlc.<~ o f dar11 0 how the ste , 8 11,. which the! Ame rican mg. he rOism s hed its ~nt · roud e mine nce. And ~ast 8 ~ ~~~y~o::l t~1e POINTER . 147 J»erfet'l temp\(•. with purtit'u, t•ol umn, fumtolation, ami dume. built bir :uul godly. A man who alluw:-1 his li ~e to p:L->.. :ll\':ly in I(I'Otc.;.quc, uhcn pitiful. ext•ursion!l fr<•m wh:H unght t<> \)t! :l >Oct purpose. will !inti him,;t•lf tric41 :mt!St:lf·cundc mned . .\len forl(e l tlmt the whole II!IC nf things extcrn:d slmul•l i.Je to e.~ all noll tin: th iu~.s. t he :aff:lirs. hut thClUSe)\'CS- 10 111:\ke tlll'ii'Jift• Sll't.'Cit'l', purer. better. an•l greater. The " new woman" o f tu·thty i.'! a ne w l"rcaturc. tilll>cl wit h ucw tlCiiires. nt.Jit' :linli. new :tspiratiuns. Slw i>~ not. !I-ii ll'a!f her g ralltlmuthcr. conte nt to lh·c, ye:t r after year. a ll of her life. pur.iuing the s:unc 4H!t'llpatinn anti cheered hy t he !":m lC amu~mcnts. The II'O· on:m of to-d:l,\' is :1 pr•)gre~~h·e wom:t n. Shu ha;~ her eyes o pen :lnil comprehend;; zLt :a gl:lm·c tim pussibili· tiesuf t he fntm·c before he r. She is lilk>c l wit h that who lcsomutliscontcnt thnt ]Jromisus in tho not fur dis· tan t futtu"ll to Llri ng about many ncctlctl reforms. J.:. F. 1'. THE OLO RUINS. ..W the s unuucr s un i>~ s lowl.r sinking in the western s ky. an :1gcd ma n sauntch! a luug a grnssgrown path t hat lead s tn tho ruins o f an old m:~.nsion . ,\ turn in the path hrings him in full \'iew of the place a nti memorie.~ of long ngo come thronginJt to his mind. He p:u1scs in his way, o,·erwlwlnlCtl IJy tlw tho ug hts which the ruins ha ,·e broug ht to him. T ho stillncS!!. thc dc~~ertion and o bscurity Jlre qdlinl( around g W m r1 dceJ>Cr :lnli mn re sole mu interest to tho plnco. Tho le ngthe ning sh:ulows cas t :l tlark shroud 11round snme part..'! o f tho buil(li ng. ami while he look>~ tho sweet toucs of n d istant hell. gh•ing tokt•n of t he slowly \\':l.ni ng day, break the s ilence, and se..'1:m to i n· t·rc:u;e the S:ldncss all around. !'he i\'Y twine!! O\'er t he wcatber·stai ned walls. :~.nd the foxglove hang!l ito~ blossom~ O\'Cr t he broken t:o lnmns M if in n ul<."kery of the dce.·ay. The wind whistles through th1.• old arches. :uul the owl. tho solo i nhabitant nf the pl:wc, hoot.." froiD tho s hauerll(l tower. The !lnotl uf s un· light c rowns tho whnle i n glory ancl illruggle;~ d i mly t hrough t he wimlow:t darkened by dus t. Uut not o f this SCetlO iii the o ld man thinking. Ho sees t ho lllllns ion in it.s Jernnde ur. the happy hume of his earlier lifo. He sees the magnilicont moms l1right with the valor and l)eauty nf the lantl, g liuc ring with the s pleudor"uf j e we led rank anti mili t:~ry array: nli\'(~ with many feet and t he hum of an ad mi ri ng multituole, ~~~~~ ~~~g;~~n:\·i~~~~~~:~gh~~~~y~~:;:~~,:fn:~~~:~~r~ ~~:a;:~:: ago of his only son. the pride of h i~ li fe and tho fa· chang~. ,·oritc of the company. T he scene •. He $CC't him now 01_1 th•~ morning of his d e part u re mto the world. a n e lide f-:nm ~~~rue. an~l hc•_,ccfon h ~? be ll s tra nge r to t ho frJCI~dslups of .Ius cluldho(KJ. i~ J)CO· I i~h:,~:::~~g:~~~11t,!~~~ ~;•·t::~'::::,'e::,a~· ~~~~;~~~ ::,~::/.w;~ by thepwo rld. just pritle of pie !llld an example for al~. t he naL'Y of the Uni~C(] S ta tbl s taDds swunch a.nd hrm a synonym of dnrmg l.'QUrage and s ucce8!1. __ The \i\·cs of many .!II..'C m t 1 be without precons idern· l ion or pln.n. A life should be :~yrumct~ical -li ke the I he lllrtHI away. his O\'Cil are lilh."tl with war."t. The l:l.!lt Ut!:uns of ,i:Ly arc faintly ,;trcaming t h rmtg h the tre•~. a ll he retraces his ste p~. lirmly rc>~.uh·ct l lo right. as fn.r :u JWSSible. t he wrong which he hns done. Ass.1. 01~t:s . 148 T HE "' Tl-{E NORMAL I NORMAL POINTER. --~ - - PO I NTER are, t.uo! \\ hal if t hey a re Impracticable ! That need n" tl ntcrfcrul nthe lc•tsl. ltwl\lhei nte restiugtouote the rc,.nlu uf the eiTort.a in behalf ol this new project, a~ it ill f:wurL'II APRIL, 1897· by mnny of the most prominent nrth1ts 1111 d•;:~'!~f:.~~::!'~:~.~!tll~~":..to~~/e~-_" ~~~~':;: :f,"tbe bv tbe I ~~to~-:~,:~~;~ nil·~ - a1ul Knteredattlae l'l>ftQI&c•at3t eve uPouu, Wte ,utecoadclul maucr Tt•ru•.o~ of SuiJS~• rijJtion -00 )IAilOI .. nT AaH•IIIf t•e nts per year in :uh·:uwc. • • • . t~~:~t·t=::.. ~-..~~~~~~ 10~,.~'_1'R i:"•P .:· · · Edllor-ln-Chld 1 I 1.,.,. ~:~a;~',·· ·•l•";::c;;,:.h~l:i'•~~: n(~f u:~;·,~; . ~·,·,~ . \',•:~ ~!