BAK2SI9 fOTOll BHEID mm mm&t %inm til© 79q«ly0»0At8 for 'III© 'i#g^f-© Off MMtEl Of SCXSVSCE 1^110 1J40 E@a# ®f mm^mmt of ®m®®.&®& ftti*itloa ^|).<.f--Jna.wv"-J."'F^yH"%"< ".^^■iWw^'WffwtiUjiwiap'iiiwww^iwiniifl OH&iinWMx ef Stwttu CftlHes* Owt^wft^d. OMas^ll of Foods ftn9 Sftitivitiott, m&** «hoa0 aii?©«tlo^ this stttdy txici »a^^? fojp hoy IW&IUQM© ^Adistiftade^ gyiitaais-t, eaS ittapiv^tion* $te tJritejp t^iehoQ ai@& to wake g^nteful aete0©2.e4gsi#sat to I5i?s, JOdficmtioe Cfeafmaa W&IIIOSMB, S^ai of th» Jto^a^taont of Foo^s ©ad ttutritioxt* f ©3? b©r $A&£& OF mmm Hit mmom OF mnrnms? - . . 9 ♦' P * 9 * » *' tf 0 * 0h@«&i6al Stj*uotta^«j .* * « » » <> » * » « » * « 2 Efe^bod© of ^ssai* o . o •».«*».♦, ♦ .. » © F'OOlJ $011^'©os « * » » ♦ o * o .' « «■ » 1© • . » » 2S niOTmim MOCESUKE ..*...««..... so Fixsp&r&tlom ©f Muff in® ...»..•*•., 30 Tbe feat •«..*•»••«»«•••*•• 3f faetofs tafluonoing XiOfifi of Viteaaln REStJJMfS ill® MEetJBSI©! , , o P ,.,..«•«...,»« 41 i&8$ f mms OF Mm •■ I 6 lit O O ? n vis VIII * "S 4> o o c P 6. d a 34 H\M'be2? of Bays without Sfas-#t©as of P&lf^ S@l0 goure© of ViteuniSk E. Vf -0 * o■ 6 « « 4 j» l^tpose© of AtHnald tO'tJose® of Wh»at doria. 52 B00|»on&0 of Anisi&ie to Siisgite 1©©©© of raaffin© m Sol# sous?©© of ¥itarato B* S^W^a^T of €'t3rftt;iv<l O Oi o «@© to. Statotamoe© oaiv&ag Mufftftt tsitb Bia&iBg towddr and without i^teiag ytwrfior ¥&©^-t @o» - m *, P » 6 ■ 9- •■ $■ » ♦ ■• # *> « <) 'O «. ©S i© T'hiaisin p^i" Oraia of « » 6 o- o « » ft fl a -qi Q . S6 IM^ftkod tSttffias Mad© with B&Stiag Fowler {lior^gfaa© fbimmin |«j» 0ram of' luff .la) * < t %t Suledi JSudffins !&<§<§ vit^t BaiEing j?©tnfi«j? <Biiop0$j?an$ T&iai&lm |>®s? Grsm of isuff in) ». . * 0© l$BWk®$ tfaStim 8Jcid« oit^out Bfikixig- pow^ar . 39' AXJU mi Selrad Satiffins Mto «rit!b<w*t B^ki^ fowio^ (igiorogFtae Thiajaia fI&J? ©rw of Ifeffi^) '. < ♦ SO SvMtfyt A^ofag© %iaiai¥i content' po-x? &I»CMI of Stafsf tm «...», *,««.'.♦«♦,.» $1 CfinqpaHson of Tfei^iain Cottteat of isuffins * . 61 &X8? OF GBJMm ISiS. «»*» W»#W«lM»V^|f.» 1 « Itl V Q ^ Ai?<§3?&$0 OvupfttlVd Eospojif© of ©iff$^©sit jdl^X X ^Sol^ » » .-? » & » 0 O 0 0 f ^ # ^ 0' .« «■ « 60 SHB vivmus B^ conmm m Brnzm mmn mnm mumm In %9$t Q®ppimg asad' t©se©<& (1$\ %n publishing thd&v study af the taster «oluM6 B vi^Attlna in •$&&»%, flour«. ^ta^ l>r©a<3. r#f0Ft'©a that * ©ess^ of fa%>m& tmi© fyera ^unhl^aoh^d etrftlght^snto xMi%Q f IOUF ©ith tetiag pwior inetaa* of ysaet ft© loavdn&ng eoat^lnod no dotttondtrablo aaounte of vl%min B^* ftltbough floor elwllay to that fro© x&loh tho te©ai was nado isas ahotm to ooat&in vltftaltt B*. Ao f«w?- ass It has boon podeifele to dlsooveipp %h© abotr© study otodt ooo »ofon>od to by ftilliaas sjia Sploe 1^0} ar© the only onos tn tho lit^vatiupo ^pottlBg tho of foot of baking foM©r on vltai»l» 8*« ta oosne^iug on tbo work of Shlootklna (98) filli&a© aM Sploo «tato# *lj!i bftking povvde-y byea^ e uiabsiagiti©! fraetloa of tho 'thlamln m* found to bo 6o$tyoy*d»n It tee boon %fe© purpose of tho ppeoont otufiy to in» i?©0tigato faythoy tho offeoto of bftfeing p<mdey on tho vita* Wfxm Of tlflHAOTiB la tho followiag aioonsolon no attompt MB to x'Oiriou odotttntoly tho onbjoot of vit&aiin B** boon mttio Sine© tho 2 litepattsre on ^itssslm B. $0 voXunlxioiid m® thd fieM Is l&Pg&i It to© Ddoti m©©©ssafy to ©©afla© this disoussion iaia<3 rc»lat©i to tfeo ^«6ent tnv©dtigifittip», A noat&on o^ly ifis gjadis of' sea® of $h& ^<Sd©iat lmotrX@6g<s ooneoimias tha ohomloal. 8tJ?tta-^r#j. aetlaods of mnrnf* %mmm ^o^ttifosoiit^ ©ai factors ©aasiag iosis 01? dostsnatotion of vitasdn B^, fli© bieto^y of %k® @im®mtt9 i&Qlmt&m an^ f.fBth©si© 0t «UWU 8^ U a tog aad UM aowt W IMS taftlliw fltorjr« tifeaaia B* i&mb mm to light ti^oiigh %b» m%iwl-* tim of ptMoiata of the O^i^atal ^Is©si©@,, luoribori* ©osi©wboro a^o^aa tibo yoftr 188$* Dwiag tbo ®o» thtftn fifty 3r©0r® tMt hat© olctpftod^ ItifiepefiAent 'tro^ksyg ^M lefeoratorl«d 611 ovo* tbo tsrorlfi bairo eontritoutog to icnotstlodgo of \r&tai»ia f** ^©ooi'diag to crilliatiie sma: ^pi^s (70), ,Jit lo doubtful yhothov the l^olfttion and Idontif^^tloft of any othoi? eabetano© int the bletoj^y of Hoohoinlja>t^y havo ©©it as suoh as thes© operations a© applied to fefelanln* tho PIUPO QPbe first g^a© of vltaain awsst ham cost (Mi aggrogat© of soveral bundrsd thousand dollars* f® w^ntlon all ttao names of tboso who ba-tf© partioipatod la eoss© pfcsi^© of tho projoot la to call tfe© roll of 'half the watur»' bioobomists la Bngland ana the 'faitea $tat©$» fM pvofott bae ^mllsed ©q^aiif large tjp6» %h© borisoa. of fivtobi, J^pftttes^, ami frert ble§k©»l©t'© of vtttanin B^ v>«^ir$<!l »or© tfeaa tw©istf years Of iaten^iv© m$k in mny mm%Hm lla© $9?&to9ioeft$ of Its e'lsordieai ®trw0tms»0 took l©as ttom-tte©© years, the follwing #^©ffiil4&l *tamet>**0j C3B sr"<j ■ i f—~mB fv m a I m xs—a fl%.<i«lm &. &@ ae^^i^d' ae 'hiviiAis i^tral wtfrpw . X. It- ci^mfe6ia0 the' Ihi&sol© xxueXetta, isbioh tet Wonsyntb^fiiedd in't.fe© Xa^r^tiopy but appear to W ®m®mlm I = 0— f -0 ffelft'SOi© lti#l®te$ 4 0js.a®^0 pf a aatwmi pyyiaieine t»bi«b I© alfeyiatefi in post** tidix 0*,w St is fileo ^XksrXatod In poeltida 5. I 2 -G II 9 B I «- 6 II 0- 4 &* 1% 4s tbo ©aisr icftotm vi%miD. ootttfttning suX^uv* • f-ollo^lag' tfea po0$\ftX«itioA of list ebottiMl fo^ffiula of thittotin m© p^opdd^d by filliett© mai %$ £m%mnk%y need iat©f>ehaug©ab% ©ittt viteoin B* ia AtitdyiQ4« although in f®vm@ {7> * Xa thin ptp^r v&tamln i^ nillyoeeasio-mally b* raf^rfOfi to,as lliiasiiii* fUtasin $- app«a»ft to b« ^lde©ly f»<si&fc<s$ to eoear* bossylae©, phiob 4s th© pfmphmph®pl® @ster pf tbi«ttln» Although tbo fraction of pQearfePStgrlasff In QAinftl roaifabolia® Is not eleftjp <801^ 4t ift feawa %© b© aepp^eQ^ 4* th& dp* p&3Pboxsrl«t4pn of j^vuvio &o4d« «n 4»t«i«8e(J4aPsr 5l>odo«t of ppvbob^rato 9iptAbol4$)tt* Wllliatig aaa Sfi^s (70) $t©|0^ •Jbiawtn* pojrbasw 4a tbo irm etat©, mom ©pytoiiily 4a tb© 5 fown of i%0' pyrogtossptefc®, fiervd-s a« a no&ftft of disposal of pjrsmirt* aeid aEij: Indiroa^ly* of l&otie asia In t^ Hfe^tede: of kmm SiiiM tfet ieolft^&oa andl eysithesis apa poaeibl©. IMIVJS mad® available WSlliame a?i<S $piaj» tfO) elaasitfsr %fa® praaen^ method© f©^ the assay of fitanin B* qfttap thr^a gaaaval nathoda, IS) ttatlbads baaod <ra tha babavia^ of planta aa^ A ntunbev of saatberi* bava baan dlevidad im isbloh anlaala apa usad« tt&tboOs baaaO OB tba ptairantiea of polynauritia hava baan aaj^lofa^ by Eijkmemn, by Jaasan^ Q.n€ by Funk, and Kiaay ©tbafs using tfat/la,, ^lo© bir^aj, and. pigaana on pallabad jptaa aad eynfcha^ts 4late# Slsalltr taste hava also been vtaa^ with abS.eisa by BlvobjeK, aitd with ifata by Sehaima^ ani Sablablleb* fb© rate of groi?tb of «»ata la tbd baaia for tba methaA wblols Ms beea ^ssad by Shamaa and Ohiak and Rosaoa $M& otbara. Maay of tba food assay® ' of %h@ past «ray© dona by tbls wtboa« bas alao^ ba©B uaa^l by Garooado* Tba gro^•srtb of -»iea Sia^all ani 0©wgili am* ployed a k®$% baaacS' oa the siaisata^nea of oaigbt of adult plgeonao s^atbo^a b&se€ on rastoratloxi of ■ weight ©nd 0 appetite of pigdon^ m® doga hm$ t^en uedd toy Cotsgili m® a siMlaF a©thod xtAir^ rftts te© Mta ae^is^ii fcy w»0tent3Pink and I,l0'll9l thd mm of polimdoH-tlo i» pfts^one h&& fee^a ^fe'0 1}68ie of a toat OApioy^d toy I^IJOIP© imd o^Sko»e« A »tatlar a^tho^p the ppinaiplie of iglilob ^ tho oaffo of polyneiaritid p&te ? !>»« toooa tflovisotf toy Swith C 60) * ifethod© tooeod oa tfeo otti>o of a ^y^ititklAlP sysi^tosJ fe.a^ &10O todoa S^wiood. |E fli© ott^o of IMp^lye&rdie la rato an^ pigooag i& a m®kh®4 0$ m®®.f whMh #ftpQOfo to ^0 favorod ^y Bftis'Ob tod i^rrl© (S) ©ai otM©t English 1.8.