mxtumim mums ■©BBsat $«f in

IB® BFFBGff QW F1BR1 01 tM
mxtumim OF I?IIIA®IBB
■©BBsat $«fB mums
in partial fulfllia^tit of
tlaere^ulr^sesite for the^0g3?©.0 Of
•3Usa0 1044,
/fi«ftd of Ddsavtiasiit of FoodtiB wad tititfition
GH&iamai* ©f School G^a^ua^® Cofflait^tQ©
Clm4i?mft» of Stut© QolXeg* or^diMite GoimeiX
kind aeaiatatte* aM aaspiraHoii givda % Ds?* s^rgarot* £.«
Flaaoko* jftpofeiAsc* ©f foods aM tetflfeioja* Sfe@ &%m
wishes to aolepid^iddsd the i&teffe&t of SUPS* ^dam^no
Chapman WiXllaaej* Hea^ of the ^@pai»tm©nt of Foods a«&
ymm m ommm
cmnm t
* * ♦ •,»■*?«, ♦, * »».« * * «. # *• * «■ * «#'. ft. .*.
•efee'Silst^ tad ^@p.©j?ti^ **.**,,-*«*...ft.).**.**.«.
Stafei^ity of Ttoiamto® on dooteiag «««««««««
I'^sioiogl' of fMaate^ *...ft.'.,,*, ♦■., * * „♦**,.** *«
fto 'fMtiilsa© eoatessts ©f the ABwv&o^a
ft ft ft ft • ft ft ft ft. « ft ft ft .ft ft', ft' . ft; ft; ft ft • ft' ft. .ft ft . .* ft. ft
flue fhl^wla© Oontettt of CeHp^»i$ •.*.,***"#****
fltt MgdAt^liit; of c^reftlff *4««*♦***#«♦+
ffelasln© Hequiresnoat ,.... ft. * ♦....,.. *...«,
A&a&f 'iSefehod-js f©I* IMtmis© JI*.***...**;^*,♦.»*.
mmmsB m WE ssm&sxo&s tm **«»**#%♦*♦ **. *.. «■
SCPSElMISSf&E» f-ROOSBiamE * # « * *- ft * ? ft * ♦»' *•« * #. *».♦, * * *
Fl^ti '§>f $t$® 3|Kp©l'iM€lf3!% *****,«,««. ftft ;?. « ft ,♦,• * ft. * ft *
ft. B » .ft 4 *.» «. * «• * ft «■ ft ». * 0'.«) ft. • tt * * * <* * *. # #■ ft- '<>:
'0^'OWth M$ti3to# ..... *■ ft .* *»*. * *.... * ,ft.. .#« *. • ,* •,«*. ft ♦
•S^pl&ei&s&fcetf'y ]PQO4&> **♦«?*«•*#.*#;«..##♦■•»«*«*;<«»
Basal* 0i©% oofi Pl^ts. Pnriflefti&dii *•*«••»#«
.^nal^sls '©f tho B-rasa toy tla© ffeioelspem©
i>i»ctiasio» *•*,.***♦**.•****■♦****»*«»
.$m3»sir ^iB oofHcurs 101^ »«* # *.«* * * *». * * .♦■ *... *, ♦ * *
BIBLXOGRAFJix ...•,»•.. •».«.»« . *. • # ft ♦ ^.«., •. ... *.. *. • ♦ ♦ . ... • * * * .. %
tmvB mn m
% m: * # * * ♦■ 4- * .* ■* * *■ v #• *■ ♦ *■*(#'♦ *'«. 4 '♦.■ * * ■♦ * * *i f ■ # .# •■ •
GiiaX'tJ X:» • * .*#■**»•»■»#.♦* * «. *■ # * * * '# :#, * ♦ * « # * • :• * •'♦' *• ■*■ •• '# # *. *
nm mmom OF wmm m n
cmnm t
wmtsm .OF .1*1®.mmtsm
dwnlWHii fiiixn* iHn.n'i fim ir i' 11_ limit Mr, j; i wlihi ^iii HiilHMi.dnWr* wi),.!
Hod em uitto^wSjgo of iMWfl^ri frolaafeif' ^©.tes ffom
1897 tofcati Blj^BMMti 4laeotr0V«d n dl#Mi$« Hi fowls t'hafe *#*
©©sabl©*! 'Usetmrn twvlbevl (40):.*, ii@: fttoeowvy ttiitlatdd tfet^
long $:©rio? of 8%v&%9&t tfotth e^emttaallf ^feotsrei fctt&t th©
braft e©at0 ©i' graliss -©©Btain. v«P5r aasll aaiounts of ■& sub*
©taaee which is a sfacifie pr©v@ati^# axtci cure for th©
4is©aae (113)* fh® door fe© ©itpariSB^ntatlon «s?as ®p®m§.
guaA w&a& of thft lntricae£©8 of beriberi a»a much of the
ahettidtt$3r aad ph^si^logy of irit^siiij B| 'fea^e sino© been re*
Caslialr fasnl: «a© th© first t© r©e.ognSa© that berS-
beri was cata;s©4 W
<a©fa,©i©no|r la the «Ji©t (40)* S©
©ailed th© wifisiag embstaae© •vitaajaw**
VttmSxt % «ftd ©epar^tedl ©heiaic&llT by ^aasen 4iii&
Donath t^eatj year© after J*1*^*© ^jm©tm©©ai©nt* fheir
aetfeoiaa \mr0 ©© 4@il©at© m®. the jfie.M so Infiialtosimftl
that for tever^i years th© ©©paratioa eould not be <Supli*
©atet by ©th©r©# ^h© teefejai© of i©olatlo» w©© l«prov©<3
bf several iia^©©tlg©t©rs# ©ai th© final -solution, ©f the
problem was provided Uiy Sillismsi, whof ih 193S#i proposed
th© structural forsaula {V&y* William*© forsmila vm prov©<3
correct in 1036 by the almost siaaultaiaeous sysitheei© of
vitamin B^ tg four groups' of invent igator^*
tthmtBtTft -ana, gydpoyt.ioa
¥it4iala 3^ (tliimiina., thiaain© chloride, oxm
is a colorless^ ao^rly o^oylesa cr^stallin© solid with a
slightly mtty taist©*
fh® moleoul© ig compost of it
pyx'iinMin© m& thiasol© nueleus conn©ete<3 top a a^tixsrldttA
It is liygyoscopie and -ver? soluble in wafcexv# feut
insoluble in 0tber8 eiilot-ototm^ bonbon©, and neetonot
Ma the following dtraetorai fomntlaii
N=C • NH, •
• C
r==C • CH, • CH-OH
Thiamin© Hyi^o<3lalorl<3'©
The vitamin is mxstabl© in neutral or al&alin© solu*
tions b©oaus® it is split Into its constituent rings (29)
but it is stable in most acids alttougfe it is deeompos©^
in sulfite solutions^
It is stable in th© dry form and is
not readily destroyed by oxidation*
it can b© maintained
at 120^ e. for Saalf an hour in acid solutions with little
loss of activity (29)*
The rsSistanoe of thiamine to keat
is a fynoti^ii mt mlf of pM lattt ttl^tx of th® el^cfcf'Olsrt©system Iwolv^d ill)*
g&uri$69 o* &ulfw dioKM© Soooi^oa©
It, ©a OKidaticia ^Itssaisi w% i^ tjoav^a^eS into- fcMo-ohrom©!.
stability of ai^»in».,,pa,<ieo3teiag
.Mtkoi^Ji v£ta»S» i^ £0 not ^©adtlf -iestroyoa at fch©
t.0ia|s©ral;^y© of bQiXlag tre.tQi?* it is ir^jpf ^olia^l® ©0 tfe&t «
layge psp©|>op^il«a ssaf dissoXva aii<3 fe© ioet in oo^kiag wat^y*
la bof ilag mm® yBg®t&totm m mueli a® &&-■ p©3s?«©at ©f tM
tklnraia© is Qoftt^oyed «ad a© M^ &$ 15 pe^oeat is- ^£«*
• tfeo eookiag tyatef (4)# fh© e^ditioa of sodiua.
bicsirboaato does aofc iaeroas© tHe d^stsm^tioa la pm&i bat
the <S©stJ?uctloa ©f tho v^tsttata dlssoived ia fcft© eookiiig
water Is gjp^t^r ia BmtQ m-&m (2^)*
Ro&$tiag o&tavies n 4B fore^at los® of tki^aiao la
pork loia^ maplf th^m t'$m®& «6 felgb, &$ b^i^iag iooe
t2g)* Doablo boiler oooteiag of f/liole grain O0*eal* doos
not aostro^ thiaisiae (SS)* & siabstnao© ©eowpg: $m apiiw fiefe
oMotot ioetroF^ irittamia B3. (®$> b^ aa m%ysi&® f^aet^ioa (Si)*
iKt©a®ii?o stuiiea tmim tftvoxm ttobt torn ®t tfeigmia©
ia. bfilElag %& roliitQi itismetxy to tfe© toffli^^attxr.© <aa4 doipe*
tioa of heatiag $a<3 i# aot iotoapmlao^ bf tfe® ©otajpoo. of
tbiiBttSsie CS3l.? 80)« At «a ovoa t.©^©rat«3?© .of BWQ p* ontf
m sraall pmt of tH© ^©^gife i# lioat©^. aboiro- 21©° P* ©act that
br«ad wJaieto. lias ■©■ PS of atooat 5*7 {^>+ tfiia«:r «wrag@
fegd in tte o^vnte beSttg €#0 po^ceilt (39K
a<3|>©?ia©«iti :on the dogyod of ^©aotratloii of M@fc as wa^I a©
^,te tima of iteAt&ng {87)* foattiag lo^aat range f3?Q!a 0 tp
17 pareaxst i%$) $Xifam&*. imv® wmm $om% my leee :it s>©»*
m footer -waA tlnmm tbida&a^ eec«r# "b^tJi Ixi tko
|S®)* O-afeoa axsd J?©t6s?« (77Jf ttd&ag ^««a and ^lgeoB« fou^i
pp'Opto'S^hafe® tMia IMaKiixtt* O0o<ltiar% m& SSnoXftS^ (56)
rs&flilF into the cell© and passes mt imto the tidau©
Aeco^ing to ^ineXaiv (98) tlMto* t$ t$M%® free
vitamfca B^ or ooeafbojsylase t» tfo© ^©o^# most of it fco&ag
e©mbin©«S probably vilth specif So protein*
35a the bloo<3 of
iafa»t& euad yotmg cliiHreJEi there t®* i5toi»a®'3ti|r# ^ l@ir&l of
stbout 10 mcs. of coearboxyl&s^ per WQ
stibjeot® Siortiwal Hauaian blo©4 ooufctliit m
in a&wlfc
©f 7*0
saog-. porc-ent' of oocarbo^lias^a saostlf .ii». eoxaiblmed fwMk
fhe valuee bocam© tmep In tha oase of ps»0loi4god
or aeut© illtt©©# (116}*
fhe findings of Barkis (4l> ai?e taportaBt in that
thQj domoristrat© qmite el^ayly that tls® saturation loirol
of thiaaiiao for the rat is rd&eh&d at .-api^osEitaat©!^ 10
times tfe© saaintenaneo 2P©<£a!r©!iesvte level*
Usoamlaatloa in-
dicated that th® tlaanea vrnm mnablo to stor© the vitamij*
to mf exte&t tflawJpeaa the body la able to- etore the fat
soltihl© vltantlxta yaadiily^ otheir wogriteeya sappo^t tho etoa.**
elUBion that the bodyt-s capaolty to: ato^e vitamin Bj t9
F03? $ome time it haa boeu feaotm that vitamin S^ is
present in th@ uyino in amounts that may vary directly with
that fm»ni8h0d in the diet (67) # Thla fact i@ Important
to the.phyKiologist and clinleian*
fhe disturbed physlologsr of ©eafco thlamlaiio defi*
olendy 1® acoosspanied by no* or at neat* a few apparently
s-0- coste03a|&,f acodpted @# its outataxiiiBg ed^g^qu^ao®^ Jias
t^noovuft tMaaiE® deficddady 1» ©sot (twn?ifeerl) wfeteli l*»ve
a.1.9© ia@#3i'@<S i& Miim^i© ^^ 0s^lij#ta@'Q«kMs?''