~.");•~=~ · ~~~r~":~~~'Jt:f~~~c~~~~'fio'~ '1~~~~:;~~=~:n~:."'ll"' · our ~~!;:~U~:,~~ tab~arl t>m ,.., retp..c•!nlly rcqmlt:d somt'thi ng = :all tht1 llnfurtun::th:~ whu are ""O n for rhctorieals" would l~juit•c wit h cxet•t-.l ing delig ht. t~ \"0 11 n s hrub II IKHI whh·h new a ncl urigirml s u bject ' for eun.ys mig ht 00 fumul s prnutirrg wnnl•l hrin g sulaco to nmn y n. weary "•••• '"'toc• nm:o~ • ~~... mlly come to it :;;:.\~·:~ :·::~~~~~:~·~;::~:~··~~!~(:::tr~~~~~~~fn~[o~!l;::::~~~~~ II . L . O.uuJO.. lfu~u~::!·•.} - J~rh:tJl.~ =--- - Wuuld thtU som ewhere i n this vicinity there grow a tree fr" lli which unc t•tmltl plud; ~otOOtl. riJ.e. 11picy e.i· S: t)'!l~ lluw IIHU:h time awltclll J>C f it woultl 5a\'O: Tho 10 ,.,.,.,.j,lt• c• ir hi~ duty 10 hi~ s uffcrinjl fellow cre:uun;s to ~~:t ~::;:~:~~:~_,;:~:·;,::;j~l·~~~~··\\~:;i:u,~i~:·:r;•~~:,~::Y~ ~:,~ 1 1111ron1u r: •••••Eo:_J_:To RIAL .••••• :I I "':;:.:·:.:.::::;::::,:::,';':'~;· ; :·~"~~::·:::. ~::,om _ _.._.___ l l\\U t~J(Crrt L- --- . . 1 1 k' 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 h::O::O \,\ Ill Cit her., 'C-r) shnrt or l,li klnJt Altogether It \\Utili st.'CIIl th ltthou~:h th•·!4• pap~ rs :are "cll lllg to be ~u t out among t_he other ~·ht.,,\1!1 u f the ~~~te :uul 10 n,.~-.~u·e JlaJ.IC~ sen t 111 n!lt~ru . they :m• 1111 "' 111111 1-t 10 spent! tm~e :anol spa.-,• In 11111 k 111 K I'"'JM' r at·knnwll"llgments. It '"' ~ to ~~~~~~~i;~,•,•:t ~~~J~~~·;r~i~c~ r~~·;,~~ll{;";'ui;,~,·,~~ )t:.ars our reslchml crnne UIICXJM!Ctedly to uf us, nntl .-..:czu~luru.-. 1 no little 11:1111 among stu- nu•~l ~~~.:~.,~::..t;;:~::t~to ~~: ~~:~llullllo~:.r ~~~·;~~~~~~~~ h: hts )tl "cr to hell'' and make •t n cr!ht to~he st!w 111-il 'etr•)rt.il hal t• :JoL'i''t uuu rul In lt.'l behalf, and •L 1!1 in a rent clc rt-e due to his : o rk for it that t he school bat l~eumc t~IC )()wo•r that It i-5. lie will be ion re· rnf'miM.•rec l in m~r Normal JK!hQOI for hi.! intere! In 11 ~~~~ 11 ::::~~~~.'/1'~ ~~~~:~~:.ea~~\';';:~,~~~)~ ~~~~::;:~;:~: and Jailor fur its ~~~i~ d'J~:;~::~,: . 1~ 1 ~~~~~~~~: 1~ll~~~~c:~:·:i:l~n.:~~~; 11 11 f-'o_mw of _::~r_•·-~~ •nr.t•xcluLn~tc.~. It would a_ppear, ha,·e a bad dt~npln~ grou ml ~or ~til the joke11and _d oggerel rhymes ~::~:r ~~.~~~:~":':~~dth•:~~~~\:d '~1!~~~~~~~v~~ 1 ' 1 ~~ that th<'y ~o;•J, I I•• ll.~ h~t; u~ l to P~lt . 111 "'~Y 1 1 ~I her de- ~u~;~~e~•t";"~;.c :0"~:'\me?; :,:~c~~~-:~~c:; 11~7 ~;~:"e:~ t.ml't.~. the lo_nJeer the IM•u.cr. ~till annt- ~er clas~ Jnutgl ne that 1t must be tilled With complime ntary ~1'i:~:ll e~::~~~~:: ~:~~~~~f::C;he,~oh; :;~~t~ ~h:::~ 1 1 111 our nntice wl1ere rhyme!! have hcen f'Oplcd from :ur owu J:aper I ~';d ~~~~ It ~o~ld Aeem ~----p It was" g rcaL liu t it ill mh•oun•gi!•g that m:a ny .agrt.~ thu.t the exch:U\j.te •lcparfmcnl 18 the phtcc lnr III!Cihgcnt 1\1111 fear· ll'!HI e••mmenL on :•n•l ,-rltil'i• m the paJ>eri4 re.-ei l't'd cre.lit given ua. 1 ;~:~~~ ~~,;;';h~l:e"ma~~r~;;c,'; ~=~~ \~c n:;~~~~ :i~:-r:.por 11\llllp~l.:~~ those who have a :~::!l;,~:o;~,;~;~u::::::~~lsw~~r:~~- t~!'~:~~r'::ra~l~~\~: I . . r I. ,:~:~:::~~~~nis i ,_~il~~:~~te::e ?' :''~~~~~~~:_~:·hJ:~~~':fl~~h:~~~t~:~l~~-~~~~~~:t s~~~~·;,t~ hu:>t• t/mtg)ce IIIIIY '1'1 h hi h lth I :e~:~et ~t 1188 "~~~ l#lOI~IWJ ~th llllllQ'&in . w: ~·umlition!l anti ldf'ah!o. __ \\:.:.;, ll'(•lcowc tu tl11• stn iT nur new litentry editor, a nd . The 7A;'itgeillt nlll1ft $0metimcll he fon'("(l to ;omile at thnHJCh tl1erf' hi hnL a s mall p11rt of tho ac hool year rethe f:m t:a.~tlc · IUtjJC!Ith:tt he him-'!elf a~~tnn e3. II •· ""ill m:lining. we hope tlmt. his 811N!C!I-I may be In ion'!rMI 81\n!ly ha\'0 Ul"t';IJ!,ion In ·In SO-l if he rt'atl the :\lan·h jll"tiiJUrtion 10 the le n~l h of his te rm o r o fti e4>. Arenll. fnr th e~ "U in 1\ lnnklnjl J(l:\.~,.-- he will ,;c,.-u ' - - -~ himM!If ~llet·t{'i l in the :lnidt•,-onl'1.'rning the prttt)tt>lt'tl T ht• Ju n\u r who llnn k.1 nn the work of this quarte r t-olony o f :-~el f·.!I IIJlJlllrtin!l' arti~t!l Art. AAY!!I tht> umhur. hll>! the con;wlntlon uf knowing that "there are others:" iii tleteriomting l u t'•i~ Mll"llitlaKc. Ld thn!lf' "' hu ltwc but tho Senior tremhle5 In his secret soul whe n here· it for ita ow n saki!. an ti whu :are williug to pnttlnt.-e me mhcr8 that th i11 ill hill la<~t cha cu.-e. it !IO!ely for the lmpl"tn'l'lllt'l\1 olf mankind. :~et the m· ~ ~ Sl'!h'l!lt ap:lrt from the car..~ nf· the world. form a c-olony Vaca~ion M.'t.'OIIII tll for our lateness In bringing o ut whum they c:m lh'f! i n Jlt'ac·.. ami hu.rm•m.v. and thcte the pn!l!CnL is11uo •)f The J,ol rll er. It hi to 00 feared. ~in.! themseh·e1111p tn Art. l'lan .. are l(in:n by which huw1we r, that we tlo n••t alwaya hA-ve 10 good an thi11 1111\y be e!Tet•te.l, a nd nkt'. idcul, nrt i111ic pl a n ~ they excu:kl. · rellltive I - THE NORMAL [:::::::::~:?.