IB® BFFBGff QW F1BR1 01 tM mxtumim OF I?IIIA®IBB by ■©BBsat $«fB mums in partial fulfllia^tit of tlaere^ulr^sesite for the^0g3?©.0 Of •3Usa0 1044, APPRCHfKn jaoi i'>V^Wn^*MwWiW' /fi«ftd of Ddsavtiasiit of FoodtiB wad tititfition ■ -J"' " GH&iamai* ©f School G^a^ua^® Cofflait^tQ© jl^Wp-HirtMHitii^lil — ^n Clm4i?mft» of Stut© QolXeg* or^diMite GoimeiX ■■IUil.l^l»liip-|MII»l»l»g|WH*lll^lff<i' kind aeaiatatte* aM aaspiraHoii givda % Ds?* s^rgarot* £.« Flaaoko* jftpofeiAsc* ©f foods aM tetflfeioja* Sfe@ &%m wishes to aolepid^iddsd the i&teffe&t of SUPS* ^dam^no Chapman WiXllaaej* Hea^ of the ^@pai»tm©nt of Foods a«& ]ltfttritioA«> ymm m ommm cmnm t fcXTE it. * * ♦ •,»■*?«, ♦, * »».« * * «. # *• * «■ * «#'. ft. .*. •efee'Silst^ tad ^@p.©j?ti^ **.**,,-*«*...ft.).**.**.«. Stafei^ity of Ttoiamto® on dooteiag ««««««««« I'^sioiogl' of fMaate^ *...ft.'.,,*, ♦■., * * „♦**,.** *« 2 3 4 fto 'fMtiilsa© eoatessts ©f the ABwv&o^a ft ft ft ft • ft ft ft ft. « ft ft ft .ft ft', ft' . ft; ft; ft ft • ft' ft. .ft ft . .* ft. ft W flue fhl^wla© Oontettt of CeHp^»i$ •.*.,***"#**** fltt MgdAt^liit; of c^reftlff *4««*♦***#«♦+ .13 l# ffelasln© Hequiresnoat ,.... ft. * ♦....,.. *...«, A&a&f 'iSefehod-js f©I* IMtmis© JI*.***...**;^*,♦.»*. %G §0 CHfTFa II mmmsB m WE ssm&sxo&s tm **«»**#%♦*♦ **. *.. «■ 33 SCPSElMISSf&E» f-ROOSBiamE * # « * *- ft * ? ft * ♦»' *•« * #. *».♦, * * * S4 Fl^ti '§>f $t$® 3|Kp©l'iM€lf3!% *****,«,««. ftft ;?. « ft ,♦,• * ft. * ft * 54 ft. B » .ft 4 *.» «. * «• * ft «■ ft ». * 0'.«) ft. • tt * * * <* * *. # #■ ft- '<>: •^t- '0^'OWth M$ti3to# ..... *■ ft .* *»*. * *.... * ,ft.. .#« *. • ,* •,«*. ft ♦ •S^pl&ei&s&fcetf'y ]PQO4&> **♦«?*«•*#.*#;«..##♦■•»«*«*;<«» Basal* 0i©% oofi Pl^ts. Pnriflefti&dii *•*«••»#« 38 4f0 4.1. .^nal^sls '©f tho B-rasa toy tla© ffeioelspem© Jvi0'&3u,Ow RBsmcips i>i»ctiasio» *•*,.***♦**.•****■♦****»*«» 43 .$m3»sir ^iB oofHcurs 101^ »«* # *.«* * * *». * * .♦■ *... *, ♦ * * m BIBLXOGRAFJix ...•,»•.. •».«.»« . *. • # ft ♦ ^.«., •. ... *.. *. • ♦ ♦ . ... • * * * .. % Si JMH) tmvB mn m % m: * # * * ♦■ 4- * .* ■* * *■ v #• *■ ♦ *■*(#'♦ *'«. 4 '♦.■ * * ■♦ * * *i f ■ # .# •■ • '*«#*»■ GiiaX'tJ X:» • * .*#■**»•»■»#.♦* * «. *■ # * * * '# :#, * ♦ * « # * • :• * •'♦' *• ■*■ •• '# # *. * WM nm mmom OF wmm m n cmnm t wmtsm .OF .1*1®.mmtsm dwnlWHii fiiixn* iHn.n'i fim ir i' 11_ limit Mr, j; i wlihi ^iii HiilHMi.dnWr* wi),.! ^!l^f>l^.il.w^^p^.l>.ii.»i»i^Pt>...>.(^.ii^Ja^^i>^iWi»^»iw»^^ Hod em uitto^wSjgo of iMWfl^ri frolaafeif' ^©.tes ffom 1897 tofcati Blj^BMMti 4laeotr0V«d n dl#Mi$« Hi fowls t'hafe *#* ©©sabl©*! 'Usetmrn twvlbevl (40):.*, ii@: fttoeowvy ttiitlatdd tfet^ long $:©rio? of 8%v&%9&t tfotth e^emttaallf ^feotsrei fctt&t th© braft e©at0 ©i' graliss -©©Btain. v«P5r aasll aaiounts of ■& sub* ©taaee which is a sfacifie pr©v@ati^# axtci cure for th© 4is©aae (113)* fh® door fe© ©itpariSB^ntatlon «s?as ®p®m§. guaA w&a& of thft lntricae£©8 of beriberi a»a much of the ahettidtt$3r aad ph^si^logy of irit^siiij B| 'fea^e sino© been re* ■trealea* Caslialr fasnl: «a© th© first t© r©e.ognSa© that berS- beri was cata;s©4 W A <a©fa,©i©no|r la the «Ji©t (40)* S© ©ailed th© wifisiag embstaae© •vitaajaw** VttmSxt % «ftd ©epar^tedl ©heiaic&llT by ^aasen 4iii& Donath t^eatj year© after J*1*^*© ^jm©tm©©ai©nt* fheir aetfeoiaa \mr0 ©© 4@il©at© m®. the jfie.M so Infiialtosimftl that for tever^i years th© ©©paratioa eould not be <Supli* ©atet by ©th©r©# ^h© teefejai© of i©olatlo» w©© l«prov©<3 bf several iia^©©tlg©t©rs# ©ai th© final -solution, ©f the problem was provided Uiy Sillismsi, whof ih 193S#i proposed th© structural forsaula {V&y* William*© forsmila vm prov©<3 correct in 1036 by the almost siaaultaiaeous sysitheei© of vitamin B^ tg four groups' of invent igator^* tthmtBtTft -ana, gydpoyt.ioa ¥it4iala 3^ (tliimiina., thiaain© chloride, oxm is a colorless^ ao^rly o^oylesa cr^stallin© solid with a slightly mtty taist©* fh® moleoul© ig compost of it pyx'iinMin© m& thiasol© nueleus conn©ete<3 top a a^tixsrldttA bridge. It is liygyoscopie and -ver? soluble in wafcexv# feut insoluble in 0tber8 eiilot-ototm^ bonbon©, and neetonot It Ma the following dtraetorai fomntlaii ^3 c N=C • NH, • H3C • C C HC.J CH2 I-JH r==C • CH, • CH-OH N^ c—s Cl Thiamin© Hyi^o<3lalorl<3'© The vitamin is mxstabl© in neutral or al&alin© solu* tions b©oaus® it is split Into its constituent rings (29) but it is stable in most acids alttougfe it is deeompos©^ in sulfite solutions^ It is stable in th© dry form and is not readily destroyed by oxidation* it can b© maintained at 120^ e. for Saalf an hour in acid solutions with little loss of activity (29)* The rsSistanoe of thiamine to keat $ is a fynoti^ii mt mlf of pM lattt ttl^tx of th® el^cfcf'Olsrt©system Iwolv^d ill)* g&uri$69 o* &ulfw dioKM© Soooi^oa© It, ©a OKidaticia ^Itssaisi w% i^ tjoav^a^eS into- fcMo-ohrom©!. stability of ai^»in».,,pa,<ieo3teiag .Mtkoi^Ji v£ta»S» i^ £0 not ^©adtlf -iestroyoa at fch© t.0ia|s©ral;^y© of bQiXlag tre.tQi?* it is ir^jpf ^olia^l® ©0 tfe&t « layge psp©|>op^il«a ssaf dissoXva aii<3 fe© ioet in oo^kiag wat^y* la bof ilag mm® yBg®t&totm m mueli a® &&-■ p©3s?«©at ©f tM tklnraia© is Qoftt^oyed «ad a© M^ &$ 15 pe^oeat is- ^£«* •solved.in tfeo eookiag tyatef (4)# fh© e^ditioa of sodiua. bicsirboaato does aofc iaeroas© tHe d^stsm^tioa la pm&i bat the <S©stJ?uctloa ©f tho v^tsttata dlssoived ia fcft© eookiiig water Is gjp^t^r ia BmtQ m-&m (2^)* Ro&$tiag o&tavies n 4B fore^at los® of tki^aiao la pork loia^ maplf th^m t'$m®& «6 felgb, &$ b^i^iag iooe 7 t2g)* Doablo boiler oooteiag of f/liole grain O0*eal* doos not aostro^ thiaisiae (SS)* & siabstnao© ©eowpg: $m apiiw fiefe oMotot ioetroF^ irittamia B3. (®$> b^ aa m%ysi&® f^aet^ioa (Si)* iKt©a®ii?o stuiiea tmim tftvoxm ttobt torn ®t tfeigmia© ia. bfilElag %& roliitQi itismetxy to tfe© toffli^^attxr.© <aa4 doipe* tioa of heatiag $a<3 i# aot iotoapmlao^ bf tfe® ©otajpoo. of tbiiBttSsie CS3l.? 80)« At «a ovoa t.©^©rat«3?© .of BWQ p* ontf m sraall pmt of tH© ^©^gife i# lioat©^. aboiro- 21©° P* ©act that br«ad wJaieto. lias ■©■ PS of atooat 5*7 {^>+ tfiia«:r «wrag@ fegd in tte o^vnte beSttg €#0 po^ceilt (39K a<3|>©?ia©«iti :on the dogyod of ^©aotratloii of M@fc as wa^I a© ^,te tima of iteAt&ng {87)* foattiag lo^aat range f3?Q!a 0 tp 17 pareaxst i%$) $Xifam&*. imv® wmm $om% my leee :it s>©»* m footer -waA tlnmm tbida&a^ eec«r# "b^tJi Ixi tko |S®)* O-afeoa axsd J?©t6s?« (77Jf ttd&ag ^««a and ^lgeoB« fou^i pp'Opto'S^hafe® tMia IMaKiixtt* O0o<ltiar% m& SSnoXftS^ (56) 0 rs&flilF into the cell© and passes mt imto the tidau© f3Ati<S# Aeco^ing to ^ineXaiv (98) tlMto* t$ t$M%® free vitamfca B^ or ooeafbojsylase t» tfo© ^©o^# most of it fco&ag e©mbin©«S probably vilth specif So protein* 35a the bloo<3 of iafa»t& euad yotmg cliiHreJEi there t®* i5toi»a®'3ti|r# ^ l@ir&l of stbout 10 mcs. of coearboxyl&s^ per WQ QO., stibjeot® Siortiwal Hauaian blo©4 ooufctliit m (90)* &&QV&$& in a&wlfc ©f 7*0 saog-. porc-ent' of oocarbo^lias^a saostlf .ii». eoxaiblmed fwMk (35,36). fhe valuee bocam© tmep In tha oase of ps»0loi4god or aeut© illtt©©# (116}* fhe findings of Barkis (4l> ai?e taportaBt in that thQj domoristrat© qmite el^ayly that tls® saturation loirol of thiaaiiao for the rat is rd&eh&d at .-api^osEitaat©!^ 10 times tfe© saaintenaneo 2P©<£a!r©!iesvte level* Usoamlaatloa in- dicated that th® tlaanea vrnm mnablo to stor© the vitamij* to mf exte&t tflawJpeaa the body la able to- etore the fat soltihl© vltantlxta yaadiily^ otheir wogriteeya sappo^t tho etoa.** elUBion that the bodyt-s capaolty to: ato^e vitamin Bj t9 liittited* F03? $ome time it haa boeu feaotm that vitamin S^ is present in th@ uyino in amounts that may vary directly with that fm»ni8h0d in the diet (67) # Thla fact i@ Important to the.phyKiologist and clinleian* fhe disturbed physlologsr of ©eafco thlamlaiio defi* olendy 1® acoosspanied by no* or at neat* a few apparently 0 s-0- coste03a|&,f acodpted @# its outataxiiiBg ed^g^qu^ao®^ Jias t^noovuft tMaaiE® deficddady 1» ©sot (twn?ifeerl) wfeteli l*»ve a.1.9© ia@#3i imp2.ie-at'@<S i& Miim^i© ^^ 0s^lij#ta@'Q«kMs?'' $mm%$- ^©mo^is o^js-gaetioa of the ^Iwlowisa^l trifi^ora* ^fftt*" #i«nd iato a-e3POtt# .oavltios^ and ^deraa ©£ t&e ©^t3P©alti©t ^tost of tM- ^feturbed p^^iologgr ans patlaoiog^ of tMwtftd defl^teiwjy Eaay b©^ related t© famlt^' ©Qd?^oii^«ls*'at# iaet-abo.l»ism. (09) # J@LB' ^ «(«MI04|HI©»O« tfoe m©-tir©ut tfsam©^ etUk- mo lo&gap fanotidA a^^t^^teiy' 'aia<a th©- ®$®®§m® of vi&tmiA ©* def±®%®mf ^©V0ii0.'p* ffeet© afo fatigat-, isss of appa*titd« i8oodia«*a#; tf*Mt*# iri'itafelilt.y aad aervdiusittesQ '(113^ ©2).,. ©iiiiaffiS: lyetft ©©©oi^kafs (io©)- ftrand pfolaugad r®^ 'StrlctS^ii of tM's ^ita®i» asaociafeod ^itk $tat®a of am©* tiaiaai tnatafellitf raflectad lay irritability and tao-adl* nmBf $ie^eX$8at8itd8$* lack ©f eoope^ati©^* vapt^. faaips progpoaslsig t# agitati®^* a^stal d©pra©si0% ^arlaMe r^* .strietiosa ©f mti^i^f* $£& tsm&t&m. ©omatie ^ymptoiss-.