$mm%$- ^©mo^is o^js-gaetioa of the ^Iwlowisa^l trifi^ora* ^fftt*"
#i«nd iato a-e3POtt# .oavltios^ and ^deraa ©£ t&e ©^t3P©alti©t
^tost of tM- ^feturbed p^^iologgr ans patlaoiog^ of
tMwtftd defl^teiwjy Eaay b©^ related t© famlt^' ©Qd?^oii^«ls*'at#
iaet-abo.l»ism. (09) #
tfoe m©-tir©ut tfsam©^ etUk-
mo lo&gap fanotidA a^^t^^teiy' 'aia<a th©- ®$®®§m® of vi&tmiA
©* def±®%®mf ^©V0ii0.'p* ffeet© afo fatigat-, isss of appa*titd« i8oodia«*a#; tf*Mt*# iri'itafelilt.y aad aervdiusittesQ '(113^
©2).,. ©iiiiaffiS: lyetft ©©©oi^kafs (io©)- ftrand pfolaugad r®^
'StrlctS^ii of tM's ^ita®i» asaociafeod ^itk $tat®a of am©*
tiaiaai tnatafellitf raflectad lay irritability and tao-adl*
nmBf $ie^eX$8at8itd8$* lack ©f eoope^ati©^* vapt^. faaips
progpoaslsig t# agitati®^* a^stal d©pra©si0% ^arlaMe r^*
.strietiosa ©f mti^i^f* $£& tsm&t&m. ©omatie ^ymptoiss-.* Ba*
^stab-ia m©tab©lle d^attxrbaaees o.ectxp-ri^g ipregftlterljr*
tcaried im d©po©# ■of #e-ir^i?itf and s^r© raf.3Lett^4 fef Sis*'
ffeie faja&ft&<m of fldUwiBibte to tefcfi&oltiSffi
most ©X©@#l,y rslatea t« e&rllob^F&t© metstfeoliipi* fhosi^soia
and ^oiaaeoa (184) dwwwwtjpatoa In 1998 t!bat tilie 1?looa ©f
tliia»3^© d^flelout pigpens domti^lfited a1i>ii6i*aal aaoants of
psnwio Aeld« Shojpi^eiii ^aa; Elvohj^m Wi em£!iaem& $M ox*
tsoMe-a t&ia f Indies i>f »0p9itSx^ t&ft pyjwwktd ^^i#^i©ii
%f e03?©^ml .a,Bi l?iifiof ti««ni»$ of 'ijoipi^-aritio oMefea &®&
t&tsmM* and Scliustsor l*?^) «Io ^h© ftsatew^iili^l tSia^oirotfy
ia 195? tfa&t toQWfo&s&l&Bo »&» thSMte fp'opliospliateo
■(70)' a^ dofioleiiof of %h* vttmin mmm m ofammmt &o*
ouwttlation of iaetl© mM m& pyr^vitt toii ia %la.e %loo^
(ei^^iO^I* fisets© roipS^at^oa ©tmcli^e Mw #ko^i» tjiat
tkttsisio i^fielo^^f diffitoiatoofr ts^goa ^t^ke %&■&&$ fcis*
@a«9f ^aai F©t©q?s ■&!©§ owwnriiwspd (80) twtfre ddsoiist^ate^ tSmt
thi$ ilaMl^ixta fels&ti;© f'@'0|>ifat4o^ associ@jto<3' tultfe &
0pm$l$ 4$®&1&%&M®Q efoiltfaf to ox&oi&iSQs p^r^vsfeo imj t)o cop*
sraeted ^jr t!*® 'HiSitlon of vthmtet 8U to %lx0 tifii^o r©'Spi3P*
iBg la vitxw* f&# eofr^etvtosi ©f tlswo fofiflriatiom bf ®d.»
<litiott of tliiiuBJUio ifi oalloi *hft *<»<sftt-o*,al4tt effect**1
lSdioa?eiiei# isft dicfta.if ear^©l3^'s?afc© ;a©^#nttxa.t0S tfa&
spptom® ©f i^ Sofloionof of viAmSan B^*. Eat© Isav^ iboon •
ghaxm to tliriv« m a 6&*t fs?@© f^oa iritcmin % if it eon*
taifts xio. earfc©^e!3?&te* fh© aaiaalg grow we'll. a@& do $10%
develop o^vio^i© siga$ of doficiency sueto as poifxieiirifcis
A^jsi^il^tyation of tMaiaiii© to defiet^afc aalmals
loadu to a large ao^walatioa of tlilaala© and a &&*!&<& la^
oreas^e ot Alptiod^I^thlaai&e ia the S,!?'®?1 wlthtn ^0 adtitttt^d
other mtte®m have aMe4 that th© aSwtniatap&tiosi
of thlamime to pol^ieuritlo asiiaaig pyoduoea in a ahort
time a-iarg© tec^ease of both tMaaia® m& ^iphosphothi*
amiEe in th© k&daoy aa m&il a a la the livei* (78)*
l«merous investigations toiie&fca that caJ?hol^iyate
t©e#i»§ iti thisffiiljie &ettctsMsy Iftere&Bds the ppmvie aoM
eotieeiitratlois in hloo^' aa well aa it* urine C9>6Of100|.*.
ia fomsad that this aefeetive oxidatloB of p^mvate whioh
is reatorea by the a64ition of vitamia %'*^ *1» respiMhg
tissue oocura In all aniaala #epi*ivea of the vitamin^ ir*
reapeetive of the eoiagpoaltion of tho diet ani the presenea
or absence of other elgaa of iQeficieae^ (10)%
f hia® pppiivlo a©i<a is nom iookoa upon a© a normal
interaietiiar? product of carbohyclrate metabolism' (38*60*
it ia twem& ^taring the proeeaa of glyoolyai® whrn
th® glucose jtoleeiile is split with the addiction of <si#
phosphopTriiiae 'nu-cleotia©* $he breaking down of pyptfrlo
acid so formed proo©e4s by the action of eoearboxylaee or
diphoaphothiamine (37*7?j80»lQ4)«
3to the absence or M
tb& ai»immt'ioa of tbie irlt-aaia,^ VtoovGtQVQ* the reaoirai of
oa?boxgr%ft%9 pymvte &oM %.o ■m<$tBMQhT®0 eafl C§g {ee feast
imio^ ®^a@r^bi^ eosKli^i^m® or ttteetXy WK
wo©* ««i#
nal tt#sm#s pfrm^fe aeli- I® emD>VBfc&& oaW$ae4 *o #©0 AHA
aWy ewivod tte^nga $1& egeoo^ of-diptoospbotlilaBine (30) ♦
De^ftftjoaqriatioit of otietev <^ *ls©to %eM& amh m oC*kietogJtt#
t&^ie gai cC ttKetotofttyrie to ^at^3.f26<l br diplioi&iaio^Uinl^e*
aetfftosyjULt&oft of «< «**et»6aci4tt 4» ©li living e#3.1a (80)*
of vlt^mfe % ##ftei$»ej to visuals (90K
♦thd ghiaaaltte OoBtcmt of the Aiaepjoaa Ptotecry
fk© Avideneo S^ now eosavtaelug that %bB moAQin
dietary is $6£iei9ii& i& ^itaais S^» JSi eontv^st to tha
dQcreeeing ua* of ooroftie* th9*« fern-© boon « steftdy a?Ss.0
ia tho eonewnptioa of oane «iie«r# a hS^hiy jpw&fiod
£6o6.0feti?f *
atntift^ioaX flat* IndieAt^ ttmt ttom i&avlowti
poo^ld get fttofttft 4^ pfrooBf of moro of thai? ealorioa from
«ugA» and h£gt&7 .r®f:iis©a flow <80J*
Frier t® %M im^entSon of toiler mills* flfcow rep^^
dent«a 81*4 p^^ceat of the ©riginal vfte&t kernel, isua ooa*
tftifi94 afeomt @t inefcaat of ftbs total vitJ^raia presdat' la
the 9hd«Ltt»
tid^em ^»axi|*i©li0«l ^lis^li floux^ ©tt th» otha^ taexift
vepred^^tQ OBly 78 »0 pereoat of tli® fe^noi m& contains a-s
little m 5*$ pd^odnt of th© vitamin oris&naXZy oorilJ^ia^t
In tB@..#e^gi-i». Shis prcAuet tAiSoh 8Up8>ile8 £6 |>©x»©©at or
iBor« of tlw tofcaj, oftlori^© ift the avofag© ii@t giv©^ mt «
D-itsmts Sj «oat«nt ftfeo^at ©aQ*@3.®^0iitli of t'lmt of ^toa©*-
groms fi0«> iso>*
4|)pro3s%iat©lf 98 f«rc#nt of thfr 10*6 blllioxj poutt^-s
of te^^ eoaeiasftdl onmt&Xly In tfe© ©aiteS States la whit©
d&i&y f#r- espSta ookkdwt^tioft of flouap is eoooptdd^ am^l If
It let atsM^ that the flour i© tib&le vhoat^ tk© thi«Bti&o
cosit^llmted to t&0 4ally atot t^os tlal# s'^t^e© wouM Is©
4tl!»ottt O»0 rag* ©is' J««t ott©. half tlM; ©alX3r yeqpiroaftafe of'
a moQera.-t^Hy aotlvo mm «oco^t&g to fi^spa® roeoimiooiaed
&5f» tla» 0<JWiitt'##
FooS «i«fi S^trltiott of the Satioa&l
fte.s0&*«}si C(!»m9Sl ti04l>#
fte atiefeel^g ropopt rftvealodE a large proportioa
of *poe9* 41etdfl ^a€ ftndieated that the m®v&%® thieaaiao
S&fcak© foip tt%X Aietfi T^a© very ttd»* tb* mlaisma a^^ c«»»
Mainly mot tla® o^timmt for hraiaii needs {&QX)»
■JTolilffe 168} ©onciudoa that; the smrgia of safety
aff^ded fey toerieaa dStetariea "'varies from 0> feo BO jper*
e©fit#'B the figttf® <a@pow3i&g ©n the aetbod -of ©vafesfe&on*
1^ deHeieney ijs eisdaai^ in tbe Watfe©^ Spates} *li4« fii*
0ea#©t eaHaiS Is.e^S.b^yi. to the ■oiPi^Bfc:* la «#maXIy cl^sgifSoa
h#3?e unda^ a varlaty of mieleaiteg dia^Mrada*
Bafora th# etwi^baneiit of br^^d tha thi&wi4a@ eantai^
^©f tb» avaraga .tt©?i;0en diat vaa .al>©mt OS m$* per 8600
leal* fMt 4a aab^tentially Iowa** tMm jirevieuely iiiil*
©at©i hy aoinptt^ation meh aa tlu»aa ©f Sti®-b0lisi.0 a&a
Fhipaapd* JtoriaXnaent of all flow? and thread sroaM valaa'
this vaixw to |L#:a mg* (W.!)*
Food, .goMycoa of .ghiaatna
HKiXUfia aa»e of the other vitaagaa* thiatsin© ia n«t
gruatly eenaaatvated in plaacta and a&taals*
BoaeJttft m^fehoiis
©f foe4 j^oaoaa^ikg &M present day prefe*eafte teat refined
taom featro- yaau>ved potent aeu^caa of this vitamin frota th#
d:i©tary# ia $m% it 1© dlff iauXt to aeXaet a diet eoatain*.
tag adaqiaate thiamine without n9$ng tthol® grain eepealJ. #rxn ^artieislavt aodora s&XiJ&g pvmm&m have
l$mp6& kto» v&Km&n i^ goatenfc ©I" $%&& wteil it is mo
Ximger a :rle& somre#* fa offset, feftft aietafjr ieficiojaof
r&gtjituio® «»# int^odutood retiring t&ftt 'all ©Mt^ ir@at
porkij. fe:©'!&t '©m# j&Ult; are fe&e f^iB^lfaJ. «5@atjpllim*©r©. »f ■
ffeo ©^i©ri# 6<5iife'fifemtfom0 to tltft d4.«l» %" Issdi*
t?idiia3L l^ode traff ©ftdsly- totd & a-Mpio fdM #f' low fcki&sste©;
ewteafe vaf .e0?ife»»$feufe« « large |>art of tM t©tal tMaat&n«
ttalikei ofctor nctaolft mm%» m® 'dmlf ^i^ (iltl* trg^
feiastae^ :|£.2*@ ricteJ?^. s«l -heart a^a fe^^lm ^onfett&A &*%*%?