~~~~: :::J I GENERAL. A pleasan t r~·eptin n was hel d in honor o f :\li;,g Eliza· beth l\1 . St1·1·cns in th e o·!ay UIOo leli ug runm at 1:10 Mareh 2:1. :\Iii!>! :\lar~· Ashntuu :tided i u I'Ct'cil· in~ th e numerous gucsts. Thu laolies' costmnes wen• IJ.c:mtifu l :tnd wondo·rfnl. th n~e of :\li s..; :O.Iary As hmnn anol M iss Stc1·ens b<'in~ t'S I..,dally appmpri:llc to the ucl·a· sion . The lrri!li:ull·y of :\!iss Stul'en s · head dress Wl\."4 lllli'Cf ;,: urpaS:K'<I in thi s ·ity . Full~>wing the new Parisi :.&n style. thc .~n n rc nil~ we re twt. distrilmtco l to the guests hut were wuno hy :\li s.~ Stcl'c n >~. The art o•xhihit 111 the wes t cu. ] of tl1c L'uum wa.,; l'cry 1!'""1. Onu land· ~~~~~~~~~·g~~\:•;:•:1:;~:.•:11~ ::·;::~1 ~~~~~:~~i~~~~::;~·:~1n,~~· r,::'\.::·;:,',:: ing. After :1 few llll lllll'll l.S " ]..,Ill in admit'iug t he t'L>.'I· tllmt•s uf the bdi c~ . th e art c:d1i hit. the suun!ni rs which I I PO I NTER. 149 Our Fa culty a9 Portrayed by Shakespeare. :\Jr. 1' - y : ·· I would u't•rstaro tlw sternest cyci:l t hat look.'' :\Jr. :\1<-t;- k - 1: " Yo ung.- l'al i:uu . wise, :m ol, no d<lllht . righ t t·uyal.'' Miss :\1 - tJt - y : ··J :1111 uothin~ if uot c ritkal.'' :\Jr. (.; - 11· - r: '' A kindct' g<mtlcman tread" rLOt tho earth.'' :\l is>! :"t.- W- 1: ·• Nuo· i,; thu wiolt• wur!d igunrantof )J('f\1'1>1'\h.' ' :\lr. Sp- ld- g : ·· lie j,. a prnpl•r man's picture." :'olr.<. U- df- ol : ··Fur she is wise if I ca n judge of he r .·· :\Jr. t.: - 11- ns: ··Some that will Cl·crmorc peep tlorou,~rh their eyes .. A m i laug h like parrots :1t n ha~ piper." ~: ~~"'sk·=·;:~-~~.~ ~~~~~:::;:~ ~:~gl~u1~t~. ~::~t~;.",:~~~~~.:~~··· i i'll 'ss T - nu - r : "She is enm !lallir.tl iu her nrt .. " :\lr. ~yl - t-- r : " A ma n nf trJ.nl l. w ho lms sceu the ::~:;:,:~:~~:~::::••;:~;;;.:::::~~::~~I:,,:~;;D~i:·:~~~·:,;::: 1-"'~:~, i;=~~~· . 1'~~;·,~·:,;; ~~~":.';:,:::;~~~•ly with ot her yunng: laoly Wi111 ld follow th e pn:~.· edu n t so hapso old :1 head.'' pily cstal>!i.~h'-"<1. J Mr. S- nf- 1: "Oh. ho wM gentle, mi ld and drtuuns. ·· 1 Miss Qu- n : "She's a most exquisiltl l:1dy." i11 .. :\! iss W - t·- n : "Sumo Wok the n! i11 which she 1 11 \ <lcsires ·· , Mi ss . F- d --s: " I will teac h t he cliiltlnm thei r prc,;,.iu n of h!s "Pi n io n as Hkk i is iii- hi.i prediction;~ . ho.'hal·iurS," Cullins 's Al~c lu·a seem!! to h:\\'1.! lwe n the unirersa l M is~ (_T-y : " T huuA:ht run!! before he r a ctions." fanrri !C. If tlw length of time s pe nt tJ\'CI' a book i.i :\l i~i 1'--t--r--n : ·· I will h e corro3pondent to any c rit c riun of it.s po pularity s urely the Algebra command ." would be unanimun s l~' \'otcd tlu: f:n·oritc nf th e schoo l ~=~r'l;:~~~~~;~~ ~,~~~~~e li::~~r~c;.~:ft~~~t~~a r:;~· sr:~~~;:::~ ~;~~~~;l..~~~~r~~~~::::~~.',' ::,':;t~w t :~~·~::~~;~~~ l- ~ ~~kt~:~ ~~~: Soml' uf the fo· w lO \\:hom thi;~ hook is a s yet an "Un· kn own •Jllantity." nucol for We h.itl!r's Internatio n al Dh·tio nary. If a man is kno wn by his fa•·uriw book. what can be sai•l about these! l'rnf. Mct::!o$k ill w:u happily s urprised une day d u ring e xaminatinn wo:o•k to disco\"C r in No. 30 11 young lady uf f)(}Ctical fame . Altho ugh he r lineame n ts were fam iliar he wnu:.l not hal'e reeugnhr:cd her had not a pl:•<·anl iufnrmed the m that s he was Po~.~·s " i...os t Len o re " with her ra•·cn ~cW! rmore . The:td,·anct.'"ll physiolo~y class had been !ll'l pmin tcd wit h her for ;,um c time. Those who had tltl t had tim~ ple:r.~ urc m et her in an informal way after sehoul. As hur ~ tay W:l.ilim· itcd anti Ull she was alri':tol\' pn•parcol for her jou rney. a kndak was turn ct] UJ>u n tile UIH"Onscious m:1io lc n and se1·eral s nap shoHJ werc taken of Lenore and her frie ntls. \ The (ple~tio n a.s to who !<houlol represo·nt th o st:tte in tlu: <·o ming Interstate Oratorical Contes t :11 E1Upori:t, K ansa~. May 10 Wa.i ldt hy P r esident :\l o r tenso n to the decisin n of tl1 o local associatio n. T hey olecid· cd that although the nmrking wa" 11 little i rregular, it would he better to let tho matter stn nil :tccunli ng to . th e li rst oh..·d~ion. Thi s gh·cs :\fr. Kelly of White· W!lt.cr tirst place :urd Antlrc w 1.. Lark in o f Sun·o ns !'oi nt. second tJ laee. i\l is;; M:uu l lircw;,otcr has l>~•en electcol prcllio lent of tho Arena for thi!l <]llarte r. Kt:un c t h Pr:ty i ~ sccrutary . Althou~oth th e Are na had :unur1~ lis me ml.t:rs man y ~irl ll, that is the fi rst time in it!t hi stnry that one hM been p res i4 1o•nt. Now th:1t t he gentlemen ••f the .