* Ba* ^stab-ia m©tab©lle d^attxrbaaees o.ectxp-ri^g ipregftlterljr* tcaried im d©po©# ■of #e-ir^i?itf and s^r© raf.3Lett^4 fef Sis*' ffeie faja&ft&<m of fldUwiBibte to tefcfi&oltiSffi xntommwm* most ©X©@#l,y rslatea t« e&rllob^F&t© metstfeoliipi* fhosi^soia and ^oiaaeoa (184) dwwwwtjpatoa In 1998 t!bat tilie 1?looa ©f tliia»3^© d^flelout pigpens domti^lfited a1i>ii6i*aal aaoants of psnwio Aeld« Shojpi^eiii ^aa; Elvohj^m Wi em£!iaem& $M ox* tsoMe-a t&ia f Indies i>f »0p9itSx^ t&ft pyjwwktd ^^i#^i©ii %f e03?©^ml .a,Bi l?iifiof ti««ni»$ of 'ijoipi^-aritio oMefea &®& t&tsmM* and Scliustsor l*?^) «Io ^h© ftsatew^iili^l tSia^oirotfy ia 195? tfa&t toQWfo&s&l&Bo »&» thSMte fp'opliospliateo ■(70)' a^ dofioleiiof of %h* vttmin mmm m ofammmt &o* ouwttlation of iaetl© mM m& pyr^vitt toii ia %la.e %loo^ (ei^^iO^I* fisets© roipS^at^oa ©tmcli^e Mw #ko^i» tjiat tkttsisio i^fielo^^f diffitoiatoofr ts^goa ^t^ke %&■&&$ fcis* @a«9f ^aai F©t©q?s ■&!©§ owwnriiwspd (80) twtfre ddsoiist^ate^ tSmt thi$ ilaMl^ixta fels&ti;© f'@'0|>ifat4o^ associ@jto<3' tultfe & 0pm$l$ 4$®&1&%&M®Q efoiltfaf to ox&oi&iSQs p^r^vsfeo imj t)o cop* sraeted ^jr t!*® 'HiSitlon of vthmtet 8U to %lx0 tifii^o r©'Spi3P* iBg la vitxw* f&# eofr^etvtosi ©f tlswo fofiflriatiom bf ®d.» <litiott of tliiiuBJUio ifi oalloi *hft *<»<sftt-o*,al4tt effect**1 lSdioa?eiiei# isft dicfta.if ear^©l3^'s?afc© ;a©^#nttxa.t0S tfa& spptom® ©f i^ Sofloionof of viAmSan B^*. Eat© Isav^ iboon • ghaxm to tliriv« m a 6&*t fs?@© f^oa iritcmin % if it eon* taifts xio. earfc©^e!3?&te* fh© aaiaalg grow we'll. a@& do $10% develop o^vio^i© siga$ of doficiency sueto as poifxieiirifcis {8), A^jsi^il^tyation of tMaiaiii© to defiet^afc aalmals loadu to a large ao^walatioa of tlilaala© and a &&*!&<& la^ oreas^e ot Alptiod^I^thlaai&e ia the S,!?'®?1 wlthtn ^0 adtitttt^d (S0#W}# other mtte®m have aMe4 that th© aSwtniatap&tiosi of thlamime to pol^ieuritlo asiiaaig pyoduoea in a ahort time a-iarg© tec^ease of both tMaaia® m& ^iphosphothi* amiEe in th© k&daoy aa m&il a a la the livei* (78)* l«merous investigations toiie&fca that caJ?hol^iyate t©e#i»§ iti thisffiiljie &ettctsMsy Iftere&Bds the ppmvie aoM eotieeiitratlois in hloo^' aa well aa it* urine C9>6Of100|.*. It ia fomsad that this aefeetive oxidatloB of p^mvate whioh is reatorea by the a64ition of vitamia %'*^ *1» respiMhg tissue oocura In all aniaala #epi*ivea of the vitamin^ ir* reapeetive of the eoiagpoaltion of tho diet ani the presenea or absence of other elgaa of iQeficieae^ (10)% f hia® pppiivlo a©i<a is nom iookoa upon a© a normal interaietiiar? product of carbohyclrate metabolism' (38*60* iOD)#. it ia twem& ^taring the proeeaa of glyoolyai® whrn th® glucose jtoleeiile is split with the addiction of <si# phosphopTriiiae 'nu-cleotia©* $he breaking down of pyptfrlo acid so formed proo©e4s by the action of eoearboxylaee or diphoaphothiamine (37*7?j80»lQ4)« 3to the absence or M e tb& ai»immt'ioa of tbie irlt-aaia,^ VtoovGtQVQ* the reaoirai of oa?boxgr%ft%9 pymvte &oM %.o ■m<$tBMQhT®0 eafl C§g {ee feast imio^ ®^a@r^bi^ eosKli^i^m® or ttteetXy WK 3DA wo©* ««i# nal tt#sm#s pfrm^fe aeli- I® emD>VBfc&& oaW$ae4 *o #©0 AHA aWy ewivod tte^nga $1& egeoo^ of-diptoospbotlilaBine (30) ♦ De^ftftjoaqriatioit of otietev <^ *ls©to %eM& amh m oC*kietogJtt# t&^ie gai cC ttKetotofttyrie to ^at^3.f26<l br diplioi&iaio^Uinl^e* aetfftosyjULt&oft of «< «**et»6aci4tt 4» ©li living e#3.1a (80)* of vlt^mfe % ##ftei$»ej to visuals (90K ♦thd ghiaaaltte OoBtcmt of the Aiaepjoaa Ptotecry fk© Avideneo S^ now eosavtaelug that %bB moAQin dietary is $6£iei9ii& i& ^itaais S^» JSi eontv^st to tha dQcreeeing ua* of ooroftie* th9*« fern-© boon « steftdy a?Ss.0 ia tho eonewnptioa of oane «iie«r# a hS^hiy jpw&fiod £6o6.0feti?f * atntift^ioaX flat* IndieAt^ ttmt ttom i&avlowti poo^ld get fttofttft 4^ pfrooBf of moro of thai? ealorioa from «ugA» and h£gt&7 .r®f:iis©a flow <80J* Frier t® %M im^entSon of toiler mills* flfcow rep^^ dent«a 81*4 p^^ceat of the ©riginal vfte&t kernel, isua ooa* tftifi94 afeomt @t inefcaat of ftbs total vitJ^raia presdat' la the 9hd«Ltt» tid^em ^»axi|*i©li0«l ^lis^li floux^ ©tt th» otha^ taexift vepred^^tQ OBly 78 »0 pereoat of tli® fe^noi m& contains a-s little m 5*$ pd^odnt of th© vitamin oris&naXZy oorilJ^ia^t In tB@..#e^gi-i». Shis prcAuet tAiSoh 8Up8>ile8 £6 |>©x»©©at or iBor« of tlw tofcaj, oftlori^© ift the avofag© ii@t giv©^ mt « D-itsmts Sj «oat«nt ftfeo^at ©aQ*@3.®^0iitli of t'lmt of ^toa©*- groms fi0«> iso>* 4|)pro3s%iat©lf 98 f«rc#nt of thfr 10*6 blllioxj poutt^-s of te^^ eoaeiasftdl onmt&Xly In tfe© ©aiteS States la whit© d&i&y f#r- espSta ookkdwt^tioft of flouap is eoooptdd^ am^l If It let atsM^ that the flour i© tib&le vhoat^ tk© thi«Bti&o cosit^llmted to t&0 4ally atot t^os tlal# s'^t^e© wouM Is© 4tl!»ottt O»0 rag* ©is' J««t ott©. half tlM; ©alX3r yeqpiroaftafe of' a moQera.-t^Hy aotlvo mm «oco^t&g to fi^spa® roeoimiooiaed &5f» tla» 0<JWiitt'## OB FooS «i«fi S^trltiott of the Satioa&l fte.s0&*«}si C(!»m9Sl ti04l># fte atiefeel^g ropopt rftvealodE a large proportioa of *poe9* 41etdfl ^a€ ftndieated that the m®v&%® thieaaiao S&fcak© foip tt%X Aietfi T^a© very ttd»* tb* mlaisma a^^ c«»» Mainly mot tla® o^timmt for hraiaii needs {&QX)» ■JTolilffe 168} ©onciudoa that; the smrgia of safety aff^ded fey toerieaa dStetariea "'varies from 0> feo BO jper* e©fit#'B the figttf® <a@pow3i&g ©n the aetbod -of ©vafesfe&on* 1^ deHeieney ijs eisdaai^ in tbe Watfe©^ Spates} *li4« fii* 0ea#©t eaHaiS Is.e^S.b^yi. to the ■oiPi^Bfc:* la «#maXIy cl^sgifSoa h#3?e unda^ a varlaty of mieleaiteg dia^Mrada* Bafora th# etwi^baneiit of br^^d tha thi&wi4a@ eantai^ ^©f tb» avaraga .tt©?i;0en diat vaa .al>©mt OS m$* per 8600 leal* fMt 4a aab^tentially Iowa** tMm jirevieuely iiiil* ©at©i hy aoinptt^ation meh aa tlu»aa ©f Sti®-b0lisi.0 a&a Fhipaapd* JtoriaXnaent of all flow? and thread sroaM valaa' this vaixw to |L#:a mg* (W.!)* Food, .goMycoa of .ghiaatna HKiXUfia aa»e of the other vitaagaa* thiatsin© ia n«t gruatly eenaaatvated in plaacta and a&taals* BoaeJttft m^fehoiis ©f foe4 j^oaoaa^ikg &M present day prefe*eafte teat refined taom featro- yaau>ved potent aeu^caa of this vitamin frota th# d:i©tary# ia $m% it 1© dlff iauXt to aeXaet a diet eoatain*. tag adaqiaate thiamine without n9$ng tthol® grain eepealJ. #rxn ^artieislavt aodora s&XiJ&g pvmm&m have %2 l$mp6& kto» v&Km&n i^ goatenfc ©I" $%&& wteil it is mo Ximger a :rle& somre#* fa offset, feftft aietafjr ieficiojaof r&gtjituio® «»# int^odutood retiring t&ftt 'all ©Mt^ ir@at porkij. fe:©'!&t '©m# j&Ult; are fe&e f^iB^lfaJ. «5@atjpllim*©r©. »f ■ foufth« ffeo ©^i©ri# 6<5iife'fifemtfom0 to tltft d4.«l» %" Issdi* t?idiia3L l^ode traff ©ftdsly- totd & a-Mpio fdM #f' low fcki&sste©; ewteafe vaf .e0?ife»»$feufe« « large |>art of tM t©tal tMaat&n« ttalikei ofctor nctaolft mm%» m® 'dmlf ^i^ (iltl* trg^ feiastae^ :|£.2*@ ricteJ?^. s«l -heart a^a fe^^lm ^onfett&A &*%*%? eofefca of -i^^lut^ {ivadent id mdh t*o&8 m. -mtm&t m& taMLdtafe*** f•©#)# S«xt to tbA e#r©g-l. gralft©>; th» logan^s &£« oa© *f tins b^at ®®mmm Bowms of thi«nltt«« fedaiat »BS *»«**■■ lina t©;!^®^®, both firaeh #ad dv-lodt «re metottwfa 4p&&«ch» ftapeupagnft^ ipmas^i© *j»0at*# ^mbl>4^* eaaWf 1M»^ b#©t er««fi9# cawpotff^ tooato^^^ stoeoh or i«d»ie<l« «t»4 bftfteift f.©t&t'o Ctl9)«-' 'f#g©tiibi©B ifteloAiim potato-ea toxm oae of 13 diot (73):* le^at an^ peanut a ar© good aamroess, and milk m# be 0 veluab^d ooatrib-mtor if eaomgli. la OOHSHIM©^ {112)* Qbentfiehed ^ilte flour> tfMt# rice, emSl ^et1? p^o* e^ss1' oovaaeftX • eontaia Xittle Ihiaaila®* an4 ooaaaeroiaX a«ydett« ©ad fet© alaoafc none* wnmin 8j. ia fomi Sn-am fooif, tet totarert Mi o«mtero<S ntjwt tho oet^aaX9# beeattoe over twenty per.eettt of the ©aXorie JUitaiee of the Aautiriftan fllltet' is eontjpibut^fi tf tzhB&t (3^)* Breads beieaws© it has maeh a Qidddproad us** pr©ifi<l$# aia M©aX eavriep for vittada '|3|* the tMaiutoe eoateat of vheat 1$ 4afXm@nes<a tof the t)rpe# vaf»i@tf- ani envlPoaaant (75)» la genevaX dunuft and ap^izig trhasits oositaia th© Xa^g©©t am^iiat of thXaoino tfoX* Iowa by faarA wlpter a&d #0ft winter isrtoQ&t in tlaat: os^er (20), lard abeats*ve#*ge 7*X me^f against 6*X mog*.for tlie ooft wS»«t» 120)* for praotleal puvpoeos the kesnnioX i&otxld b® oo&* oiderod as bo-isag ©os^o^ei of 75 per<io»t eiadospemi^ percent ©©oi 004%, &tt& 3#5 peroent' ©mbr^o (3X)., 2@A© 3h ailX* ing practle© the propertioae of .produet$ aro^ youghly W perooat of floor^ 24 percent of mill feede* ani fro® 0*:2S percent to 0*50 pereefst of gem* Only about IS peroent to X5 pero.^xit of the gera le reoovered in the flour* wharea© 14 about 85 pdttodnfc of it goss S»to tfeo isiill, feta© {SS^ apdtilttl 4»te?aflt &&l*tom>tk$¥ &B vidt? of tM oo^n^it ii*ograii of fhawe It Is auggddtod tbat RB tho fewsa©! rl^ena fctoa aoif02®©sit. of tjafcey ff^m t^he tosMo tK> tba aus^fee® gift? eon* tte ^ai©%©wi i(96)+ Afc mp sratd most ©^ t£i» vifeaiaSa ooow# teaa*: flsi© eaBnopem c^ntsins only e^eui^ M {ttvimt* t:li@ ©mtojo ;afe©mt is ■perMmtot iiai tla© oipiitsar Jftyo^d Afeeot 'SI p©3?