eofefca of -i^^lut^ {ivadent id mdh t*o&8 m. -mtm&t m&
taMLdtafe*** f•©#)# S«xt to tbA e#r©g-l. gralft©>; th» logan^s
&£« oa© *f tins b^at ®®mmm Bowms of thi«nltt««
*»«**■■ lina
t©;!^®^®, both firaeh #ad dv-lodt «re metottwfa
4p&&«ch» ftapeupagnft^ ipmas^i© *j»0at*# ^mbl>4^* eaaWf 1M»^
b#©t er««fi9# cawpotff^ tooato^^^ stoeoh or i«d»ie<l« «t»4 bftfteift
f.©t&t'o Ctl9)«-' 'f#g©tiibi©B ifteloAiim potato-ea toxm oae of
diot (73):*
le^at an^ peanut a ar© good aamroess, and milk
m# be 0 veluab^d ooatrib-mtor if eaomgli. la
Qbentfiehed ^ilte flour> tfMt# rice, emSl ^et1? p^o*
e^ss1' oovaaeftX • eontaia Xittle Ihiaaila®* an4 ooaaaeroiaX
a«ydett« ©ad fet© alaoafc none*
wnmin 8j. ia fomi Sn-am fooif, tet totarert Mi
o«mtero<S ntjwt tho oet^aaX9# beeattoe over twenty per.eettt of
the ©aXorie JUitaiee of the Aautiriftan fllltet' is eontjpibut^fi tf
tzhB&t (3^)* Breads beieaws© it has maeh a Qidddproad us**
pr©ifi<l$# aia M©aX eavriep for vittada '|3|*
the tMaiutoe eoateat of vheat 1$ 4afXm@nes<a tof the
t)rpe# vaf»i@tf- ani envlPoaaant (75)»
la genevaX dunuft and
ap^izig trhasits oositaia th© Xa^g©©t am^iiat of thXaoino tfoX*
Iowa by faarA wlpter a&d #0ft winter isrtoQ&t in tlaat: os^er
lard abeats*ve#*ge 7*X me^f against 6*X mog*.for
tlie ooft wS»«t» 120)*
for praotleal puvpoeos the kesnnioX i&otxld b® oo&*
oiderod as bo-isag ©os^o^ei of 75 per<io»t eiadospemi^
percent ©©oi 004%, &tt& 3#5 peroent' ©mbr^o (3X).,
3h ailX*
ing practle© the propertioae of .produet$ aro^ youghly W
perooat of floor^ 24 percent of mill feede* ani fro® 0*:2S
percent to 0*50 pereefst of gem* Only about IS peroent to
X5 pero.^xit of the gera le reoovered in the flour* wharea©
about 85 pdttodnfc of it goss S»to tfeo isiill, feta© {SS^
apdtilttl 4»te?aflt
vidt? of tM oo^n^it ii*ograii of fhawe
It Is auggddtod tbat
tho fewsa©! rl^ena fctoa
aoif02®©sit. of tjafcey ff^m t^he tosMo tK> tba aus^fee® gift? eon*
tte ^ai©%©wi i(96)+ Afc mp sratd most ©^ t£i» vifeaiaSa ooow#
teaa*: flsi© eaBnopem c^ntsins only e^eui^ M {ttvimt* t:li@
©mtojo ;afe©mt is ■perMmtot iiai tla© oipiitsar Jftyo^d Afeeot 'SI p©3?*
©v«r# 4o not. giw « tftt© plcfeqpe ©f tbs dtdtapibutioa in
fefeo nilled prodnets l3©cmM«SQ miiHiBg <3o©g ia©t ai'pax'at^ tll«
teem©! afetrflf &&& @»4o.®|>©rs!# #afe^0| onS oixber l«ye»
<S1)# isaalyse© ustaaXly «hew about 0*« I* S* tt tMm&m
p;®® ^fim of fnioapemi tlid mill f$«dft ^^e^ag© ^feout €»§
I* ^*
gei'm coataia©' efeont 3t0 I* ft po* grem* ^M ^koi©
kofuo^ will 'a©is%r about i*§ I». ft* p®& gpm«
It osm *m ml*
mMtoil fffoa tM* tlwft tbo «abP5ro oontfiii^ only about 18
percent to ^© pepeont* tbo ©aaoppo^s about 20 po^oont^ andi
tbo tes» eomtaias mbmxt t&o-tkt&Tte &t& total v&taotSa B^ f^
ttoo keraoi (31#85«9&)f- Sifting tho Wm m® mm. fro® $h<&
<&M®$pmm no saatter tfhotboi* they troyo eoparatdd by mtl& or
milletonoo^ will
a largo pposf03?tlo» of tha vitamis
&1 iia»eaont la tb® ^on5i0i.*? snaliyoos of ayillatroasia abo^ a
g©s©p&1. progreseiv© .teej?@as@ in ijMamiEto ooacontr^tloxi as^
th@ x!h.<$&% ppoeoedif ttootigh the .milling |>3?oo©'aa« TH® eon*
c@)at3Patioa in tto humn* shorts ana foo^ alddlinga is v@i*sr
Mgh (51)*. Hioa th© pareoBtag© ©sstraetion of flous? fro®
tHe wte^t kotael «ppro«k«&»8 ¥8 tteoi*© i9 It 9h@5?|> vl8« la
tblaalm©' oontojat owing t.O' iaolugi©» of ti0S«;0.g MJaoosst. to
the- hrm qnA g©3?m*. Afcovo 80- pefe^at' ©straotloB %M ounro
fatten® O'^t again booamse tho eoaomtirsitioii
of thiamia® isi th® outoifaost teaxm^ layers is yolativoly
low (31)* tUikYlf all ©w prasoat flomr is a 73 peyooat
est^aetiofi costtaEalng afeomt 25 poroont of th® owlgimX
vitasaia B^|i
b©' ©straetoa to
evfeoiat SS percent of tho Itojmoi njould
lialf of tko vitaaia % la tk© flour
A repovt of the Gounoil. on Foods ©ai Hutrition of
tli© Anfevltiaa SdciioaX Assoeiation' <!)■ states that the f,avoa?■ag© eojapositiop of wfeol® who©t flour i&elu$@3 2.»04 ag»^ of
tkieaaUmo*® f&tont flotar s^opr®seating 63 p-orcont ©f th®
eloanod ifla©@tf ooataias omlf 0. poycemfe of tha tMstaino of
ths tJholo gi?.«i34nf. isrhoreas soeond olsar fiomr iropx'asentlng
4:*.S p@i?.o©iit of t^o vyho^t^ QOAtai&a .10 pore^nt of th© thi*
amtoe (88, 96) # flie short patent flow ^as ©feotit half as
mah vitwnStt B^ as th© straight fioiyr a3a<3 the oloar is
mlaost tff&te as hl^i as the straight gfad© (09)*
Balcop aaS. DrquttonA (S) flaa that usioxiyiohoa ishitO'
flow oeataing only 7 pevsvaA as mmoli vitasdit as t#iolL<s>
trh©at flour* Ifillieas :&sai Spies (1X3} .©usasari^teg tBi©lit©r®feus?0 Ydperfe Vftlsww. of f^on 4**? to 10*3 Btog* of tftt*
itvtj?©g@ fap^ia 4 to S stog*
e^ats of %h» vhmif &mixk m& mmllf ©oatato® aoa© of the
ttheaft ©afe^j© plua a ««iaXX aaiov»it of oadodposmi I SI)-* Ttao
Wtmt m®mtiMg to ^ppro^ismt^iF X2**X& perooat of tDo
graia, is widely uoed fos? feedia^ aaiiaal© (06)> asndi also,,.
.ftftox* oloaftSAS^ ^y coiptala toakoffy px>odttotd«.
Wm 4i©ta?i%iat©6 as a breakfast oe#«&X food hap "b^oa eute*
joctM to )p»oeo»«oe ^eei^nod to impmm its paXatft^illtf ♦
B^ing t&096 |^oeo«0O» e^taia soXubXo ©utJStniicea
by oaetolng and other umlasfeaBe©© 0*0 safiesd <X8)#
fla® tfeisiEim^ o^Kiteat of Wan has ^ooft oatluated fef
'SQV©??.^! oothodto* awPPi* and W«ag (48) &m<l L©©®g aaa
Hei^is (S9) mi®% tho teadyoariia aot^od fls^ tfeat bwm
ooRtftia(» ^*6' i* 9«
tefe©^- <tiid wr&ghfc (6)^ usiag
in*tofeo4* find mXu©# of X#,3 aai S<»0 2». TJ* pw
Sy tfeo tMocSisNsm® m@tM@a Um avosNigo tfeigiaisi© oon<*
t«At of ooaonopeittX b^aia vhen ©appX©^ f^om s©v©f@i miXXiage
asp© tak^B la 4.*&5 ®g* pojp pout^ (00) «m$ «ftio» iJJPft® fapora 9
ttilXft is tatea it ia S>©-© ag* pea? po\mi ^itli a vftago of
2*76*4*0@ og* p®^ pound«
Slaetla.r aa^ l$mm. (97) fjtofl &
figure ©f S»7 »eg, p©r graa tjrith the t'hlochrome method*
4 tteereaae iia vitamin B^ content from flour to &r@&&
ie due,, first te dilution hy vitamin free ingredient© audi
a,a moisture^ shortenings sugar^ and salt) end seoondly to
slight 'feateing loss .(47)*
Oopplng ©nd Reseee (17)- find that
the moistur© free parts of breads contain suhstantially the
saia© amounts of the B*vitamins as the fleurs from which the
breads tsrere made# the only eaEoeptien being haklng pm&QXbr®ad> the moisture free part© of which contained less
vitamin Bj, than the flour (113)*
Ie evidence me obtained
ef synthesis or destruction of B*vitaains In the bread*
making procose with yeast (17)«
¥nenriched Tihite bread made tyifch sis percent non-fat
milk solids will usually have frem 0*30 to 0*45 ag. of
thiamine per pound (20.)*
Whole tJheat bread averaged 1*36
mg* per pound, -of fresh, bread (96)»
fwo samples ©f whoie
^'jheat bread analysed by Schultz contained 1*0 and 1*7 mg*
of thlamine per pound (10S)*
The vitamin Bj. contents pro*
duced b^ the long and short processes were equal and about
one^third as great as that of ■wholemeal bread (17)*
Sherwood and ceworkers (©6) reported the making of bread
averaging 1*55 mg* of thiamine per pound from flour- ranging from 1*9© to 2#.S3 mg* per pound*
fhe Dlae&tiibility., of €^y©alg
Early mrk of th© Bopartraent of AgriotiXtttre Ineltid*
e<l a largo numlser of inmost igatioa-© on the digoBtibility
of x^heat flours,,
Th*** ©tudi©^ sbovsr tfeat the protein anei
carbohydrate are mor© completely assimliatefl from ©Mt® flowr
tfam fr^sa wkoie wheat or grahaa flourdf la -other t?0r&8 In*
oreas^ in the aiEeiount of feran In a flour la a©o-Offlfflail#d toy
a corresponSlag ieeroap® in Its cligefitibility (48)♦
Stellar $ttt<ai©s with human subjects ladlcate that
the coariser types of bread with a large proportion of ^hole
grain are oonsidsrably leas digestible thah the breads md©
from white flour (10, 74),
MacEaa and co^orlsers (62) found
that the average digestibility coefficient for energy, •
nitrogen, and fibre were 96.!» 91*1, and 65.8 reapeotively
for ^hite breadj 86*9, 8§*$, and 14,0 reapectlvely for
medium ground wholemeal bread*
Sealoek, Paainki, and lurlin (87). fousid no signifi*
cant differeaco in apparent digestibility of carbohydrate
and fat in white breada and ©hole wheat breads*
geatible residue1' had an apparent digestibility of 29.2*
76,S percent.