~odety h:ll'll n.io lctl in · electin~eone she s ha ll nnt be found want· ing. Gre at things arc eX JJeete41 hy t hnll(.l who k now :\li"'-1 Bre wster and t h e~· will nnt he disaJlpolrrt.ed . An intf'resting experim<•nt was trie4 1 hy Prof. Culnr ti . E. Mc Dill has hcc n ap]>t>i n ltl4 1 rc~ en t to fiil th o :\l arc h 31. Carbon dinxitle. eu nd u n ~lld iutn a ll r]uid hy \'a c:LIIe)' <" :lliSCd by thu tlcatll o f Mr . Haymo nd . Jl i .~ :1 pressure of troO pou~~tls to th ll Stpm re inch and l'On· appoint me nt Wa•l eouti r ml'll by tlu:: Seuatc, the l'llli!S bc in~ !IUSJ)"ru]ed. and he m et wit h the Hnartl r\pr. 20. titu."<l in :1 strong iron eylimler. w:l.,. n:lcail-1.'1 1 and part· ed with so much heat in cxp:urding that it froze and r\ hill ha.'! been ]llL.!'SCII by t he lcgis latnrll hy l'irtuc of bcl.·:unc suow . Whcn three pnntuls nf mcn·nry were which the ~ ~ rmal sdnmls nrc gh·en !00.0110. This 1!1 to poun;:t.l on this it in .~tantly became frozen. ,\ th e r· be bu rrow ed frnm the priut:ijml o f the ~ .. rm:ll fund motnctcr s howetlthat tlw tempe rature W:l.i 80=' bclnw and to he paid back in in.'ltallme n ts after th e tax which zero. r\ l'a rho n di oxide ~ now b:dl was handed arou nd i ~ :unhnrizcd hy th e hill i~ ''"llcl'H~ I. StOJI'Cn.i !'oint re· and many of the ;,tw lcn t.s ''"111<1 show bliiitcrs as pruof 1 'ccil·ed .ti.OOO of this for :ulolitinnal grouruls. The ti1·e th:-~t they we re burned by a .'!!tHIW ball whose te mpera· f ac re~ j u~t north of the :-.'orm:d will prultalrly he pur· tnrc was 80=' degree;~ hulow ze ro. 1 t•h a.;;ed . It i;i :r.t present n wncd hy \. J>. Atwell. 150 THE NORMAL 1-~a~·s ,.._'C IIl tu IIC the orolt·r .,f tlw ol:ly It wa~ lnrllll'rly t lw o·u~tum 10 a.;;k r.... t·~~ay"' omly iu tll!'.l.itcr:.t· turc, Jthewric :u ul Cmu ] "'~ili"u •·Ia~ .... ·~. lout thi~ _\'o•ar : 1 111 1\ ric·k(']~ h:li wi thdrawn an d iii now :ct. lw rhumein :\ ulmrwlalc. 1 ~:r~~:·~ .~;~~;·:: .:,:;~~~ ::: 1 1~';: :;~~~:.•:u :;~ 'i,~.: :~~''~:;:_:~:·7~~~ :. 1~~~ :1 11 11 l' r<of. F lt. ( ' ]om' , u•a<'iwr or history :ll Oshko!lh. Sfl'CIIL ti:ty iii~JII'I'Iill).! tht• St•hOI)I. l 't·c·~ido• nl till' ucw lur IUwturk:d"' whklc Ill""' ,.f tht• aoh·:uwc••l stn.lt•nt"' ha\'o• l~o~•t•n "r will h· uhli~t ••l 1 • pr\'p:t.r•• " " 'lu-re ... !mil tht• wo•ar_\' ""Ill han• n.·~t ~·· Si>; large .; ] u.,·t~ of ruunnto·•l drawiul!~ in ink :m<l 1 POINTER ;\ li ~~ ] ,.,ui~a lllft•ru l l 'r:ay w:c.;; iu ;\laclilloll the 20th a nd 2 1s t to fof th e hoJanlnf 1'\'1,(1"11 \.ll. amo·t• t in~t l'•~•f. ~yll·· ·· lt•r ha.~ hc-..·u t•o ul inL'< I to hi;~ r nnm on nt'1'•mut of ..id:nc•"· hut ii nnw J'('(•fl \'l'r hiJt:. Du ri ng tl,.. N't'<'ltl llt~litltt,. :11 I'I<H'<'r M N . Ur.ulfnn l oh•lil' t' l~~ l a lo•t•tl tn.· atthaL J!laceun •· Ji n me Sthoot,.,·· ~~;~:~II '1';:~~~:· 11::. 1~1' ·;~~~~j::~, , ,~~~ o ,/ , 1il~::::~,l~:~\l llo~~:~tl:;~~'~71 1~ 1 :\Ji,... l lnTtit· Patt •· r< r~n . rlf Jtil' l"'' F:tll~. reec u tl y s pt•nL a wo•t•l; \'i~itin~t with lwr ~~~le t· Mi ss l .o~aiJe l l'att cr.ron. urt t'l:a'~''" 1111 d n•tko•tt•d mudt o·n•d it ''" tho• olrawiu:,t dt•p:•rt m o• nt . Tlw dmwiul!~ w•·r•· ~1·nr '" ~~ J.,. uj.;; w lwru r lu-y ll't•nl u u ··xhihili" n :11 the W o·~to•ru Ill':\ II' · ltlj,: T~·ac·lwrs' :bo~o~t· i ;Uioon . ,\rtlmr \\'o•l•h l1 :1.;; :II l:a ~t t-ctur uetl. :~fte r eausi ng h i.'! m any frit• n o l ~ m ll•·h t·n no·ern 11\'er h i>~ prolongml a b· Tlll't'\' a rot at Jll'l.'"l'll\ .;;i'> l,\'·0111' da.;;.;;l'" i n t lw h :au d~ uf JH~I < : t i•·•• t••rwlwr.'l. ~,.,. , .nt)' - 1 wo app lio•• l for l'l a .. ~•·.~ l111 t nll o·utdol nut he :u•••n uuu o.. l:at;•o l ll wiuJ,t tu lad: uf roou 1 d:1.~~t'" nnw n'<·ill• 1111t 11 1tl.1' iu till• "pit" lout in Tl w :\ormal f:u ·nlty :lt to•noled thf' n •t•(:pti nn g i\'en aL tlll' l li~o:h S••I I ou) \n hon u1'o fll c11 ry 'J'. Bailcy ufi\fa!lll., Mnr ~\1. tlw l'ooal "'"'"' 11 11•1 "" tlw ~tain•a.l·~ in •:u·iu ll" p:trl" .,f the hnilo lin~ot Till' foll uwinlo( 11ro• ,t lw III'W iy t•l•••·tt·ol " 1li• ·•· r~ ,f !Ill' M r :\l ••l'h'll '""ll l:a~ ilt'f>ll t:lldnJ: care uf Pmr. !o:yh·e.'l· to·r oluriu~otlti .; illnc-~. but l1a~ nuw re.~nmco l hi.'l stml ic.~ in tlw Nur1u:d Fo rum : l' re!lit lc n t. K I. St·ntt: \'il·t · Jll'•·~i•lt• nt . F B Pulll'y: trc:a;o~nn!r. M. 0 . If ill: "'"'l'('lar,l', .h·~~•· "'~ 11 '"' l!ltlfJt:t.'l\nt. ,J no. M. !Jf't'•: hn:arol of t·ounscll,.rl. !-•• I :\ IN J-:lli• •t ,.,, 11 ,luo· t~~l 11 :lllt't't·:'l..;;fnl ins titute rat Ne il l.'!· 1•illt• Apri l 1 : and :uwthe r o f two days ' cl nrnt ion at l' hilli J)!I AJ•ril4 . &'Ott , Guy Ulcm.-oe :unl Arthur l k"l.llnn . The A. 1~. R Wt!n• tet~tlcn•ol a rt'('f• pti,.n hy tht• .f:w· ulty in ho nor nf the ret un, n f P rof. s .