^0'ill0at©re. fttaipplo MUI Charoh hai?^ o«p.|oyod tM dwo of Bystti^gsKid i» *ato« aaotbet' s^^iod of as lay usittg tmiisol& la %ho «at6torulio **fit (W# It is a a&omwft of tho oatygon lapttalc^ :aaa jgrwavsto oofttont of avit^uiiiMs pigoon toraia tis@u©* Alttum^b tlaAe toot i* ffo^uently rof^r^d to In tm lite^nturo* it ii&© oot pftoto^i u*of«3k. ia oesoylng food $Q;toot«tttO0« * M^py of tho toet& utontionod la- tfeo t^o^© dieouctttion feni?© oitHev fallow into di&oso or ttavo not fe©©» euffioiontly' 0t&nde)?di»ed to too of goaofcal we* ffe$ ehooio&X ©otfeod© liotod toy Cilliaad m& Spies (70) ape tho -a^o teat mo® toy ftian©r»loy ^Bi Pot era, oo^plixtg t?tth ai«0Mati« diaeo j^oagent dovioed fey xsedollutt ©at ftretotada* pyo^ipitatiott aothoda fey Spspuyt, ani oonvo^oion to tbiooljr@8j© tisod toy tfaadoii aad ©osts^torisik* It i» 7 ppoitfudeied th*t ©vt^^alif «3!itffli'6:©l t#©t0 t/lll oom© t© t>© x»8:i!®a Vkpm in pwtwtmQ Xo other »tb0$© fOf «oaves^Leno<» .oxua mmpmf* fh&m tmt:® still »@(3 iwthm mmt&pmmt, bovever^ Mf^i*© tuwy will l»e'8d&pt«d %© §0jieml mi© (©9). to&xig thi» el|.9»l®4l aotho^s most p^ala&ag fo* future us© %n tto® %foi®QW&m mm%im> fill© xwx mk®§ «s@ @f tbe ^oniv^jpsloR of tliiamlsa. Into thio^tedat t&rttsgh <»3sidat&oa 'poroBtde, seleaioat iloMaoj, aad pot&ddlw pdvnftngaftetd (43>, fto hi^b 4<i^06 of fXxjoresedaoQ of tialo^hroa© is- the feaa&fi of* the test. tSdtbods i^ified «& the lo^Mafto of pleate aai alero« orgaaJLeiag feav© heea leee ^enorally m©®# thtua either the enisial 0* ehei&ioat nethode* &» J* WiHlft&&, Fjpey^et ©1.* (©ite^l by ©liliaiiis aad Spies (fO)) report a yeast growth aa^ fet>®@atati4a teat* %owtb of Ffef^oafe^i Biafeeeleeestte m® of mmii m uolJ ft© the $©.«jaitelioa of eeeds of higher' l«|@©t@# tarn heen i#vi©©i #0 fsethode of ■©©©a^ of vitamin B% 8ehopfer# fn4gli%* ehd 10^4, Bonaerf ami' Rohhi&e respeft* tivelL^ (eited ^7 mtiita© end spi#0 <yo)), flj© u%m$Mr& iaethe<3s of mmf fe* vit&min B* aoeording to Barrie {$1) &m hy grcroth test© on y&ia (with vitaaim B^ eoa^plex provided) f '% the our© of ferfttiycardia 01= eeavul« .eioas in I'at©^ or toy the cwfttif© pigeen tests* H© eixggeete the follottiag eritioieme, "Of theee^ the pigeon test ie 8 ^©. \t9da tjjitji 1*0041) <M>a*&lnl»g a^i^rtt® asaomal.© oalf ©f tlu» ^ttasi»« tfh* fereKSfaarii^ t^sl *I&R ^^ «*ed fdjp wioh food a« ©ad iu itl®0 fQ©ojw©ai'(ga »Ma tbs $m®mm of stKavob (o«g«t atavoh in t%© d&$tfpi»e&ta3. or^baeal diet appssap$ to tmov r^fgolloa «bioii is a fctm used to dosigneto the syn» thosia of fitawta »« ixi tho i»t«®tittal tra©% oit th$ fat* It i& thought W tycam to feo oeseoiAtod with oop?6$hfegy» Tho |>hono»dnott of rofo.otion fea© t»oon disowoood by & tamtow of iavootieatoro'fti&ong tho» Hawl© <ai) <S8)f 1MM©1I U7)# m® @mmmtt, ot aX# (®0) (87). It.op#oare to fe^ -jaor© ooittoea in Groat Byitaitt thon in the United stotoo. It io boliovod to b© 0,au0©4 fej »9^ootioii*produoiQ@ baotorio in tho i&tooti&oo of tbo m% on % high star-oh diet (8S-)» la gcufto !iobot*atoirio8 auoroso hfttt teoa dubatittitod fot- «t&YOh to vttwta B1 «v»tMn«.i ato«* AM* u toes «<>% nm may of tho isngiiijh imm&tl^m® mom to fmroj? tfoo bjwdyoaydia Method C'i); (41) (41 (8.J* fhia «othod is based tmioh t^o^tif iaeroait©' tilth tho ftdm&niot^tiott of vitamifc B,, f©©tf ®m mdo with na oloota^ooftardlo^ro^h oj? to osetilogr&ph* B$OT?io ($1) aod Birdh o&d fiorrio ($) list f the ffcliottiag sav&Htag00 of tfei© mtfehoa? It 10 rtpia, ©oia~ Vdni^at, a^ epooiti<» asai tfe© pt-^soatai© of »i*o* is lo^h anti it is admptei to uo^ wltts 9fii?db|' f«od« &&& «ith foode ©0n%Q|»img o»tsr &BiaXl ftasount^ of fi^aMim $«» fh®f aye ©fel® to B©«I oalsjf ©»# dlsid^atag©^ tlaat of th^ ialti^l cost of tbo feippaupattie* STiHi^a© sm^ Spi^e (70> foisaf owt, OSJ th9 othd^ famtitp that fe»ay©4rais is »| * typioai aya^toa of polynwuriti* in &ll af©oi©s and t&at %© nftiftt vi^tu it with iresorvft ttntiX tSfee «a«6 i© tiftttea?- ostabliol^d tliaxt a^ p»©eotot*v *rfaa# o^U att0»tioa to tho fact that while t®©liFcmf»aia ia Quite ooiasion la human \»*i?iTi©j*4, brfidyoftrdia is vtop$* fho r&t groirtls nothodf fea© hooxn © ^gaitd goadscftliy tis©^ test ®M mm% of th« food assnya |.U' the past kw® heen • iettjPiaiaoa hjf this method (TO). S^ h«o tfco «4vantage of ^^ttiJpioe. no partiottiai* skill a^i of hoS«ig simple and ooa* pavatitroly oa*y ^o «om«l^t». Eimg (10) oitoe Feaowon toho oon6i^o»$ that the rat frofitb ttotho<S ia ttyio© as aveurate a$ the !Mpad7«ar(3;ia notbod bttt &ot as fitt^lo* $ha piptoeip©! dioadvantagAe of the yat growth »»1ft»ofl art Cl) that it adoo8 mot raly upon in»&dttyos»aafe of © upoaiCie i^a^tosi of ^itaaia Bj, 4afioionoaf'1 aKtd if) s^faction way o.eomr with atarehy foods &&& ©oyio\i$lf affoot the j»aattlt8» fh© aidthod uaafl iii the ixnradtigatiofi ba^e ^0'po:rt©<3 ^aa tho rat ourativa tast» Williamd and Spioa {"fO) v&Q<ma»xi8 10 thin t©0i ui&Qaitatliiglf as tbd mmt t^sttjortlaf' of all. foy g©a©mi piri>o0©e» They eoattwtt©, "It b&e so- gaiined i» £&W ift tbd Imitel Stftte« that after ©Etorasaw eooparative 0. §« ^acinaoopodift ^itmiu Mvlumj &>&»&■%$ now oomtdit* Ur Sjal^b In WdO in Mbl'U EmXth Re$6rt& (60), Slnoo felilis 4« m® ffi^tbod ^a^l©f©^ in the ,fr©'@©i3t afcufiy* it ttili is© 6£6eu&*$6 in ftea© dot«iil-» flteay invsatt^ato^s ar© r#p-0i*ilng 0at|^ffte%o,§?f results ©&$' ia^s?o^©tt©mt of kmoM (ft), Shuyeli (Uh ©©.ma Ui),, i?eimi 104) # lllii©^ ®BA Bnppl^t QbttiQiPp aB4 BgfeodelE ($4)* Clotwwp^ 114} aaa fiSttnttetl i^f) fs?©0©'»t «H6Vi*iSF© of the ia#|to©4^ Oa th© tffeolio tfee tedhnle fiwap-loyefi fey va«»iott» iw€igtlgati&#:$ a© toi»y ^iffeaponeeo ©ptaai? to bd in tho (»on$titud»tfi of thd fe&oal 4iet* 1» ts»* s^^gfe #f jpolynsvtrltld At tibiob tb® t*$t doe© I© adaliii«t^i?©i', ftnes lia tbo »©tfe©d' of tbt adttittitityatioa •tf tb* <Jo»»^*i3b«tbd» ofailf- m hf 2ftj«fttio«i« fb@^ §r^'» IK g0«@l»al« thro* stftges ©f polyndtiritie obfiewed ia thd tfltt^^dltgbt* rootfajFttt** tbd a^wt© or s®?®^©* ■stag©© m ttte toltmim *&T* tl) A«ttt0-'*advanc*6 pvlf* (6| JS0d£ii«**W0aei?at* polffs^mrlti© with «^«ottatfy frosj «yttp* ■ froa ewsfcWKJtiOtt felXowlog. stiKsalatlon* leaf iw^stigcitors .mm t& im&t %h® Mmim&^mtim ©f th© tost dose a«^ins the tBOd&r&te- ©tag©: (S§5 47, <sl«4*®wmh C$#l tM ©Oil© ofchova tsho haw u*»d tsaia »tls6i row th* odateiMMtbm of HMtfa. Bj by t^wttwi. TUB 40ui3tl'©B# «voatas tM-0 j'os^iMXltjy of" ®%>mtim>%itim in &t&M-> ■(©0) b^f$- ©^$01^4 %M% %hm® mm ^ VWPiatJioaas £& the *ffioi«ittoy of Ahftoption fvm tho ftatesttnaX ti»'ae%„ Sim© it i« toow© %Siat't th$«« l'i loo© ojt toiio ati^ tigs&mti<m -of «doipdt$on ia. tfe<& tsa®*8W»*i»*®»ti»6l *i?ftOt i^# to tecl« of ^itjassim Bm, it 10 mti^lf po«flihlo to«it'flih»ojp)ptiott ssaf feo fcitt&owtf* ffe.® i&|©otioa «etho4 oaa^ot' fee fraetit^a c^hoii & food tratotctaft® t« Mias tO0^<S» hoover* am^ tfe©f®fof$ ©ml Mntsns.sti,&tio& me m®& iE taw |ps?d*«ftt st^ay* Sst&d&t&m of %fa® $&&W6 of p®lymw?i%'i.® mm&rm oon* sy^ral^io J^i^^sat and ©kill» Xfe is am uaqttdetloadfi faet that tfes^w &e « ta&rk^l di^f^enoo 1© th* typ^ of e^tt^to©© #»^ tfiffoyi&at eiwoieft anfl tf©a amo^$ lltto^ aat^^ < 1)« Tboy* i# A1«O groat mrlatioa in aingptosis of pol^aoaritla ' 12 lesB ^f Ajtpetitle «i^ ■ad^osfs^l^ ^osd of ©eighU til) * alltsotigt* S^»i&i# fll) O\>6«IW<WJI bettd «»«*j?aotl«a» us one *t tho #a:rl40D.i ^^ftoae^. dth«^ esagptdam &s €®0©s?i^d' toy lavaetisntw* (I* 11» ISa M> at,, $6« ©61 a^ de loilowif X* 0:han©sfi in eni^oXo feone^^tbi* way fe© hys^r or hype tonus, Tb« fat saey f'.@©X liieup aai b0 ttim^i© to mates thd ti8m@i <|Mielc $o*t«ir&X aa:j«i@i5:m©ati3s, or %<& mt f©©l 'stiff aai yigid sM fca ©t^^Xif tis&l»i<s to sake a^lti-at^oaifi1* B. Ai^udii ood di^twlsftneose %m mmmXm eooriiiia. |K5.0tmF©a-. Jt 0ft«A toxics on. ite to*a, X«$fi ^2?