In white breade it had an apparent di-
gestibility of 6$~70 percent and in rafcole wheat breads an
apparent digeatibllity of 58*62 per^eeat-,
fhese workers
conclude that ^hea the diet supplies approximately adequate
calories for uaaintaiMtae© of wai^it#.tfa© high©!* "tedigiiS*
tibi® r@sl4me*' of tJae tslaoie ^li#.sit proimets does not tnfc#r*fotfd ©ItB tb& .digesfelon and •absorption of oarb'd&y&rate. aaS
fat*. Hwrlim ®ft<a coworkers' (7'i) found that who!© «?&©•&£
bremd -gaw© lowei* ttias dlgeufclbilitf ^aiu©a fov protoisa
than whit© did-.# but at tb& sam© tim® it prodticod hi^os'
MoiogiopI values*
la tean its@lff aooording to Bmnoll and cQ&mtee&ii
(34), ©bout one^third of 'the total carhoh^ds^tO' eompriaiag
th& staroh and d@xtriti ia digestibi© and thiarefos?©- amv®® '
as a ©dorc© of energy* Oniy about SO. s>©r©^nt of the pro*
tein la bran was mtiiigied by their fcumn©t&*
Uolm®0 (48) stated that the eoeffieienta of digestibility
of bran protein and earbohydrat© in hwmm siibieeta ^ere
44,7 and- S6*6 percent re^peetitrely f©r fin© bran and 28*0
and 5S*S pereent respectively for coarse bran* fh© ee*
efficients of digestibility of protein.^ fat, and carb©*
hydrate for the diets as a whole in the series in tJhiqh
fine bran was eaten and in whieh ©oars© bran w&s ©'ates wer©
lower than the ©©©ffieients of digestibility for an ordi*
nary sailed diet {48) *
it is possible that the bran s-tlssm*
lated peristaltic ©etion t© smell 'an. estent that the food
materials itere not' as completely absorbed as is noniajly
the ease ^hen they pass through the alimentary traet rjith*
out increased peristalsis*
of the subjeets found the
"bafan <ai®ts cleciSodly laxative^ although th©y noticed XibttQ
02? so diff«r©aea between feh® ILajsative effects of fine asEKS
eoai,Q# fo#aft«
Bernard <1£.) foian^ that wheat Wm i®<i at a l&'rel of
I© poreoat of t&e wet ration de^dpsed th© over-all digea*
tibillty of a dl«t tn ndsdcflv
KW depvesotog effect 10
proteafel^ ex^laiBea lay t&© laxativ© effect of tlM htm.,
Brm f©^ ©.Ki tije ©aae level ^iS aot appear fco-fo® lajsative
to f03E'©a*.
Uieia ■cereals -were finely gromd it la&ss fotind tliat
tlaty left tM ©tomaefe of rats faster*
B3?aa ted little if
aay effect in 4eere.adl»g the fate of atojaach emptying in
the case of finely gi»oiani mLt®ri®l®#, amS thejpe was evidence
that the htm particle.® migEt even accelerate stoffiaoh paa*'
aage of a compact anct glnellke «eraai preparation*
cal consistency rattier than roiagtiage 's©e»e<l to 4ete3?miiie
tlie time ©f atay of cereal in the rat^ stosstach t66}*
"Sim laxative' value of «hole i?heat ln»an an^l l>ran that
.had fee©n treated with xmaM acM to remove the phytin was
eoBfared ■&&& It- \im concluded that the laxative value was
mainly <3ue to the fllare and t^s not related to plsytln or
othes* Won constituent® that a2>e readily eatractahle hy
treatment ^Itli weafe acid (Si)*,
m pan. the' digestIhlllty or disappearance of fihre1
is €Kfcre®.®ly variable and depende in part upon its content
of celluXosa @M pentoeand (apparently ligniiri Is not di*
gestea at all) m® %M pvasenee of Ua^teria in the alimentary esnal (49)*
It is indieated that th© imavailei^l® oarbobgndrato
distribution in a diet »ay Ue altered ^itkoufc changing the
total fibre iatafe© or the oaloric value of the|
that an altered distribution of the unavailaible ea^bo*
hydrate* (ligiaim^ oollixloa© and hemieelluloee) has 'an in*
fluenee on nutritioaal procoaaesj that the food in which
the fibre i© prot'ided affeeta the response of the'hedy to
itj and that ether eonatitnenta (pectin^ vitasiins,. tannin)
or propertiea of ^ foodi, aa well as the level cf intake#
■may vary the pfcyelologio reeponse (4©)*
Itemel and eotierkera (a®) fonnd that fro® 2#6 to 99«$
poreent of eellnloee and from 16«6 to 88«Q pereent of heal*
eellnlo^e in the diet of a gronp of ehildren 4 to IS years.
old Kae digested by intestinal flora of the colon*
ehildron appeared to ho able to doeompos© more oollulose
end heMieeXluloee than young children and. this ia attrih*
uted. to greater Intestinal length and greater opportunity
for taeteriai deeompoeition of fihre*
mw children of
these agee* St©? grated of dietary fitre daily eamsed
nomal laxation and had no nndeeimble effect on abaorp*
tion of H or minerals*
fihre doe© have an of feet on the retention of aome
other food prlttttipleg*
SKMpgsoai ■C'72) studied 'the offeot of
the iBgostion of moasfat© daoiattts of a .e<&l,ltx2,©se pmp&m*
tlon on jotmg xwmm*
Sho fomafl .a slighter inorw»©d ©.sere*
tloa of t*6&% nlW&gm^ m® m tofftnit* ijaofeaso la the ««*■
emotion of pltodpXwHrad# calels® ®»4 fecaX 'a$ti*
It Ban fe©0a avieigestod feteft' the pvo$«aie« ©t toaife nay
rotari protoo^ytio dlgoatton^ femt it appears that the afo*
foot produced by stoder&to 'anoonts of fibr@j, aithougli dofi*
nito» -la sli^bt- (1B).> fivow 50 percent of fifer© did not
reduoo fefe© positive ealoium toslano© in fsiaiXs f-at^j, al*
thcrngt* poQitive nitrogen foil star^odly*
fh® inereaae of
fibre im tfce diet Inoroasod th® phosplmtasjo in the faoeod
toy 8©"v@'ral tlawd, indionting it le bolloved^ Sneroased
eoeretofsr activity within tho intestines {9M}*
I'fao leir©! of fi1»p$ in fela© food h©d a pro&ounoed
effect ott the developstteat of f&vm-S Qfattikmrn,
Ssseees of
fifcre liatitdd growth^ tout from about 5 to 6 peroent of
fibre wa© fotmd to bo benofieial (93)*
gg*. ^gtroi^atint^, .freot. a^i i^aor^ionriof JUagime
Wmy esqperiindttte to*?©' been made oa the relation of
the Tit&mia B ooaplex and the gas^rointeetinal tr&et^ &md
prohahly in jsany of these esperinente nultiple defioienoiee
exieted^ the^o ie a tendency to' rs^ard tMi&fai&& «s epeoi^
ally iaportant in th® naintenanee of the nofual fVnotion
tit the gasfci»o$nt©sfcteai tFUCfc* but studies showing sucla
a jpQla'fctmsMp are rat»© (86).
fhe ioflueao© of' the ne^oti^ ©ysfcera
the organs
of dig#sti@ii ha® aiwikya heen oo?!i8i^e?'0d Impo^tsmt: to
snedicml pfactiee-,
lost physleiaas ha.^e aofcei the f3?«^aeiit
|#eociatlon of dige^ive diaorderis with ooaditiom& ^hlch
p^laiairij.^ affect the ngrvoug &$&%m> (i03)t fhls matf part*
ly aecount for .soate of the symptoms occtjypihg la a 8 eett**
pl©s: &©£ Icleaey*
ll iarg© itt«jah©'r of @a®tf*oi»te.stln®l syasptdms' Ijielui"'
lag ftnoapexifr* eoiastipatlonj,. Qlar^he©,,. dyspMsia^ flatulerse© and .vomiting hav@ heeu &0c3?ih©d to defioieney of
eoraponent® of the B complex (103)*
HaiibXein* fhofflpson aad
Scully (44) have reported that vitaasin B ooatpXex defleieticy
caused »arked returdatioa la gastrio motility aad moderate
delay of vm%% latestixml aotility*
Free and I.eoaard ($&}
found ia studies of intestinal absorption of galactoa© by
■rats that the rate of intestinal ahsorptlon of the aon*
defieient aniJials'averaged 3© peyeeat more than that of
the B deficient anisals*
There- nmn also an indieation ef
impairmoat of intestinal ahsorption in the vitaiain B- eost*
plex deficient animals*.
fery few specifie ^ata have heon recorded on the
pathologic changes In the stosach and intestine© in cases
of deficieacy of vitamin f^*
Some itorkers are certain that
tMaslno mid nlc&t'inic acli are ©asmfcl&X tov notnaX
functionixtg ©f tb* ga©^a?o*imt©stijia1. tfaet {108)*
Of tfe®
pathologi© wad pSiysieal cMtigm amd ^^ptona «bl6h
bmn observed# amorsjElm Bppa&mtXy is fck© only osi© which
is elearly rdXat«d to Sefielenesr of vitg^im .B^*
$t ©oo©s
clearly eatfttolJUtadd that andFexia accoapaiai®^ dajfictaney
of vitamin % ia maa «& «rall a© in aBteaX© (1®)* ®^©
atudlas of Semite m& ffiiott (92) indifiato t'feat tbe imt^te
©f vitamin B% % ckiidrea is related to t&eip appetito*
fliiamino^ also aeems to ftmofcion to ttoa siaiat^smneo of tba
novnaX motiiity of tho digestivo traot <96)* Soth %* i3r«
Harris aad M. &» ®o©'© spoalc of a geatral laok of ton® of
the gastvojjtiMso'st&aal traot roeuxting fro* a dafioioney of
tbie vitaain*
SuasoXl -^uad Ifaaset (86) torn® that auppXom^Btiag- aa
already adequata baffid diet witb additional aAoimts of
thiamtoa fead no: of foot on tfeo saotroixitostinaX tracts
x^ie«*eaa yoaat bad a dist.iftotXy $tiwilatory affoet osi
gastroi&tostinaX aotiXity probabiy duo to tbo pvosonoa of
Xiv© yoaet in- tba gastroiatoatlaaX traot* Dick attd toge
(S4) roportod that «ho*o ^etfusion of tM&iaim bad no of*
feet on tba isolated intostioo of a nonoftl rat# tb®
peristalsis of isoiatad intestinal Xoops obtaiaod from a
thiamino dofioient rat is incroassd and tbat tba rats of
progroasiv©' tanus is rotarded wmfior tba influonea of
t&iejsiin® Jg villa*
li®3?%iE ®ai «<mopker« i85) litlng. fowig fogs otsswsrM
that vhea vitanito B^ ®ma ri^oflatr&s t»©^e the only vlfc«»i»
B #ttpplesa«nt0 tto aotillty of the ^mtll Aafeeafeiae- was fcfc*
e^oastS @M tfeafc ©f the oolott dew^^ed * Dftea the fcasaH
^i©%lm.j> gaatfO'-lmteetli^I function 'ap|)©^3?@4 to he norsutiu
Beubleiu «nd e^OFicea?© (44) fo^iaa tha^ ««#ly la tha aemtd
$hae$ of » 9it«»lii B' eo^les a^flolomey M d^gs th^v^ tmft
& siarl£®€ ielay to gaetvio ©nfi a. soSorat© dol&y to Int^ati**
ml mot 1X1%f*
-Aim lafe®^ ot)i9» ©ffeetts^ ^omo^rMt po^on^ling
tho$o of' a imltlfi© iofisitaoy Sa hunaaft inelu&iag afeo^r
wore dtrideat ttemigfe. the small lnt@st.itt©* Mssinist^atiom
of nlee&Sa&e s©ld asii ^ifeofla^ia «2M littl® to oouat9rft«t
tfes© ef^ots trntte ftimSttlfttimtion of vitwuSn S| tfttta^Mfi a
t^porftvy rotwa of ootility to aof»aml> thcmgjh to thsd^
amtfetor©^ ©pluiom <50®pl©t^ r0.|sto'r@ti©sit tima&A* &th®w factors
ooalei'3a©.a la whol© y^ftftt*
B3cp0i?$a©Eta oa tli© vhamid m®zik®y gitr© no support to
tht mBmpMo® of » «|f»6»gi*tio ianiMM of Yttamiii ^
upon ImmHm- metioa i@l)*
It %$ p&mmto thftt ^Itumln %
my *«» ^st jRP«aft tlj» 'body unfis? «o»aittoiili «tf «l»ron&ft
.It ftpsM»ftj?a that diasThoa mp®lj ®m®m som
fallur© of aksorpfcion of aa apppecift'blo f^aeticoi of the*
YttmiUi Bj, is eomplot©!^' s&sopfodtg ffos "feotla the
©jmll gmi largo iatestia® either in fcte fr©© or in tte
p&osphojpylafc&S form (log)-.