\'1\'t••t•• r Aprtl:! Hemark~ Wen! made IJy l' ruf. ~yh·c·t••r anol l::win I :\l i:.s II ftl':lll'•l:lling. lch ~lu:eidc tli r 1lic Kc hle a h wo• 11 n du :r. u •pwt kmnm.'lt) " I'll unt \'OU r head off if you 1Jou ' t l'uu 1e to ti me." ~ :'IIi~ l.illi:an Arnott wa.-c al;,;e u t durin g the li rst. week l'mmp1~1111. ~her w h~·h 1 ~·fn·~hmcnt.• ln·n• ~t·rn~ l . ,\ n uf the , 1uarwr o n llt't.'Otllll o f t he tlta th of Hcge nt lt ny· enjoy:~ ej me we~ :u Y a · mum!. with wlw§l• fa mily ;;he i11 homnling . T~c tl cbatc with t he limn~ hi_~.:h !'4·hnnl r> f t:l':lnol T c:u•lll'r (t'flllllllent in o n f'8S3 ·s s he i.& hamlin H:lfJLtl~ ha.i h('(!n t·:ancdh~ l :1"1 tlw ~uruml tea~'! .w:~" J ' ~"'k ': " TI H· t·•~nvs we~ ver , hu t t he re seem 1 w e:, ke nccl h~· th~ wtt lul r:ll~'a~ n f n ne mt• ml>~· r llu~ '" to IK• n'jlflltlt.~l. hut 1t1~ h"j.et.l t lmt :a olciJ:It~ tn:l }' 1~ held next year. IIIIlCh Prn f. Snn fortlantl :\l r;.t, Ellint d t'lil'l•ro'< l i nt <• r c .. ting tnlk8 o n the wnr in Gt'\.'ece d uring mornillJ.: c:o:•· rd,.o· ~ . 'l'he ir clcartlt:u cmcnt of f:ll't..c olio I mud• iu aitli ng th e gc: hool to obtain n 1h.!tln itu irlo•a of the "it ualiun . Owing lO th o pre!ISIL I'6 o f wnrk in !1.1 d epartme nt.~ IL hll.!l become nct.'Cil.!l3 ry to t•n g:tgc :1 11cw tt•twhcr. :\l iJ!.!I Whitman. ~he com es Wf'll r1-cnm m e ml t~l. hci ng n grndn ateo f W ellcsly :~ n 1 l o f t'hicago L'nh·cNity . l -ost, St my1..~ l nr Sto len The llll'n from tlw ~ott•nlu.IO' ltutui rit•ll ha,·e IX"C n instillt!t.~ l and uu d n uiJt they w j)) SOOII put in a n :lpjK!ar.arn-c. l' la.-:ti~. \\'e print in o ur Litera ry tlcpa rt m•• tH A I. l .arki n 'o~ o rntio n. l' l'l:lgn.'"-'1 in tA.tntli~·t Th rnuJ.! h :til o•·c r,i]th t his munc was o m itteo l in Jtrintin]l. Pa r t o f the n ttlc Ita;~ ltot..'Cu l i11i~lw~l nff fo r th ~· 11,.._, u f ,\h'Cruklll':t hnt:uay 1'111"''~ l~ror. Sc\·crnl o f tin: young btlio•,. ha\·~· pr:wtio·•• t·la~~ in the gymmuitun . The piano:~ Jm,•c 1111 t11·•·n tum~t lately. PERSO N AL . Miss Anna Froltm:ulcri~ l t •:~t·hing at l'lifton, ) ]unrne coun ty. Wi ll. Urnd fon l s pent hi~ \ftt"ation at ( 'n n1hcrlan•l whh Mr. Pen.S(•. o! t! IH · a •nod man\' r ;IOI:Ition mn~k: mi l!Sin ." io:: • I g II I. 1: :mh wr. !-:. J . St.~11t, a nd Emily Sp:•lci• ku. ll't•ro• am"n~t tlu• ~ tllllt::nl!l who :atte mled th e in ~ titutc nt l ')ul·~· r cun <htl'tt.'(l by :\11.'1.'1 Li1·iugs ton nnd P r o f. ~aulnrol Mr. Sw ift .~ pe nt his \'IIC11tion In Chicngo cnrrying n u t n S])l'l'lul li ne of irt\'C!il \.l(:llio n. Miss M o n tgomer~· l'li it t.~ l i n thll !lume ~ ·it y. M illS Stewar t nt he r ho m o In Elk ho r n. Miis T n•u.t:r ill s pe nding " week in C hicngo :tnd St. I ..on is. In th e Iutte r place 11lte will d e lh•er n. p~tpe r on " Met·h:wio·nl IJra winJ,t in the Grndes" be fore th e W l:s· tern Umwin,~o: T t.•:w hcnf :~>l'i at io u . llo•nry T U:tllo•y. Stnte itipen·isor o f drawing in M a~~ .. oldi1erco l 11 IL'Cturu o n •• Beauty In Commo n T hi n It"... iu tl11• A~mbly Hno m th e fi rst J>1Ht o f this muuth '1'111' lo•l·t nn• w:as well nttcmlccl, and \'Cry o·nt••rt:tin ill]l T ht• IM"•:ar. whit·h with th o tr:L\'elling librn ry forms th•: •·hi.-r at.tr:wlio n o f Junction t:hy. hilS hf!en :se riouo~1,\' 111. btU •~ nu~ o n the rOad w reco\•e ry. mnd will n::::~~~·l~.~::.:::,'~:~,:i~l:lls)(),~~%'~~:~:~:..tw:o"~~~-:,'.elega~ IC ..y lt h·crs lu~ lth c misto rtnn e to break both wrists :and :a ~~lC hy fa lling twenty feet rro m the loJl o r a box ~·:t r !'' llldt wn.~ o n 3 trestle nt.':l r She nnan '• mill. H e t!li ol01!1g l\.~ wclllu c~ n be U JK!t:ted, but it will be (JUile r'ri~;:::.~u !;,~ 1 J~:tl::~.e '" "~~~~~ 0fJ~:~· lnH~~i;1 ~~lfo~~~~~~ 11 nt'c\ olc ut . THE NORMAL _,·,nu;.: l:t d it·~ o·an unl\' n•t u rn with <':l>'t' a no\ ~ottl<' :tt·o·ur:to·.l· tilt" pruft·;;~o r· .~ ··h:wk h:uu h •r.~.·· T lw 1-!)' ll lll:L~imu 1!:1~ ~•·t"l't•o l tlw pnt" l t".~•· uf a o"<> tll"l du l'i nl! tilt' w in tl•r aud ht•t"o• tht• o•luh lllt't ••l"t•t"Y S:IIUI"oby aftt•t"ll<lOlll at :! .,·,.], ...,·k. nntiltllt" :atto·ndam·•• l>t.•••ame "' ' 1-!l"t':tt that tlw yn ll lll.! l:tdio·" and th" t••·wlwr'-' W(' l't.' oliYiolo·d i n tn 1.wu ATHLETIC. T he memht•t-,. o f t he :\thl o·lk a•~ t ,.btiun han• \....en :LSScs:;cd a sm all ~mH If• dl'fr:ty :he c"l:pt·n~t·~ lli'<'I' S~ :ary to t.'<Jui p th t• ha~•·hall and tl":wk u•am~ . :l la na~ct· Lt•o•< will get the nine iut" sh:q>e :llul n•aoly fnt· pr:l<·tit·•• : 1 ~ sown as poss il.tl1• A t :1 fL~C ntnu•c tinJ.: uf rlu· .-\ thlt·tk:t><sowiati"ll <iuy Hlc ncuc was eleo:terl ~·a ptain nf th•• l!"