* ©v«r# 4o not. giw « tftt© plcfeqpe ©f tbs dtdtapibutioa in fefeo nilled prodnets l3©cmM«SQ miiHiBg <3o©g ia©t ai'pax'at^ tll« teem©! afetrflf &&& @»4o.®|>©rs!# #afe^0| onS oixber l«ye» <S1)# isaalyse© ustaaXly «hew about 0*« I* S* tt tMm&m p;®® ^fim of fnioapemi tlid mill f$«dft ^^e^ag© ^feout €»§ I* ^* ADA gei'm coataia©' efeont 3t0 I* ft po* grem* ^M ^koi© kofuo^ will 'a©is%r about i*§ I». ft* p®& gpm« It osm *m ml* mMtoil fffoa tM* tlwft tbo «abP5ro oontfiii^ only about 18 percent to ^© pepeont* tbo ©aaoppo^s about 20 po^oont^ andi tbo tes» eomtaias mbmxt t&o-tkt&Tte &t& total v&taotSa B^ f^ ttoo keraoi (31#85«9&)f- Sifting tho Wm m® mm. fro® $h<& <&M®$pmm no saatter tfhotboi* they troyo eoparatdd by mtl& or milletonoo^ will V^BIOVO a largo pposf03?tlo» of tha vitamis &1 iia»eaont la tb® ^on5i0i.*? snaliyoos of ayillatroasia abo^ a g©s©p&1. progreseiv© .teej?@as@ in ijMamiEto ooacontr^tloxi as^ th@ x!h.<$&% ppoeoedif ttootigh the .milling |>3?oo©'aa« TH® eon* c@)at3Patioa in tto humn* shorts ana foo^ alddlinga is v@i*sr Mgh (51)*. Hioa th© pareoBtag© ©sstraetion of flous? fro® tHe wte^t kotael «ppro«k«&»8 ¥8 tteoi*© i9 It 9h@5?|> vl8« la tblaalm©' oontojat owing t.O' iaolugi©» of ti0S«;0.g MJaoosst. to the- hrm qnA g©3?m*. Afcovo 80- pefe^at' ©straotloB %M ounro of ^AAJP6AS9 fatten® O'^t again booamse tho eoaomtirsitioii of thiamia® isi th® outoifaost teaxm^ layers is yolativoly low (31)* tUikYlf all ©w prasoat flomr is a 73 peyooat est^aetiofi costtaEalng afeomt 25 poroont of th® owlgimX vitasaia B^|i ©IJOJ?-©©-® b©' ©straetoa to evfeoiat SS percent of tho Itojmoi njould IMW* lialf of tko vitaaia % la tk© flour <8S)# A repovt of the Gounoil. on Foods ©ai Hutrition of tli© Anfevltiaa SdciioaX Assoeiation' <!)■ states that the f,avoa?■ag© eojapositiop of wfeol® who©t flour i&elu$@3 2.»04 ag»^ of tkieaaUmo*® f&tont flotar s^opr®seating 63 p-orcont ©f th® eloanod ifla©@tf ooataias omlf 0. poycemfe of tha tMstaino of ths tJholo gi?.«i34nf. isrhoreas soeond olsar fiomr iropx'asentlng 4:*.S p@i?.o©iit of t^o vyho^t^ QOAtai&a .10 pore^nt of th© thi* amtoe (88, 96) # flie short patent flow ^as ©feotit half as mah vitwnStt B^ as th© straight fioiyr a3a<3 the oloar is mlaost tff&te as hl^i as the straight gfad© (09)* Balcop aaS. DrquttonA (S) flaa that usioxiyiohoa ishitO' flow oeataing only 7 pevsvaA as mmoli vitasdit as t#iolL<s> trh©at flour* Ifillieas :&sai Spies (1X3} .©usasari^teg tBi©lit©r®feus?0 Ydperfe Vftlsww. of f^on 4**? to 10*3 Btog* of tftt* itvtj?©g@ fap^ia 4 to S stog* e^ats of %h» vhmif &mixk m& mmllf ©oatato® aoa© of the ttheaft ©afe^j© plua a ««iaXX aaiov»it of oadodposmi I SI)-* Ttao Wtmt m®mtiMg to ^ppro^ismt^iF X2**X& perooat of tDo graia, is widely uoed fos? feedia^ aaiiaal© (06)> asndi also,,. .ftftox* oloaftSAS^ ^y coiptala toakoffy px>odttotd«. j^epftjpod Wm 4i©ta?i%iat©6 as a breakfast oe#«&X food hap "b^oa eute* joctM to )p»oeo»«oe ^eei^nod to impmm its paXatft^illtf ♦ B^ing t&096 |^oeo«0O» e^taia soXubXo ©utJStniicea BSPO loat by oaetolng and other umlasfeaBe©© 0*0 safiesd <X8)# fla® tfeisiEim^ o^Kiteat of Wan has ^ooft oatluated fef 'SQV©??.^! oothodto* awPPi* and W«ag (48) &m<l L©©®g aaa Hei^is (S9) mi®% tho teadyoariia aot^od fls^ tfeat bwm ooRtftia(» ^*6' i* 9« t&t 8«KS' gram* P©3? gs?«Bi* tefe©^- <tiid wr&ghfc (6)^ usiag in*tofeo4* find mXu©# of X#,3 aai S<»0 2». TJ* pw Sy tfeo tMocSisNsm® m@tM@a Um avosNigo tfeigiaisi© oon<* t«At of ooaonopeittX b^aia vhen ©appX©^ f^om s©v©f@i miXXiage asp© tak^B la 4.*&5 ®g* pojp pout^ (00) «m$ «ftio» iJJPft® fapora 9 ttilXft is tatea it ia S>©-© ag* pea? po\mi ^itli a vftago of 2*76*4*0@ og* p®^ pound« Slaetla.r aa^ l$mm. (97) fjtofl & 17 figure ©f S»7 »eg, p©r graa tjrith the t'hlochrome method* 4 tteereaae iia vitamin B^ content from flour to &r@&& ie due,, first te dilution hy vitamin free ingredient© audi a,a moisture^ shortenings sugar^ and salt) end seoondly to slight 'feateing loss .(47)* Oopplng ©nd Reseee (17)- find that the moistur© free parts of breads contain suhstantially the saia© amounts of the B*vitamins as the fleurs from which the breads tsrere made# the only eaEoeptien being haklng pm&QXbr®ad> the moisture free part© of which contained less vitamin Bj, than the flour (113)* Ie evidence me obtained ef synthesis or destruction of B*vitaains In the bread* making procose with yeast (17)« ¥nenriched Tihite bread made tyifch sis percent non-fat milk solids will usually have frem 0*30 to 0*45 ag. of thiamine per pound (20.)* Whole tJheat bread averaged 1*36 mg* per pound, -of fresh, bread (96)» fwo samples ©f whoie ^'jheat bread analysed by Schultz contained 1*0 and 1*7 mg* of thlamine per pound (10S)* The vitamin Bj. contents pro* duced b^ the long and short processes were equal and about one^third as great as that of ■wholemeal bread (17)* Sherwood and ceworkers (©6) reported the making of bread averaging 1*55 mg* of thiamine per pound from flour- ranging from 1*9© to 2#.S3 mg* per pound* IS fhe Dlae&tiibility., of €^y©alg Early mrk of th© Bopartraent of AgriotiXtttre Ineltid* e<l a largo numlser of inmost igatioa-© on the digoBtibility of x^heat flours,, Th*** ©tudi©^ sbovsr tfeat the protein anei carbohydrate are mor© completely assimliatefl from ©Mt® flowr tfam fr^sa wkoie wheat or grahaa flourdf la -other t?0r&8 In* oreas^ in the aiEeiount of feran In a flour la a©o-Offlfflail#d toy a corresponSlag ieeroap® in Its cligefitibility (48)♦ Stellar $ttt<ai©s with human subjects ladlcate that the coariser types of bread with a large proportion of ^hole grain are oonsidsrably leas digestible thah the breads md© from white flour (10, 74), MacEaa and co^orlsers (62) found that the average digestibility coefficient for energy, • nitrogen, and fibre were 96.!» 91*1, and 65.8 reapeotively for ^hite breadj 86*9, 8§*$, and 14,0 reapectlvely for medium ground wholemeal bread* Sealoek, Paainki, and lurlin (87). fousid no signifi* cant differeaco in apparent digestibility of carbohydrate and fat in white breada and ©hole wheat breads* "mdi- geatible residue1' had an apparent digestibility of 29.2* 76,S percent. In white breade it had an apparent di- gestibility of 6$~70 percent and in rafcole wheat breads an apparent digeatibllity of 58*62 per^eeat-, fhese workers conclude that ^hea the diet supplies approximately adequate 19 calories for uaaintaiMtae© of wai^it#.tfa© high©!* "tedigiiS* tibi® r@sl4me*' of tJae tslaoie ^li#.sit proimets does not tnfc#r*fotfd ©ItB tb& .digesfelon and •absorption of oarb'd&y&rate. aaS fat*. Hwrlim ®ft<a coworkers' (7'i) found that who!© «?&©•&£ bremd -gaw© lowei* ttias dlgeufclbilitf ^aiu©a fov protoisa than whit© did-.# but at tb& sam© tim® it prodticod hi^os' MoiogiopI values* la tean its@lff aooording to Bmnoll and cQ&mtee&ii (34), ©bout one^third of 'the total carhoh^ds^tO' eompriaiag th& staroh and d@xtriti ia digestibi© and thiarefos?©- amv®® ' as a ©dorc© of energy* Oniy about SO. s>©r©^nt of the pro* tein la bran was mtiiigied by their fcumn aub.je©t&* Uolm®0 (48) stated that the eoeffieienta of digestibility of bran protein and earbohydrat© in hwmm siibieeta ^ere 44,7 and- S6*6 percent re^peetitrely f©r fin© bran and 28*0 and 5S*S pereent respectively for coarse bran* fh© ee* efficients of digestibility of protein.^ fat, and carb©* hydrate for the diets as a whole in the series in tJhiqh fine bran was eaten and in whieh ©oars© bran w&s ©'ates wer© lower than the ©©©ffieients of digestibility for an ordi* nary sailed diet {48) * it is possible that the bran s-tlssm* lated peristaltic ©etion t© smell 'an. estent that the food materials itere not' as completely absorbed as is noniajly the ease ^hen they pass through the alimentary traet rjith* out increased peristalsis* SOB© of the subjeets found the 20 "bafan <ai®ts cleciSodly laxative^ although th©y noticed XibttQ 02? so diff«r©aea between feh® ILajsative effects of fine asEKS eoai,Q# fo#aft« Bernard <1£.) foian^ that wheat Wm i®<i at a l&'rel of I© poreoat of t&e wet ration de^dpsed th© over-all digea* tibillty of a dl«t tn ndsdcflv KW depvesotog effect 10 proteafel^ ex^laiBea lay t&© laxativ© effect of tlM htm., Brm f©^ ©.Ki tije ©aae level ^iS aot appear fco-fo® lajsative to f03E'©a*. Uieia ■cereals -were finely gromd it la&ss fotind tliat tlaty left tM ©tomaefe of rats faster* B3?aa ted little if aay effect in 4eere.adl»g the fate of atojaach emptying in the case of finely gi»oiani mLt®ri®l®#, amS thejpe was evidence that the htm particle.