Harpef' (38) fi^ci® t&at the rate
of .absorption of gltteos® f^oBH tho Intestine la 'lowered in
a?jats maintained in u state of ■aufeaccut'e. vitamin 'S^ defi*
it is igidicateti that phoaphoffla.tion plaf® no
dominant, roie In $et©5»inin$ the ^ate of intestinal ab*
sorptlon of thiassine*
fhle eomeiuslon is .aupported by the
mrte oi Ochoa <70) who finie that in vitro intestinal tie*
Bm, in contrast to lives? tisatte* poaaeaaea iittle ability
te pho®phoi»yiat© thia^in©.. fh© ahao^ption of thiaalne
probably takea pXae* ley ©©ana of almple diffusion (10$) ♦■
Flrat the rapid Initial abaos»ption of thiamin© is aucceed*
ed % a imch aiower ^at© of abaorptlon.^ p?»©sttraably after
aiffaelon efuiiibritm ia ©stabliahed»
^ieo it la fotand
fch&t the abaoafptlen of thlaiaine ae:#Bi® to be romghly propoi?*'
tionai t© ita eoncantrat.ion in the inteetine*
M all
probability people m&f v&ry with reapeet to the efficieney
of $uoh abaorptlon*
Tha warsin between amn^a needs for thiamine and hia.
Intake 1© rather ali©> and at the saue tlae hi©- normal
capacity for sterage la diatlnetly limited*.
Eatlmatea of thianine retirements are inflmaneed
Tbf ttea ojpltaria thafe tti© invest igatop uses *o jodgo tht
AdQ^uooy of tli® ^gitakd so.^ toy ^H® leagfcfe ©C the period of
m&ntena&e* oa a aaaatwsd dogs of thtttnSnd (109)* %m.g
t®m stmaio® <ar© asee&sm'y* ®lll%&mt laaoa^ ana ipijdejp
(tm) b©3l4*w tba* asta-mii^es of t&tfflsSao i*e^air«aeato ©a®
fttat«9 of %h.® m^mbt 42) tho eondltl«>» ^f tlio tls'sn^
:stoF©0 of tM&ffito0f «sd (3) tbe Moelii©mical ateftos of s^b*
3oet9 ^la© h^v® hmn fmtnt&tm®® tor several, nojatbd oai teoum
Intakes ©f thlfiiisdsi^«.
00t#etl0H of ateo^tmij hlglb tal»©® of pgnrovic a<5id
asia laotio eoid ia tbo felooi after admiaistttfttion of cl0j$%
treed 'has jMpoveft to b© tlie moat ftpplieftl&d of $h® Mtstoolte
tests for t&las-is© defletonesr l$O*i0:0^*. Seftuits of thm&
toBts to1?® %®m e©ripeX«ite4 ^ith <3ltoi«a2. iigiis m® ®jm®tQm
of ttiiLsi&D&e def'le4enftyf tie dat«i ©^ ©^©3?#tioii of tMnaSa©
to 24 InoiMC^^ ana esorotiea After ^datlliiifttrfttiOA .of a t^uft
ddse of t^i#mto^ iM}*
ffelWilaQ re^iiresient is most- QenmstiXy <Sot.©»mt&9i
toaay by the ttrjbuery esoretlen nethed^ ^any reports wiittg
tbe biological A$«ft7 9tet)»odd« tlie oeXor^tBetriet tlae tht0*
ebrone metbod* mA the ,y©8,s^ feiMentation procedure toetv*
tsbotm th^t the urinary eserefcfcea of tMaaiss^ Is m gooi ia*
aex of the mtrition&l ©tutus of the imxm ©ubj^et (8798^#
109) #
She .a©ficiont subjeet has no @sfes»^ aietory thi«miii0'
t© escr@*.0 but* attempts to retail all his tlii^iaiae to r^*
g>loEtlsfe a.e|>l@ted tissue stores.*
Pop a noraal saaii> t&©r«*
f'ore> th© exoretioa of a tost ctos® of tshHnaa-ijae iaaicafcaa
thft a^par©?it e;0m<3itl©n of tfMsi atoras of thi^tsin^ 1109 )■« A
grottp of aomnftl ati'feleett (©7) r^sp&niai proiaptlf to vari*
atio» la tbljaaaine intake «M3>e 0ttfe4i6t&fig oa-^£©ts sa^plsr*
lug oja t)to avsrag© 1*0 Big#^ of thloisitie p©r 'dair*
a eoastaat ^aiiy iatak^ ©f 1*0 ing* i$ eoffieiextt to satur*
at© the 0at>4'&'Ot to such an exte&t that there is no neoea*
sitf to cosiS@rve dietary dJMamino.
Th© mSa&iaum allowaae© for male, adults is a^out 1000
laog. per &&.j or afcout 3SO
.p©r 10fl©oa'lorl©s of <Si©t$
th© mMiffim, dallf inta&# r#o©s^emi©i hoth hy Wliltam^f
grou|> :(109) .sma l>3r lolnlek (67) mm ®*S «g» |>®r 1000 oal*
fheae •valTO^ ar© .©up^ortei 'by E^srs atti Hoaseh®'!*
(SS) tJho bell^v© that aet£v« aelult ml©s ar© net ban^flt^d
by © dally supply ©f move thaa 4S0 acg* of thiaatln^ per
100© ealories ♦ iilllaa^* Mffi®oS|, an& WIMer (110) later
ooneluQed that an allowaac© of 0*45 •rag* per 1000 calorlo©
may bo r©gar(3@d a© th© general ainiinura' r®<iuir@®©nt> but an
amount of 0#€ sjg* per 10.00 oalorles is T&ti®Mtwi&&& to ^ro*
vide a saf#guar<3 in oa^es ^here sore may b© required'*,
iast fi|par# is also rfiooRimeMod by th© Food and nutrition
Board of th© latiosm! Sea^aroh eouncll*. ■
;jn<tivisual requlreroents however -vary con^l^erably^
tot© of' tnotfftfeoi&e ■cfeaB§®s of ^aerg^* or aat«rial« ©s ml%
aa envlpoBaietttfta, f®.eto'rs# «otiv&t3r* diet* «»# intoaftiaal
abser^tioB ^Itould U^ eoasldoa?^ when the fO«|mir©iae»t of
the tjaia^Mml is luagei <*©©)*
jfe is zioTsr tmii @0fc©l)l,lshoi th*t fat h&a- « tbianfttt*
spar lag «etien trhiit 6ftrlM»h^Arftt» ft&©»©a@'©-® Uh© aoei (2)*
Baa©s*|i i©)' fo^Kii that, tfee l»e«atlosi *t a hi^fe .f At di*t ^
iMtts a@prtv®<l #!• v&taofta Bj, dintoi«h«a the datevetiioa ef
ih# .severity of tfts l)ipaay<M»dla* M'elalelfi asut Field (68)
oonolmd©?! that tha ^itaate S^ aparing ae.tioa of fat ami fo®
attributad to the deoveaaeg ne^abolio re^uiveBtanta fosp tWL*
toaln© ©hea tha fat of tha diet Is iiBM»»daaa^*
fh€i praaanea e£ a lapga amount of ppoteta la th©
4iet 'ppawataa th@ lara^yeardia ani ioaa tm- w^i#it ttauaSUy
ansooiatad «ritti^daf$oia&ey of vttamia % (0>*
It i®il®&
foomm® to pravant tba ioaraaaaft axoratio» of biaulf t«©*
biBfiiAg sMfeatatic^©*
la this laat ^aapaefe ptvtalu differs
f^om- fat* iratei© (107) found that tha thisu&ia© raqjutirdmatit
appaared Xot?a»' with a a lot eontainieg vmofa p«it0i»*
<Bba ^©^talfoaeat la Incjraaaad Itt parlefie of aoblva
groyth ^nd i-^lMig pro^aacy and la«tatlo» (S©),.
1» whieh thore is a scmaraJ.^ Snaraaaa^ zuatabollatt su^h &fl
fevers aiid 'h^parthyroidism ai©0' iaeraaaa the raqtuipamant^
fo&af atmt tmntf methods for %%.& Aetemninatiott of
^Jiiamisa© in foodafuff $ ^r© to nior-© or %&m Qwrrmb u»» ai^
ar© actively advoeatiea fey oartAin grottpe of workers (1X3),
fTtoa 'biological naibbdda m© vaXiabXa ani tha saost t»am toowi»
Haintanaaaft of treig&fet promotiots of growth,, aM euro of
FoX^eurltfo a^mptea© tutva eao& tsaaia asiapXoy©^ as measuraa
of fch© variow^ cosBponasits of fc&a B coaapiosc (45) ♦
aspQeisXXy plgaoaa^ and rats ara uaafi*
lass uniform
BirSa ar© sometitet
%&$%$ j^aa^oJiisaa to grafied amotiiats of foods.*
Although chea'ieal aothoda for tha datjanaiaatioa of
thiamto® ar© teeing $^roved* a rat^g^otTth mathod thefe p©r*»
ffllts statl&tloal analyaaa of th& rosmXtss oo^tSnuaa to b# of
great iralTie for tfeiaiaiae aaaaye of fooda^ aapaeiaXly food's
of low tlkittnAoe eoJatant. (71)* Host aoaaya of foodstuffs
raportad ia tko litaratmra toav© baan ©ad® by this mothod*
It mkea •aaa of t^o parallel groiips of yottug ajilmala* ouo
on a basal diafc aloaa, aaS the othar on the aama diet sup*pl©ffi©at©d by feturon qosiititlea of tha foodstuff or axtract
usadar assay*
Garaftil attaatlosi mwst bo paid to th© pro*
vantloij. of foprophagy*: TMa aathod prosttmoa that tha basal
diet Is ad©<|uat© ia all respect a othor than thiaaaiaa (!©)#
fh© fraquoat oeo'ttrreiica of rafaetioa, in rat growth
assperim^icita (55)# and tha 'inadequaaias of the dlats aia*
ployed i& aost pig©om ^oi^it taothods, togothor oith tha
ourraftt «»ewtftinWe» a» to 'tfco ^ettfirittttlons ef th© -imdi*
^MtisS faetoip® of the B eoopleat
of in varAoms com*'
bSnatl^ns to grovttm %<$& mtif to &$®pt ft ret em»&ttim t®m
3& this stethofi* aavoeatei fey th© 9nit«d Stated
VbftMsAeo^eiftjt a .©tanaa^ grade of peX^&eia^itift is ^.©^©-©dt
fa th® p®% m& eured l^jr **#* totet of tla© aater'ia^ m&w
invent l$at ion* tte r©®f©B©e t© fc&© te^t dese ie eesaparea.
vrttfk th» pmpmm'to to©m ^acmati ftf tMniisiaa* Om^ «a»
v&&t&$0 dl&ltted for thi* f^0©0dmf*© it the po0#iM3Lity ©t
asking eosfcttip&tiire tests with the ease ©sa:la®l*
It i© ectg^
QCMted tt»fc eomiiloto' f^miltitrit^ witls 'the. &pmtmB la
eseential fo^ *s*»y «oyj£ toy tM» sieth^d (f^l* ■
fSi# laradtreftvdia nethod te© been. u«@<S mcc-eatfmlly
miiafe0:r of fjaglig^ mvker* ■ $$# is) *■
It is M®ed ©a tlj®
ti&etftttg of tbe !3tee,v6 rate i» 3?&ts i^ th&oaine defieiene^
ana its. gape b^r teat &mm of food trader e^xtvotx^d eoadi*
Remit* of ©e^ays hj the ^a^foariia i»et£fcod> asad
ftieo % %iu» rat ewfttive, the rat grox^fe 'and the pigeon
astbodft-*gree <16>* Advan^Ageft elafcaed tot %h<$ fe3?adjoardIa
metlied ar^ eiuprt iNrepfiratoipy period # eaee and rapiditsr In
obtai&iaa^ apesuits^ astsd eeonemy in teet ®Bljmi@ b0oawa« one■aalmal wmj Hm nded for aeveftsl teeta«
fha ^atatorollA'* teat is a bioehemiea'}. aetjioi abiefci
®i@a$ur0'S Jg l||f^ tbfi tt^tak© of osygoia by brain tiaetee froia
avlfe^mlnoti© pigeons* $he afiditioist ©f vttaate Bj, toereaaea
Bmm %& D© ©ppll^a^a,©- t© foodstuffs*
Hierofeio&cgieftl atdthodft «uelk «s %ta fern* fesrmftntiA*
taen m@tJaoa, 2nt#e4tteod b^ S©telt»| Atkftsiji ntujl tK»©f f00)
amd ^fe@ ^9ft9t 3*0&1& t0#t £»©.0#atXy p^opoa^a b^' t* ^*
filiiliaia® nod bio eoXtoborators <W^) hfeva "b©'©3a found ruli*
6fel# is ©ss^ylag food proattet®, tiafitte extraot^ felooi^ mttd
i^taa for thiasatot. <90)#
Two chomioftX mothods mm «ro3li roco^aisrod*
M 'tho
quatftife&tiirely oaeidisod fey ©BsaiiRt ferri^SPttAid« %® thio*
ete©ffi©>: « .stroiiglf fluoro&eoat sub^tdnoo^' Soveral aodifi*
eatlon© of this t«6t Hav© boon devieed (42, 4S)..»