!l<"k t••:l\11 fnr tluSC:lSou . BletW<Hl did ;.:omd w .. d; fo1r till' t{':l.lll last ye:1 r ami shr•ulo l h,• ahll• tn hrin;.: "u t a o: t-:u:k team on F i_e_l • l_ll__c:l~'--·- -- Hl t P O I N TER . l l:?\~';,~.: r:;: :·~iE:\: ; ; ;:.·.: :(~: ~: ;(~ .-:~:;?:{};.:~:J;, t•nmin~ I o·:dlt•ol :t!lol a1t !tl'~!llli~.: lti<>tl o•\Tt•o •to••l l1y ll"hio•h l),orh !Ill' ynun.o.: lllt'll :~tul ladi··~ m:.y ht•o·nme lllt' tllho•I'S ••f tl1e ..tuh. If :t1't~llll.!<'llli'IIH o·an !.... mad•• a t o lu· n:mwnt will ],..Jwlolamnno,:tlwpl:!_ye r><intiH:S•·houl:mdl :llcl"With th<>"l' vf ~•II II I ' of tlw ••lho•r ~nrm a l~ . Of lat•• tlwr(' has hl'{'ll mot·e al!<'lltir>n paid to hil,!h s1·hool a thh•tio- • tlmn in foort 11er .n·:\ 1"~ . :\ ~llto l \·nt who> In tlw•,• t"ullllllll" of l:t•t lltllll t h 's l'oiu tcr W;Li gin•n is a tine ath h•!t! i~ h:1rr(•.) iuto·r-hi~h ~~-1""'1 (•on\c~ l.;; if hi~ <ot udie~ :II"<' not liJ.I to tlw pa~•inc: mat·k Thi~ prod .~ ion in the t•on~titn ti" n il~t·itt•-; th"~•· win• olt·nt i u tl lo" L"niteo l State.~. :-;itlt:o.l the h s t isstlc, hul\'· h a,·e :tUilit.y in the athlc t:c line t•• hanh•r ~rud~·. in "r· , e1·cr. :<tl"l"ll;.:th t••sr• h:a~· ,. l.t•~· u made in Y:tlo· f: ynum;;ium tier that t hey m :l )' cnt•• r t lu: o:nnt••,ot.~ . wl1it·h han· ]lt"<>tlllo·•·•l twoo mt' ll t<l t·x co•l Lnl·cri nJ.:. ,\,·t·or·dinJ.: to l.cs.lie"s \ \-,·,·kly. w hit- h t'lltttai ns a plloln · P ro ba bly the be~! of in <innr ex<-n·i~t.'~ i~ that whil-h ~nj;.! t~tl·ing- nftlll'.iu tw" Yalt· s tudents. CharlcsCimdwit;k 111 1 wa~ tin• lirst tu lowt·r l.o o n· rin g- '>~ colnrs. ami (.:laroncu S . \ 'crrill tried his pn wl!r.ol a).:"ai n and Sll t'("Ccdl'tl in d e· basket ba ll ha~ not ye t been tried . W ith as tine 11 J-:)" 111· feati nJ.: loot h Lo1·cri n l( :mel C l1:1.dwick. n:lSin m ;\,;! ours it i~ ~tra n J.:C that thcr(• ~homhl nor be Hclow :l r•: ti lt' <llli l'ia l nlco nls iu k ilf!J.:"I'a\IIS. uf hot h SC\"era l cl tt h". The :ll ilwaukt.'e ~nr m al suppnrt$ Sl'l"· \',•rrill anti C ha tl wit-k. i nclutl inJ.: t he h:SIS u f Lol·cring era I clubs ami t he game is cu jnycd l'l'ry mm·h hy tht• of ll ar\"a rd : ~ students :tt tll!lt St"hnol and W(otllol olunbt lcs>' he a~ \' crrill. C h tu l wick . Lon.• r in g. m uch et.joyed he re. we re it tried Strt•nJ,!t h .. r IJae k .. :WU 27!1 •It O 84:1 ·· ll'I{S. . .. ... 803 005 \\'ith the lX'gi n ni n ~ of t.hc l:t-"1 <l'larto: r r>f the ~dtool l :J0-1 !1:-!l! ·· upp•· r ar ms ll:lt ·· fn rc ariH 1\J:! 2 11 W5 ye:1r o·omtu c m~c.\1 rh~· pre paratio n for tlw Field •lay <'<Ht· tc.-;1.8. A rr..1n gemc nt.s :1rc l x•in~ ma<le with o.~ hko,o; h To t al .~ .. I.G7U ;..•orm al :wei l,:twrcm·e Unin~ t·•iry :u td it i~ with tht•!te t 'lat·o·twc ~ - \ 'l'rrill i .~ a uw m llcr of tlt c fn·~h m :t n da.~:t twr> sdtoob that t he Field lhy will he hel1l. It !tt'l'mS o f t lw :o'lll' ti id<l )'>,.i,·tnili•· s,·hun l "' Yn lc Uni1·crsity. frr>m all ~:~:.~:1:1::~:·,1~-i,', ';it~~;lr'~.'~;·;,l ";:c;~:~··,•;t~· .~:~.:~,;~:.'~~~·~:~\tll;~,--~:·,1::: :::~t· ~~ ·~;:~~-i;~d c~~:::~i~~c~~ i 1~ ',',~, l~.ta~~.';:lt~·,~;;;tnL~ !::::~: :~~:~~~;:~~~;;is~\:.:~~';'\\~~~~;~ 111~1..f1,'~1 : 11:11~111 1 ~~~.:;~~::;;~::./: 1 1 ~:~~ parr i n. T he ,]cUt nf the Athlclk associ:ltion int·ur n~tl hy tlw s m;a \1 :utcndanl'C a t the foutba ll · gatllC"' Ja~t fa ll ha~ been nca..rly paid :1nd the a~"uciativn i• a~ai n iu o·ondition to 1:1ke ..,hargo• of tina nd:ll m:u:.c r,; pertai n inj;.! I<J Lht• UaseU:lll and track t •~ams. T lw <l~Su('i:tthH1 will loSt! scvcrJ.I of its best at h letes this year hy gr..1olnatinn fro m the . whU<.>l. Blcn..,ot·. l~r..1y. Ucck. )lam:. Huedi ge r, Par:~ I and some utlu~ r..; tiuis h tlJcit· •·ours.• thi.\1 term ant i will nOl 00 wi t h us ue xt ~easu u - --At a uwe tin~ of the !ttudt.'uts i n tcrbted iu h~nui,o :ul lie is a .sv n of l'rofcssvr A. E. Ve r rill of tlu• zn.,]<J~i.;:al do•p:u·t mcut of tlltl Uni 1·cr~ity. and wa.'i. bun t in :-le w ll :n·cu . Con n ., ni nctct:n y e at-s a ~f). a n(] h a l'! r·•·s id <!'l l in th e city of Elms cn• r si rwc. He ha.'!l do:n•cl <JJK..~ I his ;;t r,• nj,et h hy systematic tm i n ing w ith •lu m h·hdll! t~ ll tl{ing f rom t wn lO tWo:llly pnn nd ;~ i n weight. Four scar~ ago he weighc•l In n n ne hunolred am i c ighti..'Cil puunds, with a chest mc:l'i tll"CI1.1CII l o f t h ir ty·twu i uclu:..;; ; thiJ.:h. ninetee n ilw hes: •·alf. th i r tL'C U a m i o ne-half iudu-'~: awliJi•·•·p~. o·lo:W:n irwht.'s. T o·olay lu• wdgiJ.\1 mm huu dreol a uti fo r!.l"· n in c puuuols; ha,; a t· hest mca ..;u n• uu·nL ll"rlll;ll. nf t h iny-~ix indw,; ; thigh. !.ll"t·nty· nne :tnol t!IU:· haif ino•ht•"l: o•alf. f.,Url t'CII and <Jilt' ljll:ll"· tt.'r in..Jw~, awl 11it·cp!t. fo u r tct'll irwht·~ . Besi •l••;o~ litis ~.:~:~:: i:;~~:~;1s 1:~:~~~i1~;ll u ;· l: ~~~~-~:·~:~c 1':: 1~<1>1i0:11t1. 