® migEt even accelerate stoffiaoh paa*' aage of a compact anct glnellke «eraai preparation* Fhysl-- cal consistency rattier than roiagtiage 's©e»e<l to 4ete3?miiie tlie time ©f atay of cereal in the rat^ stosstach t66}* "Sim laxative' value of «hole i?heat ln»an an^l l>ran that .had fee©n treated with xmaM acM to remove the phytin was eoBfared ■&&& It- \im concluded that the laxative value was mainly <3ue to the fllare and t^s not related to plsytln or othes* Won constituent® that a2>e readily eatractahle hy treatment ^Itli weafe acid (Si)*, m pan. the' digestIhlllty or disappearance of fihre1 is €Kfcre®.®ly variable and depende in part upon its content 21 of celluXosa @M pentoeand (apparently ligniiri Is not di* gestea at all) m® %M pvasenee of Ua^teria in the alimentary esnal (49)* It is indieated that th© imavailei^l® oarbobgndrato distribution in a diet »ay Ue altered ^itkoufc changing the total fibre iatafe© or the oaloric value of the daily.diet| that an altered distribution of the unavailaible ea^bo* hydrate* (ligiaim^ oollixloa© and hemieelluloee) has 'an in* fluenee on nutritioaal procoaaesj that the food in which the fibre i© prot'ided affeeta the response of the'hedy to itj and that ether eonatitnenta (pectin^ vitasiins,. tannin) or propertiea of ^ foodi, aa well as the level cf intake# ■may vary the pfcyelologio reeponse (4©)* Itemel and eotierkera (a®) fonnd that fro® 2#6 to 99«$ poreent of eellnloee and from 16«6 to 88«Q pereent of heal* eellnlo^e in the diet of a gronp of ehildren 4 to IS years. old Kae digested by intestinal flora of the colon* Older ehildron appeared to ho able to doeompos© more oollulose end heMieeXluloee than young children and. this ia attrih* uted. to greater Intestinal length and greater opportunity for taeteriai deeompoeition of fihre* mw children of these agee* St©? grated of dietary fitre daily eamsed nomal laxation and had no nndeeimble effect on abaorp* tion of H or minerals* fihre doe© have an of feet on the retention of aome m other food prlttttipleg* SKMpgsoai ■C'72) studied 'the offeot of the iBgostion of moasfat© daoiattts of a .e<&l,ltx2,©se pmp&m* tlon on jotmg xwmm* Sho fomafl .a slighter inorw»©d ©.sere* tloa of t*6&% nlW&gm^ m® m tofftnit* ijaofeaso la the ««*■ emotion of pltodpXwHrad# calels® ®»4 fecaX 'a$ti* It Ban fe©0a avieigestod feteft' the pvo$«aie« ©t toaife nay rotari protoo^ytio dlgoatton^ femt it appears that the afo* foot produced by stoder&to 'anoonts of fibr@j, aithougli dofi* nito» -la sli^bt- (1B).> fivow 50 percent of fifer© did not reduoo fefe© positive ealoium toslano© in fsiaiXs f-at^j, al* thcrngt* poQitive nitrogen foil star^odly* fh® inereaae of fibre im tfce diet Inoroasod th® phosplmtasjo in the faoeod toy 8©"v@'ral tlawd, indionting it le bolloved^ Sneroased eoeretofsr activity within tho intestines {9M}* I'fao leir©! of fi1»p$ in fela© food h©d a pro&ounoed effect ott the developstteat of f&vm-S Qfattikmrn, Ssseees of fifcre liatitdd growth^ tout from about 5 to 6 peroent of fibre wa© fotmd to bo benofieial (93)* gg*. ^gtroi^atint^, .freot. a^i i^aor^ionriof JUagime Wmy esqperiindttte to*?©' been made oa the relation of the Tit&mia B ooaplex and the gas^rointeetinal tr&et^ &md prohahly in jsany of these esperinente nultiple defioienoiee exieted^ the^o ie a tendency to' rs^ard tMi&fai&& «s epeoi^ ally iaportant in th® naintenanee of the nofual fVnotion 23 tit the gasfci»o$nt©sfcteai tFUCfc* but studies showing sucla a jpQla'fctmsMp are rat»© (86). fhe ioflueao© of' the ne^oti^ ©ysfcera ©B the organs of dig#sti@ii ha® aiwikya heen oo?!i8i^e?'0d Impo^tsmt: to snedicml pfactiee-, lost physleiaas ha.^e aofcei the f3?«^aeiit |#eociatlon of dige^ive diaorderis with ooaditiom& ^hlch p^laiairij.^ affect the ngrvoug &$&%m> (i03)t fhls matf part* ly aecount for .soate of the symptoms occtjypihg la a 8 eett** pl©s: &©£ Icleaey* ll iarg© itt«jah©'r of @a®tf*oi»te.stln®l syasptdms' Ijielui"' lag ftnoapexifr* eoiastipatlonj,. Qlar^he©,,. dyspMsia^ flatulerse© and .vomiting hav@ heeu &0c3?ih©d to defioieney of eoraponent® of the B complex (103)* HaiibXein* fhofflpson aad Scully (44) have reported that vitaasin B ooatpXex defleieticy caused »arked returdatioa la gastrio motility aad moderate delay of vm%% latestixml aotility* Free and I.eoaard ($&} found ia studies of intestinal absorption of galactoa© by ■rats that the rate of intestinal ahsorptlon of the aon* defieient aniJials'averaged 3© peyeeat more than that of the B deficient anisals* There- nmn also an indieation ef impairmoat of intestinal ahsorption in the vitaiain B- eost* plex deficient animals*. fery few specifie ^ata have heon recorded on the pathologic changes In the stosach and intestine© in cases of deficieacy of vitamin f^* Some itorkers are certain that 24 tMaslno mid nlc&t'inic acli are ©asmfcl&X tov notnaX functionixtg ©f tb* ga©^a?o*imt©stijia1. tfaet {108)* Of tfe® pathologi© wad pSiysieal cMtigm amd ^^ptona «bl6h IK&VO bmn observed# amorsjElm Bppa&mtXy is fck© only osi© which is elearly rdXat«d to Sefielenesr of vitg^im .B^* $t ©oo©s clearly eatfttolJUtadd that andFexia accoapaiai®^ dajfictaney of vitamin % ia maa «& «rall a© in aBteaX© (1®)* ®^© atudlas of Semite m& ffiiott (92) indifiato t'feat tbe imt^te ©f vitamin B% % ckiidrea is related to t&eip appetito* fliiamino^ also aeems to ftmofcion to ttoa siaiat^smneo of tba novnaX motiiity of tho digestivo traot <96)* Soth %* i3r« Harris aad M. &» ®o©'© spoalc of a geatral laok of ton® of the gastvojjtiMso'st&aal traot roeuxting fro* a dafioioney of tbie vitaain* SuasoXl -^uad Ifaaset (86) torn® that auppXom^Btiag- aa already adequata baffid diet witb additional aAoimts of thiamtoa fead no: of foot on tfeo saotroixitostinaX tracts x^ie«*eaa yoaat bad a dist.iftotXy $tiwilatory affoet osi gastroi&tostinaX aotiXity probabiy duo to tbo pvosonoa of Xiv© yoaet in- tba gastroiatoatlaaX traot* Dick attd toge (S4) roportod that «ho*o ^etfusion of tM&iaim bad no of* feet on tba isolated intostioo of a nonoftl rat# tb® peristalsis of isoiatad intestinal Xoops obtaiaod from a thiamino dofioient rat is incroassd and tbat tba rats of progroasiv©' tanus is rotarded wmfior tba influonea of £5 t&iejsiin® Jg villa* li®3?%iE ®ai «<mopker« i85) litlng. fowig fogs otsswsrM that vhea vitanito B^ ®ma ri^oflatr&s t»©^e the only vlfc«»i» B #ttpplesa«nt0 tto aotillty of the ^mtll Aafeeafeiae- was fcfc* e^oastS @M tfeafc ©f the oolott dew^^ed * Dftea the fcasaH ^i©%lm.j> gaatfO'-lmteetli^I function 'ap|)©^3?@4 to he norsutiu Beubleiu «nd e^OFicea?© (44) fo^iaa tha^ ««#ly la tha aemtd $hae$ of » 9it«»lii B' eo^les a^flolomey M d^gs th^v^ tmft & siarl£®€ ielay to gaetvio ©nfi a. soSorat© dol&y to Int^ati** ml mot 1X1%f* -Aim lafe®^ ot)i9» ©ffeetts^ ^omo^rMt po^on^ling tho$o of' a imltlfi© iofisitaoy Sa hunaaft inelu&iag afeo^r wore dtrideat ttemigfe. the small lnt@st.itt©* Mssinist^atiom of nlee&Sa&e s©ld asii ^ifeofla^ia «2M littl® to oouat9rft«t tfes© ef^ots trntte ftimSttlfttimtion of vitwuSn S| tfttta^Mfi a t^porftvy rotwa of ootility to aof»aml> thcmgjh to thsd^ amtfetor©^ ©pluiom <50®pl©t^ r0.|sto'r@ti©sit tima&A* &th®w factors ooalei'3a©.a la whol© y^ftftt* B3cp0i?$a©Eta oa tli© vhamid m®zik®y gitr© no support to tht mBmpMo® of » «|f»6»gi*tio ianiMM of Yttamiii ^ upon ImmHm- metioa i@l)* It %$ p&mmto thftt ^Itumln % my *«» ^st jRP«aft tlj» 'body unfis? «o»aittoiili «tf «l»ron&ft aia^Mea* .It ftpsM»ftj?a that diasThoa mp®lj ®m®m som fallur© of aksorpfcion of aa apppecift'blo f^aeticoi of the* YttmiUi Bj, is eomplot©!^' s&sopfodtg ffos "feotla the ©jmll gmi largo iatestia® either in fcte fr©© or in tte p&osphojpylafc&S form (log)-. Harpef' (38) fi^ci® t&at the rate of .absorption of gltteos® f^oBH tho Intestine la 'lowered in a?jats maintained in u state of ■aufeaccut'e. vitamin 'S^ defi* •el@Eoj.* it is igidicateti that phoaphoffla.tion plaf® no dominant, roie In $et©5»inin$ the ^ate of intestinal ab* sorptlon of thiassine* fhle eomeiuslon is .aupported by the mrte oi Ochoa <70) who finie that in vitro intestinal tie* Bm, in contrast to lives? tisatte* poaaeaaea iittle ability te pho®phoi»yiat© thia^in©.. fh© ahao^ption of thiaalne probably takea pXae* ley ©©ana of almple diffusion (10$) ♦■ Flrat the rapid Initial abaos»ption of thiamin© is aucceed* ed % a imch aiower ^at© of abaorptlon.^ p?»©sttraably after aiffaelon efuiiibritm ia ©stabliahed» ^ieo it la fotand fch&t the abaoafptlen of thlaiaine ae:#Bi® to be romghly propoi?*' tionai t© ita eoncantrat.ion in the inteetine* M all probability people m&f v&ry with reapeet to the efficieney of $uoh abaorptlon* Tha warsin between amn^a needs for thiamine and hia. Intake 1© rather ali©> and at the saue tlae hi©- normal capacity for sterage la diatlnetly limited*. Eatlmatea of thianine retirements are inflmaneed 37 Tbf ttea ojpltaria thafe tti© invest igatop uses *o jodgo tht AdQ^uooy of tli® ^gitakd so.^ toy ^H® leagfcfe ©C the period of m&ntena&e* oa a aaaatwsd dogs of thtttnSnd (109)* %m.g t®m stmaio® <ar© asee&sm'y* ®lll%&mt laaoa^ ana ipijdejp (tm) b©3l4*w tba* asta-mii^es of t&tfflsSao i*e^air«aeato ©a® fttat«9 of %h.