end SeCo3Ll,utt noo « colwipotrie ^POQodwo to ^&!<Jh thiiaias
ronote tilth aiasotised p^aatoo Aoote$te$8oa$ to fofst a' dg^o
$mmm .pg fm MM&Bwmxoi
$t has %den afa&m
the jpfip^ious •^Ntpt03? that tht
thi(9iai^0' ooat^at of fes?®a^ t© i^lat^si to tlia <a©g^©@ of
«*© rie^
tli@ fi'om^* i%ethea? *h® ■&lm&Qn& m& fefaa isf*
tMsmA^© are fully flig9Stltol0t feow^^^fa^ la^s;
tj^eta qtiastteae'd ^s^. it lia-s feeea ^aggesto^ ttet fmjptker la*
ir^atigeition ©bonsM ^e iiai©+
A larg© balk df issSlg-^stibl© foo^ natorl&l particu*
tyaot^ la g©B©!p©lif %Msili©v©i too Imtufc tfea utillEatiom of
the la^ortoafc tmtri^ntBp but ©^tdeis©^ -supporting tho b^-*li©f has: m&t beo® el©©j?*cut*
ffe©. p^tppo-Q© of thi® ■stad.f.*. t'h^r®foy©'#' was to de*
tenoine vjti©the^' t&tQ thiaaia^ of Wm ift titilfe@ci «v veil
■a® thiaai^© #0ltetS©»t, ■&& whoth©,5? tli.t fibr© «* Wm nffeota
tia© i*t£iisskt|©a of
m&mm txt
mmtmmm momwrnm
eMoa® method*, mti tin© asaoimt o.f teiiamiB© utlltsed felo*logically .from tfe® by^a wa« aostpa^d with tfea .Mmeisat
ufSiIg©4- fj»oa tMamin© sol^tioa m& with th© aaotmt util*
imti from b^asa wft#li@a f3?e© fi»om thiaaime pirns thiamtoe
fim 3?)at @s»®wt;lj mothofi ws msofi for tSsio 'biological
©eiaparisoiu .Aft#3? approsiHiatoly t«ro t?©#K»s depietlon
perloQ t;Mi»ty 3Pat$ I?©**® divMedi into three ©qwal gtfoups*
fh©f f;©F0 fed' a ftasal ilet &A«qtiate la ^11 reapeete eao©.pt
for thiamine.* a«i«2 tfaitt was ©uppleaentea filth RaXaton tHP©n
for on© group ^ isrith an ©QuSiralemt ^uasatlty of tera» tmshed
fr©e from thiaraiiao pl«@ fchtsm&iie solutioxi for a seeoM
group* ®nd with thlamin© solution alon© for the thir<3.
the to-st foediftg wae ootttinued. for' four weeka,^ the
-asalmaXe being veighed eeBii^wee^iy* The (lifferesiee in growth
vma takan aa aim laadiaatioa of the thieaalhe utiXisatiofc hf
tho animal.
Ahalyela of the Bran by the fhioehroaie Methoct
Janeen u©ei th® flmorescent property of thiochrome
03? ossidlzeiS t&ia®^© as. the hmi& of mi Bjmlftl-Q&X &etii©<l»
Vifam iri»adiat©<l fey light tMs ^ub&taiic© e'Sioiirs. a strong
blue-wviolet tluo^fieenoa.* the isatenaity of i^bioh Is- propor*
tleia&i to fsh® ^oJieettt^tioxi of th© thiooli3?©m®.# Bst^actlon
of thft 'tMooteom^ fi?om th& o&M&tton m&di«a* am allMilii©
soihatioa of fer^I^yasaid© fey isofeut^aoi $.mvmmB th& lat&n*
slty of fch© tfeioohi?0»s fluofeseotieot asia l©a^©.$: most ©f tfm
Interfering aatoriala In the aqueous ^aye?* 4 Man& ae*»
tej?siajmtion of profOFsaed non*»ap®cif i® tItioresoenee Is njade
with th© owlstlon ©f the f©yric5&i&t&e>
ylve gyams of Eal^tea tewm which Ml feeen f&ttfty
gpouiad waa weighed^ and groa^d for fou^ Mnutes Isa a ftolts^
felondep with 200 oo* of s percent aoetlo aeid» fhe nixtviiP^
v;as tretnaferred to a feeaker ^nd heated on the Bteam hath
for fopty^fIve aiinwtes to mafe© oortain that all the thi*
amine was e^traeted* fhls mist^re. uaa ©ooledf stlr^d and
SO grasts tsrere transferred to a 12$ ee:# Brleanieyer flas^*
fo each tlm'k was added 10 co. ef a 3 peroent poll*
daae solution which had feeen siaie up in a sodinai aeetate*
acetie aeid feuffer of pJl 4*S* 5fh» flasks were then stop*
pored with oorl£S# and shaken gently without -getting the
material up on the sides of the f lasJs* f he- aisEtttre was
then- ineufeated ov©rni.ght at. 40-° c*,. and filtered Steoa^i
dry filter paper {discarding the first S^io ee*) into a
dry bea&er*
Slare© ere* «?f tta^ fiUtrat© mv® ptp®t&®& igft* © 2$
%&+ *%op99V*& $F&&mhm cftiM&Qw* M«3fci3.l©4 w&mt mm
s^dod to aftke tlt» vftlaao «P' to d •«»«#. ®M ali tli© Balti*
tions aiuS dppavatUQ tre^o px>!ep6r«d *o febat tls© rest of the
proofs eouM it© oavrlad thr©s#x dd qmielly as jx»Bs!'b!&+
fhS*®0 a^'Op© Of .1 p6»Q9A% .I^F^(el:>@. W«*» add«d flMtll
a ttroppitag Dotl;l#*
XBB&etfiiitaly ® •©.* of 1® perc^mt Ia©l
ttoro @i<sa#i# f^iioy®^ fey XS oe« of i^ofeutMiOl* Th» fteeice
wow* gijak^a trigopotauBisr for oat w& oiao*:teM iBitn»t>«d» -ana
t'Si© eo&fco&fci |)0t»@4 into a .s^pm^4to3?f, foimol.*
ft& Xem*
aqudoua *lk»lj^ia lafef w* drfttm. off aaft ^l^oai^o^^ and ttofc
n^por laolnxbassol layor potired off $Ato a eXeiai^ Mff oosa*
t-^ifugo ^mtj.©..
ftso fc© 4 @ram$ ©f a^l^irotj^ toMvia eulfat^
aii^a %© %m ttt*« asid the MlKt®^^ traa ^tokosi vig©f>©'als*'
if tmtll, %b® so'tolioa trad b*iltU«a*tty «l*a»* fii© tufeo©
tj#tis..o©mt^ifug@$ for a^omt fcMrfey aoootidti MsA.tsho Hqtiid
^©.uroi off into &wf rnxwisttm*
4 Ootaitttt oiootroai© t&o^o-f i^oro©0t©j* -naa eot to.
^©ai 70*0 vlisik ^iaine suXfafee ataadavA* flit om^ott©- ©oa*
talaiag tho «hioobr«anft ia aoX«1ioit i?a9 pSaeoo 4a ^ixo fl^o*
vwtar ani t&e rasAiag tnkoa i&naa&Ataiy*
4 ^3Lank# ©oasistlng of a im® memt of the fi&t#ftt*
tveatad witfe, all t-ho tfftago&ta ^taopt tfe© fas^rieyaatdOy was
mm for ogeh ^at of flltvataa ami tfeo. blatfk raadins t&s
aubtvaotad from tlae voadias f^ *^ rag«Xwp aiQiB^le*
Wrm the gdlitoratlott eu^e for the fluorojaotai?, th.®
number of acg* of tM-amin® in t&e aliquot was ijalGulate^
•amd fvmi that ^h# .nuiate©? o-f meg*- of thi^aina pea? gram of
Stanfiari Sol^ts Ions j
X* Qaisiisa© Sulfate*
Solution A*
O.*0108 graiis ®-t quimim© tmlfftto Hlosolvod
Ixx oa© liter of OAH «ulffttrlc *i<fcia$ aaA
stored to a ^ark Dottlo Sit tli® rafrlgerator*
gsilalm© Sulfata WorMsag St^ndsvifi #.
8 e©.« of s#liJtloa A dissolves in S'OO wH* of
0«1B sulfur 1© sei<S«
2# Tlii©ffi2,xi© Kyaroohlorld©.*Solution A*
© agfc of thisaaiao kfdroGMorM© dissolved
in 100 oo* £0 ,f@ro#»t ©thaaol# ^Mofe Ms .
txBm i>r0U#it to afpro^limt^lf pR 4*6 ^rltlk
oai HOI*
jotorjaodlato iolutloa*
1© al* of oolutloa 4 dllutod to 1Q0 ml* tvltH
■wator and trough*' to pu 4>0»
!♦ "Sodium
IS poroeat solution^ V& grasae Isi 500 ml* of
distilled tsator aad' $ grass of fia<0:H)2 i^
2* ?otas«-S«ss WQri>%®fmMQ BQlntiom*
laotjutaaol resistlli©«3 taatllL it showed mo
greatoj* fluoroseemc© UJaan Si$tlil©d water.
4« Bo^iwj di»lf&t9 Axdayflrouft*
fisip r©ageut i-8 ttaed to rt®o^# th© last
trac^^ of twicer a&# elear' itoe l^olsutaaol,
ph&m tot tluQreisQtor reading*
©♦ Aeetie AaJ
g p©i».c©^fe acetto aeii ffiai# f^Qtiaently from
0'.f So^ltm Acot^te^aetti©- i©i<S Buffa^*
SS ui.* of glacial aoot&a &*tA m& %%<&«S «g#
of Ba%%0'© *■ 31g.0# »sa&€> up to ©n© lit^r
with afgtifi©«3 tra.t©r (pi 4*S},,
^htP'W f®wi$ rats ^©ighi^ fro® 4® to 60 .grams ^ froa
sis Ifct-tar^, v/ara tfaanad at 2$ to 89 day® ©i*! piaeect 3m
iMivMimX eagaa with rais@3 aora^n, hottaaj^,* fha atiisiala
ahO'iTOfi a® atriciasiiaa ol* di'aaas© os? 3jat.|w3f or asiatoittieal €a%
va'iop®®iit iKfhio'h tilght hift^er g^a^h* fhramglro^t tfa® d^pia*
tloa parSo^i* avaraging aixtaaa dafs> aaafe 3?at traa proviaai
tyith th© Ohaaa an^ .Sharmasi diett# and tst«tay ^ .M^H^S*
iDaFafmi attasttlom waa paid ta pravantio^. of aapropha^ (78)*
■fba rat-s %?ara neighai OEe© iias*iB@ th© first ^'ja-ak^
mid th®n 4mi%j imtiX th® fchiaroi&a etoraa
dapl©'fei0»E pafloi «aeii lifc&e* of ^afes wets 41irld6d ©vejalir
fdwid t&at .a
of 18 toog* ©Jt 'tlsla»im© p©y t»e«i; eausoi
an iat'^aa© %n t?®tgliit of app^o^itsafeei^ S fj&aas per w®Qte
f«p eaeh ip-ats.* fMs I« m littl,© ftbe^e %h® CteM&i&fflcwm
but it i^ aot fc©0 tei^fe ljQCja^.0^ l&m Q^s®»-$li®rm®& m%%% rat^
of .growtii is m^pgiBiiJ «mdi: IMlvMrnfi'I .^lamls %m& to deirl*
at® aos?^ from tAx» m©«ta |>©3Pf#^BiamG0 at t&is rat^ t^ttn at
hlgtrnt- ^atoa {il25}« Six mfg* of" thliuAtn^ mw® atoisala*
t^rod OTteffp otli©F a^ making a total of 18 iicg*. |>©3P *afe
fhe didt ol* th© tkp^o jgpoup^ varied on%j with j*0.#
spect to Kh® oappXemtifov* Tte.®m &ix$fp'%;9tt&tito8 trort *&lOtt*
l^ted to gSiKT©. thQ sesad. <juaiititie#' of tMswaiae* 18 meg*, poi*
t^eek to ©'ae^ rat* fke 0u^lem$nt to tJi® f&pst. .group «ras
«a asaousat of Ealstom hmn comtafetog tja© gtota quamtltjr of
(Eh© we>wm& $$Q%p $$0eiv'&& m ^q^ivdlftttb ajsoujat
of w&.@fe#i brMGi# vbidh %&& hmn &>&*& of t^i^mlw©.^ flue t&©
gtvon .aiaouat #f thlA&tixi* .'$©.lutioa,*
fh© ttoird g^oup »©.*
e^iv©^. tli© giir'©3S amouiit. of thi8t$&» .-eolutioEt aloa^*
Vb» '<ai©t. wa* i8ftA9 up fy^^ueatl^ and' kept i» tho r«*
ffrigeamtor to p^eveiat ©asldati^r^ c5Maag©:S*. fh® rats wop©.