1~ :;,:::~~ ~:· '11 ::~:;~,:~: I ~:: 1 ~~: ~· ;:·~· ~~~.:: ~' 1~ 1 ,.;::: ::~·t: ::~ ~:~.~~ ~:;~:~~~::1\c~~ ~:111;:1·:-; 111 ~~;; ~:rc~~:~:;~r:u::·t"~~~il:~t~~~~e!:. ~~~-:i•l~t~'~:~~~~~~~~ I stw lo·nt 11 :\u•c·rio:_'·- - - - ~~~1 ~~~~~~~ :,'; ,:~~~s:~~.] ~~~~~~c~::~ l l7,i •;v a I~:II;;:::· .,':~:;i1: :il~ I :£!~\:.:1 :;~:i;l~•;.:!1 :1;~~:~ ~~,:~~;~~ ~:~1:;~~·:1~:~-f~~:~.: :~;~:s~~~: :\~i tol·t':~~ ~~~~~ 1 j Assot·iatiou. .-\ touruanwnt will he hdol the Ia uer I 1 I" 11 1 · ~ · 1 ~; ~;lj{~i~ ~;:~;.~:j}~:t~ j 02\~:¥:~2t~ :;~.;i~:~ I\f f:i:~\i(:/()~ ~;~if!~i:J\ij~J:~\~;l~ :i: }!;~ :J':/~:~ 162 THE NORMAL PO I NTER. Superior, Pray of Stc\·ens Point and Pa.rker of River Falla Normal achoo : :l•: _·- - - Wnr h!L!I been made upon the cigarette habit among JJChool c.hil~lron In so\·o ral state leglala.turea during tho pn.:tt wi nter. Wonro Jllea~ed to note tbnt Wisconsin Ia not IK'hlnd other stoles in this movement. A conservative Is a fellow who it.s zlt the tail of JlrG· gi'OM and ahout.a "whoa!" _ _ _ UutgeNJ College is going t•J try tho Jll:m of absolute self·go,\'Crnmout by tho pupil~ .• Tl11.1 high achooi:J of Monoml ooo, norcnce. Eau Claire. Jane!vlllo and Ourllugto n hnve manual train· ing l!C bool~ In connection with them which aro n.lded by suu o appropriation . Madison luu 11 cooki ng school :mended by a largo number of girls. ' Tho Wlsoon8ln Times de v or~ a page to Methods o f Noted Anthon~ which is lnterMting M well M instructive. Tho Interstate Oroto rica.l nssod:uio n to wbh·h MinneiiOta belongs ia the largest orga.nhmtion uf it! kintl in the U. S. FOnd du l.u.c lms do ne much In the way of school im· T hey have built : ew buildings nutl organl1.cd now de)Jnrtment.s of work, \'11.: Music, d t-uwlng nntl kl ndergarto n schools. A COIHpl t! to &ylllc iU o t physlcn l tn.J'n\ ng h M boon lntro· duet!d Into nil cloJl~ -Jlrll\'ement& during the !JUt three years. Tho lnllt Frldny In February thu Hh:o l..aktl schools celabmted l,arcnl.ll' Day, ~~ now :ulll \'nluaUie school fesllvnl. Eleven of tho t.wcnty·throo men who recch•ed honors at Uarvanl la.st year were prominent nthlctes.-Thu lf I hnd n son who wouiLI auioko cigarettes, I 'd instill him With thuugbta of tho ovila the habit begota, And I'd 1111 him With dread of it a ll . Uow to !lee from Ita nets I would drill him, And it that tlid no good, without any regreta1 would kill him. - Ex. AcAdemy. We are Klad to note that The New Era :appreciates the value of art u evinced by a oolurun dC\'Oled to tbataubject . Booker T . Washington of Tuskegee. Ala .• was tl1c ftnt negro who hM ev.._r been invitt.-d to address a . - - -tout.hc rn while co1. 21o:":ge:_ Tho Carroll Echo oooulloa an inWre!ting article on •·Some Advantagca of Studyi ng Oratory Aoc-oNlng to the Emel'80n Syateru." Meroorberg'a college hM a elus In dancing with a o f \~~~~~~~hl~~~llowlng from 'J'he High School Annual I Cato at 80 yean of age began the study of Greek. Socrates ut au ex treme old ngo leat'ned to play on muaicallnnrumeuts. P~uLarch. when between 70 and 80, began to atufly :s.i!a~~n::~~~~ ~~ ~=r:ie ~embertbip ia extended ., La~~jby. the tranJialOr of Homer and Virgil, was u!l'" .:::..:==:!•.::__ ' The April nulnber of the Arg08y I• called thu Tobac· oo number. It oonl.aina among other arti<'les A long . one on "The Evlll of Cigarette Smoking." Of the total num ber of graduat.es o f J ohns Uopkio11 more than half have become teachen In the eoJieges and unlvertltlee of Amorlca. -Tbe tudent.. It hal been proposed bjsoveral railroad prealdenta toattabllth a ooJJege OOUI"80 for the educatio n of young men In the aclenoo of nr.llroadlng. -The Academy. Among the new eschaogee fo r the present month we welcome The Academy o f Troy, N. Y., The High School Reporter, The M onthl.v Vlaitor. Tho Cu rrent. Mari nette aup porta a c.hlld·at udy circle whoso menl· bertblp la made .up of Wacbers and Jl&Nmta; It Ia now In ltl 11000nd yea.r, and Ia In a nourishi ng con· dltlon. The H. S. ·Epbor of Beloit ahowa the cut of the prize cup to be gino to tbe player having the beat batting anrage in the t.ae ball team of '97. 'fh e value o f the cup. which la gold plated. la IUJ. The Nort.bweatero W htconain Teachers' aaeocistlon met. at. Et.u Claire March 28 and'¥]. The progrnm was nrlad and abowed addresses by President.& McN.eill of acquainted with l..atln o r Greek until he was past 30. t'ranklln ditl not begin hla phllo10phlcal uutlie8 until be bad rcllChed hi• OOtb year . Belo w b something which ~ppcal strongly to t ha o rdinary aLUdcmt. It WfLS e vidently written by some one who Ia a n observer and a phlloaopher aa well aa a poet. The flrtt part of the laat vel'lle Ia Mpeeially auggeetive: A FE\\' UUI~ES FOR GOOD RECITATIONS. In the fln~t place lie low, when you do n't know a thing, And gh•o 1101110 one else Lhe first chance In the ring; If he tnia.'fC.l, you know, and lt'a pa!!!Otl o n to you, · 'l'o g uess. tho n, the othe r Ia easy to do. If you tlo k now a thing. when tho questio n comes round In great Inattention be auddonly found. Gaze out of the window with a far-away look, And mind , e verything but your le&SOn and ·book, And then. when tho t.ea.cher Ia caugh t by yOur w!Je Spout forth what yo u know with an Innocent smi le. Flnd the t.eacher'a pet bobby and work upon t.bat And get all the long deflnltlon.s down pat. Don't expand tblng1 too much. Now and then make a guea., And remember that nothing succoed.lllke aucooaa. -QUo, per Macaleater Eebo. THE NORMA L PO INTER. 153 I circled :~.rou u.l by hungry JM..>oph1 tlmt. noo n . I tell you! Fn·-ru (.;u.un:. THE V I K IN GS . Yc,: I n smml things I likl'<l the Yikings, and i n others I diol uot like tlwm. The~· were \"Cr)' Ura\"(l :m d .~ !rung. :tlHithcy found new !:Ind .~ that probably wo u ld ncrc r ha\"C been fumul had it untll{.>cn fo r t l11!i'C fe ar· less me u . They were \'el'_\" t·rncl. hard-heartetl :u u l war-like. !Jut th ey thou!!"hl if tho•y were ~o(lc.\ w:~r riurs in this life. they woultl IH.• bette r prt•part:d fur the next world, or Odiu"s worltl 1 do n<~t think the~· Wt• re ju,;.litied in thci •· wrnng-· do ing. It is true. at that ti111c their own o.:uu utry was O\"cr-poputalCd a m i v•wcrt~··strickc ll . a n< l th ey mi ght ha\·c had fami lies :lt hume wlw tlid not know. a t diuner. whether they were go in~ to ha\·e any SUJl].ICI' or not. Yet there were man y w ays in whil-h they might have earned an honest lidnJt. i{ UTII H oou • Age 12 YN r After we hat! c:Hcu a ,·ery hearty di nner wc :>t\t I down to a game of ·· :'th nuhlo the l'cg." whic h we c njoyctl w•ry much. \\'c then w.:mt ove r :1nd IYCnt all through the pape r mills. On o ur way back to camp we ;;top ].ltl< l on :1 snmll brid ge a nd watched the minno ws »winnning to and l ro in the wate r. We picked a la rj.(C bimch o f goldo.m-rotl. ant\ when we went l.lac k we went in wad ing. \rc then ate o ur su pper . :uul st:\rtctl fo r the st:ltio n, bcc:Uisc thctmin s tarlet! :lt live o'clock . On o ur way to tho >Sta ti on we g at lu.Jrt-~ 1 :\ lot of hazel-nuts to t:1kc home wi th us. ' Et,t.w,\Mot:s. FOR FINE SUITS AND LOW PRICES GO TO K F~ uT z A TH_!: -rAIL 0 R . 4:!4 Main St. 2o l Floor. Norm a l Trade Soli c ite d . MY TUIP TO W HITI NG. One d a~· \:1..~1 snnnu e r the E]list·upal Suntby sc h ool pla nned to ha\"c a pic n ic :U Wh iti n g. Whe n we wc1-.:• all gathe rt•d :U the deJJUt a m cs~:1gc eamc sayi ng that we cou ltl n ut go. beeausc it had rained so all the tilly before :u..-1 th e 1\"oO<b wvuld be ~·l wet. Uf CtJu r.sc we j were \"C ry mu ch ,J isappoi ut ctl. ha\'ing o ur l un c h -ha~kcts and 1.w e rything pa1·k t•< l. \\" e del"i< ll'tl tu go th e next day . Wlwn w~: gut to the depot we hclpc<l the tcac h en~ load the watcr·llldtJnS into th e cur~. Whe n we had st!lrteo l I weut and .~at with :i<>mc o r my fri c nd;J. \ \'e sa t and enjoyed otn·St:ll·es u ntil the co nductor called .. ut ··,\ 11 abo:tnl for W hitiug :" \ \ "c got o tT an<l lwiJM!tl unload the h:i>ikl!ts :uulmc\uns. each tal.:inJt one of th o 1 1:1lte 1· tu e:l rl)". \\' l.cn we had go ne about half-way to i' nur camping iP"I>tlllo.l one of the boy~ fh-.:J pj>t.'( \ his A. J . CUNNEEN & CO.'S I I . ~;:~~n 1,~~~~~~~~~n:::::.·~::cll~u: 1 :t~:, ~~l.~~~~ r.u~~::~c~:n 11~: ~;:~ I :.1:1~ 1 ~'\7;}' a:1~:~~~~~wt•; 1t~gt :~~:. Ja~~~t'i;~:~es;:~~;~\:,::::~~~.,:~;~:: : ri\·cr bauk tu rdre~h o urS<•I\·c,;. We iuund mau y wild tlowcN:I. wintcr·lo(reen berries. an d ha1.e l nuts. W he n • we had s taid :1>1 lo ng a;; we wautetl lo we we nt bac k tu j Is the place to call fo r H ats, ""' "" Shoes, "" Shirts. "" Neckwear, Collars and C~s . Our stock is new and prices as low as the ... I owe~t. 455 Main Street. n while s.u nc un e came to call us to din ner. T he re w:'-" a l:lrgc table <"U\"C rl-'< 1 with go<Ki t hings. :uu l it wa..-1 f Don't Experiment. Get the best in the first place. The Century Double=feed Fountain Pen-Warranted Commended by Normal users. FRAIIK PARAL, Ageut. I C ha.s ..·d. long or s hort. S2.00. Gold ~l ou nted. SltOO. Spi ral. blac k o r muitlCd. $2.50 llexigon. " f2.50 Century Fountain Pen Co., Wh ilewater, Wis.