® m^mbt 42) tho eondltl«>» ^f tlio tls'sn^ :stoF©0 of tM&ffito0f «sd (3) tbe Moelii©mical ateftos of s^b* 3oet9 ^la© h^v® hmn fmtnt&tm®® tor several, nojatbd oai teoum Intakes ©f thlfiiisdsi^«. 00t#etl0H of ateo^tmij hlglb tal»©® of pgnrovic a<5id asia laotio eoid ia tbo felooi after admiaistttfttion of cl0j$% treed 'has jMpoveft to b© tlie moat ftpplieftl&d of $h® Mtstoolte tests for t&las-is© defletonesr l$O*i0:0^*. Seftuits of thm& toBts to1?® %®m e©ripeX«ite4 ^ith <3ltoi«a2. iigiis m® ®jm®tQm of ttiiLsi&D&e def'le4enftyf tie dat«i ©^ ©^©3?#tioii of tMnaSa© to 24 InoiMC^^ ana esorotiea After ^datlliiifttrfttiOA .of a t^uft ddse of t^i#mto^ iM}* ffelWilaQ re^iiresient is most- QenmstiXy <Sot.©»mt&9i toaay by the ttrjbuery esoretlen nethed^ ^any reports wiittg tbe biological A$«ft7 9tet)»odd« tlie oeXor^tBetriet tlae tht0* ebrone metbod* mA the ,y©8,s^ feiMentation procedure toetv* tsbotm th^t the urinary eserefcfcea of tMaaiss^ Is m gooi ia* aex of the mtrition&l ©tutus of the imxm ©ubj^et (8798^# 109) # She .a©ficiont subjeet has no @sfes»^ aietory thi«miii0' 2$ t© escr@*.0 but* attempts to retail all his tlii^iaiae to r^* g>loEtlsfe a.e|>l@ted tissue stores.* Pop a noraal saaii> t&©r«* f'ore> th© exoretioa of a tost ctos® of tshHnaa-ijae iaaicafcaa thft a^par©?it e;0m<3itl©n of tfMsi atoras of thi^tsin^ 1109 )■« A grottp of aomnftl ati'feleett (©7) r^sp&niai proiaptlf to vari* atio» la tbljaaaine intake «M3>e 0ttfe4i6t&fig oa-^£©ts sa^plsr* lug oja t)to avsrag© 1*0 Big#^ of thloisitie p©r 'dair* ^parontlir a eoastaat ^aiiy iatak^ ©f 1*0 ing* i$ eoffieiextt to satur* at© the 0at>4'&'Ot to such an exte&t that there is no neoea* sitf to cosiS@rve dietary dJMamino. Th© mSa&iaum allowaae© for male, adults is a^out 1000 laog. per &&.j or afcout 3SO BIOS* .p©r 10fl©oa'lorl©s of <Si©t$ th© mMiffim, dallf inta&# r#o©s^emi©i hoth hy Wliltam^f grou|> :(109) .sma l>3r lolnlek (67) mm ®*S «g» |>®r 1000 oal* oriea... fheae •valTO^ ar© .©up^ortei 'by E^srs atti Hoaseh®'!* (SS) tJho bell^v© that aet£v« aelult ml©s ar© net ban^flt^d by © dally supply ©f move thaa 4S0 acg* of thiaatln^ per 100© ealories ♦ iilllaa^* Mffi®oS|, an& WIMer (110) later ooneluQed that an allowaac© of 0*45 •rag* per 1000 calorlo© may bo r©gar(3@d a© th© general ainiinura' r®<iuir@®©nt> but an amount of 0#€ sjg* per 10.00 oalorles is T&ti®Mtwi&&& to ^ro* vide a saf#guar<3 in oa^es ^here sore may b© required'*, iast fi|par# is also rfiooRimeMod by th© Food and nutrition Board of th© latiosm! Sea^aroh eouncll*. ■ ;jn<tivisual requlreroents however -vary con^l^erably^ 29 tot© of' tnotfftfeoi&e ■cfeaB§®s of ^aerg^* or aat«rial« ©s ml% aa envlpoBaietttfta, f®.eto'rs# «otiv&t3r* diet* «»# intoaftiaal abser^tioB ^Itould U^ eoasldoa?^ when the fO«|mir©iae»t of the tjaia^Mml is luagei <*©©)* jfe is zioTsr tmii @0fc©l)l,lshoi th*t fat h&a- « tbianfttt* spar lag «etien trhiit 6ftrlM»h^Arftt» ft&©»©a@'©-® Uh© aoei (2)* Baa©s*|i i©)' fo^Kii that, tfee l»e«atlosi *t a hi^fe .f At di*t ^ iMtts a@prtv®<l #!• v&taofta Bj, dintoi«h«a the datevetiioa ef ih# .severity of tfts l)ipaay<M»dla* M'elalelfi asut Field (68) oonolmd©?! that tha ^itaate S^ aparing ae.tioa of fat ami fo® attributad to the deoveaaeg ne^abolio re^uiveBtanta fosp tWL* toaln© ©hea tha fat of tha diet Is iiBM»»daaa^* fh€i praaanea e£ a lapga amount of ppoteta la th© 4iet 'ppawataa th@ lara^yeardia ani ioaa tm- w^i#it ttauaSUy ansooiatad «ritti^daf$oia&ey of vttamia % (0>* It i®il®& foomm® to pravant tba ioaraaaaft axoratio» of biaulf t«©* biBfiiAg sMfeatatic^©* la this laat ^aapaefe ptvtalu differs f^om- fat* iratei© (107) found that tha thisu&ia© raqjutirdmatit appaared Xot?a»' with a a lot eontainieg vmofa p«it0i»* <Bba ^©^talfoaeat la Incjraaaad Itt parlefie of aoblva groyth ^nd i-^lMig pro^aacy and la«tatlo» (S©),. edBdXti-<m& 1» whieh thore is a scmaraJ.^ Snaraaaa^ zuatabollatt su^h &fl fevers aiid 'h^parthyroidism ai©0' iaeraaaa the raqtuipamant^ fo&af atmt tmntf methods for %%.& Aetemninatiott of ^Jiiamisa© in foodafuff $ ^r© to nior-© or %&m Qwrrmb u»» ai^ ar© actively advoeatiea fey oartAin grottpe of workers (1X3), fTtoa 'biological naibbdda m© vaXiabXa ani tha saost t»am toowi» Haintanaaaft of treig&fet promotiots of growth,, aM euro of FoX^eurltfo a^mptea© tutva eao& tsaaia asiapXoy©^ as measuraa of fch© variow^ cosBponasits of fc&a B coaapiosc (45) ♦ aspQeisXXy plgaoaa^ and rats ara uaafi* lass uniform $M BirQa^ BirSa ar© sometitet %&$%$ j^aa^oJiisaa to grafied amotiiats of foods.* Although chea'ieal aothoda for tha datjanaiaatioa of thiamto® ar© teeing $^roved* a rat^g^otTth mathod thefe p©r*» ffllts statl&tloal analyaaa of th& rosmXtss oo^tSnuaa to b# of great iralTie for tfeiaiaiae aaaaye of fooda^ aapaeiaXly food's of low tlkittnAoe eoJatant. (71)* Host aoaaya of foodstuffs raportad ia tko litaratmra toav© baan ©ad® by this mothod* It mkea •aaa of t^o parallel groiips of yottug ajilmala* ouo on a basal diafc aloaa, aaS the othar on the aama diet sup*pl©ffi©at©d by feturon qosiititlea of tha foodstuff or axtract usadar assay* Garaftil attaatlosi mwst bo paid to th© pro* vantloij. of foprophagy*: TMa aathod prosttmoa that tha basal diet Is ad©<|uat© ia all respect a othor than thiaaaiaa (!©)# fh© fraquoat oeo'ttrreiica of rafaetioa, in rat growth assperim^icita (55)# and tha 'inadequaaias of the dlats aia* ployed i& aost pig©om ^oi^it taothods, togothor oith tha 31 ourraftt «»ewtftinWe» a» to 'tfco ^ettfirittttlons ef th© -imdi* ^MtisS faetoip® of the B eoopleat Q,1OXI©> of in varAoms com*' bSnatl^ns to grovttm %<$& mtif to &$®pt ft ret em»&ttim t®m (71),. 3& this stethofi* aavoeatei fey th© 9nit«d Stated VbftMsAeo^eiftjt a .©tanaa^ grade of peX^&eia^itift is ^.©^©-©dt fa th® p®% m& eured l^jr **#* totet of tla© aater'ia^ m&w invent l$at ion* tte r©®f©B©e t© fc&© te^t dese ie eesaparea. vrttfk th» pmpmm'to to©m ^acmati ftf tMniisiaa* Om^ «a» v&&t&$0 dl&ltted for thi* f^0©0dmf*© it the po0#iM3Lity ©t asking eosfcttip&tiire tests with the ease ©sa:la®l* It i© ectg^ QCMted tt»fc eomiiloto' f^miltitrit^ witls 'the. &pmtmB la eseential fo^ *s*»y «oyj£ toy tM» sieth^d (f^l* ■ fSi# laradtreftvdia nethod te© been. u«@<S mcc-eatfmlly fejr A miiafe0:r of fjaglig^ mvker* ■ $$# is) *■ It is M®ed ©a tlj® ti&etftttg of tbe !3tee,v6 rate i» 3?&ts i^ th&oaine defieiene^ ana its. gape b^r teat &mm of food trader e^xtvotx^d eoadi* %%tiM* Remit* of ©e^ays hj the ^a^foariia i»et£fcod> asad ftieo % %iu» rat ewfttive, the rat grox^fe 'and the pigeon astbodft-*gree <16>* Advan^Ageft elafcaed tot %h<$ fe3?adjoardIa metlied ar^ eiuprt iNrepfiratoipy period # eaee and rapiditsr In obtai&iaa^ apesuits^ astsd eeonemy in teet ®Bljmi@ b0oawa« one■aalmal wmj Hm nded for aeveftsl teeta« fha ^atatorollA'* teat is a bioehemiea'}. aetjioi abiefci ®i@a$ur0'S Jg l||f^ tbfi tt^tak© of osygoia by brain tiaetee froia avlfe^mlnoti© pigeons* $he afiditioist ©f vttaate Bj, toereaaea m Bmm %& D© ©ppll^a^a,©- t© foodstuffs* Hierofeio&cgieftl atdthodft «uelk «s %ta fern* fesrmftntiA* taen m@tJaoa, 2nt#e4tteod b^ S©telt»| Atkftsiji ntujl tK»©f f00) amd ^fe@ ^9ft9t 3*0&1& t0#t £»©.0#atXy p^opoa^a b^' t* ^* filiiliaia® nod bio eoXtoborators <W^) hfeva "b©'©3a found ruli* 6fel# is ©ss^ylag food proattet®, tiafitte extraot^ felooi^ mttd i^taa for thiasatot. <90)# Two chomioftX mothods mm «ro3li roco^aisrod* M 'tho quatftife&tiirely oaeidisod fey ©BsaiiRt ferri^SPttAid« %® thio* ete©ffi©>: « .stroiiglf fluoro&eoat sub^tdnoo^' Soveral aodifi* eatlon© of this t«6t Hav© boon devieed (42, 4S)..» fvebitHdAi end SeCo3Ll,utt noo « colwipotrie ^POQodwo to ^&!<Jh thiiaias ronote tilth aiasotised p^aatoo Aoote$te$8oa$ to fofst a' dg^o mu $mmm .pg fm MM&Bwmxoi $t has %den afa&m '$M the jpfip^ious •^Ntpt03? that tht thi(9iai^0' ooat^at of fes?®a^ t© i^lat^si to tlia <a©g^©@ of saiitiag. QS «*© rie^ tli@ fi'om^* i%ethea? *h® ■&lm&Qn& m& fefaa isf* IJI tMsmA^© are fully flig9Stltol0t feow^^^fa^ la^s; tj^eta qtiastteae'd ^s^. it lia-s feeea ^aggesto^ ttet fmjptker la* ir^atigeition ©bonsM ^e iiai©+ A larg© balk df issSlg-^stibl© foo^ natorl&l particu* tyaot^ la g©B©!p©lif %Msili©v©i too Imtufc tfea utillEatiom of the la^ortoafc tmtri^ntBp but ©^tdeis©^ -supporting tho b^-*li©f has: m&t beo® el©©j?*cut* ffe©. p^tppo-Q© of thi® ■stad.f.*. t'h^r®foy©'#' was to de* tenoine vjti©the^' t&tQ thiaaia^ of Wm ift titilfe@ci «v veil ■a® thiaai^© #0ltetS©»t, ■&& whoth©,5? tli.t fibr© «* Wm nffeota tia© i*t£iisskt|©a of MM thimtoaa*. 34 m&mm txt mmtmmm momwrnm eMoa® method*, mti tin© asaoimt o.f teiiamiB© utlltsed felo*logically .from tfe® by^a wa« aostpa^d with tfea .Mmeisat ufSiIg©4- fj»oa tMamin© sol^tioa m& with th© aaotmt util* imti from b^asa wft#li@a f3?e© fi»om thiaaime pirns thiamtoe fim 3?)at @s»®wt;lj mothofi ws msofi for tSsio 'biological ©eiaparisoiu .Aft#3? approsiHiatoly t«ro t?©#K»s depietlon perloQ t;Mi»ty 3Pat$ I?