xml$M& mmi^mlztf si,w^tog tbA mB®$ period ©f fow wdana^
■&&$ foo4 eoaftUB^tion yeooMe w©r© kept for <&aeJa fal5«
TMa»i»@ ftoiutioiif
eaus© of it© fay^esQQplo. mature* fit© solutiea wm aa^© t^
allsaiiii© $Qlat;|'©a© of t&iaaia® are tttiftfe&bl«* ®sa^ ©..qtieow
ttaSioa pHtftftned f:os" trho rat; ^os^g^ Qra« 6' agg* per 0*1 .c@«
^lild doiution waa Kaptf la a Sark glaaa atoppara^l toottl© isj
a ^ofvigesrater*
K^laton sjaek&ged Wm ©a© uaotf bu^ it xm& mc®®&mw
to m-lM 1% w&<s% tia@a? %© faaSlitata tha ostraa^lon ot thl*
asiina fey th@. th&oaltrona aatbod anft al§© ^o na^ca it aaolav
to faad to tfea gata*
nkb htm «a» f«>wit t© aontaftn 7*«tte©# ©f t)9laaiine
■pm &fm* Tteaa o*Bis pi* of fe^sm w©r@ ^a^alv^d to mpp%$
th6 doaa 0^ 6 meg* of t&iamte© atravy atltor da^*
ffe^ vaabad t>pa^ toad the thiamin© vasaavad % leaohlug*
fwo Imaayad gr^ma ©f Wan ware plaead to a elotb Brnte? titd
3L6osolf., ajad ipsi€>a»s©d Im 100© ec* of tap vjatoj? to tAtiali 10
xmtBT was «li®]rig0.a t^£c# ialiy^. tot a is and: on^^tolf dftft*
& modific^t^il. of the aM#©*'$ia#f>sma iiet |3li6) mt
U80& ^$ 4 txuuiil diet and BPd»iw9«d to b# M^^mt© 46 fell
Oto^©© ftail Shevoait Yit^aim %*--jtiP©© Diett
H7bHfi*»i0^i^i»«iitMi«^ limits
l^t Ceo^n oil)
Cod li^or oil
f^as^ (sit&f&feew&veated}
Salts (osbojpu® anO 8i4niSet)(79)
The easeixi was #.0ako(i twl^© tim@§ ia t*#©afe .jae^ie
meM solutioa mM •m®h®$, mil vitfo. tsrater*
It was dried
C#:J?3R oil (Hg&golft) na® U0@d 'feecamae it $s V&Qfo ia
Yeast 4
fM .ffa^t (fcfpe 188 of Sttt&daa^ B3?^mie S&e*) vad
givQja tbs' ^ulfit© fci'Sfcfctnen'fe accorfiiiat t6 the airecfeioas of
Ste© {§#)♦■. VitAiaSa % tm$ no ©tll©^ constituent of %h&
vltwdlM B eoapl^s Is 4«8iiP&y&A 1>y thl« method>
Four fawnAytft
'S'M® aotttll bott'l0#
©r & o^i, .ip^apteat odluttdn of
A Atvettse of 00©. «#9 introatieea UfitlS, t
and alloroi to stani &t i»o©m t©mp©i»at«r« ($& {}») f0.s» &
dftgre* Uti* aat©a?ial. ^aa tkem di»i©i oa jraopifled eassitj: in
f$ont ©f aa ■©|.#<jti?io f-asi*.
m@tli.od o<mt&inacg *?*% wog* ©f t^lWJi»© p©^ grara# set ttet
O-^SSS 0pwm$ of fejpau had to-
fed to th© rats to -awpplf
til® 6 meg* of thiastftig ©veif otH^r <l^»
It «Ad fo^i^ t^at group ©a© subsisting oa the im»
trashed bmn^ <Sid- siot g^.ow as woll as tte other two grompsi.,
Foui* of tl^s to spats ©Si th© nmwaalieS hp&xi stt&piement ^^*
irelopodi s^trex'© polysie'iaffltis witfet 0.$kS?twhe@| turiss aM: e©&<*
vtilsiona* !Pwo otters of ttda group bad y«(l ao^es ami
carved baoks* ffee four rdoainivtg aniipftXo tB»r« ia bettoi'
health stltJiomgh oao of t^em hM a red noao ©ft^liej? In tho
©^Pfrlaeat:* ^© tmntitf ot h&ml <li*1> ©oiigiimed Uy tho
group ©a tfeO' «»t?a®.h«.d. fcraa wa,s d^oidodly l.©ss than that of
the oth&r gromps*. f'ho fa©o@'S of th© groups osa washod aad.
vrnwaehe^ l>raii were hv&kier than those on thiaaiin© aelution
the: IndivlAuaS. rats In &3L1 thr^e ^oupi aho^ed
conslderahlo variation in growth*
Chart I shows that the rats fed either the thlaiaine
solution alone or vftAhed hran plus the thtamine attpplefflent
g-ained weight fairly rapidly after tho admiaietratiott of
the suppleaBentary diet*' Thoi® on the imwaphod hr/an showed
a tendency to ios® tteigfrt*
Three of the rats in thia grou|>
fmm i* o&zn M WHIG® ms fom GoistirsFTioM of RATS
0s?omp f*
Mlston iraat
' * •?
Oa lit III
.fraag..... fey, .^gta ol1. .^QQjf
9 33.82
? 21m
Croup receiving bran.
Group receivincf washed
bran plus thiamine solution.
Group receivincf thiamine
hdavier at %h® §n<3 of the dopXetlon -p©ri6<2
afcoroeS sow® gpo^& sltliomg^ the/If gJPCroitli. eu^ues w®**® aot
nearlf as $%mp as tltoao @s th* thlamlia® solution eiloaej,.
©r on tt&.8b&& "bran pirns thieMaitae m®p2&w$nt.i.
ffea @tr.@rmgo g^ias of tha tferao gf«9iaps of rats §113?*
lag the ^.sksny poriofi 003*0,. foj? tfe© ^a:@l?.ai- Isrgaa #%&& tht*
■malm- s-oIutfio% tlie tMsalae eo'Jl^ioBj, ,a»a tk© liri^aStoi
toaa gP9«p4 20*%5^4S#j- gg^S+S**?©*-^ 2*5*4*06* ytspoetlve*
ly* that it* t&f gfoiatp f©a th© uanas^©^ teaa tod # 40*
i^ t?#i^t} of tha @J?<2>«if f©^ ©ashed Waia. ^Im$ tlsi^al^a -oolu*
tioti asid the gromp f«4 t&iaaia© ©oXufci&a aHonos tbe 41?*
feteaee fco&sxg 4*0^6♦ST* fher© ws© a st^iflsaat ■diffes**
©mo©, liot?-0¥0r^ ?)ettre@a the guln® of th© .@s?o»p £ed cashed.
h^afli piu? thiwaino soXmtton and th© gf^up ftd hmn (24^t.
amto© B'olmtioa &M th® group'@a (0G»;4*S»,€®)*
this m»ab©F of @©'S0S>: a fatio o# diff^^omo© %o its itandard
©rror of $«$ $« 'Si^ilflosint at the 3. percent level <sea
■fhe 'hr&n wai. feyod te h&ve a lowes? value fof thi*
■aiat&e ttfatm te@ted fefologloally thaa whea aaaat^td
» StdttfiaTd B^os6* See SaedeooPa; Q* ?.»» Statistical
fkts %& jpat!i«p tamsuai as in mm% oases wUm
tfto r©.sulfe9 #©■ aol agee© tiio ^iologiesX method Mas giir^zi
of dtfttmltf In extraction of tfeiam^ie frowi the t©st fooa,
fh? asioBiaHy ae«mot h® accountsed fo^ \>y tim t&W& la
fch© braiQ heoaitisi^ the group fed tfo© «r&eh&d hran pitas tfei*
asiiia® ©©latioa f^etaf a® wll ae the ^foup on th@ thiftBint
aol^tloB. ^iono*. fh» thtaadae In the twan aay |»® comfeitiod
is $oa® ooapiss,* with a protelja iov inatMStce^ sshich
■acfim ©f It mavat.iahM to th© 'aiiiaal#
fhe £dV9i of Tsrasa f©d tja© not aa high a a
(10| oj^oj?.Jaieat tyith nintea xsUsone^ hyasa foym^i 10 parcoat of
th© wot ^atioa,. mM thatfafojpa it prohaihly did not hav-e as
®®pt®m%ng aa offset on tfao d&gestihiiity of th® d&ofc*
th4& offset oil th<§> di^estihility of th© d&at ia mi&ka
trae att^ihu^ad to th© laxatlva of foot of toaa && tho ani*
aala^ axs^ b^aa wasr hot ho aa iaxativ® to x*at© aa to siisika*#id3?0ws aad Havd^ran <S) tihaa anaiyslng edvaal^ hy
tho rat gro^'ith amd thiochrotto methods foimd a axightly
hlgjaor ^aluo for th© aefaaXa rich in hs^aa- with tho ehonloeai
natbad t£um with tho hiologioaX mothod*
ShetXar and l^naa (97) found that hpm ooiitaistted
'S*7 mog* of thiam3ae! p®r gram u$i»g tha thiootoom© mothod*
.Bak©3?' and Weight 0) using tho Dradiyaaawiia mothod fotwid
wluoa of s#9 «**& 9*0 mog..; p®s» gjpais*
Har^it and Waag ^4g);t
■and fteong aadt lanprl^ <§■©) using tt>i« ■««»» a^tlicwS. obfraiaM
^lued of S»;6^ I* f> p#r g^gna <?r 10*8 nog* pef griia* fte
Soon eft©? fclte ariaSygi^g of tlx» twittt fosp %fel,;e»isi##
tovied ^r© ©lm^gM# &&i fell© fXiaof<?si®t^^ festaa^^f^iz^i^..