#t6fe@i o^^* with feaok bumped 'Up* $♦ Di0tvwtMftsui«9 of '6wUitoMvi!&»*<ttfeoa the 6Ai»aX i$ u^etjt it et»mggX«8 ifteffeotu^XXy to rogAln its footing^ uiojriteg sad twi&ti»g wid toirXing its: tttiX» Ohttteh (XX) ©tatti that didtttrb^nees of e^iXibHum »ay b© (s,) &.ey»aie.t#ie» th&t id» to ^&as bo€y« ©na. lo^ft of tfe© fimtal tond to tiXt to ona eli©. ' In this oondition it oft#!a ^olls ovoi* And ovop* oiroling ia # hori&o&t&X ^Xsto^ u ana my p%mt m its hSM mm%®p& and olrcl9 turl^n^d^ amf al®@ feo Cfe) ayBBnotH©, that ia, th9 anittsl. fane %©■ ditiber $M0, aad? in r^odv^r* ^0Bi$ to fftll MofeMriS.©* oipQiUnig of tlao eogo* 4* toraiyoio, jwfcpfciottJwXy of tho bind ^ogo. f, Oommlfil^o «oi8s«yo#^ tromov, ani ttpitohittg of thO fflCMSfOloO* "Bstm iailemi;©: the oito of tfe© looloa roopotteible t&t the syttptoefi «iooool»tod with look of iritosiin 8- fa tho r&t ie tbo o^iat^ai ^athor ^Maa tho poffiftooml mmom oy»toiaitt foafoaaibfe for mm® of tte ojw^tond to boliovofi "by «o»o« •^tarofe <1I) otfiito^ that SOM of *b« ojn^tono of iixmiiMoa dloeolf mmmhZ® thooo of solynowritis # IToddos^ ieS) io®@ aot bollove^ hxteev&ffi tb&t tho dogoxtox^ftt^ve OSQIOQ^OO o»e <3"%# to. lnfeft&tlQ& iwrt 'i# of tfeo opinion tp&i tlioy OIPO aofi«itoly 14 SattriUr {$%). eltti- %h® tdllmim edveatftsfee of the ^uiekep AnS wiw»m l$©s: «at©rifti tteii usiiij ftfeto? «idth^$* aaa ^120 $€OT®' #&fc «ft^ to© uedfl jp«paKa^$fily» $wm®mm m& tm®mm (1). »sfi?t %k& m® of i?«*s i» i# waajr *$ t»tt E&wls p>t&%6 wafo $b&% itofr ®&m®mmt&g& of tM w% OUJ?** ■ tiv* »6tbo4i £« fchfcfe i't- «m bo m®<$ in t^© ^t^af ©f oely matbodg of ei5$.sf F©:ga^,|iig do»r««$ of ^ttmt®, i| «xw3 Q»dd« of the -umiwi orgftoidis for 'rit&sai&i ©«* tike fessa j^ftiiire* fite&fc ie isot &» f^t definlte3L3r lfflWK»* int allfed^gia fwtlsejp' Siweetig&tiegi is moo©Gsatf td a^t^^ia© tfa.® tmet hmmn mmi^mimtp inveetieatere hiswrfc etto seme reeeBda&ttSations* Bom (63), SBi»«*i« ii'lh HBd' ot^e^e 0mg@0:S% ia§*i0§ $ftfce#* mtieaaftl ftelts ef ^itea^n ^ pos? dey* Willi«0* aag^fte* ticm ia e&iAilev fer he re-eeatneodft :I -w'fl «s* iBitial^ f^|#& ie e^i^ele^t te $Od«^00 $, Xf* p©r dfty» Oil© fatw&&t£os$&'S Unit (I* XH*) Id $ aittyogipaBie ef tbittuii»« WiibsBP- im) |)t* Meve« tbat 'tiva milf p^mimmmt ie ^^©imi 600 I. tf* BocM'i* (0) «.tsgge«te ftOO«©00 I* t7. Oawgill CM), Stpaaes 18 m), Soao (M) ena oUww £«» ««* thrt tb> ntmtu Bj •^©ay e^iglit:^ "Wtlort* .$»*&fc&, m& m^t^olism* ^^ £««g»e of sr&t£on6' f^^ai-o&l Cotani«fti<m ol* Kf&Hfe&on, t©'t:@iifei? Wma 5©j» 3000 •esl&Pi^i of fo«d isltl^* m@Qllm ©* ti^ C4^) fetid B9*!tejp C®) p^isst- out %tef fefarat© to f©|. awl ^Qtslm,,' tfe# stat^ of tbliM&a in %h® food* tbig 6l>dopp^iv« eeitfl&ion of' the ^ae^o^iatvdtttiai tftctj. th@ m<§vm of .^jyvoia Mtitrity* '&»$ tho. ^fteel of fat* «Bd ti© poesiiiile offool tf rllJOf^v5.ft a* vtwaln S* ®p6f©t©« Hh&y «*cito ti&sft ^©r# is no fiaal. ^tia for ■opifiioa &« to tMaiai© r<g^ir©»$iit fo* assy igodily f^ao* Uo» I^S^ co^gill Cl#! ©tatofi^ '♦'tfetll itttil®^ mm booa wwjo of tho oajsaoifcy of bot& ftho ftf&eS&mi 4E«I tbo m^tsiai os^ftaiotf to rtow tltato S1 oAdaiatoM to «wt«w «*« wdw ivopofly 0©ttt*©!Ued oacpo^ttWJitat ooaflittOttfe on® o^anot of ife© f^r© flM^im feo ^ss© in o^&nftooX tyorb*.»*■ * fel&g %® the.©:»t %mk of afeilttf fo* otoirage of fcki&®ia iss the to^:y mA %& vim of its rapii'iosa &*m %%mmM #ari.0§ . tihorti ^e^iodo of 4ofiolo»oyB it wow'Ii @o©a th^t opt^Biat^ %<$ att^dting •A^tOBtldm'at pr©f©^t,. Vorlisw, i'lliilafiis, tofi ft«<mot^ ^fioionoyor vi««^ B4 to to te» am. Sak$i>j wrigiat oafi Dwaaawasa ($) fro® t»wi* ®.«?f©f ®t worlt* lug olciss .^iat® ia'!tag3UM9ril oottttlud^ lici^. 01$% tho l»$ttor sim® dieto parwide' ew» a©, rmaij s-s $00' maite of fita^lm B** istoiXo waay'of tb& 900^61? ©laaa IHot® fsll fQr•%siio^7 BOO' tmit^» xssioh of %m pvemiafe ©fttttattoa «»o'y )»oni&vd !©• ua iuo to %fo© mmn.% Q$ %h'@ TOMOJ? ©Ill oxA tho vonuiting rofisairii' »«*oo&afi©a* ^Bsti^itloa of thO' tifesaia !•« oontont of iiats p^ioi* to tao iA%wifiT3u»%io» of fet roXto* ©ill ©iiow that @tj lmt«fe# of 1000. «Eiti j»oy tf&$ we ^oBsnoft own a^^at. I!:6^'te4' <S0) £» few* tt^% o# fooi iwete^lKii of lndi« giat fastlllts r^pofta .tttft* the 8»oat*^ ^ftrt of tljo gf;©!^© ^ilrnm 1 oo«fte g«otAg.' tbo pyotMs^lio toflo^oaolofc «f tho ii0tai»fp *i{»ooeuao of tbo ^rospf llEilt#d ^#© off ttholo f^ain: o©a?e'a1Ls ©xig tottGm&lUt m%$k %o$)®%hm with it^n sao&t aap* tfe© ofeiof food fi©«»©o:s of %M§ ©.©ja^it^ fftotor** dietaipy study of faailie-s 1» e auoh Mgls&r doonoadti i©wi than thoi© of H6l«fce<l($ ©t^d'y, of QBspXoydd ^ag® earners B,®.& fha famlllea ©tiidi©a were «l®?i©ai tjorkef© in tilHes in various eeetione of tb© irn4t©4 State© iseXuding'Hox'tfe Mlantio^ So^tla, feafi Mcifle regional fitSahsltng arid iPhipard ©tat© that thoir ©eoncwl© lovtl na^ abot© th^t of average elty wetgo ©a^atrs. Th® ^or^ba^es wftde toy whit© families in tbeao s^Qtionfi^' of grata produota iacluaing flowe, «$r0^X«« &nd baked, proauels r@ng©i froM ifO to X7B ^omads ani aver&getf 1©7 ^ouanS© g»s» y©@r p©x» capita» t^ti^b ^ouid b» Isss tban oad*b&lf fOteil p®r «a$ite per ^ay, At imoa© X#v©l tee^sasoa tter^ tme found %& b® imt a slight iaeroas© in the pissi»'dba®© of cereal |>s«odmct«i. siott of thd Dr®sa purobaaad tms.isade of I'Jblto tl&a* &n& with highdr eKpoii«li'» tur@s for fooi, grdatar q^antiti^s of r^adly^bakad oa!«o©p l>ies9 aiul aookioB ware purahaaod* The atanfiard daily ailowanaa of vitamin B* for a#uita vm® aoneidered to be 800 t» U* The worag© vitanain Jk eoatsat.of the 6tote gtuaiea rsa^Qi tfrea f'#© 3t. 0» per pejfeon per i^y oa the lo«reat ineeae XeveX t© 7fi0 I« V« im the nestt to the hlgheet leveXp t?hii© fifty per *ent of the familiee were ebooeing a©ii«s eontaining lees than 600 X* U*-. per person* The relatively high vitasain B^..value of the «3i©t0 ehoeen by Wegro fastiiiea wae b^lieir^d' du© to the fr©o use of ^hole 1$ er&in oera a^eiis BW©^ 9ot6$ee$» and porit* stijslaeling and S*hlpapd ©tat®fl ^fho^ Is ^rotjeibXy little dmtsgos? of 8«ri<m6 ■$0©iXf ehars o^ the&r iiesiad oaftorids from foods that havo not becm ©rtifioialiy rof&ndd or (Sd$ilet^ of tfeol** vita* at. ^ «y «• STOMMM «r fH»w«*len.* IWrt. (») ttadM the vltwto Bj MMM* of sowal diete of tfeo klui uood fey tfeo ma©afioj©d in ftottth fJfeioe hf tlxo aidltioa of tJtao&e taoat toj?©6d or is o^tor waysi.'*1 10 tbfti) th© 6ttbe$£tutiQ& of whol® m*X Wm® foi? tbo ootti«ml7 ^§©d vrblto %r@«u3 ^ouXd W a dooido<3 odiraafcoge* PSPO» tfeea® ^nd other sluai®0 It te$ boon dhom that auuiy eoaaoa di©ts H&g&sNtliag %mi ■titn.ralm S| i^Wko dhoroda (&&> eta to a # fl F0JMx3ipft tiw-r© Plftsh.^ gaJ, |£ ,!# way daago* of ow» a roift%im 0hO3Ptas© ^ viteasia i bttt.i&, boefiudo of tho ©ws^os of a too oxeluaivd uoo of M-ghlf *&fiM$ tktt ^roduete la fesroodgtuffs aad oth^ip bekoT^r piMMSwot© «ius wen ia biraskf&at oes^ols, ^othor tdth the tidbit of taldUft^ © l^rg© propow tioa of the total food ©■aiofi'ss is tho fowa of isoata, 0w®@t0? ©na fat*.8 m SI is mow- gaafcyally apoaptofl ifa&% mibm&mml® 8j, &a htanons ts set ^Ktaosmsa* fhia fact tem lod ant^it&oiildtd to- emstiim foods wlilalu avd im&v^ftalXy ^oasotaadl, faf theis' i» aost food flttbBtando© 1% ©eomrs Is very wiattt© $t»«rtiThe boot aowpoe*'ft«»e mBialllfea o$s^^« (SI) ISO) (l$}»~tt2# tittoia B| Ijoimg imn® grioe&gfe&ly i» th« ©a^yo to6 ■ ooat* Aitfi Xiiaft-tes&fta are pa^tloutarly dxoelS.«nt sQva!