©**® divMedi into three ©qwal gtfoups* fh©f f;©F0 fed' a ftasal ilet &A«qtiate la ^11 reapeete eao©.pt for thiamine.* a«i«2 tfaitt was ©uppleaentea filth RaXaton tHP©n for on© group ^ isrith an ©QuSiralemt ^uasatlty of tera» tmshed fr©e from thiaraiiao pl«@ fchtsm&iie solutioxi for a seeoM group* ®nd with thlamin© solution alon© for the thir<3. group* the to-st foediftg wae ootttinued. for' four weeka,^ the -asalmaXe being veighed eeBii^wee^iy* The (lifferesiee in growth vma takan aa aim laadiaatioa of the thieaalhe utiXisatiofc hf tho animal. Ahalyela of the Bran by the fhioehroaie Methoct Janeen u©ei th® flmorescent property of thiochrome 35 03? ossidlzeiS t&ia®^© as. the hmi& of mi Bjmlftl-Q&X &etii©<l» Vifam iri»adiat©<l fey light tMs ^ub&taiic© e'Sioiirs. a strong blue-wviolet tluo^fieenoa.* the isatenaity of i^bioh Is- propor* tleia&i to fsh® ^oJieettt^tioxi of th© thiooli3?©m®.# Bst^actlon of thft 'tMooteom^ fi?om th& o&M&tton m&di«a* am allMilii© soihatioa of fer^I^yasaid© fey isofeut^aoi $.mvmmB th& lat&n* slty of fch© tfeioohi?0»s fluofeseotieot asia l©a^©.$: most ©f tfm Interfering aatoriala In the aqueous ^aye?* 4 Man& ae*» tej?siajmtion of profOFsaed non*»ap®cif i® tItioresoenee Is njade with th© owlstlon ©f the f©yric5&i&t&e> ylve gyams of Eal^tea tewm which Ml feeen f&ttfty gpouiad waa weighed^ and groa^d for fou^ Mnutes Isa a ftolts^ felondep with 200 oo* of s percent aoetlo aeid» fhe nixtviiP^ v;as tretnaferred to a feeaker ^nd heated on the Bteam hath for fopty^fIve aiinwtes to mafe© oortain that all the thi* amine was e^traeted* fhls mist^re. uaa ©ooledf stlr^d and SO grasts tsrere transferred to a 12$ ee:# Brleanieyer flas^* fo each tlm'k was added 10 co. ef a 3 peroent poll* daae solution which had feeen siaie up in a sodinai aeetate* acetie aeid feuffer of pJl 4*S* 5fh» flasks were then stop* pored with oorl£S# and shaken gently without -getting the material up on the sides of the f lasJs* f he- aisEtttre was then- ineufeated ov©rni.ght at. 40-° c*,. and filtered Steoa^i dry filter paper {discarding the first S^io ee*) into a dry bea&er* 36 Slare© ere* «?f tta^ fiUtrat© mv® ptp®t&®& igft* © 2$ %&+ *%op99V*& $F&&mhm cftiM&Qw* M«3fci3.l©4 w&mt mm s^dod to aftke tlt» vftlaao «P' to d •«»«#. ®M ali tli© Balti* tions aiuS dppavatUQ tre^o px>!ep6r«d *o febat tls© rest of the proofs eouM it© oavrlad thr©s#x dd qmielly as jx»Bs!'b!&+ fhS*®0 a^'Op© Of .1 p6»Q9A% .I^F^(el:>@. W«*» add«d flMtll a ttroppitag Dotl;l#* XBB&etfiiitaly ® •©.* of 1® perc^mt Ia©l ttoro @i<sa#i# f^iioy®^ fey XS oe« of i^ofeutMiOl* Th» fteeice wow* gijak^a trigopotauBisr for oat w& oiao*:teM iBitn»t>«d» -ana t'Si© eo&fco&fci |)0t»@4 into a .s^pm^4to3?f, foimol.* ft& Xem* aqudoua *lk»lj^ia lafef w* drfttm. off aaft ^l^oai^o^^ and ttofc n^por laolnxbassol layor potired off $Ato a eXeiai^ Mff oosa* t-^ifugo ^mtj.©.. WSJP* ftso fc© 4 @ram$ ©f a^l^irotj^ toMvia eulfat^ aii^a %© %m ttt*« asid the MlKt®^^ traa ^tokosi vig©f>©'als*' if tmtll, %b® so'tolioa trad b*iltU«a*tty «l*a»* fii© tufeo© tj#tis..o©mt^ifug@$ for a^omt fcMrfey aoootidti MsA.tsho Hqtiid ^©.uroi off into &wf rnxwisttm* 4 Ootaitttt oiootroai© t&o^o-f i^oro©0t©j* -naa eot to. ^©ai 70*0 vlisik ^iaine suXfafee ataadavA* flit om^ott©- ©oa* talaiag tho «hioobr«anft ia aoX«1ioit i?a9 pSaeoo 4a ^ixo fl^o* vwtar ani t&e rasAiag tnkoa i&naa&Ataiy* 4 ^3Lank# ©oasistlng of a im® memt of the fi&t#ftt* tveatad witfe, all t-ho tfftago&ta ^taopt tfe© fas^rieyaatdOy was mm for ogeh ^at of flltvataa ami tfeo. blatfk raadins t&s aubtvaotad from tlae voadias f^ *^ rag«Xwp aiQiB^le* m Wrm the gdlitoratlott eu^e for the fluorojaotai?, th.® number of acg* of tM-amin® in t&e aliquot was ijalGulate^ •amd fvmi that ^h# .nuiate©? o-f meg*- of thi^aina pea? gram of Stanfiari Sol^ts Ions j X* Qaisiisa© Sulfate* Solution A* O.*0108 graiis ®-t quimim© tmlfftto Hlosolvod Ixx oa© liter of OAH «ulffttrlc *i<fcia$ aaA stored to a ^ark Dottlo Sit tli® rafrlgerator* gsilalm© Sulfata WorMsag St^ndsvifi #. 8 e©.« of s#liJtloa A dissolves in S'OO wH* of 0«1B sulfur 1© sei<S« 2# Tlii©ffi2,xi© Kyaroohlorld©.*Solution A* © agfc of thisaaiao kfdroGMorM© dissolved in 100 oo* £0 ,f@ro#»t ©thaaol# ^Mofe Ms . txBm i>r0U#it to afpro^limt^lf pR 4*6 ^rltlk oai HOI* jotorjaodlato iolutloa* 1© al* of oolutloa 4 dllutod to 1Q0 ml* tvltH ■wator and trough*' to pu 4>0» !♦ "Sodium IS poroeat solution^ V& grasae Isi 500 ml* of distilled tsator aad' $ grass of fia<0:H)2 i^ addod* 3® 2* ?otas«-S«ss WQri>%®fmMQ BQlntiom* laotjutaaol resistlli©«3 taatllL it showed mo greatoj* fluoroseemc© UJaan Si$tlil©d water. 4« Bo^iwj di»lf&t9 Axdayflrouft* fisip r©ageut i-8 ttaed to rt®o^# th© last trac^^ of twicer a&# elear' itoe l^olsutaaol, ph&m tot tluQreisQtor reading* ©♦ Aeetie AaJ g p©i».c©^fe acetto aeii ffiai# f^Qtiaently from 0'.f So^ltm Acot^te^aetti©- i©i<S Buffa^* SS ui.* of glacial aoot&a &*tA m& %%<&«S «g# of Ba%%0'© *■ 31g.0# »sa&€> up to ©n© lit^r with afgtifi©«3 tra.t©r (pi 4*S},, ^htP'W f®wi$ rats ^©ighi^ fro® 4® to 60 .grams ^ froa sis Ifct-tar^, v/ara tfaanad at 2$ to 89 day® ©i*! piaeect 3m iMivMimX eagaa with rais@3 aora^n, hottaaj^,* fha atiisiala ahO'iTOfi a® atriciasiiaa ol* di'aaas© os? 3jat.|w3f or asiatoittieal €a% va'iop®®iit iKfhio'h tilght hift^er g^a^h* fhramglro^t tfa® d^pia* tloa parSo^i* avaraging aixtaaa dafs> aaafe 3?at traa proviaai tyith th© Ohaaa an^ .Sharmasi diett# and tst«tay ^ .M^H^S* iDaFafmi attasttlom waa paid ta pravantio^. of aapropha^ (78)* ■fba rat-s %?ara neighai OEe© iias*iB@ th© first ^'ja-ak^ mid th®n 4mi%j imtiX th® fchiaroi&a etoraa 90 dapl©'fei0»E pafloi «aeii lifc&e* of ^afes wets 41irld6d ©vejalir fdwid t&at .a 4QS® of 18 toog* ©Jt 'tlsla»im© p©y t»e«i; eausoi an iat'^aa© %n t?®tgliit of app^o^itsafeei^ S fj&aas per w®Qte f«p eaeh ip-ats.* fMs I« m littl,© ftbe^e %h® CteM&i&fflcwm but it i^ aot fc©0 tei^fe ljQCja^.0^ l&m Q^s®»-$li®rm®& m%%% rat^ of .growtii is m^pgiBiiJ «mdi: IMlvMrnfi'I .^lamls %m& to deirl* at® aos?^ from tAx» m©«ta |>©3Pf#^BiamG0 at t&is rat^ t^ttn at hlgtrnt- ^atoa {il25}« Six mfg* of" thliuAtn^ mw® atoisala* t^rod OTteffp otli©F a^ making a total of 18 iicg*. |>©3P *afe fhe didt ol* th© tkp^o jgpoup^ varied on%j with j*0.# spect to Kh® oappXemtifov* Tte.®m &ix$fp'%;9tt&tito8 trort *&lOtt* l^ted to gSiKT©. thQ sesad. <juaiititie#' of tMswaiae* 18 meg*, poi* t^eek to ©'ae^ rat* fke 0u^lem$nt to tJi® f&pst. .group «ras «a asaousat of Ealstom hmn comtafetog tja© gtota quamtltjr of titlAttlaoi) (Eh© we>wm& $$Q%p $$0eiv'&& m ^q^ivdlftttb ajsoujat of w&.@fe#i brMGi# vbidh %&& hmn &>&*& of t^i^mlw©.^ flue t&© gtvon .aiaouat #f thlA&tixi* .'$©.lutioa,* fh© ttoird g^oup »©.* e^iv©^. tli© giir'©3S amouiit. of thi8t$&» .-eolutioEt aloa^* l Vb» '<ai©t. wa* i8ftA9 up fy^^ueatl^ and' kept i» tho r«* ffrigeamtor to p^eveiat ©asldati^r^ c5Maag©:S*. fh® rats wop©. 40 xml$M& mmi^mlztf si,w^tog tbA mB®$ period ©f fow wdana^ ■&&$ foo4 eoaftUB^tion yeooMe w©r© kept for <&aeJa fal5« TMa»i»@ ftoiutioiif eaus© of it© fay^esQQplo. mature* fit© solutiea wm aa^© t^ allsaiiii© $Qlat;|'©a© of t&iaaia® are tttiftfe&bl«* ®sa^ ©..qtieow ttaSioa pHtftftned f:os" trho rat; ^os^g^ Qra« 6' agg* per 0*1 .c@« ^lild doiution waa Kaptf la a Sark glaaa atoppara^l toottl© isj a ^ofvigesrater* K^laton sjaek&ged Wm ©a© uaotf bu^ it xm& mc®®&mw to m-lM 1% w&<s% tia@a? %© faaSlitata tha ostraa^lon ot thl* asiina fey th@. th&oaltrona aatbod anft al§© ^o na^ca it aaolav to faad to tfea gata* nkb htm «a» f«>wit t© aontaftn 7*«tte©# ©f t)9laaiine ■pm &fm* Tteaa o*Bis pi* of fe^sm w©r@ ^a^alv^d to mpp%$ th6 doaa 0^ 6 meg* of t&iamte© atravy atltor da^* ffe^ vaabad t>pa^ toad the thiamin© vasaavad % leaohlug* fwo Imaayad gr^ma ©f Wan ware plaead to a elotb Brnte? titd 3L6osolf., ajad ipsi€>a»s©d Im 100© ec* of tap vjatoj? to tAtiali 10 xmtBT was «li®]rig0.a t^£c# ialiy^. tot a is and: on^^tolf dftft* & modific^t^il. of the aM#©*'$ia#f>sma iiet |3li6) mt U80& ^$ 4 txuuiil diet and BPd»iw9«d to b# M^^mt© 46 fell Oto^©© ftail Shevoait Yit^aim %*--jtiP©© Diett H7bHfi*»i0^i^i»«iitMi«^ limits /iiiiim Fevoefil Oasete l^t Ceo^n oil) Cod li^or oil f^as^ (sit&f&feew&veated} Salts (osbojpu® anO 8i4niSet)(79) Smei*<>s© - is,*© : ©.*0 taf«J018*0 4*-d ...85*0 y^llMniwun HIIMI 2.©©*© The easeixi was #.0ako(i twl^© tim@§ ia t*#©afe .jae^ie meM solutioa mM •m®h®$, mil vitfo. tsrater* It was dried fat«, C#:J?3R oil (Hg&golft) na® U0@d 'feecamae it $s V&Qfo ia Yeast 4 fM .ffa^t (fcfpe 188 of Sttt&daa^ B3?^mie S&e*) vad givQja tbs' ^ulfit© fci'Sfcfctnen'fe accorfiiiat t6 the airecfeioas of Ste© {§#)♦■. VitAiaSa % tm$ no ©tll©^ constituent of %h& vltwdlM B eoapl^s Is 4«8iiP&y&A 1>y thl« method> Four fawnAytft 'S'M® aotttll bott'l0# CJO* ©r & o^i, .ip^apteat odluttdn of AO^IIKOB A Atvettse of 00©. «#9 introatieea UfitlS, t and alloroi to stani &t i»o©m t©mp©i»at«r« ($& {}») f0.s» & dftgre* Uti* aat©a?ial. ^aa tkem di»i©i oa jraopifled eassitj: in f$ont ©f aa ■©|.