ssiefe i-afe®^ $m t&e 4aBp9^i)aettf»^ fi©^ gemple* of ^m w^wo
gatr© tfoe v^lwe of 0*0 «eg» of tbiaaSiie per gi»» inatoad of
the ppevicrea v©lm® of V*® mog* pap .gpaa* fM® diffttr&tt&e
Biay ac©0:Wit M pa^% fojp1 %h® ®tmtl®w> gain ia weight; of tSa©
mttt f^«a fclfce iMPaa *ttt it: ootaM fear4tf fee ^©spoasiM^ for
s^oli a wido ^iff.03?@ia0O feefewees tho groups fad tfeiia®ia#:
solutiosa tritli or tsitbout wasfe©^ bf^ii ^M th® gro'^p f«4 W**
ana fcm& t* cofita&s 7.*^ aog* of thiiasito9 per gppsm* fhia
velud ims ©sod to S©t©r®iae^ fey tito mt ■gm^th n$1}l»ed«
t&d 0ff«6* of fifes?© oa tfee u^iHisfttiod of fehiamtaft*
fJiirty 3?at«' ^©^@ aivM^i into tis^s© ©^maa groups
mateheti «wjco*fli»g t?o waififibib* ««< a»ft Itttojp siatiO0', ^h©y
««pe fod a feasal diet- pi^s suggl^SKsnts ooKitaiiaing a given
aae»t»ii^ of tfei©giiti@.* $h6 ^ffi^asmlj fo^-t^M first grcmp
m$ un.w«Ldh«d laiat©3a fepga* for t^ft s««Q»d gr^up was
^©slied lovm ptm tbKunind golutloa* asa^ for tslie tSiird
@r»0tap wa^' tIkiamSaQ aolwtiioB felone# tfa® evevage ^tins of
tli© tbree €r»wj» -of mte duviag th© a.s@4y p®Fiaa ««y«#
a,e4*4#06» 2&#9+8*4$* S2*©>S,70 nwp ©h6' ^o»t>» oft ^»!raak@d
feyan.^ vedhdd fer«& |>tea thiamia# solution* dztd tMAniiM
solution a&ofee* r«spe0tlvdly« fia^ gl»©^ fdd tfe© u^nuslied
feran Md & decidedly Xower g^in in veigbt a?ii some ©f tk©
ffeei'® tm« Jao afeatitttieaXSy ©.igsaificegafe diff«r«ii«ft
fetttween tbd i^iaa in w®i.ght of %Jjo gr^mp fed ms'Siad fer&n
plus tliiewip© i»o3lutl<m «iid the grotip fed ttoiamlne soItitioB
atot* feufe there wee a significant difference feetweea the
gains of the grmp fed washed feren pXue thieisiae solmtion
&sa& the gvmp £<&& um&dheS teaa^ dnfi aUdo feefe^ea the
gala© ©f t&© grom^ tf«fl tfeiaiilla® solution al©m® .rod1 th@
g^oms* f®^: ittniBAhdS ir^a* It am to© ©-©ixoittd^a.# tttsiwfds*^
that tl«& fibs?© ©f bMa b&9 a© eff^^t oa the ^iXisatiom
of tuis^M^*; Slid eipttfieamt ®tiimm&® txstimm th» group
jp^a «a?j@.#to4 taren ant tbe otha? tm &*&&&* toomw&t MM*
6ate« that fc'is&ro 1# eosBd othdv ?e<Mftm tjiay tte thSwnSsift of
feras to sot #11 mtillaeS toy tlio a&isial*. It is imggeatea
tfeat @'€>itj0 or all ©f the tMaaSne ia th© tea© »$• fee ^om*
blzuad in m omplm vm%®h fia net rea^XI^ a@si®txat0a« ^te
p^obi^ia &®mTv®B twpVtow im<3>Bt±g®.t±mm
flow oad iKpesuft^
j« to* II©<i. ilsd'O©* 3ki6^ 8849*
tla,© thiamiae <iefttettt of' foods-.
885*964 3.94®*5* Bafe©^,,-
#«. suiritlon It*
B#* Ifri^lit,, ss« B'4f! laid ^qnuMRfttifi* J» 0* ^Jie
193kSP# IfS?*
'7* aeusM^ilg t# t*
iff^et of « felgji*fat $$»$ on tlutr #st*'
x&i&» of ^ati^ 40fie&Q2it im vitamin %*. Bioeftta*
^r* %i X3S9»13$9# 1940*
8* Baja@rii,# o* a* Eff^et of -ilpfep viefa $& pF®%®tm ^om
rats topttonA of uriltaaftii $%■* BioeAuMi«. JT* -Sft*
X354*X3»V# 1941*
toloraaso tost for vltttni& Bt*
XS4e*83^ 19S9*
Bioeta* ^t* 'SS*
10* &*&#&$%+ 0# ©*.,(, ©t«l l^kia*. 8* 'Th® ffistdtttioga of
pprwato ^^ fek© tt««ue« of «9»^tetti«f!^»6 ratt oa
fii^tsa 4ofSolent in vitanlja fij* Bioo&om* tf* '36*
Stftfeilityir of t-hlaaM^ to tieceb* iffBot of ^i ms^
149# SS0#'347* 194:S#.
8£>0qlal ^©fe^elic^ to st&f"®^ ami erttS* filaisp©*
15. Bi»«h# f> »*# and Har3?$®# £,« I"* BJP^ayc^^la in tlj@vita^i^ &| def &oi<nkt natf ^P^ it* mse la. vtt-aoifi B%
4«t0iMnintt«ioi»» Bi©0&©m* .#*# S$t #2*6gl# 1934*
3,4* BiMding* B*.» Ste&ftjt S* M»>. asyS •Vovtie, 'I# SlooS
pyrttv^t© e^^ires ^oll-otiri^g ^Xm#0.s© Ingest Son Stt
.» 140# 6:97*t0§t 1941.*
ra@:t- f'0©a&*
D£g06tibil&ty is ^ltf©'# «lth a
#.#. ititr-itioji..% ■si* 10s.©*,
16« •G^as®, B* f**>' and Slietwa&# .B* €*. A «tu43r of th® a©*
terjaia6.t$<«t of tii© amtm^uriti© vXtmsM B-* ^r# to*
8tt« S©e*- S3# -95O0*3@10# ItSl*
l?f Cd^plog^ A« I*,- and ft&see6# I* S* 'fJa® ©ato^^solm^l^
B^lt<eaain© in jr^ast^ floixr ^ai "broad* .-giochoai*
It,*, covglll^ o* f+ ttrntm, requjireiaotttii for ^itam^n %*
^.* Am* lied* Aeao«4 111^ im®*%0l$* 1938*
SO* 'Cowgill* 0* H* fitaalii Bii eonteiit of tlse: Amerleati
ftiotwpy ftpoc* 3&st# Worn feetenologists^ i«*i8# 1941*
01* Cottgilif 0# R«^ afid l»d©^soR.,. 1* B E#- XAjcativo ^ffectfj.
of tthtat Dfaa arid '%ei0h@d fei».s®' in iiaaitl^r Hum*
jFt jftlRw .'led*, Oftsod* 98» 1866*187^. 1930#
Esipaport^ S4 flio ©ff^fet of' .sjod&im Mcarbomt'O on.
2j|« D@mts^k>; 8* f-«# sad §ttf a« ^# fiMttUKiflBt of vlt.ami«i
Bs deetruotiofi W « factor iii rfi.^ melt* Proe*
Soe* S9C|»» Btolt B®d# Sin llt-l^S* 1942.-*
'@a"tho ifitsstlne of the Bi*(3©fioiemt 3p«it-*
fh3rsl©l,,t 132* 69e«3e# I9il.»
to* J*
S5-*- &©««&$■■$. B* !»>>■ an^ Oatl«saa?fe# W* U* 5?Masi^ eenteat of
eowa©rO'iai ^to^^t© of the 1040 osmp* Q®TQ&1 Chota,*
IS, 704*801, I' "
86» So^iSi j>% s«.f and Oatlieart, 1* E. f$ii^wto eoat^jit of
•®Ji@aM.* Osteal Gliea,. 18, 808*$0.S# 1941*
Bit Pmrnsi} P*. fat oM 1@C'&©1» 8+ B* f^iamixi© losses in
taftifaing Wead.* O^d&l Ofeten* 80# S5i*3SS^ 194S*
.dlota^f fJlfey© on afceretottjt Aotliriti^a of tuo ^lim@^*
©Kcretfoja. a^ ealciua- &mi nitrogen "bal^flices of
rats* B&oefefcBU *r* 96, 16*8S# i941#
^©lu%i# v4tiMft4n&#
^* to.* ISM* Agsei*.* lS0:.s 13$®^
30* Bvons^ $«. A*,, JSP* $%» t>io-logllcal aetloti of the vittt*
.©l^s:^ 1M.S-,* ^3S» ttol&Qtr&itf of Chi^A^o Pi?o«d#
Sl.^ Ferrari,, o* ft*, fttami^ end jsfii©f^.l ©fj3?tefe»@nt of
foods:* Ho^ttm^Aterft 8llX@r 310* Ho* $A S©®* $*
of special hi^ ^ItaaAm & toregd*
7^5*73^^, 104'©*
tergal Cfeem*. 17 #
3®* F^e©.,. A# !*> and l*o«(MWSi'<i# #* R^ tM «3ffeet of !■ do*
.f Iclfinaqy on %'fa© infeas-tinfti a^'doayp^ioxt vt gal&ot-o.s#
to ilsk9 S'a*, #* itotrltioa. 04* 40©*SO@# 194&*
34* 'Vmm®l#. B« B«» falil'fe©!©^^ ®# 0>«# ao3?rl#j 3« 0«..»
titaQZAQ&t t* • ifh©at Dytm <i0 ft »«M«P«« of vKwwila ft*
^# ^i« Blet^te* Aa9O0» 7,» ©af*^?^,, 1930«
SS* aoodJaart* R* S** and SiaelaSr* I* !*■
BstlmatfoB of
Blociioffl* #*« ^5# 1099*11O8# 195^*
Bt .fn Jtian a.^ ^©feafmiaed. ©y the felo.oci o^carfeojEylat©«
^r*. miol* ohm** iss* 11*21^ 1940*
^8, Harpas?* E» A-*miiaiGmf*
Gat»b0fe.y€lTat-0 Metabolism la thiamiia^
<r*; Bioi* ohoia** 14% 2^9*24©,f i94'g-«
Snineyf W* L* titam-ia Bj toss in tjakiag*> Baker*
PigQSt' 10* 42*S#: 1941* 'Ch«aa« A^«^ 'SS# 8131t 1041*
$G* lajfris,;, i»« j« Vit«aiiMi a»$ vitamin i^fi^i^neiea.
vwit* it Bsfj^qawcto.fy fis4 Hi$%oa?ieal«' fitanisi s^
41 v SMwHLe* I..- Q« -fke ■-realitf of fa^tlal <i.#fi^i©s!i».i00*
I^»o©t#: 194:2$ %%, &39«S40# If42*.
42* Hsrri*? !••■■ ^** ami Wang* t* I»* An Improved proetdwa
£0* «si&n6%ing vitania % iti f^oda^u^f^ and fei©l©gieal as^a2r@«. Bitehem;, £* 3©'# 1OS0*1Q^O* 1941*48♦ EGssmes^y^ ©* I*,.,- an^ Cereoei©,. &« E* fh® .<2al5#?miaatl0n
of ftm 4nd poocqpliovylftted thiiunftn fry * ttwHtfAad
aasay.* ^ M.* (Stewa* S©©.* 61^ l?0*i8S* 193©*
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3* K*- Potato ©fcapefe w& rofmotion*
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oa rate* <?* Hutritiou- ^ 83.7# ifNSCU
67« MO'lalek*:- D* ?$« Bi |t|iiawin©) re-quisexaent of man*
©8* loiaiefe^ 0*.# ated field- j, H** J** A twta ©a the vltami»
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98* 3$.ncl&£3?* H* B* fha efente of vltamSA 8,A Ja btood*
J* So©,. Ch@a* Iwi* 87# 4^2.^ I9S©*
100* SooKMsyi* B# OailJohyayiit© aQta^olisss* Ism*. Betr#- Bi©*
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103* 'Will>m^».: D-* I** fto@ e&feetd of vituy&Sn d»JPiei^sicsF oii
tlM) g^sti?0'»i3at©Qtiaal traet* 4im« j* digestive
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109* irilllams-*. B* 'P-*-* lasom* S* £r*# ^itS4# 0.« f ♦.* iaai
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iftt©:m&l im* 69# 7SX*7S8^ IM'S*
110*. Wiiiiaias* 1* D«., Iaaont s* I**,t a»^ Hfilder^ ft* M* i?Si0
mlxiiiram iailf' r«aulveiBont0 of tMontine ©f mass* jr«
Sistrltioa ®6.e 71*97# 194S,..
111* ttilllaatt* E* 3* tfatev^flWlafelfr vitamin#• A»tt* »•*«
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114# Wtot@j?0^ ^.« <5.*^. :aai Xi»0ll«> E* 34
population ^tiUp*
4 Stuiy of' 'tile $i@t
$*, itati?ifci©tJ it* 44@»4S®;,: l94$«
110* folfea^k* '©♦ B*# ara.^ o* 4* .E^^edy* tissue- ciifcMig&s ia
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