*o»&'^64)* mi@§ l&gamQ *w?fc waly itbout half a® »i«b in vlteoviii B| ag ®©a,fes^ $e*k ]iftte«l& IJB otatsttmilag fUt vittsla B| <soato^t* Ifc ig flirt o* «i|3t tita<$a M 3?i,Gt* &$ ]M»»f sasel^o» aatf kftdney atpe «i»o gooi ©M-rooe (5$) (44)'# igg y*Xk i& a good SOUJPO# altlioiafb tbG mmmt of viteala tepwis JUrgeiy on tho ^|L-.0| of $h® lioa (SI)., aows* ftllk varioa ©onaiio?tDlfs. I>ut i0# on %M VMG%®, Ottly a f&i* «owe«» fttt6 Ho©o oatism%@i %bat oao pint of silk wall ftnmiah e^ppoitiamtely tlio fieono aiuoasti of vifed«l» B| as | sliee of -obolo oitdat broad- or S egg yolles (63-). H&srrio (SI) potato omt thai m appomr© t© fe© t^9d$ kim* rie&or in ^l^auls S, Item oow's ©life, in ^as^ott^isation and ettepotfartida ©aa tfrylag ©oia© at tli© ^itaaia «o»ftoiit i« &#©&* Meoraiag. t>o JCWWIB (SI) ftfeiy mom i©'S4raelt©B etw^a in ©^©f^ratioa $&d ©pm^ ^J?y4»g of -^llfe* Alttottsh HtMl» aj u smut to tk» wjort'ty .r wgottiilbidB onti f raita^ is mdff #f them the f®r «5«nt of la the ^vaHnagd uftll^fesiaaedd dt^t^ ^b«y my l>© oonaidd^ed to *WJ 0 ^8is> a^urtid ©f violin 8i^. 'that xrat^tfibl^e taa fmifto mmot %® m®$, t» tJ» ©xeluui^B of a^oi^E^ mrml® s»t»«e^ ^ebo^X dhil^roa W itafob* Vohltol^ mi fie-s© <68)« Siiis^ to $s»98$at atufiy li mm&tm& with tjhofet ^r©6^ eoislost '©f pa&k* *f «to«Mi*, flow* #ai bread tsili fo$ oom-* didds^d in teteiX* t® Btw&i®® of Vb&'ititmlLn % eott^ont «f vapiott* £6dS«, foods ©f feigh vitaai&ft B^ aetlvity* FOJP ©JMapi©^ e^a© «h««i} gdm rtos.«i iwm. &*$ to l@»7S $♦ 0, 99? @#&su i$i30.they C#J mpm^i twVhb* &m®%m+ 4 *o ©t t* H^ f'0# gfas* t©ilo^ rtBSta •&© follows g l» Of th© &!$ gmnfles S^«# of Ih© «thdr «t»b6t«&068 * Ait^ br&^p 0*H to 0;S X-« tf* p©!4' fi?&»'j V9ho3«9 ^h«at fef©adp l+XS to t*% 1* tJ* JHM^ tb^l# fifeeat graiap 1*2 te f*.<J: 1« tr* f^i? gfSW', flx&i^ yo* gma? dtilts mg^ee Qftito «l08«ly trith 'thodd i*dpo«»t.«d % oite^i ttittag mrtous othdz*' »>^faods of n&ftflay, B^»Vi ©rlglitj- and 'BraaraomS (§) iP6poj?t tlwit ^©l® Wla^at frojs diffovdat loealitide .ranged f^ea !♦# t© @,06 ttllls) #d&t&ita0d 0#lfi isaitfi far gfa«, ler^s ass Buat <4©> i» lists® studtati v%tmd» B (B^) asai © (ig) ^oatoat of tfttfgtt i«po<hi«it0> %©f ol»t6ttt»^ th«- ftoHowinig *e*«lt* tteins the »at groBtsU snethoflj T?ho3U> t9h«at'l»d4 X* ^* par g»»s tliroft g8»pi#$ of tatw&t igerap 7*86, 9*4# :#«i $* tl« ^IP g^a imspootlvelyj ^h.ol9 Qheat l^ius 10^ m4&$ vk&&t Qivm-p %*& 1+ 0* P&i* gsp«»} «h^l© \ih#®t pirns do^ ft^d^di fvbottt gdiftB, $«8 X» Df« f©r g»i9» to aditori^l io tTouvnal of tbo Att»!Pi««m loiieai 40$ooi.etloss f^l> ^tfttod tbiftt tJhlt*--1wo«kd oontaln* mlf on^tmrm to1 oisi«*«l»tto ai m&h thmmin, m tjfeolo t?M^t. broad* In 1$3S' tAmooll art m 4*5 to 10 Sheswait mtt-$ p»r' s^s ©aa l^t t&oi© vhoat 1.6 AUmm «»«* se«> *» 8 ««hw www or ntMta Bj th«u!k «hold ^©itp {£<>»$ smi Sawia |4I) f©»^ littlo H£* i®mm® $&'tM pm&mf of "^oiw* fldw * aad ttosle ®©©l fl«Rlr« ffeof atfepitett't^d tMft ^o *J» fmet. that tjJwiafc g^nn la stifisd wtfch tsbit© ^lott» ia tfad iw^siajpiation atf ge*« floare. *lwy Aia^ coaftW**1^ tho geieifeilitf that- tho vfm&% Q&m um® ®m not a® pofedttt ms oth©* aoiapldd pr®* w%®m vm^s® in ompQ&iLtim m®®p®im® to tfio© of oitod ^y a^^liig (i®) # $o^md tliett titamis B« Soepoafitiia f$»#» '1,1 X, ?* pm grais f©3? ttooio tsbeafe to 1»6 I» f« t^r gram faip flomf of Mf* ®mm®, to i#0 x* H, ^ov gr^ fof iSf o»tfc&o*8,©n* 0*4 X* f» ssor ^fii» £&* W^- osttxwotlon* and to 0*04 I, f* 1^9 gpm for 6:f^ ««t««ot&oat m Q&p$&ag it®} g-ivd« tm milmin^ smmy of vl%m&m tL $tw*a gjKwajrt fl#^ fS,©^^ f4'f mt$m%tm !.## t<M Flow W5# dfttvaetlon 0*4 Fio^? 4i|f oxtyaeHba Er#ti9 -tifeol© ^@«| &§?©&$, teot® B^eaiSp tMte ft #00 o.fS * 140 (wta 0*06) #*-i. <** t*f im&n o.*eo| ©at * 0,3 {«&» 0*80) e&gas&t&ng Oft th» iiagosplanw «f tapeftfl in thd di^t ana A «mgg©i.t^a «ltei«i» s^quls'eiN&fit fos? £attj«mgs ®$ 300 t* f* XR mtlj;, noppin$ {%%) &t&%®$ mm,. H® tto& oasis' tt %h$m «&l6uX&il0B& it is pftssibio to m&k® vom mKim&%® os ^» ittporfe&tioe of breas ai & ©dwe^ of vitfi»i» 8* tin. the ii&t, dAlly ^f m. aiitl^ #» sia irnxwomtv* d£#% ©ai ^00' x. v, %@ tzmM- tsml® mpplf ®ppwm%im$®ls 100 t* tj». ©r e»a«*ttolra of thd isii% ro^m4t#»a|j eeaMes^ial terowa br©iii fi;<nttd wpflf toWM&d '©oulsi sufply 4Sd' ^* Xf4$ mmimmfalj m&m %fom th« m%m%&%&m& givlsag n biglber flgmr© ©f $00 I*. H. ^r mox^^ E4 M tto atolWB NWlMMM. «M MNM Of MtWltt B1 mp. I>i|083: ^y *r©afl.wuX4S atilX too of eignlfioano^ oepeeidlly In thot>» 4l^%S ©tors It i-@ the «l)&«f soured of eal^l'©©,.'" Oop&ftag wfte d6»btl*6a yofwrimg *<► fete bi-^b ealori© i|©t .^f %M nm$%i$h mw>k&m wa» etoda-oeWa&tlsis tb© eon** gi»ptS0m,®.f 'oa$ |joma^ of te^si €«li|f:« ttMi©!4 ftsad SngX&dfe ■w©»tet»8 nmn IneX^ddd iailf m tfeo tetf ome»fmj:3?tfe ^oiaals of br#'a#, AHPOJ^I^ of OE^' la ■the- tteit^fi Stat#i this uottl6 ao^s tO' 1® a Img® tatmk© <&v«ft- ia a SQOO OJP- 4000 ^alorlt 4£dt w*ie£fi the 't©»M bwadl ia$Xii#©s mfam mpml product3« &mQ#ra#B. {09> 8iigg!&efci& tbd ioo^Xttdion ©f oiid* half pcmnufi of fegfreaX foo^i dail|" its. tb0 ^^ostomieal diet* a'tl®fe©ling asai Sfaxti (613 s bo^u^v*. ftlXw? 40^ of %b& oalorieo of %b© Aiot fos? D3p»ad« flo^r^ «ai mrml® %w,-W® min&mm ®4®tm%® &$&% ti#fc for th* w«qr-aatfiv» ««* fMM i& ©sti* sat^^. to tto •ag|Mpd»taiat«X3r SOO Ite©* ©f bi»©ai msfi 300 lbs. of flow «ua$ ttex^etX yeorly. Ibi* wmM mmu$® ®%i$k%if mm om half Xoaif of b«»*a(8 flftlXy. .fto® SOO X'h©* of flo^^ aud tf^reaX* If of ^©-X© @pa&a vavi^ty* ^oftid AXSO a<3^ natoriaiXf to tM vttMU Bt MrtMt Of tt* ate*. hMMW. tolNMW aaa St-i^^ollag (10) lm ttooir •wg^etiw fXaa fw» It ©isilsito 0O©f «(d^^t«> ilo^ aXlo.^'t Xfe&* of fXoms? &aa ^@^0aX©s la* oX«idi»g fe^ei^ for t©o m&G&i%Qt$ mt%:m ®®%%k® for one m'®'k+ fliii iTOUli ba oq^al to souwhat otor o»»«haXf ©oimi <Sa£Xf f©^' oa«h «i9»* Hoi©^ (&&) XiUmtm ©ta%©© th(itt «ty»eil as Imt of te^ai 'to fee 1800 ealorioia osv? pound ^f bJ^a^ dallf wcmM He oqtuival&aft to «tpp3?ofltiwftt#ly 4C^i of A SOOO la vl^ of » ^MtolMk Of ^tMUl Bl t* th. ^^©Mg^ <3I#t it mm& pau^toulftrl^ 4a|»ot*tmiStt ttets any fcttda abeitli b© avoa^Atf* fla© pat^lM^ d©i%3?t^%li?© effect of baktrtg $Mw mMmm®, W mmml &mmti0L&®m is of 'WvttGxdL&ip mm®m iu tfc* feitoi si^t©© mm® hot wm®® m&& m%h Wkimg yesdw m 9&&& m% eoanetaX^r iafi«4# X» ©owe oefttloxus bfliMK^ powdw IWH^ftdfi ar^ us©i ^pft^ticdllsr to t&a dxo!ltifiion of ^eftdt fe^ti* $hi$ food ouotoni a»6 tho fact tltati «gcsy of1 thodo bo* b3?©&a® ar# ©al© with ttt&ito flom^s fjfel^b «ofttfti»d o»i^ oao^Jtowpfeb to otti9««iatJb ^© mn^ v&ta* Alii B^ &;# tibolo tsboeff flumr C'SIl ?, aiid; $bgti oftK&o^ pastier ^<S fftttoy breast aieo »«4© of M^lsty milm® f!ow# «n«e ueo^ eoffiaoaiy in. tbe ^aiiod 5ttt-ei? oiaggoot ttefc- i^io vitooto 0* ifttate of tt&tigr A»i?»i0fi.tto isay ^# too iw* tn vimi of theoo jtAote tbs |»oo«ibXo «ff«ot of teklag $»o«^r on irltewi® Bj, ooatent of £5«.©to byoado $$tm&B g&m^m &l&ti$iQmg&t 26 BMtwwto « TttMte aj to ^M. ftma to 6s MHM. oii^ ^ loogtih of t|a© ©f b^atisig, tosopd^ti^^ # eftnteat of molfMr© axu3 the J>H of thd aoiitia (?3f 111) (M) |S$) (60) ♦ i©0aa»:9 aaa Safi (t9| aisi Eeoiato ami Kil^ .(W po-lat <mt Vb&t Kb® ftmrnm of isoifttttpe i« a a&ro imfo^inftt im%®P. wrjr stefej© In tb© p-p0o©a0« of $#y h^ttt (SSI. Bi?©m amro of 'tis® tataim*- S^^i^ma taS Oro«« li®) report a^fi^fseteiji® &a«»r0ft90 i» tto* »at$ of ao&t«e%'lbfe of ^itaraiKi S^ wMja hoAt«d mt %QQP <ton%l0pa&* for four lao^r® in ft sUe^tXy aitoii^© M4IM. tteM* aaa S«rt0B CM) twtod tto «tM4n ^ wnteul of toa&to j.sI'do ©,t TOWiag te@3?®0O of ttlk^linity luul oosoini©^ that ©itei&lsa&tf ©ee^lo^'los tho ^Ofitraetioa of h^fttime «ith 0*6 W Ife^l*: ffeo odneludion ii» tfeoiv stmiy is pmeaoe of o^feot3 ^ubfi-taiso^d* ^4»*e» (0$) fitstt^ft tbaft vita* tain B% ®hm® mmM^m^l® m®iBtmm to faaai &» m «ieid ©r m of vitamib IL, mil© >@ili$»g fm mlf I feoui? *t pi 0 brought' tM .©mXftritti. of ftpwifee ife©r© i» etnsiiisra^i© I©©© of vjlt«i«* $aw©fei & sUewag© of vfcfcaiaia i| into t«© ji»ro«h»at0» S©i»gmj3 ami FpodsHftis (48) fouiti jpraofeioaliy zfo ipae of •vlt^iii a| &&&»$ the tjalxlng ©f bi^ad* V«^iaftioa« of mm feh© $vi»ttb la ^itastla S* e-dat^atj im©- i# the- 6jtp$stt*0 of a th0 twMpit of .S'ta^pi^ «^ Eoteots »&C«ro» feoag a^a Harris * ao Mptw* «f 0i>ws9 ie «h» titMrt» % emtmt of WM« #fltr t»&iti»s« She «ta%tB# ^WMa, bd«fdir©r,. totlei^ sosHaar iraa used l»flt*e^ of y«ft9tf- th«r$ ««»0 oostpldto d^etiroetlon of &at&kufrt*piti$ i?its»la# -»» doubt o» a^ootimt of tb» &1dmUno ¥lfciwi» B^ valiao la f04Ml« ooott^s "U) Vitarola B salif bo 3Lott% to a ae#i«m& oxtont naehaxkloall-sr 4» 3?#fiaiag tho food^ oi» by 4io«a*fiitog tfe« tfato* to 9bi#b fcbo fooa m^t^rials baw fioakod) <8) Mtml d'e®tii»^l?ioisa o^## l» oook3,»g Of oanmlag* m U &p% %Q 1)« only a i'dlsktively emll factor untagb tk© ofttural mMltf vf t®m hm %mn t®§m:®® W tbe Edition &t ftlteall; (-3) ilsif ftdfiitioa of ©l^il* oay fihifttng of thd fht ^®ttt3?Ql. point Is §mm& #$: n$tt mn$ii fef ftttpastad to in* osfsaso tsj0 jp&ia of <}ootsrttoticni of th* fttaaimj: tJhlofe r^t@ of a^ifer^itlea (titalmtion! my b® m$lL&g$b%G «t i^t torn* Booiiugd of %bo f»^al>i0 aiteitxi© t^&ottob of fcfc© 4ou^ skrosuootf %af tte©; ^eifetfiig fotiiiFj) a log'©'of vitaaia 8m& ■&a%i«-ipfet'©li' in *i»o ^tltl^g pm^m hwmii iti tfel# iavoeti* fati©ia* mm mmtsn tm th® tfctit&t.'&tikt96 a»^ Or ©ft* s^itain t/Sa@at tuMftd* vimmtm B^9 i^ar fj^wio*©, ttooi^^jw^ which saf ow&tte© a «t#3piml- ioe« of vitamin % of ^sta e#ii^t.l^t@f a tiwiwts two iiavostl^to^o -(If) ($U) tmm xapovte** th* Ima^ tivfttion os* a©8l^O'tlon of vitemin B« Iti Wdetf £0 the p»<&fi« ©iio^ of basisig pot9tfaj** St m® t:%%h %h® purpode of further iavtfti-g«iti»g l^es of vitgB&a B* to fesfel^is f»#®i* 1»r@eds ESUffiii« t^fft <s%0-a©s m « type of fei»^ia.^ %n vM%&b to study fefes ^ffwot of I^Mns pwsflov ^poa ^ifcrnmim B** tb&ve srar© two .r@#©oa:e foi* -tMi ohoioo* In Amsrlot mttixte um a popttlftr ami ©omaoulf m^^i tff© of bo$ 'feF®ta@9 aa<3 ^®rj eooroe of vitftala & oinoh *d %il3.©st .gti®*. SQaoM s©s?a otoxuiif 6a4 'l)©^^ ©nd; ma^misi m$t&n», oftob siai^ wltlj amS ^itko^t teki^ ^owS^p ©0r© ©i-say^i for ^ifeewte B* valW'S to ostior to «©&0ttw tho aotuoX offoot of th* b©fei^ poodosp on tbo mmmimmM* vmnmm Th® p%m of ifel© «ttttSy wee td «ee the wit ^witiw »$tbc^ mi <mtli»94 fey SMa#? Toile, aaa &03L8O» (S&> la a$* $t&frtti jahBtrioufily* l«s. tlio wit dttvotiw sietltod it i& MQQ&* mvf t® xm a tmmm%imXf got«»t sow©© tf-irltmlB' 0-# . mtth» m&® t«tt> *«« sew,,. A rtoh MWM O? «teBto B^ th© i"^©.©* g*m wlfine ms04 la %^0# «atpd»i»e»te -ws^ »tad0 .&©.©d^#ia$ to tfe© r^^ifn «is>^s9ind on tfee j>a©fe©s© of Fish0p*'s ^hdtt govnif dateoyt tfe itftMiig f©i7a&s?ft in tsj© nMKffias nn^d with tamlsiftg pewawt %h® mmm% gtotev. in Fifihw*a r©^:|p0 |& tif*) of Vakin$ pwft&v x»8 dlou'&lo^ to 4 tsp< '0ifllls^ »f;fia iH»«iped t&mm^ll ftftll f^* 4 tsp* a&a it t?6ft deoiv^d to m® m m&h t^ostos pot^Sar &» ooaiiatoot ^Itfe « QIOQA pm&m% m th&t tfeo fosmifel© Offsets of the tx^lsing PQ®&4T vtmlA to* iK>2»* #vi##ii^» f» tM jsttffin» with* «ttt fealifig p0ttd$& tb* e^iad s»©'0lf0,. lo^vixts out the feafeto® powder, m& usod* td mroid pdssittility of asqr othej? v«upi* ai?l.©s^ th* $&«@ J?e0ip0i th6 $a»& juaaipaiatton* aa^ thd fidoo ijakisig te$pdtfatwe mm m®® fox* »il ensffiae. ft*© timt ti» uMffit&d war© aaxro tiio i^ro^ismtg-^'to jfl^etr ssss'&sms^i end ■ttwn «e&ghe^« Xa $ttb-spfae^t aaklag of a^^aaiBafeasfeaaaia^ Flow? m$m 00 &&%% ^©■n^ ooro m m ig® i%l%0 93 Siss Tdlk It ©alsi^g f'dv^op Silk 26$ t^'lft^ l^tt©:^ 4 tap* § t^p 1 I. % -©.lap 'S0 ©i© gimp w&a &lft0i «ri*Jj %hd h®&im$ pm$m> m^ttrs $&& -salt^ M& m$m$ t'boi?o^b3..f wills ^tm gamt fh® #gi Wi t>e&fc«m m%%%. l&^ht etnd allls ana mlfcefl Twitfteiy s^doi &ad eoa^iiiQi' t7|th tbo i^ iagi^aient® &n8 aia®i \mtil Jtist dawn#13^4:* fk^ tettoi? tiwsua p&xv&d imto « wall g^Oftsed @ight*» mtftn pm, "Bmh mfi$M ml.ghM ^pprmifm^lf W grass* th® vmfiim mm l3«ik©<l &t 400^ pcfemfeeife* fiw feakiseig ti» ©ugS9»t©d fey tbo Fie:h©F lill© t^es &0"*&& ftilmto©. Altbott^i th© osmfl'iaS' agio nyltji ^aMag powder aai mttim mad© tdtbotitr ■ m 'Mlsing potnSov tsrow MM ia the eaw ov«& &% %ho mm© %m«'pevstoaxv, %k& Raising p®m®t> m&tlm mmimA ©»ty twoaty* fif# aiautos for Mkiusg to ft goMta tM^m ttetH* tho awtfftos tsithou^ fettisii |i©^?##r ■aid! not roaab u QQluOm Kwom mm titter tsbirty^tfivei «iiiui#© tefei-iigs »i ^Mut. tisna ^k^f ^©r© ?Pbe" uMff Ins IBMQ ©ithott to&&Uig |).0W^* tt^jp© a»t d«* cm^ aasalf^l&tl^a mm m®®, %k® m%f wriftbl© boJ»e ^o babin® sK»?ddr# for b&tb tbo «aJ?f4»iD aa^e vifcb b&bing powd#r ©aa tbd amff'ttte «43^ t^itiacsmt ba^&os yww*filer. ts&^ilt&t mtftm tmf %® tmM® oiifcwmfc imtelsag prntasi*, IJ©WI?O^S. mtisig Wim $mk&$m o:f wt&M^® $b«&t gom wftjpe thoroughly ai^a- mi mmplm %m® tm tb© e&eay ©f who&t ^«mi and to* %h» mttim* $> pkm^lUM b&fe&ftg J^O^SMJS? «ra<8 w.©t^* ■»® ibixfl^QrAU Qb&4b ia 4l«eo^&b$$ *» A fb© ^ae ©bos©© pii^s ftll^pboeybekte C&loium ael^ $bA09bftt0> bl«6^bo»dt& ^f &das tt^ 6dsnw$t&vob» vsim Wliimg p®v®®t «»$ tbo*6 ».aS# ^ttbout; boiit^ pottri©!' wai*© «iisai©i for' vit&ala Sj iwitt^e, botb ba^i «&# ttabafeeti* fbe «Dftbak6d TOffima wore mmM in tbla layos*© la aballm? pdadj amfti»a- «5?o i>2?©toa vjp into asaal-l p&rtiol&a, ttlr aridd at roost t&apwi'afcwe* aai .g^o^^Ss *b© total 4«ftatity ©^ is?i.©4 ateff Ja of mah kind tme w©igl3,©d a&d tbo aaomt^ ^elomiatefi wli|;0h i^uld provide the siiB<e ,»^«K^ of olte&t g^wn ft© tte* ui©i f^sp 8L*6$y of t4»e«t geM &%vm* Binm 0*4 gjpema of vtejofrt $$P» 1t&& Won fcramtf to be «Vkp&ti*e la a laipigo pts? ceat of tho Aniaale* it sm« taleon 6$ tho etiia^as'd fdy whomt germ* Xt m@ ditla&t©^ that s*1 gpQ»« Mk®® m mMPM m&iitn «ado ^fei^g. pood^v oootainsd 0»4 &&&& «rhoat g0r»^ jdvGe.gvfiun&'im^aStdd muffin made ttitbout tekim^ fouaw,} weighed aiaotmits of tk© ^rouwd aaaff AII» aaa of sfaaafc ^ra al».l3.a.j? to that in tho nwffitte «a»ift a«8ay*fi» with o»7«tal^ lino vitaadLtt ©^ i^uro thianttn) ^0 th© $ta&6ft&d foj? coapari■soa* the <Hpyatailiao vitaaia i| um® am'-mmt^n msmWM, dynthaaieed ^.f ttao HJilliamo &»$ filial Kia'tfe0aQ«. ^JM mtim &® i®4 to tb© atook oolottsr of tfeo Fooae *»& mtpttim Do^a^ta^nt at o^agon dtata oollaga ooneiatd of Croaa Mill© do$ 0\ibaa« 5?h4a Is a aoaseatfraiod food 00a* eliered to ha ada^uata in all ro»p«ata. 0ijgg©#t©.i bf %lim9 fell© fl And S&UQ&ft {$9} no. gimn in ■ fafelt II # St»g^|.i* ia %9'3&p <W ®t&t#i that 1* ISTA* tsho ©a© in tiflo in thti titmi®. UtirbQim ®i %k® Vm® mM mu$ MminiB* tjtet&on of 'tito# tmitod -SMtoe ©ti&rtwtml '*g A^pieultwo ml thft% It tuftttlft prebftDi? 't* fft'owed toy %h€ 0@isi.itf©f ■ of Rairi* slosi #f rterwe^p©'©la oaf %hi9 Wi%®& ®i®,tm* AMikim ©t .mil ««*» of » imom mm of vttaala S1 to tt* taMt -gondi^i!^ #omtid^©!l ee«9n%l&i foy th® |)»fii©ti;om of gw&yndttpitia • ©dffiflote depHvatioft #f vit«»i» Bj i»©s«ltf in fAsia ii mtmw is^ws mm .>>irt<^w»in<i*iilw'0*^''MWW^iM).'wl'aii|i«!»ifcw^w<i^»i^'W^^ f0* 0©at O'ftia'i^' fi«it iiiistur© |#©bo^a® «ad ^jaiol) Cod Mttsp #11 jjtotoolavtfd Tea&tr IS»O0; 4.00 i'*«l0 4*00 30 Sharp &na Dohsw Mr© Uoawegian Cod'^iv<sir Oil we use^^ It 1© biologically etaiii}»t>di«;^d ei»9 emt&im not X®m §fam 1780 u* S.. ^» units 'Qf vlMmin >h m® m% %m& th&&.23Q tJ« Sf f.. tmits of vit&oiif! B t®# ew®. 11010', wat ikjis^^ In th© WRpdfiraont* Th« <9:ff y«ast ma p^tt ia h©at ot©M© aospo^e-atf of the vitanitt B 'Ooapi©^ incliad&ng fb^ peamta ores?© p3f^kas.0^ f^oa a iodsl gj«M»», j?ftw and uttebdllddu f^j ^®r@ ©beli^, ^ovind to oanunb eottelst* ©noy a»d ^at la (And ^©Bt oaad^fwurth to ®m<*mt£ imh drlo^p &iai gpottxtf* Foamtft, a»l4» fyow tholr fat m® fr©»* teln e©Bt©Bt wppt? vitdwla B^ cia woll .*# othor factor® In tbd vittuaift B cowio3c« Bll tiily and 'Goapimy llvos^ osttieot ^aa gmpified la tbo follotsriag aasm^f? 100 gramfi of tiv<&r extract was sissoivod In 200 OQ. of iMkt«K»4 On© tbouaand o«» of 0$^ fiioohol a^d 1800 oo. of ethyl other woro «dd^ with constant etirifing* tho jureoipit&to m® allowed to oottlo fot SO stlnMtos ©^ l0iig©t» otwi the Ii4tti4 doo&xktod* fho veoidud tao tedla^olwi la ^00 oo« of wtoy aa<S r®ps*€ieipifea%©^ with ^ life© otaount St of alcohei &M ^%h©r, m& th$ 9i*oee«e mpmt©$ wim* Aft©?? %h® %h%$>$ pm&i®ltm$Qn dai deiaafcittg, the re&iauo fjaa sigalxi 4i88oXv0d Is tiratftr ■aaS Adaad fc<* iOO gspftma of eas^ln. It was &lQdfeet<»dth$r px^^i^it^te of the ii^2» d%t^4t pyftvidott jfaetov t (SS) t4®} wM®h hm X&Qto roportoi to t>© ©^seatl^I fdx5 groptb of ffat&* ©^0^00© 4o©s. not favor s?df©©%liB 6^ tho ps^otiod of eoprogh&ggr C^6) (^0). Bi^^fe asi Bawls f©} altto etft^e that tiutifeOtiO tend6 to 4not*o&e9 tho po^oeatago ioo^ono^ of coa* vuldlone» OetovJDid «nfl '-Ktenflol «a|t:g proHdo tte ii(&e©3©©^f dtocod in -tbo »ofri@0W»ftoj?« m. Mala fli@ d«po»liB0&t dut^sido^ of©i? e p&rio^ of flf© etoatbg, liavisig b&oa ©%'»««# Poiwrnwy 4 tti»a tbo f4»«t Iltloi' of fIvo tweXvft*'iAy old hoalfh^r fcifeixto »t-i vritb tteli? nothotf ■mm ehamgei fros tbo sloete irotioa to tteo baeai viltoiss B«* lot? 4iot« otbov Xittors msro aSdod f^oa ti» to tlao mtil %fe0 exporisiotit&X aftimalt swftM&od thirty-fivo. fo^r of tho 5? ©alsals am »ot iael^it^ to tha i^poyt of the d3cp0'i?iffl©nt, msS S^ garend or msisBllf ftt S5 to .B0 4ftye of agd*' #to*y w#r© thon ^^olghti u@©Mif foir afeomt ttirs© wsiss #r mill shottiag alight ©|iapt©»s. ot ®®lfmmi%%.®p v^fam they ^©-r© eopmraloi tAm si@ah to pi?»tr»ttt ooj^co^tj^gy* fhay ^©r^ 'w©lgh©;i ^®ilf tbfi^aftw* .S-ympt^iss of pdlyiw^jplHe Uiwalty ^wloi^fi is 2$ %o $0 ^Aye after tir$6&£&6» Soring th© joriofi of the @»* 9»rii9oiife« tho *&t» r^eoived tap \mt#r 'Stti thd ^ai&l vita-* Wisa B^^osr 6i$t #£ MMIS> do&euBiptioxi* HE J(iQ *^0©«^ feolug feft of food HsJt After the titaioftta uhmmi %fa® ilm% alight «y«^tQi8^ of polynewitie^ they ^ep* t^eted ti»4fc© iaity foa? p@'iya@i32?iti^ hy tsyi^iiog fey the tail eed W tmmim th«» ^uleMy oa tb* htotes rejoovtttg e^po^t of the hm&* It pelytoeiMPitie wae pr©©@sat9 the api«si sfeofj^i elgdtt of sweottiap lu,0©#3pa'|m* tienf ai eviaenoed '% difficulty in wtttanatttQ: *"& ft ao2»ml pesitiosk* Ae pyevieueiy eteted tb©^?© are three etagee' of poly** a©«ritl0s sli@ht» ift «hieh 8t«se a itjiia .euggedtion &t polyneuritie ii ^ieteetable trith mi®$£ reeoire<?y f;dliot4«g fro® 'fcha ifmpt©'sifi ^lth$» a I'tw MoonS^; -tukd do^^e^ the ti»u^0 «QatiN&6tiottd« Sta ttodora't« ot«gd i'@ tte em ft** vi«0d fot9 th© oidat&iKietration of ^Iffta^a©© to I)© t#0lc»«S mm tb© ©nlwlt t^0. ia that eoa^itioit |6$y« It m© of tea 4iffio«lt to a.©*®^* Urn npisf^t© #l.t§0 -alt^otgte' ^« ©iitoaia fit different tttneti to ttw- eftns ^ni^l* aiabst^aofi to bo t#st©i yew aflaAalstwod ©fa'li^r* esfstBX* ateoMiayd was fei by usi:»$' a I ©0.* tttb«rottXi» #frii^# ul.%h 9m6&*t mA bmfeaa or i»&&lft& wxtttm mte without butelai; ®QW@m war© migla^l isaa filaeod in m&XX Mniam- in tto ea@0#« These cwibottmoed wsr© datdn readiiy* -@2?©©|st. is tfe^ o&sd of the MM siafftad tSi©!'© eowi^owibaio 4tffiAHlty w&e at iUtio -^atepf after tjhi^b tfcsy t^r© o^teti 'a©r:© s»o^ilj* It Ms tt»«tt@ht tUftt pei»lk&p0 the ^efp oigfSi ©f ther wtunfee hmt At th0 fls>$t' .ws^fe &t tiiym%*m, 6 c» f ttiwogttane of otte amu of vt*«l.a 81 «•• atWB wtu *6» «Mttt« I^VQI ri©S' 0dt6)>li6hd<9} thea tjfeigho'fl OIBMBMSS ©f 'whoftt $©3Wls« awffto© m@® vtitih h®MM$ pQv6e#t ©^ m&t&m asfie cntho^ tosfelug &9&6$? w»© f^'. vit^stJUk ©| vm %m%®& m $> 6* 9, 0»^0 (jSMim, ^aa O»00 gi»2as |0^©|.s» Hm^fefeti ■aafflii^. mads tJltlj S.OO gMM tm^l* fm h^teQ® mtftlns saie isrith baking iowios' ®a^ th0 «at>ali:©4 end iftfce^ sMfl'l^i s©i© ttttheut h&ti®$ poiia©r tf#ro ail f©i a^ <m& .l#f©l oa^rf the Xewt CHW^PO* «pondlag td Q*4 @r«s of tteoat gfW3>; !.#*,. ft*"?© •gs'-a®© x&ttoovt* bakl^ pdfB&w mi fi*^0 si?taa ^a'k#a ttie^fiiie isrUhouti traighefl daiXjr ^x^' fe^ftted £©* pdlysewltio twJidO Sally« A th& tenoth of tl^e ettrntive porioi aa^ %h® total liae fe'of®?©' msmtf tfa® m&ml® whMh w»r& wid»4 ftr testing £ti# ^©at 41 ■i«'. •'r ^rd tfitb ©fei©^ ta eosiSia.^ r^wlfi of lit© ast^ of tslisat ■ ffe<&.2?-0 appears t® D© 0OtB@ dl06@j^s«»ottfc aso-^ ttw ^aj?!* eiabtmt 0ff6dt4»@ & ante te f|^ #f %tm «&«$a tey Bgf'|)l©#,. i©nd©r* :aiii iiafeed0fc.ii4)» lo^© a o«o?&*iv^ «<**© o^e taSswa *8 from ail djr^toas ©f po^|rn&ttyit&9 fos* a period of fms? iays slat© thfii^j 4 sil^dg^aai© f^o^me^i & i^# mm $& th^ir aiiia&i* flsof «o»«}.i%dod that «k «tt«?afctw-^o«0 ttat© ttitt cippyottimtelsr $ mic-i^gi?a®is will dUTO ^^©f po39f«iMS3P4ti« ©sitoait. OJ? MCO*^|S»$ t* ftFyBtftiliite t*i4««lo 3tn t^ia investiga^ 4& of eases, f ©le^o^raat ia "FS^* aa# $ oloro^ewui %n 100^ fla© m®mm owatlwe period wllsfe t&i'di^ pjpobfcMLa af2»or^ «« ^hovm in T&toH© 2X1 And ab^t I fd^ tlao fwstf* Idirtl© of thd' ajaiaa'ia t© tit.© sufestaaeet toftt^d m a t®®W- «»«9 ia^i'* vKltidlly^ AJ» & gpttip U»e r©'@^o.ast to 7 midPOgr^w of vita* Kla fij me varifiblo* 4s will. &<& ttot0d la f^i# ¥t fcb* ©v* #r^0© duration of ^tss^ of 7 ajlerogtaina ^0 4#7**86 46^ «»fl that of 6 'tti.§rogi?tiai #a® imt sllglitlf '%®m oa? 4*St,.g0 aaya vAil© 0 tatope^jpam $«v« a. duk^^i^it of o«r© of €.72,19 gaf©,. Tfcd f-arlatlosi tja© p^tio^i^fXy ai»tt0i 4^ oss© fasiXy of r^ts Clot© ?&t&4 III)*- It. »« fo^aoa th&t % o»i*Has tliid gs?cmjp ol ©aiffisili^ aissiMys IISO' %o. il37>. thd ftvot^f® ©uratiw fospoast ©f 7 si^^og^a^ ©f vitiua&a 0| »®. S.*;atr$| ^afi mi§h< 'wo\iM |M» &n t»por%l6ii to Ite car© fblio^iiag t^©.,^*. rttutMUw «e « .teMsNM MM a m**mzm ot «*»in a,, $h& ouratti'tt'd l^v*! was tbdr4»for» $«t(&bllaii»d ©t 7 miospo* grottfi of thjUaaia. ]#d*0«J!i&&»i<l0 • As m$M w gdittg .&3Ldo |» $a^Xd JII, P9p»ftte4 60680 givoe t0 tbo ©&a© aai«a|.. aid .aot proa^© gisii^r r^smita im a im>m poj? e©®t of tho o«isoo« 43 ^ubsd^settti -oa^^t^ «f ^olftt^mfltls m&f not ftlw^ys fi'Qdme'© Dility of wswia$ioa# la fals $t^t'©a©mt tttat £mm ix&tvMtoiaX vwiati®m 0mm?m§ vbm %%& miml® wr^ not ©tartad tmtil thftlr tJikott feg»6ft6 t»« f^l, aaimli #mff#rtiig from adftaaeftd %ivdiy I©rg0 MMDuata ©f ^oai that isai to too fed* fb© ^«s© postfi^Xo ^o foea s®ali©ij ^tidatiti^o of hm&& tiieui wsio fo®* ©Ifelt in Sa^rls1 eaperlttOKLt* to ftbo othor feaad: it le ilf- fiottlt to 4©t©'et tlso ®fmp%m® «t asstetlr tbo »««« <!&gi»<§<& of ewftHty &t 0©e^ eneot, whUh t®,®% urouldi to»A to.oemoo mrlatlo^ im i*oa«Xts* fljsi'4 io © posoititXity tlsftt in a mor© eovow ©ttgo tbo Hteuain B^ lo not i&l»&ovbo<S ^© rtallXf frost %:l50 di^e«tivo tract# this le 0ussoi»t«d fe? Ssltte (60) tjlbo ps^ofoiPB «u^sit«i«toHttitg tbo 4om tstoon po^elfefe ^f IM iatravo»o«d taioot^on notho<9| l9©oftw»o «f "ito ^poatof meemr^f # fi»0©io'ffi f^oei tmooipta&titiod <»f ^oXfty #» im&mp^U B^MOfpti&n m§ ft&mm® it vlimlmtm tba sofiotteility ©f XoeaX offoote wf^a tho e«fitj?o*iiit08ti)BttX ttwt^ 44 OBteuig tb9 Asltaals IJS feor study,. ^ta€m awfeoeiavoa fasat waa ^e©d- ®& ® iiourc& ^f vitamin o !Bg>*. eo»©ra (14> ©t«it©8, "As ddtojntdiaAtioae of vltamias beoorn^ wor© find ©or^ ear** fully sawiws 6tt*f ^h© auird evident ioee it l?0com® timt the fdopoaae of Oiiffer«nt telsaal© to Apparently 'Siraii@'i,, tpeatsiant varies greatly* ana ttoat ^b@ variatiOKi in re©foiase is ■oneontrollablO'*9 fo me&tiwd tbs vitaain B^ «iO!it©w^ ©f the urtieat gora^ it taras touted at tfam® l4»vois« ta t&fs# fitisSids^ 87,^ of the &n£a)&l$ ree^ivlng 0*40 ^ram ttoaat $©?!» tsora ouftd, tto avdra^o duration of cure ^rlth Its profeable •orfor b©isag @*9£»8S days* With 0*S0 g?^ nsrhaat $©P» wr© tiras obedpved la only S0^ 0f tb* m®®®* th© avai^ago uuffib^j? of days* ewo Btisig s«.'$f tS© daya« ®>&t,,4'0 4ay*# tha ®®m$, '©IIIQII fho avaraga ©tirativ© parftod of the ad)»atituta4 4 poaitlva aura in 100^ of ^hoaa awaixlta ara ®tvm In fablo iv, t?biia 6h&#t tl ■pi-dtux'©© tlie awj«»@o duvatio^ of ©nr© obtainad with tba thraa l©^0l© of f^eat @w&t Tha a^vatltra loir©! uas tharafora ooasidored to b© 0.40' gmm of wla©at gasm* As pvaviouely atatad, tha wuffina ©era fad at the Isvol oorraspondiag to 0*40 gras of \9baat g&pnt* Vnbakad baiting potjdar smffiji tias fad at tw a^aitional lavale in pralinina^y atudlaa, M oaa b# aaan i^a fatola V, tha m' m®w&m «wa%lim ^yi^d jfo* fi«70 i^rams of «iiMte# i^aMmg . powder aKkff£|K» w^s €>.#M*i4 <)&y« wttte ■6'?^ of t!u» asinfei.® ^.mr^i* white f*fO' ^'t®^ M latest l^l^ 90^0^ w&t&w pftti* 4m<®$ a© evo^fi^ owe* of 4:»Sf'*SB' 4^i ailfe #?$ ttf lsta« in- tli© aotml e©o&iijg of tm mii$m imhlm-. V sm«l vx) • aa€^ without tsakl^ $m4m ws'f30 mf& v%%h SS^ ««p^ ©si of $b$ Mkel smffin© ®^<& vitbo^ Mfelag, po«^etf • 6*0**S4 Qm® ®&%fo tm$ mm i%m%®$ f mA vi), Uhe aii>f#s'$06$ bo*«oen ^#©0 1K?6 it wm Blgniiimm,^s &®M gives fwH&or eyld&ttcd ^feafe ^0 ^A2«toe p^o^oat i%»etf feat m© ^ffoet «a @OK®t^ij^ ^# t^to$ jwii^efr-Brnfff*»» ^rt fcha ni^flii» ■»^® ©t^ljottt trnteSL^- ^0w«a#r# fiif^iijiiotta^ ^Iff^^ow©© ^©^ •SKI ^iscoveapod, m wmmmim® -im. fables Vt aad til* t^ aif* oitb «i»A f;|.t1&o%t te^lsag p®mm witb t^ 9r0te*bt$ *JM?cap «f tafith aM ^ithoati l»ttkln$ i>0w%i* ®*M-«M ^JB.9 imm oi x^im tofie of vitamitk B| 4vi0 l.o iSi^ |5r©@©»S9' oi* hiking p&stiie** mrftlm «&£* witli axi4 w^t&wt M^l^. pw6*& to loss i» imiootoa imttim ■mmmtm %o. attou^ i^»^fl MA *& tm. e©A©^ $te.rt III. #^®®iiirl€M fb® &?**&&$ *wft*!lv* ^ip^e# *jt 4$ ttlll w mi<$4 tb@ ^&sf©a©0 fjwaj; i*:f griat of' ^ak^i And msft&M Poking ^ow^cy affiat ^^rtston^s ®%®mtf *o Ikat tpoas© thm f wiwoigs^ais ^f ^ittate B*, sad i*$6- ^©BS of «i).&te4 amffiis tJltliMl tjalslag p©^^!' m4 t+(SQ SI^WB of feakQl mwPfla ©lfefew-% fet^i^g 90^es> :e#fTOe.fotta to i sile«»@* Q&m HBtfi in iM® ia^ft*igftW6a.«ott1^to(8 e iou^i? «»otmt of $srs.s e^ltmlfttod ts tvllms (io^^.f-^l© fill);; fk© l^ngtlts f:$F#nt "I©^©!:© of ^ls«al ier© mm t<m&#Q4 trlth #ttti^al©iit loagl^ ef res^oneie *f tho saw an&mX t© «. |jsi?tieaiiu? l#t@l ©f vltm»ia l|, fb© ^?0s?ag© '$M®»l3i tont^nti of tahoat &%mil&t G&tKpei&t&cim vw8 m&$ vitb tteo »«rffi»o, i*a#* tls© lomgt-h of d^mtfv© roepon&e of oadb Ittdiiri^uttl ftniasal wliap. foa t^# «tt3ffin tffi* eoiasMU?*^ *A-t4> $l« 3.«ttgtiui .or alii S* IntAkd* ^0 a^^pgp t;M@s$& ttiatmt of ^2i|>ak©d mm of ^eted Mktag potrdftr astffitti (Seo fabi.© 1} «&» a#S«,08 ai«togS?'«issQ p©f $mm of ^»iffiia, a aiffe^iic^ ©&'rio.ttilf Adt ^igniflcmiL fist itor&g© thima&a eoafe^t of i«ibak©d: awtffiaB 'm^^ without tetslsig potJior (Bm ftibl* XI) tdlho^t toaklssg popflei* (ftabl* MI) m® 0.'?.i.*#O6 ffiios'O^am© p©r girauD* thi« slight, ilff^rsa©© #ia& tasmot te© ooafiid^yed eiifilfloaiat^ fli«' awyagt tMeotdQ «OB.%:Q»IS per grtisa of wteaMI «nd 'feato^ iwafflas aade isltli. aws vltfaout Mritag f:ow<So^ as«e st»tol^€ In tftll* Mitt A ^oaparissOB of fc'Sa© th&&fHln ©ont^fti of tjto iauffine toadd with and oltho^t feaktog po«d»» (arot* fnt)l© 3CtV) M®« closes a ^Igftiflomt liff@#<saoo *& voold ^* *ap«ot«d froai v^^ultd «1»t&imd tAwMJ oaio«l&t©i3 fl*Os th* st;©B%oiiit of ■a^atloa of m®®* Ww ^iff#rosiot- i» tli^ thiamla donti&nt ffliffliits t/ltlft. oistd wt^ww* %®kimg |!0^'©^ vm& ®4m$*®m m& of th0 teair^d wwefias wt*& to<i «rltb<mt ^fiifeljug, potud^r mm QA%t*%&l* ffesso ilff^^^eo-a 1^tw©5a mt>e& obtain^ y&th mtsina BKrt* fcith ©ad t?tWsottt tekisig ^osfdor m® m &mh m mmm m> cmmimtms An imre&tig&tioa ©.jitsajSlag ov** a period of tivo aontbs andi i»ciw^i«g fcbi*fcy*0»0 aalxial© and 0f©^ two lumdrod t<a.$ts »s ^o^taetea-* tfet gmipfoss© of tfhieh tag. to iswoetigate lay »afta of tho P&% mmt%m nothod of assay tbe «ffoolw of toak&ne potM^ m the irUa»&tt B^ oomt^t of ' t^hoat g©rp wsff ln& s«ad©' with. m@ without Mllmg ^o^7d©2s war* toetod at a^viv&loat l#t<&ls both la tba ttaked a&i: ^M^ batted forms, ©aa tte ssmtor of ity® of our© rdftulting with ^aofe kini of wttffin mi wlfefe difforaitt soottnt* of wtoat gsra and' thlamia ckIoi?ii# doluttotk wo»*e oo®|©#,. It was f^tosna that with $,70 g^atoe of tmhakad snuffioa stuSo with baking pcwdar the average dttratioa of mm with pi»©^afcl@ orror via© 4,2$ ♦ 44 a^ys with 67$ of tho asiiwa&a euped, aaS oith 8*70 g^aaa of hahod Btiiffitftft.Qontai^B^ baking pcwdaa? tha mm vsm 4*Si*a® 6ays with m$ owo# a diff^aneo ^ihioh HWMI aot oignif ioftnt» Wth S*i© $iMm. of ^^ate# smffias sad© without baleiiag pogdov tha avayaga deration of ot»ra «aa #.?2*Sf day© &ith 93^ of tha a»i«ala oured aai with 2.60 gmTO of bi&kdd awiffine without h&king potadar tha amro ^as d»9$*34 day© «fith 100^ our©^ again as insigtiifioftot diffo^attao* A eostpariaon of tha nuffine jaada tsritfa baking powdas? ana tirithout hakias pa\«fier li©#los©d a diffaranoa ia ©tirati'sra raspoa&a with tha probabXa aspror of tha diffe)?anaa' m tt &«■€&*&$ 4ft7» with ti»© ttiiftfelB0« iiftfflaiS ina 2*6t*« dftye with the l^ted Mfftoi* Xto&QV ^0 ©©aiitio®© of tiais ia* u r« ss s^nMAt.^i immmm ^SAHSSJ m urns -mmrm w mmm a ^■w^^^^rs^vAressv^^SK^i^s^^^,^^ a4^^j.!*p^iii5^esftS^5rffe«tiS*ifei <*«0 <?i,m- m mm. mm mm ?II mm mm #11^ mis e^sm^ 88 tmiM tV »/jiH4»imr,!.fn«>".^iiii)irii-|nv IBSSFOBSI OF MIM&& f® BimiB DOSSSS OF WAtf osma AS sous ©ouiei OF mmt% B. ^w»w^^»ilM-iatl^..i^^..tji^u^i^i^fewhi»i^^ Sftt ■■*w^"'".'.'.' 0aff ©f mr® ^[,;.'v>»*''.inJ.:<On''i-'iy/'.^^: ,".i|.li!! i s,iB'H'.'«».,,;.tiLii..i.-»vi.>.i««.iii V .Q'*§ ^18... S KSSS^B^^^SS^ttS^^S /load e f $iofo■ 7 not® I ? sues it 4,8 7 0' t o » . a 6 • 7=0 t. i e i , .m ,»i,,..». I|«J'II—-,HWUH.*>,I»VJ« a of e»r© !^.^ir^^ t utm&ip&xm iiMMui'Mi,-?;' mil ) s.a I .^■^;.<i,Mft'!infls^*«^i>y,o^w!y»..ii^)i../r^ S.0 r.Vil{^»^n>^waripWr.,lW{l^.^^.^^ttfiwji<l>j^ra $♦& er^rJ^L0fta^^a^^i^i*g?>^.g«^.t«CTi»j<>f»)WW>iiW>* SSS6 S7*i 6© mmm v sssFoms: OF &mmm 'to BtiGia m mm mmm op viffjauxu MIPTOS COSBS B% feyih^wtojugiacatrti rHr,1^^ oto.ji^tyaai.o^w^tiKiMi^vnti |i^j<Bi(i<,'riatwil-,i^W.i>»W>l7f^t!.yi»Cdriil-<*ri!f)tfiwJ 33ayd Cm®& i" -'.'■■■■ »|l->;„Vi,iii'ip i.-ffTiU'O^. Hni.ii)i|i^,|W'"'r" lifrW''*!***'*.*'* ■-•>»* !■ -r-"" Muffin© tAth Hat. <a? •WlthOttU Baking Fowaep 111 jl»,'l.i/iH.f<l|i'FI1iii 2f70g©« 1 s e ?i09O nom slue 7© gn*s^^ «^0 0 4 0 i S 4 7 4.5 0 t 3 4 4 f 4 4 turn snu jnm mm m&x mm mm # 6 3#a $#6 a 9 S 5 $ f 7 $ *.6 8 <!= ;ii M .IIII-', i Feu of GtypQ HP C#Bt 4«0 B,@ 4*3 (i.l)C' Vi il iii'...|,li«MUi» M*f 100*0 e©#7 i3 6,$ ■>»y»;<wjiu^i| ■.ii,i'i!>icni«ipy^^ .a^if.Miw^u.ufcVii-J^r-W 93..0 100*0 54 m&m vi OTBsafBf OF mmTtm mBfom® ^WIPBgt^W^.l^^tf iy^^fe^;'- .''rt! v.Miws'ff.'w 6&. TABLS VII COKPARSSOH OF mimn OF OUBS- II ASTXimiS jm mmm Bmnm mmm ■«»IT.I<;-JI..>I»HIII..II KIM tf imsin ZAmma asi^nsTtiWTr'rrr^ of Ba^s ftf 0w# with ?, B. of Differdneegs^^s afe^fB^;^" :vr'i' B , i tennis®*! Kttffi»s Ctnd without feaklBg '"Baked Muffins tilth hiking toviaoi4 ani t;itb©tit baking KUfflns with baktog po^def, baked and tasSbaM 6*4^«85' 4*5 2,21**49 4* a 0,4$,06 0,7 0,1^,44 0*4 r.rnrr.:-.■«;, <.*<.r'.»up.,.I.I JSuffina witbout tmkiag powa^f ^Statigtieai istn&l^die aoeopdilsig to ©©tfeoa deseritodti by a^raaia fi©).. If the e,rltieal rt%i© ef d iff erenow to libe ^eto^bie error {?* B.) of the djlffereaee Is $ dv wsa^f *he ettdneee :&s?® at least 00il ttiat It is a. true ta4 not a eh&nee differeaee. a© «A8ts nil /loss' ■ ?ioa.@ ?1O0O?lo®X viom . fl)M 'S^uivaldAtd t&;i©s»« ■ 0*5 Or4. 0,3 0*8 '0r4 0*5 0.3 0*8 0*4 na 0»4 0*-8 ? il.SSi me© m&r? it-^8 ? 11*9 <m3x <?iiat ?liS3 ?iiM niBU mm $%tm mm ; m^ /in© «?IIB0 J'usi ? nsg ^ixsa ^•iiw /ilia . ? ueo *X161 Keau with *♦ B. 0*4 0-.© 0,-$ 0,4 0»© OJP mm ®mu ^ifi o*e o*s 0*4 0»8 0,4 0.4 0*4 0»4 0*4 0'.4' 0*4 0*4 0*4 0.4 0*4 ifes? Qr^uB IMS' ' 6 16 a m©j?® mm f <& '7 •ittWWB than & ■fiS' ## ' if >s 16' xg 8 $ vV Hior^ th^n ft 7 a (?). 7 6 5a©F«s» t&aa 7 e ¥ mor® timn $ $ m©^# too^ tmu lOQd to «»«* * 0'*S 0*4 0.3 ' 0,0 0*4 0,3 0*4 0.4 E!i4r'©gl>©KS toftpexteo ttmn tjian ttoti ttoftll a 8. $ 6 $ ssore th&n © ■? 0 f inovd them 7 I©©© thfto I' V 7 laoy® than # a ^ ta©*^ thfttt 7 a©r© tfo&n :S . 6 20 is 17*6 X6 . x?*s IS is is 14 ^o ■ 2,7*$ ao X0 ISO u to so 16 X'0 i*»& xe is 17 *i 17*8 X7,« X7*S :20 - SO; 17 .*i 17*0 io X0 17*9^0.17 m ^mw 11 tfiBM® mm$& mm mm mssxm mmm (Mloragraat f-la|a»ia per ©ram of issuffla'a) flttiyftXqnts,,,,.,^ ri.... .ir: .. i niorogf&m 68 ftS X BAKBB WRflM MAM TOH BilCIi§ KINDER (Mlerdgraas Tbiftmia pm Bmm Matt in) woffin * 1000 , ft ,7 no©! 0.t £U85 0,7 ?ii2r/ M #1134 8*7 ^nss 8*7 '#1130 '■ ISIerogmti© six* Graa 0*7 0,7 # It®? ?iias 2.7 ■^WJlillOtll^^lbaM^irtiWtWH**"*^'1'. U\(^r,,m,ih.^lmBi^l^ia^l^iaMiti^J^'i:-*i 110&B t?itb F. », s»,s|*« S0 <$mw %% mBMMt) wwwtm mm tmrnm m&im tmxsn (MiGfrQBPmB fhiftmin per tosM of w&ftin) $0 tmm nt mxm mmm mm mmom BAKIHO mm® |Ilor#griMs Vb&snftn per f^m of ESuffin) Gl MBM MIX SWaKARSTa vm ©mi AVSRAGBI fSlAISIH COMSm OF raraa " Kind of tefn^. ^ttb®le©<$ .miffin ml'tifa ialli^ posrdes* Bakisi muffim with iset&ifei, powder trrib&fc66 aaiff la t/ilhout baking p Sakod muffin without feafeiwg. pi afeajsgswag^y^f'ite^ 'itVii'^'jitawsi tisi^ xxv dossFARxstisi 6p fiiMfif ooifsij? m wmim Ujjb^te^ nmff ins ■W: &»#■ witlsomt' tel5i^§ |)0^©I* asai ttnfe&3fc©<3 Kuffins-tJlthowt ticking po^d'©*1, Mkti and' wtesils©^ 0,174*086* s^^i^WfaiSBWaaaaia^wiais^^ @$ Qmm t mnmwM' m mm «IVBH m % t A 0 / / I r "" 42, 4 i a ^ fi - <$ o0 \ m CHAHSP tt ©¥E4f %m OF ©tHB^ ©Ifffl fiBT uifiPiBiif isms ©F HBHBAT CHERH- t Sf 6' * d 0,0 0.0 0,4 i^tg^t^ ^rtuBft &•§ 64 omm tn tmum mTmzm BESFOHSB tapfERfiwr mmm OF m.tmns »,» OP 10 © a «s4 a 0 4 % 2 ft X n 4' ' $ X* S mierogi 4, 8^ gtti* isilel wait in «, 7 aiorooms •vitKMtii ir f 8 f. 0*4 pu. 10: IX . . vitbo^fe baking' i#* llj»d g®. 1M&&6 MISffS XX« 0*i gis». ^©al5 g©rsi, %* mrn^mm* m&im ■ami vm&mm^ lobts't ^* Stu^i#s of oi* roods* St* Miiti^ual vtlti©©* &iw&km.$i S* Betas A9 J5., ^ig^at, I* &« .mat JOjnuaooatl, y. 0* XSjSS4-S67, list* fltaala 0, B: 00^3.0^ to^ t&B lose w^l^kaotm ^itamia. factors, 5r« te> Oiot^ti^ A#$oo* X^itMS, ItNft* titatsia St ^df&eioAt; .yit ^ni its w^© in vitwAft %_ 9* M«^oy» Sfcptha. F*4rfib«jp t^feria^at© ^pon vltwain i 10, OA)^0nt0r» tt» »♦ 6«d si£®te'Jia@s i,. t,- Di«t$ to fit 11* Olwrch, 0* ?* PoiMtioml etwalea o.frthd n^rvoufi sfatom Ull 660-6.80*. 1956. IB, ©ofptogj. 4« M. f&a »fertti;t© v«lw0 of ^h^fttom flour 46 ie, eo^giiij. feo^g^., fj»y*i*Xoey of iritavdo %- ^» Am* 1* te* tfod* A66oe« IXXs 100^X0X9, X03d» df teo-eio cuild^i^ft*. teiae©fe? l@@fs VeX« deXO0O«XQ94# X987* £♦ Rtttrttiott^ 18*40X^68,, Xi$$0: 0$ boat os cmtiwnQiiriti^ ^lla®ia.Qf'»i|k» <!» WtttSE»|* tio«i|. X>4§0*4S6ir Xffi* a0o B.i6y, %X%©:f 1- a^ SaXXdo*?A @ite»^. ffe# AvitdalJiosdit* fte WiXXiaiae 'saa tfXXk4J!U)s..i0*.*,- BaXtloor©* WM + 21, saitovtaX, TIs^ twtfritivo vftXu© Of ^fe#at ft^mr sa4 ^4?0ai* ^*'te» ££d€* Asa^*,p XX£tl46X«X49S, X039# Sftrtjp I* B. 4 istu^i- ©f fSi^ ^It^tiLH B f&et^# VQ~ 23* fiXv0fcj*»f 6» 4* Vltftjala B' Coa!pXd% i» pw^tfteaX satttwri* tifttu ^., ^»* Metio 4i^©#., * X^j^»X^# Xt$0« ■0S.. Fii£®$a, tf* 4. Bo&i.. Tfcfc vitaaaia content of tewato fooas •eta aff&et^S toy ^©■©©■■ssta of ettffti&g m& .oasmi-sig (with t0l)X#aK %ratoXt&o» AM* .«ijai Sev., 8tfc82*807, 1936» 26, Ottowpeucit, I* B.s DttttoWi?, to, A« add Toaioy, fco p. ^te ©f th9 B viti«uot»'& la the ilgs-st'lv® tveo% of tbo s»at* Htott'lna in fela^ dls«&t$v$' tf^ei ■$!* the »•«*♦ ■80* ifil©l^a9 S^o^his s.» A ©t^y of fodifi p^r#h^ixij| of iii#i$#atj «»d a^t^ ittfligftaftt f'&milim. JP* Am* Dle^etl© A&90&«, |#sl0*i§,p IM§» Vol. i-* Jati^du^twy anfi SldtortcAi* Vttaala S*. If50. SB. HavH.ft, &» ^« &ep$<»t«.« 34< flt&^im it BHtjplfc'ioa A^ft* tad Rev*,, f jlwil, i00t^ E^oKtii,, ^« A* ftufl' Sii»^: 0» £»«■ $ttwli0$ en the fitaHlity of irit^mlsa 8*» %, 6»fi B** J* BisJU Chos*s 106rl»*oo*, itlv* i034* * * * Hart, E. B. 36. fita^lfes in hwsto. smtvition, ffee ©taMilly of flfemste B {%%\ % (Sa,) Ki&g* 0. 0» Vhd ^wafeei? soluble Hfe&n&xM* ?itaB»4a B* Utrbifts^n)-« .4m* 'itev* Bioeheoi*, i2 8t?i*af©> itst, * 79ftat oa&eo&tg&teg. It, $h» furtb®*- ^uvifi^eitloii of yeeifit vitaa«l» B* (euriflw)* Biofcb$t8» ■£*, B0j4i0*438, l©t©. > m ©8, KhUeftf&ixi&t Z* I, tmit'km&m. of blscmlta ^ith vitamin $&00« 0^1 ♦ last;,, flianaip E©e©toelij 9*8.3«R, %&&(, }&&&#£&& to toy- f llllmiiis ^IJQ Spies in w ^itiaa»' B| (fhiwi») ma l%& «»« im fa^aiein©" (70) * 'Official iisi?*, 0h»»^- g|sa:0S.*^S.? 1938* B^ai ^pot>le»* Ho illi'Oijoa* f^. 311812*316, ldSt« eoKSfani*', Hie^ y<WSk* 1@S0,. p^a^ote, #♦ Etotff&tiioft, If jf#t*0iO, list.* te©fti m aff^cfcte fey 'te-kim* 0e»0ai efewu * ia»»0o«^i, loss. 46,, sorgs»^ ; A* fo aat- 9ant« tf* I* fb© vitamin B (8i) and 0 (i©) ocjsfe<i»t ^f tflte&t pipcidttdif** a©'r©ai Chen* 3U&J4I1*416, wm ^oateafe of xmm% $*m* ®l&® poUshlngd^ aotto»s.©®# fflotov, m34 pa»ldw fi»oa fonaonted jric© graixte* 69 4^* $ei94m,. E» Uo ®0mpQmmt$ &i the fitasuim B Ooiflplctx* #♦ Asi# $3ed» 4s.eo4*? 1108646*04© ^ If Si. '@0* f@%0r©.s 8. &» -AIM) O^Srida^ «f# R. fte Vitaaila B gi?©mp, 7*806*814♦ Aim* Rov. SAC*.* Sfe^Ef-oi'i ttnive^ity^ ftlo Alto, ^IMdm^t 1088« '§1. friekott, 0* ©>■ fb0 ©■ff^^t. of a 6e£JUi*a0y ©f vitaalii % upon tho eontral ^®i. pwipMrnl asrvom© iy©t#«$ Sf the rat* to. J» M>y6lol»* 107'84^*47Q£ I93i.- tg, R0bl>> E* *£& V&lht&i^br S» I3e0.^.aai Boee» H* »♦ A dtndjr «3f the vitooaiitt B iatake' Of tiewpBery mhool sfalMmn* &m» $* ©iseasos- of Chll^ea* BSsM4#6SS* $$• so$0# fitory ^mjcta* fb© .fotta^tloai of isftatrltloa. ; &t& oa.. iSaottdllaa Co*, B«tj To5?k.4 ld3B« a#, to-0©? S* »* and phi^&jril, t* H* P+ $0, 6ai»9«l8^ S* fi» BstpevinotttaX xmtyitiOBGtl pplynenritio in tho *&i- J. Siatpitloft* «8409*4lS# i03O» B6-. Bebra4o^« 0» A* aM F»&ekett» 0. 0* flio imfl^e^c© of tli® diot &3»d Qttd^gsr iiit&fccs ^osk- utmto ^itamis Si defieioney im. ttae rat. <3r« fetritio^j 16}607*620» ■ 1@38« $7* Bhott&afej K* C# ««wS B^rtOBp 0« !• Bffoet of S-loja coa* ooiatl^tlo^ u^oa tlio «*at© of dodtimotioa of ^Itasiaja B mtpoa fe&Qting* $* B40l» 0la©«.? 7Os$B0*04B> 18$6« 6$« dho-wittn, 1. <S* asii Oyoa«»» S!« i. J& gft&xstitatiw ©tedf of tbo tSootmotioik of vitomla B ^j feoat* £. te« Ofeon. $00■♦, 4fit58788*B73B* JdBB. Sf. Bhemtda^ i* 0« ^hoaiidttfy of Fooi oaA HtttPltioa* ©a* ss&omlilon oo«, "SSm tovlt, 1037. Vitoaito S a^a 0 &%% §0.. Bfftith, 13. I, 4 natboS of owlw&tiag the petoaoy of aatiaoupitio eoaoontretae* P&b*.^Bo&ltb' Soft* •' 4B»lld^lB9, XtSO'. 70 poljmwtti*® And ^^fiiooas^Qlar oon^itlono^ 68:«. .s^leteeUttS* I* It*. &&$ Fb4p'ardff. g, ff, mm* * 0i©t$ of' fomtlioa l 66*, Vo^lk^uts^ 2* 43* ftitf l^ailiaMS^ i,. S,. aaa ifeto^juam,. Bo. s» i1?* Wilbur, D> I ♦ 4 ^pftotittfel tt6»fiiddt?4tioa of vitamlna A06O1O.,, IS-sMS^BiS,, lt3^» 0©.. WiUllmsiej a. I* %© ^bostiotvy ^ bidlogtcal. tigmifi- asti its «86 in ifedi^iE®, 71« meaillaa e#apaaf, Btet? ffill&ftaa. It. i.» Wftt«is?fflfttt# Ho lop Kdrosste^* «r* 0» &a<3 Broeiiroa-n, E^ R, Stuai@© of cspyotalliao ^itaaia B%« III, olecwage of vltaaiaa wltlj' sulfite* J'c to» Cfe©ai*. 800** B7i9B6«S37> 1936.