#<jti?io f-asi*. 45 GHAmR XV mflirt[*»w»ffWii}Wi«i' m@tli.od o<mt&inacg *?*% wog* ©f t^lWJi»© p©^ grara# set ttet O-^SSS 0pwm$ of fejpau had to- &Q fed to th© rats to -awpplf til® 6 meg* of thiastftig ©veif otH^r <l^» It «Ad fo^i^ t^at group ©a© subsisting oa the im» trashed bmn^ <Sid- siot g^.ow as woll as tte other two grompsi., Foui* of tl^s to spats ©Si th© nmwaalieS hp&xi stt&piement ^^* irelopodi s^trex'© polysie'iaffltis witfet 0.$kS?twhe@| turiss aM: e©&<* vtilsiona* !Pwo otters of ttda group bad y«(l ao^es ami carved baoks* ffee four rdoainivtg aniipftXo tB»r« ia bettoi' health stltJiomgh oao of t^em hM a red noao ©ft^liej? In tho ©^Pfrlaeat:* ^© tmntitf ot h&ml <li*1> ©oiigiimed Uy tho group ©a tfeO' «»t?a®.h«.d. fcraa wa,s d^oidodly l.©ss than that of the oth&r gromps*. f'ho fa©o@'S of th© groups osa washod aad. vrnwaehe^ l>raii were hv&kier than those on thiaaiin© aelution alone* the: IndivlAuaS. rats In &3L1 thr^e ^oupi aho^ed conslderahlo variation in growth* Chart I shows that the rats fed either the thlaiaine solution alone or vftAhed hran plus the thtamine attpplefflent g-ained weight fairly rapidly after tho admiaietratiott of the suppleaBentary diet*' Thoi® on the imwaphod hr/an showed a tendency to ios® tteigfrt* Three of the rats in thia grou|> 44 fmm i* o&zn M WHIG® ms fom GoistirsFTioM of RATS mmwMT SOURCES FOH A PIRIO© ©F soua ®E®KS 0s?omp f* Mlston iraat ISTFOOI Rat we: eaten ?2.X7® ' * •? 42X83. *iS. t%i®y 0 Oa lit III weight .fraag..... fey, .^gta ol1. .^QQjf 104 160 14S ^2198 Averages ^2180 9 33.82 ^8186 Him t2Wf Solution ?017? ^ai79 ^^ligj ^8188 ? 21m ?S194 /am /2201 ?2S04 ■■*lw=*Wm>«iKw>»niiWiWi'tiit.H S3 g.5 140' 1S0.0 24 10 IS 147 143 139 24 147 14$ a. m 0*019 4f 21 ai 1 14 1© 172 ISP m. 139 1-©? 199 163 .88*0 ..161.7 m -it 0*14!S 45 COMPARISON OF RECEIVING THE FROM WEIGHT SAME THREE CHANGE AMOUNT DirrERENT OF RATS or THIAMINE SOURCES Croup receiving bran. Group receivincf washed bran plus thiamine solution. Group receivincf thiamine soluHon. xfalth ®QV& hdavier at %h® §n<3 of the dopXetlon -p©ri6<2 afcoroeS sow® gpo^& sltliomg^ the/If gJPCroitli. eu^ues w®**® aot nearlf as $%mp as tltoao @s th* thlamlia® solution eiloaej,. ©r on tt&.8b&& "bran pirns thieMaitae m®p2&w$nt.i. ffea @tr.@rmgo g^ias of tha tferao gf«9iaps of rats §113?* lag the ^.sksny poriofi 003*0,. foj? tfe© ^a:@l?.ai- Isrgaa #%&& tht* ■malm- s-oIutfio% tlie tMsalae eo'Jl^ioBj, ,a»a tk© liri^aStoi toaa gP9«p4 20*%5^4S#j- gg^S+S**?©*-^ 2*5*4*06* ytspoetlve* ly* that it* t&f gfoiatp f©a th© uanas^©^ teaa tod # 40* i^ t?#i^t} of tha @J?<2>«if f©^ ©ashed Waia. ^Im$ tlsi^al^a -oolu* tioti asid the gromp f«4 t&iaaia© ©oXufci&a aHonos tbe 41?* feteaee fco&sxg 4*0^6♦ST* fher© ws© a st^iflsaat ■diffes** ©mo©, liot?-0¥0r^ ?)ettre@a the guln® of th© .@s?o»p £ed cashed. h^afli piu? thiwaino soXmtton and th© gf^up ftd hmn (24^t. IP** amto© B'olmtioa &M th® group f#d.la'@a (0G»;4*S»,€®)* For this m»ab©F of @©'S0S>: a fatio o# diff^^omo© %o its itandard ©rror of $«$ $« 'Si^ilflosint at the 3. percent level <sea ■fhe 'hr&n wai. feyod te h&ve a lowes? value fof thi* ■aiat&e ttfatm te@ted fefologloally thaa whea aaaat^td » StdttfiaTd B^os6* See SaedeooPa; Q* ?.»» Statistical .l3@thod^-»: m 0h.$niG&ltf* fkts %& jpat!i«p tamsuai as in mm% oases wUm tfto r©.sulfe9 #©■ aol agee© tiio ^iologiesX method Mas giir^zi of dtfttmltf In extraction of tfeiam^ie frowi the t©st fooa, fh? asioBiaHy ae«mot h® accountsed fo^ \>y tim t&W& la fch© braiQ heoaitisi^ the group fed tfo© «r&eh&d hran pitas tfei* asiiia® ©©latioa f^etaf a® wll ae the ^foup on th@ thiftBint aol^tloB. ^iono*. fh» thtaadae In the twan aay |»® comfeitiod is $oa® ooapiss,* with a protelja iov inatMStce^ sshich Y®MQV& ■acfim ©f It mavat.iahM to th© 'aiiiaal# fhe £dV9i of Tsrasa f©d tja© not aa high a a 1A Bayoavatft (10| oj^oj?.Jaieat tyith nintea xsUsone^ hyasa foym^i 10 parcoat of th© wot ^atioa,. mM thatfafojpa it prohaihly did not hav-e as ®®pt®m%ng aa offset on tfao d&gestihiiity of th® d&ofc* JIISOJI th4& offset oil th<§> di^estihility of th© d&at ia mi&ka trae att^ihu^ad to th© laxatlva of foot of toaa && tho ani* aala^ axs^ b^aa wasr hot ho aa iaxativ® to x*at© aa to siisika*#id3?0ws aad Havd^ran <S) tihaa anaiyslng edvaal^ hy tho rat gro^'ith amd thiochrotto methods foimd a axightly hlgjaor ^aluo for th© aefaaXa rich in hs^aa- with tho ehonloeai natbad t£um with tho hiologioaX mothod* ShetXar and l^naa (97) found that hpm ooiitaistted 'S*7 mog* of thiam3ae! p®r gram u$i»g tha thiootoom© mothod* .Bak©3?' and Weight 0) using tho Dradiyaaawiia mothod fotwid wluoa of s#9 «**& 9*0 mog..; p®s» gjpais* Har^it and Waag ^4g);t 4$ ■and fteong aadt lanprl^ <§■©) using tt>i« ■««»» a^tlicwS. obfraiaM ^lued of S»;6^ I* f> p#r g^gna <?r 10*8 nog* pef griia* fte Soon eft©? fclte ariaSygi^g of tlx» twittt fosp %fel,;e»isi## tovied ^r© ©lm^gM# &&i fell© fXiaof<?si®t^^ festaa^^f^iz^i^.. ssiefe i-afe®^ $m t&e 4aBp9^i)aettf»^ fi©^ gemple* of ^m w^wo gatr© tfoe v^lwe of 0*0 «eg» of tbiaaSiie per gi»» inatoad of the ppevicrea v©lm® of V*® mog* pap .gpaa* fM® diffttr&tt&e Biay ac©0:Wit M pa^% fojp1 %h® ®tmtl®w> gain ia weight; of tSa© mttt f^«a fclfce iMPaa *ttt it: ootaM fear4tf fee ^©spoasiM^ for s^oli a wido ^iff.03?@ia0O feefewees tho groups fad tfeiia®ia#: solutiosa tritli or tsitbout wasfe©^ bf^ii ^M th® gro'^p f«4 W** 49 sTOWfar AID tmciBBtom ana fcm& t* cofita&s 7.*^ aog* of thiiasito9 per gppsm* fhia velud ims ©sod to S©t©r®iae^ fey tito mt ■gm^th n$1}l»ed« t&d 0ff«6* of fifes?© oa tfee u^iHisfttiod of fehiamtaft* fJiirty 3?at«' ^©^@ aivM^i into tis^s© ©^maa groups mateheti «wjco*fli»g t?o waififibib* ««< a»ft Itttojp siatiO0', ^h©y ««pe fod a feasal diet- pi^s suggl^SKsnts ooKitaiiaing a given aae»t»ii^ of tfei©giiti@.* $h6 ^ffi^asmlj fo^-t^M first grcmp m$ un.w«Ldh«d laiat©3a fepga* for t^ft s««Q»d gr^up was ^©slied lovm ptm tbKunind golutloa* asa^ for tslie tSiird @r»0tap wa^' tIkiamSaQ aolwtiioB felone# tfa® evevage ^tins of tli© tbree €r»wj» -of mte duviag th© a.s@4y p®Fiaa ««y«# a,e4*4#06» 2&#9+8*4$* S2*©>S,70 nwp ©h6' ^o»t>» oft ^»!raak@d feyan.^ vedhdd fer«& |>tea thiamia# solution* dztd tMAniiM solution a&ofee* r«spe0tlvdly« fia^ gl»©^ fdd tfe© u^nuslied feran Md & decidedly Xower g^in in veigbt a?ii some ©f tk© ffeei'® tm« Jao afeatitttieaXSy ©.igsaificegafe diff«r«ii«ft fetttween tbd i^iaa in w®i.ght of %Jjo gr^mp fed ms'Siad fer&n plus tliiewip© i»o3lutl<m «iid the grotip fed ttoiamlne soItitioB atot* feufe there wee a significant difference feetweea the gains of the grmp fed washed feren pXue thieisiae solmtion m &sa& the gvmp £<&& um&dheS teaa^ dnfi aUdo feefe^ea the gala© ©f t&© grom^ tf«fl tfeiaiilla® solution al©m® .rod1 th@ g^oms* f®^: ittniBAhdS ir^a* It am to© ©-©ixoittd^a.# tttsiwfds*^ that tl«& fibs?© ©f bMa b&9 a© eff^^t oa the ^iXisatiom of tuis^M^*; Slid eipttfieamt ®tiimm&® txstimm th» group jp^a «a?j@.#to4 taren ant tbe otha? tm &*&&&* toomw&t MM* 6ate« that fc'is&ro 1# eosBd othdv ?e<Mftm tjiay tte thSwnSsift of feras to sot #11 mtillaeS toy tlio a&isial*. It is imggeatea tfeat @'€>itj0 or all ©f the tMaaSne ia th© tea© »$• fee ^om* blzuad in m omplm vm%®h fia net rea^XI^ a@si®txat0a« ^te p^obi^ia &®mTv®B twpVtow im<3>Bt±g®.t±mm B% flow oad iKpesuft^ j« to* II©<i. ilsd'O©* 3ki6^ 8849* tla,© thiamiae <iefttettt of' foods-. 885*964 3.94®*5* Bafe©^,,- A* #«. suiritlon It* B#* Ifri^lit,, ss« B'4f! laid ^qnuMRfttifi* J» 0* ^Jie 193kSP# IfS?* '7* aeusM^ilg t# t* iff^et of « felgji*fat $$»$ on tlutr #st*' x&i&» of ^ati^ 40fie&Q2it im vitamin %*. Bioeftta* ^r* %i X3S9»13$9# 1940* *' 8* Baja@rii,# o* a* Eff^et of -ilpfep viefa $& pF®%®tm ^om rats topttonA of uriltaaftii $%■* BioeAuMi«. JT* -Sft* X354*X3»V# 1941* * toloraaso tost for vltttni& Bt* XS4e*83^ 19S9* Bioeta* ^t* 'SS* 10* &*&#&$%+ 0# ©*.,(, ©t«l l^kia*. 8* 'Th® ffistdtttioga of pprwato ^^ fek© tt««ue« of «9»^tetti«f!^»6 ratt oa fii^tsa 4ofSolent in vitanlja fij* Bioo&om* tf* '36* Stftfeilityir of t-hlaaM^ to tieceb* iffBot of ^i ms^ 149# SS0#'347* 194:S#. 00 8£>0qlal ^©fe^elic^ to st&f"®^ ami erttS* filaisp©* 15. Bi»«h# f> »*# and Har3?$®# £,« I"* BJP^ayc^^la in tlj@vita^i^ &| def &oi<nkt natf ^P^ it* mse la. vtt-aoifi B% 4«t0iMnintt«ioi»» Bi©0&©m* .#*# S$t #2*6gl# 1934* 3,4* BiMding* B*.» Ste&ftjt S* M»>. asyS •Vovtie, 'I# SlooS pyrttv^t© e^^ires ^oll-otiri^g ^Xm#0.s© Ingest Son Stt .» 140# 6:97*t0§t 1941.* ra@:t- f'0©a&* sfcvA? Q£ 12*. t>»tijK>d'0» D£g06tibil&ty is ^ltf©'# «lth a #.#. ititr-itioji..% ■si* 10s.©*, 16« •G^as®, B* f**>' and Slietwa&# .B* €*. A «tu43r of th® a©* terjaia6.t$<«t of tii© amtm^uriti© vXtmsM B-* ^r# to* 8tt« S©e*- S3# -95O0*3@10# ItSl* l?f Cd^plog^ A« I*,- and ft&see6# I* S* 'fJa® ©ato^^solm^l^ B^lt<eaain© in jr^ast^ floixr ^ai "broad* .-giochoai* It,*, covglll^ o* f+ ttrntm, requjireiaotttii for ^itam^n %* ^.* Am* lied* Aeao«4 111^ im®*%0l$* 1938* SO* 'Cowgill* 0* H* fitaalii Bii eonteiit of tlse: Amerleati ftiotwpy ftpoc* 3&st# Worn feetenologists^ i«*i8# 1941* 01* Cottgilif 0# R«^ afid l»d©^soR.,. 1* B E#- XAjcativo ^ffectfj. of tthtat Dfaa arid '%ei0h@d fei».s®' in iiaaitl^r Hum* jFt jftlRw .'led*, Oftsod* 98» 1866*187^. 1930# Esipaport^ S4 flio ©ff^fet of' .sjod&im Mcarbomt'O on. 1943,,, 2j|« D@mts^k>; 8* f-«# sad §ttf a« ^# fiMttUKiflBt of vlt.ami«i Bs deetruotiofi W « factor iii rfi.^ melt* Proe* Soe* S9C|»» Btolt B®d# Sin llt-l^S* 1942.-* ss '@a"tho ifitsstlne of the Bi*(3©fioiemt 3p«it-* fh3rsl©l,,t 132* 69e«3e# I9il.» to* J* S5-*- &©««&$■■$. B* !»>>■ an^ Oatl«saa?fe# W* U* 5?Masi^ eenteat of eowa©rO'iai ^to^^t© of the 1040 osmp* Q®TQ&1 Chota,* IS, 704*801, I' " 86» So^iSi j>% s«.f and Oatlieart, 1* E. f$ii^wto eoat^jit of •®Ji@aM.* Osteal Gliea,. 18, 808*$0.S# 1941* Bit Pmrnsi} P*. fat oM 1@C'&©1» 8+ B* f^iamixi© losses in taftifaing Wead.* O^d&l Ofeten* 80# S5i*3SS^ 194S* .dlota^f fJlfey© on afceretottjt Aotliriti^a of tuo ^lim@^* ©Kcretfoja. a^ ealciua- &mi nitrogen "bal^flices of rats* B&oefefcBU *r* 96, 16*8S# i941# ^©lu%i# v4tiMft4n&# ^* to.* ISM* Agsei*.* lS0:.s 13$®^ 30* Bvons^ $«. A*,, JSP* $%» t>io-logllcal aetloti of the vittt* .©l^s:^ 1M.S-,* ^3S» ttol&Qtr&itf of Chi^A^o Pi?o«d# Sl.^ Ferrari,, o* ft*, fttami^ end jsfii©f^.l ©fj3?tefe»@nt of foods:* Ho^ttm^Aterft 8llX@r 310* Ho* $A S©®* $* of special hi^ ^ItaaAm & toregd* 7^5*73^^, 104'©* * tergal Cfeem*. 17 # 3®* F^e©.,. A# !*> and l*o«(MWSi'<i# #* R^ tM «3ffeet of !■ do* .f Iclfinaqy on %'fa© infeas-tinfti a^'doayp^ioxt vt gal&ot-o.s# to ilsk9 S'a*, #* itotrltioa. 04* 40©*SO@# 194&* 34* 'Vmm®l#. B« B«» falil'fe©!©^^ ®# 0>«# ao3?rl#j 3« 0«..» titaQZAQ&t t* • ifh©at Dytm <i0 ft »«M«P«« of vKwwila ft* ^# ^i« Blet^te* Aa9O0» 7,» ©af*^?^,, 1930« SS* aoodJaart* R* S** and SiaelaSr* I* !*■ bloods BstlmatfoB of Blociioffl* #*« ^5# 1099*11O8# 195^* Bt .fn Jtian a.^ ^©feafmiaed. ©y the felo.oci o^carfeojEylat©« ^r*. miol* ohm** iss* 11*21^ 1940* m ^8, Harpas?* E» A-*miiaiGmf* Gat»b0fe.y€lTat-0 Metabolism la thiamiia^ <r*; Bioi* ohoia** 14% 2^9*24©,f i94'g-« Snineyf W* L* titam-ia Bj toss in tjakiag*> Baker* PigQSt' 10* 42*S#: 1941* 'Ch«aa« A^«^ 'SS# 8131t 1041* $G* lajfris,;, i»« j« Vit«aiiMi a»$ vitamin i^fi^i^neiea. vwit* it Bsfj^qawcto.fy fis4 Hi$%oa?ieal«' fitanisi s^ 41 v SMwHLe* I..- Q« -fke ■-realitf of fa^tlal <i.#fi^i©s!i».i00* I^»o©t#: 194:2$ %%, &39«S40# If42*. 42* Hsrri*? !••■■ ^** ami Wang* t* I»* An Improved proetdwa £0* «si&n6%ing vitania % iti f^oda^u^f^ and fei©l©gieal as^a2r@«. Bitehem;, £* 3©'# 1OS0*1Q^O* 1941*48♦ EGssmes^y^ ©* I*,.,- an^ Cereoei©,. &« E* fh® .<2al5#?miaatl0n of ftm 4nd poocqpliovylftted thiiunftn fry * ttwHtfAad aasay.* ^ M.* (Stewa* S©©.* 61^ l?0*i8S* 193©* 44* l©ut>l©i»# 0'* ®.*,# f&ompaott* W* D* (^.f)' asii Be^ll|,t om .gas^ri^ ^.pptjrisag aa<l &m&X% iat#atlmal notillty*' 4'6* Hofifman^ s** Selawaitgi©^* f* H** aja<3- Palby* d» iko'la wkeat aM elan* flow?®*. 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EtO^w®, i*> and Kno% s« (*rr.*)' 9?biaBiln* in* flu^nc^'wpon laxative action* teor* i'* Digost* ©is* 10,, 45*801 1943«. §0 aig©$til>ility of t^ioleueftl asui white feread© aag ths effect of the degre© of flaeae&e of ^rinditag oii the former* JT* syg. 48# m$*&m., im%+ €§» McHeByy*. s« W# Ofeservatiome on tls® Sutritliire valnid of Bpeafi* CttHfiAa Fab* Sdftltb ^> 31^ 438*4&S, 1940# 64* Sartte^ 0> W# vitamin Bn contotit of etmat and opaato of isiilto- I»r0a€# Cheniltu^r awS isuSustry 60.., 343*: ©5* fteftlut ©» ^*.| ^hoaiJioia^ a* &«* ana ©©'Gai»ira|al*farei»o* J* fhe infltien^e' of sipgio an<3. multipM 3 ooaplex ^ofioiaiaoios upoi!t tJ*® mQb%%i%f of the gastro* intaailnal ^ract* tons** 2* Digest* ©ia# 9* 268*273^ SQ* isatttlii,. S* 4*# ana Smlt&i R* O* fhe» nuti^itiva ^alxne of aavaai braafefast foods* lil*. fM© rate of ii* go-stlosa aad ab#©^ptloix &# 4et©^BiB©^ fey ©spe^iaoata oa rate* <?* Hutritiou- ^ 83.7# ifNSCU 67« MO'lalek*:- D* ?it.am$« Bi |t|iiawin©) re-quisexaent of man* ©8* loiaiefe^ 0*.# ated field- j, H** J** A twta ©a the vltami» ■ Bt'*spas'S^§ aatiov of fat* j.* !ittt*ltio& Vf* 22$*%2®» 60* MeXaiok^ D*f and plold^- fi«# #r* OiaaBidal deteriainatlois. of fitasstsa B'I* ^ Bloi* eh©a# IS?# 806*614*: 1939* TO. iselniote* SU» amd field, Br*# ^P* Gjaemtcal aatamalna* tio© of vitasilsi &%* $* llol% cMtt* X4S# :859*g4©,t fi* MiiXes?,- €» 3>* ffoisaiaisi© assays of food© ualng tJie fat** grovtt) ssotfeod* <£* Butyltloxj S0> 3©S*408* 1943*.. ?$# Horgan^ E* flie Xaxati've affect of a regoiiei'ated eel*JlsaAoii® ia tfef dietf Its $&fl&e»ae on satne^ai re* teatiou* ir* Aai'« Mod* Aaseo*. 10S* SSS^-ffTj, i9S4* ?«♦ I«us©li# H* B* Vitamin B» t isathofia of assay and food aotaroee* Qba&* Zt of tfe VitaisixiS,, 193© (AsaorioaR ledieal ikssooiatlosit) # m mt:rlfc&©.m£'' val^o of o@ir'®a'3L p2»ot©iB§s in fcfta htmaoa 76;* ior$g3p$;a> E*.^ ami' Aud^eva^ ^ |t« $ho tfet^mlii eent«ii£ VQ* O'e%o% 0. s»'«3fiB&o a^iifc&$©is of cMneas^c^I&dd iw Oelioa« S«# taw lo^lt®*^ 1# #* ^ir@^i:| eortoat «tiaft ^©SiJlio^f'iatioii of v-lfe©min %* JF% ffey^Ioa*- 97lip. $940* 79* Of th^ KflMTftt feoflfiiOl SUMS $$0 afll&M {NPddt^ltftv J« 00* 81* Fetera* l* A* Vitaaiiii B* andl Mia© ftmoira-seontf com* pmma$* M&%w& XSS* 107» 19BS.« at* Pla^t^ S* -i** ttnd liu* #., |jv% flio aocawil'a'feloa of jp^* rertrlc' ao34 dndt oth«r oarl>oa|,.i eotopowiaa. %n hm%b®&% sni tsbe off©ot of •v&fcaiain nL* SioeMas* .^# $5* ■ehfMiaferf and Ikulvdti^^ p.* fI3,*#ia# 104i*. €* Kofcisasosi, W* D*# loinlok^- 0«-t -aid FloM*. 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A, »©%&©& foi* tM ioteyialBatiioa of thiamiiit" and ceiptaiiii of its aetaboltlo protJuet® i» uriyie* if* Biol* <3&©ia# IM* 71M7# 1940* 91* Sctelta* F* W,^ atii toott|; S*. 1* fli© of foot of tr«UPldd vltaam B ingeot&on mfoa the appotit® of children* J* Stttrlticn IS^ 411*427, 10§8* 92* 8olMxXt^» P* W*#. ami 'ifeott# f* I* CoGa3?'Msyla.e0 eontoiit of hlooa of ss^aikttf aiaa childipen* MM*, tf* Disoa®©^ OhlldP^ja 61t £91*86* 1941* 93* Skoohy. 1* ly, .axia Burfee^ B* !■*. fh© off^cst of fiW© '(md ^"ImiJs* in tha 4I#t«j?y «n tho p^o^paas of oMofeons ani. osa the pf O'Vesitioa of' f#ath<5r, ploling ami oaimi* baliaa* 3m ©apt* Agrie* €13PO* %$x$&ltt 42*70* 1940,* Itaty* Abs* Hev^ 10* 77:S., 1940*41* 94* E* ■0* <ite0ait«try of Foodi' aaaa lut]Pitlosi. Sixth id it lorn*, fho Maoatllaa Company > 1941* ®I»*VWL$ @8* ;sh©3?3fla»*. i* <3*,|,. aft^ il^hjsm* 0* lu ^ yityf aotiom of oapystallino vitonin 'Bj. on pyruvlo a^SISa^ta* holism In tiasiioa fro®' polynotMMtto eMoksi* Aia* 3M. fhyalol* 117 ¥ 140*15'0|, 1936:* 96* Shi3i!moo&# B* .0*» Horizon,. Ht^ and JtadrmvK* J« 8* Thiatola In tho pyoi^aot-s of trhoafc ffiliing an4 In l)S»oafi* JSerftftl Ch#m* 18.s8ll«:819,. 1941* 97.* 8bjOtlfiUP# 1* E.#,f. @n<3' |.^mafi, J- F* fhiasite© contont of typical aoft'^haat mill utf^ame* 0^i?©al Ghom* Itf 66©*71^ 1941* §0 98* 3$.ncl&£3?* H* B* fha efente of vltamSA 8,A Ja btood* J* So©,. Ch@a* Iwi* 87# 4^2.^ I9S©* 100* SooKMsyi* B# OailJohyayiit© aQta^olisss* Ism*. Betr#- Bi©* 101* Stie^ltois^ 1* S*#. «ma ftiipskinjlgi S* F* M©^0 ©f ffiBdW lids ©f ©sB£S©fi9<a \mg# ©©fttei*© ma§ elespiaai X3Q®'k®v® f* S* D®pt* of Agriottitwd 0dx»©* 607# f^oo*. Soe* Sn^til* Biol* M©<a» 46# S87*90, 1©41*103* T&oa&Sji.. Ji s* xnigoation axuS fe&e a©s?v©iss djrtfteni* Aa* J*. D4@©st* Bis.* 10# 80l*$Q6# I94a« 104» fli0!%a:O8t R«. S* 9^ end ^olmscRif E*- B* EAood pjwtiVQt^ £» v^ta»'ip Bt 4eiPicie&«3r» giocfeea* 4r* Sd« $94*700* 1930* 105*- ^otoof* ^* A* fHi©!© wMmfe anA «iir*<dw>d te.ea<t®# ^., An* Dl^to^ie AdAoe* 18* 667*a70> 1©4^* 107♦ ?J4lKiio# f> W* the thiaadnft a?©^^®^^ ^^ th» ^IMab rat se iafluenoeia bf tlx© substitution -of protein for eaFl30&3$!»-at© 3^ the dlei*, £* attrition '34* 103* 'Will>m^».: D-* I** fto@ e&feetd of vituy&Sn d»JPiei^sicsF oii tlM) g^sti?0'»i3at©Qtiaal traet* 4im« j* digestive Blgoas©® nutrition 8f 010*174 1939* 109* irilllams-*. B* 'P-*-* lasom* S* £r*# ^itS4# 0.« f ♦.* iaai fiM@r^ &» !.•* £adu««<l tMamiB© (vit^mia %} dejpi*eieaoy' iuad t-li© thi&aifj© re^uirem^t of .jaaa* Aroli* iftt©:m&l im* 69# 7SX*7S8^ IM'S* 110*. Wiiiiaias* 1* D«., Iaaont s* I**,t a»^ Hfilder^ ft* M* i?Si0 mlxiiiram iailf' r«aulveiBont0 of tMontine ©f mass* jr« Sistrltioa ®6.e 71*97# 194S,.. m 111* ttilllaatt* E* 3* tfatev^flWlafelfr vitamin#• A»tt* »•*« T&iiT^ iPe»fts jpuj^lieAtpion i©# 4iS^)f $i*S9* Itil*. ilS.# ¥iFilliS8B> !>■ H*# :aii(3 Spies^ f ♦ t>» Vlttonia ©* «tiA 114# Wtot@j?0^ ^.« <5.*^. :aai Xi»0ll«> E* 34 population ^tiUp* 4 Stuiy of' 'tile $i@t $*, itati?ifci©tJ it* 44@»4S®;,: l94$« 110* folfea^k* '©♦ B*# ara.^ o* 4* .E^^edy* tissue- ciifcMig&s ia l$42-<- 116* Worti&fr S*# 8oo<lljartf, 1* S-*,- sad Buecl&ng* B* €©* eaf^GEjlas©,, pf&xkvia acid aii<S feistilflte*biMlpig e^fesliaxi^©© &» cliiMF^a* 4m^ 